File:  [LON-CAPA] / capa / capa51 / GUITools / gradesubjective.tcl
Revision 1.1: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Sep 28 21:25:37 1999 UTC (25 years ago) by albertel
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
Initial revision

set gMaxSet 99

proc gradeSubjective {} {
    global gSubj

    if { [winfo exists .gradeSubjective] } { return }
    set var [tk_getOpenFile -title "Please select a capa.config file" -filetypes \
		 { { {Capa Config} {capa.config} } }]
    if { $var != "" } {
	set gSubj(dir) [file dirname $var]
	cd $gSubj(dir)
    } else {
    if { "" == [set gSubj(set) [getOneSet {} $gSubj(dir)]] } return
    if { "" == [set gSubj(quest) [getString {} "Which question?"]] } return
    set fileid [open "records/set$gSubj(set).db" r]
    gets $fileid aline
    gets $fileid aline
    set gSubj(max) [lindex [split $aline {}] [expr $gSubj(quest) - 1]]

proc createGradeSubjWindow {} {
    global gSubj

    set gradSubj [toplevel .gradesubjective]
    wm protocol $gradSubj WM_DELETE_WINDOW "subjDone"

    set info [frame $]
    set grade [frame $gradSubj.grade]
    set gSubj(pictFrame) [set picts [frame $gradSubj.picts -borderwidth 4 -relief groove]]
    pack $info $grade -side top

    set msg [frame $info.msg]
    set id [frame $]
    pack $msg $id -side left
#    set gSubj(msg) [text $msg.text -width 40 -height 8 -yscrollcommand "$msg.scroll set"]
#    scrollbar $msg.scroll -command "$msg.text yview"
#    pack $gSubj(msg) $msg.scroll -side left
#    pack configure $msg.scroll -fill y
#    $gSubj(msg) tag configure error -foreground red
#    $gSubj(msg) tag configure info -foreground #006c00

    set msglist [frame $msg.msglist]
    set msgbutton [frame $msg.msgbutton]
    pack $msglist $msgbutton -side top
    pack configure $msgbutton -anchor w

    set gSubj(response) [listbox $msglist.list -width 40 -height 5 \
			     -yscrollcommand "$msglist.scroll set"]
    scrollbar $msglist.scroll -command "$msglist.text yview"
    pack $gSubj(response) $msglist.scroll -side left
    pack configure $msglist.scroll -fill y
    set gSubj(numresponse) 0

    button $msgbutton.send -text Send -command subjSendResponse
    button $ -text New -command subjNewResponse
    button $msgbutton.delete -text Delete -command subjDeleteResponse
    button $msgbutton.view -text View -command subjViewResponse
    button $msgbutton.edit -text Edit -command subjEditResponse
    pack $msgbutton.send $ $msgbutton.delete $msgbutton.view \
	$msgbutton.edit -side left

    set idlist [frame $id.idlist]
    set idbutton [frame $id.idbutton]
    pack $idlist $idbutton -side top
    pack configure $idbutton -anchor w

    set gSubj(idlist) [listbox $idlist.list -width 34 -height 5 \
			   -yscrollcommand "$idlist.scroll set"]
    scrollbar $idlist.scroll -command "$idlist.list yview"
    pack $idlist.list $idlist.scroll -side left
    pack configure $idlist.scroll -fill y

    button $idbutton.delete -text Delete -command subjDeleteId
    pack $idbutton.delete
    set response [frame $grade.response]
    pack $response 

    set scoreandcom [toplevel $gradSubj.scoreandcom]
    wm title $scoreandcom "Control Panel"  
    wm protocol $gradSubj WM_DELETE_WINDOW "subjDone"

    set score [frame $scoreandcom.score]
    set command [frame $scoreandcom.command]
    set morebut [frame $scoreandcom.morebut]
    set stat [frame $scoreandcom.stat]
    pack $score $command $morebut $stat -side top

    set command1 [frame $command.command1]
    set command2 [frame $command.command2]
    pack $command1 $command2 -side left

