--- loncom/auth/lonroles.pm 2023/01/20 23:28:19
+++ loncom/auth/lonroles.pm 2014/01/08 17:18:15 1.294
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# User Roles Screen
-# $Id: lonroles.pm,v 2023/01/20 23:28:19 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: lonroles.pm,v 1.294 2014/01/08 17:18:15 bisitz Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ package Apache::lonroles;
use strict;
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::lonuserstate();
-use Apache::Constants qw(:common REDIRECT);
+use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
use Apache::File();
use Apache::lonmenu;
use Apache::loncommon;
@@ -143,94 +143,7 @@ use Apache::lonrss;
use GDBM_File;
use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
use HTML::Entities;
-sub start_loading_course {
- my ($r,$title,$only_body) = @_;
- &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
- &Apache::loncommon::no_cache($r);
- $r->send_http_header;
- if ($only_body) {
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page($title,undef,{'only_body' => 1,
- 'add_progressbar' => 1}));
- } else {
- my $swinfo=&Apache::lonmenu::rawconfig();
- # Breadcrumbs
- my $brcrum = [{'href' => '',
- 'text' => $title},];
- my $start_page = &Apache::loncommon::start_page($title,undef,
- {'bread_crumbs' => $brcrum,
- 'bread_crumbs_nomenu' => 1,
- 'links_disabled' => 1});
- $r->print(< $msg $lt{'tfp'}
- '.&mt('The following problems occurred:').
+ ' ');
+ if ($switchwarning) {
+ $r->print($switchwarning.' '.
- &mt('Could not initialize [_1] at this time.',
- $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.description'}).
- ' '.
- &mt('Please try again.').' '.&mt('Entering [_1] ...',
- $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.description'}).
- ' '
+ .&mt('Could not initialize [_1] at this time.',
+ $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.description'})
+ .' '.&mt('Please try again.').' '.$ferr.' '.
- &mt('Could not initialize [_1] at this time.',
- $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.description'}).
- ' '.&mt('Entering [_1] ...',
- $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.description'}).
- ' '.&mt('Entering [_1] ...',
- $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.description'}).
- ' '.&mt('Entering [_1] ...',
- $env{'course.'.$cdom.'_'.$cnum.'.description'}).
- ' '
- .&mt('[_1]Visit the [_2]Course/Community Catalog[_3][_4]'
- .' to view all [_5] LON-CAPA courses and communities.'
+ .&mt('[_1]Visit the [_2]Course/Community Catalog[_3]'
+ .' to view all [_4] LON-CAPA courses and communities.'
- ,''
- ,''
- ,'"'.$domdesc.'"')
+ ,'',$domdesc)
.' '
.&mt('This LON-CAPA server is version [_1]',$r->dir_config('lonVersion'))
- .'
- return;
+ $r->print(
+ ''.
+ '
+ $error.
+ '
+ );
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
- # Check for critical messages and redirect if present.
- my ($redirect,$url) = &Apache::loncommon::critical_redirect(300,'roles');
- if ($redirect) {
- &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
- $r->header_out(Location => $url);
- return REDIRECT;
- }
my $now=time;
my $then=$env{'user.login.time'};
my $refresh=$env{'user.refresh.time'};
@@ -307,130 +213,9 @@ sub handler {
$update = $then;
- my ($norolelist,$blocked_by_ip,$blocked_type,$clientip);
- $clientip = &Apache::lonnet::get_requestor_ip($r);
- if (($env{'request.course.id'}) && ($env{'request.deeplink.login'})) {
- my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
- my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
- my $crstype = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.type'};
- my $deeplink_symb = &Apache::loncommon::deeplink_login_symb($cnum,$cdom);
- if ($deeplink_symb) {
- my ($menucoll,$deeplinkmenu,$menuref) = &Apache::loncommon::menucoll_in_effect();
