Annotation of capa/capa51/GUITools/ideas/of5tool/multiplechoice.tcl, revision
1.1 albertel 1: proc MCinit {} {
2: global problem
4: set problem(MCeditleaf) 0
5: }
7: proc MCadd {} {
8: global problem MCchoiceList
10: set addMultiple [toplevel .mcaddMultiple]
12: if { $problem(editing) == 0 } {
13: set probnum $problem(num)
14: set problem(prob.$problem(num).numleaf) 0
15: set problem(prob.$problem(num).type) "Multiple Choice"
16: set problem(prob.$problem(num).val) 1
17: } else {
18: set probnum $problem(editing)
19: }
21: set labelFrame [frame $addMultiple.labelFrame ]
22: set probValFrame [frame $addMultiple.probValFrame ]
23: set hintFrame [frame $addMultiple.hintFrame ]
24: set explFrame [frame $addMultiple.explFrame ]
25: set questFrame [frame $addMultiple.questFrame ]
26: set listFrame [frame $addMultiple.listFrame ]
27: set buttonFrame [frame $addMultiple.buttonFrame]
28: pack $labelFrame $probValFrame $questFrame $hintFrame $explFrame \
29: $listFrame $buttonFrame -side top
30: pack config $probValFrame -anchor w
32: label $labelFrame.probLabel -text "Problem $probnum"
33: pack $labelFrame.probLabel
35: label $probValFrame.label -text "Problem Value\n"
36: scale $probValFrame.value -variable problem(prob.$probnum.val) -from 1 -to 9 -orient h
37: pack $probValFrame.label $probValFrame.value -side left
39: label $questFrame.label -text "Question:"
40: entry $questFrame.entry -textvariable problem(prob.$ \
41: -width 80 -xscrollcommand "$questFrame.scroll set"
42: scrollbar $questFrame.scroll -command "$questFrame.entry xview" \
43: -orient h
44: pack $questFrame.label $questFrame.entry $questFrame.scroll -side top
45: pack configure $questFrame.label -anchor w
46: pack configure $questFrame.scroll -fill x
48: label $hintFrame.label -text "Hint:"
49: entry $hintFrame.entry -textvariable problem(prob.$probnum.hint) \
50: -width 80 -xscrollcommand "$hintFrame.scroll set"
51: scrollbar $hintFrame.scroll -command "$hintFrame.entry xview" \
52: -orient h
53: pack $hintFrame.label $hintFrame.entry $hintFrame.scroll -side top
54: pack configure $hintFrame.label -anchor w
55: pack configure $hintFrame.scroll -fill x
57: label $explFrame.label -text "Explanation:"
58: entry $explFrame.entry -textvariable problem(prob.$probnum.expl) \
59: -width 80 -xscrollcommand "$explFrame.scroll set"
60: scrollbar $explFrame.scroll -command "$explFrame.entry xview" \
61: -orient h
62: pack $explFrame.label $explFrame.entry $explFrame.scroll -side top
63: pack configure $explFrame.label -anchor w
64: pack configure $explFrame.scroll -fill x
66: set MCchoiceList [ listbox $listFrame.list \
67: -yscrollcommand "$listFrame.scroll set" \
68: -width 80 -height 10 ]
69: scrollbar $listFrame.scroll -command "$listFrame.list yview" \
70: -orient v
71: pack $listFrame.list $listFrame.scroll -side left
72: pack configure $listFrame.scroll -fill y
74: button $buttonFrame.leaf -text "Add leaf" -command MCaddLeaf
75: button $buttonFrame.edit -text "Edit leaf" -command MCeditLeafOptions
76: button $buttonFrame.done -text "Done" -command "
77: if { [ MCcheckIfDone $probnum ] } {
78: destroy $addMultiple
79: set problem(adding) 0
80: set problem(editing) 0
81: set problem(editleaf) 0
82: updateProblemList $probnum
83: } else {
84: tk_messageBox -icon error \
85: -message "At least one leaf needs all options to be correct."
