--- loncom/auth/lonroles.pm 2004/10/11 18:27:49 +++ loncom/auth/lonroles.pm 2004/11/11 23:17:13 1.107 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA # User Roles Screen # -# $Id: lonroles.pm,v 2004/10/11 18:27:49 albertel Exp $ +# $Id: lonroles.pm,v 1.107 2004/11/11 23:17:13 raeburn Exp $ # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # @@ -36,16 +36,23 @@ use Apache::Constants qw(:common); use Apache::File(); use Apache::lonmenu; use Apache::loncommon; +use Apache::lonhtmlcommon; use Apache::lonannounce; use Apache::lonlocal; sub redirect_user { - my ($r,$title,$url,$msg) = @_; + my ($r,$title,$url,$msg,$launch_nav) = @_; $msg = $title if (! defined($msg)); &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html'); &Apache::loncommon::no_cache($r); $r->send_http_header; my $swinfo=&Apache::lonmenu::rawconfig(); + my $navwindow; + if ($launch_nav eq 'on') { + $navwindow.=&Apache::lonnavmaps::launch_win('now'); + } else { + $navwindow.=&Apache::lonnavmaps::close(); + } my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('Switching Role'); # Note to style police: # This must only replace the spaces, nothing else, or it bombs elsewhere. @@ -56,9 +63,10 @@ sub redirect_user { $bodytag - +$navwindow


Continue @@ -74,15 +82,38 @@ sub handler { my $now=time; my $then=$ENV{'user.login.time'}; my $envkey; - + my $dcselect=''; + my %dcroles = (); + my $numdc = &check_fordc(\%dcroles,$then); # ================================================================== Roles Init - if ($ENV{'form.selectrole'}) { + if ($ENV{'form.dcselected'}) { + my $dcdom = $ENV{'form.dcselected'}; + my $dckey = 'user.role.dc./'.$dcdom.'/'; + if ($ENV{$dckey}) { + my ($dcstart,$dcend)=split(/\./,$ENV{$dckey}); + my $active_dc = 1; + if ($dcstart) { + if ($dcstart>$then) { + $active_dc = 0; + } + } + if ($dcend) { + if ($dcend < $then) { + $active_dc = 0; + } + } + if ($active_dc) { + $dcselect = $dcdom; + } + } + } if ($ENV{'request.course.id'}) { my %temp=('logout_'.$ENV{'request.course.id'} => time); &Apache::lonnet::put('email_status',\%temp); - } + &Apache::lonnet::delenv('user.state.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}); + } &Apache::lonnet::appenv("request.course.id" => '', "request.course.fn" => '', "request.course.uri" => '', @@ -90,23 +121,38 @@ sub handler { "request.role" => 'cm', "request.role.adv" => $ENV{'user.adv'}, "request.role.domain" => $ENV{'user.domain'}); + +# Check to see if the user is a DC trying to enter a course and needs privs to be created + if ($numdc > 0) { + foreach my $envkey (keys %ENV) { + if ($envkey =~ m-^form\.cc\./(\w+)/(\w+)$-) { + if ($dcroles{$1}) { + unless ($ENV{'user.role.cc./'.$1.'/'.$2}) { + &set_privileges($1,$2); + } + } + last; + } + } + } + + if ($ENV{'form.dccourse'}) { + my $dcdom = $ENV{'form.dcdomain'}; + my $pickedcourse = $ENV{'form.dccourse'}; + if ($dcdom && $pickedcourse) { + unless ($ENV{'user.role.cc./'.$dcdom.'/'.$pickedcourse}) { + if ($ENV{'user.role.dc./'.$dcdom.'