--- loncom/Lond.pm 2012/04/11 21:32:28 1.1
+++ loncom/Lond.pm 2024/08/18 01:37:26
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# The LearningOnline Network
-# $Id: Lond.pm,v 1.1 2012/04/11 21:32:28 droeschl Exp $
+# $Id: Lond.pm,v 2024/08/18 01:37:26 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
#NOTE perldoc at the end of file
+#TODO move remaining lond functions into this
package LONCAPA::Lond;
@@ -36,76 +37,90 @@ use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
use Apache::lonnet;
use GDBM_File;
+use Net::OAuth;
+use Crypt::CBC;
+use Digest::SHA;
+use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
sub dump_with_regexp {
- #TODO encapsulate $clientname and $clientversion in a object.
- my ( $cmd, $tail, $clientname, $clientversion ) = @_;
+ my ( $tail, $clientversion ) = @_;
+ my ( $udom, $uname, $namespace, $regexp, $range ) =
+ split /:/, $tail;
- my $userinput = "$cmd:$tail";
+ $regexp = $regexp ? unescape($regexp) : '.';
- my ($udom,$uname,$namespace,$regexp,$range,$extra)=split(/:/,$tail);
- if (defined($regexp)) {
- $regexp=&unescape($regexp);
- } else {
- $regexp='.';
- }
my ($start,$end);
if (defined($range)) {
- if ($range =~/^(\d+)\-(\d+)$/) {
- ($start,$end) = ($1,$2);
- } elsif ($range =~/^(\d+)$/) {
- ($start,$end) = (0,$1);
- } else {
- undef($range);
- }
+ if ($range =~ /^(\d+)\-(\d+)$/) {
+ ($start,$end) = ($1,$2);
+ } elsif ($range =~/^(\d+)$/) {
+ ($start,$end) = (0,$1);
+ } else {
+ undef($range);
+ }
- Apache::lonnet::logthis("Lond.pm: udom:[$udom] uname:[$uname] namespace:[$namespace]");
- my $hashref = &tie_user_hash($udom, $uname, $namespace,
- my $skipcheck;
- if ($hashref) {
- my $qresult='';
- my $count=0;
+# If dump is for file_permissions.db from a pre-2.12 server and
+# $uname:$udom is not a course, determine if value of portaccess
+# in effect for $uname:$udom allows portfolio files to be shared.
+# If sharing is not allowed, records returned for accesscontrol
+# are restricted to those based on ip (i.e., for externalresponse).
+# Note: for 2.12 or later session-hosting server, determination
+# of portaccess value in effect occurs client-side.
+ my ($check_portaccess,$access,$now,$major,$minor,%by_ip);
+ if ($namespace eq 'file_permissions') {
+ if ($clientversion =~ /^\'?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.[\w.\-]+\'?/) {
+ $major = $1;
+ $minor = $2;
+ }
+ unless ((($major > 2) || (($major == 2) && ($minor > 11))) ||
+ &is_course($udom,$uname)) {
+ $check_portaccess = 1;
+ $access = &portfolio_is_shareable($udom,$uname);
+ }
+ $now = time;
+ }
+ my $hashref = &tie_user_hash($udom, $uname, $namespace, &GDBM_READER()) or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed while attempting dump";
+ my $qresult = '';
+ my $count = 0;
# When dump is for roles.db, determine if LON-CAPA version checking is needed.
-# Sessions on 2.10 and later will include skipcheck => 1 in extra args ref,
-# to indicate no version checking is needed (in this case, checking occurs
+# Sessions on 2.10 and later do not require version checking, as that occurs
# on the server hosting the user session, when constructing the roles/courses
# screen).
- if ($extra ne '') {
- $extra = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($extra);
- $skipcheck = $extra->{'skipcheck'};
- }
- my @ids = &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
- my (%homecourses,$major,$minor,$now);
+ my $skipcheck;
+ my @ids = &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
+ my %homecourses;
# If dump is for roles.db from a pre-2.10 server, determine the LON-CAPA
-# version on the server which requested the data. For LON-CAPA 2.9, the
-# client session will have sent its LON-CAPA version when initiating the
-# connection. For LON-CAPA 2.8 and older, the version is retrieved from
-# the global %loncaparevs in lonnet.pm.
+# version on the server which requested the data.
- if (($namespace eq 'roles') && (!$skipcheck)) {
- my $loncaparev = $clientversion;
- if ($loncaparev eq '') {
- $loncaparev = $Apache::lonnet::loncaparevs{$clientname};
- }
- if ($loncaparev =~ /^\'?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.[\w.\-]+\'?/) {
- $major = $1;
- $minor = $2;
- }
- $now = time;
+ if ($namespace eq 'roles') {
+ if ($clientversion =~ /^\'?(\d+)\.(\d+)\.[\w.\-]+\'?/) {
+ $major = $1;
+ $minor = $2;
- while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
- if ($namespace eq 'roles') {
+ if (($major > 2) || (($major == 2) && ($minor > 9))) {
+ $skipcheck = 1;
+ }
+ $now = time;
+ }
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
+ if ($namespace eq 'roles' && (!$skipcheck)) {
if ($key =~ m{^/($LONCAPA::match_domain)/($LONCAPA::match_courseid)(/?[^_]*)_(cc|co|in|ta|ep|ad|st|cr)$}) {
my $cdom = $1;
my $cnum = $2;
- unless ($skipcheck) {
- my ($role,$roleend,$rolestart) = split(/\_/,$value);
- if (!$roleend || $roleend > $now) {
+ my ($role,$roleend,$rolestart) = split(/\_/,$value);
