--- loncom/Attic/lonManage	2003/08/18 10:25:46	1.9
+++ loncom/Attic/lonManage	2003/11/04 11:52:06	1.25
@@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
 #  lonManage supports remote management of nodes in a LonCAPA cluster.
-#  $Id: lonManage,v 1.9 2003/08/18 10:25:46 foxr Exp $
+#  $Id: lonManage,v 1.25 2003/11/04 11:52:06 foxr Exp $
-# $Id: lonManage,v 1.9 2003/08/18 10:25:46 foxr Exp $
+# $Id: lonManage,v 1.25 2003/11/04 11:52:06 foxr Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -33,81 +33,266 @@
 #   it is a command line tool.  The following command line syntax (usage)
 #   is supported:
-#    lonManage  -push   <tablename>  newfile  host
+#    lonManage  -push   <tablename>  newfile  [host]
 #        Push <tablename> to the lonTabs directory.  Note that
 #        <tablename> must be one of:
-#           hosts  (hosts.tab)
+#           host  (hosts.tab)
 #           domain (domain.tab)
-#    lonManage  -reinit lonc host
+#    lonManage  -reinit lonc [host]
 #           Sends a HUP signal to the remote systems's lond.
-#    lonmanage  -reinit lond host
+#    lonmanage  -reinit lond [host]
 #          Requests the remote system's lond perform the same action as if
 #          it had received a HUP signal.
 #    In the above syntax, the host above is the hosts.tab name of a host,
-#    not the IP address of the host.
-#  $Log: lonManage,v $
-#  Revision 1.9  2003/08/18 10:25:46  foxr
-#  Write ReinitProcess function in terms of ValidHost and Transact.
-#  Revision 1.8  2003/08/18 10:18:21  foxr
-#  Completed PushFile function in terms of
-#  - ValidHost - Determines if target host is valid.
-#  - Transact  - Performs one of the valid transactions with the
-#                appropriate lonc<-->lond client/server pairs.
-#  Revision 1.7  2003/08/18 09:56:01  foxr
-#  1. Require to be run as root.
-#  2. Catch case where no operation switch is supplied and put out usage.
-#  3. skeleton/comments for PushFile function.
-#  Revision 1.6  2003/08/12 11:02:59  foxr
-#  Implement command switch dispatching.
-#  Revision 1.5  2003/08/12 10:55:42  foxr
-#  Complete command line parsing (tested)
-#  Revision 1.4  2003/08/12 10:40:44  foxr
-#  Get switch parsing right.
-#  Revision 1.3  2003/08/12 10:22:35  foxr
-#  Put in parameter parsing infrastructure
-#  Revision 1.2  2003/08/12 09:58:49  foxr
-#  Add usage and skeleton documentation.
+#    not the IP address of the host
+#   If [host] is not supplied, every host in the client's hosts.tab
+#   table is iterated through and procesed..
+# Modules required:
+use lib ".";
 use strict;			# Because it's good practice.
 use English;			# Cause I like meaningful names.
 use Getopt::Long;
+use LondConnection;
+# File scoped variables:
+my %perlvar;			# Perl variable defs from apache config.
+my %hostshash;			# Host table as a host indexed hash.
+my $MyHost="";			# Host name to use as me.
+my $ForeignHostTab="";		# Name of foreign hosts table.
+my $DefaultServerPort =  5663;	# Default server port if standalone.
+my $ServerPort;			# Port used to connect to lond.
+my $TransitionTimeout = 5;	# Poll timeout in seconds.
+# LondConnection::SetDebug(10);
+#   prints out utility's command usage info.
 sub Usage  {
     print "Usage:";
     print <<USAGE;
-    lonManage  --push=<tablename>  newfile  host
+ lonManage  [--myname=host --hosts=table] --push=<tablename>  newfile  [host]
         Push <tablename> to the lonTabs directory.  Note that
         <tablename> must be one of:
-           hosts  (hosts.tab)
+           host  (hosts.tab)
            domain (domain.tab)
-    lonManage  --reinit=lonc host
-           Sends a HUP signal to the remote systems's lond.
-    lonManage  --reinit=lond host
-          Requests the remote system's lond perform the same action as if
-          it had received a HUP signal.
+ lonManage [--myname=host --hosts=table] --reinit=lonc [host]
+       Causes lonc in the remote system to reread hosts.tab and
+       adjust the set of clients that are being maintained to match
+       the new file.
