Annotation of capa/capa51/GUITools/quizzer.tcl, revision
1.1 albertel 1: ###########################################################
2: # quizzer.tcl -
3: # Copyright Guy Albertelli II 1996
4: ###########################################################
5: set gTclVer 4.0
7: ###########################################################
8: # createControlWindow
9: ###########################################################
10: # Creates the menu window
11: ###########################################################
12: # Arguments: none
13: # Returns: nothing
14: ###########################################################
15: proc createControlWindow {} {
16: global gPrefs gDate gFind gChanged gWindowMenu gStudentSelection gFile \
17: gUniqueNumber gXdviOpt gHeaderQCount gDir gHintVal gTryVal gProbVal \
18: gPutLine gQuizTemp gCapaConfig gStopPrinting gFindList gFirstTime \
19: gRefChanged gChangedLast gCreateImportLinks gFasterParsing
21: after 500 { dateUpdate }
22: after 1000 { cleanWindowList }
24: set gFasterParsing 1
25: set gFirstTime 1
26: set gPrefs(info) "Problem"
27: set gPrefs(TeXHeader) ""
28: set gPrefs(TeXFooter) ""
29: set gFind(find) ""
30: set gFind(replace) ""
31: set gFind(findOption) "-nocase"
32: set gFind(scope) File
33: set gChanged 0
34: set gChangedLast 0
35: trace variable gChanged w updateChangeStatus
36: trace variable gRefChanged w updateChangeStatus
37: set gStudentSelection(type) "Random"
38: set gStudentSelection(random) "1"
39: set gStudentSelection(studentNumber) ""
40: set gStudentSelection(studentName) ""
41: set gFile ""
42: set gUniqueNumber 1
43: set gXdviOpt "-geometry 800x650"
44: set gHeaderQCount 0
45: set gPutLine 1
46: set gTryVal 99
47: set gHintVal 1
48: set gProbVal 1
49: set gStopPrinting 0
50: set gDir(class) [pwd]
51: set gDir(import) [pwd]
52: set gDir(include) [pwd]
53: set gDir(reference) [pwd]
54: set gQuizTemp "true"
55: set gFindList(files) ""
56: set gFindList(refNum) ""
57: set gCreateImportLinks 1
58: set gCapaConfig(IMP_color) #0000ff
59: set gCapaConfig(comment_color) #008400
60: set gCapaConfig(Printer_selected) "0"
61: set gCapaConfig(latex_command) "latex"
62: set gCapaConfig(qzparse_command) "qzparse"
63: set gCapaConfig(dvips_command) "dvips"
64: set gCapaConfig(xdvi_command) "xdvi"
65: set gCapaConfig(lprOneSided_command) "lpr "
66: set gCapaConfig(lprTwoSided_command) ""
67: set gCapaConfig(printer_option) ""
68: set gCapaConfig(standardQuizzerHeader) "//CAPA system software is copyrighted by Michigan State University.\n//By using these materials, the User agrees to:\n//1) Protect the source code files from unauthorized copying.\n//2) Limit access of the source material to teaching staff.\n//3) The User is free to mix, cut and paste, modify, adapt, delete,\n// improve, etc. the problems and graphics for his/her own use.\n//\n/IMP \"../Tools/StdMacros\"\n/IMP \"../Tools/StdUnits\"\n/IMP \"../Tools/StdConst\"\n/IMP \"HWTop\"\n"
71: wm withdraw .
73: # there is code later on that depends upon .main existing and being visable
74: set menuFrame [menu .main -tearoff 0 -type tearoff ]
76: wm title $menuFrame "Quizzer"
78: $menuFrame post 0 0
80: wm geometry $menuFrame "+0+20"
81: $menuFrame add command -label "Quizzer" -foreground grey85 -background \
82: black -state disabled
83: $menuFrame add command -label "Info" -command { createInfoWindow }
84: $menuFrame add cascade -label "File" -menu $menuFrame.file
85: #$menuFrame add cascade -label "Edit .qz" -menu $menuFrame.edit
86: #$menuFrame add cascade -label "Find" -menu $menuFrame.find
87: $menuFrame add command -label "Prefs" -command { createPrefsWindow }
88: $menuFrame add cascade -label "Windows" -menu $
89: $menuFrame add command -label "Create .dvi" -command {
90: studentSelectWindow createDvi } -accelerator "Alt+D"
91: bind all <Alt-Shift-D> "studentSelectWindow createDvi"
92: $menuFrame add command -label "Analyze Set" -command {
93: analyzeSet } -accelerator "Alt+A"
94: bind all <Alt-Shift-A> "analyzeSet"
95: $menuFrame add command -label "Print" -command { printWindow }
96: $menuFrame add command -label "Remap" -command { createRemapWindow }
97: $menuFrame add command -label "Xdvi Options" -command { createXdviOpt }
98: #$menuFrame add command -label "Change font" -command { changeFont }
99: $menuFrame add command -label "Quit" -command { quit } \
100: -accelerator "Alt+q"
101: bind all <Alt-q> quit
102: bind $menuFrame <Destroy> "quit 1"
104: set file [menu $menuFrame.file -tearoff 1 ]
105: set edit [menu $menuFrame.edit -tearoff 1 ]
106: #set find [menu $menuFrame.find -tearoff 1 ]
107: set windows [menu $ -tearoff 1 ]
108: set gWindowMenu $windows
110: $file add command -label "Set.qz File" -foreground grey50 -background \
111: black -state disabled
112: $file add command -label "New" -command {
113: createEditingWindow
114: pickCapaConfig
115: } -accelerator "Alt+n"
116: bind all <Alt-n> {
117: createEditingWindow
118: pickCapaConfig
119: }
120: $file add command -label "Open" -command { openDocument } -accelerator "Alt+o"
121: bind all <Alt-o> openDocument
122: $file add command -label "Save" -command { saveDocument } -accelerator "Alt+s"
123: # binding moved to the creation of the editwindow
124: # bind $menuFrame <Alt-s> saveDocument
125: $file add command -label "Save As..." -command { saveDocument 1 } \
126: -accelerator "Alt+S"
127: # binding moved to the creation of the editwindow
128: # bind $menuFrame <Alt-Shift-s> { saveDocument 1 }
129: $file add command -label "Delete" -command { deleteFile 0 }
130: $file add command -label "Close" -command { closeDocument } -accelerator "Alt+w"
131: # binding moved to the creation of the editwindow
132: # bind .main <Alt-w> closeDocument
133: $file add command -label "Reference File" -foreground grey90 -background \
134: black -state disabled
135: $file add command -label "New Reference File..." \
136: -command { newReferenceFile } -accelerator "Alt+t"
137: bind all <Alt-t> openReferenceFile
138: $file add command -label "Open Reference File..." \
139: -command { openReferenceFile } -accelerator "Alt+r"
140: bind all <Alt-r> openReferenceFile
141: $file add command -label "Open capa.config" \
142: -command { openReferenceFile capa.config }
144: $edit add command -label "Cut" -command { cut } -accelerator "Alt+x"
145: # binding moved to the creation of the editwindow
146: # bind $menuFrame <Alt-x> cut
147: $edit add command -label "Copy" -command { copy } -accelerator "Alt+c"
148: # binding moved to the creation of the editwindow
149: # bind $menuFrame <Alt-c> copy
150: $edit add command -label "Paste" -command { paste } -accelerator "Alt+v"
151: # binding moved to the creation of the editwindow
152: # bind .main <Alt-v> paste
153: $edit add command -label "Select All " -command { selectAll } \
154: -accelerator "Alt+a"
155: # binding moved to the creation of the editwindow
156: # bind $menuFrame <Alt-a> selectAll
157: $edit add separator
158: $edit add command -label "Undo" -command "undo 0" \
159: -accelerator "Alt+u"
160: # $edit add command -label "Redo" -command "redo $num"
161: $edit add separator
162: $edit add command -label "Find" -command { createFindWindow } \
163: -accelerator "Alt+f"
164: bind all <Alt-f> createFindWindow
166: # $find add command -label "Find Panel.." -command { createFindWindow } \
167: -accelerator "Alt+f"
168: # bind all <Alt-f> createFindWindow
169: # $find add command -label "Find Next" -command { next }
170: # $find add command -label "Find Previous" -command { previous }
171: # $find add command -label "Enter Selecton" -command { enterSelection }
172: # $find add command -label "Jump to Selection" -command { jumpToSelection }
173: # $find add command -label "Line Range..." -command { createLineWindow } \
174: -accelerator "Alt+l"
175: # bind all <Alt-l> createLineWindow
177: bind all <Alt-0> printInfo
178: bind all <Alt-KeyPress> { #unbind tkTraverseToMenu
179: }
180: bind all <Control-Tab> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]}
181: catch {bind all <ISO_Left_Tab> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]}}
182: catch {bind all <KP_Tab> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusPrev %W]}}
183: trace variable gQuizTemp w "changeMenuStatus $menuFrame"
184: }
186: ###########################################################
187: # changeMenuStatus
188: ###########################################################
189: # either enables or disable printing or creation of Dvi files
190: # based on the value of the gQuizTemp global
191: ###########################################################
192: # Argument: menuFrame (path name of the menu window)
193: # name1 (name of traced varaiable, gQuizTemp)
194: # name2 (empty argument from trace)
195: # op (tracing on writes so this should be "w")
196: # Returns : nothing
197: # Globals : gQuizTemp (r)
198: ###########################################################
199: proc changeMenuStatus { menuFrame name1 name2 op } {
200: global gQuizTemp
201: if { $gQuizTemp } {
202: $menuFrame entryconfigure 5 -state normal
203: $menuFrame entryconfigure 6 -state normal
204: } else {
205: $menuFrame entryconfigure 5 -state disabled
206: $menuFrame entryconfigure 6 -state disabled
207: }
208: }
210: ###########################################################
211: # printInfo
212: ###########################################################
213: # gets called by Alt-0, used to print out variable while
214: # still running
215: ###########################################################
216: # Argument: none
217: # Returns : nothing
218: # Globals : auto_path
219: ###########################################################
220: proc printInfo { } {
221: global auto_path gUndo gRefText
222: set num [lindex [array names gRefText] 0]
223: set a "updateLocation 0"
224: puts [list Main2: [time $a 20000]]
225: set a "updateLocation $num"
226: puts [list Ref : [time $a 20000]]
227: }
229: ###########################################################
230: # createXdviOpt
231: ###########################################################
232: ###########################################################
233: ###########################################################
234: proc createXdviOpt {} {
235: global gXdviOpt gWindowMenu
237: if { [winfo exists .xdviOpt] } {
238: capaRaise .xdviOpt
239: return
240: }
242: set xdviOpt [toplevel .xdviOpt]
243: $gWindowMenu add command -label "XdviOptions" -command "capaRaise $xdviOpt"
244: wm title $xdviOpt "Options for Xdvi"
246: set messageFrame [frame $xdviOpt.msg]
247: message $xdviOpt.msg2 -text "Example: -geometry 800x700" -aspect 5000
248: set buttonFrame [frame $xdviOpt.buttons -bd 10]
249: pack $messageFrame $xdviOpt.msg2 $buttonFrame -side top -fill x
251: message $messageFrame.msg -text "Options to xdvi:" -aspect 5000
252: entry $messageFrame.entry -textvariable gXdviOpt
254: pack $messageFrame.msg $messageFrame.entry -side left -fill x
256: button $buttonFrame.ok -text Dismiss -command "destroy $xdviOpt
257: removeWindowEntry XdviOptions" -underline 0
258: pack $buttonFrame.ok -side left
259: bind $xdviOpt <Destroy> "removeWindowEntry XdviOptions"
260: }
262: ###########################################################
263: # createInfoWindow
264: ###########################################################
265: # creates the Information window
266: ###########################################################
267: # Arguments: None
268: # Returns: Nothing
269: # Globals: gDate - the variable containg the current date
270: # gWindowMenu - used to register the new window in the
271: # windows menu
272: # gVer - Stores the current version of Quizzer (set in
273: # C init code
274: ###########################################################
275: proc createInfoWindow {} {
276: global gDate gWindowMenu gVer gTclVer gCmd gCompileDate gUndoSize gUniqueNumber
278: if { [winfo exists .about] } {
279: capaRaise .about
280: return
281: }
283: set about [toplevel .about]
284: $gWindowMenu add command -label "About" -command "capaRaise $about"
285: wm title $about "About"
287: label $about.l1 -font 12x24 -text "Quizzer $gVer" -pady 20
288: label $about.l4 -font 8x13 -text "Quizzer.tcl version $gTclVer" -pady 20
289: label $about.l6 -font 8x13 -text "$gCompileDate"
290: message $about.l2 -font 8x13 -text "Code by: Y. Tsai, G. Albertelli II Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees, 1992-1999, No Unauthorized Commercial Use" \
291: -pady 20 -aspect 300
292: label $about.l3 -font 8x13 -textvariable gDate
293: label $about.l5 -font 8x13 -textvariable gCmd
294: label $about.l7 -font 8x13 -textvariable gUndoSize
295: label $about.l8 -font 8x13 -textvariable gUniqueNumber
297: button $about.close -text "Close" -command "destroy $about
298: removeWindowEntry About"
300: pack $about.l1 $about.l4 $about.l6 $about.l2 $about.l3 $about.l5 $about.l7 $about.l8\
301: $about.close -side top
302: bind $about <Destroy> "removeWindowEntry About"
303: Centre_Dialog $about default
304: }
306: ###########################################################
307: # enterSelection
308: ###########################################################
309: ###########################################################
310: ###########################################################
311: proc enterSelection {} {
312: global gTextWindow gFind
313: if { [catch {set gTextWindow}] } { return }
314: if { ![winfo exists $gTextWindow] } { return }
316: createFindWindow
317: catch {set gFind(find) [$gTextWindow get sel.first sel.last]}
318: }
320: ###########################################################
321: # jumpToSelection
322: ###########################################################
323: ###########################################################
324: ###########################################################
325: proc jumpToSelection {} {
326: global gTextWindow
327: catch {$gTextWindow see sel.first}
328: }
330: proc cut {} {global gTextWindow;tk_textCut $gTextWindow}
331: proc copy {} {global gTextWindow;tk_textCopy $gTextWindow}
332: proc paste {} {global gTextWindow;tk_textPaste $gTextWindow}
334: ###########################################################
335: # selectAll
336: ###########################################################
337: ###########################################################
338: ###########################################################
339: proc selectAll { { refNum 0 } } {
340: global gTextWindow gRefText
342: if { $refNum } { set window $gRefText($refNum) } else {
343: catch {set window $gTextWindow}
344: }
345: if { ![winfo exists $window] } { return }
346: $window tag add sel 0.0 end
347: }
349: ###########################################################
350: # creatEditingWindow
351: ###########################################################
352: ###########################################################
353: # Arguments: none
354: # Returns: a one if the Editing window existed and a zero
355: # if it created a new window
356: # Globals:
357: ###########################################################
358: proc createEditingWindow { {setupUndo 1} } {
359: global gEditWindow gPreviewMode gTextWindow gSetNumberText gFile \
360: gWindowMenu gNumberParsedText gLineNumberGoto gUndo \
361: gCharacterNumberGoto gLineNumberGoto gClosedDocument \
362: gPreviewButton gFirstTime
364: if { [winfo exists .editwindow] } {
365: capaRaise .editwindow
366: return 1
367: }
368: set gFirstTime 1
370: set gEditWindow [toplevel .editwindow]
371: $gWindowMenu add command -label "$gFile" -command "capaRaise $gEditWindow"
372: wm title $gEditWindow $gFile
373: set gClosedDocument 0
374: set editWindow [frame $gEditWindow.frame -borderwidth 10]
376: pack $editWindow -expand 1 -fill both
378: set editTop [frame $editWindow.editTop]
379: set editBottom [frame $editWindow.editBottom]
381: pack $editTop $editBottom -side top
382: pack configure $editBottom -expand 1 -fill both
384: set menuFrame [frame $ -borderwidth 2 -relief raised]
385: set assignInfo [frame $editTop.assignInfo -borderwidth 4 -relief groove]
386: set mode [frame $editTop.mode -borderwidth 4 -relief groove]
387: set buttonAndGoto [frame $editTop.buttonAndGoto ]
388: pack $menuFrame $assignInfo $mode $buttonAndGoto -side left
389: pack configure $menuFrame -anchor n
391: menubutton $menuFrame.edit -text Edit -menu $menuFrame.edit.m
392: pack $menuFrame.edit -side left
394: set edit [ menu $menuFrame.edit.m ]
395: $edit add command -label "Cut" -command { cut } -accelerator "Alt+x"
396: $edit add command -label "Copy" -command { copy } -accelerator "Alt+c"
397: $edit add command -label "Paste" -command { paste } -accelerator "Alt+v"
398: $edit add command -label "Select All " -command { selectAll } -accelerator "Alt+a"
399: $edit add separator
400: $edit add command -label "Undo" -command "undo 0" -accelerator "Alt+u"
401: $edit add separator
402: $edit add command -label "Find" -command { createFindWindow } -accelerator "Alt+f"
403: bind all <Alt-f> createFindWindow
405: set buttons [frame $buttonAndGoto.buttons ]
406: set gotoFrame [ frame $buttonAndGoto.gotoFrame ]
407: pack $buttons $gotoFrame -side top
409: set button1 [frame $buttons.button1]
410: set button2 [frame $buttons.button2]
411: pack $button1 $button2 -side top
413: set gPreviewButton [button $button1.preview -text "Preview" -command \
414: { studentSelectWindow createPreviewWindow }]
415: button $button1.dbHeader -text "DB Header" -command createDBHeader
416: button $button1.include -text "Include" -command includeFile
417: pack $button1.preview $button1.dbHeader $button1.include -side left
419: button $button2.header -text "Std. Header" \
420: -command insertStandardHeader
421: button $button2.import -text "Import" -command importFile
422: button $button2.end -text "Endline" -command insertEndline
423: pack $button2.header $button2.import $button2.end -side left
425: label $gotoFrame.msg -text "Current Line:"
426: label $gotoFrame.current -textvariable gLineNumber
427: entry $gotoFrame.line -width 8 -textvariable gLineNumberGoto
428: bind $gotoFrame.line <KeyPress-Return> "gotoLine"
429: button $gotoFrame.button -text "Goto" -command "gotoLine"
430: pack $gotoFrame.msg $gotoFrame.current $gotoFrame.line \
431: $gotoFrame.button -side left
432: # variable used by gotoLine, needs to be set if it doesn't exist
433: if { [ catch { set gCharacterNumberGoto } ] } {
434: set gCharacterNumberGoto ""
435: }
437: label $assignInfo.time -textvariable gDate
438: set setNum [frame $assignInfo.setNum -borderwidth 2]
439: set probsParsed [frame $assignInfo.probsParsed -borderwidth 2]
441: pack $assignInfo.time $setNum $probsParsed -side top
442: pack configure $setNum $probsParsed -anchor e
444: message $setNum.msg -text "Problem Set Number" -aspect 10000
445: set setNumberWindow [message $setNum.num -relief sunken -width 70 \
446: -textvariable gSetNumberText]
448: pack $setNum.num $setNum.msg -side right -anchor e
450: label $probsParsed.msg -text "Number of Questions Parsed"
451: set numberParsedWindow [label $probsParsed.num -relief sunken \
452: -textvariable gNumberParsedText]
454: pack $probsParsed.num $probsParsed.msg -side right -anchor e
456: message $mode.msg -text "Mode" -aspect 10000
457: radiobutton $mode.enscript -text "Enscript" -value "Enscript" \
458: -variable gPreviewMode
459: radiobutton $mode.tex -text "TeX" -value "TeX" -variable gPreviewMode
460: radiobutton $mode.web -text "Web" -value "Web" -variable gPreviewMode
462: pack $mode.msg $mode.enscript $mode.tex $mode.web -side top
463: pack configure $mode.enscript $mode.tex $mode.web -anchor w
464: set gPreviewMode Enscript
466: scrollbar $editBottom.scroll -orient vertical -command \
467: "$editBottom.text yview"
468: set gTextWindow [text $editBottom.text -yscrollcommand \
469: "$editBottom.scroll set" -wrap char -height 40]
471: pack $editBottom.scroll $editBottom.text -side left -expand 0
472: pack configure $editBottom.scroll -expand 0 -fill y
473: pack configure $editBottom.text -expand true -fill both
475: if { $setupUndo} {
476: rename $gTextWindow .$gTextWindow
477: trackChanges $gTextWindow 0
478: set gUndo(0) 0
479: set gUndo(0.cur) 0
480: }
482: bind $gTextWindow <Alt-s> saveDocument
483: bind $gTextWindow <Alt-Shift-s> { saveDocument 1 }
484: bind $gEditWindow <Alt-w> closeDocument
485: # bind $gEditWindow <Destroy> "closeDocument 1"
486: wm protocol $gEditWindow WM_DELETE_WINDOW "closeDocument 1"
487: bind $gTextWindow <Alt-x> "tk_textCut %W"
488: bind $gTextWindow <Alt-c> "tk_textCopy %W"
489: bind $gTextWindow <Alt-v> "tk_textPaste %W"
490: bind $gTextWindow <Alt-a> selectAll
491: bind $gTextWindow <Alt-u> "undo 0"
492: addFindList
493: Centre_Dialog $gEditWindow default
495: createImportLinks 0 0.0 end
496: return 0
497: }
499: ###########################################################
500: # includeFile
501: ###########################################################
502: ###########################################################
503: ###########################################################
504: proc includeFile {} {
505: global gTextWindow gDir
507: if { [makeSure "Is the cursor in the correct position?"] == "Cancel" } {
508: return
509: }
511: # if { $gDir(include) == "." } { set gDir(include) [pwd] }
512: set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes \
513: { { {All Files} {"*"} } { {Quizzer} {"*.qz"} } } \
514: -title "Select the proper file" \
515: -initialdir "$gDir(include)" ]
516: if { $file == "" } { return }
517: set gDir(include) [file dirname $file]
519: if { $file == "" } { return }
521: set fileId [open $file "r"]
523: $gTextWindow insert insert [read $fileId [file size $file]]
524: }
526: ###########################################################
527: # insertStandardHeader
528: ###########################################################
529: ###########################################################
530: ###########################################################
531: proc insertStandardHeader {} {
532: global gTextWindow gCapaConfig
534: if { [makeSure "Is the cursor in the correct position?"] == "Cancel" } {
535: return
536: }
537: $gTextWindow insert insert $gCapaConfig(standardQuizzerHeader)
538: }
540: ###########################################################
541: # importFile
542: ###########################################################
543: ###########################################################
544: ###########################################################
545: proc importFile {} {
546: global gTextWindow gDir gProbVal gTryVal gHintVal gPutLine
548: if { [makeSure "Is the cursor in the correct position?"] == "Cancel" } {
549: return
550: }
552: # if { $gDir(import) == "." } { set gDir(import) [pwd] }
553: set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes \
554: { { {All Files} {"*"} } { {Quizzer} {"*.qz"} } } \
555: -title "Select the proper file" -initialdir "$gDir(import)" ]
556: if { $file == "" } { return }
557: set gDir(import) [file dirname $file]
560: if { [getProbValTryVal] == "Cancel" } { return }
562: $gTextWindow insert insert "//\n/BEG prob_val=$gProbVal\n/LET try_val=$gTryVal\n/LET hint_val=$gHintVal\n/DIS(\"$file\")\n/IMP \"$file\"\n"
563: if { $gPutLine } {
564: $gTextWindow insert insert "/DIS(stdline)\n"
565: } else {
566: $gTextWindow insert insert "/DIS(webonlyline)\n"
567: }
568: $gTextWindow see insert
569: }
571: ###########################################################
572: # insertEndline
573: ###########################################################
574: ###########################################################
575: ###########################################################
576: proc insertEndline {} {
577: global gTextWindow
579: if { [makeSure "Is the cursor in the correct position?"] == "Cancel" } {
580: return
581: }
582: $gTextWindow insert insert "/END(stdendline)\n"
583: }
585: ###########################################################
586: # getProbValTryVal
587: ###########################################################
588: ###########################################################
589: ###########################################################
590: proc getProbValTryVal {} {
591: global gPrompt gProbVal gTryVal gHintVal gPutLine
593: set dialog [toplevel .getProbValTryVal -borderwidth 10]
594: wm title $dialog "Getting Problem Value and Try Value"
595: wm geo $dialog "+200+200"
596: message $dialog.msg -text "Set the weight of the problem and the number of tries allowed." -aspect 700
598: set gPrompt(result) ""
599: scale $dialog.probVal -orient horizontal -variable gProbVal \
600: -from 0 -to 9 -label "Problem Value" -length 150
601: scale $dialog.tryVal -orient horizontal -variable gTryVal \
602: -from 0 -to 99 -label "Try Value" -length 150
603: scale $dialog.hintVal -orient horizontal -variable gHintVal \
604: -from 1 -to 99 -label "Number of Tries Before Showing Hint" -length 150
605: set gPrompt(stdline.1) "Put a stdline after this problem."
