--- loncom/homework/grades.pm	2014/11/24 02:36:26	1.728
+++ loncom/homework/grades.pm	2019/02/23 15:18:33	1.760
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
 # The LON-CAPA Grading handler
-# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.728 2014/11/24 02:36:26 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.760 2019/02/23 15:18:33 raeburn Exp $
 # Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -46,7 +46,10 @@ use Apache::lonenc;
 use Apache::lonstathelpers;
 use Apache::lonquickgrades;
 use Apache::bridgetask();
+use Apache::lontexconvert();
 use String::Similarity;
+use HTML::Parser();
+use File::MMagic;
 use POSIX qw(floor);
@@ -116,7 +119,11 @@ sub getpartlist {
     my $res      = $navmap->getBySymb($symb);
     my $partlist = $res->parts();
     my $url      = $res->src();
-    my @metakeys = split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys'));
+    my $toolsymb;
+    if ($url =~ /ext\.tool$/) {
+        $toolsymb = $symb;
+    }
+    my @metakeys = split(/,/,&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,'keys',$toolsymb));
     my @stores;
     foreach my $part (@{ $partlist }) {
@@ -293,7 +300,7 @@ sub reset_caches {
     sub scantron_partids_tograde {
-        my ($resource,$cid,$uname,$udom,$check_for_randomlist,$bubbles_per_row) = @_;
+        my ($resource,$cid,$uname,$udom,$check_for_randomlist,$bubbles_per_row,$scancode) = @_;
         my (%analysis,@parts);
         if (ref($resource)) {
             my $symb = $resource->symb();
@@ -301,6 +308,13 @@ sub reset_caches {
             if ($check_for_randomlist) {
                 $add_to_form = { 'check_parts_withrandomlist' => 1,};
+            if ($scancode) {
+                if (ref($add_to_form) eq 'HASH') {
+                    $add_to_form->{'code_for_randomlist'} = $scancode;
+                } else {
+                    $add_to_form = { 'code_for_randomlist' => $scancode,};
+                }
+            }
             my $analyze = 
@@ -406,7 +420,8 @@ sub cleanRecord {
 	    $env{'form.kwstyle'}  = $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} ne '' ? $keyhash{$loginuser.'_kwstyle'} : '';
 	    $env{'form.'.$symb} = 1; # so that we don't have to read it from disk for multiple sub of the same prob.
-	return '<br /><br /><blockquote><tt>'.&keywords_highlight(&HTML::Entities::encode($answer, '"<>&')).'</tt></blockquote>';
+        $answer = &Apache::lontexconvert::msgtexconverted($answer);
+	return '<br /><br /><blockquote><tt>'.&keywords_highlight($answer).'</tt></blockquote>';
     } elsif ( $response eq 'organic') {
         my $result=&mt('Smile representation: [_1]',
@@ -491,7 +506,7 @@ COMMONJSFUNCTIONS
 #--- Dumps the class list with usernames,list of sections,
 #--- section, ids and fullnames for each user.
 sub getclasslist {
-    my ($getsec,$filterlist,$getgroup) = @_;
+    my ($getsec,$filterbyaccstatus,$getgroup,$symb,$submitonly,$filterbysubmstatus) = @_;
     my @getsec;
     my @getgroup;
     my $stu_status = join(':',&Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.Status'));
@@ -519,6 +534,13 @@ sub getclasslist {
     my %sections;
     my %fullnames;
+    my ($cdom,$cnum,$partlist);
+    if (($filterbysubmstatus) && ($submitonly ne 'all') && ($symb ne '')) {
+        $cdom = $env{"course.$env{'request.course.id'}.domain"};
+        $cnum = $env{"course.$env{'request.course.id'}.num"};
+        my $res_error;
+        ($partlist,my $handgrade,my $responseType) = &response_type($symb,\$res_error);
+    }
     foreach my $student (keys(%$classlist)) {
         my $end      = 
@@ -535,7 +557,7 @@ sub getclasslist {
         my $group   = 
 	# filter students according to status selected
-	if ($filterlist && (!($stu_status =~ /Any/))) {
+	if ($filterbyaccstatus && (!($stu_status =~ /Any/))) {
 	    if (!($stu_status =~ $status)) {
@@ -552,13 +574,58 @@ sub getclasslist {
     	        if (($grp eq 'none') && !$group) {
-        	        $exclude = 0;
+        	    $exclude = 0;
 	    if ($exclude) {
+		next;
+        if (($filterbysubmstatus) && ($submitonly ne 'all') && ($symb ne '')) {
+            my $udom =
+                $classlist->{$student}->[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SDOM()];
+            my $uname =
+                $classlist->{$student}->[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_SNAME()];
+            if (($symb ne '') && ($udom ne '') && ($uname ne '')) {
+                if ($submitonly eq 'queued') {
+                    my %queue_status =
+                        &Apache::bridgetask::get_student_status($symb,$cdom,$cnum,
+                                                                $udom,$uname);
+                    if (!defined($queue_status{'gradingqueue'})) {
+                        delete($classlist->{$student});
+                        next;
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    my (%status) =&student_gradeStatus($symb,$udom,$uname,$partlist);
+                    my $submitted = 0;
+                    my $graded = 0;
+                    my $incorrect = 0;
+                    foreach (keys(%status)) {
+                        $submitted = 1 if ($status{$_} ne 'nothing');
+                        $graded = 1 if ($status{$_} =~ /^ungraded/);
+                        $incorrect = 1 if ($status{$_} =~ /^incorrect/);
+                        my ($foo,$partid,$foo1) = split(/\./,$_);
+                        if ($status{'resource.'.$partid.'.submitted_by'} ne '') {
+                            $submitted = 0;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    if (!$submitted && ($submitonly eq 'yes' ||
+                                        $submitonly eq 'incorrect' ||
+                                        $submitonly eq 'graded')) {
+                        delete($classlist->{$student});
+                        next;
+                    } elsif (!$graded && ($submitonly eq 'graded')) {
+                        delete($classlist->{$student});
+                        next;
+                    } elsif (!$incorrect && $submitonly eq 'incorrect') {
+                        delete($classlist->{$student});
+                        next;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
 	$section = ($section ne '' ? $section : 'none');
 	if (&canview($section)) {
 	    if (!@getsec || grep(/^\Q$section\E$/,@getsec)) {
@@ -573,7 +640,6 @@ sub getclasslist {
-    my %seen = ();
     my @sections = sort(keys(%sections));
     return ($classlist,\@sections,\%fullnames);
@@ -845,6 +911,7 @@ sub verifyreceipt {
 sub listStudents {
     my ($request,$symb,$submitonly) = @_;
+    my $is_tool   = ($symb =~ /ext\.tool$/);
     my $cdom      = $env{"course.$env{'request.course.id'}.domain"};
     my $cnum      = $env{"course.$env{'request.course.id'}.num"};
     my $getsec    = $env{'form.section'} eq '' ? 'all' : $env{'form.section'};
@@ -857,10 +924,11 @@ sub listStudents {
     my $res_error;
     my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb,\$res_error);
-    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
+    my %js_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
 		'multiple' => 'Please select a student or group of students before clicking on the Next button.',
 		'single'   => 'Please select the student before clicking on the Next button.',
+    &js_escape(\%js_lt);
     function checkSelect(checkBox) {
 	var ctr=0;
@@ -871,12 +939,12 @@ sub listStudents {
-	    sense = '$lt{'multiple'}';
+	    sense = '$js_lt{'multiple'}';
 	} else {
 	    if (checkBox.checked) {
 		ctr = 1;
-	    sense = '$lt{'single'}';
+	    sense = '$js_lt{'single'}';
 	if (ctr == 0) {
@@ -899,38 +967,66 @@ LISTJAVASCRIPT
     $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::start_pick_box();
-    $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('View Problem Text'))
-                  .'<label><input type="radio" name="vProb" value="no" checked="checked" /> '.&mt('no').' </label>'."\n"
-                  .'<label><input type="radio" name="vProb" value="yes" /> '.&mt('one student').' </label>'."\n"
-                  .'<label><input type="radio" name="vProb" value="all" /> '.&mt('all students').' </label><br />'."\n"
-                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
-    $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('View Answer'))
-                  .'<label><input type="radio" name="vAns" value="no"  /> '.&mt('no').' </label>'."\n"
-                  .'<label><input type="radio" name="vAns" value="yes" /> '.&mt('one student').' </label>'."\n"
-                  .'<label><input type="radio" name="vAns" value="all" checked="checked" /> '.&mt('all students').' </label><br />'."\n"
-                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
+    unless ($is_tool) {
+        $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('View Problem Text'))
+                      .'<label><input type="radio" name="vProb" value="no" checked="checked" /> '.&mt('no').' </label>'."\n"
+                      .'<label><input type="radio" name="vProb" value="yes" /> '.&mt('one student').' </label>'."\n"
+                      .'<label><input type="radio" name="vProb" value="all" /> '.&mt('all students').' </label><br />'."\n"
+                      .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
+        $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('View Answer'))
+                      .'<label><input type="radio" name="vAns" value="no"  /> '.&mt('no').' </label>'."\n"
+                      .'<label><input type="radio" name="vAns" value="yes" /> '.&mt('one student').' </label>'."\n"
+                      .'<label><input type="radio" name="vAns" value="all" checked="checked" /> '.&mt('all students').' </label><br />'."\n"
+                      .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
+    }
     my $submission_options;
     my $stu_status = join(':',&Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.Status'));
     my $saveStatus = $stu_status eq '' ? 'Active' : $stu_status;
     $env{'form.Status'} = $saveStatus;
+    my %optiontext;
+    if ($is_tool) {
+        %optiontext = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
+                          lastonly => 'last transaction',
+                          last     => 'last transaction with details',
+                          datesub  => 'all transactions',
+                          all      => 'all transactions with details',
+                      );
+    } else {
+        %optiontext = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash (
+                          lastonly => 'last submission',
+                          last     => 'last submission with details',
+                          datesub  => 'all submissions',
+                          all      => 'all submissions with details',
+                      );
+    }
         '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
         '<label><input type="radio" name="lastSub" value="lastonly" /> '.
-        &mt('last submission').' </label></span>'."\n".
+        $optiontext{'lastonly'}.' </label></span>'."\n".
         '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
         '<label><input type="radio" name="lastSub" value="last" /> '.
-        &mt('last submission with details').' </label></span>'."\n".
+        $optiontext{'last'}.' </label></span>'."\n".
         '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
         '<label><input type="radio" name="lastSub" value="datesub" checked="checked" /> '.
-        &mt('all submissions').'</label></span>'."\n".
+        $optiontext{'datesub'}.'</label></span>'."\n".
         '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
         '<label><input type="radio" name="lastSub" value="all" /> '.
