Annotation of loncom/MathML/mmlextra.ent, revision 1.1
1.1 ! harris41 1: <!--
! 2:
! 3: File mmlextra.ent produced by the dsssl script ent.dsl
! 4: from input data in unicode.xml.
! 5:
! 6: Please report any errors to
! 7: David Carlisle <>.
! 8:
! 9: The numeric character values assigned to each entity
! 10: (should) match either official Unicode assignments
! 11: or assignments in the STIX proposal for characters
! 12: for Mathematics.
! 13:
! 14: The STIX assignments are temporary and will change if
! 15: the proposal or some variant of it is adopted by the
! 16: Unicode Consortium.
! 17:
! 18: Entity names in this file are derived from files carrying the
! 19: following notice:
! 20:
! 21: -->
! 22:
! 23: <!ENTITY af "" ><!--UE8A0 short form of ⁡ -->
! 24: <!ENTITY ApplyFunction "" ><!--UE8A0 character showing function application in presentation tagging -->
! 25: <!ENTITY Assign "" ><!--UE85B assignment operator -->
! 26: <!ENTITY BadBreak "" ><!--UE894 if a linebreak is needed, try to avoid breaking here -->
! 27: <!ENTITY CapitalDifferentialD "" ><!--UF74B D for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals -->
! 28: <!ENTITY Cross "" ><!--UE619 cross or vector product -->
! 29: <!ENTITY dd "" ><!--UF74C short form of ⅆ -->
! 30: <!ENTITY DD "" ><!--UF74B short form of CapitalDifferentialD -->
! 31: <!ENTITY DifferentialD "" ><!--UF74C d for use in differentials, e.g., within integrals -->
! 32: <!ENTITY DownArrowBar "" ><!--UF504 down arrow to bar -->
! 33: <!ENTITY DownBreve "̑" ><!--U0311 breve, inverted (non-spacing) -->
! 34: <!ENTITY DownLeftRightVector "" ><!--UF50B left-down-right-down harpoon -->
! 35: <!ENTITY DownLeftTeeVector "" ><!--UF50E left-down harpoon from bar -->
! 36: <!ENTITY DownLeftVectorBar "" ><!--UF50C left-down harpoon to bar -->
! 37: <!ENTITY DownRightTeeVector "" ><!--UF50F right-down harpoon from bar -->
! 38: <!ENTITY DownRightVectorBar "" ><!--UF50D right-down harpoon to bar -->
! 39: <!ENTITY DownTeeArrow "↧" ><!--U21A7 alias for mapstodown -->
! 40: <!ENTITY ee "" ><!--UF74D short form of ⅇ -->
! 41: <!ENTITY EmptySmallSquare "" ><!--UF527 empty small square -->
! 42: <!ENTITY EmptyVerySmallSquare "" ><!--UF530 empty small square -->
! 43: <!ENTITY Equal "" ><!--UF431 two consecutive equal signs -->
! 44: <!ENTITY ExponentialE "" ><!--UF74D e use for the exponential base of the natural logarithms -->
! 45: <!ENTITY false "" ><!--UE8A7 logical constant false -->
! 46: <!ENTITY FilledSmallSquare "" ><!--UF528 filled small square -->
! 47: <!ENTITY FilledVerySmallSquare "" ><!--UF529 filled very small square -->
! 48: <!ENTITY GoodBreak "" ><!--UE893 if a linebreak is needed, here is a good spot -->
! 49: <!ENTITY GreaterGreater "" ><!--UE2F7 alias for GT -->
! 50: <!ENTITY HorizontalLine "" ><!--UE859 short horizontal line -->
! 51: <!ENTITY ic "" ><!--UE89C short form of ⁣ -->
