File:  [LON-CAPA] / doc / homework / datastorage
Revision 1.27: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Nov 8 14:35:51 2022 UTC (22 months, 3 weeks ago) by raeburn
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_2_12_X, version_2_11_X, version_2_11_5_msu, version_2_11_5, HEAD
- document more of the valid values for awarddetail

    1: ----PARAMETERS-----
    2: <see also>
    3: resource.partid.opendate   #unix time of when the local machine should let the
    4:                     #student in
    6: resource.partid.duedate    #unix time of when the local machine should stop
    7:                     #accepting answers
    9: resource.partid.answerdate #unix time of when the local machine should
   10:                     #provide the correct answer to the student
   12: resource.partid.acc # a string that can be used to control access, either
   13:                     # IP based or Domain Name based
   15: resource.partid.weight     # points the problem is worth
   17: resource.partid.maxtries   # maximum number of attempts the student can have
   20: resource.partid.problemstyle (notcurrently supported)
   21:                              # style to show a problem in, possible values:
   22:                              # online - show problem in default online mode
   23:                              # bubble - show problem in a mode approriate to
   24:                              #          being printed out for a bubble sheet
   25:                              #          exam
   26:                              # checkout - do checkouting of problem
   28: resource.partid.type       # type of problem homework can be:
   29:                            # homework - randomized, graded, stored with 
   30:                            #            requesting user, full feeback
   31:                            # exam - randomized, graded, stored with 
   32:                            #        requesting user, minimal feedback
   33:                            # form - unrandomized, ungraded, stored with 
   34:                            #        specified user, full feedback
   35:                            # survey - unrandomized, ungraded, stored with 
   36:                            #          requesting user, full feedback
   39: <numerical/formula/response needed: (has a default if nonexistant)>
   41: resource.partid.responseid.tol   # lots of possibilities here
   42:                     # percentage, range (inclusive and exclusive),
   43: 		    # variable name, etc
   44:                     # 3%
   45:                     # 0.5
   46:                     # .05+
   47:                     # 3%+
   48:                     # 0.5+,.005
   50: resource.partid.responseid.sig  # one or two comma sepearted integers, specifying the
   51:                      # number of significatn figures a student must use
   54: <essayresponse specific>
   56: resource.partid.responseid.maxcollaborators
   57:                      	# integer of the maximum number of users to 
   58:                         # collborate on an answer
   60: resource.partid.responseid.uploadfiletypes
   61:                         # a comma seperated list of filetypes to allow a user
   62:                         # to upload
   66: ----STORED VALUES----
   67: resource.partid.solved # if not set, problem yet to be viewed
   68:                 # incorrect_attempted == incorrect and attempted
   69:                 # correct_by_student == correct by student work
   70:                 # correct_by_override == correct, instructor override
   71:                 # correct_by_scantron == correct, scantron graded
   72:                 # incorrect_by_override == incorrect, instructor override
   73:                 # excused == excused, problem no longer counts for student
   74:                 # '' (empty) == not attempted
   75:                 # ungraded_attempted == an ungraded answer has been
   76:                                           submitted and stored
   77: resource.partid.tries  # positive integer of number of unsuccessful attempts
   78:                 # made, malformed answers don't count if feedback is
   79:                 # on
   81: resource.partid.awarded # float between 0 and 1, percentage of
   82:                         # resource.partid.weight that the student earned.