606: set gPrompt(stdline.0) "Put a webonlyline after this problem."
607: checkbutton $dialog.putLine -variable gPutLine \
608: -width 38 \
609: -textvariable gPrompt(displayLine) \
610: -command { set gPrompt(displayLine) $gPrompt(stdline.$gPutLine) }
611: set gPrompt(displayLine) $gPrompt(stdline.$gPutLine)
612: set buttonFrame [frame $dialog.buttons -bd 10]
613: pack $dialog.msg $dialog.probVal $dialog.tryVal $dialog.hintVal $dialog.putLine \
614: $buttonFrame -side top -fill x
616: button $buttonFrame.yes -text Import -command {set gPrompt(yes) 1} \
617: -underline 0
618: button $buttonFrame.cancel -text Cancel -command { set gPrompt(yes) 0 } \
619: -underline 0
620: pack $buttonFrame.yes $buttonFrame.cancel -side left
622: bind $dialog <Alt-Key> break
623: bind $dialog <Destroy> "set gPrompt(yes) 0"
624: Centre_Dialog $dialog default
625: update
627: focus $dialog
628: capaRaise $dialog
629: capaGrab $dialog
630: vwait gPrompt(yes)
631: capaGrab release $dialog
632: bind $dialog <Destroy> ""
633: destroy $dialog
634: if {$gPrompt(yes)} {
635: return Done
636: } else {
637: return Cancel
638: }
639: }
641: ###########################################################
642: # updateDateBox
643: ###########################################################
644: ###########################################################
645: ###########################################################
646: proc updateDateBox { listbox } {
647: global gControlDates
648: $listbox delete 0 end
649: for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $gControlDates]} {incr i } {
650: set date [lindex $gControlDates $i]
651: if { $i != 0 } {
652: $listbox insert end [eval format {"%4d %4d %s %s %s"} $date]
653: } else {
654: $listbox insert end [eval format {" DEFAULT %s %s %s"} [lrange $date 2 end]]
655: }
656: }
657: }
659: ###########################################################
660: # loadDates
661: ###########################################################
662: ###########################################################
663: ###########################################################
664: proc loadDates { listbox } {
665: global gControlDates
666: if { [catch {getHeaderInfo}]} {
667: displayError "That set.db does not exist"
668: }
669: updateDateBox $listbox
670: }
672: ###########################################################
673: # deleteDate
674: ###########################################################
675: ###########################################################
676: ###########################################################
677: proc deleteDate { listbox } {
678: global gControlDates
679: if { [set a [$listbox index anchor]] != 0 } {
680: catch {$listbox delete anchor}
681: set gControlDates [lreplace $gControlDates $a $a]
682: } else {
683: displayError "You can not delete the default setting, only change it."
684: }
685: }
687: ###########################################################
688: # checkHeaderForDefault
689: ###########################################################
690: ###########################################################
691: ###########################################################
692: proc checkHeaderForDefault { } {
693: global gControlDates
694: if { [lindex [lindex $gControlDates 0] 0] == 0 && \
695: [lindex [lindex $gControlDates 0] 1] == 0 } {
696: return 1
697: }
698: return 0
699: }
701: ###########################################################
702: # dueAnswerOrder
703: ###########################################################
704: ###########################################################
705: ###########################################################
706: proc dueAnswerOrder { } {
707: global gDates
708: set duetime [clock scan "$gDates(duemonth)/$gDates(dueday)/$gDates(dueyear) $gDates(duehour):$gDates(dueminute)"]
709: set answertime [clock scan "$gDates(answermonth)/$gDates(answerday)/$gDates(answeryear) $gDates(answerhour):$gDates(answerminute)"]
710: if { $duetime > $answertime } { return 1 } { return 0 }
711: }
713: ###########################################################
714: # checkDateFields
715: ###########################################################
716: ###########################################################
717: ###########################################################
718: proc checkDateFields { } {
719: global gDates
721: set result 1
722: foreach kind { open due answer } {
723: foreach type { year month day hour minute } {
724: if { [validate $kind $type] != 1 } {
725: return $kind$type
726: }
727: }
728: }
729: if { [validate "" durationhour] != 1 } { return durationhour }
730: if { [validate duration minute] != 1 } { return durationminute }
731: if { [catch { expr $gDates(sectionstart) }] } { return sectionstart } else {
732: if {[string length $gDates(sectionstart)] <1} { return sectionstart } else {
733: if { [catch { expr $gDates(sectionend) }] } { return sectionend } else {
734: if {[string length $gDates(sectionend)] <1} { return sectionend }
735: }
736: }
737: }
738: return $result
739: }
741: ###########################################################
742: # validate
743: ###########################################################
744: ###########################################################
745: ###########################################################
746: proc validate { kind type {newvalue novalue} } {
747: global gDates
748: #tcl interprets all strings of digits with 0 as the first number as being
749: #in octal, need to prevent this from causing an error
750: if { $newvalue == "novalue" } {
751: set temp $gDates($kind$type)
752: set lowfail -1
753: } else {
754: if { $newvalue == "" } { return 1 }
755: set temp $newvalue
756: set lowfail 1
757: }
758: if { [string length $temp] > 1 && [string index $temp 0] == 0 } {
759: set test [string range $temp 1 end]
760: } else {
761: set test $temp
762: }
763: if { [catch { expr $test }] } { return 0 } else {
764: switch $type {
765: year {
766: if { $test < 1990 } { return $lowfail }
767: if { $test > 9999 } { return 0 }
768: if { [string length $temp] > 4 } { return 0 }
769: }
770: month {
771: if { $test < 1 } { return $lowfail }
772: if { $test > 12 } { return 0 }
773: if { [string length $temp] > 2 } { return 0 }
774: }
775: day {
776: if { $test < 1 } { return $lowfail }
777: if { $test > 31 } { return 0 }
778: if { [string length $temp] > 2 } { return 0 }
779: }
780: hour {
781: if { $test < 0 } { return 0 }
782: if { $test > 23 } { return 0 }
783: if { [string length $temp] > 2 } { return 0 }
784: }
785: minute {
786: if { $test < 0 } { return 0 }
787: if { $test > 59 } { return 0 }
788: if { [string length $temp] > 2 } { return 0 }
789: }
790: durationhour {
791: if { $test < 0 } { return 0 }
792: if { [string length $temp] > 4 } { return 0 }
793: }
794: }
795: }
796: return 1
797: }
799: ###########################################################
800: # getday
801: ###########################################################
802: ###########################################################
803: ###########################################################
804: proc getday { kind } {
805: global gDates
806: if { [set day $gDates([set kind]day)] != ""} {
807: if { [set month $gDates([set kind]month)] != ""} {
808: if { [set year $gDates([set kind]year)] != ""} {
809: if { [ catch { set gDates($kind.dayoweek) \
810: [clock format [clock scan "$month/$day/$year"] \
811: -format %a] } error ] } {
812: set gDates($kind.dayoweek) ""
813: }
814: return
815: }
816: }
817: }
818: set gDates($kind.dayoweek) ""
819: }
821: ###########################################################
822: # enableDateValidation
823: ###########################################################
824: ###########################################################
825: ###########################################################
826: proc enableDateValidation { toplevel } {
827: global gDates
828: set dateFrame $toplevel.dateFrame
829: foreach type { open due answer } {
830: $dateFrame.[set type]date.year configure -validate key \
831: -validatecommand "validate $type year %P"
832: $dateFrame.[set type]date.month configure -validate key \
833: -validatecommand "validate $type month %P"
834: $dateFrame.[set type] configure -validate key \
835: -validatecommand "validate $type day %P"
836: $dateFrame.[set type]time.hour configure -validate key \
837: -validatecommand "validate $type hour %P"
838: $dateFrame.[set type]time.minute configure -validate key \
839: -validatecommand "validate $type minute %P"
840: }
841: $gDates(optFrame).duration.hour configure -validate key \
842: -validatecommand "validate {} durationhour %P"
843: $gDates(optFrame).duration.minute configure -validate key \
844: -validatecommand "validate duration minute %P"
846: }
848: ###########################################################
849: # addDateOptions
850: ###########################################################
851: ###########################################################
852: ###########################################################
853: proc addDateOptions {} {
854: global gDates
855: pack $gDates(optFrame2)
856: $gDates(optBut) configure -text "Less Options" -command "removeDateOptions"
857: }
859: ###########################################################
860: # removeDateOptions
861: ###########################################################
862: ###########################################################
863: ###########################################################
864: proc removeDateOptions {} {
865: global gDates
866: pack forget $gDates(optFrame2)
867: $gDates(optBut) configure -text "More Options" -command "addDateOptions"
868: }
870: ###########################################################
871: # createDateDialog
872: ###########################################################
873: ###########################################################
874: ###########################################################
875: proc createDateDialog { toplevel makedefault } {
876: global gDates gPrompt2
878: catch [unset gDates]
880: set infoFrame [frame $toplevel.infoFrame]
881: set sectionFrame [frame $toplevel.sectionFrame -borderwidth 4]
882: set dateFrame [frame $toplevel.dateFrame]
883: set optionsFrame [frame $toplevel.optionsFrame]
884: set buttonFrame [frame $toplevel.buttonFrame]
885: pack $infoFrame $sectionFrame $dateFrame $buttonFrame -side top
887: if { $makedefault } {
888: label $sectionFrame.sectionl -text "Default value for all sections:"
889: pack $sectionFrame.sectionl
890: set gDates(sectionstart) 0
891: set gDates(sectionend) 0
892: } else {
893: grid [label $sectionFrame.sectionl -text "Dates and times are for"] \
894: -column 0 -columnspan 4 -row 0
895: grid [label $sectionFrame.section12 -text "section:"] -column 0 -row 1
896: grid [entry $sectionFrame.start -width 3 -textvariable gDates(sectionstart)] \
897: -column 1 -row 1
898: grid [label $sectionFrame.sectionl3 -text "through section: "] -column 2 -row 1
899: grid [entry $sectionFrame.end -width 3 -textvariable gDates(sectionend)] \
900: -column 3 -row 1
901: button $buttonFrame.getdefaults -text "Get Defaults" -command \
902: "setValues 0 0;enableDateValidation $toplevel"
903: pack $buttonFrame.getdefaults -side left
904: }
906: grid [label $dateFrame.datel -text "Date"] -column 1 -row 0
907: grid [label $dateFrame.timel -text "Time"] -column 2 -row 0
908: grid [label $dateFrame.helpd -text "yyyy/mm/dd"] -column 1 -row 1
909: grid [label $dateFrame.helpt -text "hh:mm"] -column 2 -row 1
910: grid [label $dateFrame.openl -text "Open"] -column 0 -row 2
911: grid [set openDate [frame $dateFrame.opendate -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken]] -column 1 -row 2
912: grid [set openTime [frame $dateFrame.opentime -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken]] -column 2 -row 2
913: grid [label $dateFrame.openday -textvariable gDates(open.dayoweek)] -column 3 -row 2
914: grid [label $dateFrame.duel -text "Due"] -column 0 -row 3
915: grid [set dueDate [frame $dateFrame.duedate -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken]] -column 1 -row 3
916: grid [set dueTime [frame $dateFrame.duetime -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken]] -column 2 -row 3
917: grid [label $dateFrame.dueday -textvariable gDates(due.dayoweek)] -column 3 -row 3
918: grid [label $dateFrame.answerl -text "Answer"] -column 0 -row 4
919: grid [set answerDate [frame $dateFrame.answerdate -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken]] -column 1 -row 4
920: grid [set answerTime [frame $dateFrame.answertime -borderwidth 2 -relief sunken]] -column 2 -row 4
921: grid [label $dateFrame.ansday -textvariable gDates(answer.dayoweek)] -column 3 -row 4
924: foreach type { open due answer } {
925: entry [set [set type]Date].year -width 4 -textvariable gDates([set type]year)
926: label [set [set type]Date].sl1 -text "/"
927: entry [set [set type]Date].month -width 2 -textvariable gDates([set type]month)
928: label [set [set type]Date].sl2 -text "/"
929: entry [set [set type]Date].day -width 2 -textvariable gDates([set type]day)
930: entry [set [set type]Time].hour -width 2 -textvariable gDates([set type]hour)
931: label [set [set type]Time].colon -text ":"
932: entry [set [set type]Time].minute -width 2 -textvariable gDates([set type]minute)
933: pack [set [set type]Date].year [set [set type]Date].sl1 \
934: [set [set type]Date].month [set [set type]Date].sl2 \
935: [set [set type]Date].day -side left
936: pack [set [set type]Time].hour [set [set type]Time].colon \
937: [set [set type]Time].minute -side left
938: }
940: set optionsFrame3 [frame $optionsFrame.options]
941: set gDates(optFrame) [ set optionsFrame2 [frame $optionsFrame3.options ] ]
942: pack $gDates(optFrame) $optionsFrame3
943: set gDates(optFrame2) $optionsFrame
945: set durationFrame [frame $optionsFrame2.duration]
946: checkbutton $optionsFrame2.view -variable gDates(viewbetween) \
947: -text "Allow Viewing between Due and Answer dates"
948: checkbutton $optionsFrame2.response -variable gDates(inhibitresponse) \
949: -text "Inhibit Correct/Incorrect response \n(normally only for exams/quizzes)"
950: pack $durationFrame $optionsFrame2.view $optionsFrame2.response -side top
951: set gDates(viewbetween) 1
952: set gDates(inhibitresponse) 0
954: label $durationFrame.label -text "Duration"
955: entry $durationFrame.hour -width 4 -textvariable gDates(durationhour)
956: label $durationFrame.colon -text ":"
957: entry $durationFrame.minute -width 2 -textvariable gDates(durationminute)
958: pack $durationFrame.label $durationFrame.hour $durationFrame.colon \
959: $durationFrame.minute -side left
960: set gDates(durationhour) 0
961: set gDates(durationminute) 0
963: button $ -text "Help" -command "showHelp dateEntry"
964: button $buttonFrame.set -text "Ok" -command "set gPrompt2(ok) 1"
965: button $buttonFrame.cancel -text "Cancel" -command "set gPrompt2(ok) 0"
966: set gDates(optBut) [ button $buttonFrame.options -text "More Options" \
967: -command "addDateOptions"]
968: pack $ $buttonFrame.set $buttonFrame.cancel $buttonFrame.options \
969: -side left
970: bind $toplevel <Destroy> "set gPrompt2(ok) 0"
971: bind $toplevel <KeyPress> "getday open;getday due;getday answer"
972: bind $toplevel <Return> {tkTabToWindow [tk_focusNext %W]}
973: }
975: ###########################################################
976: # addCurrentDates
977: ###########################################################
978: ###########################################################
979: ###########################################################
980: proc addCurrentDates { listbox makedefault {which -1} } {
981: global gControlDates gDates
982: foreach kind { open due answer } {
983: foreach type { year month day hour minute } {
984: #tcl interprets all strings of digits with 0 as the first number as
985: #being in octal, need to prevent this from causing an error
986: if { [string length $gDates($kind$type)] > 1 && \
987: [string index $gDates($kind$type) 0] == 0 } {
988: set gDates($kind$type) [string range $gDates($kind$type) 1 end]
989: }
990: }
991: }
992: set datestring [list $gDates(sectionstart) $gDates(sectionend) \
993: [format "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d" $gDates(openyear) \
994: $gDates(openmonth) $gDates(openday) \
995: $gDates(openhour) $gDates(openminute) ] \
996: [format "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d" $gDates(dueyear) \
997: $gDates(duemonth) $gDates(dueday) \
998: $gDates(duehour) $gDates(dueminute) ] \
999: [format "%04d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d" $gDates(answeryear) \
1000: $gDates(answermonth) $gDates(answerday) \
1001: $gDates(answerhour) $gDates(answerminute) ] \
1002: [format "%d:%d" $gDates(durationhour) $gDates(durationminute)] \
1003: $gDates(inhibitresponse) $gDates(viewbetween) ]
1004: if { $makedefault } {
1005: if { ([info globals gControlDates] == "") || ($gControlDates == "") } {
1006: set gControlDates [list $datestring]
1007: } else {
1008: set gControlDates [lreplace $gControlDates 0 0 $datestring]
1009: }
1010: } else {
1011: if { $which > -1 } {
1012: # puts "$gControlDates=$which=$which=$datestring"
1013: set gControlDates [lreplace $gControlDates $which $which $datestring]
1014: } else {
1015: lappend gControlDates $datestring
1016: }
1017: }
1018: updateDateBox $listbox
1019: }
1021: ###########################################################
1022: # setValues
1023: ###########################################################
1024: ###########################################################
1025: ###########################################################
1026: proc setValues { which {doSections 1} } {
1027: global gControlDates gDates
1028: set datestring [lindex $gControlDates $which]
1029: if { $doSections } {
1030: set gDates(sectionstart) [lindex $datestring 0]
1031: set gDates(sectionend) [lindex $datestring 1]
1032: }
1033: foreach type {open due answer} element {2 3 4} {
1034: set gDates([set type]year) [lindex [split [lindex $datestring $element] "/" ] 0]
1035: set gDates([set type]month) [lindex [split [lindex $datestring $element] "/" ] 1]
1036: set gDates([set type]day) [lindex [split [lindex [lindex $datestring $element] 0] "/" ] 2]
1037: set gDates([set type]hour) [lindex [split [lindex [lindex $datestring $element] 1] ":" ] 0]
1038: set gDates([set type]minute) [lindex [split [lindex [lindex $datestring $element] 1] ":" ] 1]
1039: }
1040: set gDates(durationhour) [lindex [split [lindex $datestring 5] ":" ] 0]
1041: set gDates(durationminute) [lindex [split [lindex $datestring 5] ":" ] 1]
1042: set gDates(inhibitresponse) [lindex $datestring 6]
1043: set gDates(viewbetween) [lindex $datestring 7]
1044: getday open
1045: getday due
1046: getday answer
1047: }
1049: ###########################################################
1050: # changeDate
1051: ###########################################################
1052: ###########################################################
1053: ###########################################################
1054: proc changeDate { listbox } {
1055: global gDates gPrompt2 gControlDates
1057: if { ![winfo exists $listbox] } { return }
1058: if { [winfo exists .adddate] } { return }
1059: if { [set which [$listbox index anchor]] == 0 } { set makedefault 1 } else {
1060: set makedefault 0 }
1061: if { $which == [$listbox index end] } {addDate $listbox;return}
1062: set changeDate [toplevel .changeDate]
1063: createDateDialog $changeDate $makedefault
1064: setValues $which
1065: enableDateValidation $changeDate
1067: if { $makedefault } {
1068: set gDates(sectionstart) 0
1069: set gDates(sectionend) 0
1070: }
1072: Centre_Dialog $changeDate default
1073: update
1075: focus $changeDate
1076: capaRaise $changeDate
1077: capaGrab $changeDate
1078: set done 0
1079: while { $done != 1 } {
1080: vwait gPrompt2(ok)
1081: if { $gPrompt2(ok) == 1 } {
1082: if { 1 != [set done [checkDateFields]] } {
1083: displayError "Please correct field: $done"
1084: set done 0
1085: } else {
1086: if { [dueAnswerOrder] } {
1087: if { "Yes" == [makeSure "Right now answers are available before an assignment is due. Would you like to change this?."]} {
1088: set done 0
1089: } else {
1090: set done 1
1091: }
1092: }
1093: }
1094: } else {
1095: set done 1
1096: }
1097: }
1098: capaGrab release $changeDate
1099: bind $changeDate <Destroy> ""
1100: destroy $changeDate
1101: if {$gPrompt2(ok) == 1 } {
1102: addCurrentDates $listbox $makedefault $which
1103: }
1104: return
1105: }
1107: ###########################################################
1108: # addDate
1109: ###########################################################
1110: ###########################################################
1111: ###########################################################
1112: proc addDate { listbox } {
1113: global gDates gPrompt2
1115: if { ![winfo exists $listbox ] } { return }
1116: if { [winfo exists .adddate ] } { return }
1117: if { [$listbox index end] == 0 } { set makedefault 1 } else { set makedefault 0 }
1118: set addDate [toplevel .adddate]
1120: createDateDialog $addDate $makedefault
1121: enableDateValidation $addDate
1123: Centre_Dialog $addDate default
1124: update
1126: focus $addDate
1127: capaRaise $addDate
1128: capaGrab $addDate
1129: set done 0
1130: while { $done != 1 } {
1131: vwait gPrompt2(ok)
1132: if { $gPrompt2(ok) == 1 } {
1133: if { 1 != [set done [checkDateFields]] } {
1134: displayError "Please correct field: $done"
1135: set done 0
1136: } else {
1137: if { [dueAnswerOrder] } {
1138: if { "Yes" == [makeSure "Right now answers are available before an assignment is due. Would you like to change this?."]} {
1139: set done 0
1140: } else {
1141: set done 1
1142: }
1143: }
1144: }
1145: } else {
1146: set done 1
1147: }
1148: }
1149: capaGrab release $addDate
1150: bind $addDate <Destroy> ""
1151: destroy $addDate
1152: if {$gPrompt2(ok) == 1 } {
1153: addCurrentDates $listbox $makedefault
1154: }
1155: return
1156: }
1158: ###########################################################
1159: # createDBHeader
1160: ###########################################################
1161: ###########################################################
1162: ###########################################################
1163: proc createDBHeader {} {
1164: global gNumberParsedText gPrompt gLoadHeaderSet gControlDates \
1165: gSetNumberText gHeaderQCount
1167: if { $gNumberParsedText == "" } {
1168: displayError "You must first preview the file before creating the \
1169: DB header."
