Annotation of loncom/cgi/mimeTeX/mimetex.c, revision 1.2

1.1       albertel    1: /****************************************************************************
                      2:  *
1.2     ! albertel    3:  * Copyright(c) 2002-2006, John Forkosh Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.
1.1       albertel    4:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                      5:  * This file is part of mimeTeX, which is free software. You may redistribute
                      6:  * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License,
                      7:  * version 2 or later, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
                      8:  *      MimeTeX is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
                      9:  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, not even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY.
                     10:  * See the GNU General Public License for specific details.
                     11:  *      By using mimeTeX, you warrant that you have read, understood and
                     12:  * agreed to these terms and conditions, and that you possess the legal
                     13:  * right and ability to enter into this agreement and to use mimeTeX
                     14:  * in accordance with it.
                     15:  *      Your mimeTeX distribution should contain a copy of the GNU General
                     16:  * Public License.  If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
                     17:  * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA,
                     18:  * or point your browser to
                     19:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                     20:  *
                     21:  * Purpose:   o	MimeTeX, licensed under the gpl, lets you easily embed
                     22:  *		LaTeX math in your html pages.  It parses a LaTeX math
                     23:  *		expression and immediately emits the corresponding gif
                     24:  *		image, rather than the usual TeX dvi.  And mimeTeX is an
                     25:  *		entirely separate little program that doesn't use TeX or
                     26:  *		its fonts in any way.  It's just one cgi that you put in
                     27:  *		your site's cgi-bin/ directory, with no other dependencies.
                     28:  *		So mimeTeX is very easy to install.  And it's equally easy
                     29:  *		to use.  Just place an html <img> tag in your document
                     30:  *		wherever you want to see the corresponding LaTeX expression.
                     31:  *		For example,
                     32:  *		 <img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\int_{-\infty}^xe^{-t^2}dt"
                     33:  *		  alt="" border=0 align=middle>
                     34:  *		immediately generates the corresponding gif image on-the-fly,
                     35:  *		displaying the rendered expression wherever you put that
                     36:  *		<img> tag.  MimeTeX doesn't need intermediate dvi-to-gif
                     37:  *		conversion, and it doesn't clutter up your filesystem with
                     38:  *		separate little gif files for each converted expression.
                     39:  *		There's also no inherent need to repeatedly write the
                     40:  *		cumbersome <img> tag illustrated above.  You can write
                     41:  *		your own custom tags, or write a wrapper script around
                     42:  *		mimeTeX to simplify the necessary notation.
                     43:  *
                     44:  * Functions:	===================== Raster Functions ======================
                     45:  *	PART2	--- raster constructor functions ---
                     46:  *		new_raster(width,height,pixsz)   allocation (and constructor)
                     47:  *		new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)allocation (and constructor)
                     48:  *		new_chardef()                         allocate chardef struct
                     49:  *		delete_raster(rp)        deallocate raster (rp =  raster ptr)
                     50:  *		delete_subraster(sp)  deallocate subraster (sp=subraster ptr)
                     51:  *		delete_chardef(cp)      deallocate chardef (cp = chardef ptr)
                     52:  *		--- primitive (sub)raster functions ---
                     53:  *		rastcpy(rp)                           allocate new copy of rp
                     54:  *		subrastcpy(sp)                        allocate new copy of sp
                     55:  *		rastrot(rp)         new raster rotated right 90 degrees to rp
                     56:  *		rastput(target,source,top,left,isopaque)  overlay src on trgt
                     57:  *		rastcompose(sp1,sp2,offset2,isalign,isfree) sp2 on top of sp1
                     58:  *		rastcat(sp1,sp2,isfree)                  concatanate sp1||sp2
                     59:  *		rastack(sp1,sp2,base,space,iscenter,isfree)stack sp2 atop sp1
                     60:  *		rastile(tiles,ntiles)      create composite raster from tiles
1.2     ! albertel   61:  *		rastsmash(sp1,sp2,xmin,ymin)      calc #smash pixels sp1||sp2
1.1       albertel   62:  *		--- raster "drawing" functions ---
                     63:  *		accent_subraster(accent,width,height)       draw \hat\vec\etc
                     64:  *		arrow_subraster(width,height,drctn,isBig)    left/right arrow
                     65:  *		uparrow_subraster(width,height,drctn,isBig)     up/down arrow
                     66:  *		rule_raster(rp,top,left,width,height,type)    draw rule in rp
                     67:  *		line_raster(rp,row0,col0,row1,col1,thickness) draw line in rp
                     68:  *		line_recurse(rp,row0,col0,row1,col1,thickness)   recurse line
                     69:  *		circle_raster(rp,row0,col0,row1,col1,thickness,quads) ellipse
                     70:  *		circle_recurse(rp,row0,col0,row1,col1,thickness,theta0,theta1)
                     71:  *		bezier_raster(rp,r0,c0,r1,c1,rt,ct)   draw bezier recursively
                     72:  *		border_raster(rp,ntop,nbot,isline,isfree)put border around rp
                     73:  *		--- raster (and chardef) output functions ---
                     74:  *		type_raster(rp,fp)       emit ascii dump of rp on file ptr fp
                     75:  *		type_bytemap(bp,grayscale,width,height,fp) dump bytemap on fp
                     76:  *		xbitmap_raster(rp,fp)           emit mime xbitmap of rp on fp
1.2     ! albertel   77:  *		type_pbmpgm(rp,ptype,file)     pbm or pgm image of rp to file
1.1       albertel   78:  *		cstruct_chardef(cp,fp,col1)         emit C struct of cp on fp
                     79:  *		cstruct_raster(rp,fp,col1)          emit C struct of rp on fp
                     80:  *		hex_bitmap(rp,fp,col1,isstr)emit hex dump of rp->pixmap on fp
                     81:  *		--- ancillary output functions ---
                     82:  *		emit_string(fp,col1,string,comment) emit string and C comment
1.2     ! albertel   83:  *		gftobitmap(rp)        convert .gf-like pixmap to bitmap image
1.1       albertel   84:  *		====================== Font Functions =======================
                     85:  *		--- font lookup functions ---
                     86:  *		get_symdef(symbol)             returns mathchardef for symbol
                     87:  *		get_chardef(symdef,size)      returns chardef for symdef,size
                     88:  *		get_charsubraster(symdef,size)  wrap subraster around chardef
1.2     ! albertel   89:  *		get_symsubraster(symbol,size)    returns subraster for symbol
1.1       albertel   90:  *		--- ancillary font functions ---
                     91:  *		get_baseline(gfdata)       determine baseline (in our coords)
                     92:  *		get_delim(symbol,height,family) delim just larger than height
                     93:  *		make_delim(symbol,height) construct delim exactly height size
                     94:  *		================= Tokenize/Parse Functions ==================
                     95:  *		texchar(expression,chartoken)  retruns next char or \sequence
                     96:  *		texsubexpr(expr,subexpr,maxsubsz,left,right,isescape,isdelim)
1.2     ! albertel   97:  *		texleft(expr,subexpr,maxsubsz,ldelim,rdelim)   \left...\right
1.1       albertel   98:  *		texscripts(expression,subscript,superscript,which)get scripts
                     99:  *		--- ancillary parse functions ---
                    100:  *		isbrace(expression,braces,isescape)   check for leading brace
                    101:  *		preamble(expression,size,subexpr)              parse preamble
                    102:  *		mimeprep(expression) preprocessor converts \left( to \(, etc.
                    103:  *		strchange(nfirst,from,to)   change nfirst chars of from to to
                    104:  *		strreplace(string,from,to,nreplace)  change from to to in str
                    105:  *		strtexchr(string,texchr)                find texchr in string
                    106:  *		findbraces(expression,command)    find opening { or closing }
                    107:  *	PART3	=========== Rasterize an Expression (recursively) ===========
                    108:  *		--- here's the primary entry point for all of mimeTeX ---
                    109:  *		rasterize(expression,size)     parse and rasterize expression
                    110:  *		--- explicitly called handlers that rasterize... ---
                    111:  *		rastparen(subexpr,size,basesp)          parenthesized subexpr
                    112:  *		rastlimits(expression,size,basesp)    dispatch super/sub call
                    113:  *		rastscripts(expression,size,basesp) super/subscripted exprssn
                    114:  *		rastdispmath(expression,size,sp)      scripts for displaymath
                    115:  *		--- table-driven handlers that rasterize... ---
                    116:  *		rastleft(expression,size,basesp,ildelim,arg2,arg3)\left\right
1.2     ! albertel  117:  *		rastright(expression,size,basesp,ildelim,arg2,arg3) ...\right
        !           118:  *		rastmiddle(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)     \middle
1.1       albertel  119:  *		rastflags(expression,size,basesp,flag,value,arg3)    set flag
                    120:  *		rastspace(expression,size,basesp,width,isfill,isheight)\,\:\;
                    121:  *		rastnewline(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)         \\
                    122:  *		rastarrow(expression,size,basesp,width,height,drctn) \longarr
                    123:  *		rastuparrow(expression,size,basesp,width,height,drctn)up/down
                    124:  *		rastoverlay(expression,size,basesp,overlay,arg2,arg3)    \not
                    125:  *		rastfrac(expression,size,basesp,isfrac,arg2,arg3) \frac \atop
                    126:  *		rastackrel(expression,size,basesp,base,arg2,arg3)   \stackrel
                    127:  *		rastmathfunc(expression,size,basesp,base,arg2,arg3) \lim,\etc
                    128:  *		rastsqrt(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)         \sqrt
                    129:  *		rastaccent(expression,size,basesp,accent,isabove,isscript)
                    130:  *		rastfont(expression,size,basesp,font,arg2,arg3) \cal{},\scr{}
                    131:  *		rastbegin(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)     \begin{}
                    132:  *		rastarray(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)       \array
                    133:  *		rastpicture(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)   \picture
                    134:  *		rastline(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)         \line
                    135:  *		rastcircle(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)     \circle
                    136:  *		rastbezier(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)     \bezier
                    137:  *		rastraise(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)    \raisebox
                    138:  *		rastrotate(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)  \rotatebox
                    139:  *		rastfbox(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)         \fbox
                    140:  *		rastinput(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)       \input
                    141:  *		rastcounter(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)   \counter
1.2     ! albertel  142:  *		rasttoday(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3)       \today
        !           143:  *		rastcalendar(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3) \calendar
1.1       albertel  144:  *		rastnoop(expression,size,basesp,arg1,arg2,arg3) flush \escape
                    145:  *		--- helper functions for handlers ---
                    146:  *		rastopenfile(filename,mode)      opens filename[.tex] in mode
1.2     ! albertel  147:  *		rasteditfilename(filename)       edit filename (for security)
        !           148:  *		rastreadfile(filename,islock,tag,value)   read <tag>...</tag>
1.1       albertel  149:  *		rastwritefile(filename,tag,value,isstrict)write<tag>...</tag>
1.2     ! albertel  150:  *		calendar(year,month,day)    formats one-month calendar string
        !           151:  *		timestamp(tzdelta,ifmt)              formats timestamp string
        !           152:  *		tzadjust(tzdelta,year,month,day,hour)        adjust date/time
        !           153:  *		daynumber(year,month,day)     #days since Monday, Jan 1, 1973
        !           154:  *		dbltoa(d,npts)                double to comma-separated ascii
1.1       albertel  155:  *		=== Anti-alias completed raster (lowpass) or symbols (ss) ===
                    156:  *		aalowpass(rp,bytemap,grayscale)     lowpass grayscale bytemap
                    157:  *		aapnm(rp,bytemap,grayscale)       lowpass based on pnmalias.c
                    158:  *		aasupsamp(rp,aa,sf,grayscale)             or by supersampling
                    159:  *		aacolormap(bytemap,nbytes,colors,colormap)make colors,colormap
                    160:  *		aaweights(width,height)      builds "canonical" weight matrix
                    161:  *		aawtpixel(image,ipixel,weights,rotate) weight image at ipixel
                    162:  *	PART1	========================== Driver ===========================
                    163:  *		main(argc,argv) parses math expression and emits mime xbitmap
1.2     ! albertel  164:  *		CreateGifFromEq(expression,gifFileName)  entry pt for win dll
1.1       albertel  165:  *		isstrstr(string,snippets,iscase)  are any snippets in string?
                    166:  *		ismonth(month)          is month current month ("jan"-"dec")?
                    167:  *		unescape_url(url,isescape), x2c(what)   xlate %xx url-encoded
                    168:  *		logger(fp,msglevel,logvars)        logs environment variables
1.2     ! albertel  169:  *		emitcache(cachefile,maxage,isbuffer) emit cachefile to stdout
        !           170:  *		readcachefile(cachefile,buffer)    read cachefile into buffer
1.1       albertel  171:  *		md5str(instr)                      md5 hash library functions
                    172:  *		GetPixel(x,y)           callback function for gifsave library
                    173:  *
                    174:  * Source:	mimetex.c  (needs mimetex.h and texfonts.h to compile,
                    175:  *		and also needs gifsave.c if compiled with -DAA or -DGIF)
                    176:  *
                    177:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    178:  * Notes      o	See bottom of file for main() driver (and "friends"),
                    179:  *		and compile as
                    180:  *		   cc -DAA mimetex.c gifsave.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi
                    181:  *		to produce an executable that emits gif images with
                    182:  *		anti-aliasing (see Notes below).  You may also compile
                    183:  *		   cc -DGIF mimetex.c gifsave.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi
                    184:  *		to produce an executable that emits gif images without
                    185:  *		anti-aliasing.  Alternatively, compile mimeTeX as
                    186:  *		   cc -DXBITMAP mimetex.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi
                    187:  *		to produce an executable that just emits mime xbitmaps.
                    188:  *		In either case you'll need mimetex.h and texfonts.h,
                    189:  *		and with -DAA or -DGIF you'll also need gifsave.c
                    190:  *	      o	For gif images, the gifsave.c library by Sverre H. Huseby
                    191:  *		<> slightly modified by me to allow
                    192:  *		(a)sending output to stdout and (b)specifying a transparent
                    193:  *		background color index, is included with mimeTeX,
                    194:  *		and it's documented in mimetex.html#gifsave .
                    195:  *	      o	Optional compile-line -D defined symbols are documented
                    196:  *		in mimetex.html#options .  They include...
                    197:  *		-DAA
                    198:  *		    Turns on gif anti-aliasing with default values
                    199:  *		    (CENTERWT=32, ADJACENTWT=3, CORNERWT=1)
                    200:  *		    for the following anti-aliasing parameters...
                    201:  *		-DCENTERWT=n
                    202:  *		-DADJACENTWT=j
                    203:  *		-DCORNERWT=k
                    204:  *		    MimeTeX currently provides a lowpass filtering
                    205:  *		    algorithm for anti-aliasing, which is applied to the
                    206:  *		    existing set of bitmap fonts.  This lowpass filter
                    207:  *		    applies default weights
                    208:  *				1   3   1
                    209:  *				3  32   3
                    210:  *				1   3   1
                    211:  *		    to neighboring pixels. The defaults weights are
                    212:  *		    CENTERWT=32, ADJACENTWT=3 and CORNERWT=1,
                    213:  *		    which you can adjust to control anti-aliasing.
                    214:  *		    Lower CENTERWT values will blur/spread out lines
                    215:  *		    while higher values will tend to sharpen lines.
                    216:  *		    Experimentation is recommended to determine
                    217:  *		    what value works best for you.
                    218:  *		-DCACHEPATH=\"path/\"
                    219:  *		    This option saves each rendered image to a file
                    220:  *		    in directory  path/  which mimeTeX reads rather than
                    221:  *		    re-rendering the same image every time it's given
                    222:  *		    the same LaTeX expression.  Sometimes mimeTeX disables
                    223:  *		    caching, e.g., expressions containing \input{ } are
                    224:  *		    re-rendered since the contents of the inputted file
                    225:  *		    may have changed.  If compiled without -DCACHEPATH
                    226:  *		    mimeTeX always re-renders expressions.  This usually
                    227:  *		    isn't too cpu intensive, but if you have unusually
                    228:  *		    high hit rates then image caching may be helpful.
                    229:  *			The  path/  is relative to mimetex.cgi, and must
                    230:  *		    be writable by it.  Files created under  path/  are
                    231:  *		    named filename.gif, where filename is the 32-character
                    232:  *		    MD5 hash of the LaTeX expression.
                    233:  *		-DDISPLAYSIZE=n
                    234:  *		    By default, operator limits like \int_a^b are rendered
                    235:  *		    \textstyle at font sizes \normalsize and smaller,
                    236:  *		    and rendered \displaystyle at font sizes \large and
                    237:  *		    larger.  This default corresponds to -DDISPLAYSIZE=3,
                    238:  *		    which you can adjust; e.g., -DDISPLAYSIZE=0 always
                    239:  *		    defaults to \displaystyle, and 99 (or any large number)
                    240:  *		    always defaults to \textstyle.  Note that explicit
                    241:  *		    \textstyle, \displaystyle, \limits or \nolimits
                    242:  *		    directives in an expression always override
                    243:  *		    the DISPLAYSIZE default.
                    244:  *		-NORMALSIZE=n
                    245:  *		    MimeTeX currently has six font sizes numbered 0-5,
                    246:  *		    and always starts in NORMALSIZE whose default value
                    247:  *		    is 2.  Specify -DNORMALSIZE=3 on the compile line if
                    248:  *		    you prefer mimeTeX to start in default size 3, etc.
                    249:  *		-DREFERER=\"domain\"   -or-
                    250:  *		-DREFERER=\"domain1,domain2,etc\"
                    251:  *		    Blocks mimeTeX requests from unauthorized domains that
                    252:  *		    may be using your server's mimetex.cgi without permission.
                    253:  *		    If REFERER is defined, mimeTeX checks for the environment
                    254:  *		    variable HTTP_REFERER and, if it exists, performs a
                    255:  *		    case-insensitive test to make sure it contains 'domain'
                    256:  *		    as a substring.  If given several 'domain's (second form)
                    257:  *		    then HTTP_REFERER must contain either 'domain1' or
                    258:  *		    'domain2', etc, as a (case-insensitive) substring.
                    259:  *		    If HTTP_REFERER fails to contain a substring matching
                    260:  *		    any of these domain(s), mimeTeX emits an error message
                    261:  *		    image corresponding to the expression specified by
                    262:  *		    the  invalid_referer_msg  string defined in main().
                    263:  *		    Note: if HTTP_REFERER is not an environment variable,
                    264:  *		    mimeTeX correctly generates the requested expression
                    265:  *		    (i.e., no referer error).
                    266:  *		-DWARNINGS=n  -or-
                    267:  *		-DNOWARNINGS
                    268:  *		    If an expression submitted to mimeTeX contains an
                    269:  *		    unrecognzied escape sequence, e.g., "y=x+\abc+1", then
                    270:  *		    mimeTeX generates a gif image containing an embedded
                    271:  *		    warning in the form "y=x+[\abc?]+1".  If you want these
                    272:  *		    warnings suppressed, -DWARNINGS=0 or -DNOWARNINGS tells
                    273:  *		    mimeTeX to ignore unrecognized symbols, and the rendered
                    274:  *		    image is "y=x++1" instead.
                    275:  *		-DWHITE
                    276:  *		    MimeTeX usually renders black symbols on a white
                    277:  *		    background.  This option renders white symbols on
                    278:  *		    a black background instead.
                    279:  *	      o	See individual function entry points for further comments.
                    280:  *	      o	The font information in texfonts.h was produced by multiple
                    281:  *		runs of gfuntype, one run per struct (i.e., one run per font
                    282:  *		family at a particular size).  See gfuntype.c, and also
                    283:  *		mimetex.html#fonts, for details.
                    284:  *	      o	mimetex.c contains library functions implementing a raster
                    285:  *		datatype, functions to manipulate rasterized .mf fonts
                    286:  *		(see gfuntype.c which rasterizes .mf fonts), functions
                    287:  *		to parse LaTeX expressions, etc.  A complete list of
                    288:  *		mimetex.c functions is above.  See their individual entry
                    289:  *		points below for further comments.
                    290:  *		   All these functions eventually belong in several
                    291:  *		different modules, possibly along the lines suggested
                    292:  *		by the divisions above.  But until the best decomposition
                    293:  *		becomes clear, it seems better to keep mimetex.c
                    294:  *		neatly together, avoiding a bad decomposition that
                    295:  *		becomes permanent by default.
                    296:  *	      o	The "main" reusable function is rasterize(),
                    297:  *		which takes a string like "f(x)=\int_{-\infty}^xe^{-t^2}dt"
                    298:  *		and returns a (sub)raster representing it as a bit or bytemap.
                    299:  *		Your application can do anything it likes with this pixel map.
                    300:  *		MimeTeX just outputs it, either as a mime xbitmap or as a gif.
                    301:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    302:  * Revision History:
                    303:  * 09/18/02	J.Forkosh	Installation.
                    304:  * 12/11/02	J.Forkosh	Version 1.00 released.
                    305:  * 07/04/03	J.Forkosh	Version 1.01 released.
                    306:  * 10/17/03	J.Forkosh	Version 1.20 released.
                    307:  * 12/21/03	J.Forkosh	Version 1.30 released.
                    308:  * 02/01/04	J.Forkosh	Version 1.40 released.
                    309:  * 10/02/04	J.Forkosh	Version 1.50 released.
                    310:  * 11/30/04	J.Forkosh	Version 1.60 released.
                    311:  *
                    312:  ****************************************************************************/
                    314: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    315: header files and macros
                    316: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    317: /* --- standard headers --- */
                    318: #include <stdio.h>
                    319: #include <stdlib.h>
                    320: /*#include <unistd.h>*/
                    321: #include <string.h>
                    322: #include <ctype.h>
                    323: #include <math.h>
                    324: #include <time.h>
                    326: /* --- windows-specific header info --- */
                    327: #ifndef WINDOWS			/* -DWINDOWS not supplied by user */
1.2     ! albertel  328:   #if defined(_WINDOWS) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(WIN32) \
        !           329:   ||  defined(DJGPP)		/* try to recognize windows compilers */ \
        !           330:   ||  defined(_USRDLL)		/* must be WINDOWS if compiling for DLL */
1.1       albertel  331:     #define WINDOWS		/* signal windows */
                    332:   #endif
                    333: #endif
                    334: #ifdef WINDOWS			/* Windows opens stdout in char mode, and */
                    335:   #include <fcntl.h>		/* precedes every 0x0A with spurious 0x0D.*/
                    336:   #include <io.h>		/* So emitcache() issues a Win _setmode() */
                    337: 				/* call to put stdout in binary mode. */
                    338:   #if defined(_O_BINARY) && !defined(O_BINARY)  /* only have _O_BINARY */
                    339:     #define O_BINARY _O_BINARY	/* make O_BINARY available, etc... */
                    340:     #define setmode  _setmode
                    341:     #define fileno   _fileno
                    342:   #endif
                    343:   #if defined(_O_BINARY) || defined(O_BINARY)  /* setmode() now available */
                    344:     #define HAVE_SETMODE	/* so we'll use setmode() */
                    345:   #endif
1.2     ! albertel  346:   #if defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_DEBUG) /* MS VC++ in debug mode */
        !           347:     /* to show source file and line numbers where memory leaks occur... */
        !           348:     #define _CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC	/* ...include this debug macro */
        !           349:     #include <crtdbg.h>		/* and this debug library */
        !           350:   #endif
1.1       albertel  351:   #define ISWINDOWS 1
                    352: #else
                    353:   #define ISWINDOWS 0
                    354: #endif
                    356: /* --- check for supersampling or low-pass anti-aliasing --- */
                    357: #ifdef SS
                    358:   #define ISSUPERSAMPLING 1
                    359:   #ifndef AAALGORITHM
                    360:     #define AAALGORITHM 1		/* default supersampling algorithm */
                    361:   #endif
                    362:   #ifndef AA				/* anti-aliasing not explicitly set */
                    363:     #define AA				/* so define it ourselves */
                    364:   #endif
                    365:   #ifndef SSFONTS			/* need supersampling fonts */
                    366:     #define SSFONTS
                    367:   #endif
                    368: #else
                    369:   #define ISSUPERSAMPLING 0
                    370:   #ifndef AAALGORITHM
                    371:     #define AAALGORITHM 2		/* default lowpass algorithm */
                    372:   #endif
                    373: #endif
                    375: /* --- set aa (and default gif) if any anti-aliasing options specified --- */
                    376: #if defined(AA) || defined(GIF) || defined(PNG) \
                    377: ||  defined(CENTERWT) || defined(ADJACENTWT) || defined(CORNERWT) \
                    378: ||  defined(MINADJACENT) || defined(MAXADJACENT)
                    379:   #if !defined(GIF) && !defined(AA)	/* aa not explicitly specified */
                    380:     #define AA				/* so define it ourselves */
                    381:   #endif
                    382:   #if !defined(GIF) && !defined(PNG)	/* neither gif nor png specified */
                    383:     #define GIF				/* so default to gif */
                    384:   #endif
                    385: #endif
                    386: /* --- resolve output option inconsistencies --- */
                    387: #if defined(XBITMAP)			/* xbitmap supercedes gif and png */
                    388:   #ifdef AA
                    389:     #undef AA
                    390:   #endif
                    391:   #ifdef GIF
                    392:     #undef GIF
                    393:   #endif
                    394:   #ifdef PNG
                    395:     #undef PNG
                    396:   #endif
                    397: #endif
                    399: /* --- decide whether to compile main() --- */
                    400: #if defined(XBITMAP) || defined(GIF) || defined(PNG)
                    401:   #define DRIVER			/* driver will be compiled */
                    402:   /* --- check whether or not to perform http_referer check --- */
                    403:   #ifndef REFERER			/* all http_referer's allowed */
                    404:     #define REFERER NULL
                    405:   #endif
                    406:   /* --- max query_string length if no http_referer supplied --- */
                    407:   #ifndef NOREFMAXLEN
                    408:     #define NOREFMAXLEN 9999		/* default to any length query */
                    409:   #endif
                    410: #else
                    411:   #define NOTEXFONTS			/* texfonts not required */
                    412: #endif
                    414: /* --- application headers --- */
                    415: #if !defined(NOTEXFONTS) && !defined(TEXFONTS)
                    416:   #define TEXFONTS			/* to include texfonts.h */
                    417: #endif
                    418: #include "mimetex.h"
1.2     ! albertel  419: /* --- info needed when gif image returned in memory buffer --- */
        !           420: #ifdef GIF				/* compiling along with gifsave.c */
        !           421:   extern int gifSize;
        !           422:   extern int maxgifSize;
        !           423: #else					/* or just set dummy values */
        !           424:   static int gifSize=0, maxgifSize=0;
        !           425: #endif
1.1       albertel  426: 
                    427: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    428: adjustable default values
                    429: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    430: /* --- anti-aliasing parameters --- */
                    431: #ifndef	CENTERWT
1.2     ! albertel  432:   /*#define CENTERWT 32*/		/* anti-aliasing centerwt default */
1.1       albertel  433:   /*#define CENTERWT 10*/		/* anti-aliasing centerwt default */
1.2     ! albertel  434:   #define CENTERWT 8			/* anti-aliasing centerwt default */
1.1       albertel  435: #endif
                    436: #ifndef	ADJACENTWT
                    437:   /*#define ADJACENTWT 3*/		/* anti-aliasing adjacentwt default*/
1.2     ! albertel  438:   #define ADJACENTWT 2			/* anti-aliasing adjacentwt default*/
1.1       albertel  439: #endif
                    440: #ifndef	CORNERWT
                    441:   #define CORNERWT 1			/* anti-aliasing cornerwt default*/
                    442: #endif
                    443: #ifndef	MINADJACENT
                    444:   #define MINADJACENT 6			/*anti-aliasing minadjacent default*/
                    445: #endif
                    446: #ifndef	MAXADJACENT
                    447:   #define MAXADJACENT 8			/*anti-aliasing maxadjacent default*/
                    448: #endif
                    449: /* --- variables for anti-aliasing parameters --- */
                    450: GLOBAL(int,centerwt,CENTERWT);		/*lowpass matrix center pixel wt */
                    451: GLOBAL(int,adjacentwt,ADJACENTWT);	/*lowpass matrix adjacent pixel wt*/
                    452: GLOBAL(int,cornerwt,CORNERWT);		/*lowpass matrix corner pixel wt */
                    453: GLOBAL(int,minadjacent,MINADJACENT);	/* darken if>=adjacent pts black*/
                    454: GLOBAL(int,maxadjacent,MAXADJACENT);	/* darken if<=adjacent pts black */
                    455: GLOBAL(int,weightnum,1);		/* font wt, */
                    456: GLOBAL(int,maxaaparams,4);		/* #entries in table */
                    457: /* --- parameter values by font weight --- */
                    458: #define	aaparameters struct aaparameters_struct /* typedef */
                    459: aaparameters
                    460:   { int	centerwt;			/* lowpass matrix center   pixel wt*/
                    461:     int	adjacentwt;			/* lowpass matrix adjacent pixel wt*/
                    462:     int cornerwt;			/* lowpass matrix corner   pixel wt*/
                    463:     int	minadjacent;			/* darken if >= adjacent pts black */
                    464:     int	maxadjacent;			/* darken if <= adjacent pts black */
                    465:     int fgalias,fgonly,bgalias,bgonly; } ; /* aapnm() params */
                    466: STATIC aaparameters aaparams[]		/* set params by weight */
                    467:   #ifdef INITVALS
                    468:   =
                    469:   { /* ----------------------------------------------------
                    470:     centerwt adj corner minadj max  fgalias,only,bgalias,only
                    471:     ------------------------------------------------------- */
                    472: 	{ 64,  1,  1,    6,  8,     1,0,0,0 },	/* 0 = light */
                    474: 	{ 8,   1,  1,    5,  8,     1,0,0,0 },	/* 2 = semibold */
                    475: 	{ 8,   2,  1,    4,  9,     1,0,0,0 }	/* 3 = bold */
                    476:   } /* --- end-of-aaparams[] --- */
                    477:   #endif
                    478:   ;
                    480: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    481: other variables
                    482: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    483: /* --- black on white background (default), or white on black --- */
                    484: #ifdef WHITE
                    485:   #define ISBLACKONWHITE 0		/* white on black background */
                    486: #else
                    487:   #define ISBLACKONWHITE 1		/* black on white background */
                    488: #endif
                    489: /* --- colors --- */
                    490: #define	BGRED   (ISBLACKONWHITE?255:0)
                    491: #define	BGGREEN (ISBLACKONWHITE?255:0)
                    492: #define	BGBLUE  (ISBLACKONWHITE?255:0)
                    493: #ifndef	FGRED
                    494:   #define FGRED   (ISBLACKONWHITE?0:255)
                    495: #endif
                    496: #ifndef	FGGREEN
                    497:   #define FGGREEN (ISBLACKONWHITE?0:255)
                    498: #endif
                    499: #ifndef	FGBLUE
                    500:   #define FGBLUE  (ISBLACKONWHITE?0:255)
                    501: #endif
1.2     ! albertel  502: /* --- "smash" margin (0 means no smashing) --- */
        !           503: #ifndef SMASHMARGIN
        !           504:   #ifdef NOSMASH
        !           505:     #define SMASHMARGIN 0
1.1       albertel  506:   #else
1.2     ! albertel  507:     #define SMASHMARGIN 3
1.1       albertel  508:   #endif
                    509: #endif
                    510: /* --- textwidth --- */
                    511: #ifndef TEXTWIDTH
                    512:   #define TEXTWIDTH (400)
                    513: #endif
                    514: /* --- font "combinations" --- */
1.2     ! albertel  515: #define	CMSYEX (109)			/*select CMSY10, CMEX10 or STMARY10*/
1.1       albertel  516: /* --- prefix prepended to all expressions --- */
                    517: #ifndef	PREFIX
                    518:   #define PREFIX "\000"			/* default no prepended prefix */
                    519: #endif
                    520: /* --- skip argv[]'s preceding ARGSIGNAL when parsing command-line args --- */
                    521: #ifdef NOARGSIGNAL
                    522:   #define ARGSIGNAL NULL
                    523: #endif
                    524: #ifndef	ARGSIGNAL
                    525:   #define ARGSIGNAL "++"
                    526: #endif
                    527: /* --- security and logging (inhibit message logging, etc) --- */
                    528: #ifndef	SECURITY
                    529:   #define SECURITY 999			/* default highest security level */
                    530: #endif
                    531: #ifndef	LOGFILE
                    532:   #define LOGFILE "mimetex.log"		/* default log file */
                    533: #endif
                    534: #ifndef	CACHELOG
                    535:   #define CACHELOG "mimetex.log"	/* default caching log file */
                    536: #endif
                    537: #if !defined(NODUMPENVP) && !defined(DUMPENVP)
                    538:   #define DUMPENVP			/* assume char *envp[] available */
                    539: #endif
                    540: /* --- image caching (cache images if given -DCACHEPATH=\"path\") --- */
                    541: #ifndef CACHEPATH
                    542:   #define ISCACHING 0			/* no caching */
                    543:   #define CACHEPATH "\000"		/* same directory as mimetex.cgi */
                    544: #else
                    545:   #define ISCACHING 1			/* caching if -DCACHEPATH="path" */
                    546: #endif
                    547: /* --- \input paths (prepend prefix if given -DPATHPREFIX=\"prefix\") --- */
                    548: #ifndef PATHPREFIX
                    549:   #define PATHPREFIX "\000"		/* paths relative mimetex.cgi */
                    550: #endif
1.2     ! albertel  551: /* --- time zone delta t (in hours) --- */
        !           552: #ifndef TZDELTA
        !           553:   #define TZDELTA 0
        !           554: #endif
1.1       albertel  555: 
                    556: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    557: debugging and logging / error reporting
                    558: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    559: /* --- debugging and error reporting --- */
                    560: #ifndef	MSGLEVEL
                    561:   #define MSGLEVEL 1
                    562: #endif
                    563: #define	DBGLEVEL 9			/* debugging if msglevel>=DBGLEVEL */
                    564: #define	LOGLEVEL 3			/* logging if msglevel>=LOGLEVEL */
                    565: #ifndef FORMLEVEL
                    566:   #define FORMLEVEL LOGLEVEL		/*msglevel if called from html form*/
                    567: #endif
                    568: GLOBAL(int,seclevel,SECURITY);		/* security level */
                    569: GLOBAL(int,msglevel,MSGLEVEL);		/* message level for verbose/debug */
                    570: STATIC	FILE *msgfp;			/* output in command-line mode */
                    571: /* --- embed warnings in rendered expressions, [\xxx?] if \xxx unknown --- */
                    572: #ifdef WARNINGS
                    573:   #define WARNINGLEVEL WARNINGS
                    574: #else
                    575:   #ifdef NOWARNINGS
                    576:     #define WARNINGLEVEL 0
                    577:   #else
                    578:     #define WARNINGLEVEL 1
                    579:   #endif
                    580: #endif
                    581: GLOBAL(int,warninglevel,WARNINGLEVEL);	/* warning level */
                    583: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    584: control flags and values
                    585: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    586: GLOBAL(int,recurlevel,0);		/* inc/decremented in rasterize() */
                    587: GLOBAL(int,scriptlevel,0);		/* inc/decremented in rastlimits() */
1.2     ! albertel  588: GLOBAL(int,isstring,0);			/*pixmap is ascii string, not raster*/
        !           589: /*SHARED(int,imageformat,1);*/		/* image is 1=bitmap, */
1.1       albertel  590: GLOBAL(int,isdisplaystyle,1);		/* displaystyle mode (forced if 2) */
                    591: GLOBAL(int,ispreambledollars,0);	/* displaystyle mode set by $$...$$ */
1.2     ! albertel  592: GLOBAL(int,fontnum,0);			/* cal=1,scr=2,rm=3,it=4,bb=5,bf=6 */
1.1       albertel  593: GLOBAL(int,fontsize,NORMALSIZE);	/* current size */
                    594: GLOBAL(int,displaysize,DISPLAYSIZE);	/* use \displaystyle when fontsize>=*/
                    595: GLOBAL(int,shrinkfactor,3);		/* shrinkfactors[fontsize] */
                    596: GLOBAL(double,unitlength,1.0);		/* #pixels per unit (may be <1.0) */
                    597: /*GLOBAL(int,textwidth,TEXTWIDTH);*/	/* #pixels across line */
1.2     ! albertel  598: GLOBAL(int,iscatspace,1);		/* true to add space in rastcat() */
        !           599: GLOBAL(int,smashmargin,SMASHMARGIN);	/* minimum "smash" margin */
        !           600: GLOBAL(int,issmashdelta,1);		/* true if smashmargin is a delta */
        !           601: GLOBAL(int,blanksignal,(-991234));	/*rastsmash signal right-hand blank*/
1.1       albertel  602: GLOBAL(int,istransparent,1);		/*true to set background transparent*/
                    603: GLOBAL(int,fgred,FGRED);
                    604:   GLOBAL(int,fggreen,FGGREEN);
                    605:   GLOBAL(int,fgblue,FGBLUE);		/* fg r,g,b */
                    606: GLOBAL(int,bgred,BGRED);
                    607:   GLOBAL(int,bggreen,BGGREEN);
                    608:   GLOBAL(int,bgblue,BGBLUE);		/* bg r,g,b */
                    609: GLOBAL(int,isblackonwhite,ISBLACKONWHITE); /*1=black on white,0=reverse*/
                    610: GLOBAL(char,exprprefix[256],PREFIX);	/* prefix prepended to expressions */
                    611: GLOBAL(int,aaalgorithm,AAALGORITHM);	/* for lp, 1=aalowpass, 2 =aapnm */
                    612: GLOBAL(int,fgalias,1);
                    613:   GLOBAL(int,fgonly,0);
                    614:   GLOBAL(int,bgalias,0);
                    615:   GLOBAL(int,bgonly,0);			/* aapnm() params */
                    616: GLOBAL(int,issupersampling,ISSUPERSAMPLING); /*1=supersampling 0=lowpass*/
                    617: GLOBAL(int,isss,ISSUPERSAMPLING);	/* supersampling flag for main() */
                    618: GLOBAL(int,*workingparam,(int *)NULL);	/* working parameter */
                    619: GLOBAL(subraster,*workingbox,(subraster *)NULL); /*working subraster box*/
                    620: GLOBAL(int,isreplaceleft,0);		/* true to replace leftexpression */
                    621: GLOBAL(subraster,*leftexpression,(subraster *)NULL); /*rasterized so far*/
                    622: GLOBAL(mathchardef,*leftsymdef,NULL);	/* mathchardef for preceding symbol*/
                    623: GLOBAL(int,iscaching,ISCACHING);	/* true if caching images */
                    624: GLOBAL(char,cachepath[256],CACHEPATH);	/* relative path to cached files */
                    625: GLOBAL(char,pathprefix[256],PATHPREFIX); /*prefix for \input,\counter paths*/
                    626: /*GLOBAL(int,iswindows,ISWINDOWS);*/	/* true if compiled for ms windows */
                    628: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    629: miscellaneous macros
                    630: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    631: #define	max2(x,y)  ((x)>(y)? (x):(y))	/* larger of 2 arguments */
                    632: #define	min2(x,y)  ((x)<(y)? (x):(y))	/* smaller of 2 arguments */
                    633: #define	max3(x,y,z) max2(max2(x,y),(z))	/* largest of 3 arguments */
                    634: #define	min3(x,y,z) min2(min2(x,y),(z))	/* smallest of 3 arguments */
                    635: #define absval(x)  ((x)>=0?(x):(-(x)))	/* absolute value */
                    636: #define	iround(x)  ((int)((x)>=0?(x)+0.5:(x)-0.5)) /* round double to int */
                    637: #define	dmod(x,y)  ((x)-((y)*((double)((int)((x)/(y)))))) /*x%y for doubles*/
                    638: #define compress(s,c) if((s)!=NULL)	/* remove embedded c's from s */ \
                    639: 	{ char *p; while((p=strchr((s),(c)))!=NULL) strcpy(p,p+1); } else
                    640: #define	slower(s)  if ((s)!=NULL)	/* lowercase all chars in s */ \
                    641: 	{ char *p=(s); while(*p!='\000'){*p=tolower(*p); p++;} } else
                    643: /* ---
                    644:  * PART2
                    645:  * ------ */
                    646: #if !defined(PARTS) || defined(PART2)
                    647: /* ==========================================================================
                    648:  * Function:	new_raster ( width, height, pixsz )
                    649:  * Purpose:	Allocation and constructor for raster.
                    650:  *		mallocs and initializes memory for width*height pixels,
                    651:  *		and returns raster struct ptr to caller.
                    652:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    653:  * Arguments:	width (I)	int containing width, in bits,
                    654:  *				of raster pixmap to be allocated
                    655:  *		height (I)	int containing height, in bits/scans,
                    656:  *				of raster pixmap to be allocated
                    657:  *		pixsz (I)	int containing #bits per pixel, 1 or 8
                    658:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    659:  * Returns:	( raster * )	ptr to allocated and initialized
                    660:  *				raster struct, or NULL for any error.
                    661:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    662:  * Notes:
                    663:  * ======================================================================= */
                    664: /* --- entry point --- */
                    665: raster	*new_raster ( int width, int height, int pixsz )
                    666: {
                    667: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    668: Allocations and Declarations
                    669: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    670: raster	*rp = (raster *)NULL;		/* raster ptr returned to caller */
                    671: pixbyte	*pixmap = NULL;			/* raster pixel map to be malloced */
                    672: int	nbytes = pixsz*bitmapsz(width,height); /* #bytes needed for pixmap */
                    673: int	filler = (isstring?' ':0);	/* pixmap filler */
                    674: int	delete_raster();		/* in case pixmap malloc() fails */
                    675: int	npadding = (0&&issupersampling?8+256:0); /* padding bytes */
                    676: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    677: allocate and initialize raster struct and embedded bitmap
                    678: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    679: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                    680:   { fprintf(msgfp,"new_raster(%d,%d,%d)> entry point\n",
                    681:     width,height,pixsz); fflush(msgfp); }
                    682: /* --- allocate and initialize raster struct --- */
                    683: rp = (raster *)malloc(sizeof(raster));	/* malloc raster struct */
                    684: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                    685:   { fprintf(msgfp,"new_raster> rp=malloc(%d) returned (%s)\n",
                    686:     sizeof(raster),(rp==NULL?"null ptr":"success")); fflush(msgfp); }
                    687: if ( rp == (raster *)NULL )		/* malloc failed */
                    688:   goto end_of_job;			/* return error to caller */
                    689: rp->width = width;			/* store width in raster struct */
                    690: rp->height = height;			/* and store height */
1.2     ! albertel  691: rp->format = 1;				/* initialize as bitmap format */
1.1       albertel  692: rp->pixsz = pixsz;			/* store #bits per pixel */
                    693: rp->pixmap = (pixbyte *)NULL;		/* init bitmap as null ptr */
                    694: /* --- allocate and initialize bitmap array --- */
                    695: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                    696:   { fprintf(msgfp,"new_raster> calling pixmap=malloc(%d)\n",
                    697:     nbytes); fflush(msgfp); }
                    698: if ( nbytes>0 && nbytes<=pixsz*maxraster )  /* fail if width*height too big*/
                    699:   pixmap = (pixbyte *)malloc(nbytes+npadding); /*bytes for width*height bits*/
                    700: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                    701:   { fprintf(msgfp,"new_raster> pixmap=malloc(%d) returned (%s)\n",
                    702:     nbytes,(pixmap==NULL?"null ptr":"success")); fflush(msgfp); }
                    703: if ( pixmap == (pixbyte *)NULL )	/* malloc failed */
                    704:   { delete_raster(rp);			/* so free everything */
                    705:     rp = (raster *)NULL;		/* reset pointer */
                    706:     goto end_of_job; }			/* and return error to caller */
                    707: memset((void *)pixmap,filler,nbytes);	/* init bytes to binary 0's or ' 's*/
                    708: *pixmap = (pixbyte)0;			/* and first byte alwasy 0 */
                    709: rp->pixmap = pixmap;			/* store ptr to malloced memory */
                    710: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    711: Back to caller with address of raster struct, or NULL ptr for any error.
                    712: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    713: end_of_job:
                    714:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                    715:     { fprintf(msgfp,"new_raster(%d,%d,%d)> returning (%s)\n",
                    716:       width,height,pixsz,(rp==NULL?"null ptr":"success")); fflush(msgfp); }
                    717:   return ( rp );			/* back to caller with raster */
                    718: } /* --- end-of-function new_raster() --- */
                    721: /* ==========================================================================
                    722:  * Function:	new_subraster ( width, height, pixsz )
                    723:  * Purpose:	Allocate a new subraster along with
                    724:  *		an embedded raster of width x height.
                    725:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    726:  * Arguments:	width (I)	int containing width of embedded raster
                    727:  *		height (I)	int containing height of embedded raster
                    728:  *		pixsz (I)	int containing #bits per pixel, 1 or 8
                    729:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    730:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to newly-allocated subraster,
                    731:  *				or NULL for any error.
                    732:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    733:  * Notes:     o	if width or height <=0, embedded raster not allocated
                    734:  * ======================================================================= */
                    735: /* --- entry point --- */
                    736: subraster *new_subraster ( int width, int height, int pixsz )
                    737: {
                    738: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    739: Allocations and Declarations
                    740: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    741: subraster *sp=NULL;			/* subraster returned to caller */
                    742: raster	*new_raster(), *rp=NULL;	/* image raster embedded in sp */
                    743: int	delete_subraster();		/* in case new_raster() fails */
                    744: int	size = NORMALSIZE,		/* default size */
                    745: 	baseline = height-1;		/* and baseline */
                    746: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    747: allocate and initialize subraster struct
                    748: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    749: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                    750:   { fprintf(msgfp,"new_subraster(%d,%d,%d)> entry point\n",
                    751:     width,height,pixsz); fflush(msgfp); }
                    752: /* --- allocate subraster struct --- */
                    753: sp = (subraster *)malloc(sizeof(subraster));  /* malloc subraster struct */
                    754: if ( sp == (subraster *)NULL )		/* malloc failed */
                    755:   goto end_of_job;			/* return error to caller */
                    756: /* --- initialize subraster struct --- */
                    757: sp->type = NOVALUE;			/* character or image raster */
                    758: sp->symdef =  (mathchardef *)NULL;	/* mathchardef identifying image */
                    759: sp->baseline = baseline;		/*0 if image is entirely descending*/
                    760: sp->size = size;			/* font size 0-4 */
                    761: sp->toprow = sp->leftcol = (-1);	/* upper-left corner of subraster */
                    762: sp->image = (raster *)NULL;		/*ptr to bitmap image of subraster*/
                    763: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    764: allocate raster and embed it in subraster, and return to caller
                    765: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    766: /* --- allocate raster struct if desired --- */
                    767: if ( width>0 && height>0 && pixsz>0 )	/* caller wants raster */
                    768:   { if ( (rp=new_raster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate embedded raster */
                    769:     !=   NULL )				/* if allocate succeeded */
                    770:         sp->image = rp;			/* embed raster in subraster */
                    771:     else				/* or if allocate failed */
                    772:       { delete_subraster(sp);		/* free non-unneeded subraster */
                    773: 	sp = NULL; } }			/* signal error */
                    774: /* --- back to caller with new subraster or NULL --- */
                    775: end_of_job:
                    776:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                    777:     { fprintf(msgfp,"new_subraster(%d,%d,%d)> returning (%s)\n",
                    778:       width,height,pixsz,(sp==NULL?"null ptr":"success")); fflush(msgfp); }
                    779:   return ( sp );
                    780: } /* --- end-of-function new_subraster() --- */
                    783: /* ==========================================================================
                    784:  * Function:	new_chardef (  )
                    785:  * Purpose:	Allocates and initializes a chardef struct,
                    786:  *		but _not_ the embedded raster struct.
                    787:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    788:  * Arguments:	none
                    789:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    790:  * Returns:	( chardef * )	ptr to allocated and initialized
                    791:  *				chardef struct, or NULL for any error.
                    792:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    793:  * Notes:
                    794:  * ======================================================================= */
                    795: /* --- entry point --- */
                    796: chardef	*new_chardef (  )
                    797: {
                    798: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    799: Allocations and Declarations
                    800: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    801: chardef	*cp = (chardef *)NULL;		/* chardef ptr returned to caller */
                    802: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    803: allocate and initialize chardef struct
                    804: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    805: cp = (chardef *)malloc(sizeof(chardef)); /* malloc chardef struct */
                    806: if ( cp == (chardef *)NULL )		/* malloc failed */
                    807:   goto end_of_job;			/* return error to caller */
                    808: cp->charnum = cp->location = 0;		/* init character description */
                    809: cp->toprow = cp->topleftcol = 0;	/* init upper-left corner */
                    810: cp->botrow = cp->botleftcol = 0;	/* init lower-left corner */
                    811: cp->image.width = cp->image.height = 0;	/* init raster dimensions */
1.2     ! albertel  812: cp->image.format = 0;			/* init raster format */
1.1       albertel  813: cp->image.pixsz = 0;			/* and #bits per pixel */
                    814: cp->image.pixmap = NULL;		/* init raster pixmap as null */
                    815: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    816: Back to caller with address of chardef struct, or NULL ptr for any error.
                    817: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    818: end_of_job:
                    819:   return ( cp );
                    820: } /* --- end-of-function new_chardef() --- */
                    823: /* ==========================================================================
                    824:  * Function:	delete_raster ( rp )
                    825:  * Purpose:	Destructor for raster.
                    826:  *		Frees memory for raster bitmap and struct.
                    827:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    828:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		ptr to raster struct to be deleted.
                    829:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    830:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                    831:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                    832:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    833:  * Notes:
                    834:  * ======================================================================= */
                    835: /* --- entry point --- */
                    836: int	delete_raster ( raster *rp )
                    837: {
                    838: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    839: free raster bitmap and struct
                    840: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    841: if ( rp != (raster *)NULL )		/* can't free null ptr */
                    842:   {
                    843:   if ( rp->pixmap != (pixbyte *)NULL )	/* can't free null ptr */
                    844:     free((void *)rp->pixmap);		/* free pixmap within raster */
                    845:   free((void *)rp);			/* lastly, free raster struct */
                    846:   } /* --- end-of-if(rp!=NULL) --- */
                    847: return ( 1 );				/* back to caller, 1=okay 0=failed */
                    848: } /* --- end-of-function delete_raster() --- */
                    851: /* ==========================================================================
                    852:  * Function:	delete_subraster ( sp )
                    853:  * Purpose:	Deallocates a subraster (and embedded raster)
                    854:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    855:  * Arguments:	sp (I)		ptr to subraster struct to be deleted.
                    856:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    857:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                    858:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                    859:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    860:  * Notes:
                    861:  * ======================================================================= */
                    862: /* --- entry point --- */
                    863: int	delete_subraster ( subraster *sp )
                    864: {
                    865: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    866: free subraster struct
                    867: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    868: int	delete_raster();		/* to delete embedded raster */
                    869: if ( sp != (subraster *)NULL )		/* can't free null ptr */
                    870:   {
                    871:   if ( sp->type != CHARASTER )		/* not static character data */
                    872:     if ( sp->image != NULL )		/*raster allocated within subraster*/
                    873:       delete_raster(sp->image);		/* so free embedded raster */
                    874:   free((void *)sp);			/* and free subraster struct itself*/
                    875:   } /* --- end-of-if(sp!=NULL) --- */
                    876: return ( 1 );				/* back to caller, 1=okay 0=failed */
                    877: } /* --- end-of-function delete_subraster() --- */
                    880: /* ==========================================================================
                    881:  * Function:	delete_chardef ( cp )
                    882:  * Purpose:	Deallocates a chardef (and bitmap of embedded raster)
                    883:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    884:  * Arguments:	cp (I)		ptr to chardef struct to be deleted.
                    885:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    886:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                    887:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                    888:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    889:  * Notes:
                    890:  * ======================================================================= */
                    891: /* --- entry point --- */
                    892: int	delete_chardef ( chardef *cp )
                    893: {
                    894: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    895: free chardef struct
                    896: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    897: if ( cp != (chardef *)NULL )		/* can't free null ptr */
                    898:   {
                    899:   if ( cp->image.pixmap != NULL )	/* pixmap allocated within raster */
                    900:     free((void *)cp->image.pixmap);	/* so free embedded pixmap */
                    901:   free((void *)cp);			/* and free chardef struct itself */
                    902:   } /* --- end-of-if(cp!=NULL) --- */
                    903: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    904: Back to caller with 1=okay, 0=failed.
                    905: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    906: return ( 1 );
                    907: } /* --- end-of-function delete_chardef() --- */
                    910: /* ==========================================================================
                    911:  * Function:	rastcpy ( rp )
                    912:  * Purpose:	makes duplicate copy of rp
                    913:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    914:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		ptr to raster struct to be copied
                    915:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    916:  * Returns:	( raster * )	ptr to new copy rp,
                    917:  *				or NULL for any error.
                    918:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    919:  * Notes:     o
                    920:  * ======================================================================= */
                    921: /* --- entry point --- */
                    922: raster	*rastcpy ( raster *rp )
                    923: {
                    924: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    925: Allocations and Declarations
                    926: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    927: raster	*new_raster(), *newrp=NULL;	/*copied raster returned to caller*/
                    928: int	height= (rp==NULL?0:rp->height), /* original and copied height */
                    929: 	width = (rp==NULL?0:rp->width),	/* original and copied width */
                    930: 	pixsz = (rp==NULL?0:rp->pixsz),	/* #bits per pixel */
                    931: 	nbytes= (rp==NULL?0:(pixmapsz(rp))); /* #bytes in rp's pixmap */
                    932: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    933: allocate rotated raster and fill it
                    934: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    935: /* --- allocate copied raster with same width,height, and copy bitmap --- */
                    936: if ( rp != NULL )			/* nothing to copy if ptr null */
                    937:   if ( (newrp = new_raster(width,height,pixsz)) /*same width,height in copy*/
                    938:   !=   NULL )				/* check that allocate succeeded */
                    939:     memcpy(newrp->pixmap,rp->pixmap,nbytes); /* fill copied raster pixmap */
                    940: return ( newrp );			/* return copied raster to caller */
                    941: } /* --- end-of-function rastcpy() --- */
                    944: /* ==========================================================================
                    945:  * Function:	subrastcpy ( sp )
                    946:  * Purpose:	makes duplicate copy of sp
                    947:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    948:  * Arguments:	sp (I)		ptr to subraster struct to be copied
                    949:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    950:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to new copy sp,
                    951:  *				or NULL for any error.
                    952:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    953:  * Notes:     o
                    954:  * ======================================================================= */
                    955: /* --- entry point --- */
                    956: subraster *subrastcpy ( subraster *sp )
                    957: {
                    958: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    959: Allocations and Declarations
                    960: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    961: subraster *new_subraster(), *newsp=NULL; /* allocate new subraster */
                    962: raster	*rastcpy(), *newrp=NULL;	/* and new raster image within it */
                    963: int	delete_subraster();		/* dealloc newsp if rastcpy() fails*/
                    964: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    965: make copy, and return it to caller
                    966: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                    967: if ( sp == NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/* nothing to copy */
                    968: /* --- allocate new subraster "envelope" for copy --- */
                    969: if ( (newsp=new_subraster(0,0,0))	/* allocate subraster "envelope" */
                    970: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if we fail to allocate */
                    971: /* --- transparently copy original envelope to new one --- */
                    972: memcpy((void *)newsp,(void *)sp,sizeof(subraster)); /* copy envelope */
                    973: /* --- make a copy of the rasterized image itself, if there is one --- */
                    974: if ( sp->image != NULL )		/* there's an image embedded in sp */
                    975:   if ( (newrp = rastcpy(sp->image))	/* so copy rasterized image in sp */
                    976:   ==   NULL )				/* failed to copy successfully */
                    977:     { delete_subraster(newsp);		/* won't need newsp any more */
                    978:       newsp = NULL;			/* because we're returning error */
                    979:       goto end_of_job; }		/* back to caller with error signal*/
                    980: /* --- set new params in new envelope --- */
                    981: newsp->image = newrp;			/* new raster image we just copied */
                    982: switch ( sp->type )			/* set new raster image type */
                    983:   { case STRINGRASTER: case CHARASTER: newsp->type = STRINGRASTER; break;
                    984:     case ASCIISTRING:                  newsp->type = ASCIISTRING;  break;
                    985:     case IMAGERASTER:  default:        newsp->type = IMAGERASTER;  break; }
                    986: /* --- return copy of sp to caller --- */
                    987: end_of_job:
                    988:   return ( newsp );			/* copy back to caller */
                    989: } /* --- end-of-function subrastcpy() --- */
                    992: /* ==========================================================================
                    993:  * Function:	rastrot ( rp )
                    994:  * Purpose:	rotates rp image 90 degrees right/clockwise
                    995:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    996:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		ptr to raster struct to be rotated
                    997:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                    998:  * Returns:	( raster * )	ptr to new raster rotated ralative to rp,
                    999:  *				or NULL for any error.
                   1000:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1001:  * Notes:     o	An underbrace is } rotated 90 degrees clockwise,
                   1002:  *		a hat is <, etc.
                   1003:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1004: /* --- entry point --- */
                   1005: raster	*rastrot ( raster *rp )
                   1006: {
                   1007: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1008: Allocations and Declarations
                   1009: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1010: raster	*new_raster(), *rotated=NULL;	/*rotated raster returned to caller*/
                   1011: int	height = rp->height, irow,	/* original height, row index */
                   1012: 	width = rp->width, icol,	/* original width, column index */
                   1013: 	pixsz = rp->pixsz;		/* #bits per pixel */
                   1014: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1015: allocate rotated raster and fill it
                   1016: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1017: /* --- allocate rotated raster with flipped width<-->height --- */
                   1018: if ( (rotated = new_raster(height,width,pixsz)) /* flip width,height */
                   1019: !=   NULL )				/* check that allocation succeeded */
                   1020:   /* --- fill rotated raster --- */
                   1021:   for ( irow=0; irow<height; irow++ )	/* for each row of rp */
                   1022:     for ( icol=0; icol<width; icol++ )	/* and each column of rp */
                   1023:       {	int value = getpixel(rp,irow,icol);
                   1024: 	/* setpixel(rotated,icol,irow,value); } */
                   1025: 	setpixel(rotated,icol,(height-1-irow),value); }
                   1026: return ( rotated );			/* return rotated raster to caller */
                   1027: } /* --- end-of-function rastrot() --- */
                   1030: /* ==========================================================================
                   1031:  * Function:	rastput ( target, source, top, left, isopaque )
                   1032:  * Purpose:	Overlays source onto target,
                   1033:  *		with the 0,0-bit of source onto the top,left-bit of target.
                   1034:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1035:  * Arguments:	target (I)	ptr to target raster struct
                   1036:  *		source (I)	ptr to source raster struct
                   1037:  *		top (I)		int containing 0 ... target->height - 1
                   1038:  *		left (I)	int containing 0 ... target->width - 1
                   1039:  *		isopaque (I)	int containing false (zero) to allow
                   1040:  *				original 1-bits of target to "show through"
                   1041:  *				0-bits of source.
                   1042:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1043:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                   1044:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                   1045:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1046:  * Notes:
                   1047:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1048: /* --- entry point --- */
                   1049: int	rastput ( raster *target, raster *source,
                   1050: 		int top, int left, int isopaque )
                   1051: {
                   1052: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1053: Allocations and Declarations
                   1054: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1055: int	irow, icol,		/* indexes over source raster */
                   1056: 	twidth=target->width, theight=target->height, /*target width,height*/
                   1057: 	tpix, ntpix = twidth*theight; /* #pixels in target */
                   1058: int	isfatal = 0,		/* true to abend on out-of-bounds error */
                   1059: 	isstrict = 0/*1*/,	/* true for strict bounds check - no "wrap"*/
                   1060: 	isokay = 1;		/* true if no pixels out-of-bounds */
                   1061: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1062: superimpose source onto target, one bit at a time
                   1063: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1064: if ( isstrict && (top<0 || left<0) )		/* args fail strict test */
                   1065:  isokay = 0;					/* so just return error */
                   1066: else
                   1067:  for ( irow=0; irow<source->height; irow++ )	/* for each scan line */
                   1068:   {
                   1069:   tpix = (top+irow)*target->width + left - 1;	/*first target pixel (-1)*/
                   1070:   for ( icol=0; icol<source->width; icol++ )	/* each pixel in scan line */
                   1071:     {
                   1072:     int svalue = getpixel(source,irow,icol);	/* source pixel value */
                   1073:     ++tpix;					/* bump target pixel */
                   1074:     if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )	/* debugging output */
                   1075:       {	fprintf(msgfp,"rastput> tpix,ntpix=%d,%d top,irow,theight=%d,%d,%d "
                   1076: 	"left,icol,twidth=%d,%d,%d\n", tpix,ntpix, top,irow,theight,
                   1077: 	left,icol,twidth);  fflush(msgfp); }
                   1078:     if ( tpix >= ntpix				/* bounds check failed */
                   1079:     ||   (isstrict && (irow+top>=theight || icol+left>=twidth)) )
                   1080:       {	isokay = 0;				/* reset okay flag */
                   1081: 	if ( isfatal ) goto end_of_job;		/* abort if error is fatal */
                   1082: 	else break; }				/*or just go on to next row*/
                   1083:     if ( tpix >= 0 )				/* bounds check okay */
                   1084:      if ( svalue!=0 || isopaque )		/*got dark or opaque source*/
                   1085:       setpixel(target,irow+top,icol+left,svalue); /*overlay source on target*/
                   1086:     } /* --- end-of-for(icol) --- */
                   1087:   } /* --- end-of-for(irow) --- */
                   1088: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1089: Back to caller with 1=okay, 0=failed.
                   1090: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1091: end_of_job:
                   1092:   return ( isokay /*isfatal? (tpix<ntpix? 1:0) : 1*/ );
                   1093: } /* --- end-of-function rastput() --- */
                   1096: /* ==========================================================================
                   1097:  * Function:	rastcompose ( sp1, sp2, offset2, isalign, isfree )
                   1098:  * Purpose:	Overlays sp2 on top of sp1, leaving both unchanged
                   1099:  *		and returning a newly-allocated composite subraster.
                   1100:  *		Frees/deletes input sp1 and/or sp2 depending on value
                   1101:  *		of isfree (0=none, 1=sp1, 2=sp2, 3=both).
                   1102:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1103:  * Arguments:	sp1 (I)		subraster *  to "underneath" subraster,
                   1104:  *				whose baseline is preserved
                   1105:  *		sp2 (I)		subraster *  to "overlaid" subraster
                   1106:  *		offset2 (I)	int containing 0 or number of pixels
                   1107:  *				to horizontally shift sp2 relative to sp1,
                   1108:  *				either positive (right) or negative
                   1109:  *		isalign (I)	int containing 1 to align baselines,
                   1110:  *				or 0 to vertically center sp2 over sp1
                   1111:  *		isfree (I)	int containing 1=free sp1 before return,
                   1112:  *				2=free sp2, 3=free both, 0=free none.
                   1113:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1114:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	pointer to constructed subraster
                   1115:  *				or  NULL for any error
                   1116:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1117:  * Notes:
                   1118:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1119: /* --- entry point --- */
                   1120: subraster *rastcompose ( subraster *sp1, subraster *sp2, int offset2,
                   1121: 			int isalign, int isfree )
                   1122: {
                   1123: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1124: Allocations and Declarations
                   1125: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1126: subraster *new_subraster(), *sp=(subraster *)NULL; /* returned subraster */
                   1127: raster	*rp=(raster *)NULL;		/* new composite raster in sp */
                   1128: int	delete_subraster();		/* in case isfree non-zero */
                   1129: int	rastput();			/*place sp1,sp2 in composite raster*/
                   1130: int	base1   = sp1->baseline,	/*baseline for underlying subraster*/
                   1131: 	height1 = (sp1->image)->height,	/* height for underlying subraster */
                   1132: 	width1  = (sp1->image)->width,	/* width for underlying subraster */
                   1133: 	pixsz1  = (sp1->image)->pixsz,	/* pixsz for underlying subraster */
                   1134: 	base2   = sp2->baseline,	/*baseline for overlaid subraster */
                   1135: 	height2 = (sp2->image)->height,	/* height for overlaid subraster */
                   1136: 	width2  = (sp2->image)->width,	/* width for overlaid subraster */
                   1137: 	pixsz2  = (sp2->image)->pixsz;	/* pixsz for overlaid subraster */
                   1138: int	height=0, width=0, pixsz=0, base=0; /* overlaid composite */
                   1139: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1140: Initialization
                   1141: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1142: /* --- determine height, width and baseline of composite raster --- */
                   1143: if ( isalign )				/* baselines of sp1,sp2 aligned */
                   1144:   { height = max2(base1+1,base2+1)	/* max height above baseline */
                   1145:            + max2(height1-base1-1,height2-base2-1); /*+ max descending below*/
                   1146:     base   = max2(base1,base2); }	/* max space above baseline */
                   1147: else					/* baselines not aligned */
                   1148:   { height = max2(height1,height2);	/* max height */
                   1149:     base   = base1 + (height-height1)/2; } /* baseline for sp1 */
                   1150: width      = max2(width1,width2+abs(offset2)); /* max width */
                   1151: pixsz      = max2(pixsz1,pixsz2);	/* bitmap,bytemap becomes bytemap */
                   1152: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1153: allocate concatted composite subraster
                   1154: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1155: /* --- allocate returned subraster (and then initialize it) --- */
                   1156: if ( (sp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate new subraster */
                   1157: ==   (subraster *)NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* failed, so quit */
                   1158: /* --- initialize subraster parameters --- */
                   1159: sp->type = IMAGERASTER;			/* image */
                   1160: sp->baseline = base;			/* composite baseline */
                   1161: sp->size = sp1->size;			/* underlying char is sp1 */
                   1162: /* --- extract raster from subraster --- */
                   1163: rp = sp->image;				/* raster allocated in subraster */
                   1164: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1165: overlay sp1 and sp2 in new composite raster
                   1166: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1167: if ( isalign )
                   1168:   { rastput (rp, sp1->image, base-base1, (width-width1)/2, 1);	/*underlying*/
                   1169:     rastput (rp, sp2->image, base-base2,			/*overlaid*/
                   1170: 		(width-width2)/2+offset2, 0); }
                   1171: else
                   1172:   { rastput (rp, sp1->image, base-base1, (width-width1)/2, 1);	/*underlying*/
                   1173:     rastput (rp, sp2->image, (height-height2)/2,		/*overlaid*/
                   1174: 		(width-width2)/2+offset2, 0); }
                   1175: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1176: free input if requested
                   1177: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1178: if ( isfree > 0 )			/* caller wants input freed */
                   1179:   { if ( isfree==1 || isfree>2 ) delete_subraster(sp1);	/* free sp1 */
                   1180:     if ( isfree >= 2 ) delete_subraster(sp2); }		/* and/or sp2 */
                   1181: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1182: Back to caller with pointer to concatted subraster or with null for error
                   1183: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1184: end_of_job:
                   1185:   return ( sp );			/* back with subraster or null ptr */
                   1186: } /* --- end-of-function rastcompose() --- */
                   1189: /* ==========================================================================
                   1190:  * Function:	rastcat ( sp1, sp2, isfree )
                   1191:  * Purpose:	"Concatanates" subrasters sp1||sp2, leaving both unchanged
                   1192:  *		and returning a newly-allocated subraster.
                   1193:  *		Frees/deletes input sp1 and/or sp2 depending on value
                   1194:  *		of isfree (0=none, 1=sp1, 2=sp2, 3=both).
                   1195:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1196:  * Arguments:	sp1 (I)		subraster *  to left-hand subraster
                   1197:  *		sp2 (I)		subraster *  to right-hand subraster
                   1198:  *		isfree (I)	int containing 1=free sp1 before return,
                   1199:  *				2=free sp2, 3=free both, 0=free none.
                   1200:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1201:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	pointer to constructed subraster sp1||sp2
                   1202:  *				or  NULL for any error
                   1203:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1204:  * Notes:
                   1205:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1206: /* --- entry point --- */
                   1207: subraster *rastcat ( subraster *sp1, subraster *sp2, int isfree )
                   1208: {
                   1209: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1210: Allocations and Declarations
                   1211: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1212: subraster *new_subraster(), *sp=(subraster *)NULL; /* returned subraster */
                   1213: raster	*rp=(raster *)NULL;		/* new concatted raster */
                   1214: int	delete_subraster();		/* in case isfree non-zero */
                   1215: int	rastput();			/*place sp1,sp2 in concatted raster*/
                   1216: int	type_raster();			/* debugging display */
                   1217: int	base1   = sp1->baseline,	/*baseline for left-hand subraster*/
                   1218: 	height1 = (sp1->image)->height,	/* height for left-hand subraster */
                   1219: 	width1  = (sp1->image)->width,	/* width for left-hand subraster */
                   1220: 	pixsz1  = (sp1->image)->pixsz,	/* pixsz for left-hand subraster */
                   1221: 	type1   = sp1->type,		/* image type for left-hand */
                   1222: 	base2   = sp2->baseline,	/*baseline for right-hand subraster*/
                   1223: 	height2 = (sp2->image)->height,	/* height for right-hand subraster */
                   1224: 	width2  = (sp2->image)->width,	/* width for right-hand subraster */
                   1225: 	pixsz2  = (sp2->image)->pixsz,	/* pixsz for right-hand subraster */
                   1226: 	type2   = sp2->type;		/* image type for right-hand */
                   1227: int	height=0, width=0, pixsz=0, base=0; /*concatted sp1||sp2 composite*/
1.2     ! albertel 1228: int	issmash = (smashmargin!=0?1:0),	/* true to "squash" sp1||sp2 */
        !          1229: 	isopaque = (issmash?0:1),	/* not oppaque if smashing */
        !          1230: 	rastsmash(), isblank=0, nsmash=0, /* #cols to smash */
        !          1231: 	oldsmashmargin = smashmargin;	/* save original smashmargin */
1.1       albertel 1232: mathchardef *symdef1 = sp1->symdef,	/*mathchardef of last left-hand char*/
                   1233: 	*symdef2 = sp2->symdef;		/* mathchardef of right-hand char */
                   1234: int	class1 = (symdef1==NULL?ORDINARY:symdef1->class), /* symdef->class */
                   1235: 	class2 = (symdef2==NULL?ORDINARY:symdef2->class), /* or default */
                   1236: 	smash1 = (symdef1!=NULL)&&(class1==ORDINARY||class1==VARIABLE||
                   1237: 		  class1==OPENING||class1==CLOSING||class1==PUNCTION),
                   1238: 	smash2 = (symdef2!=NULL)&&(class2==ORDINARY||class2==VARIABLE||
                   1239: 		  class2==OPENING||class2==CLOSING||class2==PUNCTION),
                   1240: 	space = fontsize/2+1;		/* #cols between sp1 and sp2 */
                   1241: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1242: Initialization
                   1243: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1244: /* --- determine inter-character space from character class --- */
                   1245: if ( !isstring )
                   1246:   space = max2(2,(symspace[class1][class2] + fontsize-3)); /* space */
                   1247: else space = 1;				/* space for ascii string */
1.2     ! albertel 1248: if ( !iscatspace ) space=0;		/* spacing explicitly turned off */
        !          1249: /* --- determine smash --- */
        !          1250: if ( !isstring )			/* don't smash strings */
        !          1251:  if ( issmash ) {			/* raster smash wanted */
        !          1252:    int	maxsmash = rastsmash(sp1,sp2),	/* calculate max smash space */
        !          1253: 	margin = smashmargin;		/* init margin without delta */
1.1       albertel 1254:    if ( (1 && smash1 && smash2)		/* concatanating two chars */
                   1255:    ||   (1 && type1!=IMAGERASTER && type2!=IMAGERASTER) )
1.2     ! albertel 1256:      /*maxsmash = 0;*/			/* turn off smash */
        !          1257:      margin = max2(space-1,0);		/* force small smashmargin */
1.1       albertel 1258:    else					/* adjust for delta if images */
1.2     ! albertel 1259:      if ( issmashdelta )		/* smashmargin is a delta value */
1.1       albertel 1260:        margin += fontsize;		/* add displaystyle base to margin */
1.2     ! albertel 1261:    if ( maxsmash == blanksignal )	/* sp2 is intentional blank */
1.1       albertel 1262:      isblank = 1;			/* set blank flag signal */
                   1263:    else					/* see how much extra space we have*/
1.2     ! albertel 1264:      if ( maxsmash > margin )		/* enough space for adjustment */
        !          1265:        nsmash = maxsmash-margin;	/* make adjustment */
        !          1266:    if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )	/* display smash results */
        !          1267:      { fprintf(msgfp,"rastcat> maxsmash=%d, margin=%d, nsmash=%d\n",
        !          1268:        maxsmash,margin,nsmash);
1.1       albertel 1269:        fprintf(msgfp,"rastcat> type1=%d,2=%d, class1=%d,2=%d\n", type1,type2,
                   1270:        (symdef1==NULL?-999:class1),(symdef2==NULL?-999:class2));
                   1271:        fflush(msgfp); }
1.2     ! albertel 1272:    } /* --- end-of-if(issmash) --- */
1.1       albertel 1273: /* --- determine height, width and baseline of composite raster --- */
                   1274: if ( !isstring )
                   1275:  { height = max2(base1+1,base2+1)	/* max height above baseline */
                   1276:           + max2(height1-base1-1,height2-base2-1); /*+ max descending below*/
1.2     ! albertel 1277:    width  = width1+width2 + space-nsmash; /*add widths and space-smash*/
        !          1278:    width  = max3(width,width1,width2); } /* don't "over-smash" composite */
1.1       albertel 1279: else					/* ascii string */
                   1280:  { height = 1;				/* default */
                   1281:    width  = width1 + width2 + space - 1; } /* no need for two nulls */
                   1282: pixsz  = max2(pixsz1,pixsz2);		/* bitmap||bytemap becomes bytemap */
                   1283: base   = max2(base1,base2);		/* max space above baseline */
                   1284: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )	/* display components */
                   1285:   { fprintf(msgfp,"rastcat> Left-hand ht,width,pixsz,base = %d,%d,%d,%d\n",
                   1286:     height1,width1,pixsz1,base1);
                   1287:     type_raster(sp1->image,msgfp);	/* display left-hand raster */
                   1288:     fprintf(msgfp,"rastcat> Right-hand ht,width,pixsz,base = %d,%d,%d,%d\n",
                   1289:     height2,width2,pixsz2,base2);
                   1290:     type_raster(sp2->image,msgfp);	/* display right-hand raster */
                   1291:     fprintf(msgfp,
1.2     ! albertel 1292:     "rastcat> Composite ht,width,smash,pixsz,base = %d,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
        !          1293:     height,width,nsmash,pixsz,base);
1.1       albertel 1294:     fflush(msgfp); }			/* flush msgfp buffer */
                   1295: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1296: allocate concatted composite subraster
                   1297: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1298: /* --- allocate returned subraster (and then initialize it) --- */
                   1299: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                   1300:   { fprintf(msgfp,"rastcat> calling new_subraster(%d,%d,%d)\n",
                   1301:     width,height,pixsz); fflush(msgfp); }
                   1302: if ( (sp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate new subraster */
                   1303: ==   (subraster *)NULL )		/* failed */
                   1304:   { if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=1 )	/* report failure */
                   1305:       {	fprintf(msgfp,"rastcat> new_subraster(%d,%d,%d) failed\n",
                   1306: 	width,height,pixsz); fflush(msgfp); }
                   1307:     goto end_of_job; }			/* failed, so quit */
                   1308: /* --- initialize subraster parameters --- */
                   1309: /* sp->type = (!isstring?STRINGRASTER:ASCIISTRING); */  /*concatted string*/
                   1310: if ( !isstring )
1.2     ! albertel 1311:   sp->type = /*type2;*//*(type1==type2?type2:IMAGERASTER);*/
        !          1312: 	(type2!=CHARASTER? type2 : (type1!=CHARASTER?type1:STRINGRASTER));
1.1       albertel 1313: else
                   1314:   sp->type = ASCIISTRING;		/* concatted ascii string */
                   1315: sp->symdef = symdef2;			/* rightmost char is sp2 */
                   1316: sp->baseline = base;			/* composite baseline */
                   1317: sp->size = sp2->size;			/* rightmost char is sp2 */
                   1318: if ( isblank )				/* need to propagate blanksignal */
                   1319:   sp->type = blanksignal;		/* may not be completely safe??? */
                   1320: /* --- extract raster from subraster --- */
                   1321: rp = sp->image;				/* raster allocated in subraster */
                   1322: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1323: overlay sp1 and sp2 in new composite raster
                   1324: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1325: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                   1326:   { fprintf(msgfp,"rastcat> calling rastput() to concatanate left||right\n");
                   1327:     fflush(msgfp); }			/* flush msgfp buffer */
                   1328: if ( !isstring )
                   1329:  rastput (rp, sp1->image, base-base1,	/* overlay left-hand */
1.2     ! albertel 1330:  max2(0,nsmash-width1), 1);		/* plus any residual smash space */
1.1       albertel 1331: else
                   1332:  memcpy(rp->pixmap,(sp1->image)->pixmap,width1-1);  /*init left string*/
                   1333: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                   1334:   { type_raster(sp->image,msgfp);	/* display composite raster */
                   1335:     fflush(msgfp); }			/* flush msgfp buffer */
                   1336: if ( !isstring )
                   1337:  rastput (rp, sp2->image, base-base2,	/* overlay right-hand */
1.2     ! albertel 1338:  max2(0,width1+space-nsmash), isopaque); /* minus any smashed space */
1.1       albertel 1339: else
                   1340:  { strcpy((char *)(rp->pixmap)+width1-1+space,(char *)((sp2->image)->pixmap));
                   1341:    ((char *)(rp->pixmap))[width1+width2+space-2] = '\000'; } /*null-term*/
                   1342: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )
                   1343:   { type_raster(sp->image,msgfp);	/* display composite raster */
                   1344:     fflush(msgfp); }			/* flush msgfp buffer */
                   1345: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1346: free input if requested
                   1347: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1348: if ( isfree > 0 )			/* caller wants input freed */
                   1349:   { if ( isfree==1 || isfree>2 ) delete_subraster(sp1);	/* free sp1 */
                   1350:     if ( isfree >= 2 ) delete_subraster(sp2); }		/* and/or sp2 */
                   1351: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1352: Back to caller with pointer to concatted subraster or with null for error
                   1353: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1354: end_of_job:
1.2     ! albertel 1355:   smashmargin = oldsmashmargin;		/* reset original smashmargin */
1.1       albertel 1356:   return ( sp );			/* back with subraster or null ptr */
                   1357: } /* --- end-of-function rastcat() --- */
                   1360: /* ==========================================================================
                   1361:  * Function:	rastack ( sp1, sp2, base, space, iscenter, isfree )
                   1362:  * Purpose:	Stack subrasters sp2 atop sp1, leaving both unchanged
                   1363:  *		and returning a newly-allocated subraster,
                   1364:  *		whose baseline is sp1's if base=1, or sp2's if base=2.
                   1365:  *		Frees/deletes input sp1 and/or sp2 depending on value
                   1366:  *		of isfree (0=none, 1=sp1, 2=sp2, 3=both).
                   1367:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1368:  * Arguments:	sp1 (I)		subraster *  to lower subraster
                   1369:  *		sp2 (I)		subraster *  to upper subraster
                   1370:  *		base (I)	int containing 1 if sp1 is baseline,
                   1371:  *				or 2 if sp2 is baseline.
                   1372:  *		space (I)	int containing #rows blank space inserted
                   1373:  *				between sp1's image and sp2's image.
                   1374:  *		iscenter (I)	int containing 1 to center both sp1 and sp2
                   1375:  *				in stacked array, 0 to left-justify both
                   1376:  *		isfree (I)	int containing 1=free sp1 before return,
                   1377:  *				2=free sp2, 3=free both, 0=free none.
                   1378:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1379:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	pointer to constructed subraster sp2 atop sp1
                   1380:  *				or  NULL for any error
                   1381:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1382:  * Notes:
                   1383:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1384: /* --- entry point --- */
                   1385: subraster *rastack ( subraster *sp1, subraster *sp2,
                   1386: 			int base, int space, int iscenter, int isfree )
                   1387: {
                   1388: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1389: Allocations and Declarations
                   1390: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1391: subraster *new_subraster(), *sp=(subraster *)NULL; /* returned subraster */
                   1392: raster	*rp=(raster *)NULL;		/* new stacked raster in sp */
                   1393: int	delete_subraster();		/* in case isfree non-zero */
                   1394: int	rastput();			/* place sp1,sp2 in stacked raster */
                   1395: int	base1   = sp1->baseline,	/* baseline for lower subraster */
                   1396: 	height1 = (sp1->image)->height,	/* height for lower subraster */
                   1397: 	width1  = (sp1->image)->width,	/* width for lower subraster */
                   1398: 	pixsz1  = (sp1->image)->pixsz,	/* pixsz for lower subraster */
                   1399: 	base2   = sp2->baseline,	/* baseline for upper subraster */
                   1400: 	height2 = (sp2->image)->height,	/* height for upper subraster */
                   1401: 	width2  = (sp2->image)->width,	/* width for upper subraster */
                   1402: 	pixsz2  = (sp2->image)->pixsz;	/* pixsz for upper subraster */
                   1403: int	height=0, width=0, pixsz=0, baseline=0;	/*for stacked sp2 atop sp1*/
                   1404: mathchardef *symdef1 = sp1->symdef,	/* mathchardef of right lower char */
                   1405: 	*symdef2 = sp2->symdef;		/* mathchardef of right upper char */
                   1406: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1407: Initialization
                   1408: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1409: /* --- determine height, width and baseline of composite raster --- */
                   1410: height   = height1 + space + height2;	/* sum of heights plus space */
                   1411: width    = max2(width1,width2);		/* max width is overall width */
                   1412: pixsz    = max2(pixsz1,pixsz2);		/* bitmap||bytemap becomes bytemap */
                   1413: baseline = (base==1? height2+space+base1 : (base==2? base2 : 0));
                   1414: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1415: allocate stacked composite subraster (with embedded raster)
                   1416: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1417: /* --- allocate returned subraster (and then initialize it) --- */
                   1418: if ( (sp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate new subraster */
                   1419: ==   (subraster *)NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* failed, so quit */
                   1420: /* --- initialize subraster parameters --- */
                   1421: sp->type = IMAGERASTER;			/* stacked rasters */
                   1422: sp->symdef = (base==1? symdef1 : (base==2? symdef2 : NULL)); /* symdef */
                   1423: sp->baseline = baseline;		/* composite baseline */
                   1424: sp->size = (base==1? sp1->size : (base==2? sp2->size : NORMALSIZE)); /*size*/
                   1425: /* --- extract raster from subraster --- */
                   1426: rp = sp->image;				/* raster embedded in subraster */
                   1427: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1428: overlay sp1 and sp2 in new composite raster
                   1429: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1430: if ( iscenter == 1 )			/* center both sp1 and sp2 */
                   1431:   { rastput (rp, sp2->image, 0, (width-width2)/2, 1);  /* overlay upper */
                   1432:     rastput (rp, sp1->image, height2+space, (width-width1)/2, 1); } /*lower*/
                   1433: else					/* left-justify both sp1 and sp2 */
                   1434:   { rastput (rp, sp2->image, 0, 0, 1);  /* overlay upper */
                   1435:     rastput (rp, sp1->image, height2+space, 0, 1); } /*lower*/
                   1436: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1437: free input if requested
                   1438: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1439: if ( isfree > 0 )			/* caller wants input freed */
                   1440:   { if ( isfree==1 || isfree>2 ) delete_subraster(sp1);	/* free sp1 */
                   1441:     if ( isfree>=2 ) delete_subraster(sp2); } /* and/or sp2 */
                   1442: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1443: Back to caller with pointer to stacked subraster or with null for error
                   1444: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1445: end_of_job:
                   1446:   return ( sp );			/* back with subraster or null ptr */
                   1447: } /* --- end-of-function rastack() --- */
                   1450: /* ==========================================================================
                   1451:  * Function:	rastile ( tiles, ntiles )
                   1452:  * Purpose:	Allocate and build up a composite raster
                   1453:  *		from the ntiles components/characters supplied in tiles.
                   1454:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1455:  * Arguments:	tiles (I)	subraster *  to array of subraster structs
                   1456:  *				describing the components and their locations
                   1457:  *		ntiles (I)	int containing number of subrasters in tiles[]
                   1458:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1459:  * Returns:	( raster * )	ptr to composite raster,
                   1460:  *				or NULL for any error.
                   1461:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1462:  * Notes:     o	The top,left corner of a raster is row=0,col=0
                   1463:  *		with row# increasing as you move down,
                   1464:  *		and col# increasing as you move right.
                   1465:  *		Metafont numbers rows with the baseline=0,
                   1466:  *		so the top row is a positive number that
                   1467:  *		decreases as you move down.
                   1468:  *	      o	rastile() is no longer used.
                   1469:  *		It was used by an earlier rasterize() algorithm,
                   1470:  *		and I've left it in place should it be needed again.
                   1471:  *		But recent changes haven't been tested/exercised.
                   1472:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1473: /* --- entry point --- */
                   1474: raster	*rastile ( subraster *tiles, int ntiles )
                   1475: {
                   1476: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1477: Allocations and Declarations
                   1478: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1479: raster	*new_raster(), *composite=(raster *)NULL;  /*raster back to caller*/
                   1480: int	width=0, height=0, pixsz=0, /*width,height,pixsz of composite raster*/
                   1481: 	toprow=9999, rightcol=-999, /* extreme upper-right corner of tiles */
                   1482: 	botrow=-999, leftcol=9999;  /* extreme lower-left corner of tiles */
                   1483: int	itile;			/* tiles[] index */
                   1484: int	rastput();		/* overlay each tile in composite raster */
                   1485: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1486: run through tiles[] to determine dimensions for composite raster
                   1487: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1488: /* --- determine row and column bounds of composite raster --- */
                   1489: for ( itile=0; itile<ntiles; itile++ )
                   1490:   {
                   1491:   subraster *tile = &(tiles[itile]);		/* ptr to current tile */
                   1492:   /* --- upper-left corner of composite --- */
                   1493:   toprow = min2(toprow, tile->toprow);
                   1494:   leftcol = min2(leftcol, tile->leftcol);
                   1495:   /* --- lower-right corner of composite --- */
                   1496:   botrow = max2(botrow, tile->toprow + (tile->image)->height - 1);
                   1497:   rightcol = max2(rightcol, tile->leftcol + (tile->image)->width  - 1);
                   1498:   /* --- pixsz of composite --- */
                   1499:   pixsz = max2(pixsz,(tile->image)->pixsz);
                   1500:   } /* --- end-of-for(itile) --- */
                   1501: /* --- calculate width and height from bounds --- */
                   1502: width  = rightcol - leftcol + 1;
                   1503: height = botrow - toprow + 1;
                   1504: /* --- sanity check (quit if bad dimensions) --- */
                   1505: if ( width<1 || height<1 ) goto end_of_job;
                   1506: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1507: allocate composite raster, and embed tiles[] within it
                   1508: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1509: /* --- allocate composite raster --- */
                   1510: if ( (composite=new_raster(width,height,pixsz))	/*allocate composite raster*/
                   1511: ==   (raster *)NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if failed */
                   1512: /* --- embed tiles[] in composite --- */
                   1513: for ( itile=0; itile<ntiles; itile++ )
                   1514:   { subraster *tile = &(tiles[itile]);		/* ptr to current tile */
                   1515:     rastput (composite, tile->image,		/* overlay tile image at...*/
                   1516:       tile->toprow-toprow, tile->leftcol-leftcol, 1); } /*upper-left corner*/
                   1517: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1518: Back to caller with composite raster (or null for any error)
                   1519: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1520: end_of_job:
                   1521:   return ( composite );			/* back with composite or null ptr */
                   1522: } /* --- end-of-function rastile() --- */
                   1525: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 1526:  * Function:	rastsmash ( sp1, sp2 )
1.1       albertel 1527:  * Purpose:	When concatanating sp1||sp2, calculate #pixels
1.2     ! albertel 1528:  *		we can "smash sp2 left"
1.1       albertel 1529:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1530:  * Arguments:	sp1 (I)		subraster *  to left-hand raster
                   1531:  *		sp2 (I)		subraster *  to right-hand raster
                   1532:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2     ! albertel 1533:  * Returns:	( int )		max #pixels we can smash sp1||sp2,
1.1       albertel 1534:  *				or "blanksignal" if sp2 intentionally blank,
                   1535:  *				or 0 for any error.
                   1536:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1537:  * Notes:     o
                   1538:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1539: /* --- entry point --- */
1.2     ! albertel 1540: int	rastsmash ( subraster *sp1, subraster *sp2 )
1.1       albertel 1541: {
                   1542: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1543: Allocations and Declarations
                   1544: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 1545: int	nsmash = 0;			/* #pixels to smash sp1||sp2 */
1.1       albertel 1546: int	base1   = sp1->baseline,	/*baseline for left-hand subraster*/
                   1547: 	height1 = (sp1->image)->height,	/* height for left-hand subraster */
                   1548: 	width1  = (sp1->image)->width,	/* width for left-hand subraster */
                   1549: 	base2   = sp2->baseline,	/*baseline for right-hand subraster*/
                   1550: 	height2 = (sp2->image)->height,	/* height for right-hand subraster */
                   1551: 	width2  = (sp2->image)->width;	/* width for right-hand subraster */
                   1552: int	base = max2(base1,base2),	/* max ascenders - 1 above baseline*/
                   1553: 	top1=base-base1, top2=base-base2, /* top irow indexes for sp1, sp2 */
                   1554: 	bot1=top1+height1-1, bot2=top2+height2-1, /* bot irow indexes */
                   1555: 	height = max2(bot1,bot2)+1;	/* total height */
                   1556: int	irow1=0,irow2=0, icol=0;	/* row,col indexes */
                   1557: int	firstcol1[1025], nfirst1=0,	/* 1st sp1 col containing set pixel*/
                   1558: 	firstcol2[1025], nfirst2=0;	/* 1st sp2 col containing set pixel*/
                   1559: int	smin=9999, xmin=9999,ymin=9999;	/* min separation (s=x+y) */
                   1560: int	type_raster();			/* display debugging output */
                   1561: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1562: find right edge of sp1 and left edge of sp2 (these will be abutting edges)
                   1563: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1564: /* --- check args --- */
                   1565: if ( isstring ) goto end_of_job;	/* ignore string rasters */
1.2     ! albertel 1566: if ( 0 && istextmode ) goto end_of_job;	/* don't smash in text mode */
        !          1567: if ( height > 1023 ) goto end_of_job;	/* don't try to smash huge image */
1.1       albertel 1568: if ( sp2->type == blanksignal )		/*blanksignal was propagated to us*/
1.2     ! albertel 1569:   goto end_of_job;			/* don't smash intentional blank */
1.1       albertel 1570: /* --- init firstcol1[], firstcol2[] --- */
                   1571: for ( irow1=0; irow1<height; irow1++ )	/* for each row */
                   1572:   firstcol1[irow1] = firstcol2[irow1] = blanksignal; /* signal empty rows */
                   1573: /* --- set firstcol2[] indicating left edge of sp2 --- */
                   1574: for ( irow2=top2; irow2<=bot2; irow2++ ) /* for each row inside sp2 */
                   1575:   for ( icol=0; icol<width2; icol++ )	/* find first non-empty col in row */
                   1576:     if ( getpixel(sp2->image,irow2-top2,icol) != 0 ) /* found a set pixel */
                   1577:       {	firstcol2[irow2] = icol;	/* icol is #cols from left edge */
                   1578: 	nfirst2++;			/* bump #rows containing set pixels*/
                   1579: 	break; }			/* and go on to next row */
                   1580: if ( nfirst2 < 1 )			/*right-hand sp2 is completely blank*/
1.2     ! albertel 1581:   { nsmash = blanksignal;		/* signal intentional blanks */
        !          1582:     goto end_of_job; }			/* don't smash intentional blanks */
1.1       albertel 1583: /* --- now check if preceding image in sp1 was an intentional blank --- */
                   1584: if ( sp1->type == blanksignal )		/*blanksignal was propagated to us*/
1.2     ! albertel 1585:   goto end_of_job;			/* don't smash intentional blank */
1.1       albertel 1586: /* --- set firstcol1[] indicating right edge of sp1 --- */
                   1587: for ( irow1=top1; irow1<=bot1; irow1++ ) /* for each row inside sp1 */
                   1588:   for ( icol=width1-1; icol>=0; icol-- ) /* find last non-empty col in row */
                   1589:     if ( getpixel(sp1->image,irow1-top1,icol) != 0 ) /* found a set pixel */
                   1590:       {	firstcol1[irow1] = (width1-1)-icol; /* save #cols from right edge */
                   1591: 	nfirst1++;			/* bump #rows containing set pixels*/
                   1592: 	break; }			/* and go on to next row */
                   1593: if ( nfirst1 < 1 )			/*left-hand sp1 is completely blank*/
1.2     ! albertel 1594:   goto end_of_job;			/* don't smash intentional blanks */
1.1       albertel 1595: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1596: find minimum separation
                   1597: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1598: for ( irow2=top2; irow2<=bot2; irow2++ ) { /* check each row inside sp2 */
                   1599:  int margin1, margin2=firstcol2[irow2];	/* #cols to first set pixel */
                   1600:  if ( margin2 != blanksignal )		/* irow2 not an empty/blank row */
                   1601:   for ( irow1=max2(irow2-smin,top1); ; irow1++ )
                   1602:    if ( irow1 > min2(irow2+smin,bot1) ) break; /* upper bound check */
                   1603:    else
                   1604:     if ( (margin1=firstcol1[irow1]) != blanksignal ) { /*have non-blank row*/
                   1605:      int dx=(margin1+margin2), dy=absval(irow2-irow1), ds=dx+dy; /* deltas */
                   1606:      if ( ds >= smin ) continue;	/* min unchanged */
1.2     ! albertel 1607:      if ( dy>smashmargin && dx<xmin && smin<9999 ) continue; /* dy alone */
1.1       albertel 1608:      smin=ds; xmin=dx; ymin=dy;		/* set new min */
                   1609:      } /* --- end-of-if(margin1!=blanksignal) --- */
1.2     ! albertel 1610:  if ( smin<2 ) goto end_of_job;		/* can't smash */
1.1       albertel 1611:  } /* --- end-of-for(irow2) --- */
1.2     ! albertel 1612: /*nsmash = min2(xmin,width2);*/		/* permissible smash */
        !          1613: nsmash = xmin;				/* permissible smash */
1.1       albertel 1614: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2     ! albertel 1615: Back to caller with #pixels to smash sp1||sp2
1.1       albertel 1616: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1617: end_of_job:
                   1618:   /* --- debugging output --- */
                   1619:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel >= 99 )	/* display for debugging */
1.2     ! albertel 1620:     { fprintf(msgfp,"rastsmash> nsmash=%d, smashmargin=%d\n",
        !          1621:       nsmash,smashmargin);
1.1       albertel 1622:       if ( msglevel >= 999 )		/* also display rasters */
1.2     ! albertel 1623: 	{ fprintf(msgfp,"rastsmash>left-hand image...\n");
1.1       albertel 1624: 	  if(sp1!=NULL) type_raster(sp1->image,msgfp); /* left image */
1.2     ! albertel 1625: 	  fprintf(msgfp,"rastsmash>right-hand image...\n");
1.1       albertel 1626: 	  if(sp2!=NULL) type_raster(sp2->image,msgfp); } /* right image */
                   1627:       fflush(msgfp); }
1.2     ! albertel 1628:   return ( nsmash );			/* back with #smash pixels */
        !          1629: } /* --- end-of-function rastsmash() --- */
1.1       albertel 1630: 
                   1632: /* ==========================================================================
                   1633:  * Function:	accent_subraster ( accent, width, height, pixsz )
                   1634:  * Purpose:	Allocate a new subraster of width x height
                   1635:  *		(or maybe different dimensions, depending on accent),
                   1636:  *		and draw an accent (\hat or \vec or \etc) that fills it
                   1637:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1638:  * Arguments:	accent (I)	int containing either HATACCENT or VECACCENT,
                   1639:  *				etc, indicating the type of accent desired
                   1640:  *		width (I)	int containing desired width of accent (#cols)
                   1641:  *		height (I)	int containing desired height of accent(#rows)
                   1642:  *		pixsz (I)	int containing 1 for bitmap, 8 for bytemap
                   1643:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1644:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to newly-allocated subraster with accent,
                   1645:  *				or NULL for any error.
