File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / Attic / lonManage
Revision 1.23: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Nov 4 11:23:37 2003 UTC (21 years, 4 months ago) by foxr
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: HEAD
- Really debug use of foreign config files.
- Set debug level on LondConnection for now to assist in debugging efforts.
- Debug the connection negotiation logic.

# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
#  lonManage supports remote management of nodes in a LonCAPA cluster.
#  $Id: lonManage,v 1.23 2003/11/04 11:23:37 foxr Exp $
# $Id: lonManage,v 1.23 2003/11/04 11:23:37 foxr Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
## LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
#   lonManage supports management of remot nodes in a lonCAPA cluster.
#   it is a command line tool.  The following command line syntax (usage)
#   is supported:
#    lonManage  -push   <tablename>  newfile  [host]
#        Push <tablename> to the lonTabs directory.  Note that
#        <tablename> must be one of:
#           host  (
#           domain (
#    lonManage  -reinit lonc [host]
#           Sends a HUP signal to the remote systems's lond.
#    lonmanage  -reinit lond [host]
#          Requests the remote system's lond perform the same action as if
#          it had received a HUP signal.
#    In the above syntax, the host above is the name of a host,
#    not the IP address of the host
#   If [host] is not supplied, every host in the client's
#   table is iterated through and procesed..

# Modules required:

use lib ".";

use strict;			# Because it's good practice.
use English;			# Cause I like meaningful names.
use Getopt::Long;
use LondConnection;

# File scoped variables:

my %perlvar;			# Perl variable defs from apache config.
my %hostshash;			# Host table as a host indexed hash.

my $MyHost="";			# Host name to use as me.
my $ForeignHostTab="";		# Name of foreign hosts table.

my $DefaultServerPort =  5663;	# Default server port if standalone.
my $ServerPort;			# Port used to connect to lond.

my $TransitionTimeout = 5;	# Poll timeout in seconds.


#   prints out utility's command usage info.
sub Usage  {
    print "Usage:";
    print <<USAGE;
 lonManage  [--myname=host --hosts=table] --push=<tablename>  newfile  [host]
        Push <tablename> to the lonTabs directory.  Note that
        <tablename> must be one of:
           host  (
           domain (

 lonManage [--myname=host --hosts=table] --reinit=lonc [host]
       Causes lonc in the remote system to reread and
       adjust the set of clients that are being maintained to match
       the new file.

 lonManage [--myname=host --hosts=table] --reinit=lond [host]
       Causes lond in the remote system to reread the file
       and adjust the set of servers to match changes in that file.

    In the above syntax, the host above is the name of a host,
    not the IP address of the host.

    If [host] is omitted, all hosts in the file are iterated

 For all of the above syntaxes if --myname=host and --hosts=table are
 supplied (both must be present), the utility runs in standalone mode
 presenting itself to the world as 'host' and using the file
 specified in the --hosts switch.


#  Make a direct connection to the lond in 'host'.  The port is 
#  gotten from the global variable:  ServerPort.
#  Returns:
#    The connection or undef if one could not be formed.
sub MakeLondConnection {
    my $host = shift;

    my $Connection = LondConnection->new($host, $ServerPort);
    return return $Connection;
#    This function runs through the section of the connection
#   state machine that has to do with negotiating the startup 
#   sequence with lond.  The general strategy is to loop
#   until the connection state becomes idle or disconnected.
#   Disconnected indicates an error or rejection of the
#   connection at some point in the negotiation.
#   idle indicates a connection ready for a request.
#   The main loop consults the object to determine if it
#   wants to be writeable or readable, waits for that
#   condition on the socket (with timeout) and  then issues
#   the appropriate LondConnection call. Note that
#   LondConnection is capable of doing everything necessary
#   to get to the initial idle state.
#  Parameters:
#     connection - A connection that has been created with
#                  the remote lond.  This connection should
#                  be in the Connected state ready to send
#                  the init sequence.
sub NegotiateStartup {
    my $connection = shift;
    my $returnstatus = "ok";	# Optimistic!!.

    my $state      = $connection->GetState;
    if($state ne "Connected") {
	print "Error: Initial lond connection state: $state should be Connected\n";
	return "error";
    my $Socket     = $connection->GetSocket; # This is a IO:Socket::INET object.

    #  Ready now to enter the main loop:
    my $error = 0;
    while (($connection->GetState ne "Idle") && (!$error)) {
	#   Wait for the socket to get into the appropriate state:
	my $wantread = $connection->WantReadable; 
	my $poll     = new IO::Poll;
	$poll->mask($Socket => $wantread ? POLLIN : POLLOUT);
	my $done     = $poll->handles();
	if(scalar($done) == 0) {                       # Timeout!!!
	    print "Error: Timeout in state : $state negotiating connection\n";
	    $returnstatus = "error";
	    $error = 1;
	} else {
	    my $status;
	    $status = $wantread ? $connection->Readable : $connection->Writable;
	    if ($status != 0) {
		print "Error: I/O failed in state : $state negotiating connection\n";
		$returnstatus = "error";
		$error = 1;

