Annotation of capa/capa51/Manual/s-PrototypeSet.tex, revision 1.1
1.1 ! albertel 1: \hrule
! 2: \section{Prototype Set with Three Problems}
! 3: \vskip 0.2in
! 4: \hrule
! 5: \vskip 0.2in
! 6: \subsection{\bf General Description.}
! 7:
! 8:
! 9: The source code for a class's problems are contained
! 10: in files named {\sl set$x$.qz} where {\em x} is the problem set
! 11: number. These files usually incorporate information from other
! 12: files (problem libraries) using the import command, {\tt /IMP}.
! 13: The example\footnote{\fbox{Boxed} items denote
! 14: Clicking on a Button selection}
! 15: below was assembled with {\sf Quizzer} by (1) selecting \fbox{File} in the main menu
! 16: then (2) choosing \fbox{New}.
! 17: You will then be prompted to choose the {\sl capa.config} file for the class you are
! 18: working in, for example {\sl /usr/users/teacher/CAPA5/nsc121s9/capa.config}.
! 19: In the new window, (3) click \fbox{Std. Header} then (4) \fbox{Import}
! 20: three times, each time selecting a problem to be imported from the {\sl /demolibrary /type00/sample-prob$xx$}. Each time you import a problem you will be
! 21: asked to set the weight of the problem and the number of tries allowed.
! 22: Finally, (5) click
! 23: \fbox{Endline}. Note: each time you click on one of the
! 24: buttons, you will be prompted if your cursor is in the correct position. Make
! 25: sure the cursor is at the beginning of a blank line and not within header
! 26: and question text.
! 27:
! 28: \index{sample problem set}
! 29: \begin{capacode}
! 30: //CAPA system software is copyrighted by Michigan State University.
! 31: //By using these materials, the User agrees to:
! 32: //1) Protect the source code files from unauthorized copying.
! 33: //2) Limit access of the source material to teaching staff.
! 34: //3) The User is free to mix, cut and paste, modify, adapt, delete,
! 35: // improve, etc. the problems and graphics for his/her own use.
! 36: //
! 37: /IMP "/demolibrary/Tools/StdMacros"
! 38: /IMP "/demolibrary/Tools/StdUnits"
! 39: /IMP "/demolibrary/Tools/StdConst"
! 40: /IMP "/demolibrary/Tools/GreekWeb2"
! 41: /IMP "HWTop"
! 42: //
! 43: //
! 44: /BEG prob_val=1
! 45: /LET try_val=99
! 46: /LET hint_val=1
! 47: /DIS("/demolibrary/type00/sample-prob01")
! 48: /IMP "/demolibrary/type00/sample-prob01"
! 49: /DIS(stdline)
! 50: //
! 51: /BEG prob_val=1
! 52: /LET try_val=99
! 53: /LET hint_val=1
! 54: /DIS("/demolibrary/type00/sample-prob02")
! 55: /IMP "/demolibrary/type00/sample-prob02"
! 56: /DIS(stdline)
! 57: //
! 58: /BEG prob_val=1
! 59: /LET try_val=99
! 60: /LET hint_val=1
! 61: /DIS("/demolibrary/type00/sample-prob03")
! 62: /IMP "/demolibrary/type00/sample-prob03"
! 63: /DIS(stdline)
! 64: /END(stdendline)
! 65: \end{capacode}
! 66: \capa\ processes the above set in a number of ways. By choosing \fbox{Create .dvi} and
! 67: selecting a student by entering {\tt A87654321}, one obtains the result
! 68: displayed on the following page.
! 69: This set is similar to {\sl nsc121s9/set2.qz} in the distribution.
! 70: \\
! 71: \\
! 72: \\
! 73:
! 74: \index{sample problems!tex output}
! 75:
! 76: {
! 77: \parbox[t]{3.9in}{
! 78: \noindent{\large\bf Student, Jaimie .\hfill Section {\Large 1}}\newline
! 79: \vskip -.1in
! 80: \noindent {\large \it Sample \capa Questions \hfill Set 2}\newline
! 81: \vskip -.16in
! 82: \noindent{\bf nsc121s9} Due Fri, May 28, 1999 at 10:00\hfill CAPA\_ID 8239
! 83: \vskip .05in \pagestyle{empty}
! 84:
! 85: /demolibrary/type00/sample-prob01
! 86: {\par \bf 1.} [1pt]
! 87: Find the area of a rectangle with a length of 8.0$\, cm$ and width of 4.0$\, cm$.
