--- loncom/homework/grades.pm	2009/05/07 15:47:06	1.570
+++ loncom/homework/grades.pm	2010/04/01 01:00:28	1.574.2.9
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # The LON-CAPA Grading handler
-# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.570 2009/05/07 15:47:06 www Exp $
+# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.574.2.9 2010/04/01 01:00:28 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -97,9 +97,15 @@ sub ssi_print_error {
 # --- Retrieve the parts from the metadata file.---
 sub getpartlist {
-    my ($symb) = @_;
+    my ($symb,$errorref) = @_;
     my $navmap   = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+    unless (ref($navmap)) {
+        if (ref($errorref)) { 
+            $$errorref = 'navmap';
+            return;
+        }
+    }
     my $res      = $navmap->getBySymb($symb);
     my $partlist = $res->parts();
     my $url      = $res->src();
@@ -144,9 +150,15 @@ sub nameUserString {
 #--- Get the partlist and the response type for a given problem. ---
 #--- Indicate if a response type is coded handgraded or not. ---
 sub response_type {
-    my ($symb) = shift;
+    my ($symb,$response_error) = @_;
     my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+    unless (ref($navmap)) {
+        if (ref($response_error)) {
+            $$response_error = 1;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
     my $res = $navmap->getBySymb($symb);
     my $partlist = $res->parts();
     my %vPart = 
@@ -193,12 +205,17 @@ sub get_display_part {
 #--- Show resource title
 #--- and parts and response type
 sub showResourceInfo {
-    my ($symb,$probTitle,$checkboxes) = @_;
+    my ($symb,$probTitle,$checkboxes,$res_error) = @_;
     my $col=3;
     if ($checkboxes) { $col=4; }
     my $result = '<h3>'.&mt('Current Resource').': '.$probTitle.'</h3>'."\n";
+    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb,$res_error);
+    if (ref($res_error)) {
+        if ($$res_error) {
+            return;
+        }
+    }
     $result .='<table border="0">';
-    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb);
     my %resptype = ();
     my $hdgrade='no';
     my %partsseen;
@@ -766,7 +783,13 @@ sub verifyreceipt {
     if ($env{"course.$courseid.receiptalg"} eq 'receipt2' ||
 	$env{"course.$courseid.receiptalg"} eq 'receipt3') { $receiptparts=1; }
     my $parts=['0'];
-    if ($receiptparts) { ($parts)=&response_type($symb); }
+    if ($receiptparts) {
+        my $res_error; 
+        ($parts)=&response_type($symb,\$res_error);
+        if ($res_error) {
+            return &navmap_errormsg();
+        } 
+    }
     my $header = 
@@ -1731,11 +1754,8 @@ sub gradeBox {
     $line.='<option value="reset status">'.&mt('reset status').'</option></select>'."\n";
-	#&mt('<td><b>Part:</b></td><td>[_1]</td><td><b>Points:</b></td><td>[_2]</td><td>or</td><td>[_3]</td>',$display_part,$radio,$line);
     $result .= 
-	    '<td><b>'.&mt('Part').':</b></td><td>'.$display_part.'</td><td><b>'.&mt('Points').':</b></td><td>'.$radio.'</td><td>'.&mt('or').'</td><td>'.$line.'</td>'.
+	    '<td><b>'.&mt('Part').':</b></td><td>'.$display_part.'</td><td><b>'.&mt('Points').':</b></td><td>'.$radio.'</td><td>'.&mt('or').'</td><td>'.$line.'</td>';
     $result.='<input type="hidden" name="stores'.$counter.'_'.$partid.'" value="" />'."\n".
 	'<input type="hidden" name="oldpts'.$counter.'_'.$partid.'" value="'.$score.'" />'."\n".
@@ -1745,15 +1765,19 @@ sub gradeBox {
         $$record{'resource.'.$partid.'.tries'}.'" />'."\n".
         '<input type="hidden" name="aggtries'.$counter.'_'.$partid.'" value="'.
         $aggtries.'" />'."\n";
-    $result.=&handback_box($symb,$uname,$udom,$counter,$partid,$record);
+    my $res_error;
+    $result.=&handback_box($symb,$uname,$udom,$counter,$partid,$record,\$res_error);
+    if ($res_error) {
+        return &navmap_errormsg();
+    }
     return $result;
 sub handback_box {
-    my ($symb,$uname,$udom,$counter,$partid,$record) = @_;
-    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb);
+    my ($symb,$uname,$udom,$counter,$partid,$record,$res_error) = @_;
+    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb,$res_error);
     my (@respids);
-     my @part_response_id = &flatten_responseType($responseType);
+    my @part_response_id = &flatten_responseType($responseType);
     foreach my $part_response_id (@part_response_id) {
     	my ($part,$resp) = @{ $part_response_id };
         if ($part eq $partid) {
@@ -2046,7 +2070,12 @@ KEYWORDS
     my %record = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$env{'request.course.id'},$udom,$uname);
-    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb);
+    my $res_error;
+    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb,\$res_error);
+    if ($res_error) {
+        $request->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return;
+    }
     # Display student info
     $request->print(($counter == 0 ? '' : '<br />'));
@@ -2135,10 +2164,9 @@ KEYWORDS
 								   {'one_time' => 1});
 			    $similar="<hr /><h3><span class=\"LC_warning\">".
-				&mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2] ([_3]:[_4]) in course [_5] (course id [_6]:[_7])',
+				&mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2] in course [_3] (course id [_4]:[_5])',
-				    &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom),
-				    $oname,$odom,
+				    &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')',
@@ -2297,7 +2325,7 @@ KEYWORDS
 	my $nsel = ($env{'form.NTSTU'} ne '' ? $env{'form.NTSTU'} : '1');
 	$ntstu =~ s/<option>$nsel</<option selected="selected">$nsel</;
-	$endform.=&mt('[quant,_1,student]',$ntstu);
+        $endform.=&mt('[_1]student(s)',$ntstu);
 	$endform.='&nbsp;&nbsp;<input type="button" value="'.&mt('Previous').'" '.