-        &mt('all submissions with details').'</label></span>';
-    $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('View Submissions'))
+        $optiontext{'all'}.'</label></span>';
+    my $viewtitle;
+    if ($is_tool) {
+        $viewtitle = &mt('View Transactions');
+    } else {
+        $viewtitle = &mt('View Submissions');
+    }
+    $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title($viewtitle)
+    my $closure;
+    if (($is_tool) && (exists($env{'form.Status'}))) {
+        $closure = 1;
+    }
     $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Grading Increments'))
                   .'<select name="increment">'
                   .'<option value="1">'.&mt('Whole Points').'</option>'
@@ -938,7 +1034,7 @@ LISTJAVASCRIPT
                   .'<option value=".25">'.&mt('Quarter Points').'</option>'
                   .'<option value=".1">'.&mt('Tenths of a Point').'</option>'
-                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
+                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure($closure);
     $gradeTable .= 
@@ -949,19 +1045,30 @@ LISTJAVASCRIPT
     if (exists($env{'form.Status'})) {
 	$gradeTable .= '<input type="hidden" name="Status" value="'.$stu_status.'" />'."\n";
     } else {
+        if ($is_tool) {
+            $closure = 1;
+        }
         $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Student Status'))
-                      .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure();
+                      .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure($closure);
-    $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Check For Plagiarism'))
-                  .'<input type="checkbox" name="checkPlag" checked="checked" />'
-                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure(1)
-                  .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box();
+    unless ($is_tool) {
+        $closure = 1;
+        $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('Check For Plagiarism'))
+                      .'<input type="checkbox" name="checkPlag" checked="checked" />'
+                      .&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure($closure);
+    }
+    $gradeTable .= &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::end_pick_box();
+    my $regrademsg;
+    if ($is_tool) {
+        $regrademsg =&mt("To view/grade/regrade, click on the check box(es) next to the student's name(s). Then click on the Next button.");
+    } else {
+        $regrademsg = &mt("To view/grade/regrade a submission or a group of submissions, click on the check box(es) next to the student's name(s). Then click on the Next button.");
+    }
     $gradeTable .= '<p>'
-                  .&mt("To view/grade/regrade a submission or a group of submissions, click on the check box(es) next to the student's name(s). Then click on the Next button.")."\n"
+                  .$regrademsg."\n"
                   .'<input type="hidden" name="command" value="processGroup" />'
@@ -1177,7 +1284,8 @@ sub processGroup {
 #--- Javascript to handle the submission page functionality ---
 sub sub_page_js {
     my $request = shift;
-	    my $alertmsg = &mt('A number equal or greater than 0 is expected. Entered value = ');
+    my $alertmsg = &mt('A number equal or greater than 0 is expected. Entered value = ');
+    &js_escape(\$alertmsg);
     function updateRadio(formname,id,weight) {
 	var gradeBox = formname["GD_BOX"+id];
@@ -1422,10 +1530,21 @@ INNERJS
     my $docopen=&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::javascript_docopen();
-    my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+    my %js_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                 keyw => 'Keywords list, separated by a space. Add/delete to list if desired.',
                 plse => 'Please select a word or group of words from document and then click this link.',
                 adds => 'Add selection to keyword list? Edit if desired.',
+                col1 => 'red',
+                col2 => 'green',
+                col3 => 'blue',
+                siz1 => 'normal',
+                siz2 => '+1',
+                siz3 => '+2',
+                sty1 => 'normal',
+                sty2 => 'italic',
+                sty3 => 'bold',
+             );
+    my %html_js_lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                 comp => 'Compose Message for: ',
                 incl => 'Include',
                 type => 'Type',
@@ -1438,21 +1557,15 @@ INNERJS
                 txtc => 'Text Color',
                 font => 'Font Size',
                 fnst => 'Font Style',
-                col1 => 'red',
-                col2 => 'green',
-                col3 => 'blue',
-                siz1 => 'normal',
-                siz2 => '+1',
-                siz3 => '+2',
-                sty1 => 'normal',
-                sty2 => 'italic',
-                sty3 => 'bold',
+    &js_escape(\%js_lt);
+    &html_escape(\%html_js_lt);
+    &js_escape(\%html_js_lt);
 //===================== Show list of keywords ====================
   function keywords(formname) {
-    var nret = prompt("$lt{'keyw'}",formname.keywords.value);
+    var nret = prompt("$js_lt{'keyw'}",formname.keywords.value);
     if (nret==null) return;
     formname.keywords.value = nret;
@@ -1479,10 +1592,10 @@ INNERJS
     else return;
     var cleantxt = txt.replace(new RegExp('([\\f\\n\\r\\t\\v ])+', 'g')," ");
     if (cleantxt=="") {
-	alert("$lt{'plse'}");
+	alert("$js_lt{'plse'}");
-    var nret = prompt("$lt{'adds'}",cleantxt);
+    var nret = prompt("$js_lt{'adds'}",cleantxt);
     if (nret==null) return;
     document.SCORE.keywords.value = document.SCORE.keywords.value+" "+nret;
     if (document.SCORE.keywords.value != "") {
@@ -1562,16 +1675,16 @@ INNERJS
     pDoc.write("<form action=\\"inactive\\" name=\\"msgcenter\\">");
     pDoc.write("<input value=\\""+usrctr+"\\" name=\\"usrctr\\" type=\\"hidden\\">");
-    pDoc.write("<h1>&nbsp;$lt{'comp'}\"+fullname+\"<\\/h1>");
+    pDoc.write("<h1>&nbsp;$html_js_lt{'comp'}\"+fullname+\"<\\/h1>");
     pDoc.write('<table style="border:1px solid black;"><tr>');
-    pDoc.write("<td><b>$lt{'incl'}<\\/b><\\/td><td><b>$lt{'type'}<\\/b><\\/td><td><b>$lt{'mesa'}<\\/td><\\/tr>");
+    pDoc.write("<td><b>$html_js_lt{'incl'}<\\/b><\\/td><td><b>$html_js_lt{'type'}<\\/b><\\/td><td><b>$html_js_lt{'mesa'}<\\/td><\\/tr>");
     function displaySubject(msg,shwsel) {
     pDoc = pWin.document;
     pDoc.write("<td align=\\"center\\"><input name=\\"subchk\\" type=\\"checkbox\\"" +shwsel+"><\\/td>");
-    pDoc.write("<td>$lt{'subj'}<\\/td>");
+    pDoc.write("<td>$html_js_lt{'subj'}<\\/td>");
     pDoc.write("<td><input name=\\"msgsub\\" type=\\"text\\" value=\\""+msg+"\\"size=\\"40\\" maxlength=\\"80\\"><\\/td><\\/tr>");
@@ -1587,7 +1700,7 @@ INNERJS
     pDoc = pWin.document;
     pDoc.write("<td align=\\"center\\"><input name=\\"newmsgchk\\" type=\\"checkbox\\"" +shwsel+"><\\/td>");
-    pDoc.write("<td align=\\"center\\">$lt{'new'}<\\/td>");
+    pDoc.write("<td align=\\"center\\">$html_js_lt{'new'}<\\/td>");
     pDoc.write("<td><textarea name=\\"newmsg\\" cols=\\"60\\" rows=\\"3\\" onchange=\\"javascript:this.form.newmsgchk.checked=true\\" >"+newmsg+"<\\/textarea><\\/td><\\/tr>");
@@ -1595,8 +1708,8 @@ INNERJS
     pDoc = pWin.document;
-    pDoc.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"$lt{'save'}\\" onclick=\\"javascript:checkInput()\\">&nbsp;&nbsp;");
-    pDoc.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"$lt{'canc'}\\" onclick=\\"self.close()\\"><br /><br />");
+    pDoc.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"$html_js_lt{'save'}\\" onclick=\\"javascript:checkInput()\\">&nbsp;&nbsp;");
+    pDoc.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"$html_js_lt{'canc'}\\" onclick=\\"self.close()\\"><br /><br />");
@@ -1610,15 +1723,15 @@ INNERJS
     var redsel = "";
     var grnsel = "";
     var blusel = "";
-    var txtcol1 = "$lt{'col1'}";
-    var txtcol2 = "$lt{'col2'}";
-    var txtcol3 = "$lt{'col3'}";
-    var txtsiz1 = "$lt{'siz1'}";
-    var txtsiz2 = "$lt{'siz2'}";
-    var txtsiz3 = "$lt{'siz3'}";
-    var txtsty1 = "$lt{'sty1'}";
-    var txtsty2 = "$lt{'sty2'}";
-    var txtsty3 = "$lt{'sty3'}";
+    var txtcol1 = "$js_lt{'col1'}";
+    var txtcol2 = "$js_lt{'col2'}";
+    var txtcol3 = "$js_lt{'col3'}";
+    var txtsiz1 = "$js_lt{'siz1'}";
+    var txtsiz2 = "$js_lt{'siz2'}";
+    var txtsiz3 = "$js_lt{'siz3'}";
+    var txtsty1 = "$js_lt{'sty1'}";
+    var txtsty2 = "$js_lt{'sty2'}";
+    var txtsty3 = "$js_lt{'sty3'}";
     if (kwclr=="red")   {var redsel="checked='checked'"};
     if (kwclr=="green") {var grnsel="checked='checked'"};
     if (kwclr=="blue")  {var blusel="checked='checked'"};
@@ -1655,10 +1768,10 @@ INNERJS
     hDoc.write("<form action=\\"inactive\\" name=\\"hlCenter\\">");
-    hDoc.write("<h1>$lt{'kehi'}<\\/h1>");
+    hDoc.write("<h1>$html_js_lt{'kehi'}<\\/h1>");
     hDoc.write('<table border="0" width="100%"><tr style="background-color:#A1D676">');
-    hDoc.write("<th>$lt{'txtc'}<\\/th><th>$lt{'font'}<\\/th><th>$lt{'fnst'}<\\/th><\\/tr>");
+    hDoc.write("<th>$html_js_lt{'txtc'}<\\/th><th>$html_js_lt{'font'}<\\/th><th>$html_js_lt{'fnst'}<\\/th><\\/tr>");
   function highlightbody(clrval,clrtxt,clrsel,szval,sztxt,szsel,syval,sytxt,sysel) { 
@@ -1676,8 +1789,8 @@ INNERJS
   function highlightend() { 
     var hDoc = hwdWin.document;
     hDoc.write("<\\/table><br \\/>");
-    hDoc.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"$lt{'save'}\\" onclick=\\"javascript:updateChoice(1)\\" \\/>&nbsp;&nbsp;");
-    hDoc.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"$lt{'canc'}\\" onclick=\\"self.close()\\" \\/><br /><br />");
+    hDoc.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"$html_js_lt{'save'}\\" onclick=\\"javascript:updateChoice(1)\\" \\/>&nbsp;&nbsp;");
+    hDoc.write("<input type=\\"button\\" value=\\"$html_js_lt{'canc'}\\" onclick=\\"self.close()\\" \\/><br /><br />");
@@ -1811,7 +1924,7 @@ sub handback_box {
 	    if ($file =~ /\/portfolio\//) {
     	        my ($file_path, $file_disp) = ($file =~ m|(.+/)(.+)$|);
-    	        my ($name,$version,$ext) = &file_name_version_ext($file_disp);
+    	        my ($name,$version,$ext) = &Apache::lonnet::file_name_version_ext($file_disp);
     	        $file_disp = "$name.$ext";
     	        $file = $file_path.$file_disp;
     	        $result.=&mt('Return commented version of [_1] to student.',
@@ -1894,7 +2007,6 @@ sub show_problem {
 sub files_exist {
     my ($r, $symb) = @_;
     my @students = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.stuinfo');
     foreach my $student (@students) {
         my ($uname,$udom,$fullname) = split(/:/,$student);
         my %record = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$env{'request.course.id'},
@@ -1917,7 +2029,6 @@ sub download_all_link {
        $r->print(&mt('There are currently no submitted documents.'));
     my $all_students = 
 	join("\n", &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.stuinfo'));
@@ -1937,7 +2048,55 @@ sub submit_download_link {
     my ($request,$symb) = @_;
     if (!$symb) { return ''; }
 #FIXME: Figure out which type of problem this is and provide appropriate download
-    &download_all_link($request,$symb);
+    my $res_error;
+    my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb,$res_error);
+    if (ref($res_error)) {
+        if ($$res_error) {
+            $request->print(&mt('An error occurred retrieving response types'));
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+    my ($numupload,$numessay) = (0,0);
+    if (ref($responseType) eq 'HASH') {
+        foreach my $part (sort(keys(%$responseType))) {
+            foreach my $id (sort(keys(%{ $responseType->{$part} }))) {
+                my $responsetype = $responseType->{$part}->{$id};
+                if ($responsetype eq 'essay') {
+                    my $uploadedfiletypes =
+                        &Apache::lonnet::EXT("resource.$part".'_'."$id.uploadedfiletypes",$symb);
+                    if ($uploadedfiletypes) {
+                        $numupload++;
+                    } else {
+                        $numessay++;
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if (($numupload) || ($numessay)) {
+        my $submitonly= $env{'form.submitonly'} eq '' ? 'all' : $env{'form.submitonly'};
+        my $getsec    = $env{'form.section'} eq '' ? 'all' : $env{'form.section'};
+        my $getgroup  = $env{'form.group'} eq '' ? 'all' : $env{'form.group'};
+        (undef,undef,my $fullname) = &getclasslist($getsec,1,$getgroup,$symb,$submitonly,1);
+        if (ref($fullname) eq 'HASH') {
+            my @students = map { $_.':'.$fullname->{$_} } (keys(%{$fullname}));
+            if (@students) {
+                @{$env{'form.stuinfo'}} = @students;
+                if ($numupload) {
+                    &download_all_link($request,$symb);
+                }
+# FIXME Need to provide a mechanism to download essays, i.e., if $numessay > 0
+# Needs to omit user's identity if resource instance is for an anonymous survey.
+            } else {
+                $request->print(&mt('No students match the criteria you selected'));
+            }
+        } else {
+            $request->print(&mt('Could not retrieve student information'));
+        }
+    } else {
+        $request->print(&mt('No essayresponse items found'));
+    }
+    return;
 sub build_section_inputs {
@@ -1963,6 +2122,8 @@ sub submission {
     my $probtitle=&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($symb); 
     if ($symb eq '') { $request->print("Unable to handle ambiguous references:."); return ''; }
+    my $is_tool = ($symb =~ /ext\.tool$/);
+    my ($essayurl,%coursedesc_by_cid);
     if (!&canview($usec)) {
@@ -1975,8 +2136,10 @@ sub submission {
     if (!$env{'form.lastSub'}) { $env{'form.lastSub'} = 'datesub'; }
-    if (!$env{'form.vProb'}) { $env{'form.vProb'} = 'yes'; }
-    if (!$env{'form.vAns'}) { $env{'form.vAns'} = 'yes'; }
+    unless ($is_tool) { 
+        if (!$env{'form.vProb'}) { $env{'form.vProb'} = 'yes'; }
+        if (!$env{'form.vAns'}) { $env{'form.vAns'} = 'yes'; }
+    }
     my $last = ($env{'form.lastSub'} eq 'last' ? 'last' : '');
     my $checkIcon = '<img alt="'.&mt('Check Mark').
 	'" src="'.$request->dir_config('lonIconsURL').
@@ -2064,7 +2227,7 @@ sub submission {
 #	if ($env{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes') {
-        if (1) {
+        unless ($is_tool) {
             my %lt = &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
                           keyh => 'Keyword Highlighting for Essays',
@@ -2091,11 +2254,24 @@ sub submission {
 # Load the other essays for similarity check
-            my (undef,undef,$essayurl) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
-	    my ($adom,$aname,$apath)=($essayurl=~/^($LONCAPA::domain_re)\/($LONCAPA::username_re)\/(.*)$/);
-	    $apath=&escape($apath);
-	    $apath=~s/\W/\_/gs;
-            &init_old_essays($symb,$apath,$adom,$aname);
+            (undef,undef,$essayurl) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
+            if ($essayurl eq 'lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem') {
+                my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
+                my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+                if ($cdom ne '' && $cnum ne '') {
+                    my ($map,$id,$res) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
+                    if ($map =~ m{^\Quploaded/$cdom/$cnum/\E(default(?:|_\d+)\.(?:sequence|page))$}) {
+                        my $apath = $1.'_'.$id;
+                        $apath=~s/\W/\_/gs;
+                        &init_old_essays($symb,$apath,$cdom,$cnum);
+                    }
+                }
+            } else {
+	        my ($adom,$aname,$apath)=($essayurl=~/^($LONCAPA::domain_re)\/($LONCAPA::username_re)\/(.*)$/);
+	        $apath=&escape($apath);
+	        $apath=~s/\W/\_/gs;
+                &init_old_essays($symb,$apath,$adom,$aname);
+            }
@@ -2149,12 +2325,16 @@ sub submission {
     # Display student info
     $request->print(($counter == 0 ? '' : '<br />'));
+    my $boxtitle = &mt('Submissions');
+    if ($is_tool) {
+        $boxtitle = &mt('Transactions')
+    }
     my $result='<div class="LC_Box">'
-              .'<h3 class="LC_hcell">'.&mt('Submissions').'</h3>';
+              .'<h3 class="LC_hcell">'.$boxtitle.'</h3>';
     $result.='<input type="hidden" name="name'.$counter.
