Annotation of loncom/build/Makefile, revision 1.118

1.48      harris41    1: # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
1.1       harris41    3: # Scott Harrison
1.118   ! harris41    4: # $Id: Makefile,v 1.117 2002/05/28 20:34:55 harris41 Exp $
1.1       harris41    5: 
1.79      harris41    6: DISTPROBE=`perl ./distprobe`
                      7: DIST=$(DISTPROBE)
1.39      harris41    8: CATEGORY="development"
1.80      harris41    9: SOURCE=../..
1.51      harris41   10: TARGET=""
1.100     harris41   11: DIRTARGET=loncapa
1.55      harris41   12: NORESTORECONF="0"
1.66      harris41   13: HOSTNAME=""
                     14: LAUNCH=| perl
1.106     harris41   15: QUERYLAUNCH=> /tmp/; perl /tmp/
1.66      harris41   16: OUTSTREAM=>
                     18: LAUNCHSAVE=$(OUTSTREAM) $(SAVE)
                     19: METAMTARGET=""
                     20: MTARGET=""
1.82      harris41   21: VERSION=0.1
1.12      harris41   22: 
1.105     harris41   23: help:
1.52      harris41   24: 	@echo "*** You need to specify a valid target ***"
                     25: 	@echo "NOTE: You can specify options to your Makefile target."
1.105     harris41   26: 	@echo "(option) DIST can be redhat7, debian, redhat6.2, or default"
1.52      harris41   27: 	@echo "(option) CATEGORY can be runtime or development"
                     28: 	@echo "(option) SOURCE is an absolute or relative directory path"
                     29: 	@echo "(option) TARGET is an absolute or relative directory path"
                     30: 	@echo "build: compile the CVS source tree"
                     31: 	@echo "install: install from a compiled CVS source tree to a "
                     32: 	@echo "         specified TARGET destination on the filesystem"
                     33: 	@echo "test: test different parts of the LON-CAPA system (TEST_*)"
                     34: 	@echo "TEST_lpml_scripts: make sure that the system can process "
                     35: 	@echo "                   the Linux Packaging Markup Language"
                     36: 	@echo "TEST_system_dependencies: make sure that all needed system "
                     37: 	@echo "                          components are active and present "
                     38: 	@echo "                          on the server such as perl modules"
                     39: 	@echo "                          and the MySQL database"
                     40: 	@echo "TEST_web_layer: mimic a login and various system actions on "
                     41: 	@echo "                a LON-CAPA system"
                     42: 	@echo "HTML: generate an HTML-formatted description of the LON-CAPA"
                     43: 	@echo "      CVS files"
1.54      harris41   44: 	@echo "documentation_tree: compiles a documentation tree from the "
                     45:         @echo "                    CVS:doc directory"
1.52      harris41   46: 	@echo "status: compare the TARGET filesystem with a compiled CVS "
                     47: 	@echo "        source directory"
                     48: 	@echo "statuspost: post the results of "make status" to "
                     49: 	@echo "            TARGET/home/httpd/html/lon-status/filestatus.html"
                     50: 	@echo "rpmstatus: compare the rpms on a system to defined lists "
                     51: 	@echo "           CVS:doc/otherfiles/cd_rpms and "
                     52: 	@echo "           CVS:doc/otherfiles/rpm_list.txt"
                     53: 	@echo "rpmstatuspost: post the results of "make rpmstatus" to "
                     54: 	@echo "            TARGET/home/httpd/html/lon-status/rpmstatus.html"
1.55      harris41   55: 	@echo "RPM: build LON-CAPA-base RPM from CVS repository"
                     56: 	@echo "setup_RPM: build LON-CAPA-setup RPM from CVS repository"
                     57: 	@echo "           handy for CD-ROM generation"
1.83      harris41   58: 	@echo "tardist: build a tarball that will upgrade the software on a "
                     59: 	@echo "         system"
1.1       harris41   60: 
1.52      harris41   61: test: TEST_lpml_scripts TEST_system_dependencies TEST_web_layer
1.41      harris41   62: 	@echo "ALL SYSTEM DEPENDENCY TESTS SUCCESSFUL"
                     64: TEST_system_dependencies:
1.52      harris41   65: 	@echo "TESTING SYSTEM DEPENDENCIES"
1.41      harris41   66: 	cd system_dependencies; make
1.44      harris41   67: 
                     68: TEST_lpml_scripts:
1.52      harris41   69: 	@echo "TESTING LPML INSTALLATION CODE"
1.44      harris41   70: 	cd ../test; perl
1.41      harris41   71: 
