--- loncom/homework/grades.pm 2021/12/17 15:16:51 1.786
+++ loncom/homework/grades.pm 2024/07/01 22:29:01 1.795
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# The LearningOnline Network with CAPA
# The LON-CAPA Grading handler
-# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.786 2021/12/17 15:16:51 raeburn Exp $
+# $Id: grades.pm,v 1.795 2024/07/01 22:29:01 raeburn Exp $
# Copyright Michigan State University Board of Trustees
@@ -2206,7 +2206,7 @@ sub files_exist {
my ($uname,$udom,$fullname) = split(/:/,$student);
my %record = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$env{'request.course.id'},
- my ($string,$timestamp)= &get_last_submission(\%record);
+ my ($string)= &get_last_submission(\%record);
foreach my $submission (@$string) {
my ($partid,$respid) =
($submission =~ /^resource\.([^\.]*)\.([^\.]*)\.submission/);
@@ -2558,169 +2558,12 @@ sub submission {
# (3) All transactions (by date)
# (4) The whole record (with detailed information for all transactions)
- my ($string,$timestamp)= &get_last_submission(\%record,$is_tool);
- my $lastsubonly;
- if ($$timestamp eq '') {
- $lastsubonly.='
- .'
'.&mt('Date Submitted:').' '.$$timestamp."\n";
- my %seenparts;
- my @part_response_id = &flatten_responseType($responseType);
- foreach my $part (@part_response_id) {
- my ($partid,$respid) = @{ $part };
- my $display_part=&get_display_part($partid,$symb);
- if ($env{"form.$uname:$udom:$partid:submitted_by"}) {
- if (exists($seenparts{$partid})) { next; }
- $seenparts{$partid}=1;
- $request->print(
- '
'.&mt('Part: [_1]',$display_part).''.
- '
'.&mt('Collaborative submission by: [_1]',
- ''.
- $$fullname{$env{"form.$uname:$udom:$partid:submitted_by"}}.'').
- '
- next;
- }
- my $responsetype = $responseType->{$partid}->{$respid};
- if (!exists($record{"resource.$partid.$respid.submission"})) {
- $lastsubonly.="\n".''.
- ''.&mt('Part: [_1]',$display_part).''.
- ' '.
- '('.&mt('Response ID: [_1]',$respid).')'.
- ' '.
- ''.&mt('Nothing submitted - no attempts.').'
- next;
- }
- foreach my $submission (@$string) {
- my ($partid,$respid) = ($submission =~ /^resource\.([^\.]*)\.([^\.]*)\.submission/);
- if (join('_',@{$part}) ne ($partid.'_'.$respid)) { next; }
- my ($ressub,$hide,$draft,$subval) = split(/:/,$submission,4);
- # Similarity check
- my $similar='';
- my ($type,$trial,$rndseed);
- if ($hide eq 'rand') {
- $type = 'randomizetry';
- $trial = $record{"resource.$partid.tries"};
- $rndseed = $record{"resource.$partid.rndseed"};
- }
- if ($env{'form.checkPlag'}) {
- my ($oname,$odom,$ocrsid,$oessay,$osim)=
- &most_similar($uname,$udom,$symb,$subval);
- if ($osim) {
- $osim=int($osim*100.0);
- if ($hide eq 'anon') {
- $similar='
'.&mt("Essay was found to be similar to another essay submitted for this assignment.").'
- &mt('As the current submission is for an anonymous survey, no other details are available.').'
- } else {
- $similar='
- if ($essayurl eq 'lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem') {
- $similar .= ''.
- &mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2]',
- $osim,
- &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')').
- '
- } else {
- my %old_course_desc;
- if ($ocrsid ne '') {
- if (ref($coursedesc_by_cid{$ocrsid}) eq 'HASH') {
- %old_course_desc = %{$coursedesc_by_cid{$ocrsid}};
- } else {
- my $args;
- if ($ocrsid ne $env{'request.course.id'}) {
- $args = {'one_time' => 1};
- }
- %old_course_desc =
- &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($ocrsid,$args);
- $coursedesc_by_cid{$ocrsid} = \%old_course_desc;
- }
- $similar .=
- ''.