+ lonManage [--myname=host --hosts=table] --reinit=lond [host]
+       Causes lond in the remote system to reread the hosts.tab file
+       and adjust the set of servers to match changes in that file.
     In the above syntax, the host above is the hosts.tab name of a host,
     not the IP address of the host.
+    If [host] is omitted, all hosts in the hosts.tab file are iterated
+    over.
+ For all of the above syntaxes if --myname=host and --hosts=table are
+ supplied (both must be present), the utility runs in standalone mode
+ presenting itself to the world as 'host' and using the hosts.tab file
+ specified in the --hosts switch.
+#  Make a direct connection to the lond in 'host'.  The port is 
+#  gotten from the global variable:  ServerPort.
+#  Returns:
+#    The connection or undef if one could not be formed.
+sub MakeLondConnection {
+    my $host = shift;
+    my $Connection = LondConnection->new($host, $ServerPort);
+    return return $Connection;
+#   Process the connection state machine until the connection
+#   becomes idle. This is used both to negotiate the initial
+#   connection, during which the LondConnection sequences a rather 
+#   complex state machine and during the transaction itself
+#   for a simpler set of transitions.
+#   All we really need to be concerned with is whether or not
+#   we're readable or writable and the final state:
+#   Parameter:
+#       connection   - Represents the LondConnection to be sequenced.
+#       timeout      - Maximum time to wait for readable/writable sockets.
+#                      in seconds. < 0 waits forever.
+#   Return:
+#       'ok'         - We got to idle ok.
+#       'error:msg'  - An error occured. msg describes the error.
+sub SequenceStateMachine {
+    my $connection   = shift;
+    my $timeout      = shift;
+    my $Socket       = $connection->GetSocket;
+    my $returnstatus = "ok";	              # optimist!!!
+    my $error        = 0;	              # Used to force early loop termination
+                                              # damned perl has no break!!.
+    my $state        = $connection->GetState;
+    while(($connection->GetState ne "Idle") && (!$error)) {
+	#
+	# Figure out what the connection wants. read/write and wait for it
+	# or for the timeout.
+	#
+	my $wantread = $connection->WantReadable;
+	my $poll     = new IO::Poll;
+	$poll->mask($Socket, => $wantread ? POLLIN : POLLOUT);
+	$poll->poll($timeout);
+	my $done     = $poll->handles();
+	if(scalar($done) == 0) {            # no handles ready... timeout!!
+	    $returnstatus  = "error:";
+	    $returnstatus .= "Timeout in state $state\n";
+	    $error         = 1;
+	} else {
+	    my $status;
+	    $status        = $wantread ? $connection->Readable :
+		                         $connection->Writable;
+	    if($status != 0) {
+		$returnstatus  =  "error:";
+		$returnstatus .=  " I/O failed in state $state\n";
+		$error = 1;
+	    }
+	}
+	$state = $connection->GetState;
+    }
+    return $returnstatus;
+#    This function runs through the section of the connection
+#   state machine that has to do with negotiating the startup 
+#   sequence with lond.  The general strategy is to loop
+#   until the connection state becomes idle or disconnected.
+#   Disconnected indicates an error or rejection of the
+#   connection at some point in the negotiation.
+#   idle indicates a connection ready for a request.
+#   The main loop consults the object to determine if it
+#   wants to be writeable or readable, waits for that
+#   condition on the socket (with timeout) and  then issues
+#   the appropriate LondConnection call. Note that
+#   LondConnection is capable of doing everything necessary
+#   to get to the initial idle state.
+#  Parameters:
+#     connection - A connection that has been created with
+#                  the remote lond.  This connection should
+#                  be in the Connected state ready to send
+#                  the init sequence.
+sub NegotiateStartup {
+    my $connection = shift;
+    my $returnstatus = "ok";	# Optimistic!!.
+    my $state      = $connection->GetState;
+    if($state ne "Connected") {
+	print "Error: Initial lond connection state: $state should be Connected\n";
+	return "error";
+    }
+    return SequenceStateMachine($connection, $TransitionTimeout);
+#   Perform a transaction with the remote lond.
+#   Paramters:
+#      connection - the connection object that represents
+#                   a LondConnection to the remote lond.
+#      command    - The request to send to the remote system.
+#   Returns:
+#       The 'reaction' of the lond to this command.
+#       However if the connection to lond is lost during the transaction
+#       or some other error occurs, the text "error:con_lost" is returned.