    set top [frame $]
    set bot [frame $]
    pack $top $bot -side top
    pack configure $bot -expand 0 -fill x

    set gSubj(response) [text $top.response -width 80 -height 21 \
			     -yscrollcommand "$top.scroll set" \
			     -xscrollcommand "$bot.scroll set"]
    scrollbar $top.scroll -command "$top.response yview"
    pack $gSubj(response) $top.scroll -side left
    pack configure $top.scroll -fill y

    scrollbar $bot.scroll -orient h -command "$top.response xview"
    pack $bot.scroll 
    pack configure $bot.scroll -expand 0 -fill x

    wm geometry $gradSubj "-10+0"

    set score0 [frame $score.score0]
    set score1 [frame $score.score1]
    pack $score0 $score1 -side top

    for {set i 0} {$i < 10 } { incr i } {
	set parent [eval set "score[expr $i/5]"]
	set a [frame $parent.score$i -relief sunken -borderwidth 1]
	if { $gSubj(max) < $i} {
	    radiobutton $a.score$i -text $i -variable gSubj(score) \
		-value $i -state disabled
	} else {
	    radiobutton $a.score$i -text $i -variable gSubj(score) -value $i
	pack $parent.score$i $a.score$i -side left

    set buttonwidth 8
    set gSubj(wrap) 1;set gSubj(pict) 0
    button $command1.setnext -text "Grade&Next" -command "subjSet;subjNext" \
	-width $buttonwidth
    button $command2.set -text "Grade" -command subjSet -width $buttonwidth
    frame  $command1.space1 -height 30
    frame  $command2.space2 -height 30
    frame  $command2.space22 -height 5
    button $ -text "Next" -command subjNext -width $buttonwidth
    button $command2.prev -text "Prev" -command subjPrev -width $buttonwidth
    button $command1.findid -text "Find ID" -command subjFindId -width $buttonwidth
    button $command2.addid -text "Add ID" -command subjAddId -width $buttonwidth
    button $command1.findname -text "Find Name" -command subjFindName -width $buttonwidth
    button $command2.goto -text "GoTo" -command subjGoto -width $buttonwidth
    button $command1.exit -text "Exit" -command subjDone -width $buttonwidth
    checkbutton $command2.wrap -text wrap -command subjWrap -variable gSubj(wrap)
    checkbutton $command2.pict -text pict -command subjPict -variable gSubj(pict)
    checkbutton $command1.done -text graded -variable gSubj(donestat) -state disabled
    pack $command1.setnext $command2.set $command1.space1 $command2.space2 \
	$ $command2.prev $command1.findid \
	$command2.addid $command1.findname $command1.exit $command2.goto \
        $command2.wrap $command2.pict $command1.done $command2.space22

    button $morebut.print -text "Print Response" -command subjPrint \
	-width [expr $buttonwidth*2]
    pack $morebut.print

    set gSubj(done) 0
    set gSubj(togo) 0
    set gSubj(secAvg) 0.0
    set gSubj(sec) 0
    set gSubj(pause) 0
    label $stat.done -text Done:
    label $stat.donenum -textvariable gSubj(done) -width 4
    label $stat.togo -text "To Go:"
    label $stat.togonum -textvariable gSubj(togo) -width 4
    label $stat.sec -text Sec:
    label $stat.secnum -textvariable gSubj(sec) -width 4
    label $stat.avgsec -text AvgSec:
    label $stat.avgsecnum -textvariable gSubj(avgsec) -width 4
    checkbutton $stat.pause -variable gSubj(pause) -text "Pause" -command subjPause
    pack $stat.done $stat.donenum $stat.togo $stat.togonum -side left 
    #not packed
    #$stat.sec $stat.secnum $stat.avgsec $stat.avgsecnum $stat.pause

    set gSubj(canvas) [canvas $picts.canvas -height 220 \
			   -xscrollcommand "$picts.scroll set"]
    scrollbar $picts.scroll -orient h -command "$picts.canvas xview"
    pack  $picts.scroll $gSubj(canvas) -fill x

