version 1.1, 2000/02/22 21:33:18
version 1.2, 2000/08/02 12:20:28
Line 33 sub handler {
Line 33 sub handler {
</head> |
</head> |
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> |
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> |
my $line; |
my (@attrchk,@openpath); |
my $uri=$r->uri; |
my $iconpath="/res/adm/pages/indexericons/"; |
$r->print("<h2>The LearningOnline Network Directory Browser</h2>\n"); |
for (my $i=0; $i<=5; $i++) { |
$attrchk[$i] = "checked" if $ENV{'form.attr'.$i} == 1; |
} |
$r->print(<<END); |
<b>Display file attributes</b><br> |
<form method="post" name="fileattr" action="$uri" enctype="application/x-www-form-urlencoded"> |
<table border=0><tr> |
<td><input type=checkbox name=attr0 value="1" $attrchk[0]>Size</td> |
<td><input type=checkbox name=attr1 value="1" $attrchk[1]>Last access</td> |
<td><input type=checkbox name=attr2 value="1" $attrchk[2]>Last modified</td> |
</tr><tr> |
<td><input type=checkbox name=attr3 value="1" $attrchk[3]>Author</td> |
<td><input type=checkbox name=attr4 value="1" $attrchk[4]>Keywords</td> |
<td><input type=checkbox name=attr5 value="1" $attrchk[5]>Language</td> |
</tr></table> |
<input type="submit" name="dirlistattr" value="Review"> |
</form> |
my $titleclr="#ddffff"; |
my $fileclr="#ffffdd"; |
$r->print("<table border=0><tr><td bgcolor=#999999>"); |
$r->print("<table border=0><tr>"); |
$r->print("<td bgcolor=$titleclr><b>Name</b></td>\n"); |
$r->print("<td bgcolor=$titleclr><b>Size (bytes)</b></td>") if ($ENV{'form.attr0'} == 1); |
$r->print("<td bgcolor=$titleclr><b>Last accessed</b></td>") if ($ENV{'form.attr1'} == 1); |
$r->print("<td bgcolor=$titleclr><b>Last modified</b></td>") if ($ENV{'form.attr2'} == 1); |
$r->print("</tr>"); |
if ($ENV{'dirlist.lvl'} eq "") { |
my %dirlvl; |
$dirlvl{'dirlist.lvl'}='-2'; |
&Apache::lonnet::appenv(%dirlvl); |
} else { |
$ENV{'dirlist.lvl'}='-2'; |
} |
# $r->print ("original uri=$uri"); |
my $uri = &get_openpath($uri); |
# $r->print ("shortened uri=$shorturi"); |
my $domain="/res/"; |
&branch($r,$domain,$uri); |
$r->print("</table>"); |
$r->print("</td></tr></table>"); |
$r->print("</body></html>\n"); |
# &display_env($r); |
return OK; |
} |
# my @packlist=&Apache::lonnet::dirlist($uri); |
# print "Dir list<br>".join('<br>',@packlist)."<br>"; |
sub branch { |
my ($r,$uri,$calluri)=@_; |
my ($line,@list); |
my ($domusr,$foo,$strip,$testdir,$compuri,$chkdir,$diropen); |
my $dirptr=16384; |
# my $calluri=$r->uri; |
$ENV{'dirlist.lvl'}++; |
@list=&get_list($uri); |
foreach $line (@list) { |
chomp $line; |
($strip,$domusr,$foo,$testdir,$foo)=split(/\&/,$line,5); |
$compuri=join("",$strip,"/"); |
$chkdir=$testdir&$dirptr; |
if ($domusr eq "domain" or $domusr eq "user") { |
$chkdir = $dirptr; |
$testdir = $dirptr; |
} |
$diropen = 0; |
$diropen = 1 if ($compuri eq $calluri); |