 	    'onClick="javascript:checksubmit(this.form,\'Previous\');" target="_self" /> &nbsp;'."\n".
 	    '<input type="button" value="'.&mt('Next').'" '.
@@ -2463,7 +2491,7 @@ sub processHandGrade {
-		$request->print('<br />'.&mt('Sending message to [_1]:[_2]',$uname,$udom).': '.
+		$request->print('<br />'.&mt('Sending message to [_1]',$uname.':'.$udom).': '.
 	    if ($env{'form.collaborator'.$ctr}) {
@@ -2594,7 +2622,12 @@ sub processHandGrade {
     $ctr = 0;
     @parsedlist = reverse @parsedlist if ($button eq 'Previous');
-    my ($partlist) = &response_type($symb);
+    my $res_error;
+    my ($partlist) = &response_type($symb,\$res_error);
+    if ($res_error) {
+        $request->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return;
+    }
     foreach my $student (@parsedlist) {
 	my $submitonly=$env{'form.submitonly'};
 	my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$student);
@@ -2792,8 +2825,12 @@ sub check_and_remove_from_queue {
 sub handback_files {
     my ($request,$symb,$stuname,$domain,$newflg,$new_part,$newrecord) = @_;
     my $portfolio_root = '/userfiles/portfolio';
-    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb);
+    my $res_error;
+    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb,\$res_error);
+    if ($res_error) {
+        $request->print('<br />'.&navmap_errormsg().'<br />');
+        return;
+    }
     my @part_response_id = &flatten_responseType($responseType);
     foreach my $part_response_id (@part_response_id) {
     	my ($part_id,$resp_id) = @{ $part_response_id };
@@ -3251,7 +3288,11 @@ sub viewgrades {
     $result.= '<h3>'.$common_header.'</h3>'.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
     #radio buttons/text box for assigning points for a section or class.
     #handles different parts of a problem
-    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb);
+    my $res_error;
+    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb,\$res_error);
+    if ($res_error) {
+        return &navmap_errormsg();
+    }
     my %weight = ();
     my $ctsparts = 0;
     my %seen = ();
@@ -3311,7 +3352,11 @@ sub viewgrades {
-    my (@parts) = sort(&getpartlist($symb));
+    my $partserror;
+    my (@parts) = sort(&getpartlist($symb,\$partserror));
+    if ($partserror) {
+        return &navmap_errormsg();
+    }
     my (undef,undef,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
     my @partids = ();
     foreach my $part (@parts) {
@@ -3470,7 +3515,11 @@ sub editgrades {
     my %columns = ();
     my ($i,$ctr,$count,$rec_update) = (0,0,0,0);
-    my (@parts) = sort(&getpartlist($symb));
+    my $partserror;
+    my (@parts) = sort(&getpartlist($symb,\$partserror));
+    if ($partserror) {
+        return &navmap_errormsg();
+    }
     my $header;
     while ($ctr < $env{'form.totalparts'}) {
 	my $partid = $env{'form.partid_'.$ctr};
@@ -3681,7 +3730,7 @@ sub split_part_type {
 #--- Javascript to handle csv upload
 sub csvupload_javascript_reverse_associate {
-    my $error1=&mt('You need to specify the username or ID');
+    my $error1=&mt('You need to specify the username or the student/employee ID');
     my $error2=&mt('You need to specify at least one grading field');
   function verify(vf) {
@@ -3721,7 +3770,7 @@ ENDPICK
 sub csvupload_javascript_forward_associate {
-    my $error1=&mt('You need to specify the username or ID');
+    my $error1=&mt('You need to specify the username or the student/employee ID');
     my $error2=&mt('You need to specify at least one grading field');
   function verify(vf) {
@@ -3803,7 +3852,14 @@ ENDPICK
 sub csvupload_fields {
     my ($symb) = @_;
-    my (@parts) = &getpartlist($symb);
+    my ($symb,$errorref) = @_;
+    my (@parts) = &getpartlist($symb,$errorref);
+    if (ref($errorref)) {
+        if ($$errorref) {
+            return;
+        }
+    }
     my @fields=(['ID','Student/Employee ID'],
 		['username','Student Username'],
 		['domain','Student Domain']);
@@ -3903,8 +3959,12 @@ sub csvuploadmap {
     my ($i,$keyfields);
     if (@records) {
-	my @fields=&csvupload_fields($symb);
+        my $fieldserror;
+        my @fields=&csvupload_fields($symb,\$fieldserror);
+        if ($fieldserror) {
+            $request->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+            return;
+        }
 	if ($env{'form.upfile_associate'} eq 'reverse') {	
@@ -4092,12 +4152,12 @@ sub csvuploadassign {
     $request->print('<br />'.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt("Saved scores for [quant,_1,student]",$countdone),$countdone==0));
     if (@skipped) {
-	$request->print('<p><span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('Skipped Students').'</span></p>');
-	foreach my $student (@skipped) { $request->print("$student<br />\n"); }
+	$request->print('<br />'.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('No scores stored for the following username(s):'),1).'<br />');
+        $request->print(join(', ',@skipped));
     if (@notallowed) {
-	$request->print('<p><span class="LC_error">'.&mt('Students Not Allowed to Modify').'</span></p>');
-	foreach my $student (@notallowed) { $request->print("$student<br />\n"); }
+	$request->print('<br />'.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(&mt('Modification of scores not allowed for the following username(s):'),1).'<br />');
+	$request->print(join(', ',@notallowed));
     $request->print("<br />\n");
@@ -4140,7 +4200,12 @@ LISTJAVASCRIPT
 	&mt('Manual Grading by Page or Sequence').'</span></h3>';
     $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post" name="displayPage">'."\n";
-    my ($titles,$symbx) = &getSymbMap();
+    my $map_error;
