File:  [LON-CAPA] / loncom / cfgedittests / append.t
Revision 1.2: download - view: text, annotated - select for diffs
Tue Nov 25 12:15:35 2003 UTC (21 years, 4 months ago) by foxr
Branches: MAIN
CVS tags: version_2_9_X, version_2_9_99_0, version_2_9_1, version_2_9_0, version_2_8_X, version_2_8_99_1, version_2_8_99_0, version_2_8_2, version_2_8_1, version_2_8_0, version_2_7_X, version_2_7_99_1, version_2_7_99_0, version_2_7_1, version_2_7_0, version_2_6_X, version_2_6_99_1, version_2_6_99_0, version_2_6_3, version_2_6_2, version_2_6_1, version_2_6_0, version_2_5_X, version_2_5_99_1, version_2_5_99_0, version_2_5_2, version_2_5_1, version_2_5_0, version_2_4_X, version_2_4_99_0, version_2_4_2, version_2_4_1, version_2_4_0, version_2_3_X, version_2_3_99_0, version_2_3_2, version_2_3_1, version_2_3_0, version_2_2_X, version_2_2_99_1, version_2_2_99_0, version_2_2_2, version_2_2_1, version_2_2_0, version_2_1_X, version_2_1_99_3, version_2_1_99_2, version_2_1_99_1, version_2_1_99_0, version_2_1_3, version_2_1_2, version_2_1_1, version_2_1_0, version_2_12_X, version_2_11_X, version_2_11_6_msu, version_2_11_6, version_2_11_5_msu, version_2_11_5, version_2_11_4_uiuc, version_2_11_4_msu, version_2_11_4, version_2_11_3_uiuc, version_2_11_3_msu, version_2_11_3, version_2_11_2_uiuc, version_2_11_2_msu, version_2_11_2_educog, version_2_11_2, version_2_11_1, version_2_11_0_RC3, version_2_11_0_RC2, version_2_11_0_RC1, version_2_11_0, version_2_10_X, version_2_10_1, version_2_10_0_RC2, version_2_10_0_RC1, version_2_10_0, version_2_0_X, version_2_0_99_1, version_2_0_2, version_2_0_1, version_2_0_0, version_1_99_3, version_1_99_2, version_1_99_1_tmcc, version_1_99_1, version_1_99_0_tmcc, version_1_99_0, version_1_3_X, version_1_3_3, version_1_3_2, version_1_3_1, version_1_3_0, version_1_2_X, version_1_2_99_1, version_1_2_99_0, version_1_2_1, version_1_2_0, version_1_1_X, version_1_1_99_5, version_1_1_99_4, version_1_1_99_3, version_1_1_99_2, version_1_1_99_1, version_1_1_99_0, version_1_1_3, version_1_1_2, version_1_1_1, version_1_1_0, version_1_0_99_3, version_1_0_99_2, version_1_0_99_1, version_1_0_99, loncapaMITrelate_1, language_hyphenation_merge, language_hyphenation, bz6209-base, bz6209, bz5969, bz2851, PRINT_INCOMPLETE_base, PRINT_INCOMPLETE, HEAD, GCI_3, GCI_2, GCI_1, BZ5971-printing-apage, BZ5434-fox, BZ4492-merge, BZ4492-feature_horizontal_radioresponse, BZ4492-feature_Support_horizontal_radioresponse, BZ4492-Support_horizontal_radioresponse
Bring back into the mainl-line from whatever branching hell import decided
to put them in.

# $Id: append.t,v 1.2 2003/11/25 12:15:35 foxr Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt

use strict;
use Test;
use ConfigFileEdit;

#   Test the ability to append an item to the list.
#   Tests we plan are:
#      Append item and check that:
#      1)   The count of items is incremented by 1.
#      2)   The last item is the one we added.
#      3)   Append comment ensure that size of index is not
#           increased.
BEGIN {plan tests=>3}

#   Test that after an append, the count of items is increased by one.

sub TestAppendCount {
    my $editor        = ConfigFileEdit->new("testconfig.cfg", 0);
    my $editorlines   = ($editor->{LineArray});
    my $initiallength = @$editorlines;

    $editorlines      = ($editor->{LineArray});
    my $finallength   = @$editorlines;

    ok($initiallength+1, $finallength);
#   Test that after an append the new item has an index that is last.
sub TestAppendIsLast
    my $editor       = ConfigFileEdit->new("testconfig.cfg", 0);

    my $editorlines  = ($editor->{LineArray});
    my $finallength  = @$editorlines;
    my $editorhash   = ($editor->{KeyToLines});
    my $linenum      = $editorhash->{"onemore"};

    ok($finallength - 1, $linenum); # New line is last line.
#   Test that append comment does not add to the index hash.
sub TestCommentAppend {
    my $editor           = ConfigFileEdit->new("testconfig.cfg", 0);

    # Figure out how many keys we have now.

    my $editorhash       = ($editor->{KeyToLines});
    my @hashkeys         = keys %$editorhash;
    my $initialcount     = @hashkeys;

    #  Append a comment and figure out how many keys we have:

    $editor->Append("#   This is clearly a comment line");
    $editorhash         = ($editor->{KeyToLines});
    @hashkeys           = keys %$editorhash;

    my $finalcount      = @hashkeys;

    ok($initialcount, $finalcount);


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