+ if (!$roleend || $roleend > $now) {
# For active course roles, check that requesting server is running a LON-CAPA
# version which meets any version requirements for the course. Do not include
@@ -116,28 +131,71 @@ sub dump_with_regexp {
# homeserver is the current server, or whether it is a different server.
# In both cases, the course's version requirement needs to be retrieved.
- next unless (&releasereqd_check($cnum,$cdom,$key,$value,$major,
- $minor,\%homecourses,\@ids));
+ next unless (&releasereqd_check($cnum,$cdom,$key,$value,$major,
+ $minor,\%homecourses,\@ids));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($namespace eq 'file_permissions') {
+ if ($check_portaccess) {
+ unless ($access) {
+ my $unesckey = &unescape($key);
+ if ($unesckey =~ m{\0((\d+)_\d+_\d+:([a-z]+)_(\d+)_(\d+))$}) {
+ my ($acl,$timestamp,$scope,$end,$start) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
+ if ($scope eq 'ip') {
+ unless (($start > $now) &&
+ ($end && $end<$now)) {
+ my ($path) = split(/\0/,$unesckey);
+ push(@{$by_ip{$path}},{$acl => $timestamp});
+ }
+ }
+ next;
+ } elsif ($unesckey =~ m{\0accesscontrol$}) {
+ next;
- if ($regexp eq '.') {
- $count++;
- if (defined($range) && $count >= $end) { last; }
- if (defined($range) && $count < $start) { next; }
- $qresult.=$key.'='.$value.'&';
- } else {
- my $unescapeKey = &unescape($key);
- if (eval('$unescapeKey=~/$regexp/')) {
- $count++;
- if (defined($range) && $count >= $end) { last; }
- if (defined($range) && $count < $start) { next; }
- $qresult.="$key=$value&";
- }
- }
- }
- if (&untie_user_hash($hashref)) {
+ if ($regexp eq '.') {
+ $count++;
+ if (defined($range) && $count >= $end) { last; }
+ if (defined($range) && $count < $start) { next; }
+ $qresult.=$key.'='.$value.'&';
+ } else {
+ my $unescapeKey = &unescape($key);
+ if (eval('$unescapeKey=~/$regexp/')) {
+ $count++;
+ if (defined($range) && $count >= $end) { last; }
+ if (defined($range) && $count < $start) { next; }
+ $qresult.="$key=$value&";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($namespace eq 'file_permissions') && ($check_portaccess) && (!$access)) {
+ if (keys(%by_ip)) {
+ my %accesscontrol;
+ foreach my $path (keys(%by_ip)) {
+ if (ref($by_ip{$path}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $item (@{$by_ip{$path}}) {
+ if (ref($item) eq 'HASH') {
+ my ($acl,$timestamp) = each(%$item);
+ my $key = &escape("$path\0$acl");
+ my $value = $hashref->{$key};
+ $qresult.= "$key=$value&";
+ $accesscontrol{"$path\0accesscontrol"}{$acl} = $timestamp;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys(%accesscontrol)) {
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%accesscontrol)) {
+ $qresult.= &escape($key).'='.&Apache::lonnet::freeze_escape($value).'&';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &untie_user_hash($hashref) or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed while attempting dump";
# If dump is for roles.db from a pre-2.10 server, check if the LON-CAPA
# version requirements for courses for which the current server is the home
@@ -145,30 +203,1145 @@ sub dump_with_regexp {
# user's session. If so, include those role results in the data returned to
# the client server.
- if (($namespace eq 'roles') && (!$skipcheck)) {
- if (keys(%homecourses) > 0) {
- $qresult .= &check_homecourses(\%homecourses,$regexp,$count,
- $range,$start,$end,$major,$minor);
+ if (($namespace eq 'roles') && (!$skipcheck)) {
+ if (keys(%homecourses) > 0) {
+ $qresult .= &check_homecourses(\%homecourses,$regexp,$count,
+ $range,$start,$end,$major,$minor);
+ }
+ }
+ chop($qresult);
+ return $qresult;
+sub releasereqd_check {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$key,$value,$major,$minor,$homecourses,$ids) = @_;
+ my $home = &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($cnum,$cdom);
+ return if ($home eq 'no_host');
+ my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$displayrole);
+ if ($cnum =~ /$LONCAPA::match_community/) {
+ if ($major eq '' && $minor eq '') {
+ return unless ((ref($ids) eq 'ARRAY') &&
+ (grep(/^\Q$home\E$/,@{$ids})));
+ } else {
+ $reqdmajor = 2;
+ $reqdminor = 9;
+ return unless (&useable_role($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$major,$minor));
+ }
+ }
+ my $hashid = $cdom.':'.$cnum;
+ my ($courseinfo,$cached) =
+ &Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new('courseinfo',$hashid);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ if (ref($courseinfo) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (exists($courseinfo->{'releaserequired'})) {
+ my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor) = split(/\./,$courseinfo->{'releaserequired'});
+ return unless (&useable_role($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$major,$minor));
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ref($ids) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$home\E$/,@{$ids})) {
+ if (ref($homecourses) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($homecourses->{$cdom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($homecourses->{$cdom}{$cnum}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($homecourses->{$cdom}{$cnum}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ push(@{$homecourses->{$cdom}{$cnum}},{$key=>$value});
+ } else {
+ $homecourses->{$cdom}{$cnum} = [{$key=>$value}];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $homecourses->{$cdom}{$cnum} = [{$key=>$value}];
+ }
+ } else {
+ $homecourses->{$cdom}{$cnum} = [{$key=>$value}];
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ my $courseinfo = &get_courseinfo_hash($cnum,$cdom,$home);
+ if (ref($courseinfo) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (exists($courseinfo->{'releaserequired'})) {
+ my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor) = split(/\./,$courseinfo->{'releaserequired'});
+ return unless (&useable_role($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$major,$minor));
+ }
+ } else {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub check_homecourses {
+ my ($homecourses,$regexp,$count,$range,$start,$end,$major,$minor) = @_;
+ my ($result,%addtocache);
+ my $yesterday = time - 24*3600;
+ if (ref($homecourses) eq 'HASH') {
+ my (%okcourses,%courseinfo,%recent);
+ foreach my $domain (keys(%{$homecourses})) {
+ my $hashref =
+ &tie_domain_hash($domain, "nohist_courseids", &GDBM_WRCREAT());
