File:  [LON-CAPA] / doc / loncapafiles / webserver.piml
Revision 1.62: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Mon Aug 5 15:45:16 2024 UTC (6 months, 2 weeks ago) by raeburn
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_2_12_X, HEAD
- doc/install/linux/sles-suse/apache2.4/default-server.conf used for
  Apache 2.4 (SLES >= 12) includes absolute path for loncapa_apache.conf
- Do not add an Include with a relative path, so run post-installation
  will no longer prompt: "Configure Apache web server?(Y/n).

    1: <!DOCTYPE piml PUBLIC "-//TUX/DTD piml 1.0 Final//EN" 
    2: 	"">
    3: <!-- webserver.piml -->
    5: <!-- $Id: webserver.piml,v 1.62 2024/08/05 15:45:16 raeburn Exp $ -->
    7: <!--
    9: Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
   11: This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
   13: LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
   14: it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
   15: the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
   16: (at your option) any later version.
   18: LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   19: but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   21: GNU General Public License for more details.
   23: You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
   24: along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
   25: Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
   27: /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
   31: -->
   33: <!-- Default values must be defined before specific values. -->
   34: <!-- If no 'dist' attribute is specified, then it is always installed. -->
   35: <!-- If 'dist' attribute is set to  'default', then the specification. -->
   36: <!-- is accepted if an alternative distribution is not requested or not -->
   37: <!-- defined. -->
   39: <piml>
   40: <targetroot>/</targetroot>
   41: <specialnotices>
   42: <specialnotice>
   43: </specialnotice>
   44: </specialnotices>
   45: <files>
   46: <file>
   47: <target dist='default'>/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf</target>
   48: <target dist='suse9.2 suse9.3 sles9'>/etc/httpd/httpd.conf</target>
   49: <target dist='sles10 sles11 sles12 sles15 suse10.1 suse10.2 suse10.3 suse11.1 suse11.2 suse11.3 suse11.4 suse12.1 suse12.2 suse12.3 suse13.1 suse13.2'>/etc/apache2/default-server.conf</target>
   50: <target dist='debian5 debian6 ubuntu6 ubuntu8 ubuntu10 ubuntu12'>/etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa</target>
   51: <target dist='debian10 debian11 debian12 ubuntu14 ubuntu16 ubuntu18 ubuntu20 ubuntu22 ubuntu24'>/etc/apache2/conf-available/loncapa.conf</target>
   52: <note>This is for Apache 1.X for Red Hat 4ES, Fedora 2, 3 and 4, SusSE 9.2 and 9.3, and SLES 9 distributions. This is for Apache 2.X for Fedora 5, Red Hat 5, CentOS 5, Scientific Linux 5, Oracle Linux 5, SuSE 10.1, SLES 10, Debian 5, Ubuntu LTS 8 and later distributions</note>
   53: <dependencies dist='default'>
   54: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
   55: </dependencies>
   56: <dependencies dist='suse9.2 suse9.3 sles9'>
   57: /etc/httpd/httpd.conf
   58: </dependencies>
   59: <dependencies dist='debian5 debian6 ubuntu6 ubuntu8 ubuntu10 ubuntu12'>
   60: /etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa
   61: </dependencies>
   62: <dependencies dist='debian10 debian11 debian12 ubuntu14 ubuntu16 ubuntu18 ubuntu20 ubuntu22 ubuntu24'>
   63: /etc/apache2/conf-available/loncapa.conf
   64: </dependencies>
   65: <dependencies dist='sles10 sles11 sles12 sles15 suse10.1 suse10.2 suse10.3 suse11.1 suse11.2 suse11.3 suse11.4 suse12.1 suse12.2 suse12.3 suse13.1 suse13.2'>
   66: /etc/apache2/default-server.conf
   67: </dependencies>
   68: <perlscript mode='fg' dist="default">
   69: # Generated from doc/loncapafiles/webserver.piml
   70: use Socket;
   71: use Sys::Hostname::FQDN();
   72: use File::Spec;
   73: use Cwd();
