version 1.37, 2002/07/08 21:18:54
version 1.38, 2002/07/10 21:08:38
Line 40 use Apache::lonxml;
Line 40 use Apache::lonxml;
use Apache::lonnet; |
use Apache::lonnet; |
use Apache::loncommon; |
use Apache::loncommon; |
use Apache::lonhomework; |
use Apache::lonhomework; |
use Apache::lonmsg qw(:user_normal_msg); |
use Apache::Constants qw(:common); |
use Apache::Constants qw(:common); |
use Time::HiRes qw( gettimeofday tv_interval ); |
sub moreinfo { |
sub moreinfo { |
my ($request,$reason) = @_; |
my ($request,$reason) = @_; |
} |
} |
$request->print('<input type="hidden" name="command" value="processGroup" />'."\n"); |
$request->print('<input type="hidden" name="command" value="processGroup" />'."\n"); |
my $t0=&Time::HiRes::time(); |
my ($classlist) = &getclasslist($getsec,'0'); |
my ($classlist) = &getclasslist($getsec,'0'); |
my $t1=&Time::HiRes::time(); |
print "getclasslist=",$t1-$t0,"<br />"; |
foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{$getsec} }) ) { |
foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{$getsec} }) ) { |
my ($sname,$sdom) = split(/:/,$student); |
my ($sname,$sdom) = split(/:/,$student); |
my ($type,$status) = &student_gradeStatus($ENV{'form.url'},$cdom,$sname); |
my ($type,$status) = &student_gradeStatus($ENV{'form.url'},$cdom,$sname); |
$request->print('</tr>'); |
$request->print('</tr>'); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
my $t2=&Time::HiRes::time(); |
print "processclasslist=",$t2-$t1,"<br />"; |
$request->print('</table></td></tr></table>'); |
$request->print('</table></td></tr></table>'); |
$request->print('<input type="submit" name="submit" value="View/Grade" /><form />'); |
$request->print('<input type="submit" name="submit" value="View/Grade" /><form />'); |
} |
} |
Line 291 sub viewstudentgrade {
Line 300 sub viewstudentgrade {
$result.="</select></td>\n"; |
$result.="</select></td>\n"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$result.='<td></td></tr>'; |
$result.='</td></tr>'; |
return $result; |
return $result; |
} |
} |
Line 352 sub setstudentgrade {
Line 361 sub setstudentgrade {
sub submission { |
sub submission { |
my ($request,$counter,$total) = @_; |
my ($request,$counter,$total) = @_; |
if ($counter == 0) { |
$request->print(<<SUBJAVASCRIPT); |
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> |
function updateRadio(radioButton,formtextbox,formsel,wgt) { |
var pts = formtextbox.value; |
var resetbox =false; |
if (isNaN(pts) || pts < 0) { |
alert("A number equal or greater than 0 is expected. Entered value = "+pts); |
for (var i=0; i<radioButton.length; i++) { |
if (radioButton[i].checked) { |
formtextbox.value = i; |
resetbox = true; |
} |
} |
if (!resetbox) { |
formtextbox.value = ""; |
} |
return; |
} |
for (var i=0; i<radioButton.length; i++) { |
radioButton[i].checked=false; |
if (pts == i) { |
radioButton[i].checked=true; |
} |
} |
updateSelect(formsel,pts,wgt); |
} |
function writeBox(formrad,formsel,pts,wgt) { |
formrad.value = pts; |
updateSelect(formsel,pts,wgt); |
return; |
} |
function updateSelect(formsel,pts,wgt) { |
if (pts == 0) { |
formsel[1].selected = true; |
} |
if (pts > 0 && pts < wgt) { |
formsel[4].selected = true; |
} |
if (pts == wgt) { |
formsel[0].selected = true; |
} |
return; |
} |
function keywords(keyform) { |
var keywds = keyform.value; |
var nret = prompt("Keywords list, separated by a space. Add/delete to list if desired.",keywds); |
if (nret==null) return; |
keyform.value = nret; |
return; |
} |
//===================== Script to add keyword(s) ================== |
function getSel() { |
if (document.getSelection) txt = document.getSelection(); |
else if (document.selection) txt = document.selection.createRange().text; |
else return; |
var cleantxt = txt.replace(new RegExp('([\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v ])+', 'g')," "); |
if (cleantxt=="") { |
alert("Select a word or group of words from document and then click this link."); |
return; |
} |
var nret = prompt("Add selection to keyword list?",cleantxt); |
if (nret==null) return; |
var curlist = document.SCORE.keywords.value; |
document.SCORE.keywords.value = curlist+" "+nret; |
return; |
} |
//====================== Script for composing message ============== |
function msgCenter(msgform,usrctr,fullname) { |
var Nmsg = msgform.savemsgN.value; |
savedMsgHeader(Nmsg,usrctr,fullname); |
var subject = msgform.msgsub.value; |
var rtrchk = eval("document.SCORE.includemsg"+usrctr); |
var msgchk = rtrchk.value; |
// alert("checked=>"+msgchk); |
re = /msgsub/; |
var shwsel = ""; |
if (re.test(msgchk)) { shwsel = "checked" } |
displaySubject(subject,shwsel); |
for (var i=1; i<=Nmsg; i++) { |
var testpt = "savemsg"+i+","; |
re = /testpt/; |
shwsel = ""; |
if (re.test(msgchk)) { shwsel = "checked" } |
var message = eval("document.SCORE.savemsg"+i+".value"); |
displaySavedMsg(i,message,shwsel); |
} |
newmsg = eval("document.SCORE.newmsg"+usrctr+".value"); |
shwsel = ""; |
re = /newmsg/; |
if (re.test(msgchk)) { shwsel = "checked" } |
newMsg(newmsg,shwsel); |
msgTail(); |
return; |
} |
function savedMsgHeader(Nmsg,usrctr,fullname) { |
var height = 30*Nmsg+250; |
var scrollbar = "no"; |
if (height > 600) { |
height = 600; |
scrollbar = "yes"; |
} |
/* if (window.pWin) |
window.pWin.close(); */ |
pWin ='', 'MessageCenter', 'toolbar=no,location=no,scrollbars='+scrollbar+',width=600,height='+height); |
pWin.document.write("<html><head>"); |
pWin.document.write("<title>Message Central</title>"); |
