--- loncom/enrollment/localenroll.pm 2003/12/08 16:00:15 1.2
+++ loncom/enrollment/localenroll.pm 2003/12/11 19:01:33 1.7
@@ -1,92 +1,273 @@
+# functions to glue school database system into Lon-CAPA for
+# automated enrollment
+# $Id: localenroll.pm,v 1.7 2003/12/11 19:01:33 matthew Exp $
+# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
+# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
+# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
+# http://www.lon-capa.org/
package localenroll;
use strict;
-use DBI;
-use LONCAPA::Configuration;
+# sub run
+# set this to return 1 if you want the auto enrollment to run
+sub run { return 0; }
+# sub fetch_enrollment
+# connects to the institutional classlist data source,
+# reads classlist data and stores in an XML file
+# in /home/httpd/perl/tmp/
+# classlist files are named as follows:
+# e.g., msu_43551dedcd43febmsul1_fs03nop590001_classlist.xml
+# where DOMAIN = msu COURSE = 43551dedcd43febmsul1
+# INSTITUTIONALCODE = fs03nop590001
+# (MSU's course naming scheme - fs03 = Fall semester 2003, nop =
+# department name, 590 = course number, 001 = section number.
+# fetch_enrollment requires three arguments -
+# $dom - DOMAIN e.g., msu
+# $affiliatesref - a reference to a hash of arrays that contains LON-CAPA
+# courses that are to be updated as keys, and institutional coursecodes
+# contributing enrollment to that LON-CAPA course as elements in each array.
+# $replyref - a reference to a hash that contains LON-CAPA courses
+# that are to be updated as keys, and the total enrollment count in all
+# affiliated sections, as determined from institutional data as hash elements.
+# As an example, if fetch_enrollment is called to retrieve institutional
+# classlists for a single LON-CAPA course - 43551dedcd43febmsul1 which
+# corresponds to fs03nop590, sections 001, 601 and 602 , and the course
+# also accommodates enrollment from a crosslisted course in the ost
+# department - fs03ost580002:
+# the affiliatesref would be a reference to %affiliates which would be:
+# @{$affiliates{'43551dedcd43febmsul1'}} =
+# ("fs03nop590001","fs03nop590601","fs03nop590602","fs03ost580002");
+# fetch_enrollment would create four files in /home/httpd/perl/tmp/.
+# msu_43551dedcd43febmsul1_fs03nop590001_classlist.xml
+# msu_43551dedcd43febmsul1_fs03nop590601_classlist.xml
+# msu_43551dedcd43febmsul1_fs03nop590602_classlist.xml
+# msu_43551dedcd43febmsul1_fs03ost580002_classlist.xml
+# In each file, student data would be stored in the following format
+# krb4
+# smith@msu.edu
+# John
+# II
+# fs03nop590001
+# Smith
+# D
+# A12345678
+# with the following at the top of the file
+# (all comment - #s removed)
+# and a closing:
+# The and the are the activation date and expiration date
+# for this student's role. If they are absent, then the date set for
+# first automated enrollment is used as the default activation date, and the
+# date set for last automated enrollment is used as the default expiration date.
+# If dates are to included in the XML file, they should be in the format
+# YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS (: separators required).
+# If there were 10 students in fs03nop590001, 5 students in fs03nop59o601,
+# 8 students in fs03nop590602, and 2 students in fs03ost580002,
+# then $$reply{'43551dedcd43febmsul1'} = 25
+# The purpose of the %reply hash is to detect cases where the institutional
+# enrollment is 0 (most likely due to a problem with the data source).
+# In such a case, the LON-CAPA course roster is left unchanged (i.e., no
+# students are expired, even if automated drops is enabled.
+# fetch_enrollment should return a 0 or 1, depending on whether a connection
+# could be established to the institutional data source.
+# 0 is returned if no connection could be made.
+# 1 is returned if connection was successful
+# A return of 1 is required for the calling modules to perform LON-CAPA
+# roster changes based on the contents of the XML classlist file(s), e,g,,
+# msu_43551dedcd43febmsul1_fs03nop590001_classlist.xml
+# XML classlist files are temporary. They are deleted after the enrollment
+# update process in the calling module is complete.
sub fetch_enrollment {
- my ($dom,$affiliatesref,$replyref) = @_;
- $ENV{SYBASE} = '/usr/local/freetds';
+ my ($dom,$affiliatesref,$replyref) = @_;
+ foreach my $crs (sort keys %{$affiliatesref}) {
+ $$replyref{$crs} = 0;
+ }
+ my $okflag = 0;
+ return $okflag;
+# sub get_sections
+# This is called by the Automated Enrollment Manager interface
+# (lonpopulate.pm) to create an array of valid sections for
+# a specific institutional coursecode.
+# e.g., for MSU coursecode: fs03nop590
+# ("001","601","602") would be returned
+# If the array returned contains at least one element, then
+# the interface offerred to the course coordinator, lists
+# official sections and provides a checkbox to use to
+# select enrollment in the LON-CAPA course from each official section.
+# get_sections requires one argument - the instituional coursecode
+# (in the MSU case this is a concatenation of semester code, department
+# and course number).
+# If there is no access to official course sections at your institution,
+# then an empty array is returned, and the Automated Enrollment Manager
+# interface will allow the course coordinator to enter section numbers
+# in text boxes.