   75: # For ubuntu 14 and later check for loncapa.conf in sites-available,
   76: # and conf-available, and for symlinks in sites-enabled, and conf-enabled
   77: if ('<DIST />' =~ /^ubuntu(\d+)$/) {
   78:     my $version = $1;
   79:     if ($version &gt; 12) {
   80:         if (-l '/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/loncapa.conf') {
   81:             my $linkfname = readlink('/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/loncapa.conf');
   82:             if ($linkfname ne '') {
   83:                 $linkfname = Cwd::abs_path(File::Spec->rel2abs($linkfname,'/etc/apache2/conf-enabled'));
   84:             }
   85:             unless ($linkfname eq '/etc/apache2/conf-available/loncapa.conf') {
   86:                 unlink('/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/loncapa.conf');
   87:             }
   88:         }
   89:         if (-e '/etc/apache2/conf-available/loncapa') {
   90:             system('mv /etc/apache2/conf-available/loncapa /etc/apache2/conf-available/loncapa.conf');
   91:         }
   92:         unless (-l '/etc/apache2/conf-enabled/loncapa.conf') {
   93:             if (-e '/etc/apache2/conf-available/loncapa.conf') {
   94:                 my $currdir = Cwd::getcwd();
   95:                 if ($currdir ne '') {
   96:                     chdir('/etc/apache2/conf-enabled');
   97:                     symlink('../conf-available/loncapa.conf','loncapa.conf');
   98:                     chdir($currdir);
   99:                 }
  100:             }
  101:         }
  102:         if (-l '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf') {
  103:             my $linkfname = readlink('/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf');
  104:             if ($linkfname ne '') {
  105:                 $linkfname = Cwd::abs_path(File::Spec->rel2abs($linkfname,'/etc/apache2/sites-enabled'));
  106:             }
  107:             if (($linkfname eq '/etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa') ||
  108:                 ($linkfname eq '/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf')) {
  109:                 unlink('/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default.conf');
  110:             }
  111:         }
  112:         if (-e '/etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa') {
  113:             system('mv /etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa /etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa.conf');
  114:         }
  115:         if (-l '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/loncapa.conf') {
  116:             my $linkfname = readlink('/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/loncapa.conf');
  117:             if ($linkfname ne '') {
  118:                 $linkfname = Cwd::abs_path(File::Spec->rel2abs($linkfname,'/etc/apache2/sites-enabled'));
  119:             }
  120:             unless ($linkfname eq '/etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa.conf') {
  121:                 unlink('/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/loncapa.conf');
  122:             }
  123:         }
  124:         unless (-l '/etc/apache2/sites-enabled/loncapa.conf') {
  125:             if (-e '/etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa.conf') {
  126:                 my $currdir = Cwd::getcwd();
  127:                 if ($currdir ne '') {
  128:                     chdir('/etc/apache2/sites-enabled');
  129:                     symlink('../sites-available/loncapa.conf','loncapa.conf');
  130:                     chdir($currdir);
  131:                 }
  132:             }
  133:         }
  134:     }
  135: }
  137: unless (-e "<TARGET />") {
  138:   print '**** ERROR! <TARGET /> should exist! Are you missing the Apache '.
  139:     'software package?';
  140:   exit(1);
  141: }
  142: else {
  143:   # Append loncapa_apache.conf inclusion to httpd.conf 
  144:   # (or sites-available/loncapa or conf-available/loncapa.conf) if not present.