+    my ($titles,$symbx) = &getSymbMap($map_error);
+    if ($map_error) {
+        $request->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return;
+    }
     my ($curpage) =&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); 
 #    my ($curpage,$mapId) =&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); 
 #    my $type=($curpage =~ /\.(page|sequence)/);
@@ -4235,8 +4300,14 @@ LISTJAVASCRIPT
 sub getSymbMap {
+    my ($map_error) = @_;
     my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+    unless (ref($navmap)) {
+        if (ref($map_error)) {
+            $$map_error = 'navmap';
+        }
+        return;
+    }
     my %symbx = ();
     my @titles = ();
     my $minder = 0;
@@ -4295,6 +4366,11 @@ sub displayPage {
     my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+    unless (ref($navmap)) {
+        $request->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        $request->print(&show_grading_menu_form($symb));
+        return;
+    }
     my ($mapUrl, $id, $resUrl)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($env{'form.page'});
     my $map = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($resUrl); # add to navmaps
     if (!$map) {
@@ -4546,6 +4622,10 @@ sub updateGradeByPage {
     my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+    unless (ref($navmap)) {
+        $request->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return;
+    }
     my ($mapUrl, $id, $resUrl) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb( $env{'form.page'});
     my $map = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($resUrl); # add to navmaps
     if (!$map) {
@@ -4690,7 +4770,7 @@ sub updateGradeByPage {
-#--------------------Scantron Grading-----------------------------------
+#--------------------Bubblesheet (Scantron) Grading-----------------------------------
 #------ start of section for handling grading by page/sequence ---------
@@ -4749,7 +4829,9 @@ the homework problem.
   Returns html hidden inputs used to hold context/default values.
-  $symb - $symb of the current resource 
+   $symb - $symb of the current resource
+   $map_error - ref to scalar which will container error if
+                $navmap object is unavailable in &getSymbMap().
@@ -4773,9 +4855,12 @@ sub defaultFormData {
 sub getSequenceDropDown {
-    my ($symb)=@_;
+    my ($symb,$map_error)=@_;
     my $result='<select name="selectpage">'."\n";
-    my ($titles,$symbx) = &getSymbMap();
+    my ($titles,$symbx) = &getSymbMap($map_error);
+    if (ref($map_error)) {
+        return if ($$map_error);
+    }
     my ($curpage)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb); 
     my $ctr=0;
     foreach (@$titles) {
@@ -5041,7 +5126,12 @@ sub scantron_selectphase {
     my ($r,$file2grade) = @_;
     my ($symb)=&get_symb($r);
     if (!$symb) {return '';}
-    my $sequence_selector=&getSequenceDropDown($symb);
+    my $map_error;
+    my $sequence_selector=&getSequenceDropDown($symb,\$map_error);
+    if ($map_error) {
+        $r->print('<br />'.&navmap_errormsg().'<br />');
+        return;
+    }
     my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData($symb);
     my $grading_menu_button=&show_grading_menu_form($symb);
     my $file_selector=&scantron_uploads($file2grade);
@@ -5069,10 +5159,10 @@ sub scantron_selectphase {
             <td> '.&mt('Sequence to grade:').' </td><td> '.$sequence_selector.' </td>
-            <td> '.&mt('Filename of scoring office file:').' </td><td> '.$file_selector.' </td>
+            <td> '.&mt('Filename of bubblesheet data file:').' </td><td> '.$file_selector.' </td>
-            <td> '.&mt('Format of data file:').' </td><td> '.$format_selector.' </td>
+            <td> '.&mt('Format of bubblesheet data file:').' </td><td> '.$format_selector.' </td>
             <td> '.&mt('Saved CODEs to validate against:').' </td><td> '.$CODE_selector.' </td>
@@ -5090,7 +5180,7 @@ sub scantron_selectphase {
             <td colspan="2">
-              <input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Grading: Validate Scantron Records').'" />
+              <input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Grading: Validate Bubblesheet Records').'" />
@@ -5109,7 +5199,7 @@ sub scantron_selectphase {
-              &nbsp;'.&mt('Specify a Scantron data file to upload.').'
+              &nbsp;'.&mt('Specify a bubblesheet data file to upload.').'
@@ -5136,7 +5226,7 @@ sub scantron_selectphase {
                 <input name="command" value="scantronupload_save" type="hidden" />
                 '.&mt('File to upload: [_1]','<input type="file" name="upfile" size="50" />').'
                 <br />
-                <input type="button" onClick="javascript:checkUpload(this.form);" value="'.&mt('Upload Scantron Data').'" />
+                <input type="button" onClick="javascript:checkUpload(this.form);" value="'.&mt('Upload Bubblesheet Data').'" />
@@ -5178,7 +5268,7 @@ sub scantron_selectphase {
              '<th colspan="2">
-              &nbsp;'.&mt('Review scantron data and submissions for a previously graded folder/sequence')."\n".
+              &nbsp;'.&mt('Review bubblesheet data and submissions for a previously graded folder/sequence')."\n".
@@ -5200,7 +5290,7 @@ sub scantron_selectphase {
               '<td colspan="2">'."\n".
               '<input type="hidden" name="command" value="checksubmissions" />'."\n".
-              '<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Review Scantron Data and Submission Records').'" />'."\n".
+              '<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Review Bubblesheet Data and Submission Records').'" />'."\n".
