- $request->print('');
+# ----- These first few routines are general use routines.----
-sub processGroup {
- my ($request) = shift;
- my $ctr = 0;
- my @stuchecked = (ref($ENV{'form.stuinfo'}) ? @{$ENV{'form.stuinfo'}}
- : ($ENV{'form.stuinfo'}));
- my $total = scalar(@stuchecked)-1;
- if ($stuchecked[0] eq '') {
- &userError($request,'No student was selected for viewing/grading.');
- return;
- }
- foreach (@stuchecked) {
- my ($uname,$udom,$fullname) = split(/:/);
- $ENV{'form.student'} = $uname;
- $ENV{'form.fullname'} = $fullname;
- &submission($request,$ctr,$total);
- $ctr++;
- }
- return '';
+# Return the number of occurences of a pattern in a string.
-sub userError {
- my ($request, $reason, $step) = @_;
- $request->print('
LON-CAPA User Error
- $request->print('Reason: '.$reason.'
- $request->print('Step: '.($step ne '' ? $step : 'Use your browser back button to correct')
- .'
- return '';
+sub occurence_count {
+ my ($string, $pattern) = @_;
-#FIXME - needs to handle multiple matches
-sub finduser {
- my ($name) = @_;
- my $domain = '';
- if ( $Apache::grades::viewgrades eq 'F' ) {
- my ($classlist) = &getclasslist('all','0');
- foreach ( sort(@{ $$classlist{'all'} }) ) {
- my ($posname,$posdomain) = split(/:/);
- if ($posname =~ $name) { $name=$posname; $domain=$posdomain; last; }
- }
- return ($name,$domain);
- } else {
- return ($ENV{'user.name'},$ENV{'user.domain'});
- }
+ my @matches = ($string =~ /$pattern/g);
+ return scalar(@matches);
-sub getclasslist {
- my ($getsec,$hideexpired) = @_;
- my %classlist=&Apache::lonnet::dump('classlist',
- $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},
- $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'});
- my $now = time;
- my (@holdsec,@sections,%allids,%stusec,%fullname);
- foreach (keys(%classlist)) {
- my ($end,$start,$id,$section,$fullname)=split(/:/,$classlist{$_});
- # still a student?
- if (($hideexpired) && ($end) && ($end < $now)) {
- next;
- }
- $section = ($section ne '' ? $section : 'no');
- push @holdsec,$section;
- if ($getsec eq 'all' || $getsec eq $section) {
- push (@{ $classlist{$getsec} }, $_);
- $allids{$_}=$id;
- $stusec{$_}=$section;
- $fullname{$_}=$fullname;
- }
- }
- my %seen = ();
- foreach my $item (@holdsec) {
- push (@sections, $item) unless $seen{$item}++;
- }
- return (\%classlist,\@sections,\%allids,\%stusec,\%fullname);
+# Take a string known to have digits and convert all the
+# digits into letters in the range J,A..I.
+sub digits_to_letters {
+ my ($input) = @_;
+ my @alphabet = ('J', 'A'..'I');
+ my @input = split(//, $input);
+ my $output ='';
+ for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@input); $i++) {
+ if ($input[$i] =~ /\d/) {
+ $output .= $alphabet[$input[$i]];
+ } else {
+ $output .= $input[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ return $output;
+# --- Retrieve the parts from the metadata file.---
sub getpartlist {
- my ($url) = @_;
- my @parts =();
- my (@metakeys) = split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys'));
- foreach my $key (@metakeys) {
- if ( $key =~ m/stores_([0-9]+)_.*/) {
- push(@parts,$key);
+ my ($symb) = @_;
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ my $res = $navmap->getBySymb($symb);
+ my $partlist = $res->parts();
+ my $url = $res->src();
+ my @metakeys = split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys'));
+ my @stores;
+ foreach my $part (@{ $partlist }) {
+ foreach my $key (@metakeys) {
+ if ($key =~ m/^stores_\Q$part\E_/) { push(@stores,$key); }
+ }
- }
- return @parts;
+ return @stores;
-sub viewstudentgrade {
- my ($url,$symb,$courseid,$student,@parts) = @_;
- my $cellclr = '"#ffffdd"';
- my ($username,$domain) = split(/:/,$student);
- my $fullname = &get_fullname($username,$domain);
- my %record=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$courseid,$domain,$username);
- my $result="
- foreach my $part (@parts) {
- my ($temp,$part,$type)=split(/_/,$part);
- my $score=$record{"resource.$part.$type"};
- if ($type eq 'awarded' || $type eq 'tries') {
- $result.='
+# --- Get the symbolic name of a problem and the url
+sub get_symb {
+ my ($request,$silent) = @_;
+ (my $url=$env{'form.url'}) =~ s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--;
+ my $symb=($env{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $env{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url)));
+ if ($symb eq '') {
+ if (!$silent) {
+ $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:$url:.");
+ return ();
+ }
- }
- $result.='
- return $result;
+ &Apache::lonenc::check_decrypt(\$symb);
+ return ($symb);
-#FIXME need to look at the metadata spec on what type of data to accept and provide an
-#interface based on that, also do that to above function.
-sub setstudentgrade {
- my ($url,$symb,$courseid,$student,@parts) = @_;
- print "set student grade parts=@parts ";
- my $result ='';
- my ($stuname,$domain) = split(/:/,$student);
- my %record=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$courseid,$domain,$stuname);
- my %newrecord;
- foreach my $part (@parts) {
- my ($temp,$part,$type)=split(/_/,$part);
- my $oldscore=$record{"resource.$part.$type"};
- my $newscore=$ENV{"form.GRADE.$student.$part.$type"};
- print "old=$oldscore:new=$newscore: ";
- if ($type eq 'solved') {
- my $update=0;
- if ($newscore eq 'nothing' ) {
- if ($oldscore ne '') {
- $update=1;
- $newscore = '';
- }
- } elsif ($oldscore !~ m/^$newscore/) {
- $update=1;
- $result.="Updating $stuname to $newscore \n";
- if ($newscore eq 'correct') { $newscore = 'correct_by_override'; }
- if ($newscore eq 'incorrect') { $newscore = 'incorrect_by_override'; }
- if ($newscore eq 'excused') { $newscore = 'excused'; }
- if ($newscore eq 'ungraded') { $newscore = 'ungraded_attempted'; }
-# if ($newscore eq 'partial') { $newscore = 'correct_partially_by_override'; }
- } else {
- #$result.="$stuname:$part:$type:unchanged $oldscore to $newscore: \n";
- }
- if ($update) { $newrecord{"resource.$part.$type"}=$newscore; }
+#--- Format fullname, username:domain if different for display
+#--- Use anywhere where the student names are listed
+sub nameUserString {
+ my ($type,$fullname,$uname,$udom) = @_;
+ if ($type eq 'header') {
+ return ' Fullname (Username)';
} else {
- if ($oldscore ne $newscore) {
- $newrecord{"resource.$part.$type"}=$newscore;
- $result.="Updating $student"."'s status for $part.$type to $newscore \n";
- } else {
- #$result.="$stuname:$part:$type:unchanged $oldscore to $newscore: \n";
- }
+ return ' '.$fullname.' ('.$uname.
+ ($env{'user.domain'} eq $udom ? '' : ' ('.$udom.')').')';
- }
- if ( scalar(keys(%newrecord)) > 0 ) {
- $newrecord{'resource.regrader'}="$ENV{'user.name'}:$ENV{'user.domain'}";
-# &Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%newrecord,$symb,$courseid,$domain,$stuname);
- $result.="Stored away ".scalar(keys(%newrecord))." elements. \n";
- }
- return $result;
+#--- Get the partlist and the response type for a given problem. ---
+#--- Indicate if a response type is coded handgraded or not. ---
+sub response_type {
+ my ($symb) = shift;
+ my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ my $res = $navmap->getBySymb($symb);
+ my $partlist = $res->parts();
+ my %vPart =
+ map { $_ => 1 } (&Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.vPart'));
+ my (%response_types,%handgrade);
+ foreach my $part (@{ $partlist }) {
+ next if (%vPart && !exists($vPart{$part}));
+ my @types = $res->responseType($part);
+ my @ids = $res->responseIds($part);
+ for (my $i=0; $i < scalar(@ids); $i++) {
+ $response_types{$part}{$ids[$i]} = $types[$i];
+ $handgrade{$part.'_'.$ids[$i]} =
+ &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'_'.$ids[$i].
+ '.handgrade',$symb);
+ }
+ }
+ return ($partlist,\%handgrade,\%response_types);
-# --------------------------- show submissions of a student, option to grade --------
-sub submission {
- my ($request,$counter,$total) = @_;
+sub flatten_responseType {
+ my ($responseType) = @_;
+ my @part_response_id =
+ map {
+ my $part = $_;
+ map {
+ [$part,$_]
+ } sort(keys(%{ $responseType->{$part} }));
+ } sort(keys(%$responseType));
+ return @part_response_id;
+sub get_display_part {
+ my ($partID,$symb)=@_;
+ my $display=&Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$partID.'.display',$symb);
+ if (defined($display) and $display ne '') {
+ $display.= " (id $partID)";
+ } else {
+ $display=$partID;
+ }
+ return $display;
- (my $url=$ENV{'form.url'})=~s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--;
- if ($ENV{'form.student'} eq '') { &moreinfo($request,'Need student login id'); return ''; }
- my ($uname,$udom) = &finduser($ENV{'form.student'});
- if ($uname eq '') { &moreinfo($request,'Unable to find student'); return ''; }
- my $symb=($ENV{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url)));
- if ($symb eq '') { $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:$url:."); return ''; }
- my $last = ($ENV{'form.lastSub'} eq 'last' ? 'last' : '');
- # header info
- if ($counter == 0) {
- &sub_page_js($request);
- $request->print('
Submission Record
- ' Resource: '.$url.'');
- # option to display problem, only once else it cause problems with the form later
- # since the problem has a form.
- if ($ENV{'form.vProb'} eq 'yes') {
- my $rendered=&Apache::loncommon::get_student_view($symb,$uname,$udom,
- $ENV{'request.course.id'});
- my $companswer=&Apache::loncommon::get_student_answers($symb,$uname,$udom,
- $ENV{'request.course.id'});
- my $result.='
- $request->print($result);
- }
+#--- Show resource title
+#--- and parts and response type
+sub showResourceInfo {
+ my ($symb,$probTitle,$checkboxes) = @_;
+ my $col=3;
+ if ($checkboxes) { $col=4; }
+ my $result = '
'.&mt('Current Resource').': '.$probTitle.'
+ $result .='
+ my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb);
+ my %resptype = ();
+ my $hdgrade='no';
+ my %partsseen;
+ foreach my $partID (sort keys(%$responseType)) {
+ foreach my $resID (sort keys(%{ $responseType->{$partID} })) {
+ my $handgrade=$$handgrade{$partID.'_'.$resID};
+ my $responsetype = $responseType->{$partID}->{$resID};
+ $hdgrade = $handgrade if ($handgrade eq 'yes');
+ $result.='
+ if ($checkboxes) {
+ if (exists($partsseen{$partID})) {
+ $result.="
+ &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row();
+ $prob++;
+ }
+ $curRes = $iterator->next();
+ }
+ $studentTable.=&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table();
+ $studentTable.=&show_grading_menu_form($env{'form.symb'});
+ my $grademsg=($changeflag == 0 ? 'No score was changed or updated.' :
+ 'The scores were changed for '.
+ $changeflag.' problem'.($changeflag == 1 ? '.' : 's.'));
+ $request->print($grademsg.$studentTable);
+ return '';
+#-------- end of section for handling grading by page/sequence ---------
+#--------------------Scantron Grading-----------------------------------
+#------ start of section for handling grading by page/sequence ---------
+=head1 Bubble sheet grading routines
+ For this documentation:
+ 'scanline' refers to the full line of characters
+ from the file that we are parsing that represents one entire sheet
+ 'bubble line' refers to the data
+ representing the line of bubbles that are on the physical bubble sheet
+The overall process is that a scanned in bubble sheet data is uploaded
+into a course. When a user wants to grade, they select a
+sequence/folder of resources, a file of bubble sheet info, and pick
+one of the predefined configurations for what each scanline looks
+Next each scanline is checked for any errors of either 'missing
+bubbles' (it's an error because it may have been mis-scanned
+because too light bubbling), 'double bubble' (each bubble line should
+have no more that one letter picked), invalid or duplicated CODE,
+invalid student ID
+If the CODE option is used that determines the randomization of the
+homework problems, either way the student ID is looked up into a
+During the validation phase the instructor can choose to skip scanlines.