! 88: \vskip .05in \hrule width2in height0.6pt \hfill \vskip .02in
! 89: /demolibrary/type00/sample-prob02
! 90: {\par \bf 2.} [1pt]
! 91: The graph below shows the function \\ \centerline{$Y=ax$}
! 92: Make a careful determination of the value of $a$.
! 93: \epsfxsize=3.6in \epsffile{/demolibrary/Graphics/Gtype00/}
! 94: \vskip .05in \hrule width2in height0.6pt \hfill \vskip .02in
! 95: /demolibrary/type00/sample-prob03
! 96: {\par \bf 3.} [1pt]
! 97: A mass M = 0.13$\, kg$ is on a smooth horizontal surface with negligible
! 98: friction. It is attached to a spring with spring constant k = 15.3$\, N/m$.
! 99: The mass is displaced from its equilibrium position by a distance of
! 100: 0.14$\, m$ and then released from rest.
! 101: (Give all of the correct answers, i.e., A or BC or ABC...)
! 102: \begin{choicelist}
! 103: \item[] A) The amplitude doesn't vary with time
! 104: \item[] B) The motion of M is simple harmonic motion.
! 105: \item[] C) The frequency of oscillation is independent of k.
! 106: \end{choicelist}
! 107: \vskip .05in \hrule width2in height0.6pt \hfill \vskip .02in
! 108: \vskip .05in \hrule width3.55in height0.6pt \hfill \vskip -.07in \noindent {\tiny College of Natural Science, Michigan State University \dotfill {CAPA\copyright msu}}
! 109: \index{HWTop file!sample output}
! 110: }\hspace*{.3in}\parbox[t]{2.9 in}{ \footnotesize {\tt <==} The first 3-lines
! 111: on the left are generated by the HWTop file. This file uses definition in
! 112: the StdMacros file so that the order of /IMP in the set{\em x}.qz is important.
! 113:
! 114: \vspace*{0.2in}
! 115: \index{/DIS!sample output}
! 116: {\tt <==} This line shows the path of the imported problem. It is essential
! 117: for classifying the content of a library. It is also useful while debugging
! 118: a set. Before printing for students, just change the {\tt /DIS...} to a comment,
! 119: i.e., to {\tt //DIS...} in the {\sl set$x$.qz} file.
! 120:
! 121: \vspace*{1.2in}
! 122: \index{sample problems!graphics}
! 123: {\tt <==} The paths for {\sl .ps} or {\sl .gif} version of the picture are specified
! 124: in the problem file. This is one of 14 pictures randomly selected for
! 125: students as will be seen below from the problem code.
! 126:
! 127: \vspace*{01.4in}
! 128: \index{problem value}
! 129: {\tt <==} The point value here is set by the {\tt /BEG prob\_val=2} at the start
! 130: of Problem 3. [Note: {\tt /BEG} is just an alias for {\tt /LET}
! 131:
! 132: \vspace*{0.7in}{\tt <==} This type of problem should have at least 4
! 133: statements unless it is in an exam where students have just one try.
! 134: That is, at least one of the three statements should have two choices for
! 135: \capa\ to randomize from.
! 136: Therefore, there may be several versions of each of the statements (see problem
! 137: code in ``Problem 3'' section.)
! 138:
! 139: }
! 140:
! 141: \newpage
! 142:
! 143:
! 144: \index{Tools directory!StdMacros}
! 145: \index{Tools directory!StdUnits}
! 146: \index{Tools directory!StdConst}
! 147: \subsection{\bf Imported Standard Files.}
! 148: All the files below should be read as examples of CAPA coding and may be edited and adapted by users.
! 149: \begin{itemize}
! 150: \item The {\sl /demolibrary/Tools/StdMacros} contains a set of useful macros
! 151: such as ``stdline'' to facilitate coding.
! 152: \item The {\sl /demolibrary/Tools/StdUnits} has a large number of unit
! 153: combinations pre-formatted for presentation on the printed page and Web
! 154: browsers.
! 155: \item The {\sl /demolibrary/Tools/StdConst} defines variables for a number
! 156: of often used fundamental constants.
! 157: \item The {\sl /demolibrary/Tools/GreekWeb2} file is a list of variables
! 158: for displaying greek letters, symbols, etc. You can view the symbols
! 159: in the output of {\sl set13.qz} in the distribution class.