- &mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2] in course [_3] (course id [_4]:[_5])',
- $osim,
- &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')',
- $old_course_desc{'description'},
- $old_course_desc{'num'},
- $old_course_desc{'domain'}).
- '
- } else {
- $similar .=
- ''.
- &mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2] in an unknown course',
- $osim,
- &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')').
- '
- }
- }
- $similar .= ''.
- &keywords_highlight($oessay).
- '
- }
- }
- }
- my $order=&get_order($partid,$respid,$symb,$uname,$udom,
- undef,$type,$trial,$rndseed);
- if (($env{'form.lastSub'} eq 'lastonly') ||
- ($env{'form.lastSub'} eq 'datesub') ||
- ($env{'form.lastSub'} =~ /^(last|all)$/)) {
- my $display_part=&get_display_part($partid,$symb);
- $lastsubonly.=''.
- '
'.&mt('Part: [_1]',$display_part).''.
- '
- '('.&mt('Response ID: [_1]',$respid).')'.
- ' ';
- my $files=&get_submitted_files($udom,$uname,$partid,$respid,\%record);
- if (@$files) {
- if ($hide eq 'anon') {
- $lastsubonly.='
'.&mt('[quant,_1,file] uploaded to this anonymous survey',scalar(@{$files}));
- } else {
- $lastsubonly.='
'.&mt('Submitted Files:').''
- .'
- if(@$files == 1) {
- $lastsubonly .= &mt('Like all files provided by users, this file may contain viruses!');
- } else {
- $lastsubonly .= &mt('Like all files provided by users, these files may contain viruses!');
- }
- $lastsubonly .= '';
- foreach my $file (@$files) {
- &Apache::lonnet::allowuploaded('/adm/grades',$file);
- $lastsubonly.='
- }
- }
- $lastsubonly.='
- }
- if ($hide eq 'anon') {
- $lastsubonly.='
'.&mt('Anonymous Survey').'';
- } else {
- $lastsubonly.='
'.&mt('Submitted Answer:').' ';
- if ($draft) {
- $lastsubonly.= '
'.&mt('Draft Copy').'';
- }
- $subval =
- &cleanRecord($subval,$responsetype,$symb,$partid,
- $respid,\%record,$order,undef,$uname,$udom,$type,$trial,$rndseed);
- if ($responsetype eq 'essay') {
- $subval =~ s{\n}{
- }
- $lastsubonly.=$subval."\n";
- }
- if ($similar) {$lastsubonly.="
- $lastsubonly.='
- }
- }
- }
- $lastsubonly.=' '."\n"; # End: LC_grade_submissions_body
- }
+ my ($lastsubonly,$partinfo) =
+ &show_last_submission($uname,$udom,$symb,$essayurl,$responseType,$env{'form.lastSub'},
+ $is_tool,$fullname,\%record,\%coursedesc_by_cid);
+ $request->print($partinfo);
if ($env{'form.lastSub'} eq 'datesub') {
my ($parts,$handgrade,$responseType) = &response_type($symb,\$res_error);
@@ -2844,6 +2687,186 @@ sub submission {
return '';
+sub show_last_submission {
+ my ($uname,$udom,$symb,$essayurl,$responseType,$viewtype,$is_tool,$fullname,
+ $record,$coursedesc_by_cid) = @_;
+ my ($string,$timestamp,$lastgradetime,$lastsubmittime) =
+ &get_last_submission($record,$is_tool);
+ my ($lastsubonly,$partinfo);
+ if ($timestamp eq '') {
+ $lastsubonly.=''
+ .'
