--- loncom/Attic/lcuseradd	2004/08/06 10:29:37	1.28
+++ loncom/Attic/lcuseradd	2006/08/25 21:25:22	1.39
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #             with adding a user with filesystem privileges (e.g. author)
-# $Id: lcuseradd,v 1.28 2004/08/06 10:29:37 foxr Exp $
+# $Id: lcuseradd,v 1.39 2006/08/25 21:25:22 albertel Exp $
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@
 use strict;
+use File::Find;
 # ------------------------------------------------------- Description of script
@@ -107,7 +109,8 @@ use strict;
 # (12,"Error. Something went wrong with the addition of user ".
 #     "\"$safeusername\"."),
 # (13,"Error. Password mismatch."),
-# (14, "Error filename is invalid")
+# (14, "Error filename is invalid"),
+# (15, "Error. Could not add home directory.")
 # ------------------------------------------------------------- Initializations
 # Security
@@ -118,10 +121,6 @@ delete @ENV{qw(IFS CDPATH ENV BASH_ENV)}
 # Do not print error messages.
 my $noprint=1;
-#  Error file:
-my $error_file;			# This is either the error file name or undef.
 print "In lcuseradd\n" unless $noprint;
 # ----------------------------- Make sure this process is running from user=www
@@ -214,13 +213,20 @@ if($error_file) {
-# -- Only add user if we can create a brand new home directory (/home/username)
-if (-e "/home/$safeusername") {
-    print "Error. User already exists.\n" unless $noprint;
+# -- Only add the user if they are >not< in /etc/passwd.
+#    Used to look for the ability to create a new directory for the
+#    user, however that disallows authentication changes from i
+#    internal->fs.. so just check the passwd file instead.
+my $not_found = system("cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd | grep -q \"^$safeusername\$\" ");
+if (!$not_found) {
+    print "Error user already exists\n" unless $noprint;
 # -- Only add user if the two password arguments match.
 if ($password1 ne $password2) {
@@ -232,29 +238,44 @@ print "enabling root\n" unless $noprint;
 # ---------------------------------- Start running script with root permissions
-# ------------------- Add user and make www a member of the user-specific group
+# ------------------- Add group and user, and make www a member of the group
+# -- Add group
+print "adding group: $safeusername \n" unless $noprint;
+my $status = system('/usr/sbin/groupadd', $safeusername);
+if ($status) {
+    print "Error.  Something went wrong with the addition of group ".
+          "\"$safeusername\".\n" unless $noprint;
+    print "Final status of groupadd = $status\n";
+    unlink('/tmp/lock_lcpasswd');
+    &Exit(12);
+my $gid = getgrnam($safeusername);
 # -- Add user
 print "adding user: $safeusername \n" unless $noprint;
-my $status = system('/usr/sbin/useradd','-c','LON-CAPA user',$safeusername);
+my $status = system('/usr/sbin/useradd','-c','LON-CAPA user','-g',$gid,$safeusername);
 if ($status) {
     print "Error.  Something went wrong with the addition of user ".
 	  "\"$safeusername\".\n" unless $noprint;
-    print "Final status of useradd = $status";
+    system("/usr/sbin/groupdel $safeusername");
+    print "Final status of useradd = $status\n";
 print "Done adding user\n" unless $noprint;
 # Make www a member of that user group.
 my $groups=`/usr/bin/groups www` or &Exit(6);
 # untaint
-my ($safegroups)=($groups=~/([\s\w]+)/);
+my ($safegroups)=($groups=~/:\s*([\s\w]+)/);
 chomp $groups; $groups=~s/^\S+\s+\:\s+//;
 my @grouplist=split(/\s+/,$groups);
 my @ugrouplist=grep {!/www|$safeusername/} @grouplist;
 my $gl=join(',',(@ugrouplist,$safeusername));
-print "Putting user in its own group\n" unless $noprint;
+print "Putting www in user's group\n" unless $noprint;
 if (system('/usr/sbin/usermod','-G',$gl,'www')) {
     print "Error. Could not make www a member of the group ".
 	  "\"$safeusername\".\n" unless $noprint;
@@ -284,18 +305,26 @@ if ($?) {
-# -- Don't add public_html... that can be added either by the user
-#    or by lchtmldir when the user is granted an authorship role.