              '" value="'.$env{'form.fullname'}.'" />'."\n";
 #    if ($env{'form.handgrade'} eq 'no') {
-    if (1) {
+    unless ($is_tool) {
         $result.='<p class="LC_info">'
                 .&mt('Part(s) graded correct by the computer is marked with a [_1] symbol.',$checkIcon)
@@ -2164,7 +2344,7 @@ sub submission {
     my $fullname;
     my $col_fullnames = [];
 #    if ($env{'form.handgrade'} eq 'yes') {
-    if (1) {
+    unless ($is_tool) {
 	(my $sub_result,$fullname,$col_fullnames)=
@@ -2179,12 +2359,16 @@ sub submission {
     #             (3) Last submission plus the parts info
     #             (4) The whole record for this student
-    my ($string,$timestamp)= &get_last_submission(\%record);
+    my ($string,$timestamp)= &get_last_submission(\%record,$is_tool);
     my $lastsubonly;
     if ($$timestamp eq '') {
         $lastsubonly.='<div class="LC_grade_submissions_body">'.$$string[0].'</div>'; 
+    } elsif ($is_tool) {
+        $lastsubonly =
+            '<div class="LC_grade_submissions_body">'
+           .'<b>'.&mt('Date Grade Passed Back:').'</b> '.$$timestamp."</div>\n";
     } else {
         $lastsubonly =
             '<div class="LC_grade_submissions_body">'
@@ -2238,24 +2422,52 @@ sub submission {
 		    if ($osim) {
-			my %old_course_desc = 
-			    &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($ocrsid,
-							{'one_time' => 1});
                         if ($hide eq 'anon') {
                             $similar='<hr /><span class="LC_warning">'.&mt("Essay was found to be similar to another essay submitted for this assignment.").'<br />'.
                                      &mt('As the current submission is for an anonymous survey, no other details are available.').'</span><hr />';
                         } else {
-			    $similar="<hr /><h3><span class=\"LC_warning\">".
-				&mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2] in course [_3] (course id [_4]:[_5])',
-				    $osim,
-				    &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')',
-				        $old_course_desc{'description'},
-				        $old_course_desc{'num'},
-				        $old_course_desc{'domain'}).
-				    '</span></h3><blockquote><i>'.
-				    &keywords_highlight($oessay).
-				    '</i></blockquote><hr />';
+			    $similar='<hr />';
+                            if ($essayurl eq 'lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem') {
+                                $similar .= '<h3><span class="LC_warning">'.
+                                            &mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2]',
+                                                $osim,
+                                                &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')').
+                                            '</span></h3>';
+                            } else {
+                                my %old_course_desc;
+                                if ($ocrsid ne '') {
+                                    if (ref($coursedesc_by_cid{$ocrsid}) eq 'HASH') {
+                                        %old_course_desc = %{$coursedesc_by_cid{$ocrsid}};
+                                    } else {
+                                        my $args;
+                                        if ($ocrsid ne $env{'request.course.id'}) {
+                                            $args = {'one_time' => 1};
+                                        }
+                                        %old_course_desc =
+                                            &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($ocrsid,$args);
+                                        $coursedesc_by_cid{$ocrsid} = \%old_course_desc;
+                                    }
+                                    $similar .=
+                                        '<h3><span class="LC_warning">'.
+                                        &mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2] in course [_3] (course id [_4]:[_5])',
+                                            $osim,
+                                            &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')',
+                                            $old_course_desc{'description'},
+                                            $old_course_desc{'num'},
+                                            $old_course_desc{'domain'}).
+                                        '</span></h3>';
+                                } else {
+                                    $similar .=
+                                        '<h3><span class="LC_warning">'.
+                                        &mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2] in an unknown course',
+                                            $osim,
+                                            &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')').
+                                        '</span></h3>';
+                                }
+                            }
+                            $similar .= '<blockquote><i>'.
+                                        &keywords_highlight($oessay).
+                                        '</i></blockquote><hr />';
@@ -2367,7 +2579,12 @@ sub submission {
     my %seen = ();
     my @partlist;
     my @gradePartRespid;
-    my @part_response_id = &flatten_responseType($responseType);
+    my @part_response_id;
+    if ($is_tool) {
+        @part_response_id = ([0,'']);
+    } else {
+        @part_response_id = &flatten_responseType($responseType);
+    }
         '<div class="LC_Box">'
        .'<h3 class="LC_hcell">'.&mt('Assign Grades').'</h3>'
@@ -2493,7 +2710,7 @@ sub check_collaborators {
 #--- Retrieve the last submission for all the parts
 sub get_last_submission {
-    my ($returnhash)=@_;
+    my ($returnhash,$is_tool)=@_;
     my (@string,$timestamp,%lasthidden);
     if ($$returnhash{'version'}) {
 	my %lasthash=();
@@ -2543,7 +2760,7 @@ sub get_last_submission {
             unless ($hide) {
                 if (@randomize) {
-                    foreach my $id (@hidden) {
+                    foreach my $id (@randomize) {
                         if ($key =~ /^\Q$id\E/) {
                             $hide = 'rand';
@@ -2559,8 +2776,14 @@ sub get_last_submission {
     if (!@string) {
+        my $msg;
+        if ($is_tool) {
+            $msg = &mt('No grade passed back.');
+        } else {
+            $msg = &mt('Nothing submitted - no attempts.');
+        }
 	$string[0] =
-	    '<span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('Nothing submitted - no attempts.').'</span>';
+	    '<span class="LC_warning">'.$msg.'</span>';
     return (\@string,\$timestamp);
@@ -3199,13 +3422,13 @@ sub handback_files {
                     my ($directory,$answer_file) = 
                         ($env{'form.'.$newflg.'_'.$part_resp.'_origdoc'.$counter} =~ /^(.*?)([^\/]*)$/);
                     my ($answer_name,$answer_ver,$answer_ext) =
-		        &file_name_version_ext($answer_file);
+		        &Apache::lonnet::file_name_version_ext($answer_file);
 		    my ($portfolio_path) = ($directory =~ /^.+$stuname\/portfolio(.*)/);
                     my $getpropath = 1;
                     my ($dir_list,$listerror) = 
-		    my $version = &get_next_version($answer_name,$answer_ext,$dir_list);
+		    my $version = &Apache::lonnet::get_next_version($answer_name,$answer_ext,$dir_list);
                     # fix filename
                     my ($save_file_name) = (($directory.$answer_name.".$version.".$answer_ext) =~ /^.+\/${stuname}\/(.*)/);
                     my $result=&Apache::lonnet::finishuserfileupload($stuname,$domain,
@@ -3354,29 +3577,14 @@ sub version_portfiles {
     my $version_parts = join('|',@$v_flag);
     my @returned_keys;
     my $parts = join('|', @$parts_graded);
-    my $portfolio_root = '/userfiles/portfolio';
     foreach my $key (keys(%$record)) {
         my $new_portfiles;
         if ($key =~ /^resource\.($version_parts)\./ && $key =~ /\.portfiles$/ ) {
             my @versioned_portfiles;
             my @portfiles = split(/\s*,\s*/,$$record{$key});
-            foreach my $file (@portfiles) {
-                &Apache::lonnet::unmark_as_readonly($domain,$stu_name,[$symb,$env{'request.course.id'}],$file);
-                my ($directory,$answer_file) =($file =~ /^(.*?)([^\/]*)$/);
-		my ($answer_name,$answer_ver,$answer_ext) =
-		    &file_name_version_ext($answer_file);
-                my $getpropath = 1;    
-                my ($dir_list,$listerror) = 
-                    &Apache::lonnet::dirlist($portfolio_root.$directory,$domain,
-                                             $stu_name,$getpropath);
-                my $version = &get_next_version($answer_name,$answer_ext,$dir_list);
-                my $new_answer = &version_selected_portfile($domain, $stu_name, $directory, $answer_file, $version);
-                if ($new_answer ne 'problem getting file') {
-                    push(@versioned_portfiles, $directory.$new_answer);
-                    &Apache::lonnet::mark_as_readonly($domain,$stu_name,
-                        [$directory.$new_answer],
-                        [$symb,$env{'request.course.id'},'graded']);
-                }
+            if (@portfiles) {
+                &Apache::lonnet::portfiles_versioning($symb,$domain,$stu_name,\@portfiles,
+                                                      \@versioned_portfiles);
             $$record{$key} = join(',',@versioned_portfiles);
@@ -3385,64 +3593,6 @@ sub version_portfiles {
     return (@returned_keys);   
-sub get_next_version {
-    my ($answer_name, $answer_ext, $dir_list) = @_;
-    my $version;
-    if (ref($dir_list) eq 'ARRAY') {
-        foreach my $row (@{$dir_list}) {
-            my ($file) = split(/\&/,$row,2);
-            my ($file_name,$file_version,$file_ext) =
-	        &file_name_version_ext($file);
-            if (($file_name eq $answer_name) && 
-	        ($file_ext eq $answer_ext)) {
-                     # gets here if filename and extension match, 
-                     # regardless of version
-                if ($file_version ne '') {
-                    # a versioned file is found  so save it for later
-                    if ($file_version > $version) {
-		        $version = $file_version;
-	            }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    $version ++;
-    return($version);
-sub version_selected_portfile {
-    my ($domain,$stu_name,$directory,$file_name,$version) = @_;
-    my ($answer_name,$answer_ver,$answer_ext) =
-        &file_name_version_ext($file_name);
-    my $new_answer;
-    $env{'form.copy'} = &Apache::lonnet::getfile("/uploaded/$domain/$stu_name/portfolio$directory$file_name");
-    if($env{'form.copy'} eq '-1') {
-        $new_answer = 'problem getting file';
-    } else {
-        $new_answer = $answer_name.'.'.$version.'.'.$answer_ext;
-        my $copy_result = &Apache::lonnet::finishuserfileupload(
-                            $stu_name,$domain,'copy',
-		        '/portfolio'.$directory.$new_answer);
-    }    
-    return ($new_answer);
-sub file_name_version_ext {
-    my ($file)=@_;
-    my @file_parts = split(/\./, $file);
-    my ($name,$version,$ext);
-    if (@file_parts > 1) {
-	$ext=pop(@file_parts);
-	if (@file_parts > 1 && $file_parts[-1] =~ /^\d+$/) {
-	    $version=pop(@file_parts);
-	}
-	$name=join('.',@file_parts);
-    } else {
-	$name=join('.',@file_parts);
-    }
-    return($name,$version,$ext);
 #-------------------------- Next few routines handles grading by section or whole class
@@ -3452,6 +3602,7 @@ sub viewgrades_js {
     my ($request) = shift;
     my $alertmsg = &mt('A number equal or greater than 0 is expected. Entered value = ');
+    &js_escape(\$alertmsg);
    function writePoint(partid,weight,point) {
 	var radioButton = document.classgrade["RADVAL_"+partid];
@@ -3619,6 +3770,11 @@ VIEWJAVASCRIPT
 #--- show scores for a section or whole class w/ option to change/update a score
 sub viewgrades {
     my ($request,$symb) = @_;
+    my ($is_tool,$toolsymb);
+    if ($symb =~ /ext\.tool$/) {
+        $is_tool = 1;
+        $toolsymb = $symb;
+    }
     #need to make sure we have the correct data for later EXT calls, 
@@ -3641,19 +3797,73 @@ sub viewgrades {
 	'<input type="hidden" name="Status" value="'.$env{'stu_status'}.'" />'."\n".