proc subjWrap {} {
    global gSubj 
    if { $gSubj(wrap) } {
	$gSubj(response) configure -wrap char
    } else {
	$gSubj(response) configure -wrap none

proc updateSecCount {} {
    global gSubj
    if { [catch {set gSubj(pause)}] } { return }
    if { !$gSubj(pause) } {set gSubj(sec) [expr {[clock seconds] - $gSubj(seconds)}]}
    after 300 updateSecCount

proc subjCheckForNew {} {
    global gSubj

proc subjRestore {} {
    global gSubj
    source gradingstatus
    set gSubj(seconds) [expr {[clock seconds] - $gSubj(sec)}]
    cd $gSubj(dir)
    incr gSubj(current) -1

proc subjSave {} {
    global gSubj
    set file [file join $gSubj(dir) records set$gSubj(set) \
		  problem$gSubj(quest) gradingstatus]
    set fileId [open $file w]
    puts $fileId "array set gSubj \"[array get gSubj]\""
    close $fileId

proc subjDone {} {
    global gSubj
    unset gSubj
    destroy .gradesubjective

proc subjInit {} {
    global gSubj
    set dir [file join $gSubj(dir) records set$gSubj(set) problem$gSubj(quest)]
    cd $dir
    if { [file exists gradingstatus] } { subjRestore } else {
	set gSubj(stunums) [lsort -dictionary [glob *]]
	cd $gSubj(dir)
	set gSubj(current) -1
	set gSubj(totalsec) 0
	set gSubj(seconds) [clock seconds]
	set fileId [open classl r]
	while { 1 } {
	    set aline [gets $fileId]
	    if { [eof $fileId]} {break}
	    lappend gSubj(allstunum) [string toupper [string range $aline 14 22]]
#	    lappend gSubj(allname) [string toupper [string range $aline 24 59]]
	    lappend gSubj(allname) [string range $aline 24 59]
	set gSubj(togo) [llength $gSubj(stunums)]
    after 300 updateSecCount

#FIXME check Ids when adding them to the list of ids
proc checkId { id } {
    global gSubj
    set score [getScore $gSubj(set) $gSubj(quest) $id]
    if { $score == "-" || $score == "0" } { return 1 }
    return 0

proc subjPause {} {
    global gSubj
    if { !$gSubj(pause) } { set gSubj(seconds) [expr {[clock seconds] - $gSubj(sec)}] }

proc subjStatusUpdate {} {
    global gSubj
    set gSubj(done) [llength [array names gSubj "done.*.score"]]
    set total [llength $gSubj(stunums)]
    set gSubj(togo) [expr $total-$gSubj(done)]
    incr gSubj(totalsec) [expr {[clock seconds] - $gSubj(seconds)}]
    set gSubj(avgsec) [format %4.1f [expr $gSubj(totalsec)/double($gSubj(done))]]
#    puts $gSubj(avgsec)
    set gSubj(seconds) [clock seconds]

proc subjSet {} {
    global gSubj

#    if {$gSubj(togo) == 0} { return }
    if {$gSubj(score) == "" } { subjMessage "Please select a score." error; return }
    set idlist [subjGetIdList]
    foreach id $idlist {
	setScore $gSubj(set) $gSubj(quest) $id $gSubj(score)
    set id [lindex $gSubj(stunums) $gSubj(current)]
    set gSubj(done.$id.idlist) $idlist
    set gSubj(done.$id.score) $gSubj(score)
    set gSubj(donestat) 1

proc subjNext {} {
    global gSubj

    set gSubj(score) ""
    set gSubj(pict) 0
    incr gSubj(current)
    if { [llength $gSubj(stunums)] < $gSubj(current) } { incr gSubj(current) -1 }
    set id [lindex $gSubj(stunums) $gSubj(current)]

