--- loncom/homework/grades.pm 2003/02/27 22:39:11 1.69 +++ loncom/homework/grades.pm 2007/06/15 21:21:16 1.405 @@ -1,7 +1,7 @@ # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA # The LON-CAPA Grading handler # -# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.69 2003/02/27 22:39:11 albertel Exp $ +# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.405 2007/06/15 21:21:16 www Exp $ # # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees # @@ -25,15 +25,6 @@ # # http://www.lon-capa.org/ # -# 2/9,2/13 Guy Albertelli -# 6/8 Gerd Kortemeyer -# 7/26 H.K. Ng -# 8/20 Gerd Kortemeyer -# Year 2002 -# June-August H.K. Ng -# Year 2003 -# February H.K. Ng -# package Apache::grades; use strict; @@ -41,151 +32,446 @@ use Apache::style; use Apache::lonxml; use Apache::lonnet; use Apache::loncommon; +use Apache::lonhtmlcommon; use Apache::lonnavmaps; use Apache::lonhomework; use Apache::loncoursedata; -use Apache::lonmsg qw(:user_normal_msg); +use Apache::lonmsg(); use Apache::Constants qw(:common); +use Apache::lonlocal; +use Apache::lonenc; +use String::Similarity; +use lib '/home/httpd/lib/perl'; +use LONCAPA; + +use POSIX qw(floor); + +my %oldessays=(); +my %perm=(); # ----- These first few routines are general use routines.---- # -# --- Retrieve the parts that matches stores_\d+ from the metadata file.--- +# --- Retrieve the parts from the metadata file.--- sub getpartlist { - my ($url) = @_; - my @parts =(); - my (@metakeys) = split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys')); - foreach my $key (@metakeys) { - if ( $key =~ m/stores_(\w+)_.*/) { - push(@parts,$key); + my ($symb) = @_; + my (undef,undef,$url) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); + my $partorder = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url, 'partorder'); + my @parts; + if ($partorder) { + for my $part (split (/,/,$partorder)) { + if (!&Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part,$symb)) { + push(@parts, $part); + } + } + } else { + my $metadata = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url, 'packages'); + foreach (split(/\,/,$metadata)) { + if ($_ =~ /^part_(.*)$/) { + if (!&Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($1,$symb)) { + push(@parts, $1); + } + } + } + } + my @stores; + foreach my $part (@parts) { + my (@metakeys) = split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys')); + foreach my $key (@metakeys) { + if ($key =~ m/^stores_\Q$part\E_/) { push(@stores,$key); } } } - return @parts; + return @stores; } # --- Get the symbolic name of a problem and the url -sub get_symb_and_url { - my ($request) = @_; - (my $url=$ENV{'form.url'}) =~ s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--; - my $symb=($ENV{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url))); - if ($symb eq '') { $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:$url:."); return ''; } - return ($symb,$url); -} - -# --- Retrieve the fullname for a user. Return lastname, first middle --- -# --- Generation is attached next to the lastname if it exists. --- -sub get_fullname { - my ($uname,$udom) = @_; - my %name=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment', ['lastname','generation', - 'firstname','middlename'], - $udom,$uname); - my $fullname; - my ($tmp) = keys(%name); - if ($tmp !~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) { - $fullname = &Apache::loncoursedata::ProcessFullName - (@name{qw/lastname generation firstname middlename/}); +sub get_symb { + my ($request,$silent) = @_; + (my $url=$env{'form.url'}) =~ s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--; + my $symb=($env{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $env{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url))); + if ($symb eq '') { + if (!$silent) { + $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:$url:."); + return (); + } + } + return ($symb); +} + +#--- Format fullname, username:domain if different for display +#--- Use anywhere where the student names are listed +sub nameUserString { + my ($type,$fullname,$uname,$udom) = @_; + if ($type eq 'header') { + return ' Fullname (Username)'; } else { - &Apache::lonnet::logthis('grades.pm: no name data for '.$uname. - '@'.$udom.':'.$tmp); + return ' '.$fullname.' ('.$uname. + ($env{'user.domain'} eq $udom ? '' : ' ('.