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Current directory: [LON-CAPA] / loncom / auth

File Rev. Age Author Last log entry
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[TXT] blockedaccess.pm 1.7 3 years raeburn - Bug 6955 IP-based blocking. Pass user'sIP address as third arg to loncommon:...
[TXT] checkauthen.pm 1.21 6 years raeburn - Only store tiny url as firsturl form item in %env if initial request, so as ...
[TXT] localauth.pm 1.7 16 years jms Added/updated/converted POD. Many files had their POD redone to new standards.
[TXT] localstudentphoto.pm 1.7 16 years jms Reformatted POD, moved to bottom of file
[TXT] lonacc.pm 1.210 18 months raeburn - Use standard LON-CAPA error documents for 406, 403 and 500 errors for /daxeo...
[TXT] lonauth.pm 1.179 21 months raeburn - Bugs 6754 and 6907 - Return of grades to launcher CMS supported for resource...
[TXT] loncacc.pm 1.61 11 years raeburn - Replace terms: "Construction Space" with "Authoring Space" and: "Constructio...
[TXT] londatecheck.pm 1.14 7 years raeburn - Bug 6754 LON-CAPA as LTI Consumer Support for access control using slots, an...
[TXT] londes.js 1.10 9 years raeburn - Bug 5679
[TXT] lonipcheck.pm 1.2 7 years raeburn - Bug 6754 LON-CAPA as LTI Consumer Support for access control using slots, an...
[TXT] lonlinkexit.pm 1.2 2 years raeburn - Bug 6907 Value of deeplink parameter in effect for session launched via deep...
[TXT] lonlogin.pm 1.213 2 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance.
[TXT] lonlogout.pm 1.59 2 years raeburn - Bug 6907 Content in a course can be set to be deep-link only. - No log-in ag...
[TXT] lonnoshib.pm 1.1 13 years raeburn - Using Shibboleth 2 authentication - Include /adm/sso file (displayed if no m...
[TXT] lonprotected.pm 1.2 6 years raeburn - Typo
[TXT] lonracc.pm 1.24 4 years raeburn - Retrieval of requestor's IP address centralized in lonnet::get_requestor_ip() ...
[TXT] lonrelaunch.pm 1.4 2 years raeburn - Dual SSO and non-SSO login from /adm/login - Display of domain configuration...
[TXT] lonroles.pm 1.376 2 weeks raeburn - WCAG 2 compliance.
[TXT] lonshibacc.pm 1.3 3 years raeburn - Dual SSO and non-SSO login from /adm/login for use with additional SSO mecha...
[TXT] lonshibauth.pm 1.18 21 months raeburn - Bugs 6754 and 6907 - Return of grades to launcher CMS supported for resource...
[TXT] lonslotcheck.pm 1.2 20 months raeburn - Bug 6754 LON-CAPA as LTI Consumer Support for access control using slots for...
[TXT] lonstatusacc.pm 1.8 4 years raeburn - Retrieval of requestor's IP address centralized in lonnet::get_requestor_ip() ...
[TXT] lontokacc.pm 1.20 4 years raeburn - Retrieval of requestor's IP address centralized in lonnet::get_requestor_ip() ...
[TXT] lonuploadedacc.pm 1.17 8 years raeburn - Use 'public' instead of public:public for $r->user if no real user could be ...
[TXT] lonwebdavacc.pm 1.7 4 years raeburn - Retrieval of requestor's IP address centralized in lonnet::get_requestor_ip() ...
[TXT] lonwebdavauth.pm 1.8 4 years raeburn - Retrieval of requestor's IP address centralized in lonnet::get_requestor_ip() ...
[TXT] migrateuser.pm 1.70 13 months raeburn - Bug 6907
[TXT] publiccheck.pm 1.29 14 months raeburn - Internal name for conditional portfolio sharing for specific IP addresses ra...
[TXT] restrictedaccess.pm 1.10 11 years bisitz XHTML: JavaScript event handlers in lower case
[TXT] roles.tab 1.77 9 months raeburn - Bug 4627. Allow DC to copy source XML for resources published source open.
[TXT] rolesplain.tab 1.54 16 months raeburn - Authoring Space defaults defaults which domain coordinator can override. - A...
[TXT] simpleauthen.pm 1.2 16 years bisitz Added missing CVS Ids for automatic version numbering to script header (Irrespec...
[TXT] switchserver.pm 1.67 5 months raeburn - Explicitly declare use of Apache::loncommon

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