                   1646:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1647:  * Notes:     o	Some accents have internally-determined dimensions,
                   1648:  *		and caller should check dimensions in returned subraster
                   1649:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1650: /* --- entry point --- */
                   1651: subraster *accent_subraster (  int accent, int width, int height, int pixsz )
                   1652: {
                   1653: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1654: Allocations and Declarations
                   1655: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1656: /* --- general info --- */
                   1657: raster	*new_raster(), *rp=NULL;	/*raster containing desired accent*/
                   1658: subraster *new_subraster(), *sp=NULL;	/* subraster returning accent */
                   1659: int	delete_raster(), delete_subraster(); /*free allocated raster on err*/
                   1660: int	line_raster(),			/* draws lines */
1.2     ! albertel 1661: 	rule_raster(),			/* draw solid boxes */
1.1       albertel 1662: 	thickness = 1;			/* line thickness */
                   1663: /*int	pixval = (pixsz==1? 1 : (pixsz==8?255:(-1)));*/ /*black pixel value*/
                   1664: /* --- other working info --- */
                   1665: int	col0, col1,			/* cols for line */
                   1666: 	row0, row1;			/* rows for line */
                   1667: subraster *get_delim(), *accsp=NULL;	/*find suitable cmex10 symbol/accent*/
                   1668: /* --- info for under/overbraces, tildes, etc --- */
                   1669: char	brace[16];			/*"{" for over, "}" for under, etc*/
                   1670: raster	*rastrot(),			/* rotate { for overbrace, etc */
                   1671: 	*rastcpy();			/* may need copy of original */
                   1672: subraster *arrow_subraster();		/* rightarrow for vec */
                   1673: subraster *rastack();			/* stack accent atop extra space */
                   1674: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1675: outer switch() traps accents that may change caller's height,width
                   1676: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1677: switch ( accent )
                   1678:  {
                   1679:  default:
                   1680:   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1681:   inner switch() first allocates fixed-size raster for accents that don't
                   1682:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   1683:   if ( (rp = new_raster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate fixed-size raster */
                   1684:   !=   NULL )				/* and if we succeeded... */
                   1685:    switch ( accent )			/* ...draw requested accent in it */
                   1686:     {
                   1687:     /* --- unrecognized request --- */
                   1688:     default: delete_raster(rp);		/* unrecognized accent requested */
                   1689: 	rp = NULL;  break;		/* so free raster and signal error */
                   1690:     /* --- bar request --- */
                   1691:     case UNDERBARACCENT:
                   1692:     case BARACCENT:
1.2     ! albertel 1693: 	thickness = 1; /*height-1;*/	/* adjust thickness */
1.1       albertel 1694: 	if ( accent == BARACCENT )	/* bar is above expression */
1.2     ! albertel 1695: 	 { row0 = row1 = max2(height-3,0); /* row numbers for overbar */
        !          1696: 	   line_raster(rp,row0,0,row1,width-1,thickness); } /*blanks at bot*/
1.1       albertel 1697: 	else				/* underbar is below expression */
1.2     ! albertel 1698: 	 { row0 = row1 = min2(2,height-1); /* row numbers for underbar */
        !          1699: 	   line_raster(rp,row0,0,row1,width-1,thickness); } /*blanks at top*/
1.1       albertel 1700: 	break;
                   1701:     /* --- dot request --- */
                   1702:     case DOTACCENT:
                   1703: 	thickness = height-1;		/* adjust thickness */
1.2     ! albertel 1704: 	/*line_raster(rp,0,width/2,1,(width/2)+1,thickness);*//*centered dot*/
        !          1705: 	rule_raster(rp,0,(width+1-thickness)/2,thickness,thickness,3); /*box*/
1.1       albertel 1706: 	break;
                   1707:     /* --- ddot request --- */
                   1708:     case DDOTACCENT:
                   1709: 	thickness = height-1;		/* adjust thickness */
1.2     ! albertel 1710: 	col0 = max2((width+1)/3-(thickness/2)-1,0); /* one-third of width */
        !          1711: 	col1 = min2((2*width+1)/3-(thickness/2)+1,width-thickness); /*2/3rds*/
        !          1712: 	if ( col0+thickness >= col1 )	/* dots overlap */
        !          1713: 	  { col0 = max2(col0-1,0);	/* try moving left dot more left */
        !          1714: 	    col1 = min2(col1+1,width-thickness); } /* and right dot right */
        !          1715: 	if ( col0+thickness >= col1 )	/* dots _still_ overlap */
        !          1716: 	  thickness = max2(thickness-1,1); /* so try reducing thickness */
        !          1717: 	/*line_raster(rp,0,col0,1,col0+1,thickness);*//*set dot at 1st third*/
        !          1718: 	/*line_raster(rp,0,col1,1,col1+1,thickness);*//*and another at 2nd*/
        !          1719: 	rule_raster(rp,0,col0,thickness,thickness,3); /*box at 1st third*/
        !          1720: 	rule_raster(rp,0,col1,thickness,thickness,3); /*box at 2nd third*/
1.1       albertel 1721: 	break;
                   1722:     /* --- hat request --- */
                   1723:     case HATACCENT:
1.2     ! albertel 1724: 	thickness = 1; /*(width<=12? 2 : 3);*/	/* adjust thickness */
1.1       albertel 1725: 	line_raster(rp,height-1,0,0,width/2,thickness);    /* / part of hat*/
                   1726: 	line_raster(rp,0,(width-1)/2,height-1,width-1,thickness); /* \ part*/
                   1727: 	break;
                   1728:     /* --- sqrt request --- */
                   1729:     case SQRTACCENT:
                   1730: 	col1 = SQRTWIDTH(height) - 1;	/* right col of sqrt symbol */
                   1731: 	col0 = (col1+2)/3;		/* midpoint col of sqrt */
                   1732: 	row0 = (height+1)/2;		/* midpoint row of sqrt */
                   1733: 	row1 = height-1;		/* bottom row of sqrt */
                   1734: 	line_raster(rp,row0,0,row1,col0,thickness); /* descending portion */
                   1735: 	line_raster(rp,row1,col0,0,col1,thickness); /* ascending portion */
                   1736: 	line_raster(rp,0,col1,0,width-1,thickness); /*overbar of thickness 1*/
                   1737: 	break;
                   1738:     } /* --- end-of-inner-switch(accent) --- */
                   1739:     break;				/* break from outer accent switch */
                   1740:  /* --- underbrace, overbrace request --- */
                   1741:  case UNDERBRACE:
                   1742:  case OVERBRACE:
                   1743:     if ( accent == UNDERBRACE ) strcpy(brace,"}"); /* start with } brace */
                   1744:     if ( accent ==  OVERBRACE ) strcpy(brace,"{"); /* start with { brace */
                   1745:     if ( (accsp=get_delim(brace,width,CMEX10)) /* use width for height */
                   1746:     !=  NULL )				/* found desired brace */
                   1747:       { rp = rastrot(accsp->image);	/* rotate 90 degrees clockwise */
                   1748: 	delete_subraster(accsp); }	/* and free subraster "envelope" */
                   1749:     break;
                   1750:  /* --- hat request --- */
                   1751:  case HATACCENT:
                   1752:     if ( accent == HATACCENT ) strcpy(brace,"<"); /* start with < */
                   1753:     if ( (accsp=get_delim(brace,width,CMEX10)) /* use width for height */
                   1754:     !=  NULL )				/* found desired brace */
                   1755:       { rp = rastrot(accsp->image);	/* rotate 90 degrees clockwise */
                   1756: 	delete_subraster(accsp); }	/* and free subraster "envelope" */
                   1757:     break;
                   1758:  /* --- vec request --- */
                   1759:  case VECACCENT:
                   1760:     height = 2*(height/2) + 1;		/* force height odd */
                   1761:     if ( (accsp=arrow_subraster(width,height,pixsz,1,0)) /*build rightarrow*/
                   1762:     !=  NULL )				/* succeeded */
                   1763: 	{ rp = accsp->image;		/* "extract" raster with bitmap */
                   1764: 	  free((void *)accsp); }	/* and free subraster "envelope" */
                   1765:     break;
                   1766:  /* --- tilde request --- */
                   1767:  case TILDEACCENT:
                   1768:     accsp=(width<25? get_delim("\\sim",-width,CMSY10) :
                   1769: 		     get_delim("~",-width,CMEX10)); /*width search for tilde*/
                   1770:     if ( accsp !=  NULL )		/* found desired tilde */
                   1771:       if ( (sp=rastack(new_subraster(1,1,pixsz),accsp,1,0,1,3))/*space below*/
                   1772:       !=  NULL )			/* have tilde with space below it */
                   1773: 	{ rp = sp->image;		/* "extract" raster with bitmap */
1.2     ! albertel 1774: 	  free((void *)sp);		/* and free subraster "envelope" */
        !          1775: 	  leftsymdef = NULL; }		/* so \tilde{x}^2 works properly */
1.1       albertel 1776:     break;
                   1777:  } /* --- end-of-outer-switch(accent) --- */
                   1778: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1779: if we constructed accent raster okay, embed it in a subraster and return it
                   1780: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1781: /* --- if all okay, allocate subraster to contain constructed raster --- */
                   1782: if ( rp != NULL )			/* accent raster constructed okay */
                   1783:   if ( (sp=new_subraster(0,0,0))	/* allocate subraster "envelope" */
                   1784:   ==   NULL )				/* and if we fail to allocate */
                   1785:     delete_raster(rp);			/* free now-unneeded raster */
                   1786:   else					/* subraster allocated okay */
                   1787:     { /* --- init subraster parameters, embedding raster in it --- */
                   1788:       sp->type = IMAGERASTER;		/* constructed image */
                   1789:       sp->image = rp;			/* raster we just constructed */
                   1790:       sp->size = (-1);			/* can't set font size here */
                   1791:       sp->baseline = 0; }		/* can't set baseline here */
                   1792: /* --- return subraster containing desired accent to caller --- */
                   1793: return ( sp );				/* return accent or NULL to caller */
                   1794: } /* --- end-of-function accent_subraster() --- */
                   1797: /* ==========================================================================
                   1798:  * Function:	arrow_subraster ( width, height, pixsz, drctn, isBig )
                   1799:  * Purpose:	Allocate a raster/subraster and draw left/right arrow in it
                   1800:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1801:  * Arguments:	width (I)	int containing number of cols for arrow
                   1802:  *		height (I)	int containing number of rows for arrow
                   1803:  *		pixsz (I)	int containing 1 for bitmap, 8 for bytemap
                   1804:  *		drctn (I)	int containing +1 for right arrow,
                   1805:  *				or -1 for left, 0 for leftright
                   1806:  *		isBig (I)	int containing 1/true for \Long arrows,
                   1807:  *				or false for \long arrows, i.e.,
                   1808:  *				true for ===> or false for --->.
                   1809:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1810:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to constructed left/right arrow
                   1811:  *				or NULL for any error.
                   1812:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1813:  * Notes:     o
                   1814:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1815: /* --- entry point --- */
                   1816: subraster *arrow_subraster ( int width, int height, int pixsz,
                   1817: 				int drctn, int isBig )
                   1818: {
                   1819: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1820: Allocations and Declarations
                   1821: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1822: subraster *new_subraster(), *arrowsp=NULL; /* allocate arrow subraster */
                   1823: int	rule_raster();			/* draw arrow line */
                   1824: int	irow, midrow=height/2;		/* index, midrow is arrowhead apex */
1.2     ! albertel 1825: int	icol, thickness=(height>15?2:2); /* arrowhead thickness and index */
1.1       albertel 1826: int	pixval = (pixsz==1? 1 : (pixsz==8?255:(-1))); /* black pixel value */
                   1827: int	ipix,				/* raster pixmap[] index */
                   1828: 	npix = width*height;		/* #pixels malloced in pixmap[] */
                   1829: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1830: allocate raster/subraster and draw arrow line
                   1831: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1832: if ( height < 3 ) { height=3; midrow=1; }	/* set minimum height */
                   1833: if ( (arrowsp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate empty raster */
                   1834: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;			/* and quit if failed */
                   1835: if ( !isBig )					/* single line */
                   1836:   rule_raster(arrowsp->image,midrow,0,width,1,0); /*draw line across midrow*/
                   1837: else
                   1838:   { int	delta = (width>6? (height>15? 3: (height>7? 2 : 1)) : 1);
                   1839:     rule_raster(arrowsp->image,midrow-delta,delta,width-2*delta,1,0);
                   1840:     rule_raster(arrowsp->image,midrow+delta,delta,width-2*delta,1,0); }
                   1841: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1842: construct arrowhead(s)
                   1843: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1844: for ( irow=0; irow<height; irow++ )		/* for each row of arrow */
                   1845:   {
                   1846:   int	delta = abs(irow-midrow);		/*arrowhead offset for irow*/
                   1847:   /* --- right arrowhead --- */
                   1848:   if ( drctn >= 0 )				/* right arrowhead wanted */
                   1849:     for ( icol=0; icol<thickness; icol++ )	/* for arrowhead thickness */
                   1850:      { ipix = ((irow+1)*width - 1) - delta - icol; /* rightmost-delta-icol */
                   1851:        if ( ipix >= 0 )				/* bounds check */
                   1852: 	if ( pixsz == 1 )			/* have a bitmap */
                   1853: 	  setlongbit((arrowsp->image)->pixmap,ipix);/*turn on arrowhead bit*/
                   1854: 	else					/* should have a bytemap */
                   1855: 	 if ( pixsz == 8 )			/* check pixsz for bytemap */
                   1856: 	  ((arrowsp->image)->pixmap)[ipix] = pixval; } /*set arrowhead byte*/
                   1857:   /* --- left arrowhead (same as right except for ipix calculation) --- */
                   1858:   if ( drctn <= 0 )				/* left arrowhead wanted */
                   1859:     for ( icol=0; icol<thickness; icol++ )	/* for arrowhead thickness */
                   1860:      { ipix = irow*width + delta + icol;	/* leftmost bit+delta+icol */
                   1861:        if ( ipix < npix )			/* bounds check */
                   1862: 	if ( pixsz == 1 )			/* have a bitmap */
                   1863: 	  setlongbit((arrowsp->image)->pixmap,ipix);/*turn on arrowhead bit*/
                   1864: 	else					/* should have a bytemap */
                   1865: 	 if ( pixsz == 8 )			/* check pixsz for bytemap */
                   1866: 	  ((arrowsp->image)->pixmap)[ipix] = pixval; } /*set arrowhead byte*/
                   1867:   } /* --- end-of-for(irow) --- */
                   1868: end_of_job:
                   1869:   return ( arrowsp );			/*back to caller with arrow or NULL*/
                   1870: } /* --- end-of-function arrow_subraster() --- */
                   1873: /* ==========================================================================
                   1874:  * Function:	uparrow_subraster ( width, height, pixsz, drctn, isBig )
                   1875:  * Purpose:	Allocate a raster/subraster and draw up/down arrow in it
                   1876:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1877:  * Arguments:	width (I)	int containing number of cols for arrow
                   1878:  *		height (I)	int containing number of rows for arrow
                   1879:  *		pixsz (I)	int containing 1 for bitmap, 8 for bytemap
                   1880:  *		drctn (I)	int containing +1 for up arrow,
                   1881:  *				or -1 for down, or 0 for updown
                   1882:  *		isBig (I)	int containing 1/true for \Long arrows,
                   1883:  *				or false for \long arrows, i.e.,
                   1884:  *				true for ===> or false for --->.
                   1885:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1886:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to constructed up/down arrow
                   1887:  *				or NULL for any error.
                   1888:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1889:  * Notes:     o
                   1890:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1891: /* --- entry point --- */
                   1892: subraster *uparrow_subraster ( int width, int height, int pixsz,
                   1893: 					int drctn, int isBig )
                   1894: {
                   1895: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1896: Allocations and Declarations
                   1897: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1898: subraster *new_subraster(), *arrowsp=NULL; /* allocate arrow subraster */
                   1899: int	rule_raster();			/* draw arrow line */
                   1900: int	icol, midcol=width/2;		/* index, midcol is arrowhead apex */
1.2     ! albertel 1901: int	irow, thickness=(width>15?2:2);	/* arrowhead thickness and index */
1.1       albertel 1902: int	pixval = (pixsz==1? 1 : (pixsz==8?255:(-1))); /* black pixel value */
                   1903: int	ipix,				/* raster pixmap[] index */
                   1904: 	npix = width*height;		/* #pixels malloced in pixmap[] */
                   1905: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1906: allocate raster/subraster and draw arrow line
                   1907: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1908: if ( width < 3 ) { width=3; midcol=1; }		/* set minimum width */
                   1909: if ( (arrowsp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate empty raster */
                   1910: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;			/* and quit if failed */
                   1911: if ( !isBig )					/* single line */
                   1912:   rule_raster(arrowsp->image,0,midcol,1,height,0); /*draw line down midcol*/
                   1913: else
                   1914:   { int	delta = (height>6? (width>15? 3: (width>7? 2 : 1)) : 1);
                   1915:     rule_raster(arrowsp->image,delta,midcol-delta,1,height-2*delta,0);
                   1916:     rule_raster(arrowsp->image,delta,midcol+delta,1,height-2*delta,0); }
                   1917: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1918: construct arrowhead(s)
                   1919: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1920: for ( icol=0; icol<width; icol++ )		/* for each col of arrow */
                   1921:   {
                   1922:   int	delta = abs(icol-midcol);		/*arrowhead offset for icol*/
                   1923:   /* --- up arrowhead --- */
                   1924:   if ( drctn >= 0 )				/* up arrowhead wanted */
                   1925:     for ( irow=0; irow<thickness; irow++ )	/* for arrowhead thickness */
                   1926:      { ipix = (irow+delta)*width + icol;	/* leftmost+icol */
                   1927:        if ( ipix < npix )			/* bounds check */
                   1928: 	if ( pixsz == 1 )			/* have a bitmap */
                   1929: 	  setlongbit((arrowsp->image)->pixmap,ipix);/*turn on arrowhead bit*/
                   1930: 	else					/* should have a bytemap */
                   1931: 	 if ( pixsz == 8 )			/* check pixsz for bytemap */
                   1932: 	  ((arrowsp->image)->pixmap)[ipix] = pixval; } /*set arrowhead byte*/
                   1933:   /* --- down arrowhead (same as up except for ipix calculation) --- */
                   1934:   if ( drctn <= 0 )				/* down arrowhead wanted */
                   1935:     for ( irow=0; irow<thickness; irow++ )	/* for arrowhead thickness */
                   1936:      { ipix = (height-1-delta-irow)*width + icol; /* leftmost + icol */
                   1937:        if ( ipix > 0 )				/* bounds check */
                   1938: 	if ( pixsz == 1 )			/* have a bitmap */
                   1939: 	  setlongbit((arrowsp->image)->pixmap,ipix);/*turn on arrowhead bit*/
                   1940: 	else					/* should have a bytemap */
                   1941: 	 if ( pixsz == 8 )			/* check pixsz for bytemap */
                   1942: 	  ((arrowsp->image)->pixmap)[ipix] = pixval; } /*set arrowhead byte*/
1.2     ! albertel 1943:   } /* --- end-of-for(icol) --- */
1.1       albertel 1944: end_of_job:
                   1945:   return ( arrowsp );			/*back to caller with arrow or NULL*/
                   1946: } /* --- end-of-function uparrow_subraster() --- */
                   1949: /* ==========================================================================
                   1950:  * Function:	rule_raster ( rp, top, left, width, height, type )
                   1951:  * Purpose:	Draw a solid or dashed line (or box) in existing raster rp,
                   1952:  *		starting at top,left with dimensions width,height.
                   1953:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1954:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		raster *  to raster in which rule
                   1955:  *				will be drawn
                   1956:  *		top (I)		int containing row at which top-left corner
                   1957:  *				of rule starts (0 is topmost)
                   1958:  *		left (I)	int containing col at which top-left corner
                   1959:  *				of rule starts (0 is leftmost)
                   1960:  *		width (I)	int containing number of cols for rule
                   1961:  *		height (I)	int containing number of rows for rule
                   1962:  *		type (I)	int containing 0 for solid rule,
                   1963:  *				1 for horizontal dashes, 2 for vertical
1.2     ! albertel 1964:  *				3 for solid rule with corners removed
1.1       albertel 1965:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1966:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if rule drawn okay,
                   1967:  *				or 0 for any error.
                   1968:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1969:  * Notes:     o	Rule line is implicitly "horizontal" or "vertical" depending
                   1970:  *		on relative width,height dimensions.  It's a box if they're
                   1971:  *		more or less comparable.
                   1972:  * ======================================================================= */
                   1973: /* --- entry point --- */
                   1974: int	rule_raster ( raster *rp, int top, int left,
                   1975: 		int width, int height, int type )
                   1976: {
                   1977: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1978: Allocations and Declarations
                   1979: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 1980: int	irow=0, icol=0;		/* indexes over rp raster */
        !          1981: int	ipix = 0,		/* raster pixmap[] index */
1.1       albertel 1982: 	npix = rp->width * rp->height; /* #pixels malloced in rp->pixmap[] */
                   1983: int	isfatal = 0;		/* true to abend on out-of-bounds error */
                   1984: int	hdash=1, vdash=2;	/* type for horizontal, vertical dashes */
                   1985: int	dashlen=3, spacelen=2,	/* #pixels for dash followed by space */
                   1986: 	isdraw=1;		/* true when drawing dash (init for solid) */
                   1987: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1988: Check args
                   1989: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1990: if ( rp == (raster *)NULL )	/* no raster arg supplied */
                   1991:   if ( workingbox != (subraster *)NULL )  /* see if we have a workingbox */
                   1992:     rp = workingbox->image;	/* use workingbox if possible */
                   1993:   else return ( 0 );		/* otherwise signal error to caller */
1.2     ! albertel 1994: if ( type == 3 )		/* remove corners of solid box */
        !          1995:   if ( width<3 || height<3 ) type=0; /* too small to remove corners */
1.1       albertel 1996: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   1997: Fill line/box
                   1998: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   1999: for ( irow=top; irow<top+height; irow++ ) /*each scan line*/
                   2000:   {
                   2001:   if ( type == vdash )				/*set isdraw for vert dash*/
                   2002:     isdraw = (((irow-top)%(dashlen+spacelen)) < dashlen);
                   2003:   ipix = irow*rp->width + left - 1;		/*first pixel preceding icol*/
                   2004:   for ( icol=left; icol<left+width; icol++ )	/* each pixel in scan line */
                   2005:     {
1.2     ! albertel 2006:     if ( type == 3 )				/* remove corners of box */
        !          2007:       if ( (irow==top && icol==left)		/* top-left corner */
        !          2008:       ||   (irow==top && icol>=left+width-1)	/* top-right corner */
        !          2009:       ||   (irow>=top+height-1 && icol==left)	/* bottom-left corner */
        !          2010:       ||   (irow>=top+height-1 && icol>=left+width-1) ) /* bottom-right */
        !          2011: 	isdraw = 0;  else isdraw = 1;		/*set isdraw to skip corner*/
1.1       albertel 2012:     if ( type == hdash )			/*set isdraw for horiz dash*/
                   2013:       isdraw = (((icol-left)%(dashlen+spacelen)) < dashlen);
                   2014:     if ( ++ipix >= npix )			/* bounds check failed */
                   2015:          if ( isfatal ) goto end_of_job;	/* abort if error is fatal */
                   2016:          else break;				/*or just go on to next row*/
                   2017:     else					/*ibit is within rp bounds*/
                   2018:       if ( isdraw )				/*and we're drawing this bit*/
                   2019: 	if ( rp->pixsz == 1 )			/* have a bitmap */
                   2020: 	  setlongbit(rp->pixmap,ipix);		/* so turn on bit in line */
                   2021: 	else					/* should have a bytemap */
                   2022: 	 if ( rp->pixsz == 8 )			/* check pixsz for bytemap */
                   2023: 	  ((unsigned char *)(rp->pixmap))[ipix] = 255; /* set black byte */
                   2024:     } /* --- end-of-for(icol) --- */
                   2025:   } /* --- end-of-for(irow) --- */
                   2026: end_of_job:
                   2027:   return ( isfatal? (ipix<npix? 1:0) : 1 );
                   2028: } /* --- end-of-function rule_raster() --- */
                   2031: /* ==========================================================================
                   2032:  * Function:	line_raster ( rp,  row0, col0,  row1, col1,  thickness )
                   2033:  * Purpose:	Draw a line from row0,col0 to row1,col1 of thickness
                   2034:  *		in existing raster rp.
                   2035:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2036:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		raster *  to raster in which a line
                   2037:  *				will be drawn
                   2038:  *		row0 (I)	int containing row at which
                   2039:  *				line will start (0 is topmost)
                   2040:  *		col0 (I)	int containing col at which
                   2041:  *				line will start (0 is leftmost)
                   2042:  *		row1 (I)	int containing row at which
                   2043:  *				line will end (rp->height-1 is bottom-most)
                   2044:  *		col1 (I)	int containing col at which
                   2045:  *				line will end (rp->width-1 is rightmost)
                   2046:  *		thickness (I)	int containing number of pixels/bits
                   2047:  *				thick the line will be
                   2048:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2049:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if line drawn okay,
                   2050:  *				or 0 for any error.
                   2051:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2052:  * Notes:     o	if row0==row1, a horizontal line is drawn
                   2053:  *		between col0 and col1, with row0(==row1) the top row
                   2054:  *		and row0+(thickness-1) the bottom row
                   2055:  *	      o	if col0==col1, a vertical bar is drawn
                   2056:  *		between row0 and row1, with col0(==col1) the left col
                   2057:  *		and col0+(thickness-1) the right col
                   2058:  *	      o	if both the above, you get a square thickness x thickness
                   2059:  *		whose top-left corner is row0,col0.
                   2060:  * ======================================================================= */
                   2061: /* --- entry point --- */
                   2062: int	line_raster ( raster *rp, int row0, int col0,
                   2063: 	int row1, int col1, int thickness )
                   2064: {
                   2065: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2066: Allocations and Declarations
                   2067: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 2068: int	irow=0, icol=0,		/* indexes over rp raster */
1.1       albertel 2069: 	locol=col0, hicol=col1,	/* col limits at irow */
                   2070: 	lorow=row0, hirow=row1;	/* row limits at icol */
1.2     ! albertel 2071: int	width=rp->width, height=rp->height; /* dimensions of input raster */
        !          2072: int	ipix = 0,		/* raster pixmap[] index */
        !          2073: 	npix = width*height;	/* #pixels malloced in rp->pixmap[] */
1.1       albertel 2074: int	isfatal = 0;		/* true to abend on out-of-bounds error */
                   2075: int	isline=(row1==row0), isbar=(col1==col0); /*true if slope a=0,\infty*/
                   2076: double	dy = row1-row0 /* + (row1>=row0? +1.0 : -1.0) */, /* delta-x */
                   2077: 	dx = col1-col0 /* + (col1>=col0? +1.0 : -1.0) */, /* delta-y */
                   2078: 	a= (isbar||isline? 0.0 : dy/dx), /* slope = tan(theta) = dy/dx */
1.2     ! albertel 2079: 	xcol=0, xrow=0;		/* calculated col at irow, or row at icol */
1.1       albertel 2080: double	ar = ASPECTRATIO,	/* aspect ratio width/height of one pixel */
                   2081: 	xwidth= (isline? 0.0 :	/*#pixels per row to get sloped line thcknss*/
                   2082: 		((double)thickness)*sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy*ar*ar))/fabs(dy*ar)),
                   2083: 	xheight = 1.0;
                   2084: int	line_recurse(), isrecurse=1; /* true to draw line recursively */
                   2085: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2086: Check args
                   2087: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2088: if ( rp == (raster *)NULL )	/* no raster arg supplied */
                   2089:   if ( workingbox != (subraster *)NULL )  /* see if we have a workingbox */
                   2090:     rp = workingbox->image;	/* use workingbox if possible */
                   2091:   else return ( 0 );		/* otherwise signal error to caller */
                   2092: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2093: Initialization
                   2094: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2095: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )		/* debugging */
                   2096:    fprintf(msgfp,"line_raster> row,col0=%d,%d row,col1=%d,%d, thickness=%d\n"
                   2097:    "\t dy,dx=%3.1f,%3.1f, a=%4.3f, xwidth=%4.3f\n",
                   2098:    row0,col0, row1,col1, thickness,  dy,dx, a, xwidth);
                   2099: /* --- check for recursive line drawing --- */
1.2     ! albertel 2100: if ( isrecurse ) {		/* drawing lines recursively */
        !          2101:  for ( irow=0; irow<thickness; irow++ )		/* each line 1 pixel thick */
        !          2102:   { double xrow0=(double)row0, xcol0=(double)col0,
        !          2103: 	xrow1=(double)row1, xcol1=(double)col1;
        !          2104:     if ( isline ) xrow0 = xrow1 = (double)(row0+irow);
        !          2105:     else if ( isbar ) xcol0 = xcol1 = (double)(col0+irow);
        !          2106:     if( xrow0>(-0.001) && xcol0>(-0.001)	/*check line inside raster*/
        !          2107:     &&  xrow1<((double)(height-1)+0.001) && xcol1<((double)(width-1)+0.001) )
        !          2108:       line_recurse(rp,xrow0,xcol0,xrow1,xcol1,thickness); }
        !          2109:  return ( 1 ); }
1.1       albertel 2110: /* --- set params for horizontal line or vertical bar --- */
                   2111: if ( isline )					/*interpret row as top row*/
                   2112:   row1 = row0 + (thickness-1);			/* set bottom row for line */
                   2113: if ( 0&&isbar )					/*interpret col as left col*/
                   2114:   hicol = col0 + (thickness-1);			/* set right col for bar */
                   2115: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2116: draw line one row at a time
                   2117: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2118: for ( irow=min2(row0,row1); irow<=max2(row0,row1); irow++ ) /*each scan line*/
                   2119:   {
                   2120:   if ( !isbar && !isline )			/* neither vert nor horiz */
                   2121:     { xcol  = col0 + ((double)(irow-row0))/a;	/* "middle" col in irow */
                   2122:       locol = max2((int)(xcol-0.5*(xwidth-1.0)),0); /* leftmost col */
                   2123:       hicol = min2((int)(xcol+0.5*(xwidth-0.0)),max2(col0,col1)); } /*right*/
                   2124:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )		/* debugging */
                   2125:     fprintf(msgfp,"\t irow=%d, xcol=%4.2f, lo,hicol=%d,%d\n",
                   2126:     irow,xcol,locol,hicol);
                   2127:   ipix = irow*rp->width + min2(locol,hicol) - 1; /*first pix preceding icol*/
                   2128:   for ( icol=min2(locol,hicol); icol<=max2(locol,hicol); icol++ ) /*each pix*/
                   2129:     if ( ++ipix >= npix )			/* bounds check failed */
                   2130: 	if ( isfatal ) goto end_of_job;	/* abort if error is fatal */
                   2131: 	else break;				/*or just go on to next row*/
                   2132:     else					/* turn on pixel in line */
                   2133: 	if ( rp->pixsz == 1 )			/* have a pixel bitmap */
                   2134: 	  setlongbit(rp->pixmap,ipix);		/* so turn on bit in line */
                   2135: 	else					/* should have a bytemap */
                   2136: 	 if ( rp->pixsz == 8 )			/* check pixsz for bytemap */
                   2137: 	  ((unsigned char *)(rp->pixmap))[ipix] = 255; /* set black byte */
                   2138:   } /* --- end-of-for(irow) --- */
                   2139: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2140: now _redraw_ line one col at a time to avoid "gaps"
                   2141: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2142: if ( 1 )
                   2143:  for ( icol=min2(col0,col1); icol<=max2(col0,col1); icol++ )/*each scan line*/
                   2144:   {
                   2145:   if ( !isbar && !isline )			/* neither vert nor horiz */
                   2146:     { xrow  = row0 + ((double)(icol-col0))*a;	/* "middle" row in icol */
                   2147:       lorow = max2((int)(xrow-0.5*(xheight-1.0)),0); /* topmost row */
                   2148:       hirow = min2((int)(xrow+0.5*(xheight-0.0)),max2(row0,row1)); } /*bot*/
                   2149:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )		/* debugging */
                   2150:     fprintf(msgfp,"\t icol=%d, xrow=%4.2f, lo,hirow=%d,%d\n",
                   2151:     icol,xrow,lorow,hirow);
                   2152:   ipix = irow*rp->width + min2(locol,hicol) - 1; /*first pix preceding icol*/
                   2153:   for ( irow=min2(lorow,hirow); irow<=max2(lorow,hirow); irow++ ) /*each pix*/
                   2154:     if ( irow<0 || irow>=rp->height
                   2155:     ||   icol<0 || icol>=rp->width )		/* bounds check */
                   2156:       if ( isfatal ) goto end_of_job;		/* abort if error is fatal */
                   2157:       else continue;				/*or just go on to next row*/
                   2158:     else
                   2159:       setpixel(rp,irow,icol,255);		/* set pixel at irow,icol */
                   2160:   } /* --- end-of-for(irow) --- */
                   2161: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2162: Back to caller with 1=okay, 0=failed.
                   2163: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2164: end_of_job:
                   2165:   return ( isfatal? (ipix<npix? 1:0) : 1 );
                   2166: } /* --- end-of-function line_raster() --- */
                   2169: /* ==========================================================================
                   2170:  * Function:	line_recurse ( rp,  row0, col0,  row1, col1,  thickness )
                   2171:  * Purpose:	Draw a line from row0,col0 to row1,col1 of thickness
                   2172:  *		in existing raster rp.
                   2173:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2174:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		raster *  to raster in which a line
                   2175:  *				will be drawn
                   2176:  *		row0 (I)	double containing row at which
                   2177:  *				line will start (0 is topmost)
                   2178:  *		col0 (I)	double containing col at which
                   2179:  *				line will start (0 is leftmost)
                   2180:  *		row1 (I)	double containing row at which
                   2181:  *				line will end (rp->height-1 is bottom-most)
                   2182:  *		col1 (I)	double containing col at which
                   2183:  *				line will end (rp->width-1 is rightmost)
                   2184:  *		thickness (I)	int containing number of pixels/bits
                   2185:  *				thick the line will be
                   2186:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2187:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if line drawn okay,
                   2188:  *				or 0 for any error.
                   2189:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2190:  * Notes:     o	Recurses, drawing left- and right-halves of line
                   2191:  *		until a horizontal or vertical segment is found
                   2192:  * ======================================================================= */
                   2193: /* --- entry point --- */
                   2194: int	line_recurse ( raster *rp, double row0, double col0,
                   2195: 	double row1, double col1, int thickness )
                   2196: {
                   2197: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2198: Allocations and Declarations
                   2199: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2200: double	delrow = fabs(row1-row0),	/* 0 if line horizontal */
                   2201: 	delcol = fabs(col1-col0),	/* 0 if line vertical */
                   2202: 	tolerance = 0.5;		/* draw line when it goes to point */
                   2203: double	midrow = 0.5*(row0+row1),	/* midpoint row */
                   2204: 	midcol = 0.5*(col0+col1);	/* midpoint col */
                   2205: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2206: recurse if either delta > tolerance
                   2207: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2208: if ( delrow > tolerance			/* row hasn't converged */
                   2209: ||   delcol > tolerance )		/* col hasn't converged */
                   2210:   { line_recurse(rp,row0,col0,midrow,midcol,thickness); /* left half */
                   2211:     line_recurse(rp,midrow,midcol,row1,col1,thickness); /* right half */
                   2212:     return ( 1 ); }
                   2213: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2214: draw converged point
                   2215: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2216: setpixel(rp,iround(midrow),iround(midcol),255); /*set pixel at midrow,midcol*/
                   2217: return ( 1 );
                   2218: } /* --- end-of-function line_recurse() --- */
                   2221: /* ==========================================================================
                   2222:  * Function:	circle_raster ( rp,  row0, col0,  row1, col1,
                   2223:  *		thickness, quads )
                   2224:  * Purpose:	Draw quad(rant)s of an ellipse in box determined by
                   2225:  *		diagonally opposite corner points (row0,col0) and
                   2226:  *		(row1,col1), of thickness pixels in existing raster rp.
                   2227:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2228:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		raster *  to raster in which an ellipse
                   2229:  *				will be drawn
                   2230:  *		row0 (I)	int containing 1st corner row bounding ellipse
                   2231:  *				(0 is topmost)
                   2232:  *		col0 (I)	int containing 1st corner col bounding ellipse
                   2233:  *				(0 is leftmost)
                   2234:  *		row1 (I)	int containing 2nd corner row bounding ellipse
                   2235:  *				(rp->height-1 is bottom-most)
                   2236:  *		col1 (I)	int containing 2nd corner col bounding ellipse
                   2237:  *				(rp->width-1 is rightmost)
                   2238:  *		thickness (I)	int containing number of pixels/bits
                   2239:  *				thick the ellipse arc line will be
                   2240:  *		quads (I)	char * to null-terminated string containing
                   2241:  *				any subset/combination of "1234" specifying
                   2242:  *				which quadrant(s) of ellipse to draw.
                   2243:  *				NULL ptr draws all four quadrants;
                   2244:  *				otherwise 1=upper-right quadrant,
                   2245:  *				2=uper-left, 3=lower-left, 4=lower-right,
                   2246:  *				i.e., counterclockwise from 1=positive quad.
                   2247:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2248:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if ellipse drawn okay,
                   2249:  *				or 0 for any error.
                   2250:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2251:  * Notes:     o	row0==row1 or col0==col1 are errors
                   2252:  *	      o	using ellipse equation x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1
                   2253:  * ======================================================================= */
                   2254: /* --- entry point --- */
                   2255: int	circle_raster ( raster *rp, int row0, int col0,
                   2256: 	int row1, int col1, int thickness, char *quads )
                   2257: {
                   2258: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2259: Allocations and Declarations
                   2260: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2261: /* --- lower-left and upper-right bounding points (in our coords) --- */
                   2262: int	lorow = min2(row0,row1),	/* lower bounding row (top of box) */
                   2263: 	locol = min2(col0,col1),	/* lower bounding col (left of box)*/
                   2264: 	hirow = max2(row0,row1),	/* upper bounding row (bot of box) */
                   2265: 	hicol = max2(col0,col1);	/* upper bounding col (right of box)*/
                   2266: /* --- a and b ellipse params --- */
                   2267: int	width = hicol-locol+1,		/* width of bounding box */
                   2268: 	height= hirow-lorow+1,		/* height of bounding box */
                   2269: 	islandscape = (width>=height? 1:0); /*true if ellipse lying on side*/
                   2270: double	a = ((double)width)/2.0,	/* x=a when y=0 */
                   2271: 	b = ((double)height)/2.0,	/* y=b when x=0 */
                   2272: 	abmajor = (islandscape? a : b),	/* max2(a,b) */
                   2273: 	abminor = (islandscape? b : a),	/* min2(a,b) */
                   2274: 	abmajor2 = abmajor*abmajor,	/* abmajor^2 */
                   2275: 	abminor2 = abminor*abminor;	/* abminor^2 */
                   2276: /* --- other stuff --- */
                   2277: int	imajor=0, nmajor=max2(width,height), /*index, #pixels on major axis*/
                   2278: 	iminor=0, nminor=min2(width,height); /* solved index on minor axis */
                   2279: int	irow, icol,			/* raster indexes at circumference */
                   2280: 	rsign=1, csign=1;		/* row,col signs, both +1 in quad 1*/
                   2281: double	midrow= ((double)(row0+row1))/2.0, /* center row */
                   2282: 	midcol= ((double)(col0+col1))/2.0; /* center col */
                   2283: double	xy, xy2,			/* major axis ellipse coord */
                   2284: 	yx2, yx;			/* solved minor ellipse coord */
                   2285: int	isokay = 1;			/* true if no pixels out-of-bounds */
                   2286: char	*qptr=NULL, *allquads="1234";	/* quadrants if input quads==NULL */
                   2287: int	circle_recurse(), isrecurse=1;	/* true to draw ellipse recursively*/
                   2288: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2289: pixel-by-pixel along positive major axis, quit when it goes negative
                   2290: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2291: if ( quads == NULL ) quads = allquads;	/* draw all quads, or only user's */
                   2292: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=39 )	/* debugging */
                   2293:   fprintf(msgfp,"circle_raster> width,height;quads=%d,%d,%s\n",
                   2294:   width,height,quads);
                   2295: if ( nmajor < 1 ) isokay = 0;		/* problem with input args */
                   2296: else
                   2297:  {
                   2298:  if ( isrecurse )			/* use recursive algorithm */
                   2299:   {
                   2300:   for ( qptr=quads; *qptr!='\000'; qptr++ ) /* for each character in quads */
                   2301:    {
                   2302:    double theta0=0.0, theta1=0.0;	/* set thetas based on quadrant */
                   2303:    switch ( *qptr )			/* check for quadrant 1,2,3,4 */
                   2304:     { default:				/* unrecognized, assume quadrant 1 */
                   2305:       case '1': theta0=  0.0; theta1= 90.0; break;   /* first quadrant */
                   2306:       case '2': theta0= 90.0; theta1=180.0; break;   /* second quadrant */
                   2307:       case '3': theta0=180.0; theta1=270.0; break;   /* third quadrant */
                   2308:       case '4': theta0=270.0; theta1=360.0; break; } /* fourth quadrant */
                   2309:    circle_recurse(rp,row0,col0,row1,col1,thickness,theta0,theta1);
                   2310:    } /* --- end-of-for(qptr) --- */
                   2311:   return ( 1 );
                   2312:   } /* --- end-of-if(isrecurse) --- */
                   2313:  for ( imajor=(nmajor+1)/2; ; imajor-- )
                   2314:   {
                   2315:   /* --- xy is coord along major axis, yx is "solved" along minor axis --- */
                   2316:   xy  = ((double)imajor);		/* xy = abmajor ... 0 */
                   2317:   if ( xy < 0.0 ) break;		/* negative side symmetrical */
                   2318:   yx2 = abminor2*(1.0 - xy*xy/abmajor2); /* "solve" ellipse equation */
                   2319:   yx  = (yx2>0.0? sqrt(yx2) : 0.0);	/* take sqrt if possible */
                   2320:   iminor = iround(yx);			/* nearest integer */
                   2321:   /* --- set pixels for each requested quadrant --- */
                   2322:   for ( qptr=quads; *qptr!='\000'; qptr++ ) /* for each character in quads */
                   2323:    {
                   2324:    rsign = (-1);  csign = 1;		/* init row,col in user quadrant 1 */
                   2325:    switch ( *qptr )			/* check for quadrant 1,2,3,4 */
                   2326:     { default: break;			/* unrecognized, assume quadrant 1 */
                   2327:       case '4': rsign = 1; break;	/* row,col both pos in quadrant 4 */
                   2328:       case '3': rsign = 1;		/* row pos, col neg in quadrant 3 */
                   2329:       case '2': csign = (-1); break; }	/* row,col both neg in quadrant 2 */
                   2330:    irow = iround(midrow + (double)rsign*(islandscape?yx:xy));
                   2331:    irow = min2(hirow,max2(lorow,irow));	/* keep irow in bounds */
                   2332:    icol = iround(midcol + (double)csign*(islandscape?xy:yx));
                   2333:    icol = min2(hicol,max2(locol,icol));	/* keep icol in bounds */
                   2334:    if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=49 )	/* debugging */
                   2335:      fprintf(msgfp,"\t...imajor=%d; iminor,quad,irow,icol=%d,%c,%d,%d\n",
                   2336:      imajor,iminor,*qptr,irow,icol);
                   2337:    if ( irow<0 || irow>=rp->height	/* row outside raster */
                   2338:    ||   icol<0 || icol>=rp->width )	/* col outside raster */
                   2339:       {	isokay = 0;			/* signal out-of-bounds pixel */
                   2340: 	continue; }			/* but still try remaining points */
                   2341:    setpixel(rp,irow,icol,255);		/* set pixel at irow,icol */
                   2342:    } /* --- end-of-for(qptr) --- */
                   2343:   } /* --- end-of-for(imajor) --- */
                   2344:  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2345:  now do it _again_ along minor axis to avoid "gaps"
                   2346:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2347:  if ( 1 && iminor>0 )
                   2348:   for ( iminor=(nminor+1)/2; ; iminor-- )
                   2349:    {
                   2350:    /* --- yx is coord along minor axis, xy is "solved" along major axis --- */
                   2351:    yx  = ((double)iminor);		/* yx = abminor ... 0 */
                   2352:    if ( yx < 0.0 ) break;		/* negative side symmetrical */
                   2353:    xy2 = abmajor2*(1.0 - yx*yx/abminor2); /* "solve" ellipse equation */
                   2354:    xy  = (xy2>0.0? sqrt(xy2) : 0.0);	/* take sqrt if possible */
                   2355:    imajor = iround(xy);			/* nearest integer */
                   2356:    /* --- set pixels for each requested quadrant --- */
                   2357:    for ( qptr=quads; *qptr!='\000'; qptr++ ) /* for each character in quads */
                   2358:     {
                   2359:     rsign = (-1);  csign = 1;		/* init row,col in user quadrant 1 */
                   2360:     switch ( *qptr )			/* check for quadrant 1,2,3,4 */
                   2361:      { default: break;			/* unrecognized, assume quadrant 1 */
                   2362:        case '4': rsign = 1; break;	/* row,col both pos in quadrant 4 */
                   2363:        case '3': rsign = 1;		/* row pos, col neg in quadrant 3 */
                   2364:        case '2': csign = (-1); break; }	/* row,col both neg in quadrant 2 */
                   2365:     irow = iround(midrow + (double)rsign*(islandscape?yx:xy));
                   2366:     irow = min2(hirow,max2(lorow,irow)); /* keep irow in bounds */
                   2367:     icol = iround(midcol + (double)csign*(islandscape?xy:yx));
                   2368:     icol = min2(hicol,max2(locol,icol)); /* keep icol in bounds */
                   2369:     if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=49 )	/* debugging */
                   2370:      fprintf(msgfp,"\t...iminor=%d; imajor,quad,irow,icol=%d,%c,%d,%d\n",
                   2371:      iminor,imajor,*qptr,irow,icol);
                   2372:     if ( irow<0 || irow>=rp->height	/* row outside raster */
                   2373:     ||   icol<0 || icol>=rp->width )	/* col outside raster */
                   2374:       {	isokay = 0;			/* signal out-of-bounds pixel */
                   2375: 	continue; }			/* but still try remaining points */
                   2376:     setpixel(rp,irow,icol,255);		/* set pixel at irow,icol */
                   2377:     } /* --- end-of-for(qptr) --- */
                   2378:    } /* --- end-of-for(iminor) --- */
                   2379:  } /* --- end-of-if/else(nmajor<1) --- */
                   2380: return ( isokay );
                   2381: } /* --- end-of-function circle_raster() --- */
                   2384: /* ==========================================================================
                   2385:  * Function:	circle_recurse ( rp,  row0, col0,  row1, col1,
                   2386:  *		thickness, theta0, theta1 )
                   2387:  * Purpose:	Recursively draws arc theta0<=theta<=theta1 of the ellipse
                   2388:  *		in box determined by diagonally opposite corner points
                   2389:  *		(row0,col0) and (row1,col1), of thickness pixels in raster rp.
                   2390:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2391:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		raster *  to raster in which an ellipse
                   2392:  *				will be drawn
                   2393:  *		row0 (I)	int containing 1st corner row bounding ellipse
                   2394:  *				(0 is topmost)
                   2395:  *		col0 (I)	int containing 1st corner col bounding ellipse
                   2396:  *				(0 is leftmost)
                   2397:  *		row1 (I)	int containing 2nd corner row bounding ellipse
                   2398:  *				(rp->height-1 is bottom-most)
                   2399:  *		col1 (I)	int containing 2nd corner col bounding ellipse
                   2400:  *				(rp->width-1 is rightmost)
                   2401:  *		thickness (I)	int containing number of pixels/bits
                   2402:  *				thick the ellipse arc line will be
                   2403:  *		theta0 (I)	double containing first angle -360 -> +360
                   2404:  *		theta1 (I)	double containing second angle -360 -> +360
                   2405:  *				0=x-axis, positive moving counterclockwise
                   2406:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2407:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if ellipse drawn okay,
                   2408:  *				or 0 for any error.
                   2409:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2410:  * Notes:     o	row0==row1 or col0==col1 are errors
                   2411:  *	      o	using ellipse equation x^2/a^2 + y^2/b^2 = 1
                   2412:  *		Then, with x=r*cos(theta), y=r*sin(theta), ellipse
                   2413:  *		equation is r = ab/sqrt(a^2*sin^2(theta)+b^2*cos^2(theta))
                   2414:  * ======================================================================= */
                   2415: /* --- entry point --- */
                   2416: int	circle_recurse ( raster *rp, int row0, int col0,
                   2417: 	int row1, int col1, int thickness, double theta0, double theta1 )
                   2418: {
                   2419: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2420: Allocations and Declarations
                   2421: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2422: /* --- lower-left and upper-right bounding points (in our coords) --- */
                   2423: int	lorow = min2(row0,row1),	/* lower bounding row (top of box) */
                   2424: 	locol = min2(col0,col1),	/* lower bounding col (left of box)*/
                   2425: 	hirow = max2(row0,row1),	/* upper bounding row (bot of box) */
                   2426: 	hicol = max2(col0,col1);	/* upper bounding col (right of box)*/
                   2427: /* --- a and b ellipse params --- */
                   2428: int	width = hicol-locol+1,		/* width of bounding box */
                   2429: 	height= hirow-lorow+1;		/* height of bounding box */
                   2430: double	a = ((double)width)/2.0,	/* col x=a when row y=0 */
                   2431: 	b = ((double)height)/2.0,	/* row y=b when col x=0 */
                   2432: 	ab=a*b, a2=a*a, b2=b*b;		/* product and squares */
                   2433: /* --- arc parameters --- */
                   2434: double	rads = 0.017453292,		/* radians per degree = 1/57.29578 */
                   2435: 	lotheta = rads*dmod(min2(theta0,theta1),360), /* smaller angle */
                   2436: 	hitheta = rads*dmod(max2(theta0,theta1),360), /* larger angle */
                   2437: 	locos=cos(lotheta), losin=sin(lotheta), /* trigs for lotheta */
                   2438: 	hicos=cos(hitheta), hisin=sin(hitheta), /* trigs for hitheta */
                   2439: 	rlo = ab/sqrt(b2*locos*locos+a2*losin*losin), /* r for lotheta */
                   2440: 	rhi = ab/sqrt(b2*hicos*hicos+a2*hisin*hisin), /* r for hitheta */
                   2441: 	xlo=rlo*locos, ylo=rlo*losin,	/*col,row pixel coords for lotheta*/
                   2442: 	xhi=rhi*hicos, yhi=rhi*hisin,	/*col,row pixel coords for hitheta*/
                   2443: 	xdelta=fabs(xhi-xlo), ydelta=fabs(yhi-ylo), /* col,row deltas */
                   2444: 	tolerance = 0.5;		/* convergence tolerance */
                   2445: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2446: recurse if either delta > tolerance
                   2447: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2448: if ( ydelta > tolerance			/* row hasn't converged */
                   2449: ||   xdelta > tolerance )		/* col hasn't converged */
                   2450:   { double midtheta = 0.5*(theta0+theta1); /* mid angle for arc */
                   2451:     circle_recurse(rp,row0,col0,row1,col1,thickness,theta0,midtheta);  /*lo*/
                   2452:     circle_recurse(rp,row0,col0,row1,col1,thickness,midtheta,theta1); }/*hi*/
                   2453: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2454: draw converged point
                   2455: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2456: else
                   2457:   { double xcol=0.5*(xlo+xhi), yrow=0.5*(ylo+yhi),    /* relative to center*/
                   2458: 	centerrow = 0.5*((double)(lorow+hirow)),      /* ellipse y-center */
                   2459: 	centercol = 0.5*((double)(locol+hicol)),      /* ellipse x-center */
                   2460: 	midrow=centerrow-yrow, midcol=centercol+xcol; /* pixel coords */
                   2461:     setpixel(rp,iround(midrow),iround(midcol),255); } /* set midrow,midcol */
                   2462: return ( 1 );
                   2463: } /* --- end-of-function circle_recurse() --- */
                   2466: /* ==========================================================================
                   2467:  * Function:	bezier_raster ( rp, r0,c0, r1,c1, rt,ct )
                   2468:  * Purpose:	Recursively draw bezier from r0,c0 to r1,c1
                   2469:  *		(with tangent point rt,ct) in existing raster rp.
                   2470:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2471:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		raster *  to raster in which a line
                   2472:  *				will be drawn
                   2473:  *		r0 (I)		double containing row at which
                   2474:  *				bezier will start (0 is topmost)
                   2475:  *		c0 (I)		double containing col at which
                   2476:  *				bezier will start (0 is leftmost)
                   2477:  *		r1 (I)		double containing row at which
                   2478:  *				bezier will end (rp->height-1 is bottom-most)
                   2479:  *		c1 (I)		double containing col at which
                   2480:  *				bezier will end (rp->width-1 is rightmost)
                   2481:  *		rt (I)		double containing row for tangent point
                   2482:  *		ct (I)		double containing col for tangent point
                   2483:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2484:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if line drawn okay,
                   2485:  *				or 0 for any error.
                   2486:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2487:  * Notes:     o	Recurses, drawing left- and right-halves of bezier curve
                   2488:  *		until a point is found
                   2489:  * ======================================================================= */
                   2490: /* --- entry point --- */
                   2491: int	bezier_raster ( raster *rp, double r0, double c0,
                   2492: 	double r1, double c1, double rt, double ct )
                   2493: {
                   2494: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2495: Allocations and Declarations
                   2496: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2497: double	delrow = fabs(r1-r0),		/* 0 if same row */
                   2498: 	delcol = fabs(c1-c0),		/* 0 if same col */
                   2499: 	tolerance = 0.5;		/* draw curve when it goes to point*/
                   2500: double	midrow = 0.5*(r0+r1),		/* midpoint row */
                   2501: 	midcol = 0.5*(c0+c1);		/* midpoint col */
                   2502: int	irow=0, icol=0;			/* point to be drawn */
                   2503: int	status = 1;			/* return status */
                   2504: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2505: recurse if either delta > tolerance
                   2506: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2507: if ( delrow > tolerance			/* row hasn't converged */
                   2508: ||   delcol > tolerance )		/* col hasn't converged */
                   2509:   { bezier_raster(rp, r0,c0,		/* left half */
                   2510: 	0.5*(rt+midrow), 0.5*(ct+midcol),
                   2511: 	0.5*(r0+rt), 0.5*(c0+ct) );
                   2512:     bezier_raster(rp, 0.5*(rt+midrow), 0.5*(ct+midcol), /* right half */
                   2513: 	r1,c1,
                   2514: 	0.5*(r1+rt), 0.5*(c1+ct) );
                   2515:     return ( 1 ); }
                   2516: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2517: draw converged point
                   2518: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2519: /* --- get integer point --- */
                   2520: irow = iround(midrow);			/* row pixel coord */
                   2521: icol = iround(midcol);			/* col pixel coord */
                   2522: /* --- bounds check --- */
                   2523: if ( irow>=0 && irow<rp->height		/* row in bounds */
                   2524: &&   icol>=0 && icol<rp->width )	/* col in bounds */
                   2525: 	setpixel(rp,irow,icol,255);	/* so set pixel at irow,icol*/
                   2526: else	status = 0;			/* bad status if out-of-bounds */
                   2527: return ( status );
                   2528: } /* --- end-of-function bezier_raster() --- */
                   2531: /* ==========================================================================
                   2532:  * Function:	border_raster ( rp, ntop, nbot, isline, isfree )
                   2533:  * Purpose:	Allocate a new raster containing a copy of input rp,
                   2534:  *		along with ntop extra rows at top and nbot at bottom,
                   2535:  *		and whose width is either adjusted correspondingly,
                   2536:  *		or is automatically enlarged to a multiple of 8
                   2537:  *		with original bitmap centered
                   2538:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2539:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		raster *  to raster on which a border
                   2540:  *				is to be placed
                   2541:  *		ntop (I)	int containing number extra rows at top.
                   2542:  *				if negative, abs(ntop) used, and same
                   2543:  *				number of extra cols added at left.
                   2544:  *		nbot (I)	int containing number extra rows at bottom.
                   2545:  *				if negative, abs(nbot) used, and same
                   2546:  *				number of extra cols added at right.
                   2547:  *		isline (I)	int containing 0 to leave border pixels clear
                   2548:  *				or >0 to draw a line around border of width
                   2549:  *				isline.
                   2550:  *		isfree (I)	int containing true to free rp before return
                   2551:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2552:  * Returns:	( raster * )	ptr to bordered raster,
                   2553:  *				or NULL for any error.
                   2554:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2555:  * Notes:     o
                   2556:  * ======================================================================= */
                   2557: /* --- entry point --- */
                   2558: raster	*border_raster ( raster *rp, int ntop, int nbot,
                   2559: 			int isline, int isfree )
                   2560: {
                   2561: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2562: Allocations and Declarations
                   2563: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2564: raster	*new_raster(), *bp=(raster *)NULL;  /*raster back to caller*/
                   2565: int	rastput();		/* overlay rp in new bordered raster */
                   2566: int	width  = (rp==NULL?0:rp->width),  /* height of raster */
                   2567: 	height = (rp==NULL?0:rp->height), /* width  of raster */
                   2568: 	istopneg=0, isbotneg=0,	/* true if ntop or nbot negative */
                   2569: 	leftmargin = 0;		/* adjust width to whole number of bytes */
                   2570: int	delete_raster();	/* to free input rp if isdelete is true */
                   2571: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2572: Initialization
                   2573: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2574: if ( rp == NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/* no input raster provided */
                   2575: if ( isstring || (1 && rp->height==1) )	/* explicit string signal or infer */
                   2576:   { bp=rp; goto end_of_job; }		/* return ascii string unchanged */
                   2577: /* --- check for negative args --- */
                   2578: if ( ntop < 0 ) { ntop = -ntop; istopneg=1; } /*flip positive and set flag*/
                   2579: if ( nbot < 0 ) { nbot = -nbot; isbotneg=1; } /*flip positive and set flag*/
                   2580: /* --- adjust height for ntop and nbot margins --- */
                   2581: height += (ntop+nbot);			/* adjust height for margins */
                   2582: /* --- adjust width for left and right margins --- */
                   2583: if ( istopneg || isbotneg )	/*caller wants nleft=ntop and/or nright=nbot*/
                   2584:   { /* --- adjust width (and leftmargin) as requested by caller -- */
                   2585:     if ( istopneg ) { width += ntop; leftmargin = ntop; }
                   2586:     if ( isbotneg )   width += nbot;  }
                   2587: else
                   2588:   { /* --- or adjust width (and leftmargin) to whole number of bytes --- */
                   2589:     leftmargin = (width%8==0? 0 : 8-(width%8)); /*makes width multiple of 8*/
                   2590:     width += leftmargin;		/* width now multiple of 8 */
                   2591:     leftmargin /= 2; }			/* center original raster */
                   2592: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2593: allocate bordered raster, and embed rp within it
                   2594: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2595: /* --- allocate bordered raster --- */
                   2596: if ( (bp=new_raster(width,height,rp->pixsz))  /*allocate bordered raster*/
                   2597: ==   (raster *)NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/* and quit if failed */
                   2598: /* --- embed rp in it --- */
                   2599: rastput(bp,rp,ntop,leftmargin,1);	/* rp embedded in bp */
                   2600: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2601: draw border if requested
                   2602: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2603: if ( isline )
                   2604:  { int	irow, icol, nthick=isline;	/*height,width index, line thickness*/
                   2605:   /* --- draw left- and right-borders --- */
                   2606:   for ( irow=0; irow<height; irow++ )	/* for each row of bp */
                   2607:     for ( icol=0; icol<nthick; icol++ )	/* and each pixel of thickness */
                   2608:       {	setpixel(bp,irow,icol,255);	/* left border */
                   2609: 	setpixel(bp,irow,width-1-icol,255); } /* right border */
                   2610:   /* --- draw top- and bottom-borders --- */
                   2611:   for ( icol=0; icol<width; icol++ )	/* for each col of bp */
                   2612:     for ( irow=0; irow<nthick; irow++ )	/* and each pixel of thickness */
                   2613:       {	setpixel(bp,irow,icol,255);	/* top border */
                   2614: 	setpixel(bp,height-1-irow,icol,255); } /* bottom border */
                   2615:  } /* --- end-of-if(isline) --- */
                   2616: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2617: free rp if no longer needed
                   2618: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2619: if ( isfree )					/*caller no longer needs rp*/
                   2620:   delete_raster(rp);				/* so free it for him */
                   2621: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2622: Back to caller with bordered raster (or null for any error)
                   2623: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2624: end_of_job:
                   2625:   return ( bp );			/* back with bordered or null ptr */
                   2626: } /* --- end-of-function border_raster() --- */
                   2629: /* ==========================================================================
                   2630:  * Function:	type_raster ( rp, fp )
                   2631:  * Purpose:	Emit an ascii dump representing rp, on fp.
                   2632:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2633:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		ptr to raster struct for which an
                   2634:  *				ascii dump is to be constructed.
                   2635:  *		fp (I)		File ptr to output device (defaults to
                   2636:  *				stdout if passed as NULL).
                   2637:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2638:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                   2639:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                   2640:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2641:  * Notes:
                   2642:  * ======================================================================= */
                   2643: /* --- entry point --- */
                   2644: int	type_raster ( raster *rp, FILE *fp )
                   2645: {
                   2646: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2647: Allocations and Declarations
                   2648: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2649: static	int display_width = 72;		/* max columns for display */
                   2650: static	char display_chars[16] =	/* display chars for bytemap */
                   2651: 	{ ' ','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','A','B','C','D','E','*' };
                   2652: char	scanline[133];			/* ascii image for one scan line */
                   2653: int	scan_width;			/* #chars in scan (<=display_width)*/
                   2654: int	irow, locol,hicol=(-1);		/* height index, width indexes */
1.2     ! albertel 2655: raster	*gftobitmap(), *bitmaprp=rp;	/* convert .gf to bitmap if needed */
        !          2656: int	delete_raster();		/*free bitmap converted for display*/
1.1       albertel 2657: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2658: initialization
                   2659: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2660: /* --- redirect null fp --- */
                   2661: if ( fp == (FILE *)NULL ) fp = stdout;	/* default fp to stdout if null */
                   2662: /* --- check for ascii string --- */
                   2663: if ( isstring				/* pixmap has string, not raster */
1.2     ! albertel 2664: ||   (0 && rp->height==1) )		/* infer input rp is a string */
1.1       albertel 2665:  {
                   2666:  char *string = (char *)(rp->pixmap);	/*interpret pixmap as ascii string*/
                   2667:  int width = strlen(string);		/* #chars in ascii string */
                   2668:  while ( width > display_width-2 )	/* too big for one line */
                   2669:   { fprintf(fp,"\"%.*s\"\n",display_width-2,string); /*display leading chars*/
                   2670:     string += (display_width-2);	/* bump string past displayed chars*/
                   2671:     width -= (display_width-2); }	/* decrement remaining width */
                   2672:  fprintf(fp,"\"%.*s\"\n",width,string);	/* display trailing chars */
                   2673:  return ( 1 );
                   2674:  } /* --- end-of-if(isstring) --- */
                   2675: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2676: display ascii dump of bitmap image (in segments if display_width < rp->width)
                   2677: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 2678: if ( rp->format == 2			/* input is .gf-formatted */
        !          2679: ||   rp->format == 3 )
        !          2680:   bitmaprp = gftobitmap(rp);		/* so convert it for display */
        !          2681: if ( bitmaprp != NULL )			/* if we have image for display */
        !          2682:  while ( (locol=hicol+1) < rp->width )	/*start where prev segment left off*/
1.1       albertel 2683:   {
                   2684:   /* --- set hicol for this pass (locol set above) --- */
                   2685:   hicol += display_width;		/* show as much as display allows */
                   2686:   if (hicol >= rp->width) hicol = rp->width - 1; /*but not more than raster*/
                   2687:   scan_width = hicol-locol+1;		/* #chars in this scan */
                   2688:   if ( locol > 0 ) fprintf(fp,"----------\n"); /*separator between segments*/
                   2689:   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2690:   display all scan lines for this local...hicol segment range
                   2691:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   2692:   for ( irow=0; irow<rp->height; irow++ )  /* all scan lines for col range */
                   2693:     {
                   2694:     /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
                   2695:     int	ipix,				/* pixmap[] index for this scan */
                   2696: 	lopix = irow*rp->width + locol;	/*first pixmap[] pixel in this scan*/
                   2697:     /* --- set chars in scanline[] based on pixels in rp->pixmap[] --- */
                   2698:     for ( ipix=0; ipix<scan_width; ipix++ ) /* set each char */
1.2     ! albertel 2699:       if ( bitmaprp->pixsz == 1 )	/*' '=0 or '*'=1 to display bitmap*/
        !          2700: 	scanline[ipix]=(getlongbit(bitmaprp->pixmap,lopix+ipix)==1? '*':'.');
1.1       albertel 2701:       else				/* should have a bytemap */
1.2     ! albertel 2702:        if ( bitmaprp->pixsz == 8 )	/* double-check pixsz for bytemap */
        !          2703: 	{ int pixval = (int)((bitmaprp->pixmap)[lopix+ipix]), /*byte value*/
1.1       albertel 2704: 	  ichar = min2(15,pixval/16);	/* index for ' ', '1'...'e', '*' */
                   2705: 	  scanline[ipix] = display_chars[ichar]; } /*set ' ' for 0-15, etc*/
                   2706:     /* --- display completed scan line --- */
                   2707:     fprintf(fp,"%.*s\n",scan_width,scanline);	
                   2708:     } /* --- end-of-for(irow) --- */
                   2709:   } /* --- end-of-while(hicol<rp->width) --- */
                   2710: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2711: Back to caller with 1=okay, 0=failed.
                   2712: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 2713: if ( rp->format == 2			/* input was .gf-format */
        !          2714: ||   rp->format == 3 )
        !          2715:   if ( bitmaprp != NULL )		/* and we converted it for display */
        !          2716:     delete_raster(bitmaprp);		/* no longer needed, so free it */
1.1       albertel 2717: return ( 1 );
                   2718: } /* --- end-of-function type_raster() --- */
                   2721: /* ==========================================================================
                   2722:  * Function:	type_bytemap ( bp, grayscale, width, height, fp )
                   2723:  * Purpose:	Emit an ascii dump representing bp, on fp.
                   2724:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2725:  * Arguments:	bp (I)		intbyte * to bytemap for which an
                   2726:  *				ascii dump is to be constructed.
                   2727:  *		grayscale (I)	int containing #gray shades, 256 for 8-bit
                   2728:  *		width (I)	int containing #cols in bytemap
                   2729:  *		height (I)	int containing #rows in bytemap
                   2730:  *		fp (I)		File ptr to output device (defaults to
                   2731:  *				stdout if passed as NULL).
                   2732:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2733:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                   2734:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                   2735:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2736:  * Notes:
                   2737:  * ======================================================================= */
                   2738: /* --- entry point --- */
                   2739: int	type_bytemap ( intbyte *bp, int grayscale,
                   2740: 			int width, int height, FILE *fp )
                   2741: {
                   2742: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2743: Allocations and Declarations
                   2744: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2745: static	int display_width = 72;		/* max columns for display */
                   2746: int	byte_width = 3,			/* cols to display byte (ff+space) */
                   2747: 	maxbyte = 0;			/* if maxbyte<16, set byte_width=2 */
                   2748: int	white_byte = 0,			/* show dots for white_byte's */
                   2749: 	black_byte = grayscale-1;	/* show stars for black_byte's */
                   2750: char	scanline[133];			/* ascii image for one scan line */
                   2751: int	scan_width,			/* #chars in scan (<=display_width)*/
                   2752: 	scan_cols;			/* #cols in scan (hicol-locol+1) */
                   2753: int	ibyte,				/* bp[] index */
                   2754: 	irow, locol,hicol=(-1);		/* height index, width indexes */
                   2755: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2756: initialization
                   2757: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2758: /* --- redirect null fp --- */
                   2759: if ( fp == (FILE *)NULL ) fp = stdout;	/* default fp to stdout if null */
                   2760: /* --- check for ascii string --- */
                   2761: if ( isstring )				/* bp has ascii string, not raster */
                   2762:  { width = strlen((char *)bp);		/* #chars in ascii string */
                   2763:    height = 1; }			/* default */
                   2764: /* --- see if we can get away with byte_width=1 --- */
                   2765: for ( ibyte=0; ibyte<width*height; ibyte++ )  /* check all bytes */
                   2766:   { int	byteval = (int)bp[ibyte];	/* current byte value */
                   2767:     if ( byteval < black_byte )		/* if it's less than black_byte */
                   2768:       maxbyte = max2(maxbyte,byteval); } /* then find max non-black value */
                   2769: if ( maxbyte < 16 )			/* bytevals will fit in one column */
                   2770:   byte_width = 1;			/* so reset display byte_width */
                   2771: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2772: display ascii dump of bitmap image (in segments if display_width < rp->width)
                   2773: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2774: while ( (locol=hicol+1) < width )	/*start where prev segment left off*/
                   2775:   {
                   2776:   /* --- set hicol for this pass (locol set above) --- */
                   2777:   hicol += display_width/byte_width;	/* show as much as display allows */
                   2778:   if (hicol >= width) hicol = width - 1; /* but not more than bytemap */
                   2779:   scan_cols = hicol-locol+1;		/* #cols in this scan */
                   2780:   scan_width = byte_width*scan_cols;	/* #chars in this scan */
                   2781:   if ( locol>0 && !isstring ) fprintf(fp,"----------\n"); /* separator */
                   2782:   /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2783:   display all scan lines for this local...hicol segment range
                   2784:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   2785:   for ( irow=0; irow<height; irow++ )	/* all scan lines for col range */
                   2786:     {
                   2787:     /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
                   2788:     int  lobyte = irow*width + locol;	/* first bp[] byte in this scan */
                   2789:     char scanbyte[32];			/* sprintf() buffer for byte */
                   2790:     /* --- set chars in scanline[] based on bytes in bytemap bp[] --- */
                   2791:     memset(scanline,' ',scan_width);	/* blank out scanline */
                   2792:     for ( ibyte=0; ibyte<scan_cols; ibyte++ ) /* set chars for each col */
                   2793:       {	int byteval = (int)bp[lobyte+ibyte];  /* value of current byte */
                   2794: 	memset(scanbyte,'.',byte_width); /* dot-fill scanbyte */
                   2795: 	if ( byteval == black_byte )	/* but if we have a black byte */
                   2796: 	  memset(scanbyte,'*',byte_width); /* star-fill scanbyte instead */
                   2797: 	if ( byte_width > 1 )		/* don't blank out single char */
                   2798: 	  scanbyte[byte_width-1] = ' ';	/* blank-fill rightmost character */
                   2799: 	if ( byteval != white_byte	/* format bytes that are non-white */
                   2800: 	&&   byteval != black_byte )	/* and that are non-black */
                   2801: 	  sprintf(scanbyte,"%*x ",max2(1,byte_width-1),byteval); /*hex-format*/
                   2802: 	memcpy(scanline+ibyte*byte_width,scanbyte,byte_width); } /*in line*/
                   2803:     /* --- display completed scan line --- */
                   2804:     fprintf(fp,"%.*s\n",scan_width,scanline);	
                   2805:     } /* --- end-of-for(irow) --- */
                   2806:   } /* --- end-of-while(hicol<width) --- */
                   2807: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2808: Back to caller with 1=okay, 0=failed.
                   2809: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2810: return ( 1 );
                   2811: } /* --- end-of-function type_bytemap() --- */
                   2814: /* ==========================================================================
                   2815:  * Function:	xbitmap_raster ( rp, fp )
                   2816:  * Purpose:	Emit a mime xbitmap representing rp, on fp.
                   2817:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2818:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		ptr to raster struct for which a mime
                   2819:  *				xbitmap is to be constructed.
                   2820:  *		fp (I)		File ptr to output device (defaults to
                   2821:  *				stdout if passed as NULL).
                   2822:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2823:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                   2824:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                   2825:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2826:  * Notes:
                   2827:  * ======================================================================= */
                   2828: /* --- entry point --- */
                   2829: int	xbitmap_raster ( raster *rp, FILE *fp )
                   2830: {
                   2831: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2832: Allocations and Declarations
                   2833: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2834: char	*title = "image";		/* dummy title */
                   2835: int	hex_bitmap();			/* dump bitmap as hex bytes */
                   2836: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2837: emit text to display mime xbitmap representation of rp->bitmap image
                   2838: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2839: /* --- first redirect null fp --- */
                   2840: if ( fp == (FILE *)NULL ) fp = stdout;	/* default fp to stdout if null */
                   2841: /* --- check for ascii string --- */
                   2842: if ( isstring )				/* pixmap has string, not raster */
                   2843:  return ( 0 );				/* can't handle ascii string */
                   2844: /* --- emit prologue strings and hex dump of bitmap for mime xbitmap --- */
                   2845: fprintf( fp, "Content-type: image/x-xbitmap\n\n" );
                   2846: fprintf( fp, "#define %s_width %d\n#define %s_height %d\n",
                   2847: 	title,rp->width, title,rp->height );
                   2848: fprintf( fp, "static char %s_bits[] = {\n", title );
                   2849: hex_bitmap(rp,fp,0,0);			/* emit hex dump of bitmap bytes */
                   2850: fprintf (fp,"};\n");			/* ending with "};" for C array */
                   2851: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2852: Back to caller with 1=okay, 0=failed.
                   2853: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   2854: return ( 1 );
                   2855: } /* --- end-of-function xbitmap_raster() --- */
                   2858: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 2859:  * Function:	type_pbmpgm ( rp, ptype, file )
        !          2860:  * Purpose:	Write pbm or pgm image of rp to file
        !          2861:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          2862:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		ptr to raster struct for which
        !          2863:  *				a pbm/pgm file is to be written.
        !          2864:  *		ptype (I)	int containing 1 for pbm, 2 for pgm, or
        !          2865:  *				0 to determine ptype from values in rp
        !          2866:  *		file (I)	ptr to null-terminated char string
        !          2867:  *				containing name of fuke to be written
        !          2868:  *				(see notes below).
        !          2869:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          2870:  * Returns:	( int )		total #bytes written,
        !          2871:  *				or 0 for any error.
        !          2872:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          2873:  * Notes:     o	(a) If file==NULL, output is written to stdout;
        !          2874:  *		(b) if *file=='\000' then file is taken as the
        !          2875:  *		    address of an output buffer to which output
        !          2876:  *		    is written (and is followed by a terminating
        !          2877:  *		    '\0' which is not counted in #bytes returned);
        !          2878:  *		(c) otherwise file is the filename (opened and
        !          2879:  *		    closed internally) to which output is written,
        !          2880:  *		    except that any final .ext extension is replaced
        !          2881:  *		    by .pbm or .pgm depending on ptype.
        !          2882:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          2883: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          2884: int	type_pbmpgm ( raster *rp, int ptype, char *file )
        !          2885: {
        !          2886: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          2887: Allocations and Declarations
        !          2888: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          2889: int	isokay=0, nbytes=0;	/* completion flag, total #bytes written */
        !          2890: int	irow=0, jcol=0;		/*height(row), width(col) indexes in raster*/
        !          2891: int	pixmin=9999, pixmax=(-9999), /* min, max pixel value in raster */
        !          2892: 	ngray = 0;		/* #gray scale values */
        !          2893: FILE	/* *fopen(), */ *fp=NULL; /* pointer to output file (or NULL) */
        !          2894: char	outline[1024], outfield[256], /* output line, field */
        !          2895: 	cr[16] = "\n\000";	/* cr at end-of-line */
        !          2896: int	maxlinelen = 70;	/* maximum allowed line length */
        !          2897: int	pixfrac=6;		/* use (pixmax-pixmin)/pixfrac as step */
        !          2898: static	char
        !          2899: 	*suffix[] = { NULL, ".pbm", ".pgm" },	/* file.suffix[ptype] */
        !          2900: 	*magic[] = { NULL, "P1", "P2" },	/*identifying "magic number"*/
        !          2901: 	*mode[] = { NULL, "w", "w" };		/* fopen() mode[ptype] */
        !          2902: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          2903: check input, determine grayscale,  and set up output file if necessary
        !          2904: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          2905: /* --- check input args --- */
        !          2906: if ( rp == NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/* no input raster provided */
        !          2907: if ( ptype != 0 )			/* we'll determine ptype below */
        !          2908:  if ( ptype<1 || ptype>2 ) goto end_of_job; /*invalid output graphic format*/
        !          2909: /* --- determine largest (and smallest) value in pixmap --- */
        !          2910: for ( irow=0; irow<rp->height; irow++ )	/* for each row, top-to-bottom */
        !          2911:  for ( jcol=0; jcol<rp->width; jcol++ )	/* for each col, left-to-right */
        !          2912:   { int	pixval = getpixel(rp,irow,jcol);  /* value of pixel at irow,jcol */
        !          2913:     pixmin = min2(pixmin,pixval);	/* new minimum */
        !          2914:     pixmax = max2(pixmax,pixval); }	/* new maximum */
        !          2915: ngray = 1 + (pixmax-pixmin);		/* should be 2 for b/w bitmap */
        !          2916: if ( ptype == 0 )			/* caller wants us to set ptype */
        !          2917:   ptype = (ngray>=3?2:1);		/* use grayscale if >2 shades */
        !          2918: /* --- open output file if necessary --- */
        !          2919: if ( file == NULL ) fp = stdout;	/*null ptr signals output to stdout*/
        !          2920: else if ( *file != '\000' ) {		/* explicit filename provided, so...*/
        !          2921:   char	fname[512], *pdot=NULL;		/* file.ext, ptr to last . in fname*/
        !          2922:   strncpy(fname,file,255);		/* local copy of file name */
        !          2923:   fname[255] = '\000';			/* make sure it's null terminated */
        !          2924:   if ( (pdot=strrchr(fname,'.')) == NULL ) /*no extension on original name*/
        !          2925:     strcat(fname,suffix[ptype]);	/* so add extension */
        !          2926:   else					/* we already have an extension */
        !          2927:     strcpy(pdot,suffix[ptype]);		/* so replace original extension */
        !          2928:   if ( (fp = fopen(fname,mode[ptype]))	/* open output file */
        !          2929:   ==   (FILE *)NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/* quit if failed to open */
        !          2930:   } /* --- ens-of-if(*file!='\0') --- */
        !          2931: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          2932: format and write header
        !          2933: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          2934: /* --- format header info --- */
        !          2935: *outline = '\000';			/* initialize line buffer */
        !          2936: strcat(outline,magic[ptype]);		/* begin file with "magic number" */
        !          2937: strcat(outline,cr);			/* followed by cr to end line */
        !          2938: sprintf(outfield,"%d %d",rp->width,rp->height); /* format width and height */
        !          2939: strcat(outline,outfield);		/* add width and height to header */
        !          2940: strcat(outline,cr);			/* followed by cr to end line */
        !          2941: if ( ptype == 2 )			/* need max grayscale value */
        !          2942:   { sprintf(outfield,"%d",pixmax);	/* format maximum pixel value */
        !          2943:     strcat(outline,outfield);		/* add max value to header */
        !          2944:     strcat(outline,cr); }		/* followed by cr to end line */
        !          2945: /* --- write header to file or memory buffer --- */
        !          2946: if ( fp == NULL )			/* if we have no open file... */
        !          2947:   strcat(file,outline);			/* add header to caller's buffer */
        !          2948: else					/* or if we have an open file... */
        !          2949:   if ( fputs(outline,fp)		/* try writing header to open file */
        !          2950:   ==   EOF ) goto end_of_job;		/* return with error if failed */
        !          2951: nbytes += strlen(outline);		/* bump output byte count */
        !          2952: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          2953: format and write pixels
        !          2954: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          2955: *outline = '\000';			/* initialize line buffer */
        !          2956: for ( irow=0; irow<=rp->height; irow++ ) /* for each row, top-to-bottom */
        !          2957:  for ( jcol=0; jcol<rp->width; jcol++ )	{ /* for each col, left-to-right */
        !          2958:   /* --- format value at irow,jcol--- */
        !          2959:   *outfield = '\000';			/* init empty field */
        !          2960:   if ( irow < rp->height ) {		/* check row index */
        !          2961:     int	pixval = getpixel(rp,irow,jcol);  /* value of pixel at irow,jcol */
        !          2962:     if ( ptype == 1 )			/* pixval must be 1 or 0 */
        !          2963:       pixval = (pixval>pixmin+((pixmax-pixmin)/pixfrac)?1:0);
        !          2964:     sprintf(outfield,"%d ",pixval); }	/* format pixel value */
        !          2965:   /* --- write line if this value won't fit on it (or last line) --- */
        !          2966:   if ( strlen(outline)+strlen(outfield)+strlen(cr) >= maxlinelen /*won't fit*/
        !          2967:   ||   irow >= rp->height ) {		/* force writing last line */
        !          2968:     strcat(outline,cr);			/* add cr to end current line */
        !          2969:     if ( fp == NULL )			/* if we have no open file... */
        !          2970:       strcat(file,outline);		/* add header to caller's buffer */
        !          2971:     else				/* or if we have an open file... */
        !          2972:       if ( fputs(outline,fp)		/* try writing header to open file */
        !          2973:       ==   EOF ) goto end_of_job;	/* return with error if failed */
        !          2974:     nbytes += strlen(outline);		/* bump output byte count */
        !          2975:     *outline = '\000';			/* re-initialize line buffer */
        !          2976:     } /* --- end-of-if(strlen>=maxlinelen) --- */
        !          2977:   if ( irow >= rp->height ) break;	/* done after writing last line */
        !          2978:   /* --- concatanate value to line -- */
        !          2979:   strcat(outline,outfield);		/* concatanate value to line */
        !          2980:   } /* --- end-of-for(jcol,irow) --- */
        !          2981: isokay = 1;				/* signal successful completion */
        !          2982: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          2983: Back to caller with total #bytes written, or 0=failed.
        !          2984: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          2985: end_of_job:
        !          2986:   if ( fp != NULL			/* output written to an open file */
        !          2987:   &&   fp != stdout )			/* and it's not just stdout */
        !          2988:     fclose(fp);				/* so close file before returning */
        !          2989:   return ( (isokay?nbytes:0) );		/*back to caller with #bytes written*/
        !          2990: } /* --- end-of-function type_pbmpgm() --- */
        !          2991: 
        !          2992: 
        !          2993: /* ==========================================================================
1.1       albertel 2994:  * Function:	cstruct_chardef ( cp, fp, col1 )
                   2995:  * Purpose:	Emit a C struct of cp on fp, starting in col1.
                   2996:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   2997:  * Arguments:	cp (I)		ptr to chardef struct for which
                   2998:  *				a C struct is to be generated.
                   2999:  *		fp (I)		File ptr to output device (defaults to
                   3000:  *				stdout if passed as NULL).
                   3001:  *		col1 (I)	int containing 0...65; output lines
                   3002:  *				are preceded by col1 blanks.
                   3003:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3004:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                   3005:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                   3006:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3007:  * Notes:
                   3008:  * ======================================================================= */
                   3009: /* --- entry point --- */
                   3010: int	cstruct_chardef ( chardef *cp, FILE *fp, int col1 )
                   3011: {
                   3012: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3013: Allocations and Declarations
                   3014: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3015: char	field[64];		/* field within output line */
                   3016: int	cstruct_raster(),	/* emit a raster */
                   3017: 	emit_string();		/* emit a string and comment */
                   3018: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3019: emit   charnum, location, name  /  hirow, hicol,  lorow, locol
                   3020: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3021: /* --- charnum, location, name --- */
                   3022: sprintf(field,"{ %3d,%5d,\n", cp->charnum,cp->location);  /*char#,location*/
                   3023: emit_string ( fp, col1, field, "character number, location");
                   3024: /* --- toprow, topleftcol,   botrow, botleftcol  --- */
1.2     ! albertel 3025: sprintf(field,"  %3d,%2d,  %3d,%2d,\n",		/* format... */
1.1       albertel 3026:   cp->toprow,cp->topleftcol,			/* toprow, topleftcol, */
                   3027:   cp->botrow,cp->botleftcol);			/* and botrow, botleftcol */
                   3028: emit_string ( fp, col1, field, "topleft row,col, and botleft row,col");
                   3029: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3030: emit raster and chardef's closing brace, and then return to caller
                   3031: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3032: cstruct_raster(&cp->image,fp,col1+4);		/* emit raster */
                   3033: emit_string ( fp, 0, "  }", NULL);		/* emit closing brace */
                   3034: return ( 1 );			/* back to caller with 1=okay, 0=failed */
                   3035: } /* --- end-of-function cstruct_chardef() --- */
                   3038: /* ==========================================================================
                   3039:  * Function:	cstruct_raster ( rp, fp, col1 )
                   3040:  * Purpose:	Emit a C struct of rp on fp, starting in col1.
                   3041:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3042:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		ptr to raster struct for which
                   3043:  *				a C struct is to be generated.
                   3044:  *		fp (I)		File ptr to output device (defaults to
                   3045:  *				stdout if passed as NULL).
                   3046:  *		col1 (I)	int containing 0...65; output lines
                   3047:  *				are preceded by col1 blanks.
                   3048:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3049:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                   3050:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                   3051:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3052:  * Notes:
                   3053:  * ======================================================================= */
                   3054: /* --- entry point --- */
                   3055: int	cstruct_raster ( raster *rp, FILE *fp, int col1 )
                   3056: {
                   3057: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3058: Allocations and Declarations
                   3059: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3060: char	field[64];		/* field within output line */
                   3061: char	typecast[64] = "(pixbyte *)"; /* type cast for pixmap string */
                   3062: int	hex_bitmap();		/* to emit raster bitmap */
                   3063: int	emit_string();		/* emit a string and comment */
                   3064: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3065: emit width and height
                   3066: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 3067: sprintf(field,"{ %2d,  %3d,%2d,%2d, %s\n", /* format width,height,pixsz */
        !          3068: 	rp->width,rp->height,rp->format,rp->pixsz,typecast);
        !          3069: emit_string ( fp, col1, field, "width,ht, fmt,pixsz,map...");
1.1       albertel 3070: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3071: emit bitmap and closing brace, and return to caller
                   3072: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3073: hex_bitmap(rp,fp,col1+2,1);	/* emit bitmap */
                   3074: emit_string ( fp, 0, " }", NULL); /* emit closing brace */
                   3075: return ( 1 );			/* back to caller with 1=okay, 0=failed */
                   3076: } /* --- end-of-function cstruct_raster() --- */
                   3079: /* ==========================================================================
                   3080:  * Function:	hex_bitmap ( rp, fp, col1, isstr )
                   3081:  * Purpose:	Emit a hex dump of the bitmap of rp on fp, starting in col1.
                   3082:  *		If isstr (is string) is true, the dump is of the form
                   3083:  *			"\x01\x02\x03\x04\x05..."
                   3084:  *		Otherwise, if isstr is false, the dump is of the form
                   3085:  *			0x01,0x02,0x03,0x04,0x05...
                   3086:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3087:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		ptr to raster struct for which
                   3088:  *				a hex dump is to be constructed.
                   3089:  *		fp (I)		File ptr to output device (defaults to
                   3090:  *				stdout if passed as NULL).
                   3091:  *		col1 (I)	int containing 0...65; output lines
                   3092:  *				are preceded by col1 blanks.
                   3093:  *		isstr (I)	int specifying dump format as described above
                   3094:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3095:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                   3096:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                   3097:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3098:  * Notes:
                   3099:  * ======================================================================= */
                   3100: /* --- entry point --- */
                   3101: int	hex_bitmap ( raster *rp, FILE *fp, int col1, int isstr )
                   3102: {
                   3103: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3104: Allocations and Declarations
                   3105: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 3106: int	ibyte,				/* pixmap[ibyte] index */
        !          3107: 	nbytes = pixbytes(rp);		/*#bytes in bitmap or .gf-formatted*/
1.1       albertel 3108: char	stub[64]="                                ";/* col1 leading blanks */
                   3109: int	linewidth = 64,			/* (roughly) rightmost column */
                   3110: 	colwidth = (isstr? 4:5);	/* #cols required for each byte */
                   3111: int	ncols = (linewidth-col1)/colwidth; /* new line after ncols bytes */
                   3112: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3113: initialization
                   3114: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3115: /* --- redirect null fp --- */
                   3116: if ( fp == (FILE *)NULL ) fp = stdout;	/* default fp to stdout if null */
                   3117: /* --- emit initial stub if wanted --- */
                   3118: if ( col1 > 0 ) fprintf(fp,"%.*s",col1,stub); /* stub preceding 1st line */
                   3119: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3120: emit hex dump of rp->bitmap image
                   3121: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3122: if ( isstr ) fprintf(fp,"\"");		/* opening " before first line */
                   3123: for ( ibyte=0; ibyte<nbytes; ibyte++ )	/* one byte at a time */
                   3124:   {
                   3125:   /* --- display a byte as hex char or number, depending on isstr --- */
                   3126:   if ( isstr )				/* string format wanted */
                   3127:     fprintf(fp,"\\x%02x",(rp->pixmap)[ibyte]);	/*print byte as hex char*/
                   3128:   else					/* comma-separated format wanted */
                   3129:     fprintf(fp,"0x%02x",(rp->pixmap)[ibyte]);	/*print byte as hex number*/
                   3130:   /* --- add a separator and newline, etc, as necessary --- */
                   3131:   if ( ibyte < nbytes-1)		/* not the last byte yet */
                   3132:     {
                   3133:     if ( !isstr ) fprintf(fp,",");	/* follow hex number with comma */
                   3134:     if ( (ibyte+1)%ncols==0 )		/* need new line after every ncols */
                   3135:       if ( !isstr )			/* for hex numbers format ... */
                   3136: 	fprintf(fp,"\n%.*s",col1,stub);	/* ...just need newline and stub */
                   3137:       else				/* for string format... */
                   3138: 	fprintf(fp,"\"\n%.*s\"",col1,stub); /* ...need closing, opening "s */
                   3139:     } /* --- end-of-if(ibyte<nbytes-1) --- */
                   3140:   } /* --- end-of-for(ibyte) --- */
                   3141: if ( isstr ) fprintf(fp,"\"");		/* closing " after last line */
                   3142: return ( 1 );				/* back with 1=okay, 0=failed */
                   3143: } /* --- end-of-function hex_bitmap() --- */
                   3146: /* ==========================================================================
                   3147:  * Function:	emit_string ( fp, col1, string, comment )
                   3148:  * Purpose:	Emit string on fp, starting in col1,
                   3149:  *		and followed by right-justified comment.
                   3150:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3151:  * Arguments:	fp (I)		File ptr to output device (defaults to
                   3152:  *				stdout if passed as NULL).
                   3153:  *		col1 (I)	int containing 0 or #blanks preceding string
                   3154:  *		string (I)	char *  containing string to be emitted.
                   3155:  *				If last char of string is '\n',
                   3156:  *				the emitted line ends with a newline,
                   3157:  *				otherwise not.
                   3158:  *		comment (I)	NULL or char * containing right-justified
                   3159:  *				comment (we enclose between /star and star/)
                   3160:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3161:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if completed successfully,
                   3162:  *				or 0 otherwise (for any error).
                   3163:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3164:  * Notes:     o
                   3165:  * ======================================================================= */
                   3166: /* --- entry point --- */
                   3167: int	emit_string ( FILE *fp, int col1, char *string, char *comment )
                   3168: {
                   3169: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3170: Allocations and Declarations
                   3171: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3172: char	line[256];		/* construct line with caller's fields */
                   3173: int	fieldlen;		/* #chars in one of caller's fields */
                   3174: int	linelen = 72;		/*line length (for right-justified comment)*/
                   3175: int	isnewline = 0;		/* true to emit \n at end of line */
                   3176: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3177: construct line containing prolog, string, epilog, and finally comment
                   3178: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3179: /* --- init line --- */
                   3180: memset(line,' ',255);			/* start line with blanks */
                   3181: /* --- embed string into line --- */
                   3182: if ( string != NULL )			/* if caller gave us a string... */
                   3183:   { fieldlen = strlen(string);		/* #cols required for string */
                   3184:     if ( string[fieldlen-1] == '\n' )	/* check last char for newline */
                   3185:       {	isnewline = 1;			/* got it, so set flag */
                   3186: 	fieldlen--; }			/* but don't print it yet */
                   3187:     memcpy(line+col1,string,fieldlen);	/* embid string starting at col1 */
                   3188:     col1 += fieldlen; }			/* bump col past epilog */
                   3189: /* --- embed comment into line --- */
                   3190: if ( comment != NULL )			/* if caller gave us a comment... */
                   3191:   { fieldlen = 6 + strlen(comment);	/* plus  /star, star/, 2 spaces */
                   3192:     if ( linelen-fieldlen < col1 )	/* comment won't fit */
                   3193:       fieldlen -= (col1 - (linelen-fieldlen)); /* truncate comment to fit */
                   3194:     if ( fieldlen > 6 )			/* can fit all or part of comment */
                   3195:       sprintf(line+linelen-fieldlen,"/%c %.*s %c/", /* so embed it in line */
                   3196: 	'*', fieldlen-6,comment, '*');
                   3197:     col1 = linelen; }			/* indicate line filled */
                   3198: /* --- line completed --- */
                   3199: line[col1] = '\000';			/* null-terminate completed line */
                   3200: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3201: emit line, then back to caller with 1=okay, 0=failed.
                   3202: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3203: /* --- first redirect null fp --- */
                   3204: if ( fp == (FILE *)NULL ) fp = stdout;	/* default fp to stdout if null */
                   3205: /* --- emit line (and optional newline) --- */
                   3206: fprintf(fp,"%.*s",linelen,line);	/* no more than linelen chars */
                   3207: if ( isnewline ) fprintf(fp,"\n");	/*caller wants terminating newline*/
                   3208: return ( 1 );
                   3209: } /* --- end-of-function emit_string() --- */
                   3212: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 3213:  * Function:	gftobitmap ( gf )
        !          3214:  * Purpose:	convert .gf-like pixmap to bitmap image
        !          3215:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3216:  * Arguments:	gf (I)		raster * to struct in .gf-format
        !          3217:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3218:  * Returns:	( raster * )	image-format raster * if successful,
        !          3219:  *				or NULL for any error.