@@ -5241,7 +5331,7 @@ sub scantron_selectphase {
       CODEstart   - (only matter if a CODE exists) column in the line where
                      the CODE starts
       CODElength  - length of the CODE
-      IDstart     - column where the student/employee ID number starts
+      IDstart     - column where the student/employee ID starts
       IDlength    - length of the student/employee ID info
       Qstart      - column where the information from the bubbled
                     'questions' start
@@ -5341,7 +5431,7 @@ sub username_to_idmap {
     $whichline         - line number of the passed in scanline
     $field             - type of change to process 
-                          'ID'     -> correct the student/employee ID number
+                          'ID'     -> correct the student/employee ID
                           'CODE'   -> correct the CODE
                           'answer' -> fixup the submitted answers)
@@ -6215,7 +6305,12 @@ sub scantron_validate_file {
     $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Gathering necessary information.').'</p>');$r->rflush();
     #get the student pick code ready
-    my $max_bubble=&scantron_get_maxbubble();
+    my $nav_error;
+    my $max_bubble=&scantron_get_maxbubble(\$nav_error);
+    if ($nav_error) {
+        $r->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return '';
+    }
     my $result=&scantron_form_start($max_bubble).$default_form_data;
@@ -6251,7 +6346,7 @@ sub scantron_validate_file {
                   '<input type="radio" name="verifyrecord" value="0" checked="checked" />'.&mt('No').
                   '</label></span><br />'.
                   &mt('Grading will take longer if you use verification.').'<br />'.
-                  &mt("Alternatively, the 'Review scantron data' utility (see grading menu) can be used for all students after grading is complete.").'<br /><br />'.
+                  &mt("Alternatively, the 'Review bubblesheet data' utility (see grading menu) can be used for all students after grading is complete.").'<br /><br />'.
                   '<input type="submit" name="submit" value="'.&mt('Start Grading').'" />'.
                   '<input type="hidden" name="command" value="scantron_process" />'."\n");
     } else {
@@ -6627,6 +6722,10 @@ sub scantron_validate_sequence {
     my ($r,$currentphase) = @_;
     my $navmap=Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+    unless (ref($navmap)) {
+        $r->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return (1,$currentphase);
+    }
     my (undef,undef,$sequence)=
@@ -6659,7 +6758,12 @@ sub scantron_validate_ID {
     my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
-    &scantron_get_maxbubble();	# parse needs the bubble_lines.. array.
+    my $nav_error;
+    &scantron_get_maxbubble(\$nav_error); # parse needs the bubble_lines.. array.
+    if ($nav_error) {
+        $r->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return(1,$currentphase);
+    }
     my %found=('ids'=>{},'usernames'=>{});
     for (my $i=0;$i<=$scanlines->{'count'};$i++) {
@@ -7018,7 +7122,7 @@ sub prompt_for_corrections {
             ($responsetype_per_response{$question-1} eq 'imageresponse') ||
             ($responsetype_per_response{$question-1} eq 'reactionresponse') ||
             ($responsetype_per_response{$question-1} eq 'organicresponse')) {
-            $r->print(&mt("Although this particular question type requires handgrading, the instructions for this question in the exam directed students to leave [quant,_1,line] blank on their scantron sheets.",$lines).'<br /><br />'.&mt('A non-zero score can be assigned to the student during scantron grading by selecting a bubble in at least one line.').'<br />'.&mt('The score for this question will be a sum of the numeric values for the selected bubbles from each line, where A=1 point, B=2 points etc.').'<br />'.&mt("To assign a score of zero for this question, mark all lines as 'No bubble'.").'<br /><br />');
+            $r->print(&mt("Although this particular question type requires handgrading, the instructions for this question in the exam directed students to leave [quant,_1,line] blank on their bubblesheets.",$lines).'<br /><br />'.&mt('A non-zero score can be assigned to the student during bubblesheet grading by selecting a bubble in at least one line.').'<br />'.&mt('The score for this question will be a sum of the numeric values for the selected bubbles from each line, where A=1 point, B=2 points etc.').'<br />'.&mt("To assign a score of zero for this question, mark all lines as 'No bubble'.").'<br /><br />');
         } else {
             $r->print(&mt("Select at most one bubble in a single line and select 'No Bubble' in all the other lines. ")."<br />");
@@ -7212,7 +7316,12 @@ sub scantron_validate_CODE {
     my %allcodes=&get_codes();
-    &scantron_get_maxbubble();	# parse needs the lines per response array.
+    my $nav_error;
+    &scantron_get_maxbubble(\$nav_error); # parse needs the lines per response array.
+    if ($nav_error) {
+        $r->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return(1,$currentphase);
+    }
     my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
     for (my $i=0;$i<=$scanlines->{'count'};$i++) {
@@ -7266,7 +7375,12 @@ sub scantron_validate_doublebubble {
     #get scantron line setup
     my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
-    &scantron_get_maxbubble();	# parse needs the bubble line array.
+    my $nav_error;
+    &scantron_get_maxbubble(\$nav_error); # parse needs the bubble line array.