-    my ($common_header,$specific_header);
-    if ($env{'form.section'} eq 'all') {
-	$common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Class');
-        $specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in Class');
-    } elsif ($env{'form.section'} eq 'none') {
-        $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Students in no Section');
-	$specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in no Section');
-    } else {
-        my $section_display = join (", ",&Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.section'));
-        $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Students in Section(s) [_1]',$section_display);
-	$specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in Section(s) [_1]',$section_display);
+    #retrieve selected groups
+    my (@groups,$group_display);
+    @groups = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.group');
+    if (grep(/^all$/,@groups)) {
+        @groups = ('all');
+    } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@groups)) {
+        @groups = ('none');
+    } elsif (@groups > 0) {
+        $group_display = join(', ',@groups);
+    }
+    my ($common_header,$specific_header,@sections,$section_display);
+    @sections = &Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.section');
+    if (grep(/^all$/,@sections)) {
+        @sections = ('all');
+        if ($group_display) {
+            $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Students in Group(s) [_1]',$group_display);
+            $specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in Group(s) [_1]',$group_display);
+        } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@groups)) {
+            $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Students not assigned to any groups');
+            $specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students not assigned to any groups');
+        } else {
+	    $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Class');
+            $specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in Class');
+        }
+    } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@sections)) {
+        @sections = ('none');
+        if ($group_display) {
+            $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Students in no Section and in Group(s) [_1]',$group_display);
+            $specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in no Section and in Group(s)',$group_display);
+        } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@groups)) {
+            $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Students in no Section and in no Group');
+            $specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in no Section and in no Group');
+        } else {
+            $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Students in no Section');
+	    $specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in no Section');
+        }
+    } else {
+        $section_display = join (", ",@sections);
+        if ($group_display) {
+            $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Students in Section(s) [_1], and in Group(s) [_2]',
+                                 $section_display,$group_display);
+            $specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in Section(s) [_1], and in Group(s) [_2]',
+                                   $section_display,$group_display);
+        } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@groups)) {
+            $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Students in Section(s) [_1] and no Group',$section_display);
+            $specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in Section(s) [_1] and no Group',$section_display);
+        } else {
+            $common_header = &mt('Assign Common Grade to Students in Section(s) [_1]',$section_display);
+	    $specific_header = &mt('Assign Grade to Specific Students in Section(s) [_1]',$section_display);
+        }
+    }
+    my %submit_types = &substatus_options();
+    my $submission_status = $submit_types{$env{'form.submitonly'}};
+    if ($env{'form.submitonly'} eq 'all') {
+        $result.= '<h3>'.$common_header.'</h3>';
+    } else {
+        my $text;
+        if ($is_tool) {
+            $text = &mt('(transaction status: "[_1]")',$submission_status);
+        } else {
+            $text = &mt('(submission status: "[_1]")',$submission_status);
+        }
+        $result.= '<h3>'.$common_header.'&nbsp;'.$text.'</h3>';
-    $result.= '<h3>'.$common_header.'</h3>'.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
+    $result .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table();
     #radio buttons/text box for assigning points for a section or class.
     #handles different parts of a problem
     my $res_error;
@@ -3664,13 +3874,18 @@ sub viewgrades {
     my %weight = ();
     my $ctsparts = 0;
     my %seen = ();
-    my @part_response_id = &flatten_responseType($responseType);
+    my @part_response_id;
+    if ($is_tool) {
+        @part_response_id = ([0,'']);
+    } else {
+        @part_response_id = &flatten_responseType($responseType);
+    }
     foreach my $part_response_id (@part_response_id) {
     	my ($partid,$respid) = @{ $part_response_id };
 	my $part_resp = join('_',@{ $part_response_id });
 	next if $seen{$partid};
-	my $handgrade=$$handgrade{$part_resp};
+#	my $handgrade=$$handgrade{$part_resp};
 	my $wgt = &Apache::lonnet::EXT('resource.'.$partid.'.weight',$symb);
 	$weight{$partid} = $wgt eq '' ? '1' : $wgt;
@@ -3716,8 +3931,18 @@ sub viewgrades {
     #table listing all the students in a section/class
     #header of table
-    $result.= '<h3>'.$specific_header.'</h3>'.
-              &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table().
+    if ($env{'form.submitonly'} eq 'all') {
+        $result.= '<h3>'.$specific_header.'</h3>';
+    } else {
+        my $text;
+        if ($is_tool) {
+            $text = &mt('(transaction status: "[_1]")',$submission_status);
+        } else {
+            $text = &mt('(submission status: "[_1]")',$submission_status);
+        }
+        $result.= '<h3>'.$specific_header.'&nbsp;'.$text.'</h3>';
+    }
+    $result.= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table().
@@ -3729,10 +3954,10 @@ sub viewgrades {
     my (undef,undef,$url)=&Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
     my @partids = ();
     foreach my $part (@parts) {
-	my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.display');
+	my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.display',$toolsymb);
         my $narrowtext = &mt('Tries');
 	$display =~ s|^Number of Attempts|$narrowtext <br />|; # makes the column narrower
-	if  (!$display) { $display = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.name'); }
+	if  (!$display) { $display = &Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.name',$toolsymb); }
 	my ($partid) = &split_part_type($part);
@@ -3763,7 +3988,7 @@ sub viewgrades {
     #get info for each student
     #list all the students - with points and grade status
-    my (undef,undef,$fullname) = &getclasslist($env{'form.section'},'1');
+    my (undef,undef,$fullname) = &getclasslist(\@sections,'1',\@groups);
     my $ctr = 0;
     foreach (sort 
@@ -3772,35 +3997,142 @@ sub viewgrades {
 		 return $a cmp $b;
 	     } (keys(%$fullname))) {
-	$ctr++;
-				   $_,$$fullname{$_},\@parts,\%weight,$ctr,\%last_resets);
+				   $_,$$fullname{$_},\@parts,\%weight,\$ctr,\%last_resets,$is_tool);
     $result.='<input type="hidden" name="total" value="'.$ctr.'" />'."\n";
     $result.='<input type="button" value="'.&mt('Save').'" '.
 	'onclick="javascript:submit();" target="_self" /></form>'."\n";
-    if (scalar(%$fullname) eq 0) {
-	my $colspan=3+scalar(@parts);
-	my $section_display = join (", ",&Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.section'));
+    if ($ctr == 0) {
         my $stu_status = join(' or ',&Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.Status'));
-	$result='<span class="LC_warning">'.
-	    &mt('There are no students in section(s) [_1] with enrollment status [_2] to modify or grade.',
-	        $section_display, $stu_status).
-	    '</span>';
+        $result='<h3><span class="LC_info">'.&mt('Manual Grading').'</span></h3>'.
+                '<span class="LC_warning">';
+        if ($env{'form.submitonly'} eq 'all') {
+            if (grep(/^all$/,@sections)) {
+                if (grep(/^all$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students with enrollment status [_1] to modify or grade.',
+                                   $stu_status);
+                } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students with no group assigned and with enrollment status [_1] to modify or grade.',
+                                   $stu_status); 
+                } else {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in group(s) [_1] with enrollment status [_2] to modify or grade.',
+                                   $group_display,$stu_status);
+                }
+            } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@sections)) {
+                if (grep(/^all$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in no section with enrollment status [_1] to modify or grade.',
+                                   $stu_status);
+                } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in no section and no group with enrollment status [_1] to modify or grade.',
+                                   $stu_status);
+                } else {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in no section in group(s) [_1] with enrollment status [_2] to modify or grade.',
+                                   $group_display,$stu_status);
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (grep(/^all$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in section(s) [_1] with enrollment status [_2] to modify or grade.',
+                                   $section_display,$stu_status);
+                } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in section(s) [_1] and no group with enrollment status [_2] to modify or grade.',
+                                   $section_display,$stu_status);
+                } else {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in section(s) [_1] and group(s) [_2] with enrollment status [_3] to modify or grade.',
+                                   $section_display,$group_display,$stu_status);
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            if (grep(/^all$/,@sections)) {
+                if (grep(/^all$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students with enrollment status [_1] and submission status "[_2]" to modify or grade.',
+                                   $stu_status,$submission_status);
+                } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students with no group assigned with enrollment status [_1] and submission status "[_2]" to modify or grade.',
+                                   $stu_status,$submission_status);
+                } else {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in group(s) [_1] with enrollment status [_2] and submission status "[_3]" to modify or grade.',
+                                   $group_display,$stu_status,$submission_status);
+                }
+            } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@sections)) {
+                if (grep(/^all$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in no section with enrollment status [_1] and submission status "[_2]" to modify or grade.',
+                                   $stu_status,$submission_status);
+                } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in no section and no group with enrollment status [_1] and submission status "[_2]" to modify or grade.',
+                                   $stu_status,$submission_status);
+                } else {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in no section in group(s) [_1] with enrollment status [_2] and submission status "[_3]" to modify or grade.',
+                                   $group_display,$stu_status,$submission_status);
+                }
+            } else {
+                if (grep(/^all$/,@groups)) {
+	            $result .= &mt('There are no students in section(s) [_1] with enrollment status [_2] and submission status "[_3]" to modify or grade.',
+	                           $section_display,$stu_status,$submission_status);
+                } elsif (grep(/^none$/,@groups)) {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in section(s) [_1] and no group with enrollment status [_2] and submission status "[_3]" to modify or grade.',
+                                   $section_display,$stu_status,$submission_status);
+                } else {
+                    $result .= &mt('There are no students in section(s) [_1] and group(s) [_2] with enrollment status [_3] and submission status "[_4]" to modify or grade.',
+                                   $section_display,$group_display,$stu_status,$submission_status);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+	$result .= '</span><br />';
     return $result;
-#--- call by previous routine to display each student
+#--- call by previous routine to display each student who satisfies submission filter. 
 sub viewstudentgrade {
-    my ($symb,$courseid,$student,$fullname,$parts,$weight,$ctr,$last_resets) = @_;
+    my ($symb,$courseid,$student,$fullname,$parts,$weight,$ctr,$last_resets,$is_tool) = @_;
     my ($uname,$udom) = split(/:/,$student);
     my %record=&Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$courseid,$udom,$uname);
-    my %aggregates = (); 
+    my $submitonly = $env{'form.submitonly'};
+    unless (($submitonly eq 'all') || ($submitonly eq 'queued')) {
+        my %partstatus = ();
+        if (ref($parts) eq 'ARRAY') {
+            foreach my $apart (@{$parts}) {
+                my ($part,$type) = &split_part_type($apart);
+                my ($status,undef) = split(/_/,$record{"resource.$part.solved"},2);
+                $status = 'nothing' if ($status eq '');
+                $partstatus{$part}      = $status;
+                my $subkey = "resource.$part.submitted_by";
+                $partstatus{$subkey} = $record{$subkey} if ($record{$subkey} ne '');
+            }
+            my $submitted = 0;
+            my $graded = 0;
+            my $incorrect = 0;
+            foreach my $key (keys(%partstatus)) {
+                $submitted = 1 if ($partstatus{$key} ne 'nothing');
+                $graded = 1 if ($partstatus{$key} =~ /^ungraded/);
+                $incorrect = 1 if ($partstatus{$key} =~ /^incorrect/);
+                my $partid = (split(/\./,$key))[1];
+                if ($partstatus{'resource.'.$partid.'.'.$key.'.submitted_by'} ne '') {
+                    $submitted = 0;
+                }
+            }
+            return if (!$submitted && ($submitonly eq 'yes' ||
+                                       $submitonly eq 'incorrect' ||
+                                       $submitonly eq 'graded'));
+            return if (!$graded && ($submitonly eq 'graded'));
+            return if (!$incorrect && $submitonly eq 'incorrect');
+        }
+    }
+    if ($submitonly eq 'queued') {
+        my ($cdom,$cnum) = split(/_/,$courseid);
+        my %queue_status =
+            &Apache::bridgetask::get_student_status($symb,$cdom,$cnum,
+                                                    $udom,$uname);
+        return if (!defined($queue_status{'gradingqueue'}));
+    }
+    $$ctr++;
+    my %aggregates = ();
     my $result=&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().'<td align="right">'.
-	'<input type="hidden" name="ctr'.($ctr-1).'" value="'.$student.'" />'.
-	"\n".$ctr.'&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;'.
+	'<input type="hidden" name="ctr'.($$ctr-1).'" value="'.$student.'" />'.
+	"\n".$$ctr.'&nbsp;</td><td>&nbsp;'.
 	'<a href="javascript:viewOneStudent(\''.$uname.'\',\''.$udom.
 	'\');" target="_self">'.$fullname.'</a> '.
 	'<span class="LC_internal_info">('.$uname.($env{'user.domain'} eq $udom ? '' : ':'.$udom).')</span></td>'."\n";
@@ -3812,7 +4144,6 @@ sub viewstudentgrade {
         my ($aggtries,$totaltries);
         unless (exists($aggregates{$part})) {
 	    $totaltries = $record{'resource.'.$part.'.tries'};
 	    $aggtries = $totaltries;
             if ($$last_resets{$part}) {  
                 $aggtries = &get_num_tries(\%record,$$last_resets{$part},
@@ -3861,6 +4192,10 @@ sub viewstudentgrade {
 #    record does not get update if unchanged
 sub editgrades {
     my ($request,$symb) = @_;
+    my $toolsymb;
+    if ($symb =~ /ext\.tool$/) {
+        $toolsymb = $symb;
+    }
     my $section_display = join (", ",&Apache::loncommon::get_env_multiple('form.section'));
     my $title='<h2>'.&mt('Current Grade Status').'</h2>';
@@ -3898,6 +4233,7 @@ sub editgrades {
     my (undef,undef,$url) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
+    my $totcolspan = 0;
     foreach my $partid (@partid) {
 	$header .= '<th align="center">'.&mt('Old Score').'</th>'.
 	    '<th align="center">'.&mt('New Score').'</th>';
@@ -3906,7 +4242,7 @@ sub editgrades {
 	    my ($part,$type) = &split_part_type($stores);
 	    if ($part !~ m/^\Q$partid\E/) { next;}
 	    if ($type eq 'awarded' || $type eq 'solved') { next; }
-	    my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$stores.'.display');
+	    my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$stores.'.display',$toolsymb);
 	    $display =~ s/\[Part: \Q$part\E\]//;
             my $narrowtext = &mt('Tries');
 	    $display =~ s/Number of Attempts/$narrowtext/;
@@ -3914,6 +4250,7 @@ sub editgrades {
 		'<th align="center">'.&mt('New').' '.$display.'</th>';
+        $totcolspan += $columns{$partid};
     foreach my $partid (@partid) {
 	my $display_part=&get_display_part($partid,$symb);
@@ -3929,18 +4266,18 @@ sub editgrades {
     my @noupdate;
     my ($updateCtr,$noupdateCtr) = (1,1);
     for ($i=0; $i<$env{'form.total'}; $i++) {
-	my $line;
 	my $user = $env{'form.ctr'.$i};
 	my ($uname,$udom)=split(/:/,$user);
 	my %newrecord;
 	my $updateflag = 0;
-	$line .= '<td>'.&nameUserString(undef,$$fullname{$user},$uname,$udom).'</td>';
 	my $usec=$classlist->{"$uname:$udom"}[5];
-	if (!&canmodify($usec)) {
-	    my $numcols=scalar(@partid)*4+2;
+	my $canmodify = &canmodify($usec);
+	my $line = '<td'.($canmodify?'':' colspan="2"').'>'.