1170: return
1171: }
1173: if { [winfo exists .headerPrompt] } {
1174: capaRaise .headerPrompt
1175: return
1176: }
1178: set dialog [toplevel .headerPrompt -borderwidth 10]
1179: wm geo $dialog "+200+200"
1180: wm title $dialog "Creating DB Header"
1182: message $dialog.msg -text "Header Information" -aspect 1000
1183: set loadFrame [frame $dialog.loadFrame -borderwidth 4 -relief sunken]
1184: set infoFrame [frame $dialog.infoFrame -borderwidth 4 -relief sunken]
1185: set buttonFrame [frame $dialog.buttons -bd 10]
1186: pack $dialog.msg $loadFrame $infoFrame $buttonFrame -side top -fill x
1188: set legendFrame [frame $infoFrame.legendFrame]
1189: set listFrame [frame $infoFrame.listFrame]
1190: set commandFrame [frame $infoFrame.commandFrame]
1191: pack $legendFrame $listFrame $commandFrame -side top
1193: label $legendFrame.legend1 -text " Section# | Open | Due | Answer "
1194: label $legendFrame.legend2 -text "Start End| Date Time | Date Time | Date Time "
1195: pack $legendFrame.legend1 $legendFrame.legend2 -side top
1197: set listbox [listbox $listFrame.list -width 63 -yscrollcommand "$listFrame.scroll set" ]
1198: scrollbar $listFrame.scroll -command "$listbox yview"
1199: pack $listFrame.list $listFrame.scroll -side left
1200: updateDateBox $listbox
1202: button $commandFrame.add -text "Add" -command "addDate $listbox"
1203: button $commandFrame.change -text "Change" -command "changeDate $listbox"
1204: button $commandFrame.delete -text "Delete" -command "deleteDate $listbox"
1205: pack $commandFrame.add $commandFrame.change $commandFrame.delete -side left
1206: bind $listbox <Double-ButtonPress-1> "changeDate $listbox"
1208: message $loadFrame.msg -text "Load header information from set:" \
1209: -aspect 1000
1210: set gLoadHeaderSet $gSetNumberText
1211: entry $loadFrame.entry -textvariable gLoadHeaderSet -width 2
1212: button $loadFrame.load -text "load" -command "loadDates $listbox"
1213: pack $loadFrame.msg $loadFrame.entry $loadFrame.load -side left
1215: button $buttonFrame.ok -text Set -command { set gPrompt(ok) 1 } \
1216: -underline 0
1217: button $buttonFrame.cancel -text Cancel -command { set gPrompt(ok) 0 } \
1218: -underline 0
1219: pack $buttonFrame.ok $buttonFrame.cancel -side left
1221: bind $dialog <Destroy> "set gPrompt(ok) 0"
1222: Centre_Dialog $dialog default
1223: update
1225: focus $dialog
1226: capaRaise $dialog
1227: capaGrab $dialog
1228: bind $dialog <Destroy> ""
1229: set done 0
1230: while { $done != 1 } {
1231: vwait gPrompt(ok)
1232: if { $gPrompt(ok) == 1 } {
1233: set done [checkHeaderForDefault]
1234: if { $done == 0 } {
1235: displayError "Must have a Default setting."
1236: }
1237: } else {
1238: set done 1
1239: }
1240: }
1241: capaGrab release $dialog
1242: destroy $dialog
1243: if {$gPrompt(ok) == 1 } {
1244: eval updateHeader [ eval concat $gControlDates ]
1245: }
1247: return
1249: }
1251: ###########################################################
1252: # allFieldsComplete2
1253: ###########################################################
1254: ###########################################################
1255: ###########################################################
1256: proc allFieldsComplete2 {} {
1257: global gLoadHeaderSet gControlDates
1259: if { [string length $gOpenDate] != 8 } {
1260: return 0
1261: } elseif { [string length $gOpenTime] != 5 } {
1262: return 0
1263: } elseif { [string length $gDueDate] != 8 } {
1264: return 0
1265: } elseif { [string length $gDueTime] != 5 } {
1266: return 0
1267: } elseif { [string length $gAnswerDate] != 8 } {
1268: return 0
1269: } elseif { [string length $gAnswerTime] != 5 } {
1270: return 0
1271: } else {
1272: return 1
1273: }
1274: }
1276: ###########################################################
1277: # createFindWindow
1278: ###########################################################
1279: ###########################################################
1280: ###########################################################
1281: proc createFindWindow { {num 0} } {
1282: global gFind gWindowMenu gFindListbox
1284: if { [winfo exists .find] } {
1285: capaRaise .find
1286: pickFindFile $num
1287: return
1288: }
1290: set find [toplevel .find]
1291: $gWindowMenu add command -label "Find" -command "capaRaise $find"
1292: wm title $find "Find"
1294: set findFrame [frame $find.findFrame -width 5i]
1295: set replaceFrame [frame $find.replaceFrame ]
1296: set optionsFrame [frame $find.optionsFrame ]
1297: set buttonFrame [frame $find.buttonsFrame ]
1298: pack $findFrame $replaceFrame $optionsFrame $buttonFrame -side top \
1299: -anchor e
1300: pack configure $buttonFrame -anchor center
1302: message $findFrame.msg -text "Find:" -aspect 10000
1303: entry $findFrame.entry -width 50 -textvariable gFind(find)
1304: pack $findFrame.msg $findFrame.entry -side left
1306: message $replaceFrame.msg -text "Replace with:" -aspect 10000
1307: entry $replaceFrame.entry -width 50 -textvariable gFind(replace)
1308: pack $replaceFrame.msg $replaceFrame.entry -side left
1310: set fileFrame [frame $optionsFrame.file]
1311: set scopeFrame [frame $optionsFrame.scope -relief groove -borderwidth 4]
1312: set findOptionsFrame [frame $optionsFrame.findOptionsFrame -relief \
1313: groove -borderwidth 4]
1314: pack $fileFrame $scopeFrame $findOptionsFrame -side left
1316: set fileList [ frame $fileFrame.list ]
1317: set fileScroll [frame $fileFrame.scroll ]
1318: pack $fileList $fileScroll -side left
1319: pack configure $fileScroll -fill y
1321: set gFindListbox [listbox $fileList.list -width 35 -height 4 \
1322: -xscrollcommand "$fileList.scroll set" \
1323: -yscrollcommand "$fileScroll.scroll set" \
1324: -exportselection no]
1325: scrollbar $fileList.scroll -orient h -command "$fileList.list xview"
1326: pack $fileList.list $fileList.scroll -side top
1327: pack configure $fileList.scroll -fill x
1328: pack configure $fileList.list -fill both -expand 1
1329: $fileList.list xview moveto 1
1331: scrollbar $fileScroll.scroll -orient v \
1332: -command "$fileList.list yview"
1333: pack $fileScroll.scroll -fill y -expand 1
1335: message $scopeFrame.msg -text "Replace All Scope" -aspect 10000
1336: radiobutton $scopeFrame.file -value "File" -variable gFind(scope) -text \
1337: "Entire File" \
1339: radiobutton $scopeFrame.selection -value "Selection" -variable \
1340: gFind(scope) -text "Selection"
1341: pack $scopeFrame.msg $scopeFrame.file $scopeFrame.selection
1342: pack configure $scopeFrame.file $scopeFrame.selection -anchor w
1343: set gFind(scope) File
1345: message $findOptionsFrame.msg -text "Find Options" -aspect 10000
1346: radiobutton $findOptionsFrame.ignoreCase -variable gFind(findOption) \
1347: -text "Ignore Case" -value "-nocase"
1348: radiobutton $findOptionsFrame.exactCase -variable gFind(findOption) \
1349: -text "Exact Case" -value "-exact"
1350: radiobutton $findOptionsFrame.regexp -variable gFind(findOption) \
1351: -text "Regular Expression" -value "-regexp"
1352: pack $findOptionsFrame.msg $findOptionsFrame.ignoreCase \
1353: $findOptionsFrame.exactCase $findOptionsFrame.regexp
1354: pack $findOptionsFrame.ignoreCase $findOptionsFrame.exactCase \
1355: $findOptionsFrame.regexp -anchor w
1356: set gFind(findOption) "-nocase"
1358: button $buttonFrame.replaceAll -text "Replace All" -command "replaceAll"
1359: button $buttonFrame.replace -text "Replace" -command "replace"
1360: button $buttonFrame.replaceFind -text "Replace and Find" -command \
1361: "replaceFind"
1362: button $buttonFrame.previous -text "Previous" -command "previous"
1363: button $ -text "Next <Return>" -command "next"
1364: bind $find <KeyPress-Return> next
1365: button $buttonFrame.close -text "Close" -command "removeWindowEntry Find
1366: destroy $find"
1367: bind $find <Destroy> "removeWindowEntry Find"
1368: pack $buttonFrame.replaceAll $buttonFrame.replace \
1369: $buttonFrame.replaceFind $buttonFrame.previous \
1370: $ $buttonFrame.close -side left
1372: Centre_Dialog $find default
1373: updateFindList
1374: pickFindFile $num
1375: }
1377: ###########################################################
1378: # pickFindFile
1379: ###########################################################
1380: ###########################################################
1381: ###########################################################
1382: proc pickFindFile { num } {
1383: global gFindListbox gFindList gRefFile gFile
1384: if { [catch {set gFindListbox}] } { return }
1385: if { ![winfo exists $gFindListbox] } { return }
1386: if { $num == 0 } {
1387: set newfile $gFile
1388: } else {
1389: set newfile $gRefFile($num)
1390: }
1391: for {set i 0} {$i<[llength $gFindList(files)]} {incr i} {
1392: set file [lindex $gFindList(files) $i]
1393: if { $file == $newfile } { break }
1394: }
1395: if { $i < [llength $gFindList(files)] } {
1396: $gFindListbox selection clear 0 end
1397: $gFindListbox selection set $i
1398: }
1399: }
1401: ###########################################################
1402: # updateFindList
1403: ###########################################################
1404: ###########################################################
1405: ###########################################################
1406: proc updateFindList {} {
1407: global gFindListbox gFindList
1408: if { [catch {set gFindListbox}] } { return }
1409: if { ![winfo exists $gFindListbox] } { return }
1410: $gFindListbox delete 0 end
1411: eval "$gFindListbox insert end $gFindList(files)"
1412: $gFindListbox xview moveto 1
1413: }
1415: ###########################################################
1416: # whichFile
1417: ###########################################################
1418: ###########################################################
1419: ###########################################################
1420: proc whichFile { refNum } {
1421: global gRefFile gFile
1422: if { $refNum > 0 } {
1423: return $gRefFile($refNum)
1424: } else {
1425: if { $refNum < 0 } {
1426: switch -- $refNum {
1427: -1 { return "Preview Window" }
1428: -2 { return "Parse Errors Window" }
1429: -3 { return "LaTeX Output Window" }
1430: }
1431: } else {
1432: return $gFile
1433: }
1434: }
1435: }
1436: ###########################################################
1437: # addFindList
1438: ###########################################################
1439: ###########################################################
1440: ###########################################################
1441: proc addFindList { {refNum 0} } {
1442: global gFindList gRefFile gFile
1444: set file [whichFile $refNum]
1445: lappend gFindList(files) $file
1446: lappend gFindList(refNum) $refNum
1447: updateFindList
1448: }
1450: ###########################################################
1451: # removeFindList
1452: ###########################################################
1453: ###########################################################
1454: ###########################################################
1455: proc removeFindList { {refNum 0} } {
1456: global gFindList gRefFile gFile
1458: set file [whichFile $refNum]
1459: set k [llength $gFindList(refNum)]
1460: for {set i 0} {$i < $k } { incr i } {
1461: if { $refNum == [lindex $gFindList(refNum) $i] } { break }
1462: }
1463: if { $i != $k } {
1464: set gFindList(refNum) [lreplace $gFindList(refNum) $i $i]
1465: set gFindList(files) [lreplace $gFindList(files) $i $i]
1466: }
1467: updateFindList
1468: }
1470: ###########################################################
1471: # getFindWindow
1472: ###########################################################
1473: ###########################################################
1474: ###########################################################
1475: proc getFindWindow { {refNumVar none} } {
1476: global gFindListbox gFindList gRefText gTextWindow \
1477: gPreviewText gParseErrorsText gCreateDviText
1479: set current [$gFindListbox curselection]
1480: if { $current == "" } { set current 0 }
1481: if { [set refNum [lindex $gFindList(refNum) $current] ] } {
1482: if { $refNum < 0 } {
1483: switch -- $refNum {
1484: -1 { set window $gPreviewText }
1485: -2 { set window $gParseErrorsText }
1486: -3 { set window $gCreateDviText }
1487: }
1488: } else {
1489: set window $gRefText($refNum)
1490: }
1491: } else {
1492: set window $gTextWindow
1493: }
1494: if { $refNumVar != "none" } {
1495: upvar $refNumVar refNumUp
1496: set refNumUp $refNum
1497: }
1498: return $window
1499: }
1501: ###########################################################
1502: # replaceAll
1503: ###########################################################
1504: ###########################################################
1505: ###########################################################
1506: proc replaceAll {} {
1507: global gFind gCreateImportLinks
1509: set window [getFindWindow]
1510: if { ![winfo exists $window] } { return }
1512: set gCreateImportLinks 0
1513: set num 0
1514: switch $gFind(scope) {
1515: File
1516: {
1517: $window mark set insert 0.0
1518: set begin 0.0
1519: while { [nextRegion $begin end] != "" } {
1520: incr num
1521: replace
1522: if { ! ($num%10) } { update idletasks }
1523: set begin sel.last
1524: }
1525: }
1526: Selection
1527: {
1528: set error [ catch {$window mark set replace sel.first}]
1529: if { $error != 0 } { return }
1530: $window mark set capaBegin sel.first
1531: $window mark set capaEnd sel.last
1532: while { [set begin [nextRegion capaBegin capaEnd]] != "" } {
1533: incr num
1534: replace
1535: $window mark set capaBegin $begin
1536: }
1537: }
1538: }
1539: if { $num == 1 } { set s {} } { set s s }
1540: update idletasks
1541: set gCreateImportLinks 1
1542: getFindWindow refNum
1543: if { $refNum >= 0 } { registerCreateImportLinks $refNum 0.0 end }
1544: displayMessage "Replaced $num occurance$s"
1545: }
1547: ###########################################################
1548: ###########################################################
1549: ###########################################################
1550: ###########################################################
1551: proc replace {} {
1552: global gFind
1554: set refNum 0
1555: set window [getFindWindow refNum]
1556: if { ![winfo exist $window] } { return }
1558: set error [ catch {$window mark set replace sel.first}]
1559: if { $error == 0 } {
1560: $window delete sel.first sel.last
1561: } else {
1562: $window mark set replace insert
1563: }
1565: $window insert replace "$gFind(replace)"
1567: catch {$window tag remove sel sel.first sel.last}
1569: $window tag add sel "replace - [string length "$gFind(replace)"] \
1570: chars " replace
1571: $window see replace
1573: $window mark unset replace
1574: }
1576: ###########################################################
1577: ###########################################################
1578: ###########################################################
1579: ###########################################################
1580: proc replaceFind {} {
1581: set window [getFindWindow]
1582: if { ![winfo exists $window] } { return }
1583: replace
1584: next
1585: }
1587: ###########################################################
1588: ###########################################################
1589: ###########################################################
1590: ###########################################################
1591: proc searchBody { found } {
1592: global gFind
1594: set window [getFindWindow refNum]
1595: if { ![winfo exists $window] } { return }
1597: catch {$window tag remove sel sel.first sel.last}
1598: $window tag add sel $found "$found + [string length $gFind(find)] \
1599: chars"
1600: $window see $found
1601: $window mark set insert "$found + [string length $gFind(find)] chars"
1602: }
1604: ###########################################################
1605: ###########################################################
1606: ###########################################################
1607: ###########################################################
1608: proc previous {} {
1609: global gFind
1611: set window [getFindWindow]
1612: if { ![winfo exists $window] } { return }
1614: if { [catch { set found [$window search $gFind(findOption) -backwards -- \
1615: $gFind(find) "sel.first - 1 c" ] } ] } {
1616: set found [ $window search $gFind(findOption) -backwards -- \
1617: $gFind(find) "insert - 1 c" ]
1618: }
1619: if { $found != "" } { searchBody $found }
1620: return $found
1621: }
1623: ###########################################################
1624: ###########################################################
1625: ###########################################################
1626: ###########################################################
1627: proc next {} {
1628: global gFind
1630: set window [getFindWindow]
1631: if { ![winfo exists $window] } { return }
1633: set found [ $window search $gFind(findOption) -forwards -- \
1634: $gFind(find) "insert + 1 c" ]
1635: if { $found != "" } {
1636: searchBody $found
1637: } else {
1638: displayMessage "Search String Not Found"
1639: }
1640: return $found
1641: }
1643: ###########################################################
1644: ###########################################################
1645: ###########################################################
1646: ###########################################################
1647: proc nextRegion { begin end } {
1648: global gFind
1650: set window [getFindWindow]
1651: if { ![winfo exists $window] } { return }
1653: set error [ catch {set found [ $window search $gFind(findOption) \
1654: -forwards -- $gFind(find) $begin $end ] } ]
1655: if { $error != 0 } { set found "" }
1656: if { $found != "" } {
1657: searchBody $found
1658: set found "$found + [string length $gFind(find)] chars"
1659: }
1660: return $found
1661: }
1663: ###########################################################
1664: ###########################################################
1665: ###########################################################
1666: ###########################################################
1667: proc createLineWindow {} {
1668: global gLineNumber gCharacterNumber gLineNumberGoto gCharacterNumberGoto
1669: global gWindowMenu
1671: if { [winfo exists .lineWindow] } {
1672: capaRaise .lineWindow
1673: return
1674: }
1676: set lineWindow [toplevel .lineWindow]
1677: $gWindowMenu add command -label "LineSelect" -command \
1678: "capaRaise $lineWindow"
1679: wm title $lineWindow "Select Line"
1681: label $lineWindow.line -text "Line:"
1682: grid $lineWindow.line -column 1 -row 0
1683: label $lineWindow.character -text "Character:"
1684: grid $lineWindow.character -column 2 -row 0
1685: label $lineWindow.current -text "Current:"
1686: grid $lineWindow.current -column 0 -row 1
1687: label $lineWindow.lineNumber -textvariable gLineNumber
1688: grid $lineWindow.lineNumber -column 1 -row 1
1689: label $lineWindow.characterNumber -textvariable gCharacterNumber
1690: grid $lineWindow.characterNumber -column 2 -row 1
1691: label $lineWindow.goto -text "Goto:"
1692: grid $lineWindow.goto -column 0 -row 2
1693: entry $lineWindow.lineEntry -textvariable gLineNumberGoto
1694: grid $lineWindow.lineEntry -column 1 -row 2
1695: set gLineNumberGoto ""
1696: entry $lineWindow.characterEntry -textvariable gCharacterNumberGoto
1697: grid $lineWindow.characterEntry -column 2 -row 2
1698: set gCharacterNumberGoto ""
1699: button $lineWindow.close -text "Close" -command "destroy $lineWindow
1700: removeWindowEntry LineSelect"
1701: bind $lineWindow <Destroy> "removeWindowEntry LineSelect"
1702: grid $lineWindow.close -column 1 -row 3
1703: button $lineWindow.gotoButton -text "Goto<Return>" -command "gotoLine"
1704: grid $lineWindow.gotoButton -column 2 -row 3
1706: bind $lineWindow <KeyPress-Return> gotoLine
1708: Centre_Dialog $lineWindow default
1709: }
1711: ###########################################################
1712: ###########################################################
1713: ###########################################################
1714: ###########################################################
1715: proc gotoLine {} {
1716: global gTextWindow gLineNumberGoto gCharacterNumberGoto
1717: if { [catch {set gTextWindow}] } { return }
1718: if { ![winfo exists $gTextWindow] } { return }
1720: if { $gCharacterNumberGoto == "" } {
1721: if { $gLineNumberGoto == "" } {
1722: return
1723: } else {
1724: $gTextWindow mark set insert $gLineNumberGoto.0
1725: catch {$gTextWindow tag remove sel sel.first sel.last}
1726: $gTextWindow tag add sel "insert linestart" "insert lineend"
1727: $gTextWindow see insert
1728: }
1729: } else {
1730: if { $gLineNumberGoto == "" } {
1731: $gTextWindow mark set insert "insert linestart + \
1732: $gCharacterNumberGoto chars"
1733: catch {$gTextWindow tag remove sel sel.first sel.last}
1734: $gTextWindow tag add sel "insert - 1 chars " insert
1735: $gTextWindow see insert
1736: } else {
1737: $gTextWindow mark set insert $gLineNumberGoto.$gCharacterNumberGoto
1738: catch {$gTextWindow tag remove sel sel.first sel.last}
1739: $gTextWindow tag add sel "$gLineNumberGoto.$gCharacterNumberGoto \
1740: - 1 chars " "$gLineNumberGoto.$gCharacterNumberGoto"
1741: $gTextWindow see insert
1742: }
1743: }
1744: }
1746: proc faster {} {
1747: global gFasterParsing
1748: puts $gFasterParsing
1749: }
1751: ###########################################################
1752: # createPrefsWindow
1753: ###########################################################
1754: ###########################################################
1755: ###########################################################
1756: proc createPrefsWindow {} {
1757: global gPrefs gWindowMenu gEditWindow gFile gWhichFile gPrefsEditWindow \
1758: gFasterParsing
1759: if { [catch {set gEditWindow}] } { return }
1760: if { ![winfo exists $gEditWindow] } { return }
1761: if { [winfo exists .prefs] } { capaRaise .prefs; return }
1763: set prefs [toplevel .prefs]
1764: $gWindowMenu add command -label "Prefrences" -command "capaRaise $prefs"
1765: wm title $prefs "Preferences"
1767: set frameAll [frame $prefs.frameAll -relief groove -borderwidth 4]
1768: pack $frameAll -expand true -fill both
1770: set frameFile [frame $frameAll.file]
1771: set frameInfo [frame $ -relief groove -borderwidth 4 ]
1772: set frameButton [frame $frameAll.button ]
1773: pack $frameButton $frameInfo $frameFile -side top -expand false
1774: pack configure $frameButton -expand false -anchor center
1776: message $frameInfo.msg -text "Print Out"
1777: radiobutton $frameInfo.problem -text "Problems Only" -value "Problem" \
1778: -variable gPrefs(info)
1779: radiobutton $frameInfo.problemandanswer -text "Problems and Answers" \
1780: -value "ProblemAnswer" -variable gPrefs(info)
1781: radiobutton $frameInfo.answer -text "Answers Only" -value "Answer" \
1782: -variable gPrefs(info)
1783: pack $frameInfo.msg $frameInfo.problem $frameInfo.problemandanswer \
1784: $frameInfo.answer -side left -expand false -anchor w
1787: set selectMenu [tk_optionMenu $ gWhichFile HTMLheader HTMLfooter \
1788: TeXheader TeXfooter]
1789: set frameEdit [frame $frameFile.edit]
1790: pack $ $frameEdit
1791: pack configure $frameEdit -expand true -fill both
1792: trace variable gWhichFile w changePrefFile
1794: scrollbar $frameEdit.scroll -orient vertical -command "$frameEdit.text yview"
1795: set gPrefsEditWindow [text $frameEdit.text -yscrollcommand \
1796: "$frameEdit.scroll set" -wrap char -height 20 -width 80]
1797: pack $frameEdit.scroll $frameEdit.text -side left
1798: pack configure $frameEdit.scroll -expand false -fill y
1799: pack configure $frameEdit.text -expand true -fill both
1801: checkbutton $frameButton.faster -text "Faster Parsing" -command faster \
1802: -variable gFasterParsing
1803: button $frameButton.impcolor -text "/IMP color" -command "getColor IMP_color"
1804: button $frameButton.commentcolor -text "// color" -command "getColor comment_color"
1805: button $frameButton.config -text "Reread capa.config" -command "rereadCapaConfig"
1806: button $frameButton.ok -text "Dismiss" -command "destroy $prefs
1807: trace vdelete gWhichFile w changePrefFile
1808: removeWindowEntry Prefrences"
1809: bind $prefs <Destroy> "removeWindowEntry Preferences"
1810: button $ -text "Save All" -command "savePrefs"
1811: pack $frameButton.impcolor $frameButton.commentcolor $frameButton.config \
1812: $frameButton.ok $ $frameButton.faster -side left
1814: foreach file {HTMLheader HTMLfooter TeXheader TeXfooter} {
1815: if { [ catch {
1816: set filename [file join [file dirname $gFile] $file ]
1817: set fileId [open $filename r]
1818: set gPrefs($file) [read $fileId [file size $filename ]]
1819: close $fileId } errors ] } {
1820: set gPrefs($file) ""
1821: }
1822: }
1823: set gPrefs(currentFile) ""
1824: set gWhichFile HTMLheader
1827: Centre_Dialog $prefs default
1828: }
1830: ###########################################################
1831: # getColor
1832: ###########################################################
1833: ###########################################################
1834: ###########################################################
1835: proc getColor { whatfor } {
1836: global gCapaConfig gUniqueNumber gRefText
1837: set color [tk_chooseColor -initialcolor $gCapaConfig($whatfor)]
1838: set gCapaConfig($whatfor) $color
1839: if { $color != "" } { updateColors }
1840: displayMessage "To keep this color, put \"$whatfor = $color\" in the capa.config file."