  145:   my $absolute_link;
  146:   if ('<DIST />' =~ /^sles(\d+)$/) {
  147:     my $version = $1;
  148:     if ($version &gt; 11) {
  149:       $absolute_link = 1;
  150:     }
  151:   }
  152:   if ($absolute_link) {
  153:     # For SuSE and SLES /etc/apache2/default-server.conf needs to include:
  154:     # Include /etc/apache2/loncapa_apache.conf
  155:     # instead of:
  156:     # Include conf/loncapa_apache.conf
  157:     my $delflag=0;
  158:     my $addflag=1;
  159:     open(IN,'&lt;<TARGET />');
  160:     while (&lt;IN&gt;) {
  161:       if (/^\s*Include\s+conf\/loncapa_apache.conf/) {
  162:         $delflag=1;
  163:       }
  164:       if (/^\s*Include\s+\/etc\/apache2\/loncapa_apache.conf/) {
  165:         $addflag = 0;
  166:       }
  167:     }
  168:     close(IN);
  169:     if ($addflag) {
  170:       open(OUT,'&gt;&gt;<TARGET />');
  171:       print(OUT 'Include /etc/apache2/loncapa_apache.conf'."\n");
  172:       close(OUT);
  173:     }
  174:     if ($delflag==1) {
  175:       my $in='';
  176:       open(IN,'&lt;<TARGET />');
  177:       while(&lt;IN&gt;) {
  178:         $in.=$_ unless /^\s*Include\s+conf\/loncapa_apache.conf/;
  179:       }
  180:       close(IN);
  181:       open(OUT,'&gt;<TARGET />');
  182:       print(OUT $in);
  183:       close(OUT);
  184:     }
  185:   } else {
  186:     $flag=0;
  187:     open(IN,'&lt;<TARGET />');
  188:     while (&lt;IN&gt;) { 
  189:       if (/^\s*Include\s+conf\/loncapa_apache.conf/) {
  190:         $flag=1; 
  191:       }
  192:     }
  193:     close(IN);
  194:     unless ($flag==1) {
  195:       open(OUT,'&gt;&gt;<TARGET />');
  196:       print(OUT 'Include conf/loncapa_apache.conf'."\n");
  197:       close(OUT);
  198:     }
  199:   }
  200:   # Remove loncapa.conf inclusion from httpd.conf 
  201:   # (or sites-available/loncapa or conf-available/loncapa.conf) if present.
  202:   $flag=0;
  203:   open(IN,'&lt;<TARGET />');
  204:   while (&lt;IN&gt;) {
  205:     if (/^\s*Include\s+conf\/loncapa.conf/) {
  206:       $flag=1;
  207:     }
  208:   }
  209:   close(IN);
  210:   $in='';
  211:   if ($flag==1) {
  212:     open(IN,'&lt;<TARGET />');
  213:     while(&lt;IN&gt;) {
  214:       $in.=$_ unless /^\s*Include\s+conf\/loncapa.conf/;
  215:     }
  216:     close(IN);
  217:     open(OUT,'&gt;<TARGET />');
  218:     print(OUT $in."\n");
  219:     close(OUT);
  220:   }
  222: # Checking for overlapping ScriptAlias and DocumentRoot definitions.
  223:   $scriptalias_flag=0;
  224:   $documentroot_flag=0;
  225:   my $scriptalias;
  226:   my $documentroot;
  227:   open(IN,'&lt;<TARGET />');
  228:   while (&lt;IN&gt;) {
  229:     if (m!^\s*ScriptAlias\s+/cgi-bin/\s+(.*)$!) {
  230:       $scriptalias = $1;
  231:       if ($scriptalias !~ m!home/httpd/cgi-bin!) {
  232:         $scriptalias_flag = 1;
  233:       }
  234:     }
  235:     if (m!^\s*DocumentRoot\s+(.*)$!) {
  236:       $documentroot = $1;
  237:       if ($documentroot !~ m!home/httpd/html!) {
  238:         $documentroot_flag = 1;
  239:       }
  240:     }
  241:   }
  242:   close(IN);
  243:   if ($scriptalias_flag==1) {
  244:       my $conffile = '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf';
  245:       if ('<DIST />' eq 'suse9.2' || '<DIST />' eq 'suse9.3' 
  246:           || '<DIST />' eq 'sles9') {
  247:           $conffile =  '/etc/httpd/httpd.conf';
  248:       } elsif ('<DIST />' =~ /^(suse|sles)/) {
  249:           $conffile = '/etc/apache2/default-server.conf';
  250:       } elsif ('<DIST />' =~ /^(debian|ubuntu)/) {
  251:           $conffile = '/etc/apache2/sites-available/loncapa';
  252:           if ('<DIST />' =~ /^ubuntu(\d+)$/) {
  253:               my $version = $1;
  254:               if ($version &gt; 12) {
  255:                   $conffile = '/etc/apache2/conf-available/loncapa.conf';
  256:               }
  257:           }
  258:       }
  259:       print('**** ERROR **** '.$conffile.' has an overlapping definition of '.
  260:             'ScriptAlias (it is incorrectly set to '.$scriptalias.').'."\n".
  261:             'This conflicts with loncapa_apache.conf.'."\n");
  262:   }
  263:   if ($documentroot_flag==1) {
  264:       print('**** ERROR **** '.$conffile.' has an overlapping definition of '.