+ if (ref($hashref) eq 'HASH') {
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
+ my $unesc_key = &unescape($key);
+ if ($unesc_key =~ /^lasttime:(\w+)$/) {
+ my $cid = $1;
+ $cid =~ s/_/:/;
+ if ($value > $yesterday ) {
+ $recent{$cid} = 1;
+ }
+ next;
+ }
+ my $items = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($value);
+ if (ref($items) eq 'HASH') {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$unesc_key);
+ my $hashid = $cdom.':'.$cnum;
+ $courseinfo{$hashid} = $items;
+ if (ref($homecourses->{$cdom}{$cnum}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor) = split(/\./,$items->{'releaserequired'});
+ if (&useable_role($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$major,$minor)) {
+ $okcourses{$hashid} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless (&untie_domain_hash($hashref)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Failed to untie tied hash for nohist_courseids.db for $domain");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Failed to tie hash for nohist_courseids.db for $domain");
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $hashid (keys(%recent)) {
+ my ($result,$cached)=&Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new('courseinfo',$hashid);
+ unless ($cached) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('courseinfo',$hashid,$courseinfo{$hashid},600);
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $cdom (keys(%{$homecourses})) {
+ if (ref($homecourses->{$cdom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $cnum (keys(%{$homecourses->{$cdom}})) {
+ my $hashid = $cdom.':'.$cnum;
+ next if ($recent{$hashid});
+ &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('courseinfo',$hashid,$courseinfo{$hashid},600);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $hashid (keys(%okcourses)) {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/:/,$hashid);
+ if ((ref($homecourses->{$cdom}) eq 'HASH') &&
+ (ref($homecourses->{$cdom}{$cnum}) eq 'ARRAY')) {
+ foreach my $role (@{$homecourses->{$cdom}{$cnum}}) {
+ if (ref($role) eq 'HASH') {
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%{$role})) {
+ if ($regexp eq '.') {
+ $count++;
+ if (defined($range) && $count >= $end) { last; }
+ if (defined($range) && $count < $start) { next; }
+ $result.=$key.'='.$value.'&';
+ } else {
+ my $unescapeKey = &unescape($key);
+ if (eval('$unescapeKey=~/$regexp/')) {
+ $count++;
+ if (defined($range) && $count >= $end) { last; }
+ if (defined($range) && $count < $start) { next; }
+ $result.="$key=$value&";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $result;
+sub useable_role {
+ my ($reqdmajor,$reqdminor,$major,$minor) = @_;
+ if ($reqdmajor ne '' && $reqdminor ne '') {
+ return if (($major eq '' && $minor eq '') ||
+ ($major < $reqdmajor) ||
+ (($major == $reqdmajor) && ($minor < $reqdminor)));
+ }
+ return 1;
+sub get_courseinfo_hash {
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$home) = @_;
+ my %info;
+ eval {
+ local($SIG{ALRM}) = sub { die "timeout\n"; };
+ local($SIG{__DIE__})='DEFAULT';
+ alarm(3);
+ %info = &Apache::lonnet::courseiddump($cdom,'.',1,'.','.',$cnum,1,[$home],'.');
+ alarm(0);
+ };
+ if ($@) {
+ if ($@ eq "timeout\n") {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis("WARNING courseiddump for $cnum:$cdom from $home timedout");
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis("WARNING unexpected error during eval of call for courseiddump from $home");
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ref($info{$cdom.'_'.$cnum}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $hashid = $cdom.':'.$cnum;
+ return &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('courseinfo',$hashid,$info{$cdom.'_'.$cnum},600);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+sub portfolio_is_shareable {
+ my ($udom,$uname) = @_;
+ my $check_portaccess = 1;
+ my ($userportaccess,$inststatus,$access);
+ my $hashref = &tie_user_hash($udom, $uname, 'environment', &GDBM_READER());
+ if (ref($hashref) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $accesskey = &escape('tools.portaccess');
+ $userportaccess = $hashref->{$accesskey};
+ $inststatus = $hashref->{'inststatus'};
+ &untie_user_hash($hashref);
+ }
+ if ($userportaccess ne '') {
+ $access = $userportaccess;
+ } else {
+ my %domdefs = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($udom);
+ if (ref($domdefs{'portaccess'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (($domdefs{'portaccess'}{'_LC_adv'} ne '') &&
+ (&Apache::lonnet::is_advanced_user($udom,$uname))) {
+ if ($domdefs{'portaccess'}{'_LC_adv'}) {
+ $access = 1;
+ } else {
+ $access = 0;
+ }
+ } elsif ($inststatus ne '') {
+ my ($hasaccess,$hasnoaccess);
+ foreach my $affiliation (split(/:/,$inststatus)) {
+ if ($domdefs{'portaccess'}{$affiliation} ne '') {
+ if ($domdefs{'portaccess'}{$affiliation}) {
+ $hasaccess = 1;
+ } else {
+ $hasnoaccess = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($hasaccess || $hasnoaccess) {
+ if ($hasaccess) {
+ $access = 1;
+ } elsif ($hasnoaccess) {
+ $access = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($domdefs{'portaccess'}{'default'} ne '') {
+ if ($domdefs{'portaccess'}{'default'}) {
+ $access = 1;
+ } elsif ($domdefs{'portaccess'}{'default'} == 0) {
+ $access = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $access = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ return $access;
+sub dump_course_id_handler {
+ my ($tail) = @_;
+ my ($udom,$since,$description,$instcodefilter,$ownerfilter,$coursefilter,
+ $typefilter,$regexp_ok,$rtn_as_hash,$selfenrollonly,$catfilter,$showhidden,
+ $caller,$cloner,$cc_clone_list,$cloneonly,$createdbefore,$createdafter,
+ $creationcontext,$domcloner,$hasuniquecode,$reqcrsdom,$reqinstcode) = split(/:/,$tail);
+ my $now = time;
+ my ($cloneruname,$clonerudom,%cc_clone);
+ if (defined($description)) {
+ $description=&unescape($description);
+ } else {
+ $description='.';
+ }
+ if (defined($instcodefilter)) {
+ $instcodefilter=&unescape($instcodefilter);
+ } else {
+ $instcodefilter='.';
+ }
+ my ($ownerunamefilter,$ownerdomfilter);
+ if (defined($ownerfilter)) {
+ $ownerfilter=&unescape($ownerfilter);
+ if ($ownerfilter ne '.' && defined($ownerfilter)) {
+ if ($ownerfilter =~ /^([^:]*):([^:]*)$/) {
+ $ownerunamefilter = $1;
+ $ownerdomfilter = $2;
+ } else {
+ $ownerunamefilter = $ownerfilter;