1.52      harris41   72: TEST_web_layer:
1.77      harris41   73: 	@echo "TESTING WEB LAYER"
                     74: 	cd weblayer_test; make
1.2       harris41   75: 
1.63      harris41   76: TEST_hosts_tab:
                     77: 	@echo "Testing"
                     78: 	@if (test -h ../; then \
                     79: 		echo "there is a defined link; assume okay"; \
                     80: 	else echo "**** ERROR **** not defined!" && \
                     81: 	     echo -n "You need to do one of the following within your " && \
1.92      harris41   82: 	     echo "CVS repository (cd loncapa/loncom)" && \
                     83: 	     echo "   1) ln -s" && \
                     84: 	     echo "   2) ln -s" && \
                     85: 	     echo "or 3) ln -s" && \
1.63      harris41   86: 	     echo "(you most likely want option #1," && \
                     87: 	     exit 1; \
                     88: 	fi
1.64      harris41   89: 
1.66      harris41   90: NET_hosts_tab:
                     91: 	make TIMESTAMP=`date +"%s"` METAMTARGET="TRANSPORT" \
                     92: 	MTARGET="hosts_tab" HOSTNAME="$(HOSTNAME)" lpmladm
1.64      harris41   94: hosts_tab: TEST_hosts_tab
1.80      harris41   95: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
                     96: 	perl $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/valid_hosts.xfml | \
1.64      harris41   97: 	perl install $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(SOURCE)" \
                     98: 	"$(TARGET)" > Makefile.install
1.66      harris41   99: 	make -f Makefile.install directories
1.64      harris41  100: 	make -f Makefile.install files
                    101: 	@echo "If has changed, restart httpd and loncontrol:"
                    102: 	@echo "   /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart"
                    103: 	@echo "   /etc/rc.d/init.d/loncontrol restart"
1.66      harris41  105: lpmladm:
                    106: 	@if (test $(METAMTARGET) = "TRANSPORT"); then \
                    107: 		echo "Transporting to $(HOSTNAME)"; \
                    108: 		sudo make DIST=$(DIST) CATEGORY=$(CATEGORY) \
                    109: 		SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" \
                    110: 		TARGET="lpmladm.$(TIMESTAMP)" \
                    111: 		NORESTORECONF="$(NORESTORECONF)" "$(MTARGET)"; \
                    112: 		cd lpmladm.$(TIMESTAMP); \
                    113: 		sudo tar czvf ../tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz .; \
                    114: 		cd ..; scp tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz \
                    115: 		lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME):~/tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz; \
                    116: 		ssh lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME) sudo mv tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz /; \
                    117: 		ssh lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME) sudo tar -x -z -v -C / \
                    118: 		-p --same-owner -f \
                    119: 		/tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz; \
                    120: 		ssh lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME) sudo rm -f \
                    121: 		/tarball$(TIMESTAMP).tar.gz; \
                    122: 	elif (test $(METAMTARGET) = "LAUNCH"); then \
                    123: 		echo "Launching process on $(HOSTNAME)"; \
                    124: 		LAUNCHSAVE=$(OUTSTREAM) $(SAVE); \
                    125: 		make DIST=$(DIST) CATEGORY=$(CATEGORY) SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" \
                    126: 		TARGET="$(TARGET)" NORESTORECONF="$(NORESTORECONF)" \
                    127: 		LAUNCH="$(LAUNCHSAVE)" "$(MTARGET)"; \
                    128: 		scp $(SAVE) lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME):~/$(SAVE); \
                    129: 		ssh lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME) sudo perl $(SAVE); \
                    130: 		ssh lpmladm@$(HOSTNAME) sudo rm -f $(SAVE); \
                    131: 	else \
                    132: 		echo "**** ERROR **** Incorrect METAMTARGET"; \
                    133: 	fi
1.3       harris41  135: HTML:
                    136: 	install -d HTML
1.80      harris41  137: 	cp $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/*.gif HTML
                    138: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
                    139: 	perl html development default "$(SOURCE)" '$(TARGET)' \