! 52: <!ENTITY ii "" ><!--UF74E short form of ⅈ -->
! 53: <!ENTITY it "" ><!--UE89E short form of ⁢ -->
! 54: <!ENTITY ImaginaryI "" ><!--UF74E i for use as a square root of -1 -->
! 55: <!ENTITY IndentingNewLine "" ><!--UE891 force a line break and indent appropriately on next line -->
! 56: <!ENTITY InvisibleComma "" ><!--UE89C used as a separator, e.g., in indices -->
! 57: <!ENTITY InvisibleTimes "" ><!--UE89E marks multiplication when it is understood without a mark -->
! 58: <!ENTITY larrb "⇤" ><!--U21E4 leftwards arrow to bar -->
! 59: <!ENTITY LeftArrowBar "⇤" ><!--U21E4 alias for larrb -->
! 60: <!ENTITY LeftBracketingBar "" ><!--UF603 left vertical delimiter -->
! 61: <!ENTITY LeftDoubleBracketingBar "" ><!--UF605 left double vertical delimiter -->
! 62: <!ENTITY LeftDownTeeVector "" ><!--UF519 down-left harpoon from bar -->
! 63: <!ENTITY LeftDownVectorBar "" ><!--UF517 down-left harpoon to bar -->
! 64: <!ENTITY LeftRightVector "" ><!--UF505 left-up-right-up harpoon -->
! 65: <!ENTITY LeftSkeleton "" ><!--UE850 start of missing information -->
! 66: <!ENTITY LeftTeeArrow "↤" ><!--U21A4 alias for mapstoleft -->
! 67: <!ENTITY LeftTeeVector "" ><!--UF509 left-up harpoon from bar -->
! 68: <!ENTITY LeftTriangleBar "" ><!--UF410 not left triangle, vertical bar -->
! 69: <!ENTITY LeftUpDownVector "" ><!--UF515 up-left-down-left harpoon -->
! 70: <!ENTITY LeftUpTeeVector "" ><!--UF518 up-left harpoon from bar -->
! 71: <!ENTITY LeftUpVectorBar "" ><!--UF516 up-left harpoon to bar -->
! 72: <!ENTITY LeftVectorBar "" ><!--UF507 left-up harpoon to bar -->
! 73: <!ENTITY LessLess "" ><!--UE2FB alias for Lt -->
! 74: <!ENTITY mapstodown "↧" ><!--U21A7 downwards arrow from bar -->
! 75: <!ENTITY mapstoleft "↤" ><!--U21A4 leftwards arrow from bar -->
! 76: <!ENTITY mapstoup "↥" ><!--U21A5 upwards arrow from bar -->
! 77: <!ENTITY nbump "" ><!--UE616 not bumpy equals -->
! 78: <!ENTITY nbumpe "" ><!--UE84D not bumpy single equals -->
! 79: <!ENTITY nesim "" ><!--UE84E not equal or similar -->
! 80: <!ENTITY NegativeMediumSpace "" ><!--UE89A space of width -4/18 em -->
! 81: <!ENTITY NegativeThickSpace "" ><!--UE89B space of width -5/18 em -->
! 82: <!ENTITY NegativeThinSpace "" ><!--UE899 space of width -3/18 em -->
! 83: <!ENTITY NegativeVeryThinSpace "" ><!--UE898 space of width -1/18 em -->
! 84: <!ENTITY NewLine " " ><!--U000A force a line break; line feed -->
! 85: <!ENTITY NoBreak "" ><!--UE892 never break line here -->
! 86: <!ENTITY NotANumber "" ><!--UE8AA used in MML -->
! 87: <!ENTITY NotCupCap "≭" ><!--U226D alias for &nasymp; -->
! 88: <!ENTITY NotEqualTilde "" ><!--UE84E alias for ≂̸ -->
! 89: <!ENTITY NotHumpDownHump "" ><!--UE616 alias for ≎̸ -->
! 90: <!ENTITY NotHumpEqual "" ><!--UE84D alias for ≏̸ -->
! 91: <!ENTITY NotLeftTriangleBar "" ><!--UF412 not left triangle, vertical bar -->