    $gSubj(response) delete 0.0 end
    $gSubj(idlist) delete 0 end

    if { $id != "" } { 
	set file [file join $gSubj(dir) records set$gSubj(set) problem$gSubj(quest) $id]
	set fileId [open $file "r"]
	$gSubj(response) insert 0.0 [read $fileId [file size $file]]
	close $fileId
	subjInsertIds $id

    wm title .gradesubjective "Grading Subjective, Set $gSubj(set), Prob $gSubj(quest), $id"
    if { [catch {set gSubj(score) $gSubj(done.$id.score)}] } {
	set gSubj(score) ""
	set gSubj(donestat) 0
	update idletasks
    } else {
	set gSubj(donestat) 1
	subjInsertIds $gSubj(done.$id.idlist)
	update idletasks

proc subjFindIds1 {} {
    global gSubj

    set text [$gSubj(response) get 0.0 end]
    set result ""
    foreach id $gSubj(allstunum) {
	if { [regexp -nocase -- $id $text] } {
	    lappend result $id
    return $result

proc subjFindIds2 {} {
    global gSubj

    set text [string toupper [$gSubj(response) get 0.0 end]]
    set result ""
    if { [catch {lsearch $text a}] } { 
	puts badlist; return subjFindIds1 
    } else {
	foreach id $gSubj(allstunum) {
	    if { [lsearch -glob $text *$id*] != -1 } {
		lappend result $id
    return $result

proc subjFindIds3 {} {
    global gSubj

    set text [string toupper [$gSubj(response) get 0.0 end]]
    set text [split $text "{}!@\#\$%^&*()_-+=|\\,.<>/?'\";:`~ \n\t"]
    set result ""
    foreach word $text {
	if { [lsearch -exact $gSubj(allstunum) $word] != -1 } {
	    lappend result $word
    return $result

proc subjFindIds4 {} {
    global gSubj

    set text [string toupper [$gSubj(response) get 0.0 end]]
    set text [split $text "{}!@\#\$%^&*()_-+=|\\,.<>/?'\";:`~ \n\t"]
    set result ""
    foreach id $gSubj(allstunum) {
	if { [lsearch -exact $text $id] != -1 } {
	    lappend result $id
    return $result

proc subjFindId {} {
    global gSubj
    puts "4:[time {subjInsertIds [set ids [subjFindIds4]]} ]\t:[llength $ids]"

proc subjFindIds {} {
    global gSubj
#    puts "4:[time {subjInsertIds [set ids [subjFindIds4]]} ]\t:[llength $ids]"
    subjInsertIds [set ids [subjFindIds4]]
#    puts "3:[time {set ids [subjFindIds3]} 2]\t:[llength $ids]"
#    puts "2:[time {set ids [subjFindIds2]} 2]\t:[llength $ids]"
#    puts "1:[time {set ids [subjFindIds1]} 2]\t:[llength $ids]"


proc subjFindName {} {
    global gSubj
    if {[catch {set text [string toupper [$gSubj(response) get sel.first sel.last]]}]} {
	set text [string toupper [$gSubj(response) get 0.0 end]]
    set text [split $text "{}!@\#\$%^&*()_-+=|\\,.<>/?'\";:`~ \n\t"]
    set result ""
    set length [llength $gSubj(allname)]
    foreach word $text {
	if { [string length $word] == 0 } { continue }
	for { set i 0 } { $i < $length } { incr i } {
	    set name [string toupper [lindex $gSubj(allname) $i]]
	    if { [set find [lsearch -glob $name *$word*]] != -1 } {
		lappend result $i
    set result [lunique $result]
    foreach index $result {
	lappend temp [list [lindex $gSubj(allstunum) $index] \
			  [lindex $gSubj(allname) $index]]
    if {[catch {set temp [lsort $temp]}]} {
	displayMessage "No Student found."
    set selected [multipleChoice {} "Select which student you want." $temp 1]
    if {$selected == ""} { return }
    set done 0
    if { [llength $selected] == 2 } { 
	if { [lindex [lindex $selected 0] 0] == "" } { 
	    set selected [lindex $selected 0]
	    set done 1
    if { !$done } { foreach person $selected { lappend idlist [lindex $selected 0] } }
    subjInsertIds $idlist

proc subjGetNameFromId { id } {
    global gSubj
    return [lindex $gSubj(allname) [lsearch $gSubj(allstunum) $id]]