! 160: \index{HWTop file!description}
! 161: \index{copyright line}
! 162: \index{Department Name}
! 163: \item The {\sl HWTop} file resides in the classname folder. Two lines which
! 164: construct the stdendline require editing. They are visually separated from
! 165: other items in the file by rows of asterisks. Please edit these lines to
! 166: reflect the correct course and department information.
! 167: \begin{capacode}
! 168: //************* Edit the 2 statements below to suit ****************
! 169: /LET coursename="Sample \capa Questions"
! 170: /LET DeptID="College of Natural Science, Michigan State University"
! 171: //******************************************************************
! 172: //
! 173: /IF (tex("Y","N")=="Y")
! 174: /DIS("\noindent{\large\bf "+name()+"\hfill Section {\Large "+section()+"}}\newline")
! 175: /DIS("\vskip -.1in")
! 176: /DIS("\noindent {\large \it "+coursename+" \hfill Set "+set()+"}\newline")
! 177: /DIS("\vskip -.16in")
! 178: /DIS("\noindent{\bf "+class()+"} Due "+due_date()+"\hfill CAPA\_ID "+capa_id())
! 179: /DIS("\vskip .05in \pagestyle{empty}")
! 180: /ENDIF
! 181: /DIS(html("<b>"+name()+"</b>"))
! 182: /LET stdendline=stdendlineA+DeptID+stdendlineB //A & B are in Tools/StdMacros
! 183: \end{capacode}
! 184: \item {\sl HWTopSN} is similar except for an extra line of code which displays
! 185: the student number. This is not recommended because the combination of the
! 186: student number and \capa\ ID is all that is needed to access the system
! 187: for this and preceeding problem sets.
! 188:
! 189:
! 190:
! 191: \end{itemize}
! 192:
! 193: \newpage
! 194:
! 195: \subsection{\bf Problem 1.}
! 196:
! 197: \index{sample problems}
! 198: The text of {\sl /demolibrary/type00/sample-prob01} is:
! 199: \vskip 3mm
! 200: {\footnotesize
! 201: {
! 202:
! 203: \begin{minipage}[t]{4.2in}
! 204: \begin{verbatim}
! 205: //**************************************
! 206: //BEG prob_val=1
! 207: //LET try_val=20
! 208: /IMP "/demolibrary/Tools/Problem#"
! 209: // By, No commercial use.
! 210: /HIN The area of a rectangle is the product of the two sides.
! 211: /EXP Multiply the length by the width and enter the result.
! 212: //
! 213: /LET long=random(7.0,9.1,1.0)
! 214: /LET wide=random(2.0,5.1,2.0)
! 215: //
! 216: Find the area of a rectangle with a length of /DIS(long:1f)\
! 217: /DIS(cm_u) and width of /DIS(wide:1f)/DIS(cm_u).
! 218: //
! 219: /LET area=long*wide
! 220: /ANS(area:1f,tol=0.2,wgt=prob_val,tries=10,hint=hint\_val,unit="cm^2")
! 221: //**************************************
! 222: \end{verbatim}
! 223: \end{minipage}\hspace*{8mm}
! 224: \begin{minipage}[t]{2.4in}
! 225: \vspace*{2mm}{\tt <==} The {\tt //BEG prob\_val=2} and {\tt //LET try\_val=2} are comments.
! 226: The variables {\tt prob\_val} and {\tt try\_val} are defined in the {\sl set$x$.qz}. \\
! 227:
! 228: \index{hints!usage}
! 229: \index{explanations!usage}
! 230: \vspace*{-2mm}{\tt <==} Hints and Explanations are optional. Additional
! 231: hints can be inserted directly in the {\sl set$x$.qz} file for each problem.\\
! 232:
! 233: \index{random function!usage}
! 234: \vspace*{-1mm}{\tt <==} This questions was built when the \capa\ sets were
! 235: built on a different computer than the ones that the students logged into.
! 236: There were slight parsing differences with respect to real numbers
! 237: between the computers. Therefore, adding a little to the high end avoided this
! 238: problem (i.e. using 9.1 instead of 9.0 in the definition of {\tt long}). Even better
! 239: though would be to parse only random integers and avoid the problem entirely. \\
! 240:
! 241:
! 242:
! 243: \index{answer format!example}
! 244: \vspace*{-1mm}{\tt <==} Note the unit for the problem is defined as a string.