$udom.')').')'; } - return $fullname; } #--- Get the partlist and the response type for a given problem. --- #--- Indicate if a response type is coded handgraded or not. --- sub response_type { - my ($url) = shift; - my $allkeys = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys'); - my %seen = (); - my (@partlist,%handgrade); - foreach (split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'packages'))) { - if (/^\w+response_\w+.*/) { - my ($responsetype,$part) = split(/_/,$_,2); - my ($partid,$respid) = split(/_/,$part); - $handgrade{$part} = $responsetype.':'.($allkeys =~ /parameter_$part\_handgrade/ ? 'yes' : 'no'); - next if ($seen{$partid} > 0); - $seen{$partid}++; - push @partlist,$partid; + my ($symb) = shift; + + my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new(); + my $res = $navmap->getBySymb($symb); + my $partlist = $res->parts(); + my %vPart = + map { $_ => 1 } (&Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.vPart')); + my (%response_types,%handgrade); + foreach my $part (@{ $partlist }) { + next if (%vPart && !exists($vPart{$part})); + + my @types = $res->responseType($part); + my @ids = $res->responseIds($part); + for (my $i=0; $i < scalar(@ids); $i++) { + $response_types{$part}{$ids[$i]} = $types[$i]; + $handgrade{$part.'_'.$ids[$i]} = + &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'_'.$ids[$i]. + '.handgrade',$symb); + } + } + return ($partlist,\%handgrade,\%response_types); +} + +sub flatten_responseType { + my ($responseType) = @_; + my @part_response_id = + map { + my $part = $_; + map { + [$part,$_] + } sort(keys(%{ $responseType->{$part} })); + } sort(keys(%$responseType)); + return @part_response_id; +} + +sub get_display_part { + my ($partID,$symb)=@_; + my $display=&Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$partID.'.display',$symb); + if (defined($display) and $display ne '') { + $display.= " (id $partID)"; + } else { + $display=$partID; + } + return $display; +} + +#--- Show resource title +#--- and parts and response type +sub showResourceInfo { + my ($symb,$probTitle,$checkboxes) = @_; + my $col=3; + if ($checkboxes) { $col=4; } + my $result = '
"; + } else { + $result.=" | "; + } + $partsseen{$partID}=1; + } + my $display_part=&get_display_part($partID,$symb); + $result.=' | Part: '.$display_part.' '. + $resID.' | '. + 'Type: '.$responsetype.' | Handgrade: '.$handgrade.' | '; + } + } + $result.='
'; + } elsif ($response eq 'match') { + my %answer=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($answer); + my %grading=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($record->{$version."resource.$partid.$respid.submissiongrading"}); + my @items=&Apache::lonnet::str2array($record->{$version."resource.$partid.$respid.submissionitems"}); + my ($toprow,$middlerow,$bottomrow); + foreach my $foil (@$order) { + my $item=shift(@items); + if ($grading{$foil} == 1) { + $toprow.=''. + '
'. + ' Answer '.$toprow.''.' '.$grayFont.'Option ID '. + $grayFont.$bottomrow.'
'; + } elsif ($response eq 'radiobutton') { + my %answer=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($answer); + my ($toprow,$bottomrow); + my $correct=($order->[0])+1; + for (my $i=1;$i<=$#$order;$i++) { + my $foil=$order->[$i]; + if (exists($answer{$foil})) { + if ($i == $correct) { + $toprow.=''. + '
'. + ' Answer '.$toprow.''. + ' '.$grayFont.'Item ID '. + $middlerow.''.' '.$grayFont.'Option ID '. + $bottomrow.'
'; + } elsif ($response eq 'essay') { + if (! exists ($env{'form.'.$symb})) { + my (%keyhash) = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_handgrade', + $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}, + $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}); + + my $loginuser = $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}; + $env{'form.keywords'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} : ''; + $env{'form.kwclr'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} : 'red'; + $env{'form.kwsize'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} : '0'; + $env{'form.kwstyle'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} : ''; + $env{'form.'.$symb} = 1; # so that we don't have to read it from disk for multiple sub of the same prob. + } + $answer =~ s-\n-'. + '
'. + ' Answer '.$toprow.''.' '.$grayFont.'Option ID '. + $grayFont.$bottomrow.'