+After the validation phase, there are now 3 bubble sheet files
+ scantron_original_filename (unmodified original file)
+ scantron_corrected_filename (file where the corrected information has replaced the original information)
+ scantron_skipped_filename (contains the exact text of scanlines that where skipped)
+Also there is a separate hash nohist_scantrondata that contains extra
+correction information that isn't representable in the bubble sheet
+file (see &scantron_getfile() for more information)
+After all scanlines are either valid, marked as valid or skipped, then
+foreach line foreach problem in the picked sequence, an ssi request is
+made that simulates a user submitting their selected letter(s) against
+the homework problem.
+=over 4
+=item defaultFormData
+ Returns html hidden inputs used to hold context/default values.
+ Arguments:
+ $symb - $symb of the current resource
+sub defaultFormData {
+ my ($symb)=@_;
+ return ''."\n".
+ ''."\n".
+ ''."\n";
+=item getSequenceDropDown
+ Return html dropdown of possible sequences to grade
+ Arguments:
+ $symb - $symb of the current resource
+sub getSequenceDropDown {
+ my ($symb)=@_;
+ my $result='';
+ return $result;
+=item scantron_filenames
+ Returns a list of the scantron files in the current course
+sub scantron_filenames {
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $cname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my @files=&Apache::lonnet::dirlist('userfiles',$cdom,$cname,
+ &propath($cdom,$cname));
+ my @possiblenames;
+ foreach my $filename (sort(@files)) {
+ ($filename)=split(/&/,$filename);
+ if ($filename!~/^scantron_orig_/) { next ; }
+ $filename=~s/^scantron_orig_//;
+ push(@possiblenames,$filename);
+ }
+ return @possiblenames;
+=item scantron_uploads
+ Returns html drop-down list of scantron files in current course.
+ Arguments:
+ $file2grade - filename to set as selected in the dropdown
+sub scantron_uploads {
+ my ($file2grade) = @_;
+ my $result= '";
+ return $result;
+=item scantron_scantab
+ Returns html drop down of the scantron formats in the scantronformat.tab
+ file.
+sub scantron_scantab {
+ my $fh=Apache::File->new($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.'/scantronformat.tab');
+ my $result=''."\n";
+ return $result;
+=item scantron_CODElist
+ Returns html drop down of the saved CODE lists from current course,
+ generated from earlier printings.
+sub scantron_CODElist {
+ my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my @names=&Apache::lonnet::getkeys('CODEs',$cdom,$cnum);
+ my $namechoice='';
+ foreach my $name (sort {uc($a) cmp uc($b)} @names) {
+ if ($name =~ /^error: 2 /) { next; }
+ if ($name =~ /^type\0/) { next; }
+ $namechoice.='';
+ }
+ $namechoice='';
+ return $namechoice;
+=item scantron_CODEunique
+ Returns the html for "Each CODE to be used once" radio.
+sub scantron_CODEunique {
+ my $result='
+ ';
+ return $result;
+=item scantron_selectphase
+ Generates the initial screen to start the bubble sheet process.
+ Allows for - starting a grading run.
+ - downloading existing scan data (original, corrected
+ or skipped info)
+ - uploading new scan data
+ Arguments:
+ $r - The Apache request object
+ $file2grade - name of the file that contain the scanned data to score
+sub scantron_selectphase {
+ my ($r,$file2grade) = @_;
+ my ($symb)=&get_symb($r);
+ if (!$symb) {return '';}
+ my $sequence_selector=&getSequenceDropDown($symb);
+ my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData($symb);
+ my $grading_menu_button=&show_grading_menu_form($symb);
+ my $file_selector=&scantron_uploads($file2grade);
+ my $format_selector=&scantron_scantab();
+ my $CODE_selector=&scantron_CODElist();
+ my $CODE_unique=&scantron_CODEunique();
+ my $result;
+ # Chunk of form to prompt for a file to grade and how:
+ $result.= <
+ $default_form_data
+ Specify file and which Folder/Sequence to grade
Sequence to grade:
Filename of scoring office file:
Format of data file:
Saved CODEs to validate against:
Each CODE is only to be used once:
+ $r->print($result);
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('usc',$env{'request.role.domain'}) ||
+ &Apache::lonnet::allowed('usc',$env{'request.course.id'})) {
+ # Chunk of form to prompt for a scantron file upload.
+ $r->print(<
+ Specify a Scantron data file to upload.
+ my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData(&get_symb($r,1));
+ my $cdom= $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $cnum= $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ $r->print(<
+ function checkUpload(formname) {
+ if (formname.upfile.value == "") {
+ alert("Please use the browse button to select a file from your local directory.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ formname.submit();
+ }
+ }
+ # Chunk of the form that prompts to view a scoring office file,
+ # corrected file, skipped records in a file.
+ $r->print(<
+ $r->print($grading_menu_button);
+ return
+=item get_scantron_config
+ Parse and return the scantron configuration line selected as a
+ hash of configuration file fields.
+ Arguments:
+ which - the name of the configuration to parse from the file.
+ Returns:
+ If the named configuration is not in the file, an empty
+ hash is returned.
+ a hash with the fields
+ name - internal name for the this configuration setup
+ description - text to display to operator that describes this config
+ CODElocation - if 0 or the string 'none'
+ - no CODE exists for this config
+ if -1 || the string 'letter'
+ - a CODE exists for this config and is
+ a string of letters
+ Unsupported value (but planned for future support)
+ if a positive integer
+ - The CODE exists as the first n items from
+ the question section of the form
+ if the string 'number'
+ - The CODE exists for this config and is
+ a string of numbers
+ CODEstart - (only matter if a CODE exists) column in the line where
+ the CODE starts
+ CODElength - length of the CODE
+ IDstart - column where the student ID number starts
+ IDlength - length of the student ID info
+ Qstart - column where the information from the bubbled
+ 'questions' start
+ Qlength - number of columns comprising a single bubble line from
+ the sheet. (usually either 1 or 10)
+ Qon - either a single character representing the character used
+ to signal a bubble was chosen in the positional setup, or
+ the string 'letter' if the letter of the chosen bubble is
+ in the final, or 'number' if a number representing the
+ chosen bubble is in the file (1->A 0->J)
+ Qoff - the character used to represent that a bubble was
+ left blank
+ PaperID - if the scanning process generates a unique number for each
+ sheet scanned the column that this ID number starts in
+ PaperIDlength - number of columns that comprise the unique ID number
+ for the sheet of paper
+ FirstName - column that the first name starts in
+ FirstNameLength - number of columns that the first name spans
+ LastName - column that the last name starts in
+ LastNameLength - number of columns that the last name spans
+sub get_scantron_config {
+ my ($which) = @_;
+ my $fh=Apache::File->new($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.'/scantronformat.tab');
+ my %config;
+ #FIXME probably should move to XML it has already gotten a bit much now
+ foreach my $line (<$fh>) {
+ my ($name,$descrip)=split(/:/,$line);
+ if ($name ne $which ) { next; }
+ chomp($line);
+ my @config=split(/:/,$line);
+ $config{'name'}=$config[0];
+ $config{'description'}=$config[1];
+ $config{'CODElocation'}=$config[2];
+ $config{'CODEstart'}=$config[3];
+ $config{'CODElength'}=$config[4];
+ $config{'IDstart'}=$config[5];
+ $config{'IDlength'}=$config[6];
+ $config{'Qstart'}=$config[7];
+ $config{'Qlength'}=$config[8];
+ $config{'Qoff'}=$config[9];
+ $config{'Qon'}=$config[10];
+ $config{'PaperID'}=$config[11];
+ $config{'PaperIDlength'}=$config[12];
+ $config{'FirstName'}=$config[13];
+ $config{'FirstNamelength'}=$config[14];
+ $config{'LastName'}=$config[15];
+ $config{'LastNamelength'}=$config[16];
+ last;
+ }
+ return %config;
+=item username_to_idmap
+ creates a hash keyed by student id with values of the corresponding
+ student username:domain.
+ Arguments:
+ $classlist - reference to the class list hash. This is a hash
+ keyed by student name:domain whose elements are references
+ to arrays containing various chunks of information
+ about the student. (See loncoursedata for more info).
+ Returns
+ %idmap - the constructed hash
+sub username_to_idmap {
+ my ($classlist)= @_;
+ my %idmap;
+ foreach my $student (keys(%$classlist)) {
+ $idmap{$classlist->{$student}->[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_ID]}=
+ $student;
+ }
+ return %idmap;
+=item scantron_fixup_scanline
+ Process a requested correction to a scanline.
+ Arguments:
+ $scantron_config - hash from &get_scantron_config()
+ $scan_data - hash of correction information
+ (see &scantron_getfile())
+ $line - existing scanline
+ $whichline - line number of the passed in scanline
+ $field - type of change to process
+ (either
+ 'ID' -> correct the student ID number
+ 'CODE' -> correct the CODE
+ 'answer' -> fixup the submitted answers)
+ $args - hash of additional info,
+ - 'ID'
+ 'newid' -> studentID to use in replacement
+ of existing one
+ - 'CODE'
+ 'CODE_ignore_dup' - set to true if duplicates
+ should be ignored.
+ 'CODE' - is new code or 'use_unfound'
+ if the existing unfound code should
+ be used as is
+ - 'answer'
+ 'response' - new answer or 'none' if blank
+ 'question' - the bubble line to change
+ Returns:
+ $line - the modified scanline
+ Side effects:
+ $scan_data - may be updated
+sub scantron_fixup_scanline {
+ my ($scantron_config,$scan_data,$line,$whichline,$field,$args)=@_;
+ if ($field eq 'ID') {
+ if (length($args->{'newid'}) > $$scantron_config{'IDlength'}) {
+ return ($line,1,'New value too large');
+ }
+ if (length($args->{'newid'}) < $$scantron_config{'IDlength'}) {
+ $args->{'newid'}=sprintf('%-'.$$scantron_config{'IDlength'}.'s',
+ $args->{'newid'});
+ }
+ substr($line,$$scantron_config{'IDstart'}-1,
+ $$scantron_config{'IDlength'})=$args->{'newid'};
+ if ($args->{'newid'}=~/^\s*$/) {
+ &scan_data($scan_data,"$whichline.user",
+ $args->{'username'}.':'.$args->{'domain'});
+ }
+ } elsif ($field eq 'CODE') {
+ if ($args->{'CODE_ignore_dup'}) {
+ &scan_data($scan_data,"$whichline.CODE_ignore_dup",'1');
+ }
+ &scan_data($scan_data,"$whichline.useCODE",'1');
+ if ($args->{'CODE'} ne 'use_unfound') {
+ if (length($args->{'CODE'}) > $$scantron_config{'CODElength'}) {
+ return ($line,1,'New CODE value too large');
+ }
+ if (length($args->{'CODE'}) < $$scantron_config{'CODElength'}) {
+ $args->{'CODE'}=sprintf('%-'.$$scantron_config{'CODElength'}.'s',$args->{'CODE'});
+ }
+ substr($line,$$scantron_config{'CODEstart'}-1,
+ $$scantron_config{'CODElength'})=$args->{'CODE'};
+ }
+ } elsif ($field eq 'answer') {
+ &scantron_get_maxbubble(); # Need the bubble counter info.