! 245: \end{minipage}
! 246: }
! 247: }
! 248: \newpage
! 249: \index{sample problems}
! 250: \subsection{\bf Problem 2.}
! 251: {\sl /demolibrary/type00/sample-prob02:}
! 252: \vskip 3mm
! 253: {\footnotesize
! 254: {
! 255:
! 256: \begin{minipage}[t]{4.0in}
! 257: \begin{verbatim}
! 258: //**************************************
! 259: //BEG prob_val=1
! 260: //LET try_val=20
! 261: /IMP "/demolibrary/Tools/Problem#"
! 262: //By E. Kashy,, No commercial use
! 263: //
! 264: /LET k=random(1,14,1)
! 265: /LET file=choose(k,"35","45","56","62","77","86","93","m26",\
! 266: "m39","m47","m51","m66","m74","m84")
! 267: //
! 268: //
! 269: //
! 270: //
! 271: //
! 272: /LET slope=choose(k,3.5, 4.5, 5.6, 6.2, 7.7, 8.6, 9.3, -2.6,\
! 273: -3.9, -4.7, -5.1, -6.6, -7.4, -8.4)
! 274: //
! 275: //
! 276: //
! 277: //
! 278: /LET TexGraph="\epsfxsize=3.6in \epsffile{/demolibrary"+ \
! 279: "/Graphics/Gtype00/Y"+label+"}"
! 280: /LET WebGraph="<IMG SRC=/demolibrary/Graphics/Gtype00/Y"+ \
! 281: label+"x.gif"
! 282: //
! 283: //
! 284: /LET constStr=web("a","$a$","<i>a</i>")
! 285: /LET functStr=web("Y=ax","\\ \centerline{$Y=ax$}","<i>Y=ax</i>")
! 286: //
! 287: //
! 288: The graph shows the function /DIS(functStr)
! 289: Make a careful determination of the value of /DIS(constStr).
! 290: //
! 291: /DIS(web("", TexGraph, WebGraph))
! 292: //
! 293: //
! 294: /ANS(slope:2E,tol=5%,wgt=prob_val,hint=hint\_val,tries=try_val)
! 295: //**************************************
! 296: \end{verbatim}
! 297: \end{minipage}\hspace*{8mm}
! 298: \begin{minipage}[t]{2.9in}
! 299: \index{/IMP function!usage}
! 300: \vspace*{7.5mm}{\tt <==} The {\tt /IMP} command imports a file to format the
! 301: problem number.\\
! 302:
! 303: \index{random function!usage}
! 304: \index{choose function!usage}
! 305: \vspace*{1.5mm}{\tt <==} The computer code picks a random number, k. For k=4,
! 306: the choose
! 307: function selects the string variable, 62 which is
! 308: then concatenated into the name of the .eps or .gif file to be displayed.
! 309: \index{continuation character}\index{line continuation} NOTE: The back
! 310: slash is a line
! 311: continuation character which hides the carriage return so that the {\tt /LET}
! 312: statement has no carriage return.\\
! 313:
! 314: \index{choose function!sample}
! 315: \vspace*{1.5mm}{\tt <==} The answer (slope) is also specified with a {\tt choose()} function using the
! 316: same selection index {\tt k}. Thus, the data in the first {\tt choose()} function
! 317: corresponds to the answers
! 318: in the second {\tt choose()} function.
! 319:
! 320:
! 321: \index{sample problems!graphics}
! 322: \index{graphics!commands to input}
! 323: \vspace*{2mm}{\tt <==} Commands and paths for the TeX and Web figures.
! 324: The continuation character is outside the ``string''.\\
! 325:
! 326: \index{web function!sample usage}
! 327: \index{tex function!sample usage}
! 328: \vspace*{8mm}{\tt <==} This formats the equation for Web and TeX\\
! 329:
! 330: \vspace*{10mm}{\tt <==} Text of problem.\\
! 331:
! 332: \index{/DIS!sample usage}
! 333: \vspace*{1mm}{\tt <==} Displays the figure in TeX and Web.\\
! 334:
! 335: \end{minipage}
! 336: }
! 337: }
! 338: \newpage
! 339: \subsection{\bf Problem 3.}
! 340: {\bf /demolibrary/type00/sample-prob03:}
! 341: \vskip 3mm
! 342: {\footnotesize
! 343: {
! 344:
! 345: \index{sample problems}
! 346: \begin{minipage}[t]{3.8in}
! 347: \begin{verbatim}
! 348: //**************************************
! 349: //BEG prob_val=1
! 350: /IMP "/demolibrary/Tools/Problem#"
! 351: //
! 352: //By E. Kashy,, No Commercial Use
! 353: // /demolibrary/CAPA46/MCTools/Nof3 Select N correct
! 354: //of 3 Statements
! 355: //
! 356: A mass M = 0.13/DIS(kg_u) is on a smooth horizontal surface \
! 357: with negligible friction. It is attached to a spring with \
! 358: spring constant k = 15.3/DIS(NPm_u). The mass is displaced \
! 359: from its equilibrium position by a distance of 0.14 m and \
! 360: then released from rest. (Give all of the correct answers, \
! 361: i.e., A or BC or ABC...)