/'}) { + &set_privileges($dcdom,$pickedcourse); + } + } + } + } + foreach $envkey (keys %ENV) { next if ($envkey!~/^user\.role\./); - my (undef,undef,$role,@pwhere)=split(/\./,$envkey); - my $where=join('.',@pwhere); - my $trolecode=$role.'.'.$where; + my ($where,$trolecode,$role,$tstatus,$tend,$tstart); + &role_status($envkey,$then,$now,\$role,\$where,\$trolecode,\$tstatus,\$tstart,\$tend); if ($ENV{'form.'.$trolecode}) { - my ($tstart,$tend)=split(/\./,$ENV{$envkey}); - my $tstatus='is'; - if ($tstart) { - if ($tstart>$then) { - $tstatus='future'; - } - } - if ($tend) { - if ($tend<$then) { $tstatus='expired'; } - if ($tend<$now) { $tstatus='will_not'; } - } if ($tstatus eq 'is') { $where=~s/^\///; my ($cdom,$cnum,$csec)=split(/\//,$where); @@ -200,15 +246,15 @@ ENDENTERKEY $ENV{'user.name'}, $ENV{'user.home'}, "Role ".$trolecode); - my $tadv=0; - if (($trolecode!~/^st/) && - ($trolecode!~/^ta/) && - ($trolecode!~/^cm/)) { $tadv=1; } + &Apache::lonnet::appenv( - 'request.role' => $trolecode, - 'request.role.adv' => $tadv, + 'request.role' => $trolecode, 'request.role.domain' => $cdom, 'request.course.sec' => $csec); + my $tadv=0; + if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('adv') eq 'F') { $tadv=1; } + &Apache::lonnet::appenv('request.role.adv' => $tadv); + my $msg=&mt('Entering course ...'); if (($cnum) && ($role ne 'ca')) { @@ -244,10 +290,21 @@ ENDENTERKEY '.course.helper.not.run'}) { $furl = "/adm/helper/course.initialization.helper"; } + # Check to see if the user is a DC coming from the + # course selection page + if ($ENV{'form.dccourse'}) { + my $formaction = '/adm/roles/'; + my ($dcdom,$pickedcourse) = split/_/,$courseid; + if ($ENV{'user.role.dc./'.$dcdom.'/'}) { + &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::store_recent('cc_pickby_dc_'.$dcdom, + $courseid,$formaction); + } + } # # Send the user to the course they selected &redirect_user($r,&mt('Entering Course'), - $furl,$msg); + $furl,$msg, + $ENV{'environment.remotenavmap'}); return OK; } } @@ -266,6 +323,14 @@ ENDENTERKEY $redirect_url); return OK; } + if ($role eq 'dc') { + unless ($dcselect) { + my $redirect_url = '/adm/menu/'; + &redirect_user($r,&mt('Loading Domain Coordinator Menu'), + $redirect_url); + return OK; + } + } } } } @@ -280,6 +345,7 @@ ENDENTERKEY return OK if $r->header_only; my $swinfo=&Apache::lonmenu::rawconfig(); + my $setDCchoice = &dc_script(); my $bodytag=&Apache::loncommon::bodytag('User Roles'); my $helptag='
'.&Apache::loncommon::help_open_menu('','General Intro','General_Intro','User Roles',1,undef,undef,undef,undef,,&mt("Click here for help")).'
'; $r->print(< ENDHEADER @@ -310,6 +377,12 @@ ENDHEADER my $tryagain=$ENV{'form.tryagain'}; # -------------------------------------------------------- Generate Page Output +# -------------------------------------------------------- Domain Coordinator? + if ($dcselect ne '') { + &choosecourse_display($r,$dcselect,$then,$now); + return OK; + } + # --------------------------------------------------------------- Error Header? if ($error) { $r->print("

