Annotation of loncom/homework/, revision 1.58
1.1 albertel 1: # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
2: # chemical equation style response
3: #
1.58 ! foxr 4: # $Id:,v 1.57 2005/06/26 22:18:32 albertel Exp $
1.1 albertel 5: #
6: # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
7: #
8: # This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
9: #
10: # LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
11: # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
12: # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
13: # (at your option) any later version.
14: #
15: # LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
16: # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
18: # GNU General Public License for more details.
19: #
20: # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
21: # along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
22: # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
23: #
24: # /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
25: #
26: #
27: #
28: #
29: package Apache::chemresponse;
30: use strict;
31: use Apache::lonxml;
32: use Apache::lonnet;
1.55 albertel 33: use Apache::lonlocal;
1.1 albertel 34:
35: BEGIN {
1.46 albertel 36: &Apache::lonxml::register('Apache::chemresponse',('organicresponse','organicstructure','reactionresponse','chem'));
1.1 albertel 37: }
1.34 albertel 39: sub chem_standard_order {
40: my ($reaction) = @_;
41: my ($re,$pr) = split(/->|<=>/,$reaction);
42: my @reactants = split(/\s\+/,$re);
43: my @products = split(/\s\+/,$pr);
44: foreach my $substance (@reactants,@products) {
45: $substance =~ s/(\^\d*)\s+/$1_/g; # protect superscript space
46: $substance =~ s/\s*//g; # strip whitespace
47: $substance =~ s/_/ /g; # restore superscript space
48: }
49: @reactants = sort @reactants;
50: @products = sort @products;
51: my $standard = '';
52: foreach my $substance (@reactants) {
53: $standard .= $substance;
54: $standard .= ' + ';
55: }
56: $standard =~ s/ \+ $//; # get rid of trailing plus sign
57: $standard .= ' -> ';
58: foreach my $substance (@products) {
59: $standard .= $substance;
60: $standard .= ' + ';
61: }
62: $standard =~ s/ \+ $//; # get rid of trailing plus sign
63: return $standard;
64: }
1.30 www 66: sub separate_jme_window {
1.55 albertel 67: my ($smile_input,$jme_input,$molecule,$options,$shown_text)=@_;
1.2 albertel 68: my $smilesection;
69: if (defined($smile_input)) {
70: $smilesection=<<SMILESECTION;
1.21 albertel 71: smiles = document.applets.JME.smiles();
1.2 albertel 72: opener.document.lonhomework.$smile_input.value = smiles;
74: }
75: my $jmesection;
76: if (defined($jme_input)) {
77: $jmesection=<<JMESECTION;
78: jmeFile = document.applets.JME.jmeFile();
79: opener.document.lonhomework.$jme_input.value = jmeFile;
81: }
1.14 albertel 83: if ($molecule) { $molecule='<param name="jme" value="'.$molecule.'" />'; }
1.57 albertel 84: my $insert_answer;
85: if ($shown_text ne '') {
86: $insert_answer=
87: '<input type="button" name="submit" value="Insert Answer" onclick="javascript:submitSmiles();" />';
88: }
1.1 albertel 90: my $body=<<CHEMPAGE;
91: <html>
92: <head>
93: <title>Molecule Editor</title>
1.47 albertel 94: <script type="text/javascript">
1.1 albertel 95: function submitSmiles() {
1.21 albertel 96: jmeFile = document.applets.JME.jmeFile();
97: if (jmeFile == "") {
1.1 albertel 98: alert("Nothing to submit");
99: } else {
1.21 albertel 100: $jmesection
1.2 albertel 101: $smilesection
1.1 albertel 102: window.close();
103: }
104: }
105: function openHelpWindow() {
1.2 albertel 106:"/adm/jme/jme_help.html","","scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,width=500,height=600");
1.1 albertel 107: }
108: </script>
109: </head>
110: <body bgcolor="#ffffff">
111: <center>
1.27 albertel 112: <applet code="JME.class" name="JME" archive="/adm/jme/JME.jar" width="440" height="390">
1.1 albertel 113: You have to enable Java and JavaScript on your machine.