- if (ref($menuref) eq 'HASH') {
- unless (($menuref->{'role'}) || ($env{'request.role.adv'})) {
- foreach my $envkey (keys(%env)) {
- next unless ($envkey =~ /^form\./);
- if ($envkey =~ m{\./($match_domain)/($match_courseid)(?:/(\w+)|$)}) {
- unless (($1 eq $cdom) && ($2 eq $cnum)) {
- delete($env{$envkey});
- }
- }
- }
- if ($env{'form.selectrole'}) {
- if ($env{'form.switchrole'} =~ m{\./($match_domain)/($match_courseid)(?:/(\w+)|$)}) {
- unless (($1 eq $cdom) && ($2 eq $cnum)) {
- delete($env{'form.selectrole'});
- delete($env{'form.switchrole'});
- }
- } elsif ($env{'form.newrole'} =~ m{\./($match_domain)/($match_courseid)(?:/(\w+)|$)}) {
- unless (($1 eq $cdom) && ($2 eq $cnum)) {
- delete($env{'form.selectrole'});
- delete($env{'form.newrole'});
- }
- }
- }
- $norolelist = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($env{'form.selectrole'}) {
- my ($role,$cdom,$cnum,$rest);
- if ($env{'form.switchrole'} =~ m{^(co|cc|in|ta|ep|ad|st|cr).*?\./($match_domain)/($match_courseid)(/(\w+)|$)}) {
- ($role,$cdom,$cnum,$rest) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
- } elsif ($env{'form.newrole'} =~ m{^(co|cc|in|ta|ep|ad|st|cr).*?\./($match_domain)/($match_courseid)(/(\w+)|$)}) {
- ($role,$cdom,$cnum,$rest) = ($1,$2,$3,$4);
- }
- if ($cdom ne '') {
- my ($has_evb,$check_ipaccess,$showrole);
- $showrole = 1;
- my $checkrole = "cm./$cdom/$cnum";
- if ($rest ne '') {
- $checkrole .= "/$rest";
- }
- if ((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('evb',undef,undef,$checkrole)) &&
- ($role ne 'st')) {
- $has_evb = 1;
- }
- unless ($has_evb) {
- my @machinedoms = &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_domains();
- my $udom = $env{'user.domain'};
- if ($udom eq $cdom) {
- $check_ipaccess = 1;
- } elsif (($udom ne '') && (grep(/^\Q$udom\E$/,@machinedoms))) {
- $check_ipaccess = 1;
- } else {
- my $lonhost = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonHostID'};
- my $internet_names = &Apache::lonnet::get_internet_names($lonhost);
- my $cprim = &Apache::lonnet::domain($cdom,'primary');
- my $cintdom = &Apache::lonnet::internet_dom($cprim);
- if (($cintdom ne '') && (ref($internet_names) eq 'ARRAY')) {
- if (grep(/^\Q$cintdom\E$/,@{$internet_names})) {
- $check_ipaccess = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($check_ipaccess) {
- my ($ipaccessref,$cached)=&Apache::lonnet::is_cached_new('ipaccess',$cdom);
- unless (defined($cached)) {
- my %domconfig =
- &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('configuration',['ipaccess'],$cdom);
- $ipaccessref = &Apache::lonnet::do_cache_new('ipaccess',$cdom,$domconfig{'ipaccess'},1800);
- }
- if (ref($ipaccessref) eq 'HASH') {
- foreach my $id (keys(%{$ipaccessref})) {
- if (ref($ipaccessref->{$id}) eq 'HASH') {
- my $range = $ipaccessref->{$id}->{'ip'};
- if ($range) {
- my $type = 'exclude';
- if (&Apache::lonnet::ip_match($clientip,$range)) {
- $type = 'include';
- }
- if (ref($ipaccessref->{$id}->{'courses'}) eq 'HASH') {
- if ($ipaccessref->{$id}->{'courses'}{$cdom.'_'.$cnum}) {
- if ($type eq 'include') {
- $showrole = 1;
- last;
- } else {
- $showrole = 0;
- }
- } else {
- if ($type eq 'include') {
- $showrole = 0;
- } else {
- $showrole = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- unless ($showrole) {
- $blocked_by_ip = 1;
- $blocked_type = &Apache::loncommon::course_type($cdom.'_'.$cnum);
- delete($env{'form.selectrole'});
- delete($env{'form.newrole'});
- }
- }
- }
-# -------------------------------------------------- Check if setting hot list
+# -------------------------------------------------- Check if setting hot list
my $hotlist;
if ($env{'form.action'} eq 'verify_and_change_rolespref') {