+ $ownerdomfilter = '';
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $ownerfilter='.';
+ }
+ if (defined($coursefilter)) {
+ $coursefilter=&unescape($coursefilter);
+ } else {
+ $coursefilter='.';
+ }
+ if (defined($typefilter)) {
+ $typefilter=&unescape($typefilter);
+ } else {
+ $typefilter='.';
+ }
+ if (defined($regexp_ok)) {
+ $regexp_ok=&unescape($regexp_ok);
+ }
+ if (defined($catfilter)) {
+ $catfilter=&unescape($catfilter);
+ }
+ if (defined($cloner)) {
+ $cloner = &unescape($cloner);
+ ($cloneruname,$clonerudom) = ($cloner =~ /^($LONCAPA::match_username):($LONCAPA::match_domain)$/);
+ }
+ if (defined($cc_clone_list)) {
+ $cc_clone_list = &unescape($cc_clone_list);
+ my @cc_cloners = split('&',$cc_clone_list);
+ foreach my $cid (@cc_cloners) {
+ my ($clonedom,$clonenum) = split(':',$cid);
+ next if ($clonedom ne $udom);
+ $cc_clone{$clonedom.'_'.$clonenum} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($createdbefore ne '') {
+ $createdbefore = &unescape($createdbefore);
+ } else {
+ $createdbefore = 0;
+ }
+ if ($createdafter ne '') {
+ $createdafter = &unescape($createdafter);
+ } else {
+ $createdafter = 0;
+ }
+ if ($creationcontext ne '') {
+ $creationcontext = &unescape($creationcontext);
+ } else {
+ $creationcontext = '.';
+ }
+ unless ($hasuniquecode) {
+ $hasuniquecode = '.';
+ }
+ if ($reqinstcode ne '') {
+ $reqinstcode = &unescape($reqinstcode);
+ }
+ my $unpack = 1;
+ if ($description eq '.' && $instcodefilter eq '.' && $ownerfilter eq '.' &&
+ $typefilter eq '.') {
+ $unpack = 0;
+ }
+ if (!defined($since)) { $since=0; }
+ my (%gotcodedefaults,%otcodedefaults);
+ my $qresult='';
+ my $hashref = &tie_domain_hash($udom, "nohist_courseids", &GDBM_WRCREAT())
+ or return "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed while attempting courseiddump";
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
+ my ($unesc_key,$lasttime_key,$lasttime,$is_hash,%val,
+ %unesc_val,$selfenroll_end,$selfenroll_types,$created,
+ $context);
+ $unesc_key = &unescape($key);
+ if ($unesc_key =~ /^lasttime:/) {
+ next;
+ } else {
+ $lasttime_key = &escape('lasttime:'.$unesc_key);
+ }
+ if ($hashref->{$lasttime_key} ne '') {
+ $lasttime = $hashref->{$lasttime_key};
+ next if ($lasttime<$since);
+ }
+ my ($canclone,$valchange,$clonefromcode);
+ my $items = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($value);
+ if (ref($items) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ($hashref->{$lasttime_key} eq '') {
+ next if ($since > 1);
+ }
+ if ($items->{'inst_code'}) {
+ $clonefromcode = $items->{'inst_code'};
+ }
+ $is_hash = 1;
+ if ($domcloner) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ } elsif (defined($clonerudom)) {
+ if ($items->{'cloners'}) {
+ my @cloneable = split(',',$items->{'cloners'});
+ if (@cloneable) {
+ if (grep(/^\*$/,@cloneable)) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ } elsif (grep(/^\*:\Q$clonerudom\E$/,@cloneable)) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ } elsif (grep(/^\Q$cloneruname\E:\Q$clonerudom\E$/,@cloneable)) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($canclone) {
+ if ($cloneruname ne '' && $clonerudom ne '') {
+ if ($cc_clone{$unesc_key}) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ $items->{'cloners'} .= ','.$cloneruname.':'.
+ $clonerudom;
+ $valchange = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($canclone) {
+ if (($reqcrsdom eq $udom) && ($reqinstcode) && ($clonefromcode)) {
+ if (grep(/\=/,@cloneable)) {
+ foreach my $cloner (@cloneable) {
+ if (($cloner ne '*') && ($cloner !~ /^\*\:$LONCAPA::match_domain$/) &&
+ ($cloner !~ /^$LONCAPA::match_username\:$LONCAPA::match_domain$/) && ($cloner ne '')) {
+ if ($cloner =~ /=/) {
+ my (%codedefaults,@code_order);
+ if (ref($gotcodedefaults{$udom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (ref($gotcodedefaults{$udom}{'defaults'}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %codedefaults = %{$gotcodedefaults{$udom}{'defaults'}};
+ }
+ if (ref($gotcodedefaults{$udom}{'order'}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ @code_order = @{$gotcodedefaults{$udom}{'order'}};
+ }
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonnet::auto_instcode_defaults($udom,
+ \%codedefaults,
+ \@code_order);
+ $gotcodedefaults{$udom}{'defaults'} = \%codedefaults;
+ $gotcodedefaults{$udom}{'order'} = \@code_order;
+ }
+ if (@code_order > 0) {
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::check_instcode_cloning(\%codedefaults,\@code_order,
+ $cloner,$clonefromcode,$reqinstcode)) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif (defined($cloneruname)) {
+ if ($cc_clone{$unesc_key}) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ $items->{'cloners'} = $cloneruname.':'.$clonerudom;
+ $valchange = 1;
+ }
+ unless ($canclone) {
+ if ($items->{'owner'} =~ /:/) {
+ if ($items->{'owner'} eq $cloner) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($cloner eq $items->{'owner'}.':'.$udom) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ }
+ if ($canclone) {
+ $items->{'cloners'} = $cloneruname.':'.$clonerudom;
+ $valchange = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless (($canclone) || ($items->{'cloners'})) {
+ my %domdefs = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_defaults($udom);
+ if ($domdefs{'canclone'}) {
+ unless ($domdefs{'canclone'} eq 'none') {
+ if ($domdefs{'canclone'} eq 'domain') {
+ if ($clonerudom eq $udom) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif (($clonefromcode) && ($reqinstcode) &&
+ ($udom eq $reqcrsdom)) {
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::default_instcode_cloning($udom,$domdefs{'canclone'},
+ $clonefromcode,$reqinstcode)) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($unpack || !$rtn_as_hash) {
+ $unesc_val{'descr'} = $items->{'description'};
+ $unesc_val{'inst_code'} = $items->{'inst_code'};
+ $unesc_val{'owner'} = $items->{'owner'};
+ $unesc_val{'type'} = $items->{'type'};
+ $unesc_val{'cloners'} = $items->{'cloners'};
+ $unesc_val{'created'} = $items->{'created'};
+ $unesc_val{'context'} = $items->{'context'};
+ }
+ $selfenroll_types = $items->{'selfenroll_types'};
+ $selfenroll_end = $items->{'selfenroll_end_date'};
+ $created = $items->{'created'};
+ $context = $items->{'context'};
+ if ($selfenrollonly) {
+ next if (!$selfenroll_types);