pWin.document.write("<script language=javascript>"); |
pWin.document.write("function checkInput() {"); |
pWin.document.write(" opener.document.SCORE.msgsub.value = document.msgcenter.msgsub.value;"); |
pWin.document.write(" var nmsg = opener.document.SCORE.savemsgN.value;"); |
pWin.document.write(" var usrctr = document.msgcenter.usrctr.value;"); |
pWin.document.write(" var newval = eval(\\"opener.document.SCORE.newmsg\\"+usrctr);"); |
pWin.document.write(" newval.value = document.msgcenter.newmsg.value;"); |
pWin.document.write(" var msgchk = \\"\\";"); |
pWin.document.write(" if (document.msgcenter.subchk.checked) {"); |
pWin.document.write(" msgchk = \\"msgsub,\\";"); |
pWin.document.write(" }"); |
pWin.document.write( "for (var i=1; i<=nmsg; i++) {"); |
pWin.document.write(" var opnmsg = eval(\\"opener.document.SCORE.savemsg\\"+i);"); |
pWin.document.write(" var frmmsg = eval(\\"document.msgcenter.msg\\"+i);"); |
pWin.document.write(" opnmsg.value = frmmsg.value;"); |
pWin.document.write(" var chkbox = eval(\\"document.msgcenter.msgn\\"+i);"); |
pWin.document.write(" if (chkbox.checked) {"); |
pWin.document.write(" msgchk += \\"savemsg\\"+i+\\",\\";"); |
pWin.document.write(" }"); |
pWin.document.write(" }"); |
pWin.document.write(" if (document.msgcenter.newmsgchk.checked) {"); |
pWin.document.write(" msgchk += \\"newmsg\\"+usrctr;"); |
pWin.document.write(" }"); |
pWin.document.write(" var includemsg = eval(\\"opener.document.SCORE.includemsg\\"+usrctr);"); |
pWin.document.write(" includemsg.value = msgchk;"); |
// pWin.document.write(" alert(\\"slected=\\"+msgchk)"); |
pWin.document.write(" self.close()"); |
pWin.document.write("}"); |
pWin.document.write("<"); |
pWin.document.write("/script>"); |
pWin.document.write("</head><body bgcolor=white>"); |
pWin.document.write("<form action=\\"inactive\\" name=\\"msgcenter\\">"); |
pWin.document.write("<input value=\\""+usrctr+"\\" name=\\"usrctr\\" type=\\"hidden\\">"); |
pWin.document.write("<font color=\\"green\\" size=+1> Compose Message for \"+fullname+\"</font><br><br>"); |
pWin.document.write("<table border=0 width=100%><tr><td bgcolor=\\"#777777\\">"); |
pWin.document.write("<table border=0 width=100%><tr bgcolor=\\"#ddffff\\">"); |
pWin.document.write("<td><b>Type</b></td><td><b>Include</b></td><td><b>Message</td></tr>"); |
} |
function displaySubject(msg,shwsel) { |
pWin.document.write("<tr bgcolor=\\"#ffffdd\\">"); |
pWin.document.write("<td>Subject</td>"); |
pWin.document.write("<td align=\\"center\\"><input name=\\"subchk\\" type=\\"checkbox\\"" +shwsel+"></td>"); |
pWin.document.write("<td><input name=\\"msgsub\\" type=\\"text\\" value=\\""+msg+" \\"size=\\"60\\" maxlength=\\"80\\"></td></tr>"); |
} |
function displaySavedMsg(ctr,msg,shwsel) { |
pWin.document.write("<tr bgcolor=\\"#ffffdd\\">"); |
pWin.document.write("<td align=\\"center\\">"+ctr+"</td>"); |
pWin.document.write("<td align=\\"center\\"><input name=\\"msgn"+ctr+"\\" type=\\"checkbox\\"" +shwsel+"></td>"); |
pWin.document.write("<td><input name=\\"msg"+ctr+"\\" type=\\"text\\" value=\\""+msg+" \\" size=\\"60\\" maxlength=\\"80\\"></td></tr>"); |
} |
function newMsg(newmsg,shwsel) { |
pWin.document.write("<tr bgcolor=\\"#ffffdd\\">"); |
pWin.document.write("<td align=\\"center\\">New</td>"); |
pWin.document.write("<td align=\\"center\\"><input name=\\"newmsgchk\\" type=\\"checkbox\\"" +shwsel+"></td>"); |
pWin.document.write("<td><input name=\\"newmsg\\" type=\\"text\\" value=\\""+newmsg+" \\" size=\\"60\\" maxlength=\\"80\\"></td></tr>"); |
} |
function msgTail() { |
pWin.document.write("</table>"); |
pWin.document.write("</td></tr></table> "); |
pWin.document.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"Save\\" onClick=\\"javascript:checkInput()\\"> "); |
pWin.document.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"Cancel\\" onClick=\\"self.close()\\"><br><br>"); |
pWin.document.write("</form>"); |
pWin.document.write("</body></html>"); |
} |
//====================== Script for keyword highlight options ============== |
function kwhighlight() { |
var kwclr = document.SCORE.kwclr.value; |
var kwsize = document.SCORE.kwsize.value; |
var kwstyle = document.SCORE.kwstyle.value; |
var redsel = ""; |
var grnsel = ""; |
var blusel = ""; |
if (kwclr=="red") {var redsel="checked"}; |
if (kwclr=="green") {var grnsel="checked"}; |
if (kwclr=="blue") {var blusel="checked"}; |
var sznsel = ""; |
var sz1sel = ""; |
var sz2sel = ""; |
if (kwsize=="0") {var sznsel="checked"}; |
if (kwsize=="+1") {var sz1sel="checked"}; |
if (kwsize=="+2") {var sz2sel="checked"}; |
var synsel = ""; |
var syisel = ""; |
var sybsel = ""; |
if (kwstyle=="") {var synsel="checked"}; |
if (kwstyle=="<i>") {var syisel="checked"}; |
if (kwstyle=="<b>") {var sybsel="checked"}; |
highlightCentral(); |
highlightbody('red','red',redsel,'0','normal',sznsel,'','normal',synsel); |
highlightbody('green','green',grnsel,'+1','+1',sz1sel,'<i>','italic',syisel); |
highlightbody('blue','blue',blusel,'+2','+2',sz2sel,'<b>','bold',sybsel); |
highlightend(); |
return; |
} |
function highlightCentral() { |
hwdWin ='', 'KeywordHighlightCentral', 'toolbar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no,width=400,height=300'); |