   84: <only exists in the scantron grading case>
   85: resource.partid.resourceid.awarded
   86:                          # float between 0 and 1, percentage of
   87:                          # resource.partid.weight
   88:                          # that the student was assigned on a scantron sheet
   89:                          # all resource level .awarded s will be averaged
   90:                          # together for the final part .awarded
   92: resource.partid.award # final detailed award that was applied to the entire
   93:                       # part of the question, check awarddetail below for
   94:                       # possibilities
   96: resource.partid.previous # boolean, is this submission a previous submission
   98: resource.partid.regrader
   99:                  # the username:domain of the user who hand graded this one
  102: resource.partid.afterduedate
  103:                  # the award that would have been received if they had
  104:                  # submitted before the duedate
  106: resource.partid.responseid.submisson
  107:                     # the student submitted string for the part.response
  109: resource.partid.responseid.awarddetail
  110:                      # list of all of the results of grading the submissions
  111:                      # in detailed form of the specific failure
  112: 		     #Possible values:
  113:                      # EXACT_ANS, APPROX_ANS : student is correct
  114:                      # NO_RESPONSE : student submitted no response
  115:                      # MISSING_ANSWER : student submitted some but not
  116:                      #                   all parts of a response
  117: 	 	     # EXTRA_ANSWER : student submitted a vector of values
  118:                      #                  when a scalar was expected
  119:                      # WANTED_NUMERIC : expected a numeric answer and
  120:                      #                   didn't get one
  121: 		     # SIG_FAIL : incorrect number of Significant Figures
  122:                      # UNIT_FAIL : incorrect unit
  123:                      # UNIT_NOTNEEDED : Submitted a unit when one shouldn't
  124:                      # UNIT_INVALID_INSTRUCTOR : the unit provided by the 
  125:                      #            author of the problem is unparasable
  126:                      # UNIT_INVALID_STUDENT : the unit provided by the 
  127:                      #            student is unparasable
  128:                      # UNIT_IRRECONCIBLE : the unit from the student and
  129:                      #                  the instructor are of different types
  130:                      # NO_UNIT : needed a unit but none was submitted
  131: 		     # BAD_FORMULA : syntax error in submitted formula
  132:                      # WRONG_NUMBOXESCHECKED : too few or too many checkboxes
  133:                      #             checked in optionresponse with limits
  134:                      # INCORRECT : answer was wrong
  135:                      # SUBMITTED : submission wasn't graded
  136:                      # SUBMITTED_CREDIT : credit for making a submission,
  137:                      #                    regardless of content 
  138:                      # ANONYMOUS : submission to an anonymous survey
  139:                      # ANONYMOUS_CREDIT : credit for submission to an anonymous
  140:                      #                    survey, regardless of content 
  141:                      # DRAFT : submission only stored
  142:                      # MISORDERED_RANK : student submitted a poorly order
  143:                      #                   rank response
  144: 		     # ERROR : unable to get a grade
  145:                      # ASSIGNED_SCORE : there is a 
  146:                      #                  resource.partid.responseid.awarded
  147:                      #                  the real awarded should be set to the
  148:                      #                  average of the individual awardeds
  149:                      # TOO_LONG : answer submission to capa engine longer
  150:                      #            than 500 characters
  151:                      # INVALID_FILETYPE : student tried to upload a file
  152:                      #                    that was of an extension that was
  153:                      #                    not specficy allowed 
  154:                      # EXCESS_FILESIZE : either the size of an individual file
  155:                      #          or the combined sizes of all files submitted 
  156:                      #          to essayresponse item exceeded the size limit
  157:                      #          in effect for the problem part
  158:                      # FILENAME_INUSE : same path/filename in portfolio space
  159:                      #            can not be used for submission to more than 
  160:                      #            one essayreponse item 
  161: 		     # COMMA_FAIL : answer requires the use of comma grouping
  162:                      #              and it wasn't provided or was incorrect
  164: resource.partid.responseid.message (optional) (not yet supported)
  165: 		     # a message that should be shown to the student
  167: resource.partid.bonustries (optional) (not yet supported)
  168:                      # if set, added to the maxtries parameter for student 
  169:                      # total number of tries overall
  171: resource.partid.responseid.scantron
  172:                  # the letteror string that the scantron submitted as 
  173:                  # the answer before it was converted into the submission
  174:                  # value
  176: rndseed
  177:                  # for public users or browsed versions, the rndseed used
  178:                  # for this partcualr submission, should only appear
  179:                  # in tmpstore dbs
  181: <option/rank/match response specific>
  182: resource.partid.responseid.submissiongrading
  183: 		 # an annotation of which foils that the student
  184:                  # submitted were wrong and which were correct (hash)
  186: <optionresponse> specific
  187: resource.partid.responseid.numfoils
  188:                      # if graded in scantron mode this is set to number
  189:                      # of foils a student saw
  191: <organicresponse specific>
  192: resource.partid.responseid.molecule
  193:                      #JME string of the last submission
  195: <essayresponse> specific
  196: resource.partid.responseid.uploadedfile
  197:                      # filename of the upload file that is to be used
  198:                      # for the submission
  200: resource.partid.responseid.uploadedurl
  201:                     # url to use to grab the file that was used for
  202:                     # the submission
  204: resource.partid.responseid.portfiles
  205:                     # comma sepearted list of student portfolio files
  206:                     # for the submission

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