--- loncom/homework/grades.pm 2001/04/17 21:07:38 1.6
+++ loncom/homework/grades.pm 2003/11/07 19:23:56 1.151
@@ -1,5 +1,40 @@
+# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# The LON-CAPA Grading handler
+# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.151 2003/11/07 19:23:56 albertel Exp $
+# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
+# This file is part of the LearningOnline Network with CAPA (LON-CAPA).
+# LON-CAPA is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# LON-CAPA is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with LON-CAPA; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+# /home/httpd/html/adm/gpl.txt
+# http://www.lon-capa.org/
# 2/9,2/13 Guy Albertelli
+# 6/8 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# 7/26 H.K. Ng
+# 8/20 Gerd Kortemeyer
+# Year 2002
+# June-August H.K. Ng
+# Year 2003
+# February, March H.K. Ng
+# July, H. K. Ng
package Apache::grades;
use strict;
@@ -7,298 +42,3915 @@ use Apache::style;
use Apache::lonxml;
use Apache::lonnet;
use Apache::loncommon;
+use Apache::lonhtmlcommon;
+use Apache::lonnavmaps;
use Apache::lonhomework;
+use Apache::loncoursedata;
+use Apache::lonmsg qw(:user_normal_msg);
use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
+use String::Similarity;
-sub moreinfo {
- my ($request,$reason) = @_;
- $request->print("Unable to process request: $reason");
- if ( $Apache::grades::viewgrades eq 'F' ) {
- $request->print('
- }
- return '';
+my %oldessays=();
+my %perm=();
+# ----- These first few routines are general use routines.----
+# --- Retrieve the parts from the metadata file.---
+sub getpartlist {
+ my ($url,$symb) = @_;
+ my $partorder = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url, 'partorder');
+ my @parts;
+ if ($partorder) {
+ for my $part (split (/,/,$partorder)) {
+ if (!&Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($part,$symb)) {
+ push(@parts, $part);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ my $metadata = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url, 'packages');
+ foreach (split(/\,/,$metadata)) {
+ if ($_ =~ /^part_(.*)$/) {
+ if (!&Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($1,$symb)) {
+ push(@parts, $1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my @stores;
+ foreach my $part (@parts) {
+ my (@metakeys) = split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys'));
+ foreach my $key (@metakeys) {
+ if ($key =~ m/^stores_\Q$part\E_/) { push(@stores,$key); }
+ }
+ }
+ return @stores;
+# --- Get the symbolic name of a problem and the url
+sub get_symb_and_url {
+ my ($request) = @_;
+ (my $url=$ENV{'form.url'}) =~ s-^http://($ENV{'SERVER_NAME'}|$ENV{'HTTP_HOST'})--;
+ my $symb=($ENV{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url)));
+ if ($symb eq '') { $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:$url:."); return ''; }
+ return ($symb,$url);
-#FIXME - needs to be much smarter
-sub finduser {
- my ($name) = @_;
- if ( $Apache::grades::viewgrades eq 'F' ) {
- return ($name,$ENV{'user.domain'});
- } else {
- return ($ENV{'user.name'},$ENV{'user.domain'});
- }
+# --- Retrieve the fullname for a user. Return lastname, first middle ---
+# --- Generation is attached next to the lastname if it exists. ---
+sub get_fullname {
+ my ($uname,$udom) = @_;
+ my %name=&Apache::lonnet::get('environment', ['lastname','generation',
+ 'firstname','middlename'],
+ $udom,$uname);
+ my $fullname;
+ my ($tmp) = keys(%name);
+ if ($tmp !~ /^(con_lost|error|no_such_host)/i) {
+ $fullname = &Apache::loncoursedata::ProcessFullName
+ (@name{qw/lastname generation firstname middlename/});
+ } else {
+ &Apache::lonnet::logthis('grades.pm: no name data for '.$uname.
+ '@'.$udom.':'.$tmp);
+ }
+ return $fullname;
+#--- Format fullname, username:domain if different for display
+#--- Use anywhere where the student names are listed
+sub nameUserString {
+ my ($type,$fullname,$uname,$udom) = @_;
+ if ($type eq 'header') {
+ return ' Fullname (Username) ';
+ } else {
+ return ' '.$fullname.' ('.$uname.
+ ($ENV{'user.domain'} eq $udom ? '' : ' ('.$udom.')').')';
+ }
+#--- Get the partlist and the response type for a given problem. ---
+#--- Indicate if a response type is coded handgraded or not. ---
+sub response_type {
+ my ($url,$symb) = shift;
+ $symb=($ENV{'form.symb'} ne '' ? $ENV{'form.symb'} : (&Apache::lonnet::symbread($url))) if ($symb eq '');
+ my $allkeys = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys');
+ my %seen = ();
+ my (@partlist,%handgrade,%responseType);
+ foreach (split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'packages'))) {
+ if (/^\w+response_.*/) {
+ my ($responsetype,$part) = split(/_/,$_,2);
+ my ($partid,$respid) = split(/_/,$part);
+ if (&Apache::loncommon::check_if_partid_hidden($partid,$symb)) {
+ next;
+ }
+ $responsetype =~ s/response$//; # make it compatible w/ navmaps - should move to that!!