'.&keywords_highlight($answer).''; + } elsif ( $response eq 'organic') { + my $result='Smile representation: "'.$answer.'"'; + my $jme=$record->{$version."resource.$partid.$respid.molecule"}; + $result.=&Apache::chemresponse::jme_img($jme,$answer,400); + return $result; + } elsif ( $response eq 'Task') { + if ( $answer eq 'SUBMITTED') { + my $files = $record->{$version."resource.$respid.$partid.bridgetask.portfiles"}; + my $result = &Apache::bridgetask::file_list($files,$uname,$udom); + return $result; + } elsif ( grep(/^\Q$version\E.*?\.instance$/, keys(%{$record})) ) { + my @matches = grep(/^\Q$version\E.*?\.instance$/, + keys(%{$record})); + return join('
' + .&mt('Overall result: [_1]', + $record->{$version."resource.$respid.$partid.status"}) + .'
'; + + $result .= ''. + 'Part: '.$display_part.' Points: | '."\n";
+ my $ctr = 0;
+ my $thisweight = 0;
+ my $increment = &get_increment();
+ $result.='
| or | '."\n"; + $result.=''."\n"; + $result.=' | /'.$wgt.' '.$wgtmsg. + ($$record{'resource.'.$partid.'.solved'} eq 'correct_by_student' ? ' '.$checkIcon : ''). + ' | '."\n"; + $result.=''."\n"; + $result.=" \n"; + $result.=''."\n". + ''."\n". + ''."\n". + ''."\n". + ''."\n"; + $result.=' |
- $result.='
'; - $request->print($result); + return $result; +} + +sub files_exist { + my ($r, $symb) = @_; + my @students = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.stuinfo'); + + foreach my $student (@students) { + my ($uname,$udom,$fullname) = split(/:/,$student); + my %record = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$env{'request.course.id'}, + $udom,$uname); + my ($string,$timestamp)= &get_last_submission(\%record); + foreach my $submission (@$string) { + my ($partid,$respid) = + ($submission =~ /^resource\.([^\.]*)\.([^\.]*)\.submission/); + my $files=&get_submitted_files($udom,$uname,$partid,$respid, + \%record); + return 1 if (@$files); + } + } + return 0; +} + +sub download_all_link { + my ($r,$symb) = @_; + my $all_students = + join("\n", &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.stuinfo')); + + my $parts = + join("\n",&Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.vPart')); + + my $identifier = &Apache::loncommon::get_cgi_id(); + &Apache::lonnet::appenv('cgi.'.$identifier.'.students' => $all_students, + 'cgi.'.$identifier.'.symb' => $symb, + 'cgi.'.$identifier.'.parts' => $parts,); + $r->print(''. + &mt('Download All Submitted Documents').''); + return } # --------------------------- show submissions of a student, option to grade sub submission { my ($request,$counter,$total) = @_; - (my $url=$ENV{'form.url'})=~s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--; -# if ($ENV{'form.student'} eq '') { &moreinfo($request,'Need student login id'); return ''; } - my ($uname,$udom) = ($ENV{'form.student'},$ENV{'form.userdom'}); - ($uname,$udom) = &finduser($uname) if $udom eq ''; - $ENV{'form.fullname'} = &get_fullname ($uname,$udom) if $ENV{'form.fullname'} eq ''; -# if ($uname eq '') { &moreinfo($request,'Unable to find student'); return ''; } - - my $symb=($ENV{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url))); - if ($symb eq '') { $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:$url:."); return ''; } - my $last = ($ENV{'form.lastSub'} eq 'last' ? 'last' : ''); -# $ENV{'form.vProb'} = $ENV{'form.vProb'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.vProb'} : 'yes'; + my ($uname,$udom) = ($env{'form.student'},$env{'form.userdom'}); + $udom = ($udom eq '' ? $env{'user.domain'} : $udom); #has form.userdom changed for a student? + my $usec = &Apache::lonnet::getsection($udom,$uname,$env{'request.course.id'}); + $env{'form.fullname'} = &Apache::loncommon::plainname($uname,$udom,'lastname') if $env{'form.fullname'} eq ''; + + my $symb = &get_symb($request); + if ($symb eq '') { $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:."); return ''; } + + if (!