LON-CAPA Access Control

"); @@ -372,29 +445,17 @@ ENDHEADER my $roletext; my $sortkey; if ($envkey=~/^user\.role\./) { - my (undef,undef,$role,@pwhere)=split(/\./,$envkey); + my ($role,$where,$trolecode,$tstart,$tend,$tremark,$tstatus,$tpstart,$tpend,$tfont); + &role_status($envkey,$then,$now,\$role,\$where,\$trolecode,\$tstatus,\$tstart,\$tend); next if (!defined($role) || $role eq ''); - my $where=join('.',@pwhere); - my $trolecode=$role.'.'.$where; - my ($tstart,$tend)=split(/\./,$ENV{$envkey}); - my $tremark=''; - my $tstatus='is'; - my $tpstart=' '; - my $tpend=' '; - my $tfont='#000000'; + $tremark=''; + $tpstart=' '; + $tpend=' '; + $tfont='#000000'; if ($tstart) { - if ($tstart>$then) { - $tstatus='future'; - if ($tstart<$now) { $tstatus='will'; } - } $tpstart=&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($tstart); } if ($tend) { - if ($tend<$then) { - $tstatus='expired'; - } elsif ($tend<$now) { - $tstatus='will_not'; - } $tpend=&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($tend); } if ($ENV{'request.role'} eq $trolecode) { @@ -502,8 +563,7 @@ ENDHEADER ''; } } else { - my %newhash=Apache::lonnet::coursedescription - ($tcourseid); + my %newhash=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($tcourseid); if (%newhash) { $sortkey=$role."\0".$tdom."\0".$newhash{'description'}. "\0".$envkey; @@ -598,7 +658,7 @@ ENDHEADER unless ($nochoose) { $r->print(' '); } $r->print(''.&mt('User Role').''.&mt('Extent'). ''.&mt('Start').''.&mt('End').''. - &mt('Remark').''."\n"); + &mt('Remarks and Calendar Announcements').''."\n"); my $doheaders=-1; foreach my $type ('Construction Space','Course','Domain','System') { my $haverole=0; @@ -609,20 +669,70 @@ ENDHEADER } if ($haverole) { $doheaders++; } } - foreach my $type ('Construction Space','Course','Domain','System') { - my $output; - foreach my $which (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} (keys(%sortrole))) { - if ($roleclass{$sortrole{$which}} =~ /^\Q$type\E/) { - $output.=&mt($roletext{$sortrole{$which}}); + if ($numdc > 0) { + $r->print(''. + ''. + ''. + ''. + &mt('Domain').''); + foreach my $dcdom (keys %dcroles) { + my $output = $roletext{$dcroles{$dcdom}}; + my $ccrole = Apache::lonnet::plaintext('cc'); + if ($ENV{'request.role'} =~ m-cc\./$dcdom/-) { + $output.=$roletext{'user.role.'.$ENV{'request.role'}}; + } + $r->print($output); + $r->print(''); + $r->print(''. + ''. + $ccrole.''.&mt('Course').''. + ''.&mt('All courses').''. + '
'. + ''. + &mt('Course Coordinator access to all courses in domain'). + ': '.$dcdom.''."\n"); + } + foreach my $type ('Construction Space','Course','Domain','System') { + my $output; + foreach my $which (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} (keys(%sortrole))) { + my $skiprole = 0; + foreach my $dcdom (keys %dcroles) { + if ($sortrole{$which} =~ m-(dc)\./$dcdom/-) { + $skiprole = 1; + last; + } + } + if (($roleclass{$sortrole{$which}} =~ /^\Q$type\E/) && (!$skiprole)) { + $output.=$roletext{$sortrole{$which}}; + } + } + if ($output) { + if ($doheaders > 0) { + $r->print("". + "".&mt($type)." +"); + } + $r->print($output); + } + } + } else { + foreach my $type ('Construction Space','Course','Domain','System') { + my $output; + foreach my $which (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} (keys(%sortrole))) { + if ($roleclass{$sortrole{$which}} =~ /^\Q$type\E/) { + $output.=$roletext{$sortrole{$which}}; + } } - } - if ($output) { - if ($doheaders > 0) { - $r->print("". - "".&mt($type).""); + if ($output) { + if ($doheaders > 0) { + $r->print("". + "".&mt($type).""); + } + $r->print($output); } - $r->print($output); - } + } } my $tremark=''; my $tfont='#003300'; @@ -711,7 +821,246 @@ ENDHEADER } $r->print("\n"); return OK; -} +} + +sub role_status { + my ($rolekey,$then,$now,$role,$where,$trolecode,$tstatus,$tstart,$tend) = @_; + my @pwhere = (); + if (exists($ENV{$rolekey}) && $ENV{$rolekey} ne '') { + (undef,undef,$$role,@pwhere)=split(/\./,$rolekey); + unless (!defined($$role) || $$role eq '') { + $$where=join('.',@pwhere); + $$trolecode=$$role.'.'.$$where; + ($$tstart,$$tend)=split(/\./,$ENV{$rolekey}); + $$tstatus='is'; + if ($$tstart && $$tstart>$then) { + $$tstatus='future'; + if ($$tstart<$now) { $$tstatus='will'; } + } + if ($$tend) { + if ($$tend<$then) { + $$tstatus='expired'; + } elsif ($$tend<$now) { + $$tstatus='will_not'; + } + } + } + } +} + +sub dc_script { + my $response = (<<"END"); +function setDCchoice(caller) { + var dcname = "dc./"+caller+"/" + document.rolechoice.dcselected.value = caller + document.rolechoice.elements[3].name = dcname + document.rolechoice.submit() +} +END + return $response; +} + +sub check_fordc { + my ($dcroles,$then) = @_; + my $numdc = 0; + if ($ENV{'user.adv'}) { + foreach my $envkey (sort keys %ENV) { + if ($envkey=~/^user\.role\.dc\.\/(\w+)\/$/) { + my $dcdom = $1; + my $livedc = 1; + my ($tstart,$tend)=split(/\./,$ENV{$envkey}); + if ($tstart && $tstart>$then) { $livedc = 0; } + if ($tend && $tend <$then) { $livedc = 0; } + if ($livedc) { + $$dcroles{$dcdom} = $envkey; + $numdc++; + } + } + } + } + return $numdc; +} + +sub choosecourse_display { + my ($r,$dcdom,$then,$now) = @_; + my $cb_jscript = &Apache::loncommon::coursebrowser_javascript($dcdom,'dom'); + my $verify_script = <<"END"; + +END + my $courseform=&Apache::loncommon::selectcourse_link + ('roles','dccourse','dcdomain','coursedesc'); + $r->print($cb_jscript.$verify_script); + my $formaction='/adm/roles'; + $formaction=~s/\/+/\//g; + my $crs; + &select_recent_courses($r,$dcdom,$then,$now); + $r->print('
'); + $r->print('

'.&mt('Choose a course from domain').': '.$dcdom.'


