version 1.50, 2014/06/26 15:53:29
version 1.61, 2021/06/15 20:52:27
Line 39 described at
Line 39 described at
=over |
=cut |
=cut |
package localenroll; |
package localenroll; |
Line 48 package localenroll;
Line 46 package localenroll;
use strict; |
use strict; |
=pod |
=pod |
=over |
=item run() |
=item run() |
set this to return 1 if you want the auto enrollment to run |
set this to return 1 if you want the auto enrollment to run |
Line 144 sub run() {
Line 144 sub run() {
Manager, or via the 'Upload a class list','Enroll a single student' or |
Manager, or via the 'Upload a class list','Enroll a single student' or |
'Modify student data' utilities in the Enrollment Manager, by checking the |
'Modify student data' utilities in the Enrollment Manager, by checking the |
'make these dates the default for future enrollment' checkbox. If no default |
'make these dates the default for future enrollment' checkbox. If no default |
dates have been set, then the tudent role will be active immediately, and will |
dates have been set, then the student role will be active immediately, and will |
remain active until the role is explicitly expired using ENRL -> Drop students. |
remain active until the role is explicitly expired using ENRL -> Drop students. |
If dates are to included in the XML file, they should be in the format |
If dates are to included in the XML file, they should be in the format |
YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS (: separators required). |
YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS (: separators required). |
Line 207 sub fetch_enrollment {
Line 207 sub fetch_enrollment {
("001","601","602") would be returned |
("001","601","602") would be returned |
If the array returned contains at least one element, then |
If the array returned contains at least one element, then |
the interface offerred to the course coordinator, lists |
the interface offered to the course coordinator, lists |
official sections and provides a checkbox to use to |
official sections and provides a checkbox to use to |
select enrollment in the LON-CAPA course from each official section. |
select enrollment in the LON-CAPA course from each official section. |
Line 258 sub get_sections {
Line 258 sub get_sections {
username:domain |
username:domain |
(c) the LON-CAPA domain that contains the course |
(c) the LON-CAPA domain that contains the course |
new_course also takes a fourth (optional) argument - |
new_course also takes optional fourth and fifth arguments - |
(d) the course co-owners, as a comma-separated list of username:domain for |
(d) the course co-owners, as a comma-separated list of username:domain for |
any co-owners. |
any co-owners. |
(e) database handle (might be set when new_course() is called by check_section |
routine within |
=cut |
=cut |
Line 340 sub validate_instcode {
Line 342 sub validate_instcode {
=pod |
=pod |
=item validate_crosslist_access() |
This is called for an official course to check whether a course |
with the institutional code can have access to enrollment data |
from a cross-listed institutional section code, given a co-owner. |
validate_crosslist_access() takes four arguments - |
(a) the course's LON-CAPA domain |
(b) the institional course code assigned to the course |
(c) the institutional course section code for the crosslisting |
(d) the co-owner to check for affiliation with the crosslisting |
(username:domain). |
A combination of (a), (b), (c) and (d) with access to enrollment |
data, as per institutional policies, is confirmed by returning 'valid'. |
=cut |
sub validate_crosslist_access { |
my ($dom,$instcode,$inst_xlist,$coowner) = @_; |
my $outcome = ''; |
return $outcome; |
} |
=pod |
=item validate_crsreq() |
=item validate_crsreq() |
This is used to check whether a course request should be processed |
This is used to check whether a course request should be processed |
Line 347 automatically, or held in a queue pendin
Line 375 automatically, or held in a queue pendin
the institution. |
the institution. |
Course requests will trigger this check if the process type has been set |
Course requests will trigger this check if the process type has been set |
to 'validate' for the course type (official, unofficial or community) and |
to 'validate' for the course type (official, unofficial, textbook, |
the requestor's affiliation. Whether "validate" is an available option |
placement or community) and the requestor's affiliation. Whether |
in the Domain Configuration menu is controlled by auto_courserequest_checks(). |
"validate" is an available option in the Domain Configuration menu |
is controlled by auto_courserequest_checks(). |
One scenario is where the request is for an official course, in which case |
One scenario is where the request is for an official course, in which case |
a check could be made that the requestor is listed as instructor of |
a check could be made that the requestor is listed as instructor of |
record for the course in the institution's course schedule/database. |
record for the course in the institution's course schedule/database. |
Line 358 Other scenarios are possible, and the ro
Line 387 Other scenarios are possible, and the ro