hwdWin.document.write("<html><head>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<title>Highlight Central</title>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<script language=javascript>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("function updateChoice() {"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" opener.document.SCORE.kwclr.value = radioSelection(document.hlCenter.kwdclr);"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" opener.document.SCORE.kwsize.value = radioSelection(document.hlCenter.kwdsize);"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" opener.document.SCORE.kwstyle.value = radioSelection(document.hlCenter.kwdstyle);"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" self.close()"); |
hwdWin.document.write("}"); |
hwdWin.document.write("function radioSelection(radioButton) {"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" var selection=null;"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" for (var i=0; i<radioButton.length; i++) {"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" if (radioButton[i].checked) {"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" selection=radioButton[i].value;"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" return selection;"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" }"); |
hwdWin.document.write(" }"); |
hwdWin.document.write("}"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<"); |
hwdWin.document.write("/script>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("</head><body bgcolor=white>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<form action=\\"inactive\\" name=\\"hlCenter\\">"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<font color=\\"green\\" size=+1> Keyword Highlight Options</font><br><br>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<table border=0 width=100%><tr><td bgcolor=\\"#777777\\">"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<table border=0 width=100%><tr bgcolor=\\"#ddffff\\">"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<td><b>Text Color</b></td><td><b>Font Size</b></td><td><b>Font Style</td></tr>"); |
} |
function highlightbody(clrval,clrtxt,clrsel,szval,sztxt,szsel,syval,sytxt,sysel) { |
hwdWin.document.write("<tr bgcolor=\\"#ffffdd\\">"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<td align=\\"left\\">"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<input name=\\"kwdclr\\" type=\\"radio\\" value=\\""+clrval+"\\" "+clrsel+"> "+clrtxt+"</td>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<td align=\\"left\\">"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<input name=\\"kwdsize\\" type=\\"radio\\" value=\\""+szval+"\\" "+szsel+"> "+sztxt+"</td>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<td align=\\"left\\">"); |
hwdWin.document.write("<input name=\\"kwdstyle\\" type=\\"radio\\" value=\\""+syval+"\\" "+sysel+"> "+sytxt+"</td>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("</tr>"); |
} |
function highlightend() { |
hwdWin.document.write("</table>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("</td></tr></table> "); |
hwdWin.document.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"Set Options\\" onClick=\\"javascript:updateChoice()\\"> "); |
hwdWin.document.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"Cancel\\" onClick=\\"self.close()\\"><br><br>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("</form>"); |
hwdWin.document.write("</body></html>"); |
} |
</script> |
} |
(my $url=$ENV{'form.url'})=~s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--; |
(my $url=$ENV{'form.url'})=~s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--; |
if ($ENV{'form.student'} eq '') { &moreinfo($request,'Need student login id'); return ''; } |
if ($ENV{'form.student'} eq '') { &moreinfo($request,'Need student login id'); return ''; } |
my ($uname,$udom) = &finduser($ENV{'form.student'}); |
my ($uname,$udom) = &finduser($ENV{'form.student'}); |
# header info |
# header info |
if ($counter == 0) { |
if ($counter == 0) { |
&sub_page_js($request); |
$request->print('<h2> <font color="#339933">Submission Record</font></h2>'. |
$request->print('<h2> <font color="#339933">Submission Record</font></h2>'. |
'<font size=+1> <b>Resource: </b>'.$url.'</font>'); |
'<font size=+1> <b>Resource: </b>'.$url.'</font>'); |
} |
# option to display problem, only once else it cause problems with the form later since the problem has a form. |
# option to display problem, only once else it cause problems with the form later |
if ($ENV{'form.vProb'} eq 'yes' && $counter == 0) { |
# since the problem has a form. |
my $rendered=&Apache::loncommon::get_student_view($symb,$uname,$udom, |
if ($ENV{'form.vProb'} eq 'yes') { |
$ENV{''}); |
my $rendered=&Apache::loncommon::get_student_view($symb,$uname,$udom, |
my $companswer=&Apache::loncommon::get_student_answers($symb,$uname,$udom, |
$ENV{''}); |
$ENV{''}); |
my $companswer=&Apache::loncommon::get_student_answers($symb,$uname,$udom, |
my $result.='<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'; |
$ENV{''}); |
$result.='<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#e6ffff">'; |
my $result.='<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'; |
$result.='<b>Student\'s view of the problem</b></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff">'.$rendered.'<br />'; |
$result.='<table border="0" width="100%"><tr><td bgcolor="#e6ffff">'; |
$result.='<b>Correct answer:</b><br />'.$companswer; |
$result.='<b>Student\'s view of the problem</b></td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff">'.$rendered.'<br />'; |
$result.='</td></tr></table>'; |
$result.='<b>Correct answer:</b><br />'.$companswer; |
$result.='</td></tr></table><br />'; |