        !          3220:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3221:  * Notes:     o
        !          3222:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          3223: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          3224: raster	*gftobitmap ( raster *gf )
        !          3225: {
        !          3226: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3227: Allocations and Declarations
        !          3228: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          3229: raster	*new_raster(), *rp=NULL;	/* image raster retuned to caller */
        !          3230: int	width=0, height=0, totbits=0;	/* gf->width, gf->height, #bits */
        !          3231: int	format=0, icount=0, ncounts=0,	/*.gf format, count index, #counts*/
        !          3232: 	ibit=0, bitval=0;		/* bitmap index, bit value */
        !          3233: int	isrepeat = 1,			/* true to process repeat counts */
        !          3234: 	repeatcmds[2] = {255,15},	/*opcode for repeat/duplicate count*/
        !          3235: 	nrepeats=0, irepeat=0,		/* scan line repeat count,index */
        !          3236: 	wbits = 0;			/* count bits to width of scan line*/
        !          3237: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3238: initialization
        !          3239: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          3240: /* --- check args --- */
        !          3241: if ( gf == NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/* input raster not provided */
        !          3242: format = gf->format;			/* 2 or 3 */
        !          3243: if ( format!=2 && format!=3 ) goto end_of_job; /* invalid raster format */
        !          3244: ncounts = gf->pixsz;			/*pixsz is really #counts in pixmap*/
        !          3245: /* --- allocate output raster with proper dimensions for bitmap --- */
        !          3246: width=gf->width;  height=gf->height;	/* dimensions of raster */
        !          3247: if ( (rp = new_raster(width,height,1))	/* allocate new raster and bitmap */
        !          3248: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed to allocate */
        !          3249: totbits = width*height;			/* total #bits in image */
        !          3250: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3251: fill bitmap
        !          3252: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          3253: for ( icount=0,bitval=0; icount<ncounts; icount++ )
        !          3254:   {
        !          3255:   int	nbits = (int)(getbyfmt(format,gf->pixmap,icount)); /*#bits to set*/
        !          3256:   if ( isrepeat				/* we're proxessing repeat counts */
        !          3257:   &&   nbits == repeatcmds[format-2] )	/* and repeat opcode found */
        !          3258:    if ( nrepeats == 0 )			/* recursive repeat is error */
        !          3259:     { nrepeats = (int)(getbyfmt(format,gf->pixmap,icount+1));/*repeat count*/
        !          3260:       nbits = (int)(getbyfmt(format,gf->pixmap,icount+2)); /*#bits to set*/
        !          3261:       icount += 2; }			/* bump byte/nibble count */
        !          3262:    else					/* some internal error occurred */
        !          3263:     if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=1 )	/* report error */
        !          3264:      fprintf(msgfp,"gftobitmap> found embedded repeat command\n");
        !          3265:   if ( 0 )
        !          3266:     fprintf(stdout,
        !          3267:     "gftobitmap> icount=%d bitval=%d nbits=%d ibit=%d totbits=%d\n",
        !          3268:     icount,bitval,nbits,ibit,totbits);
        !          3269:   for ( ; nbits>0; nbits-- )		/* count down */
        !          3270:     { if ( ibit >= totbits ) goto end_of_job; /* overflow check */
        !          3271:       for ( irepeat=0; irepeat<=nrepeats; irepeat++ )
        !          3272:        if ( bitval == 1 )		/* set pixel */
        !          3273: 	{ setlongbit(rp->pixmap,(ibit+irepeat*width)); }
        !          3274:        else				/* clear pixel */
        !          3275: 	{ unsetlongbit(rp->pixmap,(ibit+irepeat*width)); }
        !          3276:       if ( nrepeats > 0 ) wbits++;	/* count another repeated bit */
        !          3277:       ibit++; }				/* bump bit index */
        !          3278:   bitval = 1-bitval;			/* flip bit value */
        !          3279:   if ( wbits >= width ) {		/* completed repeats */
        !          3280:    ibit += nrepeats*width;		/*bump bit count past repeated scans*/
        !          3281:    if ( wbits > width )			/* out-of alignment error */
        !          3282:     if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=1 )	/* report error */
        !          3283:      fprintf(msgfp,"gftobitmap> width=%d wbits=%d\n",width,wbits);
        !          3284:    wbits = nrepeats = 0; }		/* reset repeat counts */
        !          3285:   } /* --- end-of-for(icount) --- */
        !          3286: end_of_job:
        !          3287:   return ( rp );			/* back to caller with image */
        !          3288: } /* --- end-of-function gftobitmap() --- */
        !          3289: 
        !          3290: 
        !          3291: /* ==========================================================================
1.1       albertel 3292:  * Function:	get_symdef ( symbol )
                   3293:  * Purpose:	returns mathchardef struct for symbol
                   3294:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3295:  * Arguments:	symbol (I)	char *  containing symbol
                   3296:  *				whose corresponding mathchardef is wanted
                   3297:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3298:  * Returns:	( mathchardef * )  pointer to struct defining symbol,
                   3299:  *				or NULL for any error
                   3300:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3301:  * Notes:     o	Input symbol need only contain a leading substring to match,
                   3302:  *		e.g., \gam passed in symbol will match \gamma in the table.
                   3303:  *		If the table contains two or more possible matches,
                   3304:  *		the shortest is returned, e.g., input \e will return with
                   3305:  *		data for \eta rather than \epsilon.  To get \epsilon,
                   3306:  *		you must pass a leading substring long enough to eliminate
                   3307:  *		shorter table matches, i.e., in this case \ep
                   3308:  * ======================================================================= */
                   3309: /* --- entry point --- */
                   3310: mathchardef *get_symdef ( char *symbol )
                   3311: {
                   3312: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3313: Allocations and Declarations
                   3314: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3315: mathchardef *symdefs = symtable;	/* table of mathchardefs */
                   3316: int	idef = 0,			/* symdefs[] index */
                   3317: 	bestdef = (-9999);		/*index of shortest matching symdef*/
                   3318: int	symlen = strlen(symbol),	/* length of input symbol */
                   3319: 	deflen, minlen=9999;		/*length of shortest matching symdef*/
                   3320: int	/*alnumsym = (symlen==1 && isalnum(*symbol)),*/ /*alphanumeric sym*/
                   3321: 	alphasym = (symlen==1 && isalpha(*symbol)); /* or alpha symbol */
1.2     ! albertel 3322: int	family = fontinfo[fontnum].family; /* current font family */
1.1       albertel 3323: static	char *displaysyms[][2] = {	/*xlate to Big sym for \displaystyle*/
1.2     ! albertel 3324: 	/* --- see table on page 536 in TLC2 --- */
1.1       albertel 3325: 	{"\\int",	"\\Bigint"},
                   3326: 	{"\\oint",	"\\Bigoint"},
                   3327: 	{"\\sum",	"\\Bigsum"},
                   3328: 	{"\\prod",	"\\Bigprod"},
                   3329: 	{"\\coprod",	"\\Bigcoprod"},
1.2     ! albertel 3330: 	/* --- must be 'big' when related to similar binary operators --- */
        !          3331: 	{"\\bigcup",	"\\Bigcup"},
        !          3332: 	{"\\bigsqcup",	"\\Bigsqcup"},
        !          3333: 	{"\\bigcap",	"\\Bigcap"},
        !          3334: 	/*{"\\bigsqcap", "\\sqcap"},*/	/* don't have \Bigsqcap */
        !          3335: 	{"\\bigodot",	"\\Bigodot"},
        !          3336: 	{"\\bigoplus",	"\\Bigoplus"},
        !          3337: 	{"\\bigominus",	"\\ominus"},
        !          3338: 	{"\\bigotimes",	"\\Bigotimes"},
        !          3339: 	{"\\bigoslash",	"\\oslash"},
        !          3340: 	{"\\biguplus",	"\\Biguplus"},
        !          3341: 	{"\\bigwedge",	"\\Bigwedge"},
        !          3342: 	{"\\bigvee",	"\\Bigvee"},
1.1       albertel 3343: 	{NULL, NULL} };
                   3344: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3345: If in \displaystyle mode, first xlate int to Bigint, etc.
                   3346: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3347: if ( isdisplaystyle > 1 )		/* we're in \displaystyle mode */
                   3348:   for ( idef=0; ; idef++ ) {		/* lookup symbol in displaysyms */
                   3349:     char *fromsym = displaysyms[idef][0], /* look for this symbol */
                   3350: 	 *tosym = displaysyms[idef][1];	  /* and xlate it to this symbol */
                   3351:     if ( fromsym == NULL ) break;	/* end-of-table */
                   3352:     if ( !strcmp(symbol,fromsym) )	/* found a match */
                   3353:       {	if ( msglevel>=99 && msgfp!=NULL ) /* debugging output */
                   3354: 	 { fprintf(msgfp,"get_symdef> isdisplaystyle=%d, xlated %s to %s\n",
                   3355: 	   isdisplaystyle,symbol,tosym); fflush(msgfp); }
                   3356: 	symbol = tosym;			/* so look up tosym instead */
                   3357: 	symlen = strlen(symbol);	/* reset symbol length */
                   3358: 	break; }			/* no need to search further */
                   3359:     } /* --- end-of-for(idef) --- */
                   3360: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3361: search symdefs[] in order for first occurrence of symbol
                   3362: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3363: for ( idef=0; ;idef++ )			/* until trailer record found */
                   3364:   if ( symdefs[idef].symbol == NULL ) break; /* reached end-of-table */
                   3365:   else					/* check against caller's symbol */
                   3366:     if ( strncmp(symbol,symdefs[idef].symbol,symlen) == 0 ) /* found match */
1.2     ! albertel 3367:      if (fontnum==0			/* mathmode, so check every match */
        !          3368:      || (0 && istextmode && (!alphasym	/* text mode and not alpha symbol */
        !          3369: 	|| symdefs[idef].handler!=NULL))   /* or text mode and directive */
        !          3370:      || (symdefs[idef].family==family	/* have correct family */
        !          3371: 	&& symdefs[idef].handler==NULL) )  /* and not a handler collision */
        !          3372: #if 0
        !          3373:      || (fontnum==1 && symdefs[idef].family==CMR10)   /*textmode && rm text*/
        !          3374:      || (fontnum==2 && symdefs[idef].family==CMMI10)  /*textmode && it text*/
        !          3375:      || (fontnum==3 && symdefs[idef].family==BBOLD10  /*textmode && bb text*/
        !          3376: 	&& symdefs[idef].handler==NULL)
        !          3377:      || (fontnum==4 && symdefs[idef].family==CMMIB10  /*textmode && bf text*/
        !          3378: 	&& symdefs[idef].handler==NULL) )
        !          3379: #endif
1.1       albertel 3380:       if ( (deflen=strlen(symdefs[idef].symbol)) < minlen ) /*new best match*/
                   3381: 	{ bestdef = idef;		/* save index of new best match */
                   3382: 	  if ( (minlen = deflen)	/* and save its len for next test */
                   3383: 	  ==  symlen ) break; }		/*perfect match, so return with it*/
                   3384: if ( bestdef < 0 )			/* failed to look up symbol */
1.2     ! albertel 3385:   if ( fontnum != 0 )			/* we're in a restricted font mode */
        !          3386:     { int oldfontnum = fontnum;		/* save current font family */
        !          3387:       mathchardef *symdef = NULL;	/* lookup result with fontnum=0 */
        !          3388:       fontnum = 0;			/*try to look up symbol in any font*/
        !          3389:       symdef = get_symdef(symbol);	/* repeat lookup with fontnum=0 */
        !          3390:       fontnum = oldfontnum;		/* reset font family */
        !          3391:       return symdef; }			/* caller gets fontnum=0 lookup */
1.1       albertel 3392: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=999 )	/* debugging output */
1.2     ! albertel 3393:   { fprintf(msgfp,"get_symdef> symbol=%s matches symtable[%d]=%s\n",
1.1       albertel 3394:     symbol,bestdef,(bestdef<0?"NotFound":symdefs[bestdef].symbol));
                   3395:     fflush(msgfp); }
                   3396: return ( (bestdef<0? NULL : &(symdefs[bestdef])) ); /*NULL or best symdef[]*/
                   3397: } /* --- end-of-function get_symdef() --- */
                   3400: /* ==========================================================================
                   3401:  * Function:	get_chardef ( symdef, size )
                   3402:  * Purpose:	returns chardef ptr containing data for symdef at given size
                   3403:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3404:  * Arguments:	symdef (I)	mathchardef *  corresponding to symbol
                   3405:  *				whose corresponding chardef is wanted
1.2     ! albertel 3406:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 for desired size
1.1       albertel 3407:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3408:  * Returns:	( chardef * )	pointer to struct defining symbol at size,
                   3409:  *				or NULL for any error
                   3410:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3411:  * Notes:     o	if size unavailable, the next-closer-to-normalsize
                   3412:  *		is returned instead.
                   3413:  * ======================================================================= */
                   3414: /* --- entry point --- */
                   3415: chardef	*get_chardef ( mathchardef *symdef, int size )
                   3416: {
                   3417: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3418: Allocations and Declarations
                   3419: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3420: fontfamily  *fonts = fonttable;		/* table of font families */
                   3421: chardef	**fontdef,			/*tables for desired font, by size*/
                   3422: 	*gfdata = (chardef *)NULL;	/* chardef for symdef,size */
                   3423: int	ifont;				/* fonts[] index */
                   3424: int	family, charnum;		/* indexes retrieved from symdef */
                   3425: int	sizeinc = 0,			/*+1 or -1 to get closer to normal*/
                   3426: 	normalsize = 2;			/* this size always present */
                   3427: int	isBig = 0;			/*true if symbol's 1st char is upper*/
                   3428: char	*symptr = NULL;			/* look for 1st alpha of symbol */
                   3429: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3430: initialization
                   3431: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3432: /* --- check symdef --- */
                   3433: if ( symdef == NULL ) return ( NULL );	/* get_symdef() probably failed */
                   3434: /* --- get local copy of indexes from symdef --- */
                   3435: family = symdef->family;		/* font family containing symbol */
                   3436: charnum = symdef->charnum;		/* char# of symbol within font */
                   3437: /* --- check for supersampling --- */
                   3438: if ( issupersampling )			/* check for supersampling fonts */
                   3439:  if ( fonts != ssfonttable )		/* uh oh--probably internal error */
                   3440:   { fonts = ssfonttable; }		/* force it */
                   3441: /* --- check requested size, and set size increment --- */
                   3442: if ( 0 && issupersampling )		/* set size index for supersampling */
                   3443:   size = LARGESTSIZE+1;			/* index 1 past largest size */
                   3444: else					/* low pass indexes 0...LARGESTSIZE */
                   3445:   {
                   3446:   if( size<0 ) size = 0;		/* size was definitely too small */
                   3447:   if( size>LARGESTSIZE ) size = LARGESTSIZE;  /* or definitely too large */
                   3448:   if( size<normalsize ) sizeinc = (+1);	/*use next larger if size too small*/
                   3449:   if( size>normalsize ) sizeinc = (-1);	/*or next smaller if size too large*/
                   3450:   }
                   3451: /* --- check for really big symbol (1st char of symbol name uppercase) --- */
                   3452: for ( symptr=symdef->symbol; *symptr!='\000'; symptr++ ) /*skip leading \'s*/
                   3453:   if ( isalpha(*symptr) )		/* found leading alpha char */
                   3454:     { isBig = isupper(*symptr);		/* is 1st char of name uppercase? */
                   3455:       if ( !isBig			/* 1st char lowercase */
                   3456:       &&   strlen(symptr) >= 4 )	/* but followed by at least 3 chars */
                   3457:        isBig = !memcmp(symptr,"big\\",4) /* isBig if name starts with big\ */
                   3458: 	|| !memcmp(symptr,"bigg",4);	/* or with bigg */
                   3459:       break; }				/* don't check beyond 1st char */
                   3460: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3461: find font family in table of fonts[]
                   3462: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3463: /* --- look up font family --- */
                   3464: for ( ifont=0; ;ifont++ )		/* until trailer record found */
                   3465:   if ( fonts[ifont].family < 0 ) return ( NULL ); /* error, no such family */
                   3466:   else if ( fonts[ifont].family == family ) break; /* found font family */
                   3467: /* --- get local copy of table for this family by size --- */
                   3468: fontdef = fonts[ifont].fontdef;		/* font by size */
                   3469: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3470: get font in desired size, or closest available size, and return symbol
                   3471: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3472: /* --- get font in desired size --- */
                   3473: while ( 1 )				/* find size or closest available */
                   3474:   if ( fontdef[size] != NULL ) break;	/* found available size */
                   3475:   else					/* adjust size closer to normal */
                   3476:     if ( size == NORMALSIZE		/* already normal so no more sizes,*/
                   3477:     || sizeinc == 0 ) return ( NULL);	/* or must be supersampling */
                   3478:     else				/*bump size 1 closer to NORMALSIZE*/
                   3479:       size += sizeinc;			/* see if adjusted size available */
                   3480: /* --- ptr to chardef struct --- */
                   3481: gfdata = &((fontdef[size])[charnum]);	/*ptr to chardef for symbol in size*/
                   3482: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3483: kludge to tweak CMEX10 (which appears to have incorrect descenders)
                   3484: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3485: if ( family == CMEX10 )			/* cmex10 needs tweak */
                   3486:   { int height = gfdata->toprow - gfdata->botrow + 1; /*total height of char*/
                   3487:     gfdata->botrow = (isBig? (-height/3) : (-height/4));
                   3488:     gfdata->toprow = gfdata->botrow + gfdata->image.height; }
                   3489: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3490: return subraster containing chardef data for symbol in requested size
                   3491: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3492: return ( gfdata );			/*ptr to chardef for symbol in size*/
                   3493: } /* --- end-of-function get_chardef() --- */
                   3496: /* ==========================================================================
                   3497:  * Function:	get_charsubraster ( symdef, size )
                   3498:  * Purpose:	returns new subraster ptr containing
                   3499:  *		data for symdef at given size
                   3500:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2     ! albertel 3501:  * Arguments:	symdef (I)	mathchardef *  corresponding to symbol whose
        !          3502:  *				corresponding chardef subraster is wanted
        !          3503:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 for desired size
1.1       albertel 3504:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3505:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	pointer to struct defining symbol at size,
                   3506:  *				or NULL for any error
                   3507:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3508:  * Notes:     o	just wraps a subraster envelope around get_chardef()
                   3509:  * ======================================================================= */
                   3510: /* --- entry point --- */
                   3511: subraster *get_charsubraster ( mathchardef *symdef, int size )
                   3512: {
                   3513: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3514: Allocations and Declarations
                   3515: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3516: chardef	*get_chardef(), *gfdata=NULL;	/* chardef struct for symdef,size */
                   3517: int	get_baseline();			/* baseline of gfdata */
                   3518: subraster *new_subraster(), *sp=NULL;	/* subraster containing gfdata */
1.2     ! albertel 3519: raster	*bitmaprp=NULL, *gftobitmap();	/* convert .gf-format to bitmap */
        !          3520: int	delete_subraster();		/* in case gftobitmap() fails */
1.1       albertel 3521: int	aasupsamp(),			/*antialias char with supersampling*/
                   3522: 	grayscale=256;			/* aasupersamp() parameters */
                   3523: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3524: look up chardef for symdef at size, and embed data (gfdata) in subraster
                   3525: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3526: if ( (gfdata=get_chardef(symdef,size))	/* look up chardef for symdef,size */
                   3527: !=   NULL )				/* and check that we found it */
                   3528:  if ( (sp=new_subraster(0,0,0))		/* allocate subraster "envelope" */
                   3529:  !=   NULL )				/* and check that we succeeded */
                   3530:   {
1.2     ! albertel 3531:   raster *image = &(gfdata->image);	/* ptr to chardef's bitmap or .gf */
        !          3532:   int format = image->format;		/* 1=bitmap, else .gf */
1.1       albertel 3533:   sp->symdef = symdef;			/* replace NULL with caller's arg */
                   3534:   sp->size = size;			/*replace default with caller's size*/
                   3535:   sp->baseline = get_baseline(gfdata);	/* get baseline of character */
1.2     ! albertel 3536:   if ( format == 1 )			/* already a bitmap */
        !          3537:    { sp->type = CHARASTER;		/* static char raster */
        !          3538:      sp->image = image; }		/* store ptr to its bitmap */
        !          3539:   else					/* need to convert .gf-to-bitmap */
        !          3540:    if ( (bitmaprp = gftobitmap(image))	/* convert */
        !          3541:    !=   (raster *)NULL )		/* successful */
        !          3542:     { sp->type = IMAGERASTER;		/* allocated raster will be freed */
        !          3543:       sp->image = bitmaprp; }		/* store ptr to converted bitmap */
        !          3544:    else					/* conversion failed */
        !          3545:     { delete_subraster(sp);		/* free unneeded subraster */
        !          3546:       sp = (subraster *)NULL;		/* signal error to caller */
        !          3547:       goto end_of_job; }		/* quit */
1.1       albertel 3548:   if ( issupersampling )		/* antialias character right here */
                   3549:     {
                   3550:     raster *aa = NULL;			/* antialiased char raster */
                   3551:     int status = aasupsamp(sp->image,&aa,shrinkfactor,grayscale);
                   3552:     if ( status )			/* supersampled successfully */
                   3553:       {	int baseline = sp->baseline;	/* baseline before supersampling */
                   3554: 	int height = gfdata->image.height; /* #rows before supersampling */
                   3555: 	sp->image = aa;			/* replace chardef with ss image */
                   3556: 	if ( baseline >= height-1 )	/* baseline at bottom of char */
                   3557: 	  sp->baseline = aa->height -1;	/* so keep it at bottom */
                   3558: 	else				/* char has descenders */
                   3559: 	  sp->baseline /= shrinkfactor;	/* rescale baseline */
                   3560: 	sp->type = IMAGERASTER; }	/* character is an image raster */
                   3561:     } /* --- end-of-if(issupersampling) --- */
                   3562:   } /* --- end-of-if(sp!=NULL) --- */
1.2     ! albertel 3563: end_of_job:
        !          3564:  if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=999 )
1.1       albertel 3565:   { fprintf(msgfp,"get_charsubraster> requested symbol=\"%s\" baseline=%d\n",
                   3566:     symdef->symbol, (sp==NULL?0:sp->baseline)); fflush(msgfp); }
                   3567: return ( sp );				/* back to caller */
                   3568: } /* --- end-of-function get_charsubraster() --- */
                   3571: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 3572:  * Function:	get_symsubraster ( symbol, size )
        !          3573:  * Purpose:	returns new subraster ptr containing
        !          3574:  *		data for symbol at given size
        !          3575:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3576:  * Arguments:	symbol (I)	char *  corresponding to symbol
        !          3577:  *				whose corresponding subraster is wanted
        !          3578:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 for desired size
        !          3579:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3580:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	pointer to struct defining symbol at size,
        !          3581:  *				or NULL for any error
        !          3582:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3583:  * Notes:     o	just combines get_symdef() and get_charsubraster()
        !          3584:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          3585: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          3586: subraster *get_symsubraster ( char *symbol, int size )
        !          3587: {
        !          3588: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3589: Allocations and Declarations
        !          3590: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          3591: subraster *sp=NULL, *get_charsubraster(); /* subraster containing gfdata */
        !          3592: mathchardef *symdef=NULL, *get_symdef(); /* mathchardef lookup for symbol */
        !          3593: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3594: look up mathchardef for symbol
        !          3595: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          3596: if ( symbol != NULL )			/* user supplied input symbol */
        !          3597:   symdef = get_symdef(symbol);		/*look up corresponding mathchardef*/
        !          3598: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          3599: look up chardef for mathchardef and wrap a subraster structure around data
        !          3600: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          3601: if ( symdef != NULL )			/* lookup succeeded */
        !          3602:   sp = get_charsubraster(symdef,size);	/* so get symbol data in subraster */
        !          3603: return ( sp );				/* back to caller with sp or NULL */
        !          3604: } /* --- end-of-function get_symsubraster() --- */
        !          3605: 
        !          3606: 
        !          3607: /* ==========================================================================
1.1       albertel 3608:  * Function:	get_baseline ( gfdata )
                   3609:  * Purpose:	returns baseline for a chardef struct
                   3610:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3611:  * Arguments:	gfdata (I)	chardef *  containing chardef for symbol
                   3612:  *				whose baseline is wanted
                   3613:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3614:  * Returns:	( int )		baseline for symdef,
                   3615:  *				or -1 for any error
                   3616:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3617:  * Notes:     o	Unlike TeX, the top-left corners of our rasters are (0,0),
                   3618:  *		with (row,col) increasing as you move down and right.
                   3619:  *		Baselines are calculated with respect to this scheme,
                   3620:  *		so 0 would mean the very top row is on the baseline
                   3621:  *		and everything else descends below the baseline.
                   3622:  * ======================================================================= */
                   3623: /* --- entry point --- */
                   3624: int	get_baseline ( chardef *gfdata )
                   3625: {
                   3626: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3627: Allocations and Declarations
                   3628: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3629: int	/*toprow = gfdata->toprow,*/	/*TeX top row from .gf file info*/
                   3630: 	botrow = gfdata->botrow,	/*TeX bottom row from .gf file info*/
                   3631: 	height = gfdata->image.height;	/* #rows comprising symbol */
                   3632: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3633: give caller baseline
                   3634: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3635: return ( (height-1) + botrow );		/* note: descenders have botrow<0 */
                   3636: } /* --- end-of-function get_baseline() --- */
                   3639: /* ==========================================================================
                   3640:  * Function:	get_delim ( char *symbol, int height, int family )
                   3641:  * Purpose:	returns subraster corresponding to the samllest
                   3642:  *		character containing symbol, but at least as large as height,
                   3643:  *		and in caller's family (if specified).
                   3644:  *		If no symbol character as large as height is available,
                   3645:  *		then the largest availabale character is returned instead.
                   3646:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3647:  * Arguments:	symbol (I)	char *  containing (substring of) desired
                   3648:  *				symbol, e.g., if symbol="(", then any
                   3649:  *				mathchardef like "(" or "\\(", etc, match.
                   3650:  *		height (I)	int containing minimum acceptable height
                   3651:  *				for returned character
                   3652:  *		family (I)	int containing -1 to consider all families,
                   3653:  *				or, e.g., CMEX10 for only that family
                   3654:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3655:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	best matching character available,
                   3656:  *				or NULL for any error
                   3657:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3658:  * Notes:     o	If height is passed as negative, its absolute value is used
                   3659:  *		but the best-fit width is searched for (rather than height)
                   3660:  * ======================================================================= */
                   3661: /* --- entry point --- */
                   3662: subraster *get_delim ( char *symbol, int height, int family )
                   3663: {
                   3664: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3665: Allocations and Declarations
                   3666: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3667: mathchardef *symdefs = symtable;	/* table of mathchardefs */
                   3668: subraster *get_charsubraster(), *sp=(subraster *)NULL; /* best match char */
                   3669: subraster *make_delim();		/* construct delim if can't find it*/
                   3670: chardef	*get_chardef(), *gfdata=NULL;	/* get chardef struct for a symdef */
                   3671: char	lcsymbol[256], *symptr,		/* lowercase symbol for comparison */
                   3672: 	*unescsymbol = symbol;		/* unescaped symbol */
                   3673: int	symlen = (symbol==NULL?0:strlen(symbol)), /* #chars in caller's sym*/
                   3674: 	deflen = 0;			/* length of symdef (aka lcsymbol) */
                   3675: int	idef = 0,			/* symdefs[] index */
                   3676: 	bestdef = (-9999),		/* index of best fit symdef */
                   3677: 	bigdef = (-9999);		/*index of biggest (in case no best)*/
                   3678: int	size = 0,			/* size index 0...LARGESTSIZE */
                   3679: 	bestsize = (-9999),		/* index of best fit size */
                   3680: 	bigsize = (-9999);		/*index of biggest (in case no best)*/
                   3681: int	defheight, bestheight=9999,	/* height of best fit symdef */
                   3682: 	bigheight = (-9999);		/*height of biggest(in case no best)*/
                   3683: int	iswidth = 0;			/* true if best-fit width desired */
                   3684: int	isunesc = 0,			/* true if leading escape removed */
                   3685: 	issq=0, isoint=0;		/* true for \sqcup,etc, \oint,etc */
                   3686: char	*bigint="bigint", *bigoint="bigoint"; /* substitutes for int, oint */
                   3687: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3688: determine if searching height or width, and search symdefs[] for best-fit
                   3689: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3690: /* --- arg checks --- */
                   3691: if ( symlen < 1 ) return (sp);		/* no input symbol suplied */
                   3692: if ( strcmp(symbol,"e") == 0 ) return(sp); /* e causes segfault??? */
                   3693: /* --- ignore leading escapes for CMEX10 --- */
                   3694: if ( 1 )				/* ignore leading escape */
                   3695:  if ( (family==CMEX10 || family==CMSYEX) ) { /* for CMEX10 or CMSYEX */
                   3696:   if ( strstr(symbol,"sq") != NULL )	/* \sq symbol requested */
                   3697:      issq = 1;				/* seq \sq signal */
                   3698:   if ( strstr(symbol,"oint") != NULL )	/* \oint symbol requested */
                   3699:      isoint = 1;			/* seq \oint signal */
                   3700:   if ( *symbol=='\\' )			/* have leading \ */
                   3701:    { unescsymbol = symbol+1;		/* push past leading \ */
                   3702:      if ( --symlen < 1 ) return(sp);	/* one less char */
                   3703:      if ( strcmp(unescsymbol,"int") == 0 ) /* \int requested by caller */
                   3704:        unescsymbol = bigint;		/* but big version looks better */
                   3705:      if ( strcmp(unescsymbol,"oint") == 0 ) /* \oint requested by caller */
                   3706:        unescsymbol = bigoint;		/* but big version looks better */
                   3707:      symlen = strlen(unescsymbol);	/* explicitly recalculate length */
                   3708:      isunesc = 1; }			/* signal leading escape removed */
                   3709:   } /* --- end-of-if(family) --- */
                   3710: /* --- determine whether searching for best-fit height or width --- */
                   3711: if ( height < 0 )			/* negative signals width search */
                   3712:   { height = (-height);			/* flip "height" positive */
                   3713:     iswidth = 1; }			/* set flag for width search */
                   3714: /* --- search symdefs[] for best-fit height (or width) --- */
                   3715: for ( idef=0; ;idef++ )			/* until trailer record found */
                   3716:  {
                   3717:  char *defsym = symdefs[idef].symbol;	/* local copies */
                   3718:  int  deffam  = symdefs[idef].family;
                   3719:  if ( defsym == NULL ) break;		/* reached end-of-table */
                   3720:  else					/* check against caller's symbol */
                   3721:   if ( family<0 || deffam == family	/* if explicitly in caller's family*/
1.2     ! albertel 3722:   ||  (family==CMSYEX && (deffam==CMSY10||deffam==CMEX10||deffam==STMARY10)) )
1.1       albertel 3723:     {
                   3724:     strcpy(lcsymbol,defsym);		/* local copy of symdefs[] symbol */
                   3725:     if ( isunesc && *lcsymbol=='\\' )	/* ignored leading \ in symbol */
                   3726:      strcpy(lcsymbol,lcsymbol+1);	/* so squeeze it out of lcsymbol too*/
                   3727:     if ( 0 )				/* don't ignore case */
                   3728:      for ( symptr=lcsymbol; *symptr!='\000'; symptr++ ) /*for each symbol ch*/
                   3729:       if ( isalpha(*symptr) ) *symptr=tolower(*symptr); /*lowercase the char*/
                   3730:     deflen = strlen(lcsymbol);		/* #chars in symbol we're checking */
                   3731:     if ((symptr=strstr(lcsymbol,unescsymbol)) != NULL) /*found caller's sym*/
                   3732:      if ( (isoint || strstr(lcsymbol,"oint")==NULL) /* skip unwanted "oint"*/
                   3733:      &&   (issq || strstr(lcsymbol,"sq")==NULL) ) /* skip unwanted "sq" */
                   3734:       if ( (deffam == CMSY10 ?		/* CMSY10 or not CMSY10 */
                   3735: 	  symptr == lcsymbol		/* caller's sym is a prefix */
                   3736:           && deflen == symlen:		/* and same length */
                   3737: 	  symptr == lcsymbol		/* caller's sym is a prefix */
                   3738:           || symptr == lcsymbol+deflen-symlen) ) /* or a suffix */
                   3739:        for ( size=0; size<=LARGESTSIZE; size++ ) /* check all font sizes */
                   3740: 	if ( (gfdata=get_chardef(&(symdefs[idef]),size)) != NULL ) /*got one*/
                   3741: 	  { defheight = gfdata->image.height;	/* height of this character */
                   3742: 	    if ( iswidth )		/* width search wanted instead... */
                   3743: 	      defheight = gfdata->image.width;	/* substitute width */
                   3744: 	    leftsymdef = &(symdefs[idef]);	/* set symbol class, etc */
                   3745: 	    if ( defheight>=height && defheight<bestheight ) /*new best fit*/
                   3746: 	      { bestdef=idef; bestsize=size;	/* save indexes of best fit */
                   3747: 		bestheight = defheight; }	/* and save new best height */
                   3748: 	    if ( defheight >= bigheight )	/* new biggest character */
                   3749: 	      { bigdef=idef; bigsize=size;	/* save indexes of biggest */
                   3750: 		bigheight = defheight; }	/* and save new big height */
                   3751:           } /* --- end-of-if(gfdata!=NULL) --- */
                   3752:     } /* --- end-of-if(family) --- */
                   3753:  } /* --- end-of-for(idef) --- */
                   3754: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3755: construct subraster for best fit character, and return it to caller
                   3756: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3757: if ( bestdef >= 0 )			/* found a best fit for caller */
                   3758:   sp = get_charsubraster(&(symdefs[bestdef]),bestsize); /* best subraster */
1.2     ! albertel 3759: if ( (sp==NULL && height-bigheight>5)	/* try to construct delim */
        !          3760: ||   bigdef < 0 )			/* delim not in font tables */
1.1       albertel 3761:   sp = make_delim(symbol,(iswidth?-height:height)); /* try to build delim */
                   3762: if ( sp==NULL && bigdef>=0 )		/* just give biggest to caller */
                   3763:   sp = get_charsubraster(&(symdefs[bigdef]),bigsize); /* biggest subraster */
1.2     ! albertel 3764: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )
        !          3765:     fprintf(msgfp,"get_delim> symbol=%.50s, height=%d family=%d isokay=%s\n",
        !          3766:     (symbol==NULL?"null":symbol),height,family,(sp==NULL?"fail":"success"));
1.1       albertel 3767: return ( sp );
                   3768: } /* --- end-of-function get_delim() --- */
                   3771: /* ==========================================================================
                   3772:  * Function:	make_delim ( char *symbol, int height )
                   3773:  * Purpose:	constructs subraster corresponding to symbol
                   3774:  *		exactly as large as height,
                   3775:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3776:  * Arguments:	symbol (I)	char *  containing, e.g., if symbol="("
                   3777:  *				for desired delimiter
                   3778:  *		height (I)	int containing height
                   3779:  *				for returned character
                   3780:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3781:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	constructed delimiter
                   3782:  *				or NULL for any error
                   3783:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3784:  * Notes:     o	If height is passed as negative, its absolute value is used
                   3785:  *		and interpreted as width (rather than height)
                   3786:  * ======================================================================= */
                   3787: /* --- entry point --- */
                   3788: subraster *make_delim ( char *symbol, int height )
                   3789: {
                   3790: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3791: Allocations and Declarations
                   3792: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3793: subraster *sp = (subraster *)NULL,	/* subraster returned to caller */
                   3794: 	*new_subraster();		/* allocate subraster */
1.2     ! albertel 3795: subraster *get_symsubraster(),		/* look up delim pieces in cmex10 */
        !          3796: 	*symtop=NULL, *symbot=NULL, *symmid=NULL, *symbar=NULL,	/* pieces */
        !          3797: 	*topsym=NULL, *botsym=NULL, *midsym=NULL, *barsym=NULL,	/* +filler */
        !          3798: 	*rastack(), *rastcat();		/* stack pieces, concat filler */
        !          3799: int	isdrawparen = 0;		/*1=draw paren, 0=build from pieces*/
1.1       albertel 3800: raster	*rasp = (raster *)NULL;		/* sp->image */
                   3801: int	isokay=0, delete_subraster();	/* set true if delimiter drawn ok */
1.2     ! albertel 3802: int	pixsz = 1,			/* pixels are one bit each */
        !          3803: 	symsize = 0;			/* size arg for get_symsubraster() */
1.1       albertel 3804: int	thickness = 1;			/* drawn lines are one pixel thick */
                   3805: int	aspectratio = 8;		/* default height/width for parens */
                   3806: int	iswidth = 0,			/*true if width specified by height*/
                   3807: 	width = height;			/* #pixels width (e.g., of ellipse)*/
1.2     ! albertel 3808: char	*lp=NULL,  *rp=NULL,		/* check symbol for left or right */
        !          3809: 	*lp2=NULL, *rp2=NULL,		/* synonym for lp,rp */
        !          3810: 	*lp3=NULL, *rp3=NULL,		/* synonym for lp,rp */
        !          3811: 	*lp4=NULL, *rp4=NULL;		/* synonym for lp,rp */
1.1       albertel 3812: int	circle_raster(),		/* ellipse for ()'s in sp->image */
                   3813: 	rule_rsater(),			/* horizontal or vertical lines */
                   3814: 	line_raster();			/* line between two points */
1.2     ! albertel 3815: subraster *uparrow_subraster();		/* up/down arrows */
        !          3816: int	isprealloc = 1;			/*pre-alloc subraster, except arrow*/
        !          3817: int	oldsmashmargin = smashmargin,	/* save original smashmargin */
        !          3818: 	wascatspace = iscatspace;	/* save original iscatspace */
1.1       albertel 3819: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3820: initialization
                   3821: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3822: /* --- determine whether constructing height or width --- */
                   3823: if ( height < 0 )			/* negative "height" signals width */
                   3824:   { width = height = (-height);		/* flip height positive */
                   3825:     iswidth = 1; }			/* set flag for width */
                   3826: if ( height < 3 ) goto end_of_job;	/* too small, must be error */
                   3827: /* --- set default width (or height) accordingly --- */
                   3828: if ( iswidth ) height =  (width+(aspectratio+1)/2)/aspectratio;
                   3829: else            width = (height+(aspectratio+1)/2)/aspectratio;
                   3830: if ( strchr(symbol,'=') != NULL		/* left or right || bracket wanted */
1.2     ! albertel 3831: ||   strstr(symbol,"\\|") != NULL	/* same || in standard tex notation*/
        !          3832: ||   strstr(symbol,"dbl") != NULL )	/* semantic bracket with ||'s */
        !          3833:   width = max2(width,6);		/* need space between two |'s */
1.1       albertel 3834: if ( width < 2 ) width=2;		/* set min width */
                   3835: if ( strchr(symbol,'(') != NULL		/* if left ( */
                   3836: ||   strchr(symbol,')') != NULL )	/* or right ) paren wanted */
1.2     ! albertel 3837:   { width = (3*width)/2;		/* adjust width */
        !          3838:     if ( !isdrawparen ) isprealloc=0; }	/* don't prealloc if building */
        !          3839: if ( strchr(symbol,'/') != NULL		/* left / */
        !          3840: ||   strstr(symbol,"\\\\") != NULL	/* or \\ for right \ */
        !          3841: ||   strstr(symbol,"backsl") != NULL )	/* or \backslash for \ */
        !          3842:   width = max2(height/3,5);
        !          3843: if ( strstr(symbol,"arrow") != NULL )	/* arrow wanted */
        !          3844:   { width = min2(height/3,20);		/* adjust width */
        !          3845:     isprealloc = 0; }			/* don't preallocate subraster */
        !          3846: if ( strchr(symbol,'{') != NULL		/* if left { */
        !          3847: ||   strchr(symbol,'}') != NULL )	/* or right } brace wanted */
        !          3848:   { isprealloc = 0; }			/* don't preallocate */
1.1       albertel 3849: /* --- allocate and initialize subraster for constructed delimiter --- */
1.2     ! albertel 3850: if ( isprealloc )			/* pre-allocation wanted */
        !          3851:  { if ( (sp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate new subraster */
        !          3852:    ==   NULL )  goto end_of_job;	/* quit if failed */
        !          3853:    /* --- initialize delimiter subraster parameters --- */
        !          3854:    sp->type = IMAGERASTER;		/* image */
        !          3855:    sp->symdef = NULL;			/* not applicable for image */
        !          3856:    sp->baseline = height/2 + 2;		/* is a little above center good? */
        !          3857:    sp->size = NORMALSIZE;		/* size (probably unneeded) */
        !          3858:    rasp = sp->image; }			/* pointer to image in subraster */
1.1       albertel 3859: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   3860: ( ) parens
                   3861: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3862: if ( (lp=strchr(symbol,'(')) != NULL	/* left ( paren wanted */
                   3863: ||   (rp=strchr(symbol,')')) != NULL )	/* right ) paren wanted */
                   3864:   {
1.2     ! albertel 3865:   if ( isdrawparen ) {			/* draw the paren */
        !          3866:    int	mywidth = min2(width,20);	/* max width for ()'s */
        !          3867:    circle_raster ( rasp,		/* embedded raster image */
1.1       albertel 3868: 	0, 0,				/* row0,col0 are upper-left corner */
                   3869: 	height-1, mywidth-1,		/* row1,col1 are lower-right */
                   3870: 	thickness,			/* line thickness is 1 pixel */
                   3871: 	(rp==NULL?"23":"41") );		/* "1234" quadrants to be drawn */
1.2     ! albertel 3872:    isokay = 1; }			/* set flag */
        !          3873:   else {
        !          3874:    int	isleft = (lp!=NULL?1:0);	/* true for left, false for right */
        !          3875:    char	*parentop = (isleft?"\\leftparentop":"\\rightparentop"),
        !          3876: 	*parenbot = (isleft?"\\leftparenbot":"\\rightparenbot"),
        !          3877: 	*parenbar = (isleft?"\\leftparenbar":"\\rightparenbar");
        !          3878:    int	baseht=0, barht=0,		/* height of base=top+bot, bar */
        !          3879: 	ibar=0, nbars=0;		/* bar index, #bars between top&bot*/
        !          3880:    int	largestsize = min2(2,LARGESTSIZE), /* largest size for parens */
        !          3881: 	topfill=(isleft?0:0), botfill=(isleft?0:0),
        !          3882: 	barfill=(isleft?0:7);		/* alignment fillers */
        !          3883:    /* --- get pieces at largest size smaller than total height --- */
        !          3884:    for ( symsize=largestsize; symsize>=0; symsize-- ) /*largest to smallest*/
        !          3885:     {
        !          3886:     /* --- get pieces at current test size --- */
        !          3887:     isokay = 1;				/* check for all pieces */
        !          3888:     if ( (symtop=get_symsubraster(parentop,symsize)) == NULL ) isokay=0;
        !          3889:     if ( (symbot=get_symsubraster(parenbot,symsize)) == NULL ) isokay=0;
        !          3890:     if ( (symbar=get_symsubraster(parenbar,symsize)) == NULL ) isokay=0;
        !          3891:     /* --- check sum of pieces against total desired height --- */
        !          3892:     if ( isokay ) {			/* all pieces retrieved */
        !          3893:       baseht = (symtop->image)->height + (symbot->image)->height; /*top+bot*/
        !          3894:       barht  = (symbar->image)->height;	/* bar height */
        !          3895:       if ( baseht < height+5 ) break;	/* largest base that's not too big */
        !          3896:       if ( symsize < 1 ) break;		/* or smallest available base */
        !          3897:       } /* --- end-of-if(isokay) --- */
        !          3898:     /* --- free test pieces that were too big --- */
        !          3899:     if ( symtop != NULL ) delete_subraster(symtop); /* free top */
        !          3900:     if ( symbot != NULL ) delete_subraster(symbot); /* free bot */
        !          3901:     if ( symbar != NULL ) delete_subraster(symbar); /* free bar */
        !          3902:     isokay = 0;				/* nothing available */
        !          3903:     if ( symsize < 1 ) break;		/* leave isokay=0 after smallest */
        !          3904:     } /* --- end-of-for(symsize) --- */
        !          3905:    /* --- construct brace from pieces --- */
        !          3906:    if ( isokay ) {			/* we have the pieces */
        !          3907:     /* --- add alignment fillers --- */
        !          3908:     smashmargin = iscatspace = 0;	/*turn off rastcat smashing,space*/
        !          3909:     topsym = (topfill>0?rastcat(new_subraster(topfill,1,1),symtop,3):symtop);
        !          3910:     botsym = (botfill>0?rastcat(new_subraster(botfill,1,1),symbot,3):symbot);
        !          3911:     barsym = (barfill>0?rastcat(new_subraster(barfill,1,1),symbar,3):symbar);
        !          3912:     smashmargin = oldsmashmargin;	/* reset smashmargin */
        !          3913:     iscatspace = wascatspace;		/* reset iscatspace */
        !          3914:     /* --- #bars needed between top and bot --- */
        !          3915:     nbars = (barht<1?0:max2(0,1+(height-baseht)/barht)); /* #bars needed */
        !          3916:     /* --- stack pieces --- */
        !          3917:     sp = topsym;			/* start with top piece */
        !          3918:     if ( nbars > 0 )			/* need nbars between top and bot */
        !          3919:       for ( ibar=1; ibar<=nbars; ibar++ ) sp = rastack(barsym,sp,1,0,0,2);
        !          3920:     sp = rastack(botsym,sp,1,0,0,3);	/* bottom below bars or middle */
        !          3921:     delete_subraster(barsym);		/* barsym no longer needed */
        !          3922:     } /* --- end-of-if(isokay) --- */
        !          3923:    } /* --- end-of-if/else(isdrawparen) --- */
1.1       albertel 3924:   } /* --- end-of-if(left- or right-() paren wanted) --- */
                   3925: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2     ! albertel 3926: { } braces
        !          3927: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          3928: else
        !          3929:  if ( (lp=strchr(symbol,'{')) != NULL	/* left { brace wanted */
        !          3930:  ||   (rp=strchr(symbol,'}')) != NULL )	/* right } brace wanted */
        !          3931:   {
        !          3932:   int	isleft = (lp!=NULL?1:0);	/* true for left, false for right */
        !          3933:   char	*bracetop = (isleft?"\\leftbracetop":"\\rightbracetop"),
        !          3934: 	*bracebot = (isleft?"\\leftbracebot":"\\rightbracebot"),
        !          3935: 	*bracemid = (isleft?"\\leftbracemid":"\\rightbracemid"),
        !          3936: 	*bracebar = (isleft?"\\leftbracebar":"\\rightbracebar");
        !          3937:   int	baseht=0, barht=0,		/* height of base=top+bot+mid, bar */
        !          3938: 	ibar=0, nbars=0;		/* bar index, #bars above,below mid*/
        !          3939:   int	largestsize = min2(2,LARGESTSIZE), /* largest size for braces */
        !          3940: 	topfill=(isleft?4:0), botfill=(isleft?4:0),
        !          3941: 	midfill=(isleft?0:4), barfill=(isleft?4:4); /* alignment fillers */
        !          3942:   /* --- get pieces at largest size smaller than total height --- */
        !          3943:   for ( symsize=largestsize; symsize>=0; symsize-- ) /*largest to smallest*/
        !          3944:     {
        !          3945:     /* --- get pieces at current test size --- */
        !          3946:     isokay = 1;				/* check for all pieces */
        !          3947:     if ( (symtop=get_symsubraster(bracetop,symsize)) == NULL ) isokay=0;
        !          3948:     if ( (symbot=get_symsubraster(bracebot,symsize)) == NULL ) isokay=0;
        !          3949:     if ( (symmid=get_symsubraster(bracemid,symsize)) == NULL ) isokay=0;
        !          3950:     if ( (symbar=get_symsubraster(bracebar,symsize)) == NULL ) isokay=0;
        !          3951:     /* --- check sum of pieces against total desired height --- */
        !          3952:     if ( isokay ) {			/* all pieces retrieved */
        !          3953:       baseht = (symtop->image)->height + (symbot->image)->height
        !          3954: 	+ (symmid->image)->height;	/* top+bot+mid height */
        !          3955:       barht = (symbar->image)->height;	/* bar height */
        !          3956:       if ( baseht < height+5 ) break;	/* largest base that's not too big */
        !          3957:       if ( symsize < 1 ) break;		/* or smallest available base */
        !          3958:       } /* --- end-of-if(isokay) --- */
        !          3959:     /* --- free test pieces that were too big --- */
        !          3960:     if ( symtop != NULL ) delete_subraster(symtop); /* free top */
        !          3961:     if ( symbot != NULL ) delete_subraster(symbot); /* free bot */
        !          3962:     if ( symmid != NULL ) delete_subraster(symmid); /* free mid */
        !          3963:     if ( symbar != NULL ) delete_subraster(symbar); /* free bar */
        !          3964:     isokay = 0;				/* nothing available */
        !          3965:     if ( symsize < 1 ) break;		/* leave isokay=0 after smallest */
        !          3966:     } /* --- end-of-for(symsize) --- */
        !          3967:   /* --- construct brace from pieces --- */
        !          3968:   if ( isokay ) {			/* we have the pieces */
        !          3969:     /* --- add alignment fillers --- */
        !          3970:     smashmargin = iscatspace = 0;	/*turn off rastcat smashing,space*/
        !          3971:     topsym = (topfill>0?rastcat(new_subraster(topfill,1,1),symtop,3):symtop);
        !          3972:     botsym = (botfill>0?rastcat(new_subraster(botfill,1,1),symbot,3):symbot);
        !          3973:     midsym = (midfill>0?rastcat(new_subraster(midfill,1,1),symmid,3):symmid);
        !          3974:     barsym = (barfill>0?rastcat(new_subraster(barfill,1,1),symbar,3):symbar);
        !          3975:     smashmargin = oldsmashmargin;	/* reset smashmargin */
        !          3976:     iscatspace = wascatspace;		/* reset iscatspace */
        !          3977:     /* --- #bars needed on each side of mid piece --- */
        !          3978:     nbars = (barht<1?0:max2(0,1+(height-baseht)/barht/2)); /*#bars per side*/
        !          3979:     /* --- stack pieces --- */
        !          3980:     sp = topsym;			/* start with top piece */
        !          3981:     if ( nbars > 0 )			/* need nbars above middle */
        !          3982:       for ( ibar=1; ibar<=nbars; ibar++ ) sp = rastack(barsym,sp,1,0,0,2);
        !          3983:     sp = rastack(midsym,sp,1,0,0,3);	/*mid after top or bars*/
        !          3984:     if ( nbars > 0 )			/* need nbars below middle */
        !          3985:       for ( ibar=1; ibar<=nbars; ibar++ ) sp = rastack(barsym,sp,1,0,0,2);
        !          3986:     sp = rastack(botsym,sp,1,0,0,3);	/* bottom below bars or middle */
        !          3987:     delete_subraster(barsym);		/* barsym no longer needed */
        !          3988:     } /* --- end-of-if(isokay) --- */
        !          3989:   } /* --- end-of-if(left- or right-{} brace wanted) --- */
        !          3990: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.1       albertel 3991: [ ] brackets
                   3992: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   3993: else
                   3994:  if ( (lp=strchr(symbol,'[')) != NULL	/* left [ bracket wanted */
1.2     ! albertel 3995:  ||   (rp=strchr(symbol,']')) != NULL	/* right ] bracket wanted */
        !          3996:  ||   (lp2=strstr(symbol,"lceil")) != NULL /* left ceiling wanted */
        !          3997:  ||   (rp2=strstr(symbol,"rceil")) != NULL /* right ceiling wanted */
        !          3998:  ||   (lp3=strstr(symbol,"lfloor")) != NULL /* left floor wanted */
        !          3999:  ||   (rp3=strstr(symbol,"rfloor")) != NULL /* right floor wanted */
        !          4000:  ||   (lp4=strstr(symbol,"llbrack")) != NULL /* left semantic bracket */
        !          4001:  ||   (rp4=strstr(symbol,"rrbrack")) != NULL ) /* right semantic bracket */
        !          4002:   {
        !          4003:   /* --- use rule_raster ( rasp, top, left, width, height, type=0 ) --- */
        !          4004:   int	mywidth = min2(width,12),	/* max width for horizontal bars */
        !          4005: 	wthick = 1;			/* thickness of top.bottom bars */
        !          4006:   thickness = (height<25?1:2);		/* set lines 1 or 2 pixels thick */
        !          4007:   if ( lp2!=NULL || rp2!=NULL || lp3!=NULL || rp3 !=NULL ) /*ceil or floor*/
        !          4008:     wthick = thickness;			/* same thickness for top/bot bar */
        !          4009:   if ( lp3==NULL && rp3==NULL )		/* set top bar if floor not wanted */
        !          4010:     rule_raster(rasp, 0,0, mywidth,wthick, 0); /* top horizontal bar */
        !          4011:   if ( lp2==NULL && rp2==NULL )		/* set bot bar if ceil not wanted */
        !          4012:     rule_raster(rasp, height-wthick,0, mywidth,thickness, 0); /* bottom */
        !          4013:   if ( lp!=NULL || lp2!=NULL || lp3!=NULL || lp4!=NULL ) /* left bracket */
1.1       albertel 4014:    rule_raster(rasp, 0,0, thickness,height, 0); /* left vertical bar */
1.2     ! albertel 4015:   if ( lp4 != NULL )			/* 2nd left vertical bar needed */
        !          4016:    rule_raster(rasp, 0,thickness+1, 1,height, 0); /* 2nd left vertical bar */
        !          4017:   if ( rp!=NULL || rp2!=NULL || rp3!=NULL || rp4!=NULL ) /* right bracket */
1.1       albertel 4018:    rule_raster(rasp, 0,mywidth-thickness, thickness,height, 0); /* right */
1.2     ! albertel 4019:   if ( rp4 != NULL )			/* 2nd right vertical bar needed */
        !          4020:    rule_raster(rasp, 0,mywidth-thickness-2, 1,height, 0); /*2nd right vert*/
1.1       albertel 4021:   isokay = 1;				/* set flag */
                   4022:   } /* --- end-of-if(left- or right-[] bracket wanted) --- */
                   4023: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4024: < > brackets
                   4025: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4026: else
                   4027:  if ( (lp=strchr(symbol,'<')) != NULL	/* left < bracket wanted */
                   4028:  ||   (rp=strchr(symbol,'>')) != NULL )	/* right > bracket wanted */
                   4029:   {
1.2     ! albertel 4030:   /* --- use line_raster( rasp,  row0, col0,  row1, col1,  thickness ) --- */
        !          4031:   int	mywidth = min2(width,12),	/* max width for brackets */
        !          4032: 	mythick = 1;			/* all lines one pixel thick */
        !          4033:   thickness = (height<25?1:2);		/* set line pixel thickness */
1.1       albertel 4034:   if ( lp != NULL )			/* left < bracket wanted */
1.2     ! albertel 4035:     { line_raster(rasp,height/2,0,0,mywidth-1,mythick);
        !          4036:       if ( thickness>1 )
        !          4037: 	line_raster(rasp,height/2,1,0,mywidth-1,mythick);
        !          4038:       line_raster(rasp,height/2,0,height-1,mywidth-1,mythick);
        !          4039:       if ( thickness>1 )
        !          4040: 	line_raster(rasp,height/2,1,height-1,mywidth-1,mythick); }
1.1       albertel 4041:   if ( rp != NULL )			/* right > bracket wanted */
1.2     ! albertel 4042:     { line_raster(rasp,height/2,mywidth-1,0,0,mythick);
        !          4043:       if ( thickness>1 )
        !          4044: 	line_raster(rasp,height/2,mywidth-2,0,0,mythick);
        !          4045:       line_raster(rasp,height/2,mywidth-1,height-1,0,mythick);
        !          4046:       if ( thickness>1 )
        !          4047: 	line_raster(rasp,height/2,mywidth-2,height-1,0,mythick); }
1.1       albertel 4048:   isokay = 1;				/* set flag */
                   4049:   } /* --- end-of-if(left- or right-<> bracket wanted) --- */
                   4050: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2     ! albertel 4051: / \ delimiters
        !          4052: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          4053: else
        !          4054:  if ( (lp=strchr(symbol,'/')) != NULL	/* left /  wanted */
        !          4055:  ||   (rp=strstr(symbol,"\\\\")) != NULL /* right \ wanted */
        !          4056:  ||   (rp2=strstr(symbol,"backsl")) != NULL ) /* right \ wanted */
        !          4057:   {
        !          4058:   /* --- use line_raster( rasp,  row0, col0,  row1, col1,  thickness ) --- */
        !          4059:   int	mywidth = width;		/* max width for / \ */
        !          4060:   thickness = 1;			/* set line pixel thickness */
        !          4061:   if ( lp != NULL )			/* left / wanted */
        !          4062:     line_raster(rasp,0,mywidth-1,height-1,0,thickness);
        !          4063:   if ( rp!=NULL || rp2!=NULL )		/* right \ wanted */
        !          4064:     line_raster(rasp,0,0,height-1,mywidth-1,thickness);
        !          4065:   isokay = 1;				/* set flag */
        !          4066:   } /* --- end-of-if(left- or right-/\ delimiter wanted) --- */
        !          4067: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          4068: arrow delimiters
        !          4069: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          4070: else
        !          4071:  if ( strstr(symbol,"arrow") != NULL )	/* arrow delimiter wanted */
        !          4072:   {
        !          4073:   /* --- use uparrow_subraster(width,height,pixsz,drctn,isBig) --- */
        !          4074:   int	mywidth = width;		/* max width for / \ */
        !          4075:   int	isBig = (strstr(symbol,"Up")!=NULL /* isBig if we have an Up */
        !          4076: 		|| strstr(symbol,"Down")!=NULL); /* or a Down */
        !          4077:   int	drctn = +1;			/* init for uparrow */
        !          4078:   if ( strstr(symbol,"down")!=NULL	/* down if we have down */
        !          4079:   ||   strstr(symbol,"Down")!=NULL )	/* or Down */
        !          4080:    { drctn = (-1);			/* reset direction to down */
        !          4081:      if ( strstr(symbol,"up")!=NULL	/* updown if we have up or Up */
        !          4082:      ||   strstr(symbol,"Up")!=NULL )	/* and down or Down */
        !          4083:       drctn = 0; }			/* reset direction to updown */
        !          4084:   sp = uparrow_subraster(mywidth,height,pixsz,drctn,isBig);
        !          4085:   if ( sp != NULL )
        !          4086:    { sp->type = IMAGERASTER;		/* image */
        !          4087:      sp->symdef = NULL;			/* not applicable for image */
        !          4088:      sp->baseline = height/2 + 2;	/* is a little above center good? */
        !          4089:      sp->size = NORMALSIZE;		/* size (probably unneeded) */
        !          4090:      isokay = 1; }			/* set flag */
        !          4091:   } /* --- end-of-if(arrow delimiter wanted) --- */
        !          4092: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.1       albertel 4093: \- for | | brackets or \= for || || brackets
                   4094: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4095: else
                   4096:  if ( (lp=strchr(symbol,'-')) != NULL	/* left or right | bracket wanted */
                   4097:  ||  (lp2=strchr(symbol,'|')) != NULL	/* synonym for | bracket */
                   4098:  ||   (rp=strchr(symbol,'=')) != NULL	/* left or right || bracket wanted */
                   4099:  || (rp2=strstr(symbol,"\\|"))!= NULL )	/* || in standard tex notation */
                   4100:   {
                   4101:   /* --- rule_raster ( rasp, top, left, width, height, type=0 ) --- */
                   4102:   int	midcol = width/2;		/* middle col, left of mid if even */
                   4103:   if ( rp  != NULL			/* left or right || bracket wanted */
                   4104:   ||   rp2 != NULL )			/* or || in standard tex notation */
1.2     ! albertel 4105:    { thickness = (height<75?1:2);	/* each | of || 1 or 2 pixels thick*/
1.1       albertel 4106:      rule_raster(rasp, 0,max2(0,midcol-2), thickness,height, 0); /* left */
                   4107:      rule_raster(rasp, 0,min2(width,midcol+2), thickness,height, 0); }
                   4108:   else					/*nb, lp2 spuriously set if rp2 set*/
                   4109:    if ( lp  != NULL			/* left or right | bracket wanted */
                   4110:    ||   lp2 != NULL )			/* ditto for synomym */
1.2     ! albertel 4111:     { thickness = (height<75?1:2);	/* set | 1 or 2 pixels thick */
1.1       albertel 4112:       rule_raster(rasp, 0,midcol, thickness,height, 0); } /*mid vertical bar*/
                   4113:   isokay = 1;				/* set flag */
                   4114:   } /* --- end-of-if(left- or right-[] bracket wanted) --- */
                   4115: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4116: back to caller
                   4117: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4118: end_of_job:
1.2     ! albertel 4119:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )
        !          4120:     fprintf(msgfp,"make_delim> symbol=%.50s, isokay=%d\n",
        !          4121:     (symbol==NULL?"null":symbol),isokay);
1.1       albertel 4122:   if ( !isokay )			/* don't have requested delimiter */
1.2     ! albertel 4123:     { if (sp!=NULL) delete_subraster(sp); /* so free unneeded structure */
1.1       albertel 4124:       sp = NULL; }			/* and signal error to caller */
                   4125:   return ( sp );			/*back to caller with delim or NULL*/
                   4126: } /* --- end-of-function make_delim() --- */
                   4129: /* ==========================================================================
                   4130:  * Function:	texchar ( expression, chartoken )
                   4131:  * Purpose:	scans expression, returning either its first character,
                   4132:  *		or the next \sequence if that first char is \,
                   4133:  *		and a pointer to the first expression char past that.
                   4134:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4135:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char * to first char of null-terminated
                   4136:  *				string containing valid LaTeX expression
                   4137:  *				to be scanned
                   4138:  *		chartoken (O)	char * to null-terminated string returning
                   4139:  *				either the first (non-whitespace) character
                   4140:  *				of expression if that char isn't \, or else
                   4141:  *				the \ and everything following it up to
                   4142:  *				the next non-alphabetic character (but at
                   4143:  *				least one char following the \ even if
                   4144:  *				it's non-alpha)
                   4145:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4146:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to the first char of expression
                   4147:  *				past returned chartoken,
                   4148:  *				or NULL for any parsing error.
                   4149:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4150:  * Notes:     o	Does *not* skip leading whitespace, but simply
                   4151:  *		returns any whitespace character as the next character.
                   4152:  * ======================================================================= */
                   4153: /* --- entry point --- */
                   4154: char	*texchar ( char *expression, char *chartoken )
                   4155: {
                   4156: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4157: Allocations and Declarations
                   4158: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4159: int	esclen = 0,				/*length of escape sequence*/
                   4160: 	maxesclen = 128;			/* max len of esc sequence */
                   4161: char	*ptoken = chartoken;			/* ptr into chartoken */
                   4162: int	iprefix = 0;				/* prefix index */
                   4163: static	char *prefixes[] =			/*e.g., \big followed by ( */
                   4164: 	{ /* "\\left", "\\right", */
                   4165: 	  "\\big",  "\\Big",  "\\bigg",  "\\Bigg",
                   4166: 	  "\\bigl", "\\Bigl", "\\biggl", "\\Biggl",
                   4167: 	  "\\bigr", "\\Bigr", "\\biggr", "\\Biggr", NULL };
                   4168: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4169: just return the next char if it's not \
                   4170: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4171: /* --- error check for end-of-string --- */
                   4172: *ptoken = '\000';				/* init in case of error */
                   4173: if ( expression == NULL ) return(NULL);		/* nothing to scan */
                   4174: if ( *expression == '\000' ) return(NULL);	/* nothing to scan */
                   4175: /* --- always returning first character (either \ or some other char) --- */
                   4176: *ptoken++ = *expression++;			/* here's first character */
                   4177: /* --- if first char isn't \, then just return it to caller --- */
                   4178: if ( !isthischar(*(expression-1),ESCAPE) )	/* not a \, so return char */
                   4179:   { *ptoken = '\000';				/* add a null terminator */
                   4180:     goto end_of_job; }				/* ptr past returned char */
                   4181: if ( *expression == '\000' )			/* \ is very last char */
                   4182:   { *chartoken = '\000';			/* flush bad trailing \ */
                   4183:     return(NULL); }				/* and signal end-of-job */
                   4184: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4185: we have an escape sequence, so return all alpha chars following \
                   4186: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4187: /* --- accumulate chars until first non-alpha char found --- */
                   4188: for ( ; isalpha(*expression); esclen++ )	/* till first non-alpha... */
                   4189:   { if ( esclen < maxesclen-3 )			/* more room in chartoken */
                   4190:       *ptoken++ = *expression;			/*copy alpha char, bump ptr*/
                   4191:     expression++; }				/* bump expression ptr */
                   4192: /* --- if we have a prefix, append next texchar, e.g., \big( --- */
                   4193: *ptoken = '\000';				/* set null for compare */
                   4194: for ( iprefix=0; prefixes[iprefix] != NULL; iprefix++ ) /* run thru list */
                   4195:  if ( strcmp(chartoken,prefixes[iprefix]) == 0 ) /* have an exact match */
                   4196:   { char nextchar[256];  int nextlen=0;		/* texchar after prefix */
                   4197:     skipwhite(expression);			/* skip space after prefix*/
                   4198:     expression = texchar(expression,nextchar);	/* get nextchar */
                   4199:     if ( (nextlen = strlen(nextchar)) > 0 )	/* #chars in nextchar */
                   4200:       { strcpy(ptoken,nextchar);		/* append nextchar */
                   4201:         ptoken += strlen(nextchar);		/* point to null terminator*/
                   4202:         esclen += strlen(nextchar); }		/* and bump escape length */
                   4203:     break; }					/* stop checking prefixes */
                   4204: /* --- every \ must be followed by at least one char, e.g., \[ --- */
                   4205: if ( esclen < 1 )				/* \ followed by non-alpha */
                   4206:   *ptoken++ = *expression++;			/*copy non-alpha, bump ptrs*/
                   4207: else {						/* normal alpha \sequence */
                   4208:   /* --- respect spaces in text mode, except first space after \escape --- */
1.2     ! albertel 4209:   if ( istextmode )				/* in \rm or \it text mode */
        !          4210:    if ( isthischar(*expression,WHITEDELIM) )	/* delim follows \sequence */
        !          4211:     expression++; }				/* so flush delim */
1.1       albertel 4212: *ptoken = '\000';				/* null-terminate token */
                   4213: /* --- back to caller --- */
                   4214: end_of_job:
                   4215:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=999 )
                   4216:     { fprintf(msgfp,"texchar> returning token = \"%s\"\n",chartoken);
                   4217:       fflush(msgfp); }
                   4218:   return ( expression );			/*ptr to 1st non-alpha char*/
                   4219: } /* --- end-of-function texchar() --- */
                   4222: /* ==========================================================================
                   4223:  * Function:	texsubexpr (expression,subexpr,maxsubsz,
                   4224:  *		left,right,isescape,isdelim)
                   4225:  * Purpose:	scans expression, returning everything between a balanced
                   4226:  *		left{...right} subexpression if the first non-whitespace
                   4227:  *		char of expression is an (escaped or unescaped) left{,
                   4228:  *		or just the next texchar() otherwise,
                   4229:  *		and a pointer to the first expression char past that.
                   4230:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4231:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char * to first char of null-terminated
                   4232:  *				string containing valid LaTeX expression
                   4233:  *				to be scanned
                   4234:  *		subexpr (O)	char * to null-terminated string returning
                   4235:  *				either everything between a balanced {...}
                   4236:  *				subexpression if the first char is {,
                   4237:  *				or the next texchar() otherwise.
                   4238:  *		maxsubsz (I)	int containing max #bytes returned
                   4239:  *				in subexpr buffer (0 means unlimited)
                   4240:  *		left (I)	char * specifying allowable left delimiters
                   4241:  *				that begin subexpression, e.g., "{[(<"
                   4242:  *		right (I)	char * specifying matching right delimiters
                   4243:  *				in the same order as left, e.g., "}])>"
                   4244:  *		isescape (I)	int controlling whether escaped and/or
                   4245:  *				unescaped left,right are matched;
                   4246:  *				see isbrace() comments below for details.
                   4247:  *		isdelim (I)	int containing true (non-zero) to return
                   4248:  *				the leading left and trailing right delims
                   4249:  *				(if any were found) along with subexpr,
                   4250:  *				or containing false=0 to return subexpr
                   4251:  *				without its delimiters
                   4252:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4253:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to the first char of expression
                   4254:  *				past returned subexpr (see Notes),
                   4255:  *				or NULL for any parsing error.
                   4256:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4257:  * Notes:     o	If subexpr is of the form left{...right},
                   4258:  *		the outer {}'s are returned as part of subexpr
                   4259:  *		if isdelim is true; if isdelim is false the {}'s aren't
                   4260:  *		returned.  In either case the returned pointer is
                   4261:  *		*always* bumped past the closing right}, even if
                   4262:  *		that closing right} isn't returned in subexpr.
                   4263:  *	      o	If subexpr is not of the form left{...right},
                   4264:  *		the returned pointer is on the character immediately
                   4265:  *		following the last character returned in subexpr
                   4266:  *	      o	\. acts as LaTeX \right. and matches any \left(
                   4267:  *		And it also acts as a LaTeX \left. and matches any \right)
                   4268:  * ======================================================================= */
                   4269: /* --- entry point --- */
                   4270: char	*texsubexpr ( char *expression, char *subexpr, int maxsubsz,
                   4271: 	char *left, char *right, int isescape, int isdelim )
                   4272: {
                   4273: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4274: Allocations and Declarations
                   4275: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4276: char	*texchar();		/*next char (or \sequence) from expression*/
1.2     ! albertel 4277: char	*leftptr, leftdelim[256] = "(\000", /* left( found in expression */
        !          4278: 	rightdelim[256] = ")\000"; /* and matching right) */
1.1       albertel 4279: char	*origexpression=expression, *origsubexpr=subexpr; /*original inputs*/
1.2     ! albertel 4280: char	*strtexchr(), *texleft(); /* check for \left, and get it */
1.1       albertel 4281: int	gotescape = 0,		/* true if leading char of expression is \ */
                   4282: 	prevescape = 0;		/* while parsing, true if preceding char \ */
                   4283: int	isbrace();		/* check for left,right braces */
                   4284: int	isanyright = 1;		/* true matches any right with left, (...] */
                   4285: int	isleftdot = 0;		/* true if left brace is a \. */
                   4286: int	nestlevel = 1;		/* current # of nested braces */
                   4287: int	subsz=0 /*, maxsubsz=8192*/; /* #chars in returned subexpr[] buffer*/
                   4288: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4289: skip leading whitespace and just return the next char if it's not {
                   4290: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4291: /* --- skip leading whitespace and error check for end-of-string --- */
                   4292: *subexpr = '\000';				/* init in case of error */
                   4293: if ( expression == NULL ) return(NULL);		/*can't dereference null ptr*/
                   4294: skipwhite(expression);				/* leading whitespace gone */
                   4295: if ( *expression == '\000' ) return(NULL);	/* nothing left to scan */
                   4296: /* --- set maxsubsz --- */
                   4297: if ( maxsubsz < 1 ) maxsubsz = 8192;		/* input 0 means unlimited */
                   4298: /* --- check for escape --- */
                   4299: if ( isthischar(*expression,ESCAPE) )		/* expression is escaped */
                   4300:   gotescape = 1;				/* so set flag accordingly */
1.2     ! albertel 4301: /* --- check for \left...\right --- */
        !          4302: if ( gotescape )				/* begins with \ */
        !          4303:  if ( memcmp(expression+1,"left",4) )		/* and followed by left */
        !          4304:   if ( strchr(left,'l') != NULL )		/* caller wants \left's */
        !          4305:    if ( strtexchr(expression,"\\left") == expression ) /*expression=\left...*/
        !          4306:     { char *pright = texleft(expression,subexpr,maxsubsz, /* find ...\right*/
        !          4307: 	(isdelim?NULL:leftdelim),rightdelim);
        !          4308:       if ( isdelim ) strcat(subexpr,rightdelim); /* caller wants delims */
        !          4309:       return ( pright );			/*back to caller past \right*/
        !          4310:     } /* --- end-of-if(expression=="\\left") --- */
1.1       albertel 4311: /* --- if first char isn't left{ or script, just return it to caller --- */
                   4312: if ( !isbrace(expression,left,isescape) )	/* not a left{ */
                   4313:   if ( !isthischar(*expression,SCRIPTS) )	/* and not a script */
                   4314:     return ( texchar(expression,subexpr) );	/* next char to caller */
                   4315:   else /* --- kludge for super/subscripts to accommodate texscripts() --- */
                   4316:     { *subexpr++ = *expression;			/* signal script */
                   4317:       *subexpr = '\000';			/* null-terminate subexpr */
                   4318:       return ( expression ); }			/* leave script in stream */
                   4319: /* --- extract left and find matching right delimiter --- */
                   4320: *leftdelim  = *(expression+gotescape);		/* the left( in expression */
                   4321: if ( (gotescape && *leftdelim == '.')		/* we have a left \. */
                   4322: ||   (gotescape && isanyright) )		/*or are matching any right*/
                   4323:   { isleftdot = 1;				/* so just set flag */
                   4324:     *leftdelim = '\000'; }			/* and reset leftdelim */
                   4325: else						/* find matching \right */
                   4326:   if ( (leftptr=strchr(left,*leftdelim)) != NULL ) /* ptr to that left( */
                   4327:     *rightdelim = right[(int)(leftptr-left)];	/* get the matching right) */
                   4328:   else						/* can't happen -- pgm bug */
                   4329:     return ( NULL );				/*just signal eoj to caller*/
                   4330: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4331: accumulate chars between balanced {}'s, i.e., till nestlevel returns to 0
                   4332: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4333: /* --- first initialize by bumping past left{ or \{ --- */
                   4334: if ( isdelim )   *subexpr++ = *expression++;	/*caller wants { in subexpr*/
                   4335:   else expression++;				/* always bump past left{ */
                   4336: if ( gotescape )				/*need to bump another char*/
                   4337:   if ( isdelim ) *subexpr++ = *expression++;	/* caller wants char, too */
                   4338:   else expression++;				/* else just bump past it */
                   4339: /* --- set maximum size for numerical arguments --- */
                   4340: if ( 0 )					/* check turned on or off? */
                   4341:  if ( !isescape && !isdelim )			/*looking for numerical arg*/
                   4342:   maxsubsz = 96;				/* set max arg size */
                   4343: /* --- search for matching right} --- */
                   4344: while ( 1 )					/*until balanced right} */
                   4345:   {
                   4346:   /* --- error check for end-of-string --- */
                   4347:   if ( *expression == '\000' )			/* premature end-of-string */
                   4348:     { if ( 0 && (!isescape && !isdelim) )	/*looking for numerical arg,*/
                   4349: 	{ expression = origexpression;		/* so end-of-string is error*/
                   4350: 	  subexpr = origsubexpr; }		/* so reset all ptrs */
                   4351:       if ( isdelim )				/* generate fake right */
                   4352: 	if ( gotescape )			/* need escaped right */
                   4353: 	  { *subexpr++ = '\\';			/* set escape char */
                   4354: 	    *subexpr++ = '.'; }			/* and fake \right. */
                   4355: 	else					/* escape not wanted */
                   4356: 	    *subexpr++ = *rightdelim;		/* so fake actual right */
                   4357:       *subexpr = '\000';			/* null-terminate subexpr */
                   4358:       return ( expression ); }			/* back with final token */
                   4359:   /* --- check preceding char for escape --- */
                   4360:   if ( isthischar(*(expression-1),ESCAPE) )	/* previous char was \ */
                   4361: 	prevescape = 1-prevescape;		/* so flip escape flag */
                   4362:   else	prevescape = 0;				/* or turn flag off */
                   4363:   /* --- check for { and } (un/escaped as per leading left) --- */
                   4364:   if ( gotescape == prevescape )		/* escaped iff leading is */
                   4365:     { /* --- check for (closing) right delim and see if we're done --- */
                   4366:       if ( isthischar(*expression,rightdelim)	/* found a right} */
                   4367:       ||   (isleftdot && isthischar(*expression,right)) /*\left. matches all*/
                   4368:       ||   (prevescape && isthischar(*expression,".")) ) /*or found \right. */
                   4369:         if ( --nestlevel < 1 )			/*\right balances 1st \left*/
                   4370: 	  { if ( isdelim ) 			/*caller wants } in subexpr*/
                   4371: 	      *subexpr++ = *expression;		/* so end subexpr with } */
                   4372: 	    else				/*check for \ before right}*/
                   4373: 	      if ( prevescape )			/* have unwanted \ */
                   4374: 		*(subexpr-1) = '\000';		/* so replace it with null */
                   4375: 	    *subexpr = '\000';			/* null-terminate subexpr */
                   4376: 	    return ( expression+1 ); }		/* back with char after } */
                   4377:       /* --- check for (another) left{ --- */
                   4378:       if ( isthischar(*expression,leftdelim)	/* found another left{ */
                   4379:       ||   (isleftdot && isthischar(*expression,left)) ) /* any left{ */
                   4380: 	nestlevel++;
                   4381:     } /* --- end-of-if(gotescape==prevescape) --- */
                   4382:   /* --- not done, so copy char to subexpr and continue with next char --- */
                   4383:   if ( ++subsz < maxsubsz-5 )			/* more room in subexpr */
                   4384:     *subexpr++ = *expression;			/* so copy char and bump ptr*/
                   4385:   expression++;					/* bump expression ptr */
                   4386:   } /* --- end-of-while(1) --- */
                   4387: } /* --- end-of-function texsubexpr() --- */
                   4390: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 4391:  * Function:	texleft (expression,subexpr,maxsubsz,ldelim,rdelim)
        !          4392:  * Purpose:	scans expression, starting after opening \left,
        !          4393:  *		and returning ptr after matching closing \right.
        !          4394:  *		Everything between is returned in subexpr, if given.
        !          4395:  *		Likewise, if given, ldelim returns delimiter after \left
        !          4396:  *		and rdelim returns delimiter after \right.
        !          4397:  *		If ldelim is given, the returned subexpr doesn't include it.
        !          4398:  *		If rdelim is given, the returned pointer is after that delim.
        !          4399:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          4400:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char * to first char of null-terminated
        !          4401:  *				string immediately following opening \left
        !          4402:  *		subexpr (O)	char * to null-terminated string returning
        !          4403:  *				either everything between balanced
        !          4404:  *				\left ... \right.  If leftdelim given,
        !          4405:  *				subexpr does _not_ contain that delimiter.
        !          4406:  *		maxsubsz (I)	int containing max #bytes returned
        !          4407:  *				in subexpr buffer (0 means unlimited)
        !          4408:  *		ldelim (O)	char * returning delimiter following
        !          4409:  *				opening \left
        !          4410:  *		rdelim (O)	char * returning delimiter following
        !          4411:  *				closing \right
        !          4412:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          4413:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to the first char of expression
        !          4414:  *				past closing \right, or past closing
        !          4415:  *				right delimiter if rdelim!=NULL,
        !          4416:  *				or NULL for any error.
        !          4417:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          4418:  * Notes:     o
        !          4419:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          4420: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          4421: char	*texleft ( char *expression, char *subexpr, int maxsubsz,
        !          4422: 	char *ldelim, char *rdelim )
        !          4423: {
        !          4424: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          4425: Allocations and Declarations
        !          4426: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          4427: char	*texchar(),			/* get delims after \left,\right */
        !          4428: 	*strtexchr(), *pright=expression; /* locate matching \right */
        !          4429: static	char left[16]="\\left", right[16]="\\right"; /* tex delimiters */
        !          4430: int	sublen = 0;			/* #chars between \left...\right */
        !          4431: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          4432: initialization
        !          4433: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          4434: /* --- init output --- */
        !          4435: if ( subexpr != NULL ) *subexpr = '\000'; /* init subexpr, if given */
        !          4436: if ( ldelim  != NULL ) *ldelim  = '\000'; /* init ldelim,  if given */
        !          4437: if ( rdelim  != NULL ) *rdelim  = '\000'; /* init rdelim,  if given */
        !          4438: /* --- check args --- */
        !          4439: if ( expression == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* no input supplied */
        !          4440: if ( *expression == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* nothing after \left */
        !          4441: /* --- determine left delimiter  --- */
        !          4442: if ( ldelim != NULL )			/* caller wants left delim */
        !          4443:  { skipwhite(expression);		/* interpret \left ( as \left( */
        !          4444:    expression = texchar(expression,ldelim); } /*delim from expression*/
        !          4445: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          4446: locate \right balancing opening \left
        !          4447: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          4448: /* --- first \right following \left --- */
        !          4449: if ( (pright=strtexchr(expression,right)) /* look for \right after \left */
        !          4450: !=   NULL ) {				/* found it */
        !          4451:  /* --- find matching \right by pushing past any nested \left's --- */
        !          4452:  char *pleft = expression;		/* start after first \left( */
        !          4453:  while ( 1 ) {				/*break when matching \right found*/
        !          4454:   /* -- locate next nested \left if there is one --- */
        !          4455:   if ( (pleft=strtexchr(pleft,left))	/* find next \left */
        !          4456:   ==   NULL ) break;			/*no more, so matching \right found*/
        !          4457:   pleft += strlen(left);		/* push ptr past \left token */
        !          4458:   if ( pleft >= pright ) break;		/* not nested if \left after \right*/
        !          4459:   /* --- have nested \left, so push forward to next \right --- */
        !          4460:   if ( (pright=strtexchr(pright+strlen(right),right)) /* find next \right */
        !          4461:   ==   NULL ) break;			/* ran out of \right's */
        !          4462:   } /* --- end-of-while(1) --- */
        !          4463:  } /* --- end-of-if(pright!=NULL) --- */
        !          4464: /* --- set subexpression length, push pright past \right --- */
        !          4465: if ( pright != (char *)NULL )		/* found matching \right */
        !          4466:  { sublen = (int)(pright-expression);	/* #chars between \left...\right */
        !          4467:    pright += strlen(right); }		/* so push pright past \right */
        !          4468: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          4469: get rightdelim and subexpr between \left...\right
        !          4470: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          4471: /* --- get delimiter following \right --- */
        !          4472: if ( rdelim != NULL )			/* caller wants right delim */
        !          4473:  if ( pright == (char *)NULL )		/* assume \right. at end of exprssn*/
        !          4474:   { strcpy(rdelim,".");			/* set default \right. */
        !          4475:     sublen = strlen(expression);	/* use entire remaining expression */
        !          4476:     pright = expression + sublen; }	/* and push pright to end-of-string*/
        !          4477:  else					/* have explicit matching \right */
        !          4478:   { skipwhite(pright);			/* interpret \right ) as \right) */
        !          4479:     pright = texchar(pright,rdelim);	/* pull delim from expression */
        !          4480:     if ( *rdelim == '\000' ) strcpy(rdelim,"."); } /* or set \right. */
        !          4481: /* --- get subexpression between \left...\right --- */
        !          4482: if ( sublen > 0 )			/* have subexpr */
        !          4483:  if ( subexpr != NULL ) {		/* and caller wants it */
        !          4484:   if ( maxsubsz > 0 ) sublen = min2(sublen,maxsubsz-1); /* max buffer size */
        !          4485:   memcpy(subexpr,expression,sublen);	/* stuff between \left...\right */
        !          4486:   subexpr[sublen] = '\000'; }		/* null-terminate subexpr */
        !          4487: end_of_job:
        !          4488:   if ( msglevel>=99 && msgfp!=NULL )
        !          4489:     { fprintf(msgfp,"texleft> ldelim=%s, rdelim=%s, subexpr=%.128s\n",
        !          4490:       (ldelim==NULL?"none":ldelim),(rdelim==NULL?"none":rdelim),
        !          4491:       (subexpr==NULL?"none":subexpr)); fflush(msgfp); }
        !          4492:   return ( pright );
        !          4493: } /* --- end-of-function texleft --- */
        !          4494: 
        !          4495: 
        !          4496: /* ==========================================================================
1.1       albertel 4497:  * Function:	texscripts ( expression, subscript, superscript, which )
                   4498:  * Purpose:	scans expression, returning subscript and/or superscript
                   4499:  *		if expression is of the form _x^y or ^{x}_{y},
                   4500:  *		or any (valid LaTeX) permutation of the above,
                   4501:  *		and a pointer to the first expression char past "scripts"
                   4502:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4503:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char * to first char of null-terminated
                   4504:  *				string containing valid LaTeX expression
                   4505:  *				to be scanned
                   4506:  *		subscript (O)	char * to null-terminated string returning
                   4507:  *				subscript (without _), if found, or "\000"
                   4508:  *		superscript (O)	char * to null-terminated string returning
                   4509:  *				superscript (without ^), if found, or "\000"
                   4510:  *		which (I)	int containing 1 for subscript only,
                   4511:  *				2 for superscript only, >=3 for either/both
                   4512:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4513:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to the first char of expression
                   4514:  *				past returned "scripts" (unchanged
                   4515:  *				except for skipped whitespace if
                   4516:  *				neither subscript nor superscript found),
                   4517:  *				or NULL for any parsing error.
                   4518:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4519:  * Notes:     o	an input expression like ^a^b_c will return superscript="b",
                   4520:  *		i.e., totally ignoring all but the last "script" encountered
                   4521:  * ======================================================================= */
                   4522: /* --- entry point --- */
                   4523: char	*texscripts ( char *expression, char *subscript,
                   4524: 			char *superscript, int which )
                   4525: {
                   4526: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4527: Allocations and Declarations
                   4528: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4529: char	*texsubexpr();		/* next subexpression from expression */
                   4530: int	gotsub=0, gotsup=0;	/* check that we don't eat, e.g., x_1_2 */
                   4531: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2     ! albertel 4532: init "scripts"
1.1       albertel 4533: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 4534: if ( subscript != NULL ) *subscript = '\000';	/*init in case no subscript*/
        !          4535: if ( superscript!=NULL ) *superscript = '\000';	/*init in case no super*/
1.1       albertel 4536: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4537: get subscript and/or superscript from expression
                   4538: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 4539: while ( expression != NULL ) {
        !          4540:   skipwhite(expression);			/* leading whitespace gone */
        !          4541:   if ( *expression == '\000' ) return(expression); /* nothing left to scan */
1.1       albertel 4542:   if ( isthischar(*expression,SUBSCRIPT)	/* found _ */
                   4543:   &&   (which==1 || which>2 ) )			/* and caller wants it */
                   4544:     { if ( gotsub				/* found 2nd subscript */
                   4545:       ||   subscript == NULL ) break;		/* or no subscript buffer */
                   4546:       gotsub = 1;				/* set subscript flag */
                   4547:       expression = texsubexpr(expression+1,subscript,0,"{","}",0,0); }
                   4548:   else						/* no _, check for ^ */
                   4549:     if ( isthischar(*expression,SUPERSCRIPT)	/* found ^ */
                   4550:     &&   which>=2  )				/* and caller wants it */
                   4551:       {	if ( gotsup				/* found 2nd superscript */
                   4552: 	||   superscript == NULL ) break;	/* or no superscript buffer*/
                   4553: 	gotsup = 1;				/* set superscript flag */
                   4554: 	expression = texsubexpr(expression+1,superscript,0,"{","}",0,0); }
                   4555:     else					/* neither _ nor ^ */
                   4556:       return ( expression );			/*return ptr past "scripts"*/
1.2     ! albertel 4557:   } /* --- end-of-while(expression!=NULL) --- */
1.1       albertel 4558: return ( expression );
                   4559: } /* --- end-of-function texscripts() --- */
                   4562: /* ==========================================================================
                   4563:  * Function:	isbrace ( expression, braces, isescape )
                   4564:  * Purpose:	checks leading char(s) of expression for a brace,
                   4565:  *		either escaped or unescaped depending on isescape,
                   4566:  *		except that { and } are always matched, if they're
                   4567:  *		in braces, regardless of isescape.
                   4568:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4569:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char * to first char of null-terminated
                   4570:  *				string containing a valid LaTeX expression
                   4571:  *				whose leading char(s) are checked for braces
                   4572:  *				that begin subexpression, e.g., "{[(<"
                   4573:  *		braces (I)	char * specifying matching brace delimiters
                   4574:  *				to be checked for, e.g., "{[(<" or "}])>"
                   4575:  *		isescape (I)	int containing 0 to match only unescaped
                   4576:  *				braces, e.g., (...) or {...}, etc,
                   4577:  *				or containing 1 to match only escaped
                   4578:  *				braces, e.g., \(...\) or \[...\], etc,
                   4579:  *				or containing 2 to match either.
                   4580:  *				But note: if {,} are in braces
                   4581:  *				then they're *always* matched whether
                   4582:  *				escaped or not, regardless of isescape.
                   4583:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4584:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if the leading char(s) of expression
                   4585:  *				is a brace, or 0 if not.
                   4586:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4587:  * Notes:     o
                   4588:  * ======================================================================= */
                   4589: /* --- entry point --- */
                   4590: int	isbrace ( char *expression, char *braces, int isescape )
                   4591: {
                   4592: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4593: Allocations and Declarations
                   4594: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4595: int	gotescape = 0,		/* true if leading char is an escape */
                   4596: 	gotbrace = 0;		/*true if first non-escape char is a brace*/
                   4597: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4598: check for brace
                   4599: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4600: /* --- first check for end-of-string --- */
                   4601: if ( *expression == '\000' ) return(0);		/* nothing to check */
                   4602: /* --- check leading char for escape --- */
                   4603: if ( isthischar(*expression,ESCAPE) )		/* expression is escaped */
                   4604:   { gotescape = 1;				/* so set flag accordingly */
                   4605:     expression++; }				/* and bump past escape */
                   4606: /* --- check (maybe next char) for brace --- */
                   4607: if ( isthischar(*expression,braces) )		/* expression is braced */
                   4608:   gotbrace = 1;					/* so set flag accordingly */
                   4609: if ( gotescape && *expression == '.' )		/* \. matches any brace */
                   4610:   gotbrace = 1;					/* set flag */
                   4611: /* --- check for TeX brace { or } --- */
                   4612: if ( gotbrace && isthischar(*expression,"{}") )	/*expression has TeX brace*/
                   4613:   if ( isescape ) isescape = 2;			/* reset escape flag */
                   4614: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4615: back to caller
                   4616: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4617: if ( gotbrace &&				/* found a brace */
                   4618:      ( isescape==2 ||				/* escape irrelevant */
                   4619:        gotescape==isescape )			/* un/escaped as requested */
                   4620:    ) return ( 1 );  return ( 0 );		/* return 1,0 accordingly */
                   4621: } /* --- end-of-function isbrace() --- */
                   4624: /* ==========================================================================
                   4625:  * Function:	preamble ( expression, size, subexpr )
                   4626:  * Purpose:	parses $-terminated preamble, if present, at beginning
                   4627:  *		of expression, re-setting size if necessary, and
                   4628:  *		returning any other parameters besides size in subexpr.
                   4629:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4630:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char * to first char of null-terminated
                   4631:  *				string containing LaTeX expression possibly
                   4632:  *				preceded by $-terminated preamble
                   4633:  *		size (I/O)	int *  containing 0-4 default font size,
                   4634:  *				and returning size modified by first
                   4635:  *				preamble parameter (or unchanged)
                   4636:  *		subexpr(O)	char *  returning any remaining preamble
                   4637:  *				parameters past size
                   4638:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4639:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to first char past preamble in expression
                   4640:  *				or NULL for any parsing error.
                   4641:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4642:  * Notes:     o	size can be any number >=0. If preceded by + or -, it's
                   4643:  *		interpreted as an increment to input size; otherwise
                   4644:  *		it's interpreted as the size.
                   4645:  *	      o	if subexpr is passed as NULL ptr, then returned expression
                   4646:  *		ptr will have "flushed" and preamble parameters after size
                   4647:  * ======================================================================= */
                   4648: /* --- entry point --- */
                   4649: char	*preamble ( char *expression, int *size, char *subexpr )
                   4650: {
                   4651: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4652: Allocations and Declarations
                   4653: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4654: char	pretext[512], *prep=expression,	/*pream from expression, ptr into it*/
                   4655: 	*dollar, *comma;		/* preamble delimiters */
                   4656: int	prelen = 0,			/* preamble length */
                   4657: 	sizevalue = 0,			/* value of size parameter */
                   4658: 	isfontsize = 0,			/*true if leading fontsize present*/
                   4659: 	isdelta = 0;			/*true to increment passed size arg*/
                   4660: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4661: initialization
                   4662: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4663: if ( subexpr != NULL )			/* caller passed us an address */
                   4664:   *subexpr = '\000';			/* so init assuming no preamble */
                   4665: if ( expression == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* no input */
                   4666: if ( *expression == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* input is an empty string */
                   4667: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4668: process preamble if present
                   4669: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4670: /*process_preamble:*/
                   4671: if ( (dollar=strchr(expression,'$'))	/* $ signals preceding preamble */
                   4672: !=   NULL )				/* found embedded $ */
                   4673:  if ( (prelen = (int)(dollar-expression)) /*#chars in expression preceding $*/
                   4674:  > 0 ) {				/* must have preamble preceding $ */
                   4675:   if ( prelen < 65 ) {			/* too long for a prefix */
                   4676:    memcpy(pretext,expression,prelen);	/* local copy of preamble */
                   4677:    pretext[prelen] = '\000';		/* null-terminated */
                   4678:    if ( strchr(pretext,*(ESCAPE))==NULL	/*shouldn't be an escape in preamble*/
                   4679:    &&   strchr(pretext,'{') == NULL ) {	/*shouldn't be a left{ in preamble*/
                   4680:     /* --- skip any leading whitespace  --- */
                   4681:     prep = pretext;			/* start at beginning of preamble */
                   4682:     skipwhite(prep);			/* skip any leading white space */
                   4683:     /* --- check for embedded , or leading +/- (either signalling size) --- */
                   4684:     if ( isthischar(*prep,"+-") )	/* have leading + or - */
                   4685:      isdelta = 1;			/* so use size value as increment */
                   4686:     comma = strchr(pretext,',');	/* , signals leading size param */
                   4687:     /* --- process leading size parameter if present --- */
                   4688:     if ( comma != NULL			/* size param explicitly signalled */
                   4689:     ||   isdelta || isdigit(*prep) ) {	/* or inferred implicitly */
                   4690:       /* --- parse size parameter and reset size accordingly --- */
                   4691:       if( comma != NULL ) *comma = '\000';/*, becomes null, terminating size*/
                   4692:       sizevalue = atoi(prep);		/* convert size string to integer */
                   4693:       if ( size != NULL )		/* caller passed address for size */
                   4694: 	*size = (isdelta? *size+sizevalue : sizevalue); /* so reset size */
                   4695:       /* --- finally, set flag and shift size parameter out of preamble --- */
                   4696:       isfontsize = 1;			/*set flag showing font size present*/
                   4697:       if ( comma != NULL ) strcpy(pretext,comma+1);/*leading size param gone*/
                   4698:      } /* --- end-of-if(comma!=NULL||etc) --- */
                   4699:     /* --- copy any preamble params following size to caller's subexpr --- */
                   4700:     if ( comma != NULL || !isfontsize )	/*preamb contains params past size*/
                   4701:      if ( subexpr != NULL )		/* caller passed us an address */
                   4702:       strcpy(subexpr,pretext);		/*so return extra params to caller*/
                   4703:     /* --- finally, set prep to shift preamble out of expression --- */
                   4704:     prep = expression + prelen+1;	/* set prep past $ in expression */
                   4705:     } /* --- end-of-if(strchr(pretext,*ESCAPE)==NULL) --- */
                   4706:    } /* --- end-of-if(prelen<65) --- */
                   4707:   } /* --- end-of-if(prelen>0) --- */
                   4708:  else {					/* $ is first char of expression */
                   4709:   int ndollars = 0;			/* number of $...$ pairs removed */
                   4710:   prep = expression;			/* start at beginning of expression*/
                   4711:   while ( *prep == '$' ) {		/* remove all matching $...$'s */
                   4712:    int	explen = strlen(prep)-1;	/* index of last char in expression*/
                   4713:    if ( explen < 2 ) break;		/* no $...$'s left to remove */
                   4714:    if ( prep[explen] != '$' ) break;	/* unmatched $ */
                   4715:    prep[explen] = '\000';		/* remove trailing $ */
                   4716:    prep++;				/* and remove matching leading $ */
                   4717:    ndollars++;				/* count another pair removed */
                   4718:    } /* --- end-of-while(*prep=='$') --- */
                   4719:   ispreambledollars = ndollars;		/* set flag to fix \displaystyle */
                   4720:   if ( ndollars == 1 )			/* user submitted $...$ expression */
                   4721:     isdisplaystyle = 0;			/* so set \textstyle */
                   4722:   if ( ndollars > 1 )			/* user submitted $$...$$ */
                   4723:     isdisplaystyle = 2;			/* so set \displaystyle */
                   4724:   /*goto process_preamble;*/		/*check for preamble after leading $*/
                   4725:   } /* --- end-of-if/else(prelen>0) --- */
                   4726: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4727: back to caller
                   4728: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4729: end_of_job:
                   4730:   return ( prep );			/*expression, or ptr past preamble*/
                   4731: } /* --- end-of-function preamble() --- */
                   4734: /* ==========================================================================
                   4735:  * Function:	mimeprep ( expression )
                   4736:  * Purpose:	preprocessor for mimeTeX input, e.g.,
                   4737:  *		(a) removes comments,
                   4738:  *		(b) converts \left( to \( and \right) to \),
                   4739:  *		(c) xlates &html; special chars to equivalent latex
                   4740:  *		Should only be called once (after unescape_url())
                   4741:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4742:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char * to first char of null-terminated
                   4743:  *				string containing mimeTeX/LaTeX expression,
                   4744:  *				and returning preprocessed string
                   4745:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4746:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to input expression,
                   4747:  *				or NULL for any parsing error.
