--- loncom/auth/lonroles.pm 2006/05/30 12:45:24 1.149
+++ loncom/auth/lonroles.pm 2013/01/04 04:08:34
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# User Roles Screen
-# $Id: lonroles.pm,v 1.149 2006/05/30 12:45:24 www Exp $
+# $Id: lonroles.pm,v 2013/01/04 04:08:34 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -27,6 +27,102 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Apache::lonroles - User Roles Screen
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Invoked by /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf:
+ PerlAccessHandler Apache::lonacc
+ SetHandler perl-script
+ PerlHandler Apache::lonroles
+ ErrorDocument 403 /adm/login
+ ErrorDocument 500 /adm/errorhandler
+=head1 OVERVIEW
+=head2 Choosing Roles
+C is a handler that allows a user to switch roles in
+mid-session. LON-CAPA attempts to work with "No Role Specified", the
+default role that a user has before selecting a role, as widely as
+possible, but certain handlers for example need specification which
+course they should act on, etc. Both in this scenario, and when the
+handler determines via C's C<&allowed> function that a certain
+action is not allowed, C is used as error handler. This
+allows the user to select another role which may have permission to do
+what they were trying to do.
+=begin latex
+ \caption{\label{Sample_Roles_Screen}Sample Roles Screen}
+=end latex
+=head2 Role Initialization
+The privileges for a user are established at login time and stored in the session environment. As a consequence, a new role does not become active till the next login. Handlers are able to query for privileges using C's C<&allowed> function. When a user first logs in, their role is the "common" role, which means that they have the sum of all of their privileges. During a session it might become necessary to choose a particular role, which as a consequence also limits the user to only the privileges in that particular role.
+This module enables a user to select what role he wishes to
+operate under (instructor, student, teaching assistant, course
+coordinator, etc). These roles are pre-established by the actions
+of upper-level users.
+This is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA project
+described at http://www.lon-capa.org.
+This routine is called by Apache and mod_perl.
+=over 4
+=item *
+Roles Initialization (yes/no)
+=item *
+Get Error Message from Environment
+=item *
+Who is this?
+=item *
+Generate Page Output
+=item *
+Choice or no choice
+=item *
+=item *
package Apache::lonroles;
use strict;
@@ -39,27 +135,29 @@ use Apache::loncommon;
use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
use Apache::lonannounce;
use Apache::lonlocal;
+use Apache::lonpageflip();
+use Apache::lonnavdisplay();
+use Apache::loncoursequeueadmin;
+use Apache::longroup;
use GDBM_File;
-use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
+use LONCAPA qw(:DEFAULT :match);
+use HTML::Entities;
sub redirect_user {
- my ($r,$title,$url,$msg,$launch_nav) = @_;
+ my ($r,$title,$url,$msg) = @_;
$msg = $title if (! defined($msg));
my $swinfo=&Apache::lonmenu::rawconfig();
- my $navwindow;
- if ($launch_nav eq 'on') {
- $navwindow.=&Apache::lonnavmaps::launch_win('now',undef,undef,
- ($url =~ m-^/adm/whatsnew-));
- } else {
- $navwindow.=&Apache::lonnavmaps::close();
- }
+ # Breadcrumbs
+ my $brcrum = [{'href' => $url,
+ 'text' => 'Switching Role'},];
my $start_page = &Apache::loncommon::start_page('Switching Role',undef,
- {'redirect' => [1,$url],});
+ {'redirect' => [1,$url],
+ 'bread_crumbs' => $brcrum,});
my $end_page = &Apache::loncommon::end_page();
# Note to style police:
@@ -68,51 +166,194 @@ sub redirect_user {
+sub error_page {
+ my ($r,$error,$dest)=@_;
+ &Apache::loncommon::content_type($r,'text/html');
+ &Apache::loncommon::no_cache($r);
+ $r->send_http_header;
+ return OK if $r->header_only;
+ # Breadcrumbs
+ my $brcrum = [{'href' => $dest,
+ 'text' => 'Problems during Course Initialization'},];
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Problems during Course Initialization',
+ undef,
+ {'bread_crumbs' => $brcrum,})
+ );
+ $r->print(
+ ''.
