--- loncom/TODO	2000/12/01 20:32:05	1.7
+++ loncom/TODO	2000/12/28 14:02:32	1.16
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 + add functionality
-& change functiona;lity
+& change functionality
 * bug
+! January
@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ I=Issac
     + support text_TAG functionality (Y/A)
-    * needs to fixup missing end tags in source (Y/A)
+   !* needs to fixup missing end tags in source (Y/A)
     + style file recursion (Y/A)
     + add <options> tag (A)
     * outputstack is not a stack, it should be (A)
@@ -21,25 +22,44 @@ XMLPARSE
     + &recurse() needs to look for redirection (A)   
-    + pass back the reason (Y)
+   !+ pass back the reason (Y)
     & ->share() a var rather than pass a parameter? Maybe set 
       a global in the safe enviroment using ->root()?
-    + <caparesponse> needs to grade submissions, set responses (Y)
-    + <part>/<problem> needs to set solved, and tries (Y)
+   !+ <caparesponse> needs to grade submissions, set responses (Y)
     + need to support /OR (Y)
+   !+ create <numericresponse> <stringresponse> <formularesponse>(Y)
+   !+ check dates/roles for homework permission (Y)
-    * need to update install.lon-capa.org (S)
-    * need to rebuild binaries for packaging (S)
-    * need to write upgrade scripts (S)
-    * need to upgrade s cluster (S)
     * need to roll together anaconda reconfiguration interface (S)
     * need to write a "run-time" teflon script to tighten down (S)
       file ownerships on non-development LON-CAPA machines (S)
     * need to debug anaconda installation interface (S)
     * need to debug anaconda upgrade interface (S)
-    * need to burn CD (S)
+   !+ lecture online converter (G/Y)
+   !+ student add screen (G)
+   !+ lbs267 maps need creation (G)
+   !+ student view of maps (G)
+    * focus on RAT when in /priv space (G)
+    + lond can add UNIX user and change UNIX password (G/S)
+    * parmset does weird stuff without metadata (G)
+   !+ all spreadsheets supported (G)
+   !+ publish lecture material (G/A)
+   !+ convert tables of content (G)
+   !+ open two courses (G)
+   !+ enroll students (G)
+   !+ lonroles jumps to first page of course (G)
+    * tmpget only seems to only work up to a few hundred kilobytes (G)
+    * unclear: linebreaks at the end of uploaded files (G)
+   !+ have TA's do homework (G)
+   !+ verify internal page links  (G)
+   !+ verify applets (G)
+   !+ do homeworks from home/computer labs (G)