--- loncom/TODO 2001/07/22 00:05:08 1.98 +++ loncom/TODO 2001/08/03 16:48:26 1.103 @@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ XMLPARSE + answer target - for simple display of correct answer for a problem * <m> tag needs to do variable evaluation before tth-ing the string, also add eval="nothing" to turn this off. - * convert the rest to use get_param CAPARESPONSE.C !+ pass back the reason (Y) @@ -35,39 +34,45 @@ RUN.pm a global in the safe enviroment using ->root()? EDIT INTERFACE - + undo (Y) - + delete (Y) * insert (getting there) (Y) c add more tags (Y) - & make it easier to add plain textfield stype entries (Y) + have textfield style entries protect against bad data (</parserlib> in the parserlib textfiled (Y) + make default setup prettier + + more templates for different homework types HOMEWORK + need to support /OR (Y) - !+ create <stringresponse> <formularesponse>(Y) + !+ create <formularesponse>(Y) !+ <rbresponse> <oresponse> need to restore last submitted response (Y) + <rbresponse> <oresponse> hints need to work (Y) - * <rb/i/o response> break if name isn't spcified (Y) * <rbresponse> breaks when no true foils are possible - & all response types need to be verified about what they do after the - answer date (Y) + view problem as specific student (Y) + <imageresponse> needs to be able to support multiple images and multiple clicks on an image, need a Java applet most likely * <essayresponse> needs to protect input / output + show rendering of problem for another user in "view submissions" (please) + * if there are <*response> in a <problem> and there are also + <part>s defined the handling of the <*response> outside of the + <part> will be done poorly. +<<<<<<< TODO + * sigfigs are poorly supported (metadata needs to be better) + * multiple response in a multipart question are screwing up + * input areas need to hide after correct + * <randomlist> needs to be stable + * previous answers need to be ignored + +======= + * id in parameter_... (see tol on mmp resources, s10) +>>>>>>> 1.102 /ADM/GRADES * show list of multiple students if multiple match (Y) - * allow specifying the domain (Y) + handle ambiguous case (Y) + back to homework link (Y) + handle extra fields (Y) + interface needs to be driven more by the type field (Y) + show only a subset of students (Y) - + does IE 5.5 like it? (Y) + set all to something (Y) + set grades aren't correctly rendered in student view (Y) + have $r->flush so that user sees it is working @@ -101,9 +106,12 @@ SCOTT STUFF c work on javascript library and modularizing code (S) * fix browser incompatibility problems with IE (S) c start to actually use this TODO list (S) + * layout in lonindexer, cols lost (Guy knows what's wrong) (S) + + sort resources after mass import/select into RAT SQL DATABASE * need to show status of library server retrieval (S) + & change number of lonsql daemon processes GERD STUFF + lond can add UNIX user and change UNIX password (G/S) @@ -121,6 +129,18 @@ GERD STUFF * weird error "illegal URL method reload .gif" in menu.html * Looks like no window status in IE 5.5 on Mac, Remote logs out + change passwords (domain coordinator/users) + & stabilize lond (maybe not prefork) + * straighten out co-author, author, coordinator junk + & roles allows re-init + + lonstatistics stores info with metadata of problem + + parameter package + + finish up critical messages + + hide remark feature on discussion + + implement inital questionaire + + do "evaluate this" + + mail from upload + + summary on top of spreadsheet + * lonpage.pm doesn't handle <applet> tags codebase= properly RAT *?RAT error line 1413 "insert resource into link" for recon link (G) @@ -130,6 +150,8 @@ RAT + simple RAT server-side interface + mass import of files (S) + "Browse" works (S/N) + * undefined "guff" - maps full of objects value="undefined" + * bombs if inf-window closed by hand (needs browser restart) PUBLISHER * needs to devalidate spreadsheets in problem publishing (G) @@ -138,6 +160,9 @@ PUBLISHER + public resources - /pub/domain space *?entering construction space or a directory throws up a spurious error message (G) + * Diffs of construct versus publication space as a co-author don't work + + deal with absolute links + + deal with <allow> Large Chunks of funtionality that need work: @@ -155,7 +180,6 @@ Large Chunks of funtionality that need w - resource quality, how good is a resource - Messaging - - crtical messages - email gateways into/out of the system - handle more types of communication - stu <-> stu @@ -182,13 +206,10 @@ Large Chunks of funtionality that need w - math stuff - validating <part> and multiple <*response> works as advertised - - handling previous answers correctly - CAPA problems - <imageresponse> need Java applet - <randomlabel> -- metadata - - implement new method of handling what a problem stores - RAT - choose parts