+ if (($selfenroll_end > 0) && ($selfenroll_end <= $now)) {
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($creationcontext ne '.') {
+ next if (($context ne '') && ($context ne $creationcontext));
+ }
+ if ($createdbefore > 0) {
+ next if (($created eq '') || ($created > $createdbefore));
+ }
+ if ($createdafter > 0) {
+ next if (($created eq '') || ($created <= $createdafter));
+ }
+ if ($catfilter ne '') {
+ next if ($items->{'categories'} eq '');
+ my @categories = split('&',$items->{'categories'});
+ next if (@categories == 0);
+ my @subcats = split('&',$catfilter);
+ my $matchcat = 0;
+ foreach my $cat (@categories) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$cat\E$/,@subcats)) {
+ $matchcat = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ next if (!$matchcat);
+ }
+ if ($caller eq 'coursecatalog') {
+ if ($items->{'hidefromcat'} eq 'yes') {
+ next if !$showhidden;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($hasuniquecode ne '.') {
+ next unless ($items->{'uniquecode'});
+ }
+ } else {
+ next if ($catfilter ne '');
+ next if ($selfenrollonly);
+ next if ($createdbefore || $createdafter);
+ next if ($creationcontext ne '.');
+ if ((defined($clonerudom)) && (defined($cloneruname))) {
+ if ($cc_clone{$unesc_key}) {
+ $canclone = 1;
+ $val{'cloners'} = &escape($cloneruname.':'.$clonerudom);
+ }
+ }
+ $is_hash = 0;
+ my @courseitems = split(/:/,$value);
+ $lasttime = pop(@courseitems);
+ if ($hashref->{$lasttime_key} eq '') {
+ next if ($lasttime<$since);
+ }
+ ($val{'descr'},$val{'inst_code'},$val{'owner'},$val{'type'}) = @courseitems;
+ }
+ if ($cloneonly) {
+ next unless ($canclone);
+ }
+ my $match = 1;
+ if ($description ne '.') {
+ if (!$is_hash) {
+ $unesc_val{'descr'} = &unescape($val{'descr'});
+ }
+ if (eval{$unesc_val{'descr'} !~ /\Q$description\E/i}) {
+ $match = 0;
- chop($qresult);
- Apache::lonnet::logthis("Lond.pm: qresult:[$qresult]");
- return $qresult;
- #&Reply($client, \$qresult, $userinput);
- } else {
- return "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed while attempting dump";
- #&Failure( $client, "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed ".
- # "while attempting dump\n", $userinput);
+ if ($instcodefilter ne '.') {
+ if (!$is_hash) {
+ $unesc_val{'inst_code'} = &unescape($val{'inst_code'});
+ }
+ if ($regexp_ok == 1) {
+ if (eval{$unesc_val{'inst_code'} !~ /$instcodefilter/}) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ } elsif ($regexp_ok == -1) {
+ if (eval{$unesc_val{'inst_code'} =~ /$instcodefilter/}) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (eval{$unesc_val{'inst_code'} !~ /\Q$instcodefilter\E/i}) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($ownerfilter ne '.') {
+ if (!$is_hash) {
+ $unesc_val{'owner'} = &unescape($val{'owner'});
+ }
+ if (($ownerunamefilter ne '') && ($ownerdomfilter ne '')) {
+ if ($unesc_val{'owner'} =~ /:/) {
+ if (eval{$unesc_val{'owner'} !~
+ /\Q$ownerunamefilter\E:\Q$ownerdomfilter\E$/i}) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (eval{$unesc_val{'owner'} !~ /\Q$ownerunamefilter\E/i}) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($ownerunamefilter ne '') {
+ if ($unesc_val{'owner'} =~ /:/) {
+ if (eval{$unesc_val{'owner'} !~ /\Q$ownerunamefilter\E:[^:]+$/i}) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (eval{$unesc_val{'owner'} !~ /\Q$ownerunamefilter\E/i}) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ } elsif ($ownerdomfilter ne '') {
+ if ($unesc_val{'owner'} =~ /:/) {
+ if (eval{$unesc_val{'owner'} !~ /^[^:]+:\Q$ownerdomfilter\E/}) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($ownerdomfilter ne $udom) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($coursefilter ne '.') {
+ if (eval{$unesc_key !~ /^$udom(_)\Q$coursefilter\E$/}) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($typefilter ne '.') {
+ if (!$is_hash) {
+ $unesc_val{'type'} = &unescape($val{'type'});
+ }
+ if ($unesc_val{'type'} eq '') {
+ if ($typefilter ne 'Course') {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (eval{$unesc_val{'type'} !~ /^\Q$typefilter\E$/}) {
+ $match = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($match == 1) {
+ if ($rtn_as_hash) {
+ if ($is_hash) {
+ if ($valchange) {
+ my $newvalue = &Apache::lonnet::freeze_escape($items);
+ $qresult.=$key.'='.$newvalue.'&';
+ } else {
+ $qresult.=$key.'='.$value.'&';
+ }
+ } else {
+ my %rtnhash = ( 'description' => &unescape($val{'descr'}),
+ 'inst_code' => &unescape($val{'inst_code'}),
+ 'owner' => &unescape($val{'owner'}),
+ 'type' => &unescape($val{'type'}),
+ 'cloners' => &unescape($val{'cloners'}),
+ );
+ my $items = &Apache::lonnet::freeze_escape(\%rtnhash);
+ $qresult.=$key.'='.$items.'&';
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($is_hash) {
+ $qresult .= $key.'='.&escape($unesc_val{'descr'}).':'.
+ &escape($unesc_val{'inst_code'}).':'.
+ &escape($unesc_val{'owner'}).'&';
+ } else {
+ $qresult .= $key.'='.$val{'descr'}.':'.$val{'inst_code'}.
+ ':'.$val{'owner'}.'&';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ &untie_domain_hash($hashref) or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed while attempting courseiddump";
+ chop($qresult);
+ return $qresult;
+sub dump_profile_database {
+ my ($tail) = @_;
+ my ($udom,$uname,$namespace) = split(/:/,$tail);
+ my $hashref = &tie_user_hash($udom, $uname, $namespace, &GDBM_READER()) or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed while attempting currentdump";
+ # Structure of %data:
+ # $data{$symb}->{$parameter}=$value;
+ # $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$parameter}=$version;
+ # since $parameter will be unescaped, we do not
+ # have to worry about silly parameter names...
+ my $qresult='';
+ my %data = (); # A hash of anonymous hashes..
+ while (my ($key,$value) = each(%$hashref)) {
+ my ($v,$symb,$param) = split(/:/,$key);
+ next if ($v eq 'version' || $symb eq 'keys');
+ next if (exists($data{$symb}) &&
+ exists($data{$symb}->{$param}) &&
+ $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$param} > $v);
+ $data{$symb}->{$param}=$value;
+ $data{$symb}->{'v.'.$param}=$v;
+ &untie_user_hash($hashref) or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed while attempting currentdump";
+ while (my ($symb,$param_hash) = each(%data)) {
+ while(my ($param,$value) = each (%$param_hash)){
+ next if ($param =~ /^v\./); # Ignore versions...