'.&mt('Date Submitted:').' '.$shownsubmdate."\n";
+ if ($showngradedate) {
+ $lastsubonly .= '
'.&mt('Date Graded:').' '.$showngradedate."\n";
+ }
+ my %seenparts;
+ my @part_response_id = &flatten_responseType($responseType);
+ foreach my $part (@part_response_id) {
+ my ($partid,$respid) = @{ $part };
+ my $display_part=&get_display_part($partid,$symb);
+ if ($env{"form.$uname:$udom:$partid:submitted_by"}) {
+ if (exists($seenparts{$partid})) { next; }
+ $seenparts{$partid}=1;
+ $partinfo .=
+ '
'.&mt('Part: [_1]',$display_part).''.
+ '
'.&mt('Collaborative submission by: [_1]',
+ ''.
+ $$fullname{$env{"form.$uname:$udom:$partid:submitted_by"}}.'').
+ '
+ next;
+ }
+ my $responsetype = $responseType->{$partid}->{$respid};
+ if (!exists($record->{"resource.$partid.$respid.submission"})) {
+ $lastsubonly.="\n".''.
+ ''.&mt('Part: [_1]',$display_part).''.
+ ' '.
+ '('.&mt('Response ID: [_1]',$respid).')'.
+ ' '.
+ ''.&mt('Nothing submitted - no attempts.').'
+ next;
+ }
+ foreach my $submission (@$string) {
+ my ($partid,$respid) = ($submission =~ /^resource\.([^\.]*)\.([^\.]*)\.submission/);
+ if (join('_',@{$part}) ne ($partid.'_'.$respid)) { next; }
+ my ($ressub,$hide,$draft,$subval) = split(/:/,$submission,4);
+ # Similarity check
+ my $similar='';
+ my ($type,$trial,$rndseed);
+ if ($hide eq 'rand') {
+ $type = 'randomizetry';
+ $trial = $record->{"resource.$partid.tries"};
+ $rndseed = $record->{"resource.$partid.rndseed"};
+ }
+ if ($env{'form.checkPlag'}) {
+ my ($oname,$odom,$ocrsid,$oessay,$osim)=
+ &most_similar($uname,$udom,$symb,$subval);
+ if ($osim) {
+ $osim=int($osim*100.0);
+ if ($hide eq 'anon') {
+ $similar='
'.&mt("Essay was found to be similar to another essay submitted for this assignment.").'
+ &mt('As the current submission is for an anonymous survey, no other details are available.').'
+ } else {
+ $similar='
+ if ($essayurl eq 'lib/templates/simpleproblem.problem') {
+ $similar .= ''.
+ &mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2]',
+ $osim,
+ &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')').
+ '
+ } else {
+ my %old_course_desc;
+ if ($ocrsid ne '') {
+ if (ref($coursedesc_by_cid->{$ocrsid}) eq 'HASH') {
+ %old_course_desc = %{$coursedesc_by_cid->{$ocrsid}};
+ } else {
+ my $args;
+ if ($ocrsid ne $env{'request.course.id'}) {
+ $args = {'one_time' => 1};
+ }
+ %old_course_desc =
+ &Apache::lonnet::coursedescription($ocrsid,$args);
+ $coursedesc_by_cid->{$ocrsid} = \%old_course_desc;
+ }
+ $similar .=
+ ''.
+ &mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2] in course [_3] (course id [_4]:[_5])',
+ $osim,
+ &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')',
+ $old_course_desc{'description'},
+ $old_course_desc{'num'},
+ $old_course_desc{'domain'}).
+ '
+ } else {
+ $similar .=
+ ''.
+ &mt('Essay is [_1]% similar to an essay by [_2] in an unknown course',
+ $osim,
+ &Apache::loncommon::plainname($oname,$odom).' ('.$oname.':'.$odom.')').
+ '
+ }
+ }
+ $similar .= ''.
+ &keywords_highlight($oessay).
