--- loncom/TODO	2001/07/04 20:00:59	1.95
+++ loncom/TODO	2001/07/23 22:38:34	1.99
@@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ XMLPARSE
     + answer target - for simple display of correct answer for a problem
     * <m> tag needs to do variable evaluation before tth-ing the string, also 
  	add eval="nothing" to turn this off.
-    * convert the rest to use get_param
    !+ pass back the reason (Y)
@@ -35,38 +34,31 @@ RUN.pm
       a global in the safe enviroment using ->root()?
-    + undo (Y)
-    + delete (Y)
     * insert (getting there) (Y)
     c add more tags (Y)
-    & make it easier to add plain textfield stype entries (Y)
     + have textfield style entries protect against bad data (</parserlib> in 
 	the parserlib textfiled (Y)
     + make default setup prettier
     + need to support /OR (Y)
-   !+ create <stringresponse> <formularesponse>(Y)
+   !+ create <formularesponse>(Y)
    !+ <rbresponse> <oresponse> need to restore last submitted response (Y)
     + <rbresponse> <oresponse> hints need to work (Y)
-    * <rb/i/o response> break if name isn't spcified (Y)
     * <rbresponse> breaks when no true foils are possible
-    & all response types need to be verified about what they do after the 
-      answer date (Y)
     + view problem as specific student (Y)
     + <imageresponse> needs to be able to support multiple images and multiple
         clicks on an image, need a Java applet most likely
     * <essayresponse> needs to protect input / output
+    + show rendering of problem for another user in "view submissions" (please)
     * show list of multiple students if multiple match (Y)
-    * allow specifying the domain (Y)
     + handle ambiguous case (Y)
     + back to homework link (Y)
     + handle extra fields (Y)
     + interface needs to be driven more by the type field (Y)
     + show only a subset of students (Y)
-    + does IE 5.5 like it? (Y)
     + set all to something (Y)
     + set grades aren't correctly rendered in student view (Y)
     + have $r->flush so that user sees it is working
@@ -84,10 +76,22 @@ GOODIES
     + PURLs
-    * Address bugs in tth/ttm (second half January, A,Y,G)
+    * Address bugs in tth/ttm (A,Y,G)
-    * make sure that ssh is always allowed, even for run-time servers
+    * make sure that ssh is always allowed, even for run-time servers (S)
+    + intelligently handle updating of configuration files (S)
+    c test code (S)
+    + allow for debian and redhat 7.1 installation (S)
+    + implement the "LPML" standard (S)
+    c code lines less than 80 characters (S)
+    c xhtmlize output from perl modules (S)
+    * fix bookmarks (S)
+    c work on javascript library and modularizing code (S)
+    * fix browser incompatibility problems with IE (S)
+    c start to actually use this TODO list (S)
     * need to show status of library server retrieval (S)
@@ -98,18 +102,16 @@ GERD STUFF
     + londropadd does XML
     +?TAs can open and close assignments
     +?Students can force-open assignments with instructor notification
-    *?menu.html does weird stuff on some browsers sometimes (maybe fixed)
-   !& tests interaction between parmset, problem handler and spreadsheet (G)
-    + course id-field
+   !c tests interaction between parmset, problem handler and spreadsheet (G)
     + replication hinting/prediction 
     + replication, search local access servers if library is uncontactable
     * lonpage.pm doesn't properly handle applet codebase arg, needs to use
     * londefdef <applet> tag doesn't use codebase to generate extlinks entries
-    + /ext/ - handle external resources through handler redir
-    + standalone movies, gifs, etc, need wrapper to trigger remote
     + intelligent update of hosts.tab
     * weird error "illegal URL method reload .gif" in menu.html
+    * Looks like no window status in IE 5.5 on Mac, Remote logs out
+    + change passwords (domain coordinator/users)
     *?RAT error line 1413 "insert resource into link" for recon link (G) 
@@ -117,7 +119,7 @@ RAT
     + need to be able to evaluate conditions in lonuserstate
     + need to be able to set conditions in RAT client (G)
     + simple RAT server-side interface
-    + mass import of files
+    + mass import of files (S)
     + "Browse" works (S/N)
@@ -125,7 +127,7 @@ PUBLISHER
     +?does HTML to XHTML cleanup job
     + deals with Micros*** files
     + public resources - /pub/domain space
-    * entering construction space or a directory throws up a 
+    *?entering construction space or a directory throws up a 
       spurious error message (G)