--- loncom/TODO	2000/11/14 22:32:49	1.6
+++ loncom/TODO	2001/07/27 01:10:01	1.100
@@ -1,41 +1,201 @@
+TODO list
 + add functionality
-& change functiona;lity
+& change functionality
 * bug
+! Priority
+? Questionable/unverified
+c Continual
     + support text_TAG functionality (Y/A)
-    * needs to fixup missing end tags in source (Y/A)
-    + style file recursion (Y/A)
+   !* needs to fixup missing end tags in source (Y/A)
     + add <options> tag (A)
-    * outputstack is not a stack, it should be (A)
-    & redirection can be cleaned and simplified (A)
-    + &recurse() needs to look for redirection (A)   
+    + counters and output formats for counters (A/Y)   
+    + deregister()
+    + register need to take care of overloading, and deregister needs to unload
+    + answer target - for simple display of correct answer for a problem
+    * <m> tag needs to do variable evaluation before tth-ing the string, also 
+ 	add eval="nothing" to turn this off.
+   !+ pass back the reason (Y)
     & ->share() a var rather than pass a parameter? Maybe set 
       a global in the safe enviroment using ->root()?
+    * insert (getting there) (Y)
+    c add more tags (Y)
+    + have textfield style entries protect against bad data (</parserlib> in 
+	the parserlib textfiled (Y)
+    + make default setup prettier
-    + <caparesponse> needs to grade submissions, set responses (Y)
-    + <answergroup> needs to set solved, and tries (Y)
+    + need to support /OR (Y)
+   !+ create <formularesponse>(Y)
+   !+ <rbresponse> <oresponse> need to restore last submitted response (Y)
+    + <rbresponse> <oresponse> hints need to work (Y)
+    * <rbresponse> breaks when no true foils are possible
+    + view problem as specific student (Y)
+    + <imageresponse> needs to be able to support multiple images and multiple
+        clicks on an image, need a Java applet most likely
+    * <essayresponse> needs to protect input / output
+    + show rendering of problem for another user in "view submissions" (please)
+    * show list of multiple students if multiple match (Y)
+    + handle ambiguous case (Y)
+    + back to homework link (Y)
+    + handle extra fields (Y)
+    + interface needs to be driven more by the type field (Y)
+    + show only a subset of students (Y)
+    + set all to something (Y)
+    + set grades aren't correctly rendered in student view (Y)
+    + have $r->flush so that user sees it is working
+   !* doesn't throw error when #response > #answer (Y)
+   !* bad message when #response < #answer (Y)
+    * bookmarks don't work correctly (B)
+    & indexer needs to show location - bring back flip-open/close (N)
+    + messaging (G)
+    + chatroom, etc
+    + annotations can be localized and published
+    + PURLs
+    * Address bugs in tth/ttm (A,Y,G)
-    * need to update install.lon-capa.org (S)
-    * need to rebuild binaries for packaging (S)
-    * need to write upgrade scripts (S)
-    * need to upgrade s cluster (S)
-    * need to roll together anaconda reconfiguration interface (S)
-    * need to write a "run-time" teflon script to tighten down (S)
-      file ownerships on non-development LON-CAPA machines (S)
-    * need to debug anaconda installation interface (S)
-    * need to debug anaconda upgrade interface (S)
-    * need to burn CD (S)
+    * make sure that ssh is always allowed, even for run-time servers (S)
+    + intelligently handle updating of configuration files (S)
+    c test code (S)
+    + allow for debian and redhat 7.1 installation (S)
+    + implement the "LPML" standard (S)
+    c code lines less than 80 characters (S)
+    c xhtmlize output from perl modules (S)
+    * fix bookmarks (S)
+    c work on javascript library and modularizing code (S)
+    * fix browser incompatibility problems with IE (S)
+    c start to actually use this TODO list (S)
+    * need to show status of library server retrieval (S)
+    & change number of lonsql daemon processes
+    + lond can add UNIX user and change UNIX password (G/S)
+    + feedback, mailing and announcement mechanism finished
+    + londropadd does XML
+    +?TAs can open and close assignments
+    +?Students can force-open assignments with instructor notification
+   !c tests interaction between parmset, problem handler and spreadsheet (G)
+    + replication hinting/prediction 
+    + replication, search local access servers if library is uncontactable
+    * lonpage.pm doesn't properly handle applet codebase arg, needs to use
+      Apache::lonnet::dirlocation
+    * londefdef <applet> tag doesn't use codebase to generate extlinks entries
+    + intelligent update of hosts.tab
+    * weird error "illegal URL method reload .gif" in menu.html
+    * Looks like no window status in IE 5.5 on Mac, Remote logs out
+    + change passwords (domain coordinator/users)
+    & stabilize lond (maybe not prefork)
+    *?RAT error line 1413 "insert resource into link" for recon link (G) 
+      (could not reproduce)
+    + need to be able to evaluate conditions in lonuserstate
+    + need to be able to set conditions in RAT client (G)
+    + simple RAT server-side interface
+    + mass import of files (S)
+    + "Browse" works (S/N)
+    * undefined "guff" - maps full of objects value="undefined" 
+    * needs to devalidate spreadsheets in problem publishing (G)
+    +?does HTML to XHTML cleanup job
+    + deals with Micros*** files
+    + public resources - /pub/domain space
+    *?entering construction space or a directory throws up a 
+      spurious error message (G)
+    * Diffs of construct versus publication space as a co-author don't work
+Large Chunks of funtionality that need work:
+- Statistics
+	- Simple
+		- resource analysis class/system wide
+		- resource correlation course wide
+		- other stats from CAPA
+	- Complex
+		- foil level analysis/correlation measures
+		- derandomized foils analysis
+		- have/view reason student selected a foil
+	- resource quality, how good is a resource
+- Messaging
+	- crtical messages
+	- email gateways into/out of the system
+	- handle more types of communication
+	       - stu <-> stu
+	       - ins <-> stu
+	       - ins -> class/section
+	       - messages seeded with data from spreadsheet
+	       - chat / whiteboard / bbs
+	       - "round robin" feedback handling
+- Grading
+	- simple grading needs cleaning up (see Guy's TODO list)
+	- survey data extraction ( stat complex could handle most of
+	  this)
+	- essay / shortanswer
+		- instructor / autoget all/none
+		- team based submission
+		- peer graded
+		- peer suggest grade
+- homework engine
+	- new parm - mode -> homework/exam/survey controls response
+	  renderings / awards and solved status
+	- edit interface / clone other problem
+	- math stuff
+	- validating <part> and multiple <*response> works as
+	  advertised
+	- handling previous answers correctly
+	- CAPA problems 
+	- <imageresponse> need Java applet
+	- <randomlabel> 
+- metadata
+	- implement new method of handling what a problem stores
+- RAT
+	- choose parts
+	- set conditions
+	- language for conditions
+	- browse link
+	- some kind of non-anti-save
+- Publish
+	- review step
+	- co-author locking
+	- auto thumbnail / convert images
+- printing
+	- tex target (CGI / daemon?)