&canview($usec)) { + $request->print('Unable to view requested student.('. + $uname.':'.$udom.' in section '.$usec.' in course id '. + $env{'request.course.id'}.')'); + $request->print(&show_grading_menu_form($symb)); + return; + } + + if (!$env{'form.lastSub'}) { $env{'form.lastSub'} = 'datesub'; } + if (!$env{'form.vProb'}) { $env{'form.vProb'} = 'yes'; } + if (!$env{'form.vAns'}) { $env{'form.vAns'} = 'yes'; } + my $last = ($env{'form.lastSub'} eq 'last' ? 'last' : ''); + my $checkIcon = ' ![]() Submission Record'."\n". - ' Resource: '.$url.''."\n"); + &sub_page_kw_js($request) if ($env{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes'); + $env{'form.probTitle'} = $env{'form.probTitle'} eq '' ? + &Apache::lonnet::gettitle($symb) : $env{'form.probTitle'}; + if ($env{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes' && &files_exist($request, $symb)) { + &download_all_link($request, $symb); + } + $request->print('Submission Record'."\n". + 'Resource: '.$env{'form.probTitle'}.''."\n"); + + if ($env{'form.handgrade'} eq 'no') { + my $checkMark='Note: Part(s) graded correct by the computer is marked with a '. + $checkIcon.' symbol.'."\n"; + $request->print($checkMark); + } # option to display problem, only once else it cause problems # with the form later since the problem has a form. - if ($ENV{'form.vProb'} eq 'yes' or !$ENV{'form.vProb'}) { - &show_problem($request,$symb,$uname,$udom,0); + if ($env{'form.vProb'} eq 'yes' or $env{'form.vAns'} eq 'yes') { + my $mode; + if ($env{'form.vProb'} eq 'yes' && $env{'form.vAns'} eq 'yes') { + $mode='both'; + } elsif ($env{'form.vProb'} eq 'yes') { + $mode='text'; + } elsif ($env{'form.vAns'} eq 'yes') { + $mode='answer'; + } + &Apache::lonxml::clear_problem_counter(); + $request->print(&show_problem($request,$symb,$uname,$udom,0,1,$mode)); } # kwclr is the only variable that is guaranteed to be non blank # if this subroutine has been called once. my %keyhash = (); - if ($ENV{'form.kwclr'} eq '') { + if ($env{'form.kwclr'} eq '' && $env{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes') { %keyhash = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_handgrade', - $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}, - $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}); - - my $loginuser = $ENV{'user.name'}.':'.$ENV{'user.domain'}; - $ENV{'form.keywords'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} : ''; - $ENV{'form.kwclr'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} : 'red'; - $ENV{'form.kwsize'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} : '0'; - $ENV{'form.kwstyle'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} : ''; - $ENV{'form.msgsub'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_subject'} ne '' ? - $keyhash{$symb.'_subject'} : &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'title'); - $ENV{'form.savemsgN'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'} : '0'; + $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'}, + $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'}); + my $loginuser = $env{'user.name'}.':'.$env{'user.domain'}; + $env{'form.keywords'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} : ''; + $env{'form.kwclr'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} : 'red'; + $env{'form.kwsize'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} : '0'; + $env{'form.kwstyle'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} : ''; + $env{'form.msgsub'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_subject'} ne '' ? + $keyhash{$symb.'_subject'} : $env{'form.probTitle'}; + $env{'form.savemsgN'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$symb.'_savemsgN'} : '0'; } + my $overRideScore = $env{'form.overRideScore'} eq '' ? 