                    140: 	> HTML/index.html
1.3       harris41  141: 
1.8       harris41  142: status:
1.7       harris41  143: 	install -d HTML
1.80      harris41  144: 	cp $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/*.gif HTML
                    145: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
                    146: 	perl html $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(SOURCE)" "($TARGET)" | \
1.49      harris41  147: 	perl > \
1.39      harris41  148: 	HTML/filestatus.html
1.48      harris41  149: 
1.22      harris41  150: statuspost: status
1.80      harris41  151: 	cp $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/*.gif \
                    152: 	$(TARGET)/home/httpd/html/lon-status
1.52      harris41  153: 	cp HTML/filestatus.html \
                    154: 	$(TARGET)/home/httpd/html/lon-status/filestatus.html
1.22      harris41  155: 
1.33      harris41  156: rpmstatus:
                    157: 	install -d RPMSTATUS
1.52      harris41  158: 	rpm -qa --queryformat \
                    159: 	'%{NAME}\t%{VERSION}\t%{RELEASE}\t%{BUILDTIME}\n' | sort > \
                    160: 	RPMSTATUS/current.tmp
1.80      harris41  161: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/otherfiles/cd_rpms.txt > RPMSTATUS/standard.tmp
                    162: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/otherfiles/rpm_list.txt > RPMSTATUS/expected.tmp
1.52      harris41  163: 	perl RPMSTATUS/standard.tmp RPMSTATUS/current.tmp \
                    164: 	RPMSTATUS/expected.tmp > RPMSTATUS/rpmstatus.html
1.33      harris41  165: 
                    166: rpmstatuspost: rpmstatus
                    167: 	cp RPMSTATUS/rpmstatus.html /home/httpd/html/lon-status/rpmstatus.html
1.37      albertel  169: configinstall: Makefile.configinstall
1.55      harris41  170: 	make -f Makefile.configinstall SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" \
                    171: 	configfiles
                    172: 	if (test "0" = $(NORESTORECONF)); then \
                    173: 	perl loncaparestoreconfigurations suffix .lpmlnew; fi
1.9       harris41  174: 
1.80      harris41  175: Makefile.configinstall: $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml
                    176: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
1.55      harris41  177: 	perl configinstall $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(SOURCE)" \
                    178: 	"$(TARGET)" > Makefile.configinstall
1.37      albertel  179: 
1.45      harris41  180: warningnote:
                    181: 	@if (test -s WARNINGS); then \
                    182: 		W=`grep -c '\*\*\*\* WARNING' WARNINGS`; \
                    183: 		E=`grep -c '\*\*\*\* ERROR' WARNINGS`; \
                    184: 		N=`grep -c '\*\*\*\* NOTE' WARNINGS`; \
                    185: 		echo "--->  $$W WARNINGS ENCOUNTERED!       "; \
                    186: 		echo "--->  $$E ERRORS ENCOUNTERED!         "; \
                    187: 		echo "--->  $$N NOTES ENCOUNTERED!          "; \
                    188: 		echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; \
                    189: 		echo "!!!!  Please read the WARNINGS file !!!!"; \
                    190: 		echo "!!!!   to make sure everything is   !!!!"; \
                    191: 		echo "!!!!    correct and taken care of   !!!!"; \
                    192: 		echo "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"; \
                    193: 	fi
1.65      harris41  194: 
1.66      harris41  195: NET_webserverconf:
                    196: 	make TIMESTAMP=`date +"%s"` METAMTARGET="LAUNCH" \
                    197: 	MTARGET="webserverconf" HOSTNAME="$(HOSTNAME)" lpmladm
1.65      harris41  199: webserverconf:
1.80      harris41  200: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/webserver.piml | \
1.66      harris41  201: 	perl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH)
1.65      harris41  202: 
1.75      harris41  203: sanitycheck:
1.80      harris41  204: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/sanitycheck.piml | \
1.98      harris41  205: 	perl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(LAUNCH) | \
                    206: 	tee -a WARNINGS
                    208: updatequery:
                    209: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/updatequery.piml | \
1.111     harris41  210: 	perl $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(TARGET)" $(QUERYLAUNCH)
1.75      harris41  211: 
1.65      harris41  212: postinstall:
                    213: 	make webserverconf