to whatever rules a domain wishes to implement to run validations against |
to whatever rules a domain wishes to implement to run validations against |
given the data passed in to the routine. |
given the data passed in to the routine. |
validate_crsreq takes six arguments - |
validate_crsreq takes seven arguments - |
(a) the LON-CAPA domain that will contain the course. |
(a) the LON-CAPA domain that will contain the course. |
(b) the username:domain for the course owner. |
(b) the username:domain for the course owner. |
(c) the course type (official, unofficial or community) |
(c) the course type (official, unofficial,textbook, placement or community) |
(d) a comma-separated list of institutional affiliations of |
(d) a comma-separated list of institutional affiliations of |
the course owner. |
the course owner. |
(e) the institutional code (in the MSU case this is a concatenation of |
(e) the institutional code (in the MSU case this is a concatenation of |
Line 369 validate_crsreq takes six arguments -
Line 398 validate_crsreq takes six arguments -
(f) a comma-separated list of institutional sections included in |
(f) a comma-separated list of institutional sections included in |
the course request (only applicable to official courses). |
the course request (only applicable to official courses). |
(g) an optional reference to a hash of custom form data. |
(g) an optional reference to a hash of custom form data. |
The custom form data will come from crsreq_updates(). |
The custom form data will come from crsreq_updates(), with one |
additional item: $custominfo->{'_LC_clonefrom'}, provided internally |
(the courseID of the LON-CAPA course being cloned). |
A valid courserequest is confirmed by returning 'process'. |
A valid courserequest is confirmed by returning 'process'. |
The following can be returned: process, rejected, pending, approval or |
The following can be returned: process, rejected, pending, approval or |
error (with error condition - no :), followed by a : and then an optional message. |
error (with error condition - no :), followed by a : and then an optional message. |
(a) process - the requestor is the recorded instructor - create the course |
(a) process - the requestor is the recorded instructor - create the course |
(b) rejected - the requestor should never be requesting this course, reject the |
(b) rejected - the requestor should never be requesting this course, reject the |
request permanently |
request permanently |
(c) pending - the requestor is not the recorded instructor, but could |
(c) pending - the requestor is not the recorded instructor, but could |
become so after administrative action at the institution. Put the |
become so after administrative action at the institution. Put the |
request in a queue and, if an official course, check |
request in a queue and, if an official course, check |
localenroll:validate_instcode() periodically until the status changes to |
localenroll:validate_instcode() periodically until the status changes to |
"valid". |
"valid". |
(d) approval - the request will be held pending review by a Domain Coordinator. |
(d) approval - the request will be held pending review by a Domain Coordinator. |
(e) error (followed by the error condition). |
(e) error (followed by the error condition). |
=cut |
=cut |
Line 402 This is used to determine whether the "v
Line 437 This is used to determine whether the "v
possible choices for course request processing in the Domain Configuration |
possible choices for course request processing in the Domain Configuration |
menu for Course Requests. Ultimately it is called by (via: |
menu for Course Requests. Ultimately it is called by (via: |
lonnet -> lond -> The domain configuration menu includes |
lonnet -> lond -> The domain configuration menu includes |
a table where columns are course type (official, unofficial or community) |
a table where columns are course type (official, unofficial, textbook, |
and rows are institutional affiliations (e.g., Faculty, Staff, Student etc.). |
placement or community) and rows are institutional affiliations |
(e.g., Faculty, Staff, Student etc.). |
crsreq_checks() takes three arguments: $dom, $reqtypes, $validations. |
crsreq_checks() takes three arguments: $dom, $reqtypes, $validations. |
$dom - the domain for which validation options are needed. |
$dom - the domain for which validation options are needed. |
Line 444 sub crsreq_checks {
Line 480 sub crsreq_checks {
return 'ok'; |
return 'ok'; |
} |
} |
=pod |
=item crsreq_updates() |
This is used to customize the LON-CAPA course request process. |
There are two hash references: $incoming, and $outgoing; $incoming can |
contain additional information collected from the requester, whereas $outgoing |
can contain custom items to send back to, which creates the |
HTML displayed to the user during a course request. |
Different key-value pairs may be returned to in the $outgoing |
hashref depending on the current action. The available actions are: |
review, prevalidate, process, created and queued. |
One scenario would be to return HTML markup in: $outgoing->{'reviewweb'}, |
i.e., where the action is 'review', to prompt the user to provide additional |
