version 1.4, 2004/08/23 19:47:39
version 1.21, 2021/12/20 03:13:29
Line 36 B<>
Line 36 B<>
=head1 SYNOPSIS |
=head1 SYNOPSIS |
This script modifies /etc/yum.conf and /etc/my.cnf. |
This script modifies /etc/my.cnf and one of: /etc/yum.conf |
(for CentOS/Scientific Linux/RHEL >=5 and <8), /etc/apt/sources.list |
(for Debian/Ubuntu), /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources (for RHEL4), |
and /etc/yum.repos.d/loncapa.repo (Fedora >= 21; Oracle Linux; |
CentOS/RHEL >= 8). |
This script modifies /etc/yum.conf and /etc/my.cnf to ensure certain parameters |
This script modifies /etc/my.cnf, /etc/yum.conf, /etc/yum.repos.d/loncapa.repo, |
are set properly. The LON-CAPA yum repositories are added to /etc/yum.conf. |
/etc/apt/sources, or /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources to ensure certain |
parameters are set properly. |
The LON-CAPA yum repositories are added to /etc/yum.conf, |
/etc/yum.repos.d/loncapa.repo, /etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources |
and the LON-CAPA apt repositories are added to |
/etc/apt/sources.list. |
The /etc/my.cnf file is modified to set the wait_timeout to 1 year. Backup |
The /etc/my.cnf file is modified to set the wait_timeout to 1 year. Backup |
copies of each file are made in /etc. |
copies of each file are made in /etc, /etc/apt, and /etc/sysconfig/rhn, as |
appropriate. |
=cut |
=cut |
Line 53 use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
Line 65 use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl/';
use LONCAPA::Configuration; |
use LONCAPA::Configuration; |
my $loncapa_config=LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf'); |
my $loncapa_config=LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf'); |
my $yum_status = |
open(DSH,"$$loncapa_config{'lonDaemons'}/distprobe |"); |
&update_file('/etc/yum.conf', |
my $dist = <DSH>; |
[{section => 'loncapa-updates-i386', |
chomp($dist); |
close(DSH); |
my $yum_status; |
my $loninst = ''; |
my $loninst_re = 'http://install\.loncapa\.org'; |
if ($dist =~ /^fedora(\d+)$/) { |
my $file = '/etc/yum.conf'; |
my $ver = $1; |
my $gpgchk = '0'; |
my $gpg = "$loninst/versions/fedora/RPM-GPG-KEY-loncapa"; |
my $nobackup; |
if ($ver > 6) { |
$gpgchk = '1'; |
} |
if ($ver >= 21) { |
$file = '/etc/yum.repos.d/loncapa.repo'; |
$nobackup = 1; |
} |
$yum_status = |
&update_file($file, |
[{section => 'loncapa-updates-basearch', |
key => 'name=', |
key => 'name=', |
value => 'Fedora Core $releasever LON-CAPA i386 Updates', |
value => 'Fedora Core $releasever LON-CAPA $basearch Updates', |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-i386', |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-basearch', |
key => 'baseurl=', |
key => 'baseurl=', |
value => ''. |
value => $loninst.'/fedora/linux/loncapa/$releasever/$basearch', |
'$releasever/i386', |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-basearch', |
key => 'gpgcheck=', |
value => $gpgchk, |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-basearch', |
key => 'gpgkey=', |
value => $gpg, |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-noarch', |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-noarch', |
key => 'name=', |
key => 'name=', |
value => 'Fedora Core $releasever LON-CAPA noarch Updates', |
value => 'Fedora Core $releasever LON-CAPA noarch Updates', |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-noarch', |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-noarch', |
key => 'baseurl=', |
key => 'baseurl=', |
value => ''. |
value => $loninst.'/fedora/linux/loncapa/$releasever/noarch', |
'$releasever/noarch', |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-noarch', |
}]); |
key => 'gpgcheck=', |
value => $gpgchk, |
my $mysql_global_status = |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-noarch', |
&update_file('/etc/my.cnf', |
key => 'gpgkey=', |
[{section =>'mysqld', |