1841: }
1843: ###########################################################
1844: # updateColors
1845: ###########################################################
1846: ###########################################################
1847: ###########################################################
1848: proc updateColors {} {
1849: global gCapaConfig gUniqueNumber gRefText
1850: set todo [array names gRefText]
1851: lappend todo 0
1852: displayStatus "Updating Colors . . ." both
1853: set num 0
1854: foreach win $todo {
1855: createImportLinks $win 0.0 end
1856: incr num
1857: updateStatusBar [expr $num/double([llength $todo])]
1858: }
1859: removeStatus
1860: }
1862: ###########################################################
1863: # changePrefFile
1864: ###########################################################
1865: ###########################################################
1866: ###########################################################
1867: proc changePrefFile { var1 var2 op } {
1868: global gPrefs gPrefsEditWindow gFile gWhichFile
1870: if { $gPrefs(currentFile) != "" } {
1871: set gPrefs($gPrefs(currentFile)) [$gPrefsEditWindow get 0.0 end-1c]
1872: }
1873: set gPrefs(currentFile) $gWhichFile
1874: $gPrefsEditWindow delete 0.0 end
1875: $gPrefsEditWindow insert 0.0 $gPrefs($gWhichFile)
1876: }
1878: ###########################################################
1879: # updatePrefsWindow
1880: ###########################################################
1881: ###########################################################
1882: ###########################################################
1883: proc updatePrefsWindow {} {
1884: global gPrefs gPrefsEditWindow gFile gWhichFile
1885: if { [catch {set gPrefsEditWindow}] } { return }
1886: if { ![winfo exists $gPrefsEditWindow] } { return }
1888: foreach file {HTMLheader HTMLfooter TeXheader TeXfooter} {
1889: if { [ catch {
1890: set filename [file join [file dirname $gFile] $file ]
1891: set fileId [open $filename r]
1892: set gPrefs($file) [read $fileId [file size $filename]]
1893: close $fileId } ] } {
1894: set gPrefs($file) ""
1895: }
1896: }
1897: $gPrefsEditWindow delete 0.0 end
1898: $gPrefsEditWindow insert 0.0 $gPrefs($gWhichFile)
1899: }
1901: ###########################################################
1902: ###########################################################
1903: ###########################################################
1904: ###########################################################
1905: proc savePrefs {} {
1906: global gPrefsEditWindow gFile gPrefs
1907: if { [catch {set gPrefsEditWindow}] } { return }
1908: if { ![winfo exists $gPrefsEditWindow] } { return }
1909: if { $gPrefs(currentFile) != "" } {
1910: set gPrefs($gPrefs(currentFile)) [$gPrefsEditWindow get 0.0 end-1c]
1911: }
1912: foreach file {HTMLheader HTMLfooter TeXheader TeXfooter} {
1913: if { $gPrefs($file) != "" } {
1914: set fileId [open [file join [file dirname $gFile] $file ] w]
1915: puts -nonewline $fileId $gPrefs($file)
1916: close $fileId
1917: } else {
1918: exec rm -f [file join [file dirname $gFile] $file ]
1919: }
1920: }
1921: }
1923: ###########################################################
1924: # checkHeader
1925: ###########################################################
1926: ###########################################################
1927: ###########################################################
1928: proc checkHeader { numberParsed } {
1929: global gWeightsDiffer gPartialDiffer gSetNumberText gHeaderQCount \
1930: gControlDates gLoadHeaderSet gFirstTime
1932: # if { $gFirstTime } { set gFirstTime 0; return }
1933: set gLoadHeaderSet $gSetNumberText
1934: set error [catch {getHeaderInfo}]
1935: if { $error == 1 } {
1936: set gHeaderQCount "0"
1937: set gControlDates ""
1938: displayError "The db file for this set does not yet exist."
1939: } else {
1940: set errortext ""
1941: if { ( $numberParsed != $gHeaderQCount ) } {
1942: set error 1
1943: append errortext "Number of questions ($numberParsed) is different from the number in setX.db ($gHeaderQCount). "
1944: }
1945: if { $gWeightsDiffer } {
1946: set error 1
1947: append errortext "The problem weights specified in the QZ file are different from the ones in the DB file. "
1948: }
1949: if { $gPartialDiffer } {
1950: set error 1
1951: append errortext "Whether or not a problem is hand graded as specified in the QZ file is different from the DB file. "
1952: }
1953: if { $error } {
1954: displayError "The curent DB Header does not match what the set file says it should be: $errortext. Set the DB Header!" red
1955: }
1956: }
1957: return $error
1958: }
1960: ###########################################################
1961: # fillInStudentName
1962: ###########################################################
1963: ###########################################################
1964: ###########################################################
1965: #proc notherefillInStudentName { v } {
1966: # global $v
1968: # set student [capaGetStudent [set ${v}(studentNumber)]]
1969: # set ${v}(studentName) [lindex $student [expr [llength $student] - 1] ]
1970: #}
1972: ###########################################################
1973: # studentSelectWindow
1974: ###########################################################
1975: ###########################################################
1976: ###########################################################
1977: proc studentSelectWindow { followupCommand } {
1978: global gStudentSelection gChanged gWindowMenu gEditWindow
1979: if { [catch {set gEditWindow}] } { return }
1980: if { ![winfo exists $gEditWindow] } { return }
1981: if { $gChanged } { if { [askToSave 0 0] == "Cancel" } { return } }
1983: if { [winfo exists .studentSelect] } {
1984: capaRaise .studentSelect
1985: return
1986: }
1987: set student [toplevel .studentSelect]
1988: $gWindowMenu add command -label "SelectStudent" \
1989: -command "capaRaise $student"
1990: wm title $student "Select Student"
1992: message $student.msg -text "Please specify a student to preview" \
1993: -aspect 10000
1994: set infoFrame [frame $student.frame -relief groove -borderwidth 4]
1995: set buttonFrame [frame $student.buttonFrame ]
1996: pack $student.msg $infoFrame $buttonFrame -side top
1998: button $buttonFrame.ok -text "Preview" -command \
1999: "selectStudentPreview $student $followupCommand"
2000: button $buttonFrame.cancel -text "Cancel" -command \
2001: "destroy $student
2002: trace vdelete gStudentSelection(studentNumber) w \"global gStudentSelection; set gStudentSelection(type) Specific ;#\"
2003: trace vdelete gStudentSelection(studentName) w \"global gStudentSelection; set gStudentSelection(type) Specific ;#\"
2004: removeWindowEntry SelectStudent"
2005: bind $student <Destroy> \
2006: "trace vdelete gStudentSelection(studentNumber) w \"global gStudentSelection; set gStudentSelection(type) Specific ;#\"
2007: trace vdelete gStudentSelection(studentName) w \"global gStudentSelection; set gStudentSelection(type) Specific ;#\"
2008: removeWindowEntry SelectStudent"
2009: pack $buttonFrame.ok $buttonFrame.cancel -side left
2011: set randomAnyFrame [frame $infoFrame.randomany]
2012: set randomFrame [frame $infoFrame.random]
2013: set specificFrame [frame $infoFrame.specific]
2014: set sectionFrame [frame $infoFrame.section]
2015: # pack $randomAnyFrame $randomFrame $specificFrame $sectionFrame -side top
2016: pack $randomFrame $specificFrame -side top
2017: pack configure $specificFrame -expand true -fill both
2019: radiobutton $randomAnyFrame.random -text "Randomly select a student" \
2020: -value "RandomAny" -variable gStudentSelection(type)
2021: pack $randomAnyFrame.random
2023: radiobutton $randomFrame.random -text "Randomly select one student \
2024: from section:" -value "Random" -variable gStudentSelection(type)
2025: entry $randomFrame.entry -textvariable gStudentSelection(random) -width 3
2026: pack $randomFrame.random $randomFrame.entry -side left
2028: radiobutton $specificFrame.specific -text "Specify the student by:" \
2029: -value "Specific" -variable gStudentSelection(type)
2030: set studentNumber [frame $specificFrame.studentNumber]
2031: set fullName [frame $specificFrame.fullName]
2032: pack $specificFrame.specific $studentNumber $fullName -side top
2033: pack configure $specificFrame.specific -anchor w
2034: pack configure $studentNumber $fullName -anchor e
2036: radiobutton $sectionFrame.section
2037: message $studentNumber.msg -text "Student Number: " -aspect 10000
2038: entry $studentNumber.entry -textvariable gStudentSelection(studentNumber) \
2039: -width 9 -validate key -validatecommand "limitEntry %W 9 any %P"
2040: pack $studentNumber.msg $studentNumber.entry -side left
2042: message $fullName.msg -text "Student Name: " -aspect 10000
2043: entry $fullName.msg2 -textvariable gStudentSelection(studentName) -width 35 \
2044: -validate key -validatecommand "limitEntry %W 35 any %P"
2045: pack $fullName.msg $fullName.msg2 -side left
2047: trace variable gStudentSelection(studentNumber) w \
2048: "global gStudentSelection; set gStudentSelection(type) Specific ;#"
2049: trace variable gStudentSelection(studentName) w \
2050: "global gStudentSelection; set gStudentSelection(type) Specific ;#"
2052: bind $studentNumber.entry <KeyPress-Return> \
2053: "fillInStudent gStudentSelection(studentName) gStudentSelection(studentNumber) 0"
2054: bind $fullName.msg2 <KeyPress-Return> \
2055: "fillInStudent gStudentSelection(studentName) gStudentSelection(studentNumber) 1"
2056: # $specificFrame.specific configure -command \
2057: "$studentNumber.entry configure -state normal"
2058: # $randomFrame.random configure -command \
2059: "$studentNumber.entry configure -state disabled"
2061: Centre_Dialog $student default
2062: }
2064: ###########################################################
2065: # selectStudentPreview
2066: ###########################################################
2067: ###########################################################
2068: ###########################################################
2069: proc selectStudentPreview { student followupCommand} {
2070: global gStudentSelection
2071: destroy $student
2072: if { $gStudentSelection(type) == "Specific" } {
2073: if {$gStudentSelection(studentNumber) == ""} {
2074: fillInStudent gStudentSelection(studentName) \
2075: gStudentSelection(studentNumber) 1
2076: } else {
2077: fillInStudent gStudentSelection(studentName) \
2078: gStudentSelection(studentNumber) 0
2079: }
2080: if {$gStudentSelection(studentNumber) == ""} { return }
2081: }
2082: removeWindowEntry SelectStudent
2083: $followupCommand
2084: }
2086: ###########################################################
2087: # createPreviewWindow
2088: ###########################################################
2089: ###########################################################
2090: ###########################################################
2091: proc createPreviewWindow {} {
2092: global gPreviewMode gPreviewText gPrefs gSetNumberText gStudentSelection
2093: global gWindowMenu gNumberParsedText gNumber
2094: global gLoadHeaderSet gHeaderQCount gControlDates
2096: if { ![winfo exists .preview] } {
2098: set previewWindow [toplevel .preview]
2099: $gWindowMenu add command -label "Preview" -command \
2100: "capaRaise $previewWindow"
2101: wm title $previewWindow "Preview"
2102: addFindList -1
2104: set windowFrame [frame $previewWindow.windowFrame]
2105: set buttonFrame [frame $previewWindow.buttonFrame]
2107: pack $windowFrame $buttonFrame -side bottom
2108: pack configure $windowFrame -expand true -fill both
2109: pack configure $buttonFrame -anchor e
2111: scrollbar $windowFrame.scroll -orient vertical -command \
2112: "$windowFrame.text yview"
2113: set gPreviewText [text $windowFrame.text -yscrollcommand \
2114: "$windowFrame.scroll set" -wrap char -height 40]
2116: pack $windowFrame.scroll $gPreviewText -side left -expand 0
2117: pack configure $windowFrame.scroll -expand 0 -fill y
2118: pack configure $gPreviewText -expand true -fill both
2120: button $buttonFrame.ok -text Dismiss -command "destroy $previewWindow
2121: removeWindowEntry Preview
2122: removeFindList -1"
2123: bind $previewWindow <Destroy> "removeWindowEntry Preview
2124: removeFindList -1"
2125: button $ -text "Save Output" -command "saveText $gPreviewText"
2126: button $buttonFrame.stop -text "Stop Parser" -command "stopParser"
2127: button $buttonFrame.print -text "Print Output" -command "printText $gPreviewText"
2128: pack $buttonFrame.print $ $buttonFrame.stop \
2129: $buttonFrame.ok -side left
2131: Centre_Dialog $previewWindow default
2132: wm withdraw $previewWindow
2133: update idletasks
2134: set win_width [winfo reqwidth $previewWindow]
2135: set win_height [winfo reqheight $previewWindow]
2136: wm geometry $previewWindow +[expr [winfo rootx $previewWindow] - \
2137: 100]+[winfo rooty $previewWindow]
2138: wm deiconify $previewWindow
2139: update
2140: } else {
2141: set previewWindow .preview
2142: $gPreviewText delete 0.0 end
2143: update
2144: }
2146: switch $gPrefs(info) {
2147: Problem { set type 0 }
2148: ProblemAnswer { set type 1 }
2149: Answer { set type 2 }
2150: }
2151: grab .preview
2152: if { [catch {
2153: switch $gPreviewMode {
2154: Enscript
2155: {
2156: set numberParsed [enscriptParse $type $gSetNumberText \
2157: $gStudentSelection(type) $gStudentSelection(random) \
2158: $gStudentSelection(studentNumber) \
2159: $gStudentSelection(studentName) gPreviewText]
2160: }
2161: TeX
2162: {
2163: set numberParsed [texParse $type $gSetNumberText \
2164: $gStudentSelection(type) $gStudentSelection(random) \
2165: $gStudentSelection(studentNumber) \
2166: $gStudentSelection(studentName) gPreviewText]
2167: }
2168: Web
2169: {
2170: set numberParsed [webParse $type $gSetNumberText \
2171: $gStudentSelection(type) $gStudentSelection(random) \
2172: $gStudentSelection(studentNumber) \
2173: $gStudentSelection(studentName) gPreviewText]
2174: }
2175: } }]} { return }
2176: grab release .preview
2177: if { $numberParsed == -1 } {
2178: destroy $previewWindow
2179: removeWindowEntry Preview
2180: return
2181: }
2182: checkHeader $numberParsed
2183: $gPreviewText tag configure problem
2184: $gPreviewText tag configure answer
2185: capaRaise $previewWindow
2187: set gNumberParsedText $numberParsed
2188: showParseErrors
2189: }
2191: ###########################################################
2192: ###########################################################
2193: ###########################################################
2194: ###########################################################
2195: proc showParseErrors {} {
2196: global gParseErrorsText gWindowMenu
2198: set parseErrors [getParseErrors]
2200: if { $parseErrors != "" } {
2202: if { ![winfo exists .parseErrors] } {
2204: set parseErrorsWindow [toplevel .parseErrors]
2205: $gWindowMenu add command -label "ParseErrors" -command "capaRaise \
2206: $parseErrorsWindow"
2207: wm title $parseErrorsWindow "Parse Errors"
2208: addFindList -2
2210: set windowFrame [frame $parseErrorsWindow.windowFrame]
2211: set buttonFrame [frame $parseErrorsWindow.buttonFrame]
2213: pack $windowFrame $buttonFrame -side bottom
2214: pack configure $windowFrame -expand true -fill both
2215: pack configure $buttonFrame -anchor e
2217: scrollbar $windowFrame.scroll -orient vertical -command \
2218: "$windowFrame.text yview"
2219: set gParseErrorsText [text $windowFrame.text -yscrollcommand \
2220: "$windowFrame.scroll set" -wrap char -height 40]
2222: pack $windowFrame.scroll $gParseErrorsText -side left -expand 0
2223: pack configure $windowFrame.scroll -expand 0 -fill y
2224: pack configure $gParseErrorsText -expand true -fill both
2226: button $buttonFrame.ok -text Dismiss -command \
2227: "destroy $parseErrorsWindow
2228: removeWindowEntry ParseErrors
2229: removeFindList -2"
2230: bind $parseErrorsWindow <Destroy> "removeWindowEntry ParseErrors
2231: removeFindList -2"
2232: button $ -text "Save Output" \
2233: -command "saveText $gParseErrorsText"
2234: button $buttonFrame.print -text "Print Output" \
2235: -command "printText $gParseErrorsText"
2236: pack $buttonFrame.print $ \
2237: $buttonFrame.ok -side left
2239: Centre_Dialog $parseErrorsWindow default
2240: update
2241: capaRaise $parseErrorsWindow
2242: } else {
2243: $gParseErrorsText delete 0.0 end
2244: capaRaise .parseErrors
2245: }
2247: $gParseErrorsText insert end $parseErrors
2248: } else {
2249: if { [winfo exists .parseErrors] } { $gParseErrorsText delete 0.0 end }
2250: }
2252: return $parseErrors
2253: }
2255: ###########################################################
2256: # printText
2257: ###########################################################
2258: # prints the contents of the text window, creates a temp file named
2259: # quiztemp.txt
2260: ###########################################################
2261: # Arguments: window (name of text window to print the contents of.