'no' : $env{'form.overRideScore'}; - $request->print(' KEYWORDS +# +# Load the other essays for similarity check +# + my (undef,undef,$essayurl) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); + my ($adom,$aname,$apath)=($essayurl=~/^($LONCAPA::domain_re)\/($LONCAPA::username_re)\/(.*)$/); + $apath=&escape($apath); + $apath=~s/\W/\_/gs; + %oldessays=&Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_essay_'.$apath,$adom,$aname); } } - if ($ENV{'form.vProb'} eq 'all') { - $request->print(' '); - &show_problem($request,$symb,$uname,$udom,1); + if ($env{'form.vProb'} eq 'all' or $env{'form.vAns'} eq 'all') { + $request->print(' ') if ($counter > 0); + my $mode; + if ($env{'form.vProb'} eq 'all' && $env{'form.vAns'} eq 'all') { + $mode='both'; + } elsif ($env{'form.vProb'} eq 'all' ) { + $mode='text'; + } elsif ($env{'form.vAns'} eq 'all') { + $mode='answer'; + } + &Apache::lonxml::clear_problem_counter(); + $request->print(&show_problem($request,$symb,$uname,$udom,1,1,$mode)); } - my %record = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$ENV{'request.course.id'},$udom,$uname); - my ($partlist,$handgrade) = &response_type($url); + my %record = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$env{'request.course.id'},$udom,$uname); + my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb); # Display student info $request->print(($counter == 0 ? '' : ' ')); - my $result='
Part '.$partid.' Points: | ';
- my $ctr = 0;
- $result.='
| or | '; - $result.=''."\n"; - $result.=' | /'.$wgt.' '.$wgtmsg.' | '; - - $result.=''; - } else { - $result.=''. - ''; - } - $result.="  \n"; - $result.=''; - $result.=' |
+ '
\n"; -# $result.=' | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
List of CODES to validate against: | '. + $env{'form.scantron_CODElist'}.' |
Sequence to be Graded: | $title |
Data File that will be used: | $env{'form.scantron_selectfile'} |
If this information is correct, please click on '$button_text'.
+If something is incorrect, please click the 'Grading Menu' button to start over.
+ +You have forgetten to specify some information. Please go Back and try again.
"); + if ( $env{'form.selectpage'} eq '') { + $r->print('You have not selected a Sequence to grade
'); + } + if ( $env{'form.scantron_selectfile'} eq '') { + $r->print('You have not selected a file that contains the student\'s response data.
'); + } + if ( $env{'form.scantron_format'} eq '') { + $r->print('You have not selected a the format of the student\'s response data.
'); + } + } else { + my $warning=&scantron_warning_screen('Grading: Validate Records'); + $r->print(<Gathering neccessary info.
");$r->rflush(); + #get the student pick code ready + $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::studentbrowser_javascript()); + my $max_bubble=&scantron_get_maxbubble(); + my $result=&scantron_form_start($max_bubble).$default_form_data; + $r->print($result); + + my @validate_phases=( 'sequence', + 'ID', + 'CODE', + 'doublebubble', + 'missingbubbles'); + if (!$env{'form.validatepass'}) { + $env{'form.validatepass'} = 0; + } + my $currentphase=$env{'form.validatepass'}; + + my $stop=0; + while (!$stop && $currentphase < scalar(@validate_phases)) { + $r->print("Validating ".$validate_phases[$currentphase]."
"); + $r->rflush(); + my $which="scantron_validate_".$validate_phases[$currentphase]; + { + no strict 'refs'; + ($stop,$currentphase)=&$which($r,$currentphase); + } + } + if (!$stop) { + my $warning=&scantron_warning_screen('Start Grading'); + $r->print(<Or click the 'Grading Menu' button to start over.
"); + } else { + $r->print(''); + $r->print(' using corrected info'."\n";
- $result.='
".&mt('Some resources in the sequence currently are not set to exam mode. Grading these resources currently may not work correctly.')."