$result.='</td></tr></table>'; |
$request->print($result); |
$result.='</td></tr></table><br />'; |
} |
$request->print($result); |
} |
# kwclr is the only variable that is non blank if this has been used once. |
my %keyhash = (); |
if ($ENV{'form.kwclr'} eq '') { |
%keyhash = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_handgrade', |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.num'}); |
my $loginuser = $ENV{''}.':'.$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
$ENV{'form.keywords'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} : ''; |
$ENV{'form.kwclr'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} : 'red'; |
$ENV{'form.kwsize'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} : '0'; |
$ENV{'form.kwstyle'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} : ''; |
$ENV{'form.msgsub'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_subject'} ne '' ? |
$keyhash{$symb.'_subject'} : &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'title'); |
$ENV{'form.savemsgN'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'} : '0'; |
# beginning of form |
if ($counter == 0) { |
my %keyhash = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_handgrade', |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.num'}); |
my $loginuser = $ENV{''}.':'.$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
# if the handgrade db has never being initialized then set some default values |
if ($keyhash{$symb.'_handgrade'} eq '') { |
$keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} = ''; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_subject'} = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'title'); |
$keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} eq '' ? 'red' : $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'}; |
$keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} eq '' ? '0' : $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'}; |
$keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} eq '' ? '' : $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'}; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'} = '0'; |
} |
} |
$request->print('<form action="/adm/grades" method="post" name="SCORE">'."\n". |
$request->print('<form action="/adm/grades" method="post" name="SCORE">'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="command" value="handgrade" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$url.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$url.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="vProb" value="'.$ENV{'form.vProb'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="vProb" value="'.$ENV{'form.vProb'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="submitonly" value="'.$ENV{'form.submitonly'}.'">'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="submitonly" value="'.$ENV{'form.submitonly'}.'">'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="response" value="'.$ENV{'form.response'}.'">'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="response" value="'.$ENV{'form.response'}.'">'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="handgrade" value="'.$ENV{'form.handgrade'}.'">'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="handgrade" value="'.$ENV{'form.handgrade'}.'">'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="command" value="handgrade" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="keywords" value="'.$ENV{'form.keywords'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="keywords" value="'.$keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="kwclr" value="'.$ENV{'form.kwclr'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="kwclr" value="'.$keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="kwsize" value="'.$ENV{'form.kwsize'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="kwsize" value="'.$keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="kwstyle" value="'.$ENV{'form.kwstyle'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="kwstyle" value="'.$keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="msgsub" value="'.$ENV{'form.msgsub'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="msgsub" value="'.$keyhash{$symb.'_subject'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="savemsgN" value="'.$ENV{'form.savemsgN'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="savemsgN" value="'.$keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'}.'" />'."\n". |
'<input type="hidden" name="NCT"'. |
'<input type="hidden" name="NCT"'. |
' value="'.($ENV{'form.NTSTU'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.NTSTU'} : $total+1).'" />'."\n"); |
' value="'.($ENV{'form.NTSTU'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.NTSTU'} : $total+1).'" />'."\n"); |
my ($cts,$prnmsg) = (1,''); |
my ($cts,$prnmsg) = (1,''); |
while ($cts <= $keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'}) { |
while ($cts <= $ENV{'form.savemsgN'}) { |
$prnmsg.='<input type="hidden" name="savemsg'.$cts.'" value="'.$keyhash{$symb.'_savemsg'.$cts}.'" />'."\n"; |
$prnmsg.='<input type="hidden" name="savemsg'.$cts.'" value="'. |
($keyhash{$symb.'_savemsg'.$cts} eq '' ? $ENV{'form.savemsg'.$cts} : $keyhash{$symb.'_savemsg'.$cts}). |
'" />'."\n"; |
$cts++; |
$cts++; |
} |
} |
$request->print($prnmsg); |
$request->print($prnmsg); |
if ($ENV{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes') { |
if ($ENV{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes') { |
