Annotation of loncom/MathML/isopub.ent, revision 1.1
1.1 ! harris41 1: <!--
! 2:
! 3: File isopub.ent produced by the dsssl script ent.dsl
! 4: from input data in unicode.xml.
! 5:
! 6: Please report any errors to
! 7: David Carlisle <>.
! 8:
! 9: The numeric character values assigned to each entity
! 10: (should) match either official Unicode assignments
! 11: or assignments in the STIX proposal for characters
! 12: for Mathematics.
! 13:
! 14: The STIX assignments are temporary and will change if
! 15: the proposal or some variant of it is adopted by the
! 16: Unicode Consortium.
! 17:
! 18: Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
! 19: following notice:
! 20:
! 21: (C) International Organization for Standardization 1986
! 22: Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
! 23: conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
! 24: ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
! 25: -->
! 26:
! 27: <!ENTITY blank "␣" ><!--U2423 =significant blank symbol -->
! 28: <!ENTITY blk12 "▒" ><!--U2592 =50% shaded block -->
! 29: <!ENTITY blk14 "░" ><!--U2591 =25% shaded block -->
! 30: <!ENTITY blk34 "▓" ><!--U2593 =75% shaded block -->
! 31: <!ENTITY block "█" ><!--U2588 =full block -->
! 32: <!ENTITY bull "•" ><!--U2022 /bullet B: =round bullet, filled -->
! 33: <!ENTITY caret "⁁" ><!--U2041 =caret (insertion mark) -->
! 34: <!ENTITY check "✓" ><!--U2713 /checkmark =tick, check mark -->
! 35: <!ENTITY cir "○" ><!--U25CB /circ B: =circle, open -->
! 36: <!ENTITY clubs "♣" ><!--U2663 /clubsuit =club suit symbol -->
! 37: <!ENTITY copysr "℗" ><!--U2117 =sound recording copyright sign -->
! 38: <!ENTITY cross "✗" ><!--U2717 =ballot cross -->
! 39: <!ENTITY dagger "†" ><!--U2020 /dagger B: =dagger -->
! 40: <!ENTITY dash "‐" ><!--U2010 =hyphen (true graphic) -->
! 41: <!ENTITY diams "♦" ><!--U2666 /diamondsuit =diamond suit symbol -->
! 42: <!ENTITY dlcrop "⌍" ><!--U230D downward left crop mark -->
! 43: <!ENTITY drcrop "⌌" ><!--U230C downward right crop mark -->
! 44: <!ENTITY dtri "▿" ><!--U25BF /triangledown =down triangle, open -->
! 45: <!ENTITY dtrif "▾" ><!--U25BE /blacktriangledown =dn tri, filled -->
! 46: <!ENTITY Dagger "‡" ><!--U2021 /ddagger B: =double dagger -->
! 47: <!ENTITY emsp " " ><!--U2003 =em space -->
! 48: <!ENTITY emsp14 " " ><!--U2005 =1/4-em space -->
! 49: <!ENTITY emsp13 " " ><!--U2004 =1/3-em space -->
! 50: <!ENTITY ensp " " ><!--U2002 =en space (1/2-em) -->
! 51: <!ENTITY female "♀" ><!--U2640 =female symbol -->
! 52: <!ENTITY ffilig "ffi" ><!--UFB03 small ffi ligature -->
! 53: <!ENTITY fflig "ff" ><!--UFB00 small ff ligature -->
! 54: <!ENTITY ffllig "ffl" ><!--UFB04 small ffl ligature -->
! 55: <!ENTITY filig "fi" ><!--UFB01 small fi ligature -->
! 56: <!ENTITY fjlig "" ><!--UE3B2 small fj ligature -->
! 57: <!ENTITY flat "♭" ><!--U266D /flat =musical flat -->
! 58: <!ENTITY fllig "fl" ><!--UFB02 small fl ligature -->
! 59: <!ENTITY frac13 "⅓" ><!--U2153 =fraction one-third -->
! 60: <!ENTITY frac15 "⅕" ><!--U2155 =fraction one-fifth -->
! 61: <!ENTITY frac16 "⅙" ><!--U2159 =fraction one-sixth -->
! 62: <!ENTITY frac23 "⅔" ><!--U2154 =fraction two-thirds -->
! 63: <!ENTITY frac25 "⅖" ><!--U2156 =fraction two-fifths -->