  265:             'DocumentRoot (it is incorrectly set to '.$documentroot.').'."\n".
  266:             'This conflicts with loncapa_apache.conf.'."\n");
  267:   }
  269: # Checking for rewrites of http:// to https://
  270:     my $rewrite_dir = '/etc/httpd/conf/rewrites';
  271:     my $curr_rewrite = '/etc/httpd/conf/loncapa_rewrite.conf';
  272:     if ('<DIST />' eq 'suse9.2' || '<DIST />' eq 'suse9.3'
  273:         || '<DIST />' eq 'sles9') {
  274:         $rewrite_dir = '/etc/httpd/rewrites/';
  275:         $curr_rewrite = '/etc/httpd/loncapa_rewrite.conf';
  276:     } elsif ('<DIST />' =~ /^(suse|sles|debian|ubuntu)/) {
  277:         $rewrite_dir = '/etc/apache2/rewrites';
  278:         $curr_rewrite = '/etc/apache2/loncapa_rewrite.conf';
  279:     }
  280:     my $rewrite_off = $rewrite_dir.'/loncapa_rewrite_off.conf';
  281:     my $rewrite_on = $rewrite_dir.'/loncapa_rewrite_on.conf';
  282:     if (!-e $curr_rewrite) { 
  283:         system("cp $rewrite_off $curr_rewrite");
  284:         chmod(0644, $curr_rewrite);
  285:     } else {
  286:         my ($not_rewrite_on,$not_rewrite_off,$rewrite_state);
  287:         if (open(PIPE, "diff --brief $rewrite_off $curr_rewrite |")) {
  288:             my $diffres = &lt;PIPE&gt; ;
  289:             close(PIPE);
  290:             chomp($diffres);
  291:             if ($diffres) {
  292:                 $not_rewrite_off = 1;
  293:             } else {
  294:                 $rewrite_state = 'off';
  295:             }
  296:         }
  297:         if (open(PIPE, "diff --brief $rewrite_on $curr_rewrite |")) {
  298:             my $diffres = &lt;PIPE&gt; ;
  299:             close(PIPE);
  300:             chomp($diffres);
  301:             if ($diffres) {
  302:                 $not_rewrite_on = 1;
  303:             } else {
  304:                 $rewrite_state = 'on';
  305:             }
  306:         }
  307:         if ($not_rewrite_off && $not_rewrite_on) {
  308:             print('**** WARNING **** '."\n".$curr_rewrite.' does not match '.
  309:             'either:'."\n".$rewrite_on.' - the file used to enable rewriting '.
  310:             'of requests for http:// to https:// '."\n".'or:'."\n".$rewrite_off.
  311:             ' - the file used to disable such rewriting'."\n\n".
  312:             'This may be because '. $curr_rewrite.' has been '. 
  313:             'previously customized,'."\n".'or it may be because of a change '.  
  314:             'to the files in '.$rewrite_dir."\n");
  315:             if (open(my $fh,'&lt;',$curr_rewrite)) {
  316:                 while(&lt;$fh&gt;) {
  317:                     if (/^\s*RewriteEngine\s+(on|off)\s*$/i) {
  318:                         if ($1 eq 'on') {
  319:                             $rewrite_state = 'on';
  320:                         } else {
  321:                             $rewrite_state = 'off';
  322:                         }
  323:                         last;
  324:                     }
  325:                 }
  326:             }
  327:         }
  328:         if ($rewrite_state eq 'on') {
  329:         # Checking for rewrites of https:// to http://
  330:             my ($gotrules,$rulestr,$ssldir);
  331:             if ('<DIST />' eq 'suse9.2' || '<DIST />' eq 'suse9.3'
  332:                 || '<DIST />' eq 'sles9') {
  333:                 $ssldir = '/etc/apache/vhosts.d';
  334:             } elsif ('<DIST />' =~ /^(suse|sles)/) {
  335:                 $ssldir = '/etc/apache2/vhosts.d';
  336:             } elsif ('<DIST />' =~ /^(debian|ubuntu)/) {
  337:                 $ssldir = '/etc/apache2/sites-available';
  338:             } else {
  339:                 $ssldir = '/etc/httpd/conf.d';
  340:             }
  341:             my $hostname = Sys::Hostname::FQDN::fqdn();
  342:             my $hostip = Socket::inet_ntoa(scalar(gethostbyname($hostname)) || 'localhost');
  343:             my @expected = ('RewriteEngine on',
  344:                             'RewriteCond %{HTTPS} =on',
  345:                             'RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/adm/wrapper/ext/(?!https:)',
  346:                             'RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&(|amp;))usehttp=1($|&)',
  347:                             'RewriteRule ^/adm/wrapper/ext/(?!https:) http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L,NE]',
  348:                             'RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR}',
  349:                             'RewriteRule (.*) - [L]');
  350:             if (($hostip ne '') && ($hostip ne '')) {
