--- loncom/homework/grades.pm	2003/01/24 20:40:37	1.67
+++ loncom/homework/grades.pm	2003/02/27 21:05:58	1.68
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # The LON-CAPA Grading handler
-# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.67 2003/01/24 20:40:37 www Exp $
+# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.68 2003/02/27 21:05:58 ng Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -31,6 +31,8 @@
 # 8/20 Gerd Kortemeyer
 # Year 2002
 # June-August H.K. Ng
+# Year 2003
+# February H.K. Ng
 package Apache::grades;
@@ -39,12 +41,13 @@ use Apache::style;
 use Apache::lonxml;
 use Apache::lonnet;
 use Apache::loncommon;
+use Apache::lonnavmaps;
 use Apache::lonhomework;
 use Apache::loncoursedata;
 use Apache::lonmsg qw(:user_normal_msg);
 use Apache::Constants qw(:common);
-# ----- These first few routines are general use routines.-----
+# ----- These first few routines are general use routines.----
 # --- Retrieve the parts that matches stores_\d+ from the metadata file.---
 sub getpartlist {
@@ -269,6 +272,10 @@ sub verifyreceipt {
     return $string.&show_grading_menu_form($symb,$url);
+# Pick student and page/sequence for manual grading
 #--- This is called by a number of programs.
 #--- Called from the Grading Menu - View/Grade an individual student
 #--- Also called directly when one clicks on the subm button 
@@ -293,12 +300,7 @@ sub listStudents {
-    my $viewgrade;
-    if ($ENV{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes') {
-	$viewgrade = 'View/Grade';
-    } else {
-	$viewgrade = 'View';
-    }
+    my $viewgrade = $ENV{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes' ? 'View/Grade' : 'View';
     $result='<h3><font color="#339933">&nbsp;'.
@@ -2198,6 +2200,7 @@ sub gradingmenu {
     $result.=&view_edit_entire_class_form($symb,$url).'<br />';
     $result.=&upcsvScores_form($symb,$url).'<br />';
     $result.=&viewGradeaStu_form($symb,$url,$resptype,$hdgrade).'<br />';
+    $result.=&gradeByPage_form($symb,$url,$resptype,$hdgrade).'<br />';
 	if ((&Apache::lonnet::allowed('mgr',$ENV{'request.course.id'})) && ($symb));
@@ -2269,12 +2272,7 @@ sub viewGradeaStu_form {
     my $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr><td bgcolor=#777777>'."\n";
     $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff"><td>'."\n";
-    if ($handgrade eq 'yes') {
-	$result.="View/Grade ";
-    } else {
-	$result.="View ";
-    }
-    $result.='an Individual Student\'s Submission</b></td></tr>'."\n";
+    $result.=($handgrade eq 'yes' ? 'View/Grade' : 'View').' an Individual Student\'s Submission</b></td></tr>'."\n";
     $result.='<tr bgcolor=#ffffe6><td>'."\n";
     $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post">'."\n".
 	'<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."\n".
@@ -2310,6 +2308,266 @@ sub viewGradeaStu_form {
     return $result;
+#--- Handgrading problems by page/sequence for each student ---
+sub gradeByPage_form {
+    my ($symb,$url,$response,$handgrade) = @_;
+    my ($classlist,$sections) = &getclasslist('all','0');
+    my $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr><td bgcolor=#777777>'."\n";
+    $result.='<table width=100% border=0><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff"><td>'."\n";
+    $result.='&nbsp;<b>';
+    $result.='Handgrade an Individual Student\'s by Page/Sequence</b></td></tr>'."\n";
+    $result.='<tr bgcolor=#ffffe6><td>'."\n";
+    $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post">'."\n".
+	'<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."\n".
+	'<input type="hidden" name="url" value="'.$url.'" />'."\n".
+	'<input type="hidden" name="response" value="'.$response.'" />'."\n".
+	'<input type="hidden" name="handgrade" value="'.$handgrade.'" />'."\n".