86: -type ok
87: }
88: "
89: button $buttonFrame.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "
90: destroy $addMultiple
91: incr problem(num) -1
92: #(FIXME) unset possible set vars dealing with this problem
93: "
94: pack $buttonFrame.done $buttonFrame.leaf $buttonFrame.edit \
95: $buttonFrame.cancel -side left
96: }
98: proc MCaddLeaf {} {
99: global problem
101: if { $problem(editing) == 0 } {
102: set probnum $problem(num)
103: } else {
104: set probnum $problem(editing)
105: }
107: if { $problem(MCeditleaf) == 0 } {
108: set leaf [incr problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf)]
109: set problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$leaf.numoptions) 1
110: } else {
111: set leaf $problem(MCeditleaf)
112: }
114: set addLeaf [toplevel .mcaddleaf]
116: set labelFrame [frame $addLeaf.label]
117: set buttonFrame [frame $addLeaf.button]
118: pack $labelFrame $buttonFrame -side top
119: pack configure $buttonFrame -anchor s
121: label $labelFrame.label -text "Adding options for leaf $leaf"
122: pack $labelFrame.label -side top
125: for { set i 1 } { $i <= $problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$leaf.numoptions) } { incr i } {
126: set leafFrame [frame $addLeaf.frame$i]
127: label $leafFrame.label -text "Leaf $leaf Option $i:"
128: checkbutton $leafFrame.correct -text Correct -offvalue 2 \
129: -variable problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$leaf.option.$i.correct)
130: entry $leafFrame.entry \
131: -textvariable problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$leaf.option.$i) \
132: -width 80 -xscrollcommand "$leafFrame.scroll set"
133: scrollbar $leafFrame.scroll -command "$leafFrame.entry xview" \
134: -orient h
135: pack $leafFrame -before $buttonFrame
136: pack $leafFrame.label $leafFrame.correct $leafFrame.entry \
137: $leafFrame.scroll -side top -anchor w
138: pack configure $leafFrame.scroll -fill x
139: }
141: button $buttonFrame.add -text "Add option" -command {
142: if { $problem(editing) == 0 } { set probnum $problem(num)
143: } else { set probnum $problem(editing) }
145: if { $problem(MCeditleaf) == 0 } { set leaf $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf)
146: } else { set leaf $problem(MCeditleaf) }
147: set optnum [incr problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$leaf.numoptions)]
148: set leafFrame [frame .mcaddleaf.frame$optnum]
149: pack $leafFrame -before .mcaddleaf.button
151: label $leafFrame.label -text "Leaf $leaf Option $optnum:"
152: checkbutton $leafFrame.correct -text Correct -offvalue 2 \
153: -variable problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$leaf.option.$optnum.correct)
154: entry $leafFrame.entry \
155: -textvariable problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$leaf.option.$optnum) \
156: -width 80 -xscrollcommand "$leafFrame.scroll set"
157: scrollbar $leafFrame.scroll \
158: -command "$leafFrame.entry xview" \
159: -orient h
160: pack $leafFrame.label $leafFrame.correct $leafFrame.entry \
161: $leafFrame.scroll -side top -anchor w
162: pack configure $leafFrame.scroll -fill x
163: }
164: button $buttonFrame.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "
165: destroy $addLeaf
166: #(FIXME) this needs to do alot more
167: "
168: button $buttonFrame.done -text "Done" \
169: -command "
170: destroy .mcaddleaf
171: MCupdateLeafList $leaf $probnum
172: set problem(MCeditleaf) 0"
173: pack $buttonFrame.add $buttonFrame.cancel $buttonFrame.done -side left
174: }
176: proc MCcheckIfDone { probnum } {
177: global problem
179: set found 0
180: for { set i 1 } { i <= $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf } { incr i } {
181: set found 1
182: for { set j 1 } { j <= $problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$i.numoptions) } { incr j } {
183: catch {
184: if { $problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$i.option.$j.correct) != 1 } {
185: set found 0
186: }
187: }
188: }
189: }
190: return $found
191: }
194: proc MCeditLeafOptions {} {
195: global problem MCchoiceList
197: set leaf [$MCchoiceList curselection]
198: if { $leaf == "" } { return }
199: incr leaf
200: set problem(MCeditleaf) $leaf
202: if { $problem(editing) == 0 } {
203: set probnum $problem(num)
204: } else {
205: set probnum $problem(editing)
206: }
208: MCaddLeaf
209: }
211: proc MCupdateLeafList { leaf probnum } {
212: global problem MCchoiceList
214: set numLeafs [$MCchoiceList size]
215: set numOpt $problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$leaf.numoptions)
217: if { $numLeafs < $leaf } {
218: } else {
219: $MCchoiceList delete [ expr $leaf - 1 ]
220: }
222: set string "Leaf $leaf, $numOpt options"
224: $MCchoiceList insert [ expr $leaf - 1 ] "$string"
225: }
227: proc MCexportHeader { fileid probnum } {
228: global problem
230: puts $fileid "//****************************"
231: puts $fileid "/LET prob_val=$problem(prob.$probnum.val)"
232: if { $problem(prob.$probnum.hint) != "" } {
233: puts $fileid "/HIN $problem(prob.$probnum.hint)"
234: } else {
235: puts $fileid "//HIN No hint unless this line is uncommented and modified"
236: }
237: if { $problem(prob.$probnum.expl) != "" } {
238: puts $fileid "/EXP $problem(prob.$probnum.expl)"
239: } else {
240: puts $fileid "//EXP No explanation unless this line is uncommented and modified"
241: }
242: puts $fileid "/IMP \"../Tools/Problem\#\""
243: puts $fileid "$problem(prob.$"
244: puts $fileid "//----------------------------"
245: }
247: proc MCexportLeafs { fileid probnum } {
248: global problem
250: #(FIXME) need to put out same number of Opts?