+		   &nameUserString(undef,$$fullname{$user},$uname,$udom).'</td>';
+	if (!$canmodify) {
-		 $line."<td colspan=\"$numcols\"><span class=\"LC_warning\">".
-		 &mt('Not allowed to modify student')."</span></td></tr>");
+		 $line."<td colspan=\"$totcolspan\"><span class=\"LC_warning\">".
+		 &mt('Not allowed to modify student')."</span></td>");
         my %aggregate = ();
@@ -4057,8 +4394,7 @@ sub editgrades {
     if (@noupdate) {
-#	my $numcols=(scalar(@partid)*(scalar(@parts)-1)*2)+3;
-	my $numcols=scalar(@partid)*4+2;
+        my $numcols=$totcolspan+2;
 	$result .= &Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row('LC_empty_row').
 	    '<td align="center" colspan="'.$numcols.'">'.
 	    &mt('No Changes Occurred For the Students Below').
@@ -4099,20 +4435,24 @@ sub split_part_type {
 #--- Javascript to handle csv upload
 sub csvupload_javascript_reverse_associate {
-    my $error1=&mt('You need to specify the username or the student/employee ID');
+    my $error1=&mt('You need to specify the username, the student/employee ID, or the clicker ID');
     my $error2=&mt('You need to specify at least one grading field');
+  &js_escape(\$error1);
+  &js_escape(\$error2);
   function verify(vf) {
     var foundsomething=0;
     var founduname=0;
     var foundID=0;
+    var foundclicker=0;
     for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
       if (i==0 && tw!=0) { foundID=1; }
       if (i==1 && tw!=0) { founduname=1; }
-      if (i!=0 && i!=1 && i!=2 && tw!=0) { foundsomething=1; }
+      if (i==2 && tw!=0) { foundclicker=1; }
+      if (i!=0 && i!=1 && i!=2 && i!=3 && tw!=0) { foundsomething=1; }
-    if (founduname==0 && foundID==0) {
+    if (founduname==0 && foundID==0 && foundclicker==0) {
@@ -4139,20 +4479,24 @@ ENDPICK
 sub csvupload_javascript_forward_associate {
-    my $error1=&mt('You need to specify the username or the student/employee ID');
+    my $error1=&mt('You need to specify the username, the student/employee ID, or the clicker ID');
     my $error2=&mt('You need to specify at least one grading field');
+  &js_escape(\$error1);
+  &js_escape(\$error2);
   function verify(vf) {
     var foundsomething=0;
     var founduname=0;
     var foundID=0;
+    var foundclicker=0;
     for (i=0;i<=vf.nfields.value;i++) {
       if (tw==1) { foundID=1; }
       if (tw==2) { founduname=1; }
-      if (tw>3) { foundsomething=1; }
+      if (tw==3) { foundclicker=1; }
+      if (tw>4) { foundsomething=1; }
-    if (founduname==0 && foundID==0) {
+    if (founduname==0 && foundID==0 && Ć’oundclicker==0) {
@@ -4210,6 +4554,10 @@ ENDPICK
 sub csvupload_fields {
     my ($symb,$errorref) = @_;
+    my $toolsymb;
+    if ($symb =~ /ext\.tool$/) {
+        $toolsymb = $symb;
+    }
     my (@parts) = &getpartlist($symb,$errorref);
     if (ref($errorref)) {
         if ($$errorref) {
@@ -4219,13 +4567,14 @@ sub csvupload_fields {
     my @fields=(['ID','Student/Employee ID'],
 		['username','Student Username'],
+		['clicker','Clicker ID'],
 		['domain','Student Domain']);
     my (undef,undef,$url) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
     foreach my $part (sort(@parts)) {
 	my @datum;
-	my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.display');
+	my $display=&Apache::lonnet::metadata($url,$part.'.display',$toolsymb);
 	my $name=$part;
-	if  (!$display) { $display = $name; }
+	if (!$display) { $display = $name; }
 	if ($name=~/^stores_(.*)_awarded/) {
 	    push(@fields,['stores_'.$1.'_points',"Points [Part: $1]"]);
@@ -4249,6 +4598,7 @@ ENDPICK
 sub checkforfile_js {
     my $alertmsg = &mt('Please use the browse button to select a file from your local directory.');
+    &js_escape(\$alertmsg);
     my $result = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag(<<CSVFORMJS);
     function checkUpload(formname) {
 	if (formname.upfile.value == "") {
@@ -4299,8 +4649,10 @@ sub csvuploadmap {
     if (!$env{'form.datatoken'}) {
     } else {
-	$datatoken=$env{'form.datatoken'};
-	&Apache::loncommon::load_tmp_file($request);
+	$datatoken=&Apache::loncommon::valid_datatoken($env{'form.datatoken'});
+        if ($datatoken ne '') {
+	    &Apache::loncommon::load_tmp_file($request,$datatoken);
+        }
     my @records=&Apache::loncommon::upfile_record_sep();
@@ -4389,7 +4741,10 @@ sub csvuploadassign {
     my ($request,$symb)= @_;
     if (!$symb) {return '';}
     my $error_msg = '';
-    &Apache::loncommon::load_tmp_file($request);
+    my $datatoken = &Apache::loncommon::valid_datatoken($env{'form.datatoken'});
+    if ($datatoken ne '') { 
+        &Apache::loncommon::load_tmp_file($request,$datatoken);
+    }
     my @gradedata = &Apache::loncommon::upfile_record_sep();
     my %fields=&get_fields();
     my $courseid=$env{'request.course.id'};
@@ -4412,13 +4767,45 @@ sub csvuploadassign {
 	if (!$username) {
 	    my $id=$entries{$fields{'ID'}};
-	    my %ids=&Apache::lonnet::idget($domain,$id);
-	    $username=$ids{$id};
+            if ($id ne '') {
+	        my %ids=&Apache::lonnet::idget($domain,[$id]);
+	        $username=$ids{$id};
+            } else {
+                if ($entries{$fields{'clicker'}}) {
+                    my $clicker = $entries{$fields{'clicker'}};
+                    $clicker=~s/\s//g;
+                    if ($clicker ne '') {
+                        my %clickers = &Apache::lonnet::idget($domain,[$clicker],'clickers');
+                        if ($clickers{$clicker} ne '') {  
+                            my $match = 0;
+                            my @inclass;
+                            foreach my $poss (split(/,/,$clickers{$clicker})) {
+                                if (exists($$classlist{"$poss:$domain"})) {
+                                    $username = $poss;
+                                    push(@inclass,$poss);
+                                    $match ++;
+                                }
+                            }
+                            if ($match > 1) {
+                                undef($username); 
+                                $request->print('<p class="LC_warning">'.
+                                                &mt('Score not saved for clicker: [_1] (matched multiple usernames: [_2])',
+                                                $clicker,join(', ',@inclass)).'</p>');
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            }
 	if (!exists($$classlist{"$username:$domain"})) {
 	    my $id=$entries{$fields{'ID'}};
-	    if ($id) {
+            my $clicker = $entries{$fields{'clicker'}};
+            $clicker=~s/\s//g;
+            if ($clicker) {
+                push(@skipped,"$clicker:$domain");
+	    } elsif ($id) {
 	    } else {
@@ -4518,6 +4905,7 @@ sub pickStudentPage {
     my ($request,$symb) = @_;
     my $alertmsg = &mt('Please select the student you wish to grade.');
+    &js_escape(\$alertmsg);
 function checkPickOne(formname) {
@@ -4676,7 +5064,7 @@ sub getSymbMap {
     my @sequences = $navmap->retrieveResources(undef, sub { shift->is_map(); },
     for my $sequence ($navmap->getById('0.0'), @sequences) {
-	if ($navmap->hasResource($sequence, sub { shift->is_problem(); }, 0) ) {
+	if ($navmap->hasResource($sequence, sub { shift->is_gradable(); }, 0) ) {
 	    my $title = $minder.'.'.
 	    push(@titles, $title); # minder in case two titles are identical
@@ -4773,10 +5161,11 @@ sub displayPage {
         if($curRes == $iterator->BEGIN_MAP) { $depth++; }
         if($curRes == $iterator->END_MAP) { $depth--; }
-        if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_problem()) {
+        if (ref($curRes) && $curRes->is_gradable()) {
 	    my $parts = $curRes->parts();
             my $title = $curRes->compTitle();
 	    my $symbx = $curRes->symb();
+            my $is_tool = ($symbx =~ /ext\.tool$/);
 		'<td align="center" valign="top" >'.$prob.
@@ -4787,26 +5176,34 @@ sub displayPage {
 	    $studentTable.='<td valign="top">';
 	    my %form = ('CODE' => $env{'form.CODE'},);
-	    if ($env{'form.vProb'} eq 'yes' ) {
-		$studentTable.=&show_problem($request,$symbx,$uname,$udom,1,
-					     undef,'both',\%form);
-	    } else {
-		my $companswer = &Apache::loncommon::get_student_answers($symbx,$uname,$udom,$env{'request.course.id'},%form);
-		$companswer =~ s|<form(.*?)>||g;
-		$companswer =~ s|</form>||g;
-#		while ($companswer =~ /(<a href\=\"javascript:newWindow.*?Script Vars<\/a>)/s) { #<a href="javascript:newWindow</a>
-#		    $companswer =~ s/$1/ /ms;
-#		    $request->print('match='.$1."<br />\n");
-#		}
-#		$companswer =~ s|<table border=\"1\">|<table border=\"0\">|g;
-		$studentTable.='&nbsp;<b>'.$title.'</b>&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<b>'.&mt('Correct answer').':</b><br />'.$companswer;
+            if ($is_tool) {
+                $studentTable.='&nbsp;<b>'.$title.'</b><br />';
+            } else {
+	        if ($env{'form.vProb'} eq 'yes' ) {
+		    $studentTable.=&show_problem($request,$symbx,$uname,$udom,1,
+					         undef,'both',\%form);
+	        } else {
+		    my $companswer = &Apache::loncommon::get_student_answers($symbx,$uname,$udom,$env{'request.course.id'},%form);
+		    $companswer =~ s|<form(.*?)>||g;
+		    $companswer =~ s|</form>||g;
+#		    while ($companswer =~ /(<a href\=\"javascript:newWindow.*?Script Vars<\/a>)/s) { #<a href="javascript:newWindow</a>
+#		        $companswer =~ s/$1/ /ms;
+#		        $request->print('match='.$1."<br />\n");
+#		    }
+#		    $companswer =~ s|<table border=\"1\">|<table border=\"0\">|g;
+		    $studentTable.='&nbsp;<b>'.$title.'</b>&nbsp;<br />&nbsp;<b>'.&mt('Correct answer').':</b><br />'.$companswer;
+		}
 	    my %record = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symbx,$env{'request.course.id'},$udom,$uname);
 	    if ($env{'form.lastSub'} eq 'datesub') {
 		if ($record{'version'} eq '') {
-		    $studentTable.='<br />&nbsp;<span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('No recorded submission for this problem.').'</span><br />';
+                    my $msg = &mt('No recorded submission for this problem.');
+                    if ($is_tool) {
+                        $msg = &mt('No recorded transactions for this external tool');
+                    }
+		    $studentTable.='<br />&nbsp;<span class="LC_warning">'.$msg.'</span><br />';
 		} else {
 		    my %responseType = ();
 		    foreach my $partid (@{$parts}) {
@@ -4819,7 +5216,6 @@ sub displayPage {
 			$responseType{$partid} = \%responseIds;
 		    $studentTable.= &displaySubByDates($symbx,\%record,$parts,\%responseType,$checkIcon,$uname,$udom);
 	    } elsif ($env{'form.lastSub'} eq 'all') {
 		my $last = ($env{'form.lastSub'} eq 'last' ? 'last' : '');
@@ -4860,13 +5256,14 @@ sub displaySubByDates {
     my ($symb,$record,$parts,$responseType,$checkIcon,$uname,$udom) = @_;
     my $isCODE=0;
     my $isTask = ($symb =~/\.task$/);
+    my $is_tool = ($symb =~/\.tool$/);
     if (exists($record->{'resource.CODE'})) { $isCODE=1; }
     my $studentTable=&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table().
-	'<th>'.&mt('Submission').'</th>'.