1.12 albertel 114: $molecule
1.6 albertel 115: <param name="options" value="$options" />
1.1 albertel 116: </applet><br />
1.49 albertel 117: <font face="arial,helvetica,sans-serif" size="-1"><a href="">JME Editor</a> courtesy of Peter Ertl, Novartis</font>
1.1 albertel 118: <form>
1.57 albertel 119: $insert_answer
1.1 albertel 120: <br />
1.57 albertel 121: <input type="button" value=" Close " onclick = "javascript:window.close()" />
1.1 albertel 122:
1.57 albertel 123: <input type="button" value=" Help " onclick = "javascript:openHelpWindow()" />
1.1 albertel 124: </form>
125: </center>
126: </body>
127: </html>
1.32 albertel 129: $body=&HTML::Entities::encode($body,'<>&"');
1.1 albertel 130: $body=~s/\n/ /g;
1.53 albertel 131: my $nothing=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_nothing();
1.41 www 132: my $docopen=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_docopen();
1.55 albertel 133: my $display=&mt('Draw Molecule');
134: if (defined($shown_text)) { $display=&mt($shown_text); }
1.1 albertel 135: my $result=<<CHEMINPUT;
1.55 albertel 136: <input type="button" value="$display" onclick="$nothing,'jmeedit','width=500,height=500,menubar=yes,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes');editor.$docopen;editor.document.write('$body');editor.document.close();editor.focus()" />
1.1 albertel 137: CHEMINPUT
138: return $result;
139: }
1.56 albertel 141: sub jme_img {
142: my ($jme,$smile,$width,$options)=@_;
143: my $id=&Apache::loncommon::get_cgi_id();
144: my $result='<img alt="'.$smile.'" src="/cgi-bin/'.$id.'"';
145: if ($options =~ /border/) { $result.= ' border="1"'; }
146: $result.=' />';
147: &Apache::lonnet::appenv('cgi.'.$id.'.JME' =>
148: &Apache::lonnet::escape($jme),
149: 'cgi.'.$id.'.PNG' => 1,
150: 'cgi.'.$id.'.WIDTH' => $width);
151: return $result;
152: }
1.6 albertel 154: sub start_organicresponse {
1.1 albertel 155: my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
156: my $result;
157: my $partid = $Apache::inputtags::part;
158: my $id = &Apache::response::start_response($parstack,$safeeval);
159: if ($target eq 'meta') {
1.28 albertel 160: $result=&Apache::response::meta_package_write('organicresponse');
1.1 albertel 161: } elsif ($target eq 'web') {
1.55 albertel 162: my $jmeanswer=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('jmeanswer',$parstack,
163: $safeeval);
164: if ( &Apache::response::show_answer() && $jmeanswer ne '') {
1.44 albertel 165: my $options=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('options',$parstack,
166: $safeeval);
167: my $width=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('width',$parstack,
168: $safeeval);
1.56 albertel 169: my (@answers)=&Apache::lonxml::get_param_var('answer',$parstack,
170: $safeeval);
171: $result.=&jme_img($jmeanswer,$answers[0],$width,$options);
1.1 albertel 172: } else {
1.44 albertel 173: my $molecule;
174: if (defined($Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$partid.$id.molecule"})) {
175: $molecule=$Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$partid.$id.molecule"};
176: } else {
177: $molecule=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('molecule',$parstack,
178: $safeeval);
179: }
180: my $options=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('options',$parstack,
181: $safeeval);
1.55 albertel 182: my $shown_text;
183: if (&Apache::response::show_answer()) {
184: $shown_text="Show Your Last Answer";
185: }
186: $result=&separate_jme_window("HWVAL_$id","MOLECULE_$id",$molecule,
187: $options,$shown_text);
1.44 albertel 188: $result.= '<input type="hidden" name="MOLECULE_'.$id.'" value="" />';
1.1 albertel 189: }
1.2 albertel 190: } elsif ($target eq 'edit') {
191: $result .=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token);
1.12 albertel 192: my $options=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('options',$parstack,
193: $safeeval);
194: if ($options !~ /multipart/) { $options.=',multipart'; }
1.7 albertel 195: $result .='<nobr>'.