+ my $length =$scantron_config->{'Qlength'};
+ my $off=$scantron_config->{'Qoff'};
+ my $on=$scantron_config->{'Qon'};
+ my $question_number = $args->{'question'} -1;
+ my $first_position = $first_bubble_line{$question_number};
+ my $bubble_count = $bubble_lines_per_response{$question_number};
+ my $bubbles_per_line= $$scantron_config{'Qlength'};
+ my $answer=${off}x($bubbles_per_line*$bubble_count);
+ my $final_answer;
+ if ($$scantron_config{'Qon'} eq 'letter' ||
+ $$scantron_config{'Qon'} eq 'number') {
+ $bubbles_per_line = 10;
+ }
+ if (defined $args->{'response'}) {
+ if ($args->{'response'} eq 'none') {
+ &scan_data($scan_data,
+ "$whichline.no_bubble.".$args->{'question'},'1');
+ } else {
+ my ($bubble_line, $bubble_number) = split(/:/,$args->{'response'});
+ if ($on eq 'letter') {
+ my @alphabet=('A'..'Z');
+ $answer=$alphabet[$bubble_number];
+ } elsif ($on eq 'number') {
+ $answer= $bubble_number+1;
+ if ($answer == 10) { $answer = '0'; }
+ } else {
+ substr($answer,$bubble_number+$bubble_line*$bubbles_per_line,1)=$on;
+ $final_answer = $answer;
+ }
+ &scan_data($scan_data,
+ "$whichline.no_bubble.".$args->{'question'},undef,'1');
+ # Positional notation already has the right final answer length..
+ if (($on eq 'letter') || ($on eq 'number')) {
+ for (my $l = 0; $l < $bubble_count; $l++) {
+ if ($l eq $bubble_line) {
+ $final_answer .= $answer;
+ } else {
+ $final_answer .= ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # $where=$length*($args->{'question'}-1)+$scantron_config->{'Qstart'};
+ #substr($line,$where-1,$length)=$answer;
+ substr($line,
+ $scantron_config->{'Qstart'}+$first_position-1,
+ $bubbles_per_line*$length) = $final_answer;
+ }
+ }
+ return $line;
+=item scan_data
+ Edit or look up an item in the scan_data hash.
+ Arguments:
+ $scan_data - The hash (see scantron_getfile)
+ $key - shorthand of the key to edit (actual key is
+ scantronfilename_key).
+ $data - New value of the hash entry.
+ $delete - If true, the entry is removed from the hash.
+ Returns:
+ The new value of the hash table field (undefined if deleted).
+sub scan_data {
+ my ($scan_data,$key,$value,$delete)=@_;
+ my $filename=$env{'form.scantron_selectfile'};
+ if (defined($value)) {
+ $scan_data->{$filename.'_'.$key} = $value;
+ }
+ if ($delete) { delete($scan_data->{$filename.'_'.$key}); }
+ return $scan_data->{$filename.'_'.$key};
+=item scantron_parse_scanline
+ Decodes a scanline from the selected scantron file
+ Arguments:
+ line - The text of the scantron file line to process
+ whichline - Line number
+ scantron_config - Hash describing the format of the scantron lines.
+ scan_data - Hash of extra information about the scanline
+ (see scantron_getfile for more information)
+ just_header - True if should not process question answers but only
+ the stuff to the left of the answers.
+ Returns:
+ Hash containing the result of parsing the scanline
+ Keys are all proceeded by the string 'scantron.'
+ CODE - the CODE in use for this scanline
+ useCODE - 1 if the CODE is invalid but it usage has been forced
+ by the operator
+ CODE_ignore_dup - 1 if the CODE is a duplicated use when unique
+ CODEs were selected, but the usage has been
+ forced by the operator
+ ID - student ID
+ PaperID - if used, the ID number printed on the sheet when the
+ paper was scanned
+ FirstName - first name from the sheet
+ LastName - last name from the sheet
+ if just_header was not true these key may also exist
+ missingerror - a list of bubble ranges that are considered to be answers
+ to a single question that don't have any bubbles filled in.
+ Of the form questionnumber:firstbubblenumber:count.
+ doubleerror - a list of bubble ranges that are considered to be answers
+ to a single question that have more than one bubble filled in.
+ Of the form questionnumber::firstbubblenumber:count
+ In the above, count is the number of bubble responses in the
+ input line needed to represent the possible answers to the question.
+ e.g. a radioresponse with 15 choices in an answer sheet with 10 choices
+ per line would have count = 2.
+ maxquest - the number of the last bubble line that was parsed
+ ( starts at 1)
+ .answer - zero or more letters representing the selected
+ letters from the scanline for the bubble line
+ .
+ if blank there was either no bubble or there where
+ multiple bubbles, (consult the keys missingerror and
+ doubleerror if this is an error condition)
+sub scantron_parse_scanline {
+ my ($line,$whichline,$scantron_config,$scan_data,$just_header)=@_;
+ my %record;
+ my $questions=substr($line,$$scantron_config{'Qstart'}-1); # Answers
+ my $data=substr($line,0,$$scantron_config{'Qstart'}-1); # earlier stuff
+ if (!($$scantron_config{'CODElocation'} eq 0 ||
+ $$scantron_config{'CODElocation'} eq 'none')) {
+ if ($$scantron_config{'CODElocation'} < 0 ||
+ $$scantron_config{'CODElocation'} eq 'letter' ||
+ $$scantron_config{'CODElocation'} eq 'number') {
+ $record{'scantron.CODE'}=substr($data,
+ $$scantron_config{'CODEstart'}-1,
+ $$scantron_config{'CODElength'});
+ if (&scan_data($scan_data,"$whichline.useCODE")) {
+ $record{'scantron.useCODE'}=1;
+ }
+ if (&scan_data($scan_data,"$whichline.CODE_ignore_dup")) {
+ $record{'scantron.CODE_ignore_dup'}=1;
+ }
} else {
- $ENV{'form.upfile_associate'} = 'forward';
+ #FIXME interpret first N questions
- $request->print(&csvuploadmap($request));
+ }
+ $record{'scantron.ID'}=substr($data,$$scantron_config{'IDstart'}-1,
+ $$scantron_config{'IDlength'});
+ $record{'scantron.PaperID'}=
+ substr($data,$$scantron_config{'PaperID'}-1,
+ $$scantron_config{'PaperIDlength'});
+ $record{'scantron.FirstName'}=
+ substr($data,$$scantron_config{'FirstName'}-1,
+ $$scantron_config{'FirstNamelength'});
+ $record{'scantron.LastName'}=
+ substr($data,$$scantron_config{'LastName'}-1,
+ $$scantron_config{'LastNamelength'});
+ if ($just_header) { return \%record; }
+ my @alphabet=('A'..'Z');
+ my $questnum=0;
+ my $ansnum =1; # Multiple 'answer lines'/question.
+ chomp($questions); # Get rid of any trailing \n.
+ $questions =~ s/\r$//; # Get rid of trailing \r too (MAC or Win uploads).
+ while (length($questions)) {
+ my $answers_needed = $bubble_lines_per_response{$questnum};
+ my $answer_length = $$scantron_config{'Qlength'} * $answers_needed;
+ $questnum++;
+ my $currentquest = substr($questions,0,$answer_length);
+ $questions = substr($questions,0,$answer_length)='';
+ if (length($currentquest) < $answer_length) { next; }
+ # Qon letter implies for each slot in currentquest we have:
+ # ? or * for doubles a letter in A-Z for a bubble and
+ # about anything else (esp. a value of Qoff for missing
+ # bubbles.
+ if ($$scantron_config{'Qon'} eq 'letter') {
+ if ($currentquest =~ /\?/
+ || $currentquest =~ /\*/
+ || (&occurence_count($currentquest, "[A-Z]") > 1)) {
+ push(@{$record{'scantron.doubleerror'}},$questnum);
+ for (my $ans = 0; $ans < $answers_needed; $ans++) {
+ my $bubble = substr($currentquest, $ans, 1);
+ if ($bubble =~ /[A-Z]/ ) {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"} = $bubble;
+ } else {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"}='';
+ }
+ $ansnum++;
+ }
+ } elsif (!defined($currentquest)
+ || (&occurence_count($currentquest, $$scantron_config{'Qoff'}) == length($currentquest))
+ || (&occurence_count($currentquest, "[A-Z]") == 0)) {
+ for (my $ans = 0; $ans < $answers_needed; $ans++ ) {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"}='';
+ $ansnum++;
+ }
+ if (!&scan_data($scan_data,"$whichline.no_bubble.$questnum")) {
+ push(@{$record{"scantron.missingerror"}},$questnum);
+ # $ansnum += $answers_needed;
+ }
+ } else {
+ for (my $ans = 0; $ans < $answers_needed; $ans++) {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"} = substr($currentquest, $ans, 1);
+ $ansnum++;
+ }
+ }
+ # Qon 'number' implies each slot gives a digit that indexes the
+ # the bubbles filled or Qoff or a non number for unbubbled lines.
+ # and *? for double bubbles on a line.
+ # these answers are also stored as letters.
+ } elsif ($$scantron_config{'Qon'} eq 'number') {
+ if ($currentquest =~ /\?/
+ || $currentquest =~ /\*/
+ || (&occurence_count($currentquest, '\d') > 1)) {
+ push(@{$record{'scantron.doubleerror'}},$questnum);
+ for (my $ans = 0; $ans < $answers_needed; $ans++) {
+ my $bubble = substr($currentquest, $ans, 1);
+ if ($bubble =~ /\d/) {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"} = $alphabet[$bubble];
+ } else {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"}=' ';
+ }
+ $ansnum++;
+ }
+ } elsif (!defined($currentquest)
+ || (&occurence_count($currentquest,$$scantron_config{'Qoff'}) == length($currentquest))
+ || (&occurence_count($currentquest, '\d') == 0)) {
+ for (my $ans = 0; $ans < $answers_needed; $ans++ ) {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"}='';
+ $ansnum++;
+ }
+ if (!&scan_data($scan_data,"$whichline.no_bubble.$questnum")) {
+ push(@{$record{"scantron.missingerror"}},$questnum);
+ $ansnum += $answers_needed;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $currentquest = &digits_to_letters($currentquest);
+ for (my $ans =0; $ans < $answers_needed; $ans++) {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"} = substr($currentquest, $ans, 1);
+ $ansnum++;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ # Otherwise there's a positional notation;
+ # each bubble line requires Qlength items, and there are filled in
+ # bubbles for each case where there 'Qon' characters.
+ #
+ my @array=split($$scantron_config{'Qon'},$currentquest,-1);
+ # If the split only giveas us one element.. the full length of the
+ # answser string, no bubbles are filled in:
+ if (length($array[0]) eq $$scantron_config{'Qlength'}*$answers_needed) {
+ for (my $ans = 0; $ans < $answers_needed; $ans++ ) {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"}='';
+ $ansnum++;
+ }
+ if (!&scan_data($scan_data,"$whichline.no_bubble.$questnum")) {
+ push(@{$record{"scantron.missingerror"}},$questnum);
+ }
+ # If the bubble is not the last position, there will be
+ # 2 elements. If it is the last position, there will be 1 element.
+ } elsif (scalar(@array) le 2) {
+ my $location = length($array[0]);
+ my $line_num = int($location / $$scantron_config{'Qlength'});
+ my $bubble = $alphabet[$location % $$scantron_config{'Qlength'}];
+ for (my $ans = 0; $ans < $answers_needed; $ans++) {
+ if ($ans eq $line_num) {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"} = $bubble;
+ } else {
+ $record{"scantron.$ansnum.answer"} = ' ';
+ }
+ $ansnum++;
+ }
+ }
+ # If there's more than one instance of a bubble character
+ # That's a double bubble; with positional notation we can
+ # record all the bubbles filled in as well as the
+ # fact this response consists of multiple bubbles.