1.75      harris41  214: 	make sanitycheck
1.117     harris41  215: 
                    216: NET_rawinstall:
                    217: 	make TIMESTAMP=`date +"%s"` METAMTARGET="TRANSPORT" \
                    218: 	MTARGET="rawinstall" HOSTNAME="$(HOSTNAME)" lpmladm
1.45      harris41  219: 
1.63      harris41  220: install: TEST_hosts_tab Makefile.install Makefile
1.46      harris41  221: 	echo -n "" > WARNINGS
1.52      harris41  222: 	make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" \
                    223: 	directories
1.51      harris41  224: 	make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" files
                    225: 	make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" links
1.55      harris41  226: 	make SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" \
                    227: 	NORESTORECONF="$(NORESTORECONF)" configinstall
1.72      harris41  228: 	make postinstall
1.45      harris41  229: 	make warningnote
1.76      harris41  230: 	echo "You can run 'make test' to see if your system is ready to go!"
1.116     harris41  231: 	echo "NOTE THAT YOUR SYSTEM MUST HAVE MYSQL WITH A USER=\"www\" AND"
                    232: 	echo -n "PASSWORD=\"localhostkey\" FOR www\@localhost"
                    233: 	echo -n "(YOU MAY NEED TO REINITIALIZE YOUR MYSQL www\@localhost USER)"
                    234: 	echo -n "Please see for more information"
1.4       harris41  235: 
1.113     harris41  236: rawinstall: Makefile.install Makefile
                    237: 	echo -n "" > WARNINGS
                    238: 	make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" \
                    239: 	directories
                    240: 	make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" files
                    241: 	make -f Makefile.install SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" links
                    242: 	make SOURCE="$(SOURCE)" TARGET="$(TARGET)" \
                    243: 	NORESTORECONF="$(NORESTORECONF)" configinstall
1.115     harris41  245: Makefile.install: alwaysrun
1.80      harris41  246: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
1.52      harris41  247: 	perl install $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(SOURCE)" \
                    248: 	"$(TARGET)" > Makefile.install
1.37      albertel  249: 
1.50      harris41  250: build:
1.91      harris41  251: 	install -d $(SOURCE)/doc/man
                    252: 	install -d $(SOURCE)/doc/scripts
                    253: 	install -d $(SOURCE)/doc/lib/perl/Apache
1.46      harris41  254: 	echo -n "" > WARNINGS
1.37      albertel  255: 	make -f all
1.45      harris41  256: 	make warningnote
1.37      albertel  257: 
1.80      harris41  258: $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml
                    259: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
1.78      harris41  260: 	perl build $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) "$(SOURCE)" "$(TARGET)" \
                    261: 	>
1.8       harris41  262: 
1.55      harris41  263: RPM: BinaryRoot base_rpm_file_list
1.80      harris41  264: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
1.63      harris41  265: 	perl make_rpm $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) $(SOURCE) $(TARGET) \
                    266: 	> base_customizerpm.xml
1.55      harris41  267: 	cat base_rpm_file_list.txt | perl base 3.2 '' '' \
                    268: 	BinaryRoot base_customizerpm.xml
1.59      harris41  270: setup_RPM:
1.55      harris41  271: 	echo "SetupBinaryRoot/etc/passwd" > setup_rpm_file_list.txt
                    272: 	echo "SetupBinaryRoot/etc/group" >> setup_rpm_file_list.txt
                    273: 	echo "SetupBinaryRoot/etc/hosts.deny" >> setup_rpm_file_list.txt
                    274: 	echo "SetupBinaryRoot/home/www" >> setup_rpm_file_list.txt
                    275: 	echo "SetupBinaryRoot/etc/pam.d/passwd" >> setup_rpm_file_list.txt
                    276: 	echo "SetupBinaryRoot/etc/pam.d/login" >> setup_rpm_file_list.txt
                    277: 	perl
                    278: 	cat setup_rpm_file_list.txt | perl setup 3.2 '' '' \
                    279: 	SetupBinaryRoot customizerpm.xml
1.60      harris41  280: 
                    281: DPKG:
1.82      harris41  282: 	make TARGET='lon-capa-$(VERSION)' NORESTORECONF='1' install
1.60      harris41  283: 	@echo "You will next need to follow instructions at:"
                    284: 	@echo ""
                    285: 	@echo "A directory with a snapshot of the debian package files"
                    286: 	@echo "is LON-CAPA-base."