+ #
+ # Just dump the symb=value pairs separated by &
+ #
+ $qresult.=$symb.':'.$param.'='.$value.'&';
+ }
+ }
+ chop($qresult);
+ return $qresult;
+sub is_course {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = @_;
+ return unless (($cdom =~ /^$LONCAPA::match_domain$/) &&
+ ($cnum =~ /^$LONCAPA::match_courseid$/));
+ my $hashid = $cdom.':'.$cnum;
+ my ($iscourse,$cached) =
+ &Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new('iscourse',$hashid);
+ unless (defined($cached)) {
+ my $hashref =
+ &tie_domain_hash($cdom, "nohist_courseids", &GDBM_WRCREAT());
+ if (ref($hashref) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $esc_key = &escape($cdom.'_'.$cnum);
+ if (exists($hashref->{$esc_key})) {
+ $iscourse = 1;
+ } else {
+ $iscourse = 0;
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('iscourse',$hashid,$iscourse,3600);
+ unless (&untie_domain_hash($hashref)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Failed to untie tied hash for nohist_courseids.db for $cdom");
+ }
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis("Failed to tie hash for nohist_courseids.db for $cdom");
+ }
+ }
+ return $iscourse;
+sub get_dom {
+ my ($userinput) = @_;
+ my ($cmd,$udom,$namespace,$what) =split(/:/,$userinput,4);
+ my $hashref = &tie_domain_hash($udom,$namespace,&GDBM_READER()) or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed while attempting $cmd";
+ my $qresult='';
+ if (ref($hashref)) {
+ chomp($what);
+ my @queries=split(/\&/,$what);
+ for (my $i=0;$i<=$#queries;$i++) {
+ $qresult.="$hashref->{$queries[$i]}&";
+ }
+ $qresult=~s/\&$//;
+ }
+ &untie_user_hash($hashref) or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed while attempting $cmd";
+ return $qresult;
+sub store_dom {
+ my ($userinput) = @_;
+ my ($cmd,$dom,$namespace,$rid,$what) =split(/:/,$userinput);
+ my $hashref = &tie_domain_hash($dom,$namespace,&GDBM_WRCREAT(),"S","$rid:$what") or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed while attempting $cmd";
+ $hashref->{"version:$rid"}++;
+ my $version=$hashref->{"version:$rid"};
+ my $allkeys='';
+ my @pairs=split(/\&/,$what);
+ foreach my $pair (@pairs) {
+ my ($key,$value)=split(/=/,$pair);
+ $allkeys.=$key.':';
+ $hashref->{"$version:$rid:$key"}=$value;
+ }
+ my $now = time;
+ $hashref->{"$version:$rid:timestamp"}=$now;
+ $allkeys.='timestamp';
+ $hashref->{"$version:keys:$rid"}=$allkeys;
+ &untie_user_hash($hashref) or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed while attempting $cmd";
+ return 'ok';
+sub restore_dom {
+ my ($userinput) = @_;
+ my ($cmd,$dom,$namespace,$rid) = split(/:/,$userinput);
+ my $hashref = &tie_domain_hash($dom,$namespace,&GDBM_READER()) or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed while attempting $cmd";
+ my $qresult='';
+ if (ref($hashref)) {
+ chomp($rid);
+ my $version=$hashref->{"version:$rid"};
+ $qresult.="version=$version&";
+ my $scope;
+ for ($scope=1;$scope<=$version;$scope++) {
+ my $vkeys=$hashref->{"$scope:keys:$rid"};
+ my @keys=split(/:/,$vkeys);
+ my $key;
+ $qresult.="$scope:keys=$vkeys&";
+ foreach $key (@keys) {
+ $qresult.="$scope:$key=".$hashref->{"$scope:$rid:$key"}."&";
+ }
+ }
+ $qresult=~s/\&$//;
+ }
+ &untie_user_hash($hashref) or
+ return "error: ".($!+0)." untie(GDBM) Failed while attempting $cmd";
+ return $qresult;
+sub crslti_itemid {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$url,$method,$params,$loncaparev) = @_;
+ unless (ref($params) eq 'HASH') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (($cdom eq '') || ($cnum eq '')) {
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($itemid,$consumer_key,$secret);
+ if (exists($params->{'oauth_callback'})) {
} else {
- return "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed while attempting dump";
- #&Failure($client, "error: ".($!+0)." tie(GDBM) Failed ".
- # "while attempting dump\n", $userinput);
- #never get here
- return 1;
+ my $consumer_key = $params->{'oauth_consumer_key'};
+ return if ($consumer_key eq '');
+ my (%crslti,%crslti_by_key);
+ my $hashid=$cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ my ($result,$cached)=&Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new('courseltienc',$hashid);
+ if (defined($cached)) {
+ if (ref($result) eq 'HASH') {
+ %crslti = %{$result};
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $reply = &dump_with_regexp(join(":",($cdom,$cnum,'nohist_ltienc','','')),$loncaparev);
+ %crslti = %{&Apache::lonnet::unserialize($reply)};
+ my $cachetime = 24*60*60;
+ &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('courseltienc',$hashid,\%crslti,$cachetime);
+ }
+ return if (!keys(%crslti));
+ foreach my $id (keys(%crslti)) {
+ if (ref($crslti{$id}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $key = $crslti{$id}{'key'};
+ if (($key ne '') && ($crslti{$id}{'secret'} ne '')) {
+ push(@{$crslti_by_key{$key}},$id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return if (!keys(%crslti_by_key));
+ my %courselti = &Apache::lonnet::get_course_lti($cnum,$cdom,'provider');
+ if (ref($crslti_by_key{$consumer_key}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $id (@{$crslti_by_key{$consumer_key}}) {
+ my $secret = $crslti{$id}{'secret'};
+ if (ref($courselti{$id}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ((exists($courselti{$id}{'cipher'})) &&
+ ($courselti{$id}{'cipher'} =~ /^\d+$/)) {
+ my $keynum = $courselti{$id}{'cipher'};
+ my $privkey = &get_dom("getdom:$cdom:private:$keynum:lti:key");
+ if ($privkey ne '') {
+ my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($privkey);
+ $secret = $cipher->decrypt_hex($secret);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $request = Net::OAuth->request('request token')->from_hash($params,
+ request_url => $url,
+ request_method => $method,
+ consumer_secret => $secret,);
+ if ($request->verify()) {
+ $itemid = $id;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $itemid;