$request->print(<<KEYWORDS); |
$request->print(<<KEYWORDS); |
<b>Keyword Options</b> |
<b>Keyword Options:</b> |
<a href="javascript:keywords(document.SCORE.keywords)"; TARGET=_self>Keyword List</a> |
<a href="javascript:keywords(document.SCORE.keywords)"; TARGET=_self>List</a> |
<a href="#" onMouseDown="javascript:getSel(); return false" |
<a href="#" onMouseDown="javascript:getSel(); return false" |
CLASS="page">Paste Selection to Keyword list</a> |
CLASS="page">Paste Selection to List</a> |
<a href="javascript:kwhighlight()"; TARGET=_self>Keyword Highlight Attribute</a><br /><br /> |
<a href="javascript:kwhighlight()"; TARGET=_self>Highlight Attribute</a><br /><br /> |
} |
} |
} |
} |
# Student info |
# Student info |
$request->print(($counter == 0 ? '' : '<br /><hr><br />')); |
$request->print(($counter == 0 ? '' : '<br />')); |
my $fullname = ($ENV{'form.fullname'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.fullname'} : &get_fullname($uname,$udom)); |
my $fullname = ($ENV{'form.fullname'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.fullname'} : &get_fullname($uname,$udom)); |
my $result.='<table border="0"><tr><td><b>Username: </b>'.$uname. |
my $result.='<table border="0" width=100%><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'. |
'<table border="0" width=100%><tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td>'; |
$result.='<table border="0"><tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td><b>Username: </b>'.$uname. |
'</td><td><b>Fullname: </b>'.$fullname. |
'</td><td><b>Fullname: </b>'.$fullname. |
'</td><td><b>Domain: </b>'.$udom.'</td></tr>'; |
'</td><td><b>Domain: </b>'.$udom.'</td></tr>'; |
if ($ENV{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes') { |
if ($ENV{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes') { |
# } |
# } |
# push @collaborators,'leede','carlandmm','freyniks'; # as a test to display collaborators. |
# push @collaborators,'leede','carlandmm','freyniks'; # as a test to display collaborators. |
if (scalar(@collaborators) != 0) { |
if (scalar(@collaborators) != 0) { |
$result.='<tr><td colspan=3><b>Collaborators: </b>'; |
$result.='<tr bgcolor="#ffffff"><td colspan=3><b>Collaborators: </b>'; |
foreach (@collaborators) { |
foreach (@collaborators) { |
$result.=$_.' ('.&get_fullname($_,$udom).') '; |
$result.=$_.' ('.&get_fullname($_,$udom).') '; |
} |
} |
$result.='</table>'."\n"; |
$result.='</table>'."\n"; |
$request->print($result); |
$request->print($result); |
# print student answer |
# print student answer |
if ($ENV{'form.lastSub'} eq 'lastonly') { |
if ($ENV{'form.lastSub'} eq 'lastonly') { |
my ($string,$timestamp)=&get_last_submission ($symb,$uname,$udom,$ENV{''}); |
my ($string,$timestamp)=&get_last_submission ($symb,$uname,$udom,$ENV{''}); |
$string=&keywords_highlight($string); |
$string=&keywords_highlight(join('::::',@$string)); |
my $lastsubonly='<table border="0" width=100%><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'; |
my $lastsubonly='<table border="0" width=100%><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'; |
$lastsubonly.='<table border="0" width=100%><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff">'; |
$lastsubonly.='<table border="0" width=100%><tr bgcolor="#ddffff">'; |
$lastsubonly.='<td><b>Last Submission Only</b>'. |
$lastsubonly.='<td><b>Last Submission Only</b>'. |
($timestamp eq '' ? '' : ' <b>Date Submitted:</b> '.$timestamp).'</td></tr>'; |
($timestamp eq '' ? '' : ' <b>Date Submitted:</b> '.@$timestamp).'</td></tr>'; |
$lastsubonly.='<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffe6">'; |
$lastsubonly.='<tr><td bgcolor="#ffffe6">'; |
$lastsubonly.=$string; |
$lastsubonly.=$string; |
$lastsubonly.='</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'."\n"; |
$lastsubonly.='</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'."\n"; |
$result.='<td>/'.$wgt.' '.$wgtmsg.' </td><td>'; |
$result.='<td>/'.$wgt.' '.$wgtmsg.' </td><td>'; |
foreach my $part (&getpartlist($url)) { |
foreach my $part (&getpartlist($url)) { |
print "parts=$part<br>"; |
my ($temp,$part,$type)=split(/_/,$part); |
my ($temp,$part,$type)=split(/_/,$part); |
if ($type eq 'solved') { |
if ($type eq 'solved') { |
my ($status,$foo)=split(/_/,$record{"resource.$part.$type"},2); |
my ($status,$foo)=split(/_/,$record{"resource.$part.$type"},2); |
$optsel =~ s/<option>$status/<option selected="on">$status/; |
$optsel =~ s/<option>$status/<option selected="on">$status/; |
$result.=$optsel; |
$result.=$optsel; |
$result.="</select>  \n"; |
$result.="</select>  \n"; |
$result.='<a href="javascript:msgCenter(document.SCORE,'.$counter. |
',\''.$fullname.'\')"; TARGET=_self>Compose Message</a></td></tr>'."\n"; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$result.='</table>'; |
$result.='<a href="javascript:msgCenter(document.SCORE,'.$counter. |
',\''.$fullname.'\')"; TARGET=_self>Compose Message</a></td></tr></table>'."\n"; |
# $result.='</table>'; |
$result.='</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'; |
$request->print($result); |
$request->print($result); |
# print end of form |
# print end of form |
$endform.='</td><tr></table></form>'; |
$endform.='</td><tr></table></form>'; |
$request->print($endform); |
$request->print($endform); |
} |
} |
return ''; |
return ''; |
} |
} |
sub get_last_submission { |
sub get_last_submission { |
my ($symb,$username,$domain,$course)=@_; |
my ($symb,$username,$domain,$course)=@_; |
if ($symb) { |
if ($symb) { |