&display_line($r,$diropen,$line); |
&branch($r,$compuri,$calluri) if ($calluri =~ $compuri and $calluri=~/^$uri/ and $chkdir == $dirptr and $testdir ne ""); |
} |
$ENV{'dirlist.lvl'}--; |
} |
# ------ get complete list based on the uri ------ |
sub get_list { |
my $uri=shift; |
my @list; |
my $luri=$uri; |
$luri=~s/\//_/g; |
my $dirlist = "/home/httpd/perl/tmp/$ENV{''}_dirlist$luri.tmp"; |
if (-e $dirlist) { |
my $FH = Apache::File->new($dirlist); |
@list=<$FH>; |
} else { |
@list=&Apache::lonnet::dirlist($uri); |
my $FH = Apache::File->new(">$dirlist"); |
print $FH join("\n",@list); |
} |
return @list=&match_ext(@list); |
} |
# ------ get previously opened path, if any ------ |
sub get_openpath { |
my $uri=shift; |
my @list; |
my $openlist = "/home/httpd/perl/tmp/$ENV{''}_dirlist_open_path.tmp"; |
if (-e $openlist) { |
my $FH = Apache::File->new($openlist); |
@list=<$FH>; |
close ($FH); |
my $line; |
my $FH = Apache::File->new(">$openlist"); |
print $FH "$uri\n" if $list[0] eq ""; |
foreach $line (@list) { |
chomp $line; |
if ($line eq $uri) { |
my @pathcom = split(/\//,$uri); |
pop @pathcom; |
my $splituri = join ('/',@pathcom); |
$uri = join ('',$splituri,"/"); |
} else { |
print $FH "$line\n"; |
} |
} |
} else { |
my $FH = Apache::File->new(">$openlist"); |
print $FH "$uri\n"; |
} |
return $uri; |
} |
sub match_ext { |
my @packlist=@_; |
my $line; |
my @trimlist; |
my $nextline; |
my @fileext; |
my $dirptr=16384; |
my $fn="/home/httpd/lonTabs/"; |
if (-e $fn) { |
my $FH=Apache::File->new($fn); |
my @content=<$FH>; |
foreach $line (@content) { |
(my $ext,my $foo) = split /\s+/,$line; |
push @fileext,$ext; |
} |
} |
foreach $line (@packlist) { |
my ($foo,$strip) = split(/\/html/,$line); |
my @unpacklist = split (/\&/,$strip); |
my @pathfn = split (/\//,$unpacklist[0]); |
my $fndir = $pathfn[scalar(@pathfn)-1]; |
my @filecom = split (/\./,$fndir); |
my $curfext = $filecom[scalar(@filecom)-1]; |
my $fnptr = $unpacklist[3]&$dirptr; |
if ($fnptr == 0 and $unpacklist[3] ne "") { |
foreach $nextline (@fileext) { |
push @trimlist,$strip if $nextline eq $curfext; |
} |
} else { |
push @trimlist,$strip; |
} |
} |
return @trimlist; |
} |
sub display_line{ |
my ($r,$diropen,$line)=@_; |
my (@pathfn, $fndir, $fnptr, $disattr); |
my $dirptr=16384; |
my $fileclr="#ffffdd"; |
my $iconpath="/res/adm/pages/indexericons/"; |
my @filecom = split (/\&/,$line); |
my @pathcom = split (/\//,$filecom[0]); |
my $listname = $pathcom[scalar(@pathcom)-1]; |
my $fnptr = $filecom[3]&$dirptr; |
my $indent = $ENV{'dirlist.lvl'}; |
my $tabtag="</td>"; |
my $nextline; |
my $i=0; |
while ($i<=5) { |
my $key="form.attr".$i; |
$i++; |
$tabtag=join('',$tabtag,"<td bgcolor=",$fileclr,"> </td>") if $ENV{$key} == 1; |
} |
if ($filecom[1] eq "domain") { |
$r->print("<tr>"); |
$r->print("<td bgcolor=$fileclr valign=bottom><a href=$filecom[0]/><img src=$iconpath"," border=0></a>\n"); |
