1: <!DOCTYPE piml PUBLIC "-//TUX/DTD piml 1.0 Final//EN"
2: "http://lpml.sourceforge.net/DTD/piml.dtd">
3: <!-- ntpcheck.piml -->
4: <!-- Matthew Hall -->
6: <!-- $Id: ntpcheck.piml,v 1.59 2024/11/15 16:25:30 raeburn Exp $ -->
8: <!--
10: This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
12: LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
13: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
14: the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
15: (at your option) any later version.
17: LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
18: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
20: GNU General Public License for more details.
22: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
23: along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
24: Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
26: /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
28: http://www.lon-capa.org/
30: -->
32: <piml>
33: <targetroot>/</targetroot>
34: <files>
35: <file>
36: <target dist="default"></target>
37: <perlscript mode="fg">
38: print "Checking to be sure the Network Time Protocol is running properly.\n";
39: if (('<DIST />' eq 'fedora26') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora27') ||
40: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora28') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora29') ||
41: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora30') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora31') ||
42: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora32') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora33') ||
43: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora34') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora35') ||
44: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora36') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora37') ||
45: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora38') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora39') ||
46: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora40') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora41') ||
47: ('<DIST />' eq 'sles15') || ('<DIST />' eq 'centos8') ||
48: ('<DIST />' eq 'rhes8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle7') ||
49: ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu18') ||
50: ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu20') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu22') ||
51: ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu24') || ('<DIST />' eq 'rocky8') ||
52: ('<DIST />' eq 'alma8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'centos8-stream') ||
53: ('<DIST />' eq 'centos9-stream') || ('<DIST />' eq 'rhes9') ||
54: ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle9') || ('<DIST />' eq 'rocky9') ||
55: ('<DIST />' eq 'alma9') || ('<DIST />' eq 'debian10') ||
56: ('<DIST />' eq 'debian11') || ('<DIST />' eq 'debian12')) {
57: print "For more information on chronyd please see https://chrony.tuxfamily.org/\n";
58: } else {
59: print "For more information on ntpd please see http://www.ntp.org/\n";
60: }
61: my $NTPD;
62: my $name = 'ntp';
63: my $checkcmd = 'ps -ef |grep ntp |grep -v grep |grep -v ntpcheck';
64: my $startntpcmd;
65: my $is_running;
66: if (('<DIST />' eq 'fedora15') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora16') ||
67: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora17') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora18') ||
68: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora19') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora20') ||
69: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora21') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora22') ||
70: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora23') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora24') ||
71: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora25') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora26') ||
72: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora27') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora28') ||
73: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora29') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora30') ||
74: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora31') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora32') ||
75: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora33') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora34') ||
76: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora35') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora36') ||
77: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora37') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora38') ||
78: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora39') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora40') ||
79: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora41') || ('<DIST />' eq 'centos7') ||
80: ('<DIST />' eq 'rhes7') || ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle7') ||
81: ('<DIST />' eq 'scientific7') || ('<DIST />' eq 'sles12') ||
82: ('<DIST />' eq 'sles15') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu18') ||
83: ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu20') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu22') ||
84: ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu24') || ('<DIST />' eq 'rhes8') ||
85: ('<DIST />' eq 'centos8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle8') ||
86: ('<DIST />' eq 'rocky8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'alma8') ||
87: ('<DIST />' eq 'centos8-stream') || ('<DIST />' eq 'centos9-stream') ||
88: ('<DIST />' eq 'rhes9') || ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle9') ||
89: ('<DIST />' eq 'rocky9') || ('<DIST />' eq 'alma9') ||
90: ('<DIST />' eq 'debian10') || ('<DIST />' eq 'debian11') ||
91: ('<DIST />' eq 'debian12')) {
92: $NTPD = 'ntpd';
93: my $binname = $NTPD;
94: if (('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu18') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu20') ||
95: ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu22') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu24') ||
96: ('<DIST />' eq 'debian10') || ('<DIST />' eq 'debian11') ||
97: ('<DIST />' eq 'debian12')) {
98: $NTPD = 'chrony';
99: $name = $NTPD;
100: $binname = 'chronyd';
101: } elsif (('<DIST />' eq 'fedora26') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora27') ||
102: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora28') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora29') ||
103: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora30') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora31') ||