                   4748:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4749:  * Notes:     o
                   4750:  * ======================================================================= */
                   4751: /* --- entry point --- */
                   4752: char	*mimeprep ( char *expression )
                   4753: {
                   4754: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4755: Allocations and Declarations
                   4756: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4757: char	*expptr=expression,		/* ptr within expression */
                   4758: 	*tokptr=NULL,			/*ptr to token found in expression*/
                   4759: 	*texsubexpr(), argval[8192];	/*parse for macro args after token*/
                   4760: char	*strchange();			/* change leading chars of string */
                   4761: char	*findbraces();			/*find left { and right } for \atop*/
                   4762: int	idelim=0,			/* left- or right-index */
                   4763: 	isymbol=0;			/*symbols[],rightcomment[],etc index*/
                   4764: int	xlateleft = 0;			/* true to xlate \left and \right */
                   4765: /* ---
                   4766:  * comments
                   4767:  * -------- */
                   4768: char	*leftptr=NULL;			/* find leftcomment in expression */
                   4769: static	char *leftcomment = "%%",	/* open comment */
                   4770: 	*rightcomment[] = {"\n", "%%", NULL}; /* close comments */
                   4771: /* ---
                   4772:  * special long (more than 1-char) \left and \right delimiters
                   4773:  * ----------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4774: static	char *leftfrom[] =		/* xlate any \left suffix... */
                   4775:    { "\\|",				/* \left\| */
                   4776:      "\\{",				/* \left\{ */
                   4777:      "\\langle",			/* \left\langle */
                   4778:      NULL } ; /* --- end-of-leftfrom[] --- */
                   4779: static	char *leftto[] =		/* this instead */
                   4780:    { "=",				/* = */
                   4781:      "{",				/* { */
                   4782:      "<",				/* < */
                   4783:      NULL } ; /* --- end-of-leftto[] --- */
                   4784: static	char *rightfrom[] =		/* xlate any \right suffix... */
                   4785:    { "\\|",				/* \right\| */
                   4786:      "\\}",				/* \right\} */
                   4787:      "\\rangle",			/* \right\rangle */
                   4788:      NULL } ; /* --- end-of-rightfrom[] --- */
                   4789: static	char *rightto[] =		/* this instead */
                   4790:    { "=",				/* = */
                   4791:      "}",				/* } */
                   4792:      ">",				/* > */
                   4793:      NULL } ; /* --- end-of-rightto[] --- */
                   4794: /* ---
                   4795:  * { \atop }-like commands
                   4796:  * ----------------------- */
                   4797: char	*atopsym=NULL;			/* atopcommands[isymbol] */
                   4798: static	char *atopcommands[] =		/* list of {a+b\command c+d}'s */
                   4799:    { "\\over",				/* plain tex for \frac */
                   4800:      "\\choose",			/* binomial coefficient */
                   4801:    #ifndef NOATOP			/*noatop preserves old mimeTeX rule*/
                   4802:      "\\atop",
                   4803:    #endif
                   4804:      NULL } ; /* --- end-of-atopcommands[] --- */
                   4805: static	char *atopdelims[] =		/* delims for atopcommands[] */
                   4806:    { NULL, NULL,			/* \\over has no delims */
                   4807:      "\\left(", "\\right)",		/* \\choose has ( ) delims*/
                   4808:    #ifndef NOATOP			/*noatop preserves old mimeTeX rule*/
                   4809:      NULL, NULL,			/* \\atop has no delims */
                   4810:    #endif
                   4811:      NULL, NULL } ; /* --- end-of-atopdelims[] --- */
                   4812: /* ---
                   4813:  * html special/escape chars converted to latex equivalents
                   4814:  * -------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4815: char	*htmlsym=NULL;			/* symbols[isymbol].html */
                   4816: static	struct { char *html; char *args; char *latex; } symbols[] =
                   4817:  { /* ---------------------------------------
                   4818:      user-supplied newcommands
                   4819:    --------------------------------------- */
                   4820:  #ifdef NEWCOMMANDS			/* -DNEWCOMMANDS=\"filename.h\" */
                   4821:    #include NEWCOMMANDS
                   4822:  #endif
                   4823:    /* ------------------------------------------
                   4824:    LaTeX Macro  #args,default   template...
                   4825:    ------------------------------------------ */
                   4826:    { "\\lvec",	"2n",	"{#2_1,\\cdots,#2_{#1}}" },
1.2     ! albertel 4827:    { "\\grave", "1",	"{\\stackrel{\\Huge\\gravesym}{#1}}" }, /* \grave */
        !          4828:    { "\\acute", "1",	"{\\stackrel{\\Huge\\acutesym}{#1}}" }, /* \acute */
        !          4829:    { "\\check", "1",	"{\\stackrel{\\Huge\\checksym}{#1}}" }, /* \check */
        !          4830:    { "\\breve", "1",	"{\\stackrel{\\Huge\\brevesym}{#1}}" }, /* \breve */
1.1       albertel 4831:    { "\\overset", NULL,	"\\stackrel" },		/* just an alias */
                   4832:    { "\\underset", "2",	"\\relstack{#2}{#1}" },	/* reverse args */
                   4833:    /* ---------------------------------------
1.2     ! albertel 4834:     html char termchar  LaTeX equivalent...
1.1       albertel 4835:    --------------------------------------- */
                   4836:    { "&quot",	";",	"\"" },		/* &quot; is first, &#034; */
                   4837:    { "&amp",	";",	"&" },
                   4838:    { "&lt",	";",	"<" },
                   4839:    { "&gt",	";",	">" },
                   4840:    { "&nbsp",	";",	"~" },
                   4841:    { "&iexcl",	";",	"{\\raisebox{-2}{\\rotatebox{180}{!}}}" },
                   4842:    { "&brvbar",	";",	"|" },
                   4843:    { "&plusmn",	";",	"\\pm" },
                   4844:    { "&sup2",	";",	"{{}^2}" },
                   4845:    { "&sup3",	";",	"{{}^3}" },
                   4846:    { "&micro",	";",	"\\mu" },
                   4847:    { "&sup1",	";",	"{{}^1}" },
                   4848:    { "&frac14",	";",	"{\\frac14}" },
                   4849:    { "&frac12",	";",	"{\\frac12}" },
                   4850:    { "&frac34",	";",	"{\\frac34}" },
                   4851:    { "&iquest",	";",	"{\\raisebox{-2}{\\rotatebox{180}{?}}}" },
                   4852:    { "&Acirc",	";",	"{\\rm~\\hat~A}" },
                   4853:    { "&Atilde",	";",	"{\\rm~\\tilde~A}" },
                   4854:    { "&Auml",	";",	"{\\rm~\\ddot~A}" },
                   4855:    { "&Aring",	";",	"{\\rm~A\\limits^{-1$o}}" },
                   4856:    { "&atilde",	";",	"{\\rm~\\tilde~a}" },
                   4857:    { "&yuml",	";",	"{\\rm~\\ddot~y}" },  /* &yuml; is last, &#255; */
                   4858:    /* ---------------------------------------
1.2     ! albertel 4859:     html tag  termchar  LaTeX equivalent...
        !          4860:    --------------------------------------- */
        !          4861:    { "<br>",	NULL,	"\\\\" },
        !          4862:    { "<br/>",	NULL,	"\\\\" },
        !          4863:    { "<Br>",	NULL,	"\\\\" },
        !          4864:    { "<Br/>",	NULL,	"\\\\" },
        !          4865:    { "<BR>",	NULL,	"\\\\" },
        !          4866:    { "<BR/>",	NULL,	"\\\\" },
        !          4867:    /* ---------------------------------------
1.1       albertel 4868:      LaTeX   termchar   mimeTeX equivalent...
                   4869:    --------------------------------------- */
                   4870:    { "\\AA",	NULL,	"{\\rm~A\\limits^{-1$o}}" },
                   4871:    { "\\aa",	NULL,	"{\\rm~a\\limits^{-1$o}}" },
                   4872:    { "\\bmod",	NULL,	"{\\hspace2{\\rm~mod}\\hspace2}" },
                   4873:    { "\\vdots",	NULL,	"{\\raisebox3{\\rotatebox{90}{\\ldots}}}" },
1.2     ! albertel 4874:    { "\\dots",	NULL,	"{\\cdots}" },
1.1       albertel 4875:    { "\\cdots",	NULL,	"{\\raisebox3{\\ldots}}" },
                   4876:    { "\\ldots",	NULL,	"{\\fs4.\\hspace1.\\hspace1.}" },
                   4877:    { "\\ddots",	NULL,	"{\\fs4\\raisebox8.\\hspace1\\raisebox4.\\hspace1.}"},
                   4878:    { "\\notin",	NULL,	"{\\not\\in}" },
                   4879:    { "\\neq",	NULL,	"{\\not=}" },
1.2     ! albertel 4880:    { "\\ne",	NULL,	"{\\not=}" },
1.1       albertel 4881:    { "\\hbar",	NULL,	"{\\compose~h{{\\fs{-1}-\\atop\\vspace3}}}" },
                   4882:    { "\\angle",	NULL, "{\\compose{\\hspace{3}\\lt}{\\circle(10,15;-80,80)}}"},
1.2     ! albertel 4883:    { "\\textcelsius", NULL, "{\\textdegree C}"},
        !          4884:    { "\\textdegree", NULL, "{\\Large^{^{\\tiny\\mathbf o}}}"},
1.1       albertel 4885:    { "\\cr",	NULL,	"\\\\" },
1.2     ! albertel 4886:    { "\\iiint",	NULL,	"{\\int\\int\\int}\\limits" },
1.1       albertel 4887:    { "\\iint",	NULL,	"{\\int\\int}\\limits" },
                   4888:    { "\\Bigiint", NULL,	"{\\Bigint\\Bigint}\\limits" },
1.2     ! albertel 4889:    { "\\bigsqcap",NULL,	"{\\fs{+4}\\sqcap}" },
1.1       albertel 4890:    { "!`",	NULL,	"{\\raisebox{-2}{\\rotatebox{180}{!}}}" },
                   4891:    { "?`",	NULL,	"{\\raisebox{-2}{\\rotatebox{180}{?}}}" },
1.2     ! albertel 4892:    { "^\'",	"embed","\'" }, /* avoid ^^ when re-xlating \' below */
        !          4893:    { "\'\'\'\'","embed","^{\\fs{-1}\\prime\\prime\\prime\\prime}" },
        !          4894:    { "\'\'\'",	"embed","^{\\fs{-1}\\prime\\prime\\prime}" },
        !          4895:    { "\'\'",	"embed","^{\\fs{-1}\\prime\\prime}" },
        !          4896:    { "\'",	"embed","^{\\fs{-1}\\prime}" },
1.1       albertel 4897:    { "\\rightleftharpoons",NULL,"{\\rightharpoonup\\atop\\leftharpoondown}" },
1.2     ! albertel 4898:    { "\\therefore",NULL,"{\\Huge\\raisebox{-4}{.\\atop.\\,.}}" },
1.1       albertel 4899:    { "\\LaTeX",	NULL,	"{\\rm~L\\raisebox{3}{\\fs{-1}A}\\TeX}" },
                   4900:    { "\\TeX",	NULL,	"{\\rm~T\\raisebox{-3}{E}X}" },
                   4901:    { "\\cyan",	NULL,	"{\\reverse\\red\\reversebg}" },
                   4902:    { "\\magenta",NULL,	"{\\reverse\\green\\reversebg}" },
                   4903:    { "\\yellow",NULL,	"{\\reverse\\blue\\reversebg}" },
1.2     ! albertel 4904:    { "\\cancel",NULL,	"\\Not" },
1.1       albertel 4905:    { "\\hhline",NULL,	"\\Hline" },
                   4906:    { "\\Hline", NULL,	"\\hline\\,\\\\\\hline" },
                   4907:    /* ---------------------------------------------------------
                   4908:      "Algebra Syntax"  termchar   mimeTeX/LaTeX equivalent...
                   4909:    ------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   4910:    { "sqrt",	"1",	"{\\sqrt{#1}}" },
                   4911:    { "sin",	"1",	"{\\sin{#1}}" },
                   4912:    { "cos",	"1",	"{\\cos{#1}}" },
                   4913:    { "asin",	"1",	"{\\sin^{-1}{#1}}" },
                   4914:    { "acos",	"1",	"{\\cos^{-1}{#1}}" },
1.2     ! albertel 4915:    { "exp",	"1",	"{{\\rm~e}^{#1}}" },
1.1       albertel 4916:    { "det",	"1",	"{\\left|{#1}\\right|}" },
                   4917:    /* ---------------------------------------
                   4918:    LaTeX Constant    termchar   value...
                   4919:    --------------------------------------- */
                   4920:    { "\\thinspace",	NULL,	"2" },
                   4921:    { "\\thinmathspace",	NULL,	"2" },
                   4922:    { "\\textwidth",	NULL,	"400" },
                   4923:    { NULL,	NULL,	NULL }
                   4924:  } ; /* --- end-of-symbols[] --- */
                   4925: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4926: first remove comments
                   4927: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4928: expptr = expression;			/* start search at beginning */
                   4929: while ( (leftptr=strstr(expptr,leftcomment)) != NULL ) /*found leftcomment*/
                   4930:   {
                   4931:   char	*rightsym=NULL;			/* rightcomment[isymbol] */
                   4932:   expptr = leftptr+strlen(leftcomment);	/* start rightcomment search here */
                   4933:   /* --- check for any closing rightcomment, in given precedent order --- */
                   4934:   if ( *expptr != '\000' )		/*have chars after this leftcomment*/
                   4935:    for(isymbol=0; (rightsym=rightcomment[isymbol]) != NULL; isymbol++)
                   4936:     if ( (tokptr=strstr(expptr,rightsym)) != NULL ) /*found rightcomment*/
                   4937:      { tokptr += strlen(rightsym);	/* first char after rightcomment */
                   4938:        if ( *tokptr == '\000' )		/*nothing after this rightcomment*/
                   4939: 	{ *leftptr = '\000';		/*so terminate expr at leftcomment*/
                   4940: 	  break; }			/* and stop looking for comments */
                   4941:        *leftptr = '~';			/* replace entire comment by ~ */
                   4942:        strcpy(leftptr+1,tokptr);	/* and squeeze out comment */
                   4943:        goto next_comment; }		/* stop looking for rightcomment */
                   4944:   /* --- no rightcomment after opening leftcomment --- */
                   4945:   *leftptr = '\000';			/* so terminate expression */
                   4946:   /* --- resume search past squeezed-out comment --- */
                   4947:   next_comment:
                   4948:     if ( *leftptr == '\000' ) break;	/* reached end of expression */
                   4949:     expptr = leftptr+1;			/*resume search after this comment*/
                   4950:   } /* --- end-of-while(leftptr!=NULL) --- */
                   4951: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4952: convert \left( to \(  and  \right) to \),  etc.
                   4953: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4954: if ( xlateleft )			/* \left...\right xlation wanted */
                   4955:  for ( idelim=0; idelim<2; idelim++ )	/* 0 for \left  and  1 for \right */
                   4956:   {
                   4957:   char	*lrstr  = (idelim==0?"\\left":"\\right"); /* \left on 1st pass */
                   4958:   int	lrlen   = (idelim==0?5:6);	/* strlen() of \left or \right */
                   4959:   char	*braces = (idelim==0?LEFTBRACES ".":RIGHTBRACES "."), /*([{<or)]}>*/
                   4960: 	**lrfrom= (idelim==0?leftfrom:rightfrom), /* long braces like \| */
                   4961: 	**lrto  = (idelim==0?leftto:rightto), /* xlated to 1-char like = */
                   4962: 	*lrsym  = NULL;			/* lrfrom[isymbol] */
                   4963:   expptr = expression;			/* start search at beginning */
                   4964:   while ( (tokptr=strstr(expptr,lrstr)) != NULL ) /* found \left or \right */
                   4965:     {
                   4966:     if ( isthischar(*(tokptr+lrlen),braces) ) /* followed by a 1-char brace*/
                   4967:       {	strcpy(tokptr+1,tokptr+lrlen);	/* so squeeze out "left" or "right"*/
                   4968: 	expptr = tokptr+2; }		/* and resume search past brace */
                   4969:     else				/* may be a "long" brace like \| */
                   4970:       {
                   4971:       expptr = tokptr+lrlen;		/*init to resume search past\left\rt*/
                   4972:       for(isymbol=0; (lrsym=lrfrom[isymbol]) != NULL; isymbol++)
                   4973: 	{ int symlen = strlen(lrsym);	/* #chars in delim, e.g., 2 for \| */
                   4974: 	  if ( memcmp(tokptr+lrlen,lrsym,symlen) == 0 ) /* found long delim*/
                   4975: 	    { strcpy(tokptr+1,tokptr+lrlen+symlen-1); /* squeeze out delim */
                   4976: 	      *(tokptr+1) = *(lrto[isymbol]); /* last char now 1-char delim*/
                   4977: 	      expptr = tokptr+2 - lrlen; /* resume search past 1-char delim*/
                   4978: 	      break; }			/* no need to check more lrsym's */
                   4979: 	} /* --- end-of-for(isymbol) --- */
                   4980:       } /* --- end-of-if/else(isthischar()) --- */
                   4981:     } /* --- end-of-while(tokptr!=NULL) --- */
                   4982:   } /* --- end-of-for(idelim) --- */
                   4983: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   4984: run thru table, converting all occurrences of each macro to its expansion
                   4985: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   4986: for(isymbol=0; (htmlsym=symbols[isymbol].html) != NULL; isymbol++)
                   4987:   {
                   4988:   int	htmllen = strlen(htmlsym);	/* length of escape, _without_ ; */
                   4989:   int	isalgebra = isalpha((int)(*htmlsym)); /* leading char alphabetic */
1.2     ! albertel 4990:   int	isembedded = 0;			/* true to xlate even if embedded */
1.1       albertel 4991:   char	*aleft="{([<|", *aright="})]>|"; /*left,right delims for alg syntax*/
                   4992:   char	*args = symbols[isymbol].args,	/* number {}-args, optional []-arg */
                   4993: 	*htmlterm = args,		/*if *args nonumeric, then html term*/
                   4994: 	*latexsym = symbols[isymbol].latex; /*latex replacement for htmlsym*/
                   4995:   char	abuff[8192];  int iarg,nargs=0;	/* macro expansion params */
                   4996:   if ( args != NULL )			/*we have args (or htmlterm) param*/
                   4997:    if ( *args != '\000' )		/* and it's not an empty string */
                   4998:     if ( strchr("0123456789",*args) != NULL ) /* is 1st char #args=0-9 ? */
                   4999:      { htmlterm = NULL;			/* if so, then we have no htmlterm */
                   5000:        *abuff = *args;  abuff[1] = '\000'; /* #args char in ascii buffer */
                   5001:        nargs = atoi(abuff); }		/* interpret #args to numeric */
1.2     ! albertel 5002:     else if ( strncmp(args,"embed",5) == 0 ) /* xlate even if embedded */
        !          5003:      { htmlterm = NULL;			/* if so, then we have no htmlterm */
        !          5004:        isembedded = 1 ; }		/* turn on embedded flag */
1.1       albertel 5005:   expptr = expression;			/* re-start search at beginning */
                   5006:   while ( (tokptr=strstr(expptr,htmlsym)) != NULL ) /* found another sym */
1.2     ! albertel 5007:     { char termchar = *(tokptr+htmllen), /* char terminating html sequence */
        !          5008:            prevchar = (tokptr==expptr?' ':*(tokptr-1)); /*char preceding html*/
1.1       albertel 5009:       int escapelen = htmllen;		/* total length of escape sequence */
                   5010:       *abuff = '\000';			/* default to empty string */
                   5011:       if ( latexsym != NULL )		/* table has .latex xlation */
                   5012:        if ( *latexsym != '\000' )	/* and it's not an empty string */
                   5013: 	strcpy(abuff,latexsym);		/* so get local copy */
                   5014:       if ( htmlterm != NULL )		/* sequence may have terminator */
                   5015: 	escapelen += (isthischar(termchar,htmlterm)?1:0); /*add terminator*/
1.2     ! albertel 5016:       if ( !isembedded )		/* don't xlate embedded sequence */
        !          5017:        if ( isalpha((int)termchar) )	/*we just have prefix of longer sym*/
1.1       albertel 5018: 	{ expptr = tokptr+htmllen;	/* just resume search after prefix */
                   5019: 	  continue; }			/* but don't replace it */
1.2     ! albertel 5020:       if ( isembedded )			/* for embedded sequence */
        !          5021: 	if ( isthischar(prevchar,ESCAPE) ) /* don't xlate escaped char */
        !          5022: 	  { expptr = tokptr+htmllen;	/*just resume search after literal*/
        !          5023: 	    continue; }			/* but don't replace it */
1.1       albertel 5024:       if ( !isthischar(*htmlsym,ESCAPE)	/* our symbol isn't escaped */
1.2     ! albertel 5025:       &&   isalpha(*htmlsym)		/* and our symbol starts with alpha*/
1.1       albertel 5026:       &&   !isthischar(*htmlsym,"&") )	/* and not an &html; special char */
                   5027:        if ( tokptr != expression )	/* then if we're past beginning */
                   5028: 	if ( isthischar(*(tokptr-1),ESCAPE) /*and if inline symbol escaped*/
                   5029: 	||   (isalpha(*(tokptr-1))) )	/* or if suffix of longer string */
                   5030: 	  { expptr = tokptr+escapelen;	/*just resume search after literal*/
                   5031: 	    continue; }			/* but don't replace it */
                   5032:       if ( nargs > 0 )			/*substitute #1,#2,... in latexsym*/
                   5033:        {
                   5034:        char *arg1ptr = tokptr+escapelen;/* nargs begin after macro literal */
                   5035:        char *optarg = args+1;		/* ptr 1 char past #args digit 0-9 */
                   5036:        expptr = arg1ptr;		/* ptr to beginning of next arg */
                   5037:        for ( iarg=1; iarg<=nargs; iarg++ ) /* one #`iarg` arg at a time */
                   5038: 	{
                   5039: 	char argsignal[32] = "#1",	/* #1...#9 signals arg replacement */
                   5040: 	*argsigptr = NULL;		/* ptr to argsignal in abuff[] */
                   5041: 	/* --- get argument value --- */
                   5042: 	*argval = '\000';		/* init arg as empty string */
                   5043: 	skipwhite(expptr);		/* and skip leading white space */
                   5044: 	if ( iarg==1 && *optarg!='\000'	/* check for optional [arg] */
                   5045: 	&&   !isalgebra )		/* but not in "algebra syntax" */
                   5046: 	 { strcpy(argval,optarg);	/* init with default value */
                   5047: 	   if ( *expptr == '[' )	/* but user gave us [argval] */
                   5048: 	    expptr = texsubexpr(expptr,argval,0,"[","]",0,0); } /*so get it*/
                   5049: 	else				/* not optional, so get {argval} */
                   5050: 	 if ( *expptr != '\000' )	/* check that some argval provided */
                   5051: 	  if ( !isalgebra )		/* only { } delims for latex macro */
                   5052: 	    expptr = texsubexpr(expptr,argval,0,"{","}",0,0); /*get {argval}*/
                   5053: 	  else				/*any delim for algebra syntax macro*/
                   5054: 	   { expptr = texsubexpr(expptr,argval,0,aleft,aright,0,1);
                   5055: 	     if ( isthischar(*argval,aleft) ) /* have delim-enclosed arg */
                   5056: 	      if ( *argval != '{' )	/* and it's not { }-enclosed */
                   5057: 	       { strchange(0,argval,"\\left"); /* insert opening \left, */
                   5058: 		 strchange(0,argval+strlen(argval)-1,"\\right"); } /*\right*/
                   5059: 	   } /* --- end-of-if/else(!isalgebra) --- */
                   5060: 	/* --- replace #`iarg` in macro with argval --- */
                   5061: 	sprintf(argsignal,"#%d",iarg);	/* #1...#9 signals argument */
                   5062: 	while ( (argsigptr=strstr(argval,argsignal)) != NULL ) /* #1...#9 */
                   5063: 	 strcpy(argsigptr,argsigptr+strlen(argsignal)); /*can't be in argval*/
                   5064: 	while ( (argsigptr=strstr(abuff,argsignal)) != NULL ) /* #1...#9 */
                   5065: 	 strchange(strlen(argsignal),argsigptr,argval); /*replaced by argval*/
                   5066: 	} /* --- end-of-for(iarg) --- */
                   5067:        escapelen += ((int)(expptr-arg1ptr)); /* add in length of all args */
                   5068:        } /* --- end-of-if(nargs>0) --- */
                   5069:       strchange(escapelen,tokptr,abuff); /*replace macro or html symbol*/
                   5070:       expptr = tokptr + strlen(abuff); /*resume search after macro / html*/
                   5071:     } /* --- end-of-while(tokptr!=NULL) --- */
                   5072:   } /* --- end-of-for(isymbol) --- */
                   5073: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5074: run thru table, converting all {a+b\atop c+d} to \atop{a+b}{c+d}
                   5075: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5076: for(isymbol=0; (atopsym=atopcommands[isymbol]) != NULL; isymbol++)
                   5077:   {
                   5078:   int	atoplen = strlen(atopsym);	/* #chars in \atop */
                   5079:   expptr = expression;			/* re-start search at beginning */
                   5080:   while ( (tokptr=strstr(expptr,atopsym)) != NULL ) /* found another atop */
                   5081:     { char *leftbrace=NULL, *rightbrace=NULL; /*ptr to opening {, closing }*/
                   5082:       char termchar = *(tokptr+atoplen); /* \atop followed by terminator */
                   5083:       if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=999 )
                   5084: 	{ fprintf(msgfp,"mimeprep> offset=%d rhs=\"%s\"\n",
                   5085: 	  (int)(tokptr-expression),tokptr);
                   5086: 	  fflush(msgfp); }
                   5087:       if ( isalpha((int)termchar) )	/*we just have prefix of longer sym*/
                   5088: 	{ expptr = tokptr+atoplen;	/* just resume search after prefix */
                   5089: 	  continue; }			/* but don't process it */
                   5090:       leftbrace  = findbraces(expression,tokptr);     /* find left { */
                   5091:       rightbrace = findbraces(NULL,tokptr+atoplen-1); /* find right } */
                   5092:       if ( leftbrace==NULL || rightbrace==NULL )
                   5093: 	{ expptr += atoplen;  continue; } /* skip command if didn't find */
                   5094:       else				/* we have bracketed { \atop } */
                   5095: 	{
                   5096: 	int  leftlen  = (int)(tokptr-leftbrace) - 1, /* #chars in left arg */
                   5097: 	     rightlen = (int)(rightbrace-tokptr) - atoplen, /* and in right*/
                   5098: 	     totlen   = (int)(rightbrace-leftbrace) + 1; /*tot in { \atop }*/
                   5099: 	char *open=atopdelims[2*isymbol], *close=atopdelims[2*isymbol+1];
                   5100: 	char arg[8192], command[8192];	/* left/right args, new \atop{}{} */
                   5101: 	*command = '\000';		/* start with null string */
                   5102: 	if (open!=NULL) strcat(command,open); /* add open delim if needed */
                   5103: 	strcat(command,atopsym);	/* add command with \atop */
                   5104: 	arg[0] = '{';			/* arg starts with { */
                   5105: 	memcpy(arg+1,leftbrace+1,leftlen); /* extract left-hand arg */
                   5106: 	arg[leftlen+1] = '\000';	/* and null terminate it */
                   5107: 	strcat(command,arg);		/* concatanate {left-arg to \atop */
                   5108: 	strcat(command,"}{");		/* close left-arg, open right-arg */
                   5109: 	memcpy(arg,tokptr+atoplen,rightlen); /* right-hand arg */
                   5110: 	arg[rightlen] = '}';		/* add closing } */
                   5111: 	arg[rightlen+1] = '\000';	/* and null terminate it */
                   5112: 	if ( isthischar(*arg,WHITEMATH) ) /* 1st char was mandatory space */
                   5113: 	  strcpy(arg,arg+1);		/* so squeeze it out */
                   5114: 	strcat(command,arg);		/* concatanate right-arg} */
                   5115: 	if (close!=NULL) strcat(command,close); /* add close delim if needed*/
                   5116: 	strchange(totlen-2,leftbrace+1,command); /* {\atop} --> {\atop{}{}} */
                   5117: 	expptr = leftbrace+strlen(command); /*resume search past \atop{}{}*/
                   5118: 	}
                   5119:     } /* --- end-of-while(tokptr!=NULL) --- */
                   5120:   } /* --- end-of-for(isymbol) --- */
                   5121: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5122: back to caller with preprocessed expression
                   5123: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5124: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )	/* display preprocessed expression */
                   5125:   { fprintf(msgfp,"mimeprep> expression=\"\"%s\"\"\n",expression);
                   5126:     fflush(msgfp); }
                   5127: return ( expression );
                   5128: } /* --- end-of-function mimeprep() --- */
                   5131: /* ==========================================================================
                   5132:  * Function:	strchange ( int nfirst, char *from, char *to )
                   5133:  * Purpose:	Changes the nfirst leading chars of `from` to `to`.
                   5134:  *		For example, to change char x[99]="12345678" to "123ABC5678"
                   5135:  *		call strchange(1,x+3,"ABC")
                   5136:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5137:  * Arguments:	nfirst (I)	int containing #leading chars of `from`
                   5138:  *				that will be replace by `to`
                   5139:  *		from (I/O)	char * to null-terminated string whose nfirst
                   5140:  *				leading chars will be replaced by `to`
                   5141:  *		to (I)		char * to null-terminated string that will
                   5142:  *				replace the nfirst leading chars of `from`
                   5143:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5144:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to first char of input `from`
                   5145:  *				or NULL for any error.
                   5146:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5147:  * Notes:     o	If strlen(to)>nfirst, from must have memory past its null
                   5148:  *		(i.e., we don't do a realloc)
                   5149:  * ======================================================================= */
                   5150: /* --- entry point --- */
                   5151: char	*strchange ( int nfirst, char *from, char *to )
                   5152: {
                   5153: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5154: Allocations and Declarations
                   5155: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5156: int	tolen = (to==NULL?0:strlen(to)), /* #chars in replacement string */
                   5157: 	nshift = abs(tolen-nfirst);	/*need to shift from left or right*/
                   5158: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5159: shift from left or right to accommodate replacement of its nfirst chars by to
                   5160: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5161: if ( tolen < nfirst )			/* shift left is easy */
                   5162:   strcpy(from,from+nshift);		/* because memory doesn't overlap */
                   5163: if ( tolen > nfirst )			/* need more room at start of from */
                   5164:   { char *pfrom = from+strlen(from);	/* ptr to null terminating from */
                   5165:     for ( ; pfrom>=from; pfrom-- )	/* shift all chars including null */
                   5166:       *(pfrom+nshift) = *pfrom; }	/* shift chars nshift places right */
                   5167: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5168: from has exactly the right number of free leading chars, so just put to there
                   5169: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5170: if ( tolen != 0 )			/* make sure to not empty or null */
                   5171:   memcpy(from,to,tolen);		/* chars moved into place */
                   5172: return ( from );			/* changed string back to caller */
                   5173: } /* --- end-of-function strchange() --- */
                   5176: /* ==========================================================================
                   5177:  * Function:	strreplace (char *string, char *from, char *to, int nreplace)
                   5178:  * Purpose:	Changes the first nreplace occurrences of 'from' to 'to'
                   5179:  *		in string, or all occurrences if nreplace=0.
                   5180:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5181:  * Arguments:	string (I/0)	char * to null-terminated string in which
                   5182:  *				occurrence of 'from' will be replaced by 'to'
                   5183:  *		from (I)	char * to null-terminated string
                   5184:  *				to be replaced by 'to'
                   5185:  *		to (I)		char * to null-terminated string that will
                   5186:  *				replace 'from'
                   5187:  *		nreplace (I)	int containing (maximum) number of
                   5188:  *				replacements, or 0 to replace all.
                   5189:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5190:  * Returns:	( int )		number of replacements performed,
                   5191:  *				or 0 for no replacements or -1 for any error.
                   5192:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5193:  * Notes:     o
                   5194:  * ======================================================================= */
                   5195: /* --- entry point --- */
                   5196: int	strreplace ( char *string, char *from, char *to, int nreplace )
                   5197: {
                   5198: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5199: Allocations and Declarations
                   5200: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5201: int	fromlen = (from==NULL?0:strlen(from)), /* #chars to be replaced */
                   5202: 	tolen = (to==NULL?0:strlen(to)); /* #chars in replacement string */
                   5203: char	*pfrom = (char *)NULL,		/*ptr to 1st char of from in string*/
                   5204: 	*pstring = string,		/*ptr past previously replaced from*/
                   5205: 	*strchange();			/* change 'from' to 'to' */
                   5206: int	nreps = 0;			/* #replacements returned to caller*/
                   5207: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5208: repace occurrences of 'from' in string to 'to'
                   5209: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5210: if ( string == (char *)NULL		/* no input string */
                   5211: ||   (fromlen<1 && nreplace<=0) )	/* replacing empty string forever */
                   5212:   nreps = (-1);				/* so signal error */
                   5213: else					/* args okay */
                   5214:   while (nreplace<1 || nreps<nreplace)	/* up to #replacements requested */
                   5215:     {
                   5216:     if ( fromlen > 0 )			/* have 'from' string */
                   5217:       pfrom = strstr(pstring,from);	/*ptr to 1st char of from in string*/
                   5218:     else  pfrom = pstring;		/*or empty from at start of string*/
                   5219:     if ( pfrom == (char *)NULL ) break;	/*no more from's, so back to caller*/
                   5220:     if ( strchange(fromlen,pfrom,to)	/* leading 'from' changed to 'to' */
                   5221:     ==   (char *)NULL ) { nreps=(-1); break; } /* signal error to caller */
                   5222:     nreps++;				/* count another replacement */
                   5223:     pstring = pfrom+tolen;		/* pick up search after 'to' */
                   5224:     if ( *pstring == '\000' ) break;	/* but quit at end of string */
                   5225:     } /* --- end-of-while() --- */
                   5226: return ( nreps );			/* #replacements back to caller */
                   5227: } /* --- end-of-function strreplace() --- */
                   5230: /* ==========================================================================
                   5231:  * Function:	strtexchr (char *string, char *texchr )
                   5232:  * Purpose:	Find first texchr in string, but texchr must be followed
                   5233:  *		by non-alpha
                   5234:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5235:  * Arguments:	string (I)	char * to null-terminated string in which
                   5236:  *				firstoccurrence of delim will be found
                   5237:  *		texchr (I)	char * to null-terminated string that
                   5238:  *				will be searched for
                   5239:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5240:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to first char of texchr in string
                   5241:  *				or NULL if not found or for any error.
                   5242:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5243:  * Notes:     o	texchr should contain its leading \, e.g., "\\left"
                   5244:  * ======================================================================= */
                   5245: /* --- entry point --- */
                   5246: char	*strtexchr ( char *string, char *texchr )
                   5247: {
                   5248: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5249: Allocations and Declarations
                   5250: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 5251: char	delim, *ptexchr=(char *)NULL;	/* ptr returned to caller*/
1.1       albertel 5252: char	*pstring = string;		/* start or continue up search here*/
                   5253: int	texchrlen = (texchr==NULL?0:strlen(texchr)); /* #chars in texchr */
                   5254: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5255: locate texchr in string
                   5256: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5257: if ( string != (char *)NULL		/* check that we got input string */
                   5258: &&   texchrlen > 0 )			/* and a texchr to search for */
                   5259:  while ( (ptexchr=strstr(pstring,texchr)) /* look for texchr in string */
                   5260:  != (char *)NULL )			/* found it */
                   5261:   if ( (delim = ptexchr[texchrlen])	/* char immediately after texchr */
                   5262:   ==   '\000' ) break;			/* texchr at very end of string */
                   5263:   else					/* if there are chars after texchr */
                   5264:    if ( isalpha(delim)			/*texchr is prefix of longer symbol*/
                   5265:    ||   0 )				/* other tests to be determined */
                   5266:     pstring = ptexchr + texchrlen;	/* continue search after texchr */
                   5267:    else					/* passed all tests */
                   5268:     break;				/*so return ptr to texchr to caller*/
                   5269: return ( ptexchr );			/* ptr to texchar back to caller */
                   5270: } /* --- end-of-function strtexchr() --- */
                   5273: /* ==========================================================================
                   5274:  * Function:	findbraces ( char *expression, char *command )
                   5275:  * Purpose:	If expression!=NULL, finds opening left { preceding command;
                   5276:  *		if expression==NULL, finds closing right } after command.
                   5277:  *		For example, to parse out {a+b\over c+d} call findbraces()
                   5278:  *		twice.
                   5279:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5280:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	NULL to find closing right } after command,
                   5281:  *				or char * to null-terminated string to find
                   5282:  *				left opening { preceding command.
                   5283:  *		command (I)	char * to null-terminated string whose
                   5284:  *				first character is usually the \ of \command
                   5285:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5286:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to either opening { or closing },
                   5287:  *				or NULL for any error.
                   5288:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5289:  * Notes:     o
                   5290:  * ======================================================================= */
                   5291: /* --- entry point --- */
                   5292: char	*findbraces ( char *expression, char *command )
                   5293: {
                   5294: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5295: Allocations and Declarations
                   5296: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5297: int	isopen = (expression==NULL?0:1); /* true to find left opening { */
                   5298: char	*left="{", *right="}",		/* delims bracketing {x\command y} */
                   5299: 	*delim = (isopen?left:right),	/* delim we want,  { if isopen */
                   5300: 	*match = (isopen?right:left),	/* matching delim, } if isopen */
                   5301: 	*brace = NULL;			/* ptr to delim returned to caller */
                   5302: int	inc = (isopen?-1:+1);		/* pointer increment */
                   5303: int	level = 1;			/* nesting level, for {{}\command} */
                   5304: char	*ptr = command;			/* start search here */
                   5305: int	setbrace = 1;			/* true to set {}'s if none found */
                   5306: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5307: search for left opening { before command, or right closing } after command
                   5308: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5309: while ( 1 )				/* search for brace, or until end */
                   5310:   {
                   5311:   /* --- next char to check for delim --- */
                   5312:   ptr += inc;				/* bump ptr left or right */
                   5313:   /* --- check for beginning or end of expression --- */
                   5314:   if ( isopen )				/* going left, check for beginning */
                   5315:        { if ( ptr < expression ) break;	} /* went before start of string */
                   5316:   else { if ( *ptr == '\000' ) break; }	/* went past end of string */
                   5317:   /* --- don't check this char if it's escaped --- */
                   5318:   if ( !isopen || ptr>expression )	/* very first char can't be escaped*/
                   5319:     if ( isthischar(*(ptr-1),ESCAPE) )	/* escape char precedes current */
                   5320:       continue;				/* so don't check this char */
                   5321:   /* --- check for delim --- */
                   5322:   if ( isthischar(*ptr,delim) )		/* found delim */
                   5323:     if ( --level == 0 )			/* and it's not "internally" nested*/
                   5324:       {	brace = ptr;			/* set ptr to brace */
                   5325: 	goto end_of_job; }		/* and return it to caller */
                   5326:   /* --- check for matching delim --- */
                   5327:   if ( isthischar(*ptr,match) )		/* found matching delim */
                   5328:     level++;				/* so bump nesting level */
                   5329:   } /* --- end-of-while(1) --- */
                   5330: end_of_job:
                   5331:   if ( brace == (char *)NULL )		/* open{ or close} not found */
                   5332:     if ( setbrace )			/* want to force one at start/end? */
                   5333:       brace = ptr;			/* { before expressn, } after cmmnd*/
                   5334:   return ( brace );			/*back to caller with delim or NULL*/
                   5335: } /* --- end-of-function findbraces() --- */
                   5336: #endif /* PART2 */
                   5338: /* ---
                   5339:  * PART3
                   5340:  * ------ */
                   5341: #if !defined(PARTS) || defined(PART3)
                   5342: /* ==========================================================================
                   5343:  * Function:	rasterize ( expression, size )
                   5344:  * Purpose:	returns subraster corresponding to (a valid LaTeX) expression
                   5345:  *		at font size
                   5346:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5347:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char * to first char of null-terminated
                   5348:  *				string containing valid LaTeX expression
                   5349:  *				to be rasterized
                   5350:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   5351:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5352:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to expression,
                   5353:  *				or NULL for any parsing error.
                   5354:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5355:  * Notes:     o	This is mimeTeX's "main" reusable entry point.  Easy to use:
                   5356:  *		just call it with a LaTeX expression, and get back a bitmap
                   5357:  *		of that expression.  Then do what you want with the bitmap.
                   5358:  * ======================================================================= */
                   5359: /* --- entry point --- */
                   5360: subraster *rasterize ( char *expression, int size )
                   5361: {
                   5362: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5363: Allocations and Declarations
                   5364: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5365: char	*preamble(), pretext[256];	/* process preamble, if present */
                   5366: char	chartoken[8192], *texsubexpr(),	/*get subexpression from expression*/
                   5367: 	*subexpr = chartoken;		/* token may be parenthesized expr */
                   5368: int	isbrace();			/* check subexpr for braces */
                   5369: mathchardef *symdef, *get_symdef();	/*get mathchardef struct for symbol*/
                   5370: int	natoms=0;			/* #atoms/tokens processed so far */
                   5371: int	type_raster();			/* display debugging output */
                   5372: subraster *rasterize(),			/* recurse */
                   5373: 	*rastparen(),			/* handle parenthesized subexpr's */
                   5374: 	*rastlimits();			/* handle sub/superscripted expr's */
                   5375: subraster *rastcat(),			/* concatanate atom subrasters */
                   5376: 	*subrastcpy(),			/* copy final result if a charaster*/
                   5377: 	*new_subraster();		/* new subraster for isstring mode */
                   5378: subraster *get_charsubraster(),		/* character subraster */
                   5379: 	*sp=NULL, *prevsp=NULL,		/* raster for current, prev char */
                   5380: 	*expraster = (subraster *)NULL;	/* raster returned to caller */
                   5381: int	delete_subraster();		/* free everything before returning*/
                   5382: /*int	pixsz = 1;*/			/*default #bits per pixel, 1=bitmap*/
                   5383: /* --- global values saved/restored at each recursive iteration --- */
1.2     ! albertel 5384: int	wasstring = isstring,		/* initial isstring mode flag */
1.1       albertel 5385: 	wasdisplaystyle = isdisplaystyle, /*initial displaystyle mode flag*/
1.2     ! albertel 5386: 	oldfontnum = fontnum,		/* initial font family */
1.1       albertel 5387: 	oldfontsize = fontsize,		/* initial fontsize */
                   5388: 	olddisplaysize = displaysize,	/* initial \displaystyle size */
                   5389: 	oldshrinkfactor = shrinkfactor,	/* initial shrinkfactor */
1.2     ! albertel 5390: 	oldsmashmargin = smashmargin,	/* initial smashmargin */
        !          5391: 	oldissmashdelta = issmashdelta, /* initial issmashdelta */
1.1       albertel 5392: 	*oldworkingparam = workingparam; /* initial working parameter */
                   5393: subraster *oldworkingbox = workingbox,	/* initial working box */
                   5394: 	*oldleftexpression = leftexpression; /*left half rasterized so far*/
                   5395: double	oldunitlength = unitlength;	/* initial unitlength */
                   5396: mathchardef *oldleftsymdef = leftsymdef; /* init oldleftsymdef */
                   5397: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5398: initialization
                   5399: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5400: recurlevel++;				/* wind up one more recursion level*/
                   5401: leftexpression = NULL;			/* no leading left half yet */
                   5402: isreplaceleft = 0;			/* reset replaceleft flag */
                   5403: /* shrinkfactor = shrinkfactors[max2(0,min2(size,LARGESTSIZE))];*/ /*set sf*/
                   5404: shrinkfactor = shrinkfactors[max2(0,min2(size,16))]; /* have 17 sf's */
                   5405: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel >= 29 )	/*display expression for debugging*/
                   5406:  { fprintf(msgfp,
                   5407:    "rasterize> recursion level=%d, size=%d,\n\texpression=\"%s\"\n",
                   5408:    recurlevel,size,(expression==NULL?"null":expression)); fflush(msgfp); }
                   5409: if ( expression == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* nothing given to do */
                   5410: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5411: preocess optional $-terminated preamble preceding expression
                   5412: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5413: expression = preamble(expression,&size,pretext); /* size may be modified */
                   5414: if ( *expression == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* nothing left to do */
                   5415: fontsize = size;			/* start at requested size */
                   5416: if ( isdisplaystyle == 1 )		/* displaystyle enabled but not set*/
                   5417:  if ( !ispreambledollars )		/* style fixed by $$...$$'s */
                   5418:   isdisplaystyle = (fontsize>=displaysize? 2:1); /*force at large fontsize*/
                   5419: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5420: build up raster one character (or subexpression) at a time
                   5421: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5422: while ( 1 )
                   5423:   {
                   5424:   /* --- get next character/token or subexpression --- */
                   5425:   expression = texsubexpr(expression,chartoken,0,LEFTBRACES,RIGHTBRACES,1,1);
                   5426:   subexpr = chartoken;			/* "local" copy of chartoken ptr */
                   5427:   leftsymdef = NULL;			/* no character identified yet */
                   5428:   sp = NULL;				/* no subraster yet */
                   5429:   size = fontsize;			/* in case reset by \tiny, etc */
                   5430:   /* --- debugging output --- */
                   5431:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel >= 999 )	/* display chartoken for debugging */
                   5432:     { fprintf(msgfp,"rasterize> recursion level=%d, atom#%d = \"%s\"\n",
                   5433:       recurlevel,natoms+1,chartoken); fflush(msgfp); }
                   5434:   if ( expression == NULL		/* no more tokens */
                   5435:   &&   *subexpr == '\000' ) break;	/* and this token empty */
                   5436:   if ( *subexpr == '\000' ) break;	/* enough if just this token empty */
                   5437:   /* --- check for parenthesized subexpression --- */
                   5438:   if ( isbrace(subexpr,LEFTBRACES,1) )	/* got parenthesized subexpression */
                   5439:     { if ( (sp=rastparen(&subexpr,size,prevsp)) /* rasterize subexpression */
                   5440:       ==   NULL )  continue; }		/* flush it if failed to rasterize */
                   5441:   else /* --- single-character atomic token --- */
                   5442:    if ( !isthischar(*subexpr,SCRIPTS) )	/* scripts handled below */
                   5443:     {
                   5444:     /* --- first look up mathchardef for atomic token in table --- */
                   5445:     if ( (leftsymdef=symdef=get_symdef(chartoken)) /*mathchardef for token*/
                   5446:     ==  NULL )				/* lookup failed */
                   5447:      { char literal[512] = "[?]";	/*display for unrecognized literal*/
1.2     ! albertel 5448:        int  oldfontnum = fontnum;	/* error display in default mode */
1.1       albertel 5449:        if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel >= 29 ) /* display unrecognized symbol */
                   5450: 	 { fprintf(msgfp,"rasterize> get_symdef() failed for \"%s\"\n",
                   5451: 	   chartoken); fflush(msgfp); }
                   5452:        sp = (subraster *)NULL;		/* init to signal failure */
                   5453:        if ( warninglevel < 1 ) continue; /* warnings not wanted */
1.2     ! albertel 5454:        fontnum = 0;			/* reset from \mathbb, etc */
1.1       albertel 5455:        if ( isthischar(*chartoken,ESCAPE) ) /* we got unrecognized \escape */
                   5456: 	{ /* --- so display literal {\rm~[\backslash~chartoken?]} ---  */
                   5457: 	  strcpy(literal,"{\\rm~[\\backslash~"); /* init token */
                   5458: 	  strcat(literal,chartoken+1);	/* add chars following leading \ */
                   5459: 	  strcat(literal,"?]}"); }	/* add closing brace */
                   5460:        sp = rasterize(literal,size-1);	/* rasterize literal token */
1.2     ! albertel 5461:        fontnum = oldfontnum;		/* reset font family */
1.1       albertel 5462:        if ( sp == (subraster *)NULL ) continue; } /*flush if rasterize fails*/
                   5463:     else /* --- check if we have special handler to process this token --- */
                   5464:      if ( symdef->handler != NULL )	/* have a handler for this token */
                   5465:       { int arg1=symdef->charnum, arg2=symdef->family, arg3=symdef->class;
                   5466: 	if ( (sp = (subraster *)	/* returned void* is subraster* */
                   5467: 	(*(symdef->handler))(&expression,size,prevsp,arg1,arg2,arg3))== NULL )
                   5468: 	  continue; }			/* flush token if handler failed */
                   5469:      else /* --- no handler, so just get subraster for this character --- */
                   5470:       if ( !isstring )			/* rasterizing */
                   5471: 	{ if ( (sp=get_charsubraster(symdef,size)) /* get subraster */
                   5472: 	  ==  NULL )  continue; }	/* flush token if failed */
                   5473:       else				/* constructing ascii string */
                   5474: 	{ char *symbol = symdef->symbol; /* symbol for ascii string */
                   5475: 	  int symlen = (symbol!=NULL?strlen(symbol):0); /*#chars in symbol*/
                   5476: 	  if ( symlen < 1 ) continue;	/* no symbol for ascii string */
                   5477: 	  if ( (sp=new_subraster(symlen+1,1,8)) /* subraster for symbol */
                   5478: 	  ==  NULL )  continue;		/* flush token if malloc failed */
                   5479: 	  sp->type = ASCIISTRING;	/* set subraster type */
                   5480: 	  sp->symdef = symdef;		/* and set symbol definition */
                   5481: 	  sp->baseline = 1;		/* default (should be unused) */
                   5482: 	  strcpy((char *)((sp->image)->pixmap),symbol); /* copy symbol */
                   5483: 	  /*((char *)((sp->image)->pixmap))[symlen] = '\000';*/ } /*null*/
                   5484:     } /* --- end-of-if/else ... if/else --- */
                   5485:   /* --- handle any super/subscripts following symbol or subexpression --- */
                   5486:   sp = rastlimits(&expression,size,sp);
                   5487:   /* --- debugging output --- */
                   5488:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel >= 999 )	/* display raster for debugging */
                   5489:     { fprintf(msgfp,"rasterize> recursion level=%d, atom#%d%s\n",
                   5490:       recurlevel,natoms+1,(sp==NULL?" = null":"..."));
                   5491:       if(sp!=NULL) type_raster(sp->image,msgfp); /* display raster */
                   5492:       fflush(msgfp); }			/* flush msgfp buffer */
                   5493:   /* --- accumulate atom or parenthesized subexpression --- */
                   5494:   if ( natoms < 1			/* nothing previous to concat */
                   5495:   ||   expraster == NULL		/* or previous was complete error */
                   5496:   ||   isreplaceleft )			/* or we're replacing previous */
1.2     ! albertel 5497:     { if ( 1 && expraster!=NULL )	/* probably replacing left */
        !          5498: 	delete_subraster(expraster);	/* so first free original left */
        !          5499:       expraster = subrastcpy(sp);	/* copy static CHARASTER or left */
1.1       albertel 5500:       isreplaceleft = 0; }		/* reset replacement flag */
                   5501:   else					/*we've already built up atoms so...*/
                   5502:    if ( sp != NULL )			/* ...if we have a new component */
                   5503:     expraster = rastcat(expraster,sp,1); /* concat new one, free previous */
                   5504:   delete_subraster(prevsp);		/* free prev (if not a CHARASTER) */
                   5505:   prevsp = sp;				/* current becomes previous */
                   5506:   leftexpression = expraster;		/* left half rasterized so far */
                   5507:   /* --- bump count --- */
                   5508:   natoms++;				/* bump #atoms count */
                   5509:   } /* --- end-of-while(expression!=NULL) --- */
                   5510: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5511: back to caller with rasterized expression
                   5512: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5513: end_of_job:
                   5514:   delete_subraster(prevsp);		/* free last (if not a CHARASTER) */
                   5515:   /* --- debugging output --- */
                   5516:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel >= 999 )	/* display raster for debugging */
                   5517:     { fprintf(msgfp,"rasterize> Final recursion level=%d, atom#%d...\n",
                   5518:       recurlevel,natoms);
                   5519:       if ( expraster != (subraster *)NULL ) /* i.e., if natoms>0 */
                   5520: 	type_raster(expraster->image,msgfp); /* display completed raster */
                   5521:       fflush(msgfp); }			/* flush msgfp buffer */
1.2     ! albertel 5522:   /* --- set final raster buffer --- */
        !          5523:   if ( 1 && expraster != (subraster *)NULL ) /* have an expression */
        !          5524:     { expraster->type = IMAGERASTER;	/* set type to constructed image */
        !          5525:       if ( istextmode )			/* but in text mode */
        !          5526:         expraster->type = blanksignal;	/* set type to avoid smash */
        !          5527:       expraster->size = fontsize; }	/* set original input font size */
1.1       albertel 5528:   /* --- restore flags/values to original saved values --- */
                   5529:   isstring = wasstring;			/* string mode reset */
                   5530:   isdisplaystyle = wasdisplaystyle;	/* displaystyle mode reset */
1.2     ! albertel 5531:   fontnum = oldfontnum;			/* font family reset */
1.1       albertel 5532:   fontsize = oldfontsize;		/* fontsize reset */
                   5533:   displaysize = olddisplaysize;		/* \displaystyle size reset */
                   5534:   shrinkfactor = oldshrinkfactor;	/* shrinkfactor reset */
1.2     ! albertel 5535:   smashmargin = oldsmashmargin;		/* smashmargin reset */
        !          5536:   issmashdelta = oldissmashdelta;	/* issmashdelta reset */
1.1       albertel 5537:   workingparam = oldworkingparam;	/* working parameter reset */
                   5538:   workingbox = oldworkingbox;		/* working box reset */
                   5539:   leftexpression = oldleftexpression;	/* leftexpression reset */
                   5540:   leftsymdef = oldleftsymdef;		/* leftsymdef reset */
                   5541:   unitlength = oldunitlength;		/* unitlength reset */
                   5542:   recurlevel--;				/* unwind one recursion level */
                   5543:   /* --- return final subraster to caller --- */
                   5544:   return ( expraster );
                   5545: } /* --- end-of-function rasterize() --- */
                   5548: /* ==========================================================================
                   5549:  * Function:	rastparen ( subexpr, size, basesp )
                   5550:  * Purpose:	parentheses handler, returns a subraster corresponding to
                   5551:  *		parenthesized subexpression at font size
                   5552:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5553:  * Arguments:	subexpr (I)	char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   5554:  *				string beginning with a LEFTBRACES
                   5555:  *				to be rasterized
                   5556:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   5557:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   5558:  *				immediately preceding leading left{
                   5559:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   5560:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5561:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to subexpr,
                   5562:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
                   5563:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5564:  * Notes:     o	This "handler" isn't in the mathchardef symbol table,
                   5565:  *		but is called directly from rasterize(), as necessary.
                   5566:  *	      o	Though subexpr is returned unchanged, it's passed as char **
                   5567:  *		for consistency with other handlers.  Ditto, basesp is unused
                   5568:  *		but passed for consistency
                   5569:  * ======================================================================= */
                   5570: /* --- entry point --- */
                   5571: subraster *rastparen ( char **subexpr, int size, subraster *basesp )
                   5572: {
                   5573: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5574: Allocations and Declarations
                   5575: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5576: char	*expression = *subexpr;		/* dereference subexpr to get char* */
                   5577: int	explen = strlen(expression);	/* total #chars, including parens */
                   5578: int	isescape = 0,			/* true if parens \escaped */
                   5579: 	isrightdot = 0,			/* true if right paren is \right. */
                   5580: 	isleftdot = 0;			/* true if left paren is \left. */
                   5581: char	left[16], right[16];		/* parens enclosing expresion */
                   5582: char	noparens[8192];			/* get subexpr without parens */
                   5583: subraster *rasterize(), *sp=NULL;	/* rasterize what's between ()'s */
                   5584: int	isheight = 1;			/*true=full height, false=baseline*/
                   5585: int	height,				/* height of rasterized noparens[] */
                   5586: 	baseline;			/* and its baseline */
1.2     ! albertel 5587: int	family = /*CMSYEX*/ CMEX10;	/* family for paren chars */
1.1       albertel 5588: subraster *get_delim(), *lp=NULL, *rp=NULL; /* left and right paren chars */
                   5589: subraster *rastcat();			/* concatanate subrasters */
                   5590: int	delete_subraster();		/*in case of error after allocation*/
                   5591: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5592: rasterize "interior" of expression, i.e., without enclosing parens
                   5593: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5594: /* --- first see if enclosing parens are \escaped --- */
                   5595: if ( isthischar(*expression,ESCAPE) )	/* expression begins with \escape */
                   5596:   isescape = 1;				/* so set flag accordingly */
                   5597: /* --- get expression *without* enclosing parens --- */
                   5598: strcpy(noparens,expression);		/* get local copy of expression */
                   5599: noparens[explen-(1+isescape)] = '\000';	/* null-terminate before right} */
                   5600: strcpy(noparens,noparens+(1+isescape));	/* and then squeeze out left{ */
                   5601: /* --- rasterize it --- */
                   5602: if ( (sp = rasterize(noparens,size))	/*rasterize "interior" of expression*/
                   5603: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   5604: /* --- no need to add parentheses for unescaped { --- */
                   5605: if ( !isescape && isthischar(*expression,"{") ) /* don't add parentheses */
                   5606:   goto end_of_job;			/* just return sp to caller */
                   5607: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5608: obtain paren characters to enclose noparens[] raster with
                   5609: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5610: /* --- first get left and right parens from expression --- */
                   5611: memset(left,0,16);  memset(right,0,16);	/* init parens with nulls */
                   5612: left[0] = *(expression+isescape);	/* left{ is 1st or 2nd char */
                   5613: right[0] = *(expression+explen-1);	/* right} is always last char */
                   5614: isleftdot  = (isescape && isthischar(*left,".")); /* true if \left. */
                   5615: isrightdot = (isescape && isthischar(*right,".")); /* true if \right. */
                   5616: /* --- need height of noparens[] raster as minimum parens height --- */
                   5617: height = (sp->image)->height;		/* height of noparens[] raster */
                   5618: baseline = sp->baseline;		/* baseline of noparens[] raster */
                   5619: if ( !isheight ) height = baseline+1;	/* parens only enclose baseline up */
                   5620: /* --- get best-fit parentheses characters --- */
                   5621: if ( !isleftdot )			/* if not \left. */
                   5622:   lp = get_delim(left,height+1,family);	/* get left paren char */
                   5623: if ( !isrightdot )			/* and if not \right. */
                   5624:   rp = get_delim(right,height+1,family); /* get right paren char */
                   5625: if ( (lp==NULL && !isleftdot)		/* check that we got left( */
                   5626: ||   (rp==NULL && !isrightdot) )	/* and right) if needed */
                   5627:   { delete_subraster(sp);		/* if failed, free subraster */
                   5628:     if ( lp != NULL ) free ((void *)lp);/*free left-paren subraster envelope*/
                   5629:     if ( rp != NULL ) free ((void *)rp);/*and right-paren subraster envelope*/
                   5630:     sp = (subraster *)NULL;		/* signal error to caller */
                   5631:     goto end_of_job; }			/* and quit */
                   5632: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5633: set paren baselines to center on noparens[] raster, and concat components
                   5634: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5635: /* --- set baselines to center paren chars on raster --- */
                   5636: if ( lp != NULL )			/* ignore for \left. */
                   5637:   lp->baseline = baseline + ((lp->image)->height - height)/2;
                   5638: if ( rp != NULL )			/* ignore for \right. */
                   5639:   rp->baseline = baseline + ((rp->image)->height - height)/2;
                   5640: /* --- concat lp||sp||rp to obtain final result --- */
                   5641: if ( lp != NULL )			/* ignore \left. */
                   5642:   sp = rastcat(lp,sp,3);		/* concat lp||sp and free sp,lp */
                   5643: if ( sp != NULL )			/* succeeded or ignored \left. */
                   5644:   if ( rp != NULL )			/* ignore \right. */
                   5645:     sp = rastcat(sp,rp,3);		/* concat sp||rp and free sp,rp */
                   5646: /* --- back to caller --- */
                   5647: end_of_job:
                   5648:   return ( sp );
                   5649: } /* --- end-of-function rastparen() --- */
                   5652: /* ==========================================================================
                   5653:  * Function:	rastlimits ( expression, size, basesp )
                   5654:  * Purpose:	\limits, \nolimts, _ and ^ handler,
                   5655:  *		dispatches call to rastscripts() or to rastdispmath()
                   5656:  *		as necessary, to handle sub/superscripts following symbol
                   5657:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5658:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   5659:  *				LaTeX expression (unused/unchanged)
                   5660:  *		size (I)	int containing base font size (not used,
                   5661:  *				just stored in subraster)
                   5662:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to current character (or
                   5663:  *				subexpression) immediately preceding script
                   5664:  *				indicator
                   5665:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5666:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster returned by rastscripts()
                   5667:  *				or rastdispmath(), or NULL for any error
                   5668:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5669:  * Notes:     o
                   5670:  * ======================================================================= */
                   5671: /* --- entry point --- */
                   5672: subraster *rastlimits ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp )
                   5673: {
                   5674: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5675: Allocations and Declarations
                   5676: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5677: subraster *rastscripts(), *rastdispmath(), /*one of these will do the work*/
                   5678: 	*rastcat(),			/* may need to concat scripts */
                   5679: 	*scriptsp = basesp;		/* and this will become the result */
                   5680: int	isdisplay = (-1);		/* set 1 for displaystyle, else 0 */
1.2     ! albertel 5681: int	oldsmashmargin = smashmargin;	/* save original smashmargin */
1.1       albertel 5682: int	type_raster();			/* display debugging output */
                   5683: /* --- to check for \limits or \nolimits preceding scripts --- */
                   5684: char	*texchar(), *exprptr=*expression, limtoken[255]; /*check for \limits*/
                   5685: int	toklen=0;			/* strlen(limtoken) */
                   5686: mathchardef *tokdef, *get_symdef();	/* mathchardef struct for limtoken */
                   5687: int	class=(leftsymdef==NULL?NOVALUE:leftsymdef->class); /*base sym class*/
                   5688: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5689: determine whether or not to use displaymath
                   5690: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5691: scriptlevel++;				/* first, increment subscript level*/
                   5692: *limtoken = '\000';			/* no token yet */
                   5693: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=999 )
                   5694:  { fprintf(msgfp,"rastlimits> scriptlevel#%d exprptr=%.48s\n",
                   5695:    scriptlevel,(exprptr==NULL?"null":exprptr));  fflush(msgfp); }
                   5696: if ( isstring ) goto end_of_job;	/* no scripts for ascii string */
                   5697: /* --- check for \limits or \nolimits --- */
                   5698: skipwhite(exprptr);			/* skip white space before \limits */
                   5699: if ( exprptr != NULL )			/* expression ptr supplied */
                   5700:  if ( *exprptr != '\000' )		/* something in expression */
                   5701:   exprptr = texchar(exprptr,limtoken);	/* retrieve next token */
                   5702: if ( *limtoken != '\000' )		/* have token */
                   5703:  if ( (toklen=strlen(limtoken)) >= 3 )	/* which may be \[no]limits */
                   5704:   if ( memcmp("\\limits",limtoken,toklen) == 0     /* may be \limits */
                   5705:   ||   memcmp("\\nolimits",limtoken,toklen) == 0 ) /* or may be \nolimits */
                   5706:    if ( (tokdef= get_symdef(limtoken))	/* look up token to be sure */
                   5707:    !=   NULL )				/* found token in table */
                   5708:     if ( strcmp("\\limits",tokdef->symbol) == 0 )  /* found \limits */
                   5709:       isdisplay = 1;			/* so explicitly set displaymath */
                   5710:     else				/* wasn't \limits */
                   5711:       if ( strcmp("\\nolimits",tokdef->symbol) == 0 ) /* found \nolimits */
                   5712: 	isdisplay = 0;			/* so explicitly reset displaymath */
                   5713: /* --- see if we found \[no]limits --- */
                   5714: if ( isdisplay != (-1) )		/* explicit directive found */
                   5715:   *expression = exprptr;		/* so bump expression past it */
                   5716: else					/* noexplicit directive */
                   5717:   { isdisplay = 0;			/* init displaymath flag off */
                   5718:     if ( isdisplaystyle )		/* we're in displaystyle math mode */
                   5719:       if ( isdisplaystyle >= 5 )	/* and mode irrevocably forced true */
                   5720: 	{ if ( class!=OPENING && class!=CLOSING ) /*don't force ('s and )'s*/
                   5721: 	    isdisplay = 1; }		/* set flag if mode forced true */
                   5722:       else
                   5723:        if ( isdisplaystyle >= 2 )	/*or mode forced conditionally true*/
                   5724: 	{ if ( class!=VARIABLE && class!=ORDINARY /*don't force characters*/
                   5725: 	  &&   class!=OPENING  && class!=CLOSING  /*don't force ('s and )'s*/
                   5726: 	  &&   class!=BINARYOP		/* don't force binary operators */
                   5727: 	  &&   class!=NOVALUE )		/* finally, don't force "images" */
                   5728: 	    isdisplay = 1; }		/* set flag if mode forced true */
                   5729:        else				/* determine mode from base symbol */
                   5730: 	if ( class == DISPOPER )	/* it's a displaystyle operator */
                   5731: 	  isdisplay = 1; }		/* so set flag */
                   5732: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5733: dispatch call to create sub/superscripts
                   5734: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5735: if ( isdisplay )			/* scripts above/below base symbol */
                   5736:   scriptsp = rastdispmath(expression,size,basesp); /* everything all done */
                   5737: else					/* scripts alongside base symbol */
                   5738:   if ( (scriptsp=rastscripts(expression,size,basesp)) == NULL ) /*no scripts*/
                   5739:     scriptsp = basesp;			/* so just return unscripted symbol*/
                   5740:   else					/* symbols followed by scripts */
                   5741:     if ( basesp != NULL )		/* have base symbol */
1.2     ! albertel 5742:      { smashmargin = 0;			/* don't smash script */
        !          5743:        /*scriptsp = rastcat(basesp,scriptsp,2);*//*concat scripts to base sym*/
        !          5744:        scriptsp = rastcat(basesp,scriptsp,3); /*concat scripts to base sym*/
1.1       albertel 5745:        scriptsp->type = IMAGERASTER;	/* flip type of composite object */
                   5746:        scriptsp->size = size; }		/* and set font size */
                   5747: end_of_job:
1.2     ! albertel 5748:   smashmargin = oldsmashmargin;		/* reset original smashmargin */
1.1       albertel 5749:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )
                   5750:     { fprintf(msgfp,"rastlimits> scriptlevel#%d returning %s\n",
                   5751: 	scriptlevel,(scriptsp==NULL?"null":"..."));
                   5752:       if ( scriptsp != NULL )		/* have a constructed raster */
                   5753: 	type_raster(scriptsp->image,msgfp); /*display constructed raster*/
                   5754:       fflush(msgfp); }
                   5755:   scriptlevel--;			/*lastly, decrement subscript level*/
                   5756:   return ( scriptsp );
                   5757: } /* --- end-of-function rastlimits() --- */
                   5760: /* ==========================================================================
                   5761:  * Function:	rastscripts ( expression, size, basesp )
                   5762:  * Purpose:	super/subscript handler, returns subraster for the leading
                   5763:  *		scripts in expression, whose base symbol is at font size
                   5764:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5765:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   5766:  *				string beginning with a super/subscript,
                   5767:  *				and returning ptr immediately following
                   5768:  *				last script character processed.
                   5769:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   5770:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   5771:  *				immediately preceding leading script
                   5772:  *				(scripts will be placed relative to base)
                   5773:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5774:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to scripts,
                   5775:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
                   5776:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5777:  * Notes:     o	This "handler" isn't in the mathchardef symbol table,
                   5778:  *		but is called directly from rasterize(), as necessary.
                   5779:  * ======================================================================= */
                   5780: /* --- entry point --- */
                   5781: subraster *rastscripts ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp )
                   5782: {
                   5783: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5784: Allocations and Declarations
                   5785: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5786: char	*texscripts(),			/* parse expression for scripts */
                   5787: 	subscript[512], supscript[512];	/* scripts parsed from expression */
                   5788: subraster *rasterize(), *subsp=NULL, *supsp=NULL; /* rasterize scripts */
                   5789: subraster *new_subraster(), *sp=NULL,	/* super- over subscript subraster */
                   5790: 	*rastack();			/*sets scripts in displaymath mode*/
                   5791: raster	*rp=NULL;			/* image raster embedded in sp */
                   5792: int	height=0, width=0,  baseline=0,	/* height,width,baseline of sp */
                   5793: 	subht=0,  subwidth=0,  subln=0,	/* height,width,baseline of sub */
                   5794: 	supht=0,  supwidth=0,  supln=0,	/* height,width,baseline of sup */
                   5795: 	baseht=0, baseln=0;		/* height,baseline of base */
                   5796: int	bdescend=0, sdescend=0;		/* descender of base, subscript */
                   5797: int	issub=0, issup=0, isboth=0,	/* true if we have sub,sup,both */
                   5798: 	isbase=0;			/* true if we have base symbol */
                   5799: int	szval = min2(max2(size,0),LARGESTSIZE), /* 0...LARGESTSIZE */
                   5800: 	vbetween = 2,			/* vertical space between scripts */
                   5801: 	vabove   = szval+1,		/*sup's top/bot above base's top/bot*/
                   5802: 	vbelow   = szval+1,		/*sub's top/bot below base's top/bot*/
                   5803: 	vbottom  = szval+1;		/*sup's bot above (sub's below) bsln*/
                   5804: /*int	istweak = 1;*/			/* true to tweak script positioning */
                   5805: int	rastput();			/*put scripts in constructed raster*/
                   5806: int	delete_subraster();		/* free work areas */
                   5807: int	pixsz = 1;			/*default #bits per pixel, 1=bitmap*/
                   5808: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5809: Obtain subscript and/or superscript expressions, and rasterize them/it
                   5810: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5811: /* --- parse for sub,superscript(s), and bump expression past it(them) --- */
                   5812: if ( expression == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* no *ptr given */
                   5813: if ( *expression == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* no expression given */
                   5814: if ( *(*expression) == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* nothing in expression */
                   5815: *expression = texscripts(*expression,subscript,supscript,3);
                   5816: /* --- rasterize scripts --- */
                   5817: if ( *subscript != '\000' )		/* have a subscript */
                   5818:   subsp = rasterize(subscript,size-1);	/* so rasterize it at size-1 */
                   5819: if ( *supscript != '\000' )		/* have a superscript */
                   5820:   supsp = rasterize(supscript,size-1);	/* so rasterize it at size-1 */
                   5821: /* --- set flags for convenience --- */
                   5822: issub  = (subsp != (subraster *)NULL);	/* true if we have subscript */
                   5823: issup  = (supsp != (subraster *)NULL);	/* true if we have superscript */
                   5824: isboth = (issub && issup);		/* true if we have both */
                   5825: if (!issub && !issup) goto end_of_job;	/* quit if we have neither */
                   5826: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5827: get height, width, baseline of scripts,  and height, baseline of base symbol
                   5828: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5829: /* --- get height and width of components --- */
                   5830: if ( issub )				/* we have a subscript */
                   5831:   { subht    = (subsp->image)->height;	/* so get its height */
                   5832:     subwidth = (subsp->image)->width;	/* and width */
                   5833:     subln    =  subsp->baseline; }	/* and baseline */
                   5834: if ( issup )				/* we have a superscript */
                   5835:   { supht    = (supsp->image)->height;	/* so get its height */
                   5836:     supwidth = (supsp->image)->width;	/* and width */
                   5837:     supln    =  supsp->baseline; }	/* and baseline */
                   5838: /* --- get height and baseline of base, and descender of base and sub --- */
                   5839: if ( basesp == (subraster *)NULL )	/* no base symbol for scripts */
                   5840:   basesp = leftexpression;		/* try using left side thus far */
                   5841: if ( basesp != (subraster *)NULL )	/* we have base symbol for scripts */
                   5842:   { baseht   = (basesp->image)->height;	/* height of base symbol */
                   5843:     baseln   =  basesp->baseline;	/* and its baseline */
                   5844:     bdescend =  baseht-(baseln+1);	/* and base symbol descender */
                   5845:     sdescend =  bdescend + vbelow;	/*sub must descend by at least this*/
                   5846:     if ( baseht > 0 ) isbase = 1; }	/* set flag */
                   5847: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5848: determine width of constructed raster
                   5849: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5850: width = max2(subwidth,supwidth);	/*widest component is overall width*/
                   5851: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5852: determine height and baseline of constructed raster
                   5853: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5854: /* --- both super/subscript --- */
                   5855: if ( isboth )				/*we have subscript and superscript*/
                   5856:   { height = max2(subht+vbetween+supht,	/* script heights + space bewteen */
                   5857: 		vbelow+baseht+vabove);	/*sub below base bot, sup above top*/
                   5858:     baseline = baseln + (height-baseht)/2; } /*center scripts on base symbol*/
                   5859: /* --- superscript only --- */
                   5860: if ( !issub )				/* we only have a superscript */
                   5861:   { height = max3(baseln+1+vabove,	/* sup's top above base symbol top */
                   5862: 		supht+vbottom,		/* sup's bot above baseln */
                   5863: 		supht+vabove-bdescend);	/* sup's bot above base symbol bot */
                   5864:     baseline = height-1; }		/*sup's baseline at bottom of raster*/
                   5865: /* --- subscript only --- */
                   5866: if ( !issup )				/* we only have a subscript */
                   5867:   if ( subht > sdescend )		/*sub can descend below base bot...*/
                   5868:     { height = subht;			/* ...without extra space on top */
                   5869:       baseline = height-(sdescend+1);	/* sub's bot below base symbol bot */
                   5870:       baseline = min2(baseline,max2(baseln-vbelow,0)); }/*top below base top*/
                   5871:   else					/* sub's top will be below baseln */
                   5872:     { height = sdescend+1;		/* sub's bot below base symbol bot */
                   5873:       baseline = 0; }			/* sub's baseline at top of raster */
                   5874: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5875: construct raster with superscript over subscript
                   5876: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5877: /* --- allocate subraster containing constructed raster --- */
                   5878: if ( (sp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /*allocate subraster and raster*/
                   5879: ==   NULL )				/* and if we fail to allocate */
                   5880:   goto end_of_job;			/* quit */
                   5881: /* --- initialize subraster parameters --- */
                   5882: sp->type  = IMAGERASTER;		/* set type as constructed image */
                   5883: sp->size  = size;			/* set given size */
                   5884: sp->baseline = baseline;		/* composite scripts baseline */
                   5885: rp = sp->image;				/* raster embedded in subraster */
                   5886: /* --- place super/subscripts in new raster --- */
                   5887: if ( issup )				/* we have a superscript */
                   5888:  rastput(rp,supsp->image,0,0,1);	/* it goes in upper-left corner */
                   5889: if ( issub )				/* we have a subscript */
                   5890:  rastput(rp,subsp->image,height-subht,0,1); /*in lower-left corner*/
                   5891: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5892: free unneeded component subrasters and return final result to caller
                   5893: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5894: end_of_job:
                   5895:   if ( issub ) delete_subraster(subsp);	/* free unneeded subscript */
                   5896:   if ( issup ) delete_subraster(supsp);	/* and superscript */
                   5897:   return ( sp );
                   5898: } /* --- end-of-function rastscripts() --- */
                   5901: /* ==========================================================================
                   5902:  * Function:	rastdispmath ( expression, size, sp )
                   5903:  * Purpose:	displaymath handler, returns sp along with
                   5904:  *		its immediately following super/subscripts
                   5905:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5906:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   5907:  *				string immediately following sp to be
                   5908:  *				rasterized along with its super/subscripts,
                   5909:  *				and returning ptr immediately following last
                   5910:  *				character processed.
                   5911:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   5912:  *		sp (I)		subraster *  to display math operator
                   5913:  *				to which super/subscripts will be added
                   5914:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5915:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to sp
                   5916:  *				plus its scripts, or NULL for any error
                   5917:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5918:  * Notes:     o	sp returned unchanged if no super/subscript(s) follow it.
                   5919:  * ======================================================================= */
                   5920: /* --- entry point --- */
                   5921: subraster *rastdispmath ( char **expression, int size, subraster *sp )
                   5922: {
                   5923: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5924: Allocations and Declarations
                   5925: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5926: char	*texscripts(),			/* parse expression for scripts */
                   5927: 	subscript[512], supscript[512];	/* scripts parsed from expression */
                   5928: int	issub=0, issup=0;		/* true if we have sub,sup */
                   5929: subraster *rasterize(), *subsp=NULL, *supsp=NULL, /* rasterize scripts */
                   5930: 	*rastack(),			/* stack operator with scripts */
                   5931: 	*new_subraster();		/* for dummy base sp, if needed */
                   5932: int	vspace = 1;			/* vertical space between scripts */
                   5933: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5934: Obtain subscript and/or superscript expressions, and rasterize them/it
                   5935: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5936: /* --- parse for sub,superscript(s), and bump expression past it(them) --- */
                   5937: if ( expression == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* no *ptr given */
                   5938: if ( *expression == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* no expression given */
                   5939: if ( *(*expression) == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* nothing in expression */
                   5940: *expression = texscripts(*expression,subscript,supscript,3);
                   5941: /* --- rasterize scripts --- */
                   5942: if ( *subscript != '\000' )		/* have a subscript */
                   5943:   subsp = rasterize(subscript,size-1);	/* so rasterize it at size-1 */
                   5944: if ( *supscript != '\000' )		/* have a superscript */
                   5945:   supsp = rasterize(supscript,size-1);	/* so rasterize it at size-1 */
                   5946: /* --- set flags for convenience --- */
                   5947: issub  = (subsp != (subraster *)NULL);	/* true if we have subscript */
                   5948: issup  = (supsp != (subraster *)NULL);	/* true if we have superscript */
                   5949: if (!issub && !issup) goto end_of_job;	/*return operator alone if neither*/
                   5950: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5951: stack operator and its script(s)
                   5952: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5953: /* --- stack superscript atop operator --- */
                   5954: if ( issup )				/* we have a superscript */
                   5955:  if ( sp == NULL )			/* but no base expression */
                   5956:   sp = supsp;				/* so just use superscript */
                   5957:  else					/* have base and superscript */
                   5958:   if ( (sp=rastack(sp,supsp,1,vspace,1,3)) /* stack supsp atop base sp */
                   5959:   ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if failed */
                   5960: /* --- stack operator+superscript atop subscript --- */
                   5961: if ( issub )				/* we have a subscript */
                   5962:  if ( sp == NULL )			/* but no base expression */
                   5963:   sp = subsp;				/* so just use subscript */
                   5964:  else					/* have base and subscript */
                   5965:   if ( (sp=rastack(subsp,sp,2,vspace,1,3)) /* stack sp atop base subsp */
                   5966:   ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if failed */
                   5967: sp->type = IMAGERASTER;			/* flip type of composite object */
                   5968: sp->size = size;			/* and set font size */
                   5969: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5970: free unneeded component subrasters and return final result to caller
                   5971: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   5972: end_of_job:
                   5973:   return ( sp );
                   5974: } /* --- end-of-function rastdispmath() --- */
                   5977: /* ==========================================================================
                   5978:  * Function:	rastleft ( expression, size, basesp, ildelim, arg2, arg3 )
                   5979:  * Purpose:	\left...\right handler, returns a subraster corresponding to
                   5980:  *		delimited subexpression at font size
                   5981:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5982:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   5983:  *				string beginning with a \left
                   5984:  *				to be rasterized
                   5985:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   5986:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   5987:  *				immediately preceding leading left{
                   5988:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
1.2     ! albertel 5989:  *		ildelim (I)	int containing ldelims[] index of
1.1       albertel 5990:  *				left delimiter
                   5991:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   5992:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   5993:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5994:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to subexpr,
                   5995:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
                   5996:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   5997:  * Notes:     o
                   5998:  * ======================================================================= */
                   5999: /* --- entry point --- */
                   6000: subraster *rastleft ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   6001: 			int ildelim, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   6002: {
                   6003: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6004: Allocations and Declarations
                   6005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6006: subraster *rasterize(), *sp=NULL;	/*rasterize between \left...\right*/
                   6007: subraster *get_delim(), *lp=NULL, *rp=NULL; /* left and right delim chars */
                   6008: subraster *rastlimits();		/*handle sub/super scripts on lp,rp*/
                   6009: subraster *rastcat();			/* concat lp||sp||rp subrasters */
                   6010: int	family=CMSYEX,			/* get_delim() family */
                   6011: 	height=0, rheight=0,		/* subexpr, right delim height */
                   6012: 	margin=(size+1),		/* delim height margin over subexpr*/
                   6013: 	opmargin=(5);			/* extra margin for \int,\sum,\etc */
1.2     ! albertel 6014: char	/* *texleft(),*/ subexpr[8192];	/* chars between \left...\right */
1.1       albertel 6015: char	*texchar(),			/* get delims after \left,\right */
                   6016: 	ldelim[256]=".", rdelim[256]="."; /* delims following \left,\right */
                   6017: char	*strtexchr(), *pleft, *pright;	/*locate \right matching our \left*/
                   6018: int	isleftdot=0, isrightdot=0;	/* true if \left. or \right. */
                   6019: int	sublen=0;			/* strlen(subexpr) */
                   6020: int	idelim=0;			/* 1=left,2=right */
1.2     ! albertel 6021: /* int	gotldelim = 0; */		/* true if ildelim given by caller */
1.1       albertel 6022: int	delete_subraster();		/* free subraster if rastleft fails*/
                   6023: int	wasdisplaystyle = isdisplaystyle; /* save current displaystyle */
1.2     ! albertel 6024: int	istextleft=0, istextright=0;	/* true for non-displaystyle delims*/
1.1       albertel 6025: /* --- recognized delimiters --- */
                   6026: static	char left[16]="\\left", right[16]="\\right"; /* tex delimiters */
                   6027: static	char *ldelims[] = {
                   6028:    "unused", ".",			/* 1   for \left., \right. */
                   6029: 	"(", ")",			/* 2,3 for \left(, \right) */
                   6030: 	"\\{","\\}",			/* 4,5 for \left\{, \right\} */
                   6031: 	"[", "]",			/* 6,7 for \left[, \right] */
                   6032: 	"<", ">",			/* 8,9 for \left<, \right> */
                   6033: 	"|", "\\|",			/* 10,11 for \left,\right |,\|*/
                   6034: 	NULL };
                   6035: /* --- recognized operator delimiters --- */
                   6036: static	char *opdelims[] = {		/* operator delims from cmex10 */
                   6037:      "int",	  "sum",	"prod",
                   6038:      "cup",	  "cap",	"dot",
                   6039:      "plus",	  "times",	"wedge",
                   6040:      "vee",
                   6041:      NULL }; /* --- end-of-opdelims[] --- */
                   6042: /* --- delimiter xlation --- */
                   6043: static	char *xfrom[] =			/* xlate any delim suffix... */
                   6044:    { "\\|",				/* \| */
                   6045:      "\\{",				/* \{ */
                   6046:      "\\}",				/* \} */
                   6047:      "\\lbrace",			/* \lbrace */
                   6048:      "\\rbrace",			/* \rbrace */
                   6049:      "\\langle",			/* \langle */
                   6050:      "\\rangle",			/* \rangle */
                   6051:      NULL } ; /* --- end-of-xfrom[] --- */
                   6052: static	char *xto[] =			/* this instead */
                   6053:    { "=",				/* \| to = */
                   6054:      "{",				/* \{ to { */
                   6055:      "}",				/* \} to } */
                   6056:      "{",				/* \lbrace to { */
                   6057:      "}",				/* \rbrace to } */
                   6058:      "<",				/* \langle to < */
                   6059:      ">",				/* \rangle to > */
                   6060:      NULL } ; /* --- end-of-xto[] --- */
1.2     ! albertel 6061: /* --- non-displaystyle delimiters --- */
        !          6062: static	char *textdelims[] =		/* these delims _aren't_ display */
        !          6063:    { "|", "=",
        !          6064:      "(", ")",
        !          6065:      "[", "]",
        !          6066:      "<", ">",
        !          6067:      "{", "}",
        !          6068:      "dbl",				/* \lbrackdbl and \rbrackdbl */
        !          6069:      NULL } ; /* --- end-of-textdelims[] --- */
1.1       albertel 6070: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6071: initialization
                   6072: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6073: /* --- check args --- */
                   6074: if ( *(*expression) == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* nothing after \left */
                   6075: /* --- determine left delimiter, and set default \right. delimiter --- */
                   6076: if ( ildelim!=NOVALUE && ildelim>=1 )	/* called with explicit left delim */
1.2     ! albertel 6077:  { strcpy(ldelim,ldelims[ildelim]);	/* so just get a local copy */
        !          6078:    /* gotldelim = 1; */ }		/* and set flag that we got it */
1.1       albertel 6079: else					/* trapped \left without delim */
                   6080:  { skipwhite(*expression);		/* interpret \left ( as \left( */
1.2     ! albertel 6081:    if ( *(*expression) == '\000' )	/* end-of-string after \left */
        !          6082:       goto end_of_job;			/* so return NULL */
        !          6083:    *expression = texchar(*expression,ldelim); /*pull delim from expression*/
        !          6084:    if ( *expression == NULL		/* probably invalid end-of-string */
        !          6085:    ||   *ldelim == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; } /* no delimiter */
1.1       albertel 6086: strcpy(rdelim,".");			/* init default \right. delim */
                   6087: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6088: locate \right balancing our opening \left
                   6089: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6090: /* --- first \right following \left --- */
                   6091: if ( (pright=strtexchr(*expression,right)) /* look for \right after \left */
                   6092: !=   NULL ) {				/* found it */
                   6093:  /* --- find matching \right by pushing past any nested \left's --- */
                   6094:  pleft = *expression;			/* start after first \left( */
                   6095:  while ( 1 ) {				/*break when matching \right found*/
                   6096:   /* -- locate next nested \left if there is one --- */
                   6097:   if ( (pleft=strtexchr(pleft,left))	/* find next \left */
                   6098:   ==   NULL ) break;			/*no more, so matching \right found*/
                   6099:   pleft += strlen(left);		/* push ptr past \left token */
                   6100:   if ( pleft >= pright ) break;		/* not nested if \left after \right*/
                   6101:   /* --- have nested \left, so push forward to next \right --- */
                   6102:   if ( (pright=strtexchr(pright+strlen(right),right)) /* find next \right */
                   6103:   ==   NULL ) break;			/* ran out of \right's */
                   6104:   } /* --- end-of-while(1) --- */
                   6105:  } /* --- end-of-if(pright!=NULL) --- */
                   6106: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6107: push past \left(_a^b sub/superscripts, if present
                   6108: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6109: pleft = *expression;			/*reset pleft after opening \left( */
1.2     ! albertel 6110: if ( (lp=rastlimits(expression,size,lp)) /*dummy call push expression past b*/
        !          6111: !=   NULL )				/* found actual _a^b scripts, too */
        !          6112:   { delete_subraster(lp);		/* but we don't need them */
        !          6113:     lp = NULL; }			/* reset pointer, too */
1.1       albertel 6114: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6115: get \right delimiter and subexpression between \left...\right, xlate delims
                   6116: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6117: /* --- get delimiter following \right --- */
                   6118: if ( pright == (char *)NULL ) {		/* assume \right. at end of exprssn*/
                   6119:   strcpy(rdelim,".");			/* set default \right. */
                   6120:   sublen = strlen(*expression);		/* use entire remaining expression */
                   6121:   memcpy(subexpr,*expression,sublen);	/* copy all remaining chars */
                   6122:   *expression += sublen; }		/* and push expression to its null */
                   6123: else {					/* have explicit matching \right */
                   6124:   sublen = (int)(pright-(*expression));	/* #chars between \left...\right */
                   6125:   memcpy(subexpr,*expression,sublen);	/* copy chars preceding \right */
                   6126:   *expression = pright+strlen(right);	/* push expression past \right */
                   6127:   skipwhite(*expression);		/* interpret \right ) as \right) */
                   6128:   *expression = texchar(*expression,rdelim); /*pull delim from expression*/
                   6129:   if ( *rdelim == '\000' ) strcpy(rdelim,"."); } /* \right. if no rdelim */
                   6130: /* --- get subexpression between \left...\right --- */
                   6131: if ( sublen < 1 ) goto end_of_job;	/* nothing between delimiters */
                   6132: subexpr[sublen] = '\000';		/* and null-terminate it */
1.2     ! albertel 6133: /* --- adjust margin for expressions containing \middle's --- */
        !          6134: if ( strtexchr(subexpr,"\\middle") != NULL ) /* have enclosed \middle's */
        !          6135:   margin = 1;				/* so don't "overwhelm" them */
1.1       albertel 6136: /* --- check for operator delimiter --- */
                   6137: for ( idelim=0; opdelims[idelim]!=NULL; idelim++ )
                   6138:   if ( strstr(ldelim,opdelims[idelim]) != NULL ) /* found operator */
                   6139:     { margin += opmargin;		/* extra height for operator */
                   6140:       if ( *ldelim == '\\' )		/* have leading escape */
                   6141: 	strcpy(ldelim,ldelim+1);	/* squeeze it out */
                   6142:       break; }				/* no need to check rest of table */
1.2     ! albertel 6143: /* --- xlate delimiters and check for textstyle --- */
1.1       albertel 6144: for ( idelim=1; idelim<=2; idelim++ ) {	/* 1=left, 2=right */
                   6145:   char	*lrdelim  = (idelim==1? ldelim:rdelim); /* ldelim or rdelim */
                   6146:   int	ix;  char *xdelim;		/* xfrom[] and xto[] index, delim */
                   6147:   for( ix=0; (xdelim=xfrom[ix]) != NULL; ix++ )
                   6148:     if ( strcmp(lrdelim,xdelim) == 0 )	/* found delim to xlate */
                   6149:       {	strcpy(lrdelim,xto[ix]);	/* replace with corresponding xto[]*/
                   6150: 	break; }			/* no need to check further */
1.2     ! albertel 6151:   for( ix=0; (xdelim=textdelims[ix]) != NULL; ix++ )
        !          6152:     if ( strstr(lrdelim,xdelim) != 0 )	/* found textstyle delim */
        !          6153:       {	if ( idelim == 1 )		/* if it's the \left one */
        !          6154: 	  istextleft = 1;		/* set left textstyle flag */
        !          6155: 	else istextright = 1;		/* else set right textstyle flag */
        !          6156: 	break; }			/* no need to check further */
1.1       albertel 6157:   } /* --- end-of-for(idelim) --- */
                   6158: /* --- debugging --- */
                   6159: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )
                   6160:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastleft> left=\"%s\" right=\"%s\" subexpr=\"%s\"\n",
                   6161:   ldelim,rdelim,subexpr);
                   6162: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6163: rasterize subexpression
                   6164: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6165: /* --- rasterize subexpression --- */
                   6166: if ( (sp = rasterize(subexpr,size))	/* rasterize chars between delims */
                   6167: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   6168: height = (sp->image)->height;		/* height of subexpr raster */
                   6169: rheight = height+margin;		/*default rheight as subexpr height*/
                   6170: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6171: rasterize delimiters, reset baselines, and add  sub/superscripts if present
                   6172: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6173: /* --- check for dot delimiter --- */
                   6174: isleftdot  = (strchr(ldelim,'.')!=NULL); /* true if \left. */
                   6175: isrightdot = (strchr(rdelim,'.')!=NULL); /* true if \right. */
                   6176: /* --- get rasters for best-fit delim characters, add sub/superscripts --- */
1.2     ! albertel 6177: isdisplaystyle = (istextleft?0:9);	/* force \displaystyle */
1.1       albertel 6178: if ( !isleftdot )			/* if not \left. */
                   6179:  { /* --- first get requested \left delimiter --- */
                   6180:    lp = get_delim(ldelim,rheight,family); /* get \left delim char */
                   6181:    /* --- reset lp delim baseline to center delim on subexpr raster --- */
                   6182:    if ( lp != NULL )			/* if get_delim() succeeded */
                   6183:     { int lheight = (lp->image)->height; /* actual height of left delim */
                   6184:       lp->baseline = sp->baseline + (lheight - height)/2;
                   6185:       if ( lheight > rheight )		/* got bigger delim than requested */
                   6186: 	rheight = lheight-1; }		/* make sure right delim matches */
                   6187:    /* --- then add on any sub/superscripts attached to \left( --- */
                   6188:    lp = rastlimits(&pleft,size,lp); }	/*\left(_a^b and push pleft past b*/
1.2     ! albertel 6189: isdisplaystyle = (istextright?0:9);	/* force \displaystyle */
1.1       albertel 6190: if ( !isrightdot )			/* and if not \right. */
                   6191:  { /* --- first get requested \right delimiter --- */
                   6192:    rp = get_delim(rdelim,rheight,family); /* get \right delim char */
                   6193:    /* --- reset rp delim baseline to center delim on subexpr raster --- */
                   6194:    if ( rp != NULL )			/* if get_delim() succeeded */
                   6195:      rp->baseline = sp->baseline + ((rp->image)->height - height)/2;
                   6196:    /* --- then add on any sub/superscripts attached to \right) --- */
                   6197:    rp = rastlimits(expression,size,rp); } /*\right)_c^d, expression past d*/
                   6198: isdisplaystyle = wasdisplaystyle;	/* original \displystyle default */
                   6199: /* --- check that we got delimiters --- */
                   6200: if ( 0 )
                   6201:  if ( (lp==NULL && !isleftdot)		/* check that we got left( */
                   6202:  ||   (rp==NULL && !isrightdot) )	/* and right) if needed */
                   6203:   { if ( lp != NULL ) free ((void *)lp); /* free \left-delim subraster */
                   6204:     if ( rp != NULL ) free ((void *)rp); /* and \right-delim subraster */
                   6205:     if (0) { delete_subraster(sp);	/* if failed, free subraster */
                   6206:              sp = (subraster *)NULL; }	/* signal error to caller */
                   6207:     goto end_of_job; }			/* and quit */
                   6208: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6209: concat  lp || sp || rp  components
                   6210: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6211: /* --- concat lp||sp||rp to obtain final result --- */
                   6212: if ( lp != NULL )			/* ignore \left. */
                   6213:   sp = rastcat(lp,sp,3);		/* concat lp||sp and free sp,lp */
                   6214: if ( sp != NULL )			/* succeeded or ignored \left. */
                   6215:   if ( rp != NULL )			/* ignore \right. */
                   6216:     sp = rastcat(sp,rp,3);		/* concat sp||rp and free sp,rp */
                   6217: /* --- back to caller --- */
                   6218: end_of_job:
                   6219:   return ( sp );
                   6220: } /* --- end-of-function rastleft() --- */
                   6223: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 6224:  * Function:	rastright ( expression, size, basesp, ildelim, arg2, arg3 )
        !          6225:  * Purpose:	...\right handler, intercepts an unexpected/unbalanced \right
        !          6226:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6227:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char **  to first char of null-terminated
        !          6228:  *				string beginning with a \right
        !          6229:  *				to be rasterized
        !          6230:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
        !          6231:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
        !          6232:  *				immediately preceding leading left{
        !          6233:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
        !          6234:  *		ildelim (I)	int containing rdelims[] index of
        !          6235:  *				right delimiter
        !          6236:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
        !          6237:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
        !          6238:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6239:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to subexpr,
        !          6240:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
        !          6241:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6242:  * Notes:     o
        !          6243:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          6244: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          6245: subraster *rastright ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
        !          6246: 			int ildelim, int arg2, int arg3 )
        !          6247: {
        !          6248: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6249: Allocations and Declarations
        !          6250: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          6251: subraster /* *rasterize(),*/ *sp=NULL;	/*rasterize \right subexpr's*/
        !          6252:   if ( sp != NULL )			/* returning entire expression */
        !          6253:     {
        !          6254:       isreplaceleft = 1;		/* set flag to replace left half*/
        !          6255:     }
        !          6256: return ( sp );
        !          6257: } /* --- end-of-function rastright() --- */
        !          6258: 
        !          6259: 
        !          6260: /* ==========================================================================
        !          6261:  * Function:	rastmiddle ( expression, size, basesp,  arg1, arg2, arg3 )
        !          6262:  * Purpose:	\middle handler, returns subraster corresponding to
        !          6263:  *		entire expression with \middle delimiter(s) sized to fit.
        !          6264:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6265:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
        !          6266:  *				string immediately following \middle to be
        !          6267:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
        !          6268:  *				to terminating null.