+ '
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $order=&get_order($partid,$respid,$symb,$uname,$udom,
+ undef,$type,$trial,$rndseed);
+ if (($viewtype eq 'lastonly') ||
+ ($viewtype eq 'datesub') ||
+ ($viewtype =~ /^(last|all)$/)) {
+ my $display_part=&get_display_part($partid,$symb);
+ $lastsubonly.=''.
+ '
'.&mt('Part: [_1]',$display_part).''.
+ '
+ '('.&mt('Response ID: [_1]',$respid).')'.
+ ' ';
+ my $files=&get_submitted_files($udom,$uname,$partid,$respid,$record);
+ if (@$files) {
+ if ($hide eq 'anon') {
+ $lastsubonly.='
'.&mt('[quant,_1,file] uploaded to this anonymous survey',scalar(@{$files}));
+ } else {
+ $lastsubonly.='
'.&mt('Submitted Files:').''
+ .'
+ if(@$files == 1) {
+ $lastsubonly .= &mt('Like all files provided by users, this file may contain viruses!');
+ } else {
+ $lastsubonly .= &mt('Like all files provided by users, these files may contain viruses!');
+ }
+ $lastsubonly .= '';
+ foreach my $file (@$files) {
+ &Apache::lonnet::allowuploaded('/adm/grades',$file);
+ $lastsubonly.='
+ }
+ }
+ $lastsubonly.='
+ }
+ if ($hide eq 'anon') {
+ $lastsubonly.='
'.&mt('Anonymous Survey').'';
+ } else {
+ $lastsubonly.='
'.&mt('Submitted Answer:').' ';
+ if ($draft) {
+ $lastsubonly.= '
'.&mt('Draft Copy').'';
+ }
+ $subval =
+ &cleanRecord($subval,$responsetype,$symb,$partid,
+ $respid,$record,$order,undef,$uname,$udom,$type,$trial,$rndseed);
+ if ($responsetype eq 'essay') {
+ $subval =~ s{\n}{
+ }
+ $lastsubonly.=$subval."\n";
+ }
+ if ($similar) {$lastsubonly.="
+ $lastsubonly.='
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $lastsubonly.=' '."\n"; # End: LC_grade_submissions_body
+ }
+ return ($lastsubonly,$partinfo);
sub check_collaborators {
my ($symb,$uname,$udom,$record,$handgrade,$counter) = @_;
my ($result,@col_fullnames);
@@ -2903,18 +2926,51 @@ sub check_collaborators {
#--- Retrieve the last submission for all the parts
sub get_last_submission {
my ($returnhash,$is_tool)=@_;
- my (@string,$timestamp,%lasthidden);
+ my (@string,$timestamp,$lastgradetime,$lastsubmittime);
if ($$returnhash{'version'}) {
my %lasthash=();
- my ($version);
+ my %prevsolved=();
+ my %solved=();
+ my $version;
for ($version=1;$version<=$$returnhash{'version'};$version++) {
+ my %handgraded = ();
foreach my $key (sort(split(/\:/,
$$returnhash{$version.':keys'}))) {
- $timestamp =
- &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($$returnhash{$version.':timestamp'});
+ if ($key =~ /\.([^.]+)\.regrader$/) {
+ $handgraded{$1} = 1;
+ } elsif ($key =~ /\.portfiles$/) {
+ if (($$returnhash{$version.':'.$key} ne '') &&
+ ($$returnhash{$version.':'.$key} !~ /\.\d+\.\w+$/)) {
+ $lastsubmittime = $$returnhash{$version.':timestamp'};
+ }
+ } elsif ($key =~ /\.submission$/) {
+ if ($$returnhash{$version.':'.$key} ne '') {
+ $lastsubmittime = $$returnhash{$version.':timestamp'};
+ }
+ } elsif ($key =~ /\.([^.]+)\.solved$/) {
+ $prevsolved{$1} = $solved{$1};
+ $solved{$1} = $lasthash{$key};
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $partid (keys(%handgraded)) {
+ if (($prevsolved{$partid} eq 'ungraded_attempted') &&
+ (($solved{$partid} eq 'incorrect_by_override') ||
+ ($solved{$partid} eq 'correct_by_override'))) {
+ $lastgradetime = $$returnhash{$version.':timestamp'};
+ }
+ if ($solved{$partid} ne '') {
+ $prevsolved{$partid} = $solved{$partid};
+ }
+# Timestamp is for last transaction for this resource, which does not
+# necessarily correspond to the time of last submission for problem (or part).