proc subjGetIdList {} {
    global gSubj
    set list [$gSubj(idlist) get 0 end]
    set id ""
    foreach element $list {
	append id "[lindex $element 0] "
    return $id

proc subjInsertIds { selected } {
    global gSubj
    set current [subjGetIdList]
    foreach person $selected {lappend current [lindex $person 0]}
    set current [lsort [lunique $current]]
    $gSubj(idlist) delete 0 end
    foreach id $current {
	$gSubj(idlist) insert end "$id [subjGetNameFromId $id]"

proc subjDeleteId {} {
    global gSubj
    $gSubj(idlist) delete [$gSubj(idlist) curselection]

proc subjAddId {} {
    global gSubj
    getOneStudent {} $gSubj(dir) id name
    if { $id == "" } { return }
    subjInsertIds $id

proc subjPrev {} {
    global gSubj
    if  { $gSubj(current) > 0 } {
	incr gSubj(current) -2

proc subjMessage { mesg {tag normal} } {
    global gSubj
    displayMessage $message
#    $gSubj(msg) insert end "[clock format [clock seconds] -format {%I:%M:%S}] - $mesg\n" $tag
#    $gSubj(msg) see end

proc subjAddPict { id } {
    global gSubj
    set gif [file join $gSubj(dir) photo gif $id.gif]
    if { ![file exists $gif] } { return }
    lappend gSubj(imagelist) [set image [image create photo]]
    $image read $gif
    set a [llength $gSubj(imagelist)]
    $gSubj(canvas) create image [expr ($a-1)*200] 20 -image $image -anchor nw
    $gSubj(canvas) create text [expr ($a-1)*200] 10 -text $id -anchor nw
    $gSubj(canvas) create text [expr ($a-1)*200] 0 -text [subjGetNameFromId $id] \
	-anchor nw
    $gSubj(canvas) configure -scrollregion "1 1 [expr ($a)*200] 200"
    update idletasks
    return $a

proc subjConvertPict { id } {
    global gSubj
    set gif [file join $gSubj(dir) photo gif $id.gif]
    set jpg [file join $gSubj(dir) photo jpg $id.jpg]
    if { ![file exists $gif] } {
	if { [file exists $jpg] } {
	    exec djpeg -outfile $gif $jpg

proc subjPicts {} {
    global gSubj 

    $gSubj(canvas) delete all
    catch { foreach image $gSubj(imagelist) { catch {image delete $image} } }
    set gSubj(imagelist) ""
    set idlist [subjGetIdList]
    foreach id $idlist {
	subjConvertPict $id
	set num [subjAddPict $id]

proc subjPict {} {
    global gSubj
    if { $gSubj(pict) } {
	pack $gSubj(pictFrame)
	pack configure $gSubj(pictFrame) -fill x
    } else {
	pack forget $gSubj(pictFrame)

proc subjPrint {} {
    global gSubj
    set lprCommand [getLprCommand quiztemp.txt]
    if {$lprCommand == "Cancel"} { return }
    set fileId [open "quiztemp.txt" w] 
    set subid [lindex $gSubj(stunums) $gSubj(current)]
    if { $subid != "" } {
	set file [file join $gSubj(dir) records set$gSubj(set) \
		      problem$gSubj(quest) $subid]
	puts $fileId "Submitted at [clock format [file mtime $file ]]"
	puts $fileId "By Student:\n [string trimright [subjGetNameFromId $subid]] ($subid)"
    if { [llength [subjGetIdList]] > 1 } {
	puts $fileId "Additional Authors:"
	foreach id [subjGetIdList] {
	    if { $id == $subid } { continue }
	    puts $fileId " [string trimright [subjGetNameFromId $id]] ($id)"
    puts $fileId ""
    puts -nonewline $fileId "[ $gSubj(response) get 0.0 end-1c ]"
    close $fileId

    set errorMsg ""
    set error [catch {set output [ eval "exec $lprCommand" ] } errorMsg ]
    if { $error == 1 } {
        displayError "An error occurred while printing: $errorMsg"
    } else {
	displayMessage "Print job sent to the printer.\n $output"
    exec rm -f quiztemp.txt

proc subjGoto {} {
    global gSubj
    subjGetOneStudent {} $gSubj(dir) id name
    if { $id == "" } { return }
    if { [file exists [file join $gSubj(dir) records set$gSubj(set) problem$gSubj(quest) $id] ] } {
	set gSubj(current) [expr [lsearch $gSubj(stunums) $id] - 1]
    } else {
	displayMessage "Student $id did not submit an answer."