$r->print("Domain - $listname $tabtag</tr>"); |
return OK; |
} |
if ($filecom[1] eq "user") { |
$r->print("<tr>"); |
$r->print("<td bgcolor=$fileclr valign=bottom>\n"); |
my $count = 0; |
while ($count <= $ENV{'dirlist.lvl'}) { |
$r->print("<img src=",$iconpath,"white_space_20_22.gif border=0>\n"); |
$count++; |
} |
$r->print("<a href=$filecom[0]/><img src=$iconpath"); |
$r->print("right.gif border=0></a>\n") if $diropen == 0; |
$r->print("down.gif border=0></a>\n") if $diropen == 1; |
$r->print("<img src=",$iconpath,"quill.gif border=0>\n"); |
$r->print("$listname $tabtag</tr>"); |
return OK; |
} |
# display file |
if ($fnptr == 0 and $filecom[3] ne "") { |
my @file_ext = split (/\./,$listname); |
my $curfext = $file_ext[scalar(@file_ext)-1]; |
my $count = 0; |
$r->print("<tr><td bgcolor=$fileclr>"); |
while ($count <= $ENV{'dirlist.lvl'}) { |
$r->print("<img src=",$iconpath,"white_space_20_22.gif border=0>\n"); |
$count++; |
} |
$r->print("<img src=",$iconpath,"white_space_20_22.gif border=0>\n"); |
$r->print("<img src=$iconpath$curfext.gif border=0>\n"); |
$r->print(" <a href=$filecom[0]>",$listname,"</a> </td>"); |
$r->print("<td bgcolor=$fileclr align=right valign=bottom> ",$filecom[8]," </td>") if $ENV{'form.attr0'} == 1; |
$r->print("<td bgcolor=$fileclr valign=bottom> ".(localtime($filecom[9]))." </td>") if $ENV{'form.attr1'} == 1; |
$r->print("<td bgcolor=$fileclr valign=bottom> ".(localtime($filecom[10]))." </td>") if $ENV{'form.attr2'} == 1; |
$r->print("</tr>"); |
} |
# display directory |
if ($fnptr == $dirptr) { |
my @file_ext = split (/\./,$listname); |
my $curfext = $file_ext[scalar(@file_ext)-1]; |
$r->print("<tr><td bgcolor=$fileclr valign=bottom>"); |
my $count = 0; |
while ($count <= $ENV{'dirlist.lvl'}) { |
$r->print("<img src=",$iconpath,"white_space_20_22.gif border=0>\n"); |
$count++; |
} |
$r->print("<a href=$filecom[0]/><img src=$iconpath"); |
$r->print("right.gif border=0></a>\n") if $diropen == 0; |
$r->print("down.gif border=0></a>\n") if $diropen == 1; |
$r->print("<img src=",$iconpath,"folder.gif border=0>\n") if $diropen == 0; |
$r->print("<img src=",$iconpath," border=0>\n") if $diropen == 1; |
$r->print("$listname $tabtag</tr>"); |
} |
} |
sub display_env { |
my $r=shift; |
my %otherenv; |
my %otherenv; |
$otherenv{'hi'}='there'; |
$otherenv{'hi'}='there'; |
$otherenv{'does_this'}='work?'; |
$otherenv{'does_this'}='work?'; |
foreach $envkey (sort keys %ENV) { |
foreach $envkey (sort keys %ENV) { |
$r->print("$envkey: $ENV{$envkey}<br>\n"); |
$r->print("$envkey: $ENV{$envkey}<br>\n"); |
} |
} |
$r->print("</body></html>\n"); |
# $r->print("<hr>".&Apache::lonnet::ssi('/res/msu/korte/test.tex')); |
return OK; |
# $r->print("<hr>".join('<br>',&Apache::lonnet::dirlist('/res/msu/korte/'))); |
} |
} |
1; |
1; |
__END__ |
__END__ |