+	'<th>'.($is_tool?&mt('Grade'):&mt('Submission')).'</th>'.
     my ($version);
@@ -4874,12 +5271,16 @@ sub displaySubByDates {
     my %orders;
     $mark{'correct_by_student'} = $checkIcon;
     if (!exists($$record{'1:timestamp'})) {
-	return '<br />&nbsp;<span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('Nothing submitted - no attempts.').'</span><br />';
+        if ($is_tool) {
+            return '<br />&nbsp;<span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('No grade passed back.').'</span><br />';
+        } else {
+            return '<br />&nbsp;<span class="LC_warning">'.&mt('Nothing submitted - no attempts.').'</span><br />';
+        }
     my $interaction;
     my $no_increment = 1;
-    my %lastrndseed;
+    my (%lastrndseed,%lasttype);
     for ($version=1;$version<=$$record{'version'};$version++) {
 	my $timestamp = 
@@ -4907,54 +5308,64 @@ sub displaySubByDates {
             if (($type eq 'anonsurvey') || ($type eq 'anonsurveycred')) {
                 $hidden = 1;
-	    my @matchKey = ($isTask ? sort(grep /^resource\.\d+\.\Q$partid\E\.award$/,@versionKeys)
-			            : sort(grep /^resource\.\Q$partid\E\..*?\.submission$/,@versionKeys));
+            my @matchKey;
+            if ($isTask) {
+                @matchKey = sort(grep /^resource\.\d+\.\Q$partid\E\.award$/,@versionKeys);
+            } elsif ($is_tool) {
+                @matchKey = sort(grep /^resource\.\Q$partid\E\.awarded$/,@versionKeys);
+            } else {
+                @matchKey = sort(grep /^resource\.\Q$partid\E\..*?\.submission$/,@versionKeys);
+            }
 #	    next if ($$record{"$version:resource.$partid.solved"} eq '');
 	    my $display_part=&get_display_part($partid,$symb);
 	    foreach my $matchKey (@matchKey) {
 		if (exists($$record{$version.':'.$matchKey}) &&
 		    $$record{$version.':'.$matchKey} ne '') {
-		    my ($responseId)= ($isTask ? ($matchKey=~ /^resource\.(.*?)\.\Q$partid\E\.award$/)
-				               : ($matchKey=~ /^resource\.\Q$partid\E\.(.*?)\.submission$/));
-                    $displaySub[0].='<span class="LC_nobreak">';
-                    $displaySub[0].='<b>'.&mt('Part: [_1]',$display_part).'</b>'
-                                   .' <span class="LC_internal_info">'
-                                   .'('.&mt('Response ID: [_1]',$responseId).')'
-                                   .'</span>'
-                                   .' <b>';
-                    if ($hidden) {
-                        $displaySub[0].= &mt('Anonymous Survey').'</b>';
+                    if ($is_tool) {
+                        $displaySub[0].=$$record{"$version:resource.$partid.awarded"};
                     } else {
-                        my ($trial,$rndseed,$newvariation);
-                        if ($type eq 'randomizetry') {
-                            $trial = $$record{"$where.$partid.tries"};
-                            $rndseed = $$record{"$where.$partid.rndseed"};
-                        }
-		        if ($$record{"$where.$partid.tries"} eq '') {
-			    $displaySub[0].=&mt('Trial not counted');
-		        } else {
-			    $displaySub[0].=&mt('Trial: [_1]',
-					    $$record{"$where.$partid.tries"});
-                            if ($rndseed || $lastrndseed{$partid}) {
-                                if ($rndseed ne $lastrndseed{$partid}) {
-                                    $newvariation = '&nbsp;('.&mt('New variation this try').')';
-                                }
+		        my ($responseId)= ($isTask ? ($matchKey=~ /^resource\.(.*?)\.\Q$partid\E\.award$/)
+				                   : ($matchKey=~ /^resource\.\Q$partid\E\.(.*?)\.submission$/));
+                        $displaySub[0].='<span class="LC_nobreak">';
+                        $displaySub[0].='<b>'.&mt('Part: [_1]',$display_part).'</b>'
+                                       .' <span class="LC_internal_info">'
+                                       .'('.&mt('Response ID: [_1]',$responseId).')'
+                                       .'</span>'
+                                       .' <b>';
+                        if ($hidden) {
+                            $displaySub[0].= &mt('Anonymous Survey').'</b>';
+                        } else {
+                            my ($trial,$rndseed,$newvariation);
+                            if ($type eq 'randomizetry') {
+                                $trial = $$record{"$where.$partid.tries"};
+                                $rndseed = $$record{"$where.$partid.rndseed"};
-                            $lastrndseed{$partid} = $rndseed;
-		        }
-		        my $responseType=($isTask ? 'Task'
+		            if ($$record{"$where.$partid.tries"} eq '') {
+			        $displaySub[0].=&mt('Trial not counted');
+		            } else {
+			        $displaySub[0].=&mt('Trial: [_1]',
+					        $$record{"$where.$partid.tries"});
+                                if (($rndseed ne '') && ($lastrndseed{$partid} ne '')) {
+                                    if (($rndseed ne $lastrndseed{$partid}) &&
+                                        (($type eq 'randomizetry') || ($lasttype{$partid} eq 'randomizetry'))) {
+                                        $newvariation = '&nbsp;('.&mt('New variation this try').')';
+                                    }
+                                }
+                                $lastrndseed{$partid} = $rndseed;
+                                $lasttype{$partid} = $type;
+		            }
+		            my $responseType=($isTask ? 'Task'
                                               : $responseType->{$partid}->{$responseId});
-		        if (!exists($orders{$partid})) { $orders{$partid}={}; }
-		        if ((!exists($orders{$partid}->{$responseId})) || ($trial)) {
-			    $orders{$partid}->{$responseId}=
-			        &get_order($partid,$responseId,$symb,$uname,$udom,
-                                           $no_increment,$type,$trial,$rndseed);
-		        }
-		        $displaySub[0].='</b>'.$newvariation.'</span>'; # /nobreak
-		        $displaySub[0].='&nbsp; '.
-			    &cleanRecord($$record{$version.':'.$matchKey},$responseType,$symb,$partid,$responseId,$record,$orders{$partid}->{$responseId},"$version:",$uname,$udom,$type,$trial,$rndseed).'<br />';
+		            if (!exists($orders{$partid})) { $orders{$partid}={}; }
+		            if ((!exists($orders{$partid}->{$responseId})) || ($trial)) {
+			        $orders{$partid}->{$responseId}=
+			            &get_order($partid,$responseId,$symb,$uname,$udom,
+                                               $no_increment,$type,$trial,$rndseed);
+		            }
+		            $displaySub[0].='</b>'.$newvariation.'</span>'; # /nobreak
+		            $displaySub[0].='&nbsp; '.
+			        &cleanRecord($$record{$version.':'.$matchKey},$responseType,$symb,$partid,$responseId,$record,$orders{$partid}->{$responseId},"$version:",$uname,$udom,$type,$trial,$rndseed).'<br />';
+                        }
@@ -4969,14 +5380,22 @@ sub displaySubByDates {
 		    lc($$record{"$where.$partid.award"}).' '.
 		    '<br />';
+	    } elsif (($is_tool) && (exists($$record{"$version:resource.$partid.solved"}))) {
+		if ($$record{"$version:resource.$partid.solved"} =~ /^(in|)correct_by_passback$/) {
+		    $displaySub[1].=&mt('Grade passed back by external tool');
+		}
 	    if (exists $$record{"$where.$partid.regrader"}) {
-		$displaySub[2].=$$record{"$where.$partid.regrader"}.
-		    ' (<b>'.&mt('Part').':</b> '.$display_part.')';
+		$displaySub[2].=$$record{"$where.$partid.regrader"};
+		unless ($is_tool) {
+		    $displaySub[2].=' (<b>'.&mt('Part').':</b> '.$display_part.')';
+		}
 	    } elsif ($$record{"$version:resource.$partid.regrader"} =~ /\S/) {
-		    $$record{"$version:resource.$partid.regrader"}.
-		    ' (<b>'.&mt('Part').':</b> '.$display_part.')';
+		    $$record{"$version:resource.$partid.regrader"};
+                unless ($is_tool) {
+		    $displaySub[2].=' (<b>'.&mt('Part').':</b> '.$display_part.')';
+                }
 	# needed because old essay regrader has not parts info
@@ -5388,7 +5807,7 @@ sub scantron_uploads {
 sub scantron_scantab {
     my $result='<select name="scantron_format">'."\n";
-    my @lines = &get_scantronformat_file();
+    my @lines = &Apache::lonnet::get_scantronformat_file();
     if (@lines > 0) {
         foreach my $line (@lines) {
             next if (($line =~ /^\#/) || ($line eq ''));
@@ -5400,62 +5819,6 @@ sub scantron_scantab {
     return $result;
-=item get_scantronformat_file
-  Returns an array containing lines from the scantron format file for
-  the domain of the course.
-  If a url for a custom.tab file is listed in domain's configuration.db, 
-  lines are from this file.
-  Otherwise, if a default.tab has been published in RES space by the 
-  domainconfig user, lines are from this file.
-  Otherwise, fall back to getting lines from the legacy file on the
-  local server:  /home/httpd/lonTabs/default_scantronformat.tab    
-sub get_scantronformat_file {
-    my $cdom= $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
-    my %domconfig = &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('configuration',['scantron'],$cdom);
-    my $gottab = 0;
-    my @lines;
-    if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}) eq 'HASH') {
-        if ($domconfig{'scantron'}{'scantronformat'} ne '') {
-            my $formatfile = &Apache::lonnet::getfile($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.$domconfig{'scantron'}{'scantronformat'});
-            if ($formatfile ne '-1') {
-                @lines = split("\n",$formatfile,-1);
-                $gottab = 1;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    if (!$gottab) {
-        my $confname = $cdom.'-domainconfig';
-        my $default = $Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonDocRoot'}.'/res/'.$cdom.'/'.$confname.'/default.tab';
-        my $formatfile =  &Apache::lonnet::getfile($default);
-        if ($formatfile ne '-1') {
-            @lines = split("\n",$formatfile,-1);
-            $gottab = 1;
-        }
-    }
-    if (!$gottab) {
-        my @domains = &Apache::lonnet::current_machine_domains();
-        if (grep(/^\Q$cdom\E$/,@domains)) {
-            my $fh=Apache::File->new($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.'/scantronformat.tab');
-            @lines = <$fh>;
-            close($fh);
-        } else {
-            my $fh=Apache::File->new($Apache::lonnet::perlvar{'lonTabDir'}.'/default_scantronformat.tab');
-            @lines = <$fh>;
-            close($fh);
-        }
-    }
-    return @lines;
 =item scantron_CODElist
@@ -5540,44 +5903,55 @@ sub scantron_selectphase {
 	# Chunk of form to prompt for a scantron file upload.
-    <br />
-    '.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table('LC_scantron_action').'
-       '.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row().'
-            <th>
-              &nbsp;'.&mt('Specify a bubblesheet data file to upload.').'
-            </th>
-       '.&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row().'
-       '.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().'
-            <td>
-    my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData($symb);
+    <br />');
     my $cdom= $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.domain'};
     my $cnum= $env{'course.'.$env{'request.course.id'}.'.num'};
+    my $alertmsg = &mt('Please use the browse button to select a file from your local directory.');
+    &js_escape(\$alertmsg);
+    my ($formatoptions,$formattitle,$formatjs) = &scantron_upload_dataformat($cdom);
     function checkUpload(formname) {
 	if (formname.upfile.value == "") {
-	    alert("'.&mt('Please use the browse button to select a file from your local directory.').'");
+	    alert("'.$alertmsg.'");
 	    return false;
-    }'));
+    }'."\n".$formatjs));
               <form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/adm/grades" name="rules" method="post">
                 <input name="courseid" type="hidden" value="'.$cnum.'" />
                 <input name="domainid" type="hidden" value="'.$cdom.'" />
                 <input name="command" value="scantronupload_save" type="hidden" />
-                '.&mt('File to upload: [_1]','<input type="file" name="upfile" size="50" />').'
-                <br />
-                <input type="button" onclick="javascript:checkUpload(this.form);" value="'.&mt('Upload Bubblesheet Data').'" />
-              </form>
+              '.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table('LC_scantron_action').'
+              '.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_header_row().'
+                <th>
+                &nbsp;'.&mt('Specify a bubblesheet data file to upload.').'
+                </th>
+              '.&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_header_row().'
+              '.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().'
+            <td>
+                '.&mt('File to upload: [_1]','<input type="file" name="upfile" size="50" />').'<br />'."\n");
+    if ($formatoptions) {
+        $r->print('</td>
+                 '.&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row().'
+                 '.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().'
+                 <td>'.$formattitle.('&nbsp;'x2).$formatoptions.'
+                 </td>
+                 '.&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row().'
+                 '.&Apache::loncommon::start_data_table_row().'
+                 <td>'
+        );
+    } else {
+        $r->print(' <br />');
+    }
+    $r->print('<input type="button" onclick="javascript:checkUpload(this.form);" value="'.&mt('Upload Bubblesheet Data').'" />
+              </td>
+             '.&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row().'
+             '.&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table().'
+             </form>'
+    );
-        $r->print('
-            </td>
-       '.&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table_row().'
-       '.&Apache::loncommon::end_data_table().'
     # Chunk of form to prompt for a file to grade and how:
@@ -5690,104 +6064,14 @@ sub scantron_selectphase {
-=item get_scantron_config
-   Parse and return the bubblesheet configuration line selected as a
-   hash of configuration file fields.
- Arguments:
-    which - the name of the configuration to parse from the file.
- Returns:
-            If the named configuration is not in the file, an empty
-            hash is returned.