+	'<input type="hidden" name="showgrading" value="yes" />'."\n".
+	'<input type="hidden" name="command" value="pickStudentPage" />'."\n";
+    $result.='&nbsp;<b>Select section:</b> <select name="section">'."\n";
+    if (ref($sections)) {
+	foreach (sort (@$sections)) {$result.='<option>'.$_.'</option>'."\n";}
+    }
+    $result.= '<option selected="on">all</select>'."\n";
+    $result.='<br />&nbsp;<input type="button" onClick="submit();" value="';
+    $result.='View/Grade'.'" />'."\n".'</form>'."\n";
+    $result.='</td></tr></table>'."\n";
+    $result.='</td></tr></table>'."\n";
+    return $result;
+sub pickStudentPage {
+    my ($request) = shift;
+    $request->print(<<LISTJAVASCRIPT);
+<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
+function checkPickOne(formname) {
+    var user = radioSelection(formname.pickOne);
+    if (user == null) {
+	alert("Please select the student you wish to grade.");
+	return;
+    }
+    formname.submit();
+function radioSelection(radioButton) {
+    var selection=null;
+    for (var i=0; i<radioButton.length; i++) {
+        if (radioButton[i].checked) {
+            selection=radioButton[i].value;
+            return selection;
+        }
+    }
+    return selection;
+    my ($symb,$url) = &get_symb_and_url();
+    my $cdom      = $ENV{"course.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.domain"};
+    my $cnum      = $ENV{"course.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.num"};
+    my $getsec    = $ENV{'form.section'} eq '' ? 'all' : $ENV{'form.section'};
+    my $result='<h3><font color="#339933">&nbsp;'.
+	'Manual Grading by Page or Sequence</font></h3>';
+    my ($pagepath,$pagename,$type,$mapId) = ($symb =~ /(.*\/)(.*?\.(page|sequence))___(\d+)___/); 
+    my $curtitle = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($pagepath.$pagename,'title');
+    $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post" name="displayPage">'."<br>\n";
+    $result.='&nbsp;<b>Problems from:</b> <select name="page">'."\n";
+    my ($titles,$symbx) = &getSymbMap();
+#    shift @$titles; # skip the top level sequence
+    foreach (@$titles) {
+	my ($minder,$showtitle) = ($_ =~ /(\d+)\.(.*)/);
+	my $check_select = ($showtitle eq $curtitle ? 'selected="on"' : '');
+	$result.='<option value="'.$_.'" '.$check_select.'>'.$showtitle.'</option>'."\n";
+    }
+    $result.= '</select>'."<br>\n";
+#    $result.='&nbsp;<b>View Problems: </b><input type="radio" name="vProb" value="no" checked /> no '."\n".
+#	'<input type="radio" name="vProb" value="yes" /> yes '."<br>\n";
+#    $result.='&nbsp;<b>Submission Details: </b>'.
+#	'<input type="radio" name="lastSub" value="last" checked /> last sub only'."\n".
+#	'<input type="radio" name="lastSub" value="all" /> all details'."\n";
+    $result.='<input type="hidden" name="section"     value="'.$getsec.'" />'."\n".
+	'<input type="hidden" name="command"  value="displayPage" />'."\n".
+	'<input type="hidden" name="url"  value="'.$url.'" />'."\n".
+	'<input type="hidden" name="symb" value="'.$symb.'" />'."<br><br>\n";
+    $request->print($result);
+    my $studentTable.='&nbsp;<b>Select a Student you wish to grade</b><br>'.
+	'<table border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'.
+	'<table border="0"><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff">'.
+	'<td><b>&nbsp;Fullname <font color="#999999">(username)</font></b></td>'.
+	'<td><b>&nbsp;Fullname <font color="#999999">(username)</font></b></td>'.
+	'<td><b>&nbsp;Fullname <font color="#999999">(username)</font></b></td>'.