information as part of the course request, at the request review stage, |
(i.e,, the page which contains the button used to submit a completed course request). |
The HTML could contain form elements (e.g., radio buttons etc.). The value(s) |
selected by the requester in those form elements will be available in the incoming |
hashref, for a subsequent action, if the corresponding keys have been included |
in $outgoing->{'formitems'}, i.e., $outgoing will be hash of a hash. If a |
particular form item will the single valued, the value set for the key in the |
inner hash in $outgoing should be 1, otherwise, if it will be multi-valued, |
the value should be multiple. |
The $outgoing hashref can contain a 'formitems' key for both the prevalidate |
and process actions, as calls to localenroll::crsreq_update() can originate |
in lonrequestcourse::process_request() for both of those actions. |
The retrieved form values are passed to localenroll::validate_crsreq() as the |
optional seventh arg (a hashref) -- $custominfo. |
=cut |
sub crsreq_updates { |
sub crsreq_updates { |
my ($cdom,$cnum,$crstype,$action,$ownername,$ownerdomain,$fullname,$title, |
my ($cdom,$cnum,$crstype,$action,$ownername,$ownerdomain,$fullname,$title, |
$code,$accessstart,$accessend,$incoming,$outgoing) = @_; |
$code,$accessstart,$accessend,$incoming,$outgoing) = @_; |
Line 498 sub crsreq_updates {
Line 570 sub crsreq_updates {
=pod |
=pod |
=item export_grades() |
This routine can be customized to push grade information to some other gradebook, |
LCMS, or administrative system external to LON-CAPA. |
export_grades() takes five arguments - |
(a) the LON-CAPA course ID |
(b) the LON-CAPA course domain |
(c) a hash reference containing the following: |
scope => scope of the grades (e.g., course, map or resource). |
instcode => institutional course code (if an official course) |
crstype => course type -- Course, Community or Placement |
context => calling context, e.g., "completion" when a student completes a placement test. |
(d) a perl data structure (hash of a hash) containing the grade data. |
in the outer hash, the keys are student's username:domain |
in the inner hash, keys are: |
id => student/employee ID |
lastname => student's last name |
firstname => student's first name |
email => student's "permannent" e-mail address |
section => student's LON-CAPA course section |
total => total points earned |
bytitle => reference to a hash (keys are question titles, values are points |
bysymb => reference to a hash (keys are symbs, i.e., unique resource identifiers). |
(e) reference to a hash which will contain information to return. |
keys will be the student's username:domain. Value of 1 to show grades pushed |
successfully. |
=cut |
sub export_grades { |
my ($cnum,$cdom,$hashref,$dataref,$outgoing) = @_; |
my %info; |
if (ref($hashref) eq 'HASH') { |
%info = %{$hashref}; |
} |
if ((ref($dataref) eq 'HASH') && (ref($outgoing) eq 'HASH')) { |
foreach my $key (keys(%{$dataref})) { |
$outgoing->{$key} = 1; |
} |
return 'ok'; |
} else { |
return 'error'; |
} |
} |
=pod |
=item check_instclasses() |
This is used to supply information about which instituional course sections |
and cross-listings are available to supply enrollment data, given the current |
list of owner and co-owners. The data are used to populate the column titled: |
"Auto-enrollment of registered students" when showing full detailed for a course |
in the course catalog. |
This subroutine takes four arguments - |
(a) $owners - comma-separated list of username:domain for course owner |
and co-owners. |
(b) $dom - domain of course. |
(c) $classes - reference to hash of institutional course sections and |
crosslistings for which access to enrollment data is being checked. |
(d) $validated - reference to hash which will be populated with all |
keys from incoming $classes hashref, for which one or more of the |
owner/co-owners has rights to access enrollment data. For each |
key included in $validated hashref, corresponding value will be set to 1. |
The subroutine returns 'ok' if there is no processing error. |
=cut |
sub check_instclasses { |
my ($owners,$dom,$classes,$validated) = @_; |
if ((ref($classes) eq 'HASH') && (ref($validated) eq 'HASH')) { |
foreach my $class (keys(%{$classes})){ |
if (&check_section($class,$owners,$dom) eq 'ok') { |
$validated->{$class} = 1; |
} |
} |
} |
return 'ok'; |
} |
=pod |
=item instsec_reformat() |
Inputs: $dom, $action, $instsecref |
$dom is the course's domain |
$action is either: clutter or declutter |
$instsecref is a reference to a hash, in which each key is |
course num:course code, and each value is either an array of |
institutional sections, or (in the case of crosslisted courses) |
an array of institutional course sections. |
Returns: ok |
Side effects: will modify the items in the array as determined by |
code implemented for the domain. Modification will differ depending |
on whether the action is clutter or declutter. |
The idea is that "clutter" will modify the name of the section such |
that a concatenation of institutional code then (modified) section |
will result in a string that other customized routines in |