+ '
+ .&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_empty_row()
+ );
+ }
+ $r->print($output);
+ }
+ }
- my $tremark='';
- my $tfont='#003300';
- if ($env{'request.role'} eq 'cm') {
- $r->print('
- $tremark=&mt('Currently selected. ');
- $tfont='#002200';
+sub findcourse_advice {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my $domdesc = &Apache::lonnet::domain($env{'user.domain'},'description');
+ my $esc_dom = &HTML::Entities::encode($env{'user.domain'},'"<>&');
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::auto_run(undef,$env{'user.domain'})) {
+ $r->print(&mt('If you were expecting to see an active role listed for a particular course in the [_1] domain, it may be missing for one of the following reasons:',$domdesc).'
'.&mt('The course has yet to be created.').'
'.&mt('Automatic enrollment of registered students has not been enabled for the course.').'
'.&mt('You are in a section of course for which automatic enrollment in the corresponding LON-CAPA course is not active.').'
'.&mt('The start date for automated enrollment has yet to be reached.').'
'.&mt('You registered for the course recently and there is a time lag between the time you register, and the time this information becomes available for the update of LON-CAPA course rosters.').'
} else {
- $r->print('
+ $r->print(&mt('If you were expecting to see an active role listed for a particular course, that course may not have been created yet.').' ');
- unless ($nochoose) {
- if ($env{'request.role'} ne 'cm') {
- $r->print('
- } else {
- $r->print('
- }
- }
- $r->print('
'.&mt('No role specified').
- '
- '
+ $r->print('
+ '
'.&mt('The [_1]Course/Community Catalog[_2] provides information about all [_3] classes for which LON-CAPA courses have been created, as well as any communities in the domain.','','',$domdesc).' ');
+ $r->print(&mt('You can search for courses and communities which permit self-enrollment, if you would like to enroll in one.').'
- foreach (sort split(/:/,$env{$envkey})) {
- if ($_) {
- my ($prv,$restr)=split(/\&/,$_);
- my $trestr='';
- if ($restr ne 'F') {
- my $i;
- $trestr.=' (';
- for ($i=0;$iprint('
- Apache::lonnet::plaintext($prv).$trestr.
- '
+sub privileges_info {
+ my ($which) = @_;
+ my $output;
+ $which ||= $env{'request.role'};
+ foreach my $envkey (sort(keys(%env))) {
+ next if ($envkey!~/^user\.priv\.\Q$which\E\.(.*)/);
+ my $where=$1;
+ my $ttype;
+ my $twhere;
+ my (undef,$tdom,$trest,$tsec)=split(m{/},$where);
+ if ($trest) {
+ if ($env{'course.'.$tdom.'_'.$trest.'.description'} eq 'ca') {
+ $ttype='Construction Space';
+ $twhere='User: '.$trest.', Domain: '.$tdom;
+ } else {
+ $ttype= &Apache::loncommon::course_type($tdom.'_'.$trest);
+ $twhere=$env{'course.'.$tdom.'_'.$trest.'.description'};
+ if ($tsec) {
+ my $sec_type = 'Section';
+ if (exists($env{"user.role.gr.$where"})) {
+ $sec_type = 'Group';
+ $twhere.=' ('.$sec_type.': '.$tsec.')';
- $r->print('
+ my $output = &Apache::loncommon::continue_data_table_row()
+ .'
+ .&mt('[_1]Ad hoc[_2] roles in domain [_3] --'
+ ,'','',$dcdom)
+ .' ';
+ my $selectcclink = &courselink($dcdom,$rowtype);
+ my $ccrole = &Apache::lonnet::plaintext('co',undef,undef,1);
+ my $carole = &Apache::lonnet::plaintext('ca');
+ my $selectcalink = &coauthorlink($dcdom,$rowtype);
+ $output.=$ccrole.': '.$selectcclink
+ .' | '.$carole.': '.$selectcalink.'