    return $returnstatus;
sub PerformTransaction {
    my $connection  = shift;
    my $command     = shift;

    return "ok";
# Performs a transaction direct to a remote lond.
#   Parameter:
#      cmd  - The text of the request.
#      host - The host to which the request ultimately goes.
#   Returns:
#      The text of the reply from the lond or con_lost if not able to contact
#      lond/lonc etc.
sub subreply {
    my $cmd = shift;
    my $host = shift;

    my $connection  = MakeLondConnection($host);
    if ($connection eq undef) {
	return "Connect Failed";
    my $reply = NegotiateStartup($connection);
    if($reply ne "ok") {
	return "connection negotiation failed";
    print "Connection negotiated\n";
    my $reply =  PerformTransaction($connection, $cmd);
    return $reply;

     #    my ($cmd,$server)=@_;
     #    my $peerfile="$perlvar{'lonSockDir'}/$server";
     #    my $client=IO::Socket::UNIX->new(Peer    =>"$peerfile",
     #                                     Type    => SOCK_STREAM,
     #                                     Timeout => 10)
     #       or return "con_lost";
     #    print $client "$cmd\n";
     #    my $answer=<$client>;
     #    if (!$answer) { $answer="con_lost"; }
     #    chomp($answer);
     #    return $answer;
#   >>> BUGBUG <<< 
#  Use Getopt::Long to parse the parameters of the program.
#  Return value is a list consisting of:
#    A 'command' which is one of:
#       push   - table push requested.
#       reinit - reinit requested.
#   Additional parameters as follows:
#       for push: Tablename, hostname
#       for reinit: Appname  hostname
#   This function does not validation of the parameters of push and
#   reinit.
#   returns a list.  The first element of the list is the operation name
#   (e.g. reinit or push).  The second element is the switch parameter.
#   for push, this is the table name, for reinit, this is the process name.
#   Additional elements of the list are the command argument.  The count of
#   command arguments is validated, but not their semantics.
#   returns an empty list if the parse fails.

sub ParseArgs {
    my $pushing   = '';
    my $reinitting = '';

    if(!GetOptions('push=s'    => \$pushing,
	           'reinit=s'  => \$reinitting,
		   'myname=s' => \$MyHost,
		   'hosts=s' => \$ForeignHostTab)) {
	return ();
    #  The --myname and --hosts switch must have values and
    #  most both appear if either appears:

    if(($MyHost ne "") && ($ForeignHostTab eq "")) {
	return ();
    if(($ForeignHostTab ne "") && ($MyHost eq "")) {
	return ();

    #  Require exactly   one of --push and --reinit

    my $command    = '';
    my $commandarg = '';
    my $paramcount = @ARGV; 	# Number of additional arguments.

    if($pushing ne '') {

        # --push takes in addition a table, and an optional  host:
	if(($paramcount != 2) && ($paramcount != 1)) {
	    return ();		# Invalid parameter count.
	if($command ne '') {
	    return ();
	} else {
	    $command    = 'push';
	    $commandarg = $pushing;

    if ($reinitting ne '') {

	# --reinit takes in addition just an optional  host name

	if($paramcount > 1) {
	    return ();
	if($command ne '') {
	    return ();
	} else {
	    $command    = 'reinit';
	    $commandarg = $reinitting; 

    #  Build the result list:

    my @result = ($command, $commandarg);
    my $i;
    for($i = 0; $i < $paramcount; $i++) {
	push(@result, $ARGV[$i]);
    return @result;
#  Read the loncapa configuration stuff.  If ForeignHostTab is empty,
#  assume we are part of a loncapa cluster and read the
#  file from the config directory.  Otherwise, ForeignHossTab
#  is the name of an alternate configuration file to read in 
#  standalone mode.
sub ReadConfig {

    if($ForeignHostTab eq "") {
	my $perlvarref = LondConnection::read_conf('loncapa.conf');
	%perlvar       = %{$perlvarref};
	my $hoststab   = LondConnection::read_hosts(
	%hostshash     = %{$hoststab};
	$MyHost        = $perlvar{lonHostID}; # Set hostname from vars.
	$ServerPort    = $perlvar{londPort};
    } else {
	LondConnection::ReadForeignConfig($MyHost, $ForeignHostTab);
	  my $hoststab = LondConnection::read_hosts($ForeignHostTab); #  we need to know too.
	  %hostshash   = %{$hoststab};
	  $ServerPort    = $DefaultServerPort;
#  Determine if the target host is valid.
#  This is done by reading the current file.
#  For the host to be valid, it must be inthe file.
#  Parameters:
#     host   - Name of host to check on.
#  Returns:
#     true   if host is valid.
#     false  if host is invalid.
sub ValidHost {
    my $host       = shift;

    return defined $hostshash{$host};


