--- loncom/homework/caparesponse/caparesponse.pm 2004/03/12 21:06:19 1.141
+++ loncom/homework/caparesponse/caparesponse.pm 2004/06/02 21:23:21 1.145
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# caparesponse definition
-# $Id: caparesponse.pm,v 1.141 2004/03/12 21:06:19 albertel Exp $
+# $Id: caparesponse.pm,v 1.145 2004/06/02 21:23:21 albertel Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ sub start_numericalresponse {
my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval)=@_;
my $id = &Apache::response::start_response($parstack,$safeeval);
my $result;
+ undef %{$safeeval->varglob('LONCAPA::CAPAresponse_args')};
if ($target eq 'edit') {
@@ -122,51 +123,60 @@ sub end_numericalresponse {
my (@incorrect)=&Apache::lonxml::get_param_var('incorrect',$parstack,$safeeval);
my @values=&make_numerical_bubbles($number_of_bubbles,$target,$answers[0],$formats[0],\@incorrect);
- } else {
- $response =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- $response =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
- &Apache::lonxml::debug("current $response");
- my $expression="&caparesponse_check_list('".$response."','".
- $$parstack[-1];
+ my $args_ref= \%{$safeeval->varglob('LONCAPA::CAPAresponse_args')};
+ $$args_ref{'response'}=$response;
my $hideunit=&Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$partid.'_'.$id.'.turnoffunit');
+ foreach my $arg ('type','tol','sig','ans_fmt','unit','calc',
+ 'samples') {
+ $$args_ref{$arg}=
+ &Apache::lonxml::get_param($arg,$parstack,$safeeval);
+ }
foreach my $key (keys(%Apache::inputtags::params)) {
- $expression.= ';my $__LC__'. #'
- $key.'="'.$Apache::inputtags::params{$key}.'"';
+ $$args_ref{$key}=$Apache::inputtags::params{$key};
#no way to enter units, with radio buttons
if ($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam' ||
lc($hideunit) eq "yes") {
- $expression.=';my $__LC__unit=undef;';
+ delete($$args_ref{'unit'});
#sig fig don't make much sense either
if (($Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'exam' ||
$ENV{'form.submitted'} eq 'scantron') &&
$tag eq 'numericalresponse') {
- $expression.=';my $__LC__sig=undef;';
+ delete($$args_ref{'sig'});
if ($tag eq 'formularesponse') {
- $expression.=';my $__LC__type="fml";';
+ $$args_ref{'type'}='fml';
} elsif ($tag eq 'numericalresponse') {
- $expression.=';my $__LC__type="float";';
+ $$args_ref{'type'}='float';
- $expression.="');";
my @answer=&Apache::lonxml::get_param_var('answer',$parstack,$safeeval);
&Apache::lonxml::debug('answer is'.join(':',@answer));
- @{$safeeval->varglob('CAPARESPONSE_CHECK_LIST_answer')}=@answer;
+ @{$safeeval->varglob('LONCAPA::CAPAresponse_answer')}=@answer;
- ($result,my @msgs) = &Apache::run::run($expression,$safeeval);
+ ($result,my @msgs) =
+ &Apache::run::run("&caparesponse_check_list()",$safeeval);
&Apache::lonxml::debug('msgs are'.join(':',@msgs));
- my ($awards) = split /:/ , $result;
- ($ad) = &Apache::inputtags::finalizeawards(split /,/ , $awards);
- &Apache::lonxml::debug("$expression");
+ my ($awards)=split(/:/,$result);
+ my (@awards) = split(/,/,$awards);
+ ($ad,my $msg) = &Apache::inputtags::finalizeawards(\@awards,\@msgs);
+ &Apache::lonxml::debug('ad is'.$ad);
+ if ($ad eq 'SIG_FAIL') {
+ my ($sig_u,$sig_l)=
+ &get_sigrange($Apache::inputtags::params{'sig'});
+ $msg=join(':',$msg,$sig_l,$sig_u);
+ &Apache::lonxml::debug("sigs bad $sig_u $sig_l ".