196: &Apache::edit::text_arg('Starting Molecule:','molecule',
197: $token,40);
1.2 albertel 198: my $molecule=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('molecule',$parstack,
199: $safeeval);
1.30 www 200: $result .=&separate_jme_window(undef,
1.2 albertel 201: &Apache::edit::html_element_name('molecule'),
1.12 albertel 202: $molecule,$options);
1.7 albertel 203: $result .='</nobr><br /><nobr>';
1.2 albertel 204: $result .=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Correct Answer:','answer',
205: $token,40);
206: $result .=&Apache::edit::hidden_arg('jmeanswer',$token);
207: my $jmeanswer=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('jmeanswer',$parstack,
208: $safeeval);
1.30 www 209: $result .=&separate_jme_window(
1.2 albertel 210: &Apache::edit::html_element_name('answer'),
211: &Apache::edit::html_element_name('jmeanswer'),
1.12 albertel 212: $jmeanswer,$options);
213: $result .='</nobr><br />';
214: $result .=&Apache::edit::checked_arg('Options:','options',
1.29 www 215: [ ['autoez','Auto E,Z stereochemistry'],
1.18 albertel 216: ['multipart','Multipart Structures'],
1.12 albertel 217: ['nostereo','No stereochemistry'],
218: ['reaction','Is a reaction'],
1.18 albertel 219: ['number','Able to number atoms'] ],
1.12 albertel 220: ,$token);
1.44 albertel 221: $result .=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Width of correct answer image:',
222: 'width',$token,10);
1.2 albertel 223: $result .=&Apache::edit::end_row().&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row();
224: } elsif ($target eq 'modified') {
225: my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack,
226: $safeeval,'molecule',
1.6 albertel 227: 'answer','jmeanswer',
1.44 albertel 228: 'options','width');
1.2 albertel 229: if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); }
1.1 albertel 230: }
231: return $result;
232: }
1.6 albertel 234: sub end_organicresponse {
1.1 albertel 235: my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
236: my $result;
1.45 albertel 237: if ($target eq 'grade' && &Apache::response::submitted()) {
1.31 albertel 238: &Apache::response::setup_params($$tagstack[-1],$safeeval);
1.1 albertel 239: my $response = &Apache::response::getresponse();
240: if ( $response =~ /[^\s]/) {
241: my $partid = $Apache::inputtags::part;
242: my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1'];
1.13 albertel 243: my (@answers)=&Apache::lonxml::get_param_var('answer',$parstack,$safeeval);
1.1 albertel 244: my %previous = &Apache::response::check_for_previous($response,$partid,$id);
245: $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$partid.$id.submission"}=$response;
246: my $ad;
1.13 albertel 247: foreach my $answer (@answers) {
248: &Apache::lonxml::debug("submitted a $response for $answer<br \>\n");
249: if ($response eq $answer) {
250: $ad='EXACT_ANS';
251: last;
252: } else {
253: $ad='INCORRECT';
254: }
1.1 albertel 255: }
1.42 albertel 256: if ($ad && $Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'survey') {
257: $ad='SUBMITTED';
258: }
1.1 albertel 259: &Apache::response::handle_previous(\%previous,$ad);
260: $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$partid.$id.awarddetail"}=$ad;
1.50 albertel 261: $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$partid.$id.molecule"}=$env{"form.MOLECULE_$id"};
1.1 albertel 262: }
1.2 albertel 263: } elsif ($target eq "edit") {
264: $result.= &Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token,'');
1.15 albertel 265: } elsif ($target eq 'answer') {
266: my (@answers)=&Apache::lonxml::get_param_var('answer',$parstack,
267: $safeeval);
268: $result.=&Apache::response::answer_header('organicresponse');
269: foreach my $answer (@answers) {
270: $result.=&Apache::response::answer_part('organicresponse',$answer);
