Annotation of loncom/MathML/isoamsb.ent, revision 1.1
1.1 ! harris41 1: <!--
! 2:
! 3: File isoamsb.ent produced by the dsssl script ent.dsl
! 4: from input data in unicode.xml.
! 5:
! 6: Please report any errors to
! 7: David Carlisle <>.
! 8:
! 9: The numeric character values assigned to each entity
! 10: (should) match either official Unicode assignments
! 11: or assignments in the STIX proposal for characters
! 12: for Mathematics.
! 13:
! 14: The STIX assignments are temporary and will change if
! 15: the proposal or some variant of it is adopted by the
! 16: Unicode Consortium.
! 17:
! 18: Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
! 19: following notice:
! 20:
! 21: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1991
! 22: Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
! 23: conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
! 24: ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
! 25: -->
! 26:
! 27: <!ENTITY ac "" ><!--UE207 most positive -->
! 28: <!ENTITY acE "" ><!--UE290 most positive, two lines below -->
! 29: <!ENTITY amalg "" ><!--UE251 /amalg B: amalgamation or coproduct -->
! 30: <!ENTITY barvee "⊽" ><!--U22BD bar, vee -->
! 31: <!ENTITY barwed "⊼" ><!--U22BC /barwedge B: logical and, bar above -->
! 32: <!ENTITY bsolb "" ><!--UE280 reverse solidus in square -->
! 33: <!ENTITY Barwed "⌆" ><!--U2306 /doublebarwedge B: log and, dbl bar above -->
! 34: <!ENTITY capand "" ><!--UE281 intersection, and -->
! 35: <!ENTITY capbrcup "" ><!--UE271 intersection, bar, union -->
! 36: <!ENTITY capcap "" ><!--UE273 intersection, intersection, joined -->
! 37: <!ENTITY capcup "" ><!--UE26F intersection above union -->
! 38: <!ENTITY capdot "" ><!--UE261 intersection, with dot -->
! 39: <!ENTITY caps "" ><!--UE275 intersection, serifs -->
! 40: <!ENTITY ccaps "" ><!--UE279 closed intersection, serifs -->
! 41: <!ENTITY ccups "" ><!--UE278 closed union, serifs -->
! 42: <!ENTITY ccupssm "" ><!--UE27A closed union, serifs, smash product -->
! 43: <!ENTITY coprod "∐" ><!--U2210 /coprod L: coproduct operator -->
! 44: <!ENTITY cupbrcap "" ><!--UE270 union, bar, intersection -->
! 45: <!ENTITY cupcap "" ><!--UE26E union above intersection -->
! 46: <!ENTITY cupcup "" ><!--UE272 union, union, joined -->
! 47: <!ENTITY cupdot "⊍" ><!--U228D union, with dot -->
! 48: <!ENTITY cupor "" ><!--UE282 union, or -->
! 49: <!ENTITY cups "" ><!--UE274 union, serifs -->
! 50: <!ENTITY cuvee "⋎" ><!--U22CE /curlyvee B: curly logical or -->
! 51: <!ENTITY cuwed "⋏" ><!--U22CF /curlywedge B: curly logical and -->
! 52: <!ENTITY Cap "⋒" ><!--U22D2 /Cap /doublecap B: dbl intersection -->
! 53: <!ENTITY Cup "⋓" ><!--U22D3 /Cup /doublecup B: dbl union -->
! 54: <!ENTITY dagger "†" ><!--U2020 /dagger B: dagger relation -->
! 55: <!ENTITY diam "⋄" ><!--U22C4 /diamond B: open diamond -->
! 56: <!ENTITY divonx "⋇" ><!--U22C7 /divideontimes B: division on times -->
! 57: <!ENTITY Dagger "‡" ><!--U2021 /ddagger B: double dagger relation -->