+ #
+ else {
+ push(@{$record{'scantron.doubleerror'}},$questnum);
+ my $first_answer = $ansnum;
+ for (my $ans =0; $ans < $answers_needed; $ans++) {
+ my $item = $first_answer+$ans;
+ $record{"scantron.$item.answer"} = '';
+ }
+ my @ans=@array;
+ my $i=0;
+ my $increment = 0;
+ while ($#ans) {
+ $i+=length($ans[0]) + $increment;
+ my $line = int($i/$$scantron_config{'Qlength'} + $first_answer);
+ my $bubble = $i%$$scantron_config{'Qlength'};
+ $record{"scantron.$line.answer"}.=$alphabet[$bubble];
+ shift(@ans);
+ $increment = 1;
+ }
+ $ansnum += $answers_needed;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $record{'scantron.maxquest'}=$questnum;
+ return \%record;
+=item scantron_add_delay
+ Adds an error message that occurred during the grading phase to a
+ queue of messages to be shown after grading pass is complete
+ Arguments:
+ $delayqueue - arrary ref of hash ref of error messages
+ $scanline - the scanline that caused the error
+ $errormesage - the error message
+ $errorcode - a numeric code for the error
+ Side Effects:
+ updates the $delayqueue to have a new hash ref of the error
+sub scantron_add_delay {
+ my ($delayqueue,$scanline,$errormessage,$errorcode)=@_;
+ push(@$delayqueue,
+ {'line' => $scanline, 'emsg' => $errormessage,
+ 'ecode' => $errorcode }
+ );
+=item scantron_find_student
+ Finds the username for the current scanline
+ Arguments:
+ $scantron_record - hash result from scantron_parse_scanline
+ $scan_data - hash of correction information
+ (see &scantron_getfile() form more information)
+ $idmap - hash from &username_to_idmap()
+ $line - number of current scanline
+ Returns:
+ Either 'username:domain' or undef if unknown
+sub scantron_find_student {
+ my ($scantron_record,$scan_data,$idmap,$line)=@_;
+ my $scanID=$$scantron_record{'scantron.ID'};
+ if ($scanID =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ return &scan_data($scan_data,"$line.user");
+ }
+ foreach my $id (keys(%$idmap)) {
+ if (lc($id) eq lc($scanID)) {
+ return $$idmap{$id};
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;
+=item scantron_filter
+ Filter sub for lonnavmaps, filters out hidden resources if ignore
+ hidden resources was selected
+sub scantron_filter {
+ my ($curres)=@_;
+ if (ref($curres) && $curres->is_problem()) {
+ # if the user has asked to not have either hidden
+ # or 'randomout' controlled resources to be graded
+ # don't include them
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_options_hidden'} eq 'ignore_hidden'
+ && $curres->randomout) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item scantron_process_corrections
+ Gets correction information out of submitted form data and corrects
+ the scanline
+sub scantron_process_corrections {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
+ my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
+ my $which=$env{'form.scantron_line'};
+ my $line=&scantron_get_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$which);
+ my ($skip,$err,$errmsg);
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_skip_record'}) {
+ $skip=1;
+ } elsif ($env{'form.scantron_corrections'} =~ /^(duplicate|incorrect)ID$/) {
+ my $newstudent=$env{'form.scantron_username'}.':'.
+ $env{'form.scantron_domain'};
+ my $newid=$classlist->{$newstudent}->[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_ID];
+ ($line,$err,$errmsg)=
+ &scantron_fixup_scanline(\%scantron_config,$scan_data,$line,$which,
+ 'ID',{'newid'=>$newid,
+ 'username'=>$env{'form.scantron_username'},
+ 'domain'=>$env{'form.scantron_domain'}});
+ } elsif ($env{'form.scantron_corrections'} =~ /^(duplicate|incorrect)CODE$/) {
+ my $resolution=$env{'form.scantron_CODE_resolution'};
+ my $newCODE;
+ my %args;
+ if ($resolution eq 'use_unfound') {
+ $newCODE='use_unfound';
+ } elsif ($resolution eq 'use_found') {
+ $newCODE=$env{'form.scantron_CODE_selectedvalue'};
+ } elsif ($resolution eq 'use_typed') {
+ $newCODE=$env{'form.scantron_CODE_newvalue'};
+ } elsif ($resolution =~ /^use_closest_(\d+)/) {
+ $newCODE=$env{"form.scantron_CODE_closest_$1"};
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_corrections'} eq 'duplicateCODE') {
+ $args{'CODE_ignore_dup'}=1;
+ }
+ $args{'CODE'}=$newCODE;
+ ($line,$err,$errmsg)=
+ &scantron_fixup_scanline(\%scantron_config,$scan_data,$line,$which,
+ 'CODE',\%args);
+ } elsif ($env{'form.scantron_corrections'} =~ /^(missing|double)bubble$/) {
+ foreach my $question (split(',',$env{'form.scantron_questions'})) {
+ ($line,$err,$errmsg)=
+ &scantron_fixup_scanline(\%scantron_config,$scan_data,$line,
+ $which,'answer',
+ { 'question'=>$question,
+ 'response'=>$env{"form.scantron_correct_Q_$question"}});
+ if ($err) { last; }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($err) {
+ $r->print("Unable to accept last correction, an error occurred :$errmsg:");
+ } else {
+ &scantron_put_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$which,$line,$skip);
+ &scantron_putfile($scanlines,$scan_data);
+ }
+=item reset_skipping_status
+ Forgets the current set of remember skipped scanlines (and thus
+ reverts back to considering all lines in the
+ scantron_skipped_ file)
+sub reset_skipping_status {
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
+ &scan_data($scan_data,'remember_skipping',undef,1);
+ &scantron_putfile(undef,$scan_data);
+=item start_skipping
+ Marks a scanline to be skipped.
+sub start_skipping {
+ my ($scan_data,$i)=@_;
+ my %remembered=split(':',&scan_data($scan_data,'remember_skipping'));
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_options_redo'} =~ /^redo_/) {
+ $remembered{$i}=2;
+ } else {
+ $remembered{$i}=1;
+ }
+ &scan_data($scan_data,'remember_skipping',join(':',%remembered));
+=item should_be_skipped
+ Checks whether a scanline should be skipped.
+sub should_be_skipped {
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data,$i)=@_;
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_options_redo'} !~ /^redo_/) {
+ # not redoing old skips
+ if ($scanlines->{'skipped'}[$i]) { return 1; }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ my %remembered=split(':',&scan_data($scan_data,'remember_skipping'));
+ if (exists($remembered{$i}) && $remembered{$i} != 2 ) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+=item remember_current_skipped
+ Discovers what scanlines are in the scantron_skipped_
+ file and remembers them into scan_data for later use.
+sub remember_current_skipped {
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
+ my %to_remember;
+ for (my $i=0;$i<=$scanlines->{'count'};$i++) {
+ if ($scanlines->{'skipped'}[$i]) {
+ $to_remember{$i}=1;
+ }
+ }
+ &scan_data($scan_data,'remember_skipping',join(':',%to_remember));
+ &scantron_putfile(undef,$scan_data);
+=item check_for_error
+ Checks if there was an error when attempting to remove a specific
+ scantron_.. bubble sheet data file. Prints out an error if
+ something went wrong.
+sub check_for_error {
+ my ($r,$result)=@_;
+ if ($result ne 'ok' && $result ne 'not_found' ) {
+ $r->print("An error occurred ($result) when trying to Remove the existing corrections.");
+ }
+=item scantron_warning_screen
+ Interstitial screen to make sure the operator has selected the
+ correct options before we start the validation phase.
+sub scantron_warning_screen {
+ my ($button_text)=@_;
+ my $title=&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($env{'form.selectpage'});
+ my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+ my $CODElist;
+ if ($scantron_config{'CODElocation'} &&
+ $scantron_config{'CODEstart'} &&
+ $scantron_config{'CODElength'}) {
+ $CODElist=$env{'form.scantron_CODElist'};
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_CODElist'} eq '') { $CODElist='None'; }
+ $CODElist=
+ '
List of CODES to validate against:
+ $env{'form.scantron_CODElist'}.'
+ }
+ return (<
+Please double check the information
+ below before clicking on '$button_text'
Sequence to be Graded:
Data File that will be used:
If this information is correct, please click on '$button_text'.
If something is incorrect, please click the 'Grading Menu' button to start over.
+=item scantron_do_warning
+ Check if the operator has picked something for all required
+ fields. Error out if something is missing.
+sub scantron_do_warning {
+ my ($r)=@_;
+ my ($symb)=&get_symb($r);
+ if (!$symb) {return '';}
+ my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData($symb);
+ $r->print(&scantron_form_start().$default_form_data);
+ if ( $env{'form.selectpage'} eq '' ||
+ $env{'form.scantron_selectfile'} eq '' ||
+ $env{'form.scantron_format'} eq '' ) {
+ $r->print("
You have forgetten to specify some information. Please go Back and try again.
+ if ( $env{'form.selectpage'} eq '') {
+ $r->print('
+ return '';
+=item scantron_form_start
+ html hidden input for remembering all selected grading options
+sub scantron_form_start {
+ my ($max_bubble)=@_;
+ my $result= <
+ my $line = 0;
+ while (defined($env{"form.scantron.bubblelines.$line"})) {
+ my $chunk =
+ ''."\n";
+ $chunk .=
+ ''."\n";
+ $result .= $chunk;
+ $line++;
+ }
+ return $result;
+=item scantron_validate_file
+ Dispatch routine for doing validation of a bubble sheet data file.
+ Also processes any necessary information resets that need to
+ occur before validation begins (ignore previous corrections,
+ restarting the skipped records processing)
+sub scantron_validate_file {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my ($symb)=&get_symb($r);
+ if (!$symb) {return '';}
+ my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData($symb);
+ # do the detection of only doing skipped records first befroe we delete
+ # them when doing the corrections reset
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_options_redo'} ne 'redo_skipped_ready') {
+ &reset_skipping_status();
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_options_redo'} eq 'redo_skipped') {
+ &remember_current_skipped();
+ $env{'form.scantron_options_redo'}='redo_skipped_ready';
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_options_ignore'} eq 'ignore_corrections') {
+ &check_for_error($r,&scantron_remove_file('corrected'));
+ &check_for_error($r,&scantron_remove_file('skipped'));
+ &check_for_error($r,&scantron_remove_scan_data());
+ $env{'form.scantron_options_ignore'}='done';
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_corrections'}) {
+ &scantron_process_corrections($r);
+ }
+ $r->print("
Gathering necessary info.
+ #get the student pick code ready
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::studentbrowser_javascript());
+ my $max_bubble=&scantron_get_maxbubble();
+ my $result=&scantron_form_start($max_bubble).$default_form_data;
+ $r->print($result);
+ my @validate_phases=( 'sequence',
+ 'ID',
+ 'CODE',
+ 'doublebubble',
+ 'missingbubbles');
+ if (!$env{'form.validatepass'}) {
+ $env{'form.validatepass'} = 0;
+ }
+ my $currentphase=$env{'form.validatepass'};
+ my $stop=0;
+ while (!$stop && $currentphase < scalar(@validate_phases)) {
+ $r->print("
Validating ".$validate_phases[$currentphase]."
+ $r->rflush();
+ my $which="scantron_validate_".$validate_phases[$currentphase];
+ {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ ($stop,$currentphase)=&$which($r,$currentphase);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!$stop) {
+ my $warning=&scantron_warning_screen('Start Grading');
+ $r->print(<
+ } else {
+ $r->print('');
+ $r->print("");
+ }
+ if ($stop) {
+ if ($validate_phases[$currentphase] eq 'sequence') {
+ $r->print('');
+ $r->print(' this error ');
+ $r->print("
Or click the 'Grading Menu' button to start over.
+ } else {
+ $r->print('');
+ $r->print(' using corrected info ');
+ $r->print("");
+ $r->print(" this scanline saving it for later.");
+ }
+ }
+ $r->print(" ".&show_grading_menu_form($symb));
+ return '';
+=item scantron_remove_file
+ Removes the requested bubble sheet data file, makes sure that
+ scantron_original_ is never removed
+sub scantron_remove_file {
+ my ($which)=@_;
+ my $cname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $file='scantron_';
+ if ($which eq 'corrected' || $which eq 'skipped') {
+ $file.=$which.'_';
+ } else {
+ return 'refused';
+ }
+ $file.=$env{'form.scantron_selectfile'};
+ return &Apache::lonnet::removeuserfile($cname,$cdom,$file);
+=item scantron_remove_scan_data
+ Removes all scan_data correction for the requested bubble sheet
+ data file. (In the case that both the are doing skipped records we need
+ to remember the old skipped lines for the time being so that element
+ persists for a while.)