2262: # Returns : nothing
2263: # Globals :
2264: ###########################################################
2265: proc printText { window } {
2267: if { ![winfo exists $window] } {
2268: return
2269: }
2270: set lprCommand [getLprCommand quiztemp.txt]
2272: if {$lprCommand == "Cancel"} {
2273: return
2274: }
2276: set fileId [open "quiztemp.txt" w]
2277: puts -nonewline $fileId "[ $window get 0.0 end ]"
2278: close $fileId
2280: set errorMsg ""
2281: set error [catch {set output [ eval "exec $lprCommand" ] } errorMsg ]
2283: if { $error == 1 } {
2284: displayError "An error occurred while printing: $errorMsg"
2285: } else {
2286: displayMessage "Print job sent to the printer.\n $output"
2287: }
2288: exec rm -f quiztemp.txt
2289: }
2291: ###########################################################
2292: # saveText
2293: ###########################################################
2294: # saves the contents of the text window
2295: ###########################################################
2296: # Arguments: window (name of text window to save the contents of.
2297: # saveAs (whether to ask to save)
2298: # refNum (if supplied reference file unique number
2299: # that is being saved)
2300: # Returns : name of the file saved
2301: # Globals :
2302: ###########################################################
2303: proc saveText { window {saveAs 1} {refNum 0} } {
2304: global gWindowMenu gRefFile gRefChanged gCapaConfig gFile
2306: if { ![winfo exists $window] } {return}
2307: if { $refNum } {
2308: if {$saveAs} {
2309: set dir [file dirname $gRefFile($refNum)]
2310: set file ""
2311: } else {
2312: set dir [file dirname $gRefFile($refNum)]
2313: set file [file tail $gRefFile($refNum)]
2314: }
2315: } else { set dir [ set file "" ] }
2316: # if { $dir == "" || $dir == "."} { set dir [pwd] }
2317: if { $file == "" } {
2318: set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "Enter the name to Save As" \
2319: -initialdir "$dir" ]
2320: if { $file == "" } {
2321: displayError "File not saved"
2322: return
2323: }
2324: } else {
2325: set file [file join $dir $file]
2326: }
2328: if { $refNum } {
2329: catch {removeWindowEntry "Reference $gRefFile($refNum)*" }
2330: catch {removeFindList $refNum}
2331: set gRefFile($refNum) $file
2332: addFindList $refNum
2333: wm title [winfo toplevel $window] $file
2334: $gWindowMenu add command -label "Reference $file" \
2335: -command "capaRaise [winfo toplevel $window]"
2336: if { !$saveAs } {
2337: if { ([array name gCapaConfig quizzerBackupRef] == "") ||
2338: ($gCapaConfig(quizzerBackupRef)!="off") } {
2339: if { [catch {file copy -force $file $file.bak} ] } {
2340: displayError "Unable to create backup for $file"
2341: }
2342: }
2343: }
2344: }
2345: set fileId [open $file w]
2346: puts -nonewline $fileId [$window get 0.0 end]
2347: close $fileId
2348: if { $refNum } { set gRefChanged($refNum) 0 }
2349: if { ([file tail $file] == "capa.config") && ($dir == [file dirname $gFile]) } {
2350: if { [makeSure "Reread capa.config settings into Quizzer?"] != "Cancel" } {
2351: rereadCapaConfig
2352: }
2353: }
2355: return $file
2356: }
2358: ###########################################################
2359: # deleteFile
2360: ###########################################################
2361: ###########################################################
2362: ###########################################################
2363: proc deleteFile { which } {
2364: global gFile gRefFile
2365: if { $which } { set file $gRefFile($which) } else { set file $gFile }
2366: if { [makeSure "Do you wish to Delete $file"] == "Cancel" } { return }
2367: if { $which } { closeRefFile $which 1 0 } else { closeDocument 1 0 }
2368: file delete -- $file
2369: }
2371: ###########################################################
2372: ###########################################################
2373: ###########################################################
2374: ###########################################################
2375: proc rereadCapaConfig { } {
2376: global gCapaConfig
2377: set printer_option $gCapaConfig(printer_option)
2378: unset gCapaConfig(printer_option)
2379: set error [parseCapaConfig]
2380: if { $error != "OK" } {
2381: displayError "Invalid capa.config file"
2382: set gCapaConfig(printer_option) $printer_option
2383: }
2384: updateColors
2385: }
2387: ###########################################################
2388: ###########################################################
2389: ###########################################################
2390: ###########################################################
2391: proc pickCapaConfig { } {
2392: set error NOTOK
2393: while { $error != "OK" } {
2394: set file [tk_getOpenFile -title "Pick a capa.config file" \
2395: -filetypes { { {CAPA configuration} {capa.config} } \
2396: { {All Files} {*} } }]
2397: if { $file == "" } { break }
2398: set oldDir [pwd]
2399: cd [file dirname $file]
2400: set error [parseCapaConfig]
2401: if { $error != "OK" } { displayError "Invalid capa.config file"; cd $oldDir }
2402: }
2403: }
2405: ###########################################################
2406: # openDocument
2407: ###########################################################
2408: ###########################################################
2409: ###########################################################
2410: proc openDocument {} {
2411: global gFile gTextWindow gSetNumberText gPrefs gChanged gQuizTemp gUndo
2413: if { $gChanged } { if { [askToSave 0 0] == "Cancel" } { return } }
2414: if { ![catch {set gTextWindow}] } {
2415: if { [winfo exists $gTextWindow] } { return }
2416: }
2418: # the event generation is because of a bug in tk_getOpenFile
2419: # After double cliking the mouse Button one is thought to be left down.
2420: # this only seems to happen when a toplevel window is created
2421: # after getting the file
2422: set gFile [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes \
2423: { { {Quizzer} {"*.qz"} } { {All Files} {"*"} } } \
2424: -title "Select the proper file" -initialdir "[pwd]" ]
2425: # event generate .main <ButtonRelease-1>
2426: if { $gFile == "" } { return }
2427: if { [file isdirectory $gFile] } {
2428: displayError "You attempted to open $gFile which is a directory not a file."
2429: return
2430: }
2432: set error [ catch {set fileId [open $gFile r] } ]
2434: if { $error } {
2435: displayError "Unable to read $gFile"
2436: return
2437: }
2439: set oldDir [pwd]
2441: cd [file dirname $gFile]
2443: set tempfiles ""
2444: catch {set tempfiles [glob quiztemp.*]}
2445: if { $tempfiles == "" } {
2446: set gQuizTemp true
2447: }
2448: foreach quiztempFile $tempfiles {
2449: if { ! ( [file isfile $quiztempFile] &&
2450: [file writable $quiztempFile] ) } {
2451: if { [makeSure "There are old quiztemp files in this directory that can not be overwritten. If you continue editing you will be unable to print or Create .dvi. You can still preview and save."] == "Cancel" } {
2452: cd $oldDir
2453: set gQuizTemp true
2454: return
2455: } else {
2456: set gQuizTemp false
2457: break
2458: }
2459: }
2460: }
2462: if { $tempfiles == "" } {
2463: if { ! [file writable $gFile] } {
2464: if { [makeSure "You do not have permission to write to this directory. If you continue editing you will be unable to save, print, or create .dvi"] == "Cancel" } {
2465: cd $oldDir
2466: set gQuizTemp true
2467: return
2468: } else {
2469: set gQuizTemp false
2470: }
2471: }
2472: }
2474: set error [parseCapaConfig]
2476: if { $error != "OK" } {
2477: cd $oldDir
2478: set gQuizTemp true
2479: return
2480: }
2482: createEditingWindow 0
2483: $gTextWindow delete 0.0 end
2484: $gTextWindow insert 0.0 [read $fileId [file size $gFile]]
2485: $gTextWindow delete end-1c
2487: rename $gTextWindow .$gTextWindow
2488: trackChanges $gTextWindow 0
2489: set gUndo(0) 0
2490: set gUndo(0.cur) 0
2492: createImportLinks 0 0.0 end
2493: focus -force $gTextWindow
2494: set coord [$gTextWindow bbox 0.0]
2495: event generate $gTextWindow <1> -x [lindex $coord 0] -y [lindex $coord 1]
2496: event generate $gTextWindow <ButtonRelease-1>
2497: update
2498: close $fileId
2500: updatePrefsWindow
2502: set gSetNumberText [string range [file rootname [file tail $gFile]] 3 end ]
2503: checkIfValidFilename
2504: set gChanged 0
2505: }
2507: ###########################################################
2508: # includeReferenceFile
2509: ###########################################################
2510: ###########################################################
2511: ###########################################################
2512: proc includeReferenceFile { file num window } {
2513: set index [$window index "file.$num.first linestart"]
2514: if { ![file readable $file] } {
2515: displayError "Unable to read file $file"
2516: return
2517: }
2518: set impline [$window get $index "$index lineend"]
2519: set fileId [open $file r]
2520: $window insert $index /
2521: update idletasks
2522: if { [$window index end] == [$window index "$index + 1 lines"] } {
2523: $window insert "$index + 1 lines" "\n[read $fileId [file size $file]]"
2524: } else {
2525: $window insert "$index + 1 lines" [read $fileId [file size $file]]
2526: }
2527: close $fileId
2528: }
2530: ###########################################################
2531: # impMenuSaveAs
2532: ###########################################################
2533: ###########################################################
2534: ###########################################################
2535: proc impMenuSaveAs { file num window } {
2536: set index [$window index "file.$num.first linestart"]
2537: if { ![file readable $file] } {
2538: displayError "Unable to read file $file"
2539: return
2540: }
2541: set dir [file dirname $file]
2542: if { $dir != "." } {
2543: set dest [tk_getSaveFile -title "Enter the name to Save As" -initialdir $dir]
2544: } else {
2545: set dest [tk_getSaveFile -title "Enter the name to Save As" -initialdir [pwd]]
2546: }
2547: if { $dest == "" } {
2548: displayError "File not saved"
2549: return
2550: }
2551: if { [catch {file copy -force -- $file $dest} errorMsg ] } {
2552: displayError "Unable to copy $file to $dest: $errorMsg"
2553: return
2554: }
2555: $window delete $index "$index lineend"
2556: if { $dir != "." } {
2557: $window insert $index "/IMP \"$dest\""
2558: } else {
2559: $window insert $index "/IMP \"[file tail $dest]\""
2560: }
2561: }
2563: ###########################################################
2564: # createImpMenu
2565: ###########################################################
2566: ###########################################################
2567: ###########################################################
2568: proc createImpMenu { file num window } {
2569: set menuFrame [menu .impmenu -tearoff 0 -type tearoff ]
2571: # wm title $menuFrame "Quizzer"
2572: wm overrideredirect $menuFrame 1
2573: wm positionfrom $menuFrame program
2574: $menuFrame post [winfo pointerx .] [winfo pointery .]
2575: $menuFrame add command -label "Open" -command "openReferenceFile $file"
2576: $menuFrame add command -label "Include" -command \
2577: "includeReferenceFile $file $num $window"
2578: $menuFrame add command -label "saveAs" -command "impMenuSaveAs $file $num $window"
2579: grab $menuFrame
2580: bind all <ButtonRelease> "grab release $menuFrame;destroy $menuFrame"
2581: }
2583: ###########################################################
2584: # registerCreateImportLinks
2585: ###########################################################
2586: ###########################################################
2587: ###########################################################
2588: proc registerCreateImportLinks { num start end} {
2589: global gDoCreateImportLinks gCreateImportLinks
2591: if { $gCreateImportLinks && !$gDoCreateImportLinks($num) } {
2592: after idle "createImportLinks $num $start $end"
2593: set gDoCreateImportLinks($num) 1
2594: }
2595: }
2597: ###########################################################
2598: # createImportLinks
2599: ###########################################################
2600: ###########################################################
2601: ###########################################################
2602: proc createImportLinks { num start end } {
2603: global gTextWindow gUniqueNumber gDoCreateImportLinks gRefText gCapaConfig
2605: set gDoCreateImportLinks($num) 0
2606: if { $num } { set window $gRefText($num) } else { set window $gTextWindow }
2607: if { ![winfo exists $window] } { return }
2608: set end [$window index $end]
2609: set start [$window index $start]
2610: set lastline [lindex [split $end .] 0]
2611: set startline [lindex [split $start .] 0]
2612: foreach tag [$window tag names] {
2613: if { [regexp {file\..+} $tag ] } {
2614: if { [$window tag nextrange $tag "$start linestart" "$end lineend"] != "" } {
2615: $window tag delete $tag
2616: }
2617: }
2618: }
2619: for { set i $startline } { $i <= $lastline } { incr i } {
2620: set aline [$window get $i.0 "$i.0 lineend"]
2621: if { [regexp -nocase {(^[ ]*)(//.*)} $aline matchVar match1 match2] } {
2622: set tagnum [incr gUniqueNumber]
2623: set start [string length $match1]
2624: set end [expr $start + [string length $match2]]
2625: $window tag add file.$tagnum $i.$start $i.$end
2626: $window tag configure file.$tagnum -foreground $gCapaConfig(comment_color)
2627: } elseif { [regexp -nocase {(^.*/let.*[ ]+)(//.*)} $aline matchVar \
2628: match1 match2] } {
2629: set tagnum [incr gUniqueNumber]
2630: set start [string length $match1]
2631: set end [expr $start + [string length $match2]]
2632: $window tag add file.$tagnum $i.$start $i.$end
2633: $window tag configure file.$tagnum -foreground $gCapaConfig(comment_color)
2634: }
2635: if { [regexp -nocase "(.*/imp +)(\"\[^\"\]+\")(.*)" $aline matchVar \
2636: match1 match2 match3] } {
2637: set tagnum [incr gUniqueNumber]
2638: set start [string length $match1]
2639: set end [expr $start + [string length $match2]]
2640: $window tag add file.$tagnum $i.$start $i.$end
2641: $window tag configure file.$tagnum -foreground $gCapaConfig(IMP_color)
2642: $window tag bind file.$tagnum <Double-ButtonPress> \
2643: "eval openReferenceFile $match2"
2644: $window tag bind file.$tagnum <ButtonPress-3> \
2645: "eval createImpMenu $match2 $tagnum $window"
2646: }
2647: }
2648: }
2650: ###########################################################
2651: # isReferenceFileOpen
2652: ###########################################################
2653: ###########################################################
2654: ###########################################################
2655: proc isReferenceFileOpen { file } {
2656: global gWindowMenu
2657: # if { [catch {set index [$gWindowMenu index "Reference $file"]} ] } { return "" }
2658: set last [$gWindowMenu index end]
2659: # puts $last
2660: for { set index 1 } { $index <= $last } { incr index } {
2661: # puts $index
2662: catch {set entry [$gWindowMenu entrycget $index -label]}
2663: if { "Reference" == [set entryfile [lindex $entry 0]] } {
2664: set entryfile [lindex $entry 1]
2665: }
2666: # puts $entryfile
2667: if { [catch {file stat $entryfile a1}] } { puts skipped;continue }
2668: file stat $file a2
2669: # puts "$a2(ino) == $a1(ino)"
2670: if { $a2(ino) == $a1(ino) } {
2671: # puts "seems right"
2672: return [lindex [$gWindowMenu entrycget $index -command] 1]
2673: }
2674: }
2675: # puts "failed $index"
2676: return ""
2677: # puts $index
2678: # puts [$gWindowMenu entrycget $index -command]
2679: # return [lindex [$gWindowMenu entrycget $index -command] 1]
2680: }
2682: ###########################################################
2683: # newReferenceFile
2684: ###########################################################
2685: ###########################################################
2686: ###########################################################
2687: proc newReferenceFile { } {
2688: global gDir
2689: # if { $gDir(reference) == "." } { set gDir(reference) [pwd] }
2690: set file [tk_getSaveFile -title "Enter the name of the New reference file" \
2691: -initialdir "$gDir(reference)" ]
2692: event generate .main <ButtonRelease-1>
2693: if { $file == "" } { return }
2694: set gDir(reference) [file dirname $file]
2695: if { [file isdirectory $file] } {
2696: displayError "You attempted to create $file which is already a directory."
2697: return
2698: }
2699: openReferenceFile $file 1
2700: }
2702: ###########################################################
2703: # openReferenceFile
2704: ###########################################################
2705: ###########################################################
2706: ###########################################################
2707: proc openReferenceFile { {file ""} {new 0}} {
2708: global gUniqueNumber gWindowMenu gDir
2710: set num [incr gUniqueNumber]
2711: global gRefCurLine gRefLine gRefText gRefChanged gRefFile gRefClosed \
2712: gUndo gRefChangedLast
2713: # the event generation is because of a bug in tk_getOpenFile
2714: # After double cliking the mouse Button one is thought to be left down.
2715: # this only seems to happen when a toplevel window is created
2716: # after getting the file
2717: if { $file == "" } {
2718: # if { $gDir(reference) == "." } { set gDir(reference) [pwd] }
2719: set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes \
2720: { { {All Files} {"*"} } { {Quizzer} {"*.qz"} } } \
2721: -title "Select the proper file" \
2722: -initialdir "$gDir(reference)" ]
2723: event generate .main <ButtonRelease-1>
2724: if { $file == "" } { return }
2725: set gDir(reference) [file dirname $file]
2727: if { [file isdirectory $file] } {
2728: displayError "You attempted to open $file which is a directory not a file."
2729: return
2730: }
2731: } else {
2732: if { !$new } {
2733: if { [set window [isReferenceFileOpen $file] ] != "" } {
2734: capaRaise $window
2735: return
2736: }
2737: # specifically opening the capa.config file
2738: if { $file == "capa.config" } {
2739: global gTextWindow gFile
2740: if { [catch {set gTextWindow}] } {
2741: set file [tk_getOpenFile -filetypes \
2742: {{{Capa.config file} {"capa.config"}}
2743: { {All Files} {"*"} } } \
2744: -title "Select the proper file" \
2745: -initialdir "$gDir(reference)" ]
2746: if { $file == "" } { return }
2747: } else {
2748: set file [file join [file dirname $gFile] capa.config]
2749: }
2750: } else {
2751: if { ![file isfile $file] && ![file readable $file] } {
2752: displayError "Unable to find $file"
2753: return
2754: }
2755: if { [file isdirectory $file] } {
2756: displayError "You attempted to open $file which is a directory not a file."