+    if ($nav_error) {
+        $r->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return(1,$currentphase);
+    }
     for (my $i=0;$i<=$scanlines->{'count'};$i++) {
 	my $line=&scantron_get_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$i);
@@ -7284,6 +7398,8 @@ sub scantron_validate_doublebubble {
 sub scantron_get_maxbubble {
+    my ($nav_error) = @_;
     if (defined($env{'form.scantron_maxbubble'}) &&
 	$env{'form.scantron_maxbubble'}) {
@@ -7294,6 +7410,12 @@ sub scantron_get_maxbubble {
     my $navmap=Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+    unless (ref($navmap)) {
+        if (ref($nav_error)) {
+            $$nav_error = 1;
+        }
+        return;
+    }
     my $map=$navmap->getResourceByUrl($sequence);
     my @resources=$navmap->retrieveResources($map,\&scantron_filter,1,0);
@@ -7383,7 +7505,11 @@ sub scantron_validate_missingbubbles {
     #get scantron line setup
     my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
-    my $max_bubble=&scantron_get_maxbubble();
+    my $nav_error;
+    my $max_bubble=&scantron_get_maxbubble(\$nav_error);
+    if ($nav_error) {
+        return(1,$currentphase);
+    }
     if (!$max_bubble) { $max_bubble=2**31; }
     for (my $i=0;$i<=$scanlines->{'count'};$i++) {
 	my $line=&scantron_get_line($scanlines,$scan_data,$i);
@@ -7443,13 +7569,24 @@ sub scantron_process_students {
     my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
     my %idmap=&username_to_idmap($classlist);
     my $navmap=Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+    unless (ref($navmap)) {
+        $r->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return '';
+    }  
     my $map=$navmap->getResourceByUrl($sequence);
     my @resources=$navmap->retrieveResources($map,\&scantron_filter,1,0);
     my (%grader_partids_by_symb,%grader_randomlists_by_symb);
+    my $resource_error;
     foreach my $resource (@resources) {
-        my $ressymb = $resource->symb();
+        my $ressymb;
+        if (ref($resource)) {
+            $ressymb = $resource->symb();
+        } else {
+            $resource_error = 1;
+            last;
+        }
         my ($analysis,$parts) =
@@ -7461,6 +7598,10 @@ sub scantron_process_students {
+    if ($resource_error) {
+        $r->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return '';
+    }
     my ($uname,$udom);
     my $result= <<SCANTRONFORM;
@@ -7475,8 +7616,8 @@ SCANTRONFORM
     my $lock=&Apache::lonnet::set_lock(&mt('Grading bubblesheet exam'));
     my $count=&get_todo_count($scanlines,$scan_data);
-    my %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin($r,'Scantron Status',
- 				    'Scantron Progress',$count,
+    my %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin($r,'Bubblesheet Status',
+ 				    'Bubblesheet Progress',$count,
 					  'Processing first student');
@@ -7485,7 +7626,12 @@ SCANTRONFORM
     my $i=-1;
     my $started;
-    &scantron_get_maxbubble();	# Need the bubble lines array to parse.
+    my $nav_error;
+    &scantron_get_maxbubble(\$nav_error); # Need the bubble lines array to parse.
+    if ($nav_error) {
+        $r->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return '';
+    }
     # If an ssi failed in scantron_get_maxbubble, put an error message out to
     # the user and return.
@@ -7526,9 +7672,15 @@ SCANTRONFORM
-        my %partids_by_symb;
+        my (%partids_by_symb,$res_error);
         foreach my $resource (@resources) {
-            my $ressymb = $resource->symb();
+            my $ressymb;
+            if (ref($resource)) {
+                $ressymb = $resource->symb();
+            } else {
+                $res_error = 1;
+                last;
+            }
             if ((exists($grader_randomlists_by_symb{$ressymb})) ||
                 (ref($grader_partids_by_symb{$ressymb}) ne 'ARRAY')) {
                 my ($analysis,$parts) =
@@ -7539,6 +7691,12 @@ SCANTRONFORM
+        if ($res_error) {
+            &scantron_add_delay(\@delayqueue,$line,
+                                'An error occurred while grading student '.$uname,2);
+            next;
+        }
@@ -7710,15 +7868,17 @@ sub scantron_upload_scantron_data {
     my $syllabuslink = '<a href="javascript:ToSyllabus();">'.&mt('Syllabus').'</a>'.
                        ('&nbsp'x2).&mt('(shows course personnel)'); 
     my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData(&get_symb($r,1));
+    my $nofile_alert = &mt('Please use the browse button to select a file from your local directory.');
+    my $nocourseid_alert = &mt("Please use the 'Select Course' link to open a separate window where you can search for a course to which a file can be uploaded.");
 <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
     function checkUpload(formname) {
 	if (formname.upfile.value == "") {
-	    alert("'.&mt('Please use the browse button to select a file from your local directory.').'");
+	    alert("'.$nofile_alert.'");
 	    return false;
         if (formname.courseid.value == "") {
-            alert("'.&mt('Please use the \"Select Course\" link to open a separate window where you can search for a course to which a file can be uploaded.').'");
+            alert("'.$nocourseid_alert.'");
             return false;
@@ -7760,7 +7920,7 @@ sub scantron_upload_scantron_data {
   &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box().'<br />
 <input name="command" value="scantronupload_save" type="hidden" />
-<input type="button" onClick="javascript:checkUpload(this.form);" value="'.&mt('Upload Scantron Data').'" />
+<input type="button" onClick="javascript:checkUpload(this.form);" value="'.&mt('Upload Bubblesheet Data').'" />
     return '';
@@ -7778,7 +7938,7 @@ sub scantron_upload_scantron_data_save {
     if (!&Apache::lonnet::allowed('usc',$env{'form.domainid'}) &&
 			    $env{'form.domainid'}.'_'.$env{'form.courseid'})) {
-	$r->print(&mt("You are not allowed to upload Scantron data to the requested course.")."<br />");
+	$r->print(&mt("You are not allowed to upload bubblesheet data to the requested course.")."<br />");
 	if ($symb) {
 	} else {
@@ -7967,6 +8127,10 @@ sub checkscantron_results {
     my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
     my %idmap=&Apache::grades::username_to_idmap($classlist);
     my $navmap=Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
+    unless (ref($navmap)) {
+        $r->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return '';
+    }
     my $map=$navmap->getResourceByUrl($sequence);
     my @resources=$navmap->retrieveResources($map,\&scantron_filter,1,0);
     my (%grader_partids_by_symb,%grader_randomlists_by_symb);
@@ -7981,12 +8145,16 @@ sub checkscantron_results {
     my %completedstudents;
     my $count=&Apache::grades::get_todo_count($scanlines,$scan_data);
-    my %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin($r,'Scantron/Submissions Comparison Status',
-                                    'Progress of Scantron Data/Submission Records Comparison',$count,
+    my %prog_state=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::Create_PrgWin($r,'Bubblesheet/Submissions Comparison Status',
+                                    'Progress of Bubblesheet Data/Submission Records Comparison',$count,
     my ($username,$domain,$started);
-    &scantron_get_maxbubble();  # Need the bubble lines array to parse.