! 92: <!ENTITY NotNestedGreaterGreater "" ><!--UF428 not double greater-than sign -->
! 93: <!ENTITY NotNestedLessLess "" ><!--UF423 not double less-than sign -->
! 94: <!ENTITY NotRightTriangleBar "" ><!--UF413 not vertical bar, right triangle -->
! 95: <!ENTITY NotSquareSubset "" ><!--UE604 square not subset -->
! 96: <!ENTITY NotSquareSuperset "" ><!--UE615 negated set-like partial order operator -->
! 97: <!ENTITY NotSucceedsTilde "" ><!--UE837 not succeeds or similar -->
! 98: <!ENTITY OverBar "¯" ><!--U00AF over bar -->
! 99: <!ENTITY OverBrace "" ><!--UF612 over brace -->
! 100: <!ENTITY OverBracket "" ><!--UF614 over bracket -->
! 101: <!ENTITY OverParenthesis "" ><!--UF610 over parenthesis -->
! 102: <!ENTITY Product "∏" ><!--U220F alias for &prod -->
! 103: <!ENTITY rarrb "⇥" ><!--U21E5 leftwards arrow to bar -->
! 104: <!ENTITY RightArrowBar "⇥" ><!--U21E5 alias for rarrb -->
! 105: <!ENTITY RightBracketingBar "" ><!--UF604 right vertical delimiter -->
! 106: <!ENTITY RightDoubleBracketingBar "" ><!--UF606 right double vertical delimiter -->
! 107: <!ENTITY RightDownTeeVector "" ><!--UF514 down-right harpoon from bar -->
! 108: <!ENTITY RightDownVectorBar "" ><!--UF512 down-right harpoon to bar -->
! 109: <!ENTITY RightSkeleton "" ><!--UE851 end of missing information -->
! 110: <!ENTITY RightTeeVector "" ><!--UF50A right-up harpoon from bar -->
! 111: <!ENTITY RightTriangleBar "" ><!--UF411 vertical bar, right triangle -->
! 112: <!ENTITY RightUpDownVector "" ><!--UF510 up-right-down-right harpoon -->
! 113: <!ENTITY RightUpTeeVector "" ><!--UF513 up-right harpoon from bar -->
! 114: <!ENTITY RightUpVectorBar "" ><!--UF511 up-right harpoon to bar -->
! 115: <!ENTITY RightVectorBar "" ><!--UF508 up-right harpoon to bar -->
! 116: <!ENTITY RoundImplies "" ><!--UF524 round implies -->
! 117: <!ENTITY RuleDelayed "" ><!--UF51F rule-delayed (colon right arrow) -->
! 118: <!ENTITY ShortDownArrow "" ><!--UE87F short down arrow -->
! 119: <!ENTITY ShortUpArrow "" ><!--UE880 sort up arrow -->
! 120: <!ENTITY true "" ><!--UE8AB logical constant true -->
! 121: <!ENTITY Tab "	" ><!--U0009 tabulator stop; horizontal tabulation -->
! 122: <!ENTITY ThickSpace "" ><!--UE897 space of width 5/18 em -->
! 123: <!ENTITY UnderBar "̲" ><!--U0332 combining low line -->
! 124: <!ENTITY UnderBrace "" ><!--UF613 under brace -->
! 125: <!ENTITY UnderBracket "" ><!--UF615 under bracket -->
! 126: <!ENTITY UnderParenthesis "" ><!--UF611 under parenthesis -->
! 127: <!ENTITY UpArrowBar "" ><!--UF503 up arrow to bar -->
! 128: <!ENTITY UpTeeArrow "↥" ><!--U21A5 Alias mapstoup -->
! 129: <!ENTITY VerticalLine "" ><!--UE85A short vertical line -->
! 130: <!ENTITY VerticalSeparator "" ><!--UE85C vertical separating operator -->
! 131: <!ENTITY ZeroWidthSpace "​" ><!--U200B zero width space -->
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