proc subjGetUngraded {} {
    global gSubj

    set idlist ""
    foreach stunum $gSubj(stunums) {
	if {[catch {set gSubj(done.$stunum.score)}]} {
	    lappend idlist $stunum
    return [multipleChoice {} "Select which student you want to grade." $idlist 1]

proc subjGetOneStudent { window path idVar nameVar {message "" } } {
    upvar $idVar id
    upvar $nameVar name
    set select [tk_dialog $window.dialog "$message Student select method" \
		    "Select student by:" "" "" "Student Number" \
		    "Student Name" "Not Yet Graded" "Cancel"]
    if { $select == 3 } { 
	set id ""
	set name ""
    if { $select == 2 } {
	set id [subjGetUngraded]
	set name [subjGetNameFromId $id]
    set done 0
    while { ! $done } {
	if { $select } { set search "name" } { set search "number" }
	set pattern [ getString $window "$message Please enter a student $search." ]
	if {$pattern == "" } {
	    set done 1
	    set id ""
	    set name ""
	if { $select } {
	    set matched_entries [findByStudentName $pattern $path]
	} else {
	    set matched_entries [findByStudentNumber $pattern $path]
	if { [llength $matched_entries] == 0 } {
	    displayMessage "No student found. Please re-enter student $search."
	} elseif { [llength $matched_entries] == 1 } {
	    set id [lindex [lindex $matched_entries 0] 0]
	    set name [lindex [lindex $matched_entries 0] 1]
	    set done 1
	} elseif { [llength $matched_entries] < 30 } {
	    set select [ multipleChoice $window \
			     "Matched Student Records, Select one" \
			     $matched_entries ]
	    if { $select == "" } { 
		set id ""; set name ""
	    set id [lindex $select 0]
	    set name [lindex $select 1]
	    set done 1
	} else {
	    displayMessage "There were [llength $matched_entries], please enter more data to narrow the search."

# subjSendResponse
proc subjSendResponse {} {
    global gSubj

proc subjIndexResponse {} {
    global gSubj
    $gSubj(response) delete 0 end

    set i 0
    foreach element [lsort -dictionary [array names gSubj "response.*"]] {
	set head [string range $gSubj($element) 0 30]
	$gSubj(response) insert end "[incr i]. $head"

# subjSaveResponse
proc subjSaveResponse {} {
    global gSubj
    set num [incr gSubj(numresponse)]
    set gSubj(response.$num) [$gSubj(responseEdit) get 0.0 end]

# subjNewResponse
proc subjNewResponse {} {
    global gSubj gWindowMenu
    if { [winfo exists .addresponse] } { 
	capaRaise .addresponse
    set response [toplevel .addresponse]
    $gWindowMenu add command -label "AddingResponse" -command "capaRaise $response"
    wm title $response "Adding a New Response"  

    set textFrame [frame $response.text]
    set buttonFrame [frame $response.button]

    set gSubj(responseEdit) [text $textFrame.text -yscrollcommand \
	    "$textFrame.scroll set" -wrap char -height 15]
    scrollbar $textFrame.scroll -command "$textFrame.text yview"
    pack $textFrame.scroll $textFrame.text -side left -expand 1

    button $ -text Save -command "subjSaveResponse"
    button $buttonFrame.forget -text Cancel -command "destroy $response"
    pack $ $buttonFrame.forget -side left

# subjDeleteResponse
proc subjDeleteResponse {} {
    global gSubj

# subjEditResponse
proc subjEditResponse {} {
    global gSubj

# subjViewResponse
proc subjViewResponse {} {
    global gSubj

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