"); + return (1,$currentphase); + } + } + + return (0,$currentphase+1); +} + +sub scantron_validate_ID { + my ($r,$currentphase) = @_; + + #get student info + my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist(); + my %idmap=&username_to_idmap($classlist); + + #get scantron line setup + my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'}); + my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile(); + + my %found=('ids'=>{},'usernames'=>{}); + for (my $i=0;$i<=$scanlines->{'count'};$i++) { + my $line=&scantron_get_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$i); + if ($line=~/^[\s\cz]*$/) { next; } + my $scan_record=&scantron_parse_scanline($line,$i,\%scantron_config, + $scan_data); + my $id=$$scan_record{'scantron.ID'}; + my $found; + foreach my $checkid (keys(%idmap)) { + if (lc($checkid) eq lc($id)) { $found=$checkid;last; } + } + if ($found) { + my $username=$idmap{$found}; + if ($found{'ids'}{$found}) { + &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,\%scantron_config, + $line,'duplicateID',$found); + return(1,$currentphase); + } elsif ($found{'usernames'}{$username}) { + &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,\%scantron_config, + $line,'duplicateID',$username); + return(1,$currentphase); + } + #FIXME store away line we previously saw the ID on to use above + $found{'ids'}{$found}++; + $found{'usernames'}{$username}++; + } else { + if ($id =~ /^\s*$/) { + my $username=&scan_data($scan_data,"$i.user"); + if (defined($username) && $found{'usernames'}{$username}) { + &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record, + \%scantron_config, + $line,'duplicateID',$username); + return(1,$currentphase); + } elsif (!defined($username)) { + &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record, + \%scantron_config, + $line,'incorrectID'); + return(1,$currentphase); + } + $found{'usernames'}{$username}++; + } else { + &scantron_get_correction($r,$i,$scan_record,\%scantron_config, + $line,'incorrectID'); + return(1,$currentphase); + } + } + } + + return (0,$currentphase+1); +} + +sub scantron_get_correction { + my ($r,$i,$scan_record,$scan_config,$line,$error,$arg)=@_; + +#FIXME in the case of a duplicated ID the previous line, probaly need +#to show both the current line and the previous one and allow skipping +#the previous one or the current one + + $r->print("An error was detected ($error)"); + if ( $$scan_record{'scantron.PaperID'} =~ /\S/) { + $r->print(" for PaperID ". + $$scan_record{'scantron.PaperID'}." \n"); + } else { + $r->print(" in scanline $i
". + $line."\n"); + } + my $message="
The ID on the form is ".
+ $$scan_record{'scantron.ID'}."
+ "The name on the paper is ".
+ $$scan_record{'scantron.LastName'}.",".
+ $$scan_record{'scantron.FirstName'}."
How should I handle this?
+ $r->print("\n
The encoded CODE is not in the list of possible CODEs
\n"); + } elsif ($error eq 'duplicateCODE') { + $r->print("The encoded CODE has also been used by a previous paper ".join(', ',@{$arg}).", and CODEs are supposed to be unique
\n"); + } + $r->print("The CODE on the form is '".
+ $$scan_record{'scantron.CODE'}."'
+ $r->print($message);
+ $r->print("
How should I handle this? There have been multiple bubbles scanned for a some question(s) Please indicate which bubble should be used for grading There have been no bubbles scanned for some question(s) Please indicate which bubble should be used for grading took $lasttime
+ $r->print("\n
+ my $i=0;
+ if ($error eq 'incorrectCODE'
+ && $$scan_record{'scantron.CODE'}=~/\S/ ) {
+ my ($max,$closest)=&scantron_get_closely_matching_CODEs($arg,$$scan_record{'scantron.CODE'});
+ if ($closest > 0) {
+ foreach my $testcode (@{$closest}) {
+ my $checked='';
+ if (!$i) { $checked=' checked="checked" '; }
+ $r->print("");
+ $r->print("\n
+ $i++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ($$scan_record{'scantron.CODE'}=~/\S/ ) {
+ my $checked; if (!$i) { $checked=' checked="checked" '; }
+ $r->print("");
+ $r->print("\n
+ }
+ $r->print(<
+ }
+ $r->print(" as the CODE.");
+ $r->print("\n
+ } elsif ($error eq 'doublebubble') {
+ $r->print("");
+ }
+ $r->print("\n
+sub scantron_bubble_selector {
+ my ($r,$scan_config,$quest,@selected)=@_;
+ my $max=$$scan_config{'Qlength'};
+ my $scmode=$$scan_config{'Qon'};
+ if ($scmode eq 'number' || $scmode eq 'letter') { $max=10; }
+ my @alphabet=('A'..'Z');
+ $r->print("
+sub num_matches {
+ my ($orig,$code) = @_;
+ my @code=split(//,$code);
+ my @orig=split(//,$orig);
+ my $same=0;
+ for (my $i=0;$i$quest ");
+ for (my $i=0;$i<$max+1;$i++) {
+ $r->print("\n".'');
+ if ($selected[0] eq $alphabet[$i]) { $r->print('X'); shift(@selected) }
+ else { $r->print(' '); }
+ $r->print(' ');
+ }
+ $r->print('');
+ for (my $i=0;$i<$max;$i++) {
+ $r->print("\n".