my ($string,$timestamp); |
my (@string,@timestamp); |
my (%returnhash)=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$course,$domain,$username); |
my (%returnhash)=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$course,$domain,$username); |
if ($returnhash{'version'}) { |
if ($returnhash{'version'}) { |
my %lasthash=(); |
my %lasthash=(); |
Line 848 sub get_last_submission {
Line 585 sub get_last_submission {
} |
} |
} |
} |
foreach ((keys %lasthash)) { |
foreach ((keys %lasthash)) { |
if ($_ =~ /\.submission$/) {$string = $lasthash{$_}} |
print "lasthash key=$_<br>"; |
if ($_ =~ /timestamp/) {$timestamp=scalar(localtime($lasthash{$_}))}; |
if ($_ =~ /\.submission$/) {push @string, $_,$lasthash{$_}} |
if ($_ =~ /timestamp/) {push @timestamp, scalar(localtime($lasthash{$_}))}; |
# if ($_ =~ /\.submission$/) {$string = $lasthash{$_}} |
# if ($_ =~ /timestamp/) {$timestamp=scalar(localtime($lasthash{$_}))}; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$string = $string eq '' ? 'Nothing submitted - no attempts.' : $string; |
@string = $string[0] eq '' ? 'Nothing submitted - no attempts.' : @string; |
return $string,$timestamp; |
return \@string,\@timestamp; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
sub keywords_highlight { |
sub keywords_highlight { |
my $string = shift; |
my $string = shift; |
(my $url=$ENV{'form.url'})=~s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--; |
my $size = $ENV{'form.kwsize'} eq '0' ? '' : 'size='.$ENV{'form.kwsize'}; |
my $symb=($ENV{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url))); |
my $styleon = $ENV{'form.kwstyle'} eq '' ? '' : $ENV{'form.kwstyle'}; |
my $loginuser = $ENV{''}.':'.$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
my @kwkeys = ($symb.'_keywords', |
$loginuser.'_kwclr', |
$loginuser.'_kwsize', |
$loginuser.'_kwstyle' |
); |
my %keyhash = &Apache::lonnet::get |
('nohist_handgrade',\@kwkeys, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.num'}); |
my @keylist = split(/[,\s+]/,$keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'}); |
my $size = $keyhash{$kwkeys[2]} eq '0' ? '' : 'size='.$keyhash{$kwkeys[2]}; |
my $styleon = $keyhash{$kwkeys[3]} eq '' ? '' : $keyhash{$kwkeys[3]}; |
(my $styleoff = $styleon) =~ s/\</\<\//; |
(my $styleoff = $styleon) =~ s/\</\<\//; |
foreach my $word (@keylist) { |
my @keylist = split(/[,\s+]/,$ENV{'form.keywords'}); |
next if ($word eq ''); |
foreach (@keylist) { |
$string =~ s/\b$word(\b|\.)/\<font color\=$keyhash{$kwkeys[1]} $size\>$styleon$word$styleoff\<\/font\>/gi; |
# next if ($_ eq ''); |
$string =~ s/\b$_(\b|\.)/\<font color\=$ENV{'form.kwclr'} $size\>$styleon$_$styleoff\<\/font\>/gi; |
} |
} |
return $string; |
return $string; |
} |
} |
Line 894 sub processHandGrade {
Line 620 sub processHandGrade {
my $loginuser = $ENV{''}.':'.$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
my $loginuser = $ENV{''}.':'.$ENV{'user.domain'}; |
my %keyhash = (); |
my %keyhash = (); |
$ENV{'form.keywords'} =~ s/,\s{0,}|\s+/ /g; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_handgrade'} = 'activated'; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_handgrade'} = 'activated'; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} = $ENV{'form.keywords'}; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} = $ENV{'form.keywords'}; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_subject'} = $ENV{'form.msgsub'}; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_subject'} = $ENV{'form.msgsub'}; |
Line 913 sub processHandGrade {
Line 640 sub processHandGrade {
while ($ctr < $ngrade) { |
while ($ctr < $ngrade) { |
if ($ENV{'form.newmsg'.$ctr} ne '') { |
if ($ENV{'form.newmsg'.$ctr} ne '') { |
$keyhash{$symb.'_savemsg'.$idx} = $ENV{'form.newmsg'.$ctr}; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_savemsg'.$idx} = $ENV{'form.newmsg'.$ctr}; |
$ENV{'form.savemsg'.$idx} = $ENV{'form.newmsg'.$ctr}; |
$idx++; |
$idx++; |
} |
} |
$ctr++; |
$ctr++; |
} |
} |
$ENV{'form.savemsgN'} = --$idx; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'} = --$idx; |
$keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'} = $ENV{'form.savemsgN'}; |
my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put |
my $putresult = &Apache::lonnet::put |
('nohist_handgrade',\%keyhash, |
('nohist_handgrade',\%keyhash, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}, |
$ENV{'course.'.$ENV{''}.'.domain'}, |
Line 931 sub processHandGrade {
Line 659 sub processHandGrade {
while ($ctr < $ngrade) { |
while ($ctr < $ngrade) { |
my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$ENV{'form.unamedom'.$ctr}); |
my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$ENV{'form.unamedom'.$ctr}); |
&saveHandGrade($url,$symb,$uname,$udom,$ctr,@parts); |
&saveHandGrade($url,$symb,$uname,$udom,$ctr,@parts); |
my $includemsg = $ENV{'form.includemsg'.$ctr}; |
my ($subject,$message,$msgstatus) = ('','',''); |
if ($includemsg =~ /savemsg|new$ctr/) { |
$subject = $ENV{'form.msgsub'} if ($includemsg =~ /^msgsub/); |
my (@msgnum) = split(/,/,$includemsg); |
foreach (@msgnum) { |
$message.=$ENV{'form.'.$_} if ($_ =~ /savemsg|newmsg/ && $_ ne ''); |
} |
$message =~ s/\s+/ /g; |
$msgstatus = &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg ($uname,$udom,$ENV{'form.msgsub'},$message); |
} |
if ($ENV{'form.collaborator'.$ctr}) { |
if ($ENV{'form.collaborator'.$ctr}) { |
my (@collaborators) = split(/:/,$ENV{'form.collaborator'.$ctr}); |
my (@collaborators) = split(/:/,$ENV{'form.collaborator'.$ctr}); |