+sub PerformTransaction {
+    my $connection  = shift;
+    my $command     = shift;
+    my $retval;                          # What we'll returnl.
+    #  Set up the connection to do the transaction then
+    #  do the I/O until idle or error.
+    #
+    $connection->InitiateTransaction($command);
+    my $status = SequenceStateMachine($connection, $TransitionTimeout);
+    if($status eq "ok") {
+	$retval = $connection->GetReply;
+    } else {
+	$retval = $status;
+    }
+    return $retval;
+# Performs a transaction direct to a remote lond.
+#   Parameter:
+#      cmd  - The text of the request.
+#      host - The host to which the request ultimately goes.
+#   Returns:
+#      The text of the reply from the lond or con_lost if not able to contact
+#      lond/lonc etc.
+sub subreply {
+    my $cmd = shift;
+    my $host = shift;
+    my $connection  = MakeLondConnection($host);
+    if ($connection eq undef) {
+	return "Connect Failed";
+    }
+    my $reply = NegotiateStartup($connection);
+    if($reply ne "ok") {
+	return "connection negotiation failed";
+    }
+    my $reply =  PerformTransaction($connection, $cmd);
+    return $reply;
+     #    my ($cmd,$server)=@_;
+     #    my $peerfile="$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/$server";
+     #    my $client=IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer    =>"$peerfile",
+     #                                     Type    => SOCK_STREAM,
+     #                                     Timeout => 10)
+     #       or return "con_lost";
+     #    print $client "$cmd\n";
+     #    my $answer=<$client>;
+     #    if (!$answer) { $answer="con_lost"; }
+     #    chomp($answer);
+     #    return $answer;
+#   >>> BUGBUG <<< 
 #  Use Getopt::Long to parse the parameters of the program.
 #  Return value is a list consisting of:
@@ -130,12 +315,24 @@ USAGE
 #   returns an empty list if the parse fails.
 sub ParseArgs {
     my $pushing   = '';
     my $reinitting = '';
     if(!GetOptions('push=s'    => \$pushing,
-	           'reinit=s'  => \$reinitting)) {
+	           'reinit=s'  => \$reinitting,
+		   'myname=s' => \$MyHost,
+		   'hosts=s' => \$ForeignHostTab)) {
+	return ();
+    }
+    #  The --myname and --hosts switch must have values and
+    #  most both appear if either appears:
+    if(($MyHost ne "") && ($ForeignHostTab eq "")) {
+	return ();
+    }
+    if(($ForeignHostTab ne "") && ($MyHost eq "")) {
 	return ();
@@ -148,9 +345,9 @@ sub ParseArgs {
     if($pushing ne '') {
-        # --push takes in addition a table, and a host:
+        # --push takes in addition a table, and an optional  host:
-	if($paramcount != 2) {
+	if(($paramcount != 2) && ($paramcount != 1)) {
 	    return ();		# Invalid parameter count.
 	if($command ne '') {
@@ -164,9 +361,9 @@ sub ParseArgs {
     if ($reinitting ne '') {
-	# --reinit takes in addition just a host name
+	# --reinit takes in addition just an optional  host name
-	if($paramcount != 1) {
+	if($paramcount > 1) {
 	    return ();
 	if($command ne '') {
@@ -187,10 +384,99 @@ sub ParseArgs {
     return @result;
+#  Read the loncapa configuration stuff.  If ForeignHostTab is empty,
+#  assume we are part of a loncapa cluster and read the hosts.tab
+#  file from the config directory.  Otherwise, ForeignHossTab
+#  is the name of an alternate configuration file to read in 
+#  standalone mode.
+sub ReadConfig {
+    if($ForeignHostTab eq "") {
+	my $perlvarref = LondConnection::read_conf('loncapa.conf');
+	%perlvar       = %{$perlvarref};
+	my $hoststab   = LondConnection::read_hosts(
+					    "$perlvar{'lonTabDir'}/hosts.tab");
+	%hostshash     = %{$hoststab};
+	$MyHost        = $perlvar{lonHostID}; # Set hostname from vars.
+	$ServerPort    = $perlvar{londPort};
+    } else {
+	LondConnection::ReadForeignConfig($MyHost, $ForeignHostTab);
+	  my $hoststab = LondConnection::read_hosts($ForeignHostTab); #  we need to know too.
+	  %hostshash   = %{$hoststab};
+	  $ServerPort    = $DefaultServerPort;
+      }
+#  Determine if the target host is valid.
+#  This is done by reading the current hosts.tab file.