#  Performs a transaction with lonc.
#  By the time this is called, the transaction has already been
#  validated by the caller.
#   Parameters:
#   host    - name of the host whose lonc we'll be talking to.
#   command - The base command we'll be asking lond to execute.
#   body    - [optional] If supplied, this is a command body that is a ref.
#             to an array of lines that will be appended to the 
#             command.
#  NOTE:
#    The command will be done as an encrypted operation.
sub Transact {
    my $host    = shift;
    my $command = shift;
    my $haveBody= 0;
    my $body;
    my $i;

    if(scalar @ARG) {
	$body = shift;
	$haveBody = 1;
    #  Construct the command to send to the server:
    my $request = "encrypt\:";	# All requests are encrypted.
    $request   .= $command;
    if($haveBody) {
	$request .= "\:";
	my $bodylines = scalar @$body;
	for($i = 0; $i < $bodylines; $i++) {
	    $request .= $$body[$i];
    } else {
	$request .= "\n";
    # Body is now built... transact with lond..
    my $answer = subreply($request, $host);

    print "$answer\n";

#   Called to push a file to the remote system.
#   The only legal files to push are and
#   Security is somewhat improved by
#   - Requiring the user run as root.
#   - Connecting with lonc rather than lond directly ensuring this is a loncapa
#     host
#   - We must appear in the remote host's file.
#   - The host must appear in our file.
#  Parameters:
#     tablename - must be one of hosts or domain.
#     tablefile - name of the file containing the table to push.
#     host      - name of the host to push this file to.     
#    >>>BUGBUG<<< This belongs in
sub PushFile {
    my $tablename = shift;
    my $tablefile = shift;
    my $host      = shift;
    # Open the table file:

    if(!open(TABLEFILE, "<$tablefile")) {
	die "ENOENT - No such file or directory $tablefile";
    # Require that the host be valid:

    if(!ValidHost($host)) {
	die "EHOSTINVAL - Invalid host $host"; # Ok so I invented this 'errno'.
    # Read in the file.  If the table name is valid, push it.

    my @table = <TABLEFILE>;	#  These files are pretty small.
    close TABLEFILE;

    if( ($tablename eq "host")    ||
	($tablename eq "domain")) {
	print("Pushing $tablename to $host\n");
	Transact($host, "pushfile:$tablename",\@table);
    } else {
	die "EINVAL - Invalid parameter. tablename: $tablename must be host or domain";
#   This function is called to reinitialize a server in a remote host.
#   The servers that can be reinitialized are:
#   - lonc   - The lonc client process.
#   - lond   - The lond daemon.
#  NOTE:
#    Reinitialization in this case means re-scanning the hosts table,
#    starting new lond/lonc's as approprate and stopping existing lonc/lond's.
#  Parameters:
#     process - The name of the process to reinit (lonc or lond).
#     host    - The host in which this reinit will happen.
#   >>>BUGBUG<<<< This belongs  in
sub ReinitProcess {
    my $process = shift;
    my $host    = shift;

    #  Ensure the host is valid:
    if(!ValidHost($host)) {
	die "EHOSTINVAL - Invalid host $host";
    # Ensure target process selector is valid:

    if(($process eq "lonc") ||
       ($process eq "lond")) {
	print("Reinitializing $process in $host\n");
	Transact($host, "reinit:$process");
    } else {
	die "EINVAL -Invalid parameter. Process $process must be lonc or lond";
#--------------------------- Entry point: --------------------------

#  Parse the parameters
#  If command parsing failed, then print usage:

my @params   = ParseArgs;
my $nparam   = @params;

if($nparam == 0) {
    exit -1;
#   Next, ensure we are running as EID root.
if ($EUID != 0) {
    die "ENOPRIV - No privilege for requested operation"

#   Read the configuration file.

ReadConfig;			# Read the configuration info (incl.hosts).

#   Based on the operation requested invoke the appropriate function:

my $operation = shift @params;

if($operation eq "push") {  # push tablename filename host
    my $tablename = shift @params;
    my $tablefile = shift @params;
    my $host      = shift @params;
    if($host) {
	PushFile($tablename, $tablefile, $host);
    } else {			# Push to whole cluster.
	foreach my $host (keys %hostshash) {
	    PushFile($tablename, $tablefile, $host);

} elsif($operation eq "reinit") {	# reinit processname host.
    my $process   = shift @params;
    my $host      = shift @params;
    if ($host) {
	ReinitProcess($process, $host);
    } else {			# Reinit whole cluster.
	foreach my $host (keys %hostshash) {
else {
exit 0;

=head1 NAME
    lonManage - Command line utility for remote management of lonCAPA
    cluster nodes.


    B<lonManage  --push=<tablename>  newfile  host>
        Push <tablename> to the lonTabs directory.  Note that
        <tablename> must be one of:
           hosts  (
           domain (

    B<lonManage  --reinit=lonc host>
           Sends a HUP signal to the remote systems's lond.

    B<lonmanage  --reinit=lond host>
          Requests the remote system's lond perform the same action as if
          it had received a HUP signal.

    In the above syntax, the host above is the name of a host,
    not the IP address of the host.



=item strict
=item Getopt::Long
=item English
=item IO::Socket::UNIX

=head1 KEY Subroutines.

    Command line utility


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