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Current directory: [LON-CAPA] / loncom

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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[DIR] xml/        
[TXT] production_dns_sanity.pl 1.3 14 years www * Clemson University * Updated sanity-check to look for new host-table entries
[TXT] startup.pl 1.46 12 months raeburn - Add daxepage.pm, daxeopen.pm, daxesave.pm on startup
[TXT] lonenc.pm 1.26 5 years raeburn - Add domain configuration to offload users from other institutions, on next a...
[TXT] connectionrules.tab 1.1 7 years raeburn - Although each is blank, LON-CAPA install uses these files to set correct per...
[TXT] hosttypes.tab 1.1 7 years raeburn - Although each is blank, LON-CAPA install uses these files to set correct per...
[TXT] lchttpdlogs 1.2 12 years raeburn - Apache log files have different names from other distros in Debian and Ubunt...
[TXT] lontrans.pm 1.41 21 months raeburn - Bugs 6754 and 6907 - Return of grades to launcher CMS supported for resource...
[TXT] loncnew 1.110 9 months raeburn - Changes from loncnew rev. 1.108 when creating a new connection between LON-C...
[TXT] UPDATE 1.4 11 years raeburn - Checking for files installed by earlier versions of LON-CAPA, now no longer us...
[TXT] clusteradmin 1.8 6 years raeburn - Cluster manager can push updated Certificate Revocation List to cluster's "n...
[TXT] CrCA.pl 1.7 22 months raeburn - Coding style -- indent is 4 spaces.
[TXT] loncaparevs.tab 1.1 14 years raeburn - Control hosting of user sessions. - To accommodate multi-domain library serv...
[TXT] serverhomeIDs.tab 1.1 14 years raeburn - Control hosting of user sessions. - To accommodate multi-domain library serv...
[TXT] LONCAPA.pm 1.36 5 years raeburn - Domain Configuration for passwords for internally-authenticated users. - Def...
[TXT] lciptables 1.9 5 years raeburn - Dynamic management of LON-CAPA port 5663 compatible with firewalld - &get_de...
[TXT] lonencurl.pm 1.7 5 years raeburn - External resource(s) in a composite page. - Support external resource with a...
[TXT] apachereload 1.9 4 years raeburn - Fix typo
[TXT] loncron 1.137 3 months raeburn - Fix typo and remove trailing white space.
[TXT] LondConnection.pm 1.62 6 years raeburn - Include verification of common name when creating SSL tunnel unless connecti...
[TXT] lonssl.pm 1.24 6 years raeburn - Include verification of common name when creating SSL tunnel unless connecti...
[TXT] Lond.pm 1.25 14 months raeburn - Internal name for conditional portfolio sharing for specific IP addresses ra...
[TXT] request_ssl_key.sh 1.4 8 years raeburn - Key length increased to 2048 bits.
[TXT] manage_ssl_certs.pl 1.1 6 years raeburn - LON-CAPA SSL PKI for connections to other nodes, and replication of publishe...
[TXT] development_dns_hosts.tab 1.20 12 years raeburn - Moving vita2 (recommender server) from dev to production cluster.
[TXT] lonmap.pm 1.16 2 years raeburn - Provide more information to privileged users if map could not be loaded duri...
[TXT] production_dns_domain.tab 1.225 7 months raeburn - Reverse part of changes in rev. 1.310 (hosts) and rev 1.224 (domain). lonHos...
[TXT] production_dns_hosts.tab 1.311 7 months raeburn - Reverse part of changes in rev. 1.310 (hosts) and rev 1.224 (domain). lonHos...
[TXT] lonchksums.tab 1.3 11 years raeburn - Reverse removal to Attic in rev 1.2. Although this file is blank, LON-CAPA i...
[TXT] lond 1.583 2 months raeburn - Support copying of directories and/or files from Course Authoring Space to a...
[TXT] loncapa_apache_local.conf 1.1 12 years raeburn - Support for Apache 2.4
[TXT] LWPReq.pm 1.5 6 years raeburn - Unset debugging for IO::Socket::SSL (if set) on completion of request.
[TXT] production_hosts.tab 1.192 3 months raeburn - Update LON-CAPA "name" servers for production cluster.
[TXT] ConfigFileEdit.pm 1.4 17 years albertel - add in revision info
[TXT] lcuserdel 1.16 17 years albertel - add in revision info
[TXT] lonmemcached 1.7 17 years albertel - add in revision info
[TXT] loncapa_apache.conf 1.286 14 months raeburn - contentopen, contentclose and acc parameters can apply to .tex files from /r...
[TXT] development_dns_domain.tab 1.20 10 years raeburn - krb5 now used as default authentication in msu domain.
[TXT] currhostips.tab 1.1 6 years raeburn - loncron will check for changes in IP addresses of LON-CAPA hosts in network. ...