        !          6269:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
        !          6270:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
        !          6271:  *				immediately preceding \middle
        !          6272:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
        !          6273:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
        !          6274:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
        !          6275:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
        !          6276:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6277:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to expression,
        !          6278:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
        !          6279:  *				(expression ptr unchanged if error occurs)
        !          6280:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6281:  * Notes:     o
        !          6282:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          6283: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          6284: subraster *rastmiddle ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
        !          6285: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
        !          6286: {
        !          6287: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6288: Allocations and Declarations
        !          6289: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          6290: subraster *rasterize(), *sp=NULL, *subsp[32]; /*rasterize \middle subexpr's*/
        !          6291: char	*exprptr = *expression,		/* local copy of ptr to expression */
        !          6292: 	*texchar(), delim[32][132],	/* delimiters following \middle's */
        !          6293: 	*strtexchr(),			/* locate \middle's */
        !          6294: 	subexpr[8193], *subptr=NULL;	/* subexpression between \middle's */
        !          6295: int	height=0, habove=0, hbelow=0;	/* height, above & below baseline */
        !          6296: int	idelim, ndelims=0,		/* \middle count (max 32) */
        !          6297: 	family = CMSYEX;		/* delims from CMSY10 or CMEX10 */
        !          6298: subraster *subrastcpy(),		/* copy subraster */
        !          6299: 	*rastcat(),			/* concatanate subraster */
        !          6300: 	*get_delim();			/* get rasterized delimiter */
        !          6301: int	delete_subraster();		/* free work area subsp[]'s at eoj */
        !          6302: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6303: initialization
        !          6304: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          6305: subsp[0] = leftexpression;		/* expressn preceding 1st \middle */
        !          6306: subsp[1] = NULL;			/* set first null */
        !          6307: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6308: accumulate subrasters between consecutive \middle\delim...\middle\delim...'s
        !          6309: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          6310: while ( ndelims < 30 )			/* max of 31 \middle's */
        !          6311:   {
        !          6312:   /* --- maintain max height above,below baseline --- */
        !          6313:   if ( subsp[ndelims] != NULL )		/*exprssn preceding current \middle*/
        !          6314:    { int baseline = (subsp[ndelims])->baseline;  /* #rows above baseline */
        !          6315:      height = ((subsp[ndelims])->image)->height; /* tot #rows (height) */
        !          6316:      habove = max2(habove,baseline);	/* max #rows above baseline */
        !          6317:      hbelow = max2(hbelow,height-baseline); } /* max #rows below baseline */
        !          6318:   /* --- get delimter after \middle --- */
        !          6319:   skipwhite(exprptr);			/*skip space betwn \middle & \delim*/
        !          6320:   exprptr = texchar(exprptr,delim[ndelims]); /* \delim after \middle */
        !          6321:   if ( *(delim[ndelims]) == '\000' )	/* \middle at end-of-expression */
        !          6322:     break;				/* ignore it and consider job done */
        !          6323:   ndelims++;				/* count another \middle\delim */
        !          6324:   /* --- get subexpression between \delim and next \middle --- */
        !          6325:   subsp[ndelims] = NULL;		/* no subexpresion yet */
        !          6326:   if ( *exprptr == '\000' )		/* end-of-expression after \delim */
        !          6327:     break;				/* so we have all subexpressions */
        !          6328:   if ( (subptr = strtexchr(exprptr,"\\middle")) /* find next \middle */
        !          6329:   ==   NULL )				/* no more \middle's */
        !          6330:    { strncpy(subexpr,exprptr,8192);	/* get entire remaining expression */
        !          6331:      subexpr[8192] = '\000';		/* make sure it's null-terminated */
        !          6332:      exprptr += strlen(exprptr); }	/* push exprptr to terminating '\0'*/
        !          6333:   else					/* have another \middle */
        !          6334:    { int sublen = (int)(subptr-exprptr); /* #chars between \delim...\middle*/
        !          6335:      memcpy(subexpr,exprptr,min2(sublen,8192)); /* get subexpression */
        !          6336:      subexpr[min2(sublen,8192)] = '\000'; /* and null-terminate it */
        !          6337:      exprptr += (sublen+strlen("\\middle")); } /* push exprptr past \middle*/
        !          6338:   /* --- rasterize subexpression --- */
        !          6339:   subsp[ndelims] = rasterize(subexpr,size); /* rasterize subexpresion */
        !          6340:   } /* --- end-of-while(1) --- */
        !          6341: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          6342: construct \middle\delim's and concatanate them between subexpressions
        !          6343: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          6344: if ( ndelims < 1			/* no delims */
        !          6345: ||   (height=habove+hbelow) < 1 )	/* or no subexpressions? */
        !          6346:   goto end_of_job;			/* just flush \middle directive */
        !          6347: for ( idelim=0; idelim<=ndelims; idelim++ )
        !          6348:   {
        !          6349:   /* --- first add on subexpression preceding delim --- */
        !          6350:   if ( subsp[idelim] != NULL )		/* have subexpr preceding delim */
        !          6351:     if ( sp == NULL )			/* this is first piece */
        !          6352:      { sp = subsp[idelim];		/* so just use it */
        !          6353:        if ( idelim == 0 ) sp = subrastcpy(sp); } /* or copy leftexpression */
        !          6354:     else sp = rastcat(sp,subsp[idelim],(idelim>0?3:1)); /* or concat it */
        !          6355:   /* --- now construct delimiter --- */
        !          6356:   if ( *(delim[idelim]) != '\000' )	/* have delimter */
        !          6357:    { subraster *delimsp = get_delim(delim[idelim],height,family);
        !          6358:      if ( delimsp != NULL )		/* rasterized delim */
        !          6359:       {	delimsp->baseline = habove;	/* set baseline */
        !          6360: 	if ( sp == NULL )		/* this is first piece */
        !          6361: 	  sp = delimsp;			/* so just use it */
        !          6362: 	else sp = rastcat(sp,delimsp,3); } } /*or concat to existing pieces*/
        !          6363:   } /* --- end-of-for(idelim) --- */
        !          6364: /* --- back to caller --- */
        !          6365: end_of_job:
        !          6366:   if ( 0 ) /* now handled above */
        !          6367:     for ( idelim=1; idelim<=ndelims; idelim++ ) /* free subsp[]'s (not 0) */
        !          6368:      if ( subsp[idelim] != NULL )	/* have allocated subraster */
        !          6369:       delete_subraster(subsp[idelim]);	/* so free it */
        !          6370:   if ( sp != NULL )			/* returning entire expression */
        !          6371:     { int newht = (sp->image)->height;	/* height of returned subraster */
        !          6372:       sp->baseline = min2(newht-1,newht/2+5); /* guess new baseline */
        !          6373:       isreplaceleft = 1;		/* set flag to replace left half*/
        !          6374:       *expression += strlen(*expression); } /* and push to terminating null*/
        !          6375:   return ( sp );
        !          6376: } /* --- end-of-function rastmiddle() --- */
        !          6377: 
        !          6378: 
        !          6379: /* ==========================================================================
1.1       albertel 6380:  * Function:	rastflags ( expression, size, basesp,  flag, value, arg3 )
                   6381:  * Purpose:	sets an internal flag, e.g., for \rm, or sets an internal
                   6382:  *		value, e.g., for \unitlength=<value>, and returns NULL
                   6383:  *		so nothing is displayed
                   6384:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6385:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   6386:  *				LaTeX expression (unused/unchanged)
                   6387:  *		size (I)	int containing base font size (not used,
                   6388:  *				just stored in subraster)
                   6389:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
1.2     ! albertel 6390:  *				immediately preceding "flags" directive
        !          6391:  *				(unused but passed for consistency)
1.1       albertel 6392:  *		flag (I)	int containing #define'd symbol specifying
                   6393:  *				internal flag to be set
                   6394:  *		value (I)	int containing new value of flag
                   6395:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   6396:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6397:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	NULL so nothing is displayed
                   6398:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6399:  * Notes:     o
                   6400:  * ======================================================================= */
                   6401: /* --- entry point --- */
                   6402: subraster *rastflags ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   6403: 			int flag, int value, int arg3 )
                   6404: {
                   6405: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6406: Allocations and Declarations
                   6407: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6408: char	*texsubexpr(),			/* parse expression for... */
                   6409: 	valuearg[1024]="NOVALUE";	/* value from expression, if needed */
                   6410: int	argvalue=NOVALUE,		/* atoi(valuearg) */
                   6411: 	isdelta=0,			/* true if + or - precedes valuearg */
                   6412: 	valuelen=0;			/* strlen(valuearg) */
                   6413: double	strtod();			/*convert ascii {valuearg} to double*/
                   6414: static	int displaystylelevel = (-99);	/* \displaystyle set at recurlevel */
                   6415: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6416: set flag or value
                   6417: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6418: switch ( flag )
                   6419:   {
                   6420:   default: break;			/* unrecognized flag */
1.2     ! albertel 6421:   case ISFONTFAM:
1.1       albertel 6422:     if ( isthischar((*(*expression)),WHITEMATH) ) /* \rm followed by white */
                   6423:       (*expression)++;			/* skip leading ~ after \rm */
1.2     ! albertel 6424:     fontnum = value;			/* set font family */
1.1       albertel 6425:     break;
                   6426:   case ISSTRING: isstring=value; break;	/* set string/image mode */
                   6427:   case ISDISPLAYSTYLE:			/* set \displaystyle mode */
                   6428:     displaystylelevel = recurlevel;	/* \displaystyle set at recurlevel */
                   6429:     isdisplaystyle=value; break;
                   6430:   case ISOPAQUE:  istransparent=value; break; /* set transparent/opaque */
                   6431:   case ISREVERSE:			/* reverse video */
                   6432:     if ( value==1 || value==NOVALUE )
                   6433:       {	fgred=255-fgred; fggreen=255-fggreen; fgblue=255-fgblue; }
                   6434:     if ( value==2 || value==NOVALUE )
                   6435:       {	bgred=255-bgred; bggreen=255-bggreen; bgblue=255-bgblue; }
                   6436:     if ( value==2 || value==NOVALUE )
                   6437:       isblackonwhite = !isblackonwhite;
                   6438:     break;
                   6439:   case ISSUPER:				/* set supersampling/lowpass flag */
                   6440:     #ifndef SSFONTS			/* don't have ss fonts loaded */
                   6441:       value = 0;			/* so force lowpass */
                   6442:     #endif
                   6443:     isss = issupersampling = value;
                   6444:     fonttable = (issupersampling?ssfonttable:aafonttable); /* set fonts */
                   6445:     break;
                   6446:   case ISFONTSIZE:			/* set fontsize */
                   6447:   case ISDISPLAYSIZE:			/* set displaysize */
                   6448:   case ISSHRINK:			/* set shrinkfactor */
                   6449:   case ISAAALGORITHM:			/* set anti-aliasing algorithm */
                   6450:   case ISWEIGHT:			/* set font weight */
                   6451:   case ISCENTERWT:			/* set lowpass center pixel weight */
                   6452:   case ISADJACENTWT:			/* set lowpass adjacent weight */
                   6453:   case ISCORNERWT:			/* set lowpass corner weight */
                   6454:   case ISCOLOR:				/* set red(1),green(2),blue(3) */
1.2     ! albertel 6455:   case ISSMASH:				/* set (minimum) "smash" margin */
1.1       albertel 6456:     if ( value != NOVALUE )		/* passed a fixed value to be set */
                   6457:       argvalue = value;			/* set given fixed value */
                   6458:     else				/* get value from expression */
                   6459:       {	*expression = texsubexpr(*expression,valuearg,1023,"{","}",0,0);
                   6460: 	if ( *valuearg != '\000' )	/* guard against empty string */
                   6461: 	 if ( !isalpha(*valuearg) )	/* and against alpha string args */
                   6462: 	  if ( !isthischar(*valuearg,"?") ) /*leading ? is query for value*/
                   6463: 	   { isdelta = isthischar(*valuearg,"+-"); /* leading + or - */
                   6464: 	     if ( memcmp(valuearg,"--",2) == 0 ) /* leading -- signals...*/
                   6465: 	       { isdelta=0; strcpy(valuearg,valuearg+1); } /* ...not delta */
                   6466: 	     argvalue = atoi(valuearg); } } /* convert to int */
                   6467:     switch ( flag )
                   6468:       {
                   6469:       default: break;
                   6470:       case ISCOLOR:			/* set color */
                   6471: 	slower(valuearg);		/* convert arg to lower case */
                   6472: 	if ( argvalue==1 || strstr(valuearg,"red") )
                   6473: 	  { fggreen = fgblue = (isblackonwhite?0:255);
                   6474: 	    fgred = (isblackonwhite?255:0); }
                   6475: 	if ( argvalue==2 || strstr(valuearg,"green") )
                   6476: 	  { fgred = fgblue = (isblackonwhite?0:255);
                   6477: 	    fggreen = (isblackonwhite?255:0); }
                   6478: 	if ( argvalue==3 || strstr(valuearg,"blue") )
                   6479: 	  { fgred = fggreen = (isblackonwhite?0:255);
                   6480: 	    fgblue = (isblackonwhite?255:0); }
                   6481: 	if ( argvalue==0 || strstr(valuearg,"black") )
                   6482: 	    fgred = fggreen = fgblue = (isblackonwhite?0:255);
                   6483: 	if ( argvalue==7 || strstr(valuearg,"white") )
                   6484: 	    fgred = fggreen = fgblue = (isblackonwhite?255:0);
                   6485: 	break;
                   6486:       case ISFONTSIZE:			/* set fontsize */
                   6487: 	if ( argvalue != NOVALUE )	/* got a value */
                   6488: 	  { int largestsize = (issupersampling?16:LARGESTSIZE);
                   6489: 	    fontsize = (isdelta? fontsize+argvalue : argvalue);
                   6490: 	    fontsize = max2(0,min2(fontsize,largestsize));
                   6491: 	    shrinkfactor = shrinkfactors[fontsize];
1.2     ! albertel 6492: 	    if ( isdisplaystyle == 1	/* displaystyle enabled but not set*/
        !          6493: 	    ||  (1 && isdisplaystyle==2) /* displaystyle enabled and set */
        !          6494: 	    ||  (0 && isdisplaystyle==0) )/*\textstyle disabled displaystyle*/
1.1       albertel 6495: 	     if ( displaystylelevel != recurlevel ) /*respect \displaystyle*/
                   6496: 	      if ( !ispreambledollars )	/* respect $$...$$'s */
1.2     ! albertel 6497: 	       if ( fontsize >= displaysize )
        !          6498: 		isdisplaystyle = 2;	/* forced */
        !          6499: 	       else isdisplaystyle = 1;
1.1       albertel 6500: 	    /*displaystylelevel = (-99);*/ } /* reset \displaystyle level */
                   6501: 	else				/* embed font size in expression */
                   6502: 	  { sprintf(valuearg,"%d",fontsize); /* convert size */
                   6503: 	    valuelen = strlen(valuearg); /* ought to be 1 */
                   6504: 	    if ( *expression != '\000' ) /* ill-formed expression */
                   6505: 	     { *expression = (char *)(*expression-valuelen); /*back up buff*/
                   6506: 	       memcpy(*expression,valuearg,valuelen); } } /*and put in size*/
                   6507: 	break;
                   6508:       case ISDISPLAYSIZE:		/* set displaysize */
                   6509: 	if ( argvalue != NOVALUE )	/* got a value */
                   6510: 	    displaysize = (isdelta? displaysize+argvalue : argvalue);
                   6511: 	break;
1.2     ! albertel 6512:       case ISSMASH:			/* set (minimum) "smash" margin */
1.1       albertel 6513: 	if ( argvalue != NOVALUE )	/* got a value */
1.2     ! albertel 6514: 	  { smashmargin = argvalue;	/* set value */
1.1       albertel 6515: 	    if ( arg3 != NOVALUE ) isdelta=arg3; /* hard-coded isdelta */
1.2     ! albertel 6516: 	    issmashdelta = (isdelta?1:0); } /* and set delta flag */
        !          6517: 	smashmargin = max2((isdelta?-5:0),min2(smashmargin,32)); /*sanity*/
1.1       albertel 6518: 	break;
                   6519:       case ISSHRINK:			/* set shrinkfactor */
                   6520: 	if ( argvalue != NOVALUE )	/* got a value */
                   6521: 	  shrinkfactor = (isdelta? shrinkfactor+argvalue : argvalue);
                   6522: 	shrinkfactor = max2(1,min2(shrinkfactor,27)); /* sanity check */
                   6523: 	break;
                   6524:       case ISAAALGORITHM:		/* set anti-aliasing algorithm */
                   6525: 	if ( argvalue != NOVALUE )	/* got a value */
                   6526: 	  aaalgorithm = argvalue;	/* set algorithm number */
                   6527: 	aaalgorithm = max2(0,min2(aaalgorithm,3)); /* bounds check */
                   6528: 	break;
                   6529:       case ISWEIGHT:			/* set font weight number */
                   6530: 	value =	(argvalue==NOVALUE? NOVALUE : /* don't have a value */
                   6531: 		(isdelta? weightnum+argvalue : argvalue));
                   6532: 	if ( value>=0 && value<maxaaparams ) /* in range */
                   6533: 	  { weightnum   = value;	/* reset weightnum index */
                   6534: 	    minadjacent = aaparams[weightnum].minadjacent;
                   6535: 	    maxadjacent = aaparams[weightnum].maxadjacent;
                   6536: 	    cornerwt    = aaparams[weightnum].cornerwt;
                   6537: 	    adjacentwt  = aaparams[weightnum].adjacentwt;
                   6538: 	    centerwt    = aaparams[weightnum].centerwt;
                   6539: 	    fgalias     = aaparams[weightnum].fgalias;
                   6540: 	    fgonly      = aaparams[weightnum].fgonly;
                   6541: 	    bgalias     = aaparams[weightnum].bgalias;
                   6542: 	    bgonly      = aaparams[weightnum].bgonly; }
                   6543: 	break;
                   6544:       case ISCENTERWT:			/* set lowpass center pixel weight */
                   6545: 	if ( argvalue != NOVALUE )	/* got a value */
                   6546: 	  centerwt = argvalue;		/* set lowpass center weight */
                   6547: 	break;
                   6548:       case ISADJACENTWT:		/* set lowpass adjacent weight */
                   6549: 	if ( argvalue != NOVALUE )	/* got a value */
                   6550: 	  adjacentwt = argvalue;	/* set lowpass adjacent weight */
                   6551: 	break;
                   6552:       case ISCORNERWT:			/* set lowpass corner weight */
                   6553: 	if ( argvalue != NOVALUE )	/* got a value */
                   6554: 	  cornerwt = argvalue;		/* set lowpass corner weight */
                   6555: 	break;
                   6556:       } /* --- end-of-switch() --- */
                   6557:     break;
                   6558:   case PNMPARAMS:			/*set fgalias,fgonly,bgalias,bgonly*/
                   6559:     *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,valuearg,1023,"{","}",0,0);
                   6560:     valuelen = strlen(valuearg);	/* ought to be 1-4 */
                   6561:     if ( valuelen>0 && isthischar(toupper(valuearg[0]),"TY1") ) fgalias=1;
                   6562:     if ( valuelen>0 && isthischar(toupper(valuearg[0]),"FN0") ) fgalias=0;
                   6563:     if ( valuelen>1 && isthischar(toupper(valuearg[1]),"TY1") ) fgonly =1;
                   6564:     if ( valuelen>1 && isthischar(toupper(valuearg[1]),"FN0") ) fgonly =0;
                   6565:     if ( valuelen>2 && isthischar(toupper(valuearg[2]),"TY1") ) bgalias=1;
                   6566:     if ( valuelen>2 && isthischar(toupper(valuearg[2]),"FN0") ) bgalias=0;
                   6567:     if ( valuelen>3 && isthischar(toupper(valuearg[3]),"TY1") ) bgonly =1;
                   6568:     if ( valuelen>3 && isthischar(toupper(valuearg[3]),"FN0") ) bgonly =0;
                   6569:     break;
                   6570:   case UNITLENGTH:
                   6571:     if ( value != NOVALUE )		/* passed a fixed value to be set */
                   6572: 	unitlength = (double)(value);	/* set given fixed value */
                   6573:     else				/* get value from expression */
                   6574:       {	*expression = texsubexpr(*expression,valuearg,1023,"{","}",0,0);
                   6575: 	if ( *valuearg != '\000' )	/* guard against empty string */
                   6576: 	  unitlength = strtod(valuearg,NULL); } /* convert to double */
                   6577:     break;
                   6578:   } /* --- end-of-switch(flag) --- */
                   6579: return ( NULL );			/*just set value, nothing to display*/
                   6580: } /* --- end-of-function rastflags() --- */
                   6583: /* ==========================================================================
                   6584:  * Function:	rastspace(expression, size, basesp,  width, isfill, isheight)
                   6585:  * Purpose:	returns a blank/space subraster width wide,
                   6586:  *		with baseline and height corresponding to basep
                   6587:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6588:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   6589:  *				LaTeX expression (unused/unchanged)
                   6590:  *		size (I)	int containing base font size (not used,
                   6591:  *				just stored in subraster)
                   6592:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   6593:  *				immediately preceding space, whose baseline
                   6594:  *				and height params are transferred to space
                   6595:  *		width (I)	int containing #bits/pixels for space width
                   6596:  *		isfill (I)	int containing true to \hfill complete
                   6597:  *				expression out to width
                   6598:  *		isheight (I)	int containing true (but not NOVALUE)
                   6599:  *				to treat width arg as height
                   6600:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6601:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to empty/blank subraster
                   6602:  *				or NULL for any error
                   6603:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6604:  * Notes:     o
                   6605:  * ======================================================================= */
                   6606: /* --- entry point --- */
                   6607: subraster *rastspace ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   6608: 			int width, int isfill, int isheight )
                   6609: {
                   6610: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6611: Allocations and Declarations
                   6612: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6613: subraster *new_subraster(), *spacesp=NULL; /* subraster for space */
                   6614: int	baseht=1, baseln=0;		/* height,baseline of base symbol */
                   6615: int	pixsz = 1;			/*default #bits per pixel, 1=bitmap*/
                   6616: char	*texsubexpr(), widtharg[256];	/* parse for optional {width} */
                   6617: subraster *rasterize(), *rightsp=NULL;	/*rasterize right half of expression*/
                   6618: subraster *rastcat();			/* cat rightsp after \hfill */
                   6619: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6620: initialization
                   6621: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6622: if ( isfill == NOVALUE ) isfill=0;	/* novalue means false */
                   6623: if ( isheight == NOVALUE ) isheight=0;	/* novalue means false */
                   6624: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6625: determine width if not given (e.g., \hspace{width}, \hfill{width})
                   6626: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6627: if ( width <= 0 )			/* width specified in expression */
                   6628:   { int widthval;			/* test {width} before using it */
                   6629:     width = 1;				/* set default width */
                   6630:     *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,widtharg,255,"{","}",0,0);
                   6631:     widthval =				/* convert {width} to integer */
                   6632: 		(int)((unitlength*strtod(widtharg,NULL))+0.5);
                   6633:     if ( widthval>=2 && widthval<=600 )	/* sanity check */
                   6634:       width = widthval; }		/* replace deafault width */
                   6635: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6636: see if width is "absolute" or fill width
                   6637: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6638: if ( isfill				/* called as \hfill{} */
                   6639: &&   !isheight )			/* parameter conflict */
                   6640:  { if ( leftexpression != NULL )	/* if we have left half */
                   6641:     width -= (leftexpression->image)->width; /*reduce left width from total*/
                   6642:    if ( (rightsp=rasterize(*expression,size)) /* rasterize right half */
                   6643:    != NULL )				/* succeeded */
                   6644:     width -= (rightsp->image)->width; } /* reduce right width from total */
                   6645: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6646: construct blank subraster, and return it to caller
                   6647: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6648: /* --- get parameters from base symbol --- */
                   6649: if ( basesp != (subraster *)NULL )	/* we have base symbol for space */
                   6650:   { baseht = (basesp->image)->height; 	/* height of base symbol */
                   6651:     baseln =  basesp->baseline; }	/* and its baseline */
                   6652: /* --- flip params for height --- */
                   6653: if ( isheight )				/* width is actually height */
                   6654:   { baseht = width;			/* use given width as height */
                   6655:     width = 1; }			/* and set default width */
                   6656: /* --- generate and init space subraster --- */
                   6657: if ( width > 0 )			/*make sure we have positive width*/
                   6658:  if ( (spacesp=new_subraster(width,baseht,pixsz)) /*generate space subraster*/
                   6659:  !=   NULL )				/* and if we succeed... */
                   6660:   { /* --- subraster parameters --- */
                   6661:     spacesp->size = size;		/*propagate base font size forward*/
                   6662:     spacesp->baseline = baseln; }	/* ditto baseline */
                   6663: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6664: concat right half if \hfill-ing
                   6665: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6666: if ( rightsp != NULL )			/* we have a right half after fill */
                   6667:   { spacesp = (spacesp==NULL? rightsp:	/* no space, so just use right half*/
                   6668: 	rastcat(spacesp,rightsp,3));	/* or cat right half after space */
                   6669:     spacesp->type = blanksignal;	/* need to propagate blanks */
                   6670:     *expression += strlen((*expression)); } /* push expression to its null */
                   6671: return ( spacesp );
                   6672: } /* --- end-of-function rastspace() --- */
                   6675: /* ==========================================================================
                   6676:  * Function:	rastnewline ( expression, size, basesp,  arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   6677:  * Purpose:	\\ handler, returns subraster corresponding to
                   6678:  *		left-hand expression preceding \\ above right-hand expression
                   6679:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6680:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   6681:  *				string immediately following \\ to be
                   6682:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   6683:  *				to terminating null.
1.2     ! albertel 6684:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
1.1       albertel 6685:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
1.2     ! albertel 6686:  *				immediately preceding \\
1.1       albertel 6687:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   6688:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   6689:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   6690:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   6691:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6692:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to expression,
                   6693:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
                   6694:  *				(expression ptr unchanged if error occurs)
                   6695:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6696:  * Notes:     o
                   6697:  * ======================================================================= */
                   6698: /* --- entry point --- */
                   6699: subraster *rastnewline ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   6700: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   6701: {
                   6702: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6703: Allocations and Declarations
                   6704: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6705: subraster *rastack(), *newlsp=NULL;	/* subraster for both lines */
                   6706: subraster *rasterize(), *rightsp=NULL;	/*rasterize right half of expression*/
                   6707: char	*texsubexpr(), spacexpr[129]/*, *xptr=spacexpr*/; /*for \\[vspace]*/
                   6708: double	strtod();			/* convert ascii param to double */
                   6709: int	vspace = size+2;		/* #pixels between lines */
                   6710: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6711: obtain optional [vspace] argument immediately following \\ command
                   6712: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6713: /* --- check if [vspace] given --- */
                   6714: if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/*have [vspace] if leading char is [*/
                   6715:   {
                   6716:   /* ---parse [vspace] and bump expression past it, interpret as double--- */
                   6717:   *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,spacexpr,127,"[","]",0,0);
                   6718:   if ( *spacexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get [vspace] */
                   6719:   vspace = iround(unitlength*strtod(spacexpr,NULL)); /* vspace in pixels */
                   6720:   } /* --- end-of-if(*(*expression)=='[') --- */
                   6721: if ( leftexpression == NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* nothing preceding \\ */
                   6722: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6723: rasterize right half of expression and stack left half above it
                   6724: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6725: /* --- rasterize right half --- */
                   6726: if ( (rightsp=rasterize(*expression,size)) /* rasterize right half */
                   6727: == NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   6728: /* --- stack left half above it --- */
1.2     ! albertel 6729: /*newlsp = rastack(rightsp,leftexpression,1,vspace,0,3);*//*right under left*/
        !          6730: newlsp = rastack(rightsp,leftexpression,1,vspace,0,1); /*right under left*/
1.1       albertel 6731: /* --- back to caller --- */
                   6732: end_of_job:
                   6733:   if ( newlsp != NULL )			/* returning entire expression */
                   6734:     { int newht = (newlsp->image)->height; /* height of returned subraster */
                   6735:       newlsp->baseline = min2(newht-1,newht/2+5); /* guess new baseline */
                   6736:       isreplaceleft = 1;		/* so set flag to replace left half*/
                   6737:       *expression += strlen(*expression); } /* and push to terminating null*/
                   6738:   return ( newlsp );			/* 1st line over 2nd, or null=error*/
                   6739: } /* --- end-of-function rastnewline() --- */
                   6742: /* ==========================================================================
                   6743:  * Function:	rastarrow ( expression, size, basesp,  drctn, isBig, arg3 )
                   6744:  * Purpose:	returns left/right arrow subraster (e.g., for \longrightarrow)
                   6745:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6746:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   6747:  *				LaTeX expression (unused/unchanged)
                   6748:  *		size (I)	int containing base font size (not used,
                   6749:  *				just stored in subraster)
                   6750:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   6751:  *				immediately preceding space, whose baseline
                   6752:  *				and height params are transferred to space
                   6753:  *		drctn (I)	int containing +1 for right, -1 for left,
                   6754:  *				or 0 for leftright
                   6755:  *		isBig (I)	int containing 0 for ---> or 1 for ===>
                   6756:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   6757:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6758:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to left/right arrow subraster
                   6759:  *				or NULL for any error
                   6760:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6761:  * Notes:     o	An optional argument [width] may *immediately* follow
                   6762:  *		the \longxxx to explicitly set the arrow's width in pixels.
                   6763:  *		For example, \longrightarrow calculates a default width
                   6764:  *		(as usual in LaTeX), whereas \longrightarrow[50] explicitly
                   6765:  *		draws a 50-pixel long arrow.  This can be used, e.g.,
                   6766:  *		to draw commutative diagrams in conjunction with
                   6767:  *		\array (and maybe with \stackrel and/or \relstack, too).
                   6768:  *	      o	In case you really want to render, say, [f]---->[g], just
                   6769:  *		use an intervening space, i.e., [f]\longrightarrow~[g].
                   6770:  *		In text mode use two spaces {\rm~[f]\longrightarrow~~[g]}.
                   6771:  * ======================================================================= */
                   6772: /* --- entry point --- */
                   6773: subraster *rastarrow ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   6774: 			int drctn, int isBig, int arg3 )
                   6775: {
                   6776: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6777: Allocations and Declarations
                   6778: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6779: subraster *arrow_subraster(), *arrowsp=NULL; /* subraster for arrow */
                   6780: char	*texsubexpr(), widtharg[256];	/* parse for optional [width] */
                   6781: char	*texscripts(), sub[1024],super[1024]; /* and _^limits after [width]*/
                   6782: subraster *rasterize(), *subsp=NULL,*supsp=NULL; /*rasterize limits*/
                   6783: subraster *new_subraster(), *rastack(), *spacesp=NULL; /*space below arrow*/
                   6784: int	delete_subraster();		/*free work areas in case of error*/
                   6785: double	strtod();			/* convert ascii [width] to value */
                   6786: int	width = 10 + 8*size,  height;	/* width, height for \longxxxarrow */
                   6787: int	islimits = 1;			/*true to handle limits internally*/
                   6788: int	limsize = size-1;		/* font size for limits */
                   6789: int	vspace = 1;			/* #empty rows below arrow */
                   6790: int	pixsz = 1;			/*default #bits per pixel, 1=bitmap*/
                   6791: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6792: construct longleft/rightarrow subraster, with limits, and return it to caller
                   6793: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6794: /* --- check for optional width arg and replace default width --- */
                   6795: if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/*check for []-enclosed optional arg*/
                   6796:   { int widthval;			/* test [width] before using it */
                   6797:     *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,widtharg,255,"[","]",0,0);
                   6798:     widthval =				/* convert [width] to integer */
                   6799: 		(int)((unitlength*strtod(widtharg,NULL))+0.5);
                   6800:     if ( widthval>=2 && widthval<=600 )	/* sanity check */
                   6801:       width = widthval; }		/* replace deafault width */
                   6802: /* --- now parse for limits, and bump expression past it(them) --- */
                   6803: if ( islimits )				/* handling limits internally */
                   6804:   { *expression = texscripts(*expression,sub,super,3); /* parse for limits */
                   6805:     if ( *sub != '\000' )		/*have a subscript following arrow*/
                   6806:       subsp = rasterize(sub,limsize);	/* so try to rasterize subscript */
                   6807:     if ( *super != '\000' )		/*have superscript following arrow*/
                   6808:       supsp = rasterize(super,limsize); } /*so try to rasterize superscript*/
                   6809: /* --- set height based on width --- */
                   6810: height = min2(17,max2(9,(width+2)/6));	/* height based on width */
                   6811: height = 1 + (height/2)*2;		/* always force odd height */
                   6812: /* --- generate arrow subraster --- */
                   6813: if ( (arrowsp=arrow_subraster(width,height,pixsz,drctn,isBig)) /*build arrow*/
                   6814: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if we failed */
                   6815: /* --- add space below arrow --- */
                   6816: if ( vspace > 0 )			/* if we have space below arrow */
                   6817:   if ( (spacesp=new_subraster(width,vspace,pixsz)) /*allocate required space*/
                   6818:   !=   NULL )				/* and if we succeeded */
                   6819:     if ( (arrowsp = rastack(spacesp,arrowsp,2,0,1,3)) /* space below arrow */
                   6820:     ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/* and quit if we failed */
                   6821: /* --- init arrow subraster parameters --- */
                   6822: arrowsp->size = size;			/*propagate base font size forward*/
                   6823: arrowsp->baseline = height+vspace-1;	/* set baseline at bottom of arrow */
                   6824: /* --- add limits above/below arrow, as necessary --- */
                   6825: if ( subsp != NULL )			/* stack subscript below arrow */
                   6826:   if ( (arrowsp = rastack(subsp,arrowsp,2,0,1,3)) /* subscript below arrow */
                   6827:   ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   6828: if ( supsp != NULL )			/* stack superscript above arrow */
                   6829:   if ( (arrowsp = rastack(arrowsp,supsp,1,vspace,1,3)) /*supsc above arrow*/
                   6830:   ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   6831: /* --- return arrow (or NULL) to caller --- */
                   6832: end_of_job:
                   6833:   return ( arrowsp );
                   6834: } /* --- end-of-function rastarrow() --- */
                   6837: /* ==========================================================================
                   6838:  * Function:	rastuparrow ( expression, size, basesp,  drctn, isBig, arg3 )
                   6839:  * Purpose:	returns an up/down arrow subraster (e.g., for \longuparrow)
                   6840:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6841:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   6842:  *				LaTeX expression (unused/unchanged)
                   6843:  *		size (I)	int containing base font size (not used,
                   6844:  *				just stored in subraster)
                   6845:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   6846:  *				immediately preceding space, whose baseline
                   6847:  *				and height params are transferred to space
                   6848:  *		drctn (I)	int containing +1 for up, -1 for down,
                   6849:  *				or 0 for updown
                   6850:  *		isBig (I)	int containing 0 for ---> or 1 for ===>
                   6851:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   6852:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6853:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to up/down arrow subraster
                   6854:  *				or NULL for any error
                   6855:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6856:  * Notes:     o	An optional argument [height] may *immediately* follow
                   6857:  *		the \longxxx to explicitly set the arrow's height in pixels.
                   6858:  *		For example, \longuparrow calculates a default height
                   6859:  *		(as usual in LaTeX), whereas \longuparrow[25] explicitly
                   6860:  *		draws a 25-pixel high arrow.  This can be used, e.g.,
                   6861:  *		to draw commutative diagrams in conjunction with
                   6862:  *		\array (and maybe with \stackrel and/or \relstack, too).
                   6863:  *	      o	In case you really want to render, say, [f]---->[g], just
                   6864:  *		use an intervening space, i.e., [f]\longuparrow~[g].
                   6865:  *		In text use two spaces {\rm~[f]\longuparrow~~[g]}.
                   6866:  * ======================================================================= */
                   6867: /* --- entry point --- */
                   6868: subraster *rastuparrow ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   6869: 			int drctn, int isBig, int arg3 )
                   6870: {
                   6871: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6872: Allocations and Declarations
                   6873: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6874: subraster *uparrow_subraster(), *arrowsp=NULL; /* subraster for arrow */
                   6875: char	*texsubexpr(), heightarg[256];	/* parse for optional [height] */
                   6876: char	*texscripts(), sub[1024],super[1024]; /* and _^limits after [width]*/
                   6877: subraster *rasterize(), *subsp=NULL,*supsp=NULL; /*rasterize limits*/
                   6878: subraster *rastcat();			/* cat superscript left, sub right */
                   6879: double	strtod();			/* convert ascii [height] to value */
                   6880: int	height = 8 + 2*size,  width;	/* height, width for \longxxxarrow */
                   6881: int	islimits = 1;			/*true to handle limits internally*/
                   6882: int	limsize = size-1;		/* font size for limits */
                   6883: int	pixsz = 1;			/*default #bits per pixel, 1=bitmap*/
                   6884: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6885: construct blank subraster, and return it to caller
                   6886: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6887: /* --- check for optional height arg and replace default height --- */
                   6888: if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/*check for []-enclosed optional arg*/
                   6889:   { int heightval;			/* test height before using it */
                   6890:     *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,heightarg,255,"[","]",0,0);
                   6891:     heightval =				/* convert [height] to integer */
                   6892: 		(int)((unitlength*strtod(heightarg,NULL))+0.5);
                   6893:     if ( heightval>=2 && heightval<=600 ) /* sanity check */
                   6894:       height = heightval; }		/* replace deafault height */
                   6895: /* --- now parse for limits, and bump expression past it(them) --- */
                   6896: if ( islimits )				/* handling limits internally */
                   6897:   { *expression = texscripts(*expression,sub,super,3); /* parse for limits */
                   6898:     if ( *sub != '\000' )		/*have a subscript following arrow*/
                   6899:       subsp = rasterize(sub,limsize);	/* so try to rasterize subscript */
                   6900:     if ( *super != '\000' )		/*have superscript following arrow*/
                   6901:       supsp = rasterize(super,limsize); } /*so try to rasterize superscript*/
                   6902: /* --- set width based on height --- */
                   6903: width = min2(17,max2(9,(height+2)/4));	/* width based on height */
                   6904: width = 1 + (width/2)*2;		/* always force odd width */
                   6905: /* --- generate arrow subraster --- */
                   6906: if ( (arrowsp=uparrow_subraster(width,height,pixsz,drctn,isBig)) /*build arr*/
                   6907: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if we failed */
                   6908: /* --- init arrow subraster parameters --- */
                   6909: arrowsp->size = size;			/*propagate base font size forward*/
                   6910: arrowsp->baseline = height-1;		/* set baseline at bottom of arrow */
                   6911: /* --- add limits above/below arrow, as necessary --- */
                   6912: if ( supsp != NULL )			/* cat superscript to left of arrow*/
                   6913:   { int	supht = (supsp->image)->height,	/* superscript height */
                   6914: 	deltab = (1+abs(height-supht))/2; /* baseline difference to center */
                   6915:   supsp->baseline = supht-1;		/* force script baseline to bottom */
                   6916:   if ( supht <= height )		/* arrow usually taller than script*/
                   6917: 	arrowsp->baseline -= deltab;	/* so bottom of script goes here */
                   6918:   else	supsp->baseline -= deltab;	/* else bottom of arrow goes here */
                   6919:   if ( (arrowsp = rastcat(supsp,arrowsp,3)) /* superscript left of arrow */
                   6920:     ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job; }	/* quit if failed */
                   6921: if ( subsp != NULL )			/* cat subscript to right of arrow */
                   6922:   { int	subht = (subsp->image)->height,	/* subscript height */
                   6923: 	deltab = (1+abs(height-subht))/2; /* baseline difference to center */
                   6924:   arrowsp->baseline = height-1;		/* reset arrow baseline to bottom */
                   6925:   subsp->baseline = subht-1;		/* force script baseline to bottom */
                   6926:   if ( subht <= height )		/* arrow usually taller than script*/
                   6927: 	arrowsp->baseline -= deltab;	/* so bottom of script goes here */
                   6928:   else	subsp->baseline -= deltab;	/* else bottom of arrow goes here */
                   6929:   if ( (arrowsp = rastcat(arrowsp,subsp,3)) /* subscript right of arrow */
                   6930:     ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job; }	/* quit if failed */
                   6931: /* --- return arrow (or NULL) to caller --- */
                   6932: end_of_job:
                   6933:   arrowsp->baseline = height-1;		/* reset arrow baseline to bottom */
                   6934:   return ( arrowsp );
                   6935: } /* --- end-of-function rastuparrow() --- */
                   6938: /* ==========================================================================
                   6939:  * Function:	rastoverlay (expression, size, basesp, overlay, offset2, arg3)
                   6940:  * Purpose:	overlays one raster on another
                   6941:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6942:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   6943:  *				string immediately following overlay \cmd to
                   6944:  *				be rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   6945:  *				following last character processed.
                   6946:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   6947:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   6948:  *				immediately preceding overlay \cmd
                   6949:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   6950:  *		overlay (I)	int containing 1 to overlay / (e.g., \not)
                   6951:  *				or NOVALUE to pick up 2nd arg from expression
                   6952:  *		offset2 (I)	int containing #pixels to horizontally offset
                   6953:  *				overlay relative to underlying symbol,
                   6954:  *				positive(right) or negative or 0,
                   6955:  *				or NOVALUE to pick up optional [offset] arg
                   6956:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   6957:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6958:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to composite,
                   6959:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
                   6960:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6961:  * Notes:     o
                   6962:  * ======================================================================= */
                   6963: /* --- entry point --- */
                   6964: subraster *rastoverlay ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   6965: 			int overlay, int offset2, int arg3 )
                   6966: {
                   6967: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6968: Allocations and Declarations
                   6969: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6970: char	*texsubexpr(),			/*parse expression for base,overlay*/
                   6971: 	expr1[512], expr2[512];		/* base, overlay */
                   6972: subraster *rasterize(), *sp1=NULL, *sp2=NULL, /*rasterize 1=base, 2=overlay*/
                   6973: 	*new_subraster();		/*explicitly alloc sp2 if necessary*/
                   6974: subraster *rastcompose(), *overlaysp=NULL; /*subraster for composite overlay*/
                   6975: int	line_raster();			/* draw diagonal for \Not */
                   6976: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   6977: Obtain base, and maybe overlay, and rasterize them
                   6978: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   6979: /* --- check for optional offset2 arg  --- */
                   6980: if ( offset2 == NOVALUE )		/* only if not explicitly specified*/
                   6981:  if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/*check for []-enclosed optional arg*/
                   6982:   { int offsetval;			/* test before using it */
                   6983:     *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,expr2,511,"[","]",0,0);
                   6984:     offsetval = (int)(strtod(expr2,NULL)+0.5); /* convert [offset2] to int */
                   6985:     if ( abs(offsetval) <= 25 )		/* sanity check */
                   6986:       offset2 = offsetval; }		/* replace deafault */
                   6987: if ( offset2 == NOVALUE ) offset2 = 0;	/* novalue means no offset */
                   6988: /* --- parse for base, bump expression past it, and rasterize it --- */
                   6989: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,expr1,511,"{","}",0,0);
                   6990: if ( *expr1 == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* nothing to overlay, so quit */
                   6991: if ( (sp1=rasterize(expr1,size))	/* rasterize base expression */
                   6992: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed to rasterize */
                   6993: overlaysp = sp1;			/*in case we return with no overlay*/
                   6994: /* --- get overlay expression, and rasterize it --- */
                   6995: if ( overlay == NOVALUE )		/* get overlay from input stream */
                   6996:   { *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,expr2,511,"{","}",0,0);
                   6997:     if ( *expr2 != '\000' )		/* have an overlay */
                   6998:       sp2 = rasterize(expr2,size); }	/* so rasterize overlay expression */
                   6999: else					/* specific overlay */
                   7000:   switch ( overlay )
                   7001:     {
                   7002:     default: break;
                   7003:     case 1:				/* e.g., \not overlays slash */
                   7004:       sp2 = rasterize("/",size+1);	/* rasterize overlay expression */
                   7005:       offset2 = max2(1,size-3);		/* push / right a bit */
                   7006:       offset2 = 0;
                   7007:       break;
                   7008:     case 2:				/* e.g., \Not draws diagonal */
                   7009:       sp2 = NULL;			/* no overlay required */
                   7010:       if ( overlaysp != NULL )		/* check that we have raster */
                   7011: 	{ raster *rp = overlaysp->image; /* raster to be \Not-ed */
                   7012: 	  int width=rp->width, height=rp->height; /* raster dimensions */
                   7013: 	  if ( 0 )			/* diagonal within bounding box */
                   7014: 	   line_raster(rp,0,width-1,height-1,0,1); /* just draw diagonal */
                   7015: 	  else				/* construct "wide" diagonal */
                   7016: 	   { int margin=3;		/* desired extra margin width */
                   7017: 	     sp2 = new_subraster(width+margin,height+margin,1); /*alloc it*/
                   7018: 	     if ( sp2 != NULL )		/* allocated successfully */
                   7019: 	      line_raster(sp2->image,0,width+margin-1,height+margin-1,0,1);}}
                   7020:       break;
                   7021:     case 3:				/* e.g., \sout for strikeout */
                   7022:       sp2 = NULL;			/* no overlay required */
                   7023:       if ( overlaysp != NULL )		/* check that we have raster */
                   7024: 	{ raster *rp = overlaysp->image; /* raster to be \Not-ed */
                   7025: 	  int width=rp->width, height=rp->height; /* raster dimensions */
                   7026: 	  int baseline = overlaysp->baseline; /* we'll ignore descenders */
                   7027: 	  int midrow = max2(0,min2(height-1,offset2+((baseline+1)/2)));
                   7028: 	  if ( 1 )			/* strikeout within bounding box */
                   7029: 	    line_raster(rp,midrow,0,midrow,width-1,1); } /*draw strikeout*/
                   7030:       break;
                   7031:     } /* --- end-of-switch(overlay) --- */
                   7032: if ( sp2 == NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/*return sp1 if failed to rasterize*/
                   7033: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7034: construct composite overlay
                   7035: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7036: overlaysp = rastcompose(sp1,sp2,offset2,0,3);
                   7037: end_of_job:
                   7038:   return ( overlaysp );
                   7039: } /* --- end-of-function rastoverlay() --- */
                   7042: /* ==========================================================================
                   7043:  * Function:	rastfrac ( expression, size, basesp,  isfrac, arg2, arg3 )
                   7044:  * Purpose:	\frac,\atop handler, returns a subraster corresponding to
                   7045:  *		expression (immediately following \frac,\atop) at font size
                   7046:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7047:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   7048:  *				string immediately following \frac to be
                   7049:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   7050:  *				following last character processed.
                   7051:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   7052:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   7053:  *				immediately preceding \frac
                   7054:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   7055:  *		isfrac (I)	int containing true to draw horizontal line
                   7056:  *				between numerator and denominator,
                   7057:  *				or false not to draw it (for \atop).
                   7058:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   7059:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   7060:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7061:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to fraction,
                   7062:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
                   7063:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7064:  * Notes:     o
                   7065:  * ======================================================================= */
                   7066: /* --- entry point --- */
                   7067: subraster *rastfrac ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   7068: 			int isfrac, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   7069: {
                   7070: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7071: Allocations and Declarations
                   7072: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7073: char	*texsubexpr(),			/*parse expression for numer,denom*/
                   7074: 	numer[8192], denom[8192];	/*numer,denom parsed from expression*/
                   7075: subraster *rasterize(), *numsp=NULL, *densp=NULL; /*rasterize numer, denom*/
                   7076: subraster *rastack(), *fracsp=NULL;	/* subraster for numer/denom */
                   7077: subraster *new_subraster()/*, *spacesp=NULL*/; /* space for num or den */
                   7078: int	width=0,			/* width of constructed raster */
                   7079: 	numheight=0;			/* height of numerator */
                   7080: int	baseht=0, baseln=0;		/* height,baseline of base symbol */
                   7081: /*int	istweak = 1;*/			/*true to tweak baseline alignment*/
                   7082: int	rule_raster(),			/* draw horizontal line for frac */
                   7083: 	lineheight = 1;			/* thickness of fraction line */
1.2     ! albertel 7084: int	vspace = (size>2?2:1);		/*vertical space between components*/
1.1       albertel 7085: int	delete_subraster();		/*free work areas in case of error*/
                   7086: int	type_raster();			/* display debugging output */
                   7087: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7088: Obtain numerator and denominator, and rasterize them
                   7089: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7090: /* --- parse for numerator,denominator and bump expression past them --- */
                   7091: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,numer,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   7092: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,denom,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   7093: if ( *numer=='\000' && *denom=='\000' )	/* missing both components of frac */
                   7094:   goto end_of_job;			/* nothing to do, so quit */
                   7095: /* --- rasterize numerator, denominator --- */
                   7096: if ( *numer != '\000' )			/* have a numerator */
                   7097:  if ( (numsp = rasterize(numer,size-1))	/* so rasterize numer at size-1 */
                   7098:  ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if failed */
                   7099: if ( *denom != '\000' )			/* have a denominator */
                   7100:  if ( (densp = rasterize(denom,size-1))	/* so rasterize denom at size-1 */
                   7101:  ==   NULL )				/* failed */
                   7102:   { if ( numsp != NULL )		/* already rasterized numerator */
                   7103:       delete_subraster(numsp);		/* so free now-unneeded numerator */
                   7104:     goto end_of_job; }			/* and quit */
                   7105: /* --- if one componenet missing, use a blank space for it --- */
                   7106: if ( numsp == NULL )			/* no numerator given */
                   7107:   numsp = rasterize("[?]",size-1);	/* missing numerator */
                   7108: if ( densp == NULL )			/* no denominator given */
                   7109:   densp = rasterize("[?]",size-1);	/* missing denominator */
                   7110: /* --- check that we got both components --- */
                   7111: if ( numsp==NULL || densp==NULL )	/* some problem */
                   7112:   { delete_subraster(numsp);		/*delete numerator (if it existed)*/
                   7113:     delete_subraster(densp);		/*delete denominator (if it existed)*/
                   7114:     goto end_of_job; }			/* and quit */
                   7115: /* --- get height of numerator (to determine where line belongs) --- */
                   7116: numheight = (numsp->image)->height;	/* get numerator's height */
                   7117: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7118: construct raster with numerator stacked over denominator
                   7119: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7120: /* --- construct raster with numer/denom --- */
                   7121: if ( (fracsp = rastack(densp,numsp,0,2*vspace+lineheight,1,3))/*numer/denom*/
                   7122: ==  NULL )				/* failed to construct numer/denom */
                   7123:   { delete_subraster(numsp);		/* so free now-unneeded numerator */
                   7124:     delete_subraster(densp);		/* and now-unneeded denominator */
                   7125:     goto end_of_job; }			/* and then quit */
                   7126: /* --- determine width of constructed raster --- */
                   7127: width = (fracsp->image)->width;		/*just get width of embedded image*/
                   7128: /* --- initialize subraster parameters --- */
                   7129: fracsp->size = size;			/* propagate font size forward */
                   7130: fracsp->baseline = (numheight+vspace+lineheight)+(size+2);/*default baseline*/
                   7131: if ( basesp != (subraster *)NULL )	/* we have base symbol for frac */
                   7132:   { baseht = (basesp->image)->height; 	/* height of base symbol */
                   7133:     baseln =  basesp->baseline;		/* and its baseline */
                   7134:   } /* --- end-of-if(basesp!=NULL) --- */
                   7135: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7136: draw horizontal line between numerator and denominator
                   7137: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7138: if ( isfrac )				/*line for \frac, but not for \atop*/
                   7139:   rule_raster(fracsp->image,numheight+vspace,0,width,lineheight,0);
                   7140: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7141: return final result to caller
                   7142: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7143: end_of_job:
                   7144:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )
                   7145:     { fprintf(msgfp,"rastfrac> returning %s\n",(fracsp==NULL?"null":"..."));
                   7146:       if ( fracsp != NULL )		/* have a constructed raster */
                   7147: 	type_raster(fracsp->image,msgfp); } /* display constructed raster */
                   7148:   return ( fracsp );
                   7149: } /* --- end-of-function rastfrac() --- */
                   7152: /* ==========================================================================
                   7153:  * Function:	rastackrel ( expression, size, basesp,  base, arg2, arg3 )
                   7154:  * Purpose:	\stackrel handler, returns a subraster corresponding to
                   7155:  *		stacked relation
                   7156:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7157:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   7158:  *				string immediately following \stackrel to be
                   7159:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   7160:  *				following last character processed.
                   7161:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   7162:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   7163:  *				immediately preceding \stackrel
                   7164:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   7165:  *		base (I)	int containing 1 if upper/first subexpression
                   7166:  *				is base relation, or 2 if lower/second is
                   7167:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   7168:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   7169:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7170:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to stacked
                   7171:  *				relation, or NULL for any parsing error
                   7172:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7173:  * Notes:     o
                   7174:  * ======================================================================= */
                   7175: /* --- entry point --- */
                   7176: subraster *rastackrel ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   7177: 			int base, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   7178: {
                   7179: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7180: Allocations and Declarations
                   7181: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7182: char	*texsubexpr(),			/*parse expression for numer,denom*/
                   7183: 	upper[8192], lower[8192];	/*upper,lower parsed from expression*/
                   7184: subraster *rasterize(), *upsp=NULL, *lowsp=NULL; /* rasterize upper, lower */
                   7185: subraster *rastack(), *relsp=NULL;	/* subraster for upper/lower */
                   7186: int	upsize  = (base==1? size:size-1), /* font size for upper component */
                   7187: 	lowsize = (base==2? size:size-1); /* font size for lower component */
                   7188: int	vspace = 1;			/*vertical space between components*/
                   7189: int	delete_subraster();		/*free work areas in case of error*/
                   7190: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7191: Obtain numerator and denominator, and rasterize them
                   7192: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7193: /* --- parse for numerator,denominator and bump expression past them --- */
                   7194: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,upper,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   7195: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,lower,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   7196: if ( *upper=='\000' || *lower=='\000' )	/* missing either component */
                   7197:   goto end_of_job;			/* nothing to do, so quit */
                   7198: /* --- rasterize upper, lower --- */
                   7199: if ( *upper != '\000' )			/* have upper component */
                   7200:  if ( (upsp = rasterize(upper,upsize))	/* so rasterize upper component */
                   7201:  ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if failed */
                   7202: if ( *lower != '\000' )			/* have lower component */
                   7203:  if ( (lowsp = rasterize(lower,lowsize)) /* so rasterize lower component */
                   7204:  ==   NULL )				/* failed */
                   7205:   { if ( upsp != NULL )			/* already rasterized upper */
                   7206:       delete_subraster(upsp);		/* so free now-unneeded upper */
                   7207:     goto end_of_job; }			/* and quit */
                   7208: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7209: construct stacked relation raster
                   7210: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7211: /* --- construct stacked relation --- */
                   7212: if ( (relsp = rastack(lowsp,upsp,3-base,vspace,1,3)) /* stacked relation */
                   7213: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   7214: /* --- initialize subraster parameters --- */
                   7215: relsp->size = size;			/* propagate font size forward */
                   7216: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7217: return final result to caller
                   7218: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7219: end_of_job:
                   7220:   return ( relsp );
                   7221: } /* --- end-of-function rastackrel() --- */
                   7224: /* ==========================================================================
                   7225:  * Function:	rastmathfunc ( expression, size, basesp,  base, arg2, arg3 )
                   7226:  * Purpose:	\log, \lim, etc handler, returns a subraster corresponding
                   7227:  *		to math functions
                   7228:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7229:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   7230:  *				string immediately following \mathfunc to be
                   7231:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   7232:  *				following last character processed.
                   7233:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   7234:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   7235:  *				immediately preceding \mathfunc
                   7236:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   7237:  *		mathfunc (I)	int containing 1=arccos, 2=arcsin, etc.
                   7238:  *		islimits (I)	int containing 1 if function may have
                   7239:  *				limits underneath, e.g., \lim_{n\to\infty}
                   7240:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   7241:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7242:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to mathfunc,
                   7243:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
                   7244:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7245:  * Notes:     o
                   7246:  * ======================================================================= */
                   7247: /* --- entry point --- */
                   7248: subraster *rastmathfunc ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   7249: 			int mathfunc, int islimits, int arg3 )
                   7250: {
                   7251: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7252: Allocations and Declarations
                   7253: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7254: char	*texscripts(),			/* parse expression for _limits */
                   7255: 	func[4096], limits[8192];	/* func as {\rm func}, limits */
                   7256: char	*texsubexpr(),			/* parse expression for arg */
                   7257: 	funcarg[2048];			/* optional func arg */
                   7258: subraster *rasterize(), *funcsp=NULL, *limsp=NULL; /*rasterize func,limits*/
                   7259: subraster *rastack(), *mathfuncsp=NULL;	/* subraster for mathfunc/limits */
                   7260: int	limsize = size-1;		/* font size for limits */
                   7261: int	vspace = 1;			/*vertical space between components*/
                   7262: int	delete_subraster();		/*free work areas in case of error*/
                   7263: /* --- table of function names by mathfunc number --- */
                   7264: static	int  numnames = 34;		/* number of names in table */
                   7265: static	char *funcnames[] = {
                   7266: 	"error",			/*  0 index is illegal/error bucket*/
                   7267: 	"arccos",  "arcsin",  "arctan",	/*  1 -  3 */
                   7268: 	"arg",     "cos",     "cosh",	/*  4 -  6 */
                   7269: 	"cot",     "coth",    "csc",	/*  7 -  9 */
                   7270: 	"deg",     "det",     "dim",	/* 10 - 12 */
                   7271: 	"exp",     "gcd",     "hom",	/* 13 - 15 */
                   7272: 	"inf",     "ker",     "lg",	/* 16 - 18 */
                   7273: 	"lim",     "liminf",  "limsup",	/* 19 - 21 */
                   7274: 	"ln",      "log",     "max",	/* 22 - 24 */
                   7275: 	"min",     "Pr",      "sec",	/* 25 - 27 */
                   7276: 	"sin",     "sinh",    "sup",	/* 28 - 30 */
                   7277: 	"tan",     "tanh",		/* 31 - 32 */
                   7278: 	/* --- extra mimetex funcnames --- */
                   7279: 	"tr",				/* 33 */
                   7280: 	"pmod"				/* 34 */
                   7281: 	} ;
                   7282: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7283: set up and rasterize function name in \rm
                   7284: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7285: if ( mathfunc<0 || mathfunc>numnames ) mathfunc=0; /* check index bounds */
                   7286: switch ( mathfunc )			/* check for special processing */
                   7287:   {
                   7288:   default:				/* no special processing */
                   7289:     strcpy(func,"{\\rm~");		/* init string with {\rm~ */
                   7290:     strcat(func,funcnames[mathfunc]);	/* concat function name */
                   7291:     strcat(func,"}");			/* and add terminating } */
                   7292:     break;
                   7293:   case 34:				/* \pmod{x} --> (mod x) */
                   7294:     /* --- parse for \pmod{arg} argument --- */
                   7295:     *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,funcarg,2047,"{","}",0,0);
                   7296:     strcpy(func,"{\\({\\rm~mod}");	/* init with {\left({\rm~mod} */
                   7297:     strcat(func,"\\hspace2");		/* concat space */
                   7298:     strcat(func,funcarg);		/* and \pmodargument */
                   7299:     strcat(func,"\\)}");		/* and add terminating \right)} */
                   7300:     break;
                   7301:   } /* --- end-of-switch(mathfunc) --- */
                   7302: if ( (funcsp = rasterize(func,size))	/* rasterize function name */
                   7303: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if failed */
                   7304: mathfuncsp = funcsp;			/* just return funcsp if no limits */
                   7305: if ( !islimits ) goto end_of_job;	/* treat any subscript normally */
                   7306: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7307: Obtain limits, if permitted and if provided, and rasterize them
                   7308: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7309: /* --- parse for subscript limits, and bump expression past it(them) --- */
                   7310: *expression = texscripts(*expression,limits,limits,1);
                   7311: if ( *limits=='\000') goto end_of_job;	/* no limits, nothing to do, quit */
                   7312: /* --- rasterize limits --- */
                   7313: if ( (limsp = rasterize(limits,limsize)) /* rasterize limits */
                   7314: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if failed */
                   7315: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7316: construct func atop limits
                   7317: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7318: /* --- construct func atop limits --- */
                   7319: if ( (mathfuncsp = rastack(limsp,funcsp,2,vspace,1,3)) /* func atop limits */
                   7320: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   7321: /* --- initialize subraster parameters --- */
                   7322: mathfuncsp->size = size;		/* propagate font size forward */
                   7323: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7324: return final result to caller
                   7325: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7326: end_of_job:
                   7327:   return ( mathfuncsp );
                   7328: } /* --- end-of-function rastmathfunc() --- */
                   7331: /* ==========================================================================
                   7332:  * Function:	rastsqrt ( expression, size, basesp,  arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   7333:  * Purpose:	\sqrt handler, returns a subraster corresponding to
                   7334:  *		expression (immediately following \sqrt) at font size
                   7335:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7336:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   7337:  *				string immediately following \sqrt to be
                   7338:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   7339:  *				following last character processed.
                   7340:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   7341:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   7342:  *				immediately preceding \accent
                   7343:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   7344:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   7345:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   7346:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   7347:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7348:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to expression,
                   7349:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
                   7350:  *				(expression ptr unchanged if error occurs)
                   7351:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7352:  * Notes:     o
                   7353:  * ======================================================================= */
                   7354: /* --- entry point --- */
                   7355: subraster *rastsqrt ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   7356: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   7357: {
                   7358: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7359: Allocations and Declarations
                   7360: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7361: char	*texsubexpr(), subexpr[8192],	/* parse subexpr to be sqrt-ed */
                   7362: 	rootarg[8192];			/* optional \sqrt[rootarg]{...} */
                   7363: subraster *rasterize(), *subsp=NULL;	/* rasterize subexpr */
                   7364: subraster *accent_subraster(), *sqrtsp=NULL, /* subraster with the sqrt */
                   7365: 	*new_subraster(), *rootsp=NULL;	/* optionally preceded by [rootarg]*/
                   7366: int	sqrtheight=0, sqrtwidth=0, surdwidth=0,	/* height,width of sqrt */
                   7367: 	rootheight=0, rootwidth=0,	/* height,width of rootarg raster */
                   7368: 	subheight=0, subwidth=0, pixsz=0; /* height,width,pixsz of subexpr */
                   7369: int	rastput();			/* put subexpr in constructed sqrt */
                   7370: int	overspace = 2;			/*space between subexpr and overbar*/
                   7371: int	delete_subraster();		/* free work areas */
                   7372: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7373: Obtain subexpression to be sqrt-ed, and rasterize it
                   7374: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7375: /* --- first check for optional \sqrt[rootarg]{...} --- */
                   7376: if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/*check for []-enclosed optional arg*/
                   7377:   { *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,rootarg,0,"[","]",0,0);
                   7378:     if ( *rootarg != '\000' )		/* got rootarg */
                   7379:      if ( (rootsp=rasterize(rootarg,size-1)) /*rasterize it at smaller size*/
                   7380:      != NULL )				/* rasterized successfully */
                   7381:       {	rootheight = (rootsp->image)->height;  /* get height of rootarg */
                   7382: 	rootwidth  = (rootsp->image)->width; } /* and its width */
                   7383:   } /* --- end-of-if(**expression=='[') --- */
                   7384: /* --- parse for subexpr to be sqrt-ed, and bump expression past it --- */
                   7385: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,subexpr,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   7386: if ( *subexpr == '\000' )		/* couldn't get subexpression */
                   7387:   goto end_of_job;			/* nothing to do, so quit */
                   7388: /* --- rasterize subexpression to be accented --- */
                   7389: if ( (subsp = rasterize(subexpr,size))	/*rasterize subexpr at original size*/
                   7390: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   7391: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7392: determine height and width of sqrt raster to be constructed
                   7393: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7394: /* --- first get height and width of subexpr --- */
                   7395: subheight = (subsp->image)->height;	/* height of subexpr */
                   7396: subwidth  = (subsp->image)->width;	/* and its width */
                   7397: pixsz     = (subsp->image)->pixsz;	/* pixsz remains constant */
                   7398: /* --- determine height and width of sqrt to contain subexpr --- */
                   7399: sqrtheight = subheight + overspace;	/* subexpr + blank line + overbar */
                   7400: surdwidth  = SQRTWIDTH(sqrtheight);	/* width of surd */
                   7401: sqrtwidth  = subwidth + surdwidth + 1;	/* total width */
                   7402: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7403: construct sqrt (with room to move in subexpr) and embed subexpr in it
                   7404: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7405: /* --- construct sqrt --- */
                   7406: if ( (sqrtsp=accent_subraster(SQRTACCENT,sqrtwidth,sqrtheight,pixsz))
                   7407: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed to build sqrt */
                   7408: /* --- embed subexpr in sqrt at lower-right corner--- */
                   7409: rastput(sqrtsp->image,subsp->image,overspace,sqrtwidth-subwidth,1);
                   7410: sqrtsp->baseline = subsp->baseline + overspace; /* adjust baseline */
                   7411: /* --- "embed" rootarg at upper-left --- */
                   7412: if ( rootsp != NULL )			/*have optional \sqrt[rootarg]{...}*/
                   7413:   {
                   7414:   /* --- allocate full raster to contain sqrtsp and rootsp --- */
                   7415:   int fullwidth = sqrtwidth +rootwidth - min2(rootwidth,max2(0,surdwidth-4)),
                   7416:       fullheight= sqrtheight+rootheight- min2(rootheight,3+size);
                   7417:   subraster *fullsp = new_subraster(fullwidth,fullheight,pixsz);
                   7418:   if ( fullsp != NULL )			/* allocated successfully */
                   7419:     { /* --- embed sqrtsp exactly at lower-right corner --- */
                   7420:       rastput(fullsp->image,sqrtsp->image, /* exactly at lower-right corner*/
                   7421: 	fullheight-sqrtheight,fullwidth-sqrtwidth,1);
                   7422:       /* --- embed rootsp near upper-left, nestled above leading surd --- */
                   7423:       rastput(fullsp->image,rootsp->image,
                   7424: 	0,max2(0,surdwidth-rootwidth-2-size),0);
                   7425:       /* --- replace sqrtsp with fullsp --- */
                   7426:       delete_subraster(sqrtsp);		/* free original sqrtsp */
                   7427:       sqrtsp = fullsp;			/* and repoint it to fullsp instead*/
                   7428:       sqrtsp->baseline = fullheight - (subheight - subsp->baseline); }
                   7429:   } /* --- end-of-if(rootsp!=NULL) --- */
                   7430: /* --- initialize subraster parameters --- */
                   7431: sqrtsp->size = size;			/* propagate font size forward */
                   7432: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7433: free unneeded component subrasters and return final result to caller
                   7434: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7435: end_of_job:
                   7436:   if ( subsp != NULL ) delete_subraster(subsp); /* free unneeded subexpr */
                   7437:   return ( sqrtsp );
                   7438: } /* --- end-of-function rastsqrt() --- */
                   7441: /* ==========================================================================
                   7442:  * Function:	rastaccent (expression,size,basesp,accent,isabove,isscript)
                   7443:  * Purpose:	\hat, \vec, \etc handler, returns a subraster corresponding
                   7444:  *		to expression (immediately following \accent) at font size
                   7445:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7446:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   7447:  *				string immediately following \accent to be
                   7448:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   7449:  *				following last character processed.
                   7450:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   7451:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   7452:  *				immediately preceding \accent
                   7453:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   7454:  *		accent (I)	int containing HATACCENT or VECACCENT, etc,
                   7455:  *				between numerator and denominator,
                   7456:  *				or false not to draw it (for \over).
                   7457:  *		isabove (I)	int containing true if accent is above
                   7458:  *				expression to be accented, or false
                   7459:  *				if accent is below (e.g., underbrace)
                   7460:  *		isscript (I)	int containing true if sub/superscripts
                   7461:  *				allowed (for under/overbrace), or 0 if not.
                   7462:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7463:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to expression,
                   7464:  *				or NULL for any parsing error
                   7465:  *				(expression ptr unchanged if error occurs)
                   7466:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7467:  * Notes:     o	Also handles \overbrace{}^{} and \underbrace{}_{} by way
                   7468:  *		of isabove and isscript args.
                   7469:  * ======================================================================= */
                   7470: /* --- entry point --- */
                   7471: subraster *rastaccent ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   7472: 			int accent, int isabove, int isscript )
                   7473: {
                   7474: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7475: Allocations and Declarations
                   7476: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7477: char	*texsubexpr(), subexpr[8192];	/* parse subexpr to be accented */
                   7478: char	*texscripts(), *script=NULL,	/* \under,overbrace allow scripts */
                   7479: 	subscript[512], supscript[512];	/* scripts parsed from expression */
                   7480: subraster *rasterize(), *subsp=NULL, *scrsp=NULL; /*rasterize subexpr,script*/
                   7481: subraster *rastack(), *accsubsp=NULL;	/* stack accent, subexpr, script */
                   7482: subraster *accent_subraster(), *accsp=NULL; /*raster for the accent itself*/
                   7483: int	accheight=0, accwidth=0,	/* height, width of accent */
                   7484: 	subheight=0, subwidth=0, pixsz=0; /* height,width,pixsz of subexpr */
                   7485: int	delete_subraster();		/*free work areas in case of error*/
                   7486: int	vspace = 0;			/*vertical space between accent,sub*/
                   7487: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7488: Obtain subexpression to be accented, and rasterize it
                   7489: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7490: /* --- parse for subexpr to be accented, and bump expression past it --- */
                   7491: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,subexpr,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   7492: if ( *subexpr=='\000' )			/* couldn't get subexpression */
                   7493:   goto end_of_job;			/* nothing to do, so quit */
                   7494: /* --- rasterize subexpression to be accented --- */
                   7495: if ( (subsp = rasterize(subexpr,size))	/*rasterize subexpr at original size*/
                   7496: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   7497: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7498: determine desired accent width and height
                   7499: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7500: /* --- first get height and width of subexpr --- */
                   7501: subheight = (subsp->image)->height;	/* height of subexpr */
                   7502: subwidth  = (subsp->image)->width;	/* and its width is overall width */
                   7503: pixsz     = (subsp->image)->pixsz;	/* original pixsz remains constant */
                   7504: /* --- determine desired width, height of accent --- */
                   7505: accwidth = subwidth;			/* same width as subexpr */
1.2     ! albertel 7506: accheight = 4;				/* default for bars */
1.1       albertel 7507: switch ( accent )
                   7508:   { default: break;			/* default okay */
                   7509:   case DOTACCENT: case DDOTACCENT:
1.2     ! albertel 7510:     accheight = (size<4? 3:4);		/* default for dots */
1.1       albertel 7511:     break;
1.2     ! albertel 7512:   case VECACCENT:
        !          7513:     vspace = 1;				/* set 1-pixel vertical space */
        !          7514:   case HATACCENT:
1.1       albertel 7515:     accheight = 7;			/* default */
                   7516:     if ( subwidth < 10 ) accheight = 5;	/* unless small width */
                   7517:       else if ( subwidth > 25 ) accheight = 9; /* or large */
                   7518:     break;
                   7519:   } /* --- end-of-switch(accent) --- */
                   7520: accheight = min2(accheight,subheight);	/*never higher than accented subexpr*/
                   7521: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7522: construct accent, and construct subraster with accent over (or under) subexpr
                   7523: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7524: /* --- first construct accent --- */
                   7525: if ( (accsp = accent_subraster(accent,accwidth,accheight,pixsz)) /* accent */
                   7526: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed to build accent */
                   7527: /* --- now stack accent above (or below) subexpr, and free both args --- */
                   7528: accsubsp = (isabove? rastack(subsp,accsp,1,vspace,1,3)/*accent above subexpr*/
                   7529:            : rastack(accsp,subsp,2,vspace,1,3));      /*accent below subexpr*/
                   7530: if ( accsubsp == NULL )			/* failed to stack accent */
                   7531:   { delete_subraster(subsp);		/* free unneeded subsp */
                   7532:     delete_subraster(accsp);		/* and unneeded accsp */
                   7533:     goto end_of_job; }			/* and quit */
                   7534: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7535: look for super/subscript (annotation for over/underbrace)
                   7536: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7537: /* --- first check whether accent permits accompanying annotations --- */
                   7538: if ( !isscript ) goto end_of_job;	/* no annotations for this accent */
                   7539: /* --- now get scripts if there actually are any --- */
                   7540: *expression = texscripts(*expression,subscript,supscript,(isabove?2:1));
                   7541: script = (isabove? supscript : subscript); /*select above^ or below_ script*/
                   7542: if ( *script == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* no accompanying script */
                   7543: /* --- rasterize script annotation at size-2 --- */
                   7544: if ( (scrsp = rasterize(script,size-2)) /* rasterize script at size-2 */
                   7545: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   7546: /* --- stack annotation above (or below) accent, and free both args --- */
                   7547: accsubsp = (isabove? rastack(accsubsp,scrsp,1,0,1,3) /* accent above base */
                   7548:            : rastack(scrsp,accsubsp,2,0,1,3));       /* accent below base */
                   7549: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7550: return final result to caller
                   7551: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7552: end_of_job:
                   7553:   if ( accsubsp != NULL )		/* initialize subraster parameters */
                   7554:     accsubsp->size = size;		/* propagate font size forward */
                   7555:   return ( accsubsp );
                   7556: } /* --- end-of-function rastaccent() --- */
                   7559: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 7560:  * Function:	rastfont (expression,size,basesp,ifontnum,arg2,arg3)
1.1       albertel 7561:  * Purpose:	\cal{}, \scr{}, \etc handler, returns subraster corresponding
                   7562:  *		to char(s) within {}'s rendered at size
                   7563:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7564:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   7565:  *				string immediately following \font to be
                   7566:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   7567:  *				following last character processed.
                   7568:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   7569:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   7570:  *				immediately preceding \accent
                   7571:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
1.2     ! albertel 7572:  *		ifontnum (I)	int containing 1 for \cal{}, 2 for \scr{}
1.1       albertel 7573:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   7574:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   7575:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7576:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to chars
                   7577:  *				between {}'s, or NULL for any parsing error
                   7578:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7579:  * Notes:     o
                   7580:  * ======================================================================= */
                   7581: /* --- entry point --- */
                   7582: subraster *rastfont ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
1.2     ! albertel 7583: 			int ifontnum, int arg2, int arg3 )
1.1       albertel 7584: {
                   7585: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7586: Allocations and Declarations
                   7587: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7588: char	*texsubexpr(), fontchars[8192],	/*parse chars to be rendered in font*/
                   7589: 	subexpr[8192];			/* turn \cal{AB} into \calA\calB */
                   7590: char	*pfchars=fontchars, fchar='\0';	/* run thru fontchars one at a time*/
1.2     ! albertel 7591: char	*name = NULL;			/* fontinfo[ifontnum].name */
        !          7592: int	family = 0,			/* fontinfo[ifontnum].family */
        !          7593: 	istext = 0,			/* fontinfo[ifontnum].istext */
        !          7594: 	class = 0;			/* fontinfo[ifontnum].class */
1.1       albertel 7595: subraster *rasterize(), *fontsp=NULL,	/* rasterize chars in font */
                   7596: 	*rastflags();			/* or just set flag to switch font */
1.2     ! albertel 7597: int	oldsmashmargin = smashmargin;	/* turn off smash in text mode */
        !          7598: #if 0
1.1       albertel 7599: /* --- fonts recognized by rastfont --- */
1.2     ! albertel 7600: static	int  nfonts = 6;		/* legal font #'s are 1...nfonts */
1.1       albertel 7601: static	struct {char *name; int class;}
                   7602:   fonts[] =
                   7603:     { /* --- name  class 1=upper,2=alpha,3=alnum,4=lower,5=digit,9=all --- */
1.2     ! albertel 7604: 	{ "\\math",	0 },
        !          7605: 	{ "\\mathcal",	1 },		/*(1) calligraphic, uppercase */
        !          7606: 	{ "\\mathscr",	1 },		/*(2) rsfs/script, uppercase */
        !          7607: 	{ "\\textrm",	-1 },		/*(3) \rm,\text{abc} --> {\rm~abc} */
        !          7608: 	{ "\\textit",	-1 },		/*(4) \it,\textit{abc}-->{\it~abc} */
        !          7609: 	{ "\\mathbb",	-1 },		/*(5) \bb,\mathbb{abc}-->{\bb~abc} */
        !          7610: 	{ "\\mathbf",	-1 },		/*(6) \bf,\mathbf{abc}-->{\bf~abc} */
1.1       albertel 7611: 	{ NULL,		0 }
                   7612:     } ; /* --- end-of-fonts[] --- */
1.2     ! albertel 7613: #endif
1.1       albertel 7614: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7615: first get font name and class to determine type of conversion desired
                   7616: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 7617: if (ifontnum<=0 || ifontnum>nfontinfo) ifontnum=0; /*math if out-of-bounds*/
        !          7618: name   = fontinfo[ifontnum].name;	/* font name */
        !          7619: family = fontinfo[ifontnum].family;	/* font family */
        !          7620: istext = fontinfo[ifontnum].istext;	/*true in text mode (respect space)*/
        !          7621: class  = fontinfo[ifontnum].class;	/* font class */
        !          7622: if ( istext )				/* text (respect blanks) */
        !          7623:   smashmargin = 0;			/* don't smash internal blanks */
1.1       albertel 7624: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7625: now convert \font{abc} --> {\font~abc}, or convert ABC to \calA\calB\calC
                   7626: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 7627: if ( 1 || class<0 )			/* not character-by-character */
1.1       albertel 7628:  { 
                   7629:  /* ---
                   7630:  if \font not immediately followed by { then it has no arg, so just set flag
                   7631:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   7632:  if ( *(*expression) != '{' )		/* no \font arg, so just set flag */
                   7633:     {
                   7634:     if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )
1.2     ! albertel 7635:      fprintf(msgfp,"rastfont> \\%s rastflags() for font#%d\n",name,ifontnum);
        !          7636:     fontsp = rastflags(expression,size,basesp,ISFONTFAM,ifontnum,arg3);
1.1       albertel 7637:     goto end_of_job;
                   7638:     } /* --- end-of-if(*(*expression)!='{') --- */
                   7639:  /* ---
                   7640:  convert \font{abc} --> {\font~abc}
                   7641:  ---------------------------------- */
                   7642:  /* --- parse for {fontchars} arg, and bump expression past it --- */
                   7643:  *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,fontchars,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   7644:  if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )
                   7645:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastfont> \\%s fontchars=\"%s\"\n",name,fontchars);
                   7646:  /* --- convert all fontchars at the same time --- */
                   7647:  strcpy(subexpr,"{");			/* start off with opening { */
                   7648:  strcat(subexpr,name);			/* followed by font name */
                   7649:  strcat(subexpr,"~");			/* followed by whitespace */
                   7650:  strcat(subexpr,fontchars);		/* followed by all the chars */
                   7651:  strcat(subexpr,"}");			/* terminate with closing } */
                   7652:  } /* --- end-of-if(class<0) --- */
                   7653: else					/* character-by-character */
                   7654:  {
                   7655:  /* ---
                   7656:  convert ABC to \calA\calB\calC
                   7657:  ------------------------------ */
                   7658:  int	isprevchar=0;			/* true if prev char converted */
                   7659:  /* --- parse for {fontchars} arg, and bump expression past it --- */
                   7660:  *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,fontchars,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   7661:  if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )
                   7662:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastfont> \\%s fontchars=\"%s\"\n",name,fontchars);
                   7663:  /* --- convert fontchars one at a time --- */
                   7664:  strcpy(subexpr,"{\\rm~");		/* start off with opening {\rm */
                   7665:  strcpy(subexpr,"{");			/* nope, just start off with { */
                   7666:  for ( pfchars=fontchars; (fchar= *pfchars)!='\000'; pfchars++ )
                   7667:   {
                   7668:   if ( isthischar(fchar,WHITEMATH) )	/* some whitespace */
1.2     ! albertel 7669:     { if ( 0 || istext )		/* and we're in a text mode font */
1.1       albertel 7670: 	strcat(subexpr,"\\;"); }	/* so respect whitespace */
                   7671:   else					/* char to be displayed in font */
                   7672:     { int exprlen = 0;			/* #chars in subexpr before fchar */
                   7673:       int isinclass = 0;		/* set true if fchar in font class */
1.2     ! albertel 7674:       /* --- class: 1=upper, 2=alpha, 3=alnum, 4=lower, 5=digit, 9=all --- */
1.1       albertel 7675:       switch ( class )			/* check if fchar is in font class */
                   7676: 	{ default: break;		/* no chars in unrecognized class */
                   7677: 	  case 1: if ( isupper((int)fchar) ) isinclass=1; break;
                   7678: 	  case 2: if ( isalpha((int)fchar) ) isinclass=1; break;
                   7679: 	  case 3: if ( isalnum((int)fchar) ) isinclass=1; break;
                   7680: 	  case 4: if ( islower((int)fchar) ) isinclass=1; break;
                   7681: 	  case 5: if ( isdigit((int)fchar) ) isinclass=1; break;
                   7682: 	  case 9: isinclass=1; break; }
                   7683:       if ( isinclass )			/* convert current char to \font */
                   7684: 	{ strcat(subexpr,name);		/* by prefixing it with font name */
                   7685: 	  isprevchar = 1; }		/* and set flag to signal separator*/
                   7686:       else				/* current char not in \font */
                   7687: 	{ if ( isprevchar )		/* extra separator only after \font*/
                   7688: 	   if ( isalpha(fchar) )	/* separator only before alpha */
                   7689: 	    strcat(subexpr,"~");	/* need separator after \font */
                   7690: 	  isprevchar = 0; }		/* reset flag for next char */
                   7691:       exprlen = strlen(subexpr);	/* #chars so far */
                   7692:       subexpr[exprlen] = fchar;		/*fchar immediately after \fontname*/
                   7693:       subexpr[exprlen+1] = '\000'; }	/* replace terminating '\0' */
                   7694:   } /* --- end-of-for(pfchars) --- */
                   7695:  strcat(subexpr,"}");			/* add closing } */
                   7696:  } /* --- end-of-if/else(class<0) --- */
                   7697: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7698: rasterize subexpression containing chars to be rendered at font
                   7699: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7700: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )
                   7701:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastfont> subexpr=\"%s\"\n",subexpr);
                   7702: if ( (fontsp = rasterize(subexpr,size))	/* rasterize chars in font */
                   7703: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if failed */
                   7704: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7705: back to caller with chars rendered in font
                   7706: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7707: end_of_job:
1.2     ! albertel 7708:   smashmargin = oldsmashmargin;		/* restore smash */
        !          7709:   if ( istext && fontsp!=NULL )		/* raster contains text mode font */
        !          7710:     fontsp->type = blanksignal;		/* signal nosmash */
1.1       albertel 7711:   return ( fontsp );			/* chars rendered in font */
                   7712: } /* --- end-of-function rastfont() --- */
                   7715: /* ==========================================================================
                   7716:  * Function:	rastbegin ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   7717:  * Purpose:	\begin{}...\end{}  handler, returns a subraster corresponding
                   7718:  *		to array expression within environment, i.e., rewrites
                   7719:  *		\begin{}...\end{} as mimeTeX equivalent, and rasterizes that.
                   7720:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7721:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   7722:  *				string immediately following \begin to be
                   7723:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   7724:  *				following last character processed.
                   7725:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   7726:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   7727:  *				immediately preceding \begin
                   7728:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   7729:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   7730:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   7731:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   7732:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7733:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to array
                   7734:  *				expression, or NULL for any parsing error
                   7735:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7736:  * Notes:     o
                   7737:  * ======================================================================= */
                   7738: /* --- entry point --- */
                   7739: subraster *rastbegin ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   7740: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   7741: {
                   7742: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7743: Allocations and Declarations
                   7744: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7745: char	*texsubexpr(), subexpr[8210],	/* \begin{} environment paramaters */
                   7746: 	*exprptr=NULL,*begptr=NULL,*endptr=NULL,*braceptr=NULL; /* ptrs */
                   7747: char	*begtoken="\\begin{", *endtoken="\\end{"; /*tokens we're looking for*/
                   7748: int	strreplace();			/* replace substring in string */
                   7749: char	*strchange();			/*\begin...\end --> {\begin...\end}*/
                   7750: char	*delims = (char *)NULL;		/* mdelims[ienviron] */
                   7751: subraster *rasterize(), *sp=NULL;	/* rasterize environment */
                   7752: int	ienviron = 0;			/* environs[] index */
                   7753: int	nbegins = 0;			/* #\begins nested beneath this one*/
                   7754: int	envlen=0, sublen=0;		/* #chars in environ, subexpr */
                   7755: static	int blevel = 0;			/* \begin...\end nesting level */
                   7756: static	char *mdelims[] = { NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                   7757: 	"()","[]","{}","||","==",	/* for pbBvVmatrix */
                   7758: 	NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
                   7759: 	NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL };
                   7760: static	char *environs[] = {		/* types of environments we process*/
                   7761: 	"eqnarray",			/* 0 eqnarray environment */
                   7762: 	"array",			/* 1 array environment */
                   7763: 	"matrix",			/* 2 array environment */
                   7764: 	"tabular",			/* 3 array environment */
                   7765: 	"pmatrix",			/* 4 ( ) */
                   7766: 	"bmatrix",			/* 5 [ ] */
                   7767: 	"Bmatrix",			/* 6 { } */
                   7768: 	"vmatrix",			/* 7 | | */
                   7769: 	"Vmatrix",			/* 8 || || */
                   7770: 	"gather",			/* 9 gather environment */
                   7771: 	"align",			/* 10 align environment */
                   7772: 	"verbatim",			/* 11 verbatim environment */
                   7773: 	"picture",			/* 12 picture environment */
                   7774: 	NULL };				/* trailer */
                   7775: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7776: determine type of environment we're beginning
                   7777: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7778: /* --- first bump nesting level --- */
                   7779: blevel++;				/* count \begin...\begin...'s */
                   7780: /* --- \begin must be followed by {type_of_environment} --- */
                   7781: exprptr = texsubexpr(*expression,subexpr,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   7782: if ( *subexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* no environment given */
                   7783: while ( (delims=strchr(subexpr,'*')) != NULL ) /* have environment* */
                   7784:   strcpy(delims,delims+1);		/* treat it as environment */
                   7785: /* --- look up environment in our table --- */
                   7786: for ( ienviron=0; ;ienviron++ )		/* search table till NULL */
                   7787:   if ( environs[ienviron] == NULL )	/* found NULL before match */
                   7788:     goto end_of_job;			/* so quit */
                   7789:   else					/* see if we have an exact match */
                   7790:     if ( memcmp(environs[ienviron],subexpr,strlen(subexpr)) == 0 ) /*match*/
                   7791:       break;				/* leave loop with ienviron index */
                   7792: /* --- accumulate any additional params for this environment --- */
                   7793: *subexpr = '\000';			/* reset subexpr to empty string */
                   7794: delims = mdelims[ienviron];		/* mdelims[] string for ienviron */
                   7795: if ( delims != NULL )			/* add appropriate opening delim */
                   7796:   { strcpy(subexpr,"\\");		/* start with \ for (,[,{,|,= */
                   7797:     strcat(subexpr,delims);		/* then add opening delim */
                   7798:     subexpr[2] = '\000'; }		/* remove extraneous closing delim */
                   7799: switch ( ienviron )
                   7800:   {
                   7801:   default: goto end_of_job;		/* environ not implemented yet */
                   7802:   case 0:				/* \begin{eqnarray} */
                   7803:     strcpy(subexpr,"\\array{rcl$");	/* set default rcl for eqnarray */
                   7804:     break;
                   7805:   case 1:  case 2:  case 3:		/* \begin{array} followed by {lcr} */
                   7806:     strcpy(subexpr,"\\array{");		/*start with mimeTeX \array{ command*/
                   7807:     skipwhite(exprptr);			/* bump to next non-white char */
                   7808:     if ( *exprptr == '{' )		/* assume we have {lcr} argument */
                   7809:       {	exprptr = texsubexpr(exprptr,subexpr+7,0,"{","}",0,0); /*add on lcr*/
                   7810: 	if ( *(subexpr+7) == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* quit if no lcr */
                   7811: 	strcat(subexpr,"$"); }		/* add terminating $ to lcr */
                   7812:     break;
                   7813:   case 4:  case 5:  case 6:		/* \begin{pmatrix} or b,B,v,Vmatrix */
                   7814:   case 7:  case 8:
                   7815:     strcat(subexpr,"\\array{");		/*start with mimeTeX \array{ command*/
                   7816:     break;
                   7817:   case 9:				/* gather */
                   7818:     strcat(subexpr,"\\array{c$");	/* center equations */
                   7819:     break;
                   7820:   case 10:				/* align */
                   7821:     strcat(subexpr,"\\array{rclrclrclrclrclrcl$"); /* a&=b & c&=d & etc */
                   7822:     break;
                   7823:   case 11:				/* verbatim */
                   7824:     strcat(subexpr,"{\\rm ");		/* {\rm ...} */
                   7825:     /*strcat(subexpr,"\\\\{\\rm ");*/	/* \\{\rm } doesn't work in context */
                   7826:     break;
                   7827:   case 12:				/* picture */
                   7828:     strcat(subexpr,"\\picture");	/* picture environment */
                   7829:     skipwhite(exprptr);			/* bump to next non-white char */
                   7830:     if ( *exprptr == '(' )		/*assume we have (width,height) arg*/
                   7831:       {	exprptr = texsubexpr(exprptr,subexpr+8,0,"(",")",0,1); /*add on arg*/
                   7832: 	if ( *(subexpr+8) == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; } /* quit if no arg */
                   7833:     strcat(subexpr,"{");		/* opening {  after (width,height) */
                   7834:     break;
                   7835:   } /* --- end-of-switch(ienviron) --- */
                   7836: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7837: locate matching \end{...}
                   7838: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7839: /* --- first \end following \begin --- */
                   7840: if ( (endptr=strstr(exprptr,endtoken))	/* find 1st \end following \begin */
                   7841: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if no \end found */
                   7842: /* --- find matching endptr by pushing past any nested \begin's --- */
                   7843: begptr = exprptr;			/* start after first \begin{...} */
                   7844: while ( 1 )				/*break when we find matching \end*/
                   7845:   {
                   7846:   /* --- first, set ptr to closing } terminating current \end{...} --- */
                   7847:   if ( (braceptr=strchr(endptr+1,'}'))	/* find 1st } following \end{ */
                   7848:   ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if no } found */
                   7849:   /* -- locate next nested \begin --- */
                   7850:   if ( (begptr=strstr(begptr,begtoken))	/* find next \begin{...} */
                   7851:   ==   NULL ) break;			/*no more, so we have matching \end*/
                   7852:   begptr += strlen(begtoken);		/* push ptr past token */
                   7853:   if ( begptr >= endptr ) break;	/* past endptr, so not nested */
                   7854:   /* --- have nested \begin, so push forward to next \end --- */
                   7855:   nbegins++;				/* count another nested \begin */
                   7856:   if ( (endptr=strstr(endptr+strlen(endtoken),endtoken)) /* find next \end */
                   7857:   ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if none found */
                   7858:   } /* --- end-of-while(1) --- */
                   7859: /* --- push expression past closing } of \end{} --- */
                   7860: *expression = braceptr+1;		/* resume processing after } */
                   7861: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7862: add on everything (i.e., the ...'s) between \begin{}[{}] ... \end{}
                   7863: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7864: /* --- add on everything, completing subexpr for \begin{}...\end{} --- */
                   7865: sublen = strlen(subexpr);		/* #chars in "preamble" */
                   7866: envlen = (int)(endptr-exprptr);		/* #chars between \begin{}{}...\end */
                   7867: memcpy(subexpr+sublen,exprptr,envlen);	/*concatanate environ after subexpr*/
                   7868: subexpr[sublen+envlen] = '\000';	/* and null-terminate */
                   7869: if ( 2 > 1 )				/* always... */
                   7870:   strcat(subexpr,"}");			/* ...followed by terminating } */
                   7871: /* --- add terminating \right), etc, if necessary --- */
                   7872: if ( delims != (char *)NULL )		/* need closing delim */
                   7873:  { strcat(subexpr,"\\");		/* start with \ for ),],},|,= */
                   7874:    strcat(subexpr,delims+1); }		/* add appropriate closing delim */
                   7875: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7876: change nested \begin...\end to {\begin...\end} so \array{} can handle them
                   7877: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7878: if ( nbegins > 0 )			/* have nested begins */
                   7879:  if ( blevel < 2 )			/* only need to do this once */
                   7880:   {
                   7881:   begptr = subexpr;			/* start at beginning of subexpr */
                   7882:   while( (begptr=strstr(begptr,begtoken)) != NULL ) /* have \begin{...} */
                   7883:     { strchange(0,begptr,"{");		/* \begin --> {\begin */
                   7884:       begptr += strlen(begtoken); }	/* continue past {\begin */
                   7885:   endptr = subexpr;			/* start at beginning of subexpr */
                   7886:   while( (endptr=strstr(endptr,endtoken)) != NULL ) /* have \end{...} */
                   7887:     if ( (braceptr=strchr(endptr+1,'}')) /* find 1st } following \end{ */
                   7888:     ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/* and quit if no } found */
                   7889:     else				/* found terminating } */
                   7890:      { strchange(0,braceptr,"}");	/* \end{...} --> \end{...}} */
                   7891:        endptr = braceptr+1; }		/* continue past \end{...} */
                   7892:   } /* --- end-of-if(nbegins>0) --- */
                   7893: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7894: post process as necessary
                   7895: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7896: switch ( ienviron )
                   7897:   {
                   7898:   default: break;			/* no post-processing required */
                   7899:   case 10:				/* align */
                   7900:     strreplace(subexpr,"&=","#*@*#=",0); /* tag all &='s */
                   7901:     strreplace(subexpr,"&<","#*@*#<",0); /* tag all &<'s */
                   7902:     strreplace(subexpr,"&\\lt","#*@*#<",0); /* tag all &\lt's */
                   7903:     strreplace(subexpr,"&\\leq","#*@*#\\leq",0); /* tag all &\leq's */
                   7904:     strreplace(subexpr,"&>","#*@*#>",0); /* tag all &>'s */
                   7905:     strreplace(subexpr,"&\\gt","#*@*#>",0); /* tag all &\gt's */
                   7906:     strreplace(subexpr,"&\\geq","#*@*#\\geq",0); /* tag all &\geq's */
                   7907:     if ( nbegins < 1 )			/* don't modify nested arrays */
                   7908:       strreplace(subexpr,"&","\\hspace{10}&\\hspace{10}",0); /* add space */
                   7909:     strreplace(subexpr,"#*@*#=","& = &",0); /*restore and xlate tagged &='s*/
                   7910:     strreplace(subexpr,"#*@*#<","& \\lt &",0); /*restore, xlate tagged &<'s*/
                   7911:     strreplace(subexpr,"#*@*#\\leq","& \\leq &",0); /*xlate tagged &\leq's*/
                   7912:     strreplace(subexpr,"#*@*#>","& \\gt &",0); /*restore, xlate tagged &>'s*/
                   7913:     strreplace(subexpr,"#*@*#\\geq","& \\geq &",0); /*xlate tagged &\geq's*/
                   7914:     break;
                   7915:   case 11:				/* verbatim */
                   7916:     strreplace(subexpr,"\n","\\\\",0);	/* xlate \n newline to latex \\ */
                   7917:     /*strcat(subexpr,"\\\\");*/		/* add final latex \\ newline */
                   7918:     break;
                   7919:   case 12:				/* picture */
                   7920:     strreplace(subexpr,"\\put "," ",0);	/*remove \put's (not really needed)*/
                   7921:     strreplace(subexpr,"\\put(","(",0);	/*remove \put's (not really needed)*/
                   7922:     strreplace(subexpr,"\\oval","\\circle",0); /* actually an ellipse */
                   7923:     break;
                   7924:   } /* --- end-of-switch(ienviron) --- */
                   7925: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7926: return rasterized mimeTeX equivalent of \begin{}...\end{} environment
                   7927: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7928: /* --- debugging output --- */
                   7929: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=99 )
                   7930:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastbegin> subexpr=%s\n",subexpr);
                   7931: /* --- rasterize mimeTeX equivalent of \begin{}...\end{} environment --- */
                   7932: sp = rasterize(subexpr,size);		/* rasterize subexpr */
                   7933: end_of_job:
                   7934:   blevel--;				/* decrement \begin nesting level */
                   7935:   return ( sp );			/* back to caller with sp or NULL */
                   7936: } /* --- end-of-function rastbegin() --- */
                   7939: /* ==========================================================================
                   7940:  * Function:	rastarray ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   7941:  * Purpose:	\array handler, returns a subraster corresponding to array
                   7942:  *		expression (immediately following \array) at font size
                   7943:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7944:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   7945:  *				string immediately following \array to be
                   7946:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   7947:  *				following last character processed.
                   7948:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   7949:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   7950:  *				immediately preceding \array
                   7951:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   7952:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   7953:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   7954:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   7955:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7956:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to array
                   7957:  *				expression, or NULL for any parsing error
                   7958:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7959:  * Notes:     o	Summary of syntax...
                   7960:  *			\array{3,lcrBC$a&b&c\\d&e&f\\etc}
                   7961:  *	      o	The 3,lcrBC$ part is an optional "preamble".  The lcr means
                   7962:  *		what you think, i.e., "horizontal" left,center,right
                   7963:  *		justification down corresponding column.  The new BC means
                   7964:  *		"vertical" baseline,center justification across corresponding
                   7965:  *		row.  The leading 3 specifies the font size 0-4 to be used.
                   7966:  *		You may also specify +1,-1,+2,-2, etc, which is used as an
                   7967:  *		increment to the current font size, e.g., -1,lcr$ uses
                   7968:  *		one font size smaller than current.  Without a leading
                   7969:  *		+ or -, the font size is "absolute".