'. + ''. + 'Course Title:
'. + 'Course ID: '. + ''. + ''. + ''. + '

'. + '
'); + return; +} + +sub select_recent_courses { + my ($r,$dcdom,$then,$now)=@_; + my $advanced = $ENV{'user.adv'}; + my $tryagain = $ENV{'form.tryagain'}; + my %recent=&Apache::lonnet::dump(&recent_filename('cc_pickby_dc_'.$dcdom)); + my $numrecent = 0; + my $roletext = '

'.&mt('Enter a recently visited course').'

'. + '
'. + ''. + ''."\n". + ''. + ''."\n"; + foreach my $courseid (sort keys %recent) { + unless ($courseid =~/^error\:/) { + my ($dom,$crs) = split/_/,$courseid; + if ($dom eq $dcdom) { + $numrecent ++; + my $crskey = 'user.role.cc./'.$dom.'/'.$crs; + my ($where,$trolecode,$role,$tstatus,$tend,$tstart,$tbg,$tfont,$tremark,$inrole,$tpstart,$tpend); + my $button = 1; + &role_status($crskey,$then,$now,\$role,\$where,\$trolecode,\$tstatus,\$tstart,\$tend); + if ($tstart) { + $tpstart=&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($tstart); + } + if ($tend) { + $tpend=&Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($tend); + } + my $ttype = &mt('Course'); + my $twhere; + if ($ENV{'course.'.$courseid.'.description'}) { + $twhere=$ENV{'course.'.$courseid.'.description'}; + } + my ($tdom,$trest,$tsection)= + split(/\//,Apache::lonnet::declutter($where)); + if ($ENV{'request.role'} eq $trolecode) { + $tstatus='selected'; + } + if ($tstatus eq 'is') { + $tbg='#77FF77'; + $tfont='#003300'; + } elsif ($tstatus eq 'future') { + $tbg='#FFFF77'; + $button=0; + } elsif ($tstatus eq 'will') { + $tbg='#FFAA77'; + $tremark.=&mt('Active at next login. '); + } elsif ($tstatus eq 'expired') { + $tbg='#FF7777'; + $tfont='#330000'; + $button=0; + } elsif ($tstatus eq 'will_not') { + $tbg='#AAFF77'; + $tremark.=&mt('Expired after logout. '); + } elsif ($tstatus eq 'selected') { + $tbg='#11CC55'; + $tfont='#002200'; + $inrole=1; + $tremark.=&mt('Currently selected. '); + } + my $trole=Apache::lonnet::plaintext($role); + $roletext.=''; + if (!$button) { + $roletext.=(''); + } elsif ($tstatus eq 'is') { + $roletext.=(''); + } elsif ($tryagain) { + $roletext.= + ''; + } elsif ($advanced) { + $roletext.= + ''; + } else { + $roletext.=''; + } + $tremark.=&Apache::lonannounce::showday(time,1, + &Apache::lonannounce::readcalendar($tdom.'_'.$trest)); + + $roletext.=''."\n"; + } + } + } + if ($numrecent > 0) { + $r->print($roletext.'
 '.&mt('User Role').''.&mt('Extent'). + ''.&mt('Start').''.&mt('End').''. + &mt('Remarks and Calendar Announcements').'
'. + &mt('Domain').' - '.&mt('Recent courses accessed in this domain'). + '
  '.$trole. + ''.$ttype. + ''.$twhere. + ''.$tpstart. + ''.$tpend. + ''.$tremark. + ' 
'."\n"); + } +} + +sub recent_filename { + my $area=shift; + return 'nohist_recent_'.&Apache::lonnet::escape($area); +} + +sub set_privileges { + my ($dcdom,$pickedcourse) = @_; + my $area = '/'.$dcdom.'/'.$pickedcourse; + my $role = 'cc'; + my $spec = $role.'.'.$area; + my $userroles = &Apache::lonnet::set_arearole($role,$area,'','',$dcdom,$ENV{'user.name'}); + my %ccrole = (); + &Apache::lonnet::standard_roleprivs(\%ccrole,$role,$dcdom,$spec,$pickedcourse,$area); + my ($author,$adv)= &Apache::lonnet::set_userprivs(\$userroles,\%ccrole); + my @newprivs = split/\n/,$userroles; + my %newccroles = (); + foreach (@newprivs) { + my ($key,$val) = split/=/,$_; + $newccroles{$key} = $val; + } + &Apache::lonnet::appenv(%newccroles); + &Apache::lonnet::log($ENV{'user.domain'}, + $ENV{'user.name'}, + $ENV{'user.home'}, + "Role ".$role); + &Apache::lonnet::appenv( + 'request.role' => $role, + 'request.role.domain' => $dcdom, + 'request.course.sec' => ''); + my $tadv=0; + if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('adv') eq 'F') { $tadv=1; } + &Apache::lonnet::appenv('request.role.adv' => $tadv); +} 1; __END__