- my $DB_PATH = "dbi:Sybase:server=ESDB1;database=RO_ClassList";
- my $DB_USER =""; # Not stored in CVS
- my $DB_PASSWD = ""; # Not stored in CVS
- my $configvars = &LONCAPA::Configuration::read_conf('loncapa.conf');
- my $dbh= DBI->connect($DB_PATH,$DB_USER,$DB_PASSWD);
- my $dbflag = 0;
- if (defined $dbh) {
- $dbflag = 1;
- foreach my $crs (sort keys %{$affiliatesref}) {
- my $xmlstem = $$configvars{'lonDaemons'}."/tmp/".$dom."_".$crs."_";
- $$replyref{$crs} = &write_class_data ($dbh,$xmlstem,\@{$$affiliatesref{$crs}});
- }
- $dbh->disconnect;
- }
- return $dbflag;
+sub get_sections {
+ my $coursecode = shift;
+ my @secs = ();
+ return @secs;
-sub write_class_data {
- my ($dbh,$xmlstem,$coursesref) = @_;
- my $stucount = 0;
- foreach my $class (@{$coursesref}) {
- if ($class =~ m/^([suf]s\d{2})(\w{2,3})(\d{3,4}\w?)(\d{3})$/) {
- my $xmlfile = $xmlstem.$class."_classlist.xml";
- open(FILE, ">$xmlfile");
- print FILE qq|
- my $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT Pid,Pilot_Id,Student_Name FROM LONCAPA_ClassList WHERE Term_Code = '$1' AND Subj_Code = '$2' AND Crse_Code = '$3' AND Sctn_Code = '$4' ORDER BY Student_Name");
- $sth->execute();
- while ( my($pid,$pilot,$name) = $sth->fetchrow_array ) {
- $stucount ++;
- $name =~ s/^\s//g;
- $name =~ s/\s$//g;
- my ($last,$given,$first,$middle);
- $last = substr($name,0,index($name,","));
- $given = substr($name,index($name,",")+1);
- $given =~ s/^\s//g;
- if ($given =~ m/\w\s\w/) {
- $first = substr($given,0,index($given," "));
- $middle = substr($given,index($given," ")+1);
- $middle =~ s/\s//g;
- } else {
- $first = $given;
- }
- $first =~ s/\s$//g;
- print FILE qq|
- krb4
- $pilot\@msu.edu
- $first
- $class
- $last
- $middle
- $pid
-# Format for startdate is YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS
-# Format forenddate is YYYY:MM:DD:HH:MM:SS
-# Authentication is one of: krb4, krb5, int or loc
-# Password is either the password for int, or Kerberos domain (for krb4 or krb5), or argument (for loc).
-# If authentication, password, startdate or enddate are blank, the default for the course is used. These defaults can be modified using the Automated Enrollment Manager.
- }
- $sth->finish;
- print FILE qq||;
- close(FILE);
- }
- }
- return $stucount;
+# sub new_course
+# This is called by loncreatecourse.pm and
+# lonpopulate.pm to record that fact that a new course section
+# has been added to LON-CAPA that requires access to institutional data
+# At MSU, this is required, as institutional classlists can only made
+# available to faculty who are officially assigned to a course
+# The new_course subroutine is used to check that the course owner
+# of the LON-CAPA course is permitted to access the institutional
+# classlist for any course sections and crosslisted classes that
+# the course coordinator wishes to have affiliated with the course.
+# If access is permitted, then 'ok' is returned.
+# The course section or crosslisted course will only be added to the list of
+# affiliates if 'ok' is returned.
+# new_course requires two arguments -
+# the institutional courseID (in the MSU case this is a concatenation of
+# semester code, department code, course number, and section number
+# e.g., fs03nop590001).
+# the course owner. This is the LON-CAPA username of the course coordinator
+# assigned to the course when it is first created.
+sub new_course {
+ my ($course_id,$owner) = @_;
+ my $outcome = 'ok';
+ return $outcome;
-sub get_sections {
+# sub validate_courseID
+# This is called whenever a new course section or crosslisted course
+# is being affiliated with a LON-CAPA course (i.e., by loncreatecourse.pm
+# and the Automated Enrollment Manager in lonpopulate.pm).
+# A check is made that the courseID that the course coordinator wishes
+# to affiliate with the course is valid according to the institutional
+# schedule of official classes
+# A valid courseID is confirmed by returning 'ok'
+# validate_courseID requires one argument -
+# the institutional courseID (in the MSU case this is a concatenation of
+# semester code, department code, course number, and section number
+# e.g., fs03nop590001).
+sub validate_courseID {
+ my $course_id = shift;
+ my $outcome = 'ok';
+ return $outcome;
+# sub create_password
+# This is called when the authentication method set for the automated
+# enrollment process when enrolling new users in the domain is "local".
+# This could be signalled for the specific user by the value of local
+# for the tag from the classlist.xml files, or if this is blank,
+# the default authtype, set by the domain coordinator when creating the course
+# with loncreatecourse.pm.
+# create_password requires one argument -
+# the value of from the classlist.xml files, or if this is blank,
+# the default autharg, set by the domain coordinator when creating the course
+# with loncreatecourse.pm.
+# Three values are returned:
+# (a) the value of $authparam - which might have been changed
+# (b) a flag to indicate whether a password had been created
+# 0 means no password created
+# 1 means password created. In this case the calling module - Enrollment.pm
+# will send the LON-CAPA username and passwod to the new user's e-mail
+# (if one was provided), or to the course owner (if one was not provided and
+# the new user was created by the automated process), or to the active
+# course coordinator (if the new user was created using the 'update roster
+# now' interface included in the Automated Enrollment Manager.
+# (c) a flag to indicate that the authentication method is correct - 'ok'.
+# If $authchk is not set to 'ok' then account creation and enrollment of the
+# new user will not occur.
+sub create_password {
+ my $authparam = shift;
+ my $authchk = 'ok';
+ my $create_passwd = 0;
+ return ($authparam,$create_passwd,$authchk);