+sub scantron_remove_scan_data {
+ my $cname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my @keys=&Apache::lonnet::getkeys('nohist_scantrondata',$cdom,$cname);
+ my @todelete;
+ my $filename=$env{'form.scantron_selectfile'};
+ foreach my $key (@keys) {
+ if ($key=~/^\Q$filename\E_/) {
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_options_redo'} eq 'redo_skipped_ready' &&
+ $key=~/remember_skipping/) {
+ next;
+ }
+ push(@todelete,$key);
+ }
+ }
+ my $result;
+ if (@todelete) {
+ $result=&Apache::lonnet::del('nohist_scantrondata',\@todelete,$cdom,$cname);
+ }
+ return $result;
+=item scantron_getfile
+ Fetches the requested bubble sheet data file (all 3 versions), and
+ the scan_data hash
+ Arguments:
+ None
+ Returns:
+ 2 hash references
+ - first one has
+ orig -
+ corrected -
+ skipped - each of which points to an array ref of the specified
+ file broken up into individual lines
+ count - number of scanlines
+ - second is the scan_data hash possible keys are
+ ($number refers to scanline numbered $number and thus the key affects
+ only that scanline
+ $bubline refers to the specific bubble line element and the aspects
+ refers to that specific bubble line element)
+ $number.user - username:domain to use
+ $number.CODE_ignore_dup
+ - ignore the duplicate CODE error
+ $number.useCODE
+ - use the CODE in the scanline as is
+ $number.no_bubble.$bubline
+ - it is valid that there is no bubbled in bubble
+ at $number $bubline
+ remember_skipping
+ - a frozen hash containing keys of $number and values
+ of either
+ 1 - we are on a 'do skipped records pass' and plan
+ on processing this line
+ 2 - we are on a 'do skipped records pass' and this
+ scanline has been marked to skip yet again
+sub scantron_getfile {
+ #FIXME really would prefer a scantron directory
+ my $cname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $lines;
+ $lines=&Apache::lonnet::getfile('/uploaded/'.$cdom.'/'.$cname.'/'.
+ 'scantron_orig_'.$env{'form.scantron_selectfile'});
+ my %scanlines;
+ $scanlines{'orig'}=[(split("\n",$lines,-1))];
+ my $temp=$scanlines{'orig'};
+ $scanlines{'count'}=$#$temp;
+ $lines=&Apache::lonnet::getfile('/uploaded/'.$cdom.'/'.$cname.'/'.
+ 'scantron_corrected_'.$env{'form.scantron_selectfile'});
+ if ($lines eq '-1') {
+ $scanlines{'corrected'}=[];
+ } else {
+ $scanlines{'corrected'}=[(split("\n",$lines,-1))];
+ }
+ $lines=&Apache::lonnet::getfile('/uploaded/'.$cdom.'/'.$cname.'/'.
+ 'scantron_skipped_'.$env{'form.scantron_selectfile'});
+ if ($lines eq '-1') {
+ $scanlines{'skipped'}=[];
+ } else {
+ $scanlines{'skipped'}=[(split("\n",$lines,-1))];
+ }
+ my @tmp=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_scantrondata',$cdom,$cname);
+ if ($tmp[0] =~ /^(error:|no_such_host)/) { @tmp=(); }
+ my %scan_data = @tmp;
+ return (\%scanlines,\%scan_data);
+=item lonnet_putfile
+ Wrapper routine to call &Apache::lonnet::finishuserfileupload
+ Arguments:
+ $contents - data to store
+ $filename - filename to store $contents into
+ Returns:
+ result value from &Apache::lonnet::finishuserfileupload
+sub lonnet_putfile {
+ my ($contents,$filename)=@_;
+ my $docuname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $docudom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ $env{'form.sillywaytopassafilearound'}=$contents;
+ &Apache::lonnet::finishuserfileupload($docuname,$docudom,'sillywaytopassafilearound',$filename);
+=item scantron_putfile
+ Stores the current version of the bubble sheet data files, and the
+ scan_data hash. (Does not modify the original version only the
+ corrected and skipped versions.
+ Arguments:
+ $scanlines - hash ref that looks like the first return value from
+ &scantron_getfile()
+ $scan_data - hash ref that looks like the second return value from
+ &scantron_getfile()
+sub scantron_putfile {
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data) = @_;
+ #FIXME really would prefer a scantron directory
+ my $cname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ if ($scanlines) {
+ my $prefix='scantron_';
+# no need to update orig, shouldn't change
+# &lonnet_putfile(join("\n",@{$scanlines->{'orig'}}),$prefix.'orig_'.
+# $env{'form.scantron_selectfile'});
+ &lonnet_putfile(join("\n",@{$scanlines->{'corrected'}}),
+ $prefix.'corrected_'.
+ $env{'form.scantron_selectfile'});
+ &lonnet_putfile(join("\n",@{$scanlines->{'skipped'}}),
+ $prefix.'skipped_'.
+ $env{'form.scantron_selectfile'});
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::put('nohist_scantrondata',$scan_data,$cdom,$cname);
+=item scantron_get_line
+ Returns the correct version of the scanline
+ Arguments:
+ $scanlines - hash ref that looks like the first return value from
+ &scantron_getfile()
+ $scan_data - hash ref that looks like the second return value from
+ &scantron_getfile()
+ $i - number of the requested line (starts at 0)
+ Returns:
+ A scanline, (either the original or the corrected one if it
+ exists), or undef if the requested scanline should be
+ skipped. (Either because it's an skipped scanline, or it's an
+ unskipped scanline and we are not doing a 'do skipped scanlines'
+ pass.
+sub scantron_get_line {
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data,$i)=@_;
+ if (&should_be_skipped($scanlines,$scan_data,$i)) { return undef; }
+ #if ($scanlines->{'skipped'}[$i]) { return undef; }
+ if ($scanlines->{'corrected'}[$i]) {return $scanlines->{'corrected'}[$i];}
+ return $scanlines->{'orig'}[$i];
+=item scantron_todo_count
+ Counts the number of scanlines that need processing.
+ Arguments:
+ $scanlines - hash ref that looks like the first return value from
+ &scantron_getfile()
+ $scan_data - hash ref that looks like the second return value from
+ &scantron_getfile()
+ Returns:
+ $count - number of scanlines to process
+sub get_todo_count {
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=@_;
+ my $count=0;
+ for (my $i=0;$i<=$scanlines->{'count'};$i++) {
+ my $line=&scantron_get_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$i);
+ if ($line=~/^[\s\cz]*$/) { next; }
+ $count++;
+ }
+ return $count;
+=item scantron_put_line
+ Updates the 'corrected' or 'skipped' versions of the bubble sheet
+ data file.
+ Arguments:
+ $scanlines - hash ref that looks like the first return value from
+ &scantron_getfile()
+ $scan_data - hash ref that looks like the second return value from
+ &scantron_getfile()
+ $i - line number to update
+ $newline - contents of the updated scanline
+ $skip - if true make the line for skipping and update the
+ 'skipped' file
+sub scantron_put_line {
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data,$i,$newline,$skip)=@_;
+ if ($skip) {
+ $scanlines->{'skipped'}[$i]=$newline;
+ &start_skipping($scan_data,$i);
+ return;
+ }
+ $scanlines->{'corrected'}[$i]=$newline;
+=item scantron_clear_skip
+ Remove a line from the 'skipped' file
+ Arguments:
+ $scanlines - hash ref that looks like the first return value from
+ &scantron_getfile()
+ $scan_data - hash ref that looks like the second return value from
+ &scantron_getfile()
+ $i - line number to update
+sub scantron_clear_skip {
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data,$i)=@_;
+ if (exists($scanlines->{'skipped'}[$i])) {
+ undef($scanlines->{'skipped'}[$i]);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item scantron_filter_not_exam
+ Filter routine used by &Apache::lonnavmaps::retrieveResources(), to
+ filter out resources that are not marked as 'exam' mode
+sub scantron_filter_not_exam {
+ my ($curres)=@_;
+ if (ref($curres) && $curres->is_problem() && !$curres->is_exam()) {
+ # if the user has asked to not have either hidden
+ # or 'randomout' controlled resources to be graded
+ # don't include them
+ if ($env{'form.scantron_options_hidden'} eq 'ignore_hidden'
+ && $curres->randomout) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item scantron_validate_sequence
+ Validates the selected sequence, checking for resource that are
+ not set to exam mode.
+sub scantron_validate_sequence {
+ my ($r,$currentphase) = @_;
+ my $navmap=Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ my (undef,undef,$sequence)=
+ &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($env{'form.selectpage'});
+ my $map=$navmap->getResourceByUrl($sequence);
+ $r->print('');
+ if ($env{'form.validate_sequence_exam'} ne 'ignore') {
+ my @resources=
+ $navmap->retrieveResources($map,\&scantron_filter_not_exam,1,0);
+ if (@resources) {
+ $r->print("
".&mt('Some resources in the sequence currently are not set to exam mode. Grading these resources currently may not work correctly.')."
+ return (1,$currentphase);
+ }
+ }
+ return (0,$currentphase+1);
+=item scantron_validate_ID
+ Validates all scanlines in the selected file to not have any
+ invalid or underspecified student IDs
+sub scantron_validate_ID {
+ my ($r,$currentphase) = @_;
+ #get student info
+ my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
+ my %idmap=&username_to_idmap($classlist);
+ #get scantron line setup
+ my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
+ &scantron_get_maxbubble(); # parse needs the bubble_lines.. array.
+ my %found=('ids'=>{},'usernames'=>{});
+ for (my $i=0;$i<=$scanlines->{'count'};$i++) {
+ my $line=&scantron_get_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$i);
+ if ($line=~/^[\s\cz]*$/) { next; }
+ my $scan_record=&scantron_parse_scanline($line,$i,\%scantron_config,
+ $scan_data);
+ my $id=$$scan_record{'scantron.ID'};
+ my $found;
+ foreach my $checkid (keys(%idmap)) {
+ if (lc($checkid) eq lc($id)) { $found=$checkid;last; }
+ }
+ if ($found) {
+ my $username=$idmap{$found};
+ if ($found{'ids'}{$found}) {
+ &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,\%scantron_config,
+ $line,'duplicateID',$found);
+ return(1,$currentphase);
+ } elsif ($found{'usernames'}{$username}) {
+ &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,\%scantron_config,
+ $line,'duplicateID',$username);
+ return(1,$currentphase);
+ }
+ #FIXME store away line we previously saw the ID on to use above
+ $found{'ids'}{$found}++;
+ $found{'usernames'}{$username}++;
+ } else {
+ if ($id =~ /^\s*$/) {
+ my $username=&scan_data($scan_data,"$i.user");
+ if (defined($username) && $found{'usernames'}{$username}) {
+ &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,
+ \%scantron_config,
+ $line,'duplicateID',$username);
+ return(1,$currentphase);
+ } elsif (!defined($username)) {
+ &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,
+ \%scantron_config,
+ $line,'incorrectID');
+ return(1,$currentphase);
+ }
+ $found{'usernames'}{$username}++;
+ } else {
+ &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,\%scantron_config,
+ $line,'incorrectID');
+ return(1,$currentphase);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return (0,$currentphase+1);
+=item scantron_get_correction
+ Builds the interface screen to interact with the operator to fix a
+ specific error condition in a specific scanline
+ Arguments:
+ $r - Apache request object
+ $i - number of the current scanline
+ $scan_record - hash ref as returned from &scantron_parse_scanline()
+ $scan_config - hash ref as returned from &get_scantron_config()
+ $line - full contents of the current scanline
+ $error - error condition, valid values are
+ 'incorrectCODE', 'duplicateCODE',
+ 'doublebubble', 'missingbubble',
+ 'duplicateID', 'incorrectID'
+ $arg - extra information needed
+ For errors:
+ - duplicateID - paper number that this studentID was seen before on
+ - duplicateCODE - array ref of the paper numbers this CODE was
+ seen on before
+ - incorrectCODE - current incorrect CODE
+ - doublebubble - array ref of the bubble lines that have double
+ bubble errors
+ - missingbubble - array ref of the bubble lines that have missing
+ bubble errors
+sub scantron_get_correction {
+ my ($r,$i,$scan_record,$scan_config,$line,$error,$arg)=@_;
+#FIXME in the case of a duplicated ID the previous line, probably need
+#to show both the current line and the previous one and allow skipping
+#the previous one or the current one
+ $r->print("
An error was detected ($error)");
+ if ( $$scan_record{'scantron.PaperID'} =~ /\S/) {
+ $r->print(" for PaperID ".
+ $$scan_record{'scantron.PaperID'}." \n");
+ } else {
+ $r->print(" in scanline $i
+ $line."
+ }
+ my $message="
The ID on the form is ".