-    a hash with the fields
-      name         - internal name for the this configuration setup
-      description  - text to display to operator that describes this config
-      CODElocation - if 0 or the string 'none'
-                          - no CODE exists for this config
-                     if -1 || the string 'letter'
-                          - a CODE exists for this config and is
-                            a string of letters
-                     Unsupported value (but planned for future support)
-                          if a positive integer
-                               - The CODE exists as the first n items from
-                                 the question section of the form
-                          if the string 'number'
-                               - The CODE exists for this config and is
-                                 a string of numbers
-      CODEstart   - (only matter if a CODE exists) column in the line where
-                     the CODE starts
-      CODElength  - length of the CODE
-      IDstart     - column where the student/employee ID starts
-      IDlength    - length of the student/employee ID info
-      Qstart      - column where the information from the bubbled
-                    'questions' start
-      Qlength     - number of columns comprising a single bubble line from
-                    the sheet. (usually either 1 or 10)
-      Qon         - either a single character representing the character used
-                    to signal a bubble was chosen in the positional setup, or
-                    the string 'letter' if the letter of the chosen bubble is
-                    in the final, or 'number' if a number representing the
-                    chosen bubble is in the file (1->A 0->J)
-      Qoff        - the character used to represent that a bubble was
-                    left blank
-      PaperID     - if the scanning process generates a unique number for each
-                    sheet scanned the column that this ID number starts in
-      PaperIDlength - number of columns that comprise the unique ID number
-                      for the sheet of paper
-      FirstName   - column that the first name starts in
-      FirstNameLength - number of columns that the first name spans
-      LastName    - column that the last name starts in
-      LastNameLength - number of columns that the last name spans
-      BubblesPerRow - number of bubbles available in each row used to 
-                      bubble an answer. (If not specified, 10 assumed).
-sub get_scantron_config {
-    my ($which) = @_;
-    my @lines = &get_scantronformat_file();
-    my %config;
-    #FIXME probably should move to XML it has already gotten a bit much now
-    foreach my $line (@lines) {
-	my ($name,$descrip)=split(/:/,$line);
-	if ($name ne $which ) { next; }
-	chomp($line);
-	my @config=split(/:/,$line);
-	$config{'name'}=$config[0];
-	$config{'description'}=$config[1];
-	$config{'CODElocation'}=$config[2];
-	$config{'CODEstart'}=$config[3];
-	$config{'CODElength'}=$config[4];
-	$config{'IDstart'}=$config[5];
-	$config{'IDlength'}=$config[6];
-	$config{'Qstart'}=$config[7];
- 	$config{'Qlength'}=$config[8];
-	$config{'Qoff'}=$config[9];
-	$config{'Qon'}=$config[10];
-	$config{'PaperID'}=$config[11];
-	$config{'PaperIDlength'}=$config[12];
-	$config{'FirstName'}=$config[13];
-	$config{'FirstNamelength'}=$config[14];
-	$config{'LastName'}=$config[15];
-	$config{'LastNamelength'}=$config[16];
-        $config{'BubblesPerRow'}=$config[17];
-	last;
-    }
-    return %config;
 =item username_to_idmap
     creates a hash keyed by student/employee ID with values of the corresponding
-    student username:domain.
+    student username:domain. If a single ID occurs for more than one student,
+    the status of the student is checked, and if Active, the value in the hash
+    will be set to the Active student.
@@ -5805,8 +6089,17 @@ sub username_to_idmap {
     my ($classlist)= @_;
     my %idmap;
     foreach my $student (keys(%$classlist)) {
-	$idmap{$classlist->{$student}->[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_ID]}=
-	    $student;
+        my $id = $classlist->{$student}->[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_ID];
+        unless ($id eq '') {
+            if (!exists($idmap{$id})) {
+                $idmap{$id} = $student;
+            } else {
+                my $status = $classlist->{$student}->[&Apache::loncoursedata::CL_STATUS];
+                if ($status eq 'Active') {
+                    $idmap{$id} = $student;
+                }
+            }
+        }
     return %idmap;
@@ -5818,7 +6111,7 @@ sub username_to_idmap {
    Process a requested correction to a scanline.
-    $scantron_config   - hash from &get_scantron_config()
+    $scantron_config   - hash from &Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config()
     $scan_data         - hash of correction information 
                           (see &scantron_getfile())
     $line              - existing scanline
@@ -6501,7 +6794,7 @@ sub scantron_filter {
 sub scantron_process_corrections {
     my ($r) = @_;
-    my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+    my %scantron_config=&Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
     my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
     my $which=$env{'form.scantron_line'};
@@ -6670,7 +6963,7 @@ sub check_for_error {
 sub scantron_warning_screen {
     my ($button_text,$symb)=@_;
     my $title=&Apache::lonnet::gettitle($env{'form.selectpage'});
-    my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+    my %scantron_config=&Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my $CODElist;
     if ($scantron_config{'CODElocation'} &&
 	$scantron_config{'CODEstart'} &&
@@ -6826,7 +7119,7 @@ sub scantron_validate_file {
     #get the student pick code ready
     my $nav_error;
-    my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+    my %scantron_config=&Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my $max_bubble=&scantron_get_maxbubble(\$nav_error,\%scantron_config);
     if ($nav_error) {
@@ -7286,7 +7579,7 @@ sub scantron_validate_ID {
     my %idmap=&username_to_idmap($classlist);
     #get scantron line setup
-    my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+    my %scantron_config=&Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
     my $nav_error;
@@ -7532,6 +7825,7 @@ sub verify_bubbles_checked {
     my (@ansnums) = @_;
     my $ansnumstr = join('","',@ansnums);
     my $warning = &mt("A bubble or 'No bubble' selection has not been made for one or more lines.");
+    &js_escape(\$warning);
     my $output = &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::scripttag((<<ENDSCRIPT));
 function verify_bubble_radio(form) {
     var ansnumArray = new Array ("$ansnumstr");
@@ -7755,7 +8049,7 @@ sub prompt_for_corrections {
     $r           - Apache request object
-    $scan_config - hash from &get_scantron_config()
+    $scan_config - hash from &Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config()
     $line        - Number of the line being displayed.
     $questionnum - Question number (may include subquestion)
     $error       - Type of error.
@@ -7919,7 +8213,7 @@ sub get_codes {
 sub scantron_validate_CODE {
     my ($r,$currentphase) = @_;
-    my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+    my %scantron_config=&Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     if ($scantron_config{'CODElocation'} &&
 	$scantron_config{'CODEstart'} &&
 	$scantron_config{'CODElength'}) {
@@ -7993,7 +8287,7 @@ sub scantron_validate_doublebubble {
     #get scantron line setup
-    my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+    my %scantron_config=&Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
     my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
@@ -8175,7 +8469,7 @@ sub scantron_validate_missingbubbles {
     #get scantron line setup
-    my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+    my %scantron_config=&Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
     my $navmap = Apache::lonnavmaps::navmap->new();
@@ -8304,7 +8598,7 @@ sub hand_bubble_option {
     if ($needs_hand_bubbles) {
-        my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+        my %scantron_config=&Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
         my $bubbles_per_row = &bubblesheet_bubbles_per_row(\%scantron_config);
         return &mt('The sequence to be graded contains response types which are handgraded.').'<p>'.
                &mt('If you have already graded these by bubbling sheets to indicate points awarded, [_1]what point value is assigned to a filled last bubble in each row?','<br />').
@@ -8323,7 +8617,7 @@ sub scantron_process_students {
     my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData($symb);
-    my %scantron_config=&get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+    my %scantron_config=&Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my $bubbles_per_row = &bubblesheet_bubbles_per_row(\%scantron_config); 
     my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&scantron_getfile();
     my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
@@ -8391,7 +8685,7 @@ SCANTRONFORM
 	return '';		# Dunno why the other returns return '' rather than just returning.
-    my %lettdig = &letter_to_digits();
+    my %lettdig = &Apache::lonnet::letter_to_digits();
     my $numletts = scalar(keys(%lettdig));
     my %orderedforcode;
@@ -8453,9 +8747,14 @@ SCANTRONFORM
             if ((exists($grader_randomlists_by_symb{$ressymb})) ||
                 (ref($grader_partids_by_symb{$ressymb}) ne 'ARRAY')) {
+                my $currcode;
+                if (exists($grader_randomlists_by_symb{$ressymb})) {
+                    $currcode = $scancode;
+                }
                 my ($analysis,$parts) =
-                                              $uname,$udom,undef,$bubbles_per_row);
+                                              $uname,$udom,undef,$bubbles_per_row,
+                                              $currcode);
                 $partids_by_symb{$ressymb} = $parts;
             } else {
                 $partids_by_symb{$ressymb} = $grader_partids_by_symb{$ressymb};
@@ -8713,6 +9012,7 @@ sub grade_student_bubbles {
 sub scantron_upload_scantron_data {
     my ($r,$symb)=@_;
     my $dom = $env{'request.role.domain'};
+    my ($formatoptions,$formattitle,$formatjs) = &scantron_upload_dataformat($dom);
     my $domdesc = &Apache::lonnet::domain($dom,'description');
     my $select_link=&Apache::loncommon::selectcourse_link('rules','courseid',
@@ -8722,7 +9022,9 @@ sub scantron_upload_scantron_data {
                        ('&nbsp'x2).&mt('(shows course personnel)'); 
     my $default_form_data=&defaultFormData($symb);
     my $nofile_alert = &mt('Please use the browse button to select a file from your local directory.');
+    &js_escape(\$nofile_alert);
     my $nocourseid_alert = &mt("Please use the 'Select Course' link to open a separate window where you can search for a course to which a file can be uploaded.");
+    &js_escape(\$nocourseid_alert);
     function checkUpload(formname) {
 	if (formname.upfile.value == "") {
@@ -8750,6 +9052,7 @@ sub scantron_upload_scantron_data {
+    '.$formatjs.'
 <h3>'.&mt('Send bubblesheet data to a course').'</h3>
@@ -8765,7 +9068,12 @@ sub scantron_upload_scantron_data {
   '<input name="domainid" type="hidden" />'.$domdesc.
-  &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure().
+  &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure());
+    if ($formatoptions) {
+        $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title($formattitle).$formatoptions.
+                  &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_closure());
+    }
+    $r->print(
   &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::row_title(&mt('File to upload')).
   '<input type="file" name="upfile" size="50" />'.
@@ -8778,6 +9086,84 @@ sub scantron_upload_scantron_data {
     return '';
+sub scantron_upload_dataformat {
+    my ($dom) = @_;
+    my ($formatoptions,$formattitle,$formatjs);
+    $formatjs = <<'END';
+function toggleScantab(form) {
+   return;
+    my %domconfig = &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('configuration',['scantron'],$dom);
+    if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}) eq 'HASH') {
+        if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}) eq 'HASH') {
+            if (keys(%{$domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}}) > 1) {
+                if (($domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'dat'}) &&
+                    (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}) eq 'HASH')) {
+                    if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}{'fields'}) eq 'HASH') {  
+                        if (keys(%{$domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}{'fields'}})) {
+                            my ($onclick,$formatextra,$singleline);
+                            my @lines = &Apache::lonnet::get_scantronformat_file();
+                            my $count = 0;
+                            foreach my $line (@lines) {
+                                next if ($line =~ /^#/);
+                                $singleline = $line;
+                                $count ++;
+                            }
+                            if ($count > 1) {
+                                $formatextra = '<div style="display:none" id="bubbletype">'.
+                                               '<span class="LC_nobreak">'.
+                                               &mt('Bubblesheet type:').'&nbsp;'.
+                                               &scantron_scantab().'</span></div>';
+                                $onclick = ' onclick="toggleScantab(this.form);"';
+                                $formatjs = <<"END";
+function toggleScantab(form) {
+    var divid = 'bubbletype';
+    if (document.getElementById(divid)) {
+        var radioname = 'fileformat';
+        var num = form.elements[radioname].length;
+        if (num) {
+            for (var i=0; i<num; i++) {
+                if (form.elements[radioname][i].checked) {
+                    var chosen = form.elements[radioname][i].value;
+                    if (chosen == 'dat') {
+                        document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'none';
+                    } else if (chosen == 'csv') {
+                        document.getElementById(divid).style.display = 'block';
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return;
+                            } elsif ($count == 1) {
+                                my $formatname = (split(/:/,$singleline,2))[0];
+                                $formatextra = '<input type="hidden" name="scantron_format" value="'.$formatname.'" />';
+                            }
+                            $formattitle = &mt('File format');
+                            $formatoptions = '<label><input name="fileformat" type="radio" value="dat" checked="checked"'.$onclick.' />'.
+                                             &mt('Plain Text (no delimiters)').
+                                             '</label>'.('&nbsp;'x2).
+                                             '<label><input name="fileformat" type="radio" value="csv"'.$onclick.' />'.