$hotlist = &Apache::lonpreferences::verify_and_change_rolespref($r);
@@ -461,10 +246,8 @@ sub handler {
my $envkey;
my %dcroles = ();
- my %helpdeskroles = ();
- my ($numdc,$numhelpdesk,$numadhoc) =
- &check_for_adhoc(\%dcroles,\%helpdeskroles,$update,$then);
- my $loncaparev = $r->dir_config('lonVersion');
+ my $numdc = &check_fordc(\%dcroles,$update,$then);
+ my $loncaparev = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonVersion'};
# ================================================================== Roles Init
if ($env{'form.selectrole'}) {
@@ -472,15 +255,8 @@ sub handler {
my $locknum=&Apache::lonnet::get_locks();
if ($locknum) { return 409; }
- my $custom_adhoc;
if ($env{'form.newrole'}) {
-# Check if this is a Domain Helpdesk or Domain Helpdesk Assistant role trying to enter a course
- if ($env{'form.newrole'} =~ m{^cr/($match_domain)/\1\-domainconfig/\w+\./\1/$match_courseid$}) {
- if ($helpdeskroles{$1}) {
- $custom_adhoc = 1;
- }
- }
if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
# Check if user is CC trying to select a course role
@@ -502,134 +278,87 @@ sub handler {
- &Apache::lonnet::appenv({"request.course.id" => '',
- "request.course.fn" => '',
- "request.course.uri" => '',
- "request.course.sec" => '',
- "request.course.tied" => '',
- "request.course.timechecked" => '',
- "request.course.suppupdated" => '',
- "request.role" => 'cm',
- "request.role.adv" => $env{'user.adv'},
- "request.role.domain" => $env{'user.domain'}});
-# Check if Domain Helpdesk role trying to enter a course needs privs to be created
- if ($env{'form.newrole'} =~ m{^cr/($match_domain)/\1\-domainconfig/(\w+)\./\1/($match_courseid)(?:/(\w+)|$)}) {
- my $cdom = $1;
- my $rolename = $2;
- my $cnum = $3;
- my $sec = $4;
- if ($custom_adhoc) {
- my ($possroles,$description) = &Apache::lonnet::get_my_adhocroles($cdom.'_'.$cnum,1);
- if (ref($possroles) eq 'ARRAY') {
- if (grep(/^\Q$rolename\E$/,@{$possroles})) {
- if (&Apache::lonnet::check_adhoc_privs($cdom,$cnum,$update,$refresh,$now,
- "cr/$cdom/$cdom".'-domainconfig/'.$rolename,undef,$sec)) {
- &Apache::lonnet::appenv({"environment.internal.$cdom.$cnum.cr/$cdom/$cdom".'-domainconfig/'."$rolename.adhoc" => time});
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({"request.course.id" => '',
+ "request.course.fn" => '',
+ "request.course.uri" => '',
+ "request.course.sec" => '',
+ "request.course.tied" => '',
+ "request.role" => 'cm',
+ "request.role.adv" => $env{'user.adv'},
+ "request.role.domain" => $env{'user.domain'}});
+# Check if user is a DC trying to enter a course or author space and needs privs to be created
+ if ($numdc > 0) {
+ foreach my $envkey (keys %env) {
+# Is this an ad-hoc Coordinator role?
+ if (my ($ccrole,$domain,$coursenum) =
+ ($envkey =~ m-^form\.(cc|co)\./($match_domain)/($match_courseid)$-)) {
+ if ($dcroles{$domain}) {
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::check_adhoc_privs($domain,$coursenum,
+ $update,$refresh,$now,$ccrole)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({"environment.internal.$domain.$coursenum.$ccrole.adhoc" => time});
+ last;
- }
- } elsif (($numdc > 0) || ($numhelpdesk > 0)) {
-# Check if user is a DC trying to enter a course or author space and needs privs to be created
-# Check if user is a DH or DA trying to enter a course and needs privs to be created
- foreach my $envkey (keys(%env)) {
- if ($numdc) {
-# Is this an ad-hoc Coordinator role?
- if (my ($ccrole,$domain,$coursenum) =
- ($envkey =~ m-^form\.(cc|co)\./($match_domain)/($match_courseid)$-)) {
- if ($dcroles{$domain}) {
- if (&Apache::lonnet::check_adhoc_privs($domain,$coursenum,
- $update,$refresh,$now,$ccrole)) {
- &Apache::lonnet::appenv({"environment.internal.$domain.$coursenum.$ccrole.adhoc" => time});
- }
+# Is this an ad-hoc CA-role?