! 58: <!ENTITY eplus "" ><!--UE268 equal, plus -->
! 59: <!ENTITY hercon "⊹" ><!--U22B9 hermitian conjugate matrix -->
! 60: <!ENTITY intcal "⊺" ><!--U22BA /intercal B: intercal -->
! 61: <!ENTITY iprod "" ><!--UE259 /intprod -->
! 62: <!ENTITY loplus "" ><!--UE25C plus sign in left half circle -->
! 63: <!ENTITY lotimes "" ><!--UE25E multiply sign in left half circle -->
! 64: <!ENTITY lthree "⋋" ><!--U22CB /leftthreetimes B: -->
! 65: <!ENTITY ltimes "⋉" ><!--U22C9 /ltimes B: times sign, left closed -->
! 66: <!ENTITY midast "*" ><!--U002A /ast B: asterisk -->
! 67: <!ENTITY minusb "⊟" ><!--U229F /boxminus B: minus sign in box -->
! 68: <!ENTITY minusd "∸" ><!--U2238 /dotminus B: minus sign, dot above -->
! 69: <!ENTITY minusdu "" ><!--UE25B minus sign, dot below -->
! 70: <!ENTITY ncap "" ><!--UE284 bar, intersection -->
! 71: <!ENTITY ncup "" ><!--UE283 bar, union -->
! 72: <!ENTITY oast "⊛" ><!--U229B /circledast B: asterisk in circle -->
! 73: <!ENTITY ocir "⊚" ><!--U229A /circledcirc B: small circle in circle -->
! 74: <!ENTITY odash "⊝" ><!--U229D /circleddash B: hyphen in circle -->
! 75: <!ENTITY odiv "" ><!--UE285 divide in circle -->
! 76: <!ENTITY odot "⊙" ><!--U2299 /odot B: middle dot in circle -->
! 77: <!ENTITY odsold "" ><!--UE286 dot, solidus, dot in circle -->
! 78: <!ENTITY ofcir "" ><!--UE287 filled circle in circle -->
! 79: <!ENTITY ogt "" ><!--UE289 greater-than in circle -->
! 80: <!ENTITY ohbar "" ><!--UE260 circle with horizontal bar -->
! 81: <!ENTITY olcir "" ><!--UE409 large circle in circle -->
! 82: <!ENTITY olt "" ><!--UE288 less-than in circle -->
! 83: <!ENTITY omid "" ><!--UE40A vertical bar in circle -->
! 84: <!ENTITY ominus "⊖" ><!--U2296 /ominus B: minus sign in circle -->
! 85: <!ENTITY opar "" ><!--UE28A parallel in circle -->
! 86: <!ENTITY operp "" ><!--UE28B perpendicular in circle -->
! 87: <!ENTITY oplus "⊕" ><!--U2295 /oplus B: plus sign in circle -->
! 88: <!ENTITY osol "⊘" ><!--U2298 /oslash B: solidus in circle -->
! 89: <!ENTITY otimes "⊗" ><!--U2297 /otimes B: multiply sign in circle -->
! 90: <!ENTITY otimesas "" ><!--UE28D multiply sign in circle, circumflex accent -->
! 91: <!ENTITY ovbar "" ><!--UE838 circle with vertical bar -->
! 92: <!ENTITY Otimes "" ><!--UE28C multiply sign in double circle -->
! 93: <!ENTITY plusacir "" ><!--UE26A plus, circumflex accent above -->
! 94: <!ENTITY plusb "⊞" ><!--U229E /boxplus B: plus sign in box -->
! 95: <!ENTITY pluscir "" ><!--UE266 plus, small circle above -->
! 96: <!ENTITY plusdo "∔" ><!--U2214 /dotplus B: plus sign, dot above -->
! 97: <!ENTITY plusdu "" ><!--UE25A plus sign, dot below -->
! 98: <!ENTITY pluse "" ><!--UE267 plus, equals -->
! 99: <!ENTITY plussim "" ><!--UE26C plus, similar below -->
! 100: <!ENTITY plustwo "" ><!--UE269 plus, two; Nim-addition -->
! 101: <!ENTITY prod "∏" ><!--U220F /prod L: product operator -->
! 102: <!ENTITY race "" ><!--UE40C reverse most positive, line below -->