  351:                 push(@expected,('RewriteCond %{REMOTE_ADDR} '.$hostip,
  352:                                 'RewriteRule (.*) - [L]'));
  353:             }
  354:             push(@expected,('RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/public/.*/syllabus$',
  355:                             'RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} (^|&(|amp;))usehttp=1($|&)',
  356:                             'RewriteRule ^/public/.*/syllabus$ http://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [R,L,NE]'));
  357:             if (-d $ssldir) {
  358:                 my @rewrites;
  359:                 if (opendir(my $dir,$ssldir)) {
  360:                     my @sslconf_files;
  361:                     foreach my $file (grep(!/^\./,readdir($dir))) {
  362:                         next if ($file =~ /\.rpmnew$/);
  363:                         if (open(my $fh,'&lt;',"$ssldir/$file")) {
  364:                             while (&lt;$fh&gt;) {
  365:                                 if (/^\s*&lt;VirtualHost\s+[^:]*\:443&gt;\s*$/) {
  366:                                     push(@sslconf_files,$file);
  367:                                     last;
  368:                                 }
  369:                             }
  370:                             close($fh);
  371:                         }
  372:                     }
  373:                     if (@sslconf_files) {
  374:                         foreach my $file (@sslconf_files) {
  375:                             if (open(my $fh,'&lt;',"$ssldir/$file")) {
  376:                                 my ($rewrite,$num) = (0,0);
  377:                                 while (&lt;$fh&gt;) {
  378:                                     if ($rewrite) {
  379:                                         if (/^\s*&lt;\/IfModule&gt;/) {
  380:                                             $rewrite = 0;
  381:                                             $num ++;
  382:                                         } else {
  383:                                             chomp();
  384:                                             s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
  385:                                             push(@{$rewrites[$num]},$_);
  386:                                         }
  387:                                     } elsif (/^\s*&lt;IfModule\s+mod_rewrite.c&gt;/) {
  388:                                         $rewrite = 1;
  389:                                     }
  390:                                 }
  391:                                 close($fh);
  392:                             }
  393:                         }
  394:                     }
  395:                     closedir($dir);
  396:                 }
  397:                 if (@rewrites) {
  398:                     foreach my $item (@rewrites) {
  399:                         if (ref($item) eq 'ARRAY') {
  400:                             my $found = 0;
  401:                             foreach my $line (@{$item}) {
  402:                                 foreach my $match (@expected) {
  403:                                     if ($match eq $line) {
  404:                                         $found ++;
  405:                                         last;
  406:                                     }
  407:                                 }
  408:                             }
  409:                             if ($found &gt;= scalar(@expected)) {
  410:                                 $gotrules = 1;
  411:                                 last;
  412:                             }
  413:                         }
  414:                     }
  415:                 }
  416:             }
  417:             unless ($gotrules) {
  418:                 print('**** WARNING **** '."\n".$curr_rewrite.' is currently set so rewrites '.
  419:                       'of http to https are enabled for most URLs.'."\n".
  420:                       'Unless your Apache configuration includes Strict-Transport-Security '.
  421:                       '(with max-age > 0), it is recommended to also set rewrites from https to http '.
  422:                       'for specific URLs in a file in '.$ssldir.' by including the following:'."\n".
  423:                       "&lt;IfModule mod_rewrite.c&gt;\n".'  '.
  424:                       join("\n  ",@expected)."\n".
  425:                       "&lt;/IfModule&gt;\n");
  426:             }
  427:         }
  428:     }
  429: }
  430: </perlscript>
  431: </file>
  432: </files>
  433: </piml>

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