can separate without ambiguity into instituional code then (real) |
institutional section using a regular expression. |
Conversely, "declutter" will modify the name of an already modified |
item such that display of the concatenated string (e.g., for a |
crosslisting in the course catalog) does not include the "added" |
characters used to eliminate ambiguity. |
Examples (MSU): |
Starting in Fall 2021 at MSU, institution section numbers are no |
longer guaranteed to be three digit numbers (including leading zeroes). |
So, for example the course code: fs21phy183b might have sections: |
001, 002, LEC1, LEC2, and be crosslisted with fs21phy233b (with |
sections: 730, LEC3, LEC4). |
The sections: LEC1, and LEC2 should be changed to _LEC1, and _LEC2 |
before creating the inner keys in the %affiliates hash of a hash, |
passed to fetch_enrollment() in They will however |
be stored in the course's environment as LEC1 and LEC2. |
For the crosslistings, LEC3 and LEC4 should be changed to |
_LEC3 and _LEC4 before storing in the course's environment.db file. |
In both cases when it comes time to extract the various components |
of an institutional section code (i.e., the concatenated string) in |
fetch_enrollment(), for example, the regexp used at MSU would be: |
if ($class =~ m/^([suf]s)(\d{2})(\w{2,4})(\d{3,4}[A-Za-z]?)(\d{3}|_[A-Za-z0-9]{1,5})$/) { |
my ($sem,$yr,$subj,$crse,$sec) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5); |
The three digit sections would match the \d{3} and the other sections |
(LEC1, LEC2 etc.) would match the _[A-Za-z0-9]{1,5}. |
The customization in &instsec_reformat() would be: |
if ($action eq 'clutter') { |
unless ($item =~ /^\d{3}$/) { |
$item = '_'.$item; |
} |
} elsif ($action eq 'declutter') { |
if ($item =~ /^([suf]s\d{2}\w{2,4}\d{3,4}[A-Za-z]?)(\d{3}|_[A-Za-z0-9]{1,5})$/) { |
my ($instcode,$instsec) = ($1,$2); |
$instsec =~ s/^_//; |
$item = $instcode.$instsec; |
} elsif ($item =~ /^_[A-Za-z0-9]{1,5}$/) { |
$item =~ s/^_//; |
} |
} |
=cut |
sub instsec_reformat { |
my ($dom,$action,$instsecref) = @; |
if ((ref($instsecref) eq 'HASH') && |
(($action eq 'clutter') || ($action eq 'declutter'))) { |
foreach my $key (keys(%{$instsecref})) { |
if (ref($instsecref->{$key}) eq 'ARRAY') { |
foreach my $sec (@{$instsecref->{$key}}) { |
if ($action eq 'clutter') { |
# modify the section, as needed. |
next; |
} elsif ($action eq 'declutter') { |
# modify the section, as needed. |
next; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
return 'ok'; |
} |
=pod |
=item create_password() |
=item create_password() |
This is called when the authentication method set for the automated |
This is called when the authentication method set for the automated |
Line 863 sub allusers_info {
Line 1118 sub allusers_info {
institutional types to check. |
institutional types to check. |
(g) $srchby - optional if $uname or $id defined, otherwise required. |
(g) $srchby - optional if $uname or $id defined, otherwise required. |
Allowed values include: 1. lastfirst, 2. last, 3. uname |
Allowed values include: 1. lastfirst, 2. last, 3. uname |
corresponding to searches by 1. lastname,firstname; |
4. email, corresponding to searches by 1. lastname,firstname; |
2. lastname; 3. username |
2. lastname; 3. username; 4. e-mail address |
(h) $srchterm - optional if $uname or $id defined, otherwise required |
(h) $srchterm - optional if $uname or $id defined, otherwise required |
String to search for. |
String to search for. |
(i) $srchtype - optional. Allowed values: contains, begins (defaults |
(i) $srchtype - optional. Allowed values: contains, begins (defaults |
Line 893 sub get_userinfo {
Line 1148 sub get_userinfo {
return $outcome; |
return $outcome; |
} |
} |
=pod |
=item get_multusersinfo |
(a) $dom - domain |
(b) $type - username or id |
(c) $unamenames - reference to hash containing usernames of users |
(d) $instusers - reference to hash which will contain info for user |
as key = value; keys will be one or all of: |
lastname,firstname,middlename,generation,id,inststatus - |
institutional status (e.g., faculty,staff,student) |
Values are all scalars except inststatus, |
which is an array. |
(e) $instids - reference to hash which will contain ID numbers - |
keys will be unique IDs (student or faculty/staff ID) |
values will be either: scalar (username) or an array |
if a single ID matches multiple usernames. |
returns 1 parameter - 'ok' if no processing error, or other value |
if an error occurred. |
side effects - populates the $instusers and $instids refs to hashes. |
with information for specified username, or specified |
id, if fifth argument provided, from all available, or |
specified (e.g., faculty only) institutional datafeeds, |
if sixth argument provided. |
WARNING: You need to set $outcome to 'ok' once you have customized |
this routine to communicate with an instititional |
directory data source, otherwise retrieval of institutional |
user information will always be reported as being unavailable |
in domain $dom. |
=cut |
sub get_multusersinfo { |
my ($dom,$type,$usernames,$instusers,$instids) = @_; |
my $outcome = 'unavailable'; |
return $outcome; |
} |
=pod |
=pod |
=item inst_usertypes() |
=item inst_usertypes() |