2757: return
2758: }
2759: }
2760: }
2761: }
2763: set gRefFile($num) $file
2764: set referenceFile [toplevel .reference$num]
2765: wm title $referenceFile "$file"
2767: $gWindowMenu add command -label "Reference $file" \
2768: -command "capaRaise $referenceFile"
2770: set menuFrame [frame $ -borderwidth 3 -relief raised]
2771: set lineFrame [frame $referenceFile.lineFrame]
2772: set windowFrame [frame $referenceFile.windowFrame]
2773: pack $menuFrame $lineFrame $windowFrame
2774: pack configure $windowFrame -expand 1 -fill both
2775: pack configure $menuFrame -fill x
2777: label $lineFrame.msg -text "Current Line:"
2778: label $lineFrame.current -textvariable gRefCurLine($num)
2779: entry $lineFrame.line -width 8 -textvariable gRefLine($num)
2780: bind $lineFrame.line <KeyPress-Return> "+gotoRefLine $num"
2781: button $lineFrame.button -text "Goto" -command \
2782: "gotoRefLine $num"
2783: pack $lineFrame.msg $lineFrame.current $lineFrame.line \
2784: $lineFrame.button -side left
2786: set infoFrame [frame $windowFrame.infoFrame]
2787: set textFrame [frame $windowFrame.textFrame]
2788: pack $infoFrame $textFrame -side top
2789: pack configure $textFrame -expand 1 -fill both
2791: scrollbar $textFrame.scroll -orient vertical -command \
2792: "$textFrame.text yview"
2793: set textWindow [text $textFrame.text -yscrollcommand \
2794: "$textFrame.scroll set" -wrap char]
2795: pack $textFrame.scroll $textWindow -side left -expand 0
2796: pack configure $textFrame.scroll -expand 0 -fill y
2797: pack configure $textWindow -expand true -fill both
2799: # label $infoFrame.label -textvariable gRefFile($num)
2800: # pack $infoFrame.label -side left
2802: menubutton $menuFrame.file -text File -menu $menuFrame.file.m
2803: menubutton $menuFrame.edit -text Edit -menu $menuFrame.edit.m
2804: pack $menuFrame.file $menuFrame.edit -side left
2806: set fileMenu [ menu $menuFrame.file.m ]
2807: set editMenu [ menu $menuFrame.edit.m ]
2809: $fileMenu add command -label Save -command \
2810: "saveText $textWindow 0 $num" -accelerator "Alt+s"
2811: bind $referenceFile <Alt-s> \
2812: "saveText $textWindow 0 $num"
2813: $fileMenu add command -label "Save As" -command \
2814: "saveText $textWindow 1 $num" -accelerator "Alt+S"
2815: bind $referenceFile <Alt-Shift-s> "saveText $textWindow 1 $num"
2816: $fileMenu add command -label Delete -command "deleteFile $num"
2817: $fileMenu add command -label Print -command "printText $textWindow"
2818: $fileMenu add command -label Close -command "closeRefFile $num" \
2819: -accelerator "Alt+w"
2820: bind $referenceFile <Alt-w> "closeRefFile $num"
2821: # bind $referenceFile <Destroy> "closeRefFile $num 1"
2822: wm protocol $referenceFile WM_DELETE_WINDOW "closeRefFile $num 1"
2823: $editMenu add command -label "Cut" -command "tk_textCut $textWindow" \
2824: -accelerator "Alt+x"
2825: bind $referenceFile <Alt-x> "tk_textCut $textWindow"
2826: $editMenu add command -label "Copy" -command "tk_textCopy $textWindow" \
2827: -accelerator "Alt+c"
2828: bind $referenceFile <Alt-c> "tk_textCopy $textWindow"
2829: $editMenu add command -label "Paste" -command "tk_textPaste $textWindow" \
2830: -accelerator "Alt+v"
2831: bind $referenceFile <Alt-v> "tk_textPaste $textWindow"
2832: $editMenu add command -label "Select All " -command \
2833: "selectAll $num " -accelerator "Alt+a"
2834: bind $referenceFile <Alt-a> "selectAll $num"
2835: $editMenu add separator
2836: $editMenu add command -label "Undo" -command "undo $num" \
2837: -accelerator "Alt+u"
2838: bind $referenceFile <Alt-u> "undo $num"
2839: # $editMenu add command -label "Redo" -command "redo $num"
2840: $editMenu add separator
2841: $editMenu add command -label "Find" -command "createFindWindow $num" \
2842: -accelerator "Alt+f"
2845: if { !$new } {
2846: set fileId [open $file r]
2847: $textWindow insert 0.0 [read $fileId [file size $file]]
2848: $textWindow delete end-1c
2849: close $fileId
2850: }
2852: set gRefText($num) $textWindow
2853: rename $textWindow .$textWindow
2854: trackChanges $textWindow $num
2855: set gUndo($num) 0
2856: set gUndo($num.cur) 0
2858: createImportLinks $num 0.0 end
2859: focus -force $textWindow
2860: # update
2861: set coord [$textWindow bbox 0.0]
2862: event generate $textWindow <1> -x [lindex $coord 0] -y [lindex $coord 1]
2863: # update
2864: event generate $textWindow <ButtonRelease-1>
2865: # update
2866: # capaRaise $referenceFile
2867: after 1 "catch \{focus $textWindow;raise $referenceFile\}"
2868: selection clear
2869: #order is important here since gRefChanged has a trace on it the references
2870: #gRefChangedLast
2871: set gRefChangedLast($num) 0
2872: set gRefChanged($num) 0
2873: set gRefClosed($num) 0
2874: addFindList $num
2875: }
2877: ###########################################################
2878: ###########################################################
2879: ###########################################################
2880: ###########################################################
2881: proc trackChanges { procName num } {
2882: eval "proc $procName args {
2883: global gUndo gRefChanged gChanged
2884: if {\[regexp {^(ins|del).*} \[lindex \$args 0\]\]} {
2885: #puts \"\$args\"
2886: if { \$gUndo($num.cur) != \$gUndo($num) } {
2887: set i \[expr \$gUndo($num.cur) + 1 \]
2888: while { \[ info exists gUndo($num.\$i) \] } {
2889: unset gUndo($num.\$i)
2890: incr i
2891: }
2892: set gUndo($num) \$gUndo($num.cur)
2893: }
2894: set gUndo($num.cur) \$gUndo($num)
2895: set insertindex \[.$procName index \[lindex \$args 1 \] \]
2896: set numChange \[set gUndo($num.cur) \[incr gUndo($num) \] \]
2897: if { $num == 0 } { set gChanged 1 } else { set gRefChanged($num) 1 }
2898: }
2899: if {\[regexp {^(ins).*} \[lindex \$args 0\]\]} {
2900: set index2 \$insertindex+\[string length \[lindex \$args 2 \] \]chars
2901: set gUndo($num.\$numChange) \"delete \$insertindex \$index2 \"
2902: if {\[regexp {.*\[\"/\].*} \$args\] || \
2903: \[regexp {.*\[\"/\].*} \[.$procName get \"\$insertindex linestart\" \"\$index2 lineend\"\]\]} {
2904: registerCreateImportLinks $num \$insertindex \$index2
2905: }
2906: } elseif {\[regexp {^(del).*} \[lindex \$args 0\]\]} {
2907: if { \[catch { set insertindex2 \[.$procName index \
2908: \[lindex \$args 2 \] \] } \] } {
2909: set chars \[ .$procName get \$insertindex \]
2910: set insertindex2 \$insertindex+1c
2911: } else {
2912: set chars \[ .$procName get \$insertindex \$insertindex2 \]
2913: }
2914: set gUndo($num.\$numChange) \"insert \$insertindex \[list \$chars\] \"
2915: if {\[regexp \{.*\[\"/\].*\} \$chars\] || \
2916: \[regexp \{.*\[\"/\].*\} \[.$procName get \"\$insertindex linestart\" \"\$insertindex2 lineend\"\]\]} {
2917: registerCreateImportLinks $num \$insertindex \$insertindex2
2918: }
2919: }
2920: set result \[uplevel .$procName \$args\]
2921: updateLocation $num
2922: return \$result
2923: }"
2924: }
2926: ###########################################################
2927: ###########################################################
2928: ###########################################################
2929: ###########################################################
2930: proc undo { num } {
2931: global gUndo gRefText gTextWindow
2932: if { $gUndo($num.cur) == 0 } { return }
2933: set undoInfo $gUndo($num.$gUndo($num.cur))
2934: if { [regexp {.*[\"/].*} $undoInfo] } {
2935: registerCreateImportLinks $num [lindex $undoInfo 1] end
2936: }
2937: if { [regexp {.*delete.*} $undoInfo] } {
2938: registerCreateImportLinks $num [lindex $undoInfo 1] [lindex $undoInfo 2]
2939: }
2940: if { $num == 0 } {
2941: if {[catch {eval ".$gTextWindow $gUndo($num.$gUndo($num.cur))"}]} { return }
2942: } else {
2943: if {[catch {eval ".$gRefText($num) $gUndo($num.$gUndo($num.cur))"}]} { return }
2944: }
2945: incr gUndo($num.cur) -1
2946: }
2948: ###########################################################
2949: ###########################################################
2950: ###########################################################
2951: ###########################################################
2952: proc redo { num } {
2953: global gUndo gRefText
2954: }
2956: ###########################################################
2957: ###########################################################
2958: ###########################################################
2959: ###########################################################
2960: proc gotoRefLine { number } {
2961: global gRefLine gRefText
2962: if { [catch {set gRefText($number)}] } { return }
2963: if { ![winfo exists $gRefText($number)] } { return }
2965: if { $gRefLine($number) == "" } {
2966: return
2967: } else {
2968: $gRefText($number) mark set insert $gRefLine($number).0
2969: catch {$gRefText($number) tag remove sel sel.first sel.last}
2970: $gRefText($number) tag add sel "insert linestart" "insert lineend"
2971: $gRefText($number) see insert
2972: }
2973: }
2975: ###########################################################
2976: # updateLocation
2977: ###########################################################
2978: ###########################################################
2979: ###########################################################
2980: proc updateLocation { number } {
2981: global gRefCurLine gRefText gTextWindow gLineNumber gCharacterNumber
2983: if {$number} {set window $gRefText($number)} {set window $gTextWindow}
2984: # if {![winfo exists $gRefText($number)]} {return};#do I need this
2985: set spot [split [.$window index insert] "."]
2986: if { $number } {
2987: set gRefCurLine($number) [lindex $spot 0 ]
2988: } else {
2989: set gLineNumber [lindex $spot 0]
2990: set gCharacterNumber [lindex $spot 0]
2991: }
2992: }
2994: ###########################################################
2995: ###########################################################
2996: ###########################################################
2997: ###########################################################
2998: proc askToSave { refNum mustClose } {
2999: global gPrompt
3001: set dialog [toplevel .askToSavePrompt -borderwidth 10]
3002: wm title $dialog "Do you wish to Save"
3003: wm geo $dialog "+200+200"
3004: if { $refNum } {
3005: global gRefFile
3006: set msg "Reference File: $gRefFile($refNum) has changed. Do you wish to save?"
3007: } else {
3008: set msg "Source has changed do you wish to save?"
3009: }
3010: message $dialog.msg -text $msg -aspect 800
3012: set gPrompt(result) ""
3013: set buttonFrame [frame $dialog.buttons -bd 10]
3014: pack $dialog.msg $buttonFrame -side top -fill x
3016: bind $dialog <Destroy> {
3017: set gPrompt(result) Cancel
3018: set gPrompt(yes) 0
3019: }
3021: button $buttonFrame.yes -text Yes -underline 0 -command {
3022: set gPrompt(yes) 1
3023: }
3024: button $ -text No -underline 0 -command {
3025: set gPrompt(yes) 0
3026: }
3027: if { !$mustClose } {
3028: button $buttonFrame.cancel -text Cancel -underline 0 -command {
3029: set gPrompt(yes) 0
3030: set gPrompt(result) Cancel
3031: }
3032: pack $buttonFrame.yes $ $buttonFrame.cancel -side left
3033: } else {
3034: pack $buttonFrame.yes $ -side left
3035: }
3036: bind $dialog <Alt-Key> break
3038: Centre_Dialog $dialog default
3039: update
3041: focus $dialog
3042: capaRaise $dialog
3043: capaGrab $dialog
3044: vwait gPrompt(yes)
3045: capaGrab release $dialog
3046: bind $dialog <Destroy> ""
3047: destroy $dialog
3048: if {$gPrompt(yes)} {
3049: if { $refNum } {
3050: global gRefText
3051: saveText $gRefText($refNum) 0 $refNum
3052: } else {
3053: saveDocument
3054: }
3055: } else {
3056: return $gPrompt(result)
3057: }
3058: }
3060: ###########################################################
3061: ###########################################################
3062: ###########################################################
3063: ###########################################################
3064: proc saveDocument { {saveAs 0} } {
3065: global gFile gTextWindow gSetNumberText gChanged gEditWindow gWindowMenu \
3066: gCapaConfig
3067: if { [catch {set gTextWindow}] } { return }
3068: if { ![winfo exists $gTextWindow] } { return }
3069: if { $gFile == "" } { set saveAs 1 }
3070: if {$saveAs == 1} {
3071: set temp [tk_getSaveFile -title "Enter the name to Save As" \
3072: -initialdir "[pwd]" ]
3073: if { $temp == "" } {
3074: displayError "File not saved"
3075: return
3076: }
3078: catch {removeWindowEntry "$gFile*"}
3079: catch {removeFindList}
3080: set gFile $temp
3081: addFindList
3082: cd [file dirname $gFile]
3083: set gSetNumberText [string range [file rootname [file tail $gFile]] \
3084: 3 end ]
3085: checkIfValidFilename
3086: wm title [winfo toplevel $gEditWindow] $gFile
3088: $gWindowMenu add command -label "$gFile" -command \
3089: "capaRaise $gEditWindow"
3090: } else {
3091: if { ([array name gCapaConfig quizzerBackupQZ] == "") ||
3092: ($gCapaConfig(quizzerBackupQZ)!="off") } {
3093: if { [catch {file copy -force $gFile $gFile.bak} ] } {
3094: displayError "Unable to create backup for $gFile"
3095: }
3096: }
3097: }
3099: set fileId [open $gFile w]
3101: puts -nonewline $fileId [$gTextWindow get 0.0 end]
3103: close $fileId
3105: savePrefs
3106: set gChanged 0
3107: }
3109: ###########################################################
3110: ###########################################################
3111: ###########################################################
3112: ###########################################################
3113: proc closeDocument { { mustClose 0 } { save 1 } } {
3114: global gFile gEditWindow gChanged gPrefs \
3115: gPutLine gTryVal gProbVal gHintVal gQuizTemp \
3116: gNumberParsedText gSetNumberText gClosedDocument gTextWindow
3117: if { [catch {set gEditWindow}] } { return }
3118: if { ![winfo exists $gEditWindow] } { return }
3119: if { $gClosedDocument } { return }
3120: if { $save && $gChanged } {
3121: if { [askToSave 0 $mustClose] == "Cancel" && (! $mustClose ) } { return }
3122: }
3123: if {(!$mustClose)&&[makeSure "Are you sure you wish to stop editing?"]=="Cancel"} {
3124: return
3125: }
3126: set gClosedDocument 1
3127: removeFindList
3128: destroy $gEditWindow
3129: removeWindowEntry "$gFile*"
3130: set gFile ""
3131: set gChanged 0
3132: set gPrefs(info) "Problem"
3133: set gPrefs(TeXHeader) ""
3134: set gPrefs(TeXFooter) ""
3135: set gPutLine 1
3136: set gTryVal 99
3137: set gHintVal 1
3138: set gProbVal 1
3139: set gQuizTemp "true"
3140: set gNumberParsedText ""
3141: set gSetNumberText ""
3142: }
3144: ###########################################################
3145: ###########################################################
3146: ###########################################################
3147: ###########################################################
3148: proc closeRefFile { refNum { mustClose 0 } { save 1 } } {
3149: global gRefChanged gRefText gRefFile gRefClosed gRefCurLine gRefLine gRefChangedLast
3150: if { [catch {set gRefText($refNum)}] } { return }
3151: if { ![winfo exists $gRefText($refNum)] } { return }
3152: if { $gRefClosed($refNum) } { return }
3153: if { $save && $gRefChanged($refNum) } {
3154: if { [askToSave $refNum $mustClose] == "Cancel" && ( ! $mustClose ) } { return }
3155: }
3157: if { ( ! $mustClose ) && ( [makeSure "Are you sure you wish to stop editing $gRefFile($refNum)?"] == "Cancel" ) } {
3158: return
3159: }
3160: set gRefClosed($refNum) 1
3161: removeFindList $refNum
3162: destroy [winfo toplevel $gRefText($refNum)]
3163: removeWindowEntry "Reference $gRefFile($refNum)*"
3164: unset gRefText($refNum) gRefChanged($refNum) gRefClosed($refNum) gRefFile($refNum) \
3165: gRefCurLine($refNum) gRefLine($refNum) gRefChangedLast($refNum)
3166: }
3168: ###########################################################
3169: # quit
3170: ###########################################################
3171: # called when the quit option is selected on the menu, unmaps
3172: # all keys.
3173: ###########################################################
3174: # Arguments: None
3175: # Returns: Nothing
3176: # Globals: gChanged - whether or not the file has been modified
3177: ###########################################################
3178: proc quit { { mustClose 0 } } {
3179: global gChanged gRefChanged gRefText
3181: if { (! $mustClose ) && [makeSure "Are you sure you wish to quit?"] == "Cancel" } {
3182: return
3183: }
3185: if { $gChanged } {
3186: if { [askToSave 0 $mustClose] == "Cancel" && ( ! $mustClose ) } {
3187: return
3188: }
3189: }
3191: foreach refNum [array names gRefChanged] {
3192: if { $gRefChanged($refNum) == 1 } {
3193: if { [winfo exists $gRefText($refNum)] } {
3194: if { [askToSave $refNum $mustClose ] == "Cancel" && (! $mustClose ) } {
3195: return
3196: }
3197: }
3198: }
3199: }
3201: exec /bin/rm -f
3202: exec /bin/rm -f quiztemp.dvi
3203: exec /bin/rm -f quiztemp.tex
3204: exec /bin/rm -f quiztemp.log
3205: exec /bin/rm -f quiztemp.aux
3206: exec /bin/rm -f quiztemp.txt
3208: unmapAllKeys
3210: exit
3211: }
3213: ###########################################################
3214: # createStopButton
3215: ###########################################################
3216: ###########################################################
3217: ###########################################################
3218: proc createStopButton {} {
3219: global gStopStatus
3220: if {[winfo exists .stopbutton]} {destroy .stopbutton}
3221: set top [toplevel .stopbutton]
3222: button $top.stop -text "Stop Parser" -command "stopParser"
3223: label $top.status -textvariable gStopStatus -width 35
3224: pack $top.stop $top.status
3225: set gStopStatus ""
3226: grab $top
3227: Centre_Dialog $top default
3228: update
3229: }
3231: ###########################################################
3232: # destroyStopButton
3233: ###########################################################
3234: ###########################################################
3235: ###########################################################
3236: proc destroyStopButton {} {
3237: grab release .stopbutton
3238: destroy .stopbutton
3239: }
3241: ###########################################################
3242: # createDvi
3243: ###########################################################
3244: ###########################################################
3245: ###########################################################
3246: proc createDvi { {showXdvi 1} {showStopButton 0} {useqzparse 0}} {
3247: global gPreviewMode gCreateDviText gPrefs gSetNumberText \
3248: gStudentSelection gFile gWindowMenu gLatexId gParseErrorsText \
3249: gEditWindow gCreateDviTextTemp gXdviOpt \
3250: gLoadHeaderSet gCapaConfig gControlDates gNumberParsedText \
3251: gDonePrinting
3253: if { [catch {set gEditWindow}] } { return }
3254: if { ![winfo exists $gEditWindow] } { return }
3256: catch { destroy .createDviText }
3257: set gCreateDviTextTemp [text .createDviText]
3259: switch $gPrefs(info) {
3260: Problem { set type 0 }
3261: ProblemAnswer { set type 1 }
3262: Answer { set type 2 }
3263: }
3265: if { $useqzparse } {
3266: set gDonePrinting 0
3267: switch $gPrefs(info) {
3268: Problem { set type "-T" }
3269: Answer { set type "-Ta" }
3270: ProblemAnswer { set type "-Tb" }
3271: default { set type "-T" }
3272: }
3273: createCreateDviWin
3274: grab .createDvi
3275: $gCreateDviText delete 0.0 end
3276: if { [setupSetsToPrint set start end 0] == 1 } { return 1 }
3277: if { [set gStopPrinting [expr 2 == [runLatex \
3278: "echo [pwd] | $gCapaConfig(qzparse_command) \
3279: -stu $gStudentSelection(studentNumber) -set $set \
3280: -d [pwd] -c [pwd] $type " gCreateDviText] ] ] } {
3281: exec rm -f $gStudentSelection(studentNumber).tex quiztemp.tex
3282: if {$showStopping} {
3283: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped."
3284: set gDonePrinting 1
3285: set gStopPrinting 0
3286: }
3287: return 1
3288: }
3289: exec mv $gStudentSelection(studentNumber).tex quiztemp.tex
3290: exec /bin/rm -f quiztemp.dvi
3291: } else {
3292: createStopButton
3293: if { [catch {
3294: set numberParsed [ texParse $type $gSetNumberText \
3295: $gStudentSelection(type) $gStudentSelection(random) \
3296: $gStudentSelection(studentNumber) \
3297: $gStudentSelection(studentName) \
3298: gCreateDviTextTemp 1 ] }]} {
3299: return
3300: }
3301: destroyStopButton
3302: checkHeader $numberParsed
3304: if { [showParseErrors] != "" } {
3305: if { [makeSure "There were errors when parsing the .qz file, \
3306: continue to create the .dvi?"] =="Cancel" } {
3307: destroy $gCreateDviTextTemp
3308: return
3309: }
3310: }
3312: set error [catch { set fileId [open quiztemp.tex w] } ]
3313: if { $error } {
3314: displayError "Unable to create neccessary temp files, delete all the\
3315: quiztemp file from the class directory."