                   7970:  *	      o	The preamble can also be just lcrBC$ without a leading
                   7971:  *		size-part, or just 3$ without a trailing lcrBC-part.
                   7972:  *		The default size is whatever is current, and the
                   7973:  *		default justification is c(entered) and B(aseline).
                   7974:  * ======================================================================= */
                   7975: /* --- entry point --- */
                   7976: subraster *rastarray ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   7977: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   7978: {
                   7979: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   7980: Allocations and Declarations
                   7981: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   7982: char	*texsubexpr(),  subexpr[8210], *exprptr, /* parse array subexpr */
                   7983: 	 subtok[4096], *subptr=subtok,	/* & or \\ inside { }'s not a delim*/
                   7984: 	 token[4096],  *tokptr=token,	/* token from subexpr to rasterize */
                   7985: 	*preamble(),   *preptr=token;	/*process optional size,lcr preamble*/
                   7986: char	*coldelim="&", *rowdelim="\\";	/* need escaped rowdelim */
                   7987: int	maxarraysz = 64;		/* max #rows, cols */
                   7988: int	justify[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* -1,0,+1 = l,c,r */
                   7989: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   7990: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   7991: 	  hline[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* hline above row? */
                   7992: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   7993: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   7994: 	  vline[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /*vline left of col?*/
                   7995: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   7996: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   7997:        colwidth[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /*widest tokn in col*/
                   7998: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   7999: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   8000:       rowheight[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* "highest" in row */
                   8001: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8002: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   8003:      fixcolsize[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /*1=fixed col width*/
                   8004: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8005: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   8006:      fixrowsize[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /*1=fixed row height*/
                   8007: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8008: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   8009:       rowbaseln[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* baseline for row */
                   8010: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8011: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   8012:       rowcenter[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /*true = vcenter row*/
                   8013: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8014: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
                   8015: static int /* --- propagate global values across arrays --- */
                   8016:        gjustify[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* -1,0,+1 = l,c,r */
                   8017: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8018: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   8019:       gcolwidth[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /*widest tokn in col*/
                   8020: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8021: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   8022:      growheight[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /* "highest" in row */
                   8023: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8024: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   8025:     gfixcolsize[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /*1=fixed col width*/
                   8026: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8027: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   8028:     gfixrowsize[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /*1=fixed row height*/
                   8029: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8030: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0},
                   8031:      growcenter[65]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0, /*true = vcenter row*/
                   8032: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,
                   8033: 	               0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
                   8034: int	rowglobal=0, colglobal=0,	/* true to set global values */
                   8035: 	rowpropagate=0, colpropagate=0;	/* true if propagating values */
                   8036: int	irow,nrows=0, icol,ncols[65],	/*#rows in array, #cols in each row*/
                   8037: 	maxcols=0;			/* max# cols in any single row */
                   8038: int	itoken, ntokens=0,		/* index, total #tokens in array */
                   8039: 	subtoklen=0,			/* strlen of {...} subtoken */
                   8040: 	istokwhite=1,			/* true if token all whitespace */
                   8041: 	nnonwhite=0;			/* #non-white tokens */
                   8042: int	isescape=0,wasescape=0,		/* current,prev chars escape? */
                   8043: 	ischarescaped=0,		/* is current char escaped? */
                   8044: 	nescapes=0;			/* #consecutive escapes */
                   8045: subraster *rasterize(), *toksp[1025],	/* rasterize tokens */
                   8046: 	*new_subraster(), *arraysp=NULL; /* subraster for entire array */
                   8047: raster	*arrayrp=NULL;			/* raster for entire array */
                   8048: int	delete_subraster();		/* free toksp[] workspace at eoj */
                   8049: int	rowspace=2, colspace=4,		/* blank space between rows, cols */
                   8050: 	hspace=1, vspace=1;		/*space to accommodate hline,vline*/
                   8051: int	width=0, height=0,		/* width,height of array */
                   8052: 	leftcol=0, toprow=0;		/*upper-left corner for cell in it*/
                   8053: int	rastput();			/* embed tokens/cells in array */
                   8054: int	rule_raster();			/* draw hlines and vlines in array */
                   8055: char	*hlchar="\\hline", *hdchar="\\hdash"; /* token signals hline */
                   8056: char	*texchar(), hltoken[1025];	/* extract \hline from token */
                   8057: int	ishonly=0, hltoklen, minhltoklen=3; /*flag, token must be \hl or \hd*/
                   8058: int	isnewrow=1;			/* true for new row */
                   8059: int	pixsz = 1;			/*default #bits per pixel, 1=bitmap*/
                   8060: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8061: Macros to determine extra raster space required for vline/hline
                   8062: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8063: #define	vlinespace(icol) \
                   8064: 	( vline[icol] == 0?  0 :	/* no vline so no space needed */   \
                   8065: 	  ( icol<1 || icol>=maxcols? vspace+(colspace+1)/2 : vspace ) )
                   8066: #define	hlinespace(irow) \
                   8067: 	( hline[irow] == 0?  0 :	/* no hline so no space needed */   \
                   8068: 	  ( irow<1 || irow>=nrows? hspace+(rowspace+1)/2 : hspace ) )
                   8069: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8070: Obtain array subexpression
                   8071: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8072: /* --- parse for array subexpression, and bump expression past it --- */
                   8073: subexpr[1] = *subexpr = ' ';		/* set two leading blanks */
                   8074: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,subexpr+2,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   8075: if ( msglevel>=29 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* debugging, display array */
                   8076:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastarray> %.256s\n",subexpr+2);
                   8077: if ( *(subexpr+2)=='\000' )		/* couldn't get subexpression */
                   8078:   goto end_of_job;			/* nothing to do, so quit */
                   8079: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8080: process optional size,lcr preamble if present
                   8081: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8082: /* --- reset size, get lcr's, and push exprptr past preamble --- */
                   8083: exprptr = preamble(subexpr+2,&size,preptr); /* reset size and get lcr's */
                   8084: /* --- init with global values --- */
                   8085: for(icol=0; icol<=maxarraysz; icol++) {	/* propagate global values... */
                   8086:   justify[icol] = gjustify[icol];	/* -1,0,+1 = l,c,r */
                   8087:   colwidth[icol] = gcolwidth[icol];	/* column width */
                   8088:   rowheight[icol] = growheight[icol];	/* row height */
                   8089:   fixcolsize[icol] = gfixcolsize[icol];	/* 1=fixed col width */
                   8090:   fixrowsize[icol] = gfixrowsize[icol];	/* 1=fixed row height */
                   8091:   rowcenter[icol] = growcenter[icol]; }	/* true = vcenter row */
                   8092: /* --- process lcr's, etc in preamble --- */
                   8093: itoken = 0;				/* debugging flag */
                   8094: if ( msglevel>=29 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* debugging, display preamble */
                   8095:  if ( *preptr != '\000' )		/* if we have one */
                   8096:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastarray> preamble= \"%.256s\"\nrastarray> preamble: ",
                   8097:   preptr);
                   8098: irow = icol = 0;			/* init lcr counts */
                   8099: while (  *preptr != '\000' )		/* check preamble text for lcr */
                   8100:   {
                   8101:   char	prepchar = *preptr;		/* current preamble character */
                   8102:   int	prepcase = (islower(prepchar)?1:(isupper(prepchar)?2:0)); /*1,2,or 0*/
                   8103:   if ( irow<maxarraysz && icol<maxarraysz )
                   8104:    switch ( /*tolower*/(prepchar) )
                   8105:     {  default: break;			/* just flush unrecognized chars */
                   8106:       case 'l': justify[icol] = (-1);		/*left-justify this column*/
                   8107: 		if (colglobal) gjustify[irow] = justify[irow]; break;
                   8108:       case 'c': justify[icol] = (0);		/* center this column */
                   8109: 		if (colglobal) gjustify[irow] = justify[irow]; break;
                   8110:       case 'r': justify[icol] = (+1);		/* right-justify this col */
                   8111: 		if (colglobal) gjustify[irow] = justify[irow]; break;
                   8112:       case '|': vline[icol] += 1;   break;	/* solid vline left of col */
                   8113:       case '.': vline[icol] = (-1); break;	/*dashed vline left of col */
                   8114:       case 'b': prepchar='B'; prepcase=2;	/* alias for B */
                   8115:       case 'B': break;				/* baseline-justify row */
                   8116:       case 'v': prepchar='C'; prepcase=2;	/* alias for C */
                   8117:       case 'C': rowcenter[irow] = 1;		/* vertically center row */
                   8118: 		if (rowglobal) growcenter[irow] = rowcenter[irow]; break;
                   8119:       case 'g': colglobal=1; prepcase=0; break;	/* set global col values */
                   8120:       case 'G': rowglobal=1; prepcase=0; break;	/* set global row values */
                   8121:       case '#': colglobal=rowglobal=1; break; }	/* set global col,row vals */
                   8122:   if ( msglevel>=29 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* debugging */
                   8123:     fprintf(msgfp," %c[%d]",prepchar,
                   8124:     (prepcase==1?icol+1:(prepcase==2?irow+1:0)));
                   8125:   preptr++;				/* check next char for lcr */
                   8126:   itoken++;				/* #lcr's processed (debugging only)*/
                   8127:   /* --- check for number or +number specifying colwidth or rowheight --- */
                   8128:   if ( prepcase != 0 )			/* only check upper,lowercase */
                   8129:    {
                   8130:    int	ispropagate = (*preptr=='+'?1:0); /* leading + propagates width/ht */
                   8131:    if ( ispropagate )			/* set row or col propagation */
                   8132:      if ( prepcase == 1 ) colpropagate = 1; /* propagating col values */
                   8133:      else if ( prepcase == 2 ) rowpropagate = 1; /* propagating row values */
                   8134:    if ( !colpropagate && prepcase == 1 )
                   8135:       {	colwidth[icol] = 0;		/* reset colwidth */
                   8136: 	fixcolsize[icol] = 0; }		/* reset width flag */
                   8137:    if ( !rowpropagate && prepcase == 2 )
                   8138:       {	rowheight[irow] = 0;		/* reset row height */
                   8139: 	fixrowsize[irow] = 0; }		/* reset height flag */
                   8140:    if ( ispropagate ) preptr++;		/* bump past leading + */
                   8141:    if ( isdigit(*preptr) )		/* digit follows character */
                   8142:      { char *endptr = NULL;		/* preptr set to 1st char after num*/
                   8143:        int size = (int)(strtol(preptr,&endptr,10)); /* interpret number */
                   8144:        char *whchars="?wh";		/* debugging width/height labels */
                   8145:        preptr = endptr;			/* skip over all digits */
                   8146:        if ( size==0 || (size>=3&&size<=500) ) { /* sanity check */
                   8147: 	int index;			/* icol,irow...maxarraysz index */
                   8148: 	if ( prepcase == 1 )		/* lowercase signifies colwidth */
                   8149: 	 for(index=icol; index<=maxarraysz; index++) { /*propagate col size*/
                   8150: 	  colwidth[index] = size;	/* set colwidth to fixed size */
                   8151: 	  fixcolsize[index] = (size>0?1:0); /* set fixed width flag */
                   8152: 	  justify[index] = justify[icol]; /* and propagate justification */
                   8153: 	  if ( colglobal ) {		/* set global values */
                   8154: 	    gcolwidth[index] = colwidth[index]; /* set global col width */
                   8155: 	    gfixcolsize[index] = fixcolsize[index]; /*set global width flag*/
                   8156: 	    gjustify[index] = justify[icol]; } /* set global col justify */
                   8157: 	  if ( !ispropagate ) break; }	/* don't propagate */
                   8158: 	else				/* uppercase signifies rowheight */
                   8159: 	 for(index=irow; index<=maxarraysz; index++) { /*propagate row size*/
                   8160: 	  rowheight[index] = size;	/* set rowheight to size */
                   8161: 	  fixrowsize[index] = (size>0?1:0); /* set fixed height flag */
                   8162: 	  rowcenter[index] = rowcenter[irow]; /* and propagate row center */
                   8163: 	  if ( rowglobal ) {		/* set global values */
                   8164: 	    growheight[index] = rowheight[index]; /* set global row height */
                   8165: 	    gfixrowsize[index] = fixrowsize[index]; /*set global height flag*/
                   8166: 	    growcenter[index] = rowcenter[irow]; } /*set global row center*/
                   8167: 	  if ( !ispropagate ) break; }	/* don't propagate */
                   8168:         } /* --- end-of-if(size>=3&&size<=500) --- */
                   8169:        if ( msglevel>=29 && msgfp!=NULL ) /* debugging */
                   8170: 	 fprintf(msgfp,":%c=%d/fix#%d",whchars[prepcase],
                   8171: 	 (prepcase==1?colwidth[icol]:rowheight[irow]),
                   8172: 	 (prepcase==1?fixcolsize[icol]:fixrowsize[irow]));
                   8173:      } /* --- end-of-if(isdigit()) --- */
                   8174:    } /* --- end-of-if(prepcase!=0) --- */
                   8175:   if ( prepcase == 1 ) icol++;		/* bump col if lowercase lcr */
                   8176:     else if ( prepcase == 2 ) irow++;	/* bump row if uppercase BC */
                   8177:   } /* --- end-of-while(*preptr!='\000') --- */
                   8178: if ( msglevel>=29 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* debugging, emit final newline */
                   8179:  if ( itoken > 0 )			/* if we have preamble */
                   8180:   fprintf(msgfp,"\n");
                   8181: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8182: tokenize and rasterize components  a & b \\ c & d \\ etc  of subexpr
                   8183: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8184: /* --- rasterize tokens one at a time, and maintain row,col counts --- */
                   8185: ncols[nrows] = 0;			/* no tokens/cols in top row yet */
                   8186: while ( 1 )				/* scan chars till end */
                   8187:   {
                   8188:   /* --- local control flags --- */
                   8189:   int	iseox = (*exprptr == '\000'),	/* null signals end-of-expression */
                   8190: 	iseor = iseox,			/* \\ or eox signals end-of-row */
                   8191: 	iseoc = iseor;			/* & or eor signals end-of-col */
                   8192:   /* --- check for escapes --- */
                   8193:   isescape = isthischar(*exprptr,ESCAPE); /* is current char escape? */
                   8194:   wasescape= (!isnewrow&&isthischar(*(exprptr-1),ESCAPE)); /*prev char esc?*/
                   8195:   nescapes = (wasescape?nescapes+1:0);	/* # preceding consecutive escapes */
                   8196:   ischarescaped = (nescapes%2==0?0:1);	/* is current char escaped? */
                   8197:   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8198:   check for {...} subexpression starting from where we are now
                   8199:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   8200:   if ( *exprptr == '{'			/* start of {...} subexpression */
                   8201:   &&   !ischarescaped )			/* if not escaped \{ */
                   8202:     {
                   8203:     subptr = texsubexpr(exprptr,subtok,4095,"{","}",1,1); /*entire subexpr*/
                   8204:     subtoklen = strlen(subtok);		/* #chars in {...} */
                   8205:     memcpy(tokptr,exprptr,subtoklen);	/* copy {...} to accumulated token */
                   8206:     tokptr  += subtoklen;		/* bump tokptr to end of token */
                   8207:     exprptr += subtoklen;		/* and bump exprptr past {...} */
                   8208:     istokwhite = 0;			/* signal non-empty token */
                   8209:     continue;				/* continue with char after {...} */
                   8210:     } /* --- end-of-if(*exprptr=='{') --- */
                   8211:   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8212:   check for end-of-row(\\) and/or end-of-col(&)
                   8213:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   8214:   /* --- check for (escaped) end-of-row delimiter --- */
                   8215:   if ( isescape && !ischarescaped )	/* current char is escaped */
                   8216:     if ( isthischar(*(exprptr+1),rowdelim) /* next char is rowdelim */
                   8217:     ||   *(exprptr+1) == '\000' )	/* or a pathological null */
                   8218:       {	iseor = 1;			/* so set end-of-row flag */
                   8219: 	wasescape=isescape=nescapes = 0; } /* reset flags for new row */
                   8220:   /* --- check for end-of-col delimiter --- */
                   8221:   if (iseor				/* end-of-row signals end-of-col */
                   8222:   ||  (!ischarescaped&&isthischar(*exprptr,coldelim))) /*or unescaped coldel*/
                   8223:       iseoc = 1;			/* so set end-of-col flag */
                   8224:   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8225:   rasterize completed token
                   8226:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   8227:   if ( iseoc )				/* we have a completed token */
                   8228:     {
                   8229:     *tokptr = '\000';			/* first, null-terminate token */
                   8230:     /* --- check first token in row for \hline or \hdash --- */
                   8231:     ishonly = 0;			/*init for token not only an \hline*/
                   8232:     if ( ncols[nrows] == 0 )		/*\hline must be first token in row*/
                   8233:       {
                   8234:       tokptr=token; skipwhite(tokptr);	/* skip whitespace after // */
                   8235:       tokptr = texchar(tokptr,hltoken);	/* extract first char from token */
                   8236:       hltoklen = strlen(hltoken);	/* length of first char */
                   8237:       if ( hltoklen >= minhltoklen )	/*token must be at least \hl or \hd*/
                   8238: 	if ( memcmp(hlchar,hltoken,hltoklen) == 0 ) /* we have an \hline */
                   8239: 	   hline[nrows] += 1;		/* bump \hline count for row */
                   8240: 	else if ( memcmp(hdchar,hltoken,hltoklen) == 0 ) /*we have an \hdash*/
                   8241: 	   hline[nrows] = (-1);		/* set \hdash flag for row */
                   8242:       if ( hline[nrows] != 0 )		/* \hline or \hdash prefixes token */
                   8243: 	{ skipwhite(tokptr);		/* flush whitespace after \hline */
                   8244: 	  if ( *tokptr == '\000'	/* end-of-expression after \hline */
                   8245: 	  ||   isthischar(*tokptr,coldelim) ) /* or unescaped coldelim */
1.2     ! albertel 8246: 	    { istokwhite = 1;		/* so token contains \hline only */
        !          8247: 	      if ( iseox ) ishonly = 1; } /* ignore entire row at eox */
1.1       albertel 8248: 	  else				/* token contains more than \hline */
                   8249: 	    strcpy(token,tokptr); }	/* so flush \hline from token */
                   8250:       } /* --- end-of-if(ncols[nrows]==0) --- */
                   8251:     /* --- rasterize completed token --- */
                   8252:     toksp[ntokens] = (istokwhite? NULL : /* don't rasterize empty token */
                   8253:       rasterize(token,size));		/* rasterize non-empty token */
                   8254:     if ( toksp[ntokens] != NULL )	/* have a rasterized token */
                   8255:       nnonwhite++;			/* bump rasterized token count */
                   8256:     /* --- maintain colwidth[], rowheight[] max, and rowbaseln[] --- */
                   8257:     if ( toksp[ntokens] != NULL )	/* we have a rasterized token */
                   8258:       {
                   8259:       /* --- update max token "height" in current row, and baseline --- */
                   8260:       int twidth = ((toksp[ntokens])->image)->width,  /* width of token */
                   8261: 	theight = ((toksp[ntokens])->image)->height, /* height of token */
                   8262: 	tbaseln =  (toksp[ntokens])->baseline, /* baseline of token */
                   8263: 	rheight = rowheight[nrows],	/* current max height for row */
                   8264: 	rbaseln = rowbaseln[nrows];	/* current baseline for max height */
                   8265:       if ( 0 || fixrowsize[nrows]==0 )	/* rowheight not fixed */
                   8266:        rowheight[nrows] = /*max2( rheight,*/( /* current (max) rowheight */
                   8267: 	max2(rbaseln+1,tbaseln+1)	/* max height above baseline */
                   8268: 	+ max2(rheight-rbaseln-1,theight-tbaseln-1) ); /* plus max below */
                   8269:       rowbaseln[nrows] = max2(rbaseln,tbaseln); /*max space above baseline*/
                   8270:       /* --- update max token width in current column --- */
                   8271:       icol = ncols[nrows];		/* current column index */
                   8272:       if ( 0 || fixcolsize[icol]==0 )	/* colwidth not fixed */
                   8273:        colwidth[icol] = max2(colwidth[icol],twidth); /*widest token in col*/
                   8274:       } /* --- end-of-if(toksp[]!=NULL) --- */
                   8275:     /* --- bump counters --- */
                   8276:     if ( !ishonly )			/* don't count only an \hline */
                   8277:       {	ntokens++;			/* bump total token count */
                   8278: 	ncols[nrows] += 1; }		/* and bump #cols in current row */
                   8279:     /* --- get ready for next token --- */
                   8280:     tokptr = token;			/* reset ptr for next token */
                   8281:     istokwhite = 1;			/* next token starts all white */
                   8282:     } /* --- end-of-if(iseoc) --- */
                   8283:   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8284:   bump row as necessary
                   8285:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   8286:   if ( iseor )				/* we have a completed row */
                   8287:     {
                   8288:     maxcols = max2(maxcols,ncols[nrows]); /* max# cols in array */
                   8289:     if ( ncols[nrows]>0 || hline[nrows]==0 ) /*ignore row with only \hline*/
                   8290:       nrows++;				/* bump row count */
                   8291:     ncols[nrows] = 0;			/* no cols in this row yet */
                   8292:     if ( !iseox )			/* don't have a null yet */
                   8293:       {	exprptr++;			/* bump past extra \ in \\ delim */
                   8294: 	iseox = (*exprptr == '\000'); }	/* recheck for pathological \null */
                   8295:     isnewrow = 1;			/* signal start of new row */
                   8296:     } /* --- end-of-if(iseor) --- */
                   8297:   else
                   8298:     isnewrow = 0;			/* no longer first col of new row */
                   8299:   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8300:   quit when done, or accumulate char in token and proceed to next char
                   8301:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   8302:   /* --- quit when done --- */
                   8303:   if ( iseox ) break;			/* null terminator signalled done */
                   8304:   /* --- accumulate chars in token --- */
                   8305:   if ( !iseoc )				/* don't accumulate delimiters */
                   8306:     { *tokptr++ = *exprptr;		/* accumulate non-delim char */
                   8307:       if ( !isthischar(*exprptr,WHITESPACE) ) /* this token isn't empty */
                   8308: 	istokwhite = 0; }		/* so reset flag to rasterize it */
                   8309:   /* --- ready for next char --- */
                   8310:   exprptr++;				/* bump ptr */
                   8311:   } /* --- end-of-while(*exprptr!='\000') --- */
                   8312: /* --- make sure we got something to do --- */
                   8313: if ( nnonwhite < 1 )			/* completely empty array */
                   8314:   goto end_of_job;			/* NULL back to caller */
                   8315: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8316: determine dimensions of array raster and allocate it
                   8317: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8318: /* --- adjust colspace --- */
                   8319: colspace = 2 + 2*size;			/* temp kludge */
                   8320: /* --- reset propagated sizes at boundaries of array --- */
                   8321: colwidth[maxcols] = rowheight[nrows] = 0; /* reset explicit 0's at edges */
                   8322: /* --- determine width of array raster --- */
                   8323: width = colspace*(maxcols-1);		/* empty space between cols */
                   8324: if ( msglevel>=29 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* debugging */
                   8325:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastarray> %d cols,  widths: ",maxcols);
                   8326: for ( icol=0; icol<=maxcols; icol++ )	/* and for each col */
                   8327:   { width += colwidth[icol];		/*width of this col (0 for maxcols)*/
                   8328:     width += vlinespace(icol);		/*plus space for vline, if present*/
                   8329:     if ( msglevel>=29 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* debugging */
                   8330:      fprintf(msgfp," %d=%2d+%d",icol+1,colwidth[icol],(vlinespace(icol))); }
                   8331: /* --- determine height of array raster --- */
                   8332: height = rowspace*(nrows-1);		/* empty space between rows */
                   8333: if ( msglevel>=29 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* debugging */
                   8334:   fprintf(msgfp,"\nrastarray> %d rows, heights: ",nrows);
                   8335: for ( irow=0; irow<=nrows; irow++ )	/* and for each row */
                   8336:   { height += rowheight[irow];		/*height of this row (0 for nrows)*/
                   8337:     height += hlinespace(irow);		/*plus space for hline, if present*/
                   8338:     if ( msglevel>=29 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* debugging */
                   8339:      fprintf(msgfp," %d=%2d+%d",irow+1,rowheight[irow],(hlinespace(irow))); }
                   8340: /* --- allocate subraster and raster for array --- */
                   8341: if ( msglevel>=29 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* debugging */
                   8342:   fprintf(msgfp,"\nrastarray> tot width=%d(colspc=%d) height=%d(rowspc=%d)\n",
                   8343:   width,colspace, height,rowspace);
                   8344: if ( (arraysp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate new subraster */
                   8345: ==   NULL )  goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   8346: /* --- initialize subraster parameters --- */
                   8347: arraysp->type = IMAGERASTER;		/* image */
                   8348: arraysp->symdef = NULL;			/* not applicable for image */
                   8349: arraysp->baseline=min2(height/2+5,height-1); /*is a little above center good?*/
                   8350: arraysp->size = size;			/* size (probably unneeded) */
                   8351: arrayrp = arraysp->image;		/* raster embedded in subraster */
                   8352: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8353: embed tokens/cells in array
                   8354: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8355: itoken = 0;				/* start with first token */
                   8356: toprow = 0;				/* start at top row of array */
                   8357: for ( irow=0; irow<=nrows; irow++ )	/*tokens were accumulated row-wise*/
                   8358:   {
                   8359:   /* --- initialization for row --- */
                   8360:   int	baseline = rowbaseln[irow];	/* baseline for this row */
                   8361:   if ( hline[irow] != 0 )		/* need hline above this row */
                   8362:     { int hrow = (irow<1? 0 : toprow - rowspace/2); /* row for hline */
                   8363:       if ( irow >= nrows ) hrow = height-1; /* row for bottom hline */
                   8364:       rule_raster(arrayrp,hrow,0,width,1,(hline[irow]<0?1:0)); } /* hline */
                   8365:   if ( irow >= nrows ) break;		/*just needed \hline for irow=nrows*/
                   8366:   toprow += hlinespace(irow);		/* space for hline above irow */
                   8367:   leftcol = 0;				/* start at leftmost column */
                   8368:   for ( icol=0; icol<ncols[irow]; icol++ ) /* go through cells in this row */
                   8369:     {
                   8370:     subraster *tsp = toksp[itoken];	/* token that belongs in this cell */
1.2     ! albertel 8371:     /* --- first adjust leftcol for vline to left of icol, if present ---- */
        !          8372:     leftcol += vlinespace(icol);	/* space for vline to left of col */
        !          8373:     /* --- now rasterize cell ---- */
1.1       albertel 8374:     if ( tsp != NULL )			/* have a rasterized cell token */
                   8375:       {
                   8376:       /* --- local parameters --- */
                   8377:       int cwidth = colwidth[icol],	/* total column width */
                   8378: 	  twidth = (tsp->image)->width,	/* token width */
                   8379: 	  theight= (tsp->image)->height, /* token height */
                   8380: 	  tokencol = 0,			/*H offset (init for left justify)*/
                   8381: 	  tokenrow = baseline - tsp->baseline;/*V offset (init for baseline)*/
                   8382:       /* --- adjust leftcol for vline to left of icol, if present ---- */
1.2     ! albertel 8383:       /*leftcol += vlinespace(icol);*/	/* space for vline to left of col */
1.1       albertel 8384:       /* --- reset justification (if not left-justified) --- */
                   8385:       if ( justify[icol] == 0 )		/* but user wants it centered */
                   8386: 	  tokencol = (cwidth-twidth+1)/2; /* so split margin left/right */
                   8387:       else if ( justify[icol] == 1 )	/* or user wants right-justify */
                   8388: 	  tokencol = cwidth-twidth;	/* so put entire margin at left */
                   8389:       /* --- reset vertical centering (if not baseline-aligned) --- */
                   8390:       if ( rowcenter[irow] )		/* center cells in row vertically */
                   8391: 	  tokenrow = (rowheight[irow]-theight)/2; /* center row */
                   8392:       /* --- embed token raster at appropriate place in array raster --- */
                   8393:       rastput(arrayrp,tsp->image,	/* overlay cell token in array */
                   8394: 	  toprow+ tokenrow,		/*with aligned baseline or centered*/
                   8395: 	  leftcol+tokencol, 1);		/* and justified as requested */
                   8396:       } /* --- end-of-if(tsp!=NULL) --- */
                   8397:     itoken++;				/* bump index for next cell */
                   8398:     leftcol += colwidth[icol] + colspace /*move leftcol right for next col*/
                   8399:       /* + vlinespace(icol) */ ; /*don't add space for vline to left of col*/
                   8400:     } /* --- end-of-for(icol) --- */
                   8401:   toprow += rowheight[irow] + rowspace;	/* move toprow down for next row */
                   8402:   } /* --- end-of-for(irow) --- */
                   8403: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8404: draw vlines as necessary
                   8405: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8406: leftcol = 0;				/* start at leftmost column */
                   8407: for ( icol=0; icol<=maxcols; icol++ )	/* check each col for a vline */
                   8408:   {
                   8409:   if ( vline[icol] != 0 )		/* need vline to left of this col */
                   8410:     { int vcol = (icol<1? 0 : leftcol - colspace/2); /* column for vline */
                   8411:       if ( icol >= maxcols ) vcol = width-1; /*column for right edge vline*/
                   8412:       rule_raster(arrayrp,0,vcol,1,height,(vline[icol]<0?2:0)); } /* vline */
                   8413:   leftcol += vlinespace(icol);		/* space for vline to left of col */
                   8414:   if ( icol < maxcols )			/* don't address past end of array */
                   8415:     leftcol += colwidth[icol] + colspace; /*move leftcol right for next col*/
                   8416:   } /* --- end-of-for(icol) --- */
                   8417: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8418: free workspace and return final result to caller
                   8419: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8420: end_of_job:
                   8421:   /* --- free workspace --- */
                   8422:   if ( ntokens > 0 )			/* if we have workspace to free */
                   8423:     while ( --ntokens >= 0 )		/* free each token subraster */
                   8424:       if ( toksp[ntokens] != NULL )	/* if we rasterized this cell */
                   8425: 	delete_subraster(toksp[ntokens]); /* then free it */
                   8426:   /* --- return final result to caller --- */
                   8427:   return ( arraysp );
                   8428: } /* --- end-of-function rastarray() --- */
                   8431: /* ==========================================================================
                   8432:  * Function:	rastpicture ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   8433:  * Purpose:	\picture handler, returns subraster corresponding to picture
                   8434:  *		expression (immediately following \picture) at font size
                   8435:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8436:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   8437:  *				string immediately following \picture to be
                   8438:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   8439:  *				following last character processed.
                   8440:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   8441:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   8442:  *				immediately preceding \picture
                   8443:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   8444:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   8445:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   8446:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   8447:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8448:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to picture
                   8449:  *				expression, or NULL for any parsing error
                   8450:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8451:  * Notes:     o	Summary of syntax...
                   8452:  *		  \picture(width,height){(x,y){pic_elem}~(x,y){pic_elem}~etc}
                   8453:  *	      o	
                   8454:  * ======================================================================= */
                   8455: /* --- entry point --- */
                   8456: subraster *rastpicture ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   8457: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   8458: {
                   8459: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8460: Allocations and Declarations
                   8461: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8462: char	*texsubexpr(), picexpr[2049], *picptr=picexpr, /* picture {expre} */
                   8463: 	putexpr[256], *putptr,*multptr,	/*[multi]put (x,y[;xinc,yinc;num])*/
                   8464: 	pream[64], *preptr,		/* optional put preamble */
                   8465: 	picelem[1025];			/* picture element following put */
                   8466: subraster   *rasterize(), *picelemsp=NULL, /* rasterize picture elements */
                   8467: 	*new_subraster(), *picturesp=NULL, /* subraster for entire picture */
                   8468: 	*oldworkingbox = workingbox;	/* save working box on entry */
                   8469: raster	*picturerp=NULL;		/* raster for entire picture */
                   8470: int	delete_subraster();		/* free picelemsp[] workspace */
                   8471: int	pixsz = 1;			/* pixels are one bit each */
                   8472: double	strtod(),			/* convert ascii params to doubles */
                   8473: 	x=0.0,y=0.0,			/* x,y-coords for put,multiput*/
                   8474: 	xinc=0.0,yinc=0.0;		/* x,y-incrementss for multiput*/
                   8475: int	width=0,  height=0,		/* #pixels width,height of picture */
                   8476: 	ewidth=0, eheight=0,		/* pic element width,height */
                   8477: 	ix=0,xpos=0, iy=0,ypos=0,	/* mimeTeX x,y pixel coords */
                   8478: 	num=1, inum;			/* number reps, index of element */
                   8479: int	iscenter=0;			/* center or lowerleft put position*/
                   8480: int	*oldworkingparam = workingparam, /* save working param on entry */
                   8481: 	origin = 0;			/* x,yinc ++=00 +-=01 -+=10 --=11 */
                   8482: int	rastput();			/* embed elements in picture */
                   8483: int	type_raster();			/* display debugging output */
                   8484: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8485: First obtain (width,height) arguments immediately following \picture command
                   8486: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8487: /* --- parse for (width,height) arguments, and bump expression past it --- */
                   8488: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,putexpr,254,"(",")",0,0);
                   8489: if ( *putexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get (width,height) */
                   8490: /* --- now interpret width,height returned in putexpr --- */
                   8491: if ( (putptr=strchr(putexpr,',')) != NULL ) /* look for ',' in width,height*/
                   8492:   *putptr = '\000';			/* found it, so replace ',' by '\0'*/
                   8493: width=height = iround(unitlength*strtod(putexpr,NULL)); /*width pixels*/
                   8494: if ( putptr != NULL )			/* 2nd arg, if present, is height */
                   8495:   height = iround(unitlength*strtod(putptr+1,NULL)); /*in pixels*/
                   8496: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8497: Then obtain entire picture {...} subexpression following (width,height)
                   8498: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8499: /* --- parse for picture subexpression, and bump expression past it --- */
                   8500: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,picexpr,2047,"{","}",0,0);
                   8501: if ( *picexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get {pic_elements} */
                   8502: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8503: allocate subraster and raster for complete picture
                   8504: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8505: /* --- sanity check on width,height args --- */
                   8506: if ( width < 2 ||  width > 600
                   8507: ||  height < 2 || height > 600 ) goto end_of_job;
                   8508: /* --- allocate and initialize subraster for constructed picture --- */
                   8509: if ( (picturesp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /*allocate new subraster*/
                   8510: ==   NULL )  goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   8511: workingbox = picturesp;			/* set workingbox to our picture */
                   8512: /* --- initialize picture subraster parameters --- */
                   8513: picturesp->type = IMAGERASTER;		/* image */
                   8514: picturesp->symdef = NULL;		/* not applicable for image */
                   8515: picturesp->baseline = height/2 + 2;	/* is a little above center good? */
                   8516: picturesp->size = size;			/* size (probably unneeded) */
                   8517: picturerp = picturesp->image;		/* raster embedded in subraster */
                   8518: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )	/* debugging */
                   8519:   fprintf(msgfp,"picture> width,height=%d,%d\n",width,height);
                   8520: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8521: parse out each picture element, rasterize it, and place it in picture
                   8522: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8523: while ( *picptr != '\000' )		/* until we run out of pic_elems */
                   8524:   {
                   8525:   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8526:   first obtain leading \[multi]put(x,y[;xinc,yinc;num]) args for pic_elem
                   8527:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   8528:   /* --- init default values in case not explicitly supplied in args --- */
                   8529:   x=y=0.0;  xinc=yinc=0.0;  num=1;	/* init default values */
                   8530:   iscenter = origin = 0;		/* center, origin */
                   8531:   /* --- get (pream$x,y;xinc,yinc;num ) args and bump picptr past it --- */
                   8532:   while ( *picptr != '\000' )		/* skip invalid chars preceding ( */
                   8533:     if ( *picptr == '(' ) break;	/* found opening ( */
                   8534:     else picptr++;			/* else skip invalid char */
                   8535:   picptr = texsubexpr(picptr,putexpr,254,"(",")",0,0);
                   8536:   if ( *putexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get (x,y) */
                   8537:   /* --- first look for $-terminated or for any non-digit preamble --- */
                   8538:   *pream = '\000';			/* init preamble as empty string */
                   8539:   if ( (putptr=strchr(putexpr,'$')) != NULL ) /*check for $ pream terminator*/
                   8540:     { *putptr++ = '\000';		/* replace $ by '\0', bump past $ */
                   8541:       strcpy(pream,putexpr); }		/* copy leading preamble from put */
                   8542:   else					/* look for any non-digit preamble */
                   8543:     { for ( preptr=pream,putptr=putexpr; ; putptr++ )
                   8544: 	if ( *putptr == '\000'		/* end-of-putdata signalled */
                   8545: 	||   !isalpha((int)(*putptr)) ) break; /* or found non-alpha char */
                   8546: 	else *preptr++ = *putptr;	/* copy alpha char to preamble */
                   8547:       *preptr = '\000'; }		/* null-terminate preamble */
                   8548:   /* --- interpret preamble --- */
                   8549:   for ( preptr=pream; ; preptr++ )	/* examine each preamble char */
                   8550:     if ( *preptr == '\000' ) break;	/* end-of-preamble signalled */
                   8551:     else switch ( tolower(*preptr) )	/* check lowercase preamble char */
                   8552:       {
                   8553:       default: break;			/* unrecognized flag */
                   8554:       case 'c': iscenter=1; break;	/* center pic_elem at x,y coords */
                   8555:       } /* --- end-of-switch --- */
                   8556:   /* --- interpret x,y;xinc,yinc;num following preamble --- */      
                   8557:   if ( *putptr != '\000' )		/*check for put data after preamble*/
                   8558:    {
                   8559:    /* --- first squeeze preamble out of put expression --- */
                   8560:    if ( *pream != '\000' ) strcpy(putexpr,putptr); /* squeeze out preamble */
                   8561:    /* --- interpret x,y --- */
                   8562:    if ( (multptr=strchr(putexpr,';')) != NULL ) /*semicolon signals multiput*/
                   8563:      *multptr = '\000';			/* replace semicolon by '\0' */
                   8564:    if ( (putptr=strchr(putexpr,',')) != NULL ) /* comma separates x,y */
                   8565:      *putptr = '\000';			/* replace comma by '\0'  */
                   8566:    if ( *putexpr != '\000' )		/* leading , may be placeholder */
                   8567:      x = unitlength*strtod(putexpr,NULL); /* x coord in pixels*/
                   8568:    if ( putptr != NULL )		/* 2nd arg, if present, is y coord */
                   8569:      y = unitlength*strtod(putptr+1,NULL); /* in pixels */
                   8570:    /* --- interpret xinc,yinc,num if we have a multiput --- */
                   8571:    if ( multptr != NULL )		/* found ';' signalling multiput */
                   8572:      {
                   8573:      if ( (preptr=strchr(multptr+1,';')) != NULL ) /* ';' preceding num arg*/
                   8574:        *preptr = '\000';		/* replace ';' by '\0' */
                   8575:      if ( (putptr=strchr(multptr+1,',')) != NULL ) /* ',' between xinc,yinc*/
                   8576:        *putptr = '\000';		/* replace ',' by '\0' */
                   8577:      if ( *(multptr+1) != '\000' )	/* leading , may be placeholder */
                   8578:        xinc = unitlength*strtod(multptr+1,NULL); /* xinc in pixels */
                   8579:      if ( putptr != NULL )		/* 2nd arg, if present, is yinc */
                   8580:        yinc = unitlength*strtod(putptr+1,NULL); /* in user pixels */
                   8581:      num = (preptr==NULL? 999 : atoi(preptr+1)); /*explicit num val or 999*/
                   8582:      } /* --- end-of-if(multptr!=NULL) --- */
                   8583:    } /* --- end-of-if(*preptr!='\000') --- */
                   8584:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )	/* debugging */
                   8585:     fprintf(msgfp,
                   8586:     "picture> pream;x,y;xinc,yinc;num=\"%s\";%.2f,%.2f;%.2f,%.2f;%d\n",
                   8587:     pream,x,y,xinc,yinc,num);
                   8588:   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8589:   now obtain {...} picture element following [multi]put, and rasterize it
                   8590:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   8591:   /* --- parse for {...} picture element and bump picptr past it --- */
                   8592:   picptr = texsubexpr(picptr,picelem,1023,"{","}",0,0);
                   8593:   if ( *picelem == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get {pic_elem} */
                   8594:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )	/* debugging */
                   8595:     fprintf(msgfp, "picture> picelem=\"%.50s\"\n",picelem);
                   8596:   /* --- rasterize picture element --- */
                   8597:   origin = 0;				/* init origin as working param */
                   8598:   workingparam = &origin;		/* and point working param to it */
                   8599:   picelemsp = rasterize(picelem,size);	/* rasterize picture element */
                   8600:   if ( picelemsp == NULL ) continue;	/* failed to rasterize, skip elem */
                   8601:   ewidth  = (picelemsp->image)->width;	/* width of element, in pixels */
                   8602:   eheight = (picelemsp->image)->height;	/* height of element, in pixels */
                   8603:   if ( origin == 55 ) iscenter = 1;	/* origin set to (.5,.5) for center*/
                   8604:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )	/* debugging */
                   8605:     { fprintf(msgfp, "picture> ewidth,eheight,origin,num=%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
                   8606:       ewidth,eheight,origin,num);
                   8607:       if ( msglevel >= 999 ) type_raster(picelemsp->image,msgfp); }
                   8608:   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8609:   embed element in picture (once, or multiple times if requested)
                   8610:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   8611:   for ( inum=0; inum<num; inum++ )	/* once, or for num repetitions */
                   8612:     {
                   8613:     /* --- set x,y-coords for this iteration --- */
                   8614:     ix = iround(x);  iy = iround(y);	/* round x,y to nearest integer */
                   8615:     if ( iscenter )			/* place center of element at x,y */
                   8616:       {	xpos = ix - ewidth/2;		/* x picture coord to center elem */
                   8617: 	ypos = height - iy - eheight/2; } /* y pixel coord to center elem */
                   8618:     else				/* default places lower-left at x,y*/
                   8619:       {	xpos = ix;			/* set x pixel coord for left */
                   8620: 	if ( origin==10 || origin==11 )	/* x,yinc's are -+ or -- */
                   8621: 	  xpos = ix - ewidth;		/* so set for right instead */
                   8622: 	ypos = height - iy - eheight;	/* set y pixel coord for lower */
                   8623: 	if ( origin==1 || origin==11 )	/* x,yinc's are +- or -- */
                   8624: 	  ypos = height - iy; }		/* so set for upper instead */
                   8625:     if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )	/* debugging */
                   8626:       fprintf(msgfp,
                   8627:       "picture> inum,x,y,ix,iy,xpos,ypos=%d,%.2f,%.2f,%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
                   8628:       inum,x,y,ix,iy,xpos,ypos);
                   8629:     /* --- embed token raster at xpos,ypos, and quit if out-of-bounds --- */
                   8630:     if ( !rastput(picturerp,picelemsp->image,ypos,xpos,0) ) break;
                   8631:     /* --- apply increment --- */
                   8632:     if ( xinc==0. && yinc==0. ) break;	/* quit if both increments zero */
                   8633:     x += xinc;  y += yinc;		/* increment coords for next iter */
                   8634:     } /* --- end-of-for(inum) --- */
                   8635:   /* --- free picture element subraster after embedding it in picture --- */
                   8636:   delete_subraster(picelemsp);		/* done with subraster, so free it */
                   8637:   } /* --- end-of-while(*picptr!=0) --- */
                   8638: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8639: return picture constructed from pic_elements to caller
                   8640: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8641: end_of_job:
                   8642:   workingbox = oldworkingbox;		/* restore original working box */
                   8643:   workingparam = oldworkingparam;	/* restore original working param */
                   8644:   return ( picturesp );			/* return our picture to caller */
                   8645: } /* --- end-of-function rastpicture() --- */
                   8648: /* ==========================================================================
                   8649:  * Function:	rastline ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   8650:  * Purpose:	\line handler, returns subraster corresponding to line
                   8651:  *		parameters (xinc,yinc){xlen}
                   8652:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8653:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   8654:  *				string immediately following \line to be
                   8655:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   8656:  *				following last character processed.
                   8657:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   8658:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   8659:  *				immediately preceding \line
                   8660:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   8661:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   8662:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   8663:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   8664:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8665:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to line
                   8666:  *				requested, or NULL for any parsing error
                   8667:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8668:  * Notes:     o	Summary of syntax...
                   8669:  *		  \line(xinc,yinc){xlen}
                   8670:  *	      o	if {xlen} not given, then it's assumed xlen = |xinc|
                   8671:  * ======================================================================= */
                   8672: /* --- entry point --- */
                   8673: subraster *rastline ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   8674: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   8675: {
                   8676: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8677: Allocations and Declarations
                   8678: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8679: char	*texsubexpr(),linexpr[257], *xptr=linexpr; /*line(xinc,yinc){xlen}*/
                   8680: subraster *new_subraster(), *linesp=NULL; /* subraster for line */
                   8681: /*char	*origexpression = *expression;*/ /*original expression after \line*/
                   8682: int	pixsz = 1;			/* pixels are one bit each */
1.2     ! albertel 8683: int	thickness = 1;			/* line thickness */
1.1       albertel 8684: double	strtod(),			/* convert ascii params to doubles */
                   8685: 	xinc=0.0, yinc=0.0,		/* x,y-increments for line, */
                   8686: 	xlen=0.0, ylen=0.0;		/* x,y lengths for line */
1.2     ! albertel 8687: int	width=0,  height=0,		/* #pixels width,height of line */
        !          8688: 	rwidth=0, rheight=0;		/*alloc width,height plus thickness*/
1.1       albertel 8689: int	istop=0,  isright=0,		/* origin at bot-left if x,yinc>=0 */
                   8690: 	origin = 0;			/* x,yinc: ++=00 +-=01 -+=10 --=11 */
                   8691: int	line_raster();			/* draw line in linesp->image */
                   8692: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8693: obtain (xinc,yinc) arguments immediately following \line command
                   8694: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8695: /* --- parse for (xinc,yinc) arguments, and bump expression past it --- */
                   8696: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,linexpr,253,"(",")",0,0);
                   8697: if ( *linexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get (xinc,yinc) */
1.2     ! albertel 8698: /* --- now interpret xinc,yinc;thickness returned in linexpr --- */
        !          8699: if ( (xptr=strchr(linexpr,';')) != NULL ) /* look for ';' after xinc,yinc */
        !          8700:   { *xptr = '\000';			/* terminate linexpr at ; */
        !          8701:     thickness = (int)strtol(xptr+1,NULL,10); } /* get int thickness */
1.1       albertel 8702: if ( (xptr=strchr(linexpr,',')) != NULL ) /* look for ',' in xinc,yinc */
                   8703:   *xptr = '\000';			/* found it, so replace ',' by '\0'*/
                   8704: if ( *linexpr != '\000' )		/* check against missing 1st arg */
                   8705:   xinc = xlen = strtod(linexpr,NULL);	/* xinc in user units */
                   8706: if ( xptr != NULL )			/* 2nd arg, if present, is yinc */
                   8707:   yinc = ylen = strtod(xptr+1,NULL);	/* in user units */
                   8708: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8709: obtain optional {xlen} following (xinc,yinc), and calculate ylen
                   8710: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8711: /* --- check if {xlen} given --- */
                   8712: if ( *(*expression) == '{' )		/*have {xlen} if leading char is { */
                   8713:   {
                   8714:   /* --- parse {xlen} and bump expression past it, interpret as double --- */
                   8715:   *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,linexpr,253,"{","}",0,0);
                   8716:   if ( *linexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get {xlen} */
                   8717:   xlen = strtod(linexpr,NULL);		/* xlen in user units */
                   8718:   /* --- set other values accordingly --- */
                   8719:   if ( xlen  < 0.0 ) xinc = -xinc;	/* if xlen negative, flip xinc sign*/
                   8720:   if ( xinc != 0.0 ) ylen = xlen*yinc/xinc; /* set ylen from xlen and slope*/
                   8721:   else xlen  = 0.0;			/* can't have xlen if xinc=0 */
                   8722:   } /* --- end-of-if(*(*expression)=='{') --- */
                   8723: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8724: calculate width,height, etc, based on xlen,ylen, etc
                   8725: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8726: /* --- force lengths positive --- */
                   8727: xlen = absval(xlen);			/* force xlen positive */
                   8728: ylen = absval(ylen);			/* force ylen positive */
                   8729: /* --- calculate corresponding lengths in pixels --- */
1.2     ! albertel 8730: width   = max2(1,iround(unitlength*xlen)); /*scale by unitlength and round,*/
        !          8731: height  = max2(1,iround(unitlength*ylen)); /* and must be at least 1 pixel */
        !          8732: rwidth  = width  + (ylen<0.001?0:max2(0,thickness-1));
        !          8733: rheight = height + (xlen<0.001?0:max2(0,thickness-1));
1.1       albertel 8734: /* --- set origin corner, x,yinc's: ++=0=(0,0) +-=1=(0,1) -+=10=(1,0) --- */
                   8735: if ( xinc < 0.0 ) isright = 1;		/*negative xinc, so corner is (1,?)*/
                   8736: if ( yinc < 0.0 ) istop = 1;		/*negative yinc, so corner is (?,1)*/
                   8737: origin = isright*10 + istop;		/* interpret 0=(0,0), 11=(1,1), etc*/
                   8738: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )	/* debugging */
                   8739:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastline> width,height,origin;x,yinc=%d,%d,%d;%g,%g\n",
                   8740:   width,height,origin,xinc,yinc);
                   8741: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8742: allocate subraster and raster for complete picture
                   8743: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 8744: /* --- sanity check on width,height,thickness args --- */
1.1       albertel 8745: if ( width < 1 ||  width > 600
1.2     ! albertel 8746: ||  height < 1 || height > 600
        !          8747: ||  thickness<1||thickness>25 ) goto end_of_job;
1.1       albertel 8748: /* --- allocate and initialize subraster for constructed line --- */
1.2     ! albertel 8749: if ( (linesp=new_subraster(rwidth,rheight,pixsz)) /* alloc new subraster */
1.1       albertel 8750: ==   NULL )  goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   8751: /* --- initialize line subraster parameters --- */
                   8752: linesp->type = IMAGERASTER;		/* image */
                   8753: linesp->symdef = NULL;			/* not applicable for image */
1.2     ! albertel 8754: linesp->baseline = height/2 + 2		/* is a little above center good? */
        !          8755: 	+ (rheight-height)/2;		/* account for line thickness too */
1.1       albertel 8756: linesp->size = size;			/* size (probably unneeded) */
                   8757: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8758: draw the line
                   8759: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8760: line_raster ( linesp->image,		/* embedded raster image */
                   8761: 	(istop?   0 : height-1),	/* row0, from bottom or top */
                   8762: 	(isright?  width-1 : 0),	/* col0, from left or right */
                   8763: 	(istop?   height-1 : 0),	/* row1, to top or bottom */
                   8764: 	(isright? 0 :  width-1),	/* col1, to right or left */
1.2     ! albertel 8765: 	thickness );			/* line thickness (usually 1 pixel)*/
1.1       albertel 8766: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8767: return constructed line to caller
                   8768: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8769: end_of_job:
                   8770:   if ( workingparam != NULL )		/* caller wants origin */
                   8771:     *workingparam = origin;		/* return origin corner to caller */
                   8772:   return ( linesp );			/* return line to caller */
                   8773: } /* --- end-of-function rastline() --- */
                   8776: /* ==========================================================================
                   8777:  * Function:	rastcircle ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   8778:  * Purpose:	\circle handler, returns subraster corresponding to ellipse
                   8779:  *		parameters (xdiam[,ydiam])
                   8780:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8781:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   8782:  *				string immediately following \circle to be
                   8783:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   8784:  *				following last character processed.
                   8785:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-4 default font size
                   8786:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   8787:  *				immediately preceding \circle
                   8788:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   8789:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   8790:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   8791:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   8792:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8793:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to ellipse
                   8794:  *				requested, or NULL for any parsing error
                   8795:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8796:  * Notes:     o	Summary of syntax...
                   8797:  *		  \circle(xdiam[,ydiam])
                   8798:  *	      o
                   8799:  * ======================================================================= */
                   8800: /* --- entry point --- */
                   8801: subraster *rastcircle ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   8802: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   8803: {
                   8804: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8805: Allocations and Declarations
                   8806: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8807: char	*texsubexpr(), circexpr[512],*xptr=circexpr; /*circle(xdiam[,ydiam])*/
                   8808: char	*qptr=NULL, quads[256]="1234";	/* default to draw all quadrants */
                   8809: double	theta0=0.0, theta1=0.0;		/* ;theta0,theta1 instead of ;quads*/
                   8810: subraster *new_subraster(), *circsp=NULL; /* subraster for ellipse */
                   8811: int	pixsz = 1;			/* pixels are one bit each */
                   8812: double	strtod(),			/* convert ascii params to doubles */
                   8813: 	xdiam=0.0, ydiam=0.0;		/* x,y major/minor axes/diameters */
                   8814: int	width=0,  height=0;		/* #pixels width,height of ellipse */
                   8815: int	thickness = 1;			/* drawn lines are one pixel thick */
                   8816: int	origin = 55;			/* force origin centered */
                   8817: int	circle_raster(),		/* draw ellipse in circsp->image */
                   8818: 	circle_recurse();		/* for theta0,theta1 args */
                   8819: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8820: obtain (xdiam[,ydiam]) arguments immediately following \circle command
                   8821: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8822: /* --- parse for (xdiam[,ydiam]) args, and bump expression past it --- */
                   8823: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,circexpr,511,"(",")",0,0);
                   8824: if ( *circexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get (xdiam[,ydiam])*/
                   8825: /* --- now interpret xdiam[,ydiam] returned in circexpr --- */
                   8826: if ( (qptr=strchr(circexpr,';')) != NULL ) /* semicolon signals quads data */
                   8827:   { *qptr = '\000';			/* replace semicolon by '\0' */
                   8828:     strcpy(quads,qptr+1);		/* save user-requested quads */
                   8829:     if ( (qptr=strchr(quads,',')) != NULL ) /* have theta0,theta1 instead */
                   8830:       {	*qptr = '\000';			/* replace , with null */
                   8831: 	theta0 = strtod(quads,NULL);	/* theta0 precedes , */
                   8832: 	theta1 = strtod(qptr+1,NULL);	/* theta1 follows , */
                   8833: 	qptr = NULL; }			/* signal thetas instead of quads */
                   8834:     else
                   8835: 	qptr = quads; }			/* set qptr arg for circle_raster()*/
                   8836: else					/* no ;quads at all */
                   8837:   qptr = quads;				/* default to all 4 quadrants */
                   8838: if ( (xptr=strchr(circexpr,',')) != NULL ) /* look for ',' in xdiam[,ydiam]*/
                   8839:   *xptr = '\000';			/* found it, so replace ',' by '\0'*/
                   8840: xdiam = ydiam = strtod(circexpr,NULL);	/* xdiam=ydiam in user units */
                   8841: if ( xptr != NULL )			/* 2nd arg, if present, is ydiam */
                   8842:   ydiam = strtod(xptr+1,NULL);		/* in user units */
                   8843: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8844: calculate width,height, etc
                   8845: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8846: /* --- calculate width,height in pixels --- */
                   8847: width  = max2(1,iround(unitlength*xdiam)); /*scale by unitlength and round,*/
                   8848: height = max2(1,iround(unitlength*ydiam)); /* and must be at least 1 pixel */
                   8849: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )	/* debugging */
                   8850:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastcircle> width,height;quads=%d,%d,%s\n",
                   8851:   width,height,(qptr==NULL?"default":qptr));
                   8852: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8853: allocate subraster and raster for complete picture
                   8854: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8855: /* --- sanity check on width,height args --- */
                   8856: if ( width < 1 ||  width > 600
                   8857: ||  height < 1 || height > 600 ) goto end_of_job;
                   8858: /* --- allocate and initialize subraster for constructed ellipse --- */
                   8859: if ( (circsp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate new subraster */
                   8860: ==   NULL )  goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   8861: /* --- initialize ellipse subraster parameters --- */
                   8862: circsp->type = IMAGERASTER;		/* image */
                   8863: circsp->symdef = NULL;			/* not applicable for image */
                   8864: circsp->baseline = height/2 + 2;	/* is a little above center good? */
                   8865: circsp->size = size;			/* size (probably unneeded) */
                   8866: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8867: draw the ellipse
                   8868: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8869: if ( qptr != NULL )			/* have quads */
                   8870:   circle_raster ( circsp->image,	/* embedded raster image */
                   8871: 	0, 0,				/* row0,col0 are upper-left corner */
                   8872: 	height-1, width-1,		/* row1,col1 are lower-right */
                   8873: 	thickness,			/* line thickness is 1 pixel */
                   8874: 	qptr );				/* "1234" quadrants to be drawn */
                   8875: else					/* have theta0,theta1 */
                   8876:   circle_recurse ( circsp->image,	/* embedded raster image */
                   8877: 	0, 0,				/* row0,col0 are upper-left corner */
                   8878: 	height-1, width-1,		/* row1,col1 are lower-right */
                   8879: 	thickness,			/* line thickness is 1 pixel */
                   8880: 	theta0,theta1 );		/* theta0,theta1 arc to be drawn */
                   8881: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8882: return constructed ellipse to caller
                   8883: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8884: end_of_job:
                   8885:   if ( workingparam != NULL )		/* caller wants origin */
                   8886:     *workingparam = origin;		/* return center origin to caller */
                   8887:   return ( circsp );			/* return ellipse to caller */
                   8888: } /* --- end-of-function rastcircle() --- */
                   8891: /* ==========================================================================
                   8892:  * Function:	rastbezier ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   8893:  * Purpose:	\bezier handler, returns subraster corresponding to bezier
                   8894:  *		parameters (col0,row0)(col1,row1)(colt,rowt)
                   8895:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8896:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   8897:  *				string immediately following \bezier to be
                   8898:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   8899:  *				following last character processed.
                   8900:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   8901:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   8902:  *				immediately preceding \bezier
                   8903:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   8904:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   8905:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   8906:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   8907:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8908:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to bezier
                   8909:  *				requested, or NULL for any parsing error
                   8910:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8911:  * Notes:     o	Summary of syntax...
                   8912:  *		  \bezier(col1,row1)(colt,rowt)
                   8913:  *	      o	col0=0,row0=0 assumed, i.e., given by
                   8914:  *		\picture(){~(col0,row0){\bezier(col1,row1)(colt,rowt)}~}
                   8915:  * ======================================================================= */
                   8916: /* --- entry point --- */
                   8917: subraster *rastbezier ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   8918: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   8919: {
                   8920: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8921: Allocations and Declarations
                   8922: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8923: subraster *new_subraster(), *bezsp=NULL; /* subraster for bezier */
                   8924: char	*texsubexpr(), bezexpr[129],*xptr=bezexpr; /*\bezier(r,c)(r,c)(r,c)*/
                   8925: double	strtod();			/* convert ascii params to doubles */
                   8926: double	r0=0.0,c0=0.0, r1=0.0,c1=0.0, rt=0.0,ct=0.0, /* bezier points */
                   8927: 	rmid=0.0, cmid=0.0,		/* coords at parameterized midpoint*/
                   8928: 	rmin=0.0, cmin=0.0,		/* minimum r,c */
                   8929: 	rmax=0.0, cmax=0.0,		/* maximum r,c */
                   8930: 	rdelta=0.0, cdelta=0.0,		/* rmax-rmin, cmax-cmin */
                   8931: 	r=0.0, c=0.0;			/* some point */
                   8932: int	iarg=0;				/* 0=r0,c0 1=r1,c1 2=rt,ct */
                   8933: int	width=0, height=0;		/* dimensions of bezier raster */
                   8934: int	pixsz = 1;			/* pixels are one bit each */
                   8935: /*int	thickness = 1;*/		/* drawn lines are one pixel thick */
                   8936: int	origin = 0;			/*c's,r's reset to lower-left origin*/
                   8937: int	bezier_raster();		/* draw bezier in bezsp->image */
                   8938: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8939: obtain (c1,r1)(ct,rt) args immediately following \bezier command
                   8940: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8941: for ( iarg=1; iarg<=2; iarg++ )		/* 0=c0,r0 1=c1,r1 2=ct,rt */
                   8942:   {
                   8943:   /* --- parse for (r,c) args, and bump expression past them all --- */
                   8944:   *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,bezexpr,127,"(",")",0,0);
                   8945:   if ( *bezexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get (r,c)*/
                   8946:   /* --- now interpret (r,c) returned in bezexpr --- */
                   8947:   c = r = 0.0;				/* init x-coord=col, y-coord=row */
                   8948:   if ( (xptr=strchr(bezexpr,',')) != NULL ) /* comma separates row,col */
                   8949:     { *xptr = '\000';			/* found it, so replace ',' by '\0'*/
                   8950:       r = unitlength*strtod(xptr+1,NULL); } /* row=y-coord in pixels */
                   8951:   c = unitlength*strtod(bezexpr,NULL);	/* col=x-coord in pixels */
                   8952:   /* --- store r,c --- */
                   8953:   switch ( iarg )
                   8954:     { case 0: r0=r; c0=c; break;
                   8955:       case 1: r1=r; c1=c; break;
                   8956:       case 2: rt=r; ct=c; break; }
                   8957:   } /* --- end-of-for(iarg) --- */
                   8958: /* --- determine midpoint and maximum,minimum points --- */
                   8959: rmid = 0.5*(rt + 0.5*(r0+r1));		/* y-coord at middle of bezier */
                   8960: cmid = 0.5*(ct + 0.5*(c0+c1));		/* x-coord at middle of bezier */
                   8961: rmin = min3(r0,r1,rmid);		/* lowest row */
                   8962: cmin = min3(c0,c1,cmid);		/* leftmost col */
                   8963: rmax = max3(r0,r1,rmid);		/* highest row */
                   8964: cmax = max3(c0,c1,cmid);		/* rightmost col */
                   8965: rdelta = rmax-rmin;			/* height */
                   8966: cdelta = cmax-cmin;			/* width */
                   8967: /* --- rescale coords so we start at 0,0 --- */
                   8968: r0 -= rmin;  c0 -= cmin;		/* rescale r0,c0 */
                   8969: r1 -= rmin;  c1 -= cmin;		/* rescale r1,c1 */
                   8970: rt -= rmin;  ct -= cmin;		/* rescale rt,ct */
                   8971: /* --- flip rows so 0,0 becomes lower-left corner instead of upper-left--- */
                   8972: r0 = rdelta - r0 + 1;			/* map 0-->height-1, height-1-->0 */
                   8973: r1 = rdelta - r1 + 1;
                   8974: rt = rdelta - rt + 1;
                   8975: /* --- determine width,height of raster needed for bezier --- */
                   8976: width  = (int)(cdelta + 0.9999) + 1;	/* round width up */
                   8977: height = (int)(rdelta + 0.9999) + 1;	/* round height up */
                   8978: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=29 )	/* debugging */
                   8979:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastbezier> width,height,origin=%d,%d,%d; c0,r0=%g,%g; "
                   8980:   "c1,r1=%g,%g\n rmin,mid,max=%g,%g,%g; cmin,mid,max=%g,%g,%g\n",
                   8981:   width,height,origin, c0,r0, c1,r1, rmin,rmid,rmax, cmin,cmid,cmax);
                   8982: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8983: allocate raster
                   8984: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8985: /* --- sanity check on width,height args --- */
                   8986: if ( width < 1 ||  width > 600
                   8987: ||  height < 1 || height > 600 ) goto end_of_job;
                   8988: /* --- allocate and initialize subraster for constructed bezier --- */
                   8989: if ( (bezsp=new_subraster(width,height,pixsz)) /* allocate new subraster */
                   8990: ==   NULL )  goto end_of_job;		/* quit if failed */
                   8991: /* --- initialize bezier subraster parameters --- */
                   8992: bezsp->type = IMAGERASTER;		/* image */
                   8993: bezsp->symdef = NULL;			/* not applicable for image */
                   8994: bezsp->baseline = height/2 + 2;		/* is a little above center good? */
                   8995: bezsp->size = size;			/* size (probably unneeded) */
                   8996: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   8997: draw the bezier
                   8998: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   8999: bezier_raster ( bezsp->image,		/* embedded raster image */
                   9000: 	r0, c0,				/* row0,col0 are lower-left corner */
                   9001: 	r1, c1,				/* row1,col1 are upper-right */
                   9002: 	rt, ct );			/* bezier tangent point */
                   9003: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9004: return constructed bezier to caller
                   9005: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9006: end_of_job:
                   9007:   if ( workingparam != NULL )		/* caller wants origin */
                   9008:     *workingparam = origin;		/* return center origin to caller */
                   9009:   return ( bezsp );			/* return bezier to caller */
                   9010: } /* --- end-of-function rastbezier() --- */
                   9013: /* ==========================================================================
                   9014:  * Function:	rastraise ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   9015:  * Purpose:	\raisebox{lift}{subexpression} handler, returns subraster
                   9016:  *		containing subexpression with its baseline "lifted" by lift
                   9017:  *		pixels, scaled by \unitlength, or "lowered" if lift arg
                   9018:  *		negative
                   9019:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9020:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   9021:  *				string immediately following \raisebox to be
                   9022:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   9023:  *				following last character processed.
                   9024:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   9025:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   9026:  *				immediately preceding \rotatebox
                   9027:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   9028:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   9029:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   9030:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   9031:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9032:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to \raisebox
                   9033:  *				requested, or NULL for any parsing error
                   9034:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9035:  * Notes:     o	Summary of syntax...
                   9036:  *		  \raisebox{lift}{subexpression}
                   9037:  *	      o
                   9038:  * ======================================================================= */
                   9039: /* --- entry point --- */
                   9040: subraster *rastraise ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   9041: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   9042: {
                   9043: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9044: Allocations and Declarations
                   9045: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9046: char	*texsubexpr(), subexpr[8192], *liftexpr=subexpr; /* args */
                   9047: subraster *rasterize(), *raisesp=NULL;	/* rasterize subexpr to be raised */
                   9048: int	lift=0;				/* amount to raise/lower baseline */
                   9049: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9050: obtain {lift} argument immediately following \raisebox command
                   9051: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9052: /* --- parse for {lift} arg, and bump expression past it --- */
                   9053: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,liftexpr,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   9054: if ( *liftexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get {lift} */
                   9055: lift = (int)((unitlength*strtod(liftexpr,NULL))+0.0);	/*{lift} to integer*/
                   9056: if ( abs(lift) > 200 ) lift=0;		/* sanity check */
                   9057: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9058: obtain {subexpr} argument after {lift}, and rasterize it
                   9059: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9060: /* --- parse for {subexpr} arg, and bump expression past it --- */
                   9061: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,subexpr,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   9062: /* --- rasterize subexpression to be raised/lowered --- */
                   9063: if ( (raisesp = rasterize(subexpr,size)) /* rasterize subexpression */
                   9064: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if failed */
                   9065: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9066: raise/lower baseline and return it to caller
                   9067: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9068: /* --- raise/lower baseline --- */
                   9069: raisesp->baseline += lift;		/* new baseline (no height checks) */
                   9070: /* --- return raised subexpr to caller --- */
                   9071: end_of_job:
                   9072:   return ( raisesp );			/* return raised subexpr to caller */
                   9073: } /* --- end-of-function rastraise() --- */
                   9076: /* ==========================================================================
                   9077:  * Function:	rastrotate ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   9078:  * Purpose:	\rotatebox{degrees}{subexpression} handler, returns subraster
                   9079:  *		containing subexpression rotated by degrees (counterclockwise
                   9080:  *		if degrees positive)
                   9081:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9082:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   9083:  *				string immediately following \rotatebox to be
                   9084:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   9085:  *				following last character processed.
                   9086:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   9087:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   9088:  *				immediately preceding \rotatebox
                   9089:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   9090:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   9091:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   9092:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   9093:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9094:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to \rotatebox
                   9095:  *				requested, or NULL for any parsing error
                   9096:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9097:  * Notes:     o	Summary of syntax...
                   9098:  *		  \rotatebox{degrees}{subexpression}
                   9099:  *	      o
                   9100:  * ======================================================================= */
                   9101: /* --- entry point --- */
                   9102: subraster *rastrotate ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   9103: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   9104: {
                   9105: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9106: Allocations and Declarations
                   9107: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9108: char	*texsubexpr(), subexpr[8192], *degexpr=subexpr; /* args */
                   9109: subraster *rasterize(), *rotsp=NULL;	/* subraster for rotated subexpr */
                   9110: raster	*rastrot(), *rotrp=NULL;	/* rotate subraster->image 90 degs */
                   9111: int	delete_raster();		/* delete intermediate rasters */
                   9112: int	baseline=0;			/* baseline of rasterized image */
                   9113: double	strtod(),			/* convert ascii params to doubles */
                   9114: 	degrees=0.0, ipart,fpart;	/* degrees to be rotated */
                   9115: int	idegrees=0, isneg=0;		/* positive ipart, isneg=1 if neg */
                   9116: int	n90=0, isn90=1;			/* degrees is n90 multiples of 90 */
                   9117: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9118: obtain {degrees} argument immediately following \rotatebox command
                   9119: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9120: /* --- parse for {degrees} arg, and bump expression past it --- */
                   9121: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,degexpr,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   9122: if ( *degexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* couldn't get {degrees} */
                   9123: degrees = strtod(degexpr,NULL);		/* degrees to be rotated */
                   9124: if ( degrees < 0.0 )			/* clockwise rotation desired */
                   9125:   { degrees = -degrees;			/* flip sign so degrees positive */
                   9126:     isneg = 1; }			/* and set flag to indicate flip */
                   9127: fpart = modf(degrees,&ipart);		/* integer and fractional parts */
                   9128: ipart = (double)(((int)degrees)%360);	/* degrees mod 360 */
                   9129: degrees = ipart + fpart;		/* restore fractional part */
                   9130: if ( isneg )				/* if clockwise rotation requested */
                   9131:   degrees = 360.0 - degrees;		/* do equivalent counterclockwise */
                   9132: idegrees = (int)(degrees+0.5);		/* integer degrees */
                   9133: n90 = idegrees/90;			/* degrees is n90 multiples of 90 */
                   9134: isn90 = (90*n90==idegrees);		/*true if degrees is multiple of 90*/
                   9135: isn90 = 1;				/* forced true for time being */
                   9136: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9137: obtain {subexpr} argument after {degrees}, and rasterize it
                   9138: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9139: /* --- parse for {subexpr} arg, and bump expression past it --- */
                   9140: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,subexpr,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   9141: /* --- rasterize subexpression to be rotated --- */
                   9142: if ( (rotsp = rasterize(subexpr,size))	/* rasterize subexpression */
                   9143: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* and quit if failed */
                   9144: /* --- return unmodified image if no rotation requested --- */
                   9145: if ( abs(idegrees) < 2 ) goto end_of_job; /* don't bother rotating image */
                   9146: /* --- extract params for image to be rotated --- */
                   9147: rotrp = rotsp->image;			/* unrotated rasterized image */
                   9148: baseline = rotsp->baseline;		/* and baseline of that image */
                   9149: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9150: rotate by multiples of 90 degrees
                   9151: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9152: if ( isn90 )				/* rotation by multiples of 90 */
                   9153:  if ( n90 > 0 )				/* do nothing for 0 degrees */
                   9154:   {
                   9155:   n90 = 4-n90;				/* rasrot() rotates clockwise */
                   9156:   while ( n90 > 0 )			/* still have remaining rotations */
                   9157:     { raster *nextrp = rastrot(rotrp);	/* rotate raster image */
                   9158:       if ( nextrp == NULL ) break;	/* something's terribly wrong */
                   9159:       delete_raster(rotrp);		/* free previous raster image */
                   9160:       rotrp = nextrp;			/* and replace it with rotated one */
                   9161:       n90--; }				/* decrement remaining count */
                   9162:   } /* --- end-of-if(isn90) --- */
                   9163: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9164: requested rotation not multiple of 90 degrees
                   9165: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9166: if ( !isn90 )				/* explicitly construct rotation */
                   9167:   { ; }					/* not yet implemented */
                   9168: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9169: re-populate subraster envelope with rotated image
                   9170: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9171: /* --- re-init various subraster parameters, embedding raster in it --- */
                   9172: if ( rotrp != NULL )			/* rotated raster constructed okay */
                   9173:  { rotsp->type = IMAGERASTER;		/* signal constructed image */
                   9174:    rotsp->image = rotrp;		/* raster we just constructed */
                   9175:    /* --- now try to guess pleasing baseline --- */
                   9176:    if ( idegrees > 2 )			/* leave unchanged if unrotated */
                   9177:     if ( strlen(subexpr) < 3		/* we rotated a short expression */
                   9178:     ||   abs(idegrees-180) < 3 )	/* or just turned it upside-down */
                   9179:       baseline = rotrp->height - 1;	/* so set with nothing descending */
                   9180:     else				/* rotated a long expression */
                   9181:       baseline = (65*(rotrp->height-1))/100; /* roughly center long expr */
                   9182:    rotsp->baseline = baseline; }	/* set baseline as calculated above*/
                   9183: /* --- return rotated subexpr to caller --- */
                   9184: end_of_job:
                   9185:   return ( rotsp );			/*return rotated subexpr to caller*/
                   9186: } /* --- end-of-function rastrotate() --- */
                   9189: /* ==========================================================================
                   9190:  * Function:	rastfbox ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   9191:  * Purpose:	\fbox{subexpression} handler, returns subraster
                   9192:  *		containing subexpression with frame box drawn around it
                   9193:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9194:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   9195:  *				string immediately following \fbox to be
                   9196:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   9197:  *				following last character processed.
                   9198:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   9199:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   9200:  *				immediately preceding \fbox
                   9201:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   9202:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   9203:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   9204:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   9205:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9206:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to \fbox
                   9207:  *				requested, or NULL for any parsing error
                   9208:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9209:  * Notes:     o	Summary of syntax...
                   9210:  *		  \fbox[width][height]{subexpression}
                   9211:  *	      o
                   9212:  * ======================================================================= */
                   9213: /* --- entry point --- */
                   9214: subraster *rastfbox ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   9215: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   9216: {
                   9217: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9218: Allocations and Declarations
                   9219: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9220: char	*texsubexpr(), subexpr[8192], widtharg[512]; /* args */
                   9221: subraster *rasterize(), *framesp=NULL;	/* rasterize subexpr to be framed */
                   9222: raster	*border_raster(), *bp=NULL;	/* framed image raster */
                   9223: double	strtod();			/* interpret [width][height] */
                   9224: int	fwidth=6, fthick=1;		/*extra frame width, line thickness*/
                   9225: int	width=(-1), height=(-1),	/* optional [width][height] args */
                   9226: 	iscompose = 0;			/* set true if optional args given */
                   9227: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9228: obtain optional [width][height] arguments immediately following \fbox
                   9229: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9230: /* --- first check for optional \fbox[width] --- */
                   9231: if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/* check for []-enclosed width arg */
                   9232:   { *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,widtharg,511,"[","]",0,0);
                   9233:     if ( *widtharg != '\000' )		/* got widtharg */
                   9234:      { width = max2(1,iround(unitlength*strtod(widtharg,NULL)));
                   9235:        height = 1;  fwidth = 2; iscompose = 1; }
                   9236:   } /* --- end-of-if(**expression=='[') --- */
                   9237: if ( width > 0 )			/* found leading [width], so... */
                   9238:  if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/* check for []-enclosed height arg */
                   9239:   { *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,widtharg,511,"[","]",0,0);
                   9240:     if ( *widtharg != '\000' )		/* got widtharg */
                   9241:      { height = max2(1,iround(unitlength*strtod(widtharg,NULL)));
                   9242:        fwidth = 0; }			/* no extra border */
                   9243:   } /* --- end-of-if(**expression=='[') --- */
                   9244: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9245: obtain {subexpr} argument
                   9246: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9247: /* --- parse for {subexpr} arg, and bump expression past it --- */
                   9248: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,subexpr,0,"{","}",0,0);
                   9249: /* --- rasterize subexpression to be framed --- */
                   9250: if ( width<0 || height<0 )		/* no explicit dimensions given */
                   9251:   { if ( (framesp = rasterize(subexpr,size)) /* rasterize subexpression */
                   9252:     ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job; }	/* and quit if failed */
                   9253: else
                   9254:   { char composexpr[8192];		/* compose subexpr with empty box */
                   9255:     sprintf(composexpr,"\\compose{\\hspace{%d}\\vspace{%d}}{%s}",
                   9256:     width,height,subexpr);
                   9257:     if ( (framesp = rasterize(composexpr,size)) /* rasterize subexpression */
                   9258:     ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job; }	/* and quit if failed */
                   9259: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9260: draw frame, reset params, and return it to caller
                   9261: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9262: /* --- draw border --- */
                   9263: if ( (bp = border_raster(framesp->image,-fwidth,-fwidth,fthick,1))
                   9264: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* draw border and quit if failed */
                   9265: /* --- replace original image and raise baseline to accommodate frame --- */
                   9266: framesp->image = bp;			/* replace image with framed one */
                   9267: if ( !iscompose )			/* simple border around subexpr */
                   9268:   framesp->baseline += fwidth;		/* so just raise baseline */
                   9269: else
                   9270:   framesp->baseline = (framesp->image)->height - 1; /* set at bottom */
                   9271: /* --- return framed subexpr to caller --- */
                   9272: end_of_job:
                   9273:   return ( framesp );			/* return framed subexpr to caller */
                   9274: } /* --- end-of-function rastfbox() --- */
                   9277: /* ==========================================================================
                   9278:  * Function:	rastinput ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   9279:  * Purpose:	\input{filename} handler, reads filename and returns
                   9280:  *		subraster containing image of expression read from filename
                   9281:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9282:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   9283:  *				string immediately following \input to be
                   9284:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   9285:  *				following last character processed.
                   9286:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   9287:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   9288:  *				immediately preceding \input
                   9289:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   9290:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   9291:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   9292:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   9293:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9294:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to expression
                   9295:  *				in filename, or NULL for any parsing error
                   9296:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9297:  * Notes:     o	Summary of syntax...
                   9298:  *		  \input{filename}
                   9299:  *	      o
                   9300:  * ======================================================================= */
                   9301: /* --- entry point --- */
                   9302: subraster *rastinput ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   9303: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   9304: {
                   9305: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9306: Allocations and Declarations
                   9307: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9308: char	*texsubexpr(), tag[512]="\000", filename[1024]="\000"; /* args */
                   9309: subraster *rasterize(), *inputsp=NULL; /* rasterized input image */
                   9310: int	status, rastreadfile();	/* read input file */
                   9311: int	format=0, npts=0;	/* don't reformat (numerical) input */
1.2     ! albertel 9312: char	subexpr[8192] = "\000",	/* concatanated lines from input file */
1.1       albertel 9313: 	*mimeprep(),		/* preprocess inputted data */
1.2     ! albertel 9314: 	*dbltoa(), *reformat=NULL; /* reformat numerical input */
1.1       albertel 9315: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9316: obtain [tag]{filename} argument
                   9317: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9318: /* --- parse for optional [tag] or [fmt] arg, bump expression past it --- */
                   9319: if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/* check for []-enclosed value */
                   9320:   { char argfld[2048];			/* optional argument field */
                   9321:     *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,argfld,2047,"[","]",0,0);
1.2     ! albertel 9322:     if ( (reformat=strstr(argfld,"dtoa")) != NULL ) /*dtoa/dbltoa requested*/
        !          9323:       {	format = 1;			/* signal dtoa()/dbltoa() format */
1.1       albertel 9324: 	if ( (reformat=strchr(reformat,'=')) != NULL ) /* have dtoa= */
                   9325: 	  npts = (int)strtol(reformat+1,NULL,0); } /* so set npts */
                   9326:     if ( format == 0 )			/* reformat not requested */
                   9327:       strcpy(tag,argfld); }		/* so interpret arg as tag */
                   9328: /* --- parse for {filename} arg, and bump expression past it --- */
                   9329: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,filename,1023,"{","}",0,0);
                   9330: /* --- check for alternate filename:tag --- */
                   9331: if ( *filename != '\000'		/* got filename */
                   9332: /*&& *tag == '\000'*/ )			/* but no [tag] */
                   9333:  { char	*delim = strchr(filename,':');	/* look for : in filename:tag */
                   9334:    if ( delim != (char *)NULL )		/* found it */
                   9335:     { *delim = '\000';			/* null-terminate filename at : */
                   9336:       strcpy(tag,delim+1); } }		/* and stuff after : is tag */
                   9337: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9338: Read file and rasterize constructed subexpression
                   9339: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 9340: status = rastreadfile(filename,0,tag,subexpr); /* read file */
1.1       albertel 9341: if ( *subexpr == '\000' ) goto end_of_job;   /* quit if problem */
                   9342: /* --- rasterize input subexpression  --- */
                   9343: mimeprep(subexpr);			/* preprocess subexpression */
1.2     ! albertel 9344: if ( format == 1 )			/* dtoa()/dbltoa() */
1.1       albertel 9345:  { double d = strtod(subexpr,NULL);	/* interpret subexpr as double */
                   9346:    if ( d != 0.0 )			/* conversion to double successful */
1.2     ! albertel 9347:     if ( (reformat=dbltoa(d,npts)) != NULL ) /* reformat successful */
1.1       albertel 9348:      strcpy(subexpr,reformat); }	/*replace subexpr with reformatted*/
                   9349: inputsp = rasterize(subexpr,size);	/* rasterize subexpression */
                   9350: /* --- return input image to caller --- */
                   9351: end_of_job:
                   9352:   return ( inputsp );			/* return input image to caller */
                   9353: } /* --- end-of-function rastinput() --- */
                   9356: /* ==========================================================================
                   9357:  * Function:	rastcounter ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
                   9358:  * Purpose:	\counter[value]{filename} handler, returns subraster
                   9359:  *		containing image of counter value read from filename
                   9360:  *		(or optional [value]), and increments counter
                   9361:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9362:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   9363:  *				string immediately following \counter to be
                   9364:  *				rasterized, and returning ptr immediately
                   9365:  *				following last character processed.
                   9366:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   9367:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
                   9368:  *				immediately preceding \counter
                   9369:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   9370:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
                   9371:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   9372:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   9373:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9374:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	ptr to subraster corresponding to \counter
                   9375:  *				requested, or NULL for any parsing error
                   9376:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9377:  * Notes:     o	Summary of syntax...
1.2     ! albertel 9378:  *		  \counter[value][logfile]{filename:tag}
        !          9379:  *	      o	:tag is optional
1.1       albertel 9380:  * ======================================================================= */
                   9381: /* --- entry point --- */
                   9382: subraster *rastcounter ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   9383: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   9384: {
                   9385: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9386: Allocations and Declarations
                   9387: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9388: char	*texsubexpr(), filename[1024]="\000", /* counter file */
1.2     ! albertel 9389: 	logfile[1024]="\000", tag[512]="\000"; /*optional log file and tag*/
1.1       albertel 9390: subraster *rasterize(), *countersp=NULL; /* rasterized counter image */
                   9391: FILE	/* *fp=NULL,*/ *logfp=NULL; /* counter and log file pointers */
1.2     ! albertel 9392: int	status=0,rastreadfile(),rastwritefile(), /*read,write counter file*/
        !          9393: 	isstrict = 1;		/* true to only write to existing files */
        !          9394: char	text[8192] = "1_",	/* only line in counter file without tags */
1.1       albertel 9395: 	*delim = NULL,		/* delimiter in text */
1.2     ! albertel 9396: 	utext[128] = "1_",	/* default delimiter */
1.1       albertel 9397: 	*udelim = utext+1;	/* underscore delimiter */
1.2     ! albertel 9398: char	*rasteditfilename(),	/* edit log file name */
        !          9399: 	*timestamp(),		/* timestamp for logging */
        !          9400: 	*dbltoa();		/* double to comma-separated ascii */
1.1       albertel 9401: int	counter = 1,		/* atoi(text) (after _ removed, if present) */
1.2     ! albertel 9402: 	value = 1,		/* optional [value] argument */
        !          9403: 	gotvalue = 0,		/* set true if [value] supplied */
        !          9404: 	isdelta = 0,		/* set true if [+value] or [-value] is delta*/
1.1       albertel 9405: 	ordindex = (-1);	/* ordinal[] index to append ordinal suffix */
                   9406: /*--- ordinal suffixes based on units digit of counter ---*/
                   9407: static	char *ordinal[]={"th","st","nd","rd","th","th","th","th","th","th"};
                   9408: static	char *logvars[]={"REMOTE_ADDR","HTTP_REFERER",NULL}; /* log vars*/
                   9409: static	int  commentvar = 1;	/* logvars[commentvar] replaced by comment */
                   9410: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9411: first obtain optional [value][logfile] args immediately following \counter
                   9412: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9413: /* --- first check for optional \counter[value] --- */
                   9414: if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/* check for []-enclosed value */
1.2     ! albertel 9415:   { *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,text,1023,"[","]",0,0);
        !          9416:     if ( *text != '\000' )		/* got counter value (or logfile) */
1.1       albertel 9417:      if ( strlen(text) >= 1 )		/* and it's not an empty string */
1.2     ! albertel 9418:       if ( isthischar(*text,"+-0123456789") ) /* check for leading +-digit */
        !          9419: 	gotvalue = 1;			/* signal we got optional value */
        !          9420:       else				/* not +-digit, so must be logfile */
        !          9421: 	strcpy(logfile,text);		/* so just copy it */
1.1       albertel 9422:   } /* --- end-of-if(**expression=='[') --- */
                   9423: /* --- next check for optional \counter[][logfile] --- */
                   9424: if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/* check for []-enclosed logfile */
                   9425:   { *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,filename,1023,"[","]",0,0);
1.2     ! albertel 9426:     if ( *filename != '\000' )		/* got logfile (or counter value) */
1.1       albertel 9427:      if ( strlen(filename) >= 1 )	/* and it's not an empty string */
1.2     ! albertel 9428:       if ( !(isthischar(*text,"+-0123456789")) /* not a leading +-digit */
        !          9429:       ||   gotvalue )			/* or we already got counter value */
        !          9430: 	strcpy(logfile,filename);	/* so just copy it */
        !          9431:       else				/* leading +-digit must be value */
        !          9432: 	{ strcpy(text,filename);	/* copy value to text line */
        !          9433: 	  gotvalue = 1; }		/* and signal we got optional value*/
1.1       albertel 9434:   } /* --- end-of-if(**expression=='[') --- */
1.2     ! albertel 9435: /* --- evaluate [value] if present --- */
        !          9436: if ( gotvalue ) {			/*leading +-digit should be in text*/
        !          9437:  if ( *text == '+' ) isdelta = (+1);	/* signal adding */
        !          9438:  if ( *text == '-' ) isdelta = (-1);	/* signal subtracting */
        !          9439:  value = (int)(strtod((isdelta==0?text:text+1),&udelim)+0.1); /*abs(value)*/
        !          9440:  if ( isdelta == (-1) ) value = (-value); /* set negative value if needed */
        !          9441:  counter = value;			/* re-init counter */
        !          9442:  } /* --- end-of-if(gotvalue) --- */
1.1       albertel 9443: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9444: obtain counter {filename} argument
                   9445: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9446: /* --- parse for {filename} arg, and bump expression past it --- */
                   9447: *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,filename,1023,"{","}",0,0);
                   9448: /* --- check for counter filename:tag --- */
                   9449: if ( *filename != '\000' )		/* got filename */
                   9450:  if ( (delim=strchr(filename,':'))	/* look for : in filename:tag */
                   9451:  !=   (char *)NULL )			/* found it */
                   9452:   { *delim = '\000';			/* null-terminate filename at : */
                   9453:     strcpy(tag,delim+1); }		/* and stuff after : is tag */
                   9454: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9455: Read and parse file, increment and rewrite counter (with optional underscore)
                   9456: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9457: if ( strlen(filename) > 1 )		/* make sure we got {filename} arg */
                   9458:   {
                   9459:   /* --- read and interpret first (and only) line from counter file --- */
1.2     ! albertel 9460:   if ( !gotvalue || (isdelta!=0) )	/*if no [count] arg or if delta arg*/
        !          9461:    if ( (status=rastreadfile(filename,1,tag,text)) > 0 ) /*try reading file*/
        !          9462:     { char *vdelim = NULL;		/* underscore delim from file */
        !          9463:       double fileval  = strtod(text,&vdelim); /* value and delim from file */
        !          9464:       counter = (int)(fileval<0.0?fileval-0.1:fileval+0.1); /* integerized */
        !          9465:       counter += value;			/* bump count by 1 or add/sub delta*/
        !          9466:       if ( !gotvalue ) udelim=vdelim; }	/* default to file's current delim */
1.1       albertel 9467:   /* --- check for ordinal suffix --- */
                   9468:   if ( udelim != (char *)NULL )		/* have some delim after value */
                   9469:    if ( *udelim == '_' )		/* underscore signals ordinal */
1.2     ! albertel 9470:     { int abscount = (counter>=0?counter:(-counter)); /* abs(counter) */
        !          9471:       ordindex = abscount%10;		/* least significant digit */
        !          9472:       if ( abscount >= 10 )		/* counter is 10 or greater */
        !          9473:        if ( (abscount/10)%10 == 1 )	/* and the last two are 10-19 */
1.1       albertel 9474: 	ordindex = 0; }		/* use th for 11,12,13 rather than st,nd,rd */
                   9475:   /* --- rewrite counter file --- */
1.2     ! albertel 9476:   if ( status >= 0 )			/* file was read okay */
        !          9477:    { sprintf(text,"%d",counter);	/*build image of incremented counter*/
        !          9478:      if ( ordindex >= 0 ) strcat(text,"_"); /* tack on _ */
        !          9479:      if ( *tag == '\000' ) strcat(text,"\n"); /* and newline */
        !          9480:      status = rastwritefile(filename,tag,text,isstrict); } /*rewrite counter*/
1.1       albertel 9481:   } /* --- end-of-if(strlen(filename)>1) --- */
                   9482: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9483: log counter request
                   9484: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9485: if ( strlen(logfile) > 1 )		/* optional [logfile] given */
                   9486:  {
                   9487:  char	comment[1024] = "\000",		/* embedded comment, logfile:comment*/
                   9488: 	*commptr = strchr(logfile,':');	/* check for : signalling comment */
1.2     ! albertel 9489:  int	islogokay = 1;			/* logfile must exist if isstrict */
1.1       albertel 9490:  if ( commptr != NULL )			/* have embedded comment */
                   9491:   { strcpy(comment,commptr+1);		/* comment follows : */
                   9492:     *commptr = '\000'; }		/* null-terminate actual logfile */
1.2     ! albertel 9493:  strcpy(logfile,rasteditfilename(logfile)); /* edit log file name */
        !          9494:  if ( *logfile == '\000' ) islogokay = 0; /* given an invalid file name */
        !          9495:  else if ( isstrict ) {			/*okay, but only write if it exists*/
        !          9496:   if ( (logfp=fopen(logfile,"r")) == (FILE *)NULL ) /*doesn't already exist*/
        !          9497:     islogokay = 0;			/* so don't write log file */
        !          9498:   else fclose(logfp); }			/* close file opened for test read */
        !          9499:  if ( islogokay )			/* okay to write logfile */
        !          9500:   if ( (logfp = fopen(logfile,"a"))	/* open logfile */
        !          9501:   != (FILE *)NULL ) {			/* opened successfully for append */
        !          9502:    int	ilog=0;				/* logvars[] index */
        !          9503:    fprintf(logfp,"%s  ",timestamp(TZDELTA,0)); /* first emit timestamp */
        !          9504:    if (*tag=='\000') fprintf(logfp,"%s",filename); /* emit counter filename */
        !          9505:    else fprintf(logfp,"<%s>",tag);	/* or tag if we have one */
        !          9506:    fprintf(logfp,"=%d",counter);	/* emit counter value */
        !          9507:    if ( status < 1 )			/* read or re-write failed */
        !          9508:     fprintf(logfp,"(%s %d)","error status",status); /* emit error */
        !          9509:    for ( ilog=0; logvars[ilog] != NULL; ilog++ ) /* log till end-of-table */
        !          9510:     if ( ilog == commentvar		/* replace with comment... */
        !          9511:     &&   commptr != NULL )		/* ...if available */  
        !          9512:      fprintf(logfp,"  %.256s",comment); /* log embedded comment */
        !          9513:     else
        !          9514:      { char *logval = getenv(logvars[ilog]); /*getenv(variable) to be logged*/
        !          9515:        fprintf(logfp,"  %.64s",		/* log variable */
1.1       albertel 9516: 	(logval!=NULL?logval:"<unknown>")); } /* emit value or <unknown> */
1.2     ! albertel 9517:    fprintf(logfp,"\n");			/* terminating newline */
        !          9518:    fclose(logfp);			/* close logfile */
        !          9519:    } /* --- end-of-if(islogokay&&logfp!=NULL) --- */
1.1       albertel 9520:  } /* --- end-of-if(strlen(logfile)>1) --- */
                   9521: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9522: construct counter expression and rasterize it
                   9523: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9524: /* --- construct expression --- */
                   9525: /*sprintf(text,"%d",counter);*/		/* start with counter */
1.2     ! albertel 9526: strcpy(text,dbltoa(((double)counter),0)); /* comma-separated counter value */
1.1       albertel 9527: if ( ordindex >= 0 )			/* need to tack on ordinal suffix */
                   9528:   { strcat(text,"^{\\underline{\\rm~");	/* start with ^ and {\underline{\rm */
                   9529:     strcat(text,ordinal[ordindex]);	/* then st,nd,rd, or th */
                   9530:     strcat(text,"}}"); }		/* finish with }} */
                   9531: /* --- rasterize it --- */
                   9532: countersp = rasterize(text,size);	/* rasterize counter subexpression */
                   9533: /* --- return counter image to caller --- */
                   9534: /*end_of_job:*/
                   9535:   return ( countersp );			/* return counter image to caller */
                   9536: } /* --- end-of-function rastcounter() --- */
                   9539: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 9540:  * Function:	rasttoday ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
        !          9541:  * Purpose:	handle \today
        !          9542:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9543:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
        !          9544:  *				string immediately following \today,
        !          9545:  *				and returning ptr immediately
        !          9546:  *				following last character processed.
        !          9547:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
        !          9548:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
        !          9549:  *				immediately preceding \today
        !          9550:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
        !          9551:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
        !          9552:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
        !          9553:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
        !          9554:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9555:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	subraster ptr to date stamp
        !          9556:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9557:  * Notes:     o
        !          9558:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          9559: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          9560: subraster *rasttoday ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
        !          9561: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
        !          9562: {
        !          9563: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9564: Allocations and Declarations
        !          9565: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          9566: char	*texsubexpr(), optarg[2050];	/* optional [+/-tzdelta,ifmt] args */
        !          9567: char	*timestamp(), *today=optarg;	/* timestamp to be rasterized */
        !          9568: subraster *rasterize(), *todaysp=NULL;	/* rasterize timestamp */
        !          9569: int	ifmt=1, tzdelta=0;		/* default timestamp() args */
        !          9570: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9571: Get optional args \today[+/-tzdelta,ifmt]
        !          9572: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          9573: /* --- check for optional \today[+/-tzdelta,ifmt] --- */
        !          9574: if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/* check for []-enclosed value */
        !          9575:   { *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,optarg,2047,"[","]",0,0);
        !          9576:     if ( *optarg != '\000' )		/* got optional arg */
        !          9577:      { char *comma = strchr(optarg,','); /* comma between +/-tzdelta,ifmt */
        !          9578:        int iarg, nargs=(comma==NULL?1:2); /* #optional args between []'s */
        !          9579:        if ( comma != NULL ) *comma = '\000'; /* null-terminate first arg */
        !          9580:        for ( iarg=1; iarg<=nargs; iarg++ ) /* process one or both args */
        !          9581: 	{ char *arg = (iarg==1?optarg:comma+1); /* choose 1st or 2nd arg */
        !          9582: 	  if ( isthischar(*arg,"+-") )	/* leading +/- signals tzdelta */
        !          9583: 	    tzdelta = atoi(arg);	/* so interpret arg as tzdelta */
        !          9584: 	  else ifmt = atoi(arg); }	/* else interpret args as ifmt */
        !          9585:      } /* --- end-of-if(*optarg!='\0') --- */
        !          9586:   } /* --- end-of-if(**expression=='[') --- */
        !          9587: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9588: Get timestamp and rasterize it
        !          9589: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          9590: strcpy(today,"\\text{");		/* rasterize timestamp as text */
        !          9591: strcat(today,timestamp(tzdelta,ifmt));	/* get timestamp */
        !          9592: strcat(today,"}");			/* terminate \text{} braces */
        !          9593: todaysp = rasterize(today,size);	/* rasterize timestamp */
        !          9594: /* --- return timestamp raster to caller --- */
        !          9595: /*end_of_job:*/
        !          9596:   return ( todaysp );			/* return timestamp to caller */
        !          9597: } /* --- end-of-function rasttoday() --- */
        !          9598: 
        !          9599: 
        !          9600: /* ==========================================================================
        !          9601:  * Function:	rastcalendar ( expression, size, basesp, arg1, arg2, arg3 )
        !          9602:  * Purpose:	handle \calendar
        !          9603:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9604:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
        !          9605:  *				string immediately following \calendar
        !          9606:  *				and returning ptr immediately
        !          9607:  *				following last character processed.