+ ' ");
+ }
+ $r->print(' ');
+ $r->print('
+ my $result= <
+Course ID:
+Course Name:
+Domain: $domsel
+File to upload:
+ if ($symb) {
+ $r->print(&show_grading_menu_form($symb));
+ } else {
+ $r->print($doanotherupload);
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
+ my %coursedata=&Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($env{'form.domainid'}.'_'.$env{'form.courseid'});
+ $r->print("Doing upload to ".$coursedata{'description'}."
+ my $fname=$env{'form.upfile.filename'};
+ #copied from lonnet::userfileupload()
+ #make that function able to target a specified course
+ # Replace Windows backslashes by forward slashes
+ $fname=~s/\\/\//g;
+ # Get rid of everything but the actual filename
+ $fname=~s/^.*\/([^\/]+)$/$1/;
+ # Replace spaces by underscores
+ $fname=~s/\s+/\_/g;
+ # Replace all other weird characters by nothing
+ $fname=~s/[^\w\.\-]//g;
+ # See if there is anything left
+ unless ($fname) { return 'error: no uploaded file'; }
+ my $uploadedfile=$fname;
+ $fname='scantron_orig_'.$fname;
+ if (length($env{'form.upfile'}) < 2) {
+ $r->print("Error: The file you attempted to upload, ".&HTML::Entities::encode($env{'form.upfile.filename'},'<>&"').", contained no information. Please check that you entered the correct filename.");
+ } else {
+ my $result=&Apache::lonnet::finishuserfileupload($env{'form.courseid'},$env{'form.domainid'},'upfile',$fname);
+ if ($result =~ m|^/uploaded/|) {
+ $r->print("Success: Successfully uploaded ".(length($env{'form.upfile'})-1)." bytes of data into location ".$result."");
+ } else {
+ $r->print("Error: An error (".$result.") occurred when attempting to upload the file, ".&HTML::Entities::encode($env{'form.upfile.filename'},'<>&"')."");
+ }
+ }
+ if ($symb) {
+ $r->print(&scantron_selectphase($r,$uploadedfile));
+ } else {
+ $r->print($doanotherupload);
+ }
+ return '';
+sub valid_file {
+ my ($requested_file)=@_;
+ foreach my $filename (sort(&scantron_filenames())) {
+ if ($requested_file eq $filename) { return 1; }
+ }
+ return 0;
+sub scantron_download_scantron_data {
+ my ($r)=@_;
+ my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData(&get_symb($r,1));
+ my $cname=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+ my $cdom=$env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+ my $file=$env{'form.scantron_selectfile'};
+ if (! &valid_file($file)) {
+ $r->print(<
+ Corrections, a file of corrected records that were used in grading. +
++ Skipped, a file of records that were skipped. +
+DOWNLOAD + $r->print(&show_grading_menu_form(&get_symb($r,1))); + return ''; +} + +#-------- end of section for handling grading scantron forms ------- +# +#------------------------------------------------------------------- + +#-------------------------- Menu interface ------------------------- +# +#--- Show a Grading Menu button - Calls the next routine --- +sub show_grading_menu_form { + my ($symb)=@_; + my $result.=''."\n".
+ '
+ $result.='