3316: return
3317: }
3319: set filename [file join [file dirname $gFile] TeXheader ]
3320: set texfileId [open $filename r]
3321: puts -nonewline $fileId [read $texfileId [file size $filename]]
3322: close $texfileId
3324: puts -nonewline $fileId "[$gCreateDviTextTemp get 0.0 end]"
3326: set filename [file join [file dirname $gFile] TeXfooter ]
3327: set texfileId [open $filename r]
3328: puts $fileId [read $texfileId [file size $filename]]
3329: close $texfileId
3331: close $fileId
3332: }
3334: destroy $gCreateDviTextTemp
3336: if { ![winfo exists .createDvi] } {
3337: set createDviWindow [toplevel .createDvi]
3338: $gWindowMenu add command -label "CreateDvi" -command \
3339: "capaRaise $createDviWindow"
3340: wm title $createDviWindow "LaTeX Output"
3341: addFindList -3
3343: set windowFrame [frame $createDviWindow.windowFrame]
3344: set buttonFrame [frame $createDviWindow.buttonFrame]
3346: pack $windowFrame $buttonFrame -side bottom
3347: pack configure $windowFrame -expand true -fill both
3348: pack configure $buttonFrame -anchor e
3350: scrollbar $windowFrame.scroll -orient vertical -command \
3351: "$windowFrame.text yview"
3352: set gCreateDviText [text $windowFrame.text -yscrollcommand \
3353: "$windowFrame.scroll set" -wrap char -height 40]
3355: pack $windowFrame.scroll $gCreateDviText -side left -expand 0
3356: pack configure $windowFrame.scroll -expand 0 -fill y
3357: pack configure $gCreateDviText -expand true -fill both
3359: set appearingFrame [frame $buttonFrame.appearingFrame]
3360: button $buttonFrame.ok -text Dismiss -command \
3361: "trace vdelete gFile w updateCreateDvi
3362: destroy $createDviWindow
3363: removeWindowEntry CreateDvi
3364: removeFindList -3"
3365: bind $createDviWindow <Destroy> \
3366: "trace vdelete gFile w updateCreateDvi
3367: removeWindowEntry CreateDvi
3368: removeFindList -3"
3369: pack $appearingFrame $buttonFrame.ok -side left
3371: button $appearingFrame.stop -text "Stop Creating Print Jobs"\
3372: -command "stopPrinting"
3373: set name [file rootname [file tail $gFile ] ].dvi
3374: button $appearingFrame.print -text \
3375: "Save.dvi file to $name" \
3376: -command saveDvi
3377: trace variable gFile w updateCreateDvi
3379: if { $showStopButton } {
3380: pack $appearingFrame.stop $appearingFrame.print -side left
3381: pack forget $appearingFrame.print
3382: } else {
3383: pack $appearingFrame.stop $appearingFrame.print -side left
3384: pack forget $appearingFrame.stop
3385: }
3387: Centre_Dialog $createDviWindow default
3388: update
3389: } else {
3390: if { $showStopButton } {
3391: pack forget .createDvi.buttonFrame.appearingFrame.print
3392: pack .createDvi.buttonFrame.appearingFrame.stop
3393: } else {
3394: pack forget .createDvi.buttonFrame.appearingFrame.stop
3395: pack .createDvi.buttonFrame.appearingFrame.print
3396: }
3397: if { !$useqzparse } { $gCreateDviText delete 0.0 end }
3398: }
3400: exec /bin/rm -f quiztemp.dvi
3401: $gCreateDviText insert end "$gCapaConfig(latex_command)\n"
3402: $gCreateDviText see end
3403: set createdDvi [ runLatex "pwd ; $gCapaConfig(latex_command) quiztemp.tex < \
3404: [file join / dev null ]" gCreateDviText]
3406: if { ($showXdvi == 1) && ( $createdDvi == 1 ) } {
3407: eval "exec $gCapaConfig(xdvi_command) $gXdviOpt quiztemp.dvi >& /dev/null & "
3408: }
3410: catch { capaRaise $gParseErrorsText }
3411: set gDonePrinting 1
3412: return $createdDvi
3413: }
3415: ###########################################################
3416: ###########################################################
3417: ###########################################################
3418: ###########################################################
3419: proc stopPrinting {} {
3420: global gStopPrinting
3421: set gStopPrinting 1
3422: }
3424: ###########################################################
3425: ###########################################################
3426: ###########################################################
3427: ###########################################################
3428: proc saveDvi { } {
3429: global gFile
3431: set name [file rootname [ file tail $gFile]].dvi
3432: catch { exec rm -f $name }
3434: if { [ catch { exec cp quiztemp.dvi $name } ] } {
3435: displayMessage "Unable to create $name "
3436: } else {
3437: displayMessage "Created $name "
3438: }
3439: }
3442: ###########################################################
3443: ###########################################################
3444: ###########################################################
3445: ###########################################################
3446: proc updateCreateDvi { name1 name2 op } {
3447: global gFile
3449: set name [file rootname [file tail $gFile ] ].dvi
3450: catch { .createDvi.buttonFrame.appearingFrame.print configure \
3451: -text "Save.dvi file to $name" }
3452: }
3453: ###########################################################
3454: ###########################################################
3455: ###########################################################
3456: ###########################################################
3457: proc printWindow {} {
3458: global gPrintSelection gWindowMenu gEditWindow gStopPrinting\
3459: gSetNumberText gMaxSet gFile gChanged
3461: set gStopPrinting 0
3462: if { [catch {set gEditWindow}] } { return }
3463: if { ![winfo exists $gEditWindow] } { return }
3465: if { [winfo exists .print] } {
3466: capaRaise .print
3467: return
3468: }
3469: if { $gChanged } { if { [askToSave 0 0] == "Cancel" } { return } }
3471: set print [toplevel .print]
3472: $gWindowMenu add command -label "Print" -command "capaRaise $print"
3473: wm title $print "Select a Print Method"
3474: message $print.msg -text "Please specify a print method." -aspect 10000
3475: set oneSetFrame [frame $print.frame1 -relief groove -borderwidth 4]
3476: set moreSetFrame [frame $print.frame2 -relief groove -borderwidth 4]
3477: set buttonFrame [frame $print.buttons]
3478: pack $print.msg $oneSetFrame $moreSetFrame $buttonFrame -side top
3479: pack configure $oneSetFrame $moreSetFrame -anchor w -fill x
3481: set infoFrame [frame $moreSetFrame.frame1]
3482: set setFrame [frame $moreSetFrame.frame2 -relief solid -borderwidth 1]
3483: pack $infoFrame $setFrame
3484: pack configure $infoFrame $setFrame -anchor w
3486: if {[catch {set gPrintSelection(sets)}]} {set gPrintSelection(sets) printCur}
3487: if {[catch {set gPrintSelection(type)}]} {set gPrintSelection(type) printSpecific}
3488: if {[catch {set gPrintSelection(setend)}]} {set gPrintSelection(setend) $gSetNumberText}
3489: radiobutton $setFrame.specific -text "Print Current Set ($gSetNumberText)" \
3490: -value "printCur" -variable gPrintSelection(sets)
3491: set scaleFrame [frame $setFrame.scales]
3492: pack $setFrame.specific $scaleFrame -anchor w
3494: for { set i 1 } { $i <= $gMaxSet } { incr i } {
3495: if { ! [file exists [file join [file dirname $gFile] records "set$i.db"]] } { break }
3496: }
3497: incr i -1
3498: set gPrintSelection(setend) $gSetNumberText
3499: radiobutton $scaleFrame.range -text "Print Set Range:" \
3500: -value "printRange" -variable gPrintSelection(sets)
3501: scale $scaleFrame.start -from 1 -to $i -variable gPrintSelection(setstart) \
3502: -orient h
3503: label $scaleFrame.msg -text "to"
3504: scale $scaleFrame.end -from 1 -to $i -variable gPrintSelection(setend) \
3505: -orient h
3506: pack $scaleFrame.range $scaleFrame.start $scaleFrame.msg \
3507: $scaleFrame.end -side left
3509: button $buttonFrame.ok -text "Select" -command selectedPrintMethod
3510: button $buttonFrame.cancel -text "Cancel" -command \
3511: "destroy .print
3512: removeWindowEntry Print"
3513: bind $print <Destroy> "removeWindowEntry Print"
3514: pack $buttonFrame.ok $buttonFrame.cancel -side left
3516: set currentDviFrame [frame $oneSetFrame.currentDvi]
3517: set currentPreviewFrame [frame $oneSetFrame.currentPreview]
3518: set randomFrame [frame $oneSetFrame.random]
3519: set specificFrame [frame $infoFrame.specific]
3520: set sectionFrame [frame $infoFrame.section]
3521: set multSectionFrame [frame $infoFrame.multsection]
3522: set wholeClassFrame [frame $infoFrame.wholeClass]
3523: pack $currentDviFrame $currentPreviewFrame $randomFrame $specificFrame \
3524: $sectionFrame $multSectionFrame $wholeClassFrame -anchor w \
3525: -side top
3526: pack configure $specificFrame -expand true -fill both
3528: radiobutton $currentDviFrame.currentDvi -text "Print current .dvi" \
3529: -value "printCurrentDvi" -variable gPrintSelection(type)
3530: pack $currentDviFrame.currentDvi -side left
3532: radiobutton $randomFrame.random -text \
3533: "Randomly select one student from section:" \
3534: -value "printRandom" -variable gPrintSelection(type)
3535: entry $randomFrame.entry -textvariable gPrintSelection(random) -width 3 \
3536: -validate key -validatecommand "limitEntry %W 3 number %P"
3537: pack $randomFrame.random $randomFrame.entry -side left
3539: radiobutton $specificFrame.specific -text "Specify the student by:" \
3540: -value "printSpecific" -variable gPrintSelection(type)
3541: set studentNumber [frame $specificFrame.studentNumber]
3542: set fullName [frame $specificFrame.fullName]
3543: pack $specificFrame.specific $studentNumber $fullName -side top
3544: pack configure $specificFrame.specific -anchor w
3545: pack configure $studentNumber $fullName -anchor e
3547: radiobutton $sectionFrame.section -text "Print section" \
3548: -value "printSection" -variable gPrintSelection(type)
3549: entry $sectionFrame.entry -textvariable gPrintSelection(section) -width 3 \
3550: -validate key -validatecommand "limitEntry %W 3 number %P"
3551: pack $sectionFrame.section $sectionFrame.entry -side left
3553: radiobutton $multSectionFrame.section -text "Print multiple sections" \
3554: -value "printMultipleSections" -variable gPrintSelection(type)
3555: pack $multSectionFrame.section -side left
3557: radiobutton $wholeClassFrame.wholeClass -text "Print whole class." \
3558: -value "printWholeClass" -variable gPrintSelection(type)
3559: pack $wholeClassFrame.wholeClass -side left
3561: message $studentNumber.msg -text "Student Number: " -aspect 10000
3562: entry $studentNumber.entry -textvariable gPrintSelection(studentNumber) -width 9 \
3563: -validate key -validatecommand "limitEntry %W 9 any %P"
3564: pack $studentNumber.msg $studentNumber.entry -side left
3566: message $fullName.msg -text "Student Name: " -aspect 10000
3567: entry $fullName.entry -textvariable gPrintSelection(studentName) -width 30 \
3568: -validate key -validatecommand "limitEntry %W 30 any %P"
3569: pack $fullName.msg $fullName.entry -side left
3571: trace variable gPrintSelection(studentNumber) w \
3572: "global gPrintSelection; set gPrintSelection(type) printSpecific ;#"
3573: trace variable gPrintSelection(studentName) w \
3574: "global gPrintSelection; set gPrintSelection(type) printSpecific ;#"
3576: # puts "trace info:[trace vinfo gPrintSelection(studentNumber)]"
3578: bind $studentNumber.entry <KeyPress-Return> \
3579: "fillInStudent gPrintSelection(studentName) gPrintSelection(studentNumber) 0"
3580: bind $fullName.entry <KeyPress-Return> \
3581: "fillInStudent gPrintSelection(studentName) gPrintSelection(studentNumber) 1"
3584: #Disable the entry boxes that are not selected, and enable the
3585: #ones that are
3586: # $specificFrame.specific configure -command "
3587: # $studentNumber.entry configure -state normal
3588: # $fullName.entry configure -state normal"
3589: # $randomFrame.random configure -command "
3590: # $studentNumber.entry configure -state disabled
3591: # $fullName.entry configure -state disabled"
3593: #If the window had been called up before we need to check the state
3594: #of the variable and disable/enable the correct enry boxes
3595: # if { $gPrintSelection(type) == "printSpecific" } {
3596: # $studentNumber.entry configure -state normal
3597: # $fullName.entry configure -state normal
3598: # }
3599: # if { $gPrintSelection(type) == "printRandom" } {
3600: # $studentNumber.entry configure -state disabled
3601: # $fullName.entry configure -state disabled
3602: # }
3604: Centre_Dialog $print default
3605: }
3607: proc selectedPrintMethod {} {
3608: global gStopPrinting gPrintSelection gStudentSelection
3610: switch $gPrintSelection(type) {
3611: printSpecific {
3612: if { $gPrintSelection(studentNumber) == "" } {
3613: displayError "You must specify a student number."
3614: return
3615: }
3616: }
3617: printSection {
3618: if { $gPrintSelection(section)== "" } {
3619: displayError "You must specify a section."
3620: return
3621: }
3622: }
3623: default {}
3624: }
3626: destroy .print
3627: removeWindowEntry Print
3628: [set gPrintSelection(type)]
3629: set gStopPrinting 0
3630: }
3632: ###########################################################
3633: # createCreateDviWin
3634: ###########################################################
3635: ###########################################################
3636: ###########################################################
3637: proc createCreateDviWin {} {
3638: global gWindowMenu gFile gCreateDviText
3639: if { ![winfo exists .createDvi] } {
3640: set createDviWindow [toplevel .createDvi]
3641: $gWindowMenu add command -label "CreateDvi" -command \
3642: "capaRaise $createDviWindow"
3643: wm title $createDviWindow "LaTeX Output"
3645: set windowFrame [frame $createDviWindow.windowFrame]
3646: set buttonFrame [frame $createDviWindow.buttonFrame]
3648: pack $windowFrame $buttonFrame -side bottom
3649: pack configure $windowFrame -expand true -fill both
3650: pack configure $buttonFrame -anchor e
3652: scrollbar $windowFrame.scroll -orient vertical -command \
3653: "$windowFrame.text yview"
3654: set gCreateDviText [text $windowFrame.text -yscrollcommand \
3655: "$windowFrame.scroll set" -wrap char -height 40]
3657: pack $windowFrame.scroll $gCreateDviText -side left -expand 0
3658: pack configure $windowFrame.scroll -expand 0 -fill y
3659: pack configure $gCreateDviText -expand true -fill both
3661: set appearingFrame [frame $buttonFrame.appearingFrame]
3662: button $buttonFrame.ok -text Dismiss -command \
3663: "checkDestroyPrint $createDviWindow"
3664: wm protocol $createDviWindow WM_DELETE_WINDOW \
3665: "checkDestroyPrint $createDviWindow"
3666: pack $appearingFrame $buttonFrame.ok -side left
3668: button $appearingFrame.stop -text "Stop Creating Print Jobs"\
3669: -command "stopPrinting"
3670: set name [file rootname [file tail $gFile ] ].dvi
3671: button $appearingFrame.print -text \
3672: "Save.dvi file to $name" \
3673: -command saveDvi
3674: trace variable gFile w updateCreateDvi
3676: pack $appearingFrame.stop $appearingFrame.print -side left
3677: pack forget $appearingFrame.print
3679: Centre_Dialog $createDviWindow default
3680: update
3681: } else {
3682: pack forget .createDvi.buttonFrame.appearingFrame.print
3683: pack .createDvi.buttonFrame.appearingFrame.stop
3684: }
3685: }
3687: ###########################################################
3688: # printBody
3689: ###########################################################
3690: # sends the file to the printer through lpr using
3691: # the option foud in gLprCommand
3692: ###########################################################
3693: # Arguments: none
3694: # Returns: Nothing
3695: # Globals: gCapaConfig -
3696: # gStopPrinting -
3697: # Files: - file containg info to print (removed)
3698: ###########################################################
3699: proc printBody { lprCommand { showCompletionMessage 1 } } {
3700: global gCapaConfig gStopPrinting gDonePrinting
3702: set errorMsg ""
3703: set error [ catch {exec $gCapaConfig(dvips_command) quiztemp.dvi \
3704: -o >& /dev/null} errorMsg ]
3705: if { $error } {
3706: displayError \
3707: "When attempting to run dvips an error occured : $errorMsg"
3708: return 1
3709: }
3711: if { $gStopPrinting } {
3712: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped."
3713: set gStopPrinting 0
3714: set gDonePrinting 1
3715: return 1
3716: }
3718: set errorMsg
3719: set error [catch {set returnMessage [eval "exec $lprCommand"] } errorMsg ]
3721: if { $error == 1 } {
3722: displayError "When attempting to print an error occured : $errorMsg"
3723: return 1
3724: } else {
3725: if { $showCompletionMessage } {
3726: displayMessage "Print job sent to the printer.\n $returnMessage"
3727: }
3728: }
3730: return 0
3731: }
3735: ###########################################################
3736: ###########################################################
3737: ###########################################################
3738: ###########################################################
3739: proc printCurrentDvi {} {
3741: set lprCommand [getLprCommand]
3743: if {$lprCommand == ""} {
3744: displayError "You must at least specify a print queue for lpr. \
3745: Nothing printed."
3746: return
3747: }
3749: if {$lprCommand == "Cancel"} {
3750: return
3751: }
3753: printBody $lprCommand
3755: return 0
3756: }
3758: ###########################################################
3759: ###########################################################
3760: ###########################################################
3761: ###########################################################
3762: proc printCurrentPreview {} {
3764: set lprCommand [getLprCommand]
3766: if {$lprCommand == ""} {
3767: displayError "You must at least specify a print queue for lpr. \
3768: Nothing printed."
3769: return
3770: }
3772: if {$lprCommand == "Cancel"} {
3773: return
3774: }
3776: if { [createDvi 0] == 2 } {
3777: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped"
3778: }
3780: printBody $lprCommand
3782: return 0
3783: }
3785: ###########################################################
3786: ###########################################################
3787: ###########################################################
3788: ###########################################################
3789: proc printRandom {} {
3790: global gStudentSelection gPrintSelection
3792: set lprCommand [getLprCommand]
3794: if {$lprCommand == ""} {
3795: displayError "You must at least specify a print queue for lpr. \
3796: Nothing printed."
3797: return
3798: }
3800: if {$lprCommand == "Cancel"} {
3801: return
3802: }
3804: set type $gStudentSelection(type)
3805: set random $gStudentSelection(random)
3807: set gStudentSelection(type) Random
3808: set gStudentSelection(random) $gPrintSelection(random)
3810: if { [createDvi 0 1] == 2 } {
3811: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped"
3812: }
3814: printBody $lprCommand
3816: set gStudentSelection(type) $type
3817: set gStudentSelection(random) $random
3819: return 0
3820: }
3822: ###########################################################
3823: ###########################################################
3824: ###########################################################
3825: ###########################################################
3826: proc printSpecific {} {
3827: global gStudentSelection gPrintSelection
3829: set lprCommand [getLprCommand]
3831: if {$lprCommand == ""} {
3832: displayError "You must at least specify a print queue for lpr. \
3833: Nothing printed."
3834: return
3835: }
3837: if {$lprCommand == "Cancel"} {
3838: return
3839: }
3841: set type $gStudentSelection(type)
3842: set studentNumber $gStudentSelection(studentNumber)
3844: set gStudentSelection(type) Specific
3845: set gStudentSelection(studentNumber) $gPrintSelection(studentNumber)
3847: if { [createDvi 0 1 1] == 2 } {
3848: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped"
3849: }
3851: printBody $lprCommand
3853: set gStudentSelection(type) $type
3854: set gStudentSelection(studentNumber) $studentNumber
3856: return 0
3857: }
3859: ###########################################################
3860: ###########################################################
3861: ###########################################################
3862: ###########################################################
3863: proc printStudent { studentNumber } {
3864: global gStudentSelection gStopPrinting gDonePrinting
3866: set type $gStudentSelection(type)
3867: set studentNumberOld $gStudentSelection(studentNumber)
3869: set gStudentSelection(type) Specific
3870: set gStudentSelection(studentNumber) $studentNumber
3872: set createdDvi [createDvi 0 1]
3874: if { $createdDvi == 1 } { printBody } else {
3875: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped"
3876: set gStopPrinting 0
3877: set gDonePrinting 1
3878: }
3880: set gStudentSelection(type) $type
3881: set gStudentSelection(studentNumber) $studentNumberOld
3883: return 0
3884: }
3886: proc checkDestroyPrint { createDviWindow } {
3887: global gDonePrinting
3888: if { !$gDonePrinting } {
3889: if { [makeSure "Do you really wish to stop printing?"] == "Yes" } {
3890: global gStopPrinting
3891: set gStopPrinting 1
3892: after 1000 "destroyPrint $createDviWindow"
3893: }
3894: return
3895: }
3896: destroyPrint $createDviWindow
3897: }
3899: proc destroyPrint { createDviWindow } {
3900: trace vdelete gFile w updateCreateDvi
3901: destroy $createDviWindow
3902: removeWindowEntry CreateDvi
3903: }
3905: ###########################################################
3906: ###########################################################
3907: ###########################################################
3908: ###########################################################
3909: proc setupSetsToPrint { setVar startVar endVar {checkForHeader 1}} {
3910: global gPrintSelection gSetNumberText gLoadHeaderSet
3911: upvar $setVar set $startVar start $endVar end
3912: if { $gPrintSelection(sets) == "printRange" } {
3913: set start $gPrintSelection(setstart)
3914: set end $gPrintSelection(setend)
3915: set set "$start:$end"
3916: set errors ""
3917: for {set i $start} {$i <= $end} {incr i} {
3918: set gLoadHeaderSet $i
3919: if {[catch {getHeaderInfo}]} { append errors ", $i" }
3920: }
3921: if { $checkForHeader && $errors != "" } {
3922: set errors [string range $errors 1 end]
3923: if { [llength $errors] > 1 } {
3924: set errors "s$errors"
3925: set errors [linsert $errors [expr [llength $errors] - 1] and]
3926: }
3927: displayError "DB header has not yet been set for set$errors. Please set the DB Header before printing Sections."
3928: return 1
3929: }
3930: } else {
3931: set start [set end [set set $gSetNumberText]]
3932: set gLoadHeaderSet $gSetNumberText
3933: if {$checkForHeader && [catch {getHeaderInfo}]} {
3934: displayError "DB header has not yet been set. Please set the DB Header before printing Sections."
3935: return 1
3936: }
3937: }
3938: }
3940: ###########################################################
3941: ###########################################################
3942: ###########################################################
3943: ###########################################################
3944: proc printSection { { lprCommand "" } } {
3945: global gPrintSelection gCapaConfig gSetNumberText gWindowMenu \
3946: gCreateDviText gStopPrinting gPrefs gFile gDonePrinting \
3947: gLoadHeaderSet
3949: set gDonePrinting 0
3950: set showStopping 0
3952: if { [setupSetsToPrint set start end] == 1 } { return 1}
3953: if { $lprCommand == "" } {
3954: set showStopping 1
3955: set lprCommand [getLprCommand]
3956: if { $lprCommand == "" } {
3957: displayError "Print command was empty, unable to print."
3958: return 1
3959: }
3960: if {$lprCommand == "Cancel" } {
3961: return 1
3962: }
3963: }
3965: createCreateDviWin
3967: grab .createDvi
3969: $gCreateDviText delete 0.0 end
3971: switch $gPrefs(info) {
3972: Problem { set type "-T" }
3973: Answer { set type "-Ta" }
3974: ProblemAnswer { set type "-Tb" }
3975: default { set type "-T" }
3976: }
3978: if { [set gStopPrinting [expr 2 == [runLatex \
3979: "echo [pwd] | $gCapaConfig(qzparse_command) \
3980: -sec $gPrintSelection(section) -set $set \
3981: -d [pwd] -c [pwd] $type " gCreateDviText] ] ] } {
3982: for {set i $start} { $i <= $end} { incr i } {
3983: exec rm -f section$gPrintSelection(section)-set$i.tex
3984: }
3985: if {$showStopping} {
3986: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped."
3987: set gDonePrinting 1
3988: set gStopPrinting 0
3989: }
3990: return 1
3991: }
3992: if { $gStopPrinting } {
3993: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped."
3994: set gDonePrinting 1
3995: set gStopPrinting 0
3996: return 1
3997: }
3999: for { set i $start} { $i <= $end } { incr i } {
4000: if { ! [file exists section$gPrintSelection(section)-set$i.tex] } {
4001: if {$showStopping} {
4002: displayError "The qzparse command: $gCapaConfig(qzparse_command), was unable to produce the expected output. Printing stopped"
4003: set gStopPrinting 0
4004: set gDonePrinting 1
4005: }
4006: return 2
4007: }
4009: exec mv section$gPrintSelection(section)-set$i.tex quiztemp.tex
4010: exec /bin/rm -f quiztemp.dvi
4012: $gCreateDviText insert end "$gCapaConfig(latex_command)\n"
4013: $gCreateDviText see end
4015: if { [set gStopPrinting [ expr 2 == [runLatex \
4016: "pwd ; $gCapaConfig(latex_command) \
4017: quiztemp.tex < [file join / dev null ]" gCreateDviText ] ] ] } {
4018: if {$showStopping} {
4019: displayError "The LaTeX command: $gCapaConfig(latex_command), was unable to produce the expected output. Printing stopped"
4020: set gStopPrinting 0
4021: set gDonePrinting 1
4022: }
4023: return 1
4024: }
4026: if { $gStopPrinting } {
4027: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped."
4028: set gDonePrinting 1
4029: set gStopPrinting 0
4030: return 1
4031: }
4033: set a [expr ($showStopping) && ($end == $i)]
4034: if { [set gStopPrinting [printBody $lprCommand $a ] ] } {
4035: if {$showStopping} {
4036: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped."
4037: set gDonePrinting 1
4038: set gStopPrinting 0
4039: }
4040: return 1
4041: }
4042: if { $gStopPrinting } {
4043: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped."