        !          9608:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
        !          9609:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
        !          9610:  *				immediately preceding \calendar
        !          9611:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
        !          9612:  *		arg1 (I)	int unused
        !          9613:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
        !          9614:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
        !          9615:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9616:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	subraster ptr to rendered one-month calendar
        !          9617:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9618:  * Notes:     o
        !          9619:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          9620: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          9621: subraster *rastcalendar ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
        !          9622: 			int arg1, int arg2, int arg3 )
        !          9623: {
        !          9624: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9625: Allocations and Declarations
        !          9626: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          9627: char	*texsubexpr(), optarg[2050];	/* optional [year,month] args */
        !          9628: char	*calendar(), *calstr=NULL;	/* calendar to be rasterized */
        !          9629: subraster *rasterize(), *calendarsp=NULL; /* rasterize calendar string */
        !          9630: int	year=0,month=0,day=0, argval=0;	/* default calendar() args */
        !          9631: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9632: Get optional args \today[+/-tzdelta,ifmt]
        !          9633: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          9634: /* --- check for optional \calendar[year,month] --- */
        !          9635: if ( *(*expression) == '[' )		/* check for []-enclosed value */
        !          9636:   { *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,optarg,2047,"[","]",0,0);
        !          9637:     if ( *optarg != '\000' )		/* got optional arg */
        !          9638:      { char *comma = strchr(optarg,','), /* comma between year,month */
        !          9639:        *comma2 = NULL;			/* second comma before day */
        !          9640:        int iarg, nargs=(comma==NULL?1:2); /* #optional args between []'s */
        !          9641:        if ( comma != NULL ) { *comma = '\000'; /*null-terminate first arg*/
        !          9642: 	if ( (comma2=strchr(comma+1,',')) != NULL ) /* have third arg */
        !          9643: 	 { *comma2 = '\000'; nargs++; } } /* null-term 2nd arg, bump count */
        !          9644:        for ( iarg=1; iarg<=nargs; iarg++ ) /* process one or both args */
        !          9645: 	{ char *arg= (iarg==1?optarg:(iarg==2?comma+1:comma2+1)); /*get arg*/
        !          9646: 	  argval = atoi(arg);		/* interpret arg as integer */
        !          9647: 	  if ( iarg < 3 )		/* first two args are month,year */
        !          9648: 	   {if ( argval>1972 && argval<2100 ) year = argval; /* year value */
        !          9649: 	    else if ( argval>=1 && argval<=12 ) month = argval;} /*or month*/
        !          9650: 	  else				/* only 3rd arg can be day */
        !          9651: 	   if ( argval>=1 && argval<=31 ) day = argval; } /* day value */
        !          9652:      } /* --- end-of-if(*optarg!='\0') --- */
        !          9653:   } /* --- end-of-if(**expression=='[') --- */
        !          9654: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9655: Get calendar string and rasterize it
        !          9656: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          9657: if ( msgfp!= NULL && msglevel>=9 )
        !          9658:   fprintf(msgfp,"rastcalendar> year=%d, month=%d, day=%d\n",
        !          9659:   year,month,day);
        !          9660: calstr = calendar(year,month,day);		/* get calendar string */
        !          9661: calendarsp = rasterize(calstr,size);	/* rasterize calendar string */
        !          9662: /* --- return calendar raster to caller --- */
        !          9663: /*end_of_job:*/
        !          9664:   return ( calendarsp );		/* return calendar to caller */
        !          9665: } /* --- end-of-function rastcalendar() --- */
        !          9666: 
        !          9667: 
        !          9668: /* ==========================================================================
1.1       albertel 9669:  * Function:	rastnoop ( expression, size, basesp, nargs, arg2, arg3 )
                   9670:  * Purpose:	no op -- flush \escape without error
                   9671:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9672:  * Arguments:	expression (I/O) char **  to first char of null-terminated
                   9673:  *				string immediately following \escape to be
                   9674:  *				flushed, and returning ptr immediately
                   9675:  *				following last character processed.
                   9676:  *		size (I)	int containing 0-5 default font size
                   9677:  *		basesp (I)	subraster *  to character (or subexpression)
1.2     ! albertel 9678:  *				immediately preceding \escape
1.1       albertel 9679:  *				(unused, but passed for consistency)
                   9680:  *		nargs (I)	int containing number of {}-args after
                   9681:  *				\escape to be flushed along with it
                   9682:  *		arg2 (I)	int unused
                   9683:  *		arg3 (I)	int unused
                   9684:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9685:  * Returns:	( subraster * )	NULL subraster ptr
                   9686:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9687:  * Notes:     o
                   9688:  * ======================================================================= */
                   9689: /* --- entry point --- */
                   9690: subraster *rastnoop ( char **expression, int size, subraster *basesp,
                   9691: 			int nargs, int arg2, int arg3 )
                   9692: {
                   9693: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9694: Allocations and Declarations
                   9695: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9696: char	*texsubexpr(), subexpr[8192];	/* flush dummy args eaten by \escape*/
                   9697: subraster *rasterize(), *noopsp=NULL;	/* rasterize subexpr */
                   9698: /* --- flush accompanying args if necessary --- */
                   9699: if ( nargs != NOVALUE			/* not unspecified */
                   9700: &&   nargs > 0 )			/* and args to be flushed */
                   9701:   while ( --nargs >= 0 )		/* count down */
                   9702:     *expression = texsubexpr(*expression,subexpr,0,"{","}",0,0); /*flush arg*/
                   9703: /* --- return null ptr to caller --- */
                   9704: /*end_of_job:*/
                   9705:   return ( noopsp );			/* return NULL ptr to caller */
                   9706: } /* --- end-of-function rastnoop() --- */
                   9709: /* ==========================================================================
                   9710:  * Function:	rastopenfile ( filename, mode )
                   9711:  * Purpose:	Opens filename[.tex] in mode, returning FILE *
                   9712:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9713:  * Arguments:	filename (I/O)	char * to null-terminated string containing
                   9714:  *				name of file to open (preceded by path
                   9715:  *				relative to mimetex executable)
                   9716:  *				If fopen() fails, .tex appeneded,
                   9717:  *				and returned if that fopen() succeeds
                   9718:  *		mode (I)	char * to null-terminated string containing
                   9719:  *				fopen() mode
                   9720:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9721:  * Returns:	( FILE * )	pointer to opened file, or NULL if error
                   9722:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9723:  * Notes:     o
                   9724:  * ======================================================================= */
                   9725: /* --- entry point --- */
                   9726: FILE	*rastopenfile ( char *filename, char *mode )
                   9727: {
                   9728: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9729: Allocations and Declarations
                   9730: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9731: FILE	*fp = (FILE *)NULL /*,*fopen()*/; /*file pointer to opened filename*/
1.2     ! albertel 9732: char	texfile[2048] = "\000",		/* local, edited copy of filename */
        !          9733: 	*rasteditfilename(),		/* prepend pathprefix if necessary */
1.1       albertel 9734: 	amode[128] = "r";		/* test open mode if arg mode=NULL */
1.2     ! albertel 9735: int	ismode = 0;			/* true of mode!=NULL */
1.1       albertel 9736: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9737: Check mode and open file
                   9738: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 9739: /* --- edit filename --- */
        !          9740: strcpy(texfile,rasteditfilename(filename)); /*edited copy of input filename*/
1.1       albertel 9741: /* --- check mode --- */
                   9742: if ( mode != (char *)NULL )		/* caller passed mode arg */
                   9743:  if ( *mode != '\000' )			/* and it's not an empty string */
                   9744:   { ismode = 1;				/* so flip mode flag true */
                   9745:     strcpy(amode,mode);			/* and replace "r" with caller's */
                   9746:     compress(amode,' '); }		/* remove embedded blanks */
                   9747: /* --- open filename or filename.tex --- */
                   9748: if ( strlen(texfile) > 1 )		/* make sure we got actual filename*/
                   9749:   if ( (fp = fopen(texfile,amode))	/* try opening given filename */
                   9750:   ==   NULL )				/* failed to open given filename */
                   9751:   { strcpy(filename,texfile);		/* signal possible filename error */
                   9752:     strcat(texfile,".tex");		/* but first try adding .tex */
                   9753:     if ( (fp = fopen(texfile,amode))	/* now try opening filename.tex */
                   9754:     !=   NULL )				/* filename.tex succeeded */
                   9755:       strcpy(filename,texfile); }	/* replace caller's filename */
                   9756: /* --- close file if only opened to check name --- */
                   9757: if ( !ismode && fp!=NULL )		/* no mode, so just checking */
                   9758:   fclose(fp);				/* close file, fp signals success */
                   9759: /* --- return fp or NULL to caller --- */
                   9760: /*end_of_job:*/
                   9761:   if ( msglevel>=9 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* debuging */
                   9762:     { fprintf(msgfp,"rastopenfile> returning fopen(%s,%s) = %s\n",
                   9763:       filename,amode,(fp==NULL?"NULL":"Okay")); fflush(msgfp); }
                   9764:   return ( fp );			/* return fp or NULL to caller */
                   9765: } /* --- end-of-function rastopenfile() --- */
                   9768: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 9769:  * Function:	rasteditfilename ( filename )
        !          9770:  * Purpose:	edits filename to remove security problems,
        !          9771:  *		e.g., removes all ../'s and ..\'s.
        !          9772:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9773:  * Arguments:	filename (I)	char * to null-terminated string containing
        !          9774:  *				name of file to be edited
        !          9775:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9776:  * Returns:	( char * )	pointer to edited filename,
        !          9777:  *				or empty string "\000" if any problem
        !          9778:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9779:  * Notes:     o
        !          9780:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          9781: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          9782: char	*rasteditfilename ( char *filename )
        !          9783: {
        !          9784: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9785: Allocations and Declarations
        !          9786: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          9787: static	char editname[2048];		/*edited filename returned to caller*/
        !          9788: char	*strchange();			/* prepend pathprefix if necessary */
        !          9789: int	strreplace(),			/* remove ../'s and ..\'s */
        !          9790: 	isprefix = (*pathprefix=='\000'?0:1); /* true if paths have prefix */
        !          9791: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          9792: edit filename
        !          9793: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          9794: /* --- first check filename arg --- */
        !          9795: *editname = '\000';			/* init edited name as empty string*/
        !          9796: if ( filename == (char *)NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* no filename arg */
        !          9797: if ( *filename == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* filename is an empty string */
        !          9798: /* --- init edited filename --- */
        !          9799: strcpy(editname,filename);		/* init edited name as input name */
        !          9800: compress(editname,' ');			/* remove embedded blanks */
        !          9801: /* --- remove leading or embedded ....'s --- */
        !          9802: while ( strreplace(editname,"....",NULL,0) > 0 ) ;  /* squeeze out ....'s */
        !          9803: /* --- remove leading / and \ and dots (and blanks) --- */
        !          9804: if ( *editname != '\000' )		/* still have chars in filename */
        !          9805:  while ( isthischar(*editname," ./\\") ) /* absolute paths invalid */
        !          9806:    strcpy(editname,editname+1);		/* so flush leading / or \ (or ' ')*/
        !          9807: if ( *editname == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* no chars left in filename */
        !          9808: /* --- remove leading or embedded ../'s and ..\'s --- */
        !          9809: while ( strreplace(editname,"../",NULL,0) > 0 ) ;  /* squeeze out ../'s */
        !          9810: while ( strreplace(editname,"..\\",NULL,0) > 0 ) ; /* and ..\'s */
        !          9811: while ( strreplace(editname,"../",NULL,0) > 0 ) ;  /* and ../'s again */
        !          9812: /* --- prepend path prefix (if compiled with -DPATHPREFIX) --- */
        !          9813: if ( isprefix && *editname!='\000' )	/* filename is preceded by prefix */
        !          9814:   strchange(0,editname,pathprefix);	/* so prepend prefix */
        !          9815: end_of_job:
        !          9816:   return ( editname );			/* back with edited filename */
        !          9817: } /* --- end-of-function rasteditfilename() --- */
        !          9818: 
        !          9819: 
        !          9820: /* ==========================================================================
        !          9821:  * Function:	rastreadfile ( filename, islock, tag, value )
1.1       albertel 9822:  * Purpose:	Read filename, returning value as string
                   9823:  *		between <tag>...</tag> or entire file if tag=NULL passed.
                   9824:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9825:  * Arguments:	filename (I)	char * to null-terminated string containing
                   9826:  *				name of file to read (preceded by path
                   9827:  *				relative to mimetex executable)
1.2     ! albertel 9828:  *		islock (I)	int containing 1 to lock file while reading
        !          9829:  *				(hopefully done by opening in "r+" mode)
1.1       albertel 9830:  *		tag (I)		char * to null-terminated string containing
                   9831:  *				html-like tagname.  File contents between
                   9832:  *				<tag> and </tag> will be returned, or
                   9833:  *				entire file if tag=NULL passed.
                   9834:  *		value (O)	char * returning value between <tag>...</tag>
                   9835:  *				or entire file if tag=NULL.
                   9836:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9837:  * Returns:	( int )		1=okay, 0=some error
                   9838:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9839:  * Notes:     o
                   9840:  * ======================================================================= */
                   9841: /* --- entry point --- */
1.2     ! albertel 9842: int	rastreadfile ( char *filename, int islock, char *tag, char *value )
1.1       albertel 9843: {
                   9844: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9845: Allocations and Declarations
                   9846: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9847: FILE	*fp = (FILE *)NULL, *rastopenfile(); /* pointer to opened filename */
                   9848: char	texfile[2048] = "\000",		/* local copy of input filename */
                   9849: 	text[4096];			/* line from input file */
                   9850: char	*tagp, tag1[512], tag2[512];	/* left <tag> and right <tag/> */
                   9851: int	vallen=0, maxvallen=8000;	/* #chars in value, max allowed */
1.2     ! albertel 9852: int	status = (-1);			/* status returned, 1=okay */
1.1       albertel 9853: int	tagnum = 0;			/* tag we're looking for */
1.2     ! albertel 9854: /*int	islock = 1;*/			/* true to lock file */
1.1       albertel 9855: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9856: Open file
                   9857: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9858: /* --- first check output arg --- */
                   9859: if ( value == (char *)NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* no output buffer supplied */
                   9860: *value = '\000';			/* init buffer with empty string */
                   9861: /* --- open filename or filename.tex --- */
                   9862: if ( filename != (char *)NULL )		/* make sure we got filename arg */
                   9863:   { strcpy(texfile,filename);		/* local copy of filename */
1.2     ! albertel 9864:     fp = rastopenfile(texfile,(islock?"r+":"r")); } /* try opening it */
1.1       albertel 9865: /* --- check that file opened --- */
                   9866: if ( fp == (FILE *)NULL )		/* failed to open file */
                   9867:   { sprintf(value,"{\\normalsize\\rm[file %s?]}",texfile);
                   9868:     goto end_of_job; }			/* return error message to caller */
1.2     ! albertel 9869: status = 0;				/* file opened successfully */
        !          9870: if ( islock ) rewind(fp);		/* start at beginning of file */
1.1       albertel 9871: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9872: construct <tag>'s
                   9873: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9874: if ( tag != (char *)NULL )		/* caller passed tag arg */
                   9875:  if ( *tag != '\000' )			/* and it's not an empty string */
                   9876:   { strcpy(tag1,"<"); strcpy(tag2,"</"); /* begin with < and </ */
                   9877:     strcat(tag1,tag); strcat(tag2,tag);	/* followed by caller's tag */
                   9878:     strcat(tag1,">"); strcat(tag2,">");	/* ending both tags with > */
                   9879:     compress(tag1,' '); compress(tag2,' '); /* remove embedded blanks */
                   9880:     tagnum = 1; }			/* signal that we have tag */
                   9881: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9882: Read file, concatnate lines
                   9883: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9884: while ( fgets(text,4090,fp) != (char *)NULL ) { /* read input till eof */
                   9885:   switch ( tagnum ) {			/* look for left- or right-tag */
1.2     ! albertel 9886:     case 0: status = 1; break;		/* no tag to look for */
1.1       albertel 9887:     case 1:				/* looking for opening left <tag> */
                   9888:       if ( (tagp=strstr(text,tag1)) == NULL ) break; /*haven't found it yet*/
                   9889:       strcpy(text,tagp+strlen(tag1));	/* shift out preceding text */
                   9890:       tagnum = 2;			/*now looking for closing right tag*/
                   9891:     case 2:				/* looking for closing right </tag> */
                   9892:       if ( (tagp=strstr(text,tag2)) == NULL ) break; /*haven't found it yet*/
                   9893:       *tagp = '\000';			/* terminate line at tag */
                   9894:       tagnum = 3;			/* done after this line */
1.2     ! albertel 9895:       status = 1;			/* successfully read tag */
1.1       albertel 9896:       break;
                   9897:     } /* ---end-of-switch(tagnum) --- */
                   9898:   if ( tagnum != 1 ) {			/* no tag or left tag already found*/
                   9899:     int	textlen = strlen(text);		/* #chars in current line */
                   9900:     if ( vallen+textlen > maxvallen ) break; /* quit before overflow */
                   9901:     strcat(value,text);			/* concat line to end of value */
                   9902:     vallen += textlen;			/* bump length */
                   9903:     if ( tagnum > 2 ) break; }		/* found right tag, so we're done */
                   9904:   } /* --- end-of-while(fgets()!=NULL) --- */
                   9905: if ( tagnum<1 || tagnum>2 ) status=1;	/* okay if no tag or we found tag */
                   9906: fclose ( fp );				/* close input file after reading */
                   9907: /* --- return value and status to caller --- */
                   9908: end_of_job:
                   9909:   return ( status );			/* return status to caller */
                   9910: } /* --- end-of-function rastreadfile() --- */
                   9913: /* ==========================================================================
                   9914:  * Function:	rastwritefile ( filename, tag, value, isstrict )
                   9915:  * Purpose:	Re/writes filename, replacing string between <tag>...</tag>
                   9916:  *		with value, or writing entire file as value if tag=NULL.
                   9917:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9918:  * Arguments:	filename (I)	char * to null-terminated string containing
                   9919:  *				name of file to write (preceded by path
                   9920:  *				relative to mimetex executable)
                   9921:  *		tag (I)		char * to null-terminated string containing
                   9922:  *				html-like tagname.  File contents between
                   9923:  *				<tag> and </tag> will be replaced, or
                   9924:  *				entire file written if tag=NULL passed.
                   9925:  *		value (I)	char * containing string replacing value
                   9926:  *				between <tag>...</tag> or replacing entire
                   9927:  *				file if tag=NULL.
                   9928:  *		isstrict (I)	int containing 1 to only rewrite existing
                   9929:  *				files, or 0 to create new file if necessary.
                   9930:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9931:  * Returns:	( int )		1=okay, 0=some error
                   9932:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9933:  * Notes:     o
                   9934:  * ======================================================================= */
                   9935: /* --- entry point --- */
                   9936: int	rastwritefile( char *filename, char *tag, char *value, int isstrict )
                   9937: {
                   9938: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9939: Allocations and Declarations
                   9940: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9941: FILE	*fp = (FILE *)NULL, *rastopenfile(); /* pointer to opened filename */
                   9942: char	texfile[2048] = "\000",		/* local copy of input filename */
                   9943: 	filebuff[16384] = "\000",	/* entire contents of file */
                   9944: 	tag1[512], tag2[512],		/* left <tag> and right <tag/> */
                   9945: 	*strchange(),			/* put value between <tag>...</tag>*/
                   9946: 	*timestamp();			/* log modification time */
                   9947: int	istag=0, rastreadfile(),	/* read file if tag!=NULL */
                   9948: 	/*isstrict = (seclevel>5? 1:0),*/ /*true only writes existing files*/
                   9949: 	isnewfile = 0,			/* true if writing new file */
                   9950: 	status = 0;			/* status returned, 1=okay */
1.2     ! albertel 9951: int	istimestamp = 0;		/* true to update <timestamp> tag */
1.1       albertel 9952: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9953: check args
                   9954: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9955: /* --- check filename and value --- */
                   9956: if ( filename == (char *)NULL		/* quit if no filename arg supplied*/
                   9957: ||   value == (char *)NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* or no value arg supplied */
                   9958: if ( strlen(filename) < 2		/* quit if unreasonable filename */
                   9959: ||   *value == '\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* or empty value string supplied */
                   9960: /* --- establish filename[.tex] --- */
                   9961: strcpy(texfile,filename);		/* local copy of input filename */
                   9962: if ( rastopenfile(texfile,NULL)		/* unchanged or .tex appended */
                   9963: ==   (FILE *)NULL )			/* can't open, so write new file */
                   9964:   { if ( isstrict ) goto end_of_job;	/* fail if new files not permitted */
                   9965:     isnewfile = 1; }			/* signal we're writing new file */
                   9966: /* --- check whether tag supplied by caller --- */
                   9967: if ( tag != (char *)NULL )		/* caller passed tag argument */
                   9968:  if ( *tag != '\000' )			/* and it's not an empty string */
                   9969:   { istag = 1;				/* so flip tag flag true */
                   9970:     strcpy(tag1,"<"); strcpy(tag2,"</");  /* begin tags with < and </ */
                   9971:     strcat(tag1,tag); strcat(tag2,tag);   /* followed by caller's tag */
                   9972:     strcat(tag1,">"); strcat(tag2,">");	/* ending both tags with > */
                   9973:     compress(tag1,' '); compress(tag2,' '); } /* remove embedded blanks */
                   9974: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9975: read existing file if just rewriting a single tag
                   9976: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9977: /* --- read original file if only replacing a tag within it --- */
                   9978: *filebuff = '\000';			/* init as empty file */
                   9979: if ( !isnewfile )			/* if file already exists */
                   9980:  if ( istag )				/* and just rewriting one tag */
1.2     ! albertel 9981:   if ( rastreadfile(texfile,1,NULL,filebuff) /* read entire existing file */
        !          9982:   <=   0 ) goto end_of_job;		/* signal error if failed to read */
1.1       albertel 9983: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   9984: construct new file data if needed (entire file replaced by value if no tag)
                   9985: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   9986: if ( istag )				/* only replacing tag in file */
                   9987:  {
                   9988:  /* --- find <tag> and </tag> in file --- */
                   9989:  int	tlen1=strlen(tag1),  tlen2=strlen(tag2), flen;  /*tag,buff lengths*/
                   9990:  char	*tagp1 = (isnewfile? NULL:strstr(filebuff,tag1)), /* <tag> in file*/
                   9991: 	*tagp2 = (isnewfile? NULL:strstr(filebuff,tag2)); /*</tag> in file*/
                   9992:  /* --- if adding new <tag> just concatanate at end of file --- */
                   9993:  if ( tagp1 == (char *)NULL )		/* add new tag to file */
                   9994:   {
                   9995:   /* --- preprocess filebuff --- */
                   9996:   if ( tagp2 != (char *)NULL )		/* apparently have ...</tag> */
                   9997:     strcpy(filebuff,tagp2+tlen2);	/* so get rid of leading ...</tag> */
                   9998:   if ( (flen = strlen(filebuff))	/* #chars currently in buffer */
                   9999:   > 0 )					/* we have non-empty buffer */
                   10000:    if (!isthischar(*(filebuff+flen-1),"\n\r")) /*no newline at end of file*/
                   10001:      if(0)strcat(filebuff,"\n");	/* so add one before new tag */
                   10002:   /* --- add new tag --- */
                   10003:   strcat(filebuff,tag1);		/* add opening <tag> */
                   10004:   strcat(filebuff,value);		/* then value */
                   10005:   strcat(filebuff,tag2);		/* finally closing </tag> */
                   10006:   strcat(filebuff,"\n");		/* newline at end of file */
                   10007:   } /* --- end-of-if(tagp1==NULL) --- */
                   10008:  else					/* found existing opening <tag> */
                   10009:   {
                   10010:   if ( tagp2 == NULL )			/* apparently have <tag>... */
                   10011:     { *(tagp1+tlen1) = '\000';		/* so get rid of trailing ... */
                   10012:       strcat(filebuff,value);		/* then concatanate value */
                   10013:       strcat(filebuff,tag2); }		/* and finally closing </tag> */
                   10014:   else					/* else have <tag>...<tag/> */
                   10015:    if ( (flen=((int)(tagp2-tagp1))-tlen1) /* len of .'s in <tag>...</tag> */
                   10016:    >=   0 )				/* usually <tag> precedes </tag> */
                   10017:     strchange(flen,tagp1+tlen1,value);	/* change ...'s to value */
                   10018:    else					/* weirdly, </tag> precedes <tag> */
                   10019:     { char fbuff[2048];			/* field buff for <tag>value</tag> */
                   10020:       if ( (flen = ((int)(tagp1-tagp2))+tlen1) /* strlen(</tag>...<tag>) */
                   10021:       <=   0 ) goto end_of_job;		/* must be internal error */
                   10022:       strcpy(fbuff,tag1);		/* set opening <tag> */
                   10023:       strcat(fbuff,value);		/* then value */
                   10024:       strcat(fbuff,tag2);		/* finally closing </tag> */
                   10025:       strchange(flen,tagp2,fbuff); }	/* replace original </tag>...<tag> */
                   10026:   } /* --- end-of-if/else(tagp1==NULL) --- */
                   10027:  } /* --- end-of-if(istag) --- */
                   10028: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10029: rewrite file and return to caller
                   10030: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10031: /* --- first open file for write --- */
                   10032: if ( (fp=rastopenfile(texfile,"w"))	/* open for write */
                   10033: ==   (FILE *)NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/* signal error if can't open */
                   10034: /* --- rewrite and close file --- */
                   10035: if ( fputs((istag?filebuff:value),fp)	/* write filebuff or value */
                   10036: !=  EOF ) status = 1;			/* signal success if succeeded */
                   10037: fclose ( fp );				/* close output file after writing */
                   10038: /* --- modify timestamp --- */
1.2     ! albertel 10039: if ( status > 0 )			/*forget timestamp if write failed*/
        !          10040:  if ( istimestamp )			/* if we're updating timestamp */
        !          10041:   if ( istag )				/* only log time in tagged file */
        !          10042:    if ( strstr(tag,"timestamp") == (char *)NULL ) /* but avoid recursion */
        !          10043:     { char fbuff[2048];			/* field buff <timestamp> value */
        !          10044:       strcpy(fbuff,tag);		/* tag modified */
        !          10045:       strcat(fbuff," modified at ");	/* spacer */
        !          10046:       strcat(fbuff,timestamp(TZDELTA,0)); /* start with timestamp */
        !          10047:       status = rastwritefile(filename,"timestamp",fbuff,1); }
1.1       albertel 10048: /* --- return status to caller --- */
                   10049: end_of_job:
                   10050:   return ( status );			/* return status to caller */
                   10051: } /* --- end-of-function rastwritefile() --- */
                   10054: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 10055:  * Function:	calendar ( year, month, day )
        !          10056:  * Purpose:	returns null-terminated character string containing
        !          10057:  *		\begin{array}...\end{array} for the one-month calendar
        !          10058:  *		specified by year=1973...2099 and month=1...12.
        !          10059:  *		If either arg out-of-range, today's value is used.
        !          10060:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10061:  * Arguments:	year (I)	int containing 1973...2099 or 0 for current
        !          10062:  *				year
        !          10063:  *		month (I)	int containing 1...12 or 0 for current month
        !          10064:  *		day (I)		int containing day to emphasize or 0
        !          10065:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10066:  * Returns:	( char * )	char ptr to null-terminated buffer
        !          10067:  *				containing \begin{array}...\end{array}
        !          10068:  *				string that will render calendar for
        !          10069:  *				requested month, or NULL for any error.
        !          10070:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10071:  * Notes:     o
        !          10072:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          10073: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          10074: char	*calendar( int year, int month, int day )
        !          10075: {
        !          10076: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10077: Allocations and Declarations
        !          10078: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          10079: static char calbuff[4096];		/* calendar returned to caller */
        !          10080: time_t	time_val = (time_t)(0);		/* binary value returned by time() */
        !          10081: struct tm *tmstruct=(struct tm *)NULL, *localtime(); /* interpret time_val */
        !          10082: int	yy=0, mm=0, dd=0;		/* today (emphasize today's dd) */
        !          10083: int	idd=1, iday=0, daynumber();	/* day-of-week for idd=1...31 */
        !          10084: char	aval[64];			/* ascii day or 4-digit year */
        !          10085: /* --- calendar data --- */
        !          10086: static	char *monthnames[] = { "?", "January", "February", "March", "April",
        !          10087: 	 "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
        !          10088: 	"November", "December", "?" } ;
        !          10089: static	int modays[] =
        !          10090: 	{ 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 0 };
        !          10091: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10092: initialization
        !          10093: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          10094: /* --- get current date/time --- */
        !          10095: time((time_t *)(&time_val));		/* get date and time */
        !          10096: tmstruct = localtime((time_t *)(&time_val)); /* interpret time_val */
        !          10097: yy  =  1900 + (int)(tmstruct->tm_year);	/* current four-digit year */
        !          10098: mm  =  1 + (int)(tmstruct->tm_mon);	/* current month, 1-12 */
        !          10099: dd  =  (int)(tmstruct->tm_mday);	/* current day, 1-31 */
        !          10100: /* --- check args --- */
        !          10101: if ( year<1973 || year>2099 ) year  = yy; /* current year if out-of-bounds */
        !          10102: if ( month<1 || month>12 ) month = mm;	/* current month if out-of-bounds */
        !          10103: if ( month==mm && year==yy && day==0 )	/* current month and default day */
        !          10104:   day = dd;				/* emphasize current day */
        !          10105: modays[2] = (year%4==0?29:28);		/* Feb has 29 days in leap years */
        !          10106: /* --- initialize calendar string --- */
        !          10107: strcpy(calbuff,"{\\begin{gather}");	/* center `month year` above cal */
        !          10108: strcat(calbuff,"\\small\\text{");	/* month set in roman */
        !          10109: strcat(calbuff,monthnames[month]);	/* insert month name */
        !          10110: strcat(calbuff," }");			/* add a space */
        !          10111: sprintf(aval,"%d",year);		/* convert year to ascii */
        !          10112: strcat(calbuff,aval);			/* add year */
        !          10113: strcat(calbuff,"\\\\");			/* end top row */
        !          10114: strcat(calbuff,				/* now begin calendar arrayr */
        !          10115: 	"\\begin{array}{|c|c|c|c|c|c|c|CCCCCC} \\hline"
        !          10116: 	"\\tiny\\text{Sun} & \\tiny\\text{Mon} & \\tiny\\text{Tue} &"
        !          10117: 	"\\tiny\\text{Wed} & \\tiny\\text{Thu} & \\tiny\\text{Fri} &"
        !          10118: 	"\\tiny\\text{Sat} \\\\ \\hline " );
        !          10119: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10120: generate calendar
        !          10121: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          10122: for ( idd=1; idd<=modays[month]; idd++ ) /* run through days of month */
        !          10123:   {
        !          10124:   /* --- get day-of-week for this day --- */
        !          10125:   iday = 1 + (daynumber(year,month,idd)%7); /* 1=Monday...7=Sunday */
        !          10126:   if ( iday == 7 ) iday = 0;		/* now 0=Sunday...6=Saturday */
        !          10127:   /* --- may need empty cells at beginning of month --- */
        !          10128:   if ( idd == 1 )			/* first day of month */
        !          10129:    if ( iday > 0 )			/* need to skip cells */
        !          10130:     { strcpy(aval,"\\ &\\ &\\ &\\ &\\ &\\ &\\ &\\ &\\ &\\"); /*cells to skip*/
        !          10131:       aval[3*iday] = '\000';		/*skip cells preceding 1st of month*/
        !          10132:       strcat(calbuff,aval); }		/* add skip string to buffer */
        !          10133:   /* --- add idd to current cell --- */
        !          10134:   sprintf(aval,"%d",idd);		/* convert idd to ascii */
        !          10135:   if ( idd == day			/* emphasize today's date */
        !          10136:   /*&&   month==mm && year==yy*/ )	/* only if this month's calendar */
        !          10137:    { strcat(calbuff,"{\\fs{-1}\\left\\langle "); /*emphasize, 1 size smaller*/
        !          10138:      strcat(calbuff,aval);		/* put in idd */
        !          10139:      strcat(calbuff,"\\right\\rangle}"); } /* finish emphasis */
        !          10140:   else					/* not today's date */
        !          10141:     strcat(calbuff,aval);		/* so just put in idd */
        !          10142:   /* --- terminate cell --- */
        !          10143:   if ( idd < modays[month] )		/* not yet end-of-month */
        !          10144:    if ( iday < 6 )			/* still have days left in week */
        !          10145:     strcat(calbuff,"&");		/* new cell in same week */
        !          10146:    else					/* reached end-of-week */
        !          10147:     strcat(calbuff,"\\\\ \\hline");	/* so start new week */
        !          10148:   } /* --- end-of-for(idd) --- */
        !          10149: strcat(calbuff,"\\\\ \\hline");		/* final underline at end-of-month */
        !          10150: /* --- return calendar to caller --- */
        !          10151: strcat(calbuff,"\\end{array}\\end{gather}}"); /* terminate array */
        !          10152: return ( calbuff );			/* back to caller with calendar */
        !          10153: } /* --- end-of-function calendar() --- */
        !          10154: 
        !          10155: 
        !          10156: /* ==========================================================================
        !          10157:  * Function:	timestamp ( tzdelta, ifmt )
1.1       albertel 10158:  * Purpose:	returns null-terminated character string containing
                   10159:  *		current date:time stamp as ccyy-mm-dd:hh:mm:ss{am,pm}
                   10160:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
1.2     ! albertel 10161:  * Arguments:	tzdelta (I)	integer, positive or negative, containing
        !          10162:  *				containing number of hours to be added or
        !          10163:  *				subtracted from system time (to accommodate
        !          10164:  *				your desired time zone).
        !          10165:  *		ifmt (I)	integer containing 0 for default format
1.1       albertel 10166:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10167:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to null-terminated buffer
                   10168:  *				containing current date:time stamp
                   10169:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10170:  * Notes:     o
                   10171:  * ======================================================================= */
                   10172: /* --- entry point --- */
1.2     ! albertel 10173: char	*timestamp( int tzdelta, int ifmt )
1.1       albertel 10174: {
                   10175: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10176: Allocations and Declarations
                   10177: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 10178: static	char timebuff[256];		/* date:time buffer back to caller */
1.1       albertel 10179: /*long	time_val = 0L;*/		/* binary value returned by time() */
                   10180: time_t	time_val = (time_t)(0);		/* binary value returned by time() */
                   10181: struct tm *tmstruct=(struct tm *)NULL, *localtime(); /* interpret time_val */
1.2     ! albertel 10182: int	year=0, hour=0,ispm=1,		/* adjust year, and set am/pm hour */
        !          10183: 	month=0, day=0;			/* adjust day and month for delta  */
        !          10184: int	tzadjust();			/* time zone adjustment function */
        !          10185: int	daynumber();			/* #days since Jan 1, 1973 */
        !          10186: static	char *daynames[] = { "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday",
        !          10187: 	 "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday", "Sunday" } ;
        !          10188: static	char *monthnames[] = { "?", "January", "February", "March", "April",
        !          10189: 	 "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October",
        !          10190: 	"November", "December", "?" } ;
1.1       albertel 10191: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10192: get current date:time, adjust values, and and format stamp
                   10193: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 10194: /* --- first init returned timebuff in case of any error --- */
        !          10195: *timebuff = '\000';
1.1       albertel 10196: /* --- get current date:time --- */
                   10197: time((time_t *)(&time_val));		/* get date and time */
                   10198: tmstruct = localtime((time_t *)(&time_val)); /* interpret time_val */
1.2     ! albertel 10199: /* --- extract fields --- */
        !          10200: year  = (int)(tmstruct->tm_year);	/* local copy of year,  0=1900 */
        !          10201: month = (int)(tmstruct->tm_mon) + 1;	/* local copy of month, 1-12 */
        !          10202: day   = (int)(tmstruct->tm_mday);	/* local copy of day,   1-31 */
        !          10203: hour  = (int)(tmstruct->tm_hour);	/* local copy of hour,  0-23 */
        !          10204: /* --- adjust year --- */
1.1       albertel 10205: year += 1900;				/* set century in year */
1.2     ! albertel 10206: /* --- adjust for timezone --- */
        !          10207: tzadjust(tzdelta,&year,&month,&day,&hour);
        !          10208: /* --- check params --- */
        !          10209: if ( hour<0  || hour>23
        !          10210: ||   day<1   || day>31
        !          10211: ||   month<1 || month>12
        !          10212: ||   year<1973 ) goto end_of_job;
        !          10213: /* --- adjust hour for am/pm --- */
        !          10214: switch ( ifmt )
        !          10215:   {
        !          10216:   default:
        !          10217:   case 0:
        !          10218:     if ( hour < 12 )			/* am check */
        !          10219:      { ispm=0;				/* reset pm flag */
        !          10220:        if ( hour == 0 ) hour = 12; }	/* set 00hrs = 12am */
        !          10221:     if ( hour > 12 ) hour -= 12;	/* pm check sets 13hrs to 1pm, etc */
        !          10222:     break;
        !          10223:   } /* --- end-of-switch(ifmt) --- */
1.1       albertel 10224: /* --- format date:time stamp --- */
1.2     ! albertel 10225: switch ( ifmt )
        !          10226:   {
        !          10227:   default:
        !          10228:   case 0:  /* --- 2005-03-05:11:49:59am --- */
        !          10229:     sprintf(timebuff,"%04d-%02d-%02d:%02d:%02d:%02d%s", year,month,day,
        !          10230:     hour,(int)(tmstruct->tm_min),(int)(tmstruct->tm_sec),((ispm)?"pm":"am"));
        !          10231:     break;
        !          10232:   case 1:  /* --- Saturday, March 5, 2005 --- */
        !          10233:     sprintf(timebuff,"%s, %s %d, %d",
        !          10234:     daynames[daynumber(year,month,day)%7],monthnames[month],day,year);
        !          10235:     break;
        !          10236:   case 2: /* --- Saturday, March 5, 2005, 11:49:59am --- */
        !          10237:     sprintf(timebuff,"%s, %s %d, %d, %d:%02d:%02d%s",
        !          10238:     daynames[daynumber(year,month,day)%7],monthnames[month],day,year,
        !          10239:     hour,(int)(tmstruct->tm_min),(int)(tmstruct->tm_sec),((ispm)?"pm":"am"));
        !          10240:     break;
        !          10241:   case 3: /* --- 11:49:59am --- */
        !          10242:     sprintf(timebuff,"%d:%02d:%02d%s",
        !          10243:     hour,(int)(tmstruct->tm_min),(int)(tmstruct->tm_sec),((ispm)?"pm":"am"));
        !          10244:     break;
        !          10245:   } /* --- end-of-switch(ifmt) --- */
        !          10246: end_of_job:
        !          10247:   return ( timebuff );			/* return stamp to caller */
1.1       albertel 10248: } /* --- end-of-function timestamp() --- */
                   10251: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 10252:  * Function:	tzadjust ( tzdelta, year, month, day, hour )
        !          10253:  * Purpose:	Adjusts hour, and day,month,year if necessary,
        !          10254:  *		by delta increment to accommodate your time zone.
        !          10255:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10256:  * Arguments:	tzdelta (I)	integer, positive or negative, containing
        !          10257:  *				containing number of hours to be added or
        !          10258:  *				subtracted from given time (to accommodate
        !          10259:  *				your desired time zone).
        !          10260:  *		year (I)	addr of int containing        4-digit year
        !          10261:  *		month (I)	addr of int containing month  1=Jan - 12=Dec.
        !          10262:  *		day (I)		addr of int containing day    1-31 for Jan.
        !          10263:  *		hour (I)	addr of int containing hour   0-23
        !          10264:  * Returns:	( int )		1 for success, or 0 for error
        !          10265:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10266:  * Notes:     o
        !          10267:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          10268: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          10269: int	tzadjust ( int tzdelta, int *year, int *month, int *day, int *hour )
        !          10270: {
        !          10271: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10272: Allocations and Declarations
        !          10273: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          10274: int	yy = *year, mm = *month, dd = *day, hh = *hour; /*dereference args*/
        !          10275: /* --- calendar data --- */
        !          10276: static	int modays[] =
        !          10277: 	{ 0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 0 };
        !          10278: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10279: check args
        !          10280: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          10281: if ( mm<1 || mm>12 ) return(-1);	/* bad month */
        !          10282: if ( dd<1 || dd>modays[mm] ) return(-1); /* bad day */
        !          10283: if ( hh<0 || hh>23 ) return(-1);	/* bad hour */
        !          10284: if ( tzdelta>23 || tzdelta<(-23) ) return(-1); /* bad tzdelta */
        !          10285: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10286: make adjustments
        !          10287: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          10288: /* --- adjust hour --- */
        !          10289: hh += tzdelta;				/* apply caller's delta */
        !          10290: /* --- adjust for feb 29 --- */
        !          10291: modays[2] = (yy%4==0?29:28);		/* Feb has 29 days in leap years */
        !          10292: /* --- adjust day --- */
        !          10293: if ( hh < 0 )				/* went to preceding day */
        !          10294:   { dd--;  hh += 24; }
        !          10295: if ( hh > 23 )				/* went to next day */
        !          10296:   { dd++;  hh -= 24; }
        !          10297: /* --- adjust month --- */
        !          10298: if ( dd < 1 )				/* went to preceding month */
        !          10299:   { mm--;  dd = modays[mm]; }
        !          10300: if ( dd > modays[mm] )			/* went to next month */
        !          10301:   { mm++;  dd = 1; }
        !          10302: /* --- adjust year --- */
        !          10303: if ( mm < 1 )				/* went to preceding year */
        !          10304:   { yy--;  mm = 12;  dd = modays[mm]; }
        !          10305: if ( mm > 12 )				/* went to next year */
        !          10306:   { yy++;  mm = 1;   dd = 1; }
        !          10307: /* --- back to caller --- */
        !          10308: *year=yy; *month=mm; *day=dd; *hour=hh;	/* reset adjusted args */
        !          10309: return ( 1 );
        !          10310: } /* --- end-of-function tzadjust() --- */
        !          10311: 
        !          10312: 
        !          10313: /* ==========================================================================
        !          10314:  * Function:	daynumber ( year, month, day )
        !          10315:  * Purpose:	Returns number of actual calendar days from Jan 1, 1973
        !          10316:  *		to the given date (e.g., bvdaynumber(1974,1,1)=365).
        !          10317:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10318:  * Arguments:	year (I)	int containing year -- may be either 1995 or
        !          10319:  *				95, or may be either 2010 or 110 for those
        !          10320:  *				years.
        !          10321:  *		month (I)	int containing month, 1=Jan thru 12=Dec.
        !          10322:  *		day (I)		int containing day of month, 1-31 for Jan, etc.
        !          10323:  * Returns:	( int )		Number of days from Jan 1, 1973 to given date,
        !          10324:  *				or -1 for error (e.g., year<1973).
        !          10325:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10326:  * Notes:     o
        !          10327:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          10328: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          10329: int	daynumber ( int year, int month, int day )
        !          10330: {
        !          10331: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10332: Allocations and Declarations
        !          10333: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          10334: /* --- returned value (note: returned as a default "int") --- */
        !          10335: int	ndays;				/* #days since jan 1, year0 */
        !          10336: /* --- initial conditions --- */
        !          10337: static	int year0 = 73, 		/* jan 1 was a monday, 72 was a leap */
        !          10338: 	days4yrs = 1461,		/* #days in 4 yrs = 365*4 + 1 */
        !          10339: 	days1yr  = 365;
        !          10340: /* --- table of accumulated days per month (last index not used) --- */
        !          10341: static	int modays[] =
        !          10342: 	{ 0, 31, 59, 90, 120, 151, 181, 212, 243, 273, 304, 334, 365 };
        !          10343: /* --- variables for #days since day0 --- */
        !          10344: int	nyears, nfouryrs;		/*#years, #4-yr periods since year0*/
        !          10345: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10346: Check input
        !          10347: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          10348: if ( month < 1 || month > 12 )		/*month used as index, so must be ok*/
        !          10349: 	return ( -1 );			/* otherwise, forget it */
        !          10350: if ( year >= 1900 ) year -= 1900;	/*use two-digit years (3 after 2000)*/
        !          10351: /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          10352: Find #days since jan 1, 1973
        !          10353: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          10354: /* --- figure #complete 4-year periods and #remaining yrs till current --- */
        !          10355: nyears = year - year0;			/* #years since year0 */
        !          10356: if ( nyears < 0 ) return ( -1 );	/* we're not working backwards */
        !          10357: nfouryrs = nyears/4;			/* #complete four-year periods */
        !          10358: nyears -= (4*nfouryrs); 		/* remainder excluding current year*/
        !          10359: /* --- #days from jan 1, year0 till jan 1, this year --- */
        !          10360: ndays = (days4yrs*nfouryrs)		/* #days in 4-yr periods */
        !          10361:       +  (days1yr*nyears);		/* +remaining days */
        !          10362: /*if ( year > 100 ) ndays--;*/		/* subtract leap year for 2000AD */
        !          10363: /* --- add #days within current year --- */
        !          10364: ndays += (modays[month-1] + (day-1));
        !          10365: /* --- may need an extra day if current year is a leap year --- */
        !          10366: if ( nyears == 3 )			/*three preceding yrs so this is 4th*/
        !          10367:     { if ( month > 2 )			/* past feb so need an extra day */
        !          10368: 	/*if ( year != 100 )*/		/* unless it's 2000AD */
        !          10369: 	  ndays++; }			/* so add it in */
        !          10370: return ( (int)(ndays) );		/* #days back to caller */
        !          10371: } /* --- end-of-function daynumber() --- */
        !          10372: 
        !          10373: 
        !          10374: /* ==========================================================================
        !          10375:  * Function:	dbltoa ( dblval, npts )
1.1       albertel 10376:  * Purpose:	Converts double to ascii, in financial format
                   10377:  *		(e.g., comma-separated and negatives enclosed in ()'s).
                   10378:  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10379:  * Arguments:	dblval (I)	double containing value to be converted.
                   10380:  *		npts (I)	int containing #places after decimal point
                   10381:  *				to be displayed in returned string.
                   10382:  * Returns:	( char * )	null-terminated string containing
                   10383:  *				double converted to financial format.
                   10384:  * -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10385:  * Notes:     o
                   10386:  * ======================================================================= */
                   10387: /* --- entry point --- */
1.2     ! albertel 10388: char	*dbltoa ( double dblval, int npts )
        !          10389: /* double dblval;
        !          10390:    int	npts; */
1.1       albertel 10391: {
                   10392: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10393: Allocations and Declarations
                   10394: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10395: static	char finval[128];		/* buffer returned to caller */
                   10396: static	char digittbl[32]="0123456789*"; /* table of ascii decimal digits */
                   10397: char	*finptr = finval;		/* ptr to next char being converted*/
                   10398: double	floor();			/* integer which is glb(double) */
                   10399: double	dbldigit;			/* to shift out digits from dblval */
                   10400: int	digit;				/* one digit from dblval */
                   10401: int	isneg = 0;			/* reset true if dblval negative */
                   10402: int	ifrac = 0;			/* npts fractional digits of dblval*/
                   10403: char	digits[64]; int ndigits=0;	/* all the digits [0]=least signif */
                   10404: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10405: Check sign
                   10406: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10407: if ( dblval < 0.0 )			/* got a negative value to convert */
                   10408:     { isneg=1; dblval=(-dblval); }	/* set flag and make it positive */
                   10409: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10410: Get fractional part of dblval if required
                   10411: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10412: if ( npts > 0 )
                   10413:     { int ipts = npts;			/* loop index */
                   10414:       dbldigit = dblval-floor(dblval);	/* fractional part as double */
                   10415:       digit = 1;			/* check if rounded frac > 1 */
                   10416:       while ( --ipts >= 0 )		/* count down */
                   10417: 	{ dbldigit *= 10.0;		/* shift left one digit at a time */
                   10418: 	  digit *= 10; }		/* and keep max up-to-date */
                   10419:       ifrac = (int)(dbldigit + 0.5);	/* store fractional part as integer*/
                   10420:       if ( ifrac >= digit )		/* round to next whole number */
                   10421: 	{ dblval++; ifrac=0; }		/* bump val, reset frac to zero */
                   10422:     } /* --- end-of-if(npts>0) --- */
                   10423: else dblval += 0.5;			/* no frac, round to nearest whole */
                   10424: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10425: Get whole digits
                   10426: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10427: dblval = floor(dblval);			/* get rid of fractional part */
                   10428: while ( dblval > 0.0 )			/* still have data digits remaining*/
                   10429:     { dbldigit = floor(dblval/10.0);	/* shift out next digit */
                   10430:       digit = (int)(dblval - 10.0*dbldigit + 0.01); /* least signif digit */
                   10431:       if ( digit<0 || digit>9 ) digit=10; /* index check */
                   10432:       digits[ndigits++] = digittbl[digit]; /* store ascii digit */
                   10433:       dblval = dbldigit; }		/* ready for next digit */
                   10434: if ( ndigits < 1 ) digits[ndigits++] = '0'; /* store a single '0' for 0.0 */
                   10435: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10436: Format whole part from digits[] array
                   10437: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10438: if ( isneg ) *finptr++ = '(';		/* leading paren for negative value*/
                   10439: for ( digit=ndigits-1; digit>=0; digit-- ) /* start with most significant */
                   10440:     { *finptr++ = digits[digit];	/* store digit */
                   10441:       if ( digit>0 && digit%3==0 )	/* need a comma */
                   10442: 	*finptr++ = ','; }		/* put in separating comma */
                   10443: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10444: Format fractional part using ifrac
                   10445: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10446: if ( npts > 0 )
                   10447:     { *finptr++ = '.';			/* start with decimal point */
                   10448:       sprintf(finptr,"%0*d",npts,ifrac); /* convert to string */
                   10449:       finptr += npts; }			/* bump ptr past fractional digits */
                   10450: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10451: End-of-Job
                   10452: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10453: if ( isneg ) *finptr++ = ')';		/*trailing paren for negative value*/
                   10454: *finptr = '\000';			/* null-terminate converted double */
                   10455: return ( finval );			/* converted double back to caller */
1.2     ! albertel 10456: } /* --- end-of-function dbltoa() --- */
1.1       albertel 10457: 
                   10459: /* ==========================================================================
                   10460:  * Function:	aalowpass ( rp, bytemap, grayscale )
                   10461:  * Purpose:	calculates a lowpass anti-aliased bytemap
                   10462:  *		for rp->bitmap, with each byte 0...grayscale-1
                   10463:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10464:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		raster *  to raster whose bitmap
                   10465:  *				is to be anti-aliased
                   10466:  *		bytemap (O)	intbyte * to bytemap, calculated
                   10467:  *				by applying lowpass filter to rp->bitmap,
                   10468:  *				and returned (as you'd expect) in 1-to-1
                   10469:  *				addressing correspondence with rp->bitmap
                   10470:  *		grayscale (I)	int containing number of grayscales
                   10471:  *				to be calculated, 0...grayscale-1
                   10472:  *				(should typically be given as 256)
                   10473:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10474:  * Returns:	( int )		1=success, 0=any error
                   10475:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10476:  * Notes:     o	If the center point of the box being averaged is black,
                   10477:  *		then the entire "average" is forced black (grayscale-1)
                   10478:  *		regardless of the surrounding points.  This is my attempt
                   10479:  *		to avoid a "washed-out" appearance of thin (one-pixel-wide)
                   10480:  *		lines, which would otherwise turn from black to a gray shade.
                   10481:  *	     o	Also, while the weights for neighbor points are fixed,
                   10482:  *		you may adjust the center point weight on the compile line.
                   10483:  *		A higher weight sharpens the resulting anti-aliased image;
                   10484:  *		lower weights blur it out more (but keep the "center" black
                   10485:  *		as per the preceding note).
                   10486:  * ======================================================================= */
                   10487: /* --- entry point --- */
                   10488: int	aalowpass (raster *rp, intbyte *bytemap, int grayscale)
                   10489: {
                   10490: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10491: Allocations and Declarations
                   10492: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10493: int	status = 1;			/* 1=success, 0=failure to caller */
                   10494: pixbyte	*bitmap= (rp==NULL?NULL:rp->pixmap); /*local rp->pixmap ptr*/
                   10495: int	irow=0, icol=0;			/* rp->height, rp->width indexes */
                   10496: int	weights[9] = { 1,3,1, 3,0,3, 1,3,1 }; /* matrix of weights */
                   10497: int	adjindex[9]= { 0,1,2, 7,-1,3, 6,5,4 }; /*clockwise from upper-left*/
                   10498: int	totwts = 0;			/* sum of all weights in matrix */
                   10499: int	isforceavg = 1,			/*force avg black if center black?*/
                   10500: 	isminmaxwts = 1,		/*use wts or #pts for min/max test */
                   10501: 	blackscale = 0; /*(grayscale+1)/4;*/ /*force black if wgted avg>bs */
                   10502: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10503: Initialization
                   10504: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10505: /* --- calculate total weights --- */
                   10506: weights[4]= centerwt;			/* weight for center point */
                   10507: weights[1]= weights[3]= weights[5]= weights[7]= adjacentwt; /*adjacent pts*/
                   10508: totwts = centerwt + 4*(1+adjacentwt);	/* tot is center plus neighbors */
                   10509: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10510: Calculate bytemap as 9-point weighted average over bitmap
                   10511: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10512: for ( irow=0; irow<rp->height; irow++ )
                   10513:  for ( icol=0; icol<rp->width; icol++ )
                   10514:   {
                   10515:   int	ipixel = icol + irow*(rp->width); /* center pixel index */
                   10516:   int	jrow=0, jcol=0,			/* box around ipixel */
                   10517: 	bitval = 0,			/* value of bit/pixel at jrow,jcol */
                   10518: 	iscenter = 0,			/* set true if center pixel black */
                   10519: 	nadjacent=0, wadjacent=0,	/* #adjacent black pixels, their wts*/
                   10520: 	ngaps = 0,			/* #gaps in 8 pixels around center */
                   10521: 	iwt=(-1), sumwts=0;		/* weights index, sum in-bound wts */
                   10522:   char	adjmatrix[8];			/* adjacency "matrix" */
                   10523:   memset(adjmatrix,0,8);		/* zero out adjacency matrix */
                   10524:   bytemap[ipixel] = 0;			/* init pixel white */
                   10525:   /*--- for ipixel at irow,icol, get weighted average of adjacent pixels ---*/
                   10526:   for ( jrow=irow-1; jrow<=irow+1; jrow++ )  /* jrow = irow-1...irow+1 */
                   10527:    for ( jcol=icol-1; jcol<=icol+1; jcol++ ) /* jcol = icol-1...icol+1 */
                   10528:     {
                   10529:     int	jpixel = jcol + jrow*(rp->width); /* averaging index */
                   10530:     iwt++;				/*always bump weight index*/
                   10531:     if ( jrow<0 || jrow>=rp->height	/* if row out pf bounds */
                   10532:     ||   jcol<0 || jcol>=rp->width )	/* or col out of bounds */
                   10533: 	continue;			/* ignore this point */
                   10534:     bitval = (int)getlongbit(bitmap,jpixel); /* value of bit at jrow,jcol */
                   10535:     if ( bitval )			/* this is a black pixel */
                   10536:       {	if ( jrow==irow && jcol==icol )	/* and this is center point */
                   10537: 	  iscenter = 1;			/* set flag for center point black */
                   10538: 	else				/* adjacent point black */
                   10539: 	  { nadjacent++;		/* bump adjacent black count */
                   10540: 	    adjmatrix[adjindex[iwt]] = 1; } /*set "bit" in adjacency matrix*/
                   10541: 	wadjacent += weights[iwt]; }	/* sum weights for black pixels */
                   10542:     sumwts += weights[iwt];		/* and sum weights for all pixels */
                   10543:     } /* --- end-of-for(jrow,jcol) --- */
                   10544:   /* --- count gaps --- */
                   10545:   ngaps = (adjmatrix[7]!=adjmatrix[0]?1:0); /* init count */
                   10546:   for ( iwt=0; iwt<7; iwt++ )		/* clockwise around adjacency */
                   10547:     if ( adjmatrix[iwt] != adjmatrix[iwt+1] ) ngaps++; /* black/white flip */
                   10548:   ngaps /= 2;				/*each gap has 2 black/white flips*/
                   10549:   /* --- anti-alias pixel, but leave it black if it was already black --- */
                   10550:   if ( isforceavg && iscenter )		/* force avg if center point black */
                   10551:       bytemap[ipixel] = grayscale-1;	/* so force grayscale-1=black */
                   10552:   else					/* center point not black */
                   10553:    if ( ngaps <= 2 )			/*don't darken checkerboarded pixel*/
                   10554:     { bytemap[ipixel] =			/* 0=white ... grayscale-1=black */
                   10555: 	((totwts/2 - 1) + (grayscale-1)*wadjacent)/totwts; /* not /sumwts; */
                   10556:       if ( blackscale > 0		/* blackscale kludge turned on */
                   10557:       &&   bytemap[ipixel] > blackscale ) /* weighted avg > blackscale */
                   10558: 	bytemap[ipixel] = grayscale-1; } /* so force it entirely black */
                   10559:   /*--- only anti-alias pixels whose adjacent pixels fall within bounds ---*/
                   10560:   if ( !iscenter )			/* apply min/maxadjacent test */
                   10561:    if ( isminmaxwts )			/* min/max refer to adjacent weights*/
                   10562:     { if ( wadjacent < minadjacent	/* wts of adjacent points too low */
                   10563:       ||   wadjacent > maxadjacent )	/* or too high */
                   10564: 	bytemap[ipixel] = 0; }		/* so leave point white */
                   10565:    else					/* min/max refer to #adjacent points*/
                   10566:     { if ( nadjacent < minadjacent	/* too few adjacent points black */
                   10567:       ||   nadjacent > maxadjacent )	/* or too many */
                   10568: 	bytemap[ipixel] = 0; }		/* so leave point white */
                   10569:   } /* --- end-of-for(irow,icol) --- */
                   10570: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10571: Back to caller with gray-scale anti-aliased bytemap
                   10572: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10573: /*end_of_job:*/
                   10574:   return ( status );
                   10575: } /* --- end-of-function aalowpass() --- */
                   10578: /* ==========================================================================
                   10579:  * Function:	aapnm ( rp, bytemap, grayscale )
                   10580:  * Purpose:	calculates a lowpass anti-aliased bytemap
                   10581:  *		for rp->bitmap, with each byte 0...grayscale-1,
                   10582:  *		based on the pnmalias.c algorithm
                   10583:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10584:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		raster *  to raster whose bitmap
                   10585:  *				is to be anti-aliased
                   10586:  *		bytemap (O)	intbyte * to bytemap, calculated
                   10587:  *				by applying pnm-based filter to rp->bitmap,
                   10588:  *				and returned (as you'd expect) in 1-to-1
                   10589:  *				addressing correspondence with rp->bitmap
                   10590:  *		grayscale (I)	int containing number of grayscales
                   10591:  *				to be calculated, 0...grayscale-1
                   10592:  *				(should typically be given as 256)
                   10593:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10594:  * Returns:	( int )		1=success, 0=any error
                   10595:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10596:  * Notes:    o	Based on the pnmalias.c algorithm in the netpbm package
                   10597:  *		on sourceforge.
                   10598:  * ======================================================================= */
                   10599: /* --- entry point --- */
                   10600: int	aapnm (raster *rp, intbyte *bytemap, int grayscale)
                   10601: {
                   10602: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10603: Allocations and Declarations
                   10604: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10605: pixbyte	*bitmap = rp->pixmap;		/* local rp->pixmap ptr */
                   10606: int	width=rp->width, height=rp->height, /* width, height of raster */
                   10607: 	icol = 0,        irow = 0,	/* width, height indexes */
                   10608: 	imap = (-1);			/* pixel index = icol + irow*width */
                   10609: int	bgbitval=0, fgbitval=1;		/* background, foreground bitval */
                   10610: #if 0
                   10611: int	totwts=12, wts[9]={1,1,1, 1,4,1, 1,1,1}; /* pnmalias default wts */
                   10612: int	totwts=16, wts[9]={1,2,1, 2,4,2, 1,2,1}; /* weights */
                   10613: #endif
                   10614: int	totwts=18, wts[9]={1,2,1, 2,6,2, 1,2,1}; /* pnmalias default wts */
                   10615: int	isresetparams = 1,		/* true to set antialiasing params */
                   10616: 	isfgalias  = 1,			/* true to antialias fg bits */
                   10617: 	isfgonly   = 0,			/* true to only antialias fg bits */
                   10618: 	isbgalias  = 0,			/* true to antialias bg bits */
                   10619: 	isbgonly   = 0;			/* true to only antialias bg bits */
                   10620: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10621: Initialization
                   10622: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10623: /* --- check for bold light --- */
                   10624: if ( 0 )
                   10625:  { if ( weightnum > 2 ) { isbgalias=1; }	/* simulate bold */
                   10626:    if ( weightnum < 1 ) { isbgonly=1; isfgalias=0; } } /* simulate light */
                   10627: /* --- reset wts[], etc, and calculate total weights --- */
                   10628: if ( isresetparams )			/* wts[], etc taken from params */
                   10629:   { int	iwt=0;				/* wts[iwt] index */
                   10630:     wts[4]= centerwt;			/* weight for center point */
                   10631:     wts[1]=wts[3]=wts[5]=wts[7] = adjacentwt; /* and adjacent points */
                   10632:     wts[0]=wts[2]=wts[6]=wts[8] = cornerwt;   /* and corner points */
                   10633:     for ( totwts=0,iwt=0; iwt<9; iwt++ ) totwts += wts[iwt]; /* sum wts */
                   10634:     isfgalias = fgalias;		/* set isfgalias */
                   10635:     isfgonly = fgonly;			/* set isfgonly */
                   10636:     isbgalias = bgalias;		/* set isbgalias */
                   10637:     isbgonly = bgonly; }		/* set isbgonly */
                   10638: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10639: Calculate bytemap as 9-point weighted average over bitmap
                   10640: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10641: for ( irow=0; irow<height; irow++ )
                   10642:  for ( icol=0; icol<width; icol++ )
                   10643:   {
                   10644:   /* --- local allocations and declarations --- */
                   10645:   int	bitval=0,			/* value of rp bit at irow,icol */
                   10646: 	nnbitval=0, nebitval=0, eebitval=0, sebitval=0,	/*adjacent vals*/
                   10647: 	ssbitval=0, swbitval=0, wwbitval=0, nwbitval=0;	/*compass pt names*/
                   10648:   int	isbgedge=0, isfgedge=0;		/*does pixel border a bg or fg edge*/
                   10649:   int	aabyteval=0;			/* antialiased (or unchanged) value*/
                   10650:   /* --- bump imap index and get center bit value --- */
                   10651:   imap++;				/* imap = icol + irow*width */
                   10652:   bitval = getlongbit(bitmap,imap);	/* value of rp input bit at imap */
                   10653:   aabyteval = (intbyte)(bitval==bgbitval?0:grayscale-1); /* default aa val */
                   10654:   bytemap[imap] = (intbyte)(aabyteval);	/* init antialiased pixel */
                   10655:   /* --- check if we're antialiasing this pixel --- */
                   10656:   if ( (isbgonly && bitval==fgbitval)	/* only antialias background bit */
                   10657:   ||   (isfgonly && bitval==bgbitval) )	/* only antialias foreground bit */
                   10658:     continue;				/* leave default and do next bit */
                   10659:   /* --- get surrounding bits --- */
                   10660:   if ( irow > 0 )			/* nn (north) bit available */
                   10661:      nnbitval = getlongbit(bitmap,imap-width); /* nn bit value */
                   10662:   if ( irow < height-1 )		/* ss (south) bit available */
                   10663:      ssbitval = getlongbit(bitmap,imap+width); /* ss bit value */
                   10664:   if ( icol > 0 )			/* ww (west) bit available */
                   10665:    { wwbitval = getlongbit(bitmap,imap-1); /* ww bit value */
                   10666:      if ( irow > 0 )			/* nw bit available */
                   10667:        nwbitval = getlongbit(bitmap,imap-width-1); /* nw bit value */
                   10668:      if ( irow < height-1 )		/* sw bit available */
                   10669:        swbitval = getlongbit(bitmap,imap+width-1); } /* sw bit value */
                   10670:   if ( icol < width-1 )			/* ee (east) bit available */
                   10671:    { eebitval = getlongbit(bitmap,imap+1); /* ee bit value */
                   10672:      if ( irow > 0 )			/* ne bit available */
                   10673:        nebitval = getlongbit(bitmap,imap-width+1); /* ne bit value */
                   10674:      if ( irow < height-1 )		/* se bit available */
                   10675:        sebitval = getlongbit(bitmap,imap+width+1); } /* se bit value */
                   10676:   /* --- check for edges --- */
                   10677:   isbgedge =				/* current pixel borders a bg edge */
                   10678: 	(nnbitval==bgbitval && eebitval==bgbitval) ||	/*upper-right edge*/
                   10679: 	(eebitval==bgbitval && ssbitval==bgbitval) ||	/*lower-right edge*/
                   10680: 	(ssbitval==bgbitval && wwbitval==bgbitval) ||	/*lower-left  edge*/
                   10681: 	(wwbitval==bgbitval && nnbitval==bgbitval) ;	/*upper-left  edge*/
                   10682:   isfgedge =				/* current pixel borders an fg edge*/
                   10683: 	(nnbitval==fgbitval && eebitval==fgbitval) ||	/*upper-right edge*/
                   10684: 	(eebitval==fgbitval && ssbitval==fgbitval) ||	/*lower-right edge*/
                   10685: 	(ssbitval==fgbitval && wwbitval==fgbitval) ||	/*lower-left  edge*/
                   10686: 	(wwbitval==fgbitval && nnbitval==fgbitval) ;	/*upper-left  edge*/
1.2     ! albertel 10687:   /* ---check top/bot left/right edges for corners (added by j.forkosh)--- */
        !          10688:   if ( 1 ) {				/* true to perform test */
        !          10689:     int	isbghorz=0, isfghorz=0, isbgvert=0, isfgvert=0; /* horz/vert edges */
        !          10690:     isbghorz =				/* top or bottom edge is all bg */
        !          10691: 	(nwbitval+nnbitval+nebitval == 3*bgbitval) ||	/* top edge bg */
        !          10692: 	(swbitval+ssbitval+sebitval == 3*bgbitval) ;	/* bottom edge bg */
        !          10693:     isfghorz =				/* top or bottom edge is all fg */
        !          10694: 	(nwbitval+nnbitval+nebitval == 3*fgbitval) ||	/* top edge fg */
        !          10695: 	(swbitval+ssbitval+sebitval == 3*fgbitval) ;	/* bottom edge fg */
        !          10696:     isbgvert =				/* left or right edge is all bg */
        !          10697: 	(nwbitval+wwbitval+swbitval == 3*bgbitval) ||	/* left edge bg */
        !          10698: 	(nebitval+eebitval+sebitval == 3*bgbitval) ;	/* right edge bg */
        !          10699:     isfgvert =				/* left or right edge is all bg */
        !          10700: 	(nwbitval+wwbitval+swbitval == 3*fgbitval) ||	/* left edge fg */
        !          10701: 	(nebitval+eebitval+sebitval == 3*fgbitval) ;	/* right edge fg */
        !          10702:     if ( (isbghorz && isbgvert && (bitval==fgbitval))	/* we're at an...*/
        !          10703:     ||   (isfghorz && isfgvert && (bitval==bgbitval)) )	/*...inside corner */
        !          10704: 	continue;					/* don't antialias */
        !          10705:     } /* --- end-of-if(1) --- */
        !          10706:   /* --- check #gaps for checkerboard (added by j.forkosh) --- */
        !          10707:   if ( 0 ) {				/* true to perform test */
        !          10708:     int	ngaps=0, mingaps=1,maxgaps=2;	/* count #fg/bg flips (max=4 noop) */
        !          10709:     if ( nwbitval!=nnbitval ) ngaps++;	/* upper-left =? upper */
        !          10710:     if ( nnbitval!=nebitval ) ngaps++;	/* upper =? upper-right */
        !          10711:     if ( nebitval!=eebitval ) ngaps++;	/* upper-right =? right */
        !          10712:     if ( eebitval!=sebitval ) ngaps++;	/* right =? lower-right */
        !          10713:     if ( sebitval!=ssbitval ) ngaps++;	/* lower-right =? lower */
        !          10714:     if ( ssbitval!=swbitval ) ngaps++;	/* lower =? lower-left */
        !          10715:     if ( swbitval!=wwbitval ) ngaps++;	/* lower-left =? left */
        !          10716:     if ( wwbitval!=nwbitval ) ngaps++;	/* left =? upper-left */
        !          10717:     if ( ngaps > 0 ) ngaps /= 2;	/* each gap has 2 bg/fg flips */
        !          10718:     if ( ngaps<mingaps || ngaps>maxgaps ) continue;
        !          10719:     } /* --- end-of-if(1) --- */
1.1       albertel 10720:   /* --- antialias if necessary --- */
                   10721:   if ( (isbgalias && isbgedge)		/* alias pixel surrounding bg */
                   10722:   ||   (isfgalias && isfgedge)		/* alias pixel surrounding fg */
                   10723:   ||   (isbgedge  && isfgedge) )	/* neighboring fg and bg pixel */
                   10724:     {
                   10725:     int	aasumval =			/* sum wts[]*bitmap[] */
                   10726: 	wts[0]*nwbitval + wts[1]*nnbitval + wts[2]*nebitval +
                   10727: 	wts[3]*wwbitval +  wts[4]*bitval  + wts[5]*eebitval +
                   10728: 	wts[6]*swbitval + wts[7]*ssbitval + wts[8]*sebitval ;
                   10729:     double aawtval = ((double)aasumval)/((double)totwts); /* weighted val */
                   10730:     aabyteval= (int)(((double)(grayscale-1))*aawtval+0.5); /*0...grayscale-1*/
                   10731:     bytemap[imap] = (intbyte)(aabyteval); /* set antialiased pixel */
                   10732:     if ( msglevel>=99 && msgfp!=NULL ) fprintf(msgfp,	/* debugging */
                   10733:       "aapnm> irow,icol,imap=%d,%d,%d aawtval=%.4f aabyteval=%d\n",
                   10734:       irow,icol,imap, aawtval,aabyteval);
                   10735:     } /* --- end-of-if(isedge) --- */
                   10736:   } /* --- end-of-for(irow,icol) --- */
                   10737: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10738: Back to caller with gray-scale anti-aliased bytemap
                   10739: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10740: /*end_of_job:*/
                   10741:   return ( 1 );
                   10742: } /* --- end-of-function aapnm() --- */
                   10745: /* ==========================================================================
                   10746:  * Function:	aasupsamp ( rp, aa, sf, grayscale )
                   10747:  * Purpose:	calculates a supersampled anti-aliased bytemap
                   10748:  *		for rp->bitmap, with each byte 0...grayscale-1
                   10749:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10750:  * Arguments:	rp (I)		raster *  to raster whose bitmap
                   10751:  *				is to be anti-aliased
                   10752:  *		aa (O)		address of raster * to supersampled bytemap,
                   10753:  *				calculated by supersampling rp->bitmap
                   10754:  *		sf (I)		int containing supersampling shrinkfactor
                   10755:  *		grayscale (I)	int containing number of grayscales
                   10756:  *				to be calculated, 0...grayscale-1
                   10757:  *				(should typically be given as 256)
                   10758:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10759:  * Returns:	( int )		1=success, 0=any error
                   10760:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10761:  * Notes:     o	If the center point of the box being averaged is black,
                   10762:  *		then the entire "average" is forced black (grayscale-1)
                   10763:  *		regardless of the surrounding points.  This is my attempt
                   10764:  *		to avoid a "washed-out" appearance of thin (one-pixel-wide)
                   10765:  *		lines, which would otherwise turn from black to a gray shade.
                   10766:  * ======================================================================= */
                   10767: /* --- entry point --- */
                   10768: int	aasupsamp (raster *rp, raster **aa, int sf, int grayscale)
                   10769: {
                   10770: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10771: Allocations and Declarations
                   10772: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10773: int	status = 0;			/* 1=success, 0=failure to caller */
                   10774: int	rpheight=rp->height, rpwidth=rp->width, /*bitmap raster dimensions*/
                   10775: 	heightrem=0, widthrem=0,	/* rp+rem is a multiple of shrinkf */
                   10776: 	aaheight=0,  aawidth=0,		/* supersampled dimensions */
                   10777: 	aapixsz=8;			/* output pixels are 8-bit bytes */
                   10778: int	maxaaval=(-9999),		/* max grayscale val set in matrix */
                   10779: 	isrescalemax=1;			/* 1=rescale maxaaval to grayscale */
                   10780: int	irp=0,jrp=0, iaa=0,jaa=0, iwt=0,jwt=0; /*indexes, i=width j=height*/
                   10781: raster	*aap=NULL, *new_raster();	/* raster for supersampled image */
                   10782: raster	*aaweights();			/* get weight matrix applied to rp */
                   10783: static	raster *aawts = NULL;		/* aaweights() resultant matrix */
                   10784: static	int prevshrink = NOVALUE,	/* shrinkfactor from previous call */
                   10785: 	sumwts = 0;			/* sum of weights */
                   10786: static	int blackfrac = 40,		/* force black if this many pts are */
                   10787: 	/*grayfrac = 20,*/
                   10788: 	maxwt = 10,			/* max weight in weight matrix */
                   10789: 	minwtfrac=10, maxwtfrac=70;	/* force light pts white, dark black*/
                   10790: int	type_raster(), type_bytemap();	/* debugging display routines */
                   10791: int	delete_raster();		/* delete old rasters */
                   10792: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10793: Initialization
                   10794: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10795: /* --- check args --- */
                   10796: if ( aa == NULL ) goto end_of_job;	/* no ptr for return output arg */
                   10797: *aa = NULL;				/* init null ptr for error return */
                   10798: if ( rp == NULL				/* no ptr to input arg */
                   10799: ||   sf < 1				/* invalid shrink factor */
                   10800: ||   grayscale < 2 ) goto end_of_job;	/* invalid grayscale */
                   10801: /* --- get weight matrix (or use current one) --- */
                   10802: if ( sf != prevshrink )			/* have new shrink factor */
                   10803:   { if ( aawts != NULL )		/* have unneeded weight matrix */
                   10804:       delete_raster(aawts);		/* so free it */
                   10805:     sumwts = 0;				/* reinitialize sum of weights */
                   10806:     aawts = aaweights(sf,sf);		/* get new weight matrix */
                   10807:     if ( aawts != NULL )		/* got weight matrix okay*/
                   10808:       for ( jwt=0; jwt<sf; jwt++ )	/* for each row */
                   10809:        for ( iwt=0; iwt<sf; iwt++ )	/* and each column */
                   10810: 	{ int wt = (int)(getpixel(aawts,jwt,iwt)); /* weight */
                   10811: 	  if ( wt > maxwt )		/* don't overweight center pts */
                   10812: 	    { wt = maxwt;		/* scale it back */
                   10813: 	      setpixel(aawts,jwt,iwt,wt); } /* and replace it in matrix */
                   10814: 	  sumwts += wt; }		/* add weight to sum */
                   10815:     prevshrink = sf; }			/* save new shrink factor */
                   10816: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=999 )
                   10817:   { fprintf(msgfp,"aasupsamp> sf=%d, sumwts=%d weights=...\n", sf,sumwts);
                   10818:     type_bytemap((intbyte *)aawts->pixmap,grayscale,
                   10819:     aawts->width,aawts->height,msgfp); }
                   10820: /* --- calculate supersampled height,width and allocate output raster */
                   10821: heightrem = rpheight%sf;		/* remainder after division... */
                   10822: widthrem  = rpwidth%sf;			/* shrinkfactor */
                   10823: aaheight  = 1+(rpheight+sf-(heightrem+1))/sf; /* ss height */
                   10824: aawidth   = 1+(rpwidth+sf-(widthrem+1))/sf; /* ss width */
                   10825: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=999 )
                   10826:  { fprintf(msgfp,"aasupsamp> rpwid,ht=%d,%d wd,htrem=%d,%d aawid,ht=%d,%d\n",
                   10827:    rpwidth,rpheight, widthrem,heightrem, aawidth,aaheight);
                   10828:    fprintf(msgfp,"aasupsamp> dump of original bitmap image...\n");
                   10829:    type_raster(rp,msgfp); }		/* ascii image of rp raster */
                   10830: if ( (aap = new_raster(aawidth,aaheight,aapixsz)) /* alloc output raster*/
                   10831: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* quit if alloc fails */
                   10832: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10833: Step through rp->bitmap, applying aawts to each "submatrix" of bitmap
                   10834: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10835: for ( jaa=0,jrp=(-(heightrem+1)/2); jrp<rpheight; jrp+=sf ) /* height */
                   10836:  {
                   10837:  for ( iaa=0,irp=(-(widthrem+1)/2); irp<rpwidth; irp+=sf ) /* width */
                   10838:   {
                   10839:   int aaval=0;				/* weighted rpvals */
                   10840:   int nrp=0, mrp=0;			/* #rp bits set, #within matrix */
                   10841:   for ( jwt=0; jwt<sf; jwt++ )
                   10842:    for ( iwt=0; iwt<sf; iwt++ )
                   10843:     {
                   10844:     int i=irp+iwt, j=jrp+jwt;		/* rp->pixmap point */
                   10845:     int rpval = 0;			/* rp->pixmap value at i,j */
                   10846:     if ( i>=0 && i<rpwidth		/* i within actual pixmap */
                   10847:     &&   j>=0 && j<rpheight )		/* ditto j */
                   10848:       {	mrp++;				/* count another bit within matrix */
                   10849: 	rpval = (int)(getpixel(rp,j,i)); } /* get actual pixel value */
                   10850:     if ( rpval != 0 )
                   10851:       {	nrp++;				/* count another bit set */
                   10852: 	aaval += (int)(getpixel(aawts,jwt,iwt)); } /* sum weighted vals */
                   10853:     } /* --- end-of-for(iwt,jwt) --- */
                   10854:   if ( aaval > 0 )			/*normalize and rescale non-zero val*/
                   10855:     { int aafrac = (100*aaval)/sumwts;	/* weighted percent of black points */
                   10856:       /*if((100*nrp)/mrp >=blackfrac)*/	/* many black interior pts */
                   10857:       if( aafrac >= maxwtfrac )		/* high weight of sampledblack pts */
                   10858: 	aaval = grayscale-1;		/* so set supersampled pt black */
                   10859:       else if( aafrac <= minwtfrac )	/* low weight of sampledblack pts */
                   10860: 	aaval = 0;			/* so set supersampled pt white */
                   10861:       else				/* rescale calculated weight */
                   10862: 	aaval = ((sumwts/2 - 1) + (grayscale-1)*aaval)/sumwts; }
                   10863:   maxaaval = max2(maxaaval,aaval);	/* largest aaval so far */
                   10864:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=999 )
                   10865:     fprintf(msgfp,"aasupsamp> jrp,irp=%d,%d jaa,iaa=%d,%d"
                   10866:     " mrp,nrp=%d,%d aaval=%d\n",
                   10867:     jrp,irp, jaa,iaa, mrp,nrp, aaval);
                   10868:   if ( jaa<aaheight && iaa<aawidth )	/* bounds check */
                   10869:     setpixel(aap,jaa,iaa,aaval);	/*weighted val in supersamp raster*/
                   10870:   else if( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9 )	/* emit error if out-of-bounds */
                   10871:     fprintf(msgfp,"aasupsamp> Error: aaheight,aawidth=%d,%d jaa,iaa=%d,%d\n",
                   10872:     aaheight,aawidth, jaa,iaa);
                   10873:   iaa++;				/* bump aa col index */
                   10874:   } /* --- end-of-for(irp) --- */
                   10875:  jaa++;					/* bump aa row index */
                   10876:  } /* --- end-of-for(jrp) --- */
                   10877: /* --- rescale supersampled image so darkest points become black --- */
                   10878: if ( isrescalemax )			/* flag set to rescale maxaaval */
                   10879:   {
                   10880:   double scalef = ((double)(grayscale-1))/((double)maxaaval);
                   10881:   for ( jaa=0; jaa<aaheight; jaa++ )	/* height */
                   10882:    for ( iaa=0; iaa<aawidth; iaa++ )	/* width */
                   10883:     { int aafrac, aaval = getpixel(aap,jaa,iaa); /* un-rescaled value */
                   10884:       aaval = (int)(0.5+((double)aaval)*scalef); /*multiply by scale factor*/
                   10885:       aafrac = (100*aaval)/(grayscale-1); /* fraction of blackness */
                   10886:       if( aafrac >= blackfrac )		/* high weight of sampledblack pts */
                   10887: 	aaval = grayscale-1;		/* so set supersampled pt black */
                   10888:       else if( 0&&aafrac <= minwtfrac )	/* low weight of sampledblack pts */
                   10889: 	aaval = 0;			/* so set supersampled pt white */
                   10890:       setpixel(aap,jaa,iaa,aaval); }	/* replace rescaled val in raster */
                   10891:   } /* --- end-of-if(isrescalemax) --- */
                   10892: *aa = aap;				/* return supersampled image*/
                   10893: status = 1;				/* set successful status */
                   10894: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=999 )
                   10895:   { fprintf(msgfp,"aasupsamp> anti-aliased image...\n");
                   10896:     type_bytemap((intbyte *)aap->pixmap,grayscale,
                   10897:     aap->width,aap->height,msgfp);  fflush(msgfp); }
                   10898: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10899: Back to caller with gray-scale anti-aliased bytemap
                   10900: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10901: end_of_job:
                   10902:   return ( status );
                   10903: } /* --- end-of-function aasupsamp() --- */
                   10906: /* ==========================================================================
                   10907:  * Function:	aacolormap ( bytemap, nbytes, colors, colormap )
                   10908:  * Purpose:	searches bytemap, returning a list of its discrete values
                   10909:  *		in ascending order in colors[], and returning an "image"
                   10910:  *		of bytemap (where vales are replaced by colors[]
                   10911:  *		indexes) in colormap[].
                   10912:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10913:  * Arguments:	bytemap (I)	intbyte *  to bytemap containing
                   10914:  *				grayscale values (usually 0=white
                   10915:  *				through 255=black) for which colors[]
                   10916:  *				and colormap[] will be constructed.
                   10917:  *		nbytes (I)	int containing #bytes in bytemap
                   10918:  *				(usually just #rows * #cols)
                   10919:  *		colors (O)	intbyte *  (to be interpreted as ints)
                   10920:  *				returning a list of the discrete/different
                   10921:  *				values in bytemap, in ascending value order
                   10922:  *		colormap (O)	intbyte *  returning a bytemap "image",
                   10923:  *				i.e., in one-to-one pixel correspondence
                   10924:  *				with bytemap, but where the values have been
                   10925:  *				replaced with corresponding colors[] indexes.
                   10926:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10927:  * Returns:	( int )		#colors in colors[], or 0 for any error
                   10928:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10929:  * Notes:     o
                   10930:  * ======================================================================= */
                   10931: /* --- entry point --- */
                   10932: int	aacolormap ( intbyte *bytemap, int nbytes,
                   10933: 			intbyte *colors, intbyte *colormap )
                   10934: {
                   10935: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10936: Allocations and Declarations
                   10937: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10938: int	ncolors = 0,			/* #different values in bytemap */
                   10939: 	igray, grayscale = 256;		/* bytemap contains intbyte's */
                   10940: intbyte	*bytevalues = NULL;		/* 1's where bytemap contains value*/
                   10941: int	ibyte;				/* bytemap/colormap index */
                   10942: int	isscale = 0;			/* true to scale largest val to 255*/
                   10943: int	maxcolors = 0;			/* maximum ncolors */
                   10944: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10945: Accumulate colors[] from values occurring in bytemap
                   10946: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10947: /* --- initialization --- */
                   10948: if ( (bytevalues = (intbyte *)malloc(grayscale)) /*alloc bytevalues*/
                   10949: ==   NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* signal error if malloc() failed */
                   10950: memset(bytevalues,0,grayscale);		/* zero out bytevalues */
                   10951: /* --- now set 1's at offsets corresponding to values found in bytemap --- */
                   10952: for ( ibyte=0; ibyte<nbytes; ibyte++ )	/* for each byte in bytemap */
                   10953:   bytevalues[(int)bytemap[ibyte]] = 1;	/*use its value to index bytevalues*/
                   10954: /* --- collect the 1's indexes in colors[] --- */
                   10955: for ( igray=0; igray<grayscale; igray++ ) /* check all possible values */
                   10956:   if ( (int)bytevalues[igray] )		/*bytemap contains igray somewheres*/
                   10957:     { colors[ncolors] = (intbyte)igray;	/* so store igray in colors */
                   10958:       bytevalues[igray] = (intbyte)ncolors; /* save colors[] index */
                   10959:       if ( maxcolors>0 && ncolors>=maxcolors ) /* too many color indexes */
                   10960:         bytevalues[igray] = (intbyte)(maxcolors-1); /*so scale back to max*/
                   10961:       ncolors++; }			/* and bump #colors */
                   10962: /* --- rescale colors so largest, colors[ncolors-1], is black --- */
                   10963: if ( isscale )				/* only rescale if requested */
                   10964:  if ( ncolors > 1 )			/* and if not a "blank" raster */
                   10965:   if ( colors[ncolors-1] > 0 )		/*and at least one pixel non-white*/
                   10966:    {
                   10967:    /* --- multiply each colors[] by factor that scales largest to 255 --- */
                   10968:    double scalefactor = ((double)(grayscale-1))/((double)colors[ncolors-1]);
                   10969:    for ( igray=1; igray<ncolors; igray++ ) /* re-scale each colors[] */
                   10970:     { colors[igray] = min2(grayscale-1,(int)(scalefactor*colors[igray]+0.5));
                   10971:       if (igray>5) colors[igray] = min2(grayscale-1,colors[igray]+2*igray); }
                   10972:    } /* --- end-of-if(isscale) --- */
                   10973: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10974: Construct colormap
                   10975: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10976: for ( ibyte=0; ibyte<nbytes; ibyte++ )	/* for each byte in bytemap */
                   10977:   colormap[ibyte] = bytevalues[(int)bytemap[ibyte]]; /*index for this value*/
                   10978: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10979: back to caller with #colors, or 0 for any error
                   10980: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   10981: end_of_job:
                   10982:   if ( bytevalues != NULL ) free(bytevalues); /* free working memory */
                   10983:   if ( maxcolors>0 && ncolors>maxcolors ) /* too many color indexes */
                   10984:     ncolors = maxcolors;		/* return maximum to caller */
                   10985:   return ( ncolors );			/* back with #colors, or 0=error */
                   10986: } /* --- end-of-function aacolormap() --- */
                   10989: /* ==========================================================================
                   10990:  * Function:	aaweights ( width, height )
                   10991:  *		Builds "canonical" weight matrix, width x height, in a raster
                   10992:  *		(see Notes below for discussion).
                   10993:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10994:  * Arguments:	width (I)	int containing width (#cols) of returned
                   10995:  *				raster/matrix of weights
                   10996:  *		height (I)	int containing height (#rows) of returned
                   10997:  *				raster/matrix of weights
                   10998:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   10999:  * Returns:	( raster * )	ptr to raster containing width x height
                   11000:  *				weight matrix, or NULL for any error
                   11001:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11002:  * Notes:     o For example, given width=7, height=5, builds the matrix
                   11003:  *			1 2 3  4 3 2 1
                   11004:  *			2 4 6  8 6 4 2
                   11005:  *			3 6 9 12 9 6 3
                   11006:  *			2 4 6  8 6 4 2
                   11007:  *			1 2 3  4 3 2 1
                   11008:  *		If an even dimension given, the two center numbers stay
                   11009:  *		the same, e.g., 123321 for the top row if width=6.
                   11010:  *	      o	For an odd square n x n matrix, the sum of all n^2
                   11011:  *		weights will be ((n+1)/2)^4.
                   11012:  *	      o	The largest weight (in the allocated pixsz=8 raster) is 255,
                   11013:  *		so the largest square matrix is 31 x 31.  Any weight that
                   11014:  *		tries to grow beyond 255 is held constant at 255.
                   11015:  *	      o	A new_raster(), pixsz=8, is allocated for the caller.
                   11016:  *		To avoid memory leaks, be sure to delete_raster() when done.
                   11017:  * ======================================================================= */
                   11018: /* --- entry point --- */
                   11019: raster	*aaweights ( int width, int height )
                   11020: {
                   11021: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11022: Allocations and Declarations
                   11023: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11024: raster	*new_raster(), *weights=NULL;	/* raster of weights returned */
                   11025: int	irow=0, icol=0,			/* height, width indexes */
                   11026: 	weight = 0;			/*running weight, as per Notes above*/
                   11027: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11028: Initialization
                   11029: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11030: /* --- allocate raster for weights --- */
                   11031: if ( (weights = new_raster(width,height,8)) /* allocate 8-bit byte raster */
                   11032: ==  NULL ) goto end_of_job;		/* return NULL error if failed */
                   11033: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11034: Fill weight matrix, as per Notes above
                   11035: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11036: for ( irow=0; irow<height; irow++ )	/* outer loop over rows */
                   11037:   for ( icol=0; icol<width; icol++ )	/* inner loop over cols */
                   11038:     {
                   11039:     int	jrow = height-irow-1,		/* backwards irow, height-1,...,0 */
                   11040: 	jcol =  width-icol-1;		/* backwards icol,  width-1,...,0 */
                   11041:     weight = min2(irow+1,jrow+1) * min2(icol+1,jcol+1); /* weight */
                   11042:     if ( aaalgorithm == 1 ) weight=1;	/* force equal weights */
                   11043:     setpixel(weights,irow,icol,min2(255,weight)); /*store weight in matrix*/
                   11044:     } /* --- end-of-for(irow,icol) --- */
                   11045: end_of_job:
                   11046:   return ( weights );			/* back with weights or NULL=error */
                   11047: } /* --- end-of-function aaweights() --- */
                   11050: /* ==========================================================================
                   11051:  * Function:	aawtpixel ( image, ipixel, weights, rotate )
                   11052:  * Purpose:	Applies matrix of weights to the pixels
                   11053:  *		surrounding ipixel in image, rotated clockwise
                   11054:  *		by rotate degrees (typically 0 or 30).
                   11055:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11056:  * Arguments:	image (I)	raster * to bitmap (though it can be bytemap)
                   11057:  *				containing image with pixels to be averaged.
                   11058:  *		ipixel (I)	int containing index (irow*width+icol) of
                   11059:  *				center pixel of image for weighted average.
                   11060:  *		weights (I)	raster * to bytemap of relative weights
                   11061:  *				(0-255), whose dimensions (usually odd width
                   11062:  *				and odd height) determine the "subgrid" of
                   11063:  *				image surrounding ipixel to be averaged.
                   11064:  *		rotate (I)	int containing degrees clockwise rotation
                   11065:  *				(typically 0 or 30), i.e., imagine weights
                   11066:  *				rotated clockwise and then averaging the
                   11067:  *				image pixels "underneath" it now.
                   11068:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11069:  * Returns:	( int )		0-255 weighted average, or -1 for any error
                   11070:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11071:  * Notes:     o	The rotation matrix used (when requested) is
                   11072:  *		    / x' \     / cos(theta)  sin(theta)/a \  / x \
                   11073:  *		    |    |  =  |                          |  |   |
                   11074:  *                  \ y' /     \ -a*sin(theta) cos(theta) /  \ y /
                   11075:  *		where a=1 (current default) is the pixel (not screen)
                   11076:  *		aspect ratio width:height, and theta is rotate (converted
                   11077:  *		from degrees to radians).  Then x=col,y=row are the integer
                   11078:  *		pixel coords relative to the input center ipixel, and
                   11079:  *		x',y' are rotated coords which aren't necessarily integer.
                   11080:  *		The actual pixel used is the one nearest x',y'.
                   11081:  * ======================================================================= */
                   11082: /* --- entry point --- */
                   11083: int	aawtpixel ( raster *image, int ipixel, raster *weights, int rotate )
                   11084: {
                   11085: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11086: Allocations and Declarations
                   11087: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11088: int	aaimgval = 0,			/* weighted avg returned to caller */
                   11089: 	totwts=0, sumwts=0;		/* total of all wts, sum wts used */
                   11090: int	pixsz = image->pixsz,		/* #bits per image pixel */
                   11091: 	black1=1, black8=255,		/* black for 1-bit, 8-bit pixels */
                   11092: 	black = (pixsz==1? black1:black8), /* black value for our image */
                   11093: 	scalefactor = (black1+black8-black), /* only scale 1-bit images */
                   11094: 	iscenter = 0;			/* set true if center pixel black */
                   11095: /* --- grid dimensions and indexes --- */
                   11096: int	wtheight  = weights->height,	/* #rows in weight matrix */
                   11097: 	wtwidth   = weights->width,	/* #cols in weight matrix */
                   11098: 	imgheight =   image->height,	/* #rows in image */
                   11099: 	imgwidth  =   image->width;	/* #cols in image */
                   11100: int	wtrow,  wtrow0 = wtheight/2,	/* center row index for weights */
                   11101: 	wtcol,  wtcol0 = wtwidth/2,	/* center col index for weights */
                   11102: 	imgrow, imgrow0= ipixel/imgwidth, /* center row index for ipixel */
                   11103: 	imgcol, imgcol0= ipixel-(imgrow0*imgwidth); /*center col for ipixel*/
                   11104: /* --- rotated grid variables --- */
                   11105: static	int prevrotate = 0;		/* rotate from previous call */
                   11106: static	double costheta = 1.0,		/* cosine for previous rotate */
                   11107: 	sintheta = 0.0;			/* and sine for previous rotate */
                   11108: double	a = 1.0;			/* default aspect ratio */
                   11109: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11110: Initialization
                   11111: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11112: /* --- refresh trig functions for rotate when it changes --- */
                   11113: if ( rotate != prevrotate )		/* need new sine/cosine */
                   11114:   { costheta = cos(((double)rotate)/57.29578);	/*cos of rotate in radians*/
                   11115:     sintheta = sin(((double)rotate)/57.29578);	/*sin of rotate in radians*/
                   11116:     prevrotate = rotate; }		/* save current rotate as prev */
                   11117: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11118: Calculate aapixel as weighted average over image points around ipixel
                   11119: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11120: for ( wtrow=0; wtrow<wtheight; wtrow++ )
                   11121:  for ( wtcol=0; wtcol<wtwidth; wtcol++ )
                   11122:   {
                   11123:   /* --- allocations and declarations --- */
                   11124:   int	wt = (int)getpixel(weights,wtrow,wtcol); /* weight for irow,icol */
                   11125:   int	drow = wtrow - wtrow0,		/* delta row offset from center */
                   11126: 	dcol = wtcol - wtcol0;		/* delta col offset from center */
                   11127:   int	iscenter = 0;			/* set true if center point black */
                   11128:   /* --- initialization --- */
                   11129:   totwts += wt;				/* sum all weights */
                   11130:   /* --- rotate (if requested) --- */
                   11131:   if ( rotate != 0 )			/* non-zero rotation */
                   11132:     {
                   11133:     /* --- apply rotation matrix to (x=dcol,y=drow) --- */
                   11134:     double dx=(double)dcol, dy=(double)drow, dtemp; /* need floats */
                   11135:     dtemp = dx*costheta + dy*sintheta/a; /* save new dx' */
                   11136:     dy = -a*dx*sintheta + dy*costheta;	/* dy becomes new dy' */
                   11137:     dx = dtemp;				/* just for notational convenience */
                   11138:     /* --- replace original (drow,dcol) with nearest rotated point --- */
                   11139:     drow = (int)(dy+0.5);		/* round dy for nearest row */
                   11140:     dcol = (int)(dx+0.5);		/* round dx for nearest col */
                   11141:     } /* --- end-of-if(rotate!=0) --- */
                   11142:   /* --- select image pixel to be weighted --- */
                   11143:   imgrow = imgrow0 + drow;		/*apply displacement to center row*/
                   11144:   imgcol = imgcol0 + dcol;		/*apply displacement to center col*/
                   11145:   /* --- if pixel in bounds, accumulate weighted average --- */
                   11146:   if ( imgrow>=0 && imgrow<imgheight )	/* row is in bounds */
                   11147:    if ( imgcol>=0 && imgcol<imgwidth )	/* and col is in bounds */
                   11148:     {
                   11149:     /* --- accumulate weighted average --- */
                   11150:     int imgval = (int)getpixel(image,imgrow,imgcol); /* image value */
                   11151:     aaimgval += wt*imgval;		/* weighted sum of image values */
                   11152:     sumwts += wt;			/* and also sum weights used */
                   11153:     /* --- check if center image pixel black --- */
                   11154:     if ( drow==0 && dcol==0 )		/* this is center ipixel */
                   11155:       if ( imgval==black )		/* and it's black */
                   11156: 	iscenter = 1;			/* so set black center flag true */
                   11157:     } /* --- end-of-if(bounds checks ok) --- */
                   11158:   } /* --- end-of-for(irow,icol) --- */
                   11159: if ( 0 && iscenter )			/* center point is black */
                   11160:   aaimgval = black8;			/* so force average black */
                   11161: else					/* center point not black */
                   11162:   aaimgval =				/* 0=white ... black */
                   11163:       ((totwts/2 - 1) + scalefactor*aaimgval)/totwts; /* not /sumwts; */
                   11164: /*end_of_job:*/
                   11165:   return ( aaimgval );
                   11166: } /* --- end-of-function aawtpixel() --- */
                   11167: #endif /* PART3 */
                   11169: /* ---
                   11170:  * PART1
                   11171:  * ------ */
                   11172: #if !defined(PARTS) || defined(PART1)
                   11173: #ifdef DRIVER
                   11174: /* ==========================================================================
                   11175:  * Function:	main() driver for mimetex.c
                   11176:  * Purpose:	emits a mime xbitmap or gif image of a LaTeX math expression
                   11177:  *		entered either as
                   11178:  *		    (1)	html query string from a browser (most typical), or
                   11179:  *		    (2)	a query string from an html <form method="get">
                   11180:  *			whose <input name="formdata"> (mostly for demo), or
                   11181:  *		    (3)	command-line arguments (mostly to test).
