--- loncom/TODO	2001/09/08 19:02:21	1.122
+++ loncom/TODO	2001/09/24 19:19:09	1.125
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ XMLPARSE
     + deregister()
     + register need to take care of overloading, and deregister needs to unload
     + answer target - for simple display of correct answer for a problem
+      (<or> done <rbr> <ir> <nr> <sr> <fr> TODO)
     * <m> tag needs to do variable evaluation before tth-ing the string, also 
  	add eval="nothing" to turn this off.
@@ -41,28 +42,24 @@ EDIT INTERFACE
     + make default setup prettier
     + more templates for different homework types
     + <rbresponse> editing works
-    + testing problems in construction space
+    * testing problems in construction space, need someway to reset 
+       store/restore data
-    + need to support /OR (Y)
+    + need to support /OR (do _OR_ in answer="" fields) (Y)
    !+ create <formularesponse>(Y)
    !+ <rbresponse> <oresponse> need to restore last submitted response (Y)
     + <rbresponse> <oresponse> hints need to work (Y)
     * <rbresponse> breaks when no true foils are possible
-    + view problem as specific student (Y)
     + <imageresponse> needs to be able to support multiple images and multiple
         clicks on an image, need a Java applet most likely
     * <essayresponse> needs to protect input / output
-    + show rendering of problem for another user in "view submissions" (please)
     * if there are <*response> in a <problem> and there are also 
 	<part>s defined the handling of the <*response> outside of the 
 	<part> will be done poorly.
-    * sigfigs are poorly supported (metadata needs to be better)
-    * multiple response in a multipart question are screwing up
     * input areas need to hide after correct
-    * <randomlist> needs to be stable
-    * previous answers need to be ignored
-    * id in parameter_... (see tol on mmp resources, s10)
+    + view problem as specific student (Y)
+    + show rendering of problem for another user in "view submissions" (please)
     + be able to view homework as another user, see variables
       (possibly coupled with /adm/grades, prev. submission)
     &?intelligently react if answerdate incorrectly set before duedate
@@ -70,18 +67,17 @@ HOMEWORK
       student entry when re-visiting a problem
     & free up use of "special" variable names $unit, etc
     & run student parser over instructor specified physical units
+    + <formularesponse>
     * show list of multiple students if multiple match (Y)
     + handle ambiguous case (Y)
-    + back to homework link (Y)
     + handle extra fields (Y)
     + interface needs to be driven more by the type field (Y)
     + show only a subset of students (Y)
     + set all to something (Y)
     + set grades aren't correctly rendered in student view (Y)
     + have $r->flush so that user sees it is working
-    & recognize "timestamp" field and print time in plaintext localtime
    !* doesn't throw error when #response > #answer (Y)
@@ -93,7 +89,6 @@ RANDOMLABEL
     + TEST: randomlabel
-    * bookmarks don't work correctly (B)
     & indexer needs to show location - bring back flip-open/close (N)
     + chatroom, etc
     + annotations can be localized and published
@@ -104,6 +99,7 @@ GOODIES
     + statistics link to problem
     + "You've got mail!"
     + navmaps shows new discussion postings
+    + LectureOnline converter handles optionresponse correctly
    !* Address bugs in tth/ttm (A,Y,G) - get new versions
@@ -147,9 +143,9 @@ GERD STUFF
     + adjusts output in spreadsheet to type
     + sort courses with same role in lonroles, color scheme
     + fix Applet codebase on .page
-    + hide empty optional assignments
-   !* imports default parameter settings for locally non-existing parameters
     & pages do not register with remote if not on map
+    * navmaps deals correctly with multipart
+    + logging support for all transactions, interface for checking logs
     *?RAT error line 1413 "insert resource into link" for recon link (G) 
@@ -210,10 +206,7 @@ Large Chunks of funtionality that need w
 - homework engine
 	- new parm - mode -> homework/exam/survey controls response
 	  renderings / awards and solved status
-	- edit interface / clone other problem
 	- math stuff
-	- validating <part> and multiple <*response> works as
-	  advertised
 	- CAPA problems 
 	- <imageresponse> need Java applet
 	- <randomlabel>