! 64: <!ENTITY frac45 "⅘" ><!--U2158 =fraction four-fifths -->
! 65: <!ENTITY frac35 "⅗" ><!--U2157 =fraction three-fifths -->
! 66: <!ENTITY frac56 "⅚" ><!--U215A =fraction five-sixths -->
! 67: <!ENTITY hairsp " " ><!--U200A =hair space -->
! 68: <!ENTITY hearts "♡" ><!--U2661 /heartsuit =heart suit symbol -->
! 69: <!ENTITY hellip "…" ><!--U2026 =ellipsis (horizontal) -->
! 70: <!ENTITY hybull "⁃" ><!--U2043 rectangle, filled (hyphen bullet) -->
! 71: <!ENTITY incare "℅" ><!--U2105 =in-care-of symbol -->
! 72: <!ENTITY ldquor "„" ><!--U201E =rising dbl quote, left (low) -->
! 73: <!ENTITY lhblk "▄" ><!--U2584 =lower half block -->
! 74: <!ENTITY loz "◊" ><!--U25CA /lozenge - lozenge or total mark -->
! 75: <!ENTITY lozf "" ><!--UE80B /blacklozenge - lozenge, filled -->
! 76: <!ENTITY lsquor "‚" ><!--U201A =rising single quote, left (low) -->
! 77: <!ENTITY ltri "◃" ><!--U25C3 /triangleleft B: l triangle, open -->
! 78: <!ENTITY ltrif "◂" ><!--U25C2 /blacktriangleleft R: =l tri, filled -->
! 79: <!ENTITY male "♂" ><!--U2642 =male symbol -->
! 80: <!ENTITY malt "✠" ><!--U2720 /maltese =maltese cross -->
! 81: <!ENTITY marker "▮" ><!--U25AE =histogram marker -->
! 82: <!ENTITY mdash "—" ><!--U2014 =em dash -->
! 83: <!ENTITY mldr "…" ><!--U2026 em leader -->
! 84: <!ENTITY natur "♮" ><!--U266E /natural - music natural -->
! 85: <!ENTITY ndash "–" ><!--U2013 =en dash -->
! 86: <!ENTITY nldr "‥" ><!--U2025 =double baseline dot (en leader) -->
! 87: <!ENTITY numsp " " ><!--U2007 =digit space (width of a number) -->
! 88: <!ENTITY phone "☎" ><!--U260E =telephone symbol -->
! 89: <!ENTITY puncsp " " ><!--U2008 =punctuation space (width of comma) -->
! 90: <!ENTITY rdquor "”" ><!--U201D rising dbl quote, right (high) -->
! 91: <!ENTITY rect "▭" ><!--U25AD =rectangle, open -->
! 92: <!ENTITY rsquor "’" ><!--U2019 rising single quote, right (high) -->
! 93: <!ENTITY rtri "▹" ><!--U25B9 /triangleright B: r triangle, open -->
! 94: <!ENTITY rtrif "▸" ><!--U25B8 /blacktriangleright R: =r tri, filled -->
! 95: <!ENTITY rx "℞" ><!--U211E pharmaceutical prescription (Rx) -->
! 96: <!ENTITY sext "✶" ><!--U2736 sextile (6-pointed star) -->
! 97: <!ENTITY sharp "♯" ><!--U266F /sharp =musical sharp -->
! 98: <!ENTITY spades "♠" ><!--U2660 /spadesuit =spades suit symbol -->
! 99: <!ENTITY squ "□" ><!--U25A1 =square, open -->
! 100: <!ENTITY squf "▪" ><!--U25AA /blacksquare =sq bullet, filled -->
! 101: <!ENTITY star "⋆" ><!--U22C6 =star, open -->
! 102: <!ENTITY starf "★" ><!--U2605 /bigstar - star, filled -->
! 103: <!ENTITY target "⌖" ><!--U2316 register mark or target -->
! 104: <!ENTITY telrec "⌕" ><!--U2315 =telephone recorder symbol -->
! 105: <!ENTITY thinsp " " ><!--U2009 =thin space (1/6-em) -->
! 106: <!ENTITY uhblk "▀" ><!--U2580 =upper half block -->
! 107: <!ENTITY ulcrop "⌏" ><!--U230F upward left crop mark -->
! 108: <!ENTITY urcrop "⌎" ><!--U230E upward right crop mark -->
! 109: <!ENTITY utri "▵" ><!--U25B5 /triangle =up triangle, open -->
! 110: <!ENTITY utrif "▴" ><!--U25B4 /blacktriangle =up tri, filled -->
! 111: <!ENTITY vellip "⋮" ><!--U22EE vertical ellipsis -->
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