version 1.52, 2015/05/30 18:01:12
version 1.54, 2016/04/02 04:31:26
Line 347 automatically, or held in a queue pendin
Line 347 automatically, or held in a queue pendin
the institution. |
the institution. |
Course requests will trigger this check if the process type has been set |
Course requests will trigger this check if the process type has been set |
to 'validate' for the course type (official, unofficial or community) and |
to 'validate' for the course type (official, unofficial, textbook, |
the requestor's affiliation. Whether "validate" is an available option |
placement or community) and the requestor's affiliation. Whether |
in the Domain Configuration menu is controlled by auto_courserequest_checks(). |
"validate" is an available option in the Domain Configuration menu |
is controlled by auto_courserequest_checks(). |
One scenario is where the request is for an official course, in which case |
One scenario is where the request is for an official course, in which case |
a check could be made that the requestor is listed as instructor of |
a check could be made that the requestor is listed as instructor of |
record for the course in the institution's course schedule/database. |
record for the course in the institution's course schedule/database. |
Line 361 given the data passed in to the routine.
Line 362 given the data passed in to the routine.
validate_crsreq takes seven arguments - |
validate_crsreq takes seven arguments - |
(a) the LON-CAPA domain that will contain the course. |
(a) the LON-CAPA domain that will contain the course. |
(b) the username:domain for the course owner. |
(b) the username:domain for the course owner. |
(c) the course type (official, unofficial or community) |
(c) the course type (official, unofficial,textbook, placement or community) |
(d) a comma-separated list of institutional affiliations of |
(d) a comma-separated list of institutional affiliations of |
the course owner. |
the course owner. |
(e) the institutional code (in the MSU case this is a concatenation of |
(e) the institutional code (in the MSU case this is a concatenation of |
Line 408 This is used to determine whether the "v
Line 409 This is used to determine whether the "v
possible choices for course request processing in the Domain Configuration |
possible choices for course request processing in the Domain Configuration |
menu for Course Requests. Ultimately it is called by (via: |
menu for Course Requests. Ultimately it is called by (via: |
lonnet -> lond -> The domain configuration menu includes |
lonnet -> lond -> The domain configuration menu includes |
a table where columns are course type (official, unofficial or community) |
a table where columns are course type (official, unofficial, textbook, |
and rows are institutional affiliations (e.g., Faculty, Staff, Student etc.). |
placement or community) and rows are institutional affiliations |
(e.g., Faculty, Staff, Student etc.). |
crsreq_checks() takes three arguments: $dom, $reqtypes, $validations. |
crsreq_checks() takes three arguments: $dom, $reqtypes, $validations. |
$dom - the domain for which validation options are needed. |
$dom - the domain for which validation options are needed. |
Line 935 sub get_userinfo {
Line 937 sub get_userinfo {
return $outcome; |
return $outcome; |
} |
} |
=pod |
=item get_multusersinfo |
(a) $dom - domain |
(b) $type - username or id |
(c) $unamenames - reference to hash containing usernames of users |
(d) $instusers - reference to hash which will contain info for user |
as key = value; keys will be one or all of: |
lastname,firstname,middlename,generation,id,inststatus - |
institutional status (e.g., faculty,staff,student) |
Values are all scalars except inststatus, |
which is an array. |
(e) $instids - reference to hash which will contain ID numbers - |
keys will be unique IDs (student or faculty/staff ID) |
values will be either: scalar (username) or an array |
if a single ID matches multiple usernames. |
returns 1 parameter - 'ok' if no processing error, or other value |
if an error occurred. |
side effects - populates the $instusers and $instids refs to hashes. |
with information for specified username, or specified |
id, if fifth argument provided, from all available, or |
specified (e.g., faculty only) institutional datafeeds, |
if sixth argument provided. |
WARNING: You need to set $outcome to 'ok' once you have customized |
this routine to communicate with an instititional |
directory data source, otherwise retrieval of institutional |
user information will always be reported as being unavailable |
in domain $dom. |
=cut |
sub get_multusersinfo { |
my ($dom,$type,$usernames,$instusers,$instids) = @_; |
my $outcome = 'unavailable'; |
return $outcome; |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
=item inst_usertypes() |
=item inst_usertypes() |