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- Update versions/checksums
- Update versions/checksums
- Update versions/checksums
- Update checksum
- Update versions/checksums
- Update versions/checksums
- Update checksum
- For 2.11.6 (modified) Eighteen 2.12 features included: (a) "Done" button for a student to end a timed quiz/exam early. (b) LON-CAPA as LTI Consumer: grade passback and roster request included. (c) "Deny from" as well as "allow from" for (i) acc parameter used to limit access to resource by IP and (ii) slots with IP access control. (d) Short URLs for deep-linking to a resource or folder. (e) Blocking communication/resource access (e.g., for exams) can include suppression of interruptions to a student's workflow due to: (i) Critical messages not moved to INBOX. (ii) Detection of changes to course structure, as a result of actions by a Course Coordinator. (f) Blocking communication/resource access (e.g., for exams) can include (i) student access to course grades via the "Grades" menu item, and to a "detailed score sheet", if grading is set to use the Spreadsheet. (ii) student access to Content Search in a course. (iii) student access to User Information pages for students in course. (g) Availability of deeplink parameter to support deep-link only access to resource(s) and/or folders, including launch from other systems with LTI payload signed with key and secret, and optional pass-back of grades to launcher. (h) A "Passback of Scores" item is present in the "Automated Grading" menu, once at least one access has been made via deep-link with LTI-mediated link protection (and for which passback is expected). This can be used to send scores to the launcher system for specific students and folders. (i) Individual user preference for Time Zone used when displaying dates. (j) Folders and Resources in Supplemental Content area can be hidden using Course Editor. (k) Include printout icon in "Tools" above listing of course contents unless course is empty. (l) A shortcut to a student's view of a problem etc. is available from a 'View As' item in the Functions menu above a problem. (m) Two types of "Authoring Space defaults" can be set: - defaults which author or co-author can override: (i) CodeMirror active/inactive for EditXML editor (ii) access for domain coordinators to Authoring Spaces in domain (iii) default Copyright/Distribution in new metadata files (iv) default Source XML Availability in new metadata files - defaults which domain coordinator can override: (i) default Authoring Space disk quota (ii) availability of webDAV access to Authoring Spaces (iii) available editors -- EditXML, Colorful editor, Daxe (n) Daxe is a resource editor for LON-CAPA files which uses an XML schema and Daxe configuration to provide a complete editing environment for LON-CAPA resources. Daxe editor page includes "collapsed" standard inline LON-CAPA menus (primary, secondary, and Functions). Icons at top left to toggle expansion or collapse. (o) Ability to download tarball of Authoring Space's files/directories. (i) Support use of domain default and also override for individual author(s). (ii) Check if there will be sufficient disk space before attempting to create archive file. (iii) Each author may only have one archive request in process at a time. (iv) Remove archive file automatically after download completed. (v) Log archive creation and deletion actions in nohist_archivelog.db in author's data directory. (p) Co-authors in "group authoring" accounts can manage co-authors - Existing co-author(s) can be assigned rights to add/revoke co-author roles. Can be set by DC via "Add/modify user" or by author via "People" (q) Co-authors and Assistant co-authors can view a list of co-authors for the Authoring Space. Availability set by Author or Co-author "manager". Listing can be set to "opt-in". (r) Portfolio file shareability can be set for a domain, based on status (e.g., faculty, staff student etc.), with the ability to override the default available for an individual user.