+ my ($value) = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$part.'.handgrade',$symb);
+ $handgrade{$part} = ($value eq 'yes' ? 'yes' : 'no');
+ if (!exists($responseType{$partid})) { $responseType{$partid}={}; }
+ $responseType{$partid}->{$respid}=$responsetype;
+ next if ($seen{$partid} > 0);
+ $seen{$partid}++;
+ push @partlist,$partid;
+ }
+ }
+ return \@partlist,\%handgrade,\%responseType;
+#--- Show resource title
+#--- and parts and response type
+sub showResourceInfo {
+ my ($url,$probTitle) = @_;
+ my $result ='
+ '
Current Resource: '.$probTitle.'
+ my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($url);
+ my %resptype = ();
+ my $hdgrade='no';
+ for my $part_resID (sort keys(%$handgrade)) {
+ my $handgrade=$$handgrade{$part_resID};
+ my ($partID,$resID) = split(/_/,$part_resID);
+ my $responsetype = $responseType->{$partID}->{$resID};
+ $hdgrade = $handgrade if ($handgrade eq 'yes');
+ $result.='
Part '.$partID.' '.
+ $resID.'
+ '
Type: '.$responsetype.'
+# '
Handgrade: '.$handgrade.'
+ }
+ $result.='
+ return $result,$responseType,$hdgrade,$partlist,$handgrade;
+sub get_order {
+ my ($partid,$respid,$symb,$uname,$udom)=@_;
+ my (undef,undef,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
+ $url=&Apache::lonnet::clutter($url);
+ my $subresult=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($url,
+ ('grade_target' => 'analyze'),
+ ('grade_domain' => $udom),
+ ('grade_symb' => $symb),
+ ('grade_courseid' =>
+ $ENV{'request.course.id'}),
+ ('grade_username' => $uname));
+ (undef,$subresult)=split(/_HASH_REF__/,$subresult,2);
+ my %analyze=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($subresult);
+ return ($analyze{"$partid.$respid.shown"});
+#--- Clean response type for display
+#--- Currently filters option/rank/radiobutton/match/essay response types only.
+sub cleanRecord {
+ my ($answer,$response,$symb,$partid,$respid,$record,$order,$version) = @_;
+ my $grayFont = '';
+ if ($response =~ /^(option|rank)$/) {
+ my %answer=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($answer);
+ my %grading=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($record->{$version."resource.$partid.$respid.submissiongrading"});
+ my ($toprow,$bottomrow);
+ foreach my $foil (@$order) {
+ if ($grading{$foil} == 1) {
+ $toprow.='
+ } else {
+ $toprow.='
+ }
+ $bottomrow.='
+ }
+ return '
+ '
+ '
'.$grayFont.'Option ID
+ $grayFont.$bottomrow.'
+ } elsif ($response eq 'match') {
+ my %answer=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($answer);
+ my %grading=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($record->{$version."resource.$partid.$respid.submissiongrading"});
+ my @items=&Apache::lonnet::str2array($record->{$version."resource.$partid.$respid.submissionitems"});
+ my ($toprow,$middlerow,$bottomrow);
+ foreach my $foil (@$order) {
+ my $item=shift(@items);
+ if ($grading{$foil} == 1) {
+ $toprow.='
+ $middlerow.='
+ } else {
+ $toprow.='
+ $middlerow.='
+ }
+ $bottomrow.='
+ }
+ return '
+ '
+ '
'.$grayFont.'Item ID
+ $middlerow.'
+ '
'.$grayFont.'Option ID
+ $bottomrow.'
+ } elsif ($response eq 'radiobutton') {
+ my %answer=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($answer);
+ my ($toprow,$bottomrow);
+ my $correct=($order->[0])+1;
+ for (my $i=1;$i<=$#$order;$i++) {
+ my $foil=$order->[$i];
+ if (exists($answer{$foil})) {
+ if ($i == $correct) {
+ $toprow.='
+ } else {
+ $toprow.='
+ }
+ } else {
+ $toprow.='
+ }
+ $bottomrow.='
+ }
+ return '
+ '
+ '
'.$grayFont.'Option ID
+ $grayFont.$bottomrow.'
+ } elsif ($response eq 'essay') {
+ if (! exists ($ENV{'form.'.$symb})) {
+ my (%keyhash) = &Apache::lonnet::dump('nohist_handgrade',
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'},
+ $ENV{'course.'.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.'.num'});
+ my $loginuser = $ENV{'user.name'}.':'.$ENV{'user.domain'};
+ $ENV{'form.keywords'} = $keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$symb.'_keywords'} : '';
+ $ENV{'form.kwclr'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwclr'} : 'red';
+ $ENV{'form.kwsize'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwsize'} : '0';
+ $ENV{'form.kwstyle'} = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} : '';
+ $ENV{'form.'.$symb} = 1; # so that we don't have to read it from disk for multiple sub of the same prob.
