version 1.34, 2009/03/09 01:58:52
version 1.36, 2009/07/25 15:25:14
Line 41 described at
Line 41 described at
=over |
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package localenroll; |
package localenroll; |
Line 281 sub validate_courseID {
Line 279 sub validate_courseID {
=pod |
=pod |
=item validate_instcode() |
This is called when a request is being made for an official course. |
A check is made that the institutional code for which a course is |
is being requested is valid according to the institutional |
schedule of official classes. |
If the username of the course owner is provided, a more restrictive |
test is used, namely that the requestor is listed as instructor of |
record for the course in the institution's course schedule/database. |
A valid instcode is confirmed by returning 'ok'. |
Otherwise a phrase can be returned explaining why the code was invalid. |
validate_instcode takes three arguments - |
(a) the LON-CAPA domain that will contain the course |
(b) the institutional code (in the MSU case this is a concatenation of |
semester code, department code, and course number, e.g., fs03nop590. |
(c) an optional institutional username for the course owner. |
=cut |
sub validate_instcode { |
my ($dom,$instcode,$owner) = @_; |
my $outcome = ''; |
return $outcome; |
} |
=pod |
=item create_password() |
=item create_password() |
This is called when the authentication method set for the automated |
This is called when the authentication method set for the automated |
Line 381 sub instcode_format () {
Line 409 sub instcode_format () {
return $outcome; |
return $outcome; |
} |
} |
=pod |
=item possible_instcodes() |
Gather acceptable values for institutional categories to use in course creation request form for official courses. |
requires four arguments: |
domain ($dom) |
reference to array of titles ($codetitles) |
reference to hash of abbreviations used in categories ($cat_titles). |
reference to hash of arrays specifying sort order used in category titles ($cat_order). |
e.g., |
@{$codetitles} = ("Year","Semester","Department","Number"); |
%{$$cat_titles{'Semester'}} = ( |
fs => 'Fall', |
ss => 'Spring', |
us => 'Summer'); |
@{$$cat_order{'Semester'}} = ('ss','us','fs'); |
returns 1 parameter: 'ok' if no processing errors. |
=cut |
sub possible_instcodes { |
my ($dom,$codetitles,$cat_titles,$cat_order) = @_; |
@{$codetitles} = (); |
%{$$cat_titles{'Semester'}} = (); |
@{$$cat_order{'Semester'}} = ('ss','us','fs'); |
($$cat_titles{'Department'},$$cat_order{'Department'}) = &get_all_depts($dom); |
($$cat_titles{'Year'},$$cat_order{'Year'}) = &get_possible_years($dom); |
return 'ok'; |
} |
=pod |
=pod |