                   11182:  *		If no input supplied, expression defaults to "f(x)=x^2",
                   11183:  *		treated as test (input method 3).
                   11184:  *		   If args entered on command-line (or if no input supplied),
                   11185:  *		output is (usually) human-viewable ascii raster images on
                   11186:  *		stdout rather than the usual mime xbitmaps or gif images.
                   11187:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11188:  * Command-Line Arguments:
                   11189:  *		When running mimeTeX from the command-line, rather than
                   11190:  *		from a browser, syntax is
                   11191:  *		     ./mimetex	[-d ]		dump gif to stdout
                   11192:  *				[expression	expression, e.g., x^2+y^2,
                   11193:  *				|-f input_file]	or read expression from file
                   11194:  *				[-m msglevel]	verbosity of debugging output
                   11195:  *				[-s fontsize]	default fontsize, 0-5
                   11196:  *		-d   Rather than ascii debugging output, mimeTeX dumps the
                   11197:  *		     actual gif (or xbitmap) to stdout, e.g.,
                   11198:  *			./mimetex  -d  x^2+y^2  > expression.gif
                   11199:  *		     creates a gif file containing an image of x^2+y^2
                   11200:  *		-f   Reads expression from input_file, and automatically
                   11201:  *		     assumes -d switch.  The input_file may contain the
                   11202:  *		     expression on one line or spread out over many lines.
                   11203:  *		     MimeTeX will concatanate all lines from input_file
                   11204:  *		     to construct one long expression.  Blanks, tabs, and
                   11205:  *		     newlines will just be ignored.
                   11206:  *		-m   0-99, controls verbosity level for debugging output
                   11207:  *		     (usually used only while testing code).
                   11208:  *		-s   Font size, 0-5.  As usual, the font size can
                   11209:  *		     also be specified in the expression by a leading
                   11210:  *		     preamble terminated by $, e.g., 3$f(x)=x^2 displays
                   11211:  *		     f(x)=x^2 at font size 3.  Default font size is 2.
                   11212:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11213:  * Exits:	0=success, 1=some error
                   11214:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11215:  * Notes:     o For an executable that emits mime xbitmaps, compile as
                   11216:  *		     cc -DXBITMAP mimetex.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi
                   11217:  *		or, alternatively, for an executable that emits gif images
                   11218:  *		     cc -DGIF mimetex.c gifsave.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi
                   11219:  *		or for gif images with anti-aliasing
                   11220:  *		     cc -DGIF -DAA mimetex.c gifsave.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi
                   11221:  *		See Notes at top of file for other compile-line -D options.
                   11222:  *	      o	Move executable to your cgi-bin directory and either
                   11223:  *		point your browser to it directly in the form
                   11224:  *$f(x)=x^2
                   11225:  *		or put a tag in your html document of the form
                   11226:  *		     <img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?3$f(x)=x^2"
                   11227:  *		       border=0 align=absmiddle>
                   11228:  *		where f(x)=x^2 (or any other expression) will be displayed
                   11229:  *		either as a mime xbitmap or gif image (as per -D flag).
                   11230:  * ======================================================================= */
                   11232: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11233: header files and other data
                   11234: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11235: /* --- (additional) standard headers --- */
                   11236: /* --- other data --- */
                   11237: #ifdef DUMPENVIRON
                   11238:  extern	char **environ;			/* environment information */
                   11239: #endif
                   11241: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11242: globals for gif and png callback functions
                   11243: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11244: GLOBAL(raster,*bitmap_raster,NULL);	/* use 0/1 bitmap image or */
                   11245: GLOBAL(intbyte,*colormap_raster,NULL);	/* anti-aliased color indexes */
                   11246: /* --- anti-aliasing flags (needed by GetPixel() as well as main()) --- */
                   11247: #ifdef AA				/* if anti-aliasing requested */
                   11248:   #define ISAAVALUE 1			/* turn flag on */
                   11249: #else
                   11250:   #define ISAAVALUE 0			/* else turn flag off */
                   11251: #endif
                   11252: GLOBAL(int,isaa,ISAAVALUE);		/* set anti-aliasing flag */
                   11254: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11255: logging data structure, and default data to be logged
                   11256: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11257: /* --- logging data structure --- */
                   11258: #define	logdata	struct logdata_struct	/* "typedef" for logdata_struct*/
                   11259: logdata
                   11260:   {
                   11261:   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11262:   environment variable name, max #chars to display, min msglevel to display
                   11263:   ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */
                   11264:   char	*name;				/* environment variable name */
                   11265:   int	maxlen;				/* max #chars to display */
                   11266:   int	msglevel;			/* min msglevel to display data */
                   11267:   } ; /* --- end-of-logdata_struct --- */
                   11268: /* --- data logged by mimeTeX --- */
                   11269: STATIC logdata mimelog[]
                   11270: #ifdef INITVALS
                   11271:   =
                   11272:   {
                   11273:   /* ------ variable ------ maxlen msglevel ----- */
                   11274:     { "QUERY_STRING",         999,    4 },
                   11275:     { "REMOTE_ADDR",          999,    3 },
                   11276:     { "HTTP_REFERER",         999,    3 },
                   11277:     { "REQUEST_URI",          999,    5 },
                   11278:     { "HTTP_USER_AGENT",      999,    3 },
                   11279:     { "HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR", 999,    3 },
                   11280:     { NULL, -1, -1 }			/* trailer record */
                   11281:   } /* --- end-of-mimelog[] --- */
                   11282: #endif
                   11283:   ;
                   11285: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11286: messages
                   11287: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11288: static	char *copyright =		/* copyright, gnu/gpl notice */
                   11289:  "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"
1.2     ! albertel 11290:  "|mimeTeX vers 1.63, Copyright(c) 2002-2006, John Forkosh Associates, Inc|\n"
1.1       albertel 11291:  "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+\n"
                   11292:  "| mimeTeX is free software, licensed to you under terms of the GNU/GPL, |\n"
                   11293:  "|           and comes with absolutely no warranty whatsoever.           |\n"
                   11294:  "+-----------------------------------------------------------------------+";
                   11295: static	int maxmsgnum = 2;		/* maximum msgtable[] index */
                   11296: static	char *msgtable[] = {		/* messages referenced by [index] */
                   11297:  "\\red\\small\\rm\\fbox{\\array{"	/* [0] is invalid_referer_msg */
                   11298:    "\\\\and~install~mimetex.cgi~"
                   11299:    "on~your~own~server.\\\\Thank~you,~John~Forkosh}}",
                   11300:  "\\red\\small\\rm\\fbox{\\array{"	/* [1] */
                   11301:    "Please~provide~your~{\\tiny~HTTP-REFERER}~to~access~the~public\\\\"
                   11302:    "\\\\"
                   11303:    "and~install~mimetex.cgi~on~your~own~server.~~Thank~you,~John~Forkosh}}",
                   11304:  "\\red\\small\\rm\\fbox{\\array{"	/* [2] */
                   11305:    "The~public~mimetex~server~is~for~testing.~~For~production,\\\\"
                   11306:    "\\\\"
                   11307:    "mimetex.cgi~on~your~own~server.~~Thank~you,~John~Forkosh}}",
                   11308:  NULL } ;				/* trailer */
                   11311: /* --- entry point --- */
                   11312: int	main ( int argc, char *argv[]
                   11313: 	  #ifdef DUMPENVP
                   11314: 	    , char *envp[]
                   11315: 	  #endif
                   11316: 	)
                   11317: {
                   11318: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11319: Allocations and Declarations
                   11320: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11321: /* --- expression to be emitted --- */
                   11322: static	char exprbuffer[16385] = "f(x)=x^2"; /* expression to be processed */
                   11323: char	*expression = exprbuffer;	/* ptr to expression */
                   11324: int	size = NORMALSIZE;		/* default font size */
                   11325: char	*query = getenv("QUERY_STRING"); /* getenv("QUERY_STRING") result */
                   11326: char	*mimeprep();			/* preprocess expression */
                   11327: int	unescape_url();			/* convert %xx's to ascii chars */
                   11328: int	emitcache();			/* emit cached image if it exists */
                   11329: int	isquery = 0,			/* true if input from QUERY_STRING */
                   11330: 	isqempty = 0,			/* true if query string empty */
1.2     ! albertel 11331: 	isqforce = 0,			/* true to force query emulation */
1.1       albertel 11332: 	isqlogging = 0,			/* true if logging in query mode */
                   11333: 	isformdata = 0,			/* true if input from html form */
1.2     ! albertel 11334: 	isinmemory = 1,			/* true to generate image in memory*/
        !          11335: 	isdumpimage = 0,		/* true to dump image on stdout */
        !          11336: 	isdumpbuffer = 0;		/* true to dump to memory buffer */
1.1       albertel 11337: /* --- rasterization --- */
1.2     ! albertel 11338: subraster *rasterize(), *sp=NULL;	/* rasterize expression */
        !          11339: raster	*border_raster(), *bp=NULL;	/* put a border around raster */
        !          11340: int	delete_subraster();		/* for clean-up at end-of-job */
1.1       albertel 11341: int	type_raster(), type_bytemap(),	/* screen dump function prototypes */
                   11342: 	xbitmap_raster();		/* mime xbitmap output function */
                   11343: /* --- http_referer --- */
                   11344: char	*referer = REFERER;		/* http_referer must contain this */
                   11345: struct	{ char *referer; int msgnum; }	/* http_referer can't contain this */
                   11346: 	denyreferer[] = {		/* referer table to deny access to */
                   11347: 	#ifdef DENYREFERER
                   11348: 	  #include DENYREFERER		/* e.g.,  {"",1},  for no referer */
                   11349: 	#endif
                   11350: 	{ NULL, -999 } };		/* trailer */
                   11351: char	*http_referer = getenv("HTTP_REFERER"); /* referer using mimeTeX */
                   11352: int	ishttpreferer = (http_referer==NULL?0:(*http_referer=='\000'?0:1));
                   11353: int	isstrstr();			/* search http_referer for referer */
                   11354: int	isinvalidreferer = 0;		/* true for inavlid referer */
                   11355: int	norefmaxlen = NOREFMAXLEN;	/*max query_string len if no referer*/
                   11356: /* --- gif --- */
                   11357: #if defined(GIF)
                   11358:   int	GetPixel();			/* feed pixels to gifsave library */
                   11359:   int	GIF_Create(),GIF_CompressImage(),GIF_Close(); /* prototypes for... */
                   11360:   void	GIF_SetColor(),GIF_SetTransparent(); /* ...gifsave enntry points */
                   11361: #endif
                   11362: char	*gif_outfile = (char *)NULL,	/* gif output defaults to stdout */
1.2     ! albertel 11363: 	gif_buffer[64000] = "\000",	/* or gif written in memory buffer */
1.1       albertel 11364: 	cachefile[256] = "\000",	/* full path and name to cache file*/
                   11365: 	*md5str();			/* md5 has of expression */
                   11366: int	maxage = 7200;			/* max-age is two hours */
1.2     ! albertel 11367: /* --- pbm/pgm (-g switch) --- */
        !          11368: int	ispbmpgm = 0;			/* true to write pbm/pgm file */
        !          11369: int	type_pbmpgm(), ptype=0;		/* entry point, graphic format */
        !          11370: char	*pbm_outfile = (char *)NULL;	/* output file defaults to stdout */
1.1       albertel 11371: /* --- anti-aliasing --- */
                   11372: intbyte	*bytemap_raster = NULL,		/* anti-aliased bitmap */
                   11373: 	colors[256];			/* grayscale vals in bytemap */
                   11374: int	aalowpass(), aapnm(),		/*lowpass filters for anti-aliasing*/
                   11375: 	grayscale = 256;		/* 0-255 grayscales in 8-bit bytes */
                   11376: int	ncolors=2,			/* #colors (2=b&w) */
                   11377: 	aacolormap();			/* build colormap from bytemap */
                   11378: /* --- messages --- */
                   11379: char	logfile[256] = LOGFILE,		/*log queries if msglevel>=LOGLEVEL*/
                   11380: 	cachelog[256] = CACHELOG;	/* cached image log in cachepath/ */
                   11381: char	*timestamp();			/* time stamp for logged messages */
                   11382: int	logger();			/* logs environ variables */
                   11383: int	ismonth();			/* check argv[0] for current month */
                   11384: char	*progname = (argc>0?argv[0]:"noname"); /* name program executed as */
                   11385: char	*dashes =			/* separates logfile entries */
                   11386:  "--------------------------------------------------------------------------";
                   11387: char	*invalid_referer_msg = msgtable[0]; /* msg to invalid http_referer */
                   11388: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11389: initialization
                   11390: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11391: /* --- run optional system command string --- */
                   11392: #ifdef SYSTEM
                   11393:   system(SYSTEM);
                   11394: #endif
                   11395: /* --- set global variables --- */
                   11396: msgfp = stdout;				/* for comamnd-line mode output */
                   11397: isss = issupersampling;			/* set supersampling flag */
1.2     ! albertel 11398: gifSize = 0;				/* signal that image not in memory */
1.1       albertel 11399: shrinkfactor = shrinkfactors[NORMALSIZE]; /* set shrinkfactor */
                   11400: /* ---
                   11401:  * check QUERY_STRING query for expression overriding command-line arg
                   11402:  * ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11403: if ( query != NULL )			/* check query string from environ */
                   11404:   if ( strlen(query) >= 1 )		/* caller gave us a query string */
                   11405:     { strncpy(expression,query,16384);	/* so use it as expression */
                   11406:       expression[16384] = '\000';	/* make sure it's null terminated */
                   11407:       isquery = 1; }			/* and set isquery flag */
                   11408: if ( !isquery )				/* empty query string */
                   11409:   { char *host = getenv("HTTP_HOST"),	/* additional getenv("") results */
                   11410:     *name = getenv("SERVER_NAME"), *addr = getenv("SERVER_ADDR");
                   11411:     if ( host!=NULL || name!=NULL || addr!=NULL ) /* assume http query */
                   11412:       {	isquery = 1;			/* set flag to signal query */
1.2     ! albertel 11413: 	strcpy(expression,"\\red\\small\\fbox{\\rm~no~query~string}"); }
1.1       albertel 11414:     isqempty = 1;			/* signal empty query string */
                   11415:   } /* --- end-of-if(!isquery) --- */
                   11416: /* ---
                   11417:  * process command-line input args (if not a query)
                   11418:  * ------------------------------------------------ */
                   11419: if ( !isquery				/* don't have an html query string */
                   11420: ||   ( /*isqempty &&*/ argc>1) )	/* or have command-line args */
                   11421:  {
                   11422:  char	*argsignal = ARGSIGNAL,		/* signals start of mimeTeX args */
                   11423: 	stopsignal[32] = "--";		/* default Unix end-of-args signal */
                   11424:  int	iarg=0, argnum=0,		/*argv[] index for command-line args*/
                   11425: 	exprarg = 0,			/* argv[] index for expression */
                   11426: 	infilearg = 0,			/* argv[] index for infile */
                   11427: 	nswitches = 0,			/* number of -switches */
                   11428: 	isstopsignal = 0,		/* true after stopsignal found */
                   11429: 	isstrict = 1/*iswindows*/,	/* true for strict arg checking */
                   11430: 					/*nb, windows has apache "x -3" bug*/
                   11431: 	nargs=0, nbadargs=0,		/* number of arguments, bad ones */
                   11432: 	maxbadargs = (isstrict?0:1),	/*assume query if too many bad args*/
                   11433: 	isgoodargs = 0;			/* true to accept command-line args*/
                   11434:  if ( argsignal != NULL )		/* if compiled with -DARGSIGNAL */
                   11435:   while ( argc > ++iarg )		/* check each argv[] for argsignal */
                   11436:     if ( !strcmp(argv[iarg],argsignal) ) /* check for exact match */
                   11437:      { argnum = iarg;			/* got it, start parsing next arg */
                   11438:        break; }				/* stop looking for argsignal */
                   11439:  while ( argc > ++argnum )		/* check for switches and values, */
                   11440:     {
                   11441:     nargs++;				/* count another command-line arg */
                   11442:     if ( strcmp(argv[argnum],stopsignal) == 0 ) /* found stopsignal */
                   11443:       {	isstopsignal = 1;		/* so set stopsignal flag */
                   11444: 	continue; }			/* and get expression after it */
                   11445:     if ( !isstopsignal			/* haven't seen stopsignal switch */
                   11446:     &&   *argv[argnum] == '-' )		/* and have some '-' switch */
                   11447:       {
1.2     ! albertel 11448:       char *field = argv[argnum] + 1;	/* ptr to char(s) following - */
        !          11449:       char flag = tolower(*field);	/* single char following '-' */
        !          11450:       int  arglen = strlen(field);	/* #chars following - */
1.1       albertel 11451:       argnum++;		/* arg following flag/switch is usually its value */
                   11452:       nswitches++;			/* another switch on command line */
1.2     ! albertel 11453:       if ( isstrict &&			/* if strict checking then... */
        !          11454:       !isthischar(flag,"g") && arglen!=1 ) /*must be single-char switch*/
1.1       albertel 11455: 	{ nbadargs++; argnum--; }	/* so ignore longer -xxx switch */
                   11456:       else				/* process single-char -x switch */
                   11457:        switch ( flag ) {		/* see what user wants to tell us */
                   11458: 	/* --- ignore uninterpreted flag --- */
                   11459: 	default:  nbadargs++;                              argnum--;  break;
                   11460: 	/* --- adjustable program parameters (not checking input) --- */
1.2     ! albertel 11461: 	case 'b': isdumpimage++; isdumpbuffer++;           argnum--;  break;
1.1       albertel 11462: 	case 'd': isdumpimage++;                           argnum--;  break;
                   11463: 	case 'e': isdumpimage++;           gif_outfile=argv[argnum];  break;
                   11464: 	case 'f': isdumpimage++;                   infilearg=argnum;  break;
1.2     ! albertel 11465: 	case 'g': ispbmpgm++;
        !          11466: 	     if ( arglen > 1 ) ptype = atoi(field+1);	/* -g2 ==> ptype=2 */
        !          11467: 	     if ( 1 || *argv[argnum]=='-' ) argnum--; /*next arg is -switch*/
        !          11468: 	     else pbm_outfile = argv[argnum]; break; /*next arg is filename*/
1.1       albertel 11469: 	case 'm': msglevel = atoi(argv[argnum]);                      break;
                   11470: 	case 'o': istransparent = 0;                       argnum--;  break;
1.2     ! albertel 11471: 	case 'q': isqforce = 1;                            argnum--;  break;
1.1       albertel 11472: 	case 's': size = atoi(argv[argnum]);                          break;
                   11473: 	} /* --- end-of-switch(flag) --- */
                   11474:       } /* --- end-of-if(*argv[argnum]=='-') --- */
                   11475:     else				/* expression if arg not a -flag */
                   11476:       if ( infilearg == 0 )		/* no infile arg yet */
                   11477: 	{ if ( exprarg != 0 ) nbadargs++; /* 2nd expression invalid */
                   11478: 	  exprarg = argnum;		/* but take last expression */
                   11479: 	  /*infilearg = (-1);*/ }	/* and set infilearg */
                   11480:       else nbadargs++;			/* infile and expression invalid */
                   11481:     } /* --- end-of-while(argc>++argnum) --- */
                   11482:  if ( msglevel>=999 && msgfp!=NULL )	/* display command-line info */
1.2     ! albertel 11483:   { fprintf(msgfp,"argc=%d, progname=%s, #args=%d, #badargs=%d\n",
        !          11484:     argc,progname,nargs,nbadargs);
        !          11485:     fprintf(msgfp,"cachepath=\"%.50s\" pathprefix=\"%.50s\"\n",
        !          11486:     cachepath,pathprefix); }
1.1       albertel 11487:  /* ---
                   11488:   * decide whether command-line input overrides query_string
                   11489:   * -------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11490:  if ( isdumpimage > 2 ) nbadargs++;	/* duplicate/conflicting -switch */
                   11491:  isgoodargs =  ( !isstrict		/*good if not doing strict checking*/
                   11492:   || !isquery				/* or if no query, must use args */
                   11493:   || (nbadargs<nargs && nbadargs<=maxbadargs) ); /* bad args imply query */
                   11494:  /* ---
                   11495:   * take expression from command-line args
                   11496:   * -------------------------------------- */
                   11497:  if ( isgoodargs && exprarg > 0		/* good expression on command line */
                   11498:  &&   infilearg <= 0 )			/* and not given in input file */
                   11499:   if ( !isquery				/* no conflict if no query_string */
                   11500:   ||   nswitches > 0 )			/* explicit -switch(es) also given */
                   11501:    { strncpy(expression,argv[exprarg],16384); /*expression from command-line*/
                   11502:      expression[16384] = '\000';	/* make sure it's null terminated */
                   11503:      isquery = 0; }			/* and not from a query_string */
                   11504:  /* ---
                   11505:   * or read expression from input file
                   11506:   * ---------------------------------- */
                   11507:  if ( isgoodargs && infilearg > 0 )	/* have a good -f arg */
                   11508:   {
                   11509:   FILE *infile = fopen(argv[infilearg],"r"); /* open input file for read */
                   11510:   if ( infile != (FILE *)NULL )		/* opened input file successfully */
                   11511:    { char instring[2049];		/* line from file */
                   11512:      isquery = 0;			/* file input, not a query_string */
                   11513:      *expression = '\000';		/* start expresion as empty string */
                   11514:      while ( fgets(instring,2048,infile) != (char *)NULL ) /* read till eof*/
                   11515:       strcat(expression,instring);	/* concat line to end of expression*/
                   11516:      fclose ( infile ); }	/*close input file after reading expression*/
                   11517:   } /* --- end-of-if(infilearg>0) --- */
1.2     ! albertel 11518:  /* ---
        !          11519:   * check if emulating query (for testing)
        !          11520:   * -------------------------------------- */
        !          11521:  if ( isqforce ) isquery = 1;		/* emulate query string processing */
        !          11522:  /* ---
        !          11523:   * check if emitting pbm/pgm graphic
        !          11524:   * --------------------------------- */
        !          11525:  if ( isgoodargs && ispbmpgm > 0 )	/* have a good -g arg */
        !          11526:   if ( 1 && gif_outfile != NULL )	/* had an -e switch with file */
        !          11527:    if ( *gif_outfile != '\000' )	/* make sure string isn't empty */
        !          11528:      { pbm_outfile = gif_outfile;	/* use -e switch file for pbm/pgm */
        !          11529:        gif_outfile = (char *)NULL;	/* reset gif output file */
        !          11530:        /*isdumpimage--;*/ }		/* and decrement -e count */
1.1       albertel 11531:  } /* --- end-of-if(!isquery) --- */
                   11532: /* ---
                   11533:  * check for <form> input
                   11534:  * ---------------------- */
                   11535: if ( isquery )				/* must be <form method="get"> */
                   11536:  if ( !memcmp(expression,"formdata",8) ) /*must be <input name="formdata"> */
                   11537:   { char *delim=strchr(expression,'=');	/* find equal following formdata */
                   11538:     if ( delim != (char *)NULL )	/* found unescaped equal sign */
                   11539:       strcpy(expression,delim+1);	/* so shift name= out of expression*/
                   11540:     while ( (delim=strchr(expression,'+')) != NULL ) /*unescaped plus sign*/
                   11541:       *delim = ' ';			/* is "shorthand" for blank space */
                   11542:     /*unescape_url(expression,1);*/	/* convert unescaped %xx's to chars */
                   11543:     unescape_url(expression,0);		/* convert all %xx's to chars */
                   11544:     unescape_url(expression,0);		/* repeat */
                   11545:     msglevel = FORMLEVEL;		/* msglevel for forms */
                   11546:     isformdata = 1; }			/* set flag to signal form data */
                   11547:  else /* --- query, but not <form> input --- */
                   11548:     unescape_url(expression,0);		/* convert _all_ %xx's to chars */
                   11549: /* ---
                   11550:  * check queries for embedded prefixes signalling special processing
                   11551:  * ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11552: if ( isquery )				/* only check queries */
                   11553:  {
                   11554:  /* --- check for msglevel=###$ prefix --- */
                   11555:  if ( !memcmp(expression,"msglevel=",9) ) /* query has msglevel prefix */
                   11556:    { char *delim=strchr(expression,'$'); /* find $ delim following msglevel*/
                   11557:      if ( delim != (char *)NULL )	/* check that we found delim */
                   11558:       {	*delim = '\000';		/* replace delim with null */
                   11559: 	if ( seclevel <= 9 )		/* permit msglevel specification */
                   11560: 	  msglevel = atoi(expression+9); /* interpret ### in msglevel###$ */
                   11561: 	strcpy(expression,delim+1); } }	/* shift out prefix and delim */
                   11562:  /* --- next check for logfile=xxx$ prefix (must follow msglevel) --- */
                   11563:  if ( !memcmp(expression,"logfile=",8) ) /* query has logfile= prefix */
                   11564:    { char *delim=strchr(expression,'$'); /* find $ delim following logfile=*/
                   11565:      if ( delim != (char *)NULL )	/* check that we found delim */
                   11566:       {	*delim = '\000';		/* replace delim with null */
                   11567: 	if ( seclevel <= 3 )		/* permit logfile specification */
                   11568: 	  strcpy(logfile,expression+8);	/* interpret xxx in logfile=xxx$ */
                   11569: 	strcpy(expression,delim+1); } }	/* shift out prefix and delim */
                   11570:  } /* --- end-of-if(isquery) --- */
                   11571: /* ---
                   11572:  * log query (e.g., for debugging)
                   11573:  * ------------------------------- */
                   11574: if ( isquery )				/* only log query_string's */
                   11575:  if ( msglevel >= LOGLEVEL		/* check if logging */
                   11576:  &&   seclevel <= 5 )			/* and if logging permitted */
                   11577:   if ( logfile != NULL )		/* if a logfile is given */
                   11578:    if ( *logfile != '\000' )		/*and if it's not an empty string*/
                   11579:     if ( (msgfp=fopen(logfile,"a"))	/* open logfile for append */
                   11580:     !=   NULL )				/* ignore logging if can't open */
                   11581:      {
                   11582:      /* --- default logging --- */
                   11583:      logger(msgfp,msglevel,expression,mimelog); /* log query */
                   11584:      /* --- additional debug logging (argv and environment) --- */
                   11585:      if ( msglevel >= 9 )		/* log environment */
                   11586:       { int i;  /*char name[999],*value;*/
                   11587: 	fprintf(msgfp,"Command-line arguments...\n");
                   11588: 	if ( argc < 1 )			/* no command-line args */
                   11589: 	 fprintf(msgfp,"  ...argc=%d, no argv[] variables\n",argc);
                   11590: 	else
                   11591: 	 for ( i=0; i<argc; i++ )	/* display all argv[]'s */
                   11592: 	  fprintf(msgfp,"  argv[%d] = \"%s\"\n",i,argv[i]);
                   11593: 	#ifdef DUMPENVP			/* char *envp[] available for dump */
                   11594: 	fprintf(msgfp,"Environment variables (using envp[])...\n");
                   11595: 	if ( envp == (char **)NULL )	/* envp not provided */
                   11596: 	 fprintf(msgfp,"  ...envp[] environment variables not available\n");
                   11597: 	else
                   11598: 	 for ( i=0; ; i++ )		/* display all envp[]'s */
                   11599: 	  if ( envp[i] == (char *)NULL ) break;
                   11600: 	  else fprintf(msgfp,"  envp[%d] = \"%s\"\n",i,envp[i]);
                   11601: 	#endif /* --- DUMPENVP ---*/
                   11602: 	#ifdef DUMPENVIRON	/* skip what should be redundant output */
                   11603: 	fprintf(msgfp,"Environment variables (using environ)...\n");
                   11604: 	if ( environ == (char **)NULL )	/* environ not provided */
                   11605: 	 fprintf(msgfp,"  ...extern environ variables not available\n");
                   11606: 	else
                   11607: 	 for ( i=0; ; i++ )		/*display environ[] and getenv()'s*/
                   11608: 	  if ( environ[i] == (char *)NULL ) break;
                   11609: 	  else {
                   11610: 	    strcpy(name,environ[i]);	/* set up name for getenv() arg */
                   11611: 	    if ( (value=strchr(name,'=')) != NULL ) /* = delimits name */
                   11612: 	      {	*value = '\000';	/* got it, so null-terminate name */
                   11613: 		value = getenv(name); }	/* and look up name using getenv() */
                   11614: 	    else strcpy(name,"NULL");	/* missing = delim in environ[i] */
                   11615: 	    fprintf(msgfp,"environ[%d]: \"%s\"\n\tgetenv(%s) = \"%s\"\n",
                   11616: 	    i,environ[i],name,(value==NULL?"NULL":value));
                   11617: 	    } /* --- end-of-if/else --- */
                   11618: 	#endif /* --- DUMPENVIRON ---*/
                   11619:       } /* --- end-of-if(msglevel>=9) --- */
                   11620:      /* --- close log file if no longer needed --- */
                   11621:      if ( msglevel < DBGLEVEL )		/* logging, but not debugging */
                   11622:       {	fprintf(msgfp,"%s\n",dashes);	/* so log separator line, */
                   11623: 	fclose(msgfp);			/* close logfile immediately, */
                   11624: 	msgfp = NULL; }			/* and reset msgfp pointer */
                   11625:      else
                   11626: 	isqlogging = 1;			/* set query logging flag */
                   11627:      } /* --- end-of-if(msglevel>=LOGLEVEL) --- */
                   11628:     else				/* couldn't open logfile */
                   11629:      msglevel = 0;			/* can't emit messages */
                   11630: /* ---
                   11631:  * prepend prefix to submitted expression
                   11632:  * -------------------------------------- */
                   11633: if ( 1 || isquery )			/* queries or command-line */
                   11634:  if ( *exprprefix != '\000' )		/* we have a prefix string */
                   11635:   { int npref = strlen(exprprefix);	/* #chars in prefix */
                   11636:     memmove(expression+npref+1,expression,strlen(expression)+1); /*make room*/
                   11637:     memcpy(expression,exprprefix,npref); /* copy prefix into expression */
                   11638:     expression[npref] = '{';		/* followed by { */
                   11639:     strcat(expression,"}"); }		/* and terminating } to balance { */
                   11640: /* ---
                   11641:  * check if http_referer is allowed to use this image
                   11642:  * -------------------------------------------------- */
                   11643: if ( isquery )				/* not relevant if "interactive" */
                   11644:  if ( referer != NULL )			/* nor if compiled w/o -DREFERER= */
                   11645:   if ( strcmp(referer,"month") != 0 )	/* nor if it's *only* "month" */
                   11646:    if ( http_referer != NULL )		/* nor if called "standalone" */
                   11647:     if ( !isstrstr(http_referer,referer,0) ) /* invalid http_referer */
                   11648:      { expression = invalid_referer_msg; /* so give user error message */
                   11649:        isinvalidreferer = 1; }		/* and signal invalid referer */
                   11650: /* ---
                   11651:  * check if referer contains "month" signal
                   11652:  * ---------------------------------------- */
                   11653: if ( isquery )				/* not relevant if "interactive" */
                   11654:  if ( referer != NULL )			/* nor if compiled w/o -DREFERER= */
                   11655:   if ( !isinvalidreferer )		/* nor if already invalid referer */
                   11656:    if ( strstr(referer,"month") != NULL ) /* month check requested */
                   11657:     if ( !ismonth(progname) )		/* not executed as mimetexJan-Dec */
                   11658:      { expression = invalid_referer_msg; /* so give user error message */
                   11659:        isinvalidreferer = 1; }		/* and signal invalid referer */
                   11660: /* ---
                   11661:  * check if http_referer is to be denied access
                   11662:  * -------------------------------------------- */
                   11663: if ( isquery )				/* not relevant if "interactive" */
                   11664:  if ( !isinvalidreferer )		/* nor if already invalid referer */
                   11665:   { int	iref=0, msgnum=(-999);		/* denyreferer index, message# */
                   11666:     for ( iref=0; msgnum<0; iref++ ) {	/* run through denyreferer[] table */
                   11667:       char *deny = denyreferer[iref].referer; /* referer to be denied */
                   11668:       if ( deny == NULL ) break;	/* null signals end-of-table */
                   11669:       if ( msglevel>=999 && msgfp!=NULL ) /* debugging */
                   11670: 	{fprintf(msgfp,"main> invalid iref=%d: deny=%s http_referer=%s\n",
                   11671: 	 iref,deny,(http_referer==NULL?"null":http_referer)); fflush(msgfp);}
                   11672:       if ( *deny == '\000' )		/* signal to check for no referer */
                   11673: 	{ if ( http_referer == NULL )	/* http_referer not supplied */
                   11674: 	   msgnum = denyreferer[iref].msgnum; } /* so set message# */
                   11675:       else				/* have referer to check for */
                   11676:        if ( http_referer != NULL )	/* and have referer to be checked */
                   11677: 	if ( isstrstr(http_referer,deny,0) ) /* invalid http_referer */
                   11678: 	 msgnum = denyreferer[iref].msgnum; /* so set message# */
                   11679:       } /* --- end-of-for(iref) --- */
                   11680:     if ( msgnum >= 0 )			/* deny access to this referer */
                   11681:      { if ( msgnum > maxmsgnum ) msgnum = 0; /* keep index within bounds */
                   11682:        expression = msgtable[msgnum];	/* set user error message */
                   11683:        isinvalidreferer = 1; }		/* and signal invalid referer */
                   11684:   } /* --- end-of-if(!isinvalidreferer) --- */
                   11685: /* --- also check maximum query_string length if no http_referer given --- */
                   11686: if ( isquery )				/* not relevant if "interactive" */
                   11687:  if ( !isinvalidreferer )		/* nor if already invalid referer */
                   11688:   if ( !ishttpreferer )			/* no http_referer supplied */
                   11689:    if ( strlen(expression) > norefmaxlen ) /* query_string too long */
                   11690:     { expression = invalid_referer_msg;	/* set invalid http_referer message*/
                   11691:       isinvalidreferer = 1; }		/* and signal invalid referer */
                   11692: /* ---
                   11693:  * check for image caching
                   11694:  * ----------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 11695: if ( strstr(expression,"\\counter")  != NULL /* can't cache \counter{} */
        !          11696: ||   strstr(expression,"\\input")    != NULL /* can't cache \input{} */
        !          11697: ||   strstr(expression,"\\today")    != NULL /* can't cache \today */
        !          11698: ||   strstr(expression,"\\calendar") != NULL /* can't cache \calendar */
        !          11699: ||   strstr(expression,"\\nocach")   != NULL /* no caching requested */
        !          11700: ||   isformdata				/* don't cache user form input */
1.1       albertel 11701:  ) { iscaching = 0;			/* so turn caching off */
1.2     ! albertel 11702:      maxage = 5; }			/* and set max-age to 5 seconds */
1.1       albertel 11703: if ( isquery )				/* don't cache command-line images */
                   11704:  if ( iscaching )			/* image caching enabled */
                   11705:   {
                   11706:   /* --- set up path to cached image file --- */
                   11707:   char *md5hash = md5str(expression);	/* md5 hash of expression */
                   11708:   if ( md5hash == NULL )		/* failed for some reason */
                   11709:     iscaching = 0;			/* so turn off caching */
                   11710:   else
                   11711:    {
                   11712:    strcpy(cachefile,cachepath);		/* start with (relative) path */
                   11713:    strcat(cachefile,md5hash);		/* add md5 hash of expression */
                   11714:    strcat(cachefile,".gif");		/* finish with .gif extension */
                   11715:    gif_outfile = cachefile;		/* signal GIF_Create() to cache */
1.2     ! albertel 11716:    /* --- emit mime content-type line --- */
        !          11717:    if ( 0 )				/* now done in emitcache() */
        !          11718:     { fprintf( stdout, "Cache-Control: max-age=%d\n",maxage );
        !          11719:       fprintf( stdout, "Content-type: image/gif\n\n" ); }
1.1       albertel 11720:    /* --- emit cached image if it already exists --- */
1.2     ! albertel 11721:    if ( emitcache(cachefile,maxage,0) > 0 ) /* cached image emitted */
1.1       albertel 11722:     goto end_of_job;			/* so nothing else to do */
                   11723:    /* --- log caching request --- */
                   11724:    if ( msglevel >= 1			/* check if logging */
                   11725:    /*&&   seclevel <= 5*/ )		/* and if logging permitted */
                   11726:     if ( cachelog != NULL )		/* if a logfile is given */
                   11727:      if ( *cachelog != '\000' )		/*and if it's not an empty string*/
                   11728:       { char filename[256];		/* construct cachepath/cachelog */
                   11729:         FILE *filefp=NULL;		/* fopen(filename) */
                   11730:         strcpy(filename,cachepath);	/* start with (relative) path */
                   11731:         strcat(filename,cachelog);	/* add cache log filename */
                   11732:         if ( (filefp=fopen(filename,"a")) /* open cache logfile for append */
                   11733:         !=   NULL )			/* ignore logging if can't open */
                   11734: 	 { int isreflogged = 0;		/* set true if http_referer logged */
                   11735: 	   fprintf(filefp,"%s                 %s\n", /* timestamp, md5 file */
1.2     ! albertel 11736: 	    timestamp(TZDELTA,0),cachefile+strlen(cachepath)); /*skip path*/
1.1       albertel 11737: 	   fprintf(filefp,"%s\n",expression); /* expression in filename */
                   11738: 	   if ( http_referer != NULL )	/* show referer if we have one */
                   11739: 	    if ( *http_referer != '\000' )    /* and if not an empty string*/
                   11740: 	      {	int loglen = strlen(dashes);  /* #chars on line in log file*/
                   11741: 		char *refp = http_referer;    /* line to be printed */
                   11742: 		isreflogged = 1;	      /* signal http_referer logged*/
                   11743: 		while ( 1 ) {		      /* printed in parts if needed*/
                   11744: 		  fprintf(filefp,"%.*s\n",loglen,refp); /* print a part */
                   11745: 		  if ( strlen(refp) <= loglen ) break;  /* no more parts */
                   11746: 		  refp += loglen; } }	      /* bump ptr to next part */
                   11747: 	   if ( !isreflogged )		      /* http_referer not logged */
                   11748: 	     fprintf(filefp,"http://none\n"); /* so log dummy referer line */
                   11749: 	   fprintf(filefp,"%s\n",dashes);     /* separator line */
                   11750: 	   fclose(filefp); }		     /* close logfile immediately */
                   11751:       } /* --- end-of-if(cachelog!=NULL) --- */
                   11752:    } /* --- end-of-if/else(md5hash==NULL) --- */
                   11753:   } /* --- end-of-if(iscaching) --- */
                   11754: /* ---
                   11755:  * emit copyright, gnu/gpl notice (if "interactive")
                   11756:  * ------------------------------------------------- */
                   11757: if ( !isdumpimage )			/* don't mix ascii with image dump */
                   11758:  if ( (!isquery||isqlogging) && msgfp!=NULL ) /* called from command line */
                   11759:    fprintf(msgfp,"%s\n",copyright);	/* display copyright, gnu/gpl info */
                   11760: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11761: rasterize expression and put a border around it
                   11762: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11763: /* --- preprocess expression, converting LaTeX constructs for mimeTeX  --- */
                   11764: expression = mimeprep(expression);	/* preprocess expression */
                   11765: /* --- double-check that we actually have an expression to rasterize --- */
                   11766: if ( expression == NULL )		/* nothing to rasterize */
                   11767:  { if ( (!isquery||isqlogging) && msgfp!=NULL ) /*emit error if not a query*/
                   11768:      fprintf(msgfp,"No expression to rasterize\n");
                   11769:    goto end_of_job; }			/* and then quit */
                   11770: /* --- rasterize expression --- */
                   11771: if ( (sp = rasterize(expression,size)) == NULL ) /* failed to rasterize */
                   11772:  { if ( (!isquery||isqlogging) && msgfp!=NULL ) /*emit error if not a query*/
                   11773:      fprintf(msgfp,"Failed to rasterize %s\n",expression);
                   11774:    if ( isquery ) sp = rasterize(	/* or emit error raster if query */
                   11775:      "\\red\\rm~\\fbox{mimeTeX~failed~to~render\\\\your~expression}",1);
                   11776:    if ( sp ==  NULL ) goto end_of_job; } /* re-check for failure */
                   11777: /* ---no border requested, but this adjusts width to multiple of 8 bits--- */
                   11778: if ( issupersampling )			/* no border needed for gifs */
                   11779:   bp = sp->image;			/* so just extract pixel map */
                   11780: else					/* for mime xbitmaps must have... */
                   11781:   bp = border_raster(sp->image,0,0,0,1); /* image width multiple of 8 bits */
                   11782: sp->image = bitmap_raster = bp;		/* global copy for gif,png output */
1.2     ! albertel 11783: if ( ispbmpgm && ptype<2 )		/* -g switch or -g1 switch */
        !          11784:   type_pbmpgm(bp,ptype,pbm_outfile);	/* emit b/w pbm file */
1.1       albertel 11785: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11786: generate anti-aliased bytemap from (bordered) bitmap
                   11787: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11788: if ( isaa )				/* we want anti-aliased bitmap */
                   11789:   {
                   11790:   /* ---
                   11791:    * allocate bytemap and colormap as per width*height of bitmap
                   11792:    * ----------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11793:   int	nbytes = (bp->width)*(bp->height); /*#bytes needed in byte,colormap*/
                   11794:   if ( isss )				/* anti-aliasing by supersampling */
                   11795:     bytemap_raster = (intbyte *)(bitmap_raster->pixmap); /*bytemap in raster*/
                   11796:   else					/* need to allocate bytemap */
                   11797:     if ( aaalgorithm == 0 )		/* anti-aliasing not wanted */
                   11798:       isaa = 0;				/* so signal no anti-aliasing */
                   11799:     else				/* anti-aliasing wanted */
                   11800:       if ( (bytemap_raster = (intbyte *)malloc(nbytes)) /* malloc bytemap */
                   11801:       ==   NULL ) isaa = 0;		/* reset flag if malloc failed */
                   11802:   if ( isaa )				/* have bytemap, so... */
                   11803:     if ( (colormap_raster = (intbyte *)malloc(nbytes)) /* malloc colormap */
                   11804:     ==   NULL ) isaa = 0;		/* reset flag if malloc failed */
                   11805:   /* ---
                   11806:    * now generate anti-aliased bytemap and colormap from bitmap
                   11807:    * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11808:   if ( isaa )				/*re-check that we're anti-aliasing*/
                   11809:     {
                   11810:     /* ---
                   11811:      * select anti-aliasing algorithm
                   11812:      * ------------------------------ */
                   11813:     if ( !isss )			/* generate bytemap for lowpass */
                   11814:      if ( aaalgorithm == 1 )		/* 1 for aalowpass() */
                   11815: 	{ if ( aalowpass(bp,bytemap_raster,grayscale) /* my lowpass filter */
                   11816: 	  ==   0 )  isaa = 0; }		/*failed, so turn off anti-aliasing*/
                   11817:      else				/* or 2 for aapnm() */
                   11818:       if ( aaalgorithm == 2 )		/*2 for netpbm pnmalias.c algorithm*/
                   11819: 	{ if ( aapnm(bp,bytemap_raster,grayscale) /* pnmalias.c filter */
                   11820: 	  ==   0 )  isaa = 0; }		/*failed, so turn off anti-aliasing*/
                   11821:       else isaa = 0;			/* unrecognized algorithm */
                   11822:     /* ---
                   11823:      * finally, generate colors and colormap
                   11824:      * ------------------------------------- */
                   11825:     if ( isaa ) {			/* we have bytemap_raster */
                   11826:       ncolors = aacolormap(bytemap_raster,nbytes,colors,colormap_raster);
                   11827:       if ( ncolors < 2 )		/* failed */
                   11828: 	{ isaa = 0;			/* so turn off anti-aliasing */
                   11829: 	  ncolors = 2; }		/* and reset for black&white */
                   11830:       } /* --- end-of-if(isaa) --- */
1.2     ! albertel 11831:      if ( isaa && ispbmpgm && ptype>1 ) { /* -g2 switch  */
        !          11832:       raster pbm_raster;		/*construct arg for write_pbmpgm()*/
        !          11833:       pbm_raster.width  = bp->width;  pbm_raster.height = bp->height;
        !          11834:       pbm_raster.pixsz  = 8;  pbm_raster.pixmap = (pixbyte *)bytemap_raster;
        !          11835:       type_pbmpgm(&pbm_raster,ptype,pbm_outfile); } /*write grayscale file*/
1.1       albertel 11836:     } /* --- end-of-if(isaa) --- */
                   11837:   } /* --- end-of-if(isaa) --- */
                   11838: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11839: display results on msgfp if called from command line (usually for testing)
                   11840: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11841: if ( (!isquery||isqlogging) || msglevel >= 99 )	/*command line or debuging*/
                   11842:  if ( !isdumpimage )			/* don't mix ascii with image dump */
                   11843:   {
                   11844:   /* ---
                   11845:    * display ascii image of rasterize()'s rasterized bitmap
                   11846:    * ------------------------------------------------------ */
                   11847:   if ( !isss )				/* no bitmap for supersampling */
                   11848:     { fprintf(msgfp,"\nAscii dump of bitmap image...\n");
                   11849:       type_raster(bp,msgfp); }		/* emit ascii image of raster */
                   11850:   /* ---
                   11851:    * display anti-aliasing results applied to rasterized bitmap
                   11852:    * ---------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11853:   if ( isaa )				/* if anti-aliasing applied */
                   11854:     {
                   11855:     int	igray;				/* colors[] index */
                   11856:     /* --- anti-aliased bytemap image --- */
                   11857:     if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9 )	/* don't usually emit raw bytemap */
                   11858:       {	fprintf(msgfp,"\nHex dump of anti-aliased bytemap, " /*emit bytemap*/
                   11859: 	"asterisks denote \"black\" bytes (value=%d)...\n",grayscale-1);
                   11860: 	type_bytemap(bytemap_raster,grayscale,bp->width,bp->height,msgfp); }
                   11861:     /* --- colormap image --- */
                   11862:     fprintf(msgfp,"\nHex dump of colormap indexes, "  /* emit colormap */
                   11863:       "asterisks denote \"black\" bytes (index=%d)...\n",ncolors-1);
                   11864:     type_bytemap(colormap_raster,ncolors,bp->width,bp->height,msgfp);
                   11865:     /* --- rgb values corresponding to colormap indexes */
                   11866:     fprintf(msgfp,"\nThe %d colormap indexes denote rgb values...",ncolors);
                   11867:     for ( igray=0; igray<ncolors; igray++ ) /* show colors[] values */
                   11868:       fprintf(msgfp,"%s%2x-->%3d", (igray%5?"   ":"\n"),
                   11869: 	igray,(int)(colors[ncolors-1]-colors[igray]));
                   11870:     fprintf(msgfp,"\n");		/* always needs a final newline */
                   11871:     } /* --- end-of-if(isaa) --- */
                   11872:   } /* --- end-of-if(!isquery||msglevel>=9) --- */
                   11873: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11874: emit xbitmap or gif image, and exit
                   11875: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11876: if (  isquery				/* called from browser (usual) */
1.2     ! albertel 11877: ||    (isdumpimage && !ispbmpgm)	/* or to emit gif dump of image */
1.1       albertel 11878: ||    msglevel >= 99 )			/* or for debugging */
                   11879:  {
                   11880:  int  igray = 0;			/* grayscale index */
                   11881:  #if defined(GIF)			/* compiled to emit gif */
                   11882:  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11883:  emit GIF image
                   11884:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 11885:   /* --- don't use memory buffer if outout file given --- */
        !          11886:   if ( gif_outfile != NULL ) isinmemory = 0; /* reset memory buffer flag */
1.1       albertel 11887:   /* --- emit mime content-type line --- */
                   11888:   if ( !isdumpimage			/* don't mix ascii with image dump */
1.2     ! albertel 11889:   &&   !isinmemory			/* done below if in memory */
        !          11890:   &&   !iscaching )			/* done by emitcache() if caching */
1.1       albertel 11891:     { fprintf( stdout, "Cache-Control: max-age=%d\n",maxage );
                   11892:       /*fprintf( stdout, "Expires: Fri, 31 Oct 2003 23:59:59 GMT\n" );*/
                   11893:       /*fprintf( stdout, "Last-Modified: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 01:01:01 GMT\n" );*/
                   11894:       fprintf( stdout, "Content-type: image/gif\n\n" ); }
1.2     ! albertel 11895:   /* --- write output to memory buffer, possibly for testing --- */
        !          11896:   if ( isinmemory			/* want gif written to memory */
        !          11897:   ||   isdumpbuffer )			/*or dump memory buffer for testing*/
        !          11898:    if ( gif_outfile == NULL )		/* and don't already have a file */
        !          11899:     { *gif_buffer = '\000';		/* init buffer as empty string */
        !          11900:       memset(gif_buffer,0,4096);	/* zero out buffer */
        !          11901:       gif_outfile = gif_buffer;		/* and point outfile to buffer */
        !          11902:       if ( isdumpbuffer )		/* buffer dump test requested */
        !          11903: 	isdumpbuffer = 999; }		/* so signal dumping to buffer */
1.1       albertel 11904:   /* --- initialize gifsave library and colors --- */
                   11905:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=999 )
1.2     ! albertel 11906:     { fprintf(msgfp,"main> calling GIF_Create(*,%d,%d,%d,8)\n",
        !          11907:       bp->width,bp->height,ncolors); fflush(msgfp); }
1.1       albertel 11908:   while ( 1 )		/* init gifsave lib, and retry if caching fails */
                   11909:     { int status = GIF_Create(gif_outfile, bp->width,bp->height, ncolors, 8);
                   11910:       if ( status == 0 ) break;		/* continue if succeeded */
                   11911:       if ( iscaching == 0 ) goto end_of_job; /* quit if failed */
                   11912:       iscaching = 0;			/* retry without cache file */
1.2     ! albertel 11913:       isdumpbuffer = 0;			/* reset isdumpbuffer signal */
        !          11914:       if ( isquery ) isinmemory = 1;	/* force in-memory image generation*/
        !          11915:       if ( isinmemory ) {		/* using memory buffer */
        !          11916: 	gif_outfile = gif_buffer;	/* emit images to memory buffer */
        !          11917: 	*gif_outfile = '\000'; }	/* empty string signals buffer */
        !          11918:       else {				/* or */
        !          11919: 	gif_outfile = (char *)NULL;	/* emit images to stdout */
        !          11920: 	fprintf( stdout, "Cache-Control: max-age=%d\n",maxage );
        !          11921: 	fprintf( stdout, "Content-type: image/gif\n\n" ); }
        !          11922:     } /* --- end-of-while(1) --- */
1.1       albertel 11923:   GIF_SetColor(0,bgred,bggreen,bgblue);	/* background white if all 255 */
                   11924:   if ( !isaa )				/* just b&w if not anti-aliased */
                   11925:     { GIF_SetColor(1,fgred,fggreen,fgblue); /* foreground black if all 0 */
                   11926:       colors[0]='\000'; colors[1]='\001'; } /* and set 2 b&w color indexes */
                   11927:   else					/* set grayscales for anti-aliasing */
                   11928:     /* --- anti-aliased, so call GIF_SetColor() for each colors[] --- */
                   11929:     for ( igray=1; igray<ncolors; igray++ ) /* for colors[] values */
                   11930:       {
                   11931:       /*--- gfrac goes from 0 to 1.0, as igray goes from 0 to ncolors-1 ---*/
                   11932:       double gfrac = ((double)colors[igray])/((double)colors[ncolors-1]);
                   11933:       /* --- r,g,b components go from background to foreground color --- */
                   11934:       int red  = iround(((double)bgred)  +gfrac*((double)(fgred-bgred))),
                   11935: 	  green= iround(((double)bggreen)+gfrac*((double)(fggreen-bggreen))),
                   11936: 	  blue = iround(((double)bgblue) +gfrac*((double)(fgblue-bgblue)));
                   11937:       /* --- set color index number igray to rgb values gray,gray,gray --- */
                   11938:       GIF_SetColor(igray, red,green,blue); /*set gray,grayer,...,0=black*/
                   11939:       } /* --- end-of-for(igray) --- */
                   11940:   /* --- set gif color#0 (background) transparent --- */
                   11941:   if ( istransparent )			/* transparent background wanted */
                   11942:     GIF_SetTransparent(0);		/* set transparent background */
                   11943:   if (msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9) fflush(msgfp); /*flush debugging output*/
                   11944:   /* --- emit compressed gif image (to stdout or cache file) --- */
                   11945:   GIF_CompressImage(0, 0, -1, -1, GetPixel); /* emit gif */
                   11946:   GIF_Close();				/* close file */
1.2     ! albertel 11947:   if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9 )
        !          11948:     { fprintf(msgfp,"main> created gifSize=%d\n", gifSize);
        !          11949:       fflush(msgfp); }
        !          11950:   /* --- may need to emit image from cached file or from memory --- */
        !          11951:   if ( isquery				/* have an actual query string */
        !          11952:   ||   isdumpimage			/* or dumping image */
        !          11953:   ||   msglevel >= 99 ) {		/* or debugging */
        !          11954:   int maxage2 = (isdumpimage?(-1):maxage); /* no headers if dumping image */
        !          11955:    if ( iscaching )			/* caching enabled */
        !          11956:      emitcache(cachefile,maxage2,0);	/* cached image (hopefully) emitted*/
        !          11957:    else if ( isinmemory )		/* or emit image from memory buffer*/
        !          11958:      emitcache(gif_buffer,maxage2,1); }	/* emitted from memory buffer */
        !          11959:   /* --- for testing, may need to write image buffer to file --- */
        !          11960:   if ( isdumpbuffer > 99 )		/* gif image in memory buffer */
        !          11961:    if ( gifSize > 0 )			/* and it's not an empty buffer */
        !          11962:     { FILE *dumpfp = fopen("mimetex.gif","wb"); /* dump to mimetex.gif */
        !          11963:       if ( dumpfp != NULL )		/* file opened successfully */
        !          11964: 	{ fwrite(gif_buffer,sizeof(unsigned char),gifSize,dumpfp); /*write*/
        !          11965: 	  fclose(dumpfp); }		/* and close file */
        !          11966:     } /* --- end-of-if(isdumpbuffer>99) --- */
1.1       albertel 11967:  #else
                   11968:  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   11969:  emit mime XBITMAP image
                   11970:  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   11971:   xbitmap_raster(bp,stdout);		/* default emits mime xbitmap */
                   11972:  #endif
                   11973:  } /* --- end-of-if(isquery) --- */
                   11974: /* --- exit --- */
                   11975: end_of_job:
1.2     ! albertel 11976:   if ( !isss )				/*bytemap raster in sp for supersamp*/
        !          11977:    if ( bytemap_raster != NULL ) free(bytemap_raster);/*free bytemap_raster*/
1.1       albertel 11978:   if (colormap_raster != NULL )free(colormap_raster); /*and colormap_raster*/
1.2     ! albertel 11979:   if ( 0 && gif_buffer != NULL ) free(gif_buffer); /* free malloced buffer */
        !          11980:   if ( 1 && sp != NULL ) delete_subraster(sp);	/* and free expression */
1.1       albertel 11981:   if ( msgfp != NULL			/* have message/log file open */
                   11982:   &&   msgfp != stdout )		/* and it's not stdout */
1.2     ! albertel 11983:    { fprintf(msgfp,"mimeTeX> successful end-of-job at %s\n",
        !          11984:        timestamp(TZDELTA,0));
1.1       albertel 11985:      fprintf(msgfp,"%s\n",dashes);	/* so log separator line */
                   11986:      fclose(msgfp); }			/* and close logfile */
1.2     ! albertel 11987:   /* --- dump memory leaks in debug window if in MS VC++ debug mode --- */
        !          11988:   #if defined(_CRTDBG_MAP_ALLOC)
        !          11989:     _CrtDumpMemoryLeaks();
        !          11990:   #endif
        !          11991:   /* --- exit() if not running as Windows DLL (see CreateGifFromEq()) --- */
        !          11992:   #if !defined(_USRDLL)
        !          11993:     exit ( 0 );
        !          11994:   #endif
1.1       albertel 11995: } /* --- end-of-function main() --- */
                   11997: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 11998:  * Function:	CreateGifFromEq ( expression, gifFileName )
        !          11999:  * Purpose:	shortcut method to create GIF file for expression,
        !          12000:  *		with antialising and all other capabilities
        !          12001:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12002:  * Arguments:	expression (I)	char *ptr to null-terminated string
        !          12003:  *				containing LaTeX expression to be rendred
        !          12004:  *		gifFileName (I)	char *ptr to null-terminated string
        !          12005:  *				containing name of output gif file
        !          12006:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12007:  * Returns:	( int )		exit value from main (0 if successful)
        !          12008:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12009:  * Notes:     o	This function is the entry point when mimeTeX is built
        !          12010:  *		as a Win32 DLL rather then a standalone app or CGI
        !          12011:  *	      o	Contributed to mimeTeX by Shital Shah.  See his homepage
        !          12012:  *
        !          12013:  *	      o	Shital discusses the mimeTeX Win32 DLL project at
        !          12014:  *
        !          12015:  *		and you can download his latest code from
        !          12016:  *
        !          12017:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          12018: /* --- include function to expose Win32 DLL to outside world --- */
        !          12019: #if defined(_USRDLL)
        !          12020:   extern _declspec(dllexport)int _cdecl
        !          12021: 	CreateGifFromEq ( char *expression, char *gifFileName );
        !          12022: #endif
        !          12023: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          12024: int	CreateGifFromEq ( char *expression, char *gifFileName )
        !          12025: {
        !          12026: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12027: Allocations and Declarations
        !          12028: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          12029: int	main();			/* main() akways returns an int */
        !          12030: /* --- set constants --- */
        !          12031: int	argc = 4;		/* count of args supplied to main() */
        !          12032: char	*argv[5] =		/* command line args to run with -e option */
        !          12033: 	  { "MimeTeXWin32DLL", "-e", /* constant args */
        !          12034: 	    /*gifFileName, expression,*/ NULL, NULL, NULL };
        !          12035: /* --- set argv[]'s not computable at load time --- */
        !          12036: argv[2] = gifFileName;		/* args are -e gifFileName */
        !          12037: argv[3] = expression;		/* and now  -e gifFileName expression */
        !          12038: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12039: Run mimeTeX in command-line mode with -e (export) option, and then return
        !          12040: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          12041: return	main ( argc, argv
        !          12042: 	  #ifdef DUMPENVP
        !          12043: 	    , NULL
        !          12044: 	  #endif
        !          12045: 	) ;
        !          12046: } /* --- end-of-function CreateGifFromEq() --- */
        !          12047: 
        !          12048: /* ==========================================================================
1.1       albertel 12049:  * Function:	isstrstr ( char *string, char *snippets, int iscase )
                   12050:  * Purpose:	determine whether any substring of 'string'
                   12051:  *		matches any of the comma-separated list of 'snippets',
                   12052:  *		ignoring case if iscase=0.
                   12053:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12054:  * Arguments:	string (I)	char * containing null-terminated
                   12055:  *				string that will be searched for
                   12056:  *				any one of the specified snippets
                   12057:  *		snippets (I)	char * containing null-terminated,
                   12058:  *				comma-separated list of snippets
                   12059:  *				to be searched for in string
                   12060:  *		iscase (I)	int containing 0 for case-insensitive
                   12061:  *				comparisons, or 1 for case-sensitive
                   12062:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12063:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if any snippet is a substring of
                   12064:  *				string, 0 if not
                   12065:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12066:  * Notes:     o
                   12067:  * ======================================================================= */
                   12068: /* --- entry point --- */
                   12069: int	isstrstr ( char *string, char *snippets, int iscase )
                   12070: {
                   12071: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12072: Allocations and Declarations
                   12073: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   12074: int	status = 0;			/*1 if any snippet found in string*/
                   12075: char	snip[99], *snipptr = snippets,	/* munge through each snippet */
                   12076: 	delim = ',', *delimptr = NULL;	/* separated by delim's */
                   12077: char	stringcp[999], *cp = stringcp;	/*maybe lowercased copy of string*/
                   12078: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12079: initialization
                   12080: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   12081: /* --- arg check --- */
                   12082: if ( string==NULL || snippets==NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* missing arg */
                   12083: if ( *string=='\000' || *snippets=='\000' ) goto end_of_job; /* empty arg */
                   12084: /* --- copy string and lowercase it if case-insensitive --- */
                   12085: strcpy(stringcp,string);		/* local copy of string */
                   12086: if ( !iscase )				/* want case-insensitive compares */
                   12087:   for ( cp=stringcp; *cp != '\000'; cp++ ) /* so for each string char */
                   12088:     if ( isupper(*cp) ) *cp = tolower(*cp); /*lowercase any uppercase chars*/
                   12089: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12090: extract each snippet and see if it's a substring of string
                   12091: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   12092: while ( snipptr != NULL )		/* while we still have snippets */
                   12093:   {
                   12094:   /* --- extract next snippet --- */
                   12095:   if ( (delimptr = strchr(snipptr,delim)) /* locate next comma delim */
                   12096:   ==   NULL )				/*not found following last snippet*/
                   12097:     { strcpy(snip,snipptr);		/* local copy of last snippet */
                   12098:       snipptr = NULL; }			/* signal end-of-string */
                   12099:   else					/* snippet ends just before delim */
                   12100:     { int sniplen = (int)(delimptr-snipptr) - 1;  /* #chars in snippet */
                   12101:       memcpy(snip,snipptr,sniplen);	/* local copy of snippet chars */
                   12102:       snip[sniplen] = '\000';		/* null-terminated snippet */
                   12103:       snipptr = delimptr + 1; }		/* next snippet starts after delim */
                   12104:   /* --- lowercase snippet if case-insensitive --- */
                   12105:   if ( !iscase )			/* want case-insensitive compares */
                   12106:     for ( cp=snip; *cp != '\000'; cp++ ) /* so for each snippet char */
                   12107:       if ( isupper(*cp) ) *cp=tolower(*cp); /*lowercase any uppercase chars*/
                   12108:   /* --- check if snippet in string --- */
                   12109:   if ( strstr(stringcp,snip) != NULL )	/* found snippet in string */
                   12110:     { status = 1;			/* so reset return status */
                   12111:       break; }				/* no need to check any further */
                   12112:   } /* --- end-of-while(*snipptr!=0) --- */
                   12113: end_of_job: return ( status );		/*1 if snippet found in list, else 0*/
                   12114: } /* --- end-of-function isstrstr() --- */
                   12116: /* ==========================================================================
                   12117:  * Function:	ismonth ( char *month )
                   12118:  * Purpose:	returns 1 if month contains current month "jan"..."dec".
                   12119:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12120:  * Arguments:	month (I)	char * containing null-terminated string
                   12121:  *				in which "jan"..."dec" is (putatively)
                   12122:  *				contained as a substring.
                   12123:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12124:  * Returns:	( int )		1 if month contains current month,
                   12125:  *				0 otherwise
                   12126:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12127:  * Notes:     o	There's a three day "grace period", e.g., Dec 3 mtaches Nov.
                   12128:  * ======================================================================= */
                   12129: /* --- entry point --- */
                   12130: int	ismonth ( char *month )
                   12131: {
                   12132: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12133: Allocations and Declarations
                   12134: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   12135: int	isokay = 0;			/*1 if month contains current month*/
                   12136: /*long	time_val = 0L;*/		/* binary value returned by time() */
                   12137: time_t	time_val = (time_t)(0);		/* binary value returned by time() */
                   12138: struct tm *tmstruct=(struct tm *)NULL, *localtime(); /* interpret time_val */
                   12139: int	imonth, mday;			/* current month 1-12 and day 1-31 */
                   12140: int	ngrace = 3;			/* grace period */
                   12141: char	lcmonth[128]="\000"; int i=0;	/* lowercase month */
                   12142: static	char *months[] =		/* month must contain current one */
                   12143:    {"dec","jan","feb","mar","apr","may","jun",
                   12144:     "jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec","jan"};
                   12145: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12146: get current date:time info, and check month
                   12147: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   12148: /* --- lowercase input month --- */
                   12149: if ( month != NULL )			/* check that we got input */
                   12150:   for ( i=0; i<120 && *month!='\000'; i++,month++ ) /* go thru month chars */
                   12151:     lcmonth[i] = tolower(*month);	/* lowerase each char in month */
                   12152: if ( i < 2 ) goto end_of_job;		/* must be invalid input */
                   12153: lcmonth[i] = '\000';			/* null-terminate lcmonth[] */
                   12154: /* --- get current date:time --- */
                   12155: time((time_t *)(&time_val));		/* get date and time */
                   12156: tmstruct = localtime((time_t *)(&time_val)); /* interpret time_val */
                   12157: /* --- month and day  --- */
                   12158: imonth = 1 + (int)(tmstruct->tm_mon);	/* 1=jan ... 12=dec */
                   12159: mday = (int)(tmstruct->tm_mday);	/* 1-31 */
                   12160: if ( imonth<1 || imonth>12		/* quit if month out-of-range */
                   12161: ||   mday<0 || mday>31 ) goto end_of_job; /* or date out of range */
                   12162: /* --- check input month against current date --- */
                   12163: if ( strstr(lcmonth,months[imonth]) != NULL ) isokay = 1; /* current month */
                   12164: if ( mday <= ngrace )			/* 1-3 within grace period */
                   12165:  if ( strstr(lcmonth,months[imonth-1]) != NULL ) isokay = 1; /* last month */
                   12166: if ( mday >= 31-ngrace )		/* 28-31 within grace period */
                   12167:  if ( strstr(lcmonth,months[imonth+1]) != NULL ) isokay = 1; /* next month */
                   12168: end_of_job:
                   12169:   return ( isokay );			/*1 if month contains current month*/
                   12170: } /* --- end-of-function ismonth() --- */
                   12172: /* ==========================================================================
                   12173:  * Functions:	int  unescape_url ( char *url, int isescape )
                   12174:  *		char x2c ( char *what )
                   12175:  * Purpose:	unescape_url replaces 3-character sequences %xx in url
                   12176:  *		    with the single character represented by hex xx.
                   12177:  *		x2c returns the single character represented by hex xx
                   12178:  *		    passed as a 2-character sequence in what.
                   12179:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12180:  * Arguments:	url (I)		char * containing null-terminated
                   12181:  *				string with embedded %xx sequences
                   12182:  *				to be converted.
                   12183:  *		isescape (I)	int containing 1 to _not_ unescape
                   12184:  *				\% sequences (0 would be NCSA default)
                   12185:  *		what (I)	char * whose first 2 characters are
                   12186:  *				interpreted as ascii representations
                   12187:  *				of hex digits.
                   12188:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12189:  * Returns:	( int )		unescape_url always returns 0.
                   12190:  *		( char )	x2c returns the single char
                   12191:  *				corresponding to hex xx passed in what.
                   12192:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12193:  * Notes:     o	These two functions were taken verbatim from util.c in
                   12194:  *
                   12195:  *	      o	Not quite "verbatim" -- I added the "isescape logic" 4-Dec-03
                   12196:  *		so unescape_url() can be safely applied to input which may or
                   12197:  *		may not have been url-encoded.
                   12198:  * ======================================================================= */
                   12199: /* --- entry point --- */
                   12200: int unescape_url(char *url, int isescape) {
                   12201:     int x=0,y=0,prevescape=0,gotescape=0;
                   12202:     char x2c();
                   12203:     static char *hex="0123456789ABCDEFabcdef";
                   12204:     for(;url[y];++x,++y) {
                   12205: 	gotescape = prevescape;
                   12206: 	prevescape = (url[x]=='\\');
                   12207: 	if((url[x] = url[y]) == '%')
                   12208: 	 if(!isescape || !gotescape)
                   12209: 	  if(isthischar(url[y+1],hex)
                   12210: 	  && isthischar(url[y+2],hex))
                   12211: 	    { url[x] = x2c(&url[y+1]);
                   12212: 	      y+=2; }
                   12213:     }
                   12214:     url[x] = '\0';
                   12215:     return 0;
                   12216: } /* --- end-of-function unescape_url() --- */
                   12217: /* --- entry point --- */
                   12218: char x2c(char *what) {
                   12219:     char digit;
                   12220:     digit = (what[0] >= 'A' ? ((what[0] & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (what[0] - '0'));
                   12221:     digit *= 16;
                   12222:     digit += (what[1] >= 'A' ? ((what[1] & 0xdf) - 'A')+10 : (what[1] - '0'));
                   12223:     return(digit);
                   12224: } /* --- end-of-function x2c() --- */
                   12226: /* ==========================================================================
                   12227:  * Function:	logger ( fp, msglevel, message, logvars )
                   12228:  * Purpose:	Logs the environment variables specified in logvars
                   12229:  *		to fp if their msglevel is >= the passed msglevel.
                   12230:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12231:  * Arguments:	fp (I)		FILE * to file containing log
                   12232:  *		msglevel (I)	int containing logging message level
                   12233:  *		message (I)	char * to optional message, or NULL
                   12234:  *		logvars (I)	logdata * to array of environment variables
                   12235:  *				to be logged
                   12236:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12237:  * Returns:	( int )		number of variables from logvars
                   12238:  *				that were actually logged
                   12239:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12240:  * Notes:     o
                   12241:  * ======================================================================= */
                   12242: /* --- entry point --- */
                   12243: int	logger ( FILE *fp, int msglevel, char *message, logdata *logvars )
                   12244: {
                   12245: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12246: Allocations and Declarations
                   12247: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   12248: int	ilog=0, nlogged=0;		/* logvars[] index, #vars logged */
                   12249: char	*timestamp();			/* timestamp logged */
                   12250: char	*value = NULL;			/* getenv(name) to be logged */
                   12251: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12252: Log each variable
                   12253: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 12254: fprintf(fp,"%s\n",timestamp(TZDELTA,0)); /*emit timestamp before first var*/
1.1       albertel 12255: if ( message != NULL )			/* optional message supplied */
                   12256:  fprintf(fp,"  MESSAGE = %s\n",message); /* emit caller-supplied message */
                   12257: if ( logvars != (logdata *)NULL )	/* have logvars */
                   12258:  for ( ilog=0; logvars[ilog].name != NULL; ilog++ )  /* till end-of-table */
                   12259:   if ( msglevel >= logvars[ilog].msglevel ) /* check msglevel for this var */
                   12260:    if ( (value=getenv(logvars[ilog].name))  /* getenv(name) to be logged */
                   12261:    != NULL )				/* check that name exists */
                   12262:     {
                   12263:     fprintf(fp,"  %s = %.*s\n",		/* emit variable name = value */
                   12264:      logvars[ilog].name,logvars[ilog].maxlen,value);
                   12265:     nlogged++;				/* bump #vars logged */
                   12266:     } /* --- end-of-for(ilog) --- */
                   12267: return ( nlogged );			/* back to caller */
                   12268: } /* --- end-of-function logger() --- */
                   12270: /* ==========================================================================
1.2     ! albertel 12271:  * Function:	emitcache ( cachefile, maxage, isbuffer )
1.1       albertel 12272:  * Purpose:	dumps bytes from cachefile to stdout
                   12273:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12274:  * Arguments:	cachefile (I)	pointer to null-terminated char string
1.2     ! albertel 12275:  *				containing full path to file to be dumped,
        !          12276:  *				or contains buffer of bytes to be dumped
        !          12277:  *		maxage (I)	int containing maxage. in seconds, for
        !          12278:  *				http header, or -1 to not emit headers
        !          12279:  *		isbuffer (I)	1 if cachefile is buffer of bytes to be
        !          12280:  *				dumped
1.1       albertel 12281:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12282:  * Returns:	( int )		#bytes dumped (0 signals error)
                   12283:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12284:  * Notes:     o
                   12285:  * ======================================================================= */
                   12286: /* --- entry point --- */
1.2     ! albertel 12287: int	emitcache ( char *cachefile, int maxage, int isbuffer )
1.1       albertel 12288: {
                   12289: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12290: Allocations and Declarations
                   12291: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 12292: int	nbytes=gifSize, readcachefile(); /* read cache file */
        !          12293: FILE	*emitptr = stdout;		/* emit cachefile to stdout */
        !          12294: unsigned char buffer[64000];		/* bytes from cachefile */
        !          12295: unsigned char *buffptr = buffer;	/* ptr to buffer */
1.1       albertel 12296: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12297: initialization
                   12298: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
                   12299: /* --- check that files opened okay --- */
1.2     ! albertel 12300: if ( emitptr == (FILE *)NULL )		/* failed to open emit file */
1.1       albertel 12301:   goto end_of_job;			/* so return 0 bytes to caller */
1.2     ! albertel 12302: /* --- read the file if necessary --- */
        !          12303: if ( isbuffer )				/* cachefile is buffer */
        !          12304:  buffptr = (unsigned char *)cachefile;	/* so reset buffer pointer */
        !          12305: else					/* cachefile is file name */
        !          12306:  if ( (nbytes = readcachefile(cachefile,buffer)) /* read the file */
        !          12307:  < 1 ) goto end_of_job;			/* quit if file not read */
        !          12308: /* --- first emit http headers if requested --- */
        !          12309: if ( maxage >= 0 )			/* caller wants http headers */
        !          12310:  { /* --- emit mime content-type line --- */
        !          12311:    fprintf( emitptr, "Cache-Control: max-age=%d\n",maxage );
        !          12312:    fprintf( emitptr, "Content-Length: %d\n",nbytes );
        !          12313:    fprintf( emitptr, "Content-type: image/gif\n\n" ); }
        !          12314: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12315: set stdout to binary mode (for Windows)
        !          12316: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.1       albertel 12317: /* emitptr = fdopen(STDOUT_FILENO,"wb"); */  /* doesn't work portably, */
                   12318: #ifdef WINDOWS				/* so instead... */
                   12319:   #ifdef HAVE_SETMODE			/* prefer (non-portable) setmode() */
                   12320:     if ( setmode ( fileno (stdout), O_BINARY) /* windows specific call */
                   12321:     == -1 ) ; /* handle error */	/* sets stdout to binary mode */
                   12322:   #else					/* setmode() not available */
                   12323:     #if 1
                   12324:       freopen ("CON", "wb", stdout);	/* freopen() stdout binary */
                   12325:     #else
                   12326:       stdout = fdopen (STDOUT_FILENO, "wb"); /* fdopen() stdout binary */
                   12327:     #endif
                   12328:   #endif
                   12329: #endif
                   12330: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12331: emit bytes from cachefile
                   12332: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.2     ! albertel 12333: /* --- write bytes to stdout --- */
        !          12334: if ( fwrite(buffptr,sizeof(unsigned char),nbytes,emitptr) /* write buffer */
        !          12335: <    nbytes )				/* failed to write all bytes */
        !          12336:   nbytes = 0;				/* reset total count to 0 */
        !          12337: end_of_job:
        !          12338:   return ( nbytes );			/* back with #bytes emitted */
        !          12339: } /* --- end-of-function emitcache() --- */
        !          12340: 
        !          12341: /* ==========================================================================
        !          12342:  * Function:	readcachefile ( cachefile, buffer )
        !          12343:  * Purpose:	read cachefile into buffer
        !          12344:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12345:  * Arguments:	cachefile (I)	pointer to null-terminated char string
        !          12346:  *				containing full path to file to be read
        !          12347:  *		buffer (O)	pointer to unsigned char string
        !          12348:  *				returning contents of cachefile
        !          12349:  *				(max 64000 bytes)
        !          12350:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12351:  * Returns:	( int )		#bytes read (0 signals error)
        !          12352:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12353:  * Notes:     o
        !          12354:  * ======================================================================= */
        !          12355: /* --- entry point --- */
        !          12356: int	readcachefile ( char *cachefile, unsigned char *buffer )
        !          12357: {
        !          12358: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12359: Allocations and Declarations
        !          12360: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          12361: FILE	*cacheptr = fopen(cachefile,"rb"); /*open cachefile for binary read*/
        !          12362: unsigned char cachebuff[64];		/* bytes from cachefile */
        !          12363: int	buflen = 32,			/* #bytes we try to read from file */
        !          12364: 	nread = 0,			/* #bytes actually read from file */
        !          12365: 	maxbytes = 64000,		/* max #bytes returned in buffer */
        !          12366: 	nbytes = 0;			/* total #bytes read */
        !          12367: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12368: initialization
        !          12369: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        !          12370: /* --- check that files opened okay --- */
        !          12371: if ( cacheptr == (FILE *)NULL ) goto end_of_job; /*failed to open cachefile*/
        !          12372: /* --- check that output buffer provided --- */
        !          12373: if ( buffer == (unsigned char *)NULL ) goto end_of_job; /* no buffer */
        !          12374: /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
        !          12375: read bytes from cachefile
        !          12376: -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1.1       albertel 12377: while ( 1 )
                   12378:   {
                   12379:   /* --- read bytes from cachefile --- */
1.2     ! albertel 12380:   nread = fread(cachebuff,sizeof(unsigned char),buflen,cacheptr); /* read */
        !          12381:   if ( nbytes + nread > maxbytes )	/* block too big for buffer */
        !          12382:     nread = maxbytes - nbytes;		/* so truncate it */
1.1       albertel 12383:   if ( nread < 1 ) break;		/* no bytes left in cachefile */
1.2     ! albertel 12384:   /* --- store bytes in buffer --- */
        !          12385:   memcpy(buffer+nbytes,cachebuff,nread); /* copy current block to buffer */
        !          12386:   /* --- ready to read next block --- */
1.1       albertel 12387:   nbytes += nread;			/* bump total #bytes emitted */
                   12388:   if ( nread < buflen ) break;		/* no bytes left in cachefile */
1.2     ! albertel 12389:   if ( nbytes >= maxbytes ) break;	/* avoid buffer overflow */
1.1       albertel 12390:   } /* --- end-of-while(1) --- */
                   12391: end_of_job:
                   12392:   if ( cacheptr != NULL ) fclose(cacheptr); /* close file if opened */
                   12393:   return ( nbytes );			/* back with #bytes emitted */
1.2     ! albertel 12394: } /* --- end-of-function readcachefile() --- */
1.1       albertel 12395: 
                   12396: /* ==========================================================================
                   12397:  * Function:	md5str ( instr )
                   12398:  * Purpose:	returns null-terminated character string containing
                   12399:  *		md5 hash of instr (input string)
                   12400:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12401:  * Arguments:	instr (I)	pointer to null-terminated char string
                   12402:  *				containing input string whose md5 hash
                   12403:  *				is desired
                   12404:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12405:  * Returns:	( char * )	ptr to null-terminated 32-character
                   12406:  *				md5 hash of instr
                   12407:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12408:  * Notes:     o	Other md5 library functions are included below.
                   12409:  *		They're all taken from Christophe Devine's code,
                   12410:  *		which (as of 04-Aug-2004) is available from
                   12411:  *
                   12412:  *	      o	The P,F,S macros in the original code are replaced
                   12413:  *		by four functions P1()...P4() to accommodate a problem
                   12414:  *		with Compaq's vax/vms C compiler.
                   12415:  * ======================================================================= */
                   12416: /* --- #include "md5.h" --- */
                   12417: #ifndef uint8
                   12418:   #define uint8  unsigned char
                   12419: #endif
                   12420: #ifndef uint32
                   12421:   #define uint32 unsigned long int
                   12422: #endif
                   12423: typedef struct
                   12424:   { uint32 total[2];
                   12425:     uint32 state[4];
                   12426:     uint8 buffer[64];
                   12427:   } md5_context;
                   12428: void md5_starts( md5_context *ctx );
                   12429: void md5_update( md5_context *ctx, uint8 *input, uint32 length );
                   12430: void md5_finish( md5_context *ctx, uint8 digest[16] );
                   12431: /* --- md5.h --- */
                   12432: #define GET_UINT32(n,b,i)                       \
                   12433:   { (n) = ( (uint32) (b)[(i)    ]       )       \
                   12434:         | ( (uint32) (b)[(i) + 1] <<  8 )       \
                   12435:         | ( (uint32) (b)[(i) + 2] << 16 )       \
                   12436:         | ( (uint32) (b)[(i) + 3] << 24 ); }
                   12437: #define PUT_UINT32(n,b,i)                       \
                   12438:   { (b)[(i)    ] = (uint8) ( (n)       );       \
                   12439:     (b)[(i) + 1] = (uint8) ( (n) >>  8 );       \
                   12440:     (b)[(i) + 2] = (uint8) ( (n) >> 16 );       \
                   12441:     (b)[(i) + 3] = (uint8) ( (n) >> 24 ); }
                   12442: /* --- P,S,F macros defined as functions --- */
                   12443: void P1(uint32 *X,uint32 *a,uint32 b,uint32 c,uint32 d,int k,int s,uint32 t)
                   12444:   { *a += (uint32)(d ^ (b & (c ^ d))) + X[k] + t;
                   12445:     *a  = ((*a<<s) | ((*a & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> (32-s))) + b;
                   12446:     return; }
                   12447: void P2(uint32 *X,uint32 *a,uint32 b,uint32 c,uint32 d,int k,int s,uint32 t)
                   12448:   { *a += (uint32)(c ^ (d & (b ^ c))) + X[k] + t;
                   12449:     *a  = ((*a<<s) | ((*a & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> (32-s))) + b;
                   12450:     return; }
                   12451: void P3(uint32 *X,uint32 *a,uint32 b,uint32 c,uint32 d,int k,int s,uint32 t)
                   12452:   { *a += (uint32)(b ^ c ^ d) + X[k] + t;
                   12453:     *a  = ((*a<<s) | ((*a & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> (32-s))) + b;
                   12454:     return; }
                   12455: void P4(uint32 *X,uint32 *a,uint32 b,uint32 c,uint32 d,int k,int s,uint32 t)
                   12456:   { *a += (uint32)(c ^ (b | ~d)) + X[k] + t;
                   12457:     *a  = ((*a<<s) | ((*a & 0xFFFFFFFF) >> (32-s))) + b;
                   12458:     return; }
                   12460: /* --- entry point (this one little stub written by me)--- */
                   12461: char *md5str( char *instr )
                   12462:   { static char outstr[64];
                   12463:     unsigned char md5sum[16];
                   12464:     md5_context ctx;
                   12465:     int j;
                   12466:     md5_starts( &ctx );
                   12467:     md5_update( &ctx, (uint8 *)instr, strlen(instr) );
                   12468:     md5_finish( &ctx, md5sum );
                   12469:     for( j=0; j<16; j++ )
                   12470:       sprintf( outstr + j*2, "%02x", md5sum[j] );
                   12471:     outstr[32] = '\000';
                   12472:     return ( outstr ); }
                   12474: /* --- entry point (all md5 functions below by Christophe Devine) --- */
                   12475: void md5_starts( md5_context *ctx )
                   12476:   { ctx->total[0] = 0;
                   12477:     ctx->total[1] = 0;
                   12478:     ctx->state[0] = 0x67452301;
                   12479:     ctx->state[1] = 0xEFCDAB89;
                   12480:     ctx->state[2] = 0x98BADCFE;
                   12481:     ctx->state[3] = 0x10325476; }
                   12483: void md5_process( md5_context *ctx, uint8 data[64] )
                   12484:   { uint32 X[16], A, B, C, D;
                   12485:     GET_UINT32( X[0],  data,  0 );
                   12486:     GET_UINT32( X[1],  data,  4 );
                   12487:     GET_UINT32( X[2],  data,  8 );
                   12488:     GET_UINT32( X[3],  data, 12 );
                   12489:     GET_UINT32( X[4],  data, 16 );
                   12490:     GET_UINT32( X[5],  data, 20 );
                   12491:     GET_UINT32( X[6],  data, 24 );
                   12492:     GET_UINT32( X[7],  data, 28 );
                   12493:     GET_UINT32( X[8],  data, 32 );
                   12494:     GET_UINT32( X[9],  data, 36 );
                   12495:     GET_UINT32( X[10], data, 40 );
                   12496:     GET_UINT32( X[11], data, 44 );
                   12497:     GET_UINT32( X[12], data, 48 );
                   12498:     GET_UINT32( X[13], data, 52 );
                   12499:     GET_UINT32( X[14], data, 56 );
                   12500:     GET_UINT32( X[15], data, 60 );
                   12501:     A = ctx->state[0];
                   12502:     B = ctx->state[1];
                   12503:     C = ctx->state[2];
                   12504:     D = ctx->state[3];
                   12505:     P1( X, &A, B, C, D,  0,  7, 0xD76AA478 );
                   12506:     P1( X, &D, A, B, C,  1, 12, 0xE8C7B756 );
                   12507:     P1( X, &C, D, A, B,  2, 17, 0x242070DB );
                   12508:     P1( X, &B, C, D, A,  3, 22, 0xC1BDCEEE );
                   12509:     P1( X, &A, B, C, D,  4,  7, 0xF57C0FAF );
                   12510:     P1( X, &D, A, B, C,  5, 12, 0x4787C62A );
                   12511:     P1( X, &C, D, A, B,  6, 17, 0xA8304613 );
                   12512:     P1( X, &B, C, D, A,  7, 22, 0xFD469501 );
                   12513:     P1( X, &A, B, C, D,  8,  7, 0x698098D8 );
                   12514:     P1( X, &D, A, B, C,  9, 12, 0x8B44F7AF );
                   12515:     P1( X, &C, D, A, B, 10, 17, 0xFFFF5BB1 );
                   12516:     P1( X, &B, C, D, A, 11, 22, 0x895CD7BE );
                   12517:     P1( X, &A, B, C, D, 12,  7, 0x6B901122 );
                   12518:     P1( X, &D, A, B, C, 13, 12, 0xFD987193 );
                   12519:     P1( X, &C, D, A, B, 14, 17, 0xA679438E );
                   12520:     P1( X, &B, C, D, A, 15, 22, 0x49B40821 );
                   12521:     P2( X, &A, B, C, D,  1,  5, 0xF61E2562 );
                   12522:     P2( X, &D, A, B, C,  6,  9, 0xC040B340 );
                   12523:     P2( X, &C, D, A, B, 11, 14, 0x265E5A51 );
                   12524:     P2( X, &B, C, D, A,  0, 20, 0xE9B6C7AA );
                   12525:     P2( X, &A, B, C, D,  5,  5, 0xD62F105D );
                   12526:     P2( X, &D, A, B, C, 10,  9, 0x02441453 );
                   12527:     P2( X, &C, D, A, B, 15, 14, 0xD8A1E681 );
                   12528:     P2( X, &B, C, D, A,  4, 20, 0xE7D3FBC8 );
                   12529:     P2( X, &A, B, C, D,  9,  5, 0x21E1CDE6 );
                   12530:     P2( X, &D, A, B, C, 14,  9, 0xC33707D6 );
                   12531:     P2( X, &C, D, A, B,  3, 14, 0xF4D50D87 );
                   12532:     P2( X, &B, C, D, A,  8, 20, 0x455A14ED );
                   12533:     P2( X, &A, B, C, D, 13,  5, 0xA9E3E905 );
                   12534:     P2( X, &D, A, B, C,  2,  9, 0xFCEFA3F8 );
                   12535:     P2( X, &C, D, A, B,  7, 14, 0x676F02D9 );
                   12536:     P2( X, &B, C, D, A, 12, 20, 0x8D2A4C8A );
                   12537:     P3( X, &A, B, C, D,  5,  4, 0xFFFA3942 );
                   12538:     P3( X, &D, A, B, C,  8, 11, 0x8771F681 );
                   12539:     P3( X, &C, D, A, B, 11, 16, 0x6D9D6122 );
                   12540:     P3( X, &B, C, D, A, 14, 23, 0xFDE5380C );
                   12541:     P3( X, &A, B, C, D,  1,  4, 0xA4BEEA44 );
                   12542:     P3( X, &D, A, B, C,  4, 11, 0x4BDECFA9 );
                   12543:     P3( X, &C, D, A, B,  7, 16, 0xF6BB4B60 );
                   12544:     P3( X, &B, C, D, A, 10, 23, 0xBEBFBC70 );
                   12545:     P3( X, &A, B, C, D, 13,  4, 0x289B7EC6 );
                   12546:     P3( X, &D, A, B, C,  0, 11, 0xEAA127FA );
                   12547:     P3( X, &C, D, A, B,  3, 16, 0xD4EF3085 );
                   12548:     P3( X, &B, C, D, A,  6, 23, 0x04881D05 );
                   12549:     P3( X, &A, B, C, D,  9,  4, 0xD9D4D039 );
                   12550:     P3( X, &D, A, B, C, 12, 11, 0xE6DB99E5 );
                   12551:     P3( X, &C, D, A, B, 15, 16, 0x1FA27CF8 );
                   12552:     P3( X, &B, C, D, A,  2, 23, 0xC4AC5665 );
                   12553:     P4( X, &A, B, C, D,  0,  6, 0xF4292244 );
                   12554:     P4( X, &D, A, B, C,  7, 10, 0x432AFF97 );
                   12555:     P4( X, &C, D, A, B, 14, 15, 0xAB9423A7 );
                   12556:     P4( X, &B, C, D, A,  5, 21, 0xFC93A039 );
                   12557:     P4( X, &A, B, C, D, 12,  6, 0x655B59C3 );
                   12558:     P4( X, &D, A, B, C,  3, 10, 0x8F0CCC92 );
                   12559:     P4( X, &C, D, A, B, 10, 15, 0xFFEFF47D );
                   12560:     P4( X, &B, C, D, A,  1, 21, 0x85845DD1 );
                   12561:     P4( X, &A, B, C, D,  8,  6, 0x6FA87E4F );
                   12562:     P4( X, &D, A, B, C, 15, 10, 0xFE2CE6E0 );
                   12563:     P4( X, &C, D, A, B,  6, 15, 0xA3014314 );
                   12564:     P4( X, &B, C, D, A, 13, 21, 0x4E0811A1 );
                   12565:     P4( X, &A, B, C, D,  4,  6, 0xF7537E82 );
                   12566:     P4( X, &D, A, B, C, 11, 10, 0xBD3AF235 );
                   12567:     P4( X, &C, D, A, B,  2, 15, 0x2AD7D2BB );
                   12568:     P4( X, &B, C, D, A,  9, 21, 0xEB86D391 );
                   12569:     ctx->state[0] += A;
                   12570:     ctx->state[1] += B;
                   12571:     ctx->state[2] += C;
                   12572:     ctx->state[3] += D; }
                   12574: void md5_update( md5_context *ctx, uint8 *input, uint32 length )
                   12575:   { uint32 left, fill;
                   12576:     if( length < 1 ) return;
                   12577:     left = ctx->total[0] & 0x3F;
                   12578:     fill = 64 - left;
                   12579:     ctx->total[0] += length;
                   12580:     ctx->total[0] &= 0xFFFFFFFF;
                   12581:     if( ctx->total[0] < length )
                   12582:         ctx->total[1]++;
                   12583:     if( left && length >= fill )
                   12584:       { memcpy( (void *) (ctx->buffer + left),
                   12585:                 (void *) input, fill );
                   12586:         md5_process( ctx, ctx->buffer );
                   12587:         length -= fill;
                   12588:         input  += fill;
                   12589:         left = 0; }
                   12590:     while( length >= 64 )
                   12591:       { md5_process( ctx, input );
                   12592:         length -= 64;
                   12593:         input  += 64; }
                   12594:     if( length >= 1 )
                   12595:       memcpy( (void *) (ctx->buffer + left),
                   12596:               (void *) input, length ); }
                   12598: void md5_finish( md5_context *ctx, uint8 digest[16] )
                   12599:   { static uint8 md5_padding[64] =
                   12600:      { 0x80, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                   12601:           0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                   12602:           0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
                   12603:           0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
                   12604:     uint32 last, padn;
                   12605:     uint32 high, low;
                   12606:     uint8 msglen[8];
                   12607:     high = ( ctx->total[0] >> 29 )
                   12608:          | ( ctx->total[1] <<  3 );
                   12609:     low  = ( ctx->total[0] <<  3 );
                   12610:     PUT_UINT32( low,  msglen, 0 );
                   12611:     PUT_UINT32( high, msglen, 4 );
                   12612:     last = ctx->total[0] & 0x3F;
                   12613:     padn = ( last < 56 ) ? ( 56 - last ) : ( 120 - last );
                   12614:     md5_update( ctx, md5_padding, padn );
                   12615:     md5_update( ctx, msglen, 8 );
                   12616:     PUT_UINT32( ctx->state[0], digest,  0 );
                   12617:     PUT_UINT32( ctx->state[1], digest,  4 );
                   12618:     PUT_UINT32( ctx->state[2], digest,  8 );
                   12619:     PUT_UINT32( ctx->state[3], digest, 12 ); }
                   12620: /* --- end-of-function md5str() and "friends" --- */
                   12622: #if defined(GIF)
                   12623: /* ==========================================================================
                   12624:  * Function:	GetPixel ( int x, int y )
                   12625:  * Purpose:	callback for GIF_CompressImage() returning the
                   12626:  *		pixel at column x, row y
                   12627:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12628:  * Arguments:	x (I)		int containing column=0...width-1
                   12629:  *				of desired pixel
                   12630:  *		y (I)		int containing row=0...height-1
                   12631:  *				of desired pixel
                   12632:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12633:  * Returns:	( int )		0 or 1, if pixel at x,y is off or on
                   12634:  * --------------------------------------------------------------------------
                   12635:  * Notes:     o
                   12636:  * ======================================================================= */
                   12637: /* --- entry point --- */
                   12638: int	GetPixel ( int x, int y )
                   12639: {
                   12640: int	ipixel = y*bitmap_raster->width + x; /* pixel index for x,y-coords*/
                   12641: int	pixval =0;			/* value of pixel */
                   12642: if ( !isaa )				/* use bitmap if not anti-aliased */
                   12643:   pixval = (int)getlongbit(bitmap_raster->pixmap,ipixel); /*pixel = 0 or 1*/
                   12644: else					/* else use anti-aliased grayscale*/
                   12645:   pixval = (int)(colormap_raster[ipixel]); /* colors[] index number */
                   12646: if ( msgfp!=NULL && msglevel>=9999 )	/* dump pixel */
                   12647:   { fprintf(msgfp,"GetPixel> x=%d, y=%d  pixel=%d\n",x,y,pixval);
                   12648:     fflush(msgfp); }
                   12649: return pixval;
                   12650: } /* --- end-of-function GetPixel() --- */
                   12651: #endif /* gif */
                   12652: #endif /* driver */
                   12653: #endif /* PART1 */
                   12654: /* ======================= END-OF-FILE MIMETEX.C ========================= */

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