104: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora32') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora33') ||
105: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora34') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora35') ||
106: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora36') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora37') ||
107: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora38') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora39') ||
108: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora40') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora41') ||
109: ('<DIST />' eq 'sles15') || ('<DIST />' eq 'rhes8') ||
110: ('<DIST />' eq 'centos8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle7') ||
111: ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'rocky8') ||
112: ('<DIST />' eq 'alma8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'centos8-stream') ||
113: ('<DIST />' eq 'centos9-stream') || ('<DIST />' eq 'rhes9') ||
114: ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle9') || ('<DIST />' eq 'rocky9') ||
115: ('<DIST />' eq 'alma9')) {
116: $NTPD = 'chronyd';
117: $name = $NTPD;
118: $binname = $NTPD;
119: }
120: $checkcmd = "systemctl is-enabled $NTPD.service";
121: $startntpcmd = "systemctl start $NTPD.service";
122: if (!-e "/usr/sbin/$binname") {
123: print "$name is not installed.\n";
124: exit;
125: }
126: } else {
127: if (-e "/etc/init.d/ntpd") {
128: $NTPD = "ntpd";
129: } elsif (-e "/etc/init.d/xntpd") {
130: $NTPD = "xntpd";
131: } elsif (-e "/etc/init.d/ntp") {
132: $NTPD = "ntp";
133: } else {
134: print "ntp is not installed.\n";
135: exit;
136: }
137: $startntpcmd = "/etc/init.d/$NTPD start";
138: }
140: if (open(PIPE,'-|',$checkcmd)) {
141: $is_running = <PIPE>;
142: chomp($is_running);
143: close(PIPE);
144: if (!$is_running) {
145: print "WARNING: $name is installed but is not currently running.\n";
146: if ($name eq 'ntp') {
147: print "Please verify the configuration of ntp in /etc/ntp.conf and /etc/ntp/step-tickers\n";
148: }
149: print "Start $name by executing\n $startntpcmd\n";
150: } else {
151: print "$name is installed and running\n";
152: }
153: } else {
154: print "Could not determine $name status.\n";
155: }
157: # chkconfig barfs to stderr if the target isn't set up right.
158: if (('<DIST />' eq 'fedora15') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora16') ||
159: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora17') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora18') ||
160: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora19') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora20') ||
161: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora21') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora22') ||
162: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora23') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora24') ||
163: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora25') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora26') ||
164: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora27') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora28') ||
165: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora29') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora30') ||
166: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora31') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora32') ||
167: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora33') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora34') ||
168: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora35') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora36') ||
169: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora37') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora38') ||
170: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora39') || ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora40') ||
171: ('<DIST />' eq 'fedora41') || ('<DIST />' eq 'centos7') ||
172: ('<DIST />' eq 'scientific7') || ('<DIST />' eq 'rhes7') ||
173: ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle7') || ('<DIST />' eq 'sles12') ||
174: ('<DIST />' eq 'sles15') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu18') ||
175: ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu20') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu22') ||
176: ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu24') || ('<DIST />' eq 'rhes8') ||
177: ('<DIST />' eq 'centos8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle8') ||
178: ('<DIST />' eq 'rocky8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'alma8') ||
179: ('<DIST />' eq 'centos8-stream') || ('<DIST />' eq 'centos9-stream') ||
180: ('<DIST />' eq 'rhes9') || ('<DIST />' eq 'oracle9') ||
181: ('<DIST />' eq 'rocky9') || ('<DIST />' eq 'alma9') ||
182: ('<DIST />' eq 'debian10') || ('<DIST />' eq 'debian11') ||
183: ('<DIST />' eq 'debian12')) {
184: if (!-l "/etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/$NTPD.service") {
185: print "**** WARNING: $NTPD is not configured to run at boot. To correct this run:\nsystemctl enable $NTPD.service\n";
186: }
187: exit;
188: } else {
189: my $checking_bin;
190: my $restartchk;
191: if (('<DIST />' eq 'debian5') || ('<DIST />' eq 'debian6') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu6') ||
192: ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu8') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu10') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu12') ||
193: ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu14') || ('<DIST />' eq 'ubuntu16')) {
194: $checking_bin = '/usr/sbin/sysv-rc-conf';
195: } else {
196: $checking_bin = '/sbin/chkconfig';
197: }
198: $restartchk = `$checking_bin --list $NTPD 2>/dev/null`;
199: if ($restartchk eq '') {
200: print "**** WARNING: ntpd is either not installed or not configured to run at boot.\n";
201: exit;
202: }
203: if ($restartchk =~ /^error reading information on service / ||
204: $restartchk !~ /\d:(on|off)/) {
205: print "**** WARNING: Unable to check status $NTPD with $checking_bin.\n";
206: exit;
207: }
208: if ($restartchk !~ /\s3:on/) {
209: print "**** WARNING: ntpd is not set to start at runlevel 3. To correct this run:\n$checking_bin --level 345 $NTPD on\n";
210: exit;
211: }
212: if ($restartchk !~ /\s5:on/) {
213: print "**** WARNING: ntpd is not set to start at runlevel 5. To correct this run:\n$checking_bin --level 345 $NTPD on\n";
214: exit;
215: }
216: }
217: </perlscript>
218: </file>
219: </files>
220: </piml>
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