1.82      harris41  287: # What DPKG steps need to happen (for future implementation):
                    288: # export EMAIL="" ... probably
                    289: # deb-make
                    290: # edit debian/control
                    291: # make debian/dirs file
                    292: # make debian/copyright file
                    293: # debian/README.debian... point them to LON-CAPA URLS
                    294: # debian/changelog
                    295: # debian/conffiles
                    296: # debuild
                    297: # and maybe do some GPG-related steps around here
1.55      harris41  298: 
                    299: base_rpm_file_list:
1.80      harris41  300: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
1.55      harris41  301: 	perl rpm_file_list $(CATEGORY) $(DIST) $(SOURCE) \
                    302: 	'BinaryRoot' | sort > base_rpm_file_list.txt
1.6       harris41  303: 
1.55      harris41  304: BinaryRoot: base_rpm_file_list
                    305: 	make TARGET='BinaryRoot' NORESTORECONF='1' install
1.23      harris41  306: 
1.62      harris41  307: # Generates CVS:loncom/build/docs; root location of
                    308: doc:
                    309: 	install -d docs
1.99      harris41  310: 	@if (test -e installation_manual.pdf); then \
                    311: 		cp -vf installation_manual.pdf docs/.; \
                    312: 	else \
                    313: 		touch docs/installation_manual.pdf; \
                    314: 	fi
1.62      harris41  315: 	install -m 0755 -d docs/icons
1.80      harris41  316: 	install -m 0644 $(SOURCE)/doc/icons/[^C][^V]* docs/icons
1.62      harris41  317: 	install -m 0755 -d docs/reconfig
1.99      harris41  318: 	cd docs; ln -fs installation_manual.pdf index.pdf
                    319: 	cd docs/reconfig; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf index.pdf
1.80      harris41  320: 	perl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
                    321: 		$(SOURCE)/doc/build/reconfig.html > docs/reconfig/index.html
1.62      harris41  322: 	install -m 0755 -d docs/reconfig/confexamples
1.80      harris41  323: 	install -m 0644 $(SOURCE)/doc/build/confexamples/[^C][^V]* \
1.62      harris41  324: 		docs/reconfig/confexamples
1.80      harris41  325: 	perl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
                    326: 		$(SOURCE)/doc/build/installindex.html > docs/index.html
1.67      harris41  327: 	install -m 0755 -d docs/license
1.99      harris41  328: 	cd docs/license; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf index.pdf
1.80      harris41  329: 	perl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
                    330: 		$(SOURCE)/doc/build/license.html > docs/license/index.html
1.67      harris41  331: 	install -m 0755 -d docs/contact
1.99      harris41  332: 	cd docs/contact; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf index.pdf
1.80      harris41  333: 	perl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
                    334: 		$(SOURCE)/doc/build/contact.html > docs/contact/index.html
1.68      harris41  335: 	install -m 0755 -d docs/faq
1.99      harris41  336: 	cd docs/faq; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf index.pdf
1.80      harris41  337: 	perl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
                    338: 		$(SOURCE)/doc/build/faq.html > docs/faq/index.html
1.69      harris41  339: 	install -m 0755 -d docs/downloads
1.99      harris41  340: 	cd docs/downloads; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf download.pdf
1.80      harris41  341: 	perl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
                    342: 		$(SOURCE)/doc/build/download.html > docs/downloads/index.html
1.69      harris41  343: 	install -m 0755 -d docs/install
1.99      harris41  344: 	cd docs/install; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf install.pdf
1.80      harris41  345: 	perl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
                    346: 		$(SOURCE)/doc/build/install.html > docs/install/index.html
1.69      harris41  347: 	install -m 0755 -d docs/upgrade
1.99      harris41  348: 	cd docs/upgrade; ln -fs ../installation_manual.pdf upgrade.pdf
1.80      harris41  349: 	perl $(SOURCE)/doc/templates/template.html \
                    350: 		$(SOURCE)/doc/build/upgrade.html > docs/upgrade/index.html
1.62      harris41  351: 	cd docs; tar czvpf ../docs.tar.gz .