+ $$scan_record{'scantron.ID'}." \n".
+ "The name on the paper is ".
+ $$scan_record{'scantron.LastName'}.",".
+ $$scan_record{'scantron.FirstName'}."
+ $r->print(''."\n");
+ $r->print(''."\n");
+ if ($error =~ /ID$/) {
+ if ($error eq 'incorrectID') {
+ $r->print("The encoded ID is not in the classlist\n");
+ } elsif ($error eq 'duplicateID') {
+ $r->print("The encoded ID has also been used by a previous paper $arg\n");
+ }
+ $r->print($message);
+ $r->print("
How should I handle this? \n");
+ $r->print("\n
+ #FIXME it would be nice if this sent back the user ID and
+ #could do partial userID matches
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::selectstudent_link('scantronupload',
+ 'scantron_username','scantron_domain'));
+ $r->print(": ");
+ $r->print("\n@".
+ &Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($env{'request.role.domain'},'scantron_domain'));
+ $r->print('
There have been no bubbles scanned for some question(s)
+ $r->print($message);
+ $r->print("
Please indicate which bubble should be used for grading
+ $r->print("Some questions have no scanned bubbles\n");
+ $r->print('');
+ foreach my $question (@{$arg}) {
+ my $selected = &get_response_bubbles($scan_record, $question);
+ my @select_array = split(/:/,$selected); # ought to be an array of empties.
+ &scantron_bubble_selector($r,$scan_config,$question, @select_array);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $r->print("\n
+ }
+ $r->print("\n
+=item scantron_bubble_selector
+ Generates the html radiobuttons to correct a single bubble line
+ possibly showing the existing the selected bubbles if known
+ Arguments:
+ $r - Apache request object
+ $scan_config - hash from &get_scantron_config()
+ $quest - number of the bubble line to make a corrector for
+ @lines - array of answer lines.
+sub scantron_bubble_selector {
+ my ($r,$scan_config,$quest,@lines)=@_;
+ my $max=$$scan_config{'Qlength'};
+ my $scmode=$$scan_config{'Qon'};
+ my $bubble_length = scalar(@lines);
+ if ($scmode eq 'number' || $scmode eq 'letter') { $max=10; }
+ my $response = $quest-1;
+ my $lines = $bubble_lines_per_response{$response};
+ my $total_lines = $lines*2;
+ my @alphabet=('A'..'Z');
+ $r->print("
+ }
+ if ($l == 0) {
+ my $lspan = $total_lines * 2; # 2 table rows per bubble line.
+ $r->print('
+ }
+ $r->print('
+ # FIXME: This may have to be a bit more clever for
+ # multiline questions (different values e.g..).
+ for (my $i=0;$i<$max;$i++) {
+ my $value = "$l:$i"; # Relative bubble line #: Bubble in line.
+ $r->print("\n".
+ '
+ }
+ $r->print('
+ }
+ $r->print('
+=item num_matches
+ Counts the number of characters that are the same between the two arguments.
+ Arguments:
+ $orig - CODE from the scanline
+ $code - CODE to match against
+ Returns:
+ $count - integer count of the number of same characters between the
+ two arguments
+sub num_matches {
+ my ($orig,$code) = @_;
+ my @code=split(//,$code);
+ my @orig=split(//,$orig);
+ my $same=0;
+ for (my $i=0;$i{'count'};$i++) {
+ my $line=&scantron_get_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$i);
+ if ($line=~/^[\s\cz]*$/) { next; }
+ my $scan_record=&scantron_parse_scanline($line,$i,\%scantron_config,
+ $scan_data);
+ my $CODE=$$scan_record{'scantron.CODE'};
+ my $error=0;
+ if (!&Apache::lonnet::validCODE($CODE)) {
+ &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,
+ \%scantron_config,
+ $line,'incorrectCODE',\%allcodes);
+ return(1,$currentphase);
+ }
+ if (%allcodes && !exists($allcodes{$CODE})
+ && !$$scan_record{'scantron.useCODE'}) {
+ &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,
+ \%scantron_config,
+ $line,'incorrectCODE',\%allcodes);
+ return(1,$currentphase);
+ }
+ if (exists($usedCODEs{$CODE})
+ && $env{'form.scantron_CODEunique'} eq 'yes'
+ && !$$scan_record{'scantron.CODE_ignore_dup'}) {
+ &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,
+ \%scantron_config,
+ $line,'duplicateCODE',$usedCODEs{$CODE});
+ return(1,$currentphase);
+ }
+ push (@{$usedCODEs{$CODE}},$$scan_record{'scantron.PaperID'});
+ }
+ return (0,$currentphase+1);
+=item scantron_validate_doublebubble
+ Validates all scanlines in the selected file to not have any
+ bubble lines with multiple bubbles marked.
+sub scantron_validate_doublebubble {
+ my ($r,$currentphase) = @_;
+ #get student info
+ my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
+ my %idmap=&username_to_idmap($classlist);
+ #get scantron line setup
+ my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
+ &scantron_get_maxbubble(); # parse needs the bubble line array.
+ for (my $i=0;$i<=$scanlines->{'count'};$i++) {
+ my $line=&scantron_get_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$i);
+ if ($line=~/^[\s\cz]*$/) { next; }
+ my $scan_record=&scantron_parse_scanline($line,$i,\%scantron_config,
+ $scan_data);
+ if (!defined($$scan_record{'scantron.doubleerror'})) { next; }
+ &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,\%scantron_config,$line,
+ 'doublebubble',
+ $$scan_record{'scantron.doubleerror'});
+ return (1,$currentphase);
+ }
+ return (0,$currentphase+1);
+=item scantron_get_maxbubble
+ Returns the maximum number of bubble lines that are expected to
+ occur. Does this by walking the selected sequence rendering the
+ resource and then checking &Apache::lonxml::get_problem_counter()
+ for what the current value of the problem counter is.
+ Caches the results to $env{'form.scantron_maxbubble'},
+ $env{'form.scantron.bubble_lines.n'} and
+ $env{'form.scantron.first_bubble_line.n'}
+ which are the total number of bubble, lines, the number of bubble
+ lines for reponse n and number of the first bubble line for response n.
+sub scantron_get_maxbubble {
+ if (defined($env{'form.scantron_maxbubble'}) &&
+ $env{'form.scantron_maxbubble'}) {
+ &restore_bubble_lines();
+ return $env{'form.scantron_maxbubble'};
+ }
+ my (undef, undef, $sequence) =
+ &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($env{'form.selectpage'});
+ my $navmap=Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ my $map=$navmap->getResourceByUrl($sequence);
+ my @resources=$navmap->retrieveResources($map,\&scantron_filter,1,0);
+ &Apache::lonxml::clear_problem_counter();
+ my $uname = $env{'form.student'};
+ my $udom = $env{'form.userdom'};
+ my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
+ my $total_lines = 0;
+ %bubble_lines_per_response = ();
+ %first_bubble_line = ();
+ my $response_number = 0;
+ my $bubble_line = 0;
+ foreach my $resource (@resources) {
+ my $symb = $resource->symb();
+ &Apache::lonxml::clear_bubble_lines_for_part();
+ my $result=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($resource->src(),
+ ('symb' => $resource->symb()),
+ ('grade_target' => 'analyze'),
+ ('grade_courseid' => $cid),
+ ('grade_domain' => $udom),
+ ('grade_username' => $uname));
+ my (undef, $an) =
+ split(/_HASH_REF__/,$result, 2);
+ my %analysis = &Apache::lonnet::str2hash($an);
+ foreach my $part_id (@{$analysis{'parts'}}) {
+ my $lines = $analysis{"$part_id.bubble_lines"};;
+ # TODO - make this a persistent hash not an array.
+ $first_bubble_line{$response_number} = $bubble_line;
+ $bubble_lines_per_response{$response_number} = $lines;
+ $response_number++;
+ $bubble_line += $lines;
+ $total_lines += $lines;
+ }
+ }
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv('scantron\.');
+ &save_bubble_lines();
+ $env{'form.scantron_maxbubble'} =
+ $total_lines;
+ return $env{'form.scantron_maxbubble'};
+=item scantron_validate_missingbubbles
+ Validates all scanlines in the selected file to not have any
+ answers that don't have bubbles that have not been verified
+ to be bubble free.
+sub scantron_validate_missingbubbles {
+ my ($r,$currentphase) = @_;
+ #get student info
+ my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
+ my %idmap=&username_to_idmap($classlist);
+ #get scantron line setup
+ my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
+ my $max_bubble=&scantron_get_maxbubble();
+ if (!$max_bubble) { $max_bubble=2**31; }
+ for (my $i=0;$i<=$scanlines->{'count'};$i++) {
+ my $line=&scantron_get_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$i);
+ if ($line=~/^[\s\cz]*$/) { next; }
+ my $scan_record=&scantron_parse_scanline($line,$i,\%scantron_config,
+ $scan_data);
+ if (!defined($$scan_record{'scantron.missingerror'})) { next; }
+ my @to_correct;
+ # Probably here's where the error is...
+ foreach my $missing (@{$$scan_record{'scantron.missingerror'}}) {
+ if ($missing > $max_bubble) { next; }
+ push(@to_correct,$missing);
+ }
+ if (@to_correct) {
+ &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,\%scantron_config,
+ $line,'missingbubble',\@to_correct);
+ return (1,$currentphase);
+ }
+ }
+ return (0,$currentphase+1);
+=item scantron_process_students
+ Routine that does the actual grading of the bubble sheet information.
+ The parsed scanline hash is added to %env
+ Then foreach unskipped scanline it does an &Apache::lonnet::ssi()
+ foreach resource , with the form data of
+ 'submitted' =>'scantron'
+ 'grade_target' =>'grade',
+ 'grade_username'=> username of student
+ 'grade_domain' => domain of student
+ 'grade_courseid'=> of course
+ 'grade_symb' => symb of resource to grade
+ This triggers a grading pass. The problem grading code takes care
+ of converting the bubbled letter information (now in %env) into a
+ valid submission.
+sub scantron_process_students {
+ my ($r) = @_;
+ my (undef,undef,$sequence)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($env{'form.selectpage'});
+ my ($symb)=&get_symb($r);
+ if (!$symb) {return '';}
+ my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData($symb);
+ my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+ my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
+ my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
+ my %idmap=&username_to_idmap($classlist);
+ my $navmap=Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+ my $map=$navmap->getResourceByUrl($sequence);
+ my @resources=$navmap->retrieveResources($map,\&scantron_filter,1,0);
+# $r->print("geto ".scalar(@resources)." ");
+ my $result= <
+ $default_form_data
+ $r->print($result);
+ my @delayqueue;
+ my %completedstudents;
+ my $count=&get_todo_count($scanlines,$scan_data);
+ my %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin($r,'Scantron Status',
+ 'Scantron Progress',$count,
+ 'inline',undef,'scantronupload');
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Update_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,
+ 'Processing first student');
+ my $start=&Time::HiRes::time();
+ my $i=-1;
+ my ($uname,$udom,$started);
+ &scantron_get_maxbubble(); # Need the bubble lines array to parse.