271: }
272: $result.=&Apache::response::answer_footer('organicresponse');
1.1 albertel 273: }
274: &Apache::response::end_response;
275: return $result;
276: }
1.6 albertel 278: sub start_organicstructure {
1.3 albertel 279: my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
280: my $result;
281: if ($target eq 'web') {
282: my $width=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('width',$parstack,$safeeval);
283: my $molecule=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('molecule',$parstack,$safeeval);
1.12 albertel 284: my $options=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('options',$parstack,$safeeval);
1.23 albertel 285: my $id=&Apache::loncommon::get_cgi_id();
1.19 albertel 286: $result="<img src='/cgi-bin/$id'";
287: if ($options =~ /border/) { $result.= ' border="1"'; }
288: $result.=' />';
1.16 albertel 289: &Apache::lonnet::appenv(
290: 'cgi.'.$id.'.JME' => &Apache::lonnet::escape($molecule),
1.17 albertel 291: 'cgi.'.$id.'.PNG' => 1,
1.16 albertel 292: 'cgi.'.$id.'.WIDTH' => $width );
1.17 albertel 293: } elsif ($target eq 'tex') {
1.38 albertel 294: my $texwidth=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('texwidth',$parstack,$safeeval,undef,1);
1.58 ! foxr 295: my $webwidth=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('width', $parstack, $safeeval);
! 296: my $webheight=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('height', $parstack, $safeeval);
! 297: if ($webheight) { $webheight = $webwidth; }
1.17 albertel 298: if (!$texwidth) { $texwidth='90'; }
1.58 ! foxr 299: $result = "%DYNAMICIMAGE:$webwidth:$webheight:$texwidth\n";
1.17 albertel 300: my $molecule=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('molecule',$parstack,$safeeval);
301: my $options=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('options',$parstack,$safeeval);
1.50 albertel 302: my $filename = $env{''}.'_'.$env{'user.domain'}.
1.17 albertel 303: '_'.time.'_'.$$.int(rand(1000)).'_organicstructure';
304: my $id=$filename;
305: &Apache::lonnet::appenv(
306: 'cgi.'.$id.'.JME' => &Apache::lonnet::escape($molecule),
307: 'cgi.'.$id.'.PS' => 1,
308: 'cgi.'.$id.'.WIDTH' => $texwidth );
309: $id=&Apache::lonnet::escape($id);
310: &Apache::lonxml::register_ssi("/cgi-bin/$id");
1.20 albertel 311: if ($options =~ /border/) { $result.= '\fbox{'; }
312: $result .= '\graphicspath{{/home/httpd/perl/tmp/}}\includegraphics[width='.$texwidth.' mm]{'.$filename.'.eps}';
313: if ($options =~ /border/) { $result.= '} '; }
1.3 albertel 314: } elsif ($target eq 'edit') {
315: $result .=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token);
1.22 albertel 316: $result .=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Width (pixels):','width',$token,5);
317: $result .=&Apache::edit::text_arg('TeXwidth (mm):','texwidth',$token,5);
1.12 albertel 318: $result .='<nobr>';
1.3 albertel 319: $result .=&Apache::edit::text_arg('Molecule:','molecule',$token,40);
320: my $molecule=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('molecule',$parstack,
321: $safeeval);
1.12 albertel 322: my $options=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('options',$parstack,
323: $safeeval);
324: if ($options !~ /reaction/) {
325: $options.= ',multipart,number';
326: }
1.30 www 328: $result .=&separate_jme_window(undef,
1.12 albertel 329: &Apache::edit::html_element_name('molecule'),
330: $molecule,$options);
331: $result.="</nobr><br />";
332: $result .=&Apache::edit::checked_arg('Options:','options',
1.18 albertel 333: [ ['reaction','Is a reaction'],
1.12 albertel 334: ['border','Draw a border'] ],
335: $token);
1.24 albertel 336: $result .=&Apache::edit::end_row();
1.3 albertel 337: } elsif ($target eq 'modified') {