1.99      harris41  353: pdfdoc: TEST_html2ps
                    354: 	install -d pdfdoc
                    355: 	/usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
                    356: 	$(SOURCE)/doc/build/installindex_noform.html > pdfdoc/
                    357: 	/usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
                    358: 	$(SOURCE)/doc/build/reconfig.html | \
                    359: 	perl -nle 's/\[EXAMPLE\]/\[EXAMPLE \(at end of document\)\]/g;print' \
                    360: 	> pdfdoc/
                    361: 	/usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
                    362: 	$(SOURCE)/doc/build/install.html > pdfdoc/
                    363: 	/usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
                    364: 	$(SOURCE)/doc/build/upgrade.html > pdfdoc/
                    365: 	/usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
                    366: 	$(SOURCE)/doc/build/faq.html > pdfdoc/
                    367: 	/usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
                    368: 	$(SOURCE)/doc/build/download.html > pdfdoc/
                    369: 	/usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
                    370: 	$(SOURCE)/doc/build/contact.html > pdfdoc/
                    371: 	/usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps -D \
                    372: 	$(SOURCE)/doc/build/license.html > pdfdoc/
                    373: #       This creates a bad so take the long way around
                    374: #	cd $(SOURCE)/doc/build/confexamples; \
                    375: #	mpage -P- -1 -H [^C]* > ../../../loncom/build/pdfdoc/
                    376: 	install -d pdfdoc/confexamples
                    377: 	cd $(SOURCE)/doc/build/confexamples; \
                    378: 	find . -type f | cut -b3- | grep -v '^C' | perl -nle \
                    379: 	'`mpage -P- -1 -H $$_ > ../../../loncom/build/pdfdoc/confexamples/$$`;'
                    380: 	echo '' > pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    381: 	echo '' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    382: 	echo '          The Learning Online Network' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    383: 	echo '                    with the' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    384: 	echo '     Computer-Assisted Personalized Approach' >> \
                    385: 	pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    386: 	echo '' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    387: 	echo '' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    388: 	echo 'CONTENTS' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    389: 	echo '--------' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    390: 	echo 'Opening' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    391: 	echo 'Configuration' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    392: 	echo 'Installation' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    393: 	echo 'Upgrading a LON-CAPA Server' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    394: 	echo 'FAQ' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    395: 	echo 'Download' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    396: 	echo 'Contact Information' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    397: 	echo 'License Information' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    398: 	echo 'Configuration Examples' >> pdfdoc/contents.txt
                    399: 	mpage -P- -1 \
                    400: 	pdfdoc/contents.txt \
                    401: 	pdfdoc/ \
                    402: 	pdfdoc/ \
                    403: 	pdfdoc/ \
                    404: 	pdfdoc/ \
                    405: 	pdfdoc/ \
                    406: 	pdfdoc/ \
                    407: 	pdfdoc/ \
                    408: 	pdfdoc/ \
                    409: 	pdfdoc/confexamples/*.ps \
                    410: 	> pdfdoc/
                    411: 	ps2pdf pdfdoc/ pdfdoc/installation_manual.pdf
                    412: 	mv -vf pdfdoc/installation_manual.pdf .