+ .&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row();
return $output;
@@ -996,35 +1904,6 @@ sub recent_filename {
return 'nohist_recent_'.&escape($area);
-sub set_privileges {
- my ($dcdom,$pickedcourse) = @_;
- my $area = '/'.$dcdom.'/'.$pickedcourse;
- my $role = 'cc';
- my $spec = $role.'.'.$area;
- my $userroles = &Apache::lonnet::set_arearole($role,$area,'','',$dcdom,$env{'user.name'});
- my %ccrole = ();
- &Apache::lonnet::standard_roleprivs(\%ccrole,$role,$dcdom,$spec,$pickedcourse,$area);
- my ($author,$adv)= &Apache::lonnet::set_userprivs(\$userroles,\%ccrole);
- my @newprivs = split/\n/,$userroles;
- my %newccroles = ();
- foreach (@newprivs) {
- my ($key,$val) = split/=/,$_;
- $newccroles{$key} = $val;
- }
- &Apache::lonnet::appenv(%newccroles);
- &Apache::lonnet::log($env{'user.domain'},
- $env{'user.name'},
- $env{'user.home'},
- "Role ".$role);
- &Apache::lonnet::appenv(
- 'request.role' => $spec,
- 'request.role.domain' => $dcdom,
- 'request.course.sec' => '');
- my $tadv=0;
- if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('adv') eq 'F') { $tadv=1; }
- &Apache::lonnet::appenv('request.role.adv' => $tadv);
sub courseloadpage {
my ($courseid) = @_;
my $startpage;
@@ -1042,6 +1921,869 @@ sub courseloadpage {
return $startpage;
+sub update_session_roles {
+ my $then=$env{'user.login.time'};
+ my $refresh=$env{'user.refresh.time'};
+ if (!$refresh) {
+ $refresh = $then;
+ }
+ my $update = $env{'user.update.time'};
+ if (!$update) {
+ $update = $then;
+ }
+ my $now = time;
+ my %roleshash =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles('','','userroles',
+ ['active','future','previous'],
+ undef,undef,1);
+ my ($msg,@newsec,$oldsec,$currrole_expired,@changed_roles,
+ %changed_groups,%dbroles,%deletedroles,%allroles,%allgroups,
+ %userroles,%checkedgroup,%crprivs,$hasgroups,%rolechange,
+ %groupchange,%newrole,%newgroup,%customprivchg,%groups_roles,
+ @rolecodes);
+ my @possroles = ('cr','st','ta','ad','ep','in','co','cc');
+ my %courseroles;
+ foreach my $item (keys(%roleshash)) {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$role,$remainder) = split(/:/,$item,4);
+ my ($tstart,$tend) = split(/:/,$roleshash{$item});
+ my ($section,$group,@group_privs);
+ if ($role =~ m{^gr/(\w*)$}) {
+ $role = 'gr';
+ my $priv = $1;
+ next if ($tstart eq '-1');
+ if (&curr_role_status($tstart,$tend,$refresh,$now) eq 'active') {
+ if ($priv ne '') {
+ push(@group_privs,$priv);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($remainder =~ /:/) {
+ (my $additional_privs,$group) =
+ ($remainder =~ /^([\w:]+):([^:]+)$/);
+ if ($additional_privs ne '') {
+ if (&curr_role_status($tstart,$tend,$refresh,$now) eq 'active') {
+ push(@group_privs,split(/:/,$additional_privs));
+ @group_privs = sort(@group_privs);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ $group = $remainder;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $section = $remainder;
+ }
+ my $where = "/$udom/$uname";
+ if ($section ne '') {
+ $where .= "/$section";
+ } elsif ($group ne '') {
+ $where .= "/$group";
+ }
+ my $rolekey = "$role.$where";
+ my $envkey = "user.role.$rolekey";
+ $dbroles{$envkey} = 1;
+ if (($env{'request.role'} eq $rolekey) && ($role ne 'st')) {
+ if (&curr_role_status($tstart,$tend,$refresh,$now) ne 'active') {
+ $currrole_expired = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($env{$envkey} eq '') {
+ my $status_in_db =
+ &curr_role_status($tstart,$tend,$now,$now);
+ &gather_roleprivs(\%allroles,\%allgroups,\%userroles,$where,$role,$tstart,$tend,$status_in_db);
+ if (($role eq 'st') && ($env{'request.role'} =~ m{^\Q$role\E\.\Q/$udom/$uname\E})) {
+ if ($status_in_db eq 'active') {
+ if ($section eq '') {
+ push(@newsec,'none');
+ } else {
+ push(@newsec,$section);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@changed_roles)) {
+ push(@changed_roles,$role);
+ }
+ if ($status_in_db ne 'previous') {