+ while ($i<$scanlines->{'count'}) {
+ ($uname,$udom)=('','');
+ $i++;
+ my $line=&scantron_get_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$i);
+ if ($line=~/^[\s\cz]*$/) { next; }
+ if ($started) {
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Increment_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state,
+ 'last student');
+ }
+ $started=1;
+ my $scan_record=&scantron_parse_scanline($line,$i,\%scantron_config,
+ $scan_data);
+ unless ($uname=&scantron_find_student($scan_record,$scan_data,
+ \%idmap,$i)) {
+ &scantron_add_delay(\@delayqueue,$line,
+ 'Unable to find a student that matches',1);
+ next;
+ }
+ if (exists $completedstudents{$uname}) {
+ &scantron_add_delay(\@delayqueue,$line,
+ 'Student '.$uname.' has multiple sheets',2);
+ next;
+ }
+ ($uname,$udom)=split(/:/,$uname);
+ &Apache::lonxml::clear_problem_counter();
+ &Apache::lonnet::appenv(%$scan_record);
+ if (&scantron_clear_skip($scanlines,$scan_data,$i)) {
+ &scantron_putfile($scanlines,$scan_data);
+ }
+ my $i=0;
+ foreach my $resource (@resources) {
+ $i++;
+ my %form=('submitted' =>'scantron',
+ 'grade_target' =>'grade',
+ 'grade_username'=>$uname,
+ 'grade_domain' =>$udom,
+ 'grade_courseid'=>$env{'request.course.id'},
+ 'grade_symb' =>$resource->symb());
+ if (exists($scan_record->{'scantron.CODE'})
+ &&
+ &Apache::lonnet::validCODE($scan_record->{'scantron.CODE'})) {
+ $form{'CODE'}=$scan_record->{'scantron.CODE'};
+ } else {
+ $form{'CODE'}='';
+ }
+ my $result=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($resource->src(),%form);
+ if ($result ne '') {
+ }
+ if (&Apache::loncommon::connection_aborted($r)) { last; }
+ }
+ $completedstudents{$uname}={'line'=>$line};
+ if (&Apache::loncommon::connection_aborted($r)) { last; }
+ } continue {
+ &Apache::lonxml::clear_problem_counter();
+ &Apache::lonnet::delenv('scantron\.');
+ }
+ &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Close_PrgWin($r,\%prog_state);
+# my $lasttime = &Time::HiRes::time()-$start;
+# $r->print("
took $lasttime
+ $r->print("");
+ $r->print(&show_grading_menu_form($symb));
+ return '';
+=item scantron_upload_scantron_data
+ Creates the screen for adding a new bubble sheet data file to a course.
+sub scantron_upload_scantron_data {
+ my ($r)=@_;
+ $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::coursebrowser_javascript($env{'request.role.domain'}));
+ my $select_link=&Apache::loncommon::selectcourse_link('rules','courseid',
+ 'domainid',
+ 'coursename');
+ my $domsel=&Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($env{'request.role.domain'},
+ 'domainid');
+ my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData(&get_symb($r,1));
+ $r->print(<
+ function checkUpload(formname) {
+ if (formname.upfile.value == "") {
+ alert("Please use the browse button to select a file from your local directory.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ formname.submit();
+ }
Course ID:
Course Name:
File to upload:
+ return '';
+=item scantron_upload_scantron_data_save
+ Adds a provided bubble information data file to the course if user
+ has the correct privileges to do so.
+sub scantron_upload_scantron_data_save {
+ my($r)=@_;
+ my ($symb)=&get_symb($r,1);
+ my $doanotherupload=
+ '
+ ''."\n".
+ ''."\n".
+ '
+ if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('usc',$env{'form.domainid'}) &&
+ !&Apache::lonnet::allowed('usc',
+ $env{'form.domainid'}.'_'.$env{'form.courseid'})) {
+ $r->print("You are not allowed to upload Scantron data to the requested course. ");
+ if ($symb) {
+ $r->print(&show_grading_menu_form($symb));
+ } else {
+ $r->print($doanotherupload);
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ my %coursedata=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($env{'form.domainid'}.'_'.$env{'form.courseid'});
+ $r->print("Doing upload to ".$coursedata{'description'}." ");
+ my $fname=$env{'form.upfile.filename'};
+ #copied from lonnet::userfileupload()
+ #make that function able to target a specified course
+ # Replace Windows backslashes by forward slashes
+ $fname=~s/\\/\//g;
+ # Get rid of everything but the actual filename
+ $fname=~s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/;
+ # Replace spaces by underscores
+ $fname=~s/\s+/\_/g;
+ # Replace all other weird characters by nothing
+ $fname=~s/[^\w\.\-]//g;
+ # See if there is anything left
+ unless ($fname) { return 'error: no uploaded file'; }
+ my $uploadedfile=$fname;
+ $fname='scantron_orig_'.$fname;
+ if (length($env{'form.upfile'}) < 2) {
+ $r->print("Error: The file you attempted to upload, ".&HTML::Entities::encode($env{'form.upfile.filename'},'<>&"').", contained no information. Please check that you entered the correct filename.");
+ } else {
+ my $result=&Apache::lonnet::finishuserfileupload($env{'form.courseid'},$env{'form.domainid'},'upfile',$fname);
+ if ($result =~ m|^/uploaded/|) {
+ $r->print("Success: Successfully uploaded ".(length($env{'form.upfile'})-1)." bytes of data into location ".$result."");
+ } else {
+ $r->print("Error: An error (".$result.") occurred when attempting to upload the file, ".&HTML::Entities::encode($env{'form.upfile.filename'},'<>&"')."");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($symb) {
+ $r->print(&scantron_selectphase($r,$uploadedfile));
+ } else {
+ $r->print($doanotherupload);
+ }
+ return '';
+=item valid_file
+ Validates that the requested bubble data file exists in the course.
+sub valid_file {
+ my ($requested_file)=@_;
+ foreach my $filename (sort(&scantron_filenames())) {
+ if ($requested_file eq $filename) { return 1; }
+ }
+ return 0;
+=item scantron_download_scantron_data
+ Shows a list of the three internal files (original, corrected,
+ skipped) for a specific bubble sheet data file that exists in the
+ course.
+sub scantron_download_scantron_data {
+ my ($r)=@_;
+ my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData(&get_symb($r,1));
+ my $cname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $file=$env{'form.scantron_selectfile'};
+ if (! &valid_file($file)) {
+ $r->print(<
+ The requested file name was invalid.
+ $r->print(&show_grading_menu_form(&get_symb($r,1)));
+ return;
+ }
+ my $orig='/uploaded/'.$cdom.'/'.$cname.'/scantron_orig_'.$file;
+ my $corrected='/uploaded/'.$cdom.'/'.$cname.'/scantron_corrected_'.$file;
+ my $skipped='/uploaded/'.$cdom.'/'.$cname.'/scantron_skipped_'.$file;
+ &Apache::lonnet::allowuploaded('/adm/grades',$orig);
+ &Apache::lonnet::allowuploaded('/adm/grades',$corrected);
+ &Apache::lonnet::allowuploaded('/adm/grades',$skipped);
+ $r->print(<
+ Original file as uploaded by the scantron office.
+ Corrections, a file of corrected records that were used in grading.
+ $r->print(&show_grading_menu_form(&get_symb($r,1)));
+ return '';
+#-------- end of section for handling grading scantron forms -------
+#-------------------------- Menu interface -------------------------
+#--- Show a Grading Menu button - Calls the next routine ---
+sub show_grading_menu_form {
+ my ($symb)=@_;
+ my $result.='
+ '.&mt('Grade Complete Folder for One Student').'
+ return $result;
+sub reset_perm {
+ undef(%perm);
+sub init_perm {
+ &reset_perm();
+ foreach my $test_perm ('vgr','mgr','opa') {
+ my $scope = $env{'request.course.id'};
+ if (!($perm{$test_perm}=&Apache::lonnet::allowed($test_perm,$scope))) {
+ $scope .= '/'.$env{'request.course.sec'};
+ if ( $perm{$test_perm}=
+ &Apache::lonnet::allowed($test_perm,$scope)) {
+ $perm{$test_perm.'_section'}=$env{'request.course.sec'};
+ } else {
+ delete($perm{$test_perm});
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub gather_clicker_ids {
+ my %clicker_ids;
+ my $classlist = &Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
+ # Set up a couple variables.
+ my $username_idx = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SNAME();
+ my $domain_idx = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SDOM();
+ my $status_idx = &Apache::loncoursedata::CL_STATUS();
+ foreach my $student (keys(%$classlist)) {
+ if ($classlist->{$student}->[$status_idx] ne 'Active') { next; }
+ my $username = $classlist->{$student}->[$username_idx];
+ my $domain = $classlist->{$student}->[$domain_idx];
+ my $clickers =
+ (&Apache::lonnet::userenvironment($domain,$username,'clickers'))[1];
+ foreach my $id (split(/\,/,$clickers)) {
+ $id=~s/^[\#0]+//;
+ $id=~s/[\-\:]//g;
+ if (exists($clicker_ids{$id})) {
+ $clicker_ids{$id}.=','.$username.':'.$domain;
+ } else {
+ $clicker_ids{$id}=$username.':'.$domain;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %clicker_ids;
+sub gather_adv_clicker_ids {
+ my %clicker_ids;
+ my $cnum=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my %coursepersonnel=&Apache::lonnet::get_course_adv_roles($cdom.'/'.$cnum);
+ foreach my $element (sort(keys(%coursepersonnel))) {
+ foreach my $person (split(/\,/,$coursepersonnel{$element})) {
+ my ($puname,$pudom)=split(/\:/,$person);
+ my $clickers =
+ (&Apache::lonnet::userenvironment($pudom,$puname,'clickers'))[1];
+ foreach my $id (split(/\,/,$clickers)) {
+ $id=~s/^[\#0]+//;
+ $id=~s/[\-\:]//g;
+ if (exists($clicker_ids{$id})) {
+ $clicker_ids{$id}.=','.$puname.':'.$pudom;
+ } else {
+ $clicker_ids{$id}=$puname.':'.$pudom;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return %clicker_ids;
+sub clicker_grading_parameters {
+ return ('gradingmechanism' => 'scalar',
+ 'upfiletype' => 'scalar',
+ 'specificid' => 'scalar',
+ 'pcorrect' => 'scalar',
+ 'pincorrect' => 'scalar');
+sub process_clicker {
+ my ($r)=@_;
+ my ($symb)=&get_symb($r);
+ if (!$symb) {return '';}
+ my $result=&checkforfile_js();
+ $env{'form.probTitle'} = &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($symb);
+ my ($table) = &showResourceInfo($symb,$env{'form.probTitle'});
+ $result.=$table;
+ $result.='
+ $result.='
+ $result.=' '.&mt('Specify a file containing the clicker information for this resource').
+ '.