                    414: TEST_html2ps:
                    415: 	@if (test -e /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps); then \
                    416: 		echo "I can find html2ps; assume okay"; \
                    417: 	else \
                    418: 	echo "**** ERROR **** cannot find /usr/local/html2ps/bin/html2ps!" && \
                    419:         echo "Please visit" && \
                    420: 	exit 1; \
                    421: 	fi
1.80      harris41  423: tardist:
1.104     harris41  424: 	# ----------- MANIFEST the building, testing and standard loncapa files
1.87      harris41  425: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/buildfiles.lpml | \
                    426: 	perl MANIFEST development default \
1.88      harris41  427: 	'$(SOURCE)' '$(TARGET)' | grep '[[:alnum:]]' > $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
1.94      harris41  428: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/testfiles.lpml | \
                    429: 	perl MANIFEST development default \
                    430: 	'$(SOURCE)' '$(TARGET)' | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
1.95      harris41  431: 	cat $(SOURCE)/doc/loncapafiles/loncapafiles.lpml | \
1.80      harris41  432: 	perl MANIFEST development default \
1.88      harris41  433: 	'$(SOURCE)' '$(TARGET)' | grep '[[:alnum:]]' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
1.104     harris41  434: 	# ------ CVS/Entries directories to retain 'time-checking' intelligence
1.90      harris41  435: 	cd $(SOURCE); find . -type f -name 'Entries' | grep 'CVS/Entries' >> \
                    436: 	MANIFEST
1.104     harris41  437: 	# ---- Files for top-level (the vanilla layer that the user first sees)
1.80      harris41  438: 	echo 'README' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
                    439: 	echo 'UPDATE' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
                    440: 	echo 'TEST' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
1.93      harris41  441: 	echo 'CHECKRPMS' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
1.105     harris41  442: 	# ---------------------------------- might as well include the MANIFEST
1.86      harris41  443: 	echo 'MANIFEST' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
1.104     harris41  444: 	# ------------------------------------------ are belong to us
1.89      harris41  445: 	echo 'loncom/' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
                    446: 	echo 'loncom/' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
                    447: 	echo 'loncom/' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
1.104     harris41  448: 	# ------------------ Files needed for dynamically generated directories
1.83      harris41  449: 	echo 'doc/man' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
                    450: 	echo 'doc/lib' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
                    451: 	echo 'doc/lib/perl' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
1.85      harris41  452: 	echo 'doc/lib/perl/Apache' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
1.84      harris41  453: 	echo 'doc/scripts' >> $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
1.104     harris41  454: 	# --------------------------- Point UPDATE to the internal make process
1.80      harris41  455: 	echo '#!/bin/sh' > $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
1.105     harris41  456: 	echo 'touch loncom/build/WARNINGS' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE;
                    457: 	echo 'ln -s loncom/build/WARNINGS WARNINGS' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE;
1.110     harris41  458: 	echo 'cd loncom/build; make build' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
1.113     harris41  459: 	echo 'make rawinstall' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
1.118   ! harris41  460: 	echo 'make configinstall' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
1.108     harris41  461: 	echo 'make updatequery' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
1.109     harris41  462: 	echo 'make hosts_tab' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
1.113     harris41  463: 	echo 'make postinstall' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
                    464: 	echo 'make warningnote' >> $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
1.104     harris41  465: 	# ----------------------------- Point TEST to the internal make process