+    my $nav_error;
+    &scantron_get_maxbubble(\$nav_error); # Need the bubble lines array to parse.
+    if ($nav_error) {
+        $r->print(&navmap_errormsg());
+        return '';
+    }
                                           'Processing first student');
@@ -8059,14 +8227,14 @@ sub checkscantron_results {
                 if ($scandata{$pid} eq $record{$pid}) {
                     my $css_class = ($passed % 2)?'LC_odd_row':'LC_even_row';
                     $okstudents .= '<tr class="'.$css_class.'">'.
-'<td>'.&mt('Scantron').'</td><td>'.$showscandata.'</td><td rowspan="2">'.$last.'</td><td rowspan="2">'.$pid.'</td>'."\n".
+'<td>'.&mt('Bubblesheet').'</td><td>'.$showscandata.'</td><td rowspan="2">'.$last.'</td><td rowspan="2">'.$pid.'</td>'."\n".
 '<tr class="'.$css_class.'">'."\n".
                     $passed ++;
                 } else {
                     my $css_class = ($failed % 2)?'LC_odd_row':'LC_even_row';
-                    $badstudents .= '<tr class="'.$css_class.'"><td>'.&mt('Scantron').'</td><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.$scandata{$pid}.'</span></td><td rowspan="2">'.$last.'</td><td rowspan="2">'.$pid.'</td>'."\n".
+                    $badstudents .= '<tr class="'.$css_class.'"><td>'.&mt('Bubblesheet').'</td><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.$scandata{$pid}.'</span></td><td rowspan="2">'.$last.'</td><td rowspan="2">'.$pid.'</td>'."\n".
 '<tr class="'.$css_class.'">'."\n".
 '<td>Submissions</td><td><span class="LC_nobreak">'.$record{$pid}.'</span></td>'."\n".
@@ -8077,10 +8245,10 @@ sub checkscantron_results {
-    $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Comparison of scantron data (including corrections) with corresponding submission records (most recent submission) for <b>[quant,_1,student]</b>  ([_2] scantron lines/student).',$numstudents,$env{'form.scantron_maxbubble'}).'</p>');
+    $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Comparison of bubblesheet data (including corrections) with corresponding submission records (most recent submission) for <b>[quant,_1,student]</b>  ([_2] scantron lines/student).',$numstudents,$env{'form.scantron_maxbubble'}).'</p>');
     $r->print('<p>'.&mt('Exact matches for <b>[quant,_1,student]</b>.',$passed).'<br />'.&mt('Discrepancies detected for <b>[quant,_1,student]</b>.',$failed).'</p>');
     if ($passed) {
-        $r->print(&mt('Students with exact correspondence between scantron data and submissions are as follows:').'<br /><br />');
+        $r->print(&mt('Students with exact correspondence between bubblesheet data and submissions are as follows:').'<br /><br />');
                  '<th>'.&mt('Source').'</th><th>'.&mt('Bubble records').'</th><th>'.&mt('Name').'</th><th>'.&mt('ID').'</th>'.
@@ -8089,14 +8257,14 @@ sub checkscantron_results {
                  &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table().'<br />');
     if ($failed) {
-        $r->print(&mt('Students with differences between scantron data and submissions are as follows:').'<br /><br />');
+        $r->print(&mt('Students with differences between bubblesheet data and submissions are as follows:').'<br /><br />');
                  '<th>'.&mt('Source').'</th><th>'.&mt('Bubble records').'</th><th>'.&mt('Name').'</th><th>'.&mt('ID').'</th>'.
                  &Apache::loncommon::end_data_table()).'<br />'.
-                 &mt('Differences can occur if submissions were modified using manual grading after a scantron grading pass.').'<br />'.&mt('If unexpected discrepancies were detected, it is recommended that you inspect the original scantron sheets.');  
+                 &mt('Differences can occur if submissions were modified using manual grading after a bubblesheet grading pass.').'<br />'.&mt('If unexpected discrepancies were detected, it is recommended that you inspect the original bubblesheets.');  
     $r->print('</form><br />'.$grading_menu_button);
@@ -8279,50 +8447,36 @@ sub grading_menu {
-    my $url1 = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::build_url('grades/',\%fields);
+    my $url = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::build_url('grades/',\%fields);
+    my @menu = ({ url => $url,
+                     name => &mt('Manual Grading/View Submissions'),
+                     short_description =>
+    &mt('Start the process of hand grading submissions.'),
+                 });
     $fields{'command'} = 'csvform';
-    my $url2 = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::build_url('grades/',\%fields);
+    $url = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::build_url('grades/',\%fields);
+    push(@menu, { url => $url,
+                   name => &mt('Upload Scores'),
+                   short_description =>
+            &mt('Specify a file containing the class scores for current resource.')});
     $fields{'command'} = 'processclicker';
-    my $url3 = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::build_url('grades/',\%fields);
+    $url = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::build_url('grades/',\%fields);
+    push(@menu, { url => $url,
+                   name => &mt('Process Clicker'),
+                   short_description =>
+            &mt('Specify a file containing the clicker information for this resource.')});
     $fields{'command'} = 'scantron_selectphase';
-    my $url4 = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::build_url('grades/',\%fields);
-    my @menu = ({	categorytitle=>'Course Grading',
-            items =>[
-                        {	linktext => 'Manual Grading/View Submissions',
-                    		url => $url1,
-                    		permission => 'F',
-                    		icon => 'edit-find-replace.png',
-                    		linktitle => 'Start the process of hand grading submissions.'