+	'<td><b>&nbsp;Fullname <font color="#999999">(username)</font></b></td></tr>';
+    my (undef,undef,$fullname) = &getclasslist($getsec,'0');
+    my $ptr = 1;
+    foreach my $student (sort {lc($$fullname{$a}) cmp lc($$fullname{$b}) } keys %$fullname) {
+	my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$student);
+	$studentTable.=($ptr%4 == 1 ? '<tr bgcolor="#ffffe6"><td>' : '</td><td>');
+	$studentTable.='<input type="radio" name="pickOne" value="'.$student.'" /> '.$$fullname{$student}.
+	    '<font color="#999999"> ('.$uname.($udom eq $cdom ? '':':'.$udom).')</font>'."\n";
+	$studentTable.=($ptr%4 == 0 ? '</td></tr>' : '');
+	$ptr++;
+    }
+    $studentTable.='</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;' if ($ptr%4 == 2);
+    $studentTable.='</td><td>&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;' if ($ptr%4 == 3);
+    $studentTable.='</td><td>&nbsp;' if ($ptr%4 == 0);
+    $studentTable.='</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>'."\n";
+    $studentTable.='<br />&nbsp;<input type="button" onClick="javascript:checkPickOne(this.form);" value="Submit" /></form>'."\n";
+    $studentTable.=&show_grading_menu_form($symb,$url);
+    $request->print($studentTable);
+    return '';
+sub getSymbMap {
+    my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap-> new(
+						  $ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
+						  $ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'_parms.db',1, 1);
+    my $res = $navmap->firstResource(); # temp resource to access constants
+    $navmap->init();
+    # End navmap using boilerplate
+    my $iterator = $navmap->getIterator(undef, undef, undef, 1);
+    my $depth = 1;
+    $iterator->next(); # ignore first BEGIN_MAP
+    my $curRes = $iterator->next();
+    my %symbx = ();
+    my @titles = ();
+    my $minder=0;
+    while ($depth > 0) {
+        if ($curRes == $iterator->BEGIN_MAP()) {$depth++;}
+        if ($curRes == $iterator->END_MAP()) { $depth--; }
+        if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_map()) {
+            my $title = $curRes->compTitle();
+	    push @titles,$minder.'.'.$title; # minder, just in case two titles are identical
+	    $symbx{$minder.'.'.$title} = $curRes->symb();
+	    $minder++;
+       }
+        $curRes = $iterator->next();
+    }
+    $navmap->untieHashes();
+    return \@titles,\%symbx;
+sub displayPage {
+    my ($request) = shift;
+    my $cdom      = $ENV{"course.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.domain"};
+    my $cnum      = $ENV{"course.$ENV{'request.course.id'}.num"};
+    my $getsec    = $ENV{'form.section'} eq '' ? 'all' : $ENV{'form.section'};
+    my $pageTitle = $ENV{'form.page'};
+    my (undef,undef,$fullname) = &getclasslist($getsec,'0');
+    my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$ENV{'form.pickOne'});
+    my ($idx,$showtitle) = ($pageTitle =~ /(\d+)\.(.*)/);
+    my $result='<h3><font color="#339933">&nbsp;'.$showtitle.'</font></h3>';
+    $result.='<h3>&nbsp;Student: '.$$fullname{$ENV{'form.pickOne'}}.