+ if (my ($domain,$user) =
+ ($envkey =~ m-^form\.ca\./($match_domain)/($match_username)$-)) {
+ if (($domain eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($user eq $env{'user.name'})) {
+ delete($env{$envkey});
+ $env{'form.au./'.$domain.'/'} = 1;
+ my ($server_status,$home) = &check_author_homeserver($user,$domain);
+ if ($server_status eq 'switchserver') {
+ my $trolecode = 'au./'.$domain.'/';
+ my $switchserver = '/adm/switchserver?otherserver='.$home.'&role='.$trolecode;
+ $r->internal_redirect($switchserver);
+ return OK;
-# Is this an ad-hoc CA-role?
- if (my ($domain,$user) =
- ($envkey =~ m-^form\.ca\./($match_domain)/($match_username)$-)) {
- if (($domain eq $env{'user.domain'}) && ($user eq $env{'user.name'})) {
- delete($env{$envkey});
- $env{'form.au./'.$domain.'/'} = 1;
+ if (my ($castart,$caend) = ($env{'user.role.ca./'.$domain.'/'.$user} =~ /^(\d*)\.(\d*)$/)) {
+ if (((($castart) && ($castart < $now)) || !$castart) &&
+ ((!$caend) || (($caend) && ($caend > $now)))) {
my ($server_status,$home) = &check_author_homeserver($user,$domain);
if ($server_status eq 'switchserver') {
- my $trolecode = 'au./'.$domain.'/';
+ my $trolecode = 'ca./'.$domain.'/'.$user;
my $switchserver = '/adm/switchserver?otherserver='.$home.'&role='.$trolecode;
return OK;
- if (my ($castart,$caend) = ($env{'user.role.ca./'.$domain.'/'.$user} =~ /^(\d*)\.(\d*)$/)) {
- if (((($castart) && ($castart < $now)) || !$castart) &&
- ((!$caend) || (($caend) && ($caend > $now)))) {
- my ($server_status,$home) = &check_author_homeserver($user,$domain);
- if ($server_status eq 'switchserver') {
- my $trolecode = 'ca./'.$domain.'/'.$user;
- my $switchserver = '/adm/switchserver?otherserver='.$home.'&role='.$trolecode;
- $r->internal_redirect($switchserver);
- return OK;
- }
- last;
- }
- }
- # Check if author blocked ca-access
- my %blocked=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['domcoord.author'],$domain,$user);
- if ($blocked{'domcoord.author'} eq 'blocked') {
- delete($env{$envkey});
- $env{'user.error.msg'}=':::1:User '.$user.' in domain '.$domain.' blocked domain coordinator access';
- last;
- }
- if ($dcroles{$domain}) {
- my ($server_status,$home) = &check_author_homeserver($user,$domain);
- if (($server_status eq 'ok') || ($server_status eq 'switchserver')) {
- &Apache::lonnet::check_adhoc_privs($domain,$user,$update,
- $refresh,$now,'ca');
- if ($server_status eq 'switchserver') {
- my $trolecode = 'ca./'.$domain.'/'.$user;
- my $switchserver = '/adm/switchserver?'
- .'otherserver='.$home.'&role='.$trolecode;
- $r->internal_redirect($switchserver);
- return OK;
- }
- } else {
- delete($env{$envkey});
- }
- } else {
- delete($env{$envkey});
- }
+ }
+ # Check if author blocked ca-access
+ my %blocked=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment',['domcoord.author'],$domain,$user);
+ if ($blocked{'domcoord.author'} eq 'blocked') {
+ delete($env{$envkey});
+ $env{'user.error.msg'}=':::1:User '.$user.' in domain '.$domain.' blocked domain coordinator access';
- }
- if ($numhelpdesk) {
-# Is this an ad hoc custom role in a course/community?
- if (my ($domain,$rolename,$coursenum,$sec) = ($envkey =~ m{^form\.cr/($match_domain)/\1\-domainconfig/(\w+)\./\1/($match_courseid)(?:/(\w+)|$)})) {
- if ($helpdeskroles{$domain}) {
- my ($possroles,$description) = &Apache::lonnet::get_my_adhocroles($domain.'_'.$coursenum,1);
- if (ref($possroles) eq 'ARRAY') {
- if (grep(/^\Q$rolename\E$/,@{$possroles})) {
- if (&Apache::lonnet::check_adhoc_privs($domain,$coursenum,$update,$refresh,$now,
- "cr/$domain/$domain".'-domainconfig/'.$rolename,
- undef,$sec)) {
- &Apache::lonnet::appenv({"environment.internal.$domain.$coursenum.cr/$domain/$domain".