+# Check if home directory exists for user
+# If not, create one.
+if (!-e "/home/$safeusername") {
+    if (!mkdir("/home/$safeusername",0710)) {
+        print "Error. Could not add home directory for ".
+          "\"$safeusername\".\n" unless $noprint;
+        unlink('/tmp/lock_lcpasswd');
+        &Exit(15);
+    }
 # ------------------------------ Make final modifications to the user directory
 # -- Add a public_html file with a stand-in index.html file
- system('/bin/chmod','-R','0660',"/home/$safeusername");
-mkdir "/home/$safeusername/public_html",0755;
-open OUT,">/home/$safeusername/public_html/index.html";
-print OUT<<END;
+if (-d "/home/$safeusername") {
+    system('/bin/chmod','-R','0660',"/home/$safeusername");
+    system('/bin/chmod','0710',"/home/$safeusername");
+    mkdir "/home/$safeusername/public_html",0755;
+    open OUT,">/home/$safeusername/public_html/index.html";
+    print OUT<<END;
@@ -307,16 +336,25 @@ print OUT<<END;
 close OUT;
+#   In order to allow the loncapa daemons appropriate access
+#   to public_html, Top level and public_html directories should
+#   be owned by safeusername:safeusername as should the smaple index.html..
 print "lcuseradd ownership\n" unless $noprint;
+system('/bin/chown','-R',"$safeusername:$safeusername","/home/$safeusername"); # First set std ownership on everything.
+#  system('/bin/chown',"$safeusername:www","/home/$safeusername");	# Now adust top level...
+#  system('/bin/chown','-R',"$safeusername:www","/home/$safeusername/public_html"); # And web dir.
 # ---------------------------------------------------- Gracefull Apache Restart
 if (-e '/var/run/httpd.pid') {
     print "lcuseradd Apache restart\n" unless $noprint;
     my $pid=<PID>;
-    my ($safepid)=($pid=~s/(\D+)//g);
+    $pid=~ /(\D+)/;
+    my $safepid = $1;
     if ($pid) {
@@ -383,6 +421,53 @@ sub try_to_lock {
     close LOCK;
     return 1;
+#    Called by File::Find::find for each file examined.
+#     Untaint the file and, if it is a directory,
+#     chmod it to 02770
+sub set_permission {
+    $File::Find::name =~ /^(.*)$/;
+    my $safe_name = $1;		# Untainted filename...
+    print "$safe_name" unless $noprint;
+    if(-d $safe_name) {
+	print " - directory" unless $noprint;
+	chmod(02770, $safe_name);
+    }
+    print "\n" unless $noprint;
+#    Set up the correct permissions for all files in the 
+#    user's public htmldir. We just do a chmod -R 0660 ... for
+#    the ordinary files.  The we use File::Find
+#    to pop through the directory tree changing directories only
+#    to 02770:
+sub set_public_html_permissions {
+    my ($topdir) = @_;
+    #   Set the top level dir permissions (I'm not sure if find 
+    #   will enumerate it specifically), correctly and all
+    #   files and dirs to the 'ordinary' file permissions:
+    system("chmod -R 0660 $topdir");
+    chmod(02770, $topdir);
+    #  Now use find to locate all directories under $topdir
+    #  and set their modes to 02770...
+    #
+    print "Find file\n " unless $noprint;
+    File::Find::find({"untaint"         => 1,
+		      "untaint_pattern" => qr(/^(.*)$/),
+		      "untaint_skip"    => 1,
+		      "no_chdir"         => 1,
+		      "wanted"          => \&set_permission }, "$topdir");
 #-------------------------- Exit...
 #   Write the file if the error_file is defined.  Regardless
@@ -391,6 +476,10 @@ sub try_to_lock {
 sub Exit {
     my ($code) = @_;		# Status code.
+    # TODO: Ensure the error file is owned/deletable by www:www:
+    &disable_root_capability();	# We run unprivileged to write the error file.
     print "Exiting with status $code error file is $error_file\n" unless $noprint;
     if($error_file) {
 	open(FH, ">$error_file");