! 362: //----------------------------------------
! 363: /LET s1a="The motion of M is simple harmonic motion."
! 364: /LET s1b="Statement 1 variation b"
! 365: /LET s1c="Statement 1 variation c"
! 366: /LET s1d="Statement 1 variation d"
! 367: /LET mix1=random(1,1,1)
! 368: /LET a1a=1
! 369: /LET a1b=26
! 370: /LET a1c=26
! 371: /LET a1d=26
! 372: //
! 373: /LET s2a="The amplitude varies with time."
! 374: /LET s2b="The amplitude doesn't vary with time"
! 375: /LET s2c="Statement 2 variation c"
! 376: /LET s2d="Statement 2 variation d"
! 377: /LET mix2=random(1,2,1)
! 378: /LET a2a=2
! 379: /LET a2b=1
! 380: /LET a2c=26
! 381: /LET a2d=26
! 382: //
! 383: /LET s3a="The frequency of oscillation is independent of k."
! 384: /LET s3b="The Period of oscillation is independent of k."
! 385: /LET s3c="The frequency of oscillation depends of k."
! 386: /LET s3d="Statement 3 variation d"
! 387: /LET mix3=random(1,3,1)
! 388: /LET a3a=2
! 389: /LET a3b=2
! 390: /LET a3c=1
! 391: /LET a3d=26
! 392: //
! 393: //
! 394: /IMP "/demolibrary/MCTools/Nof3aux"
! 395: //
! 396: //
! 397: /ANS(Nof3right,wgt=prob_val,str=mc,hint=hint_val,tries=try_val)
! 398: //**************************************
! 399: \end{verbatim}
! 400: \end{minipage}\hspace*{8mm}
! 401: \begin{minipage}[t]{2.9in}
! 402: \index{MCTools!sample usage}
! 403: \vspace*{11mm}{\tt <==} This problem starts as a template {\sl Nof3} which is located in {\sl /demolibrary/MCTools}.
! 404:
! 405:
! 406:
! 407: \index{StdUnits!sample usage}
! 408: \vspace*{11mm}{\tt <==} \ Certain variables ({\tt kg\_u, NPm\_u})
! 409: are not defined within the problem. Because they are used often, they were
! 410: defined in a files imported once at the start of the set ({\tt /IMP
! 411: "/demolibrary/Tools/StdUnits"})\\
! 412:
! 413:
! 414:
! 415: \index{choose function!sample usage}
! 416: \vspace*{13mm}{\tt <==} The {\tt mix1} variable will allow only the one variation of this statement and all students will have it.
! 417: It is identified as correct by {\tt a1a=1}. \\
! 418:
! 419: \vspace*{11mm}{\tt <==} The {\tt mix2} variable will select either of 2
! 420: variations of this statement for a particular student. The first
! 421: leaf is identified as incorrect by {\tt a2a=2}, while the second is correct, with
! 422: {\tt a2b=1}. This templates allows up to 4 variations for each statement.\\
! 423:
! 424:
! 425: \vspace*{24mm}{\tt <==} The {\tt mix3} variable will select one of the 3
! 426: variations of this 3rd statement to be given to a particular student. \\
! 427:
! 428:
! 429: \index{.aux files}
! 430: \vspace*{10mm}{\tt <==} The {\sl .aux} file randomizes the order and formats
! 431: presentation. Note the names of the statement and answer variables s3a, s3b,
! 432: a3a, a3b, etc. must correspond to those used in the {\sl Nof3aux} file.\\
! 433:
! 434: \index{answer formatting!order and case,sample usage}
! 435: \vspace*{-2mm}{\tt <==} The three letters in the answer can be in any order
! 436: because {\tt str=mc} is selected.
! 437:
! 438: \end{minipage}
! 439: }
! 440: }
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