--- doc/build/Attic/loncapapasswordauthentication.html 2001/09/30 18:32:10 1.4 +++ doc/build/Attic/loncapapasswordauthentication.html 2002/02/27 00:19:47 1.6 @@ -51,14 +51,17 @@ different ways passwords can be evaluate Making a LON-CAPA system work with shadow passwords (in five steps; assuming that the linux system is configured for shadow passwords)
-1. Get http://www.wwnet.net/~janc/software/mod_auth_external-2.1.13.tar.gz
-2. cd mod_auth_external/pwauth
-3. alter the config.h file line to match the UID of www
+1. Login as user=sysadm.
+2. cd ~
+3. mkdir install
+4. cd install
+5. wget http://www.wwnet.net/~janc/software/mod_auth_external-2.1.15.tar.gz
+6. tar xzvf mod_auth_external-2.1.15.tar.gz
+7. cd mod_auth_external/pwauth
+8. alter the config.h file line to match the UID of www
 #define SERVER_UIDS 500         /* user "www" */
+9. make
+10. sudo emacs -nw /etc/pam.d/pwauth
       If you have a /etc/pam.d directory, you need to create a file named
       "pwauth" inside it.  To authenticate out of the Unix Shadow file
       under Redhat 6.x, the /etc/pam.d/pwauth file should look something like
@@ -67,10 +70,12 @@ assuming that the linux system is config
         auth       required     /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so shadow nullok
         auth       required     /lib/security/pam_nologin.so
         account    required     /lib/security/pam_pwdb.so
-5.  place pwauth in /usr/local/sbin/.
+Place ~/mod_auth_external/pwauth/pwauth in /usr/local/sbin/ with
+setuid permissions.
+sudo cp /home/sysadm/install/mod_auth_external/pwauth/pwauth /usr/local/sbin/.
+sudo chmod 6755 /usr/local/sbin/pwauth