-                        },
-                	    {	linktext => 'Upload Scores',
-                    		url => $url2,
-                    		permission => 'F',
-                    		icon => 'uploadscores.png',
-                    		linktitle => 'Specify a file containing the class scores for current resource.'
-                	    },
-                	    {	linktext => 'Process Clicker',
-                    		url => $url3,
-                    		permission => 'F',
-                    		icon => 'addClickerInfoFile.png',
-                    		linktitle => 'Specify a file containing the clicker information for this resource.'
-                	    },
-                	    {	linktext => 'Grade/Manage/Review Scantron Forms',
-                    		url => $url4,
-                    		permission => 'F',
-                    		icon => 'stat.png',
-                    		linktitle => 'Grade scantron exams, upload/download scantron data files, and review previously graded scantron exams.'
-                	    }
-                    ]
-            });
-    #$fields{'command'} = 'verify';
-    #$url = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::build_url('grades/',\%fields);
-    #
+    $url = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::build_url('grades/',\%fields);
+    push(@menu, { url => $url,
+                   name => &mt('Grade/Manage/Review Bubblesheets'),
+                   short_description =>
+            &mt('Grade scantron exams, upload/download scantron data files, and review previously graded scantron exams.')});
+    $fields{'command'} = 'verify';
+    $url = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::build_url('grades/',\%fields);
+    push(@menu, { url => "",
+                   name => &mt('Verify Receipt'),
+                   short_description =>
+            &mt('')});
     # Create the menu
     my $Str;
     # $Str .= '<h2>'.&mt('Please select a grading task').'</h2>';
@@ -8334,15 +8488,24 @@ sub grading_menu {
 	'<input type="hidden" name="saveState"   value="" />'."\n".
 	'<input type="hidden" name="gradingMenu" value="1" />'."\n".
 	'<input type="hidden" name="showgrading" value="yes" />'."\n";
-    $Str .= Apache::lonhtmlcommon::generate_menu(@menu);
-    #$menudata->{'jscript'}
-    $Str .='<hr /><input type="button" value="'.&mt('Verify Receipt').'" '.
-        ' onClick="javascript:checkChoice(document.forms.gradingMenu,\'5\',\'verify\')" '.
-        ' /> '.
-        &Apache::lonnet::recprefix($env{'request.course.id'}).
-        '-<input type="text" name="receipt" size="4" onChange="javascript:checkReceiptNo(this.form,\'OK\')" />';
+    foreach my $menudata (@menu) {
+        if ($menudata->{'name'} ne &mt('Verify Receipt')) {
+            $Str .='    <h3><a '.
+                $menudata->{'jscript'}.
+                ' href="'.
+                $menudata->{'url'}.'" >'.
+                $menudata->{'name'}."</a></h3>\n";
+        } else {
+            $Str .='<hr /><input type="button" value="'.&mt('Verify Receipt').'" '.
+                $menudata->{'jscript'}.
+                ' onClick="javascript:checkChoice(document.forms.gradingMenu,\'5\',\'verify\')" '.
+                ' /> '.
+                &Apache::lonnet::recprefix($env{'request.course.id'}).
+                    '-<input type="text" name="receipt" size="4" onChange="javascript:checkReceiptNo(this.form,\'OK\')" />';
+        }
+        $Str .= '    '.('&nbsp;'x8).$menudata->{'short_description'}.
+            "\n";
+    }
     $Str .="</form>\n";
     my $receiptalert = &mt("Please enter a receipt number given by a student in the receipt box.");
@@ -8459,91 +8622,102 @@ GRADINGMENUJS
 	'<input type="hidden" name="showgrading" value="yes" />'."\n";
-  '.&mt('Grade Current Resource').'
-  '.$table.'
-<div class="LC_columnSection">
-    <fieldset>
-      <legend>
-       '.&mt('Sections').'
-      </legend>
-      <select name="section" multiple="multiple" size="5">'."\n";
-    $result.= $selsec;
+    <div class="LC_grade_select_mode">
+      <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_current">
+        <h2>
+          '.&mt('Grade Current Resource').'
+        </h2>
+        <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_body">
+          <div class="LC_grades_resource_info">
+           '.$table.'
+          </div>
+          <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector">
+             <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector_header">
+                '.&mt('Sections').'
+             </div>
+             <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector_body">
+               <select name="section" multiple="multiple" size="5">'."\n";
+    if (ref($sections)) {
+        foreach my $section (sort(@$sections)) {
+            $result.='<option value="'.$section.'" '.
+                ($saveSec eq $section ? 'selected="selected"':'').'>'.$section.'</option>'."\n";
+        }
+    }
     $result.= '<option value="all" '.($saveSec eq 'all' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''). '>all</option></select> &nbsp; ';
-    </fieldset>
-    <fieldset>
-      <legend>
-        '.&mt('Groups').'
-      </legend>
-      '.&Apache::lonstatistics::GroupSelect('group','multiple',5).'
-    </fieldset>
-    <fieldset>
-      <legend>
-        '.&mt('Access Status').'
-      </legend>
-      '.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::StatusOptions($saveStatus,undef,5,undef,'mult').'
-    </fieldset>
-    <fieldset>
-      <legend>
-        '.&mt('Submission Status').'
-      </legend>
-      <select name="submitonly" size="5">
-	         <option value="yes" '.      ($saveSub eq 'yes'       ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.&mt('with submissions').'</option>
-	         <option value="queued" '.   ($saveSub eq 'queued'    ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.&mt('in grading queue').'</option>
-	         <option value="graded" '.   ($saveSub eq 'graded'    ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.&mt('with ungraded submissions').'</option>
-	         <option value="incorrect" '.($saveSub eq 'incorrect' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.&mt('with incorrect submissions').'</option>
+             </div>
+          </div>
+          <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector">
+             <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector_header">
+                '.&mt('Groups').'