4044: set gDonePrinting 1
4045: set gStopPrinting 0
4046: return 1
4047: }
4048: }
4050: set gDonePrinting 1
4051: return 0
4052: }
4054: ###########################################################
4055: ###########################################################
4056: ###########################################################
4057: ###########################################################
4058: proc printMultipleSections { } {
4059: global gPrintSelection gCapaConfig gSetNumberText gWindowMenu \
4060: gCreateDviText gStopPrinting gPrefs gDonePrinting
4062: #checks if the DB Header is set
4063: if { [setupSetsToPrint set start end] == 1 } { return 1}
4065: set sectionList [ getExistingSections ]
4066: set sectionsToPrint [ pickSections $sectionList "Select Sections to Print:" ]
4068: if { $sectionsToPrint == "" } {
4069: displayMessage "No sections selected, therefore nothing was printed."
4070: return 1
4071: }
4072: if { $sectionsToPrint == "Cancel" } {
4073: return 1
4074: }
4076: set lprCommand [getLprCommand]
4077: if { $lprCommand == "" } {
4078: displayError "Print command was empty, unable to print."
4079: return 1
4080: }
4081: if {$lprCommand == "Cancel" } {
4082: return 1
4083: }
4085: if { [makeSure "You have selected to print $gPrefs(info)s for sections: [string trim $sectionsToPrint], using the print command \"$lprCommand\", continue?"] == "Cancel" } {
4086: return 1
4087: }
4089: foreach section $sectionsToPrint {
4090: set gDonePrinting 0
4091: set gPrintSelection(section) $section
4092: if { [set gStopPrinting [printSection $lprCommand] ] } {
4093: set gDonePrinting 0
4094: if { $gStopPrinting == 2 } {
4095: displayError "The qzparse command: $gCapaConfig(qzparse_command), was unable to produce the expected output. Printing stopped"
4096: } else {
4097: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped."
4098: }
4099: set gDonePrinting 1
4100: return 1
4101: }
4102: if { $gStopPrinting } {
4103: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped."
4104: set gStopPrinting 0
4105: set gDonePrinting 1
4106: return 1
4107: }
4108: }
4109: set gDonePrinting 1
4110: displayMessage "Print jobs sent to the printer."
4111: return 0
4112: }
4114: ###########################################################
4115: ###########################################################
4116: ###########################################################
4117: ###########################################################
4118: proc printWholeClass { } {
4119: global gPrintSelection gCapaConfig gSetNumberText gWindowMenu \
4120: gCreateDviText gStopPrinting gPrefs gDonePrinting
4122: if {[catch {getHeaderInfo}]} {
4123: displayError "DB header has not yet been set, Please set DB Header before printing Sections."
4124: return 1
4125: }
4126: set sectionsToPrint [ getExistingSections ]
4128: if { $sectionsToPrint == "" } {
4129: displayMessage "No sections exist, therefore nothing was printed."
4130: return 1
4131: }
4133: set lprCommand [getLprCommand]
4135: if { $lprCommand == "" } {
4136: displayError "Print command was empty, unable to print."
4137: return 1
4138: }
4139: if {$lprCommand == "Cancel" } {
4140: return 1
4141: }
4143: if { [makeSure "You have selected to print $gPrefs(info)s for the entire class of [llength $sectionsToPrint] sections, using the print command $lprCommand, continue?"] == "Cancel" } {
4144: return 1
4145: }
4147: foreach section $sectionsToPrint {
4148: set section [lindex $section 0]
4149: set gPrintSelection(section) $section
4150: set gStopPrinting [printSection $lprCommand]
4151: if { $gStopPrinting } {
4152: if { $gStopPrinting == 2 } {
4153: displayError "$gCapaConfig(qzparse_command) was unable to produce the expected output. Printing stopped"
4154: } else {
4155: displayMessage "Printing has been stopped."
4156: }
4157: set gDonePrinting 1
4158: set gStopPrinting 0
4159: return 1
4160: }
4161: }
4162: set gDonePrinting 1
4163: displayMessage "Print jobs sent to the printer."
4164: return 0
4165: }
4167: ###########################################################
4168: # analyzeSet
4169: ###########################################################
4170: ###########################################################
4171: ###########################################################
4172: proc analyzeSet {} {
4173: global gChanged gWindowMenu gEditWindow gAnalyze gSetNumberText gNumberParsedText
4175: if { [catch {winfo exists $gEditWindow}] } { return }
4176: if { ![ winfo exists $gEditWindow ] } { return }
4177: if { $gChanged } { if { [askToSave 0 0] == "Cancel" } { return } }
4178: if { [winfo exists .analyzeSet] } {
4179: capaRaise .analyzeSet
4180: return
4181: }
4183: set analyze [toplevel .analyzeSet]
4184: $gWindowMenu add command -label "AnalyzeSet" \
4185: -command "capaRaise $analyze"
4186: wm title $analyze "Analyze Set"
4188: set settingsFrame [frame $analyze.settingsFrame]
4189: set dataFrame [frame $analyze.dataFrame]
4190: pack $settingsFrame $dataFrame -side top
4192: set classFrame [frame $settingsFrame.classFrame]
4193: set setFrame [frame $settingsFrame.setFrame]
4194: set probFrame [frame $settingsFrame.probFrame]
4195: set statusFrame [frame $settingsFrame.statusFrame]
4196: set statusBar [frame $settingsFrame.statusBar]
4197: set buttonFrame [frame $settingsFrame.buttonFrame]
4198: pack $classFrame $setFrame $probFrame $statusFrame $statusBar $buttonFrame \
4199: -side top
4201: set canvasFrame [frame $dataFrame.canvasFrame]
4202: set numberFrame [frame $dataFrame.numberFrame]
4203: pack $canvasFrame $numberFrame -side top
4205: set gAnalyze(class) [pwd]
4206: label $classFrame.label -textvariable gAnalyze(class)
4207: pack $classFrame.label
4209: set gAnalyze(set) $gSetNumberText
4210: label $setFrame.lbl -text "Set number:"
4211: label $setFrame.set -textvariable gAnalyze(set)
4212: # button $setFrame.change -text "Change" -command analyzeChangeSet
4213: pack $setFrame.lbl $setFrame.set -side left
4215: if { [set gAnalyze(maxprob) $gNumberParsedText] == "" } { set gAnalyze(maxprob) 1 }
4217: label $probFrame.label -text "Problem Number :"
4218: set gAnalyze(scale) [scale $probFrame.problem \
4219: -from 1 -to $gAnalyze(maxprob) \
4220: -variable gAnalyze(prob) -command analyzeUpdate \
4221: -orient h -length 150 -tickinterval 1]
4222: pack $probFrame.label $probFrame.problem -side left
4224: set gAnalyze(status) ""
4225: label $statusFrame.label -text "Status:"
4226: label $statusFrame.status -textvariable gAnalyze(status)
4227: pack $statusFrame.label $statusFrame.status -side left
4229: set gAnalyze(statcanvas) [canvas $statusBar.canvas -width 200 -height 20]
4230: pack $statusBar.canvas
4231: $gAnalyze(statcanvas) create rectangle 1 1 199 19 -outline black
4232: set gAnalyze(bar) [$gAnalyze(statcanvas) create rectangle 1 1 1 19 -fill red -outline black]
4234: button $buttonFrame.class -text "Run Class" -command "analyzeClass 1"
4235: button $buttonFrame.random -text "Run Random" -command analyzeRandom
4236: button $buttonFrame.stop -text "Stop" -command analyzeStop
4237: button $buttonFrame.close -text "Dismiss" -comman analyzeClose
4238: pack $buttonFrame.class $buttonFrame.random $buttonFrame.stop \
4239: $buttonFrame.close -side left
4241: set gAnalyze(canvaswidth) 600
4242: set gAnalyze(canvas) [canvas $canvasFrame.canvas -width $gAnalyze(canvaswidth) \
4243: -height 100]
4244: pack $gAnalyze(canvas)
4246: set hiFrame [frame $numberFrame.hiFrame]
4247: set lowFrame [frame $numberFrame.lowFrame]
4248: set uniqFrame [frame $numberFrame.uniqFrame]
4249: pack $lowFrame $hiFrame $uniqFrame -side left
4250: pack configure $hiFrame -anchor e
4251: pack configure $lowFrame -anchor w
4253: label $hiFrame.label -text "High End:"
4254: label $hiFrame.num -textvariable gAnalyze(highnum)
4255: pack $hiFrame.label $hiFrame.num -side left
4257: label $lowFrame.label -text "Low End:"
4258: label $lowFrame.num -textvariable gAnalyze(lownum)
4259: pack $lowFrame.label $lowFrame.num -side left
4261: label $uniqFrame.label -text "Num. Unique:"
4262: label $uniqFrame.num -textvariable gAnalyze(numuniq)
4263: pack $uniqFrame.label $uniqFrame.num -side left
4265: set gAnalyze(studentNumbers) [getStudentNumbers]
4266: set gAnalyze(exit) 0
4267: }
4269: ###########################################################
4270: # analyzeClass
4271: ###########################################################
4272: ###########################################################
4273: ###########################################################
4274: proc analyzeClass { {start 1} } {
4275: global gAnalyze gCapaConfig
4276: if { $gAnalyze(studentNumbers)=="" } { return }
4277: if { $start } {
4278: set gAnalyze(toprocess) $gAnalyze(studentNumbers)
4279: set gAnalyze(stop) 0
4280: set gAnalyze(update) 1
4281: set gAnalyze(done) 0
4282: set gAnalyze(total) [expr [llength $gAnalyze(toprocess)]/3]
4283: foreach name [array names gAnalyze *.\[alhu\]*] { unset gAnalyze($name) }
4284: }
4285: set number [lindex $gAnalyze(toprocess) 0]
4286: set name [lindex $gAnalyze(toprocess) 1]
4287: set section [lindex $gAnalyze(toprocess) 2]
4288: set gAnalyze(toprocess) [lrange $gAnalyze(toprocess) 3 end]
4289: set command "$gCapaConfig(answers_command) $number \"$name\" $section $gAnalyze(set)"
4290: set fileId [open "|$command" "r"]
4291: set gAnalyze(pid) [pid $fileId]
4292: fconfigure $fileId -blocking 0
4293: fileevent $fileId readable "analyzeLine $fileId"
4294: set gAnalyze(status) "Processing $number"
4295: incr gAnalyze(done)
4296: $gAnalyze(statcanvas) coords $gAnalyze(bar) 1 1 [expr 200*($gAnalyze(done)/double($gAnalyze(total)))] 19
4297: update idletasks
4298: }
4300: ###########################################################
4301: # analyzeEatQuestion
4302: ###########################################################
4303: ###########################################################
4304: ###########################################################
4305: proc analyzeEatQuestion { fileId } {
4306: global gAnalyze
4307: if { $gAnalyze(exit) } {
4308: fileevent $fileId readable ""
4309: catch {close $fileId}
4310: return
4311: }
4312: set aline [gets $fileId]
4313: if { $aline != "" } {
4314: switch -- [lindex [split $aline :] 0] {
4315: EQES { fileevent $fileId readable "analyzeLine $fileId" }
4316: }
4317: }
4318: if { [eof $fileId] } { analyzeEnd $fileId }
4319: }
4321: ###########################################################
4322: # analyzeLine
4323: ###########################################################
4324: ###########################################################
4325: ###########################################################
4326: proc analyzeLine { fileId } {
4327: global gAnalyze
4329: if { $gAnalyze(exit) } {
4330: fileevent $fileId readable ""
4331: catch {close $fileId}
4332: return
4333: }
4334: set aline [gets $fileId]
4335: if { $aline != "" } {
4336: switch [lindex [split $aline :] 0] {
4337: ANS {
4338: incr gAnalyze(problemNum)
4339: set ans [string range $aline 4 end]
4340: set length [llength $ans]
4341: lappend gAnalyze($gAnalyze(problemNum).ans) \
4342: [lindex $ans 0]
4343: if { ($length == 2) || ($length == 4)} {
4344: lappend gAnalyze($gAnalyze(problemNum).unit) \
4345: [lindex $ans end]
4346: }
4347: if { ($length == 3) || ($length == 4) } {
4348: lappend gAnalyze($gAnalyze(problemNum).low) \
4349: [lindex $ans 1]
4350: lappend gAnalyze($gAnalyze(problemNum).high) \
4351: [lindex $ans 2]
4352: }
4353: }
4354: SET { set gAnalyze(problemNum) 0 }
4355: DONE {
4356: set gAnalyze(maxprob) $gAnalyze(problemNum)
4357: $gAnalyze(scale) configure -to $gAnalyze(maxprob)
4358: }
4359: ERROR {
4360: fileevent $fileId readable ""
4361: displayError "Answers returned invalid message: $aline"
4362: fileevent $fileId readable "analyzeLine $fileId"
4363: }
4364: BQES { fileevent $fileId readable "analyzeEatQuestion $fileId" }
4365: default {
4366: }
4367: }
4368: }
4369: if { [eof $fileId] } { analyzeEnd $fileId }
4370: }
4372: ###########################################################
4373: # analyzeEnd
4374: ###########################################################
4375: ###########################################################
4376: ###########################################################
4377: proc analyzeEnd { fileId } {
4378: global gAnalyze
4379: if { [eof $fileId] } {
4380: fileevent $fileId readable ""
4381: catch {close $fileId}
4382: if { $gAnalyze(stop) } { return }
4383: if { [llength $gAnalyze(toprocess)] > 0 } {
4384: analyzeClass 0
4385: } else {
4386: analyzeUpdate
4387: set gAnalyze(status) "Done"
4388: }
4389: if { !$gAnalyze(update) } {
4390: incr gAnalyze(update)
4391: analyzeUpdate
4392: } else {
4393: incr gAnalyze(update)
4394: if { $gAnalyze(update) == 10 } {
4395: set gAnalyze(update) 0
4396: }
4397: }
4398: }
4399: }
4401: ###########################################################
4402: # analyzeRandom
4403: ###########################################################
4404: ###########################################################
4405: ###########################################################
4406: proc analyzeRandom { } {
4407: global gAnalyze
4408: set numToRun [getString . "How many random students should be run?"]
4409: if { $numToRun == "" } { return }
4410: if { [catch {incr numToRun} ] } {
4411: displayMessage "Invalid number."
4412: }
4413: incr numToRun -1
4414: set gAnalyze(total) $numToRun
4415: catch {unset gAnalyze(toprocess)}
4416: for { set i 0 } { $i < $numToRun } { incr i } {
4417: append gAnalyze(toprocess) "[format "%09d" $i] Random 999 "
4418: }
4419: set gAnalyze(stop) 0
4420: set gAnalyze(update) 1
4421: set gAnalyze(done) 0
4422: foreach name [array names gAnalyze *.\[alhu\]*] { unset gAnalyze($name) }
4423: analyzeClass 0
4424: }
4426: ###########################################################
4427: # analyzeUpdate
4428: ###########################################################
4429: ###########################################################
4430: ###########################################################
4431: proc analyzeUpdate { {newProbNumber 0} } {
4432: global gAnalyze
4434: if {[catch {set gAnalyze($gAnalyze(prob).ans)}]} { return }
4435: foreach problem [array names gAnalyze *.\[alh\]*] {
4436: if { [catch {set gAnalyze($problem) [lsort -real $gAnalyze($problem)]}]} {
4437: set gAnalyze($problem) [lsort $gAnalyze($problem)]
4438: }
4439: }
4441: set c $gAnalyze(canvas)
4442: $c delete all
4443: set gAnalyze(lownum) [set low [lindex $gAnalyze($gAnalyze(prob).ans) 0]]
4444: set gAnalyze(highnum) [set high [lindex $gAnalyze($gAnalyze(prob).ans) end]]
4445: set gAnalyze(numuniq) [llength [lunique $gAnalyze($gAnalyze(prob).ans)]]
4446: #don't draw anything if the answers aren't numbers
4447: if { [catch {expr $low + 1}]} { update idletask;return }
4449: $c create line 25 50 [expr $gAnalyze(canvaswidth) - 25] 50
4450: set diff [expr double($high-$low)]
4451: if { $diff == 0 } {
4452: set center [expr $gAnalyze(canvaswidth)/2.0]
4453: $c create oval [expr $center - 2] 48 [expr $center + 2] 52 -fill green
4454: update idletasks
4455: return
4456: }
4457: set delta [format "%1.e" [expr ($diff)/15.0]]
4458: set start [expr double(int($low/$delta)+1)*$delta]
4459: while { $start < $high } {
4460: set center [expr ($gAnalyze(canvaswidth)-50)*(($start-$low)/$diff)]
4461: set center [expr $center+25]
4462: $c create line $center 40 $center 60
4463: set start [expr $start + $delta]
4464: }
4465: if { ($low < 0) && ($high > 0) } {
4466: set center [expr ($gAnalyze(canvaswidth)-50)*((0-$low)/$diff)]
4467: set center [expr $center+25]
4468: $c create rectangle [expr $center - 1] 40 [expr $center + 1] 60
4469: }
4470: foreach point $gAnalyze($gAnalyze(prob).ans) {
4471: set center [expr ($gAnalyze(canvaswidth)-50)*(($point-$low)/$diff)]
4472: set center [expr $center+25]
4473: $c create oval [expr $center - 2] 48 [expr $center + 2] 52 -fill green
4474: }
4476: update idletasks
4477: }
4479: ###########################################################
4480: # analyzeStop
4481: ###########################################################
4482: ###########################################################
4483: ###########################################################
4484: proc analyzeStop {} {
4485: global gAnalyze
4486: set gAnalyze(stop) 1
4487: set gAnalyze(status) "Stopped"
4488: exec kill -SIGKILL $gAnalyze(pid)
4489: }
4491: ###########################################################
4492: # analyzeClose
4493: ###########################################################
4494: ###########################################################
4495: ###########################################################
4496: proc analyzeClose { } {
4497: global gAnalyze
4498: destroy [winfo toplevel $gAnalyze(canvas)]
4499: unset gAnalyze
4500: global gAnalyze
4501: set gAnalyze(exit) 1
4502: }
4504: ###########################################################
4505: # checkIfValidFilename
4506: ###########################################################
4507: ###########################################################
4508: ###########################################################
4509: proc checkIfValidFilename {} {
4510: global gSetNumberText gPreviewButton
4511: if { [regexp \[^0-9\]+ $gSetNumberText] } {
4512: displayError "This file is not properly named. \n\nA main assignment file must be named setX.qz, where X is replaced by a number between 1 and 99 inclusive. \n\nPlease do a \"Save .qz As\". \n\nUntil the file is properly named you will not be able to Preview, Create .dvi, or Print."
4513: $gPreviewButton configure -state disabled
4514: .main entryconfigure 5 -state disabled
4515: .main entryconfigure 7 -state disabled
4516: return 0
4517: }
4518: $gPreviewButton configure -state normal
4519: .main entryconfigure 5 -state normal
4520: .main entryconfigure 7 -state normal
4521: return 1
4522: }
4524: ###########################################################
4525: # updateChangeStatus
4526: ###########################################################
4527: ###########################################################
4528: ###########################################################
4529: proc updateChangeStatus { name1 name2 op } {
4530: global gChanged gRefChanged gRefText gChangedLast gRefChangedLast \
4531: gEditWindow gWindowMenu gRefFile
4532: if { $name1 == "gChanged" } {
4533: if { $gChanged != $gChangedLast } {
4534: set gChangedLast $gChanged
4535: global gFile
4536: if { [catch {set gEditWindow}] } { return }
4537: if { ![winfo exists $gEditWindow] } { return }
4538: if { $gChanged } {
4539: catch {removeWindowEntry "$gFile*"}
4540: wm title [winfo toplevel $gEditWindow] "$gFile (Modified)"
4541: $gWindowMenu add command -label "$gFile (Modified)" -command \
4542: "capaRaise $gEditWindow"
4543: } else {
4544: catch {removeWindowEntry "$gFile*"}
4545: wm title [winfo toplevel $gEditWindow] "$gFile"
4546: $gWindowMenu add command -label "$gFile" -command \
4547: "capaRaise $gEditWindow"
4548: }
4549: }
4550: } else {
4551: if { $gRefChanged($name2) != $gRefChangedLast($name2) } {
4552: if { [catch {set gRefText($name2)}] } { return }
4553: if { ![winfo exists $gRefText($name2)] } { return }
4554: if { $gRefChanged($name2) } {
4555: catch {removeWindowEntry "Reference $gRefFile($name2)*" }
4556: wm title [winfo toplevel $gRefText($name2)] "$gRefFile($name2) (Modified)"
4557: $gWindowMenu add command -label "Reference $gRefFile($name2) (Modified)" \
4558: -command "capaRaise [winfo toplevel $gRefText($name2)]"
4559: } else {
4560: catch {removeWindowEntry "Reference $gRefFile($name2)*" }
4561: wm title [winfo toplevel $gRefText($name2)] "$gRefFile($name2)"
4562: $gWindowMenu add command -label "Reference $gRefFile($name2)" \
4563: -command "capaRaise [winfo toplevel $gRefText($name2)]"
4564: }
4565: }
4566: }
4567: }
4568: ###########################################################
4569: # main
4570: ###########################################################
4571: # sets up the auto_path variable, some globals and adds some
4572: # options then calls createControlWindow to give the user something
4573: # to do
4574: ###########################################################
4575: # Arguments: None
4576: # Returns: Nothing
4577: # Globals:
4578: ###########################################################
4580: source quizzer.templates.tcl
4582: if { [lindex $auto_path 0] == "./lib/tcl7.5" } {
4583: set auto_path ""
4584: lappend auto_path [pwd]/lib/tcl7.5
4585: lappend auto_path [pwd]/lib/tk4.1
4586: }
4588: lappend auto_path /usr/local/lib/CAPA45/Quizzer
4589: lappend auto_path [pwd]
4591: set font 8x13bold
4592: catch {
4593: if { $argc > 0 } {
4594: switch -glob -- [lindex $argv 0] {
4595: {-[Ll]*} { set font 9x15bold }
4596: {-[Mm]*} -
4597: {-[Nn]*} { set font 8x13bold }
4598: {-[Ss]*} { set font fixed }
4599: }
4600: }
4601: }
4602: option add *font $font
4603: createControlWindow
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