version 1.56, 2016/08/25 18:01:34
version 1.57, 2017/10/13 20:37:40
Line 955 sub allusers_info {
Line 955 sub allusers_info {
institutional types to check. |
institutional types to check. |
(g) $srchby - optional if $uname or $id defined, otherwise required. |
(g) $srchby - optional if $uname or $id defined, otherwise required. |
Allowed values include: 1. lastfirst, 2. last, 3. uname |
Allowed values include: 1. lastfirst, 2. last, 3. uname |
corresponding to searches by 1. lastname,firstname; |
4. email, corresponding to searches by 1. lastname,firstname; |
2. lastname; 3. username |
2. lastname; 3. username; 4. e-mail address |
(h) $srchterm - optional if $uname or $id defined, otherwise required |
(h) $srchterm - optional if $uname or $id defined, otherwise required |
String to search for. |
String to search for. |
(i) $srchtype - optional. Allowed values: contains, begins (defaults |
(i) $srchtype - optional. Allowed values: contains, begins (defaults |