+             </div>
+             <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector_body">
+                '.&Apache::lonstatistics::GroupSelect('group','multiple',5).'
+             </div>
+          </div>
+          <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector">
+             <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector_header">
+                '.&mt('Access Status').'
+             </div>
+             <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector_body">
+                '.&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::StatusOptions($saveStatus,undef,5,undef,'mult').'
+             </div>
+          </div>
+          <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector">
+             <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector_header">
+                '.&mt('Submission Status').'
+             </div>
+             <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_selector_body">
+               <select name="submitonly" size="5">
+                 <option value="yes" '.      ($saveSub eq 'yes'       ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.&mt('with submissions').'</option>
+                 <option value="queued" '.   ($saveSub eq 'queued'    ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.&mt('in grading queue').'</option>
+                 <option value="graded" '.   ($saveSub eq 'graded'    ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.&mt('with ungraded submissions').'</option>
+                 <option value="incorrect" '.($saveSub eq 'incorrect' ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.&mt('with incorrect submissions').'</option>
                  <option value="all" '.      ($saveSub eq 'all'       ? 'selected="selected"' : '').'>'.&mt('with any status').'</option>
-      </select>
-    </fieldset>
-<br />
-          <div>
-            <div>
+               </select>
+             </div>
+          </div>
+          <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_type_body">
+            <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_type">
                 <input type="radio" name="radioChoice" value="submission" '.
                   ($saveCmd eq 'submission' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' /> '.
              &mt('Select individual students to grade and view submissions.').'
-	      </label> 
+              </label>
-            <div>
-	      <label>
+            <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_type">
+              <label>
                 <input type="radio" name="radioChoice" value="viewgrades" '.
                   ($saveCmd eq 'viewgrades' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' /> '.
                     &mt('Grade all selected students in a grading table.').'
-            <div>
-	      <input type="button" onClick="javascript:checkChoice(this.form,\'2\');" value="'.&mt('Next').' &rarr;" />
+            <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_type">
+              <input type="button" onClick="javascript:checkChoice(this.form,\'2\');" value="'.&mt('Next-&gt;').'" />
+        </div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_page">
          '.&mt('Grade Complete Folder for One Student').'
-        <div>
-            <div>
+        <div class="LC_grades_select_mode_body">
+          <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_type_body">
+            <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_type">
                 <input type="radio" name="radioChoice" value="pickStudentPage" '.
-	  ($saveCmd eq 'pickStudentPage' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' /> '.
+          ($saveCmd eq 'pickStudentPage' ? 'checked="checked"' : '').' /> '.
   &mt('The <b>complete</b> page/sequence/folder: For one student').'
-            <div>
-	      <input type="button" onClick="javascript:checkChoice(this.form,\'2\');" value="'.&mt('Next').' &rarr;" />
+            <div class="LC_grade_select_mode_type">
+              <input type="button" onClick="javascript:checkChoice(this.form,\'2\');" value="'.&mt('Next-&gt;').'" />
+          </div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
     $result .= &show_grading_menu_form($symb);
     return $result;
@@ -8980,7 +9154,11 @@ sub assign_clicker_grades {
     my ($symb)=&get_symb($r);
     if (!$symb) {return '';}
 # See which part we are saving to
-    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb);
+    my $res_error;
+    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb,\$res_error);
+    if ($res_error) {
+        return &navmap_errormsg();
+    }
 # FIXME: This should probably look for the first handgradeable part
     my $part=$$partlist[0];
 # Start screen output
@@ -9044,13 +9222,13 @@ ENDHEADER
           my $sum=0;
           my $realnumber=$number;
           for (my $i=0;$i<$number;$i++) {
-             if ($answer[$i]) {
+             if  ($correct[$i] eq '-') {
+                $realnumber--;
+             } elsif ($answer[$i]) {
                 if ($gradingmechanism eq 'attendance') {
-                } elsif ($answer[$i] eq '*') {
+                } elsif ($correct[$i] eq '*') {
-                } elsif ($answer[$i] eq '-') {
-                   $realnumber--;
                 } else {
                    if ($answer[$i] eq $correct[$i]) {
@@ -9084,6 +9262,13 @@ ENDHEADER
     return $result.&show_grading_menu_form($symb);
+sub navmap_errormsg {
+    return '<div class="LC_error">'.
+           &mt('An error occurred retrieving information about resources in the course.').'<br />'.
+           &mt('It is recommended that you [_1]re-initialize the course[_2] and then return to this grading page..','<a href="/adm/roles?selectrole=1&newrole='.$env{'request.role'}.'">','</a>').
+           '</div>';
 sub handler {
     my $request=$_[0];
@@ -9309,6 +9494,13 @@ ssi_with_retries()
 =item  scantron_get_maxbubble() : 
+   Arguments:
+       $nav_error  - Reference to scalar which is a flag to indicate a
+                      failure to retrieve a navmap object.
+       if $nav_error is set to 1 by scantron_get_maxbubble(), the 
+       calling routine should trap the error condition and display the warning
+       found in &navmap_errormsg().
    Returns the maximum number of bubble lines that are expected to
    occur. Does this by walking the selected sequence rendering the
    resource and then checking &Apache::lonxml::get_problem_counter()
@@ -9374,6 +9566,11 @@ ssi_with_retries()
    Validates all scanlines in the selected file to not have any
    invalid or underspecified student/employee IDs
+=item navmap_errormsg() :
+   Returns HTML mark-up inside a <div></div> with a link to re-initialize the course.
+   Should be called whenever the request to instantiate a navmap object fails.  