+ if ($role eq 'gr') {
+ $newgroup{$rolekey} = $status_in_db;
+ if ($status_in_db eq 'active') {
+ unless (ref($courseroles{$udom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %{$courseroles{$udom}} =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles('','','userroles',
+ ['active'],\@possroles,
+ [$udom],1);
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_groups_roles($udom,$uname,
+ $courseroles{$udom},
+ \@rolecodes,\%groups_roles);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $newrole{$rolekey} = $status_in_db;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my ($currstart,$currend) = split(/\./,$env{$envkey});
+ if ($role eq 'gr') {
+ if (&curr_role_status($currstart,$currend,$refresh,$update) ne 'previous') {
+ $hasgroups = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (($currstart ne $tstart) || ($currend ne $tend)) {
+ my $status_in_env =
+ &curr_role_status($currstart,$currend,$refresh,$update);
+ my $status_in_db =
+ &curr_role_status($tstart,$tend,$now,$now);
+ if ($status_in_env ne $status_in_db) {
+ if ($status_in_env eq 'active') {
+ if ($role eq 'st') {
+ if ($env{'request.role'} eq $rolekey) {
+ my $switchsection;
+ unless (ref($courseroles{$udom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %{$courseroles{$udom}} =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles('','','userroles',
+ ['active'],
+ \@possroles,[$udom],1);
+ }
+ foreach my $crsrole (keys(%{$courseroles{$udom}})) {
+ if ($crsrole =~ /^\Q$uname\E:\Q$udom\E:st/) {
+ $switchsection = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($switchsection) {
+ if ($section eq '') {
+ $oldsec = 'none';
+ } else {
+ $oldsec = $section;
+ }
+ &gather_roleprivs(\%allroles,\%allgroups,\%userroles,$where,$role,$tstart,$tend,$status_in_db);
+ } else {
+ $currrole_expired = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($rolekey eq $env{'request.role'}) {
+ if ($role eq 'gr') {
+ &Apache::lonnet::delete_env_groupprivs($where,\%courseroles,\@possroles);
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv("user.priv.$rolekey",undef,[$role]);
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv("user.priv.cm.$where",undef,['cm']);
+ }
+ &gather_roleprivs(\%allroles,\%allgroups,\%userroles,$where,$role,$tstart,$tend,$status_in_db);
+ }
+ } elsif ($status_in_db eq 'active') {
+ if (($role eq 'st') &&
+ ($env{'request.role'} =~ m{^\Q$role\E\.\Q/$udom/$uname\E})) {
+ if ($section eq '') {
+ push(@newsec,'none');
+ } else {
+ push(@newsec,$section);
+ }
+ } elsif ($role eq 'gr') {
+ unless (ref($courseroles{$udom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %{$courseroles{$udom}} =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles('','','userroles',
+ ['active'],
+ \@possroles,[$udom],1);
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_groups_roles($udom,$uname,
+ $courseroles{$udom},
+ \@rolecodes,\%groups_roles);
+ }
+ &gather_roleprivs(\%allroles,\%allgroups,\%userroles,$where,$role,$tstart,$tend,$status_in_db);
+ }
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@changed_roles)) {
+ push(@changed_roles,$role);
+ }
+ if ($role eq 'gr') {
+ $groupchange{"/$udom/$uname"}{$group} = $status_in_db;
+ } else {
+ $rolechange{$rolekey} = $status_in_db;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ($role eq 'gr') {
+ unless ($checkedgroup{$where}) {
+ my $status_in_db =
+ &curr_role_status($tstart,$tend,$refresh,$now);
+ if ($tstart eq '-1') {
+ $status_in_db = 'deleted';
+ }
+ unless (ref($courseroles{$udom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %{$courseroles{$udom}} =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles('','','userroles',
+ ['active'],
+ \@possroles,[$udom],1);
+ }
+ if (ref($courseroles{$udom}) eq 'HASH') {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%{$courseroles{$udom}})) {
+ next unless ($item =~ /^\Q$uname\E/);