value => $gpg, |
key =>'set-variable=wait_timeout=', |
}],$nobackup); |
value =>'31536000', }]); |
} elsif ($dist =~ /^(rhes|centos|scientific|oracle|rocky|alma)(\d+)$/) { |
my $type = $1; |
my $ver = $2; |
my $longver = $ver; |
my $nobackup; |
if ($type eq 'rhes') { |
if ($ver == 4) { |
$longver = '4ES'; |
} elsif ($ver == 5) { |
$longver = '5Server'; |
} |
} |
my %info = ( |
rhes => { |
title => 'RHEL', |
path => 'redhat/linux/enterprise/loncapa', |
gpg => 'versions/redhat/RPM-GPG-KEY-loncapa', |
gpgchk => 1, |
}, |
centos => { |
title => 'CentOS', |
path => 'centos/loncapa', |
gpg => 'versions/centos/RPM-GPG-KEY-loncapa', |
gpgchk => 1, |
}, |
scientific => { |
title => 'Scientific Linux', |
path => 'scientific/loncapa', |
gpg => 'versions/scientific/RPM-GPG-KEY-loncapa', |
gpgchk => 1, |
}, |
oracle => { |
title => 'Oracle Linux', |
path => 'oracle/loncapa', |
gpg => 'versions/oracle/RPM-GPG-KEY-loncapa', |
gpgchk => 1, |
}, |
rocky => { |
title => 'Rocky Linux', |
path => 'rocky/loncapa', |
gpg => 'versions/rocky/RPM-GPG-KEY-loncapa', |
gpgchk => 1, |
}, |
alma => { |
title => 'AlmaLinux', |
path => 'alma/loncapa', |
gpg => 'versions/alma/RPM-GPG-KEY-loncapa', |
gpgchk => 1, |
}, |
); |
if (ref($info{$type}) eq 'HASH') { |
if ($ver > 4) { |
my $file = '/etc/yum.conf'; |
if (($ver > 7) || ($type eq 'oracle') || ($type eq 'rocky') || ($type eq 'alma')) { |
$file = '/etc/yum.repos.d/loncapa.repo'; |
$nobackup = 1; |
} |
$yum_status = |
&update_file($file, |
[{section => 'loncapa-updates-basearch', |
key => 'name=', |
value => $info{$type}{title}.' $releasever LON-CAPA $basearch Updates', |
}, {section => "loncapa-updates-basearch", |
key => 'baseurl=', |
value => "$loninst/$info{$type}{path}/".'$releasever/$basearch', |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-basearch', |
key => 'gpgcheck=', |
value => $info{$type}{gpgchk}, |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-basearch', |
key => 'gpgkey=', |
value => "$loninst/$info{$type}{gpg}", |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-noarch', |
key => 'name=', |
value => $info{$type}{title}.' $releasever LON-CAPA noarch Updates', |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-noarch', |
key => 'baseurl=', |
value => "$loninst/$info{$type}{path}/".'$releasever/noarch', |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-noarch', |
key => 'gpgcheck=', |
value => $info{$type}{gpgchk}, |
}, {section => 'loncapa-updates-noarch', |
key => 'gpgkey=', |
value => "$loninst/$info{$type}{gpg}", |
}],$nobackup); |
} elsif (($type eq 'rhes') && ($ver == 4)) { |
my %rhn = ( |
basearch => { |
regexp => '\s*yum\s+loncapa\-updates\-basearch\s+'.$loninst_re.'/'.$info{$type}{path}.'/'.$longver.'/\$ARCH', |
text => "yum loncapa-updates-basearch $loninst/$info{$type}{path}/$longver/".'$ARCH', |
}, |
noarch => { |
regexp => '\s*yum\s+loncapa\-updates\-noarch\s+'.$loninst_re.'/'.$info{$type}{path}.'/'.$longver.'/noarch', |
text => "yum loncapa-updates-noarch $loninst/$info{$type}{path}/$longver/noarch", |
}, |
); |
$yum_status = &update_rhn_source(\%rhn); |
} |
} |
} elsif ($dist =~ /^(debian|ubuntu)\d+$/) { |
my %apt_get_source = ( |
debian5 => { |
regexp => '\s*deb\s+'.$loninst_re.'/debian/?\s+lenny\s+main', |
text => "deb $loninst/debian lenny main", |
}, |
ubuntu6 => { |
regexp => '\s*deb\s+'.$loninst_re.'/ubuntu/?\s+dapper\s+main', |
text => "deb $loninst/ubuntu dapper main", |
}, |
ubuntu8 => { |
regexp => '\s*deb\s+'.$loninst_re.'/ubuntu/?\s+hardy\s+main', |
text => "deb $loninst/ubuntu hardy main", |
}, |
ubuntu10 => { |
regexp => '\s*deb\s+'.$loninst_re.'/ubuntu/?\s+lucid\s+main', |
text => "deb $loninst/ubuntu lucid main", |
}, |
ubuntu12 => { |
regexp => '\s*deb\s+'.$loninst_re.'/ubuntu/?\s+precise\s+main', |
text => "deb $loninst/ubuntu precise main", |
}, |
ubuntu14 => { |
regexp => '\s*deb\s+'.$loninst_re.'/ubuntu/?\s+trusty\s+main', |