- '-domainconfig/'."$rolename.adhoc" => time});
- }
- } else {
- delete($env{$envkey});
- }
- } else {
- delete($env{$envkey});
+ if ($dcroles{$domain}) {
+ my ($server_status,$home) = &check_author_homeserver($user,$domain);
+ if (($server_status eq 'ok') || ($server_status eq 'switchserver')) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::check_adhoc_privs($domain,$user,$update,
+ $refresh,$now,'ca');
+ if ($server_status eq 'switchserver') {
+ my $trolecode = 'ca./'.$domain.'/'.$user;
+ my $switchserver = '/adm/switchserver?'
+ .'otherserver='.$home.'&role='.$trolecode;
+ $r->internal_redirect($switchserver);
+ return OK;
} else {
- last;
+ } else {
+ delete($env{$envkey});
- }
+ last;
+ }
- foreach $envkey (keys(%env)) {
+ foreach $envkey (keys %env) {
next if ($envkey!~/^user\.role\./);
my ($where,$trolecode,$role,$tstatus,$tend,$tstart);
@@ -645,13 +374,30 @@ sub handler {
my %curr_reqd_hash = &Apache::lonnet::userenvironment($cdom,$cnum,'internal.releaserequired');
if ($curr_reqd_hash{'internal.releaserequired'} ne '') {
my ($switchserver,$switchwarning) =
- &Apache::loncommon::check_release_required($loncaparev,$cdom.'_'.$cnum,$trolecode,
- $curr_reqd_hash{'internal.releaserequired'});
+ &check_release_required($loncaparev,$cdom.'_'.$cnum,$trolecode,$curr_reqd_hash{'internal.releaserequired'});
if ($switchwarning ne '' || $switchserver ne '') {
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::check_release_result($switchwarning,$switchserver));
+ my $end_page=&Apache::loncommon::end_page();
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Selected course unavailable on this server').
+ '
+ if (&Apache::loncommon::show_course()) {
+ $r->print(&mt('Display courses'));
+ } else {
+ $r->print(&mt('Display roles'));
+ }
+ $r->print('');
+ } elsif ($switchserver) {
+ $r->print(&mt('This course requires a newer version of LON-CAPA than is installed on this server.').
+ '
+ ''.
+ &mt('Switch Server').
+ '');
+ }
+ $r->print('
- $loadmsg.
- '
'.&mt('Use of LON-CAPA requires Javascript to be enabled in your web browser.').'
'.&mt('As this is not the case, most functionality in the system will be unavailable.').'
$r->print(<".&mt('Sorry ...')."
- &mt('This action is currently not authorized.').'');
- if ($error && $norolelist) {
- $r->print(''.
- &mt('As your session was launched from a web page external to LON-CAPA some course content may be unavailable, including the resource you were trying to access.').
- '
- ''.
- &mt('You may need to login to LON-CAPA directly, or re-launch from a different external system.').
- '
- }
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
+ &mt('This action is currently not authorized.').''.
+ &Apache::loncommon::end_page());
return OK;
} else {
if ($updateresult || $reqauthor || $hotlist) {
@@ -1325,7 +858,7 @@ ENDHEADER
if ($hotlist) {
$showresult .= $hotlist;
- }
+ }
$showresult .= '';
} elsif ($env{'form.state'} eq 'queued') {
@@ -1341,16 +874,6 @@ ENDHEADER
- if ($blocked_by_ip) {
- my $blocked_role = 'student';
- if ($blocked_type eq 'Community') {
- $blocked_role = 'member';
- }
- $r->print(''.
- &mt('The [_1] you selected is not available for access with a [_2] role from your current IP address: [_3].',
- lc($blocked_type),$blocked_role,$clientip).
- '
- }
@@ -1360,19 +883,17 @@ ENDHEADER
$refresh = $now;
&Apache::lonnet::appenv({'user.refresh.time' => $refresh});
- if ((($cattype eq 'std') || ($cattype eq 'domonly')) && (!$env{'user.adv'})) {
+ unless ($env{'user.adv'}) {
if ($countactive > 0) {
my $domdesc = &Apache::lonnet::domain($env{'user.domain'},'description');
my $esc_dom = &HTML::Entities::encode($env{'user.domain'},'"<>&');
.&mt('If a course or community is [_1]not[_2] in your list of current courses and communities below,'
.' you may be able to enroll if self-enrollment is permitted.'