foreach (@collaborators) { |
foreach (@collaborators) { |
&saveHandGrade($url,$symb,$_,$udom,$ctr,@parts); |
&saveHandGrade($url,$symb,$_,$udom,$ctr,@parts); |
if ($message ne '') { |
$msgstatus = &Apache::lonmsg::user_normal_msg ($uname,$udom,$ENV{'form.msgsub'},$message); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
$ctr++; |
$ctr++; |
Line 944 sub processHandGrade {
Line 687 sub processHandGrade {
my $laststu = $ENV{'form.unamedom'.($ngrade-1)}; |
my $laststu = $ENV{'form.unamedom'.($ngrade-1)}; |
my ($classlist) = &getclasslist($ENV{'form.section'},'0'); |
my ($classlist) = &getclasslist($ENV{'form.section'},'0'); |
# print "first=$firststu,last=$laststu<br>"; |
my (@nextlist,@prevlist); |
my (@nextlist,@prevlist); |
my ($nextflg,$prevflg,$ctr,$ctprev) = (0,0,0,0); |
my ($nextflg,$prevflg,$ctr,$ctprev) = (0,0,0,0); |
foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{$ENV{'form.section'}} }) ) { |
foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{$ENV{'form.section'}} }) ) { |
Line 963 sub processHandGrade {
Line 705 sub processHandGrade {
$ctprev++; |
$ctprev++; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
# print "next student=@nextlist<br>"; |
if ($button eq 'Previous') { |
if ($button eq 'Previous') { |
if ($ctprev <= $ntstu) { |
if ($ctprev <= $ntstu) { |
@nextlist = @prevlist; |
@nextlist = @prevlist; |
Line 983 sub processHandGrade {
Line 724 sub processHandGrade {
&submission($request,$ctr,$total); |
&submission($request,$ctr,$total); |
$ctr++; |
$ctr++; |
} |
} |
if ($total < 0) { |
return 'The End'; |
my $the_end = '<h3><font color="red">LON-CAPA User Message</font></h3><br />'."\n"; |
$the_end.='<b>Message: </b> No more students for this section or class.<br /><br />'."\n"; |
$the_end.='Click on the button below to return to the grading menu.<br /><br />'."\n"; |
$the_end.=&show_grading_menu_form ($symb,$url); |
$request->print($the_end); |
} |
return ''; |
} |
} |
sub saveHandGrade { |
sub saveHandGrade { |
Line 1063 sub gradingmenu {
Line 810 sub gradingmenu {
my $allkeys = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys'); |
my $allkeys = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys'); |
my $handgrade = ($allkeys =~ /parameter_.*?_handgrade/ ? 'yes' : 'no'); |
my $handgrade = ($allkeys =~ /parameter_.*?_handgrade/ ? 'yes' : 'no'); |
my ($responsetype,$foo) = split(/_/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'packages')); |
my ($responsetype,$foo) = split(/_/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'packages')); |
$allkeys=~s/,/\<br\>/g; |
# print "allkeys=$allkeys<br><br>"; |
$Apache::lonxml::debug=1; |
&Apache::lonxml::debug(join(':',&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'packages'))); |
$Apache::lonxml::debug=0; |
my $result='<h2> <font color="#339933">Select a Grading Method</font></h2>'; |
my $result='<h2> <font color="#339933">Select a Grading Method</font></h2>'; |
$result.='<table border="0">'; |
$result.='<table border="0">'; |
Line 1071 sub gradingmenu {
Line 823 sub gradingmenu {
$result.='<tr><td><font size=+1><b>Type: </b></font></td>'. |
$result.='<tr><td><font size=+1><b>Type: </b></font></td>'. |
'<td><font size=+1>'.$responsetype.' <b>Handgrade: </b>'.$handgrade.'</font></td></tr>'; |
'<td><font size=+1>'.$responsetype.' <b>Handgrade: </b>'.$handgrade.'</font></td></tr>'; |
$result.='</table>'; |
$result.='</table>'; |
my $t0=&Time::HiRes::time(); |
$result.=&view_edit_entire_class_form($symb,$url).'<br />'; |
$result.=&view_edit_entire_class_form($symb,$url).'<br />'; |
my $t1=&Time::HiRes::time(); |
print "elapsed10=",$t1-$t0,"<br />"; |
$result.=&upcsvScores_form($symb,$url).'<br />'; |
$result.=&upcsvScores_form($symb,$url).'<br />'; |
my $t2=&Time::HiRes::time(); |
print "elapsed21=",$t2-$t1,"<br />"; |
$result.=&viewGradeaStu_form($symb,$url,$responsetype,$handgrade).'<br />'; |
$result.=&viewGradeaStu_form($symb,$url,$responsetype,$handgrade).'<br />'; |
my $t3=&Time::HiRes::time(); |
print "elapsed32=",$t3-$t2,"<br />"; |
$result.=&verifyReceipt_form($symb,$url); |
$result.=&verifyReceipt_form($symb,$url); |
my $t4=&Time::HiRes::time(); |
print "elapsed43=",$t4-$t3,"<br />"; |
print "Total elapsed time=",$t4-$t0,"<br />"; |
return $result; |
return $result; |
} |
} |
sub viewGradeaStu_form { |
sub viewGradeaStu_form { |
my ($symb,$url,$response,$handgrade) = @_; |
my ($symb,$url,$response,$handgrade) = @_; |
my $t3=&Time::HiRes::time(); |
my ($classlist,$sections) = &getclasslist('all','0'); |
my ($classlist,$sections) = &getclasslist('all','0'); |
my $t4=&Time::HiRes::time(); |
print "elapsed_getclasslist=",$t4-$t3,"<br />"; |
my $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr><td bgcolor=#777777>'."\n"; |
my $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr><td bgcolor=#777777>'."\n"; |
$result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff"><td>'."\n"; |
$result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff"><td>'."\n"; |
$result.=' <b>View/Grade an Individual Student\'s Submission</b></td></tr>'."\n"; |
$result.=' <b>View/Grade an Individual Student\'s Submission</b></td></tr>'."\n"; |
Line 1189 sub viewgrades {
Line 959 sub viewgrades {
my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$ENV{''}); |
my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$ENV{''}); |
#print "Found $cdom:$cnum<br />"; |
#print "Found $cdom:$cnum<br />"; |
my ($classlist) = &getclasslist('all','0'); |