text => "deb $loninst/ubuntu trusty main", |
}, |
ubuntu16 => { |
regexp => '\s*deb\s+'.$loninst_re.'/ubuntu/?\s+xenial\s+main', |
text => "deb $loninst/ubuntu xenial main", |
}, |
ubuntu18 => { |
regexp => '\s*deb\s+'.$loninst_re.'/ubuntu/?\s+bionic\s+main', |
text => "deb $loninst/ubuntu bionic main", |
}, |
ubuntu20 => { |
regexp => '\s*deb\s+'.$loninst_re.'/ubuntu/?\s+focal\s+main', |
text => "deb $loninst/ubuntu focal main", |
}, |
); |
my $apt_status; |
if (defined($apt_get_source{$dist})) { |
$apt_status = &update_apt_source($apt_get_source{$dist},); |
} |
} |
my $mysqlfile = '/etc/my.cnf'; |
my $mysqlconf = [{section =>'mysqld', |
key =>'wait_timeout=', |
value =>'31536000'}]; |
if ($dist =~ /^ubuntu(\d+)$/) { |
my $version = $1; |
$mysqlfile = '/etc/mysql/my.cnf'; |
if ($version > 14) { |
$mysqlfile = '/etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf'; |
if ($version < 20) { |
push(@{$mysqlconf}, |
{section =>'mysqld', |
key =>'sql_mode=', |
} else { |
push(@{$mysqlconf}, |
{section =>'mysqld', |
key =>'sql_mode=', |
} |
} |
} |
my $mysql_global_status = &update_file($mysqlfile,$mysqlconf); |
my $local_my_cnf = '/home/www/.my.cnf'; |
my $local_my_cnf = '/home/www/.my.cnf'; |
if (! -e $local_my_cnf) { |
if (! -e $local_my_cnf) { |
Line 98 if ($mysql_global_status) { $exitvalue =
Line 302 if ($mysql_global_status) { $exitvalue =
exit $exitvalue; |
exit $exitvalue; |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
=pod |
=over 4 |
=cut |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
sub update_file { |
sub update_file { |
my ($file,$newdata) = @_; |
my ($file,$newdata,$nobackup) = @_; |
return 1 if (! -e $file); |
return 1 if (! -e $file); |
my $backup = $file.'.backup'; |
unless ($nobackup) { |
if (! copy($file,$backup)) { |
my $backup = $file.'.backup'; |
warn "**** Error: Unable to make backup of $file"; |
if (! copy($file,$backup)) { |
return 0; |
warn "**** Error: Unable to make backup of $file"; |
return 0; |
} |
} |
} |
my ($filedata) = &parse_config_file($file); |
my ($filedata) = &parse_config_file($file); |
if (! ref($filedata)) { warn "**** Error: $filedata"; return 0;} |
if (! ref($filedata)) { warn "**** Error: $filedata"; return 0;} |
Line 140 sub update_file {
Line 334 sub update_file {
=pod |
=pod |
=item &parse_config_file |
=over 4 |
=item &parse_config_file() |
Read a configuration file in and parse it into an internal data structure. |
Read a configuration file in and parse it into an internal data structure. |
Line 148 Input: filename
Line 344 Input: filename
Output: array ref $filedata OR scalar error message |
Output: array ref $filedata OR scalar error message |
=back |
=cut |
=cut |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
Line 186 sub parse_config_file {
Line 384 sub parse_config_file {
=pod |
=pod |
=over 4 |
=item |
=item |
Write a configuration file out based on the internal data structure returned |
Write a configuration file out based on the internal data structure returned |
Line 195 Inputs: filename, $filedata (the return
Line 395 Inputs: filename, $filedata (the return
Returns: undef on success, scalar error message on failure. |
Returns: undef on success, scalar error message on failure. |
=back |
=cut |
=cut |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
Line 205 sub write_config_file {
Line 407 sub write_config_file {
if (! defined($structure) || ! ref($structure)) { |
if (! defined($structure) || ! ref($structure)) { |
return 'Bad subroutine inputs'; |
return 'Bad subroutine inputs'; |
} |
} |
open(OUTPUT,'>'.$file) || return('Unable to open '.$file.' for writing'); |
open(OUTPUT,'>',$file) || return('Unable to open '.$file.' for writing'); |
for (my $i=0;$i<scalar(@$structure);$i++) { |
for (my $i=0;$i<scalar(@$structure);$i++) { |
my $line = $structure->[$i]; |
my $line = $structure->[$i]; |
chomp($line); |
chomp($line); |
Line 236 sub write_config_file {