@@ -1382,40 +903,22 @@ ENDHEADER
- if ($norolelist) {
- if ($env{'request.role'}) {
- my ($roletext,$role_text_end) = &display_curr_role($env{'request.role'});
- if ($roletext) {
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table('LC_textsize_mobile').
- &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().
- $roletext.
- &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row());
- if ($role_text_end) {
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::continue_data_table_row().
- $role_text_end.
- &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row());
- }
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table());
- }
- }
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::end_page());
- return OK;
- }
# No active roles
if ($countactive==0) {
- my $elapsed = 0;
- if ($now && $update) {
- $elapsed = $now - $update;
- }
- &requestcourse_advice($r,$cattype,$inrole,$elapsed);
+ if ($inrole) {
+ $r->print(''.&mt('Currently no additional roles, courses or communities').'
+ } else {
+ $r->print(''.&mt('Currently no active roles, courses or communities').'
+ }
+ &findcourse_advice($r);
+ &requestcourse_advice($r);
if ($countfuture) {
$r->print(&mt('The following [quant,_1,role,roles] will become active in the future:',$countfuture));
my $doheaders = &roletable_headers($r,\%roleclass,\%sortrole,
- \%roletext,$update,$then);
+ \%roletext);
my $tremark='';
my $tbg;
if ($env{'request.role'} eq 'cm') {
@@ -1440,12 +943,10 @@ ENDHEADER
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Table
- if (($numdc > 0) || (($numhelpdesk > 0) && ($numadhoc > 0))) {
- $r->print(&coursepick_jscript().
- &Apache::loncommon::coursebrowser_javascript());
- }
if ($numdc > 0) {
- $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::authorbrowser_javascript());
+ $r->print(&coursepick_jscript());
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::coursebrowser_javascript().
+ &Apache::loncommon::authorbrowser_javascript());
unless ((!&Apache::loncommon::show_course()) || ($nochoose) || ($countactive==1)) {
@@ -1475,11 +976,9 @@ ENDHEADER
- if ($role =~ m{^dc\./($match_domain)/$}
+ if ($role =~ m{dc\./($match_domain)/}
&& $dcroles{$1}) {
$output .= &adhoc_roles_row($1,'recent');
- } elsif ($role =~ m{^(dh|da)\./($match_domain)/$}) {
- $output .= &adhoc_customroles_row($1,$2,'recent',$update,$then);
} elsif ($numdc > 0) {
unless ($role =~/^error\:/) {
@@ -1508,7 +1007,7 @@ ENDHEADER
$doheaders ++;
- &print_rolerows($r,$doheaders,\%roleclass,\%sortrole,\%dcroles,\%roletext,$update,$then);
+ &print_rolerows($r,$doheaders,\%roleclass,\%sortrole,\%dcroles,\%roletext);
if ($countactive > 1) {
my $tremark='';
my $tbg;
@@ -1553,7 +1052,11 @@ ENDHEADER
my $esc_dom = &HTML::Entities::encode($env{'user.domain'},'"<>&');
+ .''.&mt('Logout').' '
+ .''
+ .&mt('Course/Community Catalog')
+ .'
'.&mt('If you were expecting to see an active role listed for a particular course in the [_1] domain, it may be missing for one of the following reasons:',$domdesc).' + $r->print(&mt('If you were expecting to see an active role listed for a particular course in the [_1] domain, it may be missing for one of the following reasons:',$domdesc).'
'.&mt('If you were expecting to see an active role listed for a particular course, that course may not have been created yet.').'
'); - if ($elapsed > 600) { - $r->print(''.&mt('You may also have been assigned to a course in the time since you last logged-in, or checked for changes.').
- '
- &mt('If that is the case you can use the "Check for changes" link in the gray Functions bar to update the list of your available course roles.').'
'.&mt('The [_1]Course/Community Catalog[_2] provides information about all [_3] classes for which LON-CAPA courses have been created, as well as any communities in the domain.','','',$domdesc).'
- $r->print(&mt('You can search for courses and communities which permit self-enrollment, if you would like to enroll in one.').'
'.&mt('The [_1]Course/Community Catalog[_2] provides information about all [_3] classes for which LON-CAPA courses have been created, as well as any communities in the domain.','','',$domdesc).'
+ $r->print(&mt('You can search for courses and communities which permit self-enrollment, if you would like to enroll in one.').'
'.&mt('You have rights to request the creation of courses and/or communities in the following domain(s):').'
'. - &mt('You have rights to request the creation of courses and/or communities in the following domain(s):'). - '