+#  For the host to be valid, it must be inthe file.
+#  Parameters:
+#     host   - Name of host to check on.
+#  Returns:
+#     true   if host is valid.
+#     false  if host is invalid.
 sub ValidHost {
-    return 1;
+    my $host       = shift;
+    return defined $hostshash{$host};
+#  Performs a transaction with lonc.
+#  By the time this is called, the transaction has already been
+#  validated by the caller.
+#   Parameters:
+#   host    - hosts.tab name of the host whose lonc we'll be talking to.
+#   command - The base command we'll be asking lond to execute.
+#   body    - [optional] If supplied, this is a command body that is a ref.
+#             to an array of lines that will be appended to the 
+#             command.
+#  NOTE:
+#    The command will be done as an encrypted operation.
 sub Transact {
+    my $host    = shift;
+    my $command = shift;
+    my $haveBody= 0;
+    my $body;
+    my $i;
+    if(scalar @ARG) {
+	$body = shift;
+	$haveBody = 1;
+    }
+    #  Construct the command to send to the server:
+    my $request = "encrypt\:";	# All requests are encrypted.
+    $request   .= $command;
+    if($haveBody) {
+	$request .= "\:";
+	my $bodylines = scalar @$body;
+	for($i = 0; $i < $bodylines; $i++) {
+	    $request .= $$body[$i];
+	}
+    } else {
+	$request .= "\n";
+    }
+    # Body is now built... transact with lond..
+    my $answer = subreply($request, $host);
+    print "$answer\n";
 #   Called to push a file to the remote system.
@@ -208,6 +494,8 @@ sub Transact {
 #     tablefile - name of the file containing the table to push.
 #     host      - name of the host to push this file to.     
+#    >>>BUGBUG<<< This belongs in lonnet.pm.
 sub PushFile {
     my $tablename = shift;
     my $tablefile = shift;
@@ -231,7 +519,8 @@ sub PushFile {
     if( ($tablename eq "host")    ||
 	($tablename eq "domain")) {
-	Transact($host, "pushfile:$tablename:",\@table);
+	print("Pushing $tablename to $host\n");
+	Transact($host, "pushfile:$tablename",\@table);
     } else {
 	die "EINVAL - Invalid parameter. tablename: $tablename must be host or domain";
@@ -249,6 +538,8 @@ sub PushFile {
 #     process - The name of the process to reinit (lonc or lond).
 #     host    - The host in which this reinit will happen.
+#   >>>BUGBUG<<<< This belongs  in lonnet.pm
 sub ReinitProcess {
     my $process = shift;
     my $host    = shift;
@@ -262,6 +553,7 @@ sub ReinitProcess {
     if(($process eq "lonc") ||
        ($process eq "lond")) {
+	print("Reinitializing $process in $host\n");
 	Transact($host, "reinit:$process");
     } else {
 	die "EINVAL -Invalid parameter. Process $process must be lonc or lond";
@@ -269,6 +561,8 @@ sub ReinitProcess {
 #--------------------------- Entry point: --------------------------
 #  Parse the parameters
 #  If command parsing failed, then print usage:
@@ -286,6 +580,11 @@ if ($EUID != 0) {
     die "ENOPRIV - No privilege for requested operation"
+#   Read the configuration file.
+ReadConfig;			# Read the configuration info (incl.hosts).
 #   Based on the operation requested invoke the appropriate function:
@@ -295,13 +594,25 @@ if($operation eq "push") {  # push table
     my $tablename = shift @params;
     my $tablefile = shift @params;
     my $host      = shift @params;
-    PushFile($tablename, $tablefile, $host);
+    if($host) {
+	PushFile($tablename, $tablefile, $host);
+    } else {			# Push to whole cluster.
+	foreach my $host (keys %hostshash) {
+	    PushFile($tablename, $tablefile, $host);
+	}
+    }
 } elsif($operation eq "reinit") {	# reinit processname host.
     my $process   = shift @params;
     my $host      = shift @params;
-    ReinitProcess($process, $host);
+    if ($host) {
+	ReinitProcess($process, $host);
+    } else {			# Reinit whole cluster.
+	foreach my $host (keys %hostshash) {
+	    ReinitProcess($process,$host);
+	}
+    }
 else {
@@ -338,6 +649,9 @@ Usage:
 =item strict
 =item Getopt::Long
 =item English
+=item IO::Socket::UNIX
+=head1 KEY Subroutines.
     Command line utility