+ my ($cnum,$cdom,$crsrole,$crssec) = split(/:/,$item);
+ my $area = '/'.$cdom.'/'.$cnum;
+ if ($crssec ne '') {
+ $area .= '/'.$crssec;
+ }
+ my $crsrolekey = $crsrole.'.'.$area;
+ my $currprivs = $env{'user.priv.'.$crsrole.'.'.$area.'.'.$where};
+ $currprivs =~ s/^://;
+ $currprivs =~ s/\&F$//;
+ my @curr_grp_privs = split(/\&F:/,$currprivs);
+ @curr_grp_privs = sort(@curr_grp_privs);
+ my @diffs;
+ if (@group_privs > 0 || @curr_grp_privs > 0) {
+ @diffs = &Apache::loncommon::compare_arrays(\@group_privs,\@curr_grp_privs);
+ }
+ if (@diffs == 0) {
+ last;
+ } else {
+ unless(grep(/^\Qgr\E$/,@rolecodes)) {
+ push(@rolecodes,'gr');
+ }
+ &gather_roleprivs(\%allroles,\%allgroups,
+ \%userroles,$where,$role,
+ $tstart,$tend,$status_in_db);
+ if ($status_in_db eq 'active') {
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_groups_roles($udom,$uname,
+ $courseroles{$udom},
+ \@rolecodes,\%groups_roles);
+ }
+ $changed_groups{$udom.'_'.$uname}{$group} = $status_in_db;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $checkedgroup{$where} = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($role =~ /^cr/) {
+ my $status_in_db =
+ &curr_role_status($tstart,$tend,$refresh,$now);
+ my ($rdummy,$rest) = split(/\//,$role,2);
+ my %currpriv;
+ unless (exists($crprivs{$rest})) {
+ my ($rdomain,$rauthor,$rrole)=split(/\//,$rest);
+ my $homsvr=&Apache::lonnet::homeserver($rauthor,$rdomain);
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::hostname($homsvr) ne '') {
+ my ($rdummy,$roledef)=
+ &Apache::lonnet::get('roles',["rolesdef_$rrole"],
+ $rdomain,$rauthor);
+ if (($rdummy ne 'con_lost') && ($roledef ne '')) {
+ my $i = 0;
+ my @scopes = ('sys','dom','crs');
+ my @privs = split(/\_/,$roledef);
+ foreach my $priv (@privs) {
+ my ($blank,@prv) = split(/:/,$priv);
+ @prv = map { $_ .= (/\&\w+$/ ? '':'&F') } @prv;
+ if (@prv) {
+ $priv = ':'.join(':',sort(@prv));
+ }
+ $crprivs{$rest}{$scopes[$i]} = $priv;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $status_in_env =
+ &curr_role_status($currstart,$currend,$refresh,$update);
+ if ($status_in_env eq 'active') {
+ $currpriv{sys} = $env{"user.priv.$rolekey./"};
+ $currpriv{dom} = $env{"user.priv.$rolekey./$udom/"};
+ $currpriv{crs} = $env{"user.priv.$rolekey.$where"};
+ if (keys(%crprivs)) {
+ if (($crprivs{$rest}{sys} ne $currpriv{sys}) ||
+ ($crprivs{$rest}{dom} ne $currpriv{dom})
+ ||
+ ($crprivs{$rest}{crs} ne $currpriv{crs})) {
+ &gather_roleprivs(\%allroles,\%allgroups,
+ \%userroles,$where,$role,
+ $tstart,$tend,$status_in_db);
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@changed_roles)) {
+ push(@changed_roles,$role);
+ }
+ $customprivchg{$rolekey} = $status_in_env;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $envkey (keys(%env)) {
+ next unless ($envkey =~ /^user\.role\./);
+ next if ($dbroles{$envkey});
+ next if ($envkey eq 'user.role.'.$env{'request.role'});
+ my ($currstart,$currend) = split(/\./,$env{$envkey});
+ my $status_in_env =
+ &curr_role_status($currstart,$currend,$refresh,$update);
+ my ($rolekey) = ($envkey =~ /^user\.role\.(.+)$/);
+ my ($role,$rest)=split(/\./,$rolekey,2);
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::delenv($envkey,undef,[$role])) {
+ if ($status_in_env eq 'active') {
+ if ($role eq 'gr') {
+ &Apache::lonnet::delete_env_groupprivs($rest,\%courseroles,
+ \@possroles);
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv("user.priv.$rolekey",undef,[$role]);
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv("user.priv.cm.$rest",undef,['cm']);
+ }
+ unless (grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@changed_roles)) {
+ push(@changed_roles,$role);
+ }
+ $deletedroles{$rolekey} = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (($oldsec) && (@newsec > 0)) {
+ if (@newsec > 1) {
+ $msg = '
'.&mt('The section has changed for your current role. Log-out and log-in again to select a role for the new section.').'