+ }
+ return '
+ }
+ return $answer;
+#-- A couple of common js functions
+sub commonJSfunctions {
+ my $request = shift;
+ $request->print(<
+ function radioSelection(radioButton) {
+ var selection=null;
+ if (radioButton.length > 1) {
+ for (var i=0; i 1) {
+ for (var i=0; i
+#--- Dumps the class list with usernames,list of sections,
+#--- section, ids and fullnames for each user.
sub getclasslist {
- my ($coursedomain,$coursenum,$coursehome,$hideexpired) = @_;
- my $classlist=&Apache::lonnet::reply("dump:$coursedomain:$coursenum:classlist",$coursehome);
- my %classlist=();
- my $now = time;
- foreach my $record (split /&/, $classlist) {
- my ($name,$value)=split(/=/,&Apache::lonnet::unescape($record));
- my ($end,$start)=split(/:/,$value);
- # still a student?
- if (($hideexpired) && ($end) && ($end < $now)) {
- print "Skipping:$name:$end:$now \n";
- next;
+ my ($getsec,$filterlist) = @_;
+ $getsec = $getsec eq '' ? 'all' : $getsec;
+ my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
+ # Bail out if we were unable to get the classlist
+ return if (! defined($classlist));
+ #
+ my %sections;
+ my %fullnames;
+ foreach (keys(%$classlist)) {
+ # the following undefs are for 'domain', and 'username' respectively.
+ my (undef,undef,$end,$start,$id,$section,$fullname,$status)=
+ @{$classlist->{$_}};
+ # filter students according to status selected
+ if ($filterlist && $ENV{'form.Status'} ne 'Any') {
+ if ($ENV{'form.Status'} ne $status) {
+ delete ($classlist->{$_});
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ $section = ($section ne '' ? $section : 'no');
+ if (&canview($section)) {
+ if ($getsec eq 'all' || $getsec eq $section) {
+ $sections{$section}++;
+ $fullnames{$_}=$fullname;
+ } else {
+ delete($classlist->{$_});
+ }
+ } else {
+ delete($classlist->{$_});
+ }
- push( @{ $classlist{'allids'} }, $name);
- }
- return (%classlist);
+ my %seen = ();
+ my @sections = sort(keys(%sections));
+ return ($classlist,\@sections,\%fullnames);
-sub getpartlist {
- my ($url) = @_;
- my @parts =();
- my (@metakeys) = split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys'));
- foreach my $key (@metakeys) {
- if ( $key =~ m/stores_([0-9]+)_.*/ ) {
- push(@parts,$key);
+sub canmodify {
+ my ($sec)=@_;
+ if ($perm{'mgr'}) {
+ if (!defined($perm{'mgr_section'})) {
+ # can modify whole class
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ if ($sec eq $perm{'mgr_section'}) {
+ #can modify the requested section
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ # can't modify the request section
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
- }
- return @parts;
+ #can't modify
+ return 0;
-sub viewstudentgrade {
- my ($url,$symb,$courseid,$student,@parts) = @_;
- my $result ='';
+sub canview {
+ my ($sec)=@_;
+ if ($perm{'vgr'}) {
+ if (!defined($perm{'vgr_section'})) {
+ # can modify whole class
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ if ($sec eq $perm{'vgr_section'}) {
+ #can modify the requested section
+ return 1;
+ } else {
+ # can't modify the request section
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ #can't modify
+ return 0;
+#--- Retrieve the grade status of a student for all the parts
+sub student_gradeStatus {
+ my ($url,$symb,$udom,$uname,$partlist) = @_;
+ my %record = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$ENV{'request.course.id'},$udom,$uname);
+ my %partstatus = ();
+ foreach (@$partlist) {
+ my ($status,undef) = split(/_/,$record{"resource.$_.solved"},2);
+ $status = 'nothing' if ($status eq '');
+ $partstatus{$_} = $status;
+ my $subkey = "resource.$_.submitted_by";
+ $partstatus{$subkey} = $record{$subkey} if ($record{$subkey} ne '');
+ }
+ return %partstatus;
- my ($stuname,$domain) = split(/:/,$student);
+# hidden form and javascript that calls the form
+# Use by verifyscript and viewgrades
+# Shows a student's view of problem and submission
+sub jscriptNform {
+ my ($url,$symb) = @_;
+ my $jscript=''."\n";
+ $jscript.= ''."\n";
+ return $jscript;
- my %record=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$courseid,$domain,$stuname,
- &Apache::lonnet::homeserver($stuname,$domain));
+#------------------ End of general use routines --------------------
- $result.="