<TITLE>LON-CAPA Installation</TITLE>
<H1>LON-CAPA Installation</H1>
<H3>Current Installation Procedure</H3>
Scott Harrison
Last updated: 02/22/2001
This is the current list of steps to support LON-CAPA installation. These steps have
been tested.
<LI>Get LON-CAPA on a CD by
<LI>Requesting a LON-CAPA installation CD (c/o Dr. Kortemeyer,
<LI>Or, downloading a LON-CAPA installation <A HREF="http://install.lon-capa.org/3.1/currentcdimage">CD image</A> and burning a CD.
<LI>(Depending on whether your computer has a bootable CD-ROM, you may
need to also make a boot floppy. Download this floppy disk image file:
<A HREF="http://install.lon-capa.org/3.1/currentcdsource/images/boot-20000407.img">
boot-20000407.img</A>. (Download the image file; insert a blank floppy disk; and type this command: <TT>dd if=boot-20000407.img of=/dev/fd0</TT>).
<LI>Install with CD-ROM
<LI>Follow the <A HREF="instructions_with_cd.html">
CD-ROM installation instructions</A>
<LI>After installation, restart the computer. Login as root. Enter this command (you only need to do this after your first reboot):
<LI><TT>sh /usr/sbin/loncapa_configure</TT>
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