[TXT] LondTransaction.pm 1.9 19 years albertel - pod style docs want a blank line after =cut
[TXT] spare.tab 1.6 8 years raeburn - remove a host which can no longer perform the role of default offload target.
[TXT] TODO 1.189 19 years albertel - removing things from the diused TODO list
[TXT] lonmaxima 1.45 9 months raeburn - s-nail requires space instead of comma as separator between email addresses.
[TXT] lonr 1.14 9 months raeburn - s-nail requires space instead of comma as separator between email addresses.
[TXT] lonsql 1.99 9 months raeburn - s-nail requires space instead of comma as separator between email addresses.
[TXT] lonlocal.pm 1.7 20 years albertel - stop the log spew
[TXT] development_domain.tab 1.23 17 years albertel - switch to use dns - change host configuration to install and maintain dns_*.t...
[TXT] development_hosts.tab 1.77 17 years albertel - switch to use dns - change host configuration to install and maintain dns_*.t...
[TXT] production_domain.tab 1.111 17 years albertel - switch to use dns - change host configuration to install and maintain dns_*.t...
[TXT] managers.tab 1.4 20 years albertel - updating to be ready for distribution
[TXT] pwchange 1.10 15 years raeburn --stdin option not available with system passwd command in debian/ubuntu - use ...
[TXT] development_dns_sanity.pl 1.1 13 years www Development DNS Sanity and fixing MIT entry
[TXT] ntp.conf 1.1 24 years harris41 File which configures time synchronization of LON-CAPA machines according to XNT...
[TXT] lcnfson 1.6 14 years foxr Hopefully make thsi work right on fc13
[TXT] lonhttpd 1.17 15 years droeschl In process of removing remote control, remote navmap and different icon modes co...
[TXT] loncapa.conf 1.13 20 years raeburn Include placeholder for Support E-mail address.
[TXT] lcinstallfile 1.5 14 years foxr Make this usable in fc13 which won't allow re-elevation of euid once euid is set...
[TXT] lcnfsoff 1.4 14 years foxr Make this usable on FC13
[TXT] lcpasswd 1.22 14 years foxr Make this work on fc13.
[TXT] includepsheader.ps 1.1 16 years foxr Postscript additional header to support postscript job inclusion. gets installed...
[TXT] htpasswd 1.3 21 years www Script to re-route traffic from one LON-CAPA server to another in case of weirdn...
[TXT] mime.types 1.8 9 years damieng added a preview for Daxe, updated automatically when the document is saved
[TXT] smb.conf 1.6 22 years harris41 best wishes to all.
[TXT] CrGrant.pl 1.6 16 years schafran bugfix: button names. "reset all colors to default" didn't work, escaping the do...
[TXT] rawhide_hosts.tab 1.7 22 years harris41 oh... let's make the domain name more specific
[TXT] CrGenerate.pl 1.9 16 years schafran short button names, consistent e-mail spelling,
[TXT] krb.conf 1.1 25 years harris41 which Kerberos server to contact for which Kerberos domains
[TXT] HashIterator.pm (in the Attic) [hide] 1.2 20 years albertel - removing second addition of this file, real version is in loncom/types
[TXT] Makefile (in the Attic) [hide] 1.48 22 years albertel - Should have deleated this a while ago
[TXT] access.conf (in the Attic) [hide] 1.30 22 years harris41 BUG 129; access.conf is replaced by loncapa.conf and loncapa_apache.conf
[TXT] dns_checksums.tab (in the Attic) [hide] 1.42 11 years raeburn - Versions/checksums for all releases moved from a single file to individual f...
[TXT] hosts.tab (in the Attic) [hide] 1.19 23 years harris41 prompting user to make a softlink and supporting different hosts.tab specificati...
[TXT] httpd.conf (in the Attic) [hide] 1.5 22 years harris41 Since a new STABLE release has been made and everything is working, httpd.conf a...
[TXT] lchtmldir (in the Attic) [hide] 1.23 11 years raeburn - Web interface to support switching/adding filesystem-authenticated "unix" us...
[TXT] lcuseradd (in the Attic) [hide] 1.44 11 years raeburn - Web interface to support switching/adding filesystem-authenticated "unix" us...
[TXT] lonManage (in the Attic) [hide] 1.30 17 years albertel - remove manager idea
[TXT] lonc (in the Attic) [hide] 1.57 18 years albertel - removing the old lonc
[TXT] loncapa_cron (in the Attic) [hide] 1.2 24 years harris41 moving and renaming cron job file in CVS repository
[TXT] lonhttpd.conf (in the Attic) [hide] 1.2 18 years albertel - removing dead idea
[TXT] srm.conf (in the Attic) [hide] 1.30 22 years harris41 Since a new STABLE release has been made and everything is working, httpd.conf a...

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