version 1.6, 2003/02/03 18:03:52
version 1.9, 2004/07/06 18:09:41
Line 92
Line 92
close(OUT); |
close(OUT); |
#' |
# Roll the directory together into the unstable tarball. |
# Roll the directory together into the unstable tarball. |
`cd /home/loninst/auto; ln -s loncapa loncapa-unstable; tar cvvf loncapa-unstable.tar loncapa-unstable/* ;gzip -9 -f loncapa-unstable.tar`; |
`cd /home/loninst/auto; ln -s loncapa loncapa-unstable; tar cvvf loncapa-unstable.tar loncapa-unstable/* ;gzip -9 -f loncapa-unstable.tar`; |
# ---------------------------------------- Dynamically generating documentation |
# ---------------------------------------- Dynamically generating documentation |
`cd /home/loninst/auto/loncapa/loncom/build; make pdfdoc`; |
`cd /home/loninst/auto/loncapa/loncom/build; make doc`; |
system("rm /home/loninst/public_html/*html"); |
`cd /home/loninst/auto/loncapa/loncom/build; cp docs.tar.gz /home/loninst/public_html/docs/.`; |
`cd /home/loninst/public_html/docs; tar xzf docs.tar.gz`; |
# pdf and doc targets are borken right now |
#`cd /home/loninst/auto/loncapa/loncom/build; make pdfdoc`; |
#`cd /home/loninst/auto/loncapa/loncom/build; make doc`; |
#`cd /home/loninst/auto/loncapa/loncom/build; cp docs.tar.gz /home/loninst/public_html/docs/.`; |
#`cd /home/loninst/public_html/docs; tar xzf docs.tar.gz`; |
`cd /home/loninst/auto/loncapa/loncom/build; make buildwebsite`; |
# ------------------------------------ Copying over the latest unstable tarball |
# ------------------------------------ Copying over the latest unstable tarball |
#my $filename=`cd /home/loninst/auto; find loncapa -type f -name *.tar.gz -maxdepth 1`; |
#my $filename=`cd /home/loninst/auto; find loncapa -type f -name *.tar.gz -maxdepth 1`; |
Line 130 $text =~ s/LATESTDATE/$releasedate/g;
Line 137 $text =~ s/LATESTDATE/$releasedate/g;
open(OUT,">/home/loninst/public_html/docs/downloads/index.html"); |
open(OUT,">/home/loninst/public_html/docs/downloads/index.html"); |
print(OUT $text); |
print(OUT $text); |
close(OUT); |
close(OUT); |
#' |
# ---------------------------------------- Determine the latest testing version |
my $filename=`cd /home/loninst/public_html/versions; find . -type f -name LATEST-TESTING-IS-* -maxdepth 1`; |
chomp($filename); |
$filename =~ /LATEST-TESTING-IS-(.*)/; |
my $version = $1; |
open(IN,"</home/loninst/public_html/versions/$filename"); |
my $releasedate = <IN>; |
close(IN); |
# -------------- Updating the download page with the date of the last build |
open(IN,"</home/loninst/public_html/docs/downloads/index.html"); |
my @lines = <IN>; |
close(IN); |
my $text = join('',@lines); |
if ($version) { |
$text =~ s/LATESTTESTINGVERSION/$version/g; |
$text =~ s/LATESTTESTINGDATE/$releasedate/g; |
$text =~ s/TESTINGRELEASE_END//g; |
} else { |
} |
open(OUT,">/home/loninst/public_html/docs/downloads/index.html"); |
print(OUT $text); |
close(OUT); |
system("cp /home/loninst/auto/loncapa/doc/build/*.html /home/loninst/public_html/"); |