+ $Apache::inputtags::params{'sig'});
+ }
+ $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$partid.$id.awardmsg"}=$msg;
@@ -261,7 +271,7 @@ sub end_numericalresponse {
my $cou=0;
$result.='\vskip -1 mm \noindent \begin{enumerate}\item[\textbf{'.$Apache::lonxml::counter.'}.]';
for (my $i=0;$i<$number_of_tables;$i++) {
- $result.='\vskip -1 mm \noindent \begin{tabular}{';
+ $result.='\vskip -1 mm \noindent \setlength{\tabcolsep}{2 mm}\begin{tabular}{';
for (my $ind=0;$ind<$table_range[$j];$ind++) {
$result.='p{3 mm}p{'.$celllength.' mm}';
@@ -331,7 +341,7 @@ sub end_numericalresponse {
if ($target eq 'answer') {
if ($high && $tag eq 'numericalresponse') { $ans.=' ['.$low.','.$high.']'; }
- if ($sighigh && $tag eq 'numericalresponse') {
+ if (defined($sighigh) && $tag eq 'numericalresponse') {
if ($ENV{'form.answer_output_mode'} eq 'tex') {
$ans.= " Sig $siglow - $sighigh";
} else {
@@ -517,11 +527,11 @@ sub get_sigrange {
$sig_ubound =15; #SIG_UB_DEFAULT
} else {
($sig_lbound,$sig_ubound) = split(/,/,$sig);
- if (!$sig_lbound) {
+ if (!defined($sig_lbound)) {
$sig_lbound = 0; #SIG_LB_DEFAULT
$sig_ubound =15; #SIG_UB_DEFAULT
- if (!$sig_ubound) { $sig_ubound=$sig_lbound; }
+ if (!defined($sig_ubound)) { $sig_ubound=$sig_lbound; }
if (($sig_ubound<$sig_lbound) ||
($sig_lbound > 15) ||
@@ -595,10 +605,9 @@ sub end_stringresponse {
&Apache::lonxml::debug("submitted a $response
&Apache::lonxml::debug($$parstack[-1] . "\n
- my $ad;
+ my ($ad,$msg);
if ($type eq 're' ) {
# if the RE wasn't in a var it likely got munged,
# thus grab it from the var directly
@@ -606,33 +615,34 @@ sub end_stringresponse {
# if ($testans !~ m/^\s*\$/) {
# $answer=$token->[2]->{'answer'};
# }
- ${$safeeval->varglob('LONCAPA_INTERNAL_response')}=
- $response;
- $result = &Apache::run::run('return $LONCAPA_INTERNAL_response=~m'.$answer,$safeeval);
+ ${$safeeval->varglob('LONCAPA::response')}=$response;
+ $result = &Apache::run::run('return $LONCAPA::response=~m'.$answer,$safeeval);
&Apache::lonxml::debug("current $response");
&Apache::lonxml::debug("current $answer");
$ad = ($result) ? 'APPROX_ANS' : 'INCORRECT';
} else {
- $response =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
- $response =~ s/\'/\\\'/g;
+ my $args_ref=
+ \%{$safeeval->varglob('LONCAPA::CAPAresponse_args')};
+ $$args_ref{'response'}=$response;
&Apache::lonxml::debug("current $response");
- my $expression="&caparesponse_check_list('".$response."','".
- $$parstack[-1];
+ $$args_ref{'type'}=
+ &Apache::lonxml::get_param('type',$parstack,$safeeval);
foreach my $key (keys(%Apache::inputtags::params)) {
- $expression.= ';my $'. #'
- $key.'="'.$Apache::inputtags::params{$key}.'"';
+ $$args_ref{$key}=$Apache::inputtags::params{$key};
- $expression.="');";
&Apache::lonxml::debug('answer is'.join(':',$answer));
- @{$safeeval->varglob('CAPARESPONSE_CHECK_LIST_answer')}=($answer);
- $result = &Apache::run::run($expression,$safeeval);
- my ($awards) = split /:/ , $result;
- ($ad) = &Apache::inputtags::finalizeawards(split /,/ , $awards);
- &Apache::lonxml::debug("$expression");
+ @{$safeeval->varglob('LONCAPA::CAPAresponse_answer')}=($answer);
+ ($result, my @msgs)=&Apache::run::run("&caparesponse_check_list()",$safeeval);
+ &Apache::lonxml::debug('msgs are'.join(':',@msgs));
+ my ($awards)=split(/:/,$result);
+ my (@awards) = split(/,/,$awards);
+ ($ad,$msg) = &Apache::inputtags::finalizeawards(\@awards,\@msgs);
+ $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$part.$id.awardmsg"}=$msg;
} elsif ($target eq 'web' || $target eq 'tex') {