+ } else {
+ my $newrole = $env{'request.role'};
+ if ($newsec[0] eq 'none') {
+ $newrole =~ s{(/[^/])$}{};
+ } elsif ($oldsec eq 'none') {
+ $newrole .= '/'.$newsec[0];
+ } else {
+ $newrole =~ s{([^/]+)$}{$newsec[0]};
+ }
+ my $coursedesc = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.description'};
+ my ($curr_role) = ($env{'request.role'} =~ m{^(\w+)\./$match_domain/$match_courseid});
+ my %temp=('logout_'.$env{'request.course.id'} => time);
+ &Apache::lonnet::put('email_status',\%temp);
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv('user.state.'.$env{'request.course.id'});
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv({"request.course.id" => '',
+ "request.course.fn" => '',
+ "request.course.uri" => '',
+ "request.course.sec" => '',
+ "request.role" => 'cm',
+ "request.role.adv" => $env{'user.adv'},
+ "request.role.domain" => $env{'user.domain'}});
+ my $rolename = &Apache::loncommon::plainname($curr_role);
+ $msg = ''.
+ ''.
+ ''.
+ ''.
+ &mt('Your section has changed for your current [_1] role in [_2].',$rolename,$coursedesc).' ';
+ my $button = '';
+ if ($newsec[0] eq 'none') {
+ $msg .= &mt('[_1] to continue with your new section-less role.',$button);
+ } else {
+ $msg .= &mt('[_1] to continue with your new role in section ([_2]).',$button,$newsec[0]);
+ }
+ $msg .= '';
+ }
+ } elsif ($currrole_expired) {
+ $msg .= '
+ if (&Apache::loncommon::show_course()) {
+ $msg .= &mt('Your role in the current course has expired.');
+ } else {
+ $msg .= &mt('Your current role has expired.');
+ }
+ $msg .= ' '.&mt('However you can continue to use this role until you logout, click the "Re-Select" button, or your session has been idle for more than 24 hours.').'
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::set_userprivs(\%userroles,\%allroles,\%allgroups,\%groups_roles);
+ my ($curr_is_adv,$curr_role_adv,$curr_author,$curr_role_author);
+ $curr_author = $env{'user.author'};
+ if (($env{'request.role'} =~/^au/) || ($env{'request.role'} =~/^ca/) ||
+ ($env{'request.role'} =~/^aa/)) {
+ $curr_role_author=1;
+ }
+ $curr_is_adv = $env{'user.adv'};
+ $curr_role_adv = $env{'request.role.adv'};
+ if (keys(%userroles) > 0) {
+ foreach my $role (@changed_roles) {
+ unless(grep(/^\Q$role\E$/,@rolecodes)) {
+ push(@rolecodes,$role);
+ }
+ }
+ unless(grep(/^\Qcm\E$/,@rolecodes)) {
+ push(@rolecodes,'cm');
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(\%userroles,\@rolecodes);
+ }
+ my %newenv;
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::is_advanced_user($env{'user.domain'},$env{'user.name'})) {
+ unless ($curr_is_adv) {
+ $newenv{'user.adv'} = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($curr_is_adv && !$curr_role_adv) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv('user.adv');
+ }
+ my %authorroleshash =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles('','','userroles',['active'],['au','ca','aa']);
+ if (keys(%authorroleshash)) {
+ unless ($curr_author) {
+ $newenv{'user.author'} = 1;
+ }
+ } elsif ($curr_author && !$curr_role_author) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv('user.author');
+ }
+ if ($env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my (@activecrsgroups,$crsgroupschanged);
+ if ($env{'request.course.groups'}) {
+ @activecrsgroups = split(/:/,$env{'request.course.groups'});
+ foreach my $item (keys(%deletedroles)) {
+ if ($item =~ m{^gr\./\Q$cdom\E/\Q$cnum\E/(\w+)$}) {
+ if (grep(/^\Q$1\E$/,@activecrsgroups)) {
+ $crsgroupschanged = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($crsgroupschanged) {
+ foreach my $item (keys(%newgroup)) {
+ if ($item =~ m{^gr\./\Q$cdom\E/\Q$cnum\E/(\w+)$}) {
+ if ($newgroup{$item} eq 'active') {