251: #(FIXME) extra char at begging of alphabet so as to get rid of the expr?
252: set alphabet abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
254: for { set i 1 } { $i <= $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf) } { incr i } {
255: for { set j 1 } { $j <= $problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$i.numoptions) } { incr j } {
256: set var ""
257: append var s $i [string index $alphabet [ expr $j - 1 ] ]
258: puts $fileid "/LET $var=\"$problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$i.option.$j)\""
259: }
260: puts $fileid "/LET mix$i=random(1,$problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$i.numoptions),1)"
261: for { set j 1 } { $j <= $problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$i.numoptions) } { incr j } {
262: set var ""
263: append var a $i [string index $alphabet [ expr $j - 1 ] ]
264: puts $fileid "/LET $var=$problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$i.option.$j.correct)"
265: }
266: puts $fileid "//"
267: }
268: puts $fileid "//Nof5aux follows"
269: }
271: proc MCexportAns { fileid probnum } {
272: global problem
274: #(FIXME) need to put out same number of Opts?
275: #(FIXME) extra char at begging of alphabet so as to get rid of the expr?
276: set alphabet abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
279: for { set i 1 } { $i <= $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf) } { incr i } {
280: set questStr "/LET s$i=choose(mix$i"
281: set ansStr "/LET a$i=choose(mix$i"
282: for { set j 1 } { $j <= $problem(prob.$probnum.leaf.$i.numoptions) } { incr j } {
283: append questStr ",s$i"
284: append questStr [string index $alphabet [ expr $j - 1 ] ]
285: append ansStr ",a$i"
286: append ansStr [string index $alphabet [ expr $j - 1 ] ]
287: }
288: append questStr ")"
289: append ansStr ")"
290: puts $fileid "$questStr"
291: puts $fileid "$ansStr"
292: }
293: puts $fileid "/LET seed=random(1,300,1)"
294: set line "/MAP(seed;"
295: set end ";"
296: for { set i 1 } { $i <= $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf) } { incr i } {
297: if { $i != $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf) } {
298: append line "M$i,"
299: append end "s$i,"
300: } else {
301: append line "M$i"
302: append end "s$i)"
303: }
304: }
305: append line $end
306: puts $fileid "$line"
307: puts $fileid "/LET it=tex(\"\\item\[\] \",\"\")"
308: puts $fileid "/DIS(tex(\"\\begin\{choicelist\}\",\"\"))"
309: for { set i 1 } { $i <= $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf) } { incr i } {
310: puts $fileid "/DIS(it) [string index $ALPHABET [expr $i - 1] ]) /DIS (M$i)"
311: }
312: puts $fileid "/DIS(tex(\"\\end\{choicelist\}\",\"\"))"
313: set line "/MAP(seed;"
314: set end ";"
315: for { set i 1 } { $i <= $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf) } { incr i } {
316: if { $i != $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf) } {
317: append line "b$i,"
318: append end "a$i,"
319: } else {
320: append line "b$i"
321: append end "a$i)"
322: }
323: }
324: append line $end
325: puts $fileid "$line"
326: for { set i 1 } { $i <= $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf) } { incr i } {
327: puts $fileid "/LET NM$i=b$i*(b$i==1)+1"
328: }
329: for { set i 1 } { $i <= $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf) } { incr i } {
330: puts $fileid "/LET lett$i=choose(NM$i,\"\",\"[string index $ALPHABET [expr $i -1 ] ]\")"
331: }
332: set line "/LET Nof5right=lett1"
333: for { set i 2 } { $i <= $problem(prob.$probnum.numleaf) } { incr i } {
334: append line "+lett$i"
335: }
336: puts $fileid "$line"
337: puts $fileid "//**************************"
338: puts $fileid "/DIS(stdline)"
339: puts $fileid "/ANS(Nof5right,wgt=prob_val,str=mc)"
340: puts $fileid "//**************************"
341: }
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