1.81      harris41  466: 	echo '#!/bin/sh' > $(SOURCE)/TEST
1.80      harris41  467: 	echo 'cd loncom/build; make test' >> $(SOURCE)/TEST
1.104     harris41  468: 	# ----------------------------- Copy CHECKRPMS to the vanilla top-level
1.93      harris41  469: 	cp $(SOURCE)/loncom/build/CHECKRPMS $(SOURCE)/CHECKRPMS
1.104     harris41  470: 	# ----------------------- vanilla executables must indeed be executable
1.80      harris41  471: 	chmod a+rx $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
                    472: 	chmod a+rx $(SOURCE)/TEST
1.93      harris41  473: 	chmod a+rx $(SOURCE)/CHECKRPMS
1.104     harris41  474: 	# -------------------------------- Copy README to the vanilla top-level
1.80      harris41  475: 	cp $(SOURCE)/doc/shortest_path_redhat7.2.txt $(SOURCE)/README
1.104     harris41  476: 	# --------------------------------------------------- Clean up MANIFEST
1.80      harris41  477: 	cd $(SOURCE); \
1.103     harris41  478: 	sort MANIFEST | perl -nle 'print "$(DIRTARGET)/$$_"' | \
1.104     harris41  479: 	perl -nle 's/\w+\/\.\.\///g;s/\w+\/\.\.\///g;print' | \
                    480: 	perl -nle 's/\w+\/\.\.\///g;s/\w+\/\.\.\///g;print' | \
                    481: 	perl -nle 's/\w+\/\.\.\///g;s/\w+\/\.\.\///g;print' | \
                    482: 	perl -nle 's/\/\.\//\//g;print' | sort | uniq > \
                    483: 	MANIFEST_loncapa
                    484: 	# -------------------------------------------------------- Make tardist
                    485: 	@cd $(SOURCE); \
                    486: 	if (test -h $(DIRTARGET)); then \
                    487: 		echo "$(DIRTARGET) link already defined; assume okay"; \
                    488: 	else \
                    489: 		ln -s . $(DIRTARGET); \
                    490: 	fi
1.105     harris41  491: 	cd $(SOURCE); \
1.100     harris41  492: 	tar --no-recursion --numeric-owner --files-from MANIFEST_loncapa \
1.102     harris41  493: 	-h -czf loncapa.tar.gz 2>WARNINGS || [ "0" == "0" ]
1.80      harris41  494: 	cat $(SOURCE)/WARNINGS | \
                    495: 	xargs --replace=XXX echo '**** WARNING **** XXX' > WARNINGS
                    496: 	rm -f $(SOURCE)/WARNINGS
                    497: 	make warningnote
1.52      harris41  498: 
1.1       harris41  499: clean:
1.112     harris41  500: 	rm -Rf HTML
                    501: 	rm -f installation_manual.pdf
                    502: 	rm -f
                    503: 	rm -f Makefile.install
                    504: 	rm -f Makefile.configinstall
                    505: 	rm -Rf BinaryRoot
                    506: 	rm -Rf SetupBinaryRoot
                    507: 	rm -Rf LON-CAPA-base
                    508: 	rm -f base_rpm_file_list.txt
                    509: 	rm -f base_customizerpm.xml
                    510: 	rm -f setup_rpm_file_list.txt
                    511: 	rm -f docs.tar.gz
                    512: 	rm -Rf docs
                    513: 	rm -Rf pdfdoc
                    514: 	rm -f*
                    515: 	rm -Rf lpmladm.*
                    516: 	rm -f WARNINGS
1.114     harris41  517: 	rm -f $(SOURCE)/loncom/build/
1.112     harris41  518: 
                    519: reallyclean:
1.80      harris41  520: 	rm -f $(SOURCE)/README
                    521: 	rm -f $(SOURCE)/UPDATE
                    522: 	rm -f $(SOURCE)/TEST
1.105     harris41  523: 	rm -f $(SOURCE)/MANIFEST
                    524: 	rm -f $(SOURCE)/loncapa
1.114     harris41  525: 	rm -f $(SOURCE)/loncom/build/
1.80      harris41  526: 	rm -f $(SOURCE)/loncapa.tar.gz
1.3       harris41  527: 	rm -Rf HTML
1.99      harris41  528: 	rm -f installation_manual.pdf
1.8       harris41  529: 	rm -f
                    530: 	rm -f Makefile.install
1.57      harris41  531: 	rm -f Makefile.configinstall
1.55      harris41  532: 	rm -Rf BinaryRoot
                    533: 	rm -Rf SetupBinaryRoot
1.62      harris41  534: 	rm -Rf LON-CAPA-base
1.56      harris41  535: 	rm -f base_rpm_file_list.txt
1.58      harris41  536: 	rm -f base_customizerpm.xml
1.56      harris41  537: 	rm -f setup_rpm_file_list.txt
1.62      harris41  538: 	rm -f docs.tar.gz
                    539: 	rm -Rf docs
1.99      harris41  540: 	rm -Rf pdfdoc
1.66      harris41  541: 	rm -f*
                    542: 	rm -Rf lpmladm.*
1.67      harris41  543: 	make -f Makefile.cvs clean
1.80      harris41  544: 	rm -f WARNINGS
1.115     harris41  545: 
                    546: alwaysrun:

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