+ $result.='
+# Attempt to restore parameters from last session, set defaults if not present
+ my %Saveable_Parameters=&clicker_grading_parameters();
+ &Apache::loncommon::restore_course_settings('grades_clicker',
+ \%Saveable_Parameters);
+ if (!$env{'form.pcorrect'}) { $env{'form.pcorrect'}=100; }
+ if (!$env{'form.pincorrect'}) { $env{'form.pincorrect'}=100; }
+ if (!$env{'form.gradingmechanism'}) { $env{'form.gradingmechanism'}='attendance'; }
+ if (!$env{'form.upfiletype'}) { $env{'form.upfiletype'}='iclicker'; }
+ my %checked;
+ foreach my $gradingmechanism ('attendance','personnel','specific') {
+ if ($env{'form.gradingmechanism'} eq $gradingmechanism) {
+ $checked{$gradingmechanism}="checked='checked'";
+ }
+ }
+ my $upload=&mt("Upload File");
+ my $type=&mt("Type");
+ my $attendance=&mt("Award points just for participation");
+ my $personnel=&mt("Correctness determined from response by course personnel");
+ my $specific=&mt("Correctness determined from response with clicker ID(s)");
+ my $pcorrect=&mt("Percentage points for correct solution");
+ my $pincorrect=&mt("Percentage points for incorrect solution");
+ my $selectform=&Apache::loncommon::select_form($env{'form.upfiletype'},'upfiletype',
+ ('iclicker' => 'i>clicker',
+ 'interwrite' => 'interwrite PRS'));
+ $symb = &Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($symb);
+ $result.=<
+function sanitycheck() {
+// Accept only integer percentages
+ document.forms.gradesupload.pcorrect.value=Math.round(document.forms.gradesupload.pcorrect.value);
+ document.forms.gradesupload.pincorrect.value=Math.round(document.forms.gradesupload.pincorrect.value);
+// Find out grading choice
+ for (i=0; i
+ $result.='
+ '
+ $result.=&show_grading_menu_form($symb);
+ return $result;
+sub process_clicker_file {
+ my ($r)=@_;
+ my ($symb)=&get_symb($r);
+ if (!$symb) {return '';}
+ my %Saveable_Parameters=&clicker_grading_parameters();
+ &Apache::loncommon::store_course_settings('grades_clicker',
+ \%Saveable_Parameters);
+ my ($result) = &showResourceInfo($symb,$env{'form.probTitle'});
+ if (($env{'form.gradingmechanism'} eq 'specific') && ($env{'form.specificid'}!~/\w/)) {
+ $result.=''.&mt('You need to specify a clicker ID for the correct answer').'';
+ return $result.&show_grading_menu_form($symb);
+ }
+ my %clicker_ids=&gather_clicker_ids();
+ my %correct_ids;
+ if ($env{'form.gradingmechanism'} eq 'personnel') {
+ %correct_ids=&gather_adv_clicker_ids();
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.gradingmechanism'} eq 'specific') {
+ foreach my $correct_id (split(/[\s\,]/,$env{'form.specificid'})) {;
+ $correct_id=~tr/a-z/A-Z/;
+ $correct_id=~s/\s//gs;
+ $correct_id=~s/^[\#0]+//;
+ $correct_id=~s/[\-\:]//g;
+ if ($correct_id) {
+ $correct_ids{$correct_id}='specified';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.gradingmechanism'} eq 'attendance') {
+ $result.=&mt('Score based on attendance only');
} else {
- $request->print("Unknown action: $command:");
+ my $number=0;
+ $result.='
'.&mt('Correctness determined by the following IDs').'';
+ foreach my $id (sort(keys(%correct_ids))) {
+ $result.=' '.$id.' - ';
+ if ($correct_ids{$id} eq 'specified') {
+ $result.=&mt('specified');
+ } else {
+ my ($uname,$udom)=split(/\:/,$correct_ids{$id});
+ $result.=&Apache::loncommon::plainname($uname,$udom);
+ }
+ $number++;
+ }
+ $result.="
+ if ($number==0) {
+ $result.=''.&mt('No IDs found to determine correct answer').'';
+ return $result.&show_grading_menu_form($symb);
+ }
- }
- &send_footer($request);
- return OK;
+ if (length($env{'form.upfile'}) < 2) {
+ $result.=&mt('[_1] Error: [_2] The file you attempted to upload, [_3] contained no information. Please check that you entered the correct filename.',
+ '',
+ '',
+ ''.&HTML::Entities::encode($env{'form.upfile.filename'},'<>&"').'');
+ return $result.&show_grading_menu_form($symb);
+ }
+# Were able to get all the info needed, now analyze the file
+ $result.=&Apache::loncommon::studentbrowser_javascript();
+ $symb = &Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($symb);
+ my $heading=&mt('Scanning clicker file');
+ $result.=(<
+ my %responses;
+ my @questiontitles;
+ my $errormsg='';
+ my $number=0;
+ if ($env{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'iclicker') {
+ ($errormsg,$number)=&iclicker_eval(\@questiontitles,\%responses);
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'interwrite') {
+ ($errormsg,$number)=&interwrite_eval(\@questiontitles,\%responses);
+ }
+ $result.=' '.&mt('Found [_1] question(s)',$number).' '.
+ ''.
+ &mt('Awarding [_1] percent for corrion(s)',$number).' '.
+ ''.
+ &mt('Awarding [_1] percent for correct and [_2] percent for incorrect responses',
+ $env{'form.pcorrect'},$env{'form.pincorrect'}).
+ ' ';
+# Remember Question Titles
+# FIXME: Possibly need delimiter other than ":"
+ for (my $i=0;$i<$number;$i++) {
+ $result.='').'" />';
+ }
+ my $correct_count=0;
+ my $student_count=0;
+ my $unknown_count=0;
+# Match answers with usernames
+# FIXME: Possibly need delimiter other than ":"
+ foreach my $id (keys(%responses)) {
+ if ($correct_ids{$id}) {
+ $result.="\n".'';
+ $correct_count++;
+ } elsif ($clicker_ids{$id}) {
+ if ($clicker_ids{$id}=~/\,/) {
+# More than one user with the same clicker!
+ $result.="\n".&mt('Clicker registered more than once').": ".$id." ";
+ $result.="\n".''.
+ "';
+ $unknown_count++;
+ } else {
+# Good: found one and only one user with the right clicker
+ $result.="\n".'';
+ $student_count++;
+ }
+ } else {
+ $result.="\n".&mt('Unregistered Clicker')." ".$id." ";
+ $result.="\n".''.
+ "\n".&mt("Username").": ".
+ "\n".&mt("Domain").": ".
+ &Apache::loncommon::select_dom_form($env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},'udom'.$id).' '.
+ &Apache::loncommon::selectstudent_link('clickeranalysis','uname'.$id,'udom'.$id);
+ $unknown_count++;
+ }
+ }
+ $result.=''.
+ &mt('Found [_1] registered and [_2] unregistered clickers.',$student_count,$unknown_count);
+ if ($env{'form.gradingmechanism'} ne 'attendance') {
+ if ($correct_count==0) {
+ $errormsg.="Found no correct answers answers for grading!";
+ } elsif ($correct_count>1) {
+ $result.=' '.&mt("Found [_1] entries for grading!",$correct_count).'';
+ }
+ }
+ if ($number<1) {
+ $errormsg.="Found no questions.";
+ }
+ if ($errormsg) {
+ $result.=' '.&mt($errormsg).'';
+ } else {
+ $result.=' ';
+ }
+ $result.='
+ '
+ return $result.&show_grading_menu_form($symb);
+sub iclicker_eval {
+ my ($questiontitles,$responses)=@_;
+ my $number=0;
+ my $errormsg='';
+ foreach my $line (split(/[\n\r]/,$env{'form.upfile'})) {
+ my %components=&Apache::loncommon::record_sep($line);
+ my @entries=map {$components{$_}} (sort(keys(%components)));
+ if ($entries[0] eq 'Question') {
+ for (my $i=3;$i<$#entries;$i+=6) {
+ $$questiontitles[$number]=$entries[$i];
+ $number++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($entries[0]=~/^\#/) {
+ my $id=$entries[0];
+ my @idresponses;
+ $id=~s/^[\#0]+//;
+ for (my $i=0;$i<$number;$i++) {
+ my $idx=3+$i*6;
+ push(@idresponses,$entries[$idx]);
+ }
+ $$responses{$id}=join(',',@idresponses);
+ }
+ }
+ return ($errormsg,$number);
+sub interwrite_eval {
+ my ($questiontitles,$responses)=@_;
+ my $number=0;
+ my $errormsg='';
+ my $skipline=1;
+ my $questionnumber=0;
+ my %idresponses=();
+ foreach my $line (split(/[\n\r]/,$env{'form.upfile'})) {
+ my %components=&Apache::loncommon::record_sep($line);
+ my @entries=map {$components{$_}} (sort(keys(%components)));
+ if ($entries[1] eq 'Time') { $skipline=0; next; }
+ if ($entries[1] eq 'Response') { $skipline=1; }
+ next if $skipline;
+ if ($entries[0]!=$questionnumber) {
+ $questionnumber=$entries[0];
+ $$questiontitles[$number]=&mt('Question [_1]',$questionnumber);
+ $number++;
+ }
+ my $id=$entries[4];
+ $id=~s/^[\#0]+//;
+ $id=~s/^v\d*\://i;
+ $id=~s/[\-\:]//g;
+ $idresponses{$id}[$number]=$entries[6];
+ }
+ foreach my $id (keys %idresponses) {
+ $$responses{$id}=join(',',@{$idresponses{$id}});
+ $$responses{$id}=~s/^\s*\,//;
+ }
+ return ($errormsg,$number);
+sub assign_clicker_grades {
+ my ($r)=@_;
+ my ($symb)=&get_symb($r);
+ if (!$symb) {return '';}
+# See which part we are saving to
+ my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb);
+# FIXME: This should probably look for the first handgradeable part
+ my $part=$$partlist[0];
+# Start screen output
+ my ($result) = &showResourceInfo($symb,$env{'form.probTitle'});
+ my $heading=&mt('Assigning grades based on clicker file');
+ $result.=(<
+# Get correct result
+# FIXME: Possibly need delimiter other than ":"
+ my @correct=();
+ my $gradingmechanism=$env{'form.gradingmechanism'};
+ my $number=$env{'form.number'};
+ if ($gradingmechanism ne 'attendance') {
+ foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
+ if ($key=~/^form\.correct\:/) {
+ my @input=split(/\,/,$env{$key});
+ for (my $i=0;$i<=$#input;$i++) {
+ if (($correct[$i]) && ($input[$i]) &&
+ ($correct[$i] ne $input[$i])) {
+ $result.=' '.
+ &mt('More than one correct result given for question "[_1]": [_2] versus [_3].',
+ $env{'form.question:'.$i},$correct[$i],$input[$i]).'';
+ } elsif ($input[$i]) {
+ $correct[$i]=$input[$i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (my $i=0;$i<$number;$i++) {
+ if (!$correct[$i]) {
+ $result.=' '.
+ &mt('No correct result given for question "[_1]"!',
+ $env{'form.question:'.$i}).'';
+ }
+ }
+ $result.=' '.&mt("Correct answer: [_1]",join(', ',map { ($_?$_:'-') } @correct));
+ }
+# Start grading
+ my $pcorrect=$env{'form.pcorrect'};
+ my $pincorrect=$env{'form.pincorrect'};
+ my $storecount=0;
+ foreach my $key (keys(%env)) {
+ my $user='';
+ if ($key=~/^form\.student\:(.*)$/) {
+ $user=$1;
+ }
+ if ($key=~/^form\.unknown\:(.*)$/) {
+ my $id=$1;
+ if (($env{'form.uname'.$id}) && ($env{'form.udom'.$id})) {
+ $user=$env{'form.uname'.$id}.':'.$env{'form.udom'.$id};
+ } elsif ($env{'form.multi'.$id}) {
+ $user=$env{'form.multi'.$id};
+ }
+ }
+ if ($user) {
+ my @answer=split(/\,/,$env{$key});
+ my $sum=0;
+ for (my $i=0;$i<$number;$i++) {
+ if ($answer[$i]) {
+ if ($gradingmechanism eq 'attendance') {
+ $sum+=$pcorrect;
+ } else {
+ if ($answer[$i] eq $correct[$i]) {
+ $sum+=$pcorrect;
+ } else {
+ $sum+=$pincorrect;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $ave=$sum/(100*$number);
+# Store
+ my ($username,$domain)=split(/\:/,$user);
+ my %grades=();
+ $grades{"resource.$part.solved"}='correct_by_override';
+ $grades{"resource.$part.awarded"}=$ave;
+ $grades{"resource.regrader"}="$env{'user.name'}:$env{'user.domain'}";
+ my $returncode=&Apache::lonnet::cstore(\%grades,$symb,
+ $env{'request.course.id'},
+ $domain,$username);
+ if ($returncode ne 'ok') {
+ $result.=" Failed to save student $username:$domain. Message when trying to save was ($returncode)";
+ } else {
+ $storecount++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# We are done
+ $result.=' '.&mt('Successfully stored grades for [_1] student(s).',$storecount).
+ '
+ '
+ return $result.&show_grading_menu_form($symb);
+sub handler {
+ my $request=$_[0];
+ &reset_caches();
+ if ($env{'browser.mathml'}) {
+ &Apache::loncommon::content_type($request,'text/xml');
+ } else {
+ &Apache::loncommon::content_type($request,'text/html');
+ }
+ $request->send_http_header;
+ return '' if $request->header_only;
+ &Apache::loncommon::get_unprocessed_cgi($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'});
+ my $symb=&get_symb($request,1);
+ my @commands=&Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.command');
+ my $command=$commands[0];
+ if ($#commands > 0) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis("grades got multiple commands ".join(':',@commands));
+ }
+ $request->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Grading'));
+ if ($symb eq '' && $command eq '') {
+ if ($env{'user.adv'}) {
+ if (($env{'form.codeone'}) && ($env{'form.codetwo'}) &&
+ ($env{'form.codethree'})) {
+ my $token=$env{'form.codeone'}.'*'.$env{'form.codetwo'}.'*'.
+ $env{'form.codethree'};
+ my ($tsymb,$tuname,$tudom,$tcrsid)=
+ &Apache::lonnet::checkin($token);
+ if ($tsymb) {
+ my ($map,$id,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($tsymb);
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$tcrsid)) {
+ $request->print(&Apache::lonnet::ssi_body('/res/'.$url,
+ ('grade_username' => $tuname,
+ 'grade_domain' => $tudom,
+ 'grade_courseid' => $tcrsid,
+ 'grade_symb' => $tsymb)));
+ } else {
+ $request->print('