Line 438 sub write_config_file {
=pod |
=pod |
=item &modify_config_file |
=over 4 |
=item &modify_config_file() |
Modifies the internal data structure of a configuration file to include new |
Modifies the internal data structure of a configuration file to include new |
sections and/or new configuration directives. |
sections and/or new configuration directives. |
Line 250 $newvalue: The new value to be placed wi
Line 454 $newvalue: The new value to be placed wi
Returns: 0 or 1, indicating if the file was modified(1) or not(0). |
Returns: 0 or 1, indicating if the file was modified(1) or not(0). |
=back |
=cut |
=cut |
Line 305 sub modify_config_file {
Line 510 sub modify_config_file {
return $modified; |
return $modified; |
} |
} |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
=pod |
=over 4 |
=item &update_rhn_source() |
Modifies the Red Hat 4 sources file which includes repositories used by up2date |
Inputs: |
$rhn_items - a reference to hash of a hash containing the regular expression |
to test for, and the text string to append to the file, if an entry for the |
LON-CAPA RHEL repository is missing for two cases: |
(a) basearch |
(b) noarch |
Returns: 0 or 1, indicating if the file was modified(1) or not(0). |
=back |
=cut |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
sub update_rhn_source { |
my ($rhn_items) = @_; |
return 0 if (ref($rhn_items) ne 'HASH'); |
return 0 if ((ref($rhn_items->{basearch}) ne 'HASH') || (ref($rhn_items->{noarch}) ne 'HASH')); |
my $file = '/etc/sysconfig/rhn/sources'; |
return 0 if (! -e $file); |
my $backup = $file.'.backup'; |
if (! copy($file,$backup)) { |
warn "**** Error: Unable to make backup of $file"; |
return 0; |
} |
my $result = 0; |
my $fh; |
if (open($fh,'<',$file)) { |
my $total = 0; |
my %found; |
foreach my $item (keys(%{$rhn_items})) { |
$found{$item} = 0; |
} |
while(<$fh>) { |
foreach my $item (keys(%{$rhn_items})) { |
if (ref($rhn_items->{$item}) eq 'HASH') { |
my $pattern = $rhn_items->{$item}->{regexp}; |
if ($pattern ne '') { |
if (m{^$pattern}) { |
$found{$item} = 1; |
$total ++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
last if $total == 2; |
} |
close($fh); |
if ($total < 2) { |
if (open($fh,'>>',$file)) { |
foreach my $item (keys(%{$rhn_items})) { |
unless ($found{$item}) { |
if (ref($rhn_items->{$item}) eq 'HASH') { |
if ($rhn_items->{$item}->{text} ne '') { |
print $fh "\n".$rhn_items->{$item}->{text}."\n"; |
$result = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
close($fh); |
} |
} |
} |
return $result; |
} |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
=pod |
=pod |
=over 4 |
=item &update_apt_source() |
Modifies the source.list file which includes repositories used by apt-get |
Inputs: |
$deb_row - a reference to containing the regular expression |
to test for, and the text string to append to the file, if an entry for the |
LON-CAPA Debian/ or Ubuntu repository is missing. |
Returns: 0 or 1, indicating if the file was modified(1) or not(0). |
=back |
=back |
=cut |
=cut |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
################################################################# |
sub update_apt_source { |
my ($deb_row) = @_; |
return 0 if (ref($deb_row) ne 'HASH'); |
return 0 if (($deb_row->{regexp} eq '') || ($deb_row->{text} eq '')); |
my $file = '/etc/apt/sources.list'; |
return 0 if (! -e $file); |
my $backup = $file.'.backup'; |
if (! copy($file,$backup)) { |
warn "**** Error: Unable to make backup of $file"; |
return 0; |
} |
my $result = 0; |
my $fh; |
if (open($fh,'<',$file)) { |
my $found = 0; |
my $pattern = $deb_row->{regexp}; |
while(<$fh>) { |
if (m{^$pattern}) { |
$found = 1; |
last; |
} |
} |
close($fh); |
if (!$found) { |
if (open($fh,'>>',$file)) { |
print $fh "\n".$deb_row->{text}."\n"; |
close($fh); |
$result = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
return $result; |
} |