--- loncom/Attic/lcuseradd	2006/08/25 21:25:22	1.39
+++ loncom/Attic/lcuseradd	2006/12/05 14:46:04	1.40
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 #             with adding a user with filesystem privileges (e.g. author)
-# $Id: lcuseradd,v 1.39 2006/08/25 21:25:22 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: lcuseradd,v 1.40 2006/12/05 14:46:04 raeburn Exp $
@@ -348,9 +348,16 @@ system('/bin/chown','-R',"$safeusername:
 #  system('/bin/chown',"$safeusername:www","/home/$safeusername");	# Now adust top level...
 #  system('/bin/chown','-R',"$safeusername:www","/home/$safeusername/public_html"); # And web dir.
 # ---------------------------------------------------- Gracefull Apache Restart
+my $pidfile;
 if (-e '/var/run/httpd.pid') {
+    $pidfile = '/var/run/httpd.pid';
+} elsif (-e '/var/run/httpd2.pid') {   #Apache 2 on SuSE 10.1 and SLES10 
+    $pidfile = '/var/run/httpd2.pid';
+if ($pidfile) {
     print "lcuseradd Apache restart\n" unless $noprint;
-    open(PID,'/var/run/httpd.pid');
+    open(PID,<$pidfile);
     my $pid=<PID>;
     $pid=~ /(\D+)/;