338: my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack,
339: $safeeval,'molecule',
1.22 albertel 340: 'width','texwidth',
341: 'options');
1.3 albertel 342: if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); }
343: }
344: return $result;
1.1 albertel 345: }
1.6 albertel 347: sub end_organicstructure {
1.3 albertel 348: my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
349: my $result;
350: if ($target eq "edit") {
351: $result.= &Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token,'');
352: }
1.4 albertel 353: return $result;
354: }
1.9 albertel 356: sub edit_reaction_button {
1.11 albertel 357: my ($id,$field,$reaction)=@_;
1.10 albertel 358: my $id_es=&Apache::lonnet::escape($id);
359: my $field_es=&Apache::lonnet::escape($field);
1.11 albertel 360: my $reaction_es=&Apache::lonnet::escape($reaction);
1.41 www 361: my $docopen=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_docopen();
1.9 albertel 362: my $result=<<EDITREACTION;
1.10 albertel 363: <script type="text/javascript">
1.47 albertel 364: // <!--
1.10 albertel 365: function create_reaction_window_${id}_${field} () {
1.41 www 367: editor.$docopen;
1.37 albertel 368: editor.document.writeln('<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"><html> <head><title>LON-CAPA Reaction Editor</title></head><frameset rows="30%,*" border="0"> <frame src="/res/adm/pages/reactionresponse/reaction_viewer.html?inhibitmenu=yes" name="viewer" scrolling="no" /> <frame src="/res/adm/pages/reactionresponse/reaction_editor.html?inhibitmenu=yes&reaction=$reaction_es&id=$id_es&field=$field_es" name="editor" scrolling="no" /> </frameset> </html>');
1.10 albertel 369: }
1.47 albertel 370: // -->
1.10 albertel 371: </script>
1.47 albertel 372: <input type='button' value='Edit Answer' onclick="javascript:create_reaction_window_${id}_${field}();void(0);" />
1.9 albertel 373: EDITREACTION
374: return $result;
375: }
1.4 albertel 377: sub start_reactionresponse {
378: my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
379: my $result;
380: my $id = &Apache::response::start_response($parstack,$safeeval);
1.10 albertel 381: if ($target eq 'meta') {
1.28 albertel 382: $result=&Apache::response::meta_package_write('reactionresponse');
1.10 albertel 383: } elsif ($target eq 'web') {
1.11 albertel 384: my $partid = $Apache::inputtags::part;
385: my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1'];
386: my $reaction=$Apache::lonhomework::history{"resource.$partid.$id.submission"};
1.35 albertel 387: if ($reaction eq '') { $reaction=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('initial',$parstack,$safeeval); }
1.33 albertel 388: my $status=$Apache::inputtags::status['-1'];
389: if ($status eq 'CAN_ANSWER') {
390: $result.=&edit_reaction_button($id,"HWVAL_$id",$reaction);
391: }
392: if ( &Apache::response::show_answer() ) {
393: my $ans=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('answer',$parstack,$safeeval);
1.51 albertel 394: if (!$Apache::lonxml::default_homework_loaded) {
395: &Apache::lonxml::default_homework_load($safeeval);
396: }
397: @Apache::scripttag::parser_env = @_;
398: $Apache::inputtags::answertxt{$id}=&Apache::run::run("return &chemparse(q\0$ans\0);",$safeeval);
1.33 albertel 399: }
1.4 albertel 400: } elsif ($target eq "edit") {
1.9 albertel 401: $result .=&Apache::edit::tag_start($target,$token);
402: my $answer=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('answer',$parstack,
403: $safeeval);
1.10 albertel 404: $result .='<nobr>'.
405: &Apache::edit::text_arg('Answer:','answer',$token,40);
406: $result .=&edit_reaction_button($id,&Apache::edit::html_element_name('answer'),$answer).'</nobr>';
1.35 albertel 407: my $initial=&Apache::lonxml::get_param('initial',$parstack,$safeeval);
408: $result.='<nobr>'.
