--- loncom/Attic/lchtmldir 2004/10/19 11:11:34 1.10
+++ loncom/Attic/lchtmldir 2004/12/06 12:07:59 1.12
@@ -69,12 +69,12 @@
use strict;
use Fcntl qw(:mode);
use DirHandle;
+use POSIX;
$ENV{'PATH'} = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/home/httpd/perl';
-my $DEBUG = 0; # .nonzero -> Debug printing enabled.
+my $DEBUG = 1; # .nonzero -> Debug printing enabled.
my $path_sep = "/"; # Unix like operating systems.
@@ -232,9 +232,33 @@ if($authentication eq "unix:") { # Unix
# is that a file system user is being demoted to internal user...
if($authentication eq "internal:") {
- &System("/bin/chown -R root:root ".$homedir);
+ # In case the user was a unix/filesystem authenticated user,
+ # we'll take a bit of time here to write a script in the
+ # user's home directory that can reset ownerships and permissions
+ # back the way the used to be.
+ # This can take long enough for lond to time out, so we'll do it
+ # in a separate process that we'll not wait for.
+ #
+ my $fpid = fork;
+ if($fpid) {
+ &DisableRoot;
+ exit 0;
+ } else {
+ print "Forked\n";
+ POSIX::setsid(); # Disassociate from parent.
+ print "Separate session\n";
+ &write_restore_script($homedir);
+ print "Restore script written\n";
+ &System("/bin/chown -R root:root ".$homedir);
+ &System("/bin/chown -R www:www ".$fulldir);
+ print "Exiting\n";
+ exit 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ &System("/bin/chown -R www:www ".$fulldir);
- &System("/bin/chown -R www:www ".$fulldir);
@@ -371,7 +395,13 @@ sub process_tree {
-# Simple test of process_tree:
+# Callback from process_tree to write the script lines
+# requried to restore files to current ownership and permission.
+# Parameters:
+# dir - Name of the directory the file lives in.
+# name - Name of the file itself.
+# statinfo - Array from lstat called on the file.
sub write_script {
my ($dir, $name, $statinfo) = @_;
@@ -392,6 +422,46 @@ sub write_script {
+# Write a script in the user's home directory that can restore
+# the permissions and ownerhips of all the files in the directory
+# tree to their current ownerships and permissions. This is done
+# prior to making the user into an internally authenticated user
+# in case they were previously file system authenticated and
+# need to go back.
+# The file we will create will be of the form
+# restore_n.sh Where n is a number that we will keep
+# incrementing as needed until there isn't a file by that name.
+# Parameters:
+# dir - Path to the user's home directory.
+sub write_restore_script {
+ my ($dir) = @_;
+ # Create a unique file:
+ my $version_number = 0;
+ my $filename = 'restore_'.$version_number.'.sh';
+ my $full_name = $dir.$path_sep.$filename;
+ while(-e $full_name) {
+ $version_number++;
+ $filename = 'restore_'.$version_number.'.sh';
+ $full_name = $dir.$path_sep.$filename;
+ }
+ # $full_name is the full path of a file that does not yet exist
+ # of the form we want:
+ open(CHMODSCRIPT, "> $full_name");
+ &process_tree(\&write_script, $dir);
+ chmod(0750, $full_name);