+sub domlti_itemid {
+ my ($dom,$context,$url,$method,$params,$loncaparev) = @_;
+ unless (ref($params) eq 'HASH') {
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($dom eq '') {
+ return;
+ }
+ my ($itemid,$consumer_key,$secret);
+ if (exists($params->{'oauth_callback'})) {
+ } else {
+ }
+ my $consumer_key = $params->{'oauth_consumer_key'};
+ return if ($consumer_key eq '');
+ my ($name,$cachename);
+ if ($context eq 'linkprot') {
+ $name = $context;
+ } else {
+ $name = 'lti';
+ if ($context eq '') {
+ $context = 'provider';
+ }
+ }
+ $cachename = $name.'enc';
+ my %ltienc;
+ my ($encresult,$enccached)=&Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new($cachename,$dom);
+ if (defined($enccached)) {
+ if (ref($encresult) eq 'HASH') {
+ %ltienc = %{$encresult};
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $reply = &get_dom("getdom:$dom:encconfig:$name");
+ my $ltiencref = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($reply);
+ if (ref($ltiencref) eq 'HASH') {
+ %ltienc = %{$ltiencref};
+ }
+ my $cachetime = 24*60*60;
+ &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new($cachename,$dom,\%ltienc,$cachetime);
+ }
+ return if (!keys(%ltienc));
+ my %lti_by_key;
+ foreach my $id (keys(%ltienc)) {
+ if (ref($ltienc{$id}) eq 'HASH') {
+ my $key = $ltienc{$id}{'key'};
+ if (($key ne '') && ($ltienc{$id}{'secret'} ne '')) {
+ push(@{$lti_by_key{$key}},$id);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return if (!keys(%lti_by_key));
+ my %lti = &Apache::lonnet::get_domain_lti($dom,$context);
+ if (ref($lti_by_key{$consumer_key}) eq 'ARRAY') {
+ foreach my $id (@{$lti_by_key{$consumer_key}}) {
+ my $secret = $ltienc{$id}{'secret'};
+ if (ref($lti{$id}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if ((exists($lti{$id}{'cipher'})) &&
+ ($lti{$id}{'cipher'} =~ /^\d+$/)) {
+ my $keynum = $lti{$id}{'cipher'};
+ my $privkey = &get_dom("getdom:$dom:private:$keynum:lti:key");
+ if ($privkey ne '') {
+ my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($privkey);
+ $secret = $cipher->decrypt_hex($secret);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $request = Net::OAuth->request('request token')->from_hash($params,
+ request_url => $url,
+ request_method => $method,
+ consumer_secret => $secret,);
+ if ($request->verify()) {
+ $itemid = $id;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $itemid;
+sub sign_lti_payload {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$crsdef,$type,$context,$url,$idx,$keynum,$loncaparev,$paramsref,$inforef) = @_;
+ return unless (ref($paramsref) eq 'HASH');
+ my ($sigmethod,$callback,$reqtype,$reqmethod,$respfmt,$bodyhash);
+ if (ref($inforef) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (exists($inforef->{'method'})) {
+ $sigmethod = $inforef->{'method'};
+ }
+ if (exists($inforef->{'cb'})) {
+ $callback = $inforef->{'cb'};
+ }
+ if (exists($inforef->{'reqtype'})) {
+ $reqtype = $inforef->{'reqtype'};
+ }
+ if (exists($inforef->{'reqmethod'})) {
+ $reqmethod = $inforef->{'reqmethod'};
+ }
+ if (exists($inforef->{'body_hash'})) {
+ $bodyhash = $inforef->{'body_hash'};
+ }
+ if (exists($inforef->{'respfmt'})) {
+ $respfmt = $inforef->{'respfmt'};
+ }
+ }
+ my ($key,$secret) = &get_lti_credentials($cdom,$cnum,$crsdef,$type,$idx,$keynum,$loncaparev);
+ return if (($key eq '') || ($secret eq ''));
+ if ($sigmethod eq '') {
+ $sigmethod = 'HMAC-SHA1';
+ }
+ if ($callback eq '') {
+ $callback = 'about:blank',
+ }
+ if ($reqtype eq '') {
+ $reqtype = 'request token';
+ }
+ if ($reqmethod eq '') {
+ $reqmethod = 'POST';
+ }
+ srand( time() ^ ($$ + ($$ << 15)) ); # Seed rand.
+ my $nonce = Digest::SHA::sha1_hex(sprintf("%06x%06x",rand(0xfffff0),rand(0xfffff0)));
+ my $request;
+ if (($context eq 'grade') && ($reqtype eq 'consumer') && ($bodyhash ne '')) {
+ $request = Net::OAuth->request($reqtype)->new(
+ consumer_key => $key,
+ consumer_secret => $secret,
+ request_url => $url,
+ request_method => $reqmethod,
+ signature_method => $sigmethod,
+ timestamp => time(),
+ nonce => $nonce,
+ body_hash => $bodyhash,
+ );
+ $request->add_required_message_params('body_hash');
+ } else {
+ $request = Net::OAuth->request($reqtype)->new(
+ consumer_key => $key,
+ consumer_secret => $secret,
+ request_url => $url,
+ request_method => 'POST',
+ signature_method => $sigmethod,
+ timestamp => time,
+ nonce => $nonce,
+ callback => $callback,
+ extra_params => $paramsref,
+ version => '1.0',
+ );
+ }
+ $request->sign();
+ if ($respfmt eq 'to_post_body') {
+ return $request->to_post_body();
+ } elsif ($respfmt eq 'to_authorization_header') {
+ return $request->to_authorization_header();
+ } else {
+ return $request->to_hash();
+ }
+sub get_lti_credentials {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum,$crsdef,$type,$idx,$keynum,$loncaparev) = @_;
+ my ($dbname,$name,$cachename,$hashid,$key,$secret,%ltienc);
+ if ($crsdef) {
+ $hashid = $cdom.'_'.$cnum;
+ } else {
+ $hashid = $cdom;
+ }
+ if ($type eq 'tools') {
+ if ($crsdef) {
+ $dbname = 'nohist_toolsenc';
+ $cachename = 'crsltitoolsenc';
+ } else {
+ $name = 'ltitools';
+ $dbname = 'encconfig';
+ $cachename = 'ltitoolsenc';
+ }
+ } elsif ($type eq 'linkprot') {
+ if ($crsdef) {
+ $dbname = 'nohist_ltienc';
+ $cachename = 'courseltienc';
+ } else {
+ $name = 'linkprot';
+ $dbname = 'encconfig';
+ $cachename = 'linkprotenc';
+ }
+ } elsif ($type eq 'lti') {
+ $name = 'lti';
+ $dbname = 'encconfig';
+ $cachename = 'ltienc';
+ }
+ my ($encresult,$enccached)=&Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new($cachename,$hashid);
+ if (defined($enccached)) {
+ if (ref($encresult) eq 'HASH') {
+ %ltienc = %{$encresult};
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($crsdef) {
+ my $reply = &dump_with_regexp(join(":",($cdom,$cnum,$dbname,'','')),$loncaparev);
+ %ltienc = %{&Apache::lonnet::unserialize($reply)};
+ } else {