my ($classlist) = &getclasslist('all','0'); |
my $headerclr = '"#ccffff"'; |
my $headerclr = '"#ddffff"'; |
my $cellclr = '"#ffffcc"'; |
my $cellclr = '"#ffffdd"'; |
#get list of parts for this problem |
#get list of parts for this problem |
my (@parts) = sort(&getpartlist($url)); |
my (@parts) = sort(&getpartlist($url)); |
Line 1205 sub viewgrades {
Line 975 sub viewgrades {
'<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Changes" />'."\n". |
'<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Submit Changes" />'."\n". |
'<table border=0><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'."\n". |
'<table border=0><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'."\n". |
'<table border=0>'."\n". |
'<table border=0>'."\n". |
'<tr bgcolor='.$headerclr.'><td><b>Username</b></td><td><b>Name</b></td><td><b>Domain</b></td>'."\n"; |
'<tr bgcolor='.$headerclr.'><td><b>Username</b></td><td><b>Fullname</b></td><td><b>Domain</b></td>'."\n"; |
foreach my $part (@parts) { |
foreach my $part (@parts) { |
my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.display'); |
my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.display'); |
if (!$display) { $display = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.name'); } |
if (!$display) { $display = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.name'); } |
Line 1214 sub viewgrades {
Line 984 sub viewgrades {
$result.='</tr>'; |
$result.='</tr>'; |
#get info for each student |
#get info for each student |
foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{'all'} }) ) { |
foreach my $student ( sort(@{ $$classlist{'all'} }) ) { |
my $display=&viewstudentgrade($url,$symb,$ENV{''},$student,@parts); |
# my $display=&viewstudentgrade($url,$symb,$ENV{''},$student,@parts); |
# print "ID=$ENV{''}:STU=$student:DIS=$display:<br>\n"; |
# print "ID=$ENV{''}:STU=$student:DIS=$display:<br>\n"; |
$result.=&viewstudentgrade($url,$symb,$ENV{''},$student,@parts); |
$result.=&viewstudentgrade($url,$symb,$ENV{''},$student,@parts); |
} |
} |
Line 1253 sub editgrades {
Line 1023 sub editgrades {
return $result; |
return $result; |
} |
} |
sub sub_page_js { |
my $request = shift; |
$request->print(<<SUBJAVASCRIPT); |
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> |
function updateRadio(radioButton,formtextbox,formsel,wgt) { |
var pts = formtextbox.value; |
var resetbox =false; |
if (isNaN(pts) || pts < 0) { |
alert("A number equal or greater than 0 is expected. Entered value = "+pts); |
for (var i=0; i<radioButton.length; i++) { |
if (radioButton[i].checked) { |
formtextbox.value = i; |
resetbox = true; |
} |
} |
if (!resetbox) { |
formtextbox.value = ""; |
} |
return; |
} |
for (var i=0; i<radioButton.length; i++) { |
radioButton[i].checked=false; |
if (pts == i) { |
radioButton[i].checked=true; |
} |
} |
updateSelect(formsel,pts,wgt); |
} |
function writeBox(formrad,formsel,pts,wgt) { |
formrad.value = pts; |
updateSelect(formsel,pts,wgt); |
return; |
} |
function updateSelect(formsel,pts,wgt) { |
if (pts == 0) { |
formsel[1].selected = true; |
} |
if (pts > 0 && pts < wgt) { |
formsel[4].selected = true; |
} |
if (pts == wgt) { |
formsel[0].selected = true; |
} |
return; |
} |
function keywords(keyform) { |
var keywds = keyform.value; |
var nret = prompt("Keywords list, separated by a space. Add/delete to list if desired.",keywds); |
if (nret==null) return; |
keyform.value = nret; |
return; |
} |
//===================== Script to add keyword(s) ================== |
function getSel() { |
if (document.getSelection) txt = document.getSelection(); |
else if (document.selection) txt = document.selection.createRange().text; |
else return; |
var cleantxt = txt.replace(new RegExp('([\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v ])+', 'g')," "); |
if (cleantxt=="") { |
alert("Select a word or group of words from document and then click this link."); |
return; |
} |
var nret = prompt("Add selection to keyword list? Edit if desired.",cleantxt); |
if (nret==null) return; |
var curlist = document.SCORE.keywords.value; |
document.SCORE.keywords.value = curlist+" "+nret; |
return; |
} |
//====================== Script for composing message ============== |
function msgCenter(msgform,usrctr,fullname) { |
var Nmsg = msgform.savemsgN.value; |
savedMsgHeader(Nmsg,usrctr,fullname); |
var subject = msgform.msgsub.value; |
var rtrchk = eval("document.SCORE.includemsg"+usrctr); |
var msgchk = rtrchk.value; |
// alert("checked=>"+msgchk); |
re = /msgsub/; |
var shwsel = ""; |
if (re.test(msgchk)) { shwsel = "checked" } |
displaySubject(subject,shwsel); |
for (var i=1; i<=Nmsg; i++) { |
var testpt = "savemsg"+i+","; |
re = /testpt/; |
shwsel = ""; |
if (re.test(msgchk)) { shwsel = "checked" } |
var message = eval("document.SCORE.savemsg"+i+".value"); |
displaySavedMsg(i,message,shwsel); |
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shwsel = ""; |
re = /newmsg/; |
if (re.test(msgchk)) { shwsel = "checked" } |
newMsg(newmsg,shwsel); |
msgTail(); |
return; |
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function savedMsgHeader(Nmsg,usrctr,fullname) { |
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//====================== Script for keyword highlight options ============== |
function kwhighlight() { |
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sub csvupload_javascript_reverse_associate { |
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function verify(vf) { |
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