! 103: <!ENTITY roplus "" ><!--UE25D plus sign in right half circle -->
! 104: <!ENTITY rotimes "" ><!--UE25F multiply sign in right half circle -->
! 105: <!ENTITY rthree "⋌" ><!--U22CC /rightthreetimes B: -->
! 106: <!ENTITY rtimes "⋊" ><!--U22CA /rtimes B: times sign, right closed -->
! 107: <!ENTITY sdot "⋅" ><!--U22C5 /cdot B: small middle dot -->
! 108: <!ENTITY sdotb "⊡" ><!--U22A1 /dotsquare /boxdot B: small dot in box -->
! 109: <!ENTITY setmn "∖" ><!--U2216 /setminus B: reverse solidus -->
! 110: <!ENTITY simplus "" ><!--UE26B plus, similar above -->
! 111: <!ENTITY smashp "" ><!--UE264 smash product -->
! 112: <!ENTITY solb "" ><!--UE27F solidus in square -->
! 113: <!ENTITY sqcap "⊓" ><!--U2293 /sqcap B: square intersection -->
! 114: <!ENTITY sqcaps "" ><!--UE277 square intersection, serifs -->
! 115: <!ENTITY sqcup "⊔" ><!--U2294 /sqcup B: square union -->
! 116: <!ENTITY sqcups "" ><!--UE276 square union, serifs -->
! 117: <!ENTITY ssetmn "" ><!--UE844 /smallsetminus B: sm reverse solidus -->
! 118: <!ENTITY sstarf "⋆" ><!--U22C6 /star B: small star, filled -->
! 119: <!ENTITY subdot "" ><!--UE262 subset, with dot -->
! 120: <!ENTITY sum "∑" ><!--U2211 /sum L: summation operator -->
! 121: <!ENTITY supdot "" ><!--UE263 superset, with dot -->
! 122: <!ENTITY timesb "⊠" ><!--U22A0 /boxtimes B: multiply sign in box -->
! 123: <!ENTITY timesbar "" ><!--UE28E multiply sign, bar below -->
! 124: <!ENTITY timesd "" ><!--UE26D times, dot -->
! 125: <!ENTITY tridot "◬" ><!--U25EC dot in triangle -->
! 126: <!ENTITY triminus "" ><!--UE27C minus in triangle -->
! 127: <!ENTITY triplus "" ><!--UE27B plus in triangle -->
! 128: <!ENTITY trisb "" ><!--UE27E triangle, serifs at bottom -->
! 129: <!ENTITY tritime "" ><!--UE27D multiply in triangle -->
! 130: <!ENTITY uplus "⊎" ><!--U228E /uplus B: plus sign in union -->
! 131: <!ENTITY veebar "⊻" ><!--U22BB /veebar B: logical or, bar below -->
! 132: <!ENTITY wedbar "" ><!--UE265 wedge, bar below -->
! 133: <!ENTITY wreath "≀" ><!--U2240 /wr B: wreath product -->
! 134: <!ENTITY xcap "⋂" ><!--U22C2 /bigcap L: intersection operator -->
! 135: <!ENTITY xcirc "◯" ><!--U25EF /bigcirc B: large circle -->
! 136: <!ENTITY xcup "⋃" ><!--U22C3 /bigcup L: union operator -->
! 137: <!ENTITY xdtri "▽" ><!--U25BD /bigtriangledown B: big dn tri, open -->
! 138: <!ENTITY xodot "⊙" ><!--U2299 /bigodot L: circle dot operator -->
! 139: <!ENTITY xoplus "⊕" ><!--U2295 /bigoplus L: circle plus operator -->
! 140: <!ENTITY xotime "⊗" ><!--U2297 /bigotimes L: circle times operator -->
! 141: <!ENTITY xsqcup "⊔" ><!--U2294 /bigsqcup L: square union operator -->
! 142: <!ENTITY xuplus "⊎" ><!--U228E /biguplus L: -->
! 143: <!ENTITY xutri "△" ><!--U25B3 /bigtriangleup B: big up tri, open -->
! 144: <!ENTITY xvee "⋁" ><!--U22C1 /bigvee L: logical and operator -->
! 145: <!ENTITY xwedge "⋀" ><!--U22C0 /bigwedge L: logical or operator -->
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