+ my $reply = &get_dom("getdom:$cdom:$dbname:$name");
+ my $encref = &Apache::lonnet::thaw_unescape($reply);
+ if (ref($encref) eq 'HASH') {
+ %ltienc = %{$encref};
+ }
+ }
+ my $cachetime = 24*60*60;
+ &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new($cachename,$hashid,\%ltienc,$cachetime);
+ }
+ if (!keys(%ltienc)) {
+ return ();
+ } elsif (exists($ltienc{$idx})) {
+ if (ref($ltienc{$idx}) eq 'HASH') {
+ if (exists($ltienc{$idx}{'key'})) {
+ $key = $ltienc{$idx}{'key'};
+ }
+ if (exists($ltienc{$idx}{'secret'})) {
+ $secret = $ltienc{$idx}{'secret'};
+ if ($keynum =~ /^\d+$/) {
+ my $privhost;
+ my $privname = 'ltitools';
+ if (($type eq 'lti') || ($type eq 'linkprot')) {
+ $privname = 'lti';
+ }
+ if ($crsdef) {
+ my $primary = &Apache::lonnet::domain($cdom,'primary');
+ my @ids = &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_ids();
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$primary\E$/,@ids)) {
+ $privhost = $primary;
+ my ($result,$plainsecret) = &decrypt_secret($privhost,$secret,$keynum,$privname);
+ if ($result eq 'ok') {
+ $secret = $plainsecret;
+ } else {
+ undef($secret);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($privhost) {
+ my $privkey = &get_dom("getdom:$cdom:private:$keynum:$privname:key");
+ if (($privkey ne '') && ($secret ne '')) {
+ my $cipher = new Crypt::CBC($privkey);
+ $secret = $cipher->decrypt_hex($secret);
+ } else {
+ undef($secret);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ($key,$secret);
+sub decrypt_secret {
+ my ($privhost,$secret,$keynum,$type) = @_;
+ return;
@@ -191,7 +1364,7 @@ LONCAPA::Lond.pm
=over 4
-=item dump_with_regexp( $cmd, $tail, $client )
+=item dump_with_regexp( $tail, $client )
Dump a profile database with an optional regular expression to match against
the keys. In this dump, no effort is made to separate symb from version
@@ -199,8 +1372,6 @@ information. Presumably the databases th
different structure. Need to look at this and improve the documentation of
both this and the currentdump handler.
-$cmd is the command keyword.
$tail a colon separated list containing
@@ -224,10 +1395,6 @@ selective dumps.
optional range of entries e.g., 10-20 would return the 10th to 19th items, etc.
-=item extra
-optional ref to hash of additional args. currently skipcheck is only key used.
$client is the channel open on the client.
@@ -236,6 +1403,82 @@ Returns: 1 (Continue processing).
Side effects: response is written to $client.
+=item dump_course_id_handler
+#TODO copy from lond
+=item dump_profile_database
+#TODO copy from lond
+=item releasereqd_check( $cnum, $cdom, $key, $value, $major, $minor,
+ $homecourses, $ids )
+releasereqd_check() will determine if a LON-CAPA version (defined in the
+$major,$minor args passed) is not too old to allow use of a role in a
+course ($cnum,$cdom args passed), if at least one of the following applies:
+(a) the course is a Community, (b) the course's home server is *not* the
+current server, or (c) cached course information is not stale.
+For the case where none of these apply, the course is added to the
+$homecourse hash ref (keys = courseIDs, values = array of a hash of roles).
+The $homecourse hash ref is for courses for which the current server is the
+home server. LON-CAPA version requirements are checked elsewhere for the
+items in $homecourse.
+=item check_homecourses( $homecourses, $regexp, $count, $range, $start, $end,
+ $major, $minor )
+check_homecourses() will retrieve course information for those courses which
+are keys of the $homecourses hash ref (first arg). The nohist_courseids.db
+GDBM file is tied and course information for each course retrieved. Last
+visit (lasttime key) is also retrieved for each, and cached values updated
+for any courses last visited less than 24 hours ago. Cached values are also
+updated for any courses included in the $homecourses hash ref.
+The reason for the 24 hours constraint is that the cron entry in
+/etc/cron.d/loncapa for /home/httpd/perl/refresh_courseids_db.pl causes
+cached course information to be updated nightly for courses with activity
+within the past 24 hours.
+Role information for the user (included in a ref to an array of hashes as the
+value for each key in $homecourses) is appended to the result returned by the
+routine, which will in turn be appended to the string returned to the client
+hosting the user's session.
+=item useable_role( $reqdmajor, $reqdminor, $major, $minor )
+useable_role() will compare the LON-CAPA version required by a course with
+the version available on the client server. If the client server's version
+is compatible, 1 will be returned.
+=item get_courseinfo_hash( $cnum, $cdom, $home )
+get_courseinfo_hash() is used to retrieve course information from the db
+file: nohist_courseids.db for a course for which the current server is *not*
+the home server.
+A hash of a hash will be retrieved. The outer hash contains a single key --
+courseID -- for the course for which the data are being requested.
+The contents of the inner hash, for that single item in the outer hash
+are returned (and cached in memcache for 10 minutes).
+=item get_dom ( $userinput )
+get_dom() will retrieve domain configuration information from a GDBM file
+in /home/httpd/lonUsers/$dom on the primary library server in a domain.
+The single argument passed is the string: $cmd:$udom:$namespace:$what
+where $cmd is the command historically passed to lond - i.e., getdom
+or egetdom, $udom is the domain, $namespace is the name of the GDBM file
+(encconfig or configuration), and $what is a string containing names of
+items to retrieve from the db file (each item name is escaped and separated
+from the next item name with an ampersand). The return value is either:
+error: followed by an error message, or a string containing the value (escaped)
+for each item, again separated from the next item with an ampersand.
=head1 BUGS