+ if ($lasthash{'timestamp'} ne '') {
+ $timestamp = &Apache::lonlocal::locallocaltime($lasthash{'timestamp'});
+ }
my (%typeparts,%randombytry);
my $showsurv =
@@ -2977,7 +3033,7 @@ sub get_last_submission {
$string[0] =
+ '
+ "\n".
+ &Apache::loncommon::track_student_link('View recent activity',
+ $vuname,$vudom,'check').' '.
+ "\n";
+ if (&Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'}) ||
+ (($env{'request.course.sec'} ne '') &&
+ &Apache::lonnet::allowed('opa',$env{'request.course.id'}.'/'.$env{'request.course.sec'}))) {
+ $output .= &Apache::loncommon::pprmlink(&mt('Set/Change parameters'),
+ $vuname,$vudom,$symb,'check');
+ }
+ $output .= "\n";
+ my $companswer = &Apache::loncommon::get_student_answers($symb,$vuname,$vudom,
+ $env{'request.course.id'});
+ $companswer=~s|
+ $companswer=~s|name="submit"|name="would_have_been_submit"|g;
+ $output .= '
+ '
'.&mt('Correct answer for[_1]',$displayname).'
+ $companswer.
+ ''."\n";
+ my $is_tool = ($symb =~ /ext\.tool$/);
+ my ($essayurl,%coursedesc_by_cid);
+ (undef,undef,$essayurl) = &Apache::lonnet::decode_symb($symb);
+ my %record = &Apache::lonnet::restore($symb,$env{'request.course.id'},$vudom,$vuname);
+ my $res_error;
+ my ($partlist,$handgrade,$responseType,$numresp,$numessay) =
+ &response_type($symb,\$res_error);
+ my $fullname;
+ my $collabinfo;
+ if ($numessay) {
+ unless ($hasperm) {
+ &init_perm();
+ }
+ ($collabinfo,$fullname)=
+ &check_collaborators($symb,$vuname,$vudom,\%record,$handgrade,0);
+ unless ($hasperm) {
+ &reset_perm();
+ }
+ }
+ my $checkIcon = '

+ my ($lastsubonly,$partinfo) =
+ &show_last_submission($vuname,$vudom,$symb,$essayurl,$responseType,'datesub',
+ '',$fullname,\%record,\%coursedesc_by_cid);
+ $output .= '
+ '
+ if (($numresp > $numessay) & !$is_tool) {
+ $output .='
+ &mt('Part(s) graded correct by the computer is marked with a [_1] symbol.',$checkIcon).
+ "
+ }
+ $output .= $partinfo;
+ $output .= $lastsubonly;
+ $output .= &displaySubByDates($symb,\%record,$partlist,$responseType,$checkIcon,$vuname,$vudom);
+ $output .= '
+ return $output;
sub handler {
my $request=$_[0];
@@ -11879,8 +12067,8 @@ Side Effects: None.
- missingbubble - array ref of the bubble lines that have missing
bubble errors
- $randomorder - True if exam folder has randomorder set
- $randompick - True if exam folder has randompick set
+ $randomorder - True if exam folder (or a sub-folder) has randomorder set
+ $randompick - True if exam folder (or a sub-folder) has randompick set
$respnumlookup - Reference to HASH mapping question numbers in bubble lines
for current line to question number used for same question
in "Master Seqence" (as seen by Course Coordinator).