+	'<font color="#999999"> ('.$uname.($udom eq $cdom ? '':':'.$udom).')</font></h3>'."\n";
+    my ($pg_titles,$pg_symbx) = &getSymbMap();
+    my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap-> new(
+						  $ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'.db',
+						  $ENV{'request.course.fn'}.'_parms.db',1, 1);
+    my ($mapUrl, $id, $resUrl) = split(/___/, $$pg_symbx{$ENV{'form.page'}});
+    my $map = $navmap->getResourceByUrl($resUrl); # add to navmaps
+    my $iterator = $navmap->getIterator($map->map_start(),
+					$map->map_finish());
+    my $depth = 1;
+    $iterator->next(); # skip the first BEGIN_MAP
+    my $curRes = $iterator->next(); # for "current resource"
+    my %symbx = ();
+    my @titles = ();
+    my %parts = ();
+    my $ctr=0;
+    my $minder=0;
+    while ($depth > 0 && $ctr < 100) { # ctr, just in case it never gets out of loop
+        if($curRes == $iterator->BEGIN_MAP) { $depth++; }
+        if($curRes == $iterator->END_MAP) { $depth++; }
+        if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_problem() && !$curRes->randomout) {
+	    my $parts = $curRes->parts();
+            my $title = $curRes->compTitle();
+	    push @titles,$minder.'.'.$title; # minder, just in case two titles are identical
+	    if (scalar(@{$parts}) > 1) { shift @{$parts}; }
+	    for my $part (@$parts) {
+		$result.='title='.$title.'part='.$part.':<br>';
+	    }
+	    $parts{$minder.'.'.$title} = join '::',@$parts;
+            $symbx{$minder.'.'.$title} = $curRes->symb();
+	    $minder++;
+       }
+        $curRes = $iterator->next();
+	$ctr++;
+    }
+    $navmap->init();
+    $request->print($result);
+    my $studentTable.=
+	'<table border="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#777777">'.
+	'<table border="0"><tr bgcolor="#e6ffff">'.
+	'<td><b>&nbsp;No&nbsp;</b></td>'.
+	'<td><b>&nbsp;Title</b></td>'.
+	'<td><b>&nbsp;Answer</b></td>'.
+	'<td><b>&nbsp;Grade</b></td></tr>';
+    my $question=1;
+    foreach (@titles) {
+	my ($minder,$showtitle) = ($_ =~ /(\d+)\.(.*)/);
+	$studentTable.='<tr bgcolor="#ffffe6"><td align="center" valign="top" >'.$question.'</td>';
+	$studentTable.='<td valign="top">&nbsp;'.$showtitle.'&nbsp;</td>';
+	$studentTable.='<td>&nbsp;'.
+	    &Apache::loncommon::get_student_answers($symbx{$_},$uname,$udom,$ENV{'request.course.id'}).'</td>';
+	my $subresult=&Apache::lonnet::ssi($request->uri,
+					   ('grade_target' => 'analyze'),
+					   ('grade_domain' => $udom),
+					   ('grade_user' => $uname),
+					   ('grade_symb' => $symbx{$_}),
+					   ('grade_courseid' => $ENV{'request.course.id'}));
+	(undef,$subresult)=split(/_HASH_REF__/,$subresult,2);
+	my %analyze=&Apache::lonnet::str2hash($subresult);
+	$studentTable.='<td>&nbsp;';
+	while (my($key,$value) = each (%analyze)){
+	    $studentTable.='key='.$key.'->value='.$value.'<br>';
+	}
+	$studentTable.='</td></tr>';
+	$question++;
+    }
+    $studentTable.='</table></td></tr></table>';
+#    $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post" name="displayPage">'."<br>\n";
+#    $result.='</form>'."\n";
+    $request->print($studentTable);
+    return '';
 #--- Form to input a receipt number ---
 sub verifyReceipt_form {
     my ($symb,$url) = @_;
@@ -2397,8 +2655,14 @@ sub handler {
     } else {
 	if ($command eq 'submission') {
-	    &listStudents($request) if ($ENV{'form.student'} eq '');
-	    &submission($request,0,0) if ($ENV{'form.student'} ne '');
+	    ($ENV{'form.student'} eq '' ? &listStudents($request) : &submission($request,0,0));
+#	if ($command eq 'submission') {
+#	    &listStudents($request) if ($ENV{'form.student'} eq '');
+#	    &submission($request,0,0) if ($ENV{'form.student'} ne '');
+	} elsif ($command eq 'pickStudentPage') {
+	    &pickStudentPage($request);
+	} elsif ($command eq 'displayPage') {
+	    &displayPage($request);
 	} elsif ($command eq 'processGroup') {
 	} elsif ($command eq 'gradingmenu') {