+                                             &mt('Comma separated values').'</label>'.$formatextra;
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+            } elsif (keys(%{$domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}}) == 1) {
+                if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}{'fields'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                    if (keys(%{$domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}{'fields'}})) {
+                        $formattitle = &mt('Bubblesheet type');
+                        $formatoptions = &scantron_scantab();
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return ($formatoptions,$formattitle,$formatjs);
 sub scantron_upload_scantron_data_save {
@@ -8804,8 +9190,38 @@ sub scantron_upload_scantron_data_save {
                 &mt('The file: [_1] you attempted to upload contained no information. Please check that you entered the correct filename.',
                         '<span class="LC_filename">'.&HTML::Entities::encode($env{'form.upfile.filename'},'<>&"').'</span>'),1));
     } else {
-        my $result = 
-            &Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('upfile','','scantron','','','',
+        my %domconfig = &Apache::lonnet::get_dom('configuration',['scantron'],$env{'form.domainid'});
+        my $parser;
+        if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}) eq 'HASH') {
+            if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                my $is_csv;
+                my @possibles = keys(%{$domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}});
+                if (@possibles > 1) {
+                    if ($env{'form.fileformat'} eq 'csv') {
+                        if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                            if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}{'fields'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                                if (keys(%{$domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}{'fields'}}) > 1) {
+                                    $is_csv = 1;
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                } elsif (@possibles == 1) {
+                    if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                        if (ref($domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}{'fields'}) eq 'HASH') {
+                            if (keys(%{$domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'}{'fields'}}) > 1) {
+                                $is_csv = 1;
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                }
+                if ($is_csv) {
+                   $parser = $domconfig{'scantron'}{'config'}{'csv'};
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        my $result =
+            &Apache::lonnet::userfileupload('upfile','scantron','scantron',$parser,'','',
         if ($result =~ m{^/uploaded/}) {
@@ -8850,7 +9266,7 @@ sub validate_uploaded_scantron_file {
             $idmap{$lckey} = $idmap{$key};
         my %unique_formats;
-        my @formatlines = &get_scantronformat_file();
+        my @formatlines = &Apache::lonnet::get_scantronformat_file();
         foreach my $line (@formatlines) {
             my @config = split(/:/,$line);
@@ -8991,14 +9407,14 @@ sub checkscantron_results {
     my ($r,$symb) = @_;
     if (!$symb) {return '';}
     my $cid = $env{'request.course.id'};
-    my %lettdig = &letter_to_digits();
+    my %lettdig = &Apache::lonnet::letter_to_digits();
     my $numletts = scalar(keys(%lettdig));
     my $cnum = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.num'};
     my $cdom = $env{'course.'.$cid.'.domain'};
     my (undef, undef, $sequence) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($env{'form.selectpage'});
     my %record;
     my %scantron_config =
-        &Apache::grades::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
+        &Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config($env{'form.scantron_format'});
     my $bubbles_per_row = &bubblesheet_bubbles_per_row(\%scantron_config);
     my ($scanlines,$scan_data)=&Apache::grades::scantron_getfile();
     my $classlist=&Apache::loncoursedata::get_classlist();
@@ -9108,10 +9524,14 @@ sub checkscantron_results {
             my $ressymb = $resource->symb();
             if ((exists($grader_randomlists_by_symb{$ressymb})) ||
                 (ref($grader_partids_by_symb{$ressymb}) ne 'ARRAY')) {
+                my $currcode;
+                if (exists($grader_randomlists_by_symb{$ressymb})) {
+                    $currcode = $scancode;
+                }
                 (my $analysis,$parts) =
-                                              $bubbles_per_row);
+                                              $bubbles_per_row,$currcode);
             } else {
                 $parts = $grader_partids_by_symb{$ressymb};
@@ -9318,22 +9738,6 @@ sub verify_scantron_grading {
     return ($counter,$record);
-sub letter_to_digits {
-    my %lettdig = (
-                    A => 1,
-                    B => 2,
-                    C => 3,
-                    D => 4,
-                    E => 5,
-                    F => 6,
-                    G => 7,
-                    H => 8,
-                    I => 9,
-                    J => 0,
-                  );
-    return %lettdig;
 #-------- end of section for handling grading scantron forms -------
@@ -9483,12 +9887,13 @@ sub submit_options_table {
     my ($request,$symb) = @_;
     if (!$symb) {return '';}
+    my $is_tool = ($symb =~ /ext\.tool$/);
     my $result;
     $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post" name="gradingMenu">'."\n".
         '<input type="hidden" name="symb"        value="'.&Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($symb).'" />'."\n";
-    $result.=&selectfield(0).
+    $result.=&selectfield(1,$is_tool).
             '<input type="hidden" name="command" value="viewgrades" />
               <input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Next').' &rarr;" />
@@ -9502,14 +9907,15 @@ sub submit_options_download {
     my ($request,$symb) = @_;
     if (!$symb) {return '';}
+    my $is_tool = ($symb =~ /ext\.tool$/);
     my $result='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post" name="gradingMenu">'."\n".
         '<input type="hidden" name="symb"        value="'.&Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($symb).'" />'."\n";
-  '.&mt('Select Students for Which to Download Submissions').'
+  '.&mt('Select Students for whom to Download Submissions').'
                 <input type="hidden" name="command" value="downloadfileslink" /> 
               <input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Next').' &rarr;" />
@@ -9525,12 +9931,13 @@ sub submit_options {
     my ($request,$symb) = @_;
     if (!$symb) {return '';}
+    my $is_tool = ($symb =~ /ext\.tool$/);
     my $result;
     $result.='<form action="/adm/grades" method="post" name="gradingMenu">'."\n".
 	'<input type="hidden" name="symb"        value="'.&Apache::lonenc::check_encrypt($symb).'" />'."\n";
-    $result.=&selectfield(1).'
+    $result.=&selectfield(1,$is_tool).'
                 <input type="hidden" name="command" value="submission" /> 
 	      <input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Next').' &rarr;" />
@@ -9542,15 +9949,17 @@ sub submit_options {
 sub selectfield {
-   my ($full)=@_;
-   my %options = 
-          (&Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
-             'yes'       => 'with submissions',
-             'queued'    => 'in grading queue',
-             'graded'    => 'with ungraded submissions',
-             'incorrect' => 'with incorrect submissions',
-             'all'       => 'with any status'),
-             'select_form_order' => ['yes','queued','graded','incorrect','all']);
+   my ($full,$is_tool)=@_;
+   my %options;
+   if ($is_tool) {
+       %options =
+           (&transtatus_options,
+            'select_form_order' => ['yes','incorrect','all']);
+   } else {
+       %options = 
+           (&substatus_options,
+            'select_form_order' => ['yes','queued','graded','incorrect','all']);
+   }
    my $result='<div class="LC_columnSection">
@@ -9574,10 +9983,14 @@ sub selectfield {
     if ($full) {
-       $result.='
+        my $heading = &mt('Submission Status');
+        if ($is_tool) {
+            $heading = &mt('Transaction Status');
+        }
+        $result.='
-        '.&mt('Submission Status').'
+        '.$heading.'
@@ -9586,6 +9999,24 @@ sub selectfield {
     return $result;
+sub substatus_options {
+    return &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+                                      'yes'       => 'with submissions',
+                                      'queued'    => 'in grading queue',
+                                      'graded'    => 'with ungraded submissions',
+                                      'incorrect' => 'with incorrect submissions',
+                                      'all'       => 'with any status',
+                                      );
+sub transtatus_options {
+    return &Apache::lonlocal::texthash(
+                                       'yes'       => 'with score transactions',
+                                       'incorrect' => 'with less than full credit',
+                                       'all'       => 'with any status',
+                                      );
 sub reset_perm {
@@ -9866,6 +10297,22 @@ sub process_clicker_file {
                         '<span class="LC_filename">'.&HTML::Entities::encode($env{'form.upfile.filename'},'<>&"').'</span>'),1);
         return $result;
+    my $mimetype;
+    if ($env{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'iclicker') {
+        my $mm = new File::MMagic;
+        $mimetype = $mm->checktype_contents($env{'form.upfile'});
+        unless (($mimetype eq 'text/plain') || ($mimetype eq 'text/html')) {
+            $result.= '<p>'.
+                &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(
+                    &mt('File format is neither csv (iclicker 6) nor xml (iclicker 7)'),1).'</p>';
+            return $result;
+        }
+    } elsif (($env{'form.upfiletype'} ne 'interwrite') && ($env{'form.upfiletype'} ne 'turning')) {
+        $result .= '<p>'.
+            &Apache::lonhtmlcommon::confirm_success(
+                &mt('Invalid clicker type: choose one of: i>clicker, Interwrite PRS, or Turning Technologies.'),1).'</p>';
+        return $result;
+    }
 # Were able to get all the info needed, now analyze the file
@@ -9892,12 +10339,14 @@ ENDHEADER
     my $errormsg='';
     my $number=0;
     if ($env{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'iclicker') {
-	($errormsg,$number)=&iclicker_eval(\@questiontitles,\%responses);
-    }
-    if ($env{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'interwrite') {
+        if ($mimetype eq 'text/plain') {
+            ($errormsg,$number)=&iclicker_eval(\@questiontitles,\%responses);
+        } elsif ($mimetype eq 'text/html') {
+            ($errormsg,$number)=&iclickerxml_eval(\@questiontitles,\%responses);
+        }
+    } elsif ($env{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'interwrite') {
-    }
-    if ($env{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'turning') {
+    } elsif ($env{'form.upfiletype'} eq 'turning') {
     $result.='<br />'.&mt('Found [_1] question(s)',$number).'<br />'.
@@ -10005,6 +10454,49 @@ sub iclicker_eval {
     return ($errormsg,$number);
+sub iclickerxml_eval {
+    my ($questiontitles,$responses)=@_;
+    my $number=0;
+    my $errormsg='';
+    my @state;
+    my %respbyid;
+    my $p = HTML::Parser->new
+    (
+        xml_mode => 1,
+        start_h =>
+            [sub {
+                 my ($tagname,$attr) = @_;
+                 push(@state,$tagname);
+                 if ("@state" eq "ssn p") {
+                     my $title = $attr->{qn};
+                     $title =~ s/(^\s+|\s+$)//g;
+                     $questiontitles->[$number]=$title;
+                 } elsif ("@state" eq "ssn p v") {
+                     my $id = $attr->{id};
+                     my $entry = $attr->{ans};
+                     $id=~s/^[\#0]+//;
+                     $entry =~s/[^a-zA-Z0-9\.\*\-\+]+//g;
+                     $respbyid{$id}[$number] = $entry;
+                 }
+            }, "tagname, attr"],
+         end_h =>
+               [sub {
+                   my ($tagname) = @_;
+                   if ("@state" eq "ssn p") {
+                       $number++;
+                   }
+                   pop(@state);
+                }, "tagname"],
+    );
+    $p->parse($env{'form.upfile'});
+    $p->eof;
+    foreach my $id (keys(%respbyid)) {
+        $responses->{$id}=join(',',@{$respbyid{$id}});
+    }
+    return ($errormsg,$number);
 sub interwrite_eval {
     my ($questiontitles,$responses)=@_;
     my $number=0;
@@ -10199,24 +10691,32 @@ sub navmap_errormsg {
 sub startpage {
-    my ($r,$symb,$crumbs,$onlyfolderflag,$nodisplayflag,$stuvcurrent,$stuvdisp,$nomenu,$js) = @_;
+    my ($r,$symb,$crumbs,$onlyfolderflag,$nodisplayflag,$stuvcurrent,$stuvdisp,$nomenu,$js,$onload) = @_;
+    my %args;
+    if ($onload) {
+         my %loaditems = (
+                        'onload' => $onload,
+                      );
+         $args{'add_entries'} = \%loaditems;
+    }
     if ($nomenu) {
-        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("Student's Version",$js,{'only_body' => '1'}));
+        $args{'only_body'} = 1; 
+        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page("Student's Version",$js,\%args));
     } else {
-        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Grading',$js,
-                                                 {'bread_crumbs' => $crumbs}));
+        $args{'bread_crumbs'} = $crumbs;
+        $r->print(&Apache::loncommon::start_page('Grading',$js,\%args));
     unless ($nodisplayflag) {
-       $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::resource_info_box($symb,$onlyfolderflag,$stuvcurrent,$stuvdisp));
+        $r->print(&Apache::lonhtmlcommon::resource_info_box($symb,$onlyfolderflag,$stuvcurrent,$stuvdisp));
 sub select_problem {
     my ($r)=@_;
     $r->print('<h3>'.&mt('Select the problem or one of the problems you want to grade').'</h3><form action="/adm/grades">');
-    $r->print(&Apache::lonstathelpers::problem_selector('.',undef,1));
+    $r->print(&Apache::lonstathelpers::problem_selector('.',undef,1,undef,undef,undef,undef,1));
     $r->print('<input type="hidden" name="command" value="gradingmenu" />');
     $r->print('<input type="submit" value="'.&mt('Next').' &rarr;" /></form>');
@@ -10389,7 +10889,8 @@ sub handler {
             &startpage($request,$symb,[{href=>'', text=>'Upload Scores'}],1,1);
 	} elsif ($command eq 'scantron_selectphase' && $perm{'mgr'}) {
-            &startpage($request,$symb,[{href=>'', text=>'Grade/Manage/Review Bubblesheets'}],1,1);
+            &startpage($request,$symb,[{href=>'', text=>'Grade/Manage/Review Bubblesheets'}],1,1,
+                       undef,undef,undef,undef,'toggleScantab(document.rules);');
  	} elsif ($command eq 'scantron_warning' && $perm{'mgr'}) {
             &startpage($request,$symb,[{href=>'', text=>'Grade/Manage/Review Bubblesheets'}],1,1);
@@ -10403,7 +10904,8 @@ sub handler {
  	} elsif ($command eq 'scantronupload' && 
 		  &Apache::lonnet::allowed('usc',$env{'request.course.id'}))) {
-            &startpage($request,$symb,[{href=>'', text=>'Grade/Manage/Review Bubblesheets'}],1,1);
+            &startpage($request,$symb,[{href=>'', text=>'Grade/Manage/Review Bubblesheets'}],1,1,
+                       undef,undef,undef,undef,'toggleScantab(document.rules);');
  	} elsif ($command eq 'scantronupload_save' &&
@@ -10423,7 +10925,7 @@ sub handler {
          } elsif ($command eq 'downloadfileslink' && $perm{'vgr'}) {
    [{href=>&href_symb_cmd($symb,'downloadfilesselect'), text=>'Select which submissions to download'},
-    {href=>'', text=>'Download submissions'}]);
+    {href=>'', text=>'Download submitted files'}]);
 	} elsif ($command) {
             &startpage($request,$symb,[{href=>'', text=>'Access denied'}]);
@@ -10586,7 +11088,7 @@ Side Effects: None.
     $r           - Apache request object
     $i           - number of the current scanline
     $scan_record - hash ref as returned from &scantron_parse_scanline()
-    $scan_config - hash ref as returned from &get_scantron_config()
+    $scan_config - hash ref as returned from &Apache::lonnet::get_scantron_config()
     $line        - full contents of the current scanline
     $error       - error condition, valid values are
                    'incorrectCODE', 'duplicateCODE',