1.43 albertel 409: &Apache::edit::text_arg('Initial Reaction:','initial',$token,40);
1.35 albertel 410: $result .=&edit_reaction_button($id,&Apache::edit::html_element_name('initial'),$initial).'</nobr>';
1.10 albertel 411:
1.9 albertel 412: $result .=&Apache::edit::end_row().&Apache::edit::start_spanning_row();
1.10 albertel 413: } elsif ($target eq 'modified') {
414: my $constructtag=&Apache::edit::get_new_args($token,$parstack,
1.35 albertel 415: $safeeval,'answer',
416: 'initial');
1.10 albertel 417: if ($constructtag) { $result = &Apache::edit::rebuild_tag($token); }
1.4 albertel 418: }
419: return $result;
420: }
422: sub end_reactionresponse {
423: my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style)=@_;
424: my $result;
1.45 albertel 425: if ($target eq 'grade' && &Apache::response::submitted()) {
1.31 albertel 426: &Apache::response::setup_params($$tagstack[-1],$safeeval);
1.10 albertel 427: my $response = &Apache::response::getresponse();
428: if ( $response =~ /[^\s]/) {
429: my $partid = $Apache::inputtags::part;
430: my $id = $Apache::inputtags::response['-1'];
1.15 albertel 431: my (@answers)=&Apache::lonxml::get_param_var('answer',$parstack,$safeeval);
1.10 albertel 432: my %previous = &Apache::response::check_for_previous($response,$partid,$id);
433: $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$partid.$id.submission"}=$response;
434: my $ad;
1.13 albertel 435: foreach my $answer (@answers) {
436: &Apache::lonxml::debug("submitted a $response for $answer<br \>\n");
1.34 albertel 437: if (&chem_standard_order($response) eq
438: &chem_standard_order($answer)) {
1.13 albertel 439: $ad='EXACT_ANS';
440: } else {
441: $ad='INCORRECT';
442: }
1.10 albertel 443: }
1.42 albertel 444: if ($ad && $Apache::lonhomework::type eq 'survey') {
445: $ad='SUBMITTED';
446: }
1.10 albertel 447: &Apache::response::handle_previous(\%previous,$ad);
448: $Apache::lonhomework::results{"resource.$partid.$id.awarddetail"}=$ad;
449: }
450: } elsif ($target eq "edit") {
1.4 albertel 451: $result.= &Apache::edit::tag_end($target,$token,'');
1.15 albertel 452: } elsif ($target eq 'answer') {
453: my (@answers)=&Apache::lonxml::get_param_var('answer',$parstack,
454: $safeeval);
455: $result.=&Apache::response::answer_header('reactionresponse');
456: foreach my $answer (@answers) {
457: $result.=&Apache::response::answer_part('reactionresponse',
458: $answer);
459: }
460: $result.=&Apache::response::answer_footer('reactionresponse');
1.4 albertel 461: }
462: &Apache::response::end_response;
1.3 albertel 463: return $result;
1.1 albertel 464: }
1.46 albertel 466: sub start_chem {
467: my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style) = @_;
468: my $result = '';
1.48 albertel 469: my $inside = &Apache::lonxml::get_all_text_unbalanced("/chem",$parser);
1.46 albertel 470: if ($target eq 'tex' || $target eq 'web') {
1.48 albertel 471: $inside=&Apache::run::evaluate($inside,$safeeval,$$parstack[-1]);
472: if (!$Apache::lonxml::default_homework_loaded) {
473: &Apache::lonxml::default_homework_load($safeeval);
474: }
475: @Apache::scripttag::parser_env = @_;
476: $result=&Apache::run::run("return &chemparse(q\0$inside\0);",$safeeval);
1.46 albertel 477: }
478: return $result;
479: }
481: sub end_chem {
482: my ($target,$token,$tagstack,$parstack,$parser,$safeeval,$style) = @_;
483: my $result = '';
484: return $result;
485: }
1.1 albertel 487: 1;
488: __END__
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