+ $crsgroupschanged = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ((ref($changed_groups{$env{'request.course.id'}}) eq 'HASH') ||
+ (ref($groupchange{"/$cdom/$cnum"}) eq 'HASH') ||
+ ($crsgroupschanged)) {
+ my %grouproles = &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles('','','userroles',
+ ['active'],['gr'],[$cdom],1);
+ my @activegroups;
+ foreach my $item (keys(%grouproles)) {
+ next unless($item =~ /^\Q$cnum\E:\Q$cdom\E/);
+ my $group;
+ my ($crsn,$crsd,$role,$remainder) = split(/:/,$item,4);
+ if ($remainder =~ /:/) {
+ (my $other,$group) = ($remainder =~ /^([\w:]+):([^:]+)$/);
+ } else {
+ $group = $remainder;
+ }
+ if ($group ne '') {
+ push(@activegroups,$group);
+ }
+ }
+ $newenv{'request.course.groups'} = join(':',@activegroups);
+ }
+ }
+ if (keys(%newenv)) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(\%newenv);
+ }
+ if (!@changed_roles || !(keys(%changed_groups))) {
+ my ($rolesmsg,$groupsmsg);
+ if (!@changed_roles) {
+ if (&Apache::loncommon::show_course()) {
+ $rolesmsg = &mt('No new courses or communities');
+ } else {
+ $rolesmsg = &mt('No role changes');
+ }
+ }
+ if ($hasgroups && !(keys(%changed_groups)) && !(grep(/gr/,@changed_roles))) {
+ $groupsmsg = &mt('No changes in course/community groups');
+ }
+ if (!@changed_roles && !(keys(%changed_groups))) {
+ if (($msg ne '') || ($groupsmsg ne '')) {
+ $msg .= '
+ if ($rolesmsg) {
+ $msg .= '
+ }
+ if ($groupsmsg) {
+ $msg .= '
+ }
+ $msg .= '
+ } else {
+ $msg = ' '.$rolesmsg.' ';
+ }
+ return $msg;
+ }
+ }
+ my $changemsg;
+ if (@changed_roles > 0) {
+ if (keys(%newgroup) > 0) {
+ my $groupmsg;
+ my (%curr_groups,%groupdescs,$currcrs);
+ foreach my $item (sort(keys(%newgroup))) {
+ if (&is_active_course($item,$refresh,$update,\%roleshash)) {
+ if ($item =~ m{^gr\./($match_domain/$match_courseid)/(\w+)$}) {
+ my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/\//,$1);
+ my $group = $2;
+ if ($currcrs ne $cdom.'_'.$cnum) {
+ if ($currcrs) {
+ $groupmsg .= '
+ }
+ if ($env{'environment.canrequest.author'}) {
+ unless (&Apache::loncoursequeueadmin::is_active_author()) {
+ my $requestauthor;
+ my ($status,$timestamp) = split(/:/,$env{'environment.requestauthorqueued'});
+ if (($status eq 'approval') || ($status eq 'approved')) {
+ $output .= '
'.&mt('Author role request').' ';
+ if ($status eq 'approval') {
+ $output .= &mt('A request for authoring space submitted on [_1] is awaiting approval',
+ &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($timestamp));
+ } elsif ($status eq 'approved') {
+ my %roleshash =
+ &Apache::lonnet::get_my_roles($env{'user.name'},$env{'user.domain'},'userroles',
+ ['active'],['au'],[$env{'user.domain'}]);
+ if (keys(%roleshash)) {
+ $output .= ''.
+ &mt('Your request for an author role has been approved.').' '.
+ &mt('Use the "Check for changes" link to update your list of roles.').
+ '';
+ }
+ }
+ $output .= '
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unless ($output) {
+ if ($env{'environment.canrequest.author'} || $env{'environment.canrequest.official'} ||
+ $env{'environment.canrequest.unofficial'} || $env{'environment.canrequest.community'}) {
+ $output = &mt('No requests for courses, communities or authoring currently queued');
+ } else {
+ $output = &mt('No enrollment requests currently queued awaiting approval');
+ }
+ }
+ return ' ';
@@ -1073,8 +2815,7 @@ course they should act on, etc. Both in
handler determines via C's C<&allowed> function that a certain
action is not allowed, C is used as error handler. This
allows the user to select another role which may have permission to do
-what they were trying